Trigeminal Neuralgia - Diagnosis and Treatment: Stine Maarbjerg, Giulia Di Stefano, Lars Bendtsen and Giorgio Cruccu

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2017, Vol. 37(7) 648–657
Trigeminal neuralgia – ! International Headache Society 2017
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diagnosis and treatment

DOI: 10.1177/0333102416687280

Stine Maarbjerg1, Giulia Di Stefano2, Lars Bendtsen1

and Giorgio Cruccu2

Introduction: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is characterized by touch-evoked unilateral brief shock-like paroxysmal pain in
one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. In addition to the paroxysmal pain, some patients also have continuous
pain. TN is divided into classical TN (CTN) and secondary TN (STN).
Etiology and pathophysiology: Demyelination of primary sensory trigeminal afferents in the root entry zone is the
predominant pathophysiological mechanism. Most likely, demyelination paves the way for generation of ectopic impulses
and ephaptic crosstalk. In a significant proportion of the patients, the demyelination is caused by a neurovascular conflict
with morphological changes such as compression of the trigeminal root. However, there are also other unknown
etiological factors, as only half of the CTN patients have morphological changes. STN is caused by multiple sclerosis
or a space-occupying lesion affecting the trigeminal nerve.
Differential diagnosis and treatment: Important differential diagnoses include trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias,
posttraumatic or postherpetic pain and other facial pains. First line treatment is prophylactic medication with sodium
channel blockers, and second line treatment is neurosurgical intervention.
Future perspectives: Future studies should focus on genetics, unexplored etiological factors, sensory function, the
neurosurgical outcome and complications, combination and neuromodulation treatment as well as development of new
drugs with better tolerability.

Trigeminal neuralgia, diagnostic criteria, guidelines, treatment, etiology, pathophysiology
Date received: 11 October 2016; revised: 21 November 2016; accepted: 7 December 2016

According to the beta version of the 3rd edition of the
International Classification of Headache Disorders In early descriptions of TN, the disorder was called tic
(ICHD-3 Beta) (1) (Table 1), trigeminal neuralgia douloureux (3), addressing the characteristic wince that
(TN) is defined by recurrent unilateral brief electric TN patients may exhibit at a pain paroxysm; TN pain is
shock-like pain that is abrupt in onset and termination. not only extremely painful, it is also characteristic that the
The pain is restricted to one or more of the trigeminal pain is sudden and unexpected, and short-lasting, hence
divisions and is triggered by innocuous sensory stimuli. the term pain paroxysm. The pain quality is stabbing,
TN is divided into either classical TN (CTN) or second- electrical shock-like, or shooting. Although one single
ary TN (STN) caused by multiple sclerosis or a space-
occupying lesion such as a tumor, cerebral aneurism or 1
Danish Headache Center, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet –
a megadolicho basilar artery. Glostrup, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Recently the International Association for the Study 2
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Sapienza University, Rome,
of Pain (IASP) has produced an independent classifica- Italy
tion, definition, and diagnostic process of trigeminal
neuralgia (TN) (2). It is a main aim of both societies Corresponding author:
Stine Maarbjerg, Danish Headache Center, Department of Neurology,
to find a bilaterally agreed compromise, for the sake of Rigshospitalet – Glostrup, University of Copenhagen, Nordre Ringvej 67,
researchers and clinicians and ultimately of patients. 2600 Glostrup, Denmark.
Table 1 outlines the two classifications. Email:
Maarbjerg et al. 649

Table 1. Diagnostic criteria of trigeminal neuralgia according to the beta-version of the 3rd edition of the International Classification of
Headache Disorders (ICHD3-beta) and to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (shortened and adapted versions).

