St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church Dana Point, CA: May 22, 2011 Fifth Sunday of Easter

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Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

Dana Point, CA

May 22, 2011 † Fifth Sunday of Easter

St Edward the Confessor
Catholic Church
Phone: 496-1307 ~
Fax: 496-1557
(949) 496-1307
Monday-Friday 8 am - 8 pm
8 am - 5 pm
8 am - 5 pm
33926 Calle La Primavera
Saturday 8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil)
Dana Point, California 92629
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am
12:30 & 5:30 pm
Mon– Friday 8:15 am & 5:30 pm
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm
Holy Day 8:15 am, 5:30 & 7:30 pm
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Sacrament of the Sick
(Confession) In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Par-
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
(and by appointment)
ish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency
after 8 p.m.
Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor Sacrament of Baptism
Extension 2880 Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may
Rev. Chris Heath—Parochial Vicar contact the Office of Religious Education. Infant Baptisms are
Extension 2109 celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following
Rev. Loc Tran - Parochial Vicar catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates.
Extension 2206
Rev. Mario Juarez – Parochial Vicar Celebration of Christian Funerals
Extension 2870 At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish
Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505 office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the
Business Office—429-2874 Funeral Liturgy.
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Christian Service—496-1572 Adults requesting information about full initiation and commun-
Mary Baur, Director
ion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Bap-
Website—481-4000 tism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Office of Re-
Laurie Saine, Assistant to the Pastor
ligious Education.
Music – 496-1307, extension 2872
Rick Dellefield, Director Sacrament of Matrimony
Parish School – 496-1241
The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the
Sharon Rands, Principal part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation
Preschool – 240-8485 for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more informa-
Faith Formation – 496-6011 tion.
Office of Religious Education Eucharistic Adoration
Donna Couch, Director
Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in
Neil Sampson, Confirmation Coordinator prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood
Children’s Ministry and religious life.
Youth Ministry – 496-9719
Gary Foote-Coordinator
Parish Ministries — 496-1307
I Neil Sampson, Coordinator, Extension 2229
Parish Ministries
To assist you in discerning a ministry or for more information,
please contact Neil Sampson, Parish Ministry Coordinator at (949) 496-1307, ext 2229
Liturgical Ministries: Outreach & Support Ministries:
Altar Guild Mary Ann Connolly (949) 240-1164 Binky Patrol Mary Howe (949) 249-2066
Altar Server Deana Progar ((949) 525-7092 Blood Drive Greg Montevideo (949) 493-7605
Alter Server (scheduling) Tom Littlejohn (949) 489-5595 Support Group for Margaret Prendiville (949) 496-7312
Chronic Illness (HELP)
Art & Environment Deana Progar (949) 525-7092
Eucharist Minister Rocco Falabella (949) 240-8037 Christian Service Mary Baur (949) 496-1572
(Food Distribution)
Eucharist Minister to the
LaVerne Klopp (949) 496-1307 x2207 Detention Ministry Diane Wetherbee (949) 489-8016
Sick & Homebound
English & Spanish Lessons Maria Simmons (949) 661-8827
Lector Maureen Walker (949) 374-0506
Music Ministry Rick Dellefield (949) 496-1307 Faith in Action Ellen Loretta (949) 290-5441
Usher Rob Wagner (949) 842-2277 Knight of Columbus Paul Sampson (949) 429-6461
John Di Mare (626) 824-6084 Respect Life Don Walz (949) 493-3134
Youth Music/Faith Out Social Justice Jo & Mel Mothershead (949) 487-2020
Tim Horrigan (949) 496-1307 X2501
Loud St. Vincent de Paul Society Maria Simmons (949) 496-1307
Faith Formation: Tijuana Ministry Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Adult Formation Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Parish Enrichment:
Bible Study Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Bereavement Gerry Holbert (949) 492-5754
Children’s Sunday Liturgy
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500 Finance Council Randy Redwitz (949) 753-1514
of the Word
Confirmation Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307 X2210 Hospitality Esmeralda Troge (949) 362-7495
Elementary Children’s Mary’s Corner Gift Shop Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307
Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Religious Education Pastoral Council Fr. Steve Sallot (949) 496-1307
Infant Baptism Ministry Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500 x2880
Insight (Grade 9-12) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719 Serra Club of South OC Carol Lavigne (949) 240-7621
Outlet (Grade 6-8) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719 Stephen Ministry Catherine Hallett (949) 496-1307
RCIA Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Dan Nichols (949) 496-1307
Sunday Sacramental X2503
Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
Preparation Web Ministry Laurie Saine (949) 481-4000
Family, Faith & Prayer Enrichment: Welcoming Committee Neil Sampson (949) 496-
Adoration Society Deana Progar (949) 525-7092 1307X2229
Circle of Praise Pam Conway (949) 661-0158 Community & Social
Cursillo Dan Abalos (949) 366-3710 Guess Who’s Coming to Donna Rosen (949) 661-2514
Disciples of Divine Mercy Dinner
Deana Progar (949) 525-7092
Cenacle Cub Scouts Mary Litwinski (949) 240-0727
Families of Nazareth Ann Marie Eckl (949)230-0476
Girl Scouts Kristen Stovesand (949) 249-4968
Legion of Mary Margaret Maistrou (949) 215-9897
School and Preschool Ministries:
Marriage Enrichment Joe & Rosemary Sinacori (949) 496-3478
Consultative School Board Jackie Brady (949) 291-6152
Bob & Mary Dausch (949) 481-1102
Campus Ministry Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Natural Family Planning Meredith Thomas (949) 493-5914
Our Lady's Blue Army Ann Mintie (949) 496-4653 Family Photo Fundraiser Nicole Soltis (949)547-0993

