Reaching Your Destiny: Kenneth I. Udoumeh Visualize Your Great Potential
Reaching Your Destiny: Kenneth I. Udoumeh Visualize Your Great Potential
Reaching Your Destiny: Kenneth I. Udoumeh Visualize Your Great Potential
Inspiring you
to the world of
Triangle of Success
Kenneth I. Udoumeh
To God almighty for the vision He has given me to write this
Also to my late father, Elder Ishmael David Udoumeh of
blessed memory and my mother, Deaconess Alice Ishmael
Udoumeh, my brother, Emediong Udoumeh for their
(1) Mapping out your self worth
(2) Qualities of Accountabilities
(3) Start afresh
(4) Utilizing your given and hidden opportunity
(5) Overcoming failures
(6) Affirm that you can do it
(7) Hope in God
(8) Conclusion
(9) References
Some view destiny as what they have achieved in life, some
view it as a place they have found themselves.
Destiny may be defined as ultimate agency that predetermines
the course of event.
It may be defined as the course of event that will really
happen in future.
Oxford Advance Dictionary defines it as the power believes to
control event and what happen to particular people.
You were not created to be a failure but a winner and to
accomplish great things that is why this book was written.
I can not hear the word Destiny without smiling and
thinking of the character George mitly from the movie Bank that
Micheal T Fox was transported back to good old 1955 and through
series of event had to held his parent fall in love to help them fulfill
their destiny.
Possibility thinking is in actudity the exercise of dynamic,
creative, sanctified imagination.
Sir Edmund Hillary who attempted to scale Mount Everest last
one of the members of their term in the fail effort.
He returned to a heros welcome in London, England, where a
banquest held in his honour was attended by Lord and Ladies and
powerful people of the Bristish Empire.
When Hillary was called upon to receive the acctum of the
distinguish audience, he turned around face the mountain and said
Mount Everest you have defeated me but I will defeat you. *You
cant get and bigger I can.*
Then I recalled Hillarys comment and I said to myself God is
going to strengthen me, God will make me bigger and higher.
Imagine solution to yourself scaling your mountain, imagine
yourself crossing the finishing line of your destiny.
This book which is written in chapters, which would serve as a
guide to you in reaching your destiny. Chapter 1 deals with building
up your statue which encourage you to be great. Chapter 2 tells you
about how you can appreciate one who helps you to grow
successfully in life and how to applied the theory of pesting in
reaching your destiny. Chapter 3 highlights why you should forget
your past and move further. Chapter 5 shows the importance of
utilizing your opportunity by making good use of your time. Chapter
6 deals with steps you can apply in overcoming failure in life so as
to move to your destiny. Chapter 7 strongly emphasizes that with
faith you can actualize your dream. Chapter 8 finally sheds more
lights on why you should partner with God and believe that He can
lead you to a greater height.
This series Reaching Your Destiny would mould you and
assist you to discover your hidden talents when you read it.
Line up your opinion with Gods plan appreciate whom He has
made you to be and develop what He has given you, you are unique
blend with gift and talent. You have a special destiny on earth.
When you begin to understand, that God loves you, youll be able to
accept others as they are.
Follow this principle as never think or speak negatively about
yourself for that puts you in disagreement with God, meditate on
your strength and learn to encourage yourself for most time no
one else will, Dont compare yourself with anybody else you are a
unique one of a kind and original, so dont settle to being a copy
focus on your potential not your limitation. Remember God loves
you, find something you like and do it well.
Have the courage to be different from others, be a God
pleasure and not people pleasure. Learn to handle criticism let it
develop you instead of discouraging you; determine your own worth
before others do it for you. Keep you short coming in perspective,
youre still a worker in progress. Focus daily on your greatest source
of confidence God.
Now that youve mapped out your destiny in a broad way. You
are ready to test out the specific strategy of written view of what
your destiny look like, write it down and start to work on it.
It is the way you think that determine the way you live, if you
think enough what you have will be enough. When you handle small
things as big thing today, it will give you a bigger and better
opportunity tomorrow to handle big things.
Dont be in the state of inferiority complex God has a plan for
you. Always see yourself as an achievers.
You are wonderfully made by God, He destined you for a
purpose, try to position yourself in a higher place.
James Allen, In his book title As man thinketh says all that
a man achieves or fails to achieve is the direct result of his thought.
The better your thought, the better your prospects on life. Play
Wright Victor Hugo said A small man is made up of small thought.
The level of reaching your destiny will increase dramatically if
you place a high value on good thinking which is the key in mapping
out yourself worth.
