OPSS - PROV 903 Apr16
OPSS - PROV 903 Apr16
OPSS - PROV 903 Apr16
903.01 SCOPE
903-A Commentary
903.01 SCOPE
This specification covers the requirements for the supply and installation of deep foundation units.
Use of this specification or any other specification shall be according to the Contract Documents.
Appendices are not for use in provincial contracts as they are developed for municipal use, and then, only
when invoked by the Owner.
Inclusion of an appendix as part of the Contract Documents is solely at the discretion of the Owner.
Appendices are not a mandatory part of this specification and only become part of the Contract Documents as
the Owner invokes them.
Invoking a particular appendix does not obligate an Owner to use all available appendices. Only invoked
appendices form part of the Contract Documents.
The decision to use any appendix is determined by an Owner after considering their contract requirements
and their administrative, payment, and testing procedures, policies, and practices. Depending on these
considerations, an Owner may not wish to invoke some or any of the available appendices.
When the Contract Documents indicate that provincial-oriented specifications are to be used and there is a
provincial-oriented specification of the same number as those listed below, references within this specification
to an OPSS shall be deemed to mean OPSS.PROV, unless use of a municipal-oriented specification is
specified in the Contract Documents. When there is not a corresponding provincial-oriented specification, the
references below shall be considered to be to the OPSS listed, unless use of a municipal-oriented
specification is specified in the Contract Documents.
CSA Standards
ASTM International
17025 General Requirements for the Competence of the Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Anvil means the component of a diesel hammer that acts as an impact block for the ram
Bedrock means a natural solid bed of the hard, stable, cemented part of the earth’s crust, igneous,
metamorphic, or sedimentary in origin that may or may not be weathered.
Caisson Pile means a cast in place deep foundation unit with or without an enclosing liner formed by placing
concrete in a bored or excavated hole.
Cap Block means a material placed on top of the helmet to cushion the blow of the hammer and to attenuate
the peak impact energy without causing excessive loss of the impact energy.
Casing means open ended enclosing cylindrical steel tubing or pipe permanently installed in the ground.
Casings are structurally required and can be used to stabilize and excavated hole.
Certificate of Conformance means a document issued by the Quality Verification Engineer confirming that
the specified components of the Work are in general conformance with the requirements of the Contract
Deep Foundation Unit means a structural member, driven or otherwise, installed in the ground to transfer the
loads from a structure to soil or rock and derives supporting resistance from the surrounding soil or rock or
from the soil or rock strata below its tip or a combination of both.
Displacement Caisson Pile means a pile formed in the ground by driving a casing or liner with a concrete
plug or an expendable metal plate attached to it and replacing the displaced soil with unreinforced or
reinforced concrete.
Driving Shoe means reinforcement attached to the bottom of the pile and designed to protect the pile during
driving or to penetrate into a hard stratum.
Driving to a Set means driving the pile to the requirement that satisfies pile driving criteria correlated to a
required pile resistance.
Engineer means a professional engineer licensed by the Professional Engineers Ontario to practice in the
Province of Ontario.
Follower means a removable extension that transmits the hammer blows to the head of the pile.
Helmet means a formed steel cap that fits over the top of a pile head to retain in position a resilient cap block.
Jetting means the use of a jet of water at high pressure directed into the ground below the pile tip to assist its
Liner means open ended enclosing steel tubing or pipe temporarily installed in the ground to facilitate the
construction of caisson piles
Pile means a relatively slender structural element that is installed, wholly or partly in the ground by driving,
drilling, auguring, jetting, or other means.
Pile Cap means a footing or some other structural component used to transfer the load to the piles as well as
maintaining them in position.
Pile Cushion means a pad of resilient material placed between the helmet and the top of a precast reinforced
concrete or wooden pile to minimize damage to the head during driving.
Pumped Concrete means a method of transporting concrete through hose or pipe by means of positive and
continuous pressure.
Quality Verification Engineer (QVE) means an Engineer retained by the Contractor qualified to provide the
services specified in the Contract Documents.
Ram means the moving or driving part of an air, steam, diesel, or drop pile hammer that delivers an impact
blow to an anvil and to the pile.
Retapping means verifying that the specified resistance previously attained has been sustained by imparting
appropriate hammer energy to the pile and monitoring pile penetration.
Rock Points means a specially designed steel tip fitted to piles to enable them to be driven into hard, sound
sloped bedrock.
