(Draft) Package 6 - MS For PDA Test Rev. 01

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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)

Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test






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0 .Mar.2023 For Approval

Punto Bagus H. Kondo Daisuke Maruno

Deputy Project
Rev Date Engineer Manager Project Manager Description

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

Date Date
Rev. Submitted Response
Engineer’s Comments PTRPWJ Action
No. by by
PTRPWJ Engineer

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. REFERENCE.......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. SCOPE OF WORKS ............................................................................................................................. 4
4. SITE ORGANIZATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
5. VESSEL, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT...................................................................................... 6
6. WORK EXECUTION ............................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 WORK FLOW CHART ................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 METHODOLOGY OF PILE DRIVING ANALYZER TEST ........................................................ 8
6.2.1. Pile Driving Analyzer Test .................................................................................................. 8
6.2.2. Material Test Pile ................................................................................................................... 8
6.2.3. Survey and Set Pile Point Work ........................................................................................ 8
6.2.4. Transportation of Pile .......................................................................................................... 9
6.2.5. Piling Work ............................................................................................................................. 9 Pile Handling and Positioning ...................................................................................... 10 Pile Driving ........................................................................................................................ 10
6.2.6. Mounting Strain Transducer Works ............................................................................... 11
6.2.7. Mounting Accelerometer Work ........................................................................................ 11
6.2.8. First PDA Test Work ........................................................................................................... 12
6.2.9. Second PDA Test Work ..................................................................................................... 13
6.2.10. Third PDA Test Work ....................................................................................................... 14
7. SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................................... 15
8. QUALITY CONTROL .......................................................................................................................... 15
9. SAFETY, HEATLH AND ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................... 15




Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
Page | 2
Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


This Method Statement describes the procedure for pile driving analyzer on Container
Terminal Berth for Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2) under Package 6
Contract: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction located at Patimban, West Java,

This document will serve as a guideline and/or reference for the Contractor and its sub-
contractors to develop the construction methodology and planning in accordance with site
specific conditions, Contractor’s capability, and schedule. The Contractor recognizes that
safety; health and environmental issues are prime consideration in all decisions
throughout the entire duration of the project.

This document explains the detail operation of pile driving analyzer for container terminal
berth in accordance with the Technical Specifications and Drawings

a) Contract Drawings
Drawing. No.: PKG6-CTB2-009~013
b) Technical Specifications
Chapter 3: Sub-chapter 3.4 Piling Works

c) Standards
In principle, the tests will be based on JIS/ASTM standard or equivalent, if
applicable. The standards used are listed below:

Table 1: Standards and Codes

Standards Description

ASTM D4945 Standard Test Method for High-Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

The static loading test work on Patimban Port Development Project Package 6 will be
executed in accordance with the Technical Specifications, Drawings and other relevant
documents provided in the Contract and Engineer’s approval. This work comprises of the
a. Positioning Survey
b. Piling Work
c. Test Pile Work

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

PTRPWJ’s Site Organization is established in this project to effectively manage, control,
execute and maintain the Works in accordance to the contractual requirements. It is also
established to develop the integrated planning, scheduling and subsequently formed an
efficient progress control system during the execution of the Works.

The personnel specified in the below mentioned Site Organization are those who are
directly involved in the Pile Driving Analyzer Test Works.

Figure 1: Organization Chart

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


Table 2: Equipment List for Static Loading Test


1. Crane Barge 1 Unit Steel Barge 230 feet

Crawler Crane
2. Crane 1 Unit 250 ton
(Kobelco 7450)
3. Diesel Hammer 1 Unit DD160 16 ton

4. Vibro Hammer 1 Unit Tomen 120 Hp

5. PDA Model PAX/8G

6. Strain Transducer

7. Accelerometer

8. Main Cable

9. Cable Connector

10. Charger

11. Miscellaneous Tools

The above listed vessel, machinery and equipment may vary during construction depend on site

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


Figure 2: Work Flow Chart

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


6.2.1. Pile Driving Analyzer Test
Pile driving analyzer (PDA) is a testing system using digital computer data obtained from
strain and acceleration sensors to measure force and speed when driving piles.

6.2.2. Material Test Pile

The material of the of the Steel Pipe Pile (SPP) for Test Pile. The pile have the same
diameter but only different in length. Material details can be seen below.

