MAP Saffron Namkeen (Retail Industry)
MAP Saffron Namkeen (Retail Industry)
MAP Saffron Namkeen (Retail Industry)
Submitted to
(Asst. Professor)
Offered By
Prepared by:
Pratik Chaudhari 207500592008
Suraj Patil 207500592017
Palakh Shah 207500592021
Prithvirajsinh Dodiya 207500592106
Anjali Patel 207500592127
Students‟ Declaration
I hereby declare that the Multidisciplinary Action Project titled ―Applying AIDA
Model‖ undertaken at Saffron Namkeen is a result of our own work and our
indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly
acknowledged. If we are found guilty of copying from any other report or published
information and showing as our original work, or extending plagiarism limit, we
understand that we shall be liable and punishable by the university, which may
include being declared ‗Fail‘ in the MAP examination or any other punishment which
the university may decide.
The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and we are extremely privileged to have got this all
along the completion of our project. All that we have done is only due to such
supervision and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.
We would thank to our institute Director Dr. J. M. Kapadia, for providing us an
opportunity to do the project work at Saffron Namkeen, Surat and giving us all
support and guidance which made us complete the project duly. We are extremely
thankful to him for providing such a nice support and guidance, although he had busy
We owe our deep gratitude to our project guide Dr. Drashti Shah (Assistant
Professor, SRLIM), who took keen interest in our project work and guided us all
along, till the completion of the project by providing all the necessary information for
developing a good system.
We would not forget to remember Mr. Mukesh Jain (Saffron Namkeen) our project
guide for his encouragement and moreover for his timely support and guidance till the
completion of our project work.
We heartily thank our parents, an integral part of our life for his constant support and
suggestions during this project work.
We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all. This helped us in successfully completing our project work. Also,
we would like to extend our sincere esteems to all guides for their timely support.
Executive Summary
Table of Content
Acknowledgement 1
Executive Summary 1
1 Introduction 1
2 Diagnosis Phase 24
4 Implementation Phase 32
5 Findings 36
6 References 37
“Developing AIDA Models for Saffron Namkeen”
The AIDA Model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action model, is
an advertising effect model that identifies the stages that an individual goes through
during the process of purchasing a product or service. The AIDA model is commonly
used in digital marketing, sales strategies, and public relations campaigns.
The first step in marketing or advertising is to consider how to attract the attention of
Once the consumer is aware that the product or service exists, the business must work
on increasing the potential customer‘s interest level.
For example, Disney boosts interest in upcoming tours by announcing stars who will
be performing on the tours.
After the consumer is interested in the product or service, then the goal is to make
consumers desire it, moving their mindset from ―I like it‖ to ―I want it.‖
For example, if the Disney stars for the upcoming tour communicate to the target
audience about how great the show is going to be, the audience is more likely to want
to go.
The ultimate goal is to drive the receiver of the marketing campaign to initiate action
and purchase the product or service.
Therefore, the AIDA model says that Awareness leads to Interest, which leads
to Desire, and finally, Action.
First Step
Often, the attention part is overlooked by many marketers. It is assumed that the
product or service already got the attention of the consumers – which may or may not
be the case. In any event, don‘t just assume that everyone is already aware of your
product. One of the best approaches to attracting consumer attention is what‘s called
―creative disruption‖ – breaking existing patterns of behavior through a highly
creative message. This can be done in several ways:
Second Step
Creating interest is generally the hardest part. For example, if the product or service is
not inherently interesting, this can be very difficult to achieve. Make sure that
advertising information is broken up and easy to read, with interesting subheadings
and illustrations. Focus on what is most relevant for your target market in relation to
your product or service, and on conveying only the most important message you want
to communicate to consumers.
A good example of this is Wendy‘s ―Where‘s the beef?‖ ad campaign that focused on
the fact that Wendy‘s hamburgers contained more beef than their competitors‘
Third Step
The second and third steps of the AIDA model go together. As you are hopefully
building interest in a product or service, it is important that you help customers
realize why they ―need‖ this product or service. Think about how the content in
infomercials is presented – they aim to provide interesting information on the
product, along with the benefits of buying it – benefits that ideally make consumers
want the product more and more. Infomercials do this extremely well by showing the
product being used in several creative situations. Convey to the audience the value of
the product or service, and why they need it in their life.