Retrouvaille Open Position Fiesta with Friends Lisa Gipe (949) 248-7383
Golf Tournament Kathy & Robt. Hancock (949) 488-8323
Serenity Days Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Spiritual Direction Donna Couch (949) 496-6011 Monarch Main Event Sue Buckley (949) 493-8256

St. Anne’s Circle Charis Williams (949) 481-6194 Tara Newkirk (949) 690-7136
Surf and Scripture Kevin Perkins (949) 370-6924 Parent Guild Org. (PGO) Linda Cook (949) 487-1395
Tuesday Bible Study Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141 Consultative Preschool Christy Pagel (949) 443-1418
Two Hearts Prayer Group Pam Conway (949) 661-0158
School Religion Rikki Daniels (949) 388-9705
Women of Wisdom Shirley Filadelfia (949) 496-1307 Committee
Young Adult Prayer Group Chris Kampmeier (949) 973-6106 School Volunteers Mary Payne (949) 581-7785
Scrip Program Sara Brechbill (949) 498-2044

For a list of descriptions, visit and click on Ministries or pick up a Ministry Directory. II
San Felipe de Jesús Chapel
26010 Domingo Ave
Capistrano Beach, Ca 92624
(949) 496-1307 (St. Edward)

Victor Samano, Deacon

(949) 493-8918 (oficina de San Felipe)