Begin to imagine your potential creativity and your talent, set
your mind in achieving great things.
You are wonderfully made by God to actualize great things,
building yourself and think positively. Bill Gate was able to invent
Microsoft ware for computer and besides he is the world richest
Greatness is achieved when you set your mind in your
potentiality, dont kill your dream and destiny, you can make it, you
can get to the place where you have never dreamt before, you can
see yourself in the midst of world class inventors, Business icon and
top politicians.
You can shine like a state in your family, state and country,
you can be a great sport man or woman, reporter, mentor and
successful business mogul if you determine to.
List out those things your find out yourself worth doing.
Moreso, after listing those things that you find out yourself
worth doing, begin to work toward it, seek counsel from your
mentor, your elders and also pray for God direction and wisdom to
be able to achieve your potential and vision.
However, learn to accept critics this would help you to move
forward in reaching your destiny. If you cant accept criticism, you
can never discover you weakness and the desire to achieve
greatness is by accepting criticism.
There is a song that said I have a dream a dreamer is a
potential achiever. Let what is deposited in you to manifest.
God has designed something great in your life, it is your task
and obligation to utilize the talent and gift that He has bestowed in
you, dont allow it to live.
Anything that you have found yourself doing or things that
interest you most to do, do it well, dont relent in your effort in
doing it for one day, you will shine like a star.
It might interest you to know that other people might be
looking for what God has deposited, so dont ever think that God
does not care for you, He love you and He wants you to make full
potential, He has given to you to be a reality.
When God send people like that into your life, thank God for
them. Have are four principle that will help you to deals with them
I have critically examine some of people attitude in reaching
their destiny, I now discover that they lack some principle to applied
in stepping forward to greatness in life.
This is the reason why this theory of Destiny had been develop
to catapult you to root of greatness and achieving your purpose in
planet earth.
Opportunity Formula
Opportunity = Time + Enthusiasm =Y+E
OPT = Y + E
Curiosity is basically your own internal motivation to discover,
explore and find opportunities without a strong drive to break
outside your comfort zone, you cannot hope to utilize even a small
fraction of the opportunities available, this curiosity should be innate
as well. In other word, your motivation for discovery should be
purely from your curiosity to explore not because you predict a
certain reward at the end.
At first it may seem illogical that the best tool to utilize hidden
opportunities requires you stop thinking about the reward why
would you pursue the opportunity in the first place if you didnt think
it had a pot of gold at the end, the problem is that the rewards at
the end of most opportunities are impossible to perceive in the
beginning. A curious attitude says that even if there isnt a final
reward, the act of exploration and discovery is a reward in itself.
I assume that most people reading books are fairly curious
people, if you werent curious then I doubt you would spend much
time trying to change or improve your life in any way. What may
have happened, however, is the fear, over rationalizing or
discouragement may have happened, however, is the fear, over
rationalizing or discouragement may have taken your natural
curiosity and dulled it considerably. By improving the other two
skills spontaneity and courage, you will likely find your curiosity
pipued as well in reaching your destiny.
The second skill necessary to utilize hidden opportunities is
spontaneity, most opportunities are slippery. They will swim by you
giving you only a few seconds of time to grow hold before they
move away. If you spend too much time debating which
opportunities to pursue, you will likely miss more than you catch
spontaneity requires you to build up your ability to make good
decisions quickly. If you struggle to make even basic decisions like
what to eat or what to talk about in less than a minute or two, your
ability to be spontaneous will be severely limited. Although carefully
weighing out pros and cons and thinking through decisions on a
logical basis may makes sense when there are only a few variables
involved, most of our decisions have far too may factors to make
that approach useful.
To improve your quick decision making skills, start using a
timer to make any decision for most decisions you should make
them in under a minute especially for such trivial ones as what you
plan on eating for lunch. Some opportunities, like whether to talk to
the stranger waiting in line, may need to be acted upon in only a
couple seconds. The less your hesitation, the more spontaneous you
can be.
Another factor that contributes to spontaneity is your flexibility
with time, many peoples lives are so rigid that it is very difficult to
insert new opportunities; their productivity simply wont allow it. In
these cases I suggest one of two approaches the first and easiest
approach is to simply toggle between cycles of focus and flexibility
so that you can have periods of more productivity and periods of
greater experimentation and discovery.
Any hidden opportunity will have risk involved the sense of
unknown that comes whenever we are exploring possibilities outside
our comfort zone is what creates fear; the ability to manage that
fear and act inspite of it is called courage I already wrote about how
you can overcome fear, so I will instead focus on how you can use
courage when finding those hidden and given opportunities.