Fourth Step
The last step of the AIDA model is getting your consumer to initiate action. The
advertisement should end with a call to action, a statement that is designed to get an
immediate response from the consumer. For example, Netflix uses persuasive text to
convince the consumer to try their free trial. Netflix communicates how convenient
their product is and highlights its value, then urges consumers to sign up for a free
trial Good advertising should elicit a sense of urgency that motivates consumers to
take action RIGHT NOW. One commonly used method for achieving this goal is
making limited time offers (such as free shipping).
Industry Profile
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), also known as consumer packaged goods
(CPG), are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost. Examples
include non-durable household goods such as packaged foods, beverages, toiletries,
candies, cosmetics, over-the-counter drugs, dry goods, and other consumables.
Fast moving consumer goods have a high inventory turnover and are contrasted with
specialty items which have lower sales and higher carrying charges. Many retailers
carry only FMCGs particularly hypermarkets, big box stores and warehouse club
stores. Small convenience stores also stock fast moving goods; the limited shelf space
is filled with higher turnover items.
World Wilde
The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector represents one of the largest
industries worldwide. Also labelled the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) sector, it is
mainly characterized by companies that supply low-cost products that are in constant
high demand. Products that are classified under the FMCG banner include food,
beverages, personal hygiene and household cleaning utensils. The term ―fastmoving‖
stems from the fact that FMCG products usually have a short shelf life and are non-
From a retailing perspective, FMCG is often cited as a low margin – high volume
game. Seeing as profit margins are usually rather slim, firms operating in the FMCG
sector mostly employ a strategy focused on driving top line sales. Within categories,
FMCG products are often near-identical, and for this reason price competition
between retailers can be intense. To boost profitability, companies use marketing and
other techniques to establish loyalty to the product, which enables them to charge
higher prices. That said, managing input costs also remain vitally important, as small
margin gains still have a significant impact on the bottom line due to the large
volumes. Another important characteristic of the FMCG sector is that it generally
does well in an economic downturn, with consumers rather cutting back on luxury
products. Well known FMCG multinationals include Coca-Cola, Unilever, Procter &
Gamble and Johnson & Johnson.
The FMCG sector in Africa has significant scope to expand. Poverty levels in
especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are still quite high, with food and other
necessities dominating consumer budgets. For this reason, the food sub-sector of
FMCG has a very large market to cater for, while penetration rates in the other
categories still have significant room to expand. In this report, we first explore the
size of the FMCG market in Africa in addition to the main drivers of growth in the
sector. We subsequently turn our focus to the African consumer and highlight certain
traits and spending patterns applicable specifically to the FMCG market. The report
also considers key strategies for FMCG retail success in Africa and concludes by
identifying FMCG growth spots on the continent.
FMCG Market Size
Africa‘s economic performance has improved greatly since the turn of the century,
leading to notable gains in GDP per capita and lower levels of poverty. These gains
are also evident when considering household consumption spending growth. Annual
household spending growth in Africa easily exceeded the corresponding global figure
for most years
usually enter consumer markets at low price points and as a result, spending power
has to be fairly low for the majority of FMCG product categories to be adjudged as
being unaffordable. That said, income levels will impact the frequency of household
FMCG purchases as well as influence purchasing decisions in relation to the trade-off
between cost and quality. The United Nations (UN) Population Division estimates
that the African population reached 1.16 billion in 2014. Although significantly
smaller than that of Asia, the size of Africa‘s population is larger than any other
continent. Furthermore, Africa‘s population is forecast to expand rapidly over the
next 15 years. The UN Population Division forecasts Africa‘s population will
approach 1.68 billion by 2030, more than 60% higher than the figure recorded 20
years earlier. Populations in other regions around the world are forecast to expand at a
much slower pace. This bodes well in relation to the potential future growth of
consumer markets in Africa. Furthermore, Africa is expected to benefit from the so-
called demographic dividend – an increase in the proportion of the working-age
population relative to the total population – over the long term. That said, the
continent will only secure the full benefit if high unemployment rates among
working-age populations are reduced
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during the 2000-13 period. This again bodes well for African retail in general. The
recent sharp decline in global crude oil prices should also have a net positive impact
on African disposable income levels, which is again an added benefit. That said,
companies operating in the FMCG sector should be mindful of changes in
consumption patterns.
