Electronic Controlled Lpg/Gasoline Fuel System: GM 3.0L and 4.3L Epa Compliant Engines
Electronic Controlled Lpg/Gasoline Fuel System: GM 3.0L and 4.3L Epa Compliant Engines
Electronic Controlled Lpg/Gasoline Fuel System: GM 3.0L and 4.3L Epa Compliant Engines
H2.00-3.20XM (H40-65XM) [H177];
S2.00-3.20XM (S40-65XM) [D187];
H3.50-5.50XM (H70-120XM) [L005];
H6.00-7.00XL (H135-155XL,
H135-155XL 2) [G006];
S6.00-7.00XL (S135-155XL,
S155XLS, S135-155XL 2) [C024];
S3.50-5.50XM (S70-120XM) [F004]
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Electronic Controlled LPG/Gasoline Fuel System Table of Contents
General ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Fuel System Warnings and Cautions ............................................................................................................. 1
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System ................................................................................................ 6
Propane Fuel System....................................................................................................................................... 6
LPG Fuel Tank................................................................................................................................................. 8
Service Line...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fuel Filter ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Low Pressure Lock-Off (LPL).......................................................................................................................... 9
Low Pressure Regulator (LPR) ....................................................................................................................... 9
Air Fuel Mixer ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Throttle Control Device ................................................................................................................................. 10
Drive By Cable........................................................................................................................................... 10
Three-Way Catalytic (TWC) Muffler ............................................................................................................ 11
Electronic Control Module (ECM) ................................................................................................................ 11
Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) Sensor ............................................................................................. 14
Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System ....................................................................................... 14
Gasoline Fuel System Throttle Body Injection (TBI), 3.0L Engine Only ................................................... 14
Gasoline Multi-Point Fuel Injection (MPFI) System, 4.3L Only ................................................................ 16
Gasoline Fuel Storage Tank.......................................................................................................................... 16
Gasoline Fuel Pump ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Fuel Filter ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Fuel Pressure Regulator, 3.0L Only ............................................................................................................. 18
Fuel Rail and Pressure Regulator, 4.3L Only .............................................................................................. 18
Fuel Injector................................................................................................................................................... 18
Throttle Control Device ................................................................................................................................. 18
Drive By Cable........................................................................................................................................... 18
Three-Way Catalytic Muffler ........................................................................................................................ 19
Electronic Control Module (ECM) ................................................................................................................ 20
Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) Sensor ............................................................................................. 21
LPG Fuel System Repair ................................................................................................................................... 22
Propane Fuel System Pressure Relief .......................................................................................................... 22
Propane Fuel System Leak Test ................................................................................................................... 22
Propane Fuel Filter Replacement................................................................................................................. 22
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Low Pressure Lock-Off (LPL) Replacement ................................................................................................. 23
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Pressure Trim Valve (PTV) Replacement ..................................................................................................... 25
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Low Pressure Regulator ................................................................................................................................ 25
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) Solenoid Replacement............................................................................................. 26
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Temperature Manifold Absolute Pressure (TMAP) ..................................................................................... 29
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Electronic Controlled LPG/Gasoline Fuel System Table of Contents
Table of Contents Electronic Controlled LPG/Gasoline Fuel System
900 SRM 1088 General
This section has the description, operation, and re- underground ventilation systems. Propane is
pair procedures for the parts of the LPG and gasoline heavier than air and can displace oxygen, cre-
fuel systems used on the GM 3.0L and 4.3L engines. ating a dangerous condition.
Glossary 900 SRM 1088
AVV - Air Valve Vacuum. The vacuum signal taken BTU - British Thermal Unit. A measurement of the
from below the air valve assembly and above the amount of energy required to raise the temperature
throttle butterfly. of 0.45 kg (1 lb) of water 0.555 C (1 F).
Active Governor Mode - Speed is governed by one Butane - An odorless, colorless gas, C 4H 10 found in
of two modes. Isochronous, which maintains an exact natural gas and petroleum. One of the five LP gases.
speed, or Droop, which allows speed to drop a prede-
termined amount based on current engine load. CAFE - Corporate Average Fuel Economy.
Adaptive - Ability to compensate and adjust operat- Calibration - Identified as CAL on the diagnostic
ing parameters. tools.
AL Mult - Adaptive Learn Multiplier. The adaptive CO - Carbon Monoxide. A chemical compound of a
learn multiplier is a correction to the fuel delivery highly toxic gas that is both, odorless and colorless.
which is expressed as a percentage and stored in the
Carburetor - An apparatus for supplying an inter-
nal combustion engine a mixture of vaporized fuel
Air/Fuel Ratio - The amount of air and fuel in the and air.
air fuel mixture, which enters the engine, shown in
Cathode Ray Tube - A vaccum tube in which cath-
a ratio.
ode rays, usually in the form of a slender beam, are
Analog - 0 to 5 volt or 0 to 12 volt signals. projected on a fluorescent screen and produce a lumi-
nous spot.
Analog Voltmeter - A meter that uses a needle to
point to a value on a scale of numbers usually of the CHT - Cylinder head temperature.
low impedance type; used to measure voltage and re-
Circuit - A path of conductors through which elec-
tricity flows before it returns to its source.
Aromatics - Pertaining to or containing the six-car-
CL - Closed Loop.
bon ring characteristic of the benzene series. Found
in many crude oils. Closed Loop Operation - Applies to systems utiliz-
ing an oxygen sensor. In this mode of operation, the
Backfire - Combustion of the air/fuel mixture in the
system uses oxygen sensor information to determine
intake or exhaust manifolds. A backfire can occur if
air/fuel ratio. Adjustments are made accordingly and
the intake or exhaust valves are open when there is
checked by comparing the new oxygen sensor to pre-
a mis-timed ignition spark.
vious signals. No stored information is used.
BATT - Battery voltage.
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas.
Benzene - An aromatic (C 6H 6). Sometimes blended
CKP - Crankshaft Position Sensor.
with gasoline to improve antiknock value. Benzene
is toxic and suspected of causing cancer. CMP - Camshaft Position Sensor.
Bi-Fueled - A vehicle equipped to run on two fuels Conductor - A material, normally metallic, that
at the same time such as a fumigated diesel. permits easy passage of electricity.
Blow-By - Gases formed by the combustion of fuel Contaminants - Impurities or foreign material
and air, which ordinarily should exert pressure only present in fuel.
against the piston crown and first compression ring.
When rings do not seal, these gases (blow-by) escape Control Module - One of several names for a solid
down the side of the piston into the crankcase. state microcomputer which monitors engine condi-
tions and controls certain engine functions; i.e. air/
BP - Barometric Pressure. The pressure of the out- fuel ratio, injection and ignition time, etc.
side air.
900 SRM 1088 Glossary
Converter - A LPG fuel system component contain- FTV - Fuel Trim Valve.
ing varying stages of fuel pressure regulation com-
bined with a vaporizer. FFV - Flexible Fuel Vehicle.
Cryogen - A refrigerant used to obtain very low tem- Firing Line - The portion of an oscilloscope pattern
peratures. that represents the total amount of voltage being ex-
pended through the secondary circuit.
Current - The directed flow of electrons through a
conductor. Measured in amps. FPP - Foot Pedal Position Sensor.
Dedicated Fuel System - A motor fuel system de- Fuel Injector - A spring-loaded, electromagnetic
signed to operate on only one fuel type. valve which delivers fuel into the intake manifold,
in response to an electrical pulse or signal from the
Diaphragm - A thin, flexible membrane that sep- control module.
arates two chambers. When the pressure in one
chamber is lower than in the other chamber, the Fuel Lock - A solenoid-controlled valve located in
diaphragm will move toward the side with the low the fuel line to stop the flow when the engine stops
pressure. or the ignition switch is OFF.
Diaphragm Port - The external port located at the Gasohol - 10 percent ethanol, 90 percent gasoline.
fuel inlet assembly and connected to the vacuum Often referred to as E-10.
chamber above the air valve diaphragm.
Gasoline - A motor vehicle fuel that is a complex
DVOM - Digital Volt/Ohmmeter. A meter that uses a blend of hydrocarbons and additives. Typical octane
numerical display in place of a gauge and is usually level is 89.
of the high impedance type.
Greenhouse Effect - A scientific theory that sug-
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code. gests that excessive levels of carbon dioxide from the
burning of fossil fuels is causing the atmosphere to
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature. trap heat and cause global warming.
ECM - Electronic Control module. HD 10 - A fuel of not less than 80 percent liquid vol-
ume propane and not more than 10 percent liquid vol-
EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection. A fuel injection sys- ume propylene.
tem which uses a microcomputer to determine and
control the amount of fuel, required by and injected HD 5 - A fuel of not less than 90 percent liquid vol-
into, a particular engine. ume propane and not more than 5 percent liquid vol-
ume propylene.
EGR - Exhaust gas recirculation.
HEGO - Heated Oxygen Sensor.
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency: A regulat-
ing agency of the Federal government which, among HDV - Heavy Duty Vehicle.
other duties, establishes and enforces automotive
emissions standards. Hg - Chemical symbol for mercury. Used in reference
to vacuum (in. of Hg).
Ethanol - Grain alcohol (C 2H 5OH), generally pro-
duced by fermenting starch or sugar crops. Hydrocarbon - A chemical compound made up of
hydrogen and carbon (HC). A major pollution emis-
EEC - Evaporative Emissions Controls. An automo- sion of the internal combustion engine. Gasoline and
tive emission control system designed to reduce hy- almost all other fuels are hydrocarbons.
drocarbon emissions by trapping evaporated fuel va-
pors from the fuel system. Hydrostatic Relief Valve - A pressure relief device
installed in the liquid propane hose on a propane fuel
Excess Flow Valve - A check valve that is caused system.
to close by the fuel when the flow exceeds a predeter-
mined rate. IAT - Intake Air Temperature.