San Felipe Chapel Office Hours

MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Mon., Tues., Thurs.: 5:30—9 p.m.
Sábado 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Domingo 10:00 y 11:30 a.m. MASS IN ENGLISH
Día de Obligación 7:30 p.m. Ministries/Ministerios
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Baile Folklórico Dance Javier Martinez (949) 394-3912
AT ST. EDWARD CHURCH Caballeros de Colon/
Juan Avila (949) 495-1359
Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Sábado 4:00 p.m. Capo Community
Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mariachi Program
Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
LA ADORACION Cenaculo Misionero Anita Uribe (949) 728-0283
al Santisimo Sacramento ADORATION
Choirs/Coros Vidal Ruelas (949) 606-6240
cada primer viernes del mes, of the Blessed Sacrament
Eucharistic Ministry
8am—7:00pm 1st Friday of every month, (English)
Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
8am—7:00pm. Ministros Eucarísticos
EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA HORARIO Luis Rodriguez (949) 400-0206
Lunes y Martes 5:30-8:30pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Faith Formation/
Martha Samano (949) 493-8918
(949) 493-8918 Educación Religiosa
Jóvenes Para Cristo Osvaldo Sandoval (949) 297-4302
BAUTISMOS BAPTISMS Lectors (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
Pláticas: primer martes de cada The 2nd Saturday of each month Lectores (Spanish) Rafael Ocampo (949) 275-6689
mes. Bautismo: segundo sábado at 11 a.m. The class is the 1st Marriage Encounter/
Jose & Raquel Sosa (949) 249-8521
de cada mes Tuesday of the month from Encuentro Matrimonial
6:30—8:30 pm. Mendoza Choir/Coro Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110
Mission Hospital Health
QUINCEAÑERAS EN SN. EDUARDO To arrange baptisms, Ministry
Miguel Martinez (949) 364-7723
Tercer sábado de cada mes marriages and other events Osorio Choir/Coro Teresa Osorio (949) 981-6269
please contact Quinceañera Raquel Mares (949) 456-5988
BODAS San Felipe de Jesús R.C.I.A./R.I.C.A. Martha Rodriguez (949)842-7186
Llamar 6 meses (949) 493-8918 San Felipe Choir/Cora Oralia Benetiz (949)842-9512
con anticipación Registration forms are Ushers/Ujieres Alberto Sierra (949) 388-8650
Maria Dolores Padilla (949) 973-7210
available at the church or online
Vidas en Transformacion Bertha Cardenas (949) 257-9030
EMERGENCIA at Youth Choir/
Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560
En caso de una enfermedad seria, Coro Juvenil
emergencia médica, un EMERGENCY
fallecimiento o por la necesidad In the event of serious illness or Contribuciones Semanales
de recibir la unción de los enfer- medical emergency, Anointing Meta $ 4,000
mos y la Eucaristía, llame a la of the Sick and Eucharist may be Utimo domingo: $ 2,172
oficina de Sn. Eduardo el arranged by contacting the St.
2011 PSA
Confesor al (949) 257-8017 para Edward Parish Office. Call (949) San Felipe de Jesus
una emergencia después de las 257-8017 for a medical emer- PSA Goal $ 18,000
Amount Pledged $ 8,228
8pm. gency after 8:00 p.m. Amount Paid $ 4,323
Pledges 46
May 22 2011 † Fifth Sunday of Easter