National Level
The Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is the 4th largest sector of
the Indian economy. It is characterised by high turnover consumer packaged goods,
i.e. goods that are produced, distributed, marketed and consumed within a short span
of time. FMCG products that dominate the market today are detergents, toiletries,
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tooth cleaning products, cosmetics, etc. The FMCG sector in India also
includes pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, soft drinks packaged food
products and chocolates. Since the sector encompasses a diverse range of products,
different companies dominate the market in various sub-sectors. However, some of
the top FMCG companies in India are- Dabur (60%), Colgate (54.7%), Hindustan
Unilever (54%).
An FMCG industry overview indicated that India‘s demographic profile plays a
major role in the growth of this sector. Not only is India‘s demographic young, but
this segment is also characterised by increased urbanisation and higher expenditure.
Urban development initiatives by the government, as well as the increasing middle
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class of India, have led to an increase in the number of attractive markets in the
country. Ernst & Young‘s research on the cities of India highlights the emergence of
30 ‗new wave‘ cities such as Jaipur and Surat. Consumption in these cities is growing
at a faster rate than that of many of India‘s metros. India‘s young population is also
characterised by a high degree of technological awareness. Growing penetration of
smartphones and better internet connectivity in India has led to a burgeoning E-
Commerce sector, which has, in turn, helped formalise large sections of
the unorganised retail sector. The E-Commerce segment is projected to contribute
11% of overall Indian FMCG companies‘ sales in 2030. The online FMCG market is
projected to reach $ 45 bn in 2020. This has been a major catalyst in the development
of the FMCG sector in rural India.
The Government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in food
processing and single-brand retail and 51% in multi-brand retail. This would bolster
employment, supply chain and high visibility for FMCG brands across organised
retail markets thereby bolstering consumer spending and encouraging more product
launches. The sector witnessed healthy FDI inflows of US$ 18.59 billion from April
2000 to June 2021.
Market Size
The retail market in India is estimated to reach US$ 1.1 trillion by 2020 from US$
840 billion in 2017, with modern trade expected to grow at 20 25% per annum, which
is likely to boost revenue of FMCG companies. The FMCG market in India is
expected to increase at a CAGR of 14.9% to reach US$ 220 billion by 2025, from
US$ 110 billion in 2020.
FMCG giants such as Johnson & Johnson, Himalaya, Hindustan Unilever, ITC,
Lakmé and other companies (that have dominated the Indian market for decades) are
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now competing with D2C-focused start-ups such as Mamaearth, The Moms Co., Bey
Bee, Azah, Nua and Pee Safe. Market giants such as Revlon and Lotus took ~20 years
to reach the Rs. 100 crore (US$ 13.4 million) revenue mark, while new-age D2C
brands such as Mamaearth and Sugar took four and eight years, respectively, to
achieve that milestone.
The Government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in food
processing and single-brand retail and 51% in multi-brand retail. This would bolster
employment, supply chain and high visibility for FMCG brands across organised
retail markets thereby bolstering consumer spending and encouraging more product
launches. The sector witnessed healthy FDI inflows of US$ 18.59 billion from April
2000 to June 2021.
Government Initiatives
Some of the major initiatives taken by the Government to promote the FMCG sector
in India are as follows
In November 2021, Flipkart signed an MoU with the Ministry of Rural Development
of the Government of India (MoRD) for their ambitious Deendayal Antyodaya
Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) programme to empower
local businesses and self-help groups (SHGs) by bringing them into the e-commerce
Developments in the packaged food sector will contribute to increased prices for
farmer and reduce the high levels of waste. In order to provide support through the
PLI scheme, unique product lines—with high-growth potential and capabilities to
generate medium- to large-scale jobs—have been established.The Government of
India has approved 100% FDI in the cash and carry segment and in single-brand retail
along with 51% FDI in multi-brand retail.
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The Government has drafted a new Consumer Protection Bill with special emphasis
on setting up an extensive mechanism to ensure simple, speedy, accessible, affordable
and timely delivery of justice to consumers.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is beneficial for the FMCG industry as many of
the FMCG products such as soap, toothpaste and hair oil now come under the 18%
tax bracket against the previous rate of 23-24%. Also, GST on food products and
hygiene products has been reduced to 0-5% and 12-18% respectively.
GST is expected to transform logistics in the FMCG sector into a modern and
efficient model as all major corporations are remodeling their operations into larger
logistics and warehousing.