Glossary 900 SRM 1088
Ideal Mixture - The air/fuel ratio at which the best MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure. The pressure of
compromise of engine performance to exhaust emis- the air in the intake manifold.
sions is obtained. Typically 14.7:1 for gasoline and
15.6:1 for LPG. MAT - Manifold Air Temperature. The temperature
of the air in the intake manifold.
Ignition Reserve - The difference between avail-
able voltage and the required voltage. M85 - A blend of gasoline and methanol consisting of
85 percent methanol and 15 percent gasoline.
IMPCO - Imperial Machine Products Company. IM-
PCO Technologies, Inc. A manufacturer of both LPG Measurements of Pressure - 1 PSI=2.06 Hg (mer-
and Gasoline fuel systems. cury)=27.72 in. H 2O (water column). At sea level
atmospheric pressure is 29.92 in. Hg.
Impedance - A form of opposition of AC current flow
(resistance) measured in ohms. Methanol: Known as wood alcohol (CH 3OH), a
light, volatile, flammable alcohol commonly made
Insulation - A non-conductive material used to from natural gas.
cover wires in electrical circuits to prevent the
leakage of electricity and to protect the wire from MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp. A dash mounted
corrosion. light that illuminates when the ECM senses a system
Intercept - An electrical term for a type of splice
where the original circuit is interrupted and redi- Misfire - Failure of the air/fuel mixture to ignite dur-
rected through another circuit. ing the power stroke.
IVS - Idle Validation Switch. Mixer - Fuel introduction device that does not in-
clude a throttle plate.
ITK - IMPCO Test Kit.
MPFI - Multi-Point Fuel injection. A fuel injection
Knock - Sound produced when an engine’s air/fuel system that uses one injector per cylinder mounted
mixture is ignited by something other than the spark on the engine to spray fuel near the intake valve area
plug, such as a hot spot in the combustion chamber. of combustion chamber.
Can be caused by a fuel with an octane rating that
is too low or maladjusted ignition timing. Also called MTBE - Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether. Oxygenate
detonation or ping. added to gasoline to reduce harmful emissions and
to improve the octane rating.
Lambda Sensor - A feedback device, usually located
in the exhaust manifold, which detects the amount Natural Gas - A gas formed naturally from buried
of oxygen present in exhaust gases in relation to the organic material, composed of a mixture of hydrocar-
surrounding atmosphere. bons, with methane (CH 4) being the dominant com-
Lean Mixture - An air to fuel ratio above the stoi-
chiometric ratio; too much air. NOx - See Oxides of Nitrogen.
LEV - Low Emission Vehicle. Octane Rating - The measurement of the antiknock
value of a motor fuel.
Limp-in or Limp-home - This term is used to de-
scribe the drivability characteristics of a failed com- Open-Loop - An operational mode during which
puter system. control module memory information is used to deter-
mine air/fuel ratio, injection timing, etc., as opposed
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas. A fuel commonly to actual oxygen sensor input.
known as propane consisting mostly of propane
(C 3H 8), derived from the liquid components of nat- Orifice - A port or passage with a calibrated open-
ural gas stripped out before the gas enters the ing designed to control or limit the amount of flow
pipeline, and the lightest hydrocarbons produced through it.
during petroleum refining. Octane level is 107.
Oscilloscope - An instrument that converts voltage
LPL - Low pressure lock-off. and frequency readings into traces on a cathode-ray
900 SRM 1088 Glossary
Oxides of Nitrogen - Chemical compounds of nitro- Reactivity - Refers to the tendency of an HC in the
gen bonded to various amounts of oxygen (NOx). A presence of NOx and sunlight to cause a smog-form-
chief smog-forming agent. ing reaction. The lighter the HC, the lower reactivity
tends to be.
Oxygen Sensor - An automotive sensor that pro-
duces a signal in accordance with the oxygen content Regulator - An assembly used to reduce and control
of the exhaust gas. See Lambda Sensor. the pressure of a liquid or vapor.
Oxygenate - MTBE, ethanol, and methanol. Oxy- Resistance - The opposition to the flow of current in
genates are added to gasoline to increase the oxygen an electrical circuit. Measured in ohms.
content and therefore reduce exhaust emissions.
Rest Pressure - Fuel pressure maintained within
O-zone - A radical oxygen module (O 3) that is found the system after engine shutdown.
in the upper atmosphere and filters out ultravio-
let radiation from the sun. Ground level o-zone is Rich Mixture - An air to fuel ratio below the stoi-
formed by NOx during the formation of photochemi- chiometric ratio; too much fuel.
cal smog.
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers.
Particulates - Microscopic pieces of solid or liquid
Secondary Circuit - The high-voltage output side
substances such as lead and carbon that are dis-
of the ignition coil.
charged into the atmosphere by internal combustion
engines. SEFI or SFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
or Sequential Fuel Injection.
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation. An automo-
tive emission control system designed to reduce hy- Sensors - Devices that provide the control module
drocarbon emissions by routing crankcase fumes into with engine information as needed to properly con-
the intake manifold rather than to the atmosphere. trol engine function.
PFI - Port Fuel Injection. An electromagnetically ac- Spark Line - The portion of an oscilloscope pattern
tuated solenoid fuel injector that injects fuel to each that represents the time during which the air/fuel
intake valve. mixture is being burned in the combustion chamber.
Pressure Differential - The differential between Splice - An electrical term for the joining of two or
atmospheric pressure and intake manifold (referred more conductors at a single point.
to as vacuum) pressure.
Stoichiometric Ratio - An ideal fuel/air ratio for
Pressure Regulator - A device to control the pres- combustion in which all of the fuel and most of the
sure of fuel delivered to the fuel injector(s). oxygen will be burned.
Primary Circuit - The low-voltage or input side of Sulfur Oxides - Chemical compounds where sulfur
the ignition coil. is bonded to varying numbers of oxygen, produced by
the combustion of gasoline or any other fuel that con-
Propane - An odorless, colorless gas, C 3H 8, found in
tains sulfur. As sulfur oxides decompose in the at-
natural gas and petroleum.
mosphere, they combine with water to form sulfuric
PSIA - Pounds per square inch absolute. 14.7 psia = acid.
0 psig.
System Pressure - The fuel pressure maintained in
PTV - Pressure Trim Valve. the system during normal engine operation.
RAM - Random Access Memory. The portion of com- Tap - An electrical term for a type of splice where the
puter memory within the ECM, which changes as the original circuit is not interrupted.
engine is running and is stored while the engine is
TBI - Throttle Body Injection. Any of several injec-
tion systems that have the fuel injector(s) mounted
in a centrally located throttle body.
Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
Throttle Body - Controls engine RPM by adjusting of the mixer, directly exposed to airflow before the
the engine manifold vacuum to the mixer. Consists addition of vaporized LPG.
of housing shaft, throttle liner, and butterfly valve.
VOM - Volt/Ohmmeter. A combination meter used to
TMAP - Combined Air Inlet Temperature and Man- measure voltage and resistance in an electrical cir-
ifold Pressure Sensor. cuit. Available in both analog and digital types. May
be referred to as AVOM and DVOM.
Toluene - A liquid aromatic hydrocarbon C 7H 8.
Voltage - The electrical pressure that causes current
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor. to flow in a circuit. Measured in volts.
TWC - Three-way catalyst used in a converter to re- Voltage Drop - A lowering of the voltage in a circuit
duce exhaust gas emissions of hydro-carbons, car- when resistance or electrical load is added.
bon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide in conjunction with
closed loop fuel control. Xylene - C 6H 4 (CH 3) 2. Any of three toxic flammable
oily isomeric aromatic hydrocarbons that are
Vaporization - A process in which liquid changes dimethyl homologues of benzene and are usually
states into gas. obtained from petroleum or natural gas distillates.
VAVV - Venturi Air Valve Vacuum. An amplified air
valve vacuum signal coming from the venturi area
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System
Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System
LOW PRESSURE LOCK-OFF (LPL) Propane fuel enters the primary port of the LPR
and passes through the primary jet and into the
The LPL is an electric lock-off device. The electric primary/exchanger chamber. As the propane passes
lock assembly is a 12-volt normally closed valve. The through the heat exchanger, the fuel expands and
solenoid is mounted to the valve body. See Figure 4. creates pressure inside the chamber. The pressure
When energized, the solenoid opens the valve and rises as the fuel expands. When the pressure rises
allows the propane fuel to flow through the device. above 10.34 kPa (1.5 psi), sufficient pressure is
The valve opens during cranking and run cycles of exerted on the primary diaphragm to cause the
the engine. The lock-off supply voltage is controlled diaphragm plate to pivot and press against the pri-
by the ECM. mary valve pin thus closing off the flow of fuel. This
action causes the flow of fuel into the regulator to
LOW PRESSURE REGULATOR (LPR) be regulated. When the engine is cranking, suffi-
cient vacuum will be introduced into the secondary
CAUTION chamber from the mixer, drawing the secondary
The LPR is an emission control device. Compo- diaphragm down onto the spring-loaded lever and
nents inside the regulator are specifically cal- opening the secondary valve allowing vaporized
ibrated to meet the engine emissions require- fuel to pass to the mixer. Increased vacuum in the
ments and should never be disassembled or re- secondary chamber increases the downward action
built. If the LPR fails to operate, replace with on the secondary lever causing it to open wider,
a HYSTER approved part. allowing more fuel to flow to the mixer.
The LPR is a combination vaporizer, pressure-regu- The regulator, utilized on this emission-certified
lating device. The LPR is a negative pressure two- engine, is equipped with a PTV which is directly
stage regulator that is normally closed when the en- mounted to the regulator. See Figure 4. This so-
gine is not running. When the engine is cranking or lenoid is a 12-volt normally closed solenoid. The
running, a partial vacuum is created in the fuel line function of this solenoid is to regulate a specific
which connects the regulator to the mixer. This par- amount of venturi vacuum to the atmospheric side
tial vacuum opens the regulator, permitting fuel to of the secondary diaphragm. By introducing vacuum
flow to the mixer. See Figure 4. to the top side of the secondary diaphragm during
regulator operation, the amount of fuel being de-
livered to the mixer can be trimmed or reduced to
allow for correction to the air/fuel ratio for closed
loop fuel control. The solenoid receives a reference
signal from the ECM which causes the solenoid to be
pulsed fast or slow depending on the amount of fuel
to be trimmed.
