Pharmaceutical Suspensions
Pharmaceutical Suspensions
Pharmaceutical Suspensions
Dr. Mukesh Gohel, Dr. Rajesh Parikh, Amirali Popat, Ashutosh Mohapatra,
Bhavesh Barot, Chetan Patel, Hardik Joshi, Krishnakant Sarvaiya, Lalji Baldaniya,
Pritesh Mistry, Punit Parejiya, Ramesh Parmar, Stavan Nagori, Tushar Patel.
Top Row (Left to right): Bhavesh Barot, Hardik Joshi, Punit Parejiya, Pritesh
Mistry, Amirali Popat.
Bottom Row (Left to right): Lalji Baldaniya, Tushar Patel, Ramesh Parmar, Chetan
Patel, Ashutosh Mohapatra.
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
Oral suspension
Parenteral suspension
Flocculated suspension
Deflocculated suspension
1.2.4 Based On Size Of Solid Particles
1.3.1 Advantages
E.g.Procaine penicillin G
Drug in suspension
exhibits higher rate of bioavailability than other dosage forms.
Solution > Suspension > Capsule > Compressed Tablet > Coated tablet
E.g. Chloramphenicol
1.3.2 Disadvantages
The suspended particles should not settle rapidly and sediment produced, must be
easily re-suspended by the use of moderate amount of shaking.
It should be easy to pour yet not watery and no grittiness.
It should have pleasing odour, colour and palatability.
Good syringeability.
It should be physically,
chemically and microbiologically stable.
suspension should be sterilizable.
1.5 Applications
Suspension is usually applicable for drug which is insoluble or poorly soluble. E.g.
Prednisolone suspension
To prevent degradation of drug or to improve stability of drug.
2) Theory Of Suspensions
2.1.1 Introduction
Where, vsed.
= sedimentation velocity in cm / sec
d = Diameterof particle
r = radius of particle
V ' = V sed. εn
n = measure of the “hindering” of the system & constant for each system
·Particles which freely settle without interference with one another (without collision).
·Particles with no physical or chemical attraction or affinity with the dispersion medium.
But most of pharmaceutical suspension formulation has conc. 5%, 10%, or higher
percentage, so there occurs hindrance in particle settling.
V α 1/ ηo
F = V u / VO -------------- (A)
F= H u/ HO
Sedimentation volume can have values ranging from less than 1 to greater
than1; F is normally less than 1.
F=1,such product is said to be in flocculation equilibrium. And show no clear
Supernatant on standing Sedimentation volume (F¥) for deflocculated suspension
F ¥ = V¥/ VO
Flocculated Suspensions
Here, the sedimentation depends not only on the size of the flocs but also on the porosity
of flocs. In flocculated suspension the loose structure of the rapidly sedimenting flocs
tends to preserve in the sediment, which contains an appreciable amount of entrapped
liquid. The volume of final sediment is thus relatively large and is easily redispersed by
Fig 2.2: Sedimentation behaviour of flocculated and deflocculated suspensions
Deflocculated suspensions
N = Avogadro’s number
η = viscosity of medium
t = time
The values of NSD depend on the density and viscosity values of any given system.
2.2 Electrokinetic Properties
Particles carry charge may acquire it from adjuvants as well as during process like
crystallization, grinding processing, adsorption of ions from solution e.g. ionic
A zeta meter is used to detect zeta potential of a
For highly charged particles e.g. insoluble polymers and poly-electrolytes species, di or
trivalent flocculating agents are used.
In this system, the disperse phase is in the form of large fluffy agglomerates, where
individual particles are weakly bonded with each other. As the size of the sedimenting
unit is increased, flocculation results in rapid rate of sedimentation. The rate of
sedimentation is dependent on the size of the flocs and porosity. Floc formation of
particles decreases the surface free energy between the particles and liquid medium thus
thermodynamic stability.
Electrolytes decrease electrical barrier between the particles and bring them together to
form floccules. They reduce zeta potential near to zero value that results in formation of
bridge between adjacent particles, which lines them together in a loosely arranged
Electrolytes act as flocculating agents by reducing the electric barrier between the
particles, as evidenced by a decrease in zeta potential and the formation of a bridge
between adjacent particles so as to link them together in a loosely arranged structure. If
we disperse particles of bismuth subnitrate in water we find that based on electrophoretic
mobility potential because of the strong force of repulsion between adjacent particles, the
system is peptized or deflocculated. By preparing series of bismuth subnitrate
suspensions containing increasing concentration of monobasic potassium phosphate co-
relation between apparent zeta potential and sedimentation volume, caking, and
flocculation can be
Fig 2.3: Caking diagram, showing the flocculation of a bismuth subnitrate
suspension by means of the flocculating agent.
Only when zeta potential becomes sufficiently negative to affect potential does the
sedimentation volume start to fall. Finally, the absence of caking in the suspensions
correlates with the maximum sedimentation volume, which, as stated previously, reflects
the amount
of flocculation. Surfactants
Both ionic and non-ionic surfactants can be used to bring about flocculation of suspended
particles. Optimum
concentration is necessary because these compounds also act as wetting agents to achieve
dispersion. Optimum concentrations of surfactants bring down the surface free energy by
reducing the surface tension between liquid medium and solid particles. This tends to
form closely packed agglomerates. The particles possessing less surface free energy are
attracted towards to each other by van
der waals forces and forms loose agglomerates. Polymers
Polymers possess long chain in their structures. The part of the long chain is adsorbed on
the surface of the particles and remaining part projecting out into the dispersed medium.
Bridging between these later portions, also leads to the formation of flocs. Liquids
Here like granulation of powders, when adequate liquids are present to form the link,
compact agglomerate is
formed. The interfacial tension in the region of the link, provide the force acting to hold
the particles together. Hydrophobic solids may be flocculated by
adding hydrophobic liquids.
2.3.1 Introduction
η = S/D
1 N-sec/m2 = 10 poise
In simple words the viscosity is the opposing force to flow, it is characteristic of the
g=Gravitational acceleration
So as the viscosity of the dispersion medium increases, the terminal settling velocity
decreases thus the dispersed phase settle at a slower rate and they remain dispersed for
longer time yielding higher stability to the suspension.
On the other hand as the viscosity of the suspension increases, it’s pourability decreases
and inconvenience to the patients for dosing increases.
Thus, the viscosity of suspension should be maintained within optimum range to yield
stable and easily pourable suspensions. Now a day’s structured vehicles are used to solve
both the problems.
Kinematic Viscosity:
It is defined as the ratio of viscosity (η) and the density (ρ) of the liquid.
Kinematic viscosity = η/ ρ
Unit of Kinematic viscosity is stokes and centistokes.
Kinematic viscosity is used by most official books like IP, BP, USP, and National
Relative Viscosity:
ηr = η/η.
Liquids that obey Newton ’s law of flow are called Newtonian liquids, E.g.simple liquids.
D =Shear rate
Here, the shear stress and shear rate are directly proportional, and the proportionality
constant is the Co-efficient of viscosity.
Emulsions, suspensions and semisolids have complex rheological behavior and thus do
not obey Newton ’s law of flow and thus they are called non Newtonian liquids.
A)Plastic flow
B)Pseudo-plastic flow
C)Dilatant flow
A)Plastic flow
The substance initially behaves like an elastic body and fails to flow when less amount of
stress is applied. Further increase in the stress leads to a nonlinear increase in the shear
rate which then turns to linearity.
Normally flocculated suspensions are associated with the plastic flow, where yield value
represents the stress required to break the inter-particular contacts so that particles behave
individually. Thus yield value is indicative of the forces of flocculation.
B)Pseudo-plastic Flow
Here the relationship between shear stress and the shear rate is not linear and the curve
starts from origin. Thus the viscosity of these liquids can not be
expressed by a single value.
® Tragacanth water
In this type of liquids resistance to flow (viscosity) increases with increase in shear rate.
When shear stress is applied their volume increases and hence they are called Dilatant.
This property is also known as shear thickening.
2.3.4 Thixotropy
Rheopexy is the phenomenon where sol forms a gel more rapidly when gently shaken
than when allowed to form the gel by keeping the material at rest.
In negative Thixotropy, the equilibrium form is sol while in Rheopexy, the equilibrium
state is gel.
Various approaches have been suggested to enhance the viscosity of suspensions. Few of
them are as follows: Viscosity Enhancers
Different equipments called viscometers are used to measure viscosity of different fluids
and semisolids. Few of them are Ostwald Viscometer
It is a type of capillary viscometer. There is ‘U’ shape tube with two bulbs and two marks
as shown in the following figure,
Fig 2.11: Ostwald Viscometer
When a liquid flows by gravity, the time required for the liquid to pass between two
marks, upper mark and lower mark, through a vertical capillary tube is determined. The
time of flow of the liquid under test is compared with the time required for a liquid of
known viscosity (usually water).
The tube is filled with the liquid whose viscosity is to be determined and the ball is
allowed to fall. The velocity of the falling ball is measured and viscosity is calculated
using stoke’s law.
ρ l=Density of liquid
g= Gravitational acceleration
v = Terminal settling velocity
Parenteral suspensions are generally deflocculated suspensions and many times supplied
as dry suspensions, i.e. in one bottle freeze dried powder is supplied and in another bottle
the vehicle is supplied and the suspension is to be reconstituted at the time of injection. If
the parenteral suspensions are flocculated one, their syringeability will be less i.e.
difficult to inject for
the doctor or nurse and painful to patient due to larger floccule size.
Parenteral suspensions are generally given by intra muscular route. Now a days
intravenous suspension are also available with particle size less than 1 micron, termed as
Viscosity of suspensions should be within table range for easy syringeability and less
painful to patient.
Colloids in suspension form chemical compounds such as ions in the solution, So the
suspension characteristics of colloids are generally ignored.
Generally, colloids are held in suspension form through a very slight Electro-negative
charge on the surface of each of the particle. This charge is called Zeta Potential. These
minute charge called Zeta-potential is the main function that determines ability of a liquid
to carry material in suspension. As this charge (Electro-negative charge) increases, more
material can be carried in suspension by liquid. As the charge decreases, the particles
move closer to each other and that causes liquid to decrease its ability to carry out
material in suspension. There is a point where the ability to carry material in suspension
is exceeded, and particles begin to clump together with the heavier particles materials
dropping out of the liquid and coagulating. Colloids in suspension determine the ability
of all iquids particularly water-based liquids to carry material. This also applies
to semi-solids and solids.
3.1.1 Introduction
For the need of a stable suspension, the term ‘Structured vehicle’ is most important for
formulation view and stability criteria. The main disadvantage of suspension dosage form
that limits its use in the routine practice is its stability during storage for a long time. To
overcome this problem or to reduce it to some extent, the term ‘Structured vehicle has got
The structured vehicle is the vehicle in which viscosity of the preparation under the static
condition of
very low shear on storage approaches infinity. The vehicle behaves like a ‘false body’,
which is able to maintain the particles suspended which is more
or less stable.
Generally, concept of Structured vehicle is not useful for Parenteral suspension because
they may create problem in syringeability due to high viscosity.
In addition, Structured vehicle should posses some degree of Thixotropic behaviour viz.,
the property of GEL-SOL-GEL transformation. Because during storage it should be
remained in the form of GEL to overcome the shear stress and to prevent or reduce the
formation of hard cake at the bottom which to some extent is beneficial for pourability
and uniform dose at the time of administration.
Structured vehicles are prepared with the help of Hydrocolloids. In a particular medium,
they first hydrolyzed
and swell to great degree and increase viscosity at the lower concentration. In addition, it
can act as a ‘Protective colloid’ and stabilize charge.
Polyethylene glycols
The various components, which are used in suspension formulation, are as follows.
Components Function
API Active
drug substances
Wetting They
agents are added to disperse solids in continuous liquid phase.
Flocculating They
agents are added to floc the drug particles
Thickeners They
are added to increase the viscosity of suspension.
Buffers They
and pH adjusting are added to stabilize the suspension to a desired pH range.
Osmotic They
agents are added to adjust osmotic pressure comparable to biological fluid.
Coloring They are added to impart desired color to suspension and improve
agents elegance.
Preservatives They
are added to prevent microbial growth.
External They are added to construct structure of the final suspension.
liquid vehicle
Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
Microcrystalline cellulose
Xanthan gum
Powdered cellulose
Most suspending agents perform two functions i.e. besides acting as a suspending agent
they also imparts viscosity to the solution. Suspending agents form film around particle
and decrease interparticle
The stability of the suspensions depends on the types of suspending agents rather than the
physical properties of the drugs. This evidence is supported through the study by
Bufgalassi S et. al. 15 They formulated aqueous suspension of three drugs (Griseofulvin,
Ibuprofen, Indomethacin). The suspending agents used were Na CMC, MCC/CMC mixer
and jota carageenan (CJ). Evaluation of suspension was based on the physical and
physico-chemical characteristics of the drugs, the rheological properties of the
suspending medium, corresponding drug suspension and the physical and chemical
stability of the suspension. They noted that the physical stability of
suspension was mainly dependent on the type of suspending agent rather than the
physical characteristics of the drug. The suspending agents which gave highest stability
were jota carageenan (having low-temperature gelation characteristics) and MC/CMC
(having thixotropic flux).
Table 3.2 Stability pH range and coentrations of most commonly used suspending
Suspending agents also act as thickening agents. They increase in viscosity of the
solution, which is necessary to prevent sedimentation of the suspended particles as per
Stoke’s’s law. The suspension having a viscosity within the range of 200 -1500 milipoise
are readily pourable. 3
Some important characteristics of most commonly used suspension are mentioned below: Alginates3,6
It is not soluble in water, but it readily disperses in water to give thixotropic gels. It is
used in combination with Na-CMC, MC or HPMC, because they facilitate dispersion of
MCC. Colloidal MCC (attrited MCC)
is used as a food additive, fat replacer in many food products, where it is used alone or
combination with other additives such as CMC.
U.S. Patent No. 4,427,681 describes that, attrited MCC coprocessed with CMC together
with titanium dioxide (opacifying agent) can be used for thixotropic pharmaceutical gels.
It is found that MCC: alginate complex compositions are excellent suspending agents for
water insoluble or slightly soluble API. The advantages of MCC: alginate complex
compositions are that they provide excellent stability. Further suspensions prepared with
them are redispersible with small amount of agitation and maintain viscosity even under
high shear environment.
Ionic surfactants are not generally used because they are not compatible with many
adjuvant and causes change in pH.
Fig. 3.1 Examples of wetting agents used in different suspension formulation.
Surfactants decrease the interfacial tension between drug particles and liquid and thus
liquid is penetrated in the pores of drug particle displacing air from them and thus ensures
wetting. Surfactants in optimum concentration facilitate dispersion of particles. Generally
we use non-ionic surfactants but ionic surfactants can also be used depending upon
certain conditions. Disadvantages of surfactants are that they have foaming tendencies.
Further they are bitter in taste. Some surfactants such as polysorbate 80 interact with
preservatives such as methyl paraben and reduce antimicrobial activity.
This is the most important in case where API consists of ionizable acidic or basic groups.
This is not a problem when API consists of neutral molecule having no surface
charge.e.g. Steroids, phenacetin, but control of pH is strictly required as quality control
Citric acid is most preferable used to stabilize pH of the suspension between 3.5 to 5.0.
L-methionine is most widely used as buffering agent
in parenteral suspension. Usual concentration of phosphoric acid salts required for
buffering action is between 0.8 to 2.0 % w/w or w/v. But due to newly found
super-additive effect of L-methionine, the concentration of phosphoric acid salts is
reduced to 0.4 % w/w or w/v or less.
Buffers have four main applications in suspension systems that are mentioned below:
They are added to produce osmotic pressure comparable to biological fluids when
suspension is to be intended for ophthalmic or injectable preparation. Most commonly
used osmotic agents for ophthalmic suspensions are dextrose, mannitol and sorbitol.
3.2.8 Preservatives3,6,4,5,7
common incidents, which cause loss in preservative action, are,
Solubility in oil
Interaction with emulsifying agents, suspending agents
Interaction with container
For example, older formulation of eye drops, contain combination of methyl and propyl
paraben, which provide antifungal and antibacterial property. Now a days, combination
of phenylethyl alcohol, phenoxetol and benzalkonium chloride are used in eye drops.
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetra-acetate) is also used in combination with other preservative.
