Basic Elements of Mobile Computing
Basic Elements of Mobile Computing
Basic Elements of Mobile Computing
1. Introduction
In the last few years, the use of portable computers and wireless networks has been widespread. The
combination of both opens the door to a new technology: mobile computing. Although the wireless
communication networks were designed for the transport of voice signals, their use for data transport
is growing.
Mobile computing allows users to access from anywhere and at anytime the data stored in
repositories of their organizations (i.e. the DBs of the company in which they work) and also for
available data in a global information system through Internet. Many professionals use mobile
computers for their work: sales personnel, emergency services etc. in order to obtain and send
information in the place where and at the moment when they actually need it. Moreover, there exist
applications in this new framework where the location is an important aspect, such as those that
provide information about the nearest hotels , restaurants, etc. That is, mobile computing adds a new
dimension to distributed data computation and that dimension enables a new class of applications.
So far distributed data management has been mainly considered for fixed computers. Distributed
Data Base Management Systems, Federated Databases, Interoperable Databases and Global
Information Systems are topics in which a great research effort is being made. The new framework
of mobile computing can profit from some new proposals on those topics. However, specific
problems related to this new framework must be taken into consideration. Some of these problems
are intrinsic to portable computers, which generally provide fewer resources than fixed hosts because
they must be small, light and consume little energy. Other problems are related to the wireless
connection, which presents a poor quality and is influenced by a multitude of factors that cause the
wireless networks to have a high rate of errors and a limited bandwidth. It is also necessary to add to
the previous problems the continuous disconnections that occur. One could say that mobile
computing is the worst case of distributed computation since fundamental assumptions about
With respect to related works, there are different mobile software systems that can be grouped in the
following way:
• Systems that allow a disconnected and/or weakly connected access to file systems. Among the
different issues that have to be dealt with are: the possibility of pre-fetching files for later access,
management of cached data, model of consistency used, how to propagate changes, transparency
literature, there can be found many works that deal with some of these issues among which the
following can be cited: Coda (probably the most known) [1], Mazer/Tardo [2], Ficus [3],
• Systems that allow a weakly connected access to databases such as the Bayou system that
proposes and implements an architecture for mobile -aware databases. In the system architecture
there are several Bayou servers containing the full replicated data and several client applications
interacting (reading and writ ing) with those servers and that are aware that they may be working
with inconsistent data. Disconnected operation with the system is not allowed [7].
• Systems that allow a disconnected and weakly connected access to the world wide web. These
systems differ with respect to the systems that access to file systems in the following aspects: a
URL is not a file reference because it can contain embedded references, so some content filtering
and transformation may need to be made. It can be also possible to have dynamic URLs. In these
systems pre-fetching and caching techniques may also be applied and proxies can be added to the
architecture. In the following works, the proxy is added to the client part of the system: Caubweb
[8], Teleweb [9], Weblicator [10]. In other works like TranSend [11] and Digestor [12] the proxy
is added to the web server and finally, in WebExpress [13] there are proxies in both parts, client
and server.
• Systems that provide an environment for the development of mobile applications. For example
the Rover Toolkit that is software that supports the construction of mobile-transparent and
mobile-aware applications based on the idea of relocatable dynamic objects and queued remote
procedure call [14]. Also interesting is the work developed by the DATAMAN group that has
defined a set of classes called Mobjects that would form the basis of a toolkit to implement
In the rest of this chapter we present basic concepts and issues related to data management for
mobile computing. First we present a motivation. Next, we show the widely accepted architecture.
Then, we explain briefly different wireless networks. Later on, we introduce the problems inherent to
the framework and specifically, the impact of mobile computing in the area of data management.
After that, we explain the main features of the more frequently used communication models and
those related to agent technology. We finish with some design characteristics, conclusions and
further reading.
2. Motivation
There is no doubt that mobile computing offers new computing opportunities to the users. In the
following we describe three different scenarios in which three main features of the new paradigm are
In the first scenario we consider the case of a sales person equipped with a Personal Computer. Let
us suppose one day in her life. Our sales person plans her labor day in advance, so before going to
bed she switches on her mobile computer and asks if there have been new assignments. Once she
revises the messages, the sales person adds the new tasks to her agenda and plans the following day’s
itinerary. The following morning our sales person leaves home to visit the first client of the day.