Fear is an excellent indicator of where you lack experience
whatever you fear, chances are in need of a lot of growth in that are
courage can allow you to venture as deep as possible into your
years without drowing in them. As you build up your courage, your
ability to find opportunities will naturally be reflected because of you
can venture deeper and deeper.
Opportunities are coming at you all the time unfortunately a
lot of the best opportunities are completely hidden from view and it
is up to us to recognize and utilize them, taking advantage of these
situations allows you to grow and expand your life, so go out and
find those opportunities whether to talk to that stranger who could
become a lifelong friend, try new activity which could become a
passion or work on an idea that can change your life in reaching
your destiny.
It is imperative to manage your time, dont procrastinate,
management of time, it will assist you to actualize your goods. If
you fail to make good use of your time, definitely you would have
yourself to blame. Time management is very important in dealing
with opportunity.
Be wise in time management, as a student, you need to
manage your time, pay more attention to your personal timetable,
form a reading group, exchange some ideas, it will help you to
perform well academically.
As an individual, you need to manage your time in other to
achieve good things in life, dont procrastinate and dont misuse
your time, time is precious.
CRAFT: The vision on paper, having conceived your idea, you must
take on paper and biro and so a detached breakdown of various
steps required for the realization of your plan.
Ask yourself the following question and write the answers
beside each.
(a) Is this plan worthwhile and positive (never plan to do drugs,
prostitution, 418 or steal or unsapproate Government or
Company fund in other to become rich overnight).
(b) Will it add value to me and others?
(c) Will it bring progress, growth or development?
(d) What are the necessary steps required for my plan to be
Marital Success The way you live your life as a single lady or a
guy matters Decency and responsibility count a great deals your
physical appearance and character matter for the married. Your
attitude on your spouse, respect, love, fidelity, honesty etc should
be carefully lorheil on to ensure peace of mind and successful
realization of your plans.
Kenneth Udoumeh
Many people believe that if they fail in life that means the end of
their life.
Kenneth Udoumeh
1. Get yourself into a quiet place
2. Begin to imagine yourself
3. Try to envision your potentiality
4. Make a step in doing what you have affirm
5. Focus your attention in the things you have affirm
6. Visualize yourself in a greater perspective
7. Partner yourself with God in things you have affirm
8. Always be excited in what you are doing
9. Associate with those that have vision and ideas
10. Affirm that you have reach your destiny
Kenneth Udoumeh
Choose to trust
When something bad happen in your life, dont respond by
arguing with God or rebelling against Him. Instead, trust God to
keep His promise to us all circumstances including the bad ones to
accomplish good purposes in your life.
Remember that God is perfect, so He cant make any mistakes
and whatever He chooses to do is for a good purpose. If He has
allowed something difficult to happen to you theres a reason
Overcome fear
No matter what kind of situation you may find yourself facing in
reaching your destiny, dont be afraid because God will always be
with you and have your best interests in mind since He loves you
whenever feelings of fear creep into your life turn to God for the
help you need to overcome them and successfully navigate your
circumstances whenever you sense God. God calling you to do
something that require taking a risk move forward without fear
because God will empower you to do whatever He calls you to do.
Dont give up
Whenever your sense of hope starts running out ask God to
renew you with fresh close of hope so you can continue to faithfully
deal with the difficult situations that come your way. Be confident
that at the right time, God will reward your faithfulness if you don t
give up your faith in the middle of challenging circumstances. Count
on God to give you more hope whenever you ask Him for it.
I strongly believe you might have spends some days and hours
ago reading this guide.
You could be more thrilled after discovering the step in
reaching your destiny.
Realizing your mistake in the past will motivate you to attain
the highest peck in life, so success is yours.
Stop looking at yourself as a failure or a loser, keep on trying
you will make it, people who has realized their destiny are not
different from you except for one thing, they have discovered their
God given talent haven work toward actualizing it.
Set up your goals began to work toward it, affirming that you
can do it, believe in yourself, practice what you see, or know that
you can do better in your life.
Dont allow infememty complete to dominate your life but
thrive to be what you have dreamt to be.
It will be an exciting moment if I hear that you have reached
your destiny, dont want to be asked keep telling your friends
wherever you go about your great journey to your destiny and how
you visualize it, work toward actualize it while you jubilate and
move higher.
Reaching your destiny is a guide which awaken your spirit and
soul to discover your purpose in life and it is a revelationary writing
that if from God to strengthen and empower you to reach the realm
of fulfillment in your life.
He is current the National Director, Research and Planning Annang
Preservation Incorporated.