Meditando la Palabra Meditating on the Word

El pasaje del evangelio de san Juan que hoy escuchamos The passage from John's Gospel we hear today leads us to
nos lleva a un momento de la Última Cena: Jesús percibe a moment during the Last Supper. Jesus see something is
lo que está pasando en el “pequeño rebaño” de sus discí- happening to His "little flock" of his disciples, whom he
pulos, a quienes quiere preparar para su crucifixión y su wants to prepare for his crucifixion and his departure. In
partida. En el relato de Juan aparece lo sensible que es John's account we see how sensitive Jesus is to the needs
Jesús a la necesidad de sus amigos: “No pierdan la Paz. Si of his friends: "Do not let your hears be troubled. You
have faith in God; have faith also in me. "(John 14:1). It is
creen en Dios, crean también en mi” (Jn 14, 1). Pero es más
much easier to hear those words than to live them, the
fácil oír esas palabras que vivirlas; porque el corazón de los hearts of the disciples was filled with anxiety because they
discípulos está lleno de turbación por el destino fatal que feel threatened by the fatal destiny.
sienten los amenaza.
El consuelo y el valor que Jesús les ofrece tiene relación The comfort and value that Jesus offers is directly related
directa con su fe en él; porque un corazón turbado sólo to their faith in Him, a troubled heart can only find peace
puede encontrar paz en el que es nuestra paz. Los discípu- in the one that is our peace. The disciples are thinking that
los están pensando que la partida de Jesús es un abandono Jesus' departure means He is abandoning them and His
y que su presencia entre ellos no ha sido sino un episodio presence was just a period of failed hopes and dreams, but
más de esperanzas y sueños fracasados; pero eso está muy that is far from being true.
lejos de ser verdadero.
Jesus does not try to calm troubled hearts with those sim-
Jesús no trata de calmar aquellos corazones perturbados ple words or promises that cannot be met. He will leave
con palabras fáciles o con promesas que no pueden ser his disciples, but his departure is not abandonment, but a
cumplidas. Él va a dejar a sus discípulos; pero su partida no preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus must
es un abandono, sino una preparación para la venida del return to the Father for the Holy Spirit, to be sent to
Espíritu Santo. Jesús debe regresar al Padre para que el dwell in the heart of every disciple, because only when the
Espíritu Santo, el Paráclito, pueda ser enviado a habitar en Holy Spirit comes to dwell in our hearts, fear and anxiety
el corazón de cada discípulo; porque sólo cuando el Pará- can be replaced by a peace the world can neither give nor
clito viene a habitar en nuestros corazones, el miedo y a la take away.
ansiedad pueden ser substituidos por una paz que el mun-
Jesus is the way to the Father, and that road is the way of
do no puede ni dar ni quitar.
the cross. Jesus is the source of eternal life, every time we
Jesús es el camino al Padre, y ese camino es también el eat His flesh and drink His blood, we pass from death to
camino de la cruz. Jesús es la fuente de vida eterna: cada life. The cross is not a symbol of disgrace or defeat, but
vez que comemos su carne y bebemos su sangre, pasamos the symbol of the suffering and love of God, which is the
de la muerte a la vida. La cruz no es un símbolo de desgra- only thing that can give us eternal life.
cia o de derrota, sino el símbolo del amor sufriente de
Dios, que es lo único que nos puede dar vida eterna. Jesus must return to the Father to send the Holy Spirit.
Jesús debe regresar al Padre para enviar al Espíritu Santo. The same Spirit sent by Jesus to the hearts of the disciples
El mismo Espíritu enviado por Jesús al corazón de los discí- is also for us. “That our hearts not be troubled.” Believe in
pulos es también para nosotros. ¡Que no se perturben Jesus, and that we see in him the love of the Father, and
we have the courage and confidence to follow Jesus, the
nuestros corazones! Creamos en Jesús, y veamos en él el
Way, Truth and Life. A good way to obtain all of this is
amor del Padre, y tengamos el valor y la confianza para
our participation in the Eucharist.
seguir a Jesús, camino, verdad y vida. Una buena manera de
obtener todo esto es nuestra participación en la Eucaristía.

Father Mario A. Juárez

Pbro. Mario A. Juárez

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

Parish Events

More information: Mary Slagle Fiesta Chairperson (949)370-0743

Fun for the entire family! Rides, Games, Prizes, Food

Refreshments, Entertainment, Opportunity Drawing, Country store! Advertise
your business!


FRIDAY 5-10 P.M.
SUNDAY 12-8 P.M.

FRIDAY – May 21
6:00-10:00 Barrelhouse Rockers Classic Rock

12:00 - 12:30 Numb Desire Rock
1:30 – 4:30 Country Roots Country Rock
5:00 – 6:30 Flashpoint Classic Rock & Oldies
7:00 – 10:00 BIG Old School R & B Funk

SUNDAY – May 23
12:00 – 1:00 George Lawton Folk and Blues
1:00 – 1:30 Capistrano Community Mariachi Program
1:30 – 3:00 Breaking Point Classic Rock
3:00 – 3:30 Aniar Academy Irish Dance
3:30 – 5:30 Perfect Stranger Classic Rock
6:00 – 8:30 Cheap Date Classic Rock

Advertise your business

Fiesta is just around the corner (Friday, May 20 – Sunday, May 22)!! Take advantage of this high-visibility com-
munity event by advertising your business and becoming a Fiesta sponsor now! All donations are tax-
deductible and the funds raised will go toward our parish’s faith formation program and our school’s ongoing
efforts to keep Catholic education affordable for all families. More information and sponsorship
forms can be found on the church website at: , questions, contact Maureen McAn-
drews (949)633-5857

Opportunity Drawing ticket are on sale

No Luck at LOTTO? Try the Fiesta Raffle This year's Prizes; 1st winner- $5,000.00
2nd winner- $3,000.003rd winner- $1,000.00
Questions? Contact Chrissy Nordheim 498-9027 or Siobhan Ulnick 492-4061

Have some extra time and would like to help at Fiesta?

