Bamboo Development Project Ordinance
Bamboo Development Project Ordinance
Bamboo Development Project Ordinance
WHEREAS, it is the prime duty of the government to protect and conserve national patrimony,
advance the rights of the people to healthy environment, and commit to promote industrialization
through industries that make use of human and natural resources in the manufacture of
competitive products aligned with the requirements of both domestic and international markets;
WHEREAS, Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991,
provides the devolution to a certain extent to Local Government Units the management of local
environment and natural resources to include but not limited to rivers, creeks forests, watershed
areas, among others;
WHEREAS, to protect the banks of water bodies from erosion, and to help preserve our natural
resources from destruction, development measures have to be undertaken to include planting or
vegetation of these areas with durable and fast-growing plant species that could withstand natural
WHEREAS, studies show that bamboo, apart from the cheaper cost of production, it is also an
ideal renewable resource that when planted and managed properly, it can significantly contribute
in the mitigation of climate change considering its carbon capture characteristics. Deeply rooted
bamboos planted along the banks of rivers, creeks, and other water bodies can help prevent soil
erosion and silting of these water bodies.
WHEREAS, on the economic aspect, bamboo can be a sustainable source of income of local
residents and other processors/manufacturers as it can be easily transformed into cash crop for its
shoots, and as a raw material input in the manufacture of various bamboo by-products;
WHEREAS, Executive Order 879, created the Philippine Bamboo Industry Development
Council (PBIDC) and set the development directions of the government for the bamboo sector
considering both its economic as well as environmental contributions;
WHEREAS, in order to strengthen the raw material base for a sustainable supply of quality
bamboo materials and to help mitigate climate change, establishment of bamboo nurseries and
bamboo plantations in watershed areas, flood and landslide prone areas, idle and marginalized
agricultural lands, upland areas covered by
Community Based Forest Management, banks of water bodies, there is a need for
the LGU of Tuao to enact an enabling ordinance to address the afore-mentioned
concerns, and for the effective implementation of the Bamboo Development Project
of Tuao;
Section 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Ordinance
Institutionalizing the Bamboo Development Project of Tuao. "
Section 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall mean:
c. Communal Forest - a tract of forest land set aside by the Secretary of the residents
of a municipality/city. The residents may cut, collect, and remove forest products
for their personal use in accordance with existing laws and regulations and subject
to the provision that utilization of resources therein shall be in accordance with
sustainable development.
k. Watershed Areas - area of land that feeds all the water running under it and
draining off of it into a body of water. It combines with other watersheds to form a
network of rivers and streams that progressively drain into larger water areas
l. Barangay Resident Farmers - Those identified to plant and grow or take care of the
bamboos as stewards of the bamboo development projects in their respective areas.
a. The LGU of Tuao shall prepare a Comprehensive Bamboo Development Plan for the
City that incorporates identification of suitable land areas in all barangays along riparian
zones, watershed areas, and communal forest for establishment of bamboo plantation.
b. Conduct survey mapping, and establish boundary demarcation for production and
protection plantations;
c. Conduct social preparations and comprehensive capacity development for local bamboo
e. Identify resident — farmers who shall establish and maintain communal bamboo
f. Extend appropriate technical assistances and services to investors who will venture into
bamboo nurseries and plantations particularly in private lands;
g. Link with academe, national government agencies, other local government units, and
private sector groups for technical and funding support;
Section 5. Bamboo Development Task Force. To carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, a
Bamboo Development Task Force is hereby organized with the following composition
and functions:
5.1. Composition
5.2. Functions
a. Prepare and implement a Localized Roadmap and action plan approved by the Municipal
Mayor and as basis for appropriating funds thereof;
b. Conduct meetings for planning, consultation, updating, reporting and other activities
which may be deemed important to implement this Ordinance;
c. Coordinate and collaborate with National Government Agencies, other Local
Government Units, Non-Government Organizations for partnership and/or assistance to
ensure effective implementation of identified activities;
d. In consultation with various stakeholders, prepare the IRR within ____ days upon the
approval of this Ordinance.
e. With the assistance of Barangay Captains, identify concerned barangay resident-farmers
in identified locations/area who shall be stewards of Bamboo Development Project of the
f. Submit periodic status reports of implementation to the Office of the Mayor and Office of
Sangguniang Bayan;
g. Perform such other functions as may be necessary to implement the intents of the
The Task Force shall meet once a month, or as necessary, on such a day and time as it
may fix. The presence of at least a majority of all the members constitutes a quorum
5.4 Secretariat
The Task Force shall be assisted by staff from the Office of the Municipal Environment
and Natural Resources who will serve as the Secretariat
Stewards of the bamboo development project shall be created to plant, grow, and
nurture the bamboo plantations. They shall be the resident farmers and/or the
marginalized group/individual within the Barangay of the area for bamboo plantations
Section 10. Repealing Clause. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with the
provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 11. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval and
publication according to law.
This _______ day of _______ 2021, at _________________ and upon roll call, vote taken and
recorded in the minutes of meeting of said Sangguniang Bayan members.
Certified Correct:
Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
Attested by:
Vice Mayor
Municipal Mayor