Table 3: Material Pile List for Static Loading Test

Dia. Length
No Piles Nos. Remarks
(mm) (m)

1 PDA Test Pile (CT-253) 1 Ø1400 52.5 Permanent Pile

2 PDA Test Pile (CT-341) 1 Ø1400 59.5 Permanent Pile
3 PDA Test Pile (CT-383) 1 Ø1400 44.0 Permanent Pile

6.2.3. Survey and Set Pile Point Work

Before survey work starts, need to point of two platform survey (two axis Coordinates).
Platform survey will be placed on existing container berth package 1 and on break water
package 2.

Figure 3: Location of Platform Survey

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

6.2.4. Transportation of Pile

Before transported, each pile mush be marked for every 100 cm with 25 cm grid interval,
starting from the pile toe in order to know the length of pile. Transporting pile and Loading
pile onto crane barges using crane 250t and trailers as transport through the existing
jetty and towed by a tug boat to approach the piling location.

Figure 4: Illustration of Transportation Pile

6.2.5. Piling Work

Figure 5: Layout of PDA Pile

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

Piling Work to be done as follow: Pile Handling and Positioning

Preparation procedure prior to piling work for test pile should be as follow:

a. Staring of piling work, handling pile will be conducted from material barge, the
material barge will be positioned as close as possible to the piling barge to ease
the crane for handling the SPP from barge prior to positioning the pile.
b. After the piling barge is the upright positioning against the material barge, lifting
sling will be lowered from pile barge leader. The binding of the steel sling is aided
by 2 (two) rigger over the material barge. The Pile which had lifted will be
established in vertical position.
c. After that, piling barge will be able to move towards test pile location in
accordance with the coordinate of the plan.
d. Piling barge will approach the piling point and adjust the pile until reaching the
design position. Pile coordinates can be maintained by monitoring the position of
the pile against the pile coordinates shown in software interface. Pile Driving

After the pile is on the correct position, the pile driving will be carried out as follows:

a. Piling barge will be positioned at the designated area.

b. Material barge will be positioned at alongside the piling barge.
c. Pile will be lifted by using two wire ropes at proper lifting point, wire ropes will be
wrapped to prevent from damage. The pile positioning will be checked by 2
surveyor (2 axis coordinates).
d. To assure the verticality of the pile, besides coordinates checking by surveyor,
the contractor will use steel structure designed to be guide pile.

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

Figure 6: Illustration of Guide Pile

e. The pile in the correct position will be continuously driven by diesel hammer
until the pile reached the estimated toe level.

6.2.6. Mounting Strain Transducer Works

Strain Transducer is a device with an electrical sensor type. The main use of this tool is
to take measurements of forces as well as strains. Strain transducer will be mounting to
the side of pile with 1,5 x Diameter (D) distance from pile head. The method of mounting
a transducer is using the tab/glue method. This method is the least invasive and is truly
a “non-destructive testing” technique.

Figure 7: Illustration of Mounting Strain Transducer

6.2.7. Mounting Accelerometer Work

Accelerometer is a device for measuring shock and vibration. An accelerometer
transduces the acceleration of an object into the proportional analog signal. The analog
signal indicates the real-time, instantaneous acceleration of the object on which the

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

accelerometer is mounted. For reliable data, particularly at high frequencies, it is

important that your accelerometer be mounted correctly. Strain transducer will be
mounting to the side of pile with 1,5 x Diameter (D) distance from pile head. Installation
can be done before pile is lifting. Location of the strain transducer and accelerometer are
approximately equal to each other and placed in a straight surface.

Figure 8: Illustration of Mounting Accelerometer

6.2.8. First PDA Test Work

First PDA Test will be performed on SPP location CT 253, CT 295, CT 341, CT 383.
Basic theory on PDA test was one dimensional wave propagation, where the input was
generate by impact hammer. Input wave then measure by attached strain gauge and
accelerometer at 1.5D from pile top. Traveling wave on pile will reflect back if there are
soil resistance and pile impedance change. For the first PDA Test, it will be separated
into 2 methods, the first monitoring PDA Test and the first final PDA Test.

The first monitoring PDA test will be conduct at the location where the static loading test
will be carried out at pile location CT 295. First monitoring PDA test will be perform during
the piling process. Stresses on pile will be monitored during driving. If over stress
occurred, engineer on site will be inform to do corrective action such as lowering the
hammer energy and/or changing or add pile cushion. If acceptance criteria (final set or
pile capacity) already achieved before plan pile penetration, pile driving might be stopped
or continued until refusal criteria was meet. For analyzing and reporting purpose,
contractor shall give pile layout, pilling record with final set of the test pile and soil data.