The air/fuel mixer is an emission control de-
vice. Components inside the mixer are specifi-
cally calibrated to meet the engines emissions
requirements and should never be disassem-
bled or rebuilt. If the mixer fails to operate,
replace with a HYSTER approved part.
Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
When the engine begins to crank, it draws in air with The mixer is equipped with a low speed mixture ad-
the air valve covering the inlet, and negative pres- justment, which is retained in a tamper-proof hous-
sure begins to build. This negative pressure signal ing. The mixer has been preset at the factory and
is communicated to the top of the air valve chamber should not require any adjustment. In the event that
through four vacuum ports in the air valve assembly. the idle adjustment should need to be adjusted, refer
A pressure/force imbalance begins to build across the to the LPG Fuel System Repair section of this man-
air valve diaphragm between the air valve vacuum ual.
chamber and the atmospheric pressure below the di-
aphragm. The air valve vacuum spring is calibrated THROTTLE CONTROL DEVICE
to generate from 101.6 mm (4 in.) of water column at
start to as high as 355.6 mm (14 in.) of water column Drive By Cable
at full throttle. The vacuum being created is referred
to as air valve vacuum (AVV). As the AVV reaches Engine speed control is maintained by the amount
101.6 mm (4 in.) of water column, the air valve be- of pressure applied to a foot pedal located in the op-
gins to lift against the air valve spring. The amount erator’s compartment. A cable is utilized to connect
of AVV generated is a direct result of the throttle po- the foot pedal to the throttle shaft in the engine com-
sition. At low engine speed, the AVV is low and the partment. A coil spring mounted to the pedal and
air valve position is low, thus creating a small venturi the throttle shaft will keep the throttle shaft in a
for the fuel to flow. As the engine speed increases, the normally closed position. When the foot pedal is de-
AVV increases and the air valve is lifted higher, thus pressed, the throttle shaft is rotated, opening the
creating a much larger venturi. This AVV is commu- butterfly in the venturi of the throttle body allow-
nicated from the mixer venturi to the LPR secondary ing more air and fuel to enter the engine. When the
chamber via the low pressure fuel supply hose. As ECM detects that the engine has reached maximum
the AVV increases in the secondary chamber, the sec- governed speed or requires adjustment for load, the
ondary diaphragm is drawn further down, forcing the ECM will correct the blade position by overriding the
secondary valve lever to open wider. throttle shaft with the electronic governor.
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System
ECM determines load adjustment or maximum en- honeycomb coated with a mixture of platinum, pal-
gine speed has been achieved, the governor overrides ladium, and rhodium. The hot gases flow through
the foot pedal and corrects the throttle blade position. the catalyst sections where an oxidation and reduc-
tion reactions take place. These chemical reactions
Also mounted on throttle body assembly is the FTV. reduce the amount of carbon monoxide (CO), hydro-
The FTV is a 12-volt normally closed solenoid valve. carbon (HC), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) in the engines
During closed loop operation, the ECM may send a exhaust. The exhaust gas then flows through the
reference signal to the FTV to open or close to allow outlet.
more or less fuel to be introduced below the throttle
blade to correct the air fuel mixture for proper emis-
sion control.
Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
The controller also performs diagnostic functions on (ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L
the fuel system and notifies the operator of malfunc- and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200 SRM
tions by turning on a malfunction indicator light 1090, can determine the cause of the malfunction.
(MIL) mounted in the dash. Malfunctions in the In the event a technician does not have the comput-
system are identified by a diagnostic code number. erized diagnostic tool, the MIL light can be used to
In addition to notifying the operator of the malfunc- identify the diagnostic code. By following specific
tion in the system, the controller also stores the steps, the technician can activate the blink feature
information about the malfunction in its memory. and count the number of blinks to determine the
A technician can then utilize a computerized diag- diagnostic code number to locate the fault in the
nostic tool to retrieve the stored diagnostic code and system.
by using the section Electronic Control Module
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of LPG Fuel System
Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
HEATED EXHAUST GAS OXYGEN (HEGO) lean, the ECM will make the mixture rich. The ECM
SENSOR continuously monitors the HEGO sensor output. If
a rich or lean condition is present for an extended
period of time and the ECM cannot correct the condi-
CAUTION tion, the ECM will set a diagnostic code and turn on
The HEGO sensor is an emissions control com- the MIL light in the dash. See Figure 10.
ponent. If the HEGO sensor fails to operate,
replace only with a HYSTER approved part.
The HEGO sensor is sensitive to silicone and
silicone-based products and can become con-
taminated. Avoid using silicone sealers or
hoses treated with silicone lubricant in the air
stream or fuel supply lines.
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System
Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
GASOLINE MULTI-POINT FUEL INJECTION pump with anything other than the HYSTER
(MPFI) SYSTEM, 4.3L ONLY approved replacement could cause damage to
the fuel system and or damage to the fuel tank.
The primary components of the gasoline MPFI fuel
system are the gasoline fuel tank, electric fuel pump, The gasoline is stored as a liquid in the fuel tank and
fuel filter, fuel rails, fuel pressure regulator, fuel in- is drawn into the fuel system by a 12-volt electric fuel
jector, O 2 sensor, fuel pressure manifold, electronic pump. Depending on the vehicle application, the fuel
control module (ECM), and three-way catalytic pump may be mounted in the fuel tank or as a stand-
(TWC) muffler. See Figure 12. alone component. In either case, the fuel pump will
receive a signal from the ECM at key ON to prime
GASOLINE FUEL STORAGE TANK the fuel system for approximately 2 seconds prior to
start. Priming of the fuel system provides a quicker
The gasoline fuel storage tank location may vary on start when the engine begins to crank.
equipment applications. The fuel tank may be in-
tegrated into the chassis frame or may be a stand- FUEL FILTER
alone vessel mounted on the equipment. For precise
location for the equipment application, refer to the After the fuel is drawn into the fuel pump, the fuel
Frame section of your lift truck. then flows through the gasoline fuel filter. The fuel
filter will trap small particles as the fuel passes
GASOLINE FUEL PUMP through the filter to remove debris and prevent in-
jectors from becoming damaged. Maintenance of the
fuel filter is required as indicated in the Periodic
CAUTION Maintenance section for your lift truck. A more
The fuel pump is an emissions control compo- frequent replacement of the filter may be required if
nent. If the fuel pump fails to operate, replace the equipment operates in a dusty or dirty environ-
only with a HYSTER approved part. The ment.
fuel pump is calibrated to supply the correct
amount of fuel to the injectors. Replacing the
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System
Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR, 3.0L The fuel pressure regulator has no adjustments and
ONLY is integrated into the fuel rail assembly. See Fig-
ure 14. The fuel rail also contains a Schrader valve
The fuel flows from the fuel filter to the throttle body which is utilized to test the regulated pressure of the
injector unit where the fuel is regulated. During en- fuel system.
gine operation, the regulator maintains the proper
amount of gasoline to the top of the injector. During
lower rpm operation, excess fuel at the top of the in-
jector is bypassed and returned to the fuel tank for
recirculation. The fuel pressure regulator has no ad-
justments and is integrated into the throttle body in-
jector unit. See Figure 13.
The fuel supply is maintained on the top of the injec-
tor by the fuel pressure regulator. The injector is fed
a pulse signal through the wire harness which causes
the injector to open. During regular operating con-
ditions, the ECM controls the duration of opening of
the injector. During lower rpm operation, the injector
1. INJECTOR PRESSURE REGULATOR signals or pulses are less frequent than when the en-
ASSEMBLY gine is operating at higher rpms. The certified engine
2. THROTTLE BODY INJECTOR UNIT has been calibrated to deliver the precise amount of
4. FUEL INLET fuel for optimum performance and emission control.
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System
depressed, the throttle shaft is rotated opening the maintained by a foot pedal located in the operator’s
butterfly in the venturi of the throttle body allowing compartment and connected to the throttle control
more air and fuel to enter the engine. When the device by a cable. The governor is controlled by the
ECM detects that the engine has reached maximum ECM and has no external adjustments. When the
governed speed or requires adjustment for load, the ECM determines load adjustment or maximum en-
ECM will correct the blade position by overriding gine speed has been achieved, the governor overrides
the throttle shaft with the electronic governor. the foot pedal and corrects the throttle blade position.
The throttle control device or throttle body assem- THREE-WAY CATALYTIC MUFFLER
bly is connected to the intake manifold of the engine.