State Level
FMCG Market in Gujarat is important for the state. Gujarat is one of the most
industrially developed states in India. The state of Gujarat is famous for its traditional
and organized business class. The state has a rich history of successful business men
in India and it has one of the highest per capita income in India. Due to the process of
industrialization, there is a general rise income and consumers are spending more on
FMCG based goods. Cities like Ghandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, etc are some
of the most important cities in the state of Gujarat. These urbanized cities have
facilitated the rise of FMCG consumerism in Gujarat. FMCG products in Gujarat are
offered through organized retailing and through small time retail shops.
Retail Industry
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Retail is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling,
which is sale to business or institutional customers. A retailer purchases goods in
large quantities from manufacturers, directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells
in smaller quantities to consumers for a profit. Retailers are the final link in the
supply chain from producers to consumers. Shopping generally refers to the act of
buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain final goods, including necessities
such as food and clothing; sometimes it takes place as a recreational activity.
Recreational shopping often involves window shopping and browsing: it does not
always result in a purchase.
Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced
industries due to the entry of several new players. It accounts for over 10% of the
country‘s gross domestic product (GDP) and around eight% of the employment. India
is the world‘s fifth-largest global destination in the retail space.
India is the world‘s fifth-largest global destination in the retail space. In FDI
Confidence Index, India ranked 16 (after US, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom,
China, Japan, France, Australia, Switzerland, and Italy).
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Market Size
As per Kearney Research, India‘s retail industry is projected to grow at a slower pace
of 9% over 2019-2030, from US$ 779 billion in 2019 to US$ 1,407 billion by 2026
and more than US$ 1.8 trillion by 2030.
Revenue of India‘s offline retailers, also known as brick and mortar (B&M) retailers,
is expected to increase by Rs. 10,000-12,000 crore (US$ 1.39-2.77 billion) in FY20.
India‘s direct selling industry would be valued at US$ 2.14 billion by the end of 2021.
According to the Retailers Association of India (RAI), the retail industry achieved
93% of pre-COVID sales in February 2021; consumer durables and quick service
restaurants (QSR) increased by 15% and 18% respectively.
Government Initiatives
The Government of India has taken various initiatives to improve the retail industry
in India. Some of them are listed below:
In October 2021, the RBI announced plans for a new framework for retail digital
payments in offline mode to accelerate digital payment adoption in the country.
In July 2021, the Andhra Pradesh government announced retail parks policy 2021-26,
anticipating targeted retail investment of Rs. 5,000 crore (US$ 674.89 million) in the
next five years.
Government may change Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) rules in food processing in
a bid to permit E-commerce companies and foreign retailers to sell Made in India
consumer products.
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Company Profile
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Saffron Namkeen
The FMCG Company selected for MAP Project name is Saffron Namkeen. Company
Owner name is Mukesh Jain. Saffron Namkeen is operated by their employee name is
Guru. The Company is Self-financed and launch at April-2015. The Saffron Namkeen
is well-know shope in their area. The Store is popular for their goods- Service.
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Dairy, Radha Krishna Mandir Marg, near Parle Point, Shri Shakti Nagar Society,
Ambika Niketan, Athwa, Surat, Gujarat 395007, India
Saffron Namkeen the store location is very famous for surati peoples. Store is very
near to the Surat famous Amabaji Mandir. The store is having very ideal location for
selling the Dairy,
Store is very perfect in arrange the products line by line to help in selection for
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The store is sells ice-cream also. Havemore, Amul, Vadilal ranges of ice-creams are
available there store.
Visa Cards
Online payments
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SWOT Analysis
They are available in reasonable price.
They know for different brands of product.
Wide variety of unique products.
Provide good customer services.
Good Customer Relationship.
Lacking in certain product.
Not much awareness in market
Less manpower
Sitting is not appealing and less foot falls during day time.
They come up with a new brand product.
Expansion of branch network.
They should tie up with new brands product.
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Consumer buying power also represent a key threat
Changing tastes and preference of brand products
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Diagnosis Phase
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Problem Identification
Saffron Namkeen is mid-old in the market. Being at a growth stage of business
Development, they are facing various issues.
1. Brand Building
Retail Store Branding is a strategy that depends on the brand concept where a
retailer‘s ―products‖ are his stores that it can promote in a similar way to a
branded well. Creating a strong retail brand will helps to beat its competitors in
the market.