Sheet Pile means a pile that is designed to interlock with adjacent piles and form a continuous wall for the
purpose of resisting mainly lateral forces and to reduce seepage.
Slurry means a drilling fluid, consisting of water mixed with one or more of various solids or polymers, used to
maintain the stability of the side walls and bottom of an excavation.
903.04.01.01 Concrete
The Contractor is responsible for providing plastic concrete with suitable characteristics for installation. The
concrete shall be flow able, non-segregating concrete that does not exhibit rapid slump loss.
903.04.02.01 General
All submissions shall bear the seal and signature of an Engineer experienced in the field of deep foundations.
When welded field splices are used, welding procedures according to the Canadian Welding Bureau shall be
submitted to the Contract Administrator.
A condition survey of property and structures that may be affected by the work shall be submitted to the
Contract Administrator prior to commencing the work. The survey shall include the locations and conditions of
adjacent properties; buildings; underground structures; Utility services; and structures, such as walls abutting
the site.
903.04.02.03 Materials
One copy of the mill certificates, indicating that the steel meets the requirements for the appropriate standards
for H-piles, tube piles, casings, and sheet piles shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator at the time of
Where mill test certificates originate from a mill outside Canada or the United States of America, the
information on the mill certificates shall be verified by testing by a Canadian laboratory. The laboratory shall
be certified by an organization accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to comply to comply with the
requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for the specific tests or type of tests required by the material standard
specified on the mill test certificate. The mill test certificates shall be stamped with the name of the Canadian
testing laboratory and appropriate wording stating that the material conforms to the specified material
requirements. The stamp shall include the appropriate material specification number, the date (i.e., yyyy-mm-
dd), and the signature of an authorized officer of the Canadian testing laboratory.
903. Concrete
A suitable, site-specific concrete mix design that meets the requirements of the hardened concrete shall be
submitted to the Contract Administrator 14 Days prior to construction, for information purposes only.
903. Slurry
The following shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator 14 Days prior to construction, for information
purposes only:
d) The water solids ratio and the mass and volumes of the constituent parts, including any chemical
admixtures or physical treatment employed to produce slurry with the required physical properties.
f) A test report showing the properties of the slurry and certifying that the slurry meets the requirements of
API RP 13B-1.
903.04.02.04 Installation
The following shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator as least 14 Days prior to construction, for
information purposes only:
b) Type of equipment, anvil, helmet, and hammer details, including the hammer energy assumed by the
Contractor, stated potential energy (rated energy) of the hammer, operating efficiency, and weight of ram.
c) Working Drawings of precast concrete piles showing the pile dimensions, concrete strength, tendon
arrangement, working stresses and arrangement of steel reinforcement, schedules, elongation
calculations, method and sequence of casting, complete specifications and details of the prestressing
steel, and lift anchors and lifting point locations.
d) The method of maintaining the steel reinforcement cages in position, when steel reinforcement cages are
used in tube piles.
g) When load testing is specified in the Contract Documents, details of the full-scale test, including site
preparation and the details of the load application, components, equipment, testing apparatus, and
method of monitoring.
h) Information pertinent to establishing the resistance of a pile when the wave equation analysis method is
The following shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator at least 14 Days prior to construction, for
information purposes only:
d) Detailed procedures for slurry displacement method of excavation, including disposal of slurry upon
e) Detailed procedures for tremie concrete, including the size of tremie delivery pipe.
j) When load testing is specified in the Contract Documents, details of the full-scale test, including site
preparation, details of the load application, components, equipment, testing apparatus, and method of
The Quality Verification Engineer shall witness the following interim inspections of the work for caisson piles:
a) Excavation
c) Placing of concrete
A copy of the written permission to proceed shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator prior to
commencement of the next operation.
The following shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator as least 14 Days prior to construction, for
information purposes only:
b) Type of equipment, anvil, helmet, and hammer details, including the hammer energy assumed by the
Contractor, stated potential energy (rated energy) of the hammer, operating efficiency, maximum stroke or
drop, and weight of the ram.
c) Details of procedures used for installation of displacement caisson piles, including detailed procedures for
liner installation and withdrawal.
f) When load testing is specified in the Contract Documents, details of the full-scale test, including site
preparation, and the details of the load application, components, equipment, testing apparatus, and
method of monitoring.
Working Drawings showing the fabrication details of the steel reinforcement cages, including the lifting points
and lifting lugs, shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator at least 14 days prior to fabrication, for
information purposes only.
903.04.02.05 Qualifications
Copies of the Canadian Welding Bureau’s certification of the Independent Testing Company, the Non-
destructive Testing Technician, and the Welding Inspector shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator at
least 5 Days prior to the commencement of any non-destructive testing, for information purposes only.
Upon completion of the testing of the splices, the Quality Verification Engineer shall review all test results to
verify that all the welds were done according to the welding procedures and Contract Documents and issue
the Contractor written permission to proceed with the work.
Wooden piles shall be according to CAN3-056 and shall be clean and peeled. Treated piles shall be pressure
treated with creosote according to CAN/CSA-080.
Wooden piles shall be provided with collars sufficiently strong to prevent splitting of the head of the wooden
pile during driving.
903.05.02.01 H-Piles
Steel piles, casings, and liners shall conform to a straightness tolerance of 1.5 mm maximum per metre of
Steel sheet piles shall be sufficiently straight to prevent binding in the interlock during driving.
Rock points and driving shoes shall be as specified in the Contract Documents.
Driving shoes shall transfer the driving stresses to the pile over the full cross-sectional area of the pile.
Where wooden piles are driven into dense material, a steel plate driving shoe shall be provided to prevent
damage to the bottom of the pile.
Casings shall be according to ASTM A 252, Grade 2. If welded, they shall be welded by the electric arc
method according to CSA W59.
The casing wall thickness specified is the minimum that shall be supplied. The wall thickness shall be
increased as required to ensure the casing is not damaged during handling and installation.
903.05.06 Concrete
903.05.06.01 General
Concrete shall have a slump of 150 to 180 mm. When approved by the Contract Administrator in writing,
admixtures may be used. Where the liner is to be withdrawn, sufficient retarder shall be added to prevent
arching of concrete during liner withdrawal and to prevent setting of concrete until after the liner is withdrawn.
The production of precast reinforced concrete piles shall be according to OPSS 904, OPSS 905, and OPSS
Steel reinforcement shall be placed such that direct loading during the ram stroke shall not occur.
Lifting anchors shall be at least 25 mm clear from reinforcement or prestressing steel in the pile.
Concrete in precast reinforced concrete piles shall be according to OPSS 1350 and have a nominal minimum
28-Day compressive strength of 45 MPa.
Concrete for precast reinforced concrete piles shall be cured according to OPSS 904.
Concrete for precast reinforced concrete piles shall be placed in smooth mortar-tight forms that are supported
to prevent excessive deformation or settlement during placing or curing.
When removed from the form, the pile shall present true, smooth, even surfaces free from honeycombs and
voids. The pile shall be straight so that a line stretched from butt to tip on any face shall not be more than
25 mm from the face of the pile at any point.
903.05.08 Slurry
903.05.08.01 Solids
903.05.08.02 Water
The slurry shall consist of a stable colloidal suspension of pulverized solids or polymers thoroughly mixed with
water. The density, viscosity, sand content, and pH of the slurry being used during excavation shall be
according to API RP 13B-1.
903.06.01 Hammers
Hammers shall be capable of installing the piles, casings, and liners to the depth or resistance specified in the
Contract Documents, without damage to the portions that are not cut off.
The hammer used to chisel the rock point into the rock shall be capable of delivering a controlled blow in 10%
increments ranging in energy from zero to the maximum hammer energy.
For precast reinforced concrete piles, the heaviest hammer practicable shall be employed and the stroke
limited so as not to damage the piles. When choosing the size of the hammer, consideration shall be given to
whether the pile is to be driven to a resistance or to a given depth.
The head of steel piles shall be protected by a striker plate or a helmet. Helmets shall have adequate and
suitable cushioning material. Helmets and striker plates shall distribute the blow of the hammer evenly
throughout the cross-section of the pile head.
903.06.03 Leads
Pile driver leads shall be built to afford freedom of movement for the hammer and shall be held in position at
the top and bottom by guys, stiff braces, or other approved means to ensure support of the pile, casing, or
liner while it is being driven. Swinging leads shall not be permitted.
Batter piles, casings, or liners shall be driven with leads aligned parallel to the axis of the pile, casing, or liner.
The leads shall be equipped with a fixed, rigid, adjustable kicker.
When use of followers are specified in the Contract Documents, followers shall be of type, size, shape,
length, and weight as to permit driving the pile, casing, or liner at the location and to the required depth or
ultimate resistance specified in the Contract Documents. The follower shall be provided with a socket or hood
carefully fitted to the top of the pile, casing, or liner to minimize loss of energy and to prevent damage to the
pile, casing, or liner, and shall have sufficient rigidity to prevent "whip" during driving.
903.07.01 Transporting, Storing, and Handling Piles, Casings, Liners, and Reinforcing
Steel Reinforcement Cages
903.07.01.01 General
Piles, casings, liners, and steel reinforcement shall be transported, stored, and handled in such a manner that
damage is prevented and the strength of the components is not affected by deterioration or deformation.
Components shall be lifted and placed using appropriate lifting equipment, temporary bracing, guys, or
stiffening devices so that the components are at no time overloaded, unstable, or unsafe.
Canthooks, dogs, pile pulls, or use of other lifting methods that might damage the integrity of the pressure
treated surface shall not be used. Cuts or breaks in the surface of treated piling shall be given three brush
coats of hot creosote oil. Bolt holes shall be treated with three applications of hot creosote oil applied with a
bolt hole treater.
Unless otherwise approved by the Contract Administrator, holes shall only be made in the portion of the pile to
be cut off or in the portion of the pile to be encased in concrete.
When other holes are approved to be cut in a pile they shall be covered by splice plates placed on both sides
of the section. The thickness and the mechanical properties of the plate material shall be at least equivalent
to the pile material.
Precast concrete piles shall be handled only from the designated lifting points.
When lifting or transporting precast reinforced concrete piles lift anchors, slings, or other approved means
shall be used. Care shall be taken when lifting and transporting to avoid any overstressing of the pile or
cracking of the concrete.
Precast reinforced concrete piles shall be so handled to avoid breaking or chipping their edges.
Lift anchors shall be removed and the holes filled with a non-shrink grout or epoxy installed according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Casings and liners shall be handled and stored in such a manner to avoid damage or distortion to them. The
casings and liners shall be maintained circular within ± 2% of the casing or liner diameter.
Piles shall not be driven until embankment work or excavation work has been completed to the underside of
the footing. When driving of the piles is completed, all material between the piles shall be removed to the
correct elevation and any holes or voids created shall be filled to the correct elevation with compacted material
approved by the Contract Administrator.
Piles shall be installed at the locations specified in the Contract Documents and to the set or depth specified
without being damaged. Damage to the pile, casing, or liner during driving shall be prevented by limiting the
drop or energy and number of blows of the hammer. The hammer, helmet, cap block, striker plate, and pile
shall be coaxial and shall sit squarely upon each other.
A shorter stroke shall be used and proper precaution shall be taken when there is a danger of damaging or
over driving the piles, casing, or liners under conditions such as:
a) In the early stages of driving a long pile where a hard layer near the ground surface has to be penetrated.
b) Where there is very soft material of a considerable depth and a large penetration is achieved at each
hammer blow.
c) Where it is anticipated the pile shall meet refusal on rock or other impenetrable soil.
Damage to adjacent structures, Utilities, and fresh concrete shall be prevented during pile installation. Piles
shall not be driven within a radius of 8 m of concrete that has been in place for less than 72 hours. Piles shall
not be driven within a radius of 15 m of concrete that has been in place for less than 72 hours without the
approval of the Contract Administrator.
The tops of all piles shall be either square to the longitudinal axis of the pile or horizontal as indicated in the
Contract Documents.
Piles shall not be forced into their proper position by the use of excessive manipulation. Pile damage due to
excessive driving shall be avoided.
Driving shoes and rock points shall be installed in locations specified in the Contract Documents.
When driving shoes are specified in the Contract Documents, the Titus H bearing pile point or APF Hard Bite,
standard model, may be substituted for the driving shoes.
When Oslo points are specified in the Contract Documents, the Titus H bearing pile point or APF, rock injector
model, may be substituted for the pile points.
Where proprietary driving shoes are used, they shall be welded or otherwise attached to the driven piles
according to the manufacturer's specifications.
903.07.02.03 Splicing
903. General
Welding shall be according to CSA W59 and shall be done by a qualified welder employed by a firm certified
according to CSA W47.1, Division 1 or Division 2.1.
Steel H-piles and steel tube piles may be spliced providing the pieces being spliced are not less than 3 m long.
Splices in marine structures shall be located below the low water level, unless otherwise encased in concrete.
Sheet piles shall not be spliced without approval by the Contract Administrator.
Precast reinforced concrete piles shall only be spliced when specified in the Contract Documents and the
splices shall only be made with approved mechanical splicing devices.
903. General
Driven piles shall be cut to the elevation as specified in the Contract Documents.
The length of pile supplied shall be sufficient to ensure there is no damaged material below the cut off.
Damaged material at the pile head shall be cut off.
Piles shall not be cut off until retapping, redriving, and specified load testing are complete.
Where wooden piles are broomed, splintered, or otherwise damaged below the cut-off elevation, the pile shall
be considered defective and shall be replaced.
Exposed steel H and steel tube piles shall have a coal tar epoxy protective coating applied from an elevation
600 mm below the low water level or finished ground surface up to the top of the exposed steel.
The steel surfaces shall be cleaned according to SSPC-SP10 prior to application of a coal tar epoxy system
that shall be according to OPSS 911.
903. General
The driving of piles shall be carefully monitored and controlled and pile driving records produced for each
pile. The QVE or an individual under the direct supervision of the QVE shall verify the work.
Piles shall not be overdriven. When driving to a specified ultimate resistance, driving to a set or driving to
bedrock, the piles shall be driven to the anticipated tip elevation. The Contract Administrator shall be notified if
In soils where there is a possibility of piles moving upward due to ground heave, elevations of completed pile
tops shall be measured at intervals while nearby piles are being installed. The readings shall be recorded and
submitted to the Contract Administrator as the work proceeds.
Piles shall be driven to an elevation specified in the Contract Documents. Driving piles to other elevations
shall only be done when approved in writing by the Contract Administrator.
903. General
The Quality Verification Engineer shall establish the reference set used to determine ultimate resistance and
measure and record the set for individual pile acceptance.
The set and rebound measurements shall be obtained by the Quality Verification Engineer. The Quality
Verification Engineer shall determine the measured ultimate resistance and verify that the design ultimate
resistance has been achieved.
The founding elevation shall be established by driving to a set determined in accordance with the dynamic
formula specified in the Contract Documents or by the application of the wave equation analysis procedure
that verifies the pile resistance. This set shall be established on the first pile of every ten piles driven in a pile
The other piles shall be controlled by the pile penetration rate in blows per millimetre that correlates to the set.
When new conditions, such as change in hammer size, change in pile size, or change in soil material occur,
new sets shall be determined.
When driving piles to bedrock, the pile shall be adequately seated on bedrock without damaging the pile.
Where rock points are used, the rock points shall penetrate into the rock. Piles driven using rock points shall
be driven to ensure adequate seating on the bedrock without damaging the pile.
Driving of piles on sloping bedrock shall be stopped when initial contact is made with the bedrock. The
bedrock elevation shall be recorded. Driving shall then continue, commencing with energy of 10% of the
maximum energy of the hammer. The pile shall be driven in sets of 20 blows at this energy until no
penetration is observed. Twenty additional blows shall be applied, and, if no penetration is observed, the
energy shall be increased by an additional 10% and the above procedure repeated.
Driving shall continue with these stepped increases in energy and with the same series of blows as described
above, until the pile has been seated on the bedrock.
If unrealistic excessive penetration per blow is observed, driving shall be stopped and this excessive
penetration immediately reported to the Contract Administrator.
The Quality Verification Engineer shall determine when the hammer energy can be increased and when the
driving is complete for each pile.
When requested by the Contract Administrator, all equipment, material, and personnel shall be supplied to
conduct the wave equation analysis procedure. The Quality Verification Engineer shall review the results of
the analysis.
When requested by the Contract Administrator, the hammer performance using the pile driving analyzer or
other approved equivalent shall be verified in the presence of the Contract Administrator. Hammer
performance shall be verified to ensure that the actual potential energy (rated energy) is not less than 90% of
the stated potential energy. All instrumentation, access, and assistance for the testing and monitoring as
directed by the Contract Administrator shall be provided.
In each pile group, 10% of the piles rounded up to the next whole number, but no fewer than two piles, shall be
retapped no sooner than 24 hours after installation of the individual pile to confirm that the ultimate axial
resistance has been sustained.
