General Condition
General Condition
General Condition
GC13.0 TAXES 6
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ANNEXURE II TO WO Ref : SLIT/GE/7002/ BOILER/WO- 001/0607 DTD: 27 – 02 - 07
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ANNEXURE II TO WO Ref : SLIT/GE/7002/ BOILER/WO- 001/0607 DTD: 27 – 02 - 07
In construing the Contract the following words and expressions shall have the following
meanings hereby assigned to them:-
“Contract” Means the Contract Agreement Form and all documents listed
“Contract Price” The sum stated in PRICE SCHEDULE as the sum of the amounts
payable to the CONTRACTOR for the execution of the Work, as
adjusted pursuant to the terms of this Contract.
“Construction Means the time period setforth for performance of the Work under
Schedule” this Contract.
“CUSTOMER” Means the Person with whom SLIT entered in to Agreement for
carrying out the Erection and Pre-commissioning Work of the Plant
and completion of the Project.
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ANNEXURE II TO WO Ref : SLIT/GE/7002/ BOILER/WO- 001/0607 DTD: 27 – 02 - 07
“Overall Mechanical Means the Mechanical Completion of the whole of the Project ready
Completion of the for commissioning and start-up.
“Person” Any natural person, firm, corporation, company, voluntary
association, partnership, joint venture, trust, limited organization,
unlimited organization, Competent Authority or other entity.
“Site” The land and other places on, under, in or through which the Work
or Temporary Work are to be executed and any other lands or
places provided by the SLIT or CUSTOMER.
“Temporary Work” All temporary works of every kind required in or about in execution
of the Work.
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GC2.0 WORDS AND PHRASES and into the Contract so far as it may be practicable to do
Where the words “as shown”, “as detailed”, “as indicated”,
or word of like import are used in this Contract, reference Wherever any portion of General Condition of Contract is
is to the drawings listed in this Contract unless the repugnant to at variance with any provision of the Special
context clearly indicates a different meaning. Where the Conditions of Contract then, unless a different intention
words “required”, “approved”, “satisfactory”, “determined”, appears, the provisions of the Special Conditions of
“acceptable” or words of like import are used in this Contract shall to the extent of such repugnance, or
Contract, action SLIT or CUSTOMER is indicated unless variation prevail.
the context clearly indicates otherwise, and all the Work
shall be in accordance therewith. Wherever it is mentioned in the specifications that
CONTRACTOR shall perform certain work or provide
The words “include” and “including” are to be construed certain facilities, it is understood that CONTRACTOR
without limitation. shall do so at his cost.
Whenever provision is made for the giving of notice, GC4.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR
approval or consent by any Person, unless otherwise
specified such notice, approval or consent shall be in CONTRACTOR represents that it is fully experienced,
writing and the words “notify” and “approve” shall be properly qualified, registered, licensed, equipped,
construed accordingly. organised, and financed to perform the Work under this
Contract. CONTRACTOR shall act as an independent
References to a particular Clause, paragraph, sub- contractor and not as the agent of SLIT or CUSTOMER in
paragraph or Attachment shall, except where the context performing this Contract, maintaining complete control
otherwise requires, be a reference to that Clause, over its employees and all of its Subcontractors. Nothing
paragraph, sub-paragraph or Attachment in or to these contained in this Contract or any Subcontract awarded by
General and Special Conditions. CONTRACTOR shall create any contractual relationship
between any Subcontractor and either SLIT or
References in the singular shall also include references in CUSTOMER. CONTRACTOR shall perform the Work
the plural and vice versa wherever the context so hereunder in accordance with its own methods subject to
requires. compliance with the Contract.
Headings are inserted for convenience and are not to be GC5.0 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES
deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the
interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract. Before starting work, CONTRACTOR shall designate in
writing an authorised representative acceptable to SLIT to
A requirement that a CONTRACTOR-furnished document represent and act for CONTRACTOR and shall specify
is to be submitted for or subject to “Authorisation to any and all limitations of such representative’s authority.
