Clone+ Cardsplitter: Simple Operation, Incredibly Powerful!

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TEST REPORT Cardsplitter

Clone+ Cardsplitter
Clone+ Cardspli
Simple distributio tter
n of two PayTV pro
to as many as eig viders
ht rec eivers
in the household

Simple Operation,
Incredibly Powerful!
• Simple Distribution of PayTV The number of TVs in the TVs in the house with a signal
average household is consis- whether it was done via coax-
Channels in Your Own Home tently increasing. It all started ial cable or wirelessly. You

• Feed Up to Eight Receivers with in the living room and then were limited to watching one
expanded to the kid’s room all TV channel at a time on all the
Just One Card the way to the bedroom and TVs but not much was needed

• Supports Numerous Systems the kitchen until now there’s for an installation like this.
hardly any room in the house
• Special Feature: Two Different that doesn’t have a TV. Just As HDTV began entering
the picture, end users natu-
PayTV Systems are Possible a few years ago, when HDTV
was an unknown entity, it was rally wanted to be able to
enough to have one central watch their favorite programs
receiver that supplied all the in the best possible quality.

46 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

TELE-satellite World
Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
Arabic ‫ العربية‬
Indonesian Indonesia
But this led to a problem: course, this comes at an addi- German Deutsch
HD content could not be dis- tional monthly charge and it English English
Spanish Español
tributed via coaxial cable or really is the exception rather French Français
through a wireless system than the rule. The end user Hebrew ‫ עברית‬
Chinese 中文
and the HDMI cables link- has the problem of deciding
Polish Polski
ing the receiver and the TV whether to take out multiple Portuguese Português
are limited in length to a few PayTV subscriptions at the Russian Русский
Turkish Türkçe
meters. same time – a solution that Available online starting from 28 January 2011
for most PayTV customers is
For the average house- both financially and also on
hold this meant that multiple principle a problem; who likes and switch to an encrypted encryption system or the pro-
receivers would be needed the idea of paying double or channel, the Clone+ card cessor couldn’t handle more
– one receiver for each TV. triple? – or he has to look communicates with the than two receivers at a time.
Distributing the signals of around for another solution. Clone+ server and receives In the Clone+ package we
a single satellite reception the necessary decryption received there was the trans-
system to all of these receiv- The Clone+ System from information so that you can mitter section along with two
ers is easy and as long as you the Polish company PYCH enjoy your selected program. reception cards. We were able
limit yourself to watching free International Electronics is to get to work right away.
TV, that is channels without precisely one of those solu- In this way it’s possible to
any encryption, there won’t tions and it works like this: the use only one PayTV card and The transmitter section
be any problems. But what original card from the PayTV operate up to eight receiv- comes in a very elegant black
about PayTV? provider is inserted into a ers independently from each housing and at 2.5 x 9.5 x
card reader unit that works other. Since the range of the 11cm was very easy to handle.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t with an integrated transmit- transmitter section inside On the front panel you imme-
look good at all; a PayTV pro- ter. Instead of the original the home is only about 30 diately notice the slot for the
vider usually only supplies one card, a special reception card meters, the PayTV provider internal card reader while
SmartCard to a customer and is placed in the receivers (up doesn’t have to worry about on the back a USB interface
thus PayTV content can only to eight boxes are supported) anyone else using the PayTV and a jack for DC power from
be received and decrypted on that then creates a wireless card illegally. the included external power
just one receiver. There are link to the transmitter sec- supply could be found. The
a few PayTV providers that tion of the Clone+ system. If When the Clone+ system top side of the housing sports
offer additional cards but, of you’re using a linked receiver arrived at the TELE-satellite five LEDs that show the sys-
test lab, we were curious how tem’s current status as well
well it would work consider- as the signal quality of the
■ Twin Slot Interface - ing that similar systems have wireless link.
enables you watching
been around for some time
different channels
of digital pay TV of 2 now from a variety of manu- The reception cards are also
different subscription
cards facturers but as was often the made out of black plastic and
case those systems had to come with six small status
deal with software bugs, they LEDs that also graphically
could only be used with one indicate operational status

48 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —


and signal strength. Because mends that the transmitter

of the required receiver sec- section be connected to an
tion as well as the neces- MS Windows PC using the
sary electronics to process USB cable so that the firm-
the incoming signals, these ware of the system can be
cards are somewhat longer brought up to the most cur-
than standard SmartCards. rent level before the system
They can be plugged into is used for the first time.
2 the internal card reader of a Just like the overall operation
receiver or a CI module but of the Clone+ system, this
you probably won’t be able to update procedure is handled
close the front panel flap on just as simply and problem-
the receiver or the CI module. free. As soon as the system
It’s a visual disadvantage that is connected to a PC and the
the manufacturer recognized software started, the current
and because of that offers an drivers are loaded from the
optional Soft Interface. This manufacturer’s server via the
involves using a standard Internet. After that, they are
format SmartCard that disap- automatically installed and
pears fully into a receiver’s activated.
card reader or CI slot allow-
ing you to close the receiver The Clone+ system can
flap. The electronics from the operate in two different
SmartCard are now sepa- modes, A and B, each with its
rated with a single thin cable own firmware. While mode A
connecting the two pieces is the normal operating mode
together. The Soft Interface for the Clone+, the manu-
4 was not part of the test pack- facturer integrated a mode
age we received so we were B which is a form of a com-
unable to put it to the test. patibility mode that really
should only be activated
For our test report, Clone+ when there’s a problem with
included a twin adapter for the SmartCard. Our tests
the transmitter section so involved the use of a variety
that we could use two PayTV of PayTV cards and we found
cards with up to eight differ- that activating mode B wasn’t
ent receivers. More on that necessary. The transferring of
later though. the latest firmware occurred
automatically without any dif-
We were very impressed ficulties and was taken care of
with the Clone+ system. The in just a few seconds.
included user manual provided
information on the installation Once the update process
and operation of the system is successfully completed,
that was so detailed that there’s really not much more
every possible question was for the end user to do since
answered. The included CD the system is very easy to set
and USB cable can be used to up and configure. The first
upload new firmware into the step is to insert the PayTV
Clone+ transmitter section card into the slot in the trans-
so that the manufacturer can mitter section and then turn
1. With one mouse click the Clone+ transmitter section automatically
downloads the latest firmware from the manufacturers servers and installs not only work on improve- on the power. The Clone+
them in the unit.
ments to the system but also system automatically recog-
2. Standard mode A for operation with the most PayTV cards
add new encryption systems nizes the encryption system
3. Compatibility mode B for those cards that can’t be used in mode A. The
use of this mode was not necessary in our tests. or react to other changes in used by the card, reads a few
4. Even the required drivers for MS Windows are downloaded automatically the system. more parameters and then
with the update software.
5. The Soft Interface elegantly accommodates the reception cards even
sets up the reception cards
with the CI flap closed. PYCH Electronics recom- with the necessary settings.