See Figure 15. The throttle body maintains control The emission-certified engine has been designed and
of engine speed by increasing or decreasing the open- calibrated to meet the emission standards in effect
ing angle of the throttle blade in the throttle body for 2004. To help meet the emission requirements,
bore thus increasing or decreasing the intake air to the vehicle has been equipped with a TWC muffler.
the engine. The throttle blade shaft is connected to See Figure 16. The catalyst muffler is a three-way
a spring-loaded cable connector which is connected catalyst, sound damping, and spark arresting unit.
to the foot pedal in the operator’s compartment. The Besides controlling the noise created from the com-
shaft incorporates a return spring to insure the blade bustion process and preventing sparks from escaping
position returns to idle when the operator removes from the exhaust system, the most important func-
his foot from the pedal. Also attached to the throt- tion is treating the exhaust gases which are created
tle shaft is a throttle position sensor (TPS), which from the combustion process. The TWC consists of a
provides a signal to the ECM to indicate the throt- honeycomb coated with a mixture of platinum, palla-
tle blade angle for speed control and load control as dium, and rhodium. The hot gases flow through the
well as emission control. catalyst sections where oxidation and reduction re-
actions take place. These chemical reactions reduce
the amount of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon
(HC), and nitrogen oxide (NOx) in the engines ex-
haust. The exhaust gas then flows through the out-
Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System 900 SRM 1088
ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) light (MIL) mounted in the dash. Malfunctions
in the system are identified by a diagnostic code
To obtain maximum effect from the catalyst and ac- number. In addition to notifying the operator of
curate control of the air fuel ratio, the emission certi- the malfunction in the system, the controller also
fied engine is equipped with an on-board computer or stores the information about the malfunction in its
ECM. See Figure 17. The ECM is a 32-bit controller memory. A technician can then utilize a computer-
which receives input data from sensors fitted to the ized diagnostic tool to retrieve the stored diagnostic
engine and fuel system and then outputs various sig- code and by using the diagnostic trouble code (DTC)
nals to control engine operation. tables in the section Electronic Control Module
(ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L
One specific function of the controller is to maintain
and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200 SRM
closed loop fuel control. Closed loop fuel control is ac-
1090, determine the cause of the malfunction. In the
complished when the HEGO sensor mounted in the
event a technician does not have the computerized
exhaust system sends a voltage signal to the con-
diagnostic tool, the MIL light can be used to identify
troller. The controller then calculates any correction
the diagnostic code. By following specific steps, the
that may need to be made to the air fuel ratio. See
technician can activate the blink feature and count
Figure 18.
the number of blinks to determine the diagnostic
The controller also performs diagnostic functions code number to locate the fault in the system.
on the fuel system and notifies the operator of mal-
functions by turning on a malfunction indicator
900 SRM 1088 Description and Operation of Gasoline Fuel System
HEATED EXHAUST GAS OXYGEN (HEGO) The HEGO sensor is mounted in the exhaust sys-
SENSOR tem downstream of the engine. See Figure 19. The
HEGO sensor is used to measure the amount of oxy-
gen present in the exhaust stream and communicates
CAUTION that to the ECM via an electrical signal. The amount
The HEGO sensor is an emissions control com- of oxygen present in the exhaust stream indicates
ponent. If the HEGO sensor fails to operate, whether the fuel air ratio is too rich or too lean. If
replace only with a HYSTER approved part. the HEGO sensor signal indicates that the exhaust
The HEGO sensor is sensitive to silicone and stream is too rich, the ECM will decrease or lean
silicone-based products and can become con- the fuel mixture by reducing the signals to the in-
taminated. Avoid using silicone sealers or jectors during engine operation. If the mixture is too
hoses treated with silicone lubricant in the air lean, the ECM will richen the mixture or increase the
stream or fuel supply lines.
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
To relieve propane fuel system pressure: 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
1. Close the manual shutoff valve (MSV) on the 3. Slowly loosen the fuel inlet fitting to the filter
propane fuel tank. and remove the fuel line.
2. Start and run the vehicle until the engine stalls. 4. Remove the outlet fitting from the filter.
3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. Remove the filter from the retaining bracket and
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
Do not use Teflon tape on any fuel fitting. Use
a liquid pipe thread sealant when installing fit-
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
PRESSURE TRIM VALVE (PTV) 5. Remove the PTV. Refer to Pressure Trim Valve
REPLACEMENT (PTV) Replacement, Remove.
2. Remove the vacuum hose from the PTV. 8. Remove the inlet fitting.
3. Remove two bolts and retaining plate. 9. Remove the outlet fitting. For the 3.0L, locate
the coolant line orifice in the housing or attached
4. Remove the PTV. to the fitting and retain.
See Figure 21 for the following steps: 11. Loosen the two LPR mounting bolts.
NOTE: Apply a small amount of O-ring lubricant to 12. Lift LPR assembly and remove the two LPR
the PTV O-ring before installation. mounting bolts.
1. Install the PTV using the two mounting bolts and 13. Loosen the fuel vapor hose clamp at the LPR fuel
retaining plate. outlet fitting.
2. Tighten bolts and torque to 9 N•m (80 lbf in). 14. Disconnect the fuel vapor hose from the LPR out-
let fitting and remove the LPR.
3. Connect the PTV vacuum line.
15. Remove the retaining pin from the vapor outlet
4. Connect the PTV electrical connector. fitting.
5. Start the vehicle and check the propane fuel sys- 16. Remove the vapor outlet fitting from the LPR.
tem for leaks at each serviced fitting. Refer to
Propane Fuel System Leak Test. 17. Remove the LPR.
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
3. Install outlet fitting and secure with retaining FUEL TRIM VALVE (FTV) SOLENOID
4. Install vapor outlet fitting and secure with re- Remove
taining pin.
See Figure 22 for the 3.0L, Figure 23 for the 4.3L, for
5. Insert the vapor hose to the fuel outlet fitting and the following steps:
place clamp.
1. Disconnect the FTV electrical connection.
6. Install the FTV supply line and secure.
2. Remove the fuel supply hose from the FTV.
7. Secure the LPR to the mounting bracket using
the two retaining bolts and torque to 14 N•m 3. Remove the two retaining bolts.
(10 lbf ft).
4. Remove the FTV.
8. Install the water inlet and outlet lines to the fit-
tings and place clamps. Install
9. Install LPL. Refer to Low Pressure Lock-Off See Figure 22 for the 3.0L, Figure 23 for the 4.3L, for
(LPL) Replacement, Install. the following steps:
10. Install the PTV. Refer to Pressure Trim Valve NOTE: Apply a small amount of O-ring lubricant to
(PTV) Replacement, Install. the FTV O-ring before installation.
11. Tighten fuel line fitting to 27 N•m (20 lbf ft). 1. Install FTV to the throttle body.
12. Fill the coolant reservoir. 2. Install the two bolts and torque to 9 N•m
(80 lbf in).
13. Connect the negative battery cable.
3. Connect fuel supply hose.
14. Start the vehicle and check the propane fuel sys-
tem for leaks at each serviced fitting. Refer to 4. Connect FTV electrical connection.
Propane Fuel System Leak Test.
5. Start the vehicle and check for leaks.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
3. Connect the TMAP electrical connection. 8. Disconnect the PTV vacuum line.
4. Start engine and check for leaks. 9. Disconnect the balance line to the LPR.
THROTTLE BODY REPLACEMENT 10. Remove mixer fuel inlet hose clamp and remove
hose from mixer inlet.
11. Remove the four manifold to adapter bolts from
the throttle body adapter.
Do not attempt to remove, or adjust, the tam- 12. Lift assembly from the adapter and cover the
per-proof device (plug) from the sealed idle throttle body opening with a clean cloth.
screw on the throttle body assembly. These
13. Remove and discard the adapter O-ring.
adjustments have been made at the factory to
meet all applicable emissions regulations and 14. Remove the four throttle body to mixer screws.
then sealed.
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
See Figure 22 for the 3.0L, Figure 23 for the 4.3L, for 2. Remove the air intake duct.
the following steps:
3. Remove the throttle body assembly. Refer to
NOTE: Lightly lubricate both the O-rings of the throt- Throttle Body Replacement, Remove.
tle control device to adapter.
NOTE: Cover throttle body adapter opening to pre-
1. Install O-ring to the top of the throttle body as- vent debris from entering engine until assembly.
4. Remove the four screws to the throttle body as-
2. Install throttle body onto the bottom of the mixer. sembly to mixer.
3. Tighten the four screws to 9 N•m (80 lbf in). 5. Remove and discard the mixer to throttle body
assembly O-ring.
4. Install throttle adapter O-ring.
5. Install the throttle body onto the manifold
adapter. Line up the throttle cable bracket and See Figure 22 for the 3.0L, Figure 23 for the 4.3L, for
install four retaining bolts and torque to 12 N•m the following steps:
(106 lbf in).
NOTE: Lightly lubricate the O-ring of the mixer to
6. Connect the balance line to the LPR. throttle body O-ring before installing.
7. Connect the PTV vacuum line. 1. Install mixer to throttle body O-ring onto the
throttle body.
8. Connect the fuel supply line to the FTV.
2. Install the mixer to the throttle body assembly
9. Connect the fuel supply line to the mixer and se-
and secure with the four screws and torque to
cure clamp.
9 N•m (80 lbf in).
10. Connect the FTV electrical connector.
3. Install throttle body. Refer to Throttle Body Re-
11. Connect the governor electrical connector. placement, Install.
12. Connect the FPP and TPS electrical connectors. 4. Connect the negative battery cable.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
4. Start engine and check for leaks. THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR (TPS)
Refer to Figure 24 and Table 1 for the replacement
Remove procedures of the TPS.
FTV hoses are specifically designed. DO NOT
use any hose material. Only use HYSTER ap-
proved parts.
2. Start engine and check for leaks. Figure 24. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG Fuel System Repair
LPG Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
1. Install O 2 sensor and torque to 41 N•m (30 lbf ft). The three-way catalyst consists of a honeycomb,
coated with a mixture of platinum, palladium, and
2. Start engine. rhodium. The hot gases flow through the catalyst
sections where an oxidation and reduction reactions
3. Check for any DTC codes and clear. take place. These chemical reactions reduce the
amount of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC),
4. Verify engine is in closed loop and no MIL lights
and nitrogen oxide (NOx) in the engine’s exhaust.
are present.
The exhaust gas then flows through the outlet.
THREE-WAY CATALYTIC MUFFLER (TWC) During normal operation, the exhaust system could
REPLACEMENT become damaged. Damage, which reduces the flow of
the exhaust gas, will create increased back pressure
Remove in the engine. Reduction in exhaust flow can result
from crushed muffler outlets or melted catalyst brick
1. Remove the TWC muffler. Refer to the Frame
inside the converter.
section of your lift truck.
It may be necessary to measure the back pressure in
Install the exhaust system. To determine if the back pres-
sure in the engine is correct, use the following proce-
The three-way catalytic muffler is specifically
Tools Required
designed to meet the emission control of the
certified engine. Use only the HYSTER ap- • Exhaust back pressure gauge
proved parts.
