International Islamic University Malaysia: Assessing The Quality of Green Open Spaces: A Review

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Assessing the Quality of Green Open Spaces: A review

Nurhayati Abdul Malek¹*, Manohar Mariapan², Mustafa Kamal Mohd Shariff³,

Azlizam Aziz
¹ Dept. Landscape Architecture, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,
International Islamic University Malaysia
² Dept. Park and Recreation Management, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia
³ Dept. Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra
*Corresponding author. Tel: +603-6142 2008; Fax: +603-61422009.
E-mail address: (Nurhayati Abdul Malek)

The fundamentals of urban open space management suggest that a thoughtfully
implemented urban development should include more than just great buildings. It should
include parks and open spaces because both buildings and open spaces benefit from each
other through the quality of each space. Furthermore, it provides benefits from the
economical, social, communal, environmental and aesthetical aspects. Parks and open spaces
improved the quality of life of cities and neighbourhood by the city amenities and facilities.
The conceptual framework on quality of a neighbourhood park in this paper is derived from a
multidisciplinary study in the fields of landscape architecture, leisure, recreation, tourism and
environment. This framework allows for theory-based consolidation of facts and ideas as
well as practical implications for the development of tools to evaluate the aspects of quality
in a Malaysian neighbourhood park. Neighbourhood park was chosen as the subject of
assessment for this tool because it has social, economic and cultural values on our everyday
lives. Not only does it provide revenue benefits for health and mental well-being, it also
serves as a societal and community’s meeting place for certain residential neighbourhood.
This paper critically reviews the outcome of analyses literature that defines the concept of
quality for a neighbourhood park. The result from this study is being used to guide future
research regarding the development of a framework to define aspects of quality in Malaysian
local parks.

Keywords: Needs; Open Spaces; Preferences; Quality Neighbourhood Park; Use Pattern;

Local neighbourhood parks are developed and used for numerous purposes, for
example recreation, leisurely activities, social and cultural interaction ground, biodiversity as
well as habitat protection. As such, the need for parks has been explored extensively across
these various purposes. The focus of this paper is to identify measures to assess quality value
of parks with regard to the use of local or neighbourhood parks as urban residents gateways
to their daily outdoor recreational and leisure venues. As emphasised by McRobie (2000)
and Christiansen, Conner, and McCrudden, SUPER group (2001), parks are primarily
designed for recreation and can give enormous benefits to the neighbourhood and community
by improving health, social well-being and enhancing enjoyment of the local environment.
Similarly, benefits of leisure also cover physical health, psychosocial well-being, self-
actualization, spirituality and self-identity, family bonding, child development, environmental
education and social skills development (Veal and Lynch, 2001). The important role of urban
open spaces is recognized both in the character and the life they bring to towns and cities
around the world. Urban open spaces must provide a place for meeting, whether for strangers
or a place for a person to be alone or for those who can transcend within the crowd and be
anonymous (Ward Thompson, 2002).
Today, all categories of open spaces have different kinds of opportunities and
constraints. To date, little research has been carried out to explore and identify the needs and
preferences as well as the effect of the perception and recreational use of users including
parents and children towards park facilities, trails and it’s surroundings (Linsey, 1999; Bjerke
et al., 2006; Arnberger, 2006; Tucker et al., 2007) towards achieving a quality park or in this
paper it is specified as, neighbourhood park. As stated by Gobster (1995), more research is
needed to understand how location, size and number (Lo, Yiu and Alan, 2003), design and
management of trails and open spaces affect use patterns, perceptions and preferences of
users. Enhancing the quality of open spaces include natural features and provision of social
interaction as well as reducing the level of annoyance would help to improve the quality and
access to neighbourhood parks which will directly contribute to the increasing amount of
outdoor activities especially among older people (Sugiyama and Ward Thompson, 2008).
The purpose of this review is to help fill in the gaps as elaborated by Bell, Hamilton,
Montarzino, Rothnie, Travlou, and Alves (2008) in a study which stated that more methods
were required for evaluating projects, so as to obtain a high quality of evidence for better
methods of action research. They also mentioned that, more research is needed to develop
practical planning tools and decision support system which, as in this review, attempts to

assess the quality of neighbourhood park through the understanding of park users’
preferences, needs and use pattern. As suggested by Crowford, Timperio, Giles-Corti, Ball,
Hume, and Roberts (2008), more research is required to examine relations between the
quality of parks, as well as park features, and other key determinants. That is the reason, why
the goal of this review is to understand the strength of interrelationships among the constructs
of quality neighbourhood parks, satisfaction, preferences, needs and use pattern, which
should better equip park managers and designers to develop and manage neighbourhood
parks. It is important to focus on improving the quality of open spaces, including their
natural features and the provision for social interaction (Sugiyama and Ward Thompson,
A study in the UK by Williams and Green (2001) reviewed the literature on public
spaces and local environments and found that several key factors that undermine public
spaces, which includes the undermining of the quality of public spaces or their use. Among
the key factors were traffic, business activity, anti-social behaviour and crime, poor design,
conflicting roles and privatization of the public realm. In addition, another study, also in the
UK, stated that ‘design often lies at the heart of what makes a successful urban green space’.
Therefore, design is also a key part of tackling many of the barriers to the use of urban green
spaces (Dunnet, N., Swanwick, C., & Woolley, H., 2002, p. 18). This paper aims to: a)
review the literature to consider the definition of quality in the context of neighbourhood park
settings and that quality principles are important in evaluating the success of a neighbourhood
park, b) to propose a structural model to evaluate the quality criteria, and c) to use a case
study approach to demonstrate the usefulness of the structural model within the context of
neighbourhood parks.
For the purpose of this review, several inclusion and exclusion criteria will be
addressed. This review will only include studies that are reporting the impact or affects of
green spaces on quality or success of green open spaces within residential areas, preferences
factors, human needs factors, use pattern and user focus or users and visitors in general. This
will exclude studies that are within the topics of environmental, air or scenic quality, service
and performance quality in general, and health behaviours (physical and social). This study
will also only include spaces mentioned in studies on neighbourhood parks, residential open
spaces, residential green, residential green open spaces and neighbourhood playfields but
exclude urban parks in general, backyards and private gardens, forest and national parks,
wilderness and wetlands, greenbelt and country parks.

Why do we need research on quality within residential green open spaces?
The lack of consistent association in assessing quality of green open spaces within
residential neighbourhood area may be due to difficulties in defining, measuring, and
assessing quality of a park or neighbourhood parks. In this study, a structural equation
modeling (SEM) method was adopted to validate causal relationship between variables and to
examine the association with the quality of a neighbourhood parks.
Chiesura's (2004) study suggested that the current sustainable indicator for urban
development which is much related to most city planners and urban designers in their work
should take into account the availability of public spaces and green open areas as they have
been proven to fulfil the needs and expectations for the satisfaction of their living
environment which should lead to a sustainable city. Therefore, the role of park is clear in
providing social services and importance towards city sustainability. The valuation of urban
parks must start from the appraisal of the needs, wants and beliefs towards sustainable city
strategies which are in fact the primary intentions of this research.
On the other hand, Ozguner’s and Kendle’s (2006) study dictates that landscape
professionals often tend to appreciate the richness of the small intimate pictures that nature
creates compared to the simpler structures and lines of man-made designs. It should not only
imply the interests of professionals responsible for planning and management of urban green
spaces, but should also reflect the needs of the general public.
Indeed, there are several benefits that can be learned from this paper. It should be of
interest to landscape architects, park designers, urban designers, city planners, architects,
developers as well as any other professional involved in the development of a new residential
neighbourhood from the public or the park users’ point of view. It is a tool to help designers
promote qualities and to hinder dissatisfaction about residential green open spaces and
thereby help to enhance community development socially, mentally, physically and
spiritually. Different forms of open spaces require a range of appropriate benchmark
standards (Doick et al., 2009). It will help designers and developers to evaluate their
residential and community design options and to generalize in order to optimize quality
towards their outdoor settings which are closely related to the requirements from its users.