When the retapping tests indicate that the ultimate axial resistance has not been achieved on any one pile, all
piles in the group shall be retapped.
Where the retapping reveals that the ultimate axial resistance of the piles has not been achieved, the piles that
have not achieved the ultimate axial resistance shall be redriven to the specified resistance.
Where piles have risen, the piles shall be redriven to the original depth.
903.07.02.08 Jetting
Jetting shall be carried out in such a manner that the resistance of the piles already in place and the safety of
adjacent structures shall not be impaired. Jetting shall be stopped at least 1 m above the final expected pile-
tip elevation and at least 1 m above the tip elevation of any piles previously driven within 2 m of the jet. Where
piles are to be end bearing on rock, jetting may be carried to the rock surface.
The driving and jetting of precast reinforced concrete piles shall not be carried out simultaneously.
903.07.03.01 General
The final bearing elevation shall be as specified in the Contract Documents or as determined by the Contract
Administrator. When permanent casings are not specified, the caisson shall be constructed in a drilled hole
with or without the use of a temporary liner or slurry as determined by the Contractor.
903.07.03.02 Excavation
903. General
Sidewall stability shall be maintained throughout the excavation and concrete placement operation. Soil
The bottom of the excavation shall be cleaned before the start of concrete placement.
Excavation methods shall be such that the sides and bottom of the hole are straight and free of loose material
that might prevent intimate contact of the concrete with undisturbed soil or bedrock.
Except when founded on sloping rock, the caisson bottom shall be level. On sloping rock, the caisson bottom
may be stepped, with each step not greater than ¼ the diameter of the bearing area.
903. Casings
When an auger is used to excavate for a casing, the diameter of the auger shall be no greater than the outside
diameter of the casing.
903. Liners
The diameter of the excavation for the installation of liners shall not exceed the diameter of the liner by more
than 150 mm.
The level of slurry in the excavation shall be sufficient to prevent the intrusion of water and to maintain a stable
wall with no cave-in, sloughing, or basal heave.
Slurry shall be tested as specified in API RP 13B-1All test equipment required for the tests shall be provided.
A slurry sampler capable of obtaining samples at any depth within the caisson hole shall be available at all
At least 1 set of tests shall be completed every 4 hours during the slurry operation. Samples shall be taken
from the mud tank and from within the caisson at a depth within 300 mm of the bottom.
903.07.03.04 Dewatering
Where dewatering is required, a dewatering scheme shall be employed in such a manner as to prevent any
disturbance to the base founding material. The dewatering shall not create subsidence or cause ground loss
that may adversely affect the work or adjacent structures.
The annular space between a liner permanently left in place and shaft excavation shall be filled with concrete
or fluid grout.
Steel reinforcement steel shall be installed according to OPSS 905. Steel reinforcement cages shall be
checked to ensure conformance to the Working Drawings prior to installation and during placement of
Welding of steel reinforcement and use of splices shall not be done unless specified in the Contract
The steel reinforcement shall not be displaced or distorted during the construction of the caisson.
903.07.03.07 Concrete
903. General
Concrete shall be placed in the caisson according to OPSS 904 and as specified herein. Concrete shall be
placed immediately following interim inspection of the caisson hole by the Quality Verification Engineer.
The reinforcement shall not be displaced or distorted during the construction of the caisson.
The concrete may be placed free fall provided the fall is vertically down the centre of the opening and
transverse ties, spacers or other objects do not impede the free fall. In the event of interference with the
concrete free fall, an elephant trunk or other means shall be used to prevent concrete segregation.
Concrete shall be placed in a continuous operation from the bottom to the top of the caisson or, where
columns are cast integral with the caisson, to the elevation of the bottom of the column steel reinforcement
cage. The concrete shall be vibrated for the last 1.5 m of the pour.
Tremie or pumped concrete shall be carried out in one continuous operation. The tremie or pumping
operation shall be a continuous flow of concrete that prevents the inflow of water or slurry.
Where tremie concrete is to be placed in a caisson under water, the Contractor shall maintain an adequate
head of water within the excavations to prevent the inflow of water through the base or walls of the caisson as
the concrete is being placed.
Where tremie is placed under slurry, the caisson shall be filled with concrete entirely by tremie and the method
of deposition shall not be changed part way up the caisson.