Call Anne Kerbrat (949)489-7754 or Chris Rogers (949)831-6441
General question Mary Slagle, Fiesta Chairperson (949)370-0743

May 22 2011 † Fifth Sunday of Easter

Up Front Ministry News

Memorial Day
Monday May 30, 2011
Ministry Fair
A time to gather as community,
A time to learn about our Parish Ministries,
No 5:30 p.m. Mass A time to enjoy the weather & admire the view!
June 5th, 2011
Parish Office will be closed Following our...
Mass Services.
Refreshments will be provided
by our Hospitality Committee.
Join us!
Managed by the Welcoming Committee.
Want to help?
Call Neil Sampson 949-496-1307X2229


Este campamento es para niños/as de 7 a 13 años de
edad. Es patrocinado por la conferencia de San Vicente
de Paul de la parroquia de San Eduardo. El programa
ofrece becas de $300.00 dólares para participar 5 días en
el campamento “Circle V Ranch” ubicado cerca de Santa
Barbara. El campamento será del sábado 23 de julio has-
ta el jueves 28 de julio, 2011
Las inscripciones serán el sábado, 4 de junio después de
la Misa de 5:30 p.m. y el domingo 5 de junio después de
las Misas de las 10:00 a.m. y 11:30 a.m. Favor de traer la
tarjeta de vacunas de su niño/a que desee inscribir en el
10 A.M. Thursday, May 26, 2011
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Irvine. FREE SUMMER CAMP
You are invited to attend the annual Catholic Charities
This camp is for children from 7 to 13 years of age. It is
Auxiliary of the Diocese of Orange Benefit Luncheon.
sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul of St. Edward Parish.
This luncheon will honor the Catholic Women of the The program offers scholarships of $300.00 dollars to
Year Volunteers from all parishes. Bishop Tod D. participate 5 days at "Circle V Ranch" located near Santa
Brown will present certificates to the nominees and Barbara. The camp will be from Saturday July 23 to
announce the “Catholic Women of the Year”. Mail Thursday July 28, 2011
reservation check of $60 per person or $600 for a
table of 10 to Mrs. Evangeline Gawronski, 1426 S. Enrollment will be on Saturday, June 4 after the 5:30 p.m.
Birch St., Santa Ana, CA 92707. For additional informa- Mass and on Sunday, June 5 after the 10:00 a.m. and
tion email or call 714-541-8971. 11:30 a.m. Masses. Please bring immunization records
for your child that wishes to enroll in the program.
St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

Please Pray For...

The Sick In Memoriam
Gary Stuart Dr. Michael Shannon
Bob White George Infante
Linda Blake June Fossheim Vicki Bufalino
Marni Fisher Monica Malt Dimitrius Vakaleris
Kathleen Rudel John Dupuis
Peggy Miller Steve Baur
Tom Chiarello Margie Davis
Kevin Allen Mary Heyer
Gordon Dye J. C. Ruelas
Bob Dunbar
Rose Mendoza
Armando Altamirano
Sabina Monroe
Mass Intentions
Ernie Smith Maryann Martin
David Armstrong Molly Comito Sunday May 22
Betty Johnson Gloria Cardenas 7:30 a.m. Rosa Rodriguez †
Dan Mc Ginn Steven Marino 8:00 a.m. SF Chase Church †
Mary Norman Jim Donley Sr. Jean Baptiste †
Joseph Gavin †
Please remember in your prayers… Roger Kehew†
9:00 a.m. Gladys West †
Our armed forces and their families. 11:00 a.m. Emmanuel Infeliz
Pray For Peace. 12:30 p.m. Patrick Noonan †
If you or a family member are ill and would like to 5:30 p.m. John Antonucci †
be included in our prayers or are in need of a Monday May 23
8:15 a.m. Sal & Sherri Scarantino
priest, please contact the parish office at 496-1307. 5:30 p.m. Raymond Baca †
Tuesday May 24
Deceased 8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Michael Fallon †
Cecilia Casanova †
May 22: Fidencio Sanchez (1976), William Ryan (2005) Wednesday May 25
May 23: Teresita Garcia (2002), Charlotte Pindar (2003), 8:15 a.m. Ray Butters †
5:30 p.m. Harvey Tessier †
Jocelynne Praisler (2006),
Thursday May 26
May 24: James M. Palmer (1997), Teresa Blaeser (2004),
8:15 a.m. Judith Leseth †
Teresa Remer (2004), Florence Hubbard (2007) 5:30 p.m. Douglas Fernandez †
May 25: Robert Redd (1979), Michael Farrier (1996), Friday May 27
Kenneth Neil Vaughan (1998), Sharon Flynn (2002), 8:15 a.m. Mary Cunningham †
Richard Pasqualino(2004), Katherine Fisher (2004, 5:30 p.m. Eileen Kidder †
Frances McQuade (2007), Michael P. Reddy (2007), Saturday May 28
May 26: Bernard V. Smith (1997), Clarence Sanders (1997), 8:15 a.m. Clay Eckert †
Joseph Varholick (2003), Robert Kelley (2005), 5:30 p.m. Ralph Guido †
Jonathan Lear (2010) Sunday May 29
May 27: Clara Matern (1970), Jack Laughlin (1992), 7:30 a.m. Ruth Eisenhuth †
Elizabeth Dow (1995), 8:00 a.m. SF Chase Church †
Ernest Marcel Jerom Van Dorpe (1997), Joseph Gavin †
Dirk Randall Vandenberg (1998), Lauretta Sliney (2002), Albert Rhoden †
Robert Murphy (2007) Joyce Bonus †
May 28: Connie Panici (1991), Miles Gagnon (2001), 9:00 a.m. John Antonucci †
Helen Sgambellone (2003),John Russell (2005) 11:00 a.m. Lawrence Whitman †
May 29: Paul O'Sullivan (1974), Paul Yorba (1980), 12:30 p.m. Charles Dodson †
Col. Richard James Collins II, USMC (1999), 5:30 p.m. Daniel Mc Laughlin †
VII Mary Ellen Gibbs (2000)
May 22, 2011 † Fifth Sunday of Easter

Good Stewards All Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m.— Monday-Saturday Rosary, Morning Prayer
(Liturgy of the Hours)
In the month of April, 2011 8:15 a.m.—Mass—Monday through Saturday
5:15 p.m.—Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours, except
St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus Sat.)
5:30 p.m.—Mass (Saturday is Sunday’s Liturgy)
ministries provided: We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!
Baptisms: 30 Individuals
Weddings :
7 Couples
1 Young Woman Scripture Readings
Bereavement: 5 Funerals Monday: Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18;
John 14:21-26
Christian Service ... Tuesday: Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28;
Food Distribution *: 122 Families John 14:27-31a
(181 adults, 149 children) Wednesday Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6;
Services provided: 46 John 15:1-8
Referrals provided: 30 Thursday: Acts of the Apostles 15:7-21;
John 15:9-11
* Food Distribution is sponsored by Friday: Acts of the Apostles 15:22-31
St. Vincent de Paul and administered by John 15:12-17
St. Edward’s Christian Service Ministry. Saturday: Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10;
John 15:18-21
Sunday: Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8, 14-17;
Your Contributions … 1Peter 3:15-18; John 14:15-21

Last week/ month

Last Week ………………………. $ 20,695
Wedding Banns
Parish Pay (monthly)-April/Easter…. $ 84,813 David Hokens & Andrea Uxa, May 28, 2011
José Castro & Amalia Vazquez, May 28, 2011
Last year—same week/month Marco Berber & Angelica Muñiz, May 28, 2011
Same week 2010. ………………….. $ 20,541 Maximo Cruz & Arcadia Teran, June 3, 2011
Last Year’s Parish Pay —April/Easter $ 79,160 Joseph Fentross & Nina Anh Phan, June 4, 2011
Michael Weishaar & Laura Roybal, June 4, 2011
Thank you for your generosity! Joel Diaz & Nancy Pimentel, June 11, 2011
Mauricio Lizama & Maria Caudillo, June 11, 2011
Rodolfo Martinez & Maria Rodriguez, June 11, 2011
Juan Espino & Mayia Grandoz, June 11, 2011
2011 Annual PSA
St. Edward the Confessor and Weekly Calendar
San Felipe de Jesus
Combined PSA Goal $211,000 Monday May 23
8:45 a.m. Cursillo, Cry Room
Pledges: 431 Tuesday May 24
Amount pledged: $ 170,173 6:00 p.m. Blue Army, Church
Amount paid: $ 125,963 8:45 a.m. Circle of Praise, Church Cry Rm.

St. Edward The Confessor Catholic Church

From the Office for Parish … Faith Formation

Our office is located on the Knight Hall side of the rectory . We can be reached
by calling 496-6011 or on the web:
End of Year Information: TO BECOME CATHOLIC EVEN
Remaining Insight for this year is: WHEN YOU HAPPEN TO BE ONE
Wednesday 25th If you have recently returned to your faith,
(that could mean physically, mentally or
Final Confirmation 2 class is: spiritually) or are just feeling a little inade-
Sunday May 22nd
quate in the adult faith formation department,
Final F.I.S.H. class is: we invite you to come and talk to staff and
Sunday June 5th parishioners about how to become a more
informed , spiritual, and mature believer.
Your whole family can FIGHT HUNGER in Misconceptions about the Catholic faith
Orange County St. Edward Family Ministries abound! Join our discussion on MONDAY,
joins Second Harvest Food Bank GLEAN- MAY 23 at 7:00 P.M. in Knight Hall.
ING for GOD* Sat., June 25th 8am— Bring a friend! All are welcome!
gather at St. Ed’s for prayer and instruc-
tions; 9am--11am picking crops on Irvine On-Line Registration for
field. PICKING CROPS FOR THE Religious Education
POOR is biblically based. In Old Testament Classes for the 2011-12
days farmers left corners of their acreage year begins late June.
unpicked for widows and orphans. What
Keep checking the St.
better way to kick off your family summer
Edward website to complete
than to join our St. Edward the Confessor
Parish Family in this Christian Service Pro-
your on-line registration.
ject! Questions? Just call 496-6011.

We’ll carpool from St. Edward’s parking lot Simply go to

at 8:15AM. Maps will Click on Faith Formation
be given out to driv- you will be directed from there!
Remember: Confirmation ONE students
Signed volunteer from 2010-11 MUST RE-REGISTER for
waivers are Confirmation TWO!
needed—and Remember also that St. Edward school
handed out on Sat. 8th graders must register for
morning. Bring your Confirmtation I. They are NOT
insurance/medical automatically placed in classes!
info please.
Bring drinking wa- Please join Bible Study for Scripture
ter, sun hats, sunscreen, buckets or large Studies beginning on Sept. 20, 2011,
plastic bags, and gloves. when they will be studying the Letter of
Sign up now! Call Gloria Fetta, Director of James.More information is available on
Family Ministries, at 481-0882 or email the Parish web-site or by calling 496- to get on the list. 6011.

May 22, 2011 † Fifth Sunday of Easter
(HELP, EMPATHY, LOVE, & PRAYER) With budget and tax issues to be debated
SUPPORT GROUP FOR THOSE WITH ANY in coming weeks, the charitable deduction
CHRONIC ILLNESS AND/OR CAREGIVERS may be at risk. Studies have shown that tax
Please join us June 13th from 4 p.m. to 5:30 policy greatly affects the number and
p.m. in the church meeting room to pray together and amount of charitable donations. Our parish-
discuss practical treatment and issues such as nutrition, ioners donate money to the Christian Service Ministry
exercise, rest, and stress relief. If you need information and SVDP Conference here at St. Edward to provide
regarding referrals or home or hospital visits, please call
food and financial assistance to the homeless and
Maggie Prendiville, RN, MS at 496--7312.
—————–——————— needy. Please stay informed on this important issue
and voice your thoughts to the President and your
elected representatives in Congress.
If not You, Who?
If not Here, Where?
Knights of Columbus
If not Now, When? Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism
If not for the Sake of the Gospel, Why?
(From Bulletin of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus
Golf Tournament
and Mary) Aliso Viejo C.C. August 29, 2011
Help us bring justice to those with no voice! Contact Jim Shipe at 413-7672
Join our Catholic Social Justice Ministry! The Golf Carts Sponsor $500 - Signage on all
next meeting is: 6/14/11, 6:45 p.m., in the Golf Carts, Promotional Items included in
Church Meeting Room. Registration Bags, and Special Acknowledgement.
—————–——————— Sponsor Contact: Mike Chapman 547-0767
Join a Cause Bigger than Yourself
“Christ Caring for People through People.” (1.8 million brothers have)
Discouraged? Lonely? Catholic gentlemen from 18 & up can help our community.
Suffering Alone? Help Is Available. Please contact Tim Kosor, Membership Director
Sometimes we fall in a trap and think it's a 949-378-1599 ·
sign of weakness to ask for help. When Visit our website at
we're stressed, we try keeping our strug- ————–———————
gles hidden. However, that's not God's plan. Galatians
6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the
law of Christ." God wants us to care for others--and
Serra Club of S. Orange County
Fostering Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life
allow others to care for us. A Stephen Minister is ready
to provide that confidential care. If you or someone
you know is hurting, call 949-496-1307 x 2503 or email
Msgr. John Sammon Fund
Please Help Serrans to
Raise Money for our Retired Priests.
Monsignor John Sammon Fund
Respect Life C/O Sandy Bigelow, Orange Catholic Foundation
2811 E Villa Real Dr, Orange, CA 92867
STD AND THE MORNING AFTER PILL Serrans meet the 3rd Monday of each month
(A) study compared areas where the morning after pill was after the 5:30pm Mass with dinner, guest speaker
and prayer at St. Edward School in Dana Point.
distributed to minors ... where it was not controlled for the If you care to promote Vocations within our
level of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The professors community, join us.
discovered that handing out the pills did not reduce the rate
Say ‘”YES’ to the Lord. He maybe calling you.
of pregnancy, but it did increase the level of STDs, by about
For More Information: Contact Carol LaVigne
12% where it was available for free from pharma- (949) 240-7621
cies. Nottingham University, Girma and Patton WWW.SERRA.ORG

St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church

Around the Diocese

Save the date! Our 40-year reunion will be held on Satur-
day, October 15, 2011 on the Mater Dei campus. Help
us spread the word and find our missing classmates. If you
or one of your family members was a member of the Class
of ’71, and are not a member of the MD 1971 Facebook
group, please contact Kathi Delaney Launius at md71reun- or 714-747-2025.
St. Angela Merici
May 23, 2011 at 7:15 p.m.
“Christ’s Healing Presence” is the theme Fr. Mathew
Munoz will address at the Mass of Healing he will celebrate
Monday, May 23, 2011 at 7:15 p.m. at St. Angela Merici
Catholic Church in Brea.
All those suffering physically, emotionally, spiritually, psy-
chologically, or know others who are, are encouraged to
come. All are most welcome.
For information call Marnie (562) 697-0297.
La Renovación Carismática Católica en la Diócesis de Or-
ange Cordialmente les invita a su “IX evento de Pente-
Cuando: 11 de junio del 2011.
Horario: de 8am a 8pm.
Lugar: Convention Center de Anaheim
800 W. Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92802

Habrá Conferencistas, Predicación, Alabanza,

Eucaristía –Oficiada por nuestro Obispo Tod D. Brown–
& Hora Santa
¡La entrada es GRATUITA y habrá cuidado de ni-
Para más información por favor de llamar:
Yaneth (714)261-8698, Ivan (714) 341-5758,
Eloisa (714) 585-0874


Circle Thursday June 5 on your calendar for an evening

of “Living Catholic Marriage”, a series of topics to help
husbands and wives communicate better and grow
stronger in their faith. We will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the
2nd floor Parish Room at St. Edward School. Come join
us! For more information call Bob & Mary Dausch at 481-


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