3. Online competition
Lower prices the products, give your customer something your competitors can‘t
offers unique customer services.
Problem Statement
Saffron Namkeen is more than 8 years old and is already established properly. But in
terms of fewer footfalls advertisement in social media and many other things is not
properly engaged because of which it is not able to create awareness through social
media. Branch appearance and arrangement of amenities are not proper. Company is
also facing competition from other retailor shops. There are also some
communications issues which the owner and his staff need to improve. So as to
provide better customer services.
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Project Schedule
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Problem Analysis and Solution
1) Brand Building:
Having a successful brand is one of the important assets of your business. In this
way, we can say that brand building is an important activity in the overall business
development. It can make your consumers loyal and create awareness of your brand
in the market. If you are a business owner and think to build a business brand, then
keep in mind that brand building will keep you busy all the time and you must
sacrifice your energy, time and resources.
First step was defined Saffron Namkeen as brand. How saffron namkeen stand out
difference from other in market. In terms of defining a brand, we conduct a proper
swot analysis to find out saffron namkeen strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats that can give us an idea what can do better from saffron namkeen competitors.
The solution for store proposed that‘s saffron namkeen need brand logo. The brand
logo, styling and packaging are important elements to differentiate brand and build a
competitive advantage in the minds of the consumer. It‘s help saffron namkeen to
create awareness about their store in areas which they can not operate and create
brand positing there.
The saffron namkeen used only WhatsApp broadcast system to promote their offers,
discounts, and new product availability in the store. To personalizing saffron
namkeen brand we proposed solution that use a language with consistent voice and
tone of business across different media platforms, websites, blogs, product
description. Using rational and emotional appeals to promote the products of the
store. Consistent voice and one broad message will help consumers to identify saffron
namkeen across different platforms.
And at last, evaluate the saffron namkeen brand. Brand monitoring and evaluation is
always important for brand building. It helps to assess the saffron namkeen success
in the market.
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2) Data Management System:
Data management is the practice of collecting, keeping, and using data securely,
efficiently, and cost effectively. Managing digital data in an organization involves a
broad range of tasks, policies, procedures, and practices.
The goal of data management is to help people, organizations, and connected things
optimize the use of data within the bounds of policy and regulation so that they can
make decisions and take actions that maximize the benefit to the organization.
Saffron namkeen used GoFrugal software for their Data management system.
GoFrugal POS is a hybrid point of sale (POS) solution that helps retailers across
various industries, to manage their distribution and billing routines and automate
financial transactions. The solution can be deployed either on-premise or hosted in
the cloud. GoFrugal‘s inventory management module allows users to generate
inventory reports, fill orders for customers and set up automated ordering. Users also
have access to a central customer database, which helps them track purchases,
payment histories and personal details about customers such as birthdays and
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Customer Relationship Management System or CRM
Saffron namkeen used the go frugal software only for billing purpose. Not more than
that can be used. To create value in business the relation with consumer is most
important part. So, proposed solution is CRM system.
This platform is used as the main interface wherein the sales team reps keep all the
accounts, leads, contacts, cases and all other customer focused data
Go frugal is used to maintain the inventory solution. The exiting software which can
help saffron namkeen in the market coemptions. The product satisfaction and usage
data is usually sent to and maintained in data warehouse systems that serve as the
primary customer data repository. The counts of product availability and ordered the
product is essential part of retail store to growth. Solution in this situation is that to
reduce cost using go frugal as your main software for all purpose of organization
department. Search the go frugal working methos and used it for customer billing
process to handles the order data from various sources. These customer data sources
aid in different data requirements for various systems such as operations platforms,
financial applications, marketing and sales systems, purchase systems and many
others, since these data warehouses present cleansed, standardized and usable
versions for all these different systems.
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3) Online Competition:
With growing purchasing power and changing lifestyle of Indian consumers, retail
industry in India is poised for exponential growth in the next 10 years. In fact, India is
projected to emerge as the third largest consumer economy by 2025. However,
despite the huge potential of the Indian retail market, organized players (both offline
and online) have failed to sense the market. During the past 8 years, many retail
businesses closed their stores, stopped further expansion, and some players even
completely closed their operations.
Saffron namkeen is need to understand the their customers, and to recognize the
differences in their behaviors, patterns and trends.
The solution is that by grouping customers into different segment, Saffren namkeen
can create offers and exclusives that truly resonate with them, while avoiding the
irritation caused when customers receive irrelevant offers.