Proceed”, “Approval”, “Acceptance”, “Review”, Such representative shall be present or be represented at
“Comment”, or any combinations of such words or words the Site at all times when work is in progress, and shall
like import shall mean unless the context clearly indicates be empowered to receive communications in accordance
otherwise, that CONTRACTOR shall, before with this contract on behalf of CONTRACTOR. During
implementing the information in the document, submit periods when the Work is suspended, arrangements shall
the document, obtain resolution of any comments and be made for an authorised representative acceptable to
authorisation to proceed. Such review shall not mean SLIT for any emergency work that may be required. All
that a complete check will be performed. Authorisation to communications given to the authorised representative by
proceed shall not constitute acceptance or approval of SLIT in accordance with this Contract shall be binding
design details, calculations, analyses, tests, construction upon CONTRACTOR. SLIT shall designate in writing one
methods or materials developed or selected by or more representatives to represent and act for SLIT and
CONTRACTOR and shall not relieve CONTRACTOR CUSTOMER and to receive communications from
from full compliance with requirements of the Contract. CONTRACTOR. Notification of changes of authorised
representatives for SLIT or CONTRACTOR shall be
Such action, or failure to act, shall not relieve provided in advance, in writing, to the other party.
CONTRACTOR of its contractual responsibilities for
performance of this Contract. Wherever in this Contract it GC6.0 NOTICES
is provided that CONTRACTOR shall perform certain
work “at its expense” or “without charge” or that certain Any notices provided for hereunder shall be in writing
work “will not be paid for separately”, such quoted words served by registered mail to the address of that party as
mean that CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any shown on the face of the Contract Agreement Form or as
additional compensation from CUSTOMER for such such address may have been changed by written notice.
work, and the cost thereof shall, unless otherwise
specified, be considered as included in the payment for GC7.0 CONTRACT INTERPRETATION
other items of the Work.
All questions concerning interpretation or clarification of
GC3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT this Contract, including the discovery of conflicts, errors
or omissions, or the acceptable performance thereof by
Special conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction CONTRACTOR, shall be immediately submitted in
with the General Conditions of Contract, specification of writing to SLIT for resolution. All determinations,
work, Drawings and any other documents forming part of instructions, and clarifications of SLIT shall be final and
this Contract wherever context so requires. conclusive unless determined by a court of competent
jurisdiction to have been fraudulent or capricious, or
Notwithstanding the sub-division of the documents into arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply
these separate sections and volumes every part of each bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. At
shall be deemed to be supplementary to and all times CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the Work in
complementary of every other part and shall be read with accordance with the determinations, instructions, and
The Contract Agreement Form, all documents listed All travelling expense including provisions of all
therein, and subsequently issued Change Notices and necessary transport to and from Site for the
amendments are essential parts of this Contract and a CONTRACTOR’s employees and labour shall be the sole
requirement occurring in one is binding as though responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
occurring in all. In resolving conflicts, discrepancies,
errors or omissions pursuant to the General Condition CONTRACTOR shall fully comply with all the provisions
titled “CONTRACT INTERPRETATION” the following of labour, civil and other state and central laws, statutory
order of precedence shall be used: rules and regulations. In case of CONTRACTOR’s non-
compliance with any provisions under such labour, civil
and other state and central laws, statutory rules and
1. Contract Change Notices and regulations, etc., CONTRACTOR shall indemnify SLIT
Amendments, if any and CUSTOMER from and against all liabilities,
2. Work Order damages, penalties, demands, etc.
3. Letter Of Intent
4. Schedule of Quantities CONTRACTOR shall obtain all permits and licenses
5. Responsibility Chart required to execute the Contract, all registration and/or
6. Special Conditions of Contract statutory inspection fees shall be paid by CONTRACTOR.
7. General Conditions of Contract
8. Enquiry In case SLIT or CUSTOMER becomes liable to any
wages or dues to the labour or any Government agency
under any of the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act,
GC11.0 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES Workmen Compensation Act, Contract Labour Regulation
Abolition Act, applicable Indian laws or any other law due
Neither CONTRACTOR nor its subcontractors nor their to an act or omission by CONTRACTOR , SLIT or
employees shall establish any commercial activity or CUSTOMER may make such payments and the total
issue concessions or permits of any kind to third parties amount of such payments shall be deducted from
for establishing commercial activities on the Site or any amounts due or which may become due to
other land owned by SLIT or CUSTOMER. CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible and will assume CONTRACTOR shall comply with SLIT and
liability in respect of all claims for any retrenchment or CUSTOMER’s safety and health requirements.