Diagnostic Tool
1. Install the TWC muffler. Refer to the Frame
section of your lift truck. • Laptop Computer (see the section Electronic
Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic Trou-
2. Start engine. bleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compli-
ant Engines 2200 SRM 1090).
3. Check for any DTC codes and clear.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
GASOLINE FUEL SYSTEM LEAK TEST NOTE: Cover throttle body adapter opening to pre-
vent debris from entering engine until assembly.
WARNING 10. Remove and discard the O-ring.
Never use an open flame of any type to check
for gasoline fuel system leaks. Install
Always inspect the gasoline fuel system for leaks af- See Figure 27 for the following steps:
ter performing service. Check for leaks at the fittings
of the serviced or replaced component. NOTE: Lightly lubricate both O-rings of the throttle
control device to TBI assembly.
ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT, 3.0L ONLY 1. Install the O-ring into the throttle body assem-
Remove 2. Install the TBI assembly.
See Figure 27 for the following steps: 3. Install the TBI assembly with the four bolts and
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. torque to 12 N•m (106 lbf in).
2. Relieve the gasoline fuel system pressure. Refer 4. Install the air inlet adapter to the TBI assembly
to Gasoline MPFI and TBI Fuel System Pressure and torque to 9 N•m (80 lbf in).
Relief. 5. Connect the injector electrical connector.
3. Disconnect the fuel pump electrical connector. 6. Connect the fuel supply line to the TBI assembly
4. Remove the air intake duct. and torque to 27 N•m (20 lbf ft).
5. Remove the four screws from the air intake 7. Connect the fuel return line to the TBI assembly
adapter to the TBI and the air intake hose and torque to 27 N•m (20 lbf ft).
adapter. 8. Connect the fuel pump electrical connector.
6. Disconnect the fuel inlet line. 9. Connect the negative battery cable.
7. Disconnect the fuel return line. 10. Start engine and check for leaks.
8. Disconnect the injector electrical connector. 11. Connect the laptop computer and check for
9. Remove the four TBI assembly to throttle body DTC codes or MIL lights. See the section Elec-
assembly bolts from the throttle body injector as- tronic Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic
sembly and remove the electronic TBI assembly. Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA
Compliant Engines 2200 SRM 1090.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
THROTTLE BODY ASSEMBLY 1. Install the O-ring to the throttle body assembly
REPLACEMENT, 3.0L ONLY to manifold adapter.
NOTE: Cover throttle body adapter opening to pre- Do not attempt to make any adjustments to the
vent debris from entering engine until assembly. sealed adjustment screw. If adjustments are
required, they can be made only by a qualified
6. Remove and discard the O-ring seal. fuel injection shop that will ensure the injec-
tion pump continues to meet all applicable
Install emissions regulations and then replace the
tamper-proof seal.
See Figure 27 for the following steps:
See Figure 28 for the following steps:
NOTE: Lightly lubricate both the O-rings of the throt-
tle control device to TBI assembly.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
See Figure 28 for the following steps:
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Gaso- 2. For the 3.0L, secure using the two retaining
line MPFI and TBI Fuel System Pressure Relief. screws and torque to 6 N•m (54 lbf in).
2. Disconnect the injector electrical connection. 3. For the 4.3L, secure using the retaining bolt and
torque to 6 N•m (54 lbf in).
3. Remove the injector retaining screw.
4. Connect the TMAP electrical connector.
4. Remove the injector.
5. Start engine.
Install 6. Connect the laptop computer and check for
See Figure 27 for the following steps: DTC codes or MIL lights. See the section Elec-
tronic Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic
NOTE: Apply a small amount of O-ring lubricant to Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA
the injector O-rings before installation. Compliant Engines 2200 SRM 1090.
2. For the 3.0L, remove two retaining screws and Figure 30. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
remove the TMAP.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
Gasoline Fuel System Repair 900 SRM 1088
ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) 5. Connect the laptop computer and check for
REPLACEMENT DTC codes or MIL lights. See the section Elec-
tronic Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic
Remove Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA
Compliant Engines 2200 SRM 1090.
1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
6. Start engine.
2. Remove ECM from mounting bracket.
7. Check for any DTC codes and clear them.
3. Push connector lock back to unlock connector.
8. Verify engine is in closed loop and no MIL lights
4. Unplug ECM and remove. are present.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Fuel System Repair
1. Remove the TWC muffler. Refer to the Frame It may be necessary to measure the back pressure in
section of your lift truck. the exhaust system. To determine if the back pres-
sure in the engine is correct, use the following proce-
Install dure:
Tools Required
The three-way catalytic muffler is specifically • Exhaust back pressure gauge
designed to meet the emission control of the
Diagnostic Tool
certified engine. Use only the HYSTER ap-
proved parts. • Laptop Computer (see the section Electronic
Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic Trou-
1. Install the TWC muffler. Refer to the Frame
bleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compli-
section of your lift truck.
ant Engines 2200 SRM 1090).
2. Start engine.
Check at Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen
3. Check for any DTC codes and clear. Sensor (HEGO)
4. Verify engine is in closed loop and no MIL lights 1. Carefully remove the HEGO. Refer to Heated Ex-
are present. haust Gas Oxygen (HEGO) Sensor Replacement,
DIAGNOSIS 2. Install exhaust back pressure test gauge in place
of the HEGO. See Figure 32.
Exhaust System Description 3. With the engine idling at normal operating tem-
The emission certified engine has been designed and perature, observe the exhaust system back pres-
calibrated to meet the emission standards in effect sure reading on the gauge. Reading should not
for 2004. To help meet the emission requirements, exceed 8.6 kPa (1.25 psi).
the vehicle has been equipped with a Three-Way Cat-
4. Increase engine speed to 2000 rpm and observe
alytic (TWC) muffler. The catalyst muffler is a three-
gauge. Reading should not exceed 20.7 kPa
way catalyst, sound damping, and spark arresting
(3 psi).
unit. Besides controlling the noise created from the
combustion process and preventing sparks from es- 5. If the back pressure at either speed exceeds
caping from the exhaust system, the most important specification, a restricted exhaust system is in-
LPG System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG System Diagnosis
The fuel is then drawn from the secondary chamber Diagnostic Tool
of the LPR by the vacuum generated by air flowing
through the mixer. This vacuum signal is also used to • Laptop computer (see Electronic Control Mod-
generate lift for the mixer air valve. This vacuum sig- ule (ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting, GM
nal is most commonly referred to as air valve vacuum 3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200
(AVV). In the mixer, the fuel mixes with the air enter- SRM 1090).
ing the engine. This air/fuel mixture is then drawn
into the engine for combustion. Pressure Gauges
• Water column gauge/manometer (GM 7333-6 or
This procedure is intended to diagnose a vehicle op- • 0-10 psi gauge
erating on LPG. If the vehicle will not continue to
run on LPG, refer to LPG Symptom Diagnosis, Hard Test Description
Start for preliminary checks. Before proceeding with
The steps listed below refer to step numbers in Ta-
this procedure, verify that the vehicle has a sufficient
ble 5:
quantity of fuel and that liquid fuel is being deliv-
• Step 5 will determine if the PTV and FTV and fuel
ered to the LPR. Also, ensure that the manual shut-
supply system are functioning properly. The vac-
off valve on the LPG tank is fully opened and that
uum on the secondary test port will be approxi-
the excess flow valve has not been activated.
mately –1.0 to –2.0 in. WC.
• Step 6 checks the base mechanical LPR output
Tools Required
pressure by disabling all fuel control devices.
• 7/16 open end wrench (for test port plugs) • Step 9 checks for proper air valve operation.
• Straight blade screwdriver • Step 19 determines if fuel is available from the fuel
• DVOM (GM J39200, Fluke 88 or equivalent) tank supply system.
LPG System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG System Diagnosis
When disconnecting LPG fuel lines, liquid
LPG may be present. Perform this step in
a well-ventilated area.
LPG System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG System Diagnosis
LPG System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG System Diagnosis
LPG System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline System Diagnosis
Gasoline System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
When the engine is idling, manifold pressure is low • Step 11: Fuel pressure that drops off during accel-
(high vacuum) and is applied to the pressure regu- eration or cruise may cause a lean fuel condition
lator diaphragm. The vacuum will offset the spring and result in a loss of power, surging, or misfire.
pressure and result in very low fuel pressure. Fuel This condition can be diagnosed using a diagnos-
pressures at idle will vary somewhat depending on tic tool. If the fuel in the system is very lean, the
barometric pressure, but should be less then pump HEGO sensor will stop toggling and output voltage
pressure. will drop below 300 mV. Also the injector pulse will
Unused fuel is returned to the fuel tank by a separate • Step 14: Fuel pressure below 69 kPa (10 psi) for
return fuel line. the 3.0L engine and 284 kPa (41 psi) for the 4.3L
engine may cause a lean fuel condition and may
The fuel pump pressure test port is located on the
set a DTC. Driveablity conditions can include hard
fuel rail.
starting cold, hesitation, and lack of power or mis-
This procedure is intended to diagnose a vehicle op- CAUTION
erating on gasoline. If the vehicle will not continue to Do not allow the pressure to exceed 137 kPa
run on gasoline, refer to Hard Start for preliminary (20 psi) for the 3.0L engine and 414 kPa
checks. Before proceeding with this procedure, ver- (60 psi) for the 4.3L engine, as damage to the
ify that the vehicle has a sufficient quantity of fuel. regulator may result.
Tools Required • Step 15: Restricting the fuel return line causes the
fuel pressure to build above the regulated pressure.
• Fuel line shutoff adaptor or suitable shutoff valve With battery voltage applied to the pump, pressure
• Fuel pressure gauge should rise above 96 kPa (14 psi) for the 3.0L en-
gine and 325 kPa (47 psi) for the 4.3L engine, as
Diagnostic Tool the valve in the return line is partially closed.