50 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

As soon as this job is done “Ready” LED remains lit.
– in our tests it took a mere
one second – the “Ready” LED This programming step is
illuminates to let you know absolutely necessary since
that the Clone+ transmitter the reception cards can only
section is ready to go. be prepared and activated
in this way. If you decide to
The only other task that use a different SmartCard,
needs to be done is to config- then this programming pro-
ure the reception cards. To do cess must be repeated since
this the original PayTV card is every encryption system and
removed and each reception each card type require dif-
card to be used is momen- ferent settings. In our tests
tarily inserted into the card the reception card was pro-
reader. The “Upgrade” LED grammed and ready to use
on the reception card starts in just about eight seconds.
to blink indicating that the Once this process has been
necessary settings are being completed for each reception
transferred to the card. Once card to be used, the origi-
this process is successfully nal PayTV card is once again
completed, the “Upgrade” inserted into the card reader
LED goes out and only the slot while the reception cards

are inserted in each receiver our test system so we were

or CI module. At this point able to select three receiv-
the entire system installation ers for our testing: two
and setup is completed. receivers with CI slots and
one with an integrated card
As soon as power is applied reader. A reception card was
to the reception cards via the inserted into the CI slot or
receiver or the CI module, a internal card reader of all
link is created to the Clone+ three receivers and we began
transmitter section. The channel surfing through all
signal strength is shown via of the PayTV channels. No
LEDs on the reception cards matter how hard we tried, we
as well as on the transmit- could not disturb the Clone+
ter section. Once the green system as it decrypted the
“Link” LED lights up on the selected channels on all three
reception cards, a successful receivers without any prob-
connection has been placed lems or other interruptions.
with the Clone+ server. Now And it didn’t matter if it was
you can enjoy uninterrupted HD or SD channels.
PayTV channels with multiple
receivers. We were impressed with
the performance of the radio
According to the manufac- link. Depending on the type
turer, the Clone+ system is of building, a range of up to
compatible with the Conax, 30 meters can be achieved
Crptoworks, Irdeto, Seca indoors. Outside the range
Mediaguard and Viaccess could be as far as 150 meters
encryption systems. During although 100 meters is more
our testing process, we realistic as long as there is a
were able to verify this with clear line of sight from trans-
multiple SmartCards; even mitter to receiver.
the latest generation cards
worked perfectly with the The Clone+ system is also
Clone+ system. The manu- not affected by a WLAN router
facturer included a total of or other wireless device (such
three reception cards with as a wireless headset) and — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 51

functions without any inter- rest! The Clone+ system was Expert Opinion
ruptions. We tested this by easily able to handle both +
setting a WLAN router to its encryption systems without Incredibly simple and reliable operation plus
highest possible power output any problems using the Twin comes with the ability to use two SmartCards at
and placing it in close proxim- Slot Interface. Even in this the same time. At only 1.2W, the power usage of
ity to the Clone+ system. We mode the constant changing the Clone+ system is negligible.
also operated two wireless of channels and the operation Thomas Haring

headsets at the same time. of three reception cards could Test Center
not disturb this system. The encryption systems Nagravision and
The icing on the cake NDS Videoguard are not supported.

though would have to be the We thoroughly enjoyed put-

Twin Slot Interface with which ting the Clone+ system from
two different SmartCards can PYCH Electronics to the test. It DATA
be used at the same time. is a sophisticated system and Manufacturer Pych International Electronics Sp. z.o.o.ul.
Lipkowska 21, 04-801 Warsaw, Poland
We tested this feature using functioned effortlessly with
Phone +48 22 2442831
an Austrian ORF Card (Cryp- the encryption systems speci-
Fax +48 22 2442847
toworks) and a Swiss SRG fied by the manufacturer. It is
TV card (Viaccess). At first so easy to install and operate
Model Clone+
we really had doubts that this system that every user
Supported CAS systems Irdeto, Seca Mediaguard, Viaccess, Cryptoworks, Conax
both cards could be used should have no problems with Max. receivers 8
at the same time especially it. The status LEDs on the Max. distance outdoor: max. 150m
considering that the Clone+ reception cards and on the indoor: 30m

system would have to work transmitter section highlight Transmission band RF 868-915 MHz, BW 150 kHz, GFSK, NRZ 38.4 Kbps

with two entirely different the current operational status Transmitter power variable from -20 to 5 dBm

Power supply 9-12V DC

encryption systems. But our of the system and are also a
Power consumption ~ 1.2W
doubts were quickly laid to valuable guidance tool.

52 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

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