Relevant theories supporting the quality neighbourhood parks study
To review literature alone is somehow insufficient if there are no links with certain
grounded theories. Therefore, this paper solely focused on the theory of reasoned action
(TRA) which was among the fundamental theory to behavioural prediction which was
developed by Ajzen and Fishbein in 1975. The theory is based on the assumption that human
beings are usually quite rational and make systematic use of the information available to
them. They argued that people consider the implications of their actions before they decide
to engage or not to engage in a given behaviour. According to this theory, a person’s
intention is a function of two basic determinants, one is personal in nature and the other is
reflecting social influences. The personal factor is the individual’s positive or negative
evaluation of performing the behaviour. This factor is termed attitude towards the behaviour.
It implies the person’s judgement on performing the behaviour, whether it is good or bad, that
he is also in favour of or against performing the behaviour. In the general sense, individuals
would intend to perform behaviour when they evaluate it positively and when they believe it
is important that others think they should perform it. TRA gave brief perspectives and social
themes of human behaviour in order to understand the true meaning of their perception on
personal space that is very important to this research (refer to Figure 1 below). It is the hope
of the author that the readers will share the same interest on the relationship between attitude
and preferences of park users who use neighbourhood parks in Malaysia as their daily
recreational venues. This will help to answer the questions on the preferences, needs, and use
pattern of Malaysian park users about their leisure behaviour or outdoor recreational activities
in the urban open space areas.

Belief Attitude Intention Behaviour

Not to engage/

Figure 1: Theory of Reasoned Action diagram. Adapted from Ajzen & Fishbein (1980).

Researches on Quality
In the early work of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985), quality was defined as
the ‘gestalt’ attitude towards a service which was acquired over a period of time after
multiple experiences with it’ (cited in Baker and Crompton, 2000, p.787). Manning (1986)
as cited in Mackay and Crompton (1990), suggested that high quality service in outdoor
recreation exists when recreation opportunities meet the needs of its visitors. It is also the
degree to which opportunities satisfy the motivations for which they were designed. Hence,
the challenge of providing high quality recreational services would become less difficult
when agencies are aware of what their patrons desire from their services (Mackay and
Crompton, 1990, p.55).
In addition, the value of public open spaces increases because they have the potential
to enhance the positive qualities of urban life in term of opportunities, physical settings,
sociability and cultural diversity (Burgess, Harrison, and Limb, 1988). Willie (1992) argued
that quality is about people and attitudes. Quality is not solely about techniques and
procedures but includes people who actually use the techniques or procedures in the context
of ‘total quality management’. Among definitions of quality given by Willie are ‘fitness for
use’, ‘conformance to requirements’, ‘continuous improvement’, and ‘delighting the
customers’. Among the many definitions of quality put forward in the Business Management
and Services literature, one of the most famous is that offered by Neil Johnson: ‘Quality is
the degree of excellence by which we satisfy the needs of the customer’ (cited in Willie,
1992, p.10).

Smith, Nelischer, and Perkins, (1997) assessed the physical elements that contribute
to the quality of a community. The quality community is one which meets the needs and
desires of its visitors and inhabitants. This could be evaluated in term of the community open
spaces or in this context is the neighbourhood park. Quality according to Smith et al. (1997)
refers to the distinguishing properties that promote a degree of excellence or high rank. The
quality criteria according to them emerged from the physical form criteria by Lynch (1981).
The principle criteria, among others, include the concept of livability, character, connection,
mobility, personal freedom and diversity.
In Gobster (1998), various external and internal factors were listed for the success of a
community park in North Chicago, United States. Among the external factors are
surrounding neighbourhood factors; social diversity of park users; the strong neighbourhood
and community group; and a well established advisory council. For the internal factors, the
physical design of the park plays an important role as well as management of the park and
finally supervision of its users and park management are the key roles in ensuring that a park
is successful in serving its diverse users. In a different view, Van Herzele's study (2003)
developed and applied an indicator, which serves as a "touchstone" towards the supply of
sustainable green areas in Flemish cities using GIS model. The aim is to contribute to the
development of methodological approach using indicator towards green space monitoring.
The indicator was based on five important principles, i.e. "citizen-based"; "functional levels";
"preconditions for use"; "variety of qualities" and "multiple use" as reference towards green
liveability which could be closely related to the intention of this research.
CABE SPACE (2005) work confirms the link between high quality green spaces with
the increased housing prices; benefits in improving the image of an area as to attract
investment; contribution to biodiversity; contribution in promoting physical activities and the
benefits to health; and finally overcoming the anti-social behaviour through design and
management. Qualities of a successful green space by CABE SPACE will be adopted in this
study as to determine the quality criteria for a neighbourhood park. Among the qualities are
sustainability, character and distinctiveness, definition and enclosure, connectivity and
accessibility, legibility, adaptability and robustness, inclusiveness and biodiversity.
Only one previous study specifically developed and validated a quality audit
instrument similar to what this study would like to achieve and this was in England by
Hillsdon, Panter, Foster, and Jones (2006). Other measures reviewed in previous literature
were concerning the successful measures towards overall urban open spaces. Therefore, it
was important to develop a new instrument to validate the selected variables to achieve

