A0003 Employee Handbook Comprehensive Version

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook



Prepared by:

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


Table of Contents

Employee Responsibility: Overtime & Holiday Work:

1. Office Attitude 1. Rate of Overtime
2. Attendance & Punctuality 2. OT Per Hourly Rate Computations
3. Overtime Availability
4. Safety Petty Cash Disbursements:
5. Personal Conduct

Employee Discipline: 13th Month Pay & Bonuses:

1. Classification of Offenses 1. 13th Month Pay
2. List of Violations 2. Sales Incentives
3. Implementation of Policies 3. Bonuses
4. Subsequent Action
Incentive Leaves:
Work Schedule: 1. Emergency & Vacation Leaves
1. Regular Working Days 2. Unused Emergency & Vacation
& Hours Leaves
2. Break Periods 3. Sick Leaves
3. Logbook Record 4. Right to Use Sick Leave
4. Tardiness 5. Unused Sick Leave
5. Absences
6. Undertime & Fieldwork Employee Record Retention:
7. Flexible Work Schedule 1. Pre-Employment Requirements
2. Employee Records
Dress Code:
Recruiting & Hiring:
Telephone Calls: 1. Hiring of Family Members
2. Hiring from Outside Vs. from
Performance Appraisal: Within
1. Probationary Period 3. Promotions
2. Semi-annual Appraisal 4. Transfers
3. Manager’s responsibility
1. Basis of Salary Adjustment Resignation:
2. Factors Comprising Monthly
Compensation Staff Reduction:
3. Computation of Basic Salary
4. Schedule of Salary Release Termination:
5. Rate of Increase

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

The following policies have been created as guidelines to define the company culture employees
are expected to uphold.

1. Office Attitude

All employees are expected to:

a. Focus on work and avoid personal, unnecessary discussions during

work hours.
b. Work effectively by being aware of the IMPORTANCE of your daily
Duties and Things-to-do list.
c. Work efficiently by aiming to complete your duties ahead of
d. Treat the company as your own.
e. Abide by the Company’s Core Values.

2. Attendance & Punctuality

All employees are expected to be at their working stations in accordance

with the hours of work established by the company. For certain positions,
the company may institute “Flexi-time” which may result to some working
schedule adjustments. For any reason that the employee will be late or
absent, he/she should inform the administration through phone or text.
Please make sure that you get acknowledged.

Complying with working hours and maintaining a good attendance record

are necessary so that the company can plan and conduct its business
with minimum disruption. Employees who are late or absent frequently
are subject to disciplinary action.

3. Overtime Availability

The company has a “no-overtime, no-pay” policy unless for emergencies

or special events & projects. Permission should be obtained for “over-
time with pay” from Management immediately using the Overtime
Request Approval Form (this must be accomplished within 2 days).
Employees are expected to be on call for emergency overtime work.

4. Safety

All employees are expected to comply with company’s safety procedure

to work in a safe manner, and to report any safety concerns to their

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

5. Personal Conduct

It is the responsibility of each employee to maintain good relations with

their co-workers and those having business with the company. Any
conflicts should be resolved immediately in a civilised manner.

Each employee is expected to treat the company as his/her own. This

means that everyone is to be considered as useful individuals that belong
to the team with a sense of pride and ownership of the business.

Intrigues and back-stabbing activities WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Honesty, Respect and Trust among the team are highly VALUED.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


To ensure proper understanding and establish the standards of conduct between

management and employees, the following list of offenses are written below, as well
as the corresponding sanctions/disciplinary action.

1. Classification of Offenses include but are not limited to:

Class A First Offense Automatic Termination

Class B First Offense Verbal Warning
Second Offense Written Warning
Third Offense Dismissal

2. List of Violations include but are not limited to:

Class A

a. theft or intentional damage of company property

b. assault on Managers or other employees
c. falsifying company record and documents
d. possession of illegal weapon’s, firearms, or drugs on company
e. reporting for work under the influence of drugs, alcohol or using
illegal drugs on company time and premises
f. any illegal conduct or activity
g. inciting rebellion and discontent among co-workers
h. engaging in union activities at any time within the premises without
written permission from the management
i. accepting commissions or over-riding from suppliers and/or clients for
personal profit.
j. removal of company records or release of confidential information
k. intentionally logging-in another employee’s attendance
l. unauthorized disbursement of company funds
m. absence without leave (AWOL) for 3 consecutive days