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

The first final PDA Test will be carried out at pile locations CT 253, CT 341, CT 383. After
strain transducer and accelerometer has been attached to the side section of pile with
1.5 x Diameter (D) distance from pile head. The test will be carried out with the same
drop height at final set and minimum 10 blows and will be analyzed by CAPWAP

Figure 9: Illustration of First PDA Test Work

6.2.9. Second PDA Test Work

Second Final PDA Test Work will be conduct after 30 days first monitoring PDA test has
been finish. Ensure pile top surface is level and in good condition. If a bad pile head was
found then it should be cut and remove the bad section and if necessary, do repair and
ensure the eccentricity between pile and hammer.

1. Attached strain transducer and accelerometer to the side section of pile with 1.5 x
Diameter (D) distance from pile head.
2. Prepare hammer and other safety equipment.
3. Conduct the test with same drop height at final set and minimum 10 blows.
4. Afterward, PDA test data will be analyzed using CAPWAP program and the final
result is factual test report.
5. For analyzing and reporting purposes, the contractor shall give pile layout and piling
record of the test pile.

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test

Figure 10: Illustration of Second PDA Test Work

6.2.10. Third PDA Test Work

Then 30 days after the Second Final PDA Test is carried out, the Third Final PDA Test
shall can be conduct. For the procedure of Third Final PDA Test work is same as Second
Final PDA Test.

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


PTRPWJ has developed and maintained a Master Schedule that will be used to monitor
and track test progress; critical tasks; critical decision dates and critical actions required
by relevant parties.

Attachment- 1 in this document indicates the micro schedule of this Method Statement.

PTRPWJ has established the Quality Control Procedures to be implemented in this project
to ensure the Works will be executed to the highest quality standard; in order to provide
the Employer with an end-product conforming to or surpassing all the requirements of the
Contract. Such procedures outline the approach to quality control in respect of the principal
elements of the Works that comprises of documentation to be submitted to the Engineer
prior to commencement of the Works, the stage inspection and testing and eventual
handing over of the quality control documents to the Engineer at the Taking-Over of the
whole of the Works.

Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for Pile Driving Analyzer Tets will be submitted separately.


PTRPWJ has established a Safety Health and Environment Management Plan for this
project to take into consideration the Employer’s project specific requirements and
constraints. It shall also comply with all applicable laws, by-laws, rules and regulations of
Indonesia on health, safety and environment in the execution of the works.

Attachment- 2 in this document indicates the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) intended for this
Method Statement

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


Construction Schedule

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Schedule for Pile Driving Test Works
Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23
No Task Name 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
1 Constrcution Works
1.1 CT 253 4 Days
1.1.1 Supply Test Pile
1.1.2 Mounting Strain Transducer
1.1.3 Mounting Accelerometer
1.1.4 Piling Test Pile
1.1.5 First PDA Monitoring Test 30 Days
1.1.6 Second Final PDA Test 30 Days
1.1.7 Third Final PDA Test
1.1.8 Cutting Anchor Pile Work
1.2 CT 341 4 Days
1.2.1 Supply Test Pile
1.2.2 Mounting Strain Transducer
1.2.3 Mounting Accelerometer
1.2.4 Piling Test Pile
1.2.5 First PDA Monitoring Test 30 Days
1.2.6 Second Final PDA Test 30 Days
1.2.7 Third Final PDA Test
1.2.8 Cutting Anchor Pile Work
1.3 CT 383 4 Days
1.3.1 Supply Test Pile
1.3.2 Mounting Strain Transducer
1.3.3 Mounting Accelerometer
1.3.4 Piling Test Pile
1.3.5 First PDA Monitoring Test 30 Days
1.3.6 Second Final PDA Test 30 Days
1.3.7 Third Final PDA Test
1.3.8 Cutting Anchor Pile Work
Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


Job Safety Analysis

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
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Job Description: Pile Driving Analyzer Test LAST REVIEWED DATE:

Area/Unit: Patimban Package 6: : Container Terminal No. 2 Construction REVIEWED BY:

Tag No/Equipment Description: SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR.