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What more could you do to understand your customers‟ priorities, preferences
and goals?
These questions help saffron namkeen to understand the segments of their custmers
saffron namkeen can used CRM details to connected more with them.
This might mean conducting one-to-one interviews or focus groups to hear the
customer‘s own views. These insights, when combined with data, can provide a clear
direction for the travel of your offline to online project.
Become a smart shopkeeper, and join the vendor network of either of these e
commerce firms
Invest in Service, there is no better loyalty programmed than a personal
relationship with the customer
Focus on things like Home delivery and ordering through sms or phone
Purchase or source from Cash and Carry players like Walmart or Metro and pass
on the higher margins as customer discounts
Embrace Digital, its the future
Yes, offline sellers are facing a lot of competition due to online player‘s huge
discount and marketing techniques but offline sellers have two ultimate advantage,
they can answer your all queries and prove immediate delivery of product.
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Implementation Phase
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1. Identifying alternatives courses of action
Changes in infrastructure
Promotion through social media
Changes in amenities
Feedback from customers& employees
Improving professionalism of staff
Launching new offers during festivals
Changes into the product display area
Adding more variety of Brand products
Devising more attractive Visiting card
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fair enough as they commented about the taste and the ambience. By this activity our
team came to know about 2 facts about the Store that can help to improve customer
visiting and that was:
1. The diff. brands of ice Products are best of the Store, so the owner can continue
with same.
2. The ambience of the Store (sitting arrangement) is not attractive for the
customers, so the management need to take care of this fact and improve their
Attractive Posts and videos should be posted to attract the customer.
Explore the more opportunities about Facebook, Instagram and other pages, so
that it will reach to large target.
Up to date or regular posting about number of services and different schemes.
B) Sales promotion:
Devising the offers for the festival
People are also having the issues about prices. So,Saffron Namkeen also started
giving discounts to the customers. During the Diwali time we also suggested to give
festival offers, like if customers buy over 1000 Rs. Of Namkeen and Snacks then
they will get 1 litter cooldrinks free.
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We created an Instagram account and started posting images of products of Saffron
Namkeen on a daily basis.
B. Facebook account
We activated and start posting on the deactivated Facebook account of Saffron
Namkeen which was deactivated in the year 2019.
C. Customer feedback
We conducted the survey of customer feedback form.
Intangible Benefits
Improved ambience.
Through the customer feedback the store comes to know about customer
preference with respect to quantity, price and offers.
Workers suggest new or alternative brands of product if customer gets confused.
6. Future recommendations
By observing all these things, we can say that Saffron Namkeen needs to do
something more for social media activities. So that Saffron Namkeen can be a
constantly touch with public and can give offers online. Due to which people can
constantly know about the current offers of the Store.
Also this branch of Saffron Namkeen can do conversation with public online and can
also handle the queries to the customer through social media. Also, we can say that
day time footfall for the customer are increase little bit but then also Saffron
Namkeen needs to come up with the offers. That can attract the customers at the day
Tie up with a new products of Brand shops to increase the sales of Saffron Namkeen.
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In this analysis finds that the products and service provided by saffron namkeen
was good their approx. Many of respondents agree that store provides good
service to their customer.
Customer reach out to the products easily that‘s products availability in store is
good and quantity of products are good enough to satisfied the customer need.
Many of the customers are happy after visiting the store they would like to come
again. And we will try to reach out the rest of the customers who got disappointed
and interact new customer.
There are finds that the products rate are very Fairley organized by store customer
are very happy with that, only 4% are not satisfied with rates proposed by store.
The study finds those customers are ready to share about the store details with
their friends and colleagues. The word-of-mouth marketing strategies seen in the
saffron namkeen. More than 50% are agree with that fewer are not agree with
suggestions of store.
The study analyzed that store is not operated on online mode there are lack social
awareness finds in saffron namkeen which needs to be improve. Majority of
customers are agree with this statement.
The most advantages part in saffron namkeen is that all products have
alternative‘s and is very needy and helpful part in customer perspective. 23% are
unsatisfied with this statement.
Saffron namkeen have 2 branches one at parle point and second on vesu. More
than people finds that store at his in good location and convenient for them. Less
no of customer don‘t know about locations continence and some are provided
neutral response about this statement.
The responds are very happy with saffron namkeen employees and the service
represents by them.
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