Definition Outlined in main manuscript
Criteria* A. At least three attacks of unilateral facial pain fulfilling criteria B and C
B. Occurring in one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve, with no radiation beyond the trigeminal
C. Pain has at least three of the following four characteristics:
1. recurring in paroxysmal attacks lasting from a fraction of a second to 2 minutes
2. severe intensity
3. electric shock-like, shooting, stabbing or sharp in quality
4. precipitated by innocuous stimuli to the affected side of the face
D. No clinically evident neurological deficit
E. Not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis
Subclassification Classical TN
- TN with purely paroxysmal pain
- TN with concomitant persistent pain
Symptomatic TN**
- TN associated to multiple sclerosis (MS): MS has been diagnosed and MRI demonstrates MS plaque affecting the
trigeminal nerve root or electrophysiological studies indicate impairment of the affected nerve(s). Pain is not
necessarily unilateral***
- TN associated to space-occupying lesion: contact between a space-occupying lesion and the affected trigeminal
nerve has been demonstrated by imaging and pain has developed after contact occurred between the lesion
and the trigeminal nerve, or led to its discovery
Comments *In the forthcoming final ICHD3 criteria C1, 2, 3 and 4 of ICHD3-beta will most likely be converted into
individual monothetic criteria and criterion D of ICHD3-beta will most likely be deleted
**In ICHD3-beta symptomatic TN is termed painful trigeminal neuropathy but this will most likely be changed
back to symptomatic TN in the forthcoming final ICHD3
*** In the forthcoming final ICHD3 the criteria demanding an MRI-verified plaque affecting the trigeminal root or
electrophysiological cerification will most likely be removed
Defintion Orofacial pain restricted to one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. With the exception of TN caused by
multiple sclerosis, the pain affects one side of the face. It is abrupt in onset and typically lasts only a few
seconds (2 minutes at maximum). Patients may report their pain as arising spontaneously but these pain
paroxysms can always be triggered by innocuous mechanical stimuli or movements. If patients experience
additional continuous pain in the same distribution and same period as the paroxysmal pain it is considered to
be TN with concomitant continuous pain and this phenotype may be present in each of the three subclassi-
fication categories
Criteria A. Orofacial pain distributed within the trigeminal facial or intraoral territory
B. Paroxysmal character of pain
C. Pain triggered by typical maneuvers
Subclassification - Idiopathic TN: no apparent cause
- Classical TN: caused by vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve root resulting in morphological changes of
the root
- Secondary TN: caused by major neurological disease, e.g., a tumour of the cerebellopontine angle or multiple

pain paroxysm may only last a fraction of a second, these continuous pain is usually present during the same per-
paroxysms may recur, after a refractory period, many iods as the paroxysmal pain. This background pain is
times a day, and they may come in a series of attacks most common in women (4,7,8).
with many paroxysms close together.
Approximately half of the TN patients also have
Refractory period and trigger factors
concomitant continuous pain: an aching or dull or
burning background pain of lower intensity in the Many patients experience a refractory period after a par-
same area as the paroxysmal pain (4–6). The oxysmal attack where new attacks cannot be elicited. The
650 Cephalalgia 37(7)

pathophysiological mechanism of this phenomenon is autonomic symptoms in TN. The challenge is related to
unknown. It has been proposed that it is caused by hyper- differential diagnosis; short-lasting triggered stabbing
polarisation of the sensory neuron (9). In early studies by pain with pronounced and consistent autonomic
Kugelberg and Lindblom, the presence and duration of symptoms is characteristic of short-lasting unilateral
the refractory period in TN was a function of the inten- neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival
sity and duration of the preceding attack (10). injection and tearing (SUNCT), and short-lasting uni-
It is highly characteristic that pain is triggered by lateral neuralgiform headache attacks with autonomic
innocuous sensory stimuli to the affected side of the symptoms (SUNA) (16).
face. Sensory stimuli may be extraoral and intraoral.
The most frequent trigger factors involve normal daily
activities such as light touch, talking, chewing, brushing
teeth and cold wind against the face (11,12). It has been TN is frequently both misdiagnosed and underdiag-
suggested that apparently spontaneous pain paroxysms nosed. The incidence of TN is variably reported between
may in fact be elicited by very subtle sensory stimuli or studies, with a range from 4.3 to 27 new cases per
movements. 100,000 people per year (17–19). The incidence is
higher among women, and increases with age (17).
The lifetime prevalence was estimated to be 0.16–0.3%
Localisation in population-based studies (18,20). The average age of
TN most frequently affects the 2nd and/or 3rd trigeminal onset is 53 years in classical TN and 43 years in second-
division and the right side is slightly, but significantly, ary TN, but the age of onset can range from early to old
more often affected than the left side (11). Bilateral TN age (11,21). In tertiary care-based studies, STN
is very rare in classical TN, and should raise suspicion accounted for 14–20% of TN patients (11,22).
of secondary TN.
Etiology and pathophysiology
Natural history As early as 1934, Dandy proposed that in at least 30%
There are very few studies examining the natural his- of TN patients the pain was caused by a blood vessel
tory of TN. It has been proposed that pain may worsen compressing the trigeminal nerve (23). Today, it is gen-
with time and that TN in its chronic state is charac- erally agreed that the most common cause of classical
terised by longer lasting, medically refractory pain, sen- TN is compression or other morphological changes of
sory disturbances and progressive neuroanatomical the trigeminal nerve by a blood vessel, usually an
changes of the trigeminal root (8). Several studies artery, in the cerebellopontine cistern. This is termed
have now challenged this notion; Di Stefano et al. a neurovascular conflict with compression.
found that in the majority of TN patients the pain Anatomical studies documented that the transition
does not increase in frequency or duration, nor did it from Schwann cell myelination to oligodendroglia mye-
become refractory to medication, and the dosage lination in many specimens tapers gradually along the
needed to relieve pain did not increase with time (13). proximal 25% of the nerve (24). Possibly, this ‘‘transi-
Maarbjerg et al. found that concomitant persistent pain tion zone’’ represents a particularly vulnerable area to,
and neuroanatomical morphological changes were not for example, pressure from a blood vessel.
related to age or to duration of disease (4,7). Emerging evidence indicates that a neurovascular
A feature that is also very characteristic to the course of conflict involving morphological changes of the trigem-
TN is unpredictable periods of complete remission that inal nerve such as distortion, dislocation, distension,
may last months or even years. This unusual indentation, flattening or atrophy is highly associated
phenomenon in neuropathic pain is most likely attributed with classical TN and is present in about half of the TN
to a reduction in excitability and partial remyelination (9). patients (Figure 1) (25–27). Conversely, it is debated
whether a neurovascular conflict without morpho-
logical changes of the trigeminal nerve, a ‘‘simple
Autonomic symptoms in facial pain contact’’, where the two structures are merely touching,
Traditionally, autonomic symptoms such as tearing is important to TN etiology. On the one hand, a simple
and rhinorrhea have not been associated with TN. neurovascular contact was also, however much less,
However, it is now known that a large proportion of associated to TN (25,26) and microvascular decompres-
TN patients have autonomic symptoms from time to sion was also reported to be effective in TN patients
time (11,12,14). Keeping in mind that the trigeminovas- with a simple neurovascular contact (28). On the
cular reflex can be elicited by intense facial pain in gen- other hand a simple contact was a very prevalent find-
eral (15), it is not surprising that there can be sporadic ing in cadavers without a history of TN, in healthy
Maarbjerg et al. 651

Figure 1. MRI in a patient with left-sided classical trigeminal Figure 2. MRI in a patient with left-sided symptomatic tri-
neuralgia. Balanced fast field echo sequence of the fossa poster- geminal neuralgia. Balanced fast field echo sequence of the fossa
ior, axial plane, at the level of the pons. The left trigeminal nerve posterior, axial plane at the level of the pons. The peripheral part
(right-sided arrowhead) is displaced by an arterial loop (arrows) of the left trigeminal nerve is displaced by a meningioma (both
from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. structures encircled).

Moreover, supported by evidence in animal models of

subjects and on the asymptomatic side in TN patients focal demyelination of the trigeminal root, ephaptic
(25,29–31). In patients with persistent idiopathic facial transmission, i.e. cross-talk from close, healthy nerve
pain, an important differential diagnosis to TN, the fibres, and the generation of high-frequency discharges
prevalence of neurovascular conflict is similar to that are also suggested to contribute to the hyperexcitable
found in asymptomatic nerves (32). Thus, a neurovas- nervous state in TN (9,37,38).
cular conflict should be considered a normal neuroana- Finally, there is some evidence suggesting that
tomic variant in patients with facial pain not fulfilling the hyperactivity of primary afferents secondarily
the TN diagnostic criteria. A hypothetical exception to induces central sensitisation of wide-dynamic-range
this rule is that some TN patients only have persistent neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus or even
pain at onset, previously termed ‘‘pretrigeminal neural- more central changes (36,39). Future investigations
gia’’, and thereafter develop the classical paroxysmal are needed.
pain (4,33). Such patients do not initially fulfill the In secondary TN, the pathophysiological mechanism
TN diagnostic criteria. is most likely the same as in classical TN but the eti-
Although it is not yet clear which other etiological ology is dependent on the specific structural lesion,
factors might contribute to or cause TN, there are most frequently an MS plaque affecting the trigeminal
numerous neurophysiological, neuroimaging and root or a space-occupying lesion in the cerebellopontine
histological studies pointing to focal demyelination of cistern such as epidermoid tumours, meningiomas,
primary trigeminal afferents near the entry of the neurinomas, arteriovenous malformations or aneur-
trigeminal root into the pons as the underlying patho- ysms (Figure 2) (40,41).
physiological mechanism in TN (34–36). The
consequences of the demyelination are not fully clari-
Diagnostic considerations
fied, but it has been hypothesised that the focally
demyelinated primary afferents become hyperexcitable The diagnosis of TN is primarily based on patient his-
when demyelination reaches such a level that ions can tory, as there are no definitive laboratory or diagnostic
move in and out of the axon, also away from the tests. When obtaining patient history, special attention
Ranvier node zones, at which point the axons do not should be paid to the potential pitfalls leading to mis-
have enough energy to promptly re-establish the resting diagnosis such as a symptomatic cause of pain, odon-
potential. Hence the axons tend towards a depolarisa- togenic pain and associated autonomic symptoms
tion level, which makes them hyperexcitable. Ectopic (Table 2). When obtaining patient history, one should
impulses, which are generated either spontaneously pay special attention to the onset of pain; if the pain
along the sensory afferent or because of a local direct was preceded by or coincided with a herpes zoster rash
mechanical stimulus such as arterial pulsation, are in the ipsilateral trigeminal distribution, painful trigem-
probably also involved in the hyperexcitability. inal neuropathy attributed to acute herpes zoster
652 Cephalalgia 37(7)

Table 2. Differential diagnosis in trigeminal neuralgia.

The symptomatology of trigeminal neuralgia is typically very characteristic, with patients reporting intense stabbing touch-evoked
unilateral facial pain in the cheek, the area of the nostrils, teeth or jaw. Primary and secondary, i.e. pain secondary to multiple
sclerosis or space-occupying lesion, TN may be indistinguishable based on pain characteristics. Meanwhile, in patients with sec-
ondary TN, neurological deficits, extra-trigeminal symptoms, bilateral pain and young onset are more frequent.
Primary and secondary headache and facial pain differential diagnosis includes:
 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia causes evoked stabbing pain located to the back of the tongue, the pharynx or deep in the ear.
Trigger factors are somewhat different from TN and include swallowing, coughing, sneezing
 Painful posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy can cause stabbing and touch-evoked pain similar to TN, but pain is by
definition preceded by trauma and there are usually clear-cut neurological abnormalities of both gain and loss of function cor-
responding to the affected peripheral nerve
 Persistent idiopathic facial pain causes touch-evoked or spontaneous dull or aching constant pain
 Painful trigeminal neuropathy attributed to acute herpes zoster causes burning and stabbing pain preceded by a herpetic
rash in the trigeminal distribution. Tingling sensations and neurological abnormalities with both gain and loss of function are
 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with autonomic symptoms (SUNA), short-lasting unilat-
eral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) or paroxysmal hemicrania
cause touch-evoked and spontaneous stabbing orbital, supraorbital or temporal pain accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic symp-
toms. Unlike TN, pain may change side
 Cluster headache causes orbital, supraorbital or temporal pain accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic symptoms and restless-
ness. Duration is from 15–180 minutes. Unlike TN, pain may change side
 Primary stabbing headache causes stabbing spontaneous pain in the scalp and is not accompanied by autonomic symptoms
Odontogenic differential diagnosis:
 Cracked tooth can cause evoked shooting pain when chewing hard foods
 Caries or pulpitis can cause evoked pain at intake of sweet, cold or hot foods. The pain can last from ten minutes up to hours
*Autonomic symptoms are conjunctival injection, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sweating, miosis, ptosis and eyelid edema.

should be considered (42). In pain preceded by a rele-

vant trauma to the ipsilateral side of the face, such as
invasive dental procedures or fractures, painful post- Figure 3 outlines a proposed work-up and treatment
traumatic trigeminal neuropathy (PPTN) is more algorithm in TN. As a part of the early work-up, we
likely the correct diagnosis. Studies have shown that suggest including an MRI of the brain and brainstem,
pain in PPTN may be comparable to TN pain with ECG and laboratory testing. As symptomatic and clas-
short, intense triggered pain, but in PPTN there are sical TN cannot be confidently separated based on his-
usually clear cut sensory abnormalities, including tory and examination (43), an MRI is important early
both loss and gain of function, corresponding to the on to exclude a symptomatic cause of pain that could
damaged peripheral nerve (29). Also important when warrant specific treatments, such as tumors or multiple
obtaining the patient history is the location of pain; sclerosis. Laboratory testing is performed to ensure
pain originating distinctly or diffusively from the teeth normal renal and liver function and normal sodium
should be evaluated by a dentist because, for example, a level prior to prescription of medication. ECG is war-
cracked tooth may present with TN-like pain evoked by ranted because carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are
chewing hard foods. In bilateral constant pain located contraindicated in patients with atrioventricular block.
in the temporomandibular area, tension-type headache, First line treatment is sodium channel blockers, either
temporomandibular joint disorder and persistent idio- carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine. They have the same
pathic facial pain should be considered. If the short- mechanism of action, namely the blockade of voltage-
lasting, intense stabbing pain is isolated to the scalp gated sodium channels in a frequency-dependent man-
or occipital area, diagnoses such as occipital neuralgia, ner. Treatment recommendations are generally the
primary stabbing headache and paroxysmal hemicrania same in classical and secondary TN (43). Generally,
should be considered. Glossopharyngal neuralgia is sodium channel blockers are effective in most TN
located to the back of the tongue, the soft palate and patients and the number needed to treat for carbamaze-
the pharynx, and nervus intermedius neuralgia is pine is 1.7 (44–46). However, side effects including som-
located deep in the ear. Finally, associated symptoms nolence, drowsiness, dizziness, rash, and tremor are
are important; if each pain attack is accompanied by frequent and the number needed to harm for carba-
autonomic symptoms such as conjunctival injection, mazepine is 24 for severe side effects and 3.4 for
miosis or lacrimation, SUNA, SUNCT or paroxysmal minor side effects (43). Oxcarbazepine may be preferred
hemicrania are important differential diagnoses. because of a minor risk of drug interactions and its
Maarbjerg et al. 653

Work up Diagnosis

History: onset (trauma or herpes?), quality, intensity, Differential diagnosis: is there another diagnosis that
duration and localization of pain, autonomic ipsilateral is more likely? Has the patient consulted a dentist?
symptoms, other neurological or medical complaints
Diagnostic criteria: are the diagnostic criteria
Exam: general clinical and neurological examination fulfilled?* Is it primary or secondary trigeminal
focusing on trigeminal sensory function and signs of neuralgia?
multiple sclerosis or cerebellopontine tumor
Information: provide thorough patient information on
Paraclinical work up: ECG, blood tests (electrolytes, medical and surgical treatment options and their
liver and kidney function) and MRI of the brain and expected rate of success, side effects and
brainstem are mandatory complications

Second line surgical treatment

Medical treatment
First choice: Microvascular decompression if
neurovascular contact has been demonstrated
Second choice: stereotactic radiosurgery, glycerol Titrate slowly and taper off even slower. Secondary TN
blockade, balloon compression, radiofrequency is treated according to the same principles as listed
thermocoagulation below
Secondary TN: in multiple sclerosis follow the 1. Sodium channel blockers: carbamazepine and
treatment principles listed above including oxcarbazepine
microvascular decompression if there is a 2. Add on or monotherapeutic treatment:
neurovascular contact. At a space-occupying lesion it lamotrigine, baclofen, pregabalin or gabapentin
depends on the specific lesion
Follow up: ask about complications. Some patients Challenges: cognitive side effects, hyponatriemia, co-
will still need medication after surgery – establish a morbid cardiac, hepatic or renal disease, women in
close co-operation between the neurologist, fertile age using oral contraceptives or planning on
neuroradiologist and neurosurgeon pregnancy

Figure 3. Work up and treatment algorithm in trigeminal neuralgia (TN) – presented in short. Diagnostic criteria of TN are outlined
in Table 1.

better tolerability in comparison with carbamazepine. From a clinical perspective, it may also be reasonable
Carbamazepine was reported to have a higher percent- to try out both carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine
age of discontinuation due to all kinds of side effects, sequentially. Furthermore, many TN patients benefit
except for sodium depletion, for which discontinuation from add-on treatment combining carbamazepine or
only occurred with oxcarbazepine (13). oxcarbazepine with lamotrigine, baclofen, pregabalin
Very often high dosages are necessary for sufficient or gabapentin. Combination treatment should be con-
pain relief, so many patients suffer from disabling side- sidered when carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine cannot
effects. Treatment failure is typically not due to drug reach full dosage because of side effects. Each of the
inefficacy, but rather due to undesired side effects that above-mentioned drugs may also have efficacy as
causes interruption of treatment or dosage reduction to monotherapeutic agents, although the available evi-
an insufficient level. In one study, worsening of pain dence is very weak (43). At severe exacerbations, in-
with time and development of late resistance only hospital treatment may be necessary for titration of
occurred in a very small minority of patients (13). antiepileptic drugs and rehydration. In many centres,
According to the international guidelines it is severe exacerbation is treated with intravenous loading
advised that ‘‘if any of these sodium-channel blockers of fosphenytoin, but there is a lack of scientific evidence
is ineffective, referral for a surgical consultation would for this treatment.
be a reasonable next step’’ (43). Surgery should also be In medically refractory patients, with a neurovascu-
considered when drugs, although effective, cannot lar conflict, microvascular decompression (MVD) is the
reach the therapeutic dosage due to adverse events. first choice treatment (43). This procedure implies
654 Cephalalgia 37(7)

craniotomy and posterior fossa exploration for identi- elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms behind
fication of the affected trigeminal nerve and the TN. As previously discussed, neurovascular conflict
conflicting blood vessel(s). Microvascular decompres- with morphological changes of the trigeminal root
sion provides the longest duration of pain freedom in was identified as a major etiological factor in TN,
comparison with other surgical techniques, as it report- confirming the vast amount of neurosurgical studies
edly provides significant pain relief in 73% of patients supporting that microvascular decompression is effect-
after five years. Minor complications such as new ive in TN. However, firstly, only half of TN patients
aching or burning pain, sensory loss and other mild have morphological changes of the ipsilateral trigem-
or transient cranial nerve dysfunction occur in 2–7%. inal nerve, and 12% of patients do not even have a
Major complications such as major cranial nerve dys- neurovascular conflict (25,26), and secondly, the recur-
function (2%), stroke (0.3%) and death (0.2%) are rence rate after microvascular decompression is about
rare, yet it is important to inform patients of the poten- 2% annually, and in approximately 30% of patients the
tial risks (47). In most previous studies, the surgical procedure does not provide long-term pain relief (47).
complications were not reported by independent asses- This indicates that either microvascular decompression
sors and therefore the complication rates may be was not able to reverse the hyperexcitable state of the
higher. The conventional opinion that multiple sclerosis trigeminal root induced by a neurovascular conflict, or
is a contraindication to microvascular decompression that the de- and dysmyelination of the trigeminal root
has recently been refuted by a study showing that in can also be caused or maintained by other unknown
some multiple sclerosis patients with TN, a neurovas- etiological factors.
cular conflict may act as a concurring mechanism in There are no confirmed risk factors in TN as studies
producing focal demyelination of the primary afferents (11,12) have failed to reproduce hypertension as a risk
at the root entry zone (48). factor, which was reported by Katusic (17). There is a
Second choice neurosurgical treatments are lesioning slight preponderance of women with TN; women gen-
peripheral procedures targeting the trigeminal ganglion erally have a younger age of onset and less frequently
chemically by glycerol blockade, mechanically by bal- have morphological changes of the ipsilateral trigem-
loon compression, or thermically by radiofrequency inal root. Therefore, factors relating to the female sex,
thermocoagulation. In stereotactic radiosurgery such as differences in sex hormone levels, may be risk
(‘‘gamma knife’’) the target is the trigeminal root, factors in TN, but this has yet to be explored. Another
which is lesioned by convergent beams of radiation. virtually unexplored risk factor may be gain-of-func-
The procedures are efficacious in approximately 50% tion mutations of voltage gated sodium channels.
of patients after five years, and minor complications Mutations were identified in other pain conditions
such as sensory loss (12–50%), masticatory problems somewhat resembling TN, such as paroxysmal extreme
(balloon compression (up to 50%)) and new burning or pain disorder, erythromelalgia, and small fiber neur-
aching pain (12%) are relatively prevalent (43). opathy (49–51). A recent study identified a single
The above-mentioned treatment recommendations NaV1.6 de novo missense mutation causing increased
are mainly based on expert opinion. There is a lack of trigeminal excitability in a CTN patient (52).
robust scientific evidence for effect and side-effects of
both medical and surgical treatment of TN.
Expert opinion: Open questions and The terminology of TN type 1 (more than 50% parox-
ysmal pain) and 2 (more than 50% constant pain) (53)
burning desires is widely used, especially in neurosurgical literature. A
There are a number of open questions in TN that possible drawback to this proposed classification
remain to be answered. Questions relate both to system is that patients with idiopathic constant facial
pathophysiology, etiology, genetics, natural history, pain and no paroxysmal pain, could be classified as TN
treatment and classification. type 2, where other classification systems would desig-
nate the diagnosis of persistent idiopathic facial pain
(formerly atypical facial pain) to such patients.
Pathophysiology and etiology Recently, it was suggested that classical TN should
To date, only very few animal models of TN have be divided into an idiopathic form and a classical form
sought to mimic demyelination of the prepontine seg- where there are morphological changes of the trigem-
ment of the trigeminal nerve (38), other models have inal root (2). If in fact the etiology is multifactorial in
been based on more peripheral trigeminal nerve some patients, involving both neurovascular conflict
trauma. Proper animal models of TN could help and other factors that may lead to demyelination or
Maarbjerg et al. 655