PPE Required to do this Job : Minimum PPE standard, Body Harness, Page:

Risk Level Risk Level
before after
JOB STEP Potential Hazards Potential Events Prevention
Mitigation Mitigation
(S x D) (S x D)
- Ensure that JSA has been socialized to each
worker and understands the method of work
- Ensure that all workers are in a healthy mental
and physical condition to be involved in the work
- Ensure Toolbox Meeting participants
understand the content of the Toolbox Meeting 2x1
Differences in 3x5 delivery
Miss understanding understanding (Accepted)
(Significant) - Ensure that the PPE equipment used by workers
among workers
is complete in accordance with standard
1. PJSM (Pre Job procedures
Safety Meeting) to
- Ensure all workers work in accordance with
working time standards
- Ensure that all supporting documents are ready
and valid
- Ensure all worker on healthy condition mental
and physical for involve in work activity.
Worker cannot 2x1
3x4 - Ensure all workers work in accordance with
Physical concentrate in work
(Significant) working time standards (Accepted)
causing accident
- Discuss problem with food intake and hours of
sleep in pre job meeting.
Cannot 3x1
Concentrate in 3x5 - Check employee conditions, make sure people
2. Preparation Works Employees are not fit
Work, Causing (Significant) are fit, before starting the activity (Accepted)
Risk Level Risk Level
before after
JOB STEP Potential Hazards Potential Events Prevention
Mitigation Mitigation
(S x D) (S x D)
- Discuss in Pre Job Meeting, Problems With
Food Intake and Hours of Sleep
Worker do Not
Know What to do, 3x1
The Work Plan is Not 3x5 - Do a Pre Job Meeting Before Starting Works,
Yet Understood (Significant) Discuss The Work Plan and JSA (Accepted)
Between Workers
- Make sure the worker tools are in good condition
and suitable for use.
- Make sure the tool is suitable for the job.
- Do pre start check before crane is used.
Inappropriate / 3x5 - Crane preparation 5 minutes before operating. 3x1
Work Tools Are Not
Damage Equipment
of Inappropriate (Significant) - Check the power cord if the cable is peeling, the (Accepted)
Can Injure Worker
cable is submerged in water and the use does
not exceed the capacity of the electric load.
- Use PPE (Safety Shoes, Helmet, Gloves,
Reflective Vest).
Only Competent 3x1
Employee People Can 3x5 - Crane operator have ISO.
Competency Operate The (Significant) - Welder has a certificate. (Accepted)
- Make sure the pipe load matches the capacity of
3x5 the crane.
Crane Collapse
(Significant) - Distance, radius, decrease in crane according to (Accepted)
the length of the boom crane.
- Ensure sling wire, shackle and crane are in good
Lower The Pipe To condition and meet the lifting capacity. 3x1
3. Process The Sea Using a Sling Disconnected - Rigger must be in a safe position.
(Significant) (Accepted)
Crane - Position it to a safe place and do net get too
close to the material being lifted.
- Make sure the attachment to the shackle is
3x5 locked properly.
Shackle Falls
(Significant) - When lifting make sure the rotation radius is safe (Accepted)
and slow.
Risk Level Risk Level
before after
JOB STEP Potential Hazards Potential Events Prevention
Mitigation Mitigation
(S x D) (S x D)
- Make sure when making the lift and drop has
been stope. 3x1
Pipe Rolling - Avoid the position of the rigger and worker
(Significant) (Accepted)
between the pipes, do not get too close to the
pipe .
- Keep a safe distance when lifting the pile pipe
with the workers all must be in safe position.
Pipes Fall And Hit 3x5 - Used handy talky to set the safe distance of the
Worker (Significant) worker and the pipe. (Accepted)
- All workers concentrate and can position
themselves a safe distance.
3x5 - Check before speed boat is used.
Speed Boat Sink
(Significant) - Check the state of fuel and oil. (Accepted)

- Make sure the attachment to the shackle is 3x1

The Pipe Sinks locked properly.
(Significant) (Accepted)
- Make sure the buoy does not leak.
Pipe Are Drawn - Look around and set a safe distance, coordinate
Using a Speed Boat with the barge. 3x1
Pipes Hit Existing 3x5
- Follow the instruction of one person, the captain.
Construction (Significant) (Accepted)
- Use tools and capacities according to their
Worker Fall Into - Use standard PPE. 3x1
The Sea And Wave - Make sure the work site has a buoy rig.
(Significant) (Accepted)
Conditions Are Bad - Stop activities when the sea conditions are bad.
- Make sure your body position and hands are free
Pinched by The 3x5 from the winch swing.
Winch (Significant) - Use standard PPE. (Accepted)
Positioning Crane - Make positive communication with workers.
- Use standard PPE. 3x1
Worker Fall Into 3x5
- Make sure the work site has buoy rig.
The Sea (Significant) (Accepted)
- Focus on work and don’t joke.
Risk Level Risk Level
before after
JOB STEP Potential Hazards Potential Events Prevention
Mitigation Mitigation
(S x D) (S x D)
- Make sure the anchor is strong enough to hold
Barge Drifted by 3x5 the barge.
The Flow (Significant) - Make sure the anchor sling condition is still (Accepted)
- Rigger is as much as possible at the point where
Communication the operator looks. 3x1
Between Operator 3x5
- Make sure the operator and rigger use the radio
And Riggers Is (Significant) (Accepted)
Interrupted when visual contact is difficult.
- Make sure the frequency radio is the same.
- Make sure the pipe materials is near and
affordable with the crane.
- Crane operators are only operator by competent
Pipe Material Fall 3x5 - Rigger is in the position seen by the crane
or Slumps (Significant) operator. (Accepted)
- Make sure the rigger that commands only one
Pile Driving - Check the lifting sling.
- Every workers have to be focus on the job.
Fall When - At least 2 people in charge of releasing shackle.
Removing The 3x5 - Use a body harness.
Shackle Above The (Significant) - If the shackle it too heavy, use a rope tied to the (Accepted)
Stake shackle to avoid falling.
- Use earplug and ear Muff. 3x1
Noise by Hammer 3x5
- Unauthorized people are prohibited from being
Operations (Significant) (Accepted)
around the area.
- Clean the working area after the work.
Cleanliness of Work 3x5 - General cleaning every Saturday, 15 minutes
4. Finishing Dirty Area
Area (Significant) after the pre-job meeting. (Accepted)
- Arrange items into the warehouse.
Worker Fall Into - Use a standard PPE. 3x1
5. PDA Test Testing The Sea And Wave - Make sure the work site has a buoy rig.
(Significant) (Accepted)
Conditions are bad - Wearing life jacket.
Revalidation by the Responsible Person is required prior to commencing the activity or when the work has been suspended for 24 hours or more or the Work
Leader has changed or if the method of work has changed significantly.

Responsible Person Signature Date Responsible Person Signature Date


Work Permit Duration – max 8 periods

Work Team Member Start Date Sign PPE 2 PPE 3 PPE 4 PPE 5 PPE 6 PPE 7 PPE 8 PPE

Catastrophic Major Significant Minor Insignificant

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Almost Certain 25 20 15 10 5
(5) Operation not Operation not High Priority/ Issue Review at appropriate Risk Acceptable
permissible/ Unaccetable permissible/ time/ Supplementary
Unaccetable Issue

Likely 20 16 12 8 4
(4) Operation not Operation not High Priority/ Issue Review at appropriate Risk Acceptable

permissible/ Unaccetable permissible/ time/ Supplementary

Unaccetable Issue
Possible 15 12 9 5 3
(3) High Priority/ Issue High Priority/ Issue Review at appropriate Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable
time/ Supplementary
Unlikely 10 8 6 4 2
(2) Review at appropriate Review at appropriate Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable
time/ Supplementary time/ Supplementary
Issue Issue
Rare 5 4 3 2 1
(1) Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable Risk Acceptable

• Red (16 – 25) is categorized as EXTREME Risk:

