Catch Up Plan (Cup) English Year 2
Catch Up Plan (Cup) English Year 2
Catch Up Plan (Cup) English Year 2
Week Date Basic Curriculum Objectives T&L Activities Target Group T&L Strategy Sources
Content (KAK)
1.3.1 By the end of the 1. Recalling and introduction to 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 1. DELIMA
1 - Guess the meaning of week, pupils should various nouns, pronouns and (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 2. Worksheet
10 Jan 2022 unfamiliar words from be able to achieve adjectives. 2. Student 3. Modules
– clues provided by the basic curriculum 2. Pupils listen, say and colour. 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 4. SELF
14 Jan 2022 knowledge of the topic. content. (TP3 & TP4) Learning 5. Textbooks
a) Fully guided worksheet
(TP1,TP2) Framework 6. Workbook
2.1.2 b) Intermediate level with extra 3. Enrichment (SELF)
- Find out about and questions (TP3, TP4) (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention Additional Sources:
describe experiences in c) Less guidance with tougher level Mampatan, 1. Quiziz
the past. questions (TP5, TP6) Pecutan dan 2. Kahoot
Pengayaan 3. Wordwall
3.2.1 Final lesson of the week ended with (M2P) 4. Liveworksheet
- Understand the main Spell and Reward to strengthen 5. YouTube
idea of simple texts of pupils memory of the KAK (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
two paragraphs or Solo, Joan Kee)
1.2.2 By the end of the 1. Recalling and introduction to 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 1. DELIMA
- Understand with week, pupils should various nouns, pronouns and (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 2. Worksheet
2 17 Jan 2022 support specific be able to achieve adjectives. 2. Student 3. Modules
– information and details the basic curriculum 2. Pupils listen, read and write. 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 4. SELF
21 Jan 2022 of longer simple texts content. (TP3 & TP4) Learning 5. Textbooks
a) Fully guided writing (TP1,TP2)
b) Less guided writing (TP3, TP4) Framework 6. Workbook
2.1.1 c) Independant writing (TP5, TP6) 3. Enrichment (SELF)
- Explain and give (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention Additional Sources:
reasons for basic Final lesson of the week ended with Mampatan, 1. Quiziz
opinions Spell and Reward to strengthen Pecutan dan 2. Kahoot
pupils memory of the KAK Pengayaan 3. Wordwall
4.3.1 (M2P) 4. Liveworksheet
- Use capital letters, full 5. YouTube
stops, questions marks (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
and commas in lists Solo, Joan Kee)
appropriately in guided
writing at discourse
1.3.1 By the end of the 1. Recalling and introduction to 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 7. DELIMA
3 24 Jan 2022 - Guess the meaning of week, pupils should various nouns, pronouns and (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 8. Worksheet
– unfamiliar words from be able to achieve adjectives. 2. Student 9. Modules
28 Jan 2022 clues provided by the basic curriculum 2. Pupils listen, say and colour. 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 10. SELF
knowledge of the topic. content. (TP3 & TP4) Learning 11. Textbooks
a) Fully guided worksheet
(TP1,TP2) Framework 12. Workbook
2.1.2 b) Intermediate level with extra 3. Enrichment (SELF)
- Find out about and questions (TP3, TP4) (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention Additional Sources:
describe experiences in c) Less guidance with tougher level Mampatan, 1. Quiziz
the past. questions (TP5, TP6) Pecutan dan 2. Kahoot
Pengayaan 3. Wordwall
3.2.1 Final lesson of the week ended with (M2P) 4. Liveworksheet
- Understand the main Spell and Reward to strengthen 5. YouTube
idea of simple texts of pupils memory of the KAK (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
two paragraphs or Solo, Joan Kee)
1.2.2 By the end of the 1. Recalling and introduction to 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 1. Worksheet
4 31 Jan 2022 - Understand with week, pupils should various nouns, pronouns and (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 2. Modules
– support specific be able to achieve adjectives. 2. Student 3. SELF
4 Feb 2022 information and details the basic curriculum 2. Pupils listen, read and write. 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 4. Textbooks
of longer simple texts content. (TP3 & TP4) Learning 5. Workbook
a) Fully guided writing (TP1,TP2)
b) Less guided writing (TP3, TP4) Framework
2.1.1 c) Independant writing (TP5, TP6) 3. Enrichment (SELF) Additional Sources:
- Explain and give (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention 1. Quiziz
reasons for basic Final lesson of the week ended with Mampatan, 2. Kahoot
opinions Spell and Reward to strengthen Pecutan dan 3. Wordwall
pupils memory of the KAK Pengayaan 4. Liveworksheet
4.3.1 (M2P) 5. YouTube
- Use capital letters, full (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
stops, questions marks Solo, Joan Kee)
and commas in lists
appropriately in guided
writing at discourse
1.3.1 By the end of the 1. Recalling and introduction to 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 1. Worksheet
5 7 Feb 2022 - Guess the meaning of week, pupils should various nouns, pronouns and (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 2. Modules
– unfamiliar words from be able to achieve adjectives. 2. Student 3. SELF
11 Feb 2022 clues provided by the basic curriculum 2. Pupils listen, say and colour. 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 4. Textbooks
knowledge of the topic. content. (TP3 & TP4) Learning 5. Workbook
a) Fully guided worksheet
(TP1,TP2) Framework
2.1.2 b) Intermediate level with extra 3. Enrichment (SELF) Additional Sources:
- Find out about and questions (TP3, TP4) (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention 1. Quiziz
describe experiences in c) Less guidance with tougher level Mampatan, 2. Kahoot
the past. questions (TP5, TP6) Pecutan dan 3. Wordwall
Pengayaan 4. Liveworksheet
3.2.1 Final lesson of the week ended with (M2P) 5. YouTube
- Understand the main Spell and Reward to strengthen (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
idea of simple texts of pupils memory of the KAK Solo, Joan Kee)
two paragraphs or
1.1.1 Able to speak Ensuring pupils 1. Each day pupils will be given 1. Kukuh 1 1. Differentiation 1. Worksheet
6 14 Feb 2022 with correct would be able to various stimulus (picture / (TP1 & TP 2) Learning 2. Modules
– pronunciation, stress use their description / situation) with word 2. Student 3. Textbooks
18 Feb 2022 and intonation knowledge of guidance 2. Kukuh 2 Enrichment 4. Workbook
1.1.2 Able to listen to English in normal 2. Pupils brainstorm sentence to
(TP3 & TP4) Learning
and respond daily situation describe the stimulus
7 21 Feb 2022 confidently to a given depending on a 3. Pupils present / describe their Framework Additional Sources:
– stimulus by using given context. stimulus / picture 3. Enrichment (SELF) 1. Quiziz
25 Feb 2022 appropriate words, (TP5 & TP 6) 3. Intervention 2. Kahoot
phrases and a)Fully guided task (TP1,TP2) Mampatan, 3. Wordwall
expressions with the b) Intermediate level with extra task Pecutan dan 4. Liveworksheet
correct stress and (TP3, TP4) Pengayaan 5. YouTube
intonation c) Less guidance with tougher (M2P) (Cikgu Ije, Teacher
5.2.1 Able to words (TP5, TP6) Solo, Joan Kee)
construct various
sentence types