Clone+ Cardsplitter: Simple Operation, Incredibly Powerful!
Clone+ Cardsplitter: Simple Operation, Incredibly Powerful!
Clone+ Cardsplitter: Simple Operation, Incredibly Powerful!
Clone+ Cardsplitter
Clone+ Cardspli
Simple distributio tter
n of two PayTV pro
to as many as eig viders
ht rec eivers
in the household
Simple Operation,
Incredibly Powerful!
• Simple Distribution of PayTV The number of TVs in the TVs in the house with a signal
average household is consis- whether it was done via coax-
Channels in Your Own Home tently increasing. It all started ial cable or wirelessly. You
• Feed Up to Eight Receivers with in the living room and then were limited to watching one
expanded to the kid’s room all TV channel at a time on all the
Just One Card the way to the bedroom and TVs but not much was needed
• Supports Numerous Systems the kitchen until now there’s for an installation like this.
hardly any room in the house
• Special Feature: Two Different that doesn’t have a TV. Just As HDTV began entering
the picture, end users natu-
PayTV Systems are Possible a few years ago, when HDTV
was an unknown entity, it was rally wanted to be able to
enough to have one central watch their favorite programs
receiver that supplied all the in the best possible quality.
headsets at the same time. of three reception cards could Test Center
not disturb this system. The encryption systems Nagravision and
The icing on the cake NDS Videoguard are not supported.
system would have to work transmitter section highlight Transmission band RF 868-915 MHz, BW 150 kHz, GFSK, NRZ 38.4 Kbps
with two entirely different the current operational status Transmitter power variable from -20 to 5 dBm