benefits and/or compensation for accidents, injuries and CONTRACTOR shall have sole responsibility for
in the event of death on the Site which may occur in the implementing its safety and health program.
course of performing work by workers employed by
CONTRACTOR and its Subcontractors. Neither SLIT not CUSTOMER shall be responsible for
supervising the implementation of CONTRACTOR’s
In the event the workers engaged by CONTRACTOR or safety program, and neither SLIT not CUSTOMER shall
its Subcontractors cause any disturbance, organise any have responsibility for the safety of CONTRACTOR’s or
demonstration, strike. Sit-in or picket on or about the Site its Subcontractor’s employees.
or the office of the SLIT or CUSTOMER shall forthwith
remove the same. CONTRACTOR’s failure to correct an unsafe condition or
SLIT may without prejudice to its other rights take any unsafe act by its personnel after notice thereof shall be
steps for the removal of such obstruction as it may desire. grounds for:
However, the occurrence of any such event of default on
the part of CONTRACTOR. a) An order to suspend the affected operations until the
unsafe condition is corrected and,
GC15.0 MEDICAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES b) If the violation continues, default termination of this
Contract for such failure.
CONTRACTOR shall at its own expenses arrange for
medical services and facilities for any of its personnel CONTRACTOR shall furnish safety equipment and
requiring first aid, ambulance service, inpatient or enforce the use of such equipment by its employees.
outpatient services.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain accident, injury and other
Where SLIT or CUSTOMER have first aid facilities at the records required by applicable laws and regulations or by
Site they may, at their sole option, make available their SLIT and shall furnish SLIT a monthly summary of injuries
first aid facilities for the treatment of employees of and labour hours lost due to injuries.
CONTRACTOR who may be injured or become ill while
engaged in the performance of the Work under this Suitable arrangements shall be made for the prevention
contract. SLIT and CUSTOMER reserve the right to of epidemics and all necessary welfare and hygiene
charge CONTRACTOR cost of such services provided requirements. In the event of the outbreak of any illness
and recover such costs from any monies due to of an epidemic nature, CONTRACTOR shall comply with
CONTRACTOR. and carry out such regulations, orders requirements of
any Competent Authority for the purpose of dealing with
If first aid facilities and/or services are made available to and overcoming the same.
CONTRACTOR’s employees then, in consideration in use
of such facilities and the receipt of such services, CONTRACTOR shall at all times take all reasonably
CONTRACTOR hereby agrees: precautions to protect all staff and labour employed on
the site from insect nuisance, vermin and other pests and
a) To release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless reduce dangers to health and the general nuisance
SLIT, CUSTOMER and their representatives, occasioned by the same.
successors or assigns, and all of their officers and
employees from and against any and all claims, GC17.0 FIRE PREVENTION
demands, liabilities, including attorney’s fees, arising
from the receipt of such services or the use of such CONTRACTOR shall have to provide Fire Extinguishers/
facilities by CONTRACTOR’s employees. Fire Buckets and drum at the Site as recommended by
b) Upon receipt of any notice from SLIT or
CUSTOMER of any such claim, demand or liability CONTRACTOR shall take all precautionary measures
being pursued against SLIT or CUSTOMER, to not and exercise utmost care in handling the inflammable gas
only undertake the defense of such claim, demand cylinders/inflammable liquid/paints etc. as required under
or liability, but also upon entry of judgement, to the law and/or advised by SLIT and CUSTOMER.
make any and all payments necessary thereunder,
and CONTRACTOR shall not built temporary combustible
structures near or around the Site.
c) That in the event any of CONTRACTOR’s
employees requires off-site medical services, GC18.0 USE OF INTOXICANTS
including transportation thereto, CONTRACTOR
shall promptly pay for such services directly to The unauthorised sale of spirits or other intoxicating
providers thereof. beverages upon the work in any of the buildings,
encampments owned, occupied by or within the control
GC16.0 SAFETY AND HEALTH of CONTRACTOR or any of his employee is forbidden
and CONTRACTOR shall exercise his influence and
CONTRACTOR shall be fully and solely responsible for authority to the utmost extent to secure strict compliance
conducting all operations under this Contract at all times with this condition.
in such a manner as to avoid the risk of bodily harm to
persons and damage to property.
GC20.0 UNFAVORABLE WORKING CONDITIONS When any work is performed at night or where daylight is
obscured, CONTRACTOR shall, at its expense, provide
CONTRACTOR shall confine all its field operations to artificial light sufficient to permit work to be carried on
those portions of Work which can be performed without efficiently, satisfactorily and safely, and permit through
subjecting the Plant to adverse effects during inclement inspection. During such time periods access to the place
weather conditions monsoon storms and other of work shall also be clearly illuminated. All wiring for
unfavourable construction conditions. No field activities electric light and power shall be installed and maintained
shall be performed by CONTRACTOR, which might in a safe manner and meet all applicable codes and
adversely affect the quality and efficiency thereof, unless standards.
appropriate precautions or measures are taken by
CONTRACTOR to eliminate such effects. Such
unfavourable construction conditions shall in no way GC23.0 CONTRACTOR’s WORK AREA
relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to complete
the Work on or before the Completion of the Work Date. All CONTRACTOR’s work areas on the Site will be
assigned by SLIT. CONTRACTOR shall confine its
Pursuant to the foregoing, or for reasons attributable to operations to the areas so assigned.
CONTRACTOR’s act, omissions, noncompliance with the
Contract requirements, defaults and neglects, SLIT and GC24.0 TOOLS, TACKLES AND SCAFFOLDING,
CUSTOMER shall not be liable for idle labour charges in LIEN ON EQUIPMENT
the event of any stoppage caused in the Work resulting in
CONTRACTOR’s labour being rendered idle at any time CONTRACTOR shall provide at his own expense,
for any period(s) of time. including but not limited to all the construction equipment,
false work, tools, machine tools, power tools, tackles,
GC21.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS hoists, cranes, derricks, cables, skids, scaffolding, work
welding machines, pre heating and stress relieving
Throughout performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR equipment, x-ray and all associated protective equipment,
shall conduct operations in such a way to minimise appliances, required for unloading, transporting, storing
impact upon the natural environment and comply with all that may be required to accomplish the work under the
laws, regulations and rules applicable to the Site. contract unless otherwise provided for. Adequacy of such
CONTRACTOR shall provide: tools will be subject to final determination of SLIT and/or
CUSTOMER. CONTRACTOR shall submit a list of all
such materials to SLIT . These tools and tackles shall not
In case SLIT or CUSTOMER hands over its equipment CONTRACTOR shall perform its work in a manner that in
and/or material and consumable including but not limited no way endanger the operation of the existing stream and
to gases, electrodes, paints to CONTRACTOR for the electric and other plants of CUSTOMER which will have
Site work then CONTRACTOR shall at the time of taking interconnection the new Plant in the construction of which
delivery of the items through dispatch documents be CONTRACTOR is awarded the Contract. In all cases
required to execute an indemnity bond in favour of SLIT where connections to existing plant and equipment occur,
in the form acceptable to SLIT for keeping the equipment such connections will be made only with specific and
and/or material in safe custody and to utilise the same advance instructions and authorisation from and issued
exclusively or the purpose of this Contract. by SLIT and CUSTOMER
CONTRACTOR shall adequately lighted it’s work area at If at any time, CONTRACTOR’s working force and
night time also. CONTRACTOR shall NOT USE naked equipment are in the opinion of SLIT and CUSTOMER
lights on the Site or otherwise in the open air without inadequate for securing the necessary progress as herein
specific permission in writing from SLIT. CONTRACTOR stipulated, CONTRACTOR shall, if so directed, increase
shall engage adequate qualified electricians and the working force and equipment to such an extent as to
wiremen, helpers etc. to carry out and maintain these give reasonable assurance of compliance with the
lighting facilities. If CONTRACTOR fails to provide all the schedule of completion. The absence of such demands
above listed facilities, SLIT or CUSTOMER may provide from SLIT or CUSTOMER shall not relieve
such facilities as it may deem necessary and charge the CONTRACTOR of his work and the rate of progress
cost thereof to CONTRACTOR. In any case required by the contract, and CONTRACTOR alone shall
CONTRACTOR shall liable for all damages and be and remain liable and responsible for the safety,
consequences arising out of its neglect in this regard. working force and equipment, irrespective of whether or
not he makes any change as a result of any order or
GC27.0 ENGINEER’s INSTRUCTIONS orders received from SLIT or CUSTOMER.