quality in neighbourhood parks or other green open space settings. All reviewed items in
Table 1 below, were analysed according to these new measures to assess quality in
neighbourhood parks. These new measures of quality consist of 62 items grouped into 4
construct of natural factors, social factors, design factors and external factors. The table
below also indicates studies that are relevent to be used in assessing quality of neighbourhood
parks depending on their chosen site categorization as well as variables used.

Table 1: Table indicating variables that were relevent to assess the quality of green open
spaces or neighbourhood parks in this study.

Defining ‘Neighbourhood Park’

The important components of a neighbourhood according to Hester (1984) is a focal
point, such as school and recreational area, where each house should be adjoined to a planned
open space area although many sociology scholars often debated that a definition of the
neighbourhood was irrelevant simply because the concept of neighbourhood was vast and had
evolved through time. However, this research will correspondingly use the definition terms
of a neighbourhood space instead, where the concept according to Hester is a space limited to
the public and that it is an outdoor territory close to home.
A neighbourhood park according to Chapman (1999) is a place where diverse needs
are met without the necessity of travelling a long distance, providing basic recreational
amenities for all users; it is also usually located within the center of a development.
Similarly, Von Kursell’s (1997) thesis defines Neighbourhood Parks as places which serves
both active and passive recreation providing a local park function and facilities to a wide
range of people. Usually, it contributes to an area of 0.5 to 0.8 kilometer radius or catchment
area. Nevertheless, the term neighbourhood park in this study will refer to green open space
which is public, available for leisure and recreational purposes similar to those mentioned by

Sugiyama and Ward Thompson (2008) in their research examining the relationship between
various aspects of neighbourhood open spaces with older adults walking for transport and
recreation. However, neighbourhood parks in this context will only refer to parks that are
situated within a community neighbourhood housing area and which offer leisure and
recreational purposes for local and immediate communities. For the purpose of this study, a
quality of neighbourhood park will be defined as: ‘Quality Neighbourhood Park’ is ‘a
successful and excellent public green open space within a residential neighbourhood area that
conforms to the needs and requirements of the people including various techniques in using
the space and upon agreed standard that is beyond the usual outdoor recreation and leisure

Strength of Review
The main revaluation of this review is the importance of predicting and explaining the
causal relationship between use patterns, needs, and preferences towards achieving a Quality
Neighbourhood Park. A confirmatory path analysis model where the causal or chains of
relationship between dependent variables (use patterns, needs, and preferences) to be proven
fit against the data collected is shown below (see Figure 2 below). The causal relationship
using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through path analysis diagram will then lead to
the development of a criteria or model for a Quality Neighbourhood Park Criteria (QNPC).
This criteria or model can be useful for the future and the new Neighbourhood Park
development established within residential areas. This structure will also give the impact to
the current body of literature as it will test the selected variables from the current findings
developed by various Western scholars within the field of Landscape Architecture and Park
and Recreation Management, and it can be developed as a single structure model to be tested
against any context or environment. QNPC will be the guidelines or criteria suitable for any
park designer or Landscape Architect in their work for developing a quality neighbourhood

1 1

1 Active Recreation Passive Recreation

Natural Surrounding 1

1 Cultural & Social

Preferences Usage
Spaces & Design 1
Natural Factors
1 Social Experience
Social Interaction Successful &
Quality Green 1
1 Human Pattern Design Considerations
Open Spaces
Citizen Participation Interaction
1 Maintenance & 1
1 Sense of Community Services
Contact with Nature Pattern of Use
1 Nature
Aesthetic Preferences
1 Needs Spaces Utilized User Focus
1 1 1
Recreation and Play

Figure 2: An extended hypothesized model that will be used in this research to identify the
Quality Neighbourhood Park.

In summary, the purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship among variables
stated in the hypotheses presented below and as described in the path diagram (Figure 1):
Hypothesis I: Needs will affect park user’s use pattern.
Hypothesis II: Preferences will affect park user’s use pattern.
Hypothesis III: Needs will affect preferences of park users for their recreational
Hypothesis IV: Specific use pattern of park users will affect the success and quality of
green open spaces
Hypothesis V: Better understanding about the use pattern of park users will contribute
to the development of a quality Neighbourhood Park
Hypothesis VI: The success and quality of green open spaces will contribute to better

Summary and concluding comments

In summary, to achieve quality of a neighbourhood park, several important measures
should be addressed as had been discussed on the findings above. Hence, this paper only
looked into ways and means in which services and facilities could be improved, the overall
and best variables to be considered for a quality neighbourhood park in an urban context,
combining the design attributes as well as understanding the overall neighbourhood

satisfaction level, looking into gender, socio-economic status and the cultural background
aspects in a neighbourhood park setting.
The role of a park is also very important in increasing the quality of life of the people
especially in urban areas. This paper has also specifically looked into the objective of
environmental attributes such as the natural recreation resources, environmental quality and
man-made recreation attributes as well as the main concepts of livability, environmental
quality, quality of life and sustainability, and presented examples of underlying conceptual
models as a framework. Apart from that, meeting basic human needs towards urban open
spaces in the urban landscape environment is important in order to achieve quality of life and
developing the quality of a Neighbourhood Park. This paper focused on fulfilling the needs
and perceived usefulness of park users towards a sustainable city development, similarities or
differences among park users’ preferences, green open spaces in residential neighbourhood as
the type of site to be used or as the controlled environment to be tested on the nature and
human needs towards a neighbourhood park environment, and finally to identify ethnicity
utilization, activities and frequency of use to further indicate the relationship between
perceived benefit and park use in the neighbourhood park setting.

Implications for future research

The quality criteria developed through this review should be universally adapted, because it
provides a very relevant framework for research in the area of landscape architecture, park
and recreation management, urban forestry, and urban planning. At every level of the
Malaysian government, recreation and park facilities have captured increasing interest and
involvement from all parties and agencies concerned. However, the contribution has not been
documented properly (Abdul Malek and Mariapan, 2009). The following research directions
could be taken into considerations:
• The reliability and validity of the construct listed could further be tested and improvised
to suit the relevant surroundings.
• Opportunity to test the goodness of fits test in SEM.
• The model can be further used to device survey instruments.
• Further research questions or hypotheses could be addressed based on this structural
• The results from the model could help future park planners and designers to adopt some
basic quality requirements for a better park design and utilisation.

In simple terms, this review has revealed a structural equation model that has taken
into consideration relevant and important researches on quality green open spaces and
neighbourhood park research. Although quality in the field of recreation and tourism often
managed to subscribe to many management and marketing researches, quality in the the field
of landscape architecture and recreation remains limited. Hence, research on quality green
open spaces as a whole cannot ignore the role of users’ satisfaction, preferences, use pattern
and needs. As a result, the operational definition and the construct of ‘quality of
neighbourhood park’ developed in this study can be a valid and reliable measure to quantify
the success and quality of open spaces as a whole in future research. Due to both theoretical
and practical significance, the ‘Quality Neighbourhood Parks Criteria’ is a tool to help
achieve a deeper and more comprehensive understanding on quality towards green open
spaces as to increase the quality of life among users.

This research was supported by the grant from the International Islamic University Malaysia
(IIUM) for Ph.D Research Grant (2007-2010) with the cooperation of Universiti Putra
Malaysia for their guidance and supervision. Thank you to the anonymous reviewers and
editors for their very helpful comments and suggestions. Finally, our utmost thanks to
Richard Mcgrath of University of South Australia (UniSA) for his help in the editing of this

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