When concrete placement is not started within 6 hours of acceptance of the excavation, the excavation shall
be redrilled, cleaned, and the slurry tested before concrete placement commences.
During withdrawal, the bottom of the liner shall have a minimum embedment into the concrete being placed
and a sufficient head of concrete shall be maintained above the bottom of the liner at all times to prevent
intrusion of soil and water into the hole.
During withdrawal, upward or downward movement of the steel reinforcement shall be monitored. Upward or
downward movement shall be restricted to 150 mm.
A theoretical concrete level shall be calculated based on the quantity of concrete placed and the caisson
dimensions, and this theoretical level shall be compared to the actual level of concrete in the caisson to
provide a check for possible separation of shaft concrete during liner withdrawal.
The final founding elevation shall be as specified in the Contract Documents or an elevation approved in
writing by the Contract Administrator. When casings are not specified in the Contract Documents, the caisson
shall be constructed in a drilled hole with or without the use of a liner or slurry as determined by the
Except when founded on sloping unweathered bedrock, the caisson bottom shall be level. On sloping
unweathered bedrock, the caisson bottom may be stepped, with each step not greater than one quarter the
diameter of bearing area.
The bearing area of the caisson pile shall be approved by the Quality Verification Engineer prior to placing
Work shall be carried out in accordance with the displacement caisson pile suppliers’ installation procedures.
A permanent liner shall be used when specified in the Contract Documents.
The sequence of installation shall be such as to prevent damage to any recently completed piles.
The pile shall not be founded above or below the specified pile tip elevation without approval in writing from the
Contract Administrator.
The QVE or an individual under the direct supervision of the QVE shall verify the installation of displacement
caisson piles.
903.07.05 Tolerances
b) Deviation from vertical not more than 1H:50V, except in the case of a pile cap or footing supporting only a
single row of piles the deviation shall not be more than 1H:75V in the direction of the span.
c) The deviation from the specified inclination for battered piles shall not exceed 1H:25V.
d) The centre of the pile at the junction with the pile cap shall be within 150 mm measured horizontally of that
specified except in the case of a pile cap or footing supported on a single row of piles the deviation shall
not be more than 75 mm measured horizontally in the direction of the span.
b) Horizontal location at cut-off not more than 5% of shaft diameter or 75 mm, whichever is less.
c) Vertical alignment not more than 2% of the caisson length from vertical for vertical caissons, or 2% of the
caisson length from the specified inclination for battered caissons.
When a load test is specified in the Contract Documents, the testing shall be according to ASTM D 1143M for
piles under vertical static load, ASTM D 3689 for piles under tensile load, and ASTM D 3966 for piles under
lateral loads. The Quality Verification Engineer shall witness the pile load test. All records and results of the
All necessary personnel, equipment, and material to make adjustments during the tests shall be provided and
at least one skilled worker shall be present for the complete duration of each test. This worker shall have
demonstrated experience in load testing of piles.
b) An adequate enclosure sufficient to provide complete protection from adverse weather conditions
c) All temporary work required to obtain access to the site for the personnel, equipment, and materials.
Upon completion of the tests, the site shall be cleared and restored to the satisfaction of the Contract
Administrator. Piles that are not part of the finished work shall be cut off 1.2 m below ground level or 0.6 m
below stream bed level. Any resulting void shall be backfilled with suitable fill material.
Any section of weld that does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be removed and
An independent testing company with no corporate affiliation with the Contractor shall be employed to carry
out the non-destructive testing of welds. The independent testing company shall be certified by the Canadian
Welding Bureau to the requirements of CSA W178.1 for bridge structures by radiographic or ultrasonic test
Testing shall be done by a non-destructive testing technician employed by an independent testing company.
The non-destructive testing technician shall have documented evidence of training and professional
knowledge, skill, and experience in non-destructive testing of structural steel welds and material and have a
valid certificate showing qualification to a Level II or III according to CAN/CGSB-48.9712 and the Canadian
Welding Bureau for the non-destructive testing specified.
Visual inspections shall be performed by a welding inspector employed by an independent testing company.
The welding inspector shall have documented evidence of training, professional knowledge, skill and
experience in the visual inspection of structural steel welds and material, and have a valid certificate showing
qualification to Level II or III according to CSA W178.2.