Operation not Permissible. Stop operation & review controls. If necessary abort experimentation.
• Yellow (9-15) is categorized as HIGH Risk:
High priority remedial action. Proceed with extreme caution with PI present at all times. Implement additional (secondary) controls immediately.
Review within 7 days. Emergency control measures shall be in place.
• Blue (5-8) is categorized as MEDIUM Risk:
Take remedial action at appropriate time. Proceed with care. Additional control is advised. Review shall be implemented within 30 days.
• Green (1-4) is categorized as LOW Risk (ALARP):
Risk acceptable: Residual risk. If possible, risk reduction should be further considered, particularly severity. There are no imminent dangers.
Frequent reviews shall be in place especially changes in procedures, materials or environment.
LevelLeve; Level Severity level Workplace Safety Workplace Health Environment Financial Loss Downtime Incurred
a. Noncompliance with HUGE FINANCIAL
environmental LOSS
regulations, (More than $200,000
environmental pollution damages)
out of the facility and
the operation cannot
be solved
Fatality, single or multiple Acute Poisoning, Failure
b. The environmental
/Permanent Body Injury of Major Bodily Functions
damage is severe and
or Loss of use for more Infection with no known
extensive and result in
than 30 days cure
permanent damage
More than 1 year for full
5 Catastrophic (cannot be
c. Long-term environment
d. National media interest
e. Criminal prosecution
 No infrastructure  No medical  Revocation of  Refused project
& facilities in facilities company operating  Unsatisfied product
project license  Collapse
 Environment construction
pollution  Stop operation
 Company lost
a. Noncompliance with MAJOR FINANCIAL
environmental LOSS
regulations, (More than $25,000 but
Moderate exposure,
Injury requiring 30 days environmental pollution less than $200,000
Reversible injury to
of hospitalization and/or out of the facility damages)
Bodily Functions on
medical leave operation can be
prolong recovery
overcome with the help
of external parties
b. The environmental
damage is severe and
extensive but did not More than 3 months for
4 Major
result in permanent full re-instatement
c. Uncontained off-site
Temporary Body Injury or
environmental damage
loss of use for more than Infection with known cure
(e.g. spill oil on water)
10 days but not but extensive treatment
d. Regional media interest
exceeding 30 days
e. Multiple community
f. Notification to authority
g. Civil prosecution
 Sub-standard  No hygiene facilities  Protested society  Project penalty
equipment  Decreasing of skill  Down reputable
competency and company
knowledge  Government warnin
g letter

a. Noncompliance with HIGH FINANCIAL LOSS

environmental (More than $,5000 but
regulations, less than $25,000
environmental pollution damages)
Mild exposure, out of the facility
Injury requiring 10 days
Reversible injury to operation can be
of hospitalization and/or
Bodily functions with less overcome with the help
medical leave
than 30 days recovery of external parties
b. The environmental
damage is severe and
extensive but did not
result in permanent
c. Uncontained off-site
More than 1 month for
3 Significant environmental damage
full re-instatement
(e.g. spill oil on water)
d. Regional media
Temporary Body Injury or interest.
Infection with known cure
Loss of use for up to 10 e. Multiple community
but extensive treatment
days complaints
f. Notification to authority
g. Civil prosecution

 PROTEST/disturbing  Client's complaint

 No maintenance cost  Low performance
NGOs  Additional cost

a. Impact confined to site LOSS
Very mild exposure,
b. Action /control required (More than $500 but
Injury requiring Reversible Injury to
c. Warning letter from less than $5,000 More than 6 days for full
2 Minor maximum 3 days of Bodily Functions with
authority damages) re-instatement
medical leave only less than 3v days
d. An isolated community
Temporary Body Infection with known
injury of Loss of use Cure but treatment
for 3 days or less needed

 Project stop for

 No PPE  Limited medical cost

Very mild exposure,

First aid treatment Reversible injury to
only on site, victim Bodily Functions with
can continued his job less than 3 days
a. No community
b. No corrective actions
1 Insignificant (Less than $500 No significant downtime
c. No breach of regulation
or consent

No or superficial
No exposure
Patimban Port Development Project (Phase 1-2)
Package 6: Container Terminal No. 2 Construction

Method Statement for Pile Driving Analyzer Test


Vessel & Equipment Catalogue

Penta Ocean-Toyo-Rinkai-PP-Wika Jakon Consortium

(PTRPWJ) Rev. 0
Page | 18
Foundation and Ground Improvement Specialist
- Bored Pile (cast in situ) - Driven Piles (pc or steel) - Load Test
- Top & Full Casing Piles - Stone Column - Vibro Hammer /sheet piles
- Diapragm Wall - Sand Column - Dredging work
- Micro Piles - Heavy Lifts - Crane rent up to 1000 ton



Kind Of Vessel : STEEL BARGE
Port Of Registry : TEGAL
Years Of Build : 2018
Build at : INDONESIA
GRT / NRT : 645 / 194
Length Of Overall : 54,00 M
Breadth Mld : 15,25 M
Depth Mld : 3,0 M
Winch : 4X15 TON WINCH
Anchor : 4 X 2.5 TON

Jl. Tubagus Angke no.99 Jakarta 11460 – Indonesia Telp : (021)5662756 ; 5662757 ; 5664415 ; 5663952
Fax :(021) 5663058; 5677560 Email: inquiry@ptbppid.com, mahmud.bpp@gmail.com, www.ptbppid.com
/ dimensions ,,A

4920 'soo - '!!!9 - tioo

. 9840 _
. . ) -
9500l Retractedcrawers8400
F 8900

u n i t :m m


r 8 2 9 m h € a v vd u i v b o o , , , .150x58 99x16
M a ' L r l.rg c a o ; c r y
1 82 9 r n q h t d l l v b o o m 210 1l 1 53m boonr + 24 38m
Base boom re,lgth 3 3 5 3 ( u l l , n gb o o m )

70 l0
67 06
M a x b o o m e n q t hw t h 7 0 r 0 + 6 70 6
lvlan hook irne speed
ALJ\ hoo; [ne speed

J i b h o i s li i n e

0 6 / 12

3 0 ( 1 67 . )
1 0 m b o o m+ 6 7 . 0 6 m
10nr boom + 67 06m

Main hoist wire rooe dia 32

Aux hoist wire rope dia
Wire rope dia lor boom hoist use
Boom ouv line
Wife rope dia lor jib hoisl use
x8 28
Jrb ouv line
Drive d€vice
4 slrohe, watercooled direct
rear 550
Notes:1. Linespeedflguresare lor one drum. 2. The main hoist,auxiliaryhoist, boomhoist and jlb hoist travel
speedsvaryaccordingto the load beinglifted.

1 l r
� �:? �-� f§ ffi&faL
: !!)}JIB !Jml>j&J'!J:t'tlon M�ri1Ju,..r:, .F'.iriwy


D18 D25 D32 D40 D53 D63 D73 D83 DD103 DD128 DD160 DD180 DD200 DD220
(DD18) (DD25) (DD35) (DD40) (DD55) (DD65) (DD75) (DD85) (D105) (D130) (D160) (D180) (D200) (D220)

1800 2500 3200 4000 5300 6300 7300 8300 10300 12800 16000 18000 20000 22000
Cylinder Weight

2.1 2.5 2.8 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 3.0 3.0 3. 0 3. 0 3. 0 3.0 3. 0 3.0

Max.cylinder stroke


Max. impacting energy 37.8 57. 5 89. 6 120 159 189 219 249 309 378 450 540 600 660
(Theroretical value)

6.9 12 14.5 16 18 21 25 30 38 43 48 50 56
Fuel consumption

l"CfliI1Ll'.2 (mm)
<I> 290 <I> 370 <I> 410 <I> 450 <I> 500 <I> 550 <I> 580 <I> 600 <I> 665 <I> 720 <I> 780 <I> 840 <I> 900 <I> 970
Cylinder Diameter

18 22 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 28 28 30 30 30
Compressing Ratio

3120 4200 5350 7300 9800 12500 14500 15500 18500 22500 31200 34800 38500 42500
Total weight(kg)

ffl ffl fflffl I IMI 'Ill'

channel channel steel mn 'Ill'
Guideway round pipe
steel /round pipe

330/360 360/330 360/330 360/330 360/330 330 330 330/360 330/360 330/360 330/600 330 330 330
Guideway center distance

AJ� JIG 12ll 'ffl' � 'ffl'

Maybe equipped with
round pipe

ij�*�it (Tel): 13705111201 0515-85280444

Page | 18
Page | 19
II. Peralatan II. Testing
Pengujian Apparatus
1. PDA Model PAX/8G. 1. PDA - PAX/8G.
2. (2-4) strain transducer untuk mengukur 2. (2-4) strain transducer to measure the
regangan pada tiang. strain occur in test pile.
3. (2-4) accelerometer untuk mengukur 3. (2-4) accelerometer to measure the
akselerasi pada tiang. acceleration occur in the test pile.
4. Kabel utama + penghubung 4. Main cable + Connector
5. Charger 5. Charger
6. Peralatan pendukung untuk 6. Miscellaneous tools for installing the
pemasangan instrumentasi ke tiang. instrument to test pile.

Figure 2. Apparatus for Recording and Miscellaneous tools

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