b) Place no further orders or subcontracts for material, d) Fails to fulfil any of the terms of this Contract; or
services, or facilities with respect to suspended work
other than to the extent required in the notice. e) Fails to provide adequate assurance of
CONTRACTOR’s future performance in accordance
c) Promptly make every reasonable effort to obtain with the terms and conditions of this Contract, within
suspension upon terms satisfactory to SLIT of all the time specified in the following paragraph, in
orders, subcontracts and rental agreements to the response to demand by SLIT in the event that an
extent they relate to performance of suspended order for relief in bankruptcy is entered with respect
work; to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR becomes
insolvent or makes a general assignment for the
d) Continue to protect and maintain the Work including benefit of creditors. SLIT shall be the sole judge of
those portions on which work has been suspended; the adequacy of said assurance.
Upon the occurrence of any of the foregoing, SLIT shall
e) Take any other reasonable steps to minimise costs notify CONTRACTOR in writing of the nature of the failure
associated with such suspension. and of SLIT’s intention to terminate the Contract for
default. If CONTRACTOR does not cure such failure
As full compensation for such suspension, within Three (3) calendar days from receipt of notification,
CONTRACTOR will be reimbursed for the following costs, or sooner if safety to persons is involved, or if
reasonably incurred, without duplication of any item, to CONTRACTOR fails to provide satisfactory evidence that
the extent that such costs directly result from such work such default will be corrected, SLIT may, by written notice
suspension ; to CONTRACTOR and notice to CONTRACTOR’s
sureties, if any, terminate in whole or in part
A standby charge to be paid on CONTRACTOR during CONTRACTOR’s right to proceed with the Work and
the period of work suspension, which standby charge SLIT may prosecute the Work to completion by contract
shall be CONTRACTOR’s actual and necessary costs for or by other method deemed expedient. SLIT may take
keeping, to the extent required the suspension notice, its possession of and utilise any materials, plant, tools,
organisation and equipment committed to the Work on a equipment, and property of any kind furnished by
standby basis; and CONTRACTOR and necessary to complete the Work.
Necessary costs associated with mobilisation and
demobilisation of CONTRACTOR’s Equipment and CONTRACTOR shall be liable for all costs in excess of
forces. the Contract Price for such terminated work, reasonably
and necessarily incurred in the completion of the Work as
Upon receipt of notice to resume suspended work, scheduled, including cost of administration of any
CONTRACTOR shall immediately resume performance subcontract awarded to others for completion.
under this Contract to the extent required in the notice.
Upon termination for default, CONTRACTOR shall:
If CONTRACTOR intends to assert a claim for equitable
adjustment under this clause, it must, within ten (10) a) Immediately discontinue work on the date and to the
calendar days after receipt of notice to resume work, extent specified in the notice and place no further
submit to SLIT a written statement setting forth the purchase order or subcontracts to the extent that
schedule impact and monetary extent of such claim in they relate to the performance of the terminated
sufficient detail to permit thorough analysis and work;
negotiation. No adjustment shall be made for any