List Of Preservatives
Name of preservatives Concentration range
Propylene 5-10
glycol %
Disodium 0.1
edentate %
Benzalkonium 0.01-0.02
chloride %
Benzoic 0.1
acid %
Butyl 0.006-0.05
paraben % oral suspension
% topical formulation
Cetrimide 0.005
Chlorobutanol 0.5
Phenyl 0.001-0.002
mercuric acetate %
Potassium 0.1-0.2
sorbate %
Sodium 0.02-0.5
benzoate %
Sorbic 0.05-0.2
acid %
Methyl 0.015-0.2
paraben %
3.3 Preservatives and their optimal concentration.
· Indigo carmine(blue)
· Amaranth (red)
· Sunset yellow(yellow)
· Carmine (red)
·Caramel (brown)
· Carrots (yellow)
· Indigo (blue)
· Saffron (yellow)
Bulk sweeteners
Sodium cyclamate
Na saccharin
Ammonium glycyrrhizinate
Mixture of thereof
A bulk sweeter is used at concentration of 15-70 %
w/w of the total weight of the suspension. This concentration is dependent on presence of
other ingredient such as alginate, which have thickening effect.
For example, in presence of alginate, sorbitol is used at concentration of 35-55 %
particularly at 45 % w/w of the total suspension composition.
Combination of bulk sweeteners can also be used. e.g. Combination of sorbitol and
hydrogenated glucose syrup or sucrose and sorbitol. Generally the taste-masking
composition consists of at least one sweetening agent and at least one flavoring agent.
The type and amount of flavoring and coloring agent is dependent on intended consumer
of such suspension e.g. pediatric or adult.
The amount of artificial sweetening agents should be between 0 to 5 gms per 100 mL of
suspension. Optimum taste-masking of API in the suspension can be obtained by limiting
the amount of water in the suspension, but the amount of water must not be too low to
hydrate MCC, Na CMC or other suitable suspending agent. The low amount of water
should provide a sufficient aqueous base to impart desired degree of viscosity. The
preferred total amount of water contained in the suspension should be between 30 to 55
grams per 100 mL of suspension.
3.2.11 Humectants3
3.2.12 Antioxidants3
4.1 Introduction1
As tablets and capsules disintegrate into powders and form suspension in the biological
fluids, it can be said thatthey share the dissolution process as a rate limiting step for
absorption and bio-availability.
4.2 Principles Of Drug Release 2
The basic diffusion controlled model for suspended particle was developed by Noyes &
Whitney and was later
modified by Nernst.
dQ/dt = DA (Cs-Cb)/h
Cs = solubility
This model represents the rapid equilibrium at the solid–liquid interface that produces a
saturated solution which diffuses into the bulk solution across a thin diffusion layer.
4.3.1 Wetting
4.3.2 Viscosity
The total viscosity of the dispersion is the summation of the intrinsic viscosity of the
dispersion medium and interaction of the particles of disperse phase.
As per Stokes-Einstein equation,
D= KT/6лηr
Intrinsic viscosity of medium affects the dissolution rate of particles because of the
effect. On enhancement of viscosity the diffusion coefficient decreases, which gives rise
to a proportionate decreases in rate of dissolution
Different suspending agents act by different way to suspend the drug for example
suspension with the highest viscosity those made by xanthan gum and tragacanth powder
shows inhibitory effects on the dissolution rate.
The suspension of salicylic acid in 1 % w/v dispersion of sodium
carboxymethycellulose and xanthan gum indicating effect of viscosity on hydrolysis of
aspirin in GIT is not significant from a bioavailability point of view.
The administration of the drug suspension by the rectum was accomplished by enema
system. Enemas are in large volume (50-100 ml) & limited patient compatibility.
The bioavailability of rectal suspension depends on absorption from rectal tissues and
rectal blood flow.
· The viscosity of the vehicle and the particle size of the suspended drug particles affect
the bioavailability of ophthalmic suspension. Polymers (polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl
pyrrolidone, cellulose derivatives) used to impart the adequate viscosity and so the
particle settling is retarded.
·The particle size must be below 10 micron to retard the absorption from cornea. The
particle size is related with dissolution rate as well as retention within the conjuctival sac.
· Particles either dissolves or are expelled out of the eye at the lid margin or at the inner
canthus. The time required for the dissolution and corneal absorption must be less than
the residence time of the drug in the conjuctival sac just for retention of particles.
· In case of suspension having high particulate content, a greater mass of drug remains in
the cul-de-sac following drainage of the applied volume and remaining particles then
dissolves in the tear fluids and provide an additional drug in force, that transport the drug
across the corneal into the aqueous humor.
· When water is used as vehicle dissolved drugs rapidly diffuse into body tissue leaving a
depot of undissolved drug at the injection site.
Several types of apparatus were used for dissolution testing of suspensions but there
is drawback of retention of dissolving material within the confines of dissolution chamber
& sampling.
Edmundson & Lees develop an electronic particle counting device for suspension
containing Hydrocrticosone acetate.5
Shah tried to explain the dissolution of commercially available Prednisolone
suspension by a magnetically driven rotating filter system.6
Stram & co-workers gave a methodology to determine the dissolution–rate profile of
suspensions employing the FDA’s two-bladed paddle method Flow–through
apparatus developed by F. Langebucher which is mostly used for dissolution testing of
This method, which is based on the mass transfer between solid and liquid phase in an
exchange column, is shown to avoid some disadvantage of the commonly used beaker
method employing fixed liquid volumes.
Strum & co- workers also had worked on determination of dissolution rate profile of
suspension using the FDA’s two bladed paddle method. 8
Dialysis System:
particle diameter (cm)
time (sec)
thickness of diffusion layer (cm)
density (g/cm
In model I diffusion
layer thickness is constant over the life time of the particle.
For model II & III the diffusion layer thickness is proportional to the one-half of first
power of the particle diameter.
Profile (To-t)
modeling Dissolution-rate constants and
constant (K
dissolution half-lives
excreted in the urine (T
, etc).
amount of drug excreted as a Parameters
resulting from
of time
determination of dissolution
drug absorbed-time profiles
First-order percent remaining
be dissolved-time profiles
5.1 Introduction
is a broad concept which takes into consideration all factors that individually or
combinely affect the quality of a product. It is a system which keeps a Critical look on
what has happened yesterday, what is happening today and what is going to happen
tomorrow so that it can ensure right quality of final product
is a small part of QA and it is concerned with sampling ,testing and documentation during
manufacturing and also after completion of manufacturing .Quality control is the
monitoring process through which manufacturer measures actual quality performance,
compares it with standards and acts on the causes of deviation from standard to ensure
quality product not once but every time.1
Quality control system can be divided into two parts on basis of its function:
In Process Quality Control, and
Final Quality control
The tests are carried out during the manufacturing of suspension to ensure a stable, safe
and quality product. These include:
Optimum size of drug particle in the dispersed phase plays a vital role in stability of final
suspension. So this test is carried out to microscopically analyze and find out particle size
range of drug then it is compared with optimum particle size required. If any difference is
found, stricter monitoring of micronisation step is ensured.
5.2.4 pH Test
5.2.5 Pourability
This test is carried out on the phases of suspension after mixing to ensure that the final
preparation is pourable and will not cause any problem during filling and during handling
by patient.
For proper dosing of the dosage form it is necessary that the active ingredient is
uniformly distributed throughout the dosage form. So samples are withdrawn from the
dispersed phase after micronisation and after mixing with dispersion medium, assayed to
find out degree of homogeneity. if any discrepancy is found out it is suitably corrected by
monitoring the mixing step to ensure a reliable dosage formulation.
Value of Zeta potential reflects the future stability of suspensions so it monitored time to
time to ensure optimum zeta potential. Zeta potential is measured by either Zeta meter or
5.2.9 The product is checked for uniform distribution of color, absence of air globules before
The following tests are carried out in the final quality control of suspension:
Color, odor and taste
Physical characteristics such as particle size determination and microscopic
photography for crystal growth
Sedimentation rate and Zeta Potential measurement
Sedimentation volume
Redispersibility and Centrifugation tests
Rheological measurement
Stress test
Freeze-Thaw temperature cycling
Compatibility with container and cap liner
Torque test
6) Stability Of Suspensions
6.1 Introduction
1. Physical
2. Chemical
of this type of system is difficult as enough work is to be done in order to
separate the particle and create a high energy barrier between them.
for the size reduction, work (W) is to be done which is represented as
W = ∆G = γ
. ∆A.
= interfacial
tension between liquid medium & solid particles.
the following two approaches are used to retain the stability.
By reducing the ∆A.
By reducing the interfacial tension, the system can be stabilized, but cannot
be made equal to zero, as dispersion particles have certain positive
interfacial tension. Thus, the manufacture must add certain surface-active
agents to reduce γ SL to a minimum value, so that the system can
be stabilized.
of particle size might have an influence on the tendency towards caking.
Ostwald Ripening
problem can be surmounted by the addition of polymer (Hydrophilic Colloid) such
as cellulose derivatives, which provides the complete surface coverage of the
particles, so that their solubilization is minimized to some extent.
7.1 Introduction
It should be inert.
It should effectively
preserve the product from light, air, and other contamination through
shelf life.
It should be cheap.
It should effectively
deliver the product without any difficulty.
7.3.1 Glass
7.1 Type of glasses and additives giving amber colour
is that
Initial pH 6
Final pH 8
pH change ± 0.24
SiO 21.0
Na ppm 301
K ppm 0.74
Al ppm 1.3
Ba ppm 0.7
to the negative aspects of glass, coupled with the many positive attributes of
the plastic material significantly inroads for the use of plastic as packaging
material for sterile as well as non-sterile pharmaceutical suspensions
Non breakability.
Light weight.
Materials used: -
Chemical reaction
Alteration of the
physical properties of plastic.
E.g. Deformation of polyethylene containers is often
caused by permeation of gas and vapours from the environment. Also sometimes
solvent effect is also found to be the factor for altering the physical
properties of plastic viz., oils has softening effect on polyethylene and PVC.
Compatibility with
Effect of processing
should not affect the integrity of the closure.
Seal integrity.
It should be stable
throughout the shelf life.
Chemical resistance.
Gas and vapor
Removal torque.
Heat resistance.
Shelf life.
Economical factors.
FDA evaluates drug, the agency must be firmly convinced that package for a
specific drug will preserve the drug’s efficacy as well as its purity,
identity, strength, and quality for the entire shelf life.
FDA does not approve the container as such, but only the material used in
container. A list of substance “Generally
recognized as safe” (GRAS)
have been published by FDA. Under the opinion of
qualified experts they are safe in normal conditions. The material does not
fall in this category (GRAS) must be evaluated by manufacturer and data has to
be submitted to FDA.
specific FDA regulation for the drug states that “
7.5 Storage
Requirements (Labelling)
8. Innovations In Suspensions
Ethyl cellulose
Eudragit RS 100
Eudragit RL 100
Eudragit RS 30 D
Eudragit RL 30 D
Here a basic substance is mixed with a bitter tasting drug which is insoluble at high pH.
The mixer is then encapsulated with a polymer (cellulose derivative, vinyl derivative or
an acid soluble polymer for example copolymer of dimethyl ammonium methyl
methacrylate). The drug after encapsulation are suspended, dispersed or emulsified in
suspending medium to give the final dosage form.
coated drug is suspended in water based liquid
constituted at an optimum pH.
ROXITHROMYCIN-II coating with Eudragit RS 100
coating with Eudragit RS 100
coating (Eudragit 100 : cellulose acetate, 60:40
or 70:30)
8.2 Nano-Suspension
Nano-suspension of potent insoluble active pharmaceutical ingredient will become
improved drug delivery formulations when delivered to at sizes less than 50 nm.
When delivered I.V. at sizes less than 50 nm, the suspension particles avoids the
normal reticulo-endothelial system filtration mechanisms and circulates for long
periods. The suspension particles may be insoluble API particles or nano-particle
polymeric carriers of soluble or insoluble drugs and may be useful in delivering genetic
therapeutic materials targeted to the cells.
In transdermal delivery application, control of particulates in the 10-50 nm size range
should allow the formulation of API in formats that match requirements of delivery rates
and for penetration depth target. The drug particulates may involve insoluble active
structures or active either soluble or insoluble in degradable polymeric structures.
For oral delivery, nanometer size particles may allow delivery of API through the
intestinal wall into the blood stream, at desired rates and with minimal degradation in the
GI tract. Insoluble particles at these sizes may be designed to be transportable across this
barrier .Another strategy involves encapsulation of active drugs in nano-particulate
degradable polymer structures.
The polymer used for sustained release in suspension is enlisted as follows as Ethyl
cellulose, Eudragit, Cellulose acetate, etc. The main advantage of sustained release
suspension is decrease in dosing
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