Class B

a. excessive tardiness (i.e. 2x per week or 6x per month)

b. excessive absences (i.e. 2x per week or 5x per month)
c. abuse of lunch breaks and break time
d. excessive use of the telephone for personal use
e. threatening or intimidating managers and employees
f. distributing printed matters on company premises without permission
g. soliciting contributions on company’s premises
h. failure to log-in and log-out
i. stopping work before shift ends, stretching breaks or wasting
company time
j. leaving company premises during working hours without permission

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

k. unauthorized absences less than 3 days

l. gambling in company premises
m. failure to follow instructions or fulfill assigned duties
n. sleeping in working station and company premises during working
hours without permission
o. contributing to unsanitary condition by poor housekeeping
p. disregarding company safety rules
q. attempting to provoke a fight in the company premises
r. failure to report injury or accident
s. mismanagement of company funds
t. engaging in malicious office gossip
u. engaging in the business of lending money to co-employees for profit
doing sideline work within working hours & using company property
for such without permission of Manager.
v. Recklessness in handling company properties causing damages and
x. Sharing confidential information to co-workers such as salary

3. Implementation of policies

Managers are responsible for enforcing the company’s disciplinary


Guidelines for Managers:

a. Seek employee’s version of the matter
b. Check the Employee’s record of disciplinary action in his/her 201 file
c. Check whether the action is in accordance with the step listed in the
Classification of Offences
d. Check whether the disciplinary action is reasonable for the severity of
the problem.

4. Subsequent Action

a. Correction and improvement by an employee after disciplinary action

will be noted in the Employee’s 201 file. It is the responsibility of the
manager to carefully note of the employee’s performance over a
significant time period.

b. If there is no marked improvement, immediate discharge is required.

All termination will require final approval of President.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


Employees are expected to complete their prescribed working hours. Although

employees will be evaluated based on attendance, the company would like to
express that quality and efficiency of performance are also as important.

1. Regular Office Hours

Mondays to Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

3. Work Schedules

Regular Employees will have the ff work schedules:

>>>8 hours per day
>>>6 days per week

4. Break Periods

A 15-minute break period in the afternoon will be allowed to all

employees anytime between 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Lunch break is one (1)
hour. All employees are expected to observe the mentioned break

5. Logbook Record

All employees, including managers are required to record in the logbook

their time of arrival and departure. This logbook is located at the
reception area and will be monitored by the Administration Officer.
Anyone who comes in, not during regular hours, must also log-in for
security purposes.

Should any employee fail to log-in and out, corresponding penalties will
be deducted from salaries.

6. Tardiness

a. Tardiness deductions will be computed based on the employee’s

hourly rate per minute and will immediately be deducted from his/her
forthcoming pay.

b. An employee who is unable to report for work on time is required to

call or text HR and the office. Employee should make sure that he or
she gets an acknowledgement.

7. Absences

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

a. All employees are required to inform the management should they be

absent. In case of emergencies, employee is expected to call the
office. Failure to do so for three consecutive days is considered

b. All absences of employees will be deducted from his/her forthcoming


8. Undertime & Fieldwork

Should employee need to leave the office for personal reasons before
5:00 pm, this is considered undertime. In this case, the salary deductions
will apply. However, if employee is assigned an errand outside office
premises, it is his responsibility to secure signature of Manager on the
time card.

9. Flexible Work Schedule

Managers may avail of the Flexi-time with the approval of the President.
When it appears that such policies should be extended to employees,
Managers are responsible in ensuring that these schedules are effective
and approval should be made.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

To ensure a unified respectable corporate image, this policy has been established for
guiding employees on suitable attire and appearance in the workplace.

Office Dress Code:

1. All employees are required to wear their uniforms that is provided by the

2. In emergency cases where the employee cannot wear his/her uniform, he

may wear business casual clothes with collar and must ask the
permission of his supervisor.

