A0003 Employee Handbook Comprehensive Version
A0003 Employee Handbook Comprehensive Version
A0003 Employee Handbook Comprehensive Version
Prepared by:
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
Table of Contents
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
The following policies have been created as guidelines to define the company culture employees
are expected to uphold.
1. Office Attitude
3. Overtime Availability
4. Safety
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5. Personal Conduct
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Class A
Class B
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3. Implementation of policies
4. Subsequent Action
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3. Work Schedules
4. Break Periods
5. Logbook Record
Should any employee fail to log-in and out, corresponding penalties will
be deducted from salaries.
6. Tardiness
7. Absences
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
Should employee need to leave the office for personal reasons before
5:00 pm, this is considered undertime. In this case, the salary deductions
will apply. However, if employee is assigned an errand outside office
premises, it is his responsibility to secure signature of Manager on the
time card.
Managers may avail of the Flexi-time with the approval of the President.
When it appears that such policies should be extended to employees,
Managers are responsible in ensuring that these schedules are effective
and approval should be made.
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
To ensure a unified respectable corporate image, this policy has been established for
guiding employees on suitable attire and appearance in the workplace.
1. All employees are required to wear their uniforms that is provided by the
3. All employees should wear decent shoes, preferably closed shoes with
heels for women.
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
The lifeblood of our business is our accessibility and connection to our clients.
Hence, our communication lines are to be kept open under the guidelines in this
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
The company believes that the process of evaluating employees is vital in keeping
the organization productive and ensuring the growth of each member. The policy
written herewith describes the system to be used by the company and employees.
1. Probationary Period
2. Semi-Annual Appraisal
3. Manager’s responsibility
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
This policy shows a clear view on how compensation is affected and computed.
- Performance Appraisal
- Industry Rate
- Tenure or Length of Stay
- Salary Standards declared by law
- Basic Salary
- Overtime
- Allowances
- Undertime/Lates/Absences
- SSS Premium
- Withholding Taxes
- Healthcare/Medical Insurance (optional)
Every 15th and 30th of the month via an ATM employee card. The salary
will be computed based on the following Cut-Off dates:
15th = until the 10th day of the month
30th = until the 25th day of the month
5. Rate of Increase
Regular employees may earn a merit increase on their daily rate. The
percentage of increase given is affected primarily by the appraisal given
by the management, and secondarily, it is given to sustain the annual
cost of living.
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
This policy applies to petty cash expenditures that may arise in the course of daily
business operations.
Personal Cash Advances are allowed provided that the employee has no
outstanding advances that exceeds his monthly Salary. All Personal
Cash Advances shall be deducted from the Basic Monthly Salary of the
Employee or as otherwise approved by his supervisor and as concurred
by the Management
Noted by:
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
a. 13th Month Pay is given to all employees not later than December
24 of every year. The required minimum amount of the 13th
month pay should at least be equal to 1/12 of the total basic
salary earned by an employee within a calendar year.
2. Sales Incentives
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
Full-time employees shall become eligible to receive sick leaves upon regularization
and vacation leaves after completion of one (1) year of service with the company
counting from the date of probationary period.
The following chart shows the number of days allotted for leaves:
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
3. Sick Leaves
Sick leave (or medical leave) shall be taken only when the employee
has a medical problem. Time off due to medical problems of family
members, any other personal needs that require an employee to be
excused from work, should be taken under the appropriate category,
i.e. EVL, leave of absence. Medical certificate is required for absence
of 3 days or more.
Every employee has the right to use sick leaves for any legitimate
illness that may arise. However, the company has the right to ask an
employee to submit medical certification. Such verification would be
needed in the event of extended illness, or where there has been
periodic absence due to sickness.
This is to inform you of the details concerning Maternity & Paternity Leaves:
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
1. Computation for these leaves are based on the SSS & Philhealth guidelines,
2. Please inform HR immediately upon learning of pregnancy.
3. Please remind HR to assist you in filling up Notice Forms to SSS & Philhealth.
4. Please get and keep a copy of the submitted SSS & Philhealth Forms for
easy reference.
5. Please remind HR to assist you 2 to 3 months before birth on the next
process for SSS & Philhealth forms.
1. Pre-Employment Requirements
2. Employee Records
- appointment contract
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
The company believes that an open communication policy is vital for the company’s
success. Everyone in the company deserves to be heard.
General Guideline:
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The company uses a number of methods to encourage qualified persons to join the
company. The following are guidelines for the recruitment procedure:
2. Promotions
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3. Transfers
The company recognizes and accepts the fact that employees in all ranks may
decide to pursue other goals. It is the responsibility of the Administrative Manager to
discuss resignations with the concerned employees, and to find out the cause of
1. The 30-day grace period will be observed in all levels. The decision to
grant a shorter grace period will be left at the discretion of the
Management Team.
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4. The General Manager will meet with the Managers and determine the
priority list for reduction. For example, an employee with low seniority
who also has a low performance rating would be released first. Where
there are individuals on the same level, and only one position remains,
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
the highest ranked person would keep the job while others may be
considered for jobs at lower grades.
Termination of employment may be due to lawful causes, just causes, and authorized
causes. Termination will require the recommendation of the Administrative Manager
and approved by the General Manager.
The Admin Officer is responsible for routing & filing the employee clearance form to
be submitted to the Administrative Manager which will be the basis for the release of
the employee’s last pay slip.
Authorized Causes
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
I have read and understood the Company Policy of [GLLuch & Sons, Inc.]. By
signing this form, I signify my commitment in abiding by the policies of the
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COMPANY LOGO Company Handbook
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