EE3706 - Chapter 5 - Operational Amplifiers

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Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

I. Introduction.

II. Operational amplifier.

III. Ideal Op Amp.

VI. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier.

V. Summing amplifier.

VI. Difference amplifier.

VII. Cascaded Op Amp circuits

VIII. Applications
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

I. Introduction

 The operational amplifier (op amp) is an electronic unit that behaves like a
voltage-controlled voltage source.

 An op amp can: sum signals, amplify, integrate, or differentiate a signal.

 Nowadays, op amp are popular in practical circuit designs because they are
versatile, inexpensive, easy to use …

 This chapter presents the ideal op amp first and consider the non-ideal op amp

 Using nodal analysis as a tool, we consider ideal op amp circuits such as the
inverter, voltage follower, summer and difference amplifier.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

II. Operational amplifiers

 An OP AMP is an active circuit element designed to perform
mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, differentiation, and integration. An op amp package

 The op amp is an electronic device consisting of a complex arrangement of

resistor, transistor, capacitor, and diodes  treat them as a circuit building
block, study what takes place at its terminals.

 There are several important terminal in an op amp:

 The inverting input: pin 2 (-)
 The non-inverting input: pin 3 (+) Dual in-line package of op amp

 The output: pin 6

 The positive power supply V+: pin 7
 The negative power supply V-: pin 4

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

II. Operational amplifiers

i1 8 +

 An op amp must be powered by a voltage supply 2 i0
6 -
which are often ignored in op amp circuit diagram, 1
i2 5 -
but the power supply currents must not be overlook.

i0  i1  i 2  i  i 
 The equivalent circuit model of a non-ideal op amp:
 The output section: Voltage-controlled source A.vd in
series with output resistance R0.
The equivalent circuit of the
 Ri: Thevenin equivalent resistance seen at input terminals non-ideal op amp

 R0: Thevenin equivalent resistance seen at the output

 Voltage output: v0  A.vd  A.(v2  v1 ) A: Open-loop voltage gain (gain of the

op amp without any external feedback
from output to input.
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

II. Operational amplifiers

 Table shows typical parameter values of op am:

Parameter Typical range Ideal value

Open-loop gain, A 105 - 108 ∞
Input resistance, Ri 106 - 1013 Ω ∞Ω
Output resistance, R0 10 - 100 Ω 0Ω
Supply voltage, Vcc 5 - 24 V

 Op amp can operate in three modes, depending on the vd

 Positive saturation: v0 = Vcc

 Linear region: -Vcc ≤ v0 = A.vd ≤ Vcc

 Negative saturation: v0 = -Vcc

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

II. Operational amplifiers 741 parameter Value

Ex 5.1: Find the closed-loop gain V0 / Vs. Determine Open-loop gain, A 2.105
Input resistance, Ri 2MΩ
current i when Vs = 2V
Output resistance, R0 50 Ω
 Using the op amp model, we obtain the equivalent R2

circuit  applying the nodal analysis gives: 20kΩ i

R1 1 3
VS  V1 V1 V1  V0 2VS  V0 7
 At node 1:    V1  10kΩ
4 0 +
R1 Ri R2 3 vS 741 v0
 At node 0: -

 V1  V0 V0  AVd
   V1  V0  400( V0  2.106.V1 )
 R2 RO R2

 V i
 0  1.9999699
 Vd   V1 R1 R0
Vs 1
10kΩ 50Ω 0
2V  V - R A.Vd
V1  S 0  20,067 V VS Vd i +
2MΩ -
 When vs = 2V: 3
V V
 i  1 0  0,2mA
R2 6
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

III. Ideal op amp

 An ideal op amp is an amplifier with infinite open-loop gain (A = ∞), infinite input
resistance (Ri = ∞), and zero output resistance (RO = 0).

 Important characteristics of an ideal op amp: i1 = 0 -

+ i2 = 0 Vd 7
 The currents into both input terminal are zero 4 +
V1 + +
i1  0 ; i2  0 -
V2 =V1
- -

 The voltage across the input terminals is small

Vd  V2  V1  0 ; V1  V2

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

III. Ideal op amp

Ex 5.2: Considering 741 op amp as an ideal op amp. Calculate the V0 /Vs. Find i0
when vs = 1V
i2 = 0
V2 3
 As an ideal op amp, we have: V2  VS i1 = 0
4 i0
 Since i1 = 0  R1 and R2 are in series VS 741
R2 0

V0 V R1
40kΩ +
V1  R1  0 5kΩ
20kΩ V0
R1  R2 9 -

V0 V0
 From these equations, we have: VS   9
9 VS

V0 V0  V0  9V
 Applying KCL at node 0 gives: i0   VS 1
 
R1  R2 20.103
i0  0,65mA

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier R2

IV.1. Inverting amplifier R1 V1 3

 Applying KCL at node 1: i1 1 7
V2 4 +
Vi  V1 V1  V0 Vi V0
i1  i2   V V R

R1 R2  i   0  V0   2 Vi -
R1 R2 R1
 Ideal op amp: 1 V  V  0 R2
2 V0   Vi
 Notes:
 The voltage gain AV   depends only on the external element
connected to the op amp.
 A key feature of the inverting amplifier is that both the + +
R1 - R V
Vi +  f Vi 0
input signal and the feedback are applied at the - R1 -
inverting terminal of the op amp.

 The inverting amplifier is used in a current to voltage converter.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier

IV.1. Inverting amplifier

Ex 5.3: Calculate the output voltage v0 and the current through R1 and R2 if vi = 0,5V
 This is an inverting amplifier
R 25 R1 3
V0   2 .Vi   .0,5  1,25V 10kΩ 7
R1 10 4 +
Vi 741 V0
 Calculating the current though the R1 -
Vi  0 0,5
i R1   3
 50 A
R1 10.10

 Calculating the current though the R2

V0  0 1.25
i R2   3
 50 A
R2 25.10

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier R2

IV.1. Inverting amplifier R1 3
4kΩ 4 +
Ex 5.4: Calculate the output voltage V0
6V V0
 Applying KCL at node 3:
6  V3 V3  VO 6  V3 V3  VO
  
R1 R2 4 10

 Because of an ideal op amp, we have V3 = V4 = 4V

6  4 4  VO
   VO  1V
4 10

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier i2


IV.2. Non-inverting amplifier

R1 i1 3
 A non-inverting amplifier is an op amp circuit designed 4 +
to provide a positive voltage gain: Vi
 Input voltage Vi is applied directly at the non-
inverting input terminal.

 R1 is connected between the ground and the inverting terminal.

0  V3 V3  V0
i1  i2    Vi Vi  V0  R
R1 R2    V0   1  2  Vi
R1 R2  R1 
V3  V4  Vi

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier

IV.2. Non-inverting amplifier 7
4 +
 Note: Vi V0 = Vi
 If R2 = 0 or R1 = ∞  the voltage gain becomes 1
 In this case, the circuit is call a voltage follower (or unity gain amplifier)

 Characteristic of voltage follower:

 A very high input impedance 4
First stage stage
 Useful as an intermediate - stage
(or buffer) amplifier to isolate one Voltage follower used to isolate two
cascaded stages of a circuit
circuit from another.

 Minimize interaction between the two stages and eliminate inter-stage

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier R2

IV.2. Non-inverting amplifier 10kΩ
R1 3
Ex 5.5: Calculate the output voltage V0 4kΩ 7
4 +

 Using superposition lets: VO  VO1  VO2 6V 4V

 VO1 is due to the 6V voltage source

 VO2 is due to the 4V voltage source

 Calculate VO1: Set the 4V voltage source to zero, the circuit becomes an inverter.
R2 10
VO1   6   6  15V
R1 4
 Calculate VO2: Set the 6V voltage source to zero, the circuit becomes an non-
inverter amplifier  R2   10 
VO2   1   4   1   4  14V
 R1   4
 VO  VO1  VO2  1V
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier R2

IV.2. Non-inverting amplifier R1 3
Ex 5.6: Calculate the output voltage V0 R3 2kΩ 4 +
R4 V0
3V 8kΩ

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

IV. Inverting – Non-inverting amplifier

IV.2. Non-inverting amplifier
Ex 5.7: Find iS, v1, v2, il. Compare with
the case in which source & load are
connected directly.
 OP AMP is ideal: vS
iS  0; v1  v2  vS ; il 
 The voltage follower does not draw any current
from the source vS

 VS reaches the load with no reduction caused by

the load current (load current is supplied by the OP
vS Rl
 Isolate source and load. iS  il  ; v1  v2  vS
Rl  RS Rl  RS 16
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

V. Summing amplifier
 A summing amplifier is an op amp circuit that combines several inputs and
produces an output that is the weighted sum of the inputs.

 The summing amplifier is a variation of the inverting i1

V1 R1 Rf i
amplifier i
V2 R2 2 0
a 7
i3 i +
 Applying KCL at node a gives: V3 R3

0 V0
Va  VO V1  Va V2  Va V3  Va -
i  i1  i2  i3    
Rf R1 R2 R3

 Note that: Va = 0 (ideal op amp)

 Rf Rf Rf 
 VO    V1  V2  V3 
 R1 R2 R3 

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

V. Summing amplifier
R1 5kΩ Rf 10kΩ
Ex 5.7: Calculate V0 and i0 in the op amp circuit 2V
R2 a 3
2,5kΩ 7
 This is a summer with two inputs 1V b
4 i0
2kΩ VO
 Applying the equation of summing amplifier gives:

 Rf Rf   10 10 
VO    V1  V2     .2    8V
 R1 R2   5 2,5 

 The current i0 is the sum of the currents through the 10-kΩ and 2-kΩ resistor

VO  Va VO  Vb 8 8
i0      4,8mA
10 2 10 2

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

 A difference (differential) amplifier is a device that amplifies the difference
between two inputs but rejects any signals common to the two inputs.
 Applying KCL at node a gives: R2

V1  Va Va  V0  R2  R Va
  V0    1 Va  2 V1
R1 3
R1 R2  R1  R1 R3 0 4
V1 Vb
 Applying KCL at node b gives: V0
V2  Vb Vb R4 -
  Vb  V2
R3 R4 R3  R4

 Note that: Va = Vb (ideal op amp):  R1 

1  
 R2  R4 R2 R2  R2  R
V0    1 V2  V1  V0  V2  2 V1
 R1  R3  R4 R1 R1  R3  R1
1  
 R4 
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

 Since a difference apmlifier must reject a signal common to the two inputs
V0 = 0 when V1 = V2 R2

R R Va
 This properties exists when: 1  3
R1 3
R2 R4 R3 0 4
V1 Vb
 The op amp circuit is a difference amplifier V0
 V0  2  V2  V1 

 If R2 = R1, and R3 = R4, the difference amplifier becomes a subtractor V0  V2  V1

 Remarks:
 The difference amplifier is also known as the subtractor

 The difference amplifier are used in various applications (instrumentation

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

Ex 5.8: Design an op amp circuit with inputs V1 and V2 such that V0 = -5V1 + 3V2
 Solution 1: Using only one op amp
3 
 Rewrite: V0  5V1  3V2  5 V2  V1 
5 
R2 R2
 Applying the difference amplifier equation: V0   2 1
V  V  5
R1 R1
 R1   1
 1   1 5 
R2  R2  R2
 In the other word: V0  V2  V1  5   V  5V
2 1
R1  R3  R1  R3 
1  1 
 R4   R4 
 1
1 5  3  Choose:
     2  1 R3  R  R R1  10k ; R2  50k
3 4
 R3  5 R4
1  R3  R4  20k
 R4  21
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

Ex 5.8: Design an op amp circuit with inputs V1 and V2 such that V0 = -5V1 + 3V2

 Solution 2: Using > 01 op amp  inverting amplifier + 2-inputs inverting summer.

 For the summer: V0   Va  5V1 5R1
R1 3
7 5R1 3
4 Va 7
 For the inverter: Va  3V2 R1
4 V0

 Combining 02 op amps: V0 = 3V2 - 5V1

 Selecte the resistor value: R1  10k;

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

Ex 5.9: Find the relationship between V0 and 02 - inputs of an instrumentation
amplifier. V
7 O1 R1 R2
 There are not current into A1, and A2, the V1 0
Va 3
current I flows through the 3 resisters R4 7
i 4 A3
0 V0
V01  V02  i (2R3  R4 ) Vb
V  Vb 3
 But: i  a ; Va  V1 ; Vb  V2 7 R1
R4 VO2 R2

V  V2 V2
 Therefore: i  1

 The relationship between inputs and output of an intrumentation amplifier:

R2  2R3 
V0   1    V2  V1 
R1  R4 
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VI. Difference amplifier

Ex 5.10: Obtain i0 in the instrumentation amplifier circuit.
7 R2 40kΩ
8V R1 3
R1 4
i0 R3
3 20kΩ R2
7 40kΩ 10kΩ


Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VII. Cascaded op amp circuits

 A cascade connection is a head-to-tail arragement of two or more op amp circuits
such that the output of one is the input of the next.
 Characteristics:
 Each op amp circuit in the string is called a stage.
 Op amp circuits can be cascaded without changing their input-output
relationships beacause:
 Infinite input resistance.

 Zero output resistance.

 The original input signal is increased by the gain of the individual stage.

A  A1. A2 . A3

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VII. Cascaded op amp circuits 4

7 a 4
Ex. 5.11: Find V0 and i0 in the circuit 3
R1 12kΩ i0
 The circuit consists of two non-
20mV R3 10kΩ
b VO
inverting amplifiers cascaded R2
3kΩ R4
 At a point: -
 R1 
Va   1   20  100mV
 R2 
 R3 
 At the output of the second op amp: VO   1   Va  350mV
 R4 
 The current i0 flows through the 10kΩ resistor

VO  Vb Vb  Va (350  100).103
i0    i0  3
 25 A
R3 10.10

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VII. Cascaded op amp circuits

Ex. 5.12: Find V0 A R2 6kΩ

R1 3
V1=1V R5 5kΩ C
4 a
R7 10kΩ

R4 8kΩ 7
4 VO
R3 3
V2=2V R6
4kΩ 7
4 b 15kΩ

 The circuit consists of two inverters A and B and a summer C.

R2 R4
Va   V1  3V Vb   V2  4V
R1 R3
 These become the inputs to the summer:
R R   2 
VO    7 Va  7 Vb    2.(3)  (4)  8.333V
 R5 R6   3  27
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VII. Cascaded op amp circuits

Ex. 5.13: Find V0 if V1 = 2V, V2 = 1,5V
R5 80kΩ
V1 7 R1 30kΩ 3
4 7
R2 50kΩ 20kΩ
R3 3
15kΩ 7

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII. Applications
 Op amp has numerous pratical applications:

 Inverters, summers, integrators, differentiators, subtractors, logarithmic


 Instrumentation amplifiers, calibration circuits

 DAC, voltage-to-curent converters, current-to-voltage converters

 Analog computers,

 Filters, clippers, rectifier, regulators, level shifters

 Comparators, gyrators, oscillators

 …

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.1. DAC – Digital-to-Analog Converter

 The digital-to-analog converter (DAC) transforms digital signals into analog form.

 A DAC can be realized by using the binary

weighted ladder:
A four-bit DAC
 The bits are weights according to the
V1 V2 V3 V4
magnitude of their place value. Rf
R1 R2 R3 R4
 Their weights decrease value of Rf/Rn
each lesser bit has half the weight of the next MSB LSB 7
4 VO
Rf Rf Rf Rf
 VO  V1  V2  V3  V4 Binary weighted ladder type
R1 R2 R3 R4
 V1, … V4 can assume only two voltage levels (0, 1) (binary code)  DAC
provides a single output that is proportional to the inputs.
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.1. DAC – Digital-to-Analog Converter

Ex 5.14: Obtain the analog output for binary inputs [0000], [0001], [0010], … [1111].

Inputs [B] Value [D] -V0 V1 V2 V3 V4

Rf 10kΩ
0000 0 0
R1 R2 R3 R4
0001 1 0.125 10K 20K 40K 80K
0010 2 0.25 7
0011 3 0.375 4 VO
0100 4 0.5
0101 5 0.625
0110 6 0.75 Rf Rf Rf Rf
 VO  V1  V2  V3  V4
0111 7 0.875 R1 R2 R3 R4
1000 8 1.0
 V0  V1  0,5V2  0,25V3  0,125V4
1001 9 1.125

1111 15 1.875
 Each bit has a value of 0.125V  cannot represent a
voltage between 1V  1.125V (DAC resolution).

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.2. Intrumentation amplifier (IA)

 Typical applications of IAs include isolation amplifiers, thermocouple amplifiers,
and data acquisition systems. V1 4
Inverted input 7 R R
 From the Ex 5.9, we have: Gain set 3

R 3
 2R  RG 3 7

  V2  V1 
R 4
V0   1  V0

 RG  Gain set
7 R R
Non-inverted input 4
 Recall that:

 The IA amplifies small differential signal voltages

superimposed on larger common-mode voltages.
Schematic diagram
 Since the common-mode voltages are equal, they
cancel each other.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.2. Intrumentation amplifier (IA)

 The IAs have three major characteristics:

 The voltage gain is adjusted by one external resistor RG
 The input impedance of both inputs is very high and does not vary as the
gain is adjusted.

 The output VO depends on the difference between the inputs V1 and V2, not
on the voltage common to them (common-mode voltage).

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.2. Intrumentation amplifier (IA)

Ex: A precision Intrumentation amplifier
Product highlight:
 Input noise is less than 4 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz.

 Pin programmable gains of 1, 100, 200, 500 and

1000 provided on the chip. Using a single
external resistor for other gains.

 The offset voltage, offset voltage drift, gain

accuracy and gain temperature coefficients are
guaranteed for all pretrimmed gains.

 Provides totally independent input and output

offset for high precision applications.

 A sense terminal is provided to enable the user

to minimize the errors induced through long
leads. A reference terminal is also provided to
permit level shifting at the output.

Datasheet: Price (100 - 499) Price (1000)
$4.82 $4.09 34
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017
Chapter 5: Operational amplifiers

VIII.2. Intrumentation amplifier (IA)

Ex: LT167 – Single resistor gain, programmable, precision intrumentation amplifier

Price (1 - 99) Price (1000)

$6.45 $5.55 Datasheet:

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Viet Son Nguyen - 2017

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