3. All employees should wear decent shoes, preferably closed shoes with
heels for women.

4. During presentation meetings, employee should be strictly in business


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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

The lifeblood of our business is our accessibility and connection to our clients.
Hence, our communication lines are to be kept open under the guidelines in this

Strictly no personal calls during office hours and no personal long-distance

calls are allowed. It is the Admin Officer’s responsibility to monitor these
types of call and he/she will be liable for unaccounted long-distance calls.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

The company believes that the process of evaluating employees is vital in keeping
the organization productive and ensuring the growth of each member. The policy
written herewith describes the system to be used by the company and employees.

1. Probationary Period

All employees will undergo a probationary period of 3 months to a

maximum of 6 months from the starting date of their probationary
employment. During this time, appraisals may be done anytime.
Unsatisfactory performance can result to an immediate termination.

2. Semi-Annual Appraisal

The evaluation is to be accomplished by an employee’s direct Manager

and submitted to the President. It is expected that the process be done
in an objective, professional manner.

The Schedule of submission of appraisals are set on or before:

a. June 1st of each year
b. December 1st of each year
Adjustments in salaries will be announced every 15th of January and will
take effect henceforth.

A “special evaluation” between scheduled appraisals may be conducted

by the manager. This would be to record any extraordinary performance
and citations, as well as, poor performance. All evaluations are to be
discussed with the employee.

3. Manager’s responsibility

All Managers are required to:

a. Communicate to employees in advance their job descriptions and
performance standard which are to be written in the Appointment
Contract Form.
b. Conduct the Performance Appraisal session in accordance with the
established standards of the company primarily during the formal
appraisal period as well as before or after the period as he/she deems
c. Recognize and reward employees for superior performance.
d. Counsel Employees whose performance is judged unacceptable.
e. Take appropriate action when unacceptable performance fails to

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

This policy shows a clear view on how compensation is affected and computed.

1. Basis of Salary Adjustment

- Performance Appraisal
- Industry Rate
- Tenure or Length of Stay
- Salary Standards declared by law

2. Factors Comprising Monthly Compensation

- Basic Salary
- Overtime
- Allowances
- Undertime/Lates/Absences
- SSS Premium
- Withholding Taxes
- Healthcare/Medical Insurance (optional)

3. Computation of Basic Salary

The computation of Basic Salary will be as follows:

(Daily Rate x # of days/annum) / 12 months = Monthly basic salary

4. Schedule of Salary Release

Every 15th and 30th of the month via an ATM employee card. The salary
will be computed based on the following Cut-Off dates:
15th = until the 10th day of the month
30th = until the 25th day of the month

5. Rate of Increase

Probationary employees earn an increase on their daily rate upon

regularization to be determined by management. This percentage of
increase is affected solely by the performance of the employee, based on
the appraisal given by his/her supervisor.

Regular employees may earn a merit increase on their daily rate. The
percentage of increase given is affected primarily by the appraisal given
by the management, and secondarily, it is given to sustain the annual
cost of living.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


The company would like to give due compensation to employees who extend their
time and services to complete tasks with the approval of the Management. The
following guidelines are to be followed for Overtime and Holiday Work for rank & file


OT Work on Regular Day 125% * Rate/Hour
OT Work during Rest Day
or Special Public Holiday
- first 8 hours
- in excess of the first 8 hours 130% * Rate/Hour
OT Work on Regular Holiday
- first 8 hours 200% * Rate/Hour
- in excess of the first 8 hours 200% * Rate/Hour
+ 30% of (200% of Rate/Hour)
OT Work on Rest Day
falling on a Regular Holiday 260% * Rate/Hour
- first 8 hours 260% * Rate/Hour
- in excess of the first 8 hours + 30% of (260% of Rate/Hour)
Night-Shift Differential Pay Night-Shift Employees shall be
paid a differential of not less than
10% of the regular wage for each
hour of work performed between
10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Overtime premium is allotted for work exceeding the maximum

prescribed work period. The OT rates per hour for overtime work
rendered on the specified days are stated above.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


This policy applies to petty cash expenditures that may arise in the course of daily
business operations.

The Accounting Officer will be responsible for Petty Cash Disbursements.

The requesting individual must fill up a Request Form (see Official Form
below) noted by the Department Head and submit to the Admin Manager
before any disbursements will be made.

Personal Cash Advances are allowed provided that the employee has no
outstanding advances that exceeds his monthly Salary. All Personal
Cash Advances shall be deducted from the Basic Monthly Salary of the
Employee or as otherwise approved by his supervisor and as concurred
by the Management

Petty Cash Request Form

Name of Employee: Date:

Amount Requested: (P___________) Previous Advances:



Requested by: Approved by:


Noted by:

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


The following policies are to be applied to 13th Month Pay and Bonuses for all

1. 13th Month Pay

a. 13th Month Pay is given to all employees not later than December
24 of every year. The required minimum amount of the 13th
month pay should at least be equal to 1/12 of the total basic
salary earned by an employee within a calendar year.

b. The basic salary of an employee shall be the basis for the

computation of his/her 13th month pay. Basic Salary does not
include allowances and monetary benefits such as, cash
equivalent of unused vacation and sick leaves, overtime and
holiday pays.

2. Sales Incentives

Sales Incentives shall be given to qualified employees based on the

incentive program. The Sales Incentive Program shall be reviewed
and updated by the Management annually. For more details on this
please ask your direct supervisor. Any sales made and closed within
the Company premises shall be considered as Walk-in Sales and shall
not be subjected to incentives or unless previous appointments were
made on the matter. Nevertheless, All Incentives shall be subject to

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

prior approval of the Board of Directors through the Company



Full-time employees shall become eligible to receive sick leaves upon regularization
and vacation leaves after completion of one (1) year of service with the company
counting from the date of probationary period.

The following chart shows the number of days allotted for leaves:

Types of Leave: Management Team Middle/Lower

a. Sick Leave 15 days/annum 10 days/annum
b. Vacation Leave 15 days/annum 15 days/annum

1. Emergency, Vacation Leaves

Vacation leaves must be filed 30 days prior to the leave. The

management reserves the right to approve and disapprove such
leaves. On the other hand, emergency leaves are categorized as
vacation leaves. However, the managers and employees are
expected to observe the total number of days given for EVL.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

2. Unused Emergency & Vacation Leaves

a. All types of leaves are not convertible to cash.

b. The company believes in the importance of vacations to maintain
employee’s well-being. Therefore, the management reserves the
option to place employees on “forced vacation leave.”

3. Sick Leaves

Sick leave (or medical leave) shall be taken only when the employee
has a medical problem. Time off due to medical problems of family
members, any other personal needs that require an employee to be
excused from work, should be taken under the appropriate category,
i.e. EVL, leave of absence. Medical certificate is required for absence
of 3 days or more.

4. Right to Use Sick Leave

Every employee has the right to use sick leaves for any legitimate
illness that may arise. However, the company has the right to ask an
employee to submit medical certification. Such verification would be
needed in the event of extended illness, or where there has been
periodic absence due to sickness.


This is to inform you of the details concerning Maternity & Paternity Leaves:

BENEFIT: Paternity Leave

Employment Status No. of paid leaves

Regular Employees 1 week
Managers 2 weeks

BENEFIT: Maternity Leave

Employment Status No. of paid leaves No. of paid leaves

For Natural For Natural
Childbirth Caesarian Section
Regular Employees 60 days 78 days
Managers 90 days 108 days

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

1. Computation for these leaves are based on the SSS & Philhealth guidelines,
2. Please inform HR immediately upon learning of pregnancy.
3. Please remind HR to assist you in filling up Notice Forms to SSS & Philhealth.
4. Please get and keep a copy of the submitted SSS & Philhealth Forms for
easy reference.
5. Please remind HR to assist you 2 to 3 months before birth on the next
process for SSS & Philhealth forms.


This section describes the requirements and process of keeping vital information
regarding employee’s records.

1. Pre-Employment Requirements

- application for employment/resume/biodata

- transcript of records
- SSS and TIN
- 1 x 1 photo (2 copies)
- medical clearance
- pre-employment exam
- interviewer’s report/evaluation
- NBI clearance
- Verification of references

2. Employee Records

- appointment contract

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

- employee history report

- periodic performance appraisals
- disciplinary memos, letters of commendations, relevant memos, etc.
- salary history records (payroll data)
- attendance records & time card
- leave forms (absences, EVL, SL)
- record of company sponsored educational/training programs attended.

The information contained in the 201 file is classified CONFIDENTIAL

and strictly can not be taken outside the office.


The company believes that an open communication policy is vital for the company’s
success. Everyone in the company deserves to be heard.

General Guideline:

Should any employee have personal concerns that involve matters

pertaining to the company that will affect operations, he/she is advised to
resolve the matter before going to the Managers.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook


The company uses a number of methods to encourage qualified persons to join the
company. The following are guidelines for the recruitment procedure:

1. Hiring of Family Members

There are no restrictions on hiring family members or recommending

family members. However, managers hiring or recommending family
members to directly work for his/her department shall require the
approval of the President.

2. Promotions

The following guidelines must be followed in the promotion selection


a. Promotions will be based upon merit.

b. Evaluation must be job-related..
c. Management retains the right to select or not select candidates from

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

any source it determines inappropriate.

3. Transfers

Employees may be moved to different departments via transfer or

promotion. If the move is not a promotion, then the transfer should not
include an increase in salary.


The company recognizes and accepts the fact that employees in all ranks may
decide to pursue other goals. It is the responsibility of the Administrative Manager to
discuss resignations with the concerned employees, and to find out the cause of


1. The 30-day grace period will be observed in all levels. The decision to
grant a shorter grace period will be left at the discretion of the
Management Team.

5. Within the 30-day notice, the employee is expected to finish pending

requirements and to endorse them to the immediate manager.

3. Employee clearance must be routed by the employee which should be

submitted to the Administrative Manager.

4. The Manager is responsible in informing all clients and suppliers about

the employee’s resignation from the company via a written memo.

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

5. Resigning employees are expected to follow company policies, rules

and procedures until his/her last day of work. Also, he/she is expected
to conduct himself/herself in good behaviour while the resignation is
not yet in effect.

6. As much as possible, the company would like to encourage resigning

employees to maintain good ties with the company. Perhaps future
networks and assistance may be engaged.

7. Terminal vacation leaves may be granted or sanctioned based on the

supervisor’s discretion.

8. Unless an employee is asked to report for regular work upon the

submission of his/her resignation letter, he/she may no longer be
allowed entry in confidential areas. The Admin Officer will be
responsible in monitoring such movements.

9. Computations of fringe benefits will be given to the employee together

with his/her last pay slip one month after registration as long as the
clearance form has been completed and submitted unless otherwise


Staff reduction refers to those termination caused by a downturn in the company’s

business. The company makes every effort to avoid this type of layoff, since it
usually requires releasing personnel who, otherwise, would remain with the


1. All recruiting efforts will immediately cease.

2. Offers of employment which have not been accepted will be rescinded.

3. Managers will review the records of all personnel reporting to them

and prepare a listing of employees using three methods of ranking.
a. seniority
b. salary level
c. performance rating

4. The General Manager will meet with the Managers and determine the
priority list for reduction. For example, an employee with low seniority
who also has a low performance rating would be released first. Where
there are individuals on the same level, and only one position remains,

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

the highest ranked person would keep the job while others may be
considered for jobs at lower grades.

5. The company will try to help employees released under these

circumstances to find positions elsewhere, if possible. Also, these
employees will be given priority with respect to re-hiring.

Termination of employment may be due to lawful causes, just causes, and authorized
causes. Termination will require the recommendation of the Administrative Manager
and approved by the General Manager.

Whenever an employee’s service is ended, the employee’s Manager is responsible

for completing the termination report within two working days of the employee’s last
days while he/she has a fresh recollection of the events surrounding the termination.

The Admin Officer is responsible for routing & filing the employee clearance form to
be submitted to the Administrative Manager which will be the basis for the release of
the employee’s last pay slip.

Grounds for Termination

Lawful Causes - acts not in accordance with the laws

Just Causes - acts not in accordance with the company policies after
providing sufficient warning as mentioned in Policy No.
2 Employee Discipline.

Authorized Causes

1. Closure of the company

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

- A company may shut down its operations due to bankruptcy.

2. Lingering Illness
- Any illness that is incurable within 30 days is classified as a
lingering illness. Employees with a lingering illness may be
terminated by the company. If terminated under such cause, the
employee is given a separation pay.
3. Reduction of Staff
- Due to the acquisition of better technology, some companies
have the need to reduce its staff to avoid repetitive tasks. Under
such cicumstances, terminated employees are given separation


I have read and understood the Company Policy of [GLLuch & Sons, Inc.]. By
signing this form, I signify my commitment in abiding by the policies of the

Name Date Signature

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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook

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