hyperexcitability, such a classification scheme is chal- look into the efficacy of intravenous fosphenytoin
lenging and there is a need for studies exploring loading, combination treatments, botolinum toxin
whether this proposed division is meaningful in a clin- and neurostimulation. It is debated when and
ical and scientific context. which patients should be referred to surgery. There
Maarbjerg et al. reported evidence of sensory is a lack of well-designed prospective neurosurgical
abnormalities in TN, in particular hypesthesia, at clin- trials using independent evaluators of diagnosis and
ical examination (11). Younis et al. demonstrated sen- outcome (57).
sory abnormalities by quantitative sensory testing
blinded to symptomatic side even in patients with no Expert opinion: Where
clinically evident sensory abnormalities (54). Similar
results were also reported by others (21,47,55).
the field needs to go
Findings may be explained by central pain-induced Future studies should focus on co-operation between
functional changes (56). neurologists, neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists as
well as co-operation between multiple centres to
ensure a high quality, continuing discussion among
Clinical practice specialised centres and large patient volumes in the
There is a need for prospective studies into TN nat- much needed medical trials, longitudinal surgical and
ural history to clarify whether TN progress with medical follow up and interventional studies. New
time, stays the same, or improves with old age. sodium channel blockers are in the pipeline, but neuro-
There is a huge lack of well-designed studies investi- stimulation and botolinum toxin may also represent
gating the efficacy and side-effects of prophylactic promising treatments in medically refractory patients
medications for TN. Further studies should also (58–60).

Article highlights
. Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is characterised by unilateral, intense, touch-evoked, stabbing paroxysmal pain.
It typically affects the second and third trigeminal branch.
. Trigeminal neuralgia can be either idiopathic or secondary to multiple sclerosis or a space-occupying lesion.
. A neurovascular conflict with morphological changes of the trigeminal nerve is highly associated to classical
TN, however this finding is only present in half of the patients with classical TN.
. First line treatment is prophylactic medication with sodium channel blockers, and in medically refractory
patients surgical treatment is the next step.
. Future research should focus on uncovering risk factors in classical TN, on prospective studies using inde-
pendent assessors of surgical outcome, on exploring new drugs and on investigating the efficacy of neuro-
stimulation, botulinum toxin and combination treatment with existing drugs.

Declaration of conflicting interests 3. Cole CD, Liu JK and Apfelbaum RI. Historical perspec-
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with tives on the diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neural-
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this gia. Neurosurg Focus 2005; 18: 1–15.
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