• Laptop computer (see Electronic Control Mod- • Step 17: Fuel pressure above 96 kPa (14 psi) for
ule (ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting, GM the 3.0L engine and 325 kPa (47 psi) for the 4.3L
3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200 engine, may cause a rich fuel condition and set a
SRM 1090). DTC. Driveability may include hard starting, fol-
lowed by black smoke and a strong sulphur smell
Test Description in the exhaust.
• Step 18: This test is to determine if the high fuel
The steps listed below refer to step numbers on the pressure is due to a restricted fuel return line or a
Table 7 and Table 8: faulty fuel pressure regulator.
• Step 21: 3.0L engine: The pressure regulator can
• Step 4: Connect fuel pressure gauge as shown in be removed and any debris or foreign material re-
Figure 34. Wrap a shop towel around the fuel con- moved.
nection to absorb any small amount of fuel leakage • Step 21: 4.3L engine: The pressure regulator may
that may occur when installing the gauge. With be fitted with a screen which is designed to trap
ignition ON and the fuel pump running, pressure contaminants introduced during engine assembly.
should be 69 to 96 kPa (10 to 14 psi) for the 3.0L en- If dirty it can be removed with a small pick and
gine and 284 to 325 kPa (41 to 47 psi) for the 4.3L discarded without potential harm to the regulator.
engine. This pressure is controlled by spring pres- • Step 23: A system that does not hold pressure is
sure within the regulator assembly. caused by one of the following:
• Step 6: 4.3L only: When the engine is idling, man- – Leaking fuel pump check ball
ifold pressure is low (high vacuum) and is applied – Leaking fuel feed hose
to the pressure regulator diaphragm. The vacuum – Leaking valve/seat within the pressure regulator
will offset spring pressure and result in a lower – Leaking injector
pressure. Fuel pressure at idle will vary somewhat
depending on barometric pressure, but should be
less then the pressure noted in step 4.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline System Diagnosis
Gasoline System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline System Diagnosis
Gasoline System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline System Diagnosis
Gasoline System Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Before Using This Section Before using this section, you should have performed an OBD check
and determined that:
1. The ECM and MIL are operating correctly.
2. There are no DTCs stored, or a DTC exists but without a MIL.
Several of the following symptom procedures call for a careful
visual and physical check. The visual and physical checks are very
important. The checks can lead to correcting a problem without
further checks that may save valuable time.
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
LPG Fuel System Check 1. Verify the complaint.
2. Locate the correct symptom table.
3. Check the items indicated under that symptom.
4. Operate the vehicle under the conditions the symptom occurs.
Verify HEGO switching between lean and rich.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Definition: The problem may or may not turn on the MIL or store a DTC.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 9.
• Do not use the DTC tables. If a fault is an intermittent, the use of
the DTC tables may result in the replacement of good parts.
Faulty Electrical Connections or • Faulty electrical connections or wiring can cause most intermittent
Wiring problems.
• Check the suspected circuit for the following conditions:
– Faulty fuse or circuit breaker
– Connectors poorly mated
– Terminals not fully seated in the connector (backed out)
– Terminals not properly formed or damaged
– Terminal to wires poorly connected
– Terminal tension insufficient.
• If necessary, replace all the connector terminals in the problem cir-
cuit in order to ensure the proper contact tension.
• Checking for poor terminal to wire connections requires removing
the terminal from the connector body.
Operational Test If a visual and physical check does not locate the cause of the
problem, drive the vehicle with a laptop computer connected. When
the problem occurs, an abnormal voltage or scan reading indicates
the problem may be in that circuit.
Intermittent Malfunction Indicator The following components can cause intermittent MIL and no
Lamp DTC(s):
• A defective relay, ECM driven solenoid, or a switch that can cause
electrical system interference. Normally, the problem will occur
when the faulty component is operating.
• The improper installation of electrical devices, such as lights, 2-way
radios, electric motors, etc.
• The ignition secondary voltage shorted to a ground.
• The MIL circuit or the diagnostic test terminal intermittently
shorted to ground.
• The ECM grounds.
Loss of DTC Memory To check for the loss of the DTC Memory:
1. Disconnect the TMAP sensor.
2. Idle the engine until the MIL illuminates.
The ECM should store a TMAP DTC. The TMAP DTC should remain
in the memory when the ignition is turned OFF. If the TMAP DTC
does not store and remain, the ECM is faulty.
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine cranks but does not start.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 9.
ECM Checks • If a laptop computer is available:
– Check for proper communication with the ECM
• Check the 20 Amp in-line fuse in the ECM battery power circuit.
Refer to the Diagrams section for your lift truck.
• Check battery power, ignition power and ground circuits to the
ECM. Refer to the Diagrams section for your lift truck. Verify
voltage and/or continuity for each circuit.
Sensor Checks • Check the TMAP sensor.
• Check the magnetic pickup sensor (rpm).
Fuel System Checks NOTE: A closed LPG manual fuel shut off valve will create a no start
• Check for air intake system leakage between the mixer and the
throttle body.
• Verify proper operation of the low pressure lock-off solenoids.
• Verify proper operation of the fuel control solenoids.
• Check the fuel system pressures. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check for proper mixer air valve operation.
Ignition System Checks NOTE: LPG being a gaseous fuel requires higher secondary ignition
system voltages for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions.
• Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections at the coil.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Checks
The LPG fuel system works on a fumigation principle of fuel
introduction and is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage
than the gasoline fuel supply system.
• Check for the following:
– Vacuum leaks
– Improper valve timing
– Low compression
– Bent pushrods
– Worn rocker arms
– Broken or weak valve springs
– Worn camshaft lobes.
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted
Exhaust System Diagnosis.
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine cranks, but does not start for a long time. The engine does eventually run, or
may start but immediately dies.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 9.
• Make sure the operator is using the correct starting procedure.
Sensor Checks • Check the engine coolant temperature sensor with the laptop com-
puter. Compare the engine coolant temperature with the ambient
air temperature on a cold engine. If the coolant temperature read-
ing is more than 5 degrees greater or less than the ambient air tem-
perature on a cold engine, check for high resistance in the coolant
sensor circuit. Refer to DTC 122 and DTC 123 in the section Elec-
tronic Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting,
GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200 SRM 1090.
• Check the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor.
• Check the TPS and FPP sensors.
Fuel System Checks NOTE: A closed LPG manual fuel shutoff valve will create an extended
crank or no start condition.
• Verify the excess flow valve in the LPG manual shutoff valve is not
• Check mixer module assembly for proper installation and leakage.
• Verify proper operation of the low pressure lock-off solenoids.
• Verify proper operation of the PTV and FTV.
• Check for air intake system leakage between the mixer and the
throttle body.
• Check the fuel system pressures. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
Ignition System Checks NOTE: LPG, being a gaseous fuel, requires higher secondary ignition
system voltages for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions.
• Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for moisture in the distributor cap if applicable.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections.
1. If the engine starts but then immediately stalls, check CKP.
2. Check for improper gap, debris or faulty connections.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Checks
The LPG fuel system works on a fumigation principle of fuel
introduction and is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage
than the gasoline fuel supply system.
• Check for the following:
– Vacuum leaks
– Improper valve timing
– Low compression
– Bent pushrods
– Worn rocker arms
– Broken or weak valve springs
– Worn camshaft lobes.
• Check the intake and exhaust manifolds for casting flash.
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted
Exhaust System Diagnosis.
Checks Action
Definition: A surging or jerking that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as the engine load
increases which is not normally felt above 1500 rpm. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle, low
speed, or hard acceleration for the fuel starvation that can cause the engine to cut-out.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 9.
Ignition System Checks • Start the engine.
• Wet down the secondary ignition system with water from a spray
bottle, and look/listen for arcing or misfiring as you apply water.
• Check for proper ignition output voltage.
• Check for a cylinder misfire.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Remove the spark plugs in these cylinders and check for the follow-
ing conditions:
– Insulation cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposit
• Visually/Physically inspect the secondary ignition for the following:
– Ignition wires for arcing, cross-firing and proper routing
– Ignition coils for cracks or carbon tracking
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Checks • Perform a cylinder compression check.
• Check the engine for the following:
– Improper valve timing
– Bent pushrods
– Worn rocker arms
– Worn camshaft lobes.
– Broken or weak valve springs.
• Check the intake and exhaust manifold passages for casting flash.
Fuel System Checks • Check for a restricted fuel filter, contaminated fuel, or improper fuel
pressure. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check the condition of the wiring to the low pressure lock-off sole-
Additional Checks Check for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency
interference (RFI).
• EMI/RFI on the reference circuit can cause a missing condition.
• Monitoring the engine rpm with a laptop computer can detect an
• A sudden increase in the rpm with little change in the actual engine
rpm, indicates EMI/RFI is present.
• If the problem exists, check the routing of the secondary wires and
the ground circuit.
Checks Action
Definition: The vehicle has a momentary lack of response when depressing the accelerator. The condition
can occur at any vehicle speed. The condition may cause the engine to stall if it’s severe enough.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 9.
Fuel System Checks • Check the fuel pressure. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check for low fuel pressure during a moderate or full throttle ac-
celeration. If the fuel pressure drops below specification, there is
possibly a faulty low pressure regulator or a restriction in the fuel
• Check the MAP sensor response and accuracy.
• Check LPL electrical connection.
• Check the mixer air valve for sticking or binding.
• Check the mixer module assembly for proper installation and leak-
• Check the PTV and FTV.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Ignition System Checks
LPG, being a gaseous fuel, requires higher secondary ignition
system voltages for the equivalent gasoline operating condi-
tions. If a problem is reported on LPG and not gasoline, do not
discount the possibility of a LPG only ignition system failure
and test the system accordingly.
• Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check for faulty spark plug wires.
• Check for fouled spark plugs.
Additional Check • Check for manifold vacuum or air induction system leaks.
• Check the generator output voltage.
Checks Action
Definition: The fuel ignites in the intake manifold, or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 9.
Ignition System Checks NOTE: LPG, being a gaseous fuel, requires higher secondary igni-
tion system voltages for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions.
The ignition system must be maintained in peak condition to prevent
• Check for the proper ignition coil output voltage.
• Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends
of each wire in question. If the meter reads over 30,000 Ohms, re-
place the wires.
• Check the connection at each ignition coil.
• Check for deteriorated spark plug wire insulation.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Remove the plugs and inspect them for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Check
The LPG fuel system works on a fumigation principle of fuel
introduction and is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage
than a gasoline fuel supply system.
• Check the engine for the following:
– Improper valve timing
– Engine compression
– Manifold vacuum leaks
– Intake manifold gaskets
– Sticking or leaking valves
– Exhaust system leakage
• Check the intake and exhaust system for casting flash or other re-
Fuel System Checks Perform a fuel system diagnosis. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
Checks Action
Definition: The engine delivers less than expected power. There is little or no increase in speed when
partially applying the accelerator pedal.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Preliminary Checks.
• Refer to the On-Board Diagnostics table in the section Electronic
Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic Troubleshooting, GM 3.0L
and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200 SRM 1090.
• Compare the vehicle with a similar unit. Do not compare the power
output of the vehicle operating on LPG to a vehicle operating on
gasoline as the fuels do have different drive feel characteristics.
• Remove the air filter and check for dirt or restriction.
• Check the vehicle transmission.
Fuel System Checks • Check for a restricted fuel filter, contaminated fuel, or improper fuel
pressure. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Check for proper installation of the mixer module assembly.
• Check all air inlet ducts for condition and proper installation.
• Check for fuel leaks between the LPR and the mixer.
• Verify that the LPG tank manual shutoff valve is fully open.
• Verify that liquid fuel (not vapor) is being delivered to the LPR.
Sensor Checks • Check the HEGO sensor for contamination and performance.
Check for proper operation of the MAP sensor.
• Check for proper operation of the TPS and FPP sensors.
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
– Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted
Exhaust System Diagnosis.
Engine Mechanical Check Check the engine for the following:
• Engine compression
• Valve timing
• Improper or worn camshaft.
Additional Checks • Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the generator output voltage.
• If all procedures have been completed and no malfunction has been
found, review and inspect the following items:
– Visually and physically, inspect all electrical connections within
the suspected circuit and/or systems.
– Check the laptop computer data.
Checks Action
Definition: Fuel economy, as measured by refueling records, is noticeably lower than expected. Also, the
economy is noticeably lower than it was on this vehicle at one time, as previously shown by refueling records.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 9.
• Check the air cleaner element (filter) for dirt or being plugged.
• Visually and physically check the vacuum hoses for splits, kinks,
and proper connections.
• Check the operators driving habits for the following items:
– Is there excessive idling or stop and go driving?
– Are the tires at the correct air pressure?
– Are excessively heavy loads being carried?
– Is there often rapid acceleration?
• Suggest to the owner to fill the fuel tank and to recheck the fuel
• Suggest that a different operator use the equipment and record the
Fuel System Checks • Check the LPR fuel pressure. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check the fuel system for leakage.
Sensor Checks Check the TMAP sensor.
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Ignition System Checks • Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check the ignition wires for the following items:
– Cracking
– Hardness
– Proper connections
Cooling System Checks Check the engine thermostat for always being open or for the wrong
heat range.
Additional Check • Check the transmission shift pattern.
• Check for dragging brakes.
Checks Action
Definition: The engine runs unevenly at idle. If severe enough, the engine or vehicle may shake. The
engine idle speed may vary in rpm. Either condition may be severe enough to stall the engine.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 9.
Sensor Checks • Check for silicon contamination from fuel or improperly used
sealant. The sensor will have a white powdery coating. The
sensor will result in a high but false signal voltage (rich exhaust
indication). The ECM will reduce the amount of fuel delivered to
the engine causing a severe driveability problem.
• Check the HEGO performance.
• Check the TMAP sensor response and accuracy.
Fuel System Checks • Check for rich or lean symptom that causes the condition. Drive
the vehicle at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring the oxygen
sensors will help identify the problem.
• Check for a sticking mixer air valve.
• Verify proper operation of the PTV and FTV.
• Perform a cylinder compression test.
• Check the LPR fuel pressure. Refer to LPG System Diagnosis.
• Check mixer module assembly for proper installation and connec-
900 SRM 1088 LPG Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Blistered insulators
– Heavy deposits
• Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends
of each wire in question. If the meter reads over 30,000 Ohms, re-
place the wires.
Additional Checks
The LPG Fuel system works on a fumigation principle of fuel
introduction and is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage
than the gasoline fuel supply system.
• Check for vacuum leaks. Vacuum leaks can cause a higher than
normal idle and low throttle angle control command.
• Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the battery cables and ground straps. They should be clean
and secure. Erratic voltage may cause all sensor readings to be
skewed resulting in poor idle quality.
Engine Mechanical Check • Check the engine for the following:
– Broken motor mounts
– Improper valve timing
– Low compression
– Bent pushrods
– Worn rocker arms
– Broken or weak valve springs
– Worn camshaft lobes
LPG Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine has a power variation under a steady throttle or cruise. The vehicle feels as if it
speeds up and slows down with no change in the accelerator pedal.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 9.
• Be sure the driver understands the torque converter clutch opera-
Sensor Checks Check the HEGO performance.
Fuel System Checks • Check for rich or lean symptom that causes the condition. Drive
the vehicle at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring the oxygen
sensors will help identify the problem.
• Check the fuel pressure while the condition exists. Refer to LPG
System Diagnosis.
• Verify proper fuel control solenoid operation.
• Verify that the LPG manual shutoff valve is fully open.
• Check the in-line fuel filter for restrictions.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check the CKP sensor.
Additional Checks • Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the generator output voltage.
• Check the vacuum hoses for kinks or leaks.
• Check transmission
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Before Using This Section Before using this section, you should have performed an OBD check
and determined that:
1. The ECM and MIL are operating correctly.
2. There are no DTCs stored or a DTC exists but without a MIL.
Several of the following symptom procedures call for a careful
visual and physical check. The visual and physical checks are very
important. The checks can lead to correcting a problem without
further checks that may save valuable time.
Gasoline Fuel System Check 1. Verify the complaint.
2. Locate the correct symptom table.
3. Check the items indicated under that symptom.
4. Operate the vehicle under the conditions the symptom occurs.
Verify HEGO switching between lean and rich.
Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The problem may or may not turn on the MIL or store a DTC.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 20.
• Do not use the DTC tables. If a fault is an intermittent, the use of
the DTC tables may result in the replacement of good parts.
Faulty Electrical Connections or • Faulty electrical connections or wiring can cause most intermittent
Wiring problems.
• Check the suspected circuit for the following conditions:
– Faulty fuse or circuit breaker
– Connectors poorly mated
– Terminals not fully seated in the connector (backed out)
– Terminals not properly formed or damaged
– Terminal to wires poorly connected
– Terminal tension insufficient
• Carefully remove all the connector terminals in the problem circuit
in order to ensure the proper contact tension. If necessary, replace
all the connector terminals in the problem circuit in order to ensure
the proper contact tension.
• Checking for poor terminal to wire connections requires removing
the terminal from the connector body.
Operational Test If a visual and physical check does not locate the cause of the
problem, drive the vehicle with a laptop computer connected. When
the problem occurs, an abnormal voltage or scan reading indicates
the problem may be in that circuit.
Intermittent Malfunction Indicator The following components can cause intermittent MIL and no
Lamp DTC(s):
• A defective relay, ECM driven solenoid, or a switch that can cause
electrical system interference. Normally, the problem will occur
when the faulty component is operating.
• The improper installation of electrical devices, such as lights, 2-way
radios, electric motors, etc.
• The ignition secondary voltage shorted to a ground.
• The MIL circuit or the diagnostic test terminal intermittently
shorted to ground.
• The ECM grounds.
Loss of DTC Memory To check for the loss of the DTC Memory:
1. Disconnect the TMAP sensor.
2. Idle the engine until the Malfunction Indicator Lamp illuminates.
The ECM should store a TMAP DTC. The TMAP DTC should remain
in the memory when the ignition is turned OFF. If the TMAP DTC
does not store and remain, the ECM is faulty.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Definition: The engine cranks but does not start.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 20.
ECM Checks • If a laptop computer is available:
– Check for proper communication with the ECM
• Check the 20 Amp in-line fuse in the ECM battery power circuit.
Refer to the Diagrams section for your lift truck.
• Check battery power, ignition power and ground circuits to the
ECM. Refer to the Diagrams section for your lift truck. Verify
voltage and/or continuity for each circuit.
Sensor Checks • Check the TMAP sensor.
• Check the CKP sensor.
Fuel System Checks • Check for fuel pump electrical circuit.
• Verify proper fuel pump pressure.
• Verify proper fuel rail pressure.
• Refer to the Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check electrical connections at the injectors.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections at the coil.
Engine Mechanical Checks • Check for the following:
– Vacuum leaks
– Improper valve timing
– Low compression
– Bent push rods
– Worn rocker arms
– Broken or weak valve springs
– Worn camshaft lobes
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted
Exhaust System Diagnosis.
Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine cranks, but does not start for a long time. The engine does eventually run, or
may start but immediately dies.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 20.
• Make sure the vehicle’s operator is using the correct starting pro-
Sensor Checks • Check the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor with the lap-
top computer. Compare the engine coolant temperature with the
ambient air temperature on a cold engine. If the coolant tempera-
ture reading is more than 5 degrees greater or less than the ambi-
ent air temperature on a cold engine, check for high resistance in
the coolant sensor circuit. Refer to DTC 122 and DTC 123 in the
section Electronic Control Module (ECM) Diagnostic Trou-
bleshooting, GM 3.0L and 4.3L EPA Compliant Engines 2200
SRM 1090.
• Check the CKP sensor.
• Check the TPS sensor.
Fuel System Checks • Check the fuel pump electrical circuit.
• Verify proper fuel pump pressure.
• Verify proper fuel rail pressure.
• Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check electrical connections at the injectors.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for moisture in the distributor cap if applicable.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections.
1. If the engine starts but then immediately stalls, check CKP.
2. Check for improper gap, debris, or faulty connections.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Checks • Check for the following:
– Vacuum leaks
– Improper valve timing
– Low compression
– Bent push rods
– Worn rocker arms
– Broken or weak valve springs
– Worn camshaft lobes
• Check the intake and exhaust manifolds for casting flash.
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted
Exhaust System Diagnosis.
Checks Action
Definition: A surging or jerking that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as the engine load
increases, which is not normally felt above 1500 rpm. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle, low
speed, or hard acceleration for the fuel starvation that can cause the engine to cut-out.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 20.
Ignition System Checks • Start the engine.
• Wet down the secondary ignition system with water from a spray
bottle, and look/listen for arcing or misfiring as you apply water.
• Check for proper ignition output voltage.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Remove the spark plugs in these cylinders and check for the follow-
ing conditions:
– Insulation cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Visually/Physically inspect the secondary ignition for the following:
– Ignition wires for arcing, cross-firing, and proper routing
– Ignition coils for cracks or carbon tracking
Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Engine Mechanical Checks • Perform a cylinder compression check.
• Check the engine for the following:
– Improper valve timing
– Bent push rods
– Worn rocker arms
– Worn camshaft lobes
– Broken or weak valve springs
• Check the intake and exhaust manifold passages for casting flash.
Fuel System Checks • Check the fuel system - plugged fuel filter, low fuel pressure, etc.
Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check the condition of the wiring to the fuel pump and injectors.
Additional Check Check for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency
interference (RFI).
• EMI/RFI on the reference circuit can cause a missing condition.
• Monitoring the engine rpm with a laptop computer can detect an
• A sudden increase in the rpm with little change in the actual engine
rpm, indicates EMI/RFI is present.
• If the problem exists, check the routing of the secondary wires and
the ground circuit.
Checks Action
Definition: The vehicle has a momentary lack of response when depressing the accelerator. The condition
can occur at any vehicle speed. The condition may cause the engine to stall if it’s severe enough.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 20.
Fuel System Checks • Check the fuel pump electrical circuit.
• Verify proper fuel pump pressure.
• Verify proper fuel rail pressure.
• Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check electrical connections at the injectors.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition voltage output.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check for faulty spark plug wires.
• Check for fouled spark plugs.
Additional Check • Check for manifold vacuum or air induction system leaks
• Check the generator output voltage.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Definition: The fuel ignites in the intake manifold, or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping noise.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 20.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition coil output voltage.
• Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends
of each wire in question. If the meter reads over 30,000 Ohms, re-
place the wires.
• Check the connection at each ignition coil.
• Check for deteriorated spark plug wire insulation.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Remove the plugs and inspect them for the following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
Engine Mechanical Check • Check the engine for the following:
– Improper valve timing
– Engine compression
– Manifold vacuum leaks
– Intake manifold gaskets
– Sticking or leaking valves
– Exhaust system leakage
• Check the intake and exhaust system for casting flash or other re-
Fuel System Checks Perform a fuel system diagnosis. Refer to Gasoline System
Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine delivers less than expected power. There is little or no increase in speed when
partially applying the accelerator pedal.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 20.
• Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Compare the customer’s vehicle with a similar unit. Make sure the
customer has an actual problem.
• Remove the air filter and check for dirt or restriction.
• Check the vehicle transmission.
Fuel System Checks • Check for a restricted fuel filter, contaminated fuel, or improper fuel
pressure. Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Check the fuel pump electrical circuit.
• Verify proper fuel pump pressure.
• Verify proper fuel rail pressure.
• Refer to the Gasoline Fuel System Diagnosis.
• Check electrical connections at the injectors.
Sensor Checks • Check the HEGO sensor for contamination and performance.
• Check for proper operation of the MAP sensor.
• Check for proper operation of the TPS and FPP sensors.
Exhaust System Checks • Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:
– Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
– Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible inter-
nal failure.
– Check for possible plugged catalytic converter.
Engine Mechanical Check Check the engine for the following:
• Engine compression
• Valve timing
• Improper or worn camshaft.
Additional Check • Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the generator output voltage.
• If all procedures have been completed and no malfunction has been
found, review and inspect the following items:
– Visually and physically inspect all electrical connections within
the suspected circuit and/or systems.
– Check the laptop computer data.
900 SRM 1088 Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis
Checks Action
Definition: Fuel economy, as measured by refueling records, is noticeably lower than expected. Also, the
economy is noticeably lower than it was on this vehicle at one time, as previously shown by refueling records.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 20.
• Check the air cleaner element (filter) for dirt or being plugged.
• Visually/Physically check the vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and
proper connections.
• Check the operators driving habits for the following items:
– Is there excessive idling or stop and go driving?
– Are the tires at the correct air pressure?
– Are excessively heavy loads being carried?
– Is their often rapid acceleration?
• Suggest to the owner to fill the fuel tank and to recheck the fuel
• Suggest that a different operator use the equipment and record the
Fuel System Checks • Check the fuel rail pressure. Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check the fuel system for leakage.
Sensor Checks Check the TMAP sensor.
Ignition System Checks • Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check the ignition wires for the following items:
– Cracking
– Hardness
– Proper connections
Cooling System Checks Check the engine thermostat for always being open or for the wrong
heat range.
Additional Check • Check the transmission shift pattern.
• Check for dragging brakes.
Gasoline Symptom Diagnosis 900 SRM 1088
Checks Action
Definition: The engine runs unevenly at idle. If severe enough, the engine or vehicle may shake. The
engine idle speed may vary in rpm. Either condition may be severe enough to stall the engine.
Preliminary Checks Refer to Table 20.
Sensor Checks • Check for silicon contamination from fuel or improperly used
sealant. The sensor will have a white powdery coating. The
sensor will result in a high but false signal voltage (rich exhaust
indication). The ECM will reduce the amount of fuel delivered to
the engine causing a severe driveability problem.
• Check the HEGO sensor performance.
• Check the TMAP sensor response and accuracy.
Fuel System Checks • Check for rich or lean symptom that causes the condition. Drive
the vehicle at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring the oxygen
sensors will help identify the problem.
• Verify proper operation of the injectors.
• Perform a cylinder compression test.
• Check the fuel rail pressure. Refer to Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Check injector electrical connections.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Blistered insulators
– Heavy deposits
• Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends
of each wire in question. If the meter reads over 30,000 Ohms, re-
place the wires.
Additional Checks • Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the battery cables and ground straps. They should be clean
and secure. Erratic voltage may cause all sensor readings to be
skewed resulting in poor idle quality.
Engine Mechanical Check Check the engine for the following:
• Broken motor mounts
• Improper valve timing
• Low compression
• Bent push rods
• Worn rocker arms
• Broken or weak valve springs
• Worn camshaft lobes
900 SRM 1088 Wire Harness Repair
Checks Action
Definition: The engine has a power variation under a steady throttle or cruise. The vehicle feels as if it
speeds up and slows down with no change in the accelerator pedal.
Preliminary Checks • Refer to Table 20.
• Be sure the driver understands the torque converter clutch opera-
Sensor Checks Check the HEGO performance.
Fuel System Checks • Check for rich or lean symptom that causes the condition. Drive
the vehicle at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring the oxygen
sensors will help identify the problem.
• Check the fuel rail pressure while the condition exists. Refer to
Gasoline System Diagnosis.
• Verify check injector electrical connections.
• Check the in-line fuel filter for restrictions.
Ignition System Checks • Check for the proper ignition output voltage.
• Verify that the spark plugs are correct. Refer to the Parts Manual
for your lift truck.
• Check the spark plugs. Remove the plugs and inspect them for the
following conditions:
– Wet plugs
– Cracks
– Wear
– Improper gap
– Burned electrodes
– Heavy deposits
• Check the CKP sensor.
Additional Check • Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper
• Check the generator output voltage.
• Check the vacuum hoses for kinks or leaks.
• Check Transmission.
Wire Harness Repair 900 SRM 1088
Unwrap aluminum mylar tape. Do not remove mylar
900 SRM 1088 Wire Harness Repair
Untwist conductors and strip insulation as necessary.
Splice wires using splice clips and rosin core solder.
Wrap each splice to insulate.
Wrap with mylar and drain (uninsulated) wire.
Tape over whole bundle to secure.
Splice the two wires together using splice clips and
rosin core solder. See Figure 36.
Wire Harness Repair 900 SRM 1088
Cover splice with tape to insulate from other wires.
Twist and tape with electrical tape.
The Micro-Pack connector is shown in Figure 37.
This connector is normally used to connect the wire
harness to the ECM.
900 SRM 1088 Wire Harness Repair
They are also called pull-to-seat terminals because to 2. Hold the wire and use it to push the terminal to
install a terminal on a wire, the wire is first inserted its forward position in the connector body. Hold
through the seal and connector. The terminal is then the terminal in this position. See Figure 38.
3. Find the lock tab for the terminal in the connec- 4. Use the removal tool to move the lock tab to re-
tor channel. Push a removal tool (pick) of the lease the terminal from its seat.
correct size into the connector channel. See Fig-
ure 39 and Figure 40. Push-to-Seat - Gently pull the wire to remove
the terminal from the back of the connector.
Wire Harness Repair 900 SRM 1088
900 SRM 1088 Wire Harness Repair
Make certain that the connectors are properly seated Weather-Pack connections cannot be replaced with
and all of the sealing rings are in place when connect- standard connections. Instructions are provided
ing leads. The hinge-type flap provides a backup or with Weather-Pack connector and terminal pack-
secondary locking feature for the connector. They are ages.
used to improve the connector reliability by retaining
the terminals if the small terminal lock tabs are not
positioned properly.
Open secondary lock hinge on connector.
Remove terminal using tool.
Cut wire immediately behind cable seal.
Wire Harness Repair 900 SRM 1088
Replace terminal.
Push terminal and connector onto wire and engage locking tabs.
Close secondary lock hinge.