A representative sample of not less than 30% of the welds, as determined by the Quality Verification Engineer,
shall be visually inspected for conformance to the requirements of CSA W59, the Contract Documents, and
the Working Drawings.
Radiographic or ultrasonic testing shall be carried out using procedures according to CSA W59.
Ultrasonic or radiographic testing shall be carried out on the entire length of selected splice welds chosen at
a) For pile groups other than at integral abutments, 10% of the splice welds, rounded to the next highest
number, but no fewer than two.
b) For pile groups at integral abutments, 10% of the splice welds, rounded to the next highest number, but no
fewer than two of when the welds are below 6 m of the pile cut-off elevation.
c) For pile groups at integral abutments, all splice welds within 6 m of the pile cut-off elevation.
All welds that have been repaired shall be visually inspected and shall undergo non-destructive testing.
Within 7 Days from completion of the inspection and testing, two copies of all inspection and testing reports
shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator, for information purposes only.
A completed Certificate of Conformance shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator upon completion of
the deep foundation work. The Certificate of Conformance shall be sealed and signed by the Quality
Verification Engineer and shall state that the deep foundation work has been carried out in general
conformance with the Contract Documents and Working Drawings. The Certificate of Conformance shall also
certify that the interim milestone inspections have been completed as specified.
When the specified horizontal tolerances are not achieved, the process for “Non-Conforming Work by the
Contractor” as specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents shall be followed unless the pile discrepancies
are minor and do not require a detailed design evaluation.
For these minor cases, a proposal for an amendment to the Contract Documents stating that the pile
discrepancies are minor and do not require detailed design evaluation shall be submitted to the Contract
Administrator for acceptance.
The proposal shall be signed by an Engineer and shall be accompanied by a drawing containing the following
903.09.01.01 H-Piles, Tube Piles, Wooden Piles, and Precast Reinforced Concrete Piles
Measurement of piles shall be by length in metres of the piling left in place after cut-off.
Measurement of sheet piles shall be by area in square metres based on the driving lines specified and the
length of piling left in place after cut-off.
For measurement purposes, a count shall be made of the number of drive shoes used.
For measurement purposes, a count shall be made of the number of rock points used.
Measurement of caissons and displacement caisson piles shall be by length in metres of the depth along the
centreline between the approved bearing surface at the bottom and the specified elevation at the top.
For measurement purposes, a count shall made of the number of piles retapped above and beyond the
minimum number described in the Retapping Tests on Piles clause.
Piles retapped as part of the minimum number required for the retapping tests described in the Retapping
Tests on Piles clause shall not be measured for payment.
When measurement is by Plan Quantity, such measurement shall be based on the units shown in the clauses
under Actual Measurement.
Payment at the Contract price for the above tender items shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment,
and Material required to do the work.
For payment purposes, 50% of the work under this item is completed when the satisfactory performance of
the equipment has been demonstrated to the Contract Administrator by the installation of 1% of piles. The
remaining 50% shall be paid on the satisfactory completion of the installation of piles.
When the hammer performance is requested to be verified, such verification shall be completed at no extra
cost to the owner when the energy delivered is less than 90% of the stated potential energy (rated energy)
specified in the submission.
When the energy is equal to or greater than 90% of the stated potential energy stated in the required
submission, the cost verifying the hammer performance shall be administered as a Change in the Work.
Payment at the Contract price for the above tender items shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment,
and Material to do the work.
Payment for redriving piles shall be at the Contract price for the applicable tender item above.
When the Contractor substitutes driving shoes or Oslo points with Titus H bearing pile points, the cost of such
substitutions shall be at no extra cost to the Owner.
Payment at the Contract price for the above tender item shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment,
and Material to do the work.
Retapping the minimum specified number of piles for retapping tests shall include all labour, Equipment, and
Material to do the work and shall be included in the Contract price for the appropriate pile tender item.
Where additional retapping is required, payment shall be made based on the ratio of the number of piles
retapped in a pile group above the minimum requirement, up to the total number of piles in that pile group,
times the tender price for retapping all piles for that pile group.
Note: This is a non-mandatory Commentary Appendix intended to provide information to a designer, during
the design stage of a contract, on the use of the OPS specification in a municipal contract. This
appendix does not form part of the standard specification. Actions and considerations discussed in
this appendix are for information purposes only and do not supersede an Owner’s design decisions and
Designer Action/Considerations