Before leaving she asks, by using her mobile computer, for the best route from home to the client’s
office based on up-to-date traffic conditions. Moreover, she also requests the client’s record. Our
sales person stops in a café before arriving at the client’s office, and while she has a coffee she
revises the most important data related to the client in order to prepare the interview. Once the
interview has been concluded, she enlarges the client’s record, registering that day’s visit and its
results, and sending the new data to the DB of the company. During the rest of the day our sales
person goes on in the same way visiting clients and revising the emails and messages that she
receives. When she is about to conclude her working day she receives a broadcasted message sent
from the client assistant director to all the sales persons. It is a report about the results of the previous
The second scenario considers the case of an archeologist, but in general it could be applied to any
autonomous worker. To a user like this one, to have a mobile computer can be very interesting
because it gives him the possibility of having a small computer, even with limited capacities, during
his field work. The archaeologist of our example needs access to Internet, to be able to access the big
data repositories of the universities, libraries, etc., which store the data that he needs for his research.
Let us suppose one day of this archeologist life. He gets up early; a day of fieldwork awaits him in
the current excavation. In the excavation they are working on remains of prehistoric tools. While he
has his breakfast he switches on his mobile computer. Then, he sends queries to obtain the
information stored in a series of databases about certain types of prehistoric tools, periods to which
they correspond, areas in which they were located, information about the people that used them and
about those that made them, etc. He will need that information when he arrives at the excavation so
he finishes his breakfast and before driving to the excavation he examines the weather report
provided by the computer. Later on, when he arrives at the excavation, he goes to the place where he
works and once there he switches the mobile computer on again. The requested information has
arrived. The archaeologist begins his work with the found samples. He consults the stored data,
formulates new queries to the databases, etc., until he identifies the period to which the samples
found belong. He also obtains information about that period and their people, uses that they gave to
those tools, cases of similar tools found or of similar discoveries of the same period or others.
Finally, in the third scenario is considered the case of a user equipped with a palmtop (an equipment
with limited capabilities). Usually she only uses the mobile computer to register data but today, using
some specialized keys, she asks for information about the films that are going to be playing tonight
in the city. The information that she receives is only textual; all the associated multimedia
information has been eliminated taking into account the limitations of the mobile computer.
In summary we can conclude that mobile computing should allow the users to make use of all the
3. Architecture
In the widely accepted architecture for mobile computing (see figure 1) [16] the following elements
can be distinguished:
• Base Station (BS): Fixed host augmented with wireless interface. It is also called Mobile
Support Station (MSS). The geographical area covered by each Base Station is called a cell.
Mobile Units communicate with other units through those Base Stations of the cells in which
they reside.
Cell sizes vary widely, from 400 miles in diameter (covered by satellites), to a few miles (covered by
cellular transceivers) or to a building (covered by a wireless LAN). When mobile units move, they
can cross the boundary of a cell, and enter in an area covered by a distinct Base Station. This process
is called handoff. Taking into account that mobile units can be disconnected, a mobile unit can
abandon a cell and can appear in another one faraway. That is, movements among cells are not
Previous architecture must support different kinds of mobile units such as palmtops and laptops.
Because the former ones provide less functionalities than the latter ones the features of mobile units
With respect to the wireless part of the architecture, there exists a lack of standards and limited
performance features with today’s second digital generation of mobile communications systems.
systems like the European Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) and the
international Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications in the year 2000 (FPLMTS/IMT
2000). These systems have the goal of providing services and capabilities on the same level as fixed
networks, making those services globally available independent of the user's current location, so
Nowadays, there are different wireless access technologies that may connect mobile users to wired
networks: Analog Cellular Networks, Digital Cellular Networks, Wireless Wide-Area Networks,
Wireless Local-Area Networks and Satellite Systems. With these wireless access technologies it can
be possible to use circuit switch or packet switch communications with important implications in
The first generation of analog cellular systems is called AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service). It
is still used for cellular telephone technology and utilizes analog frequency modulation (FM) for
speech transmission. The technique Frequency Division / Multiple Access (FDMA) is used to make
individual calls. The bandwidth is divided into different channels and neighboring cells use different
The second generation of cellular systems uses digital modulation instead of analog techniques and,
apart from voice services, it can offer ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) services.
Although there are several advantages of using digital cellular communications such as error
corrections, intelligence of the digital network, integration with wired digital networks, encrypted
communications, etc., the effective date rate is low (ranging from 9 to 14 Kbps). There are two basic
techniques for sharing the digital cellular network: TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). There are several basic standards deployed in Europe and
USA such as: the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in Europe, based on TDMA;
the IS-54 standard in the USA, based on TDMA, and the IS-95 standard in the USA, based on
CDMA. There are also other cordless telephony technologies, that are limited to short ranges, like
the British Second Generation Cordless Telephone (CT2), based on FDMA, and the Digital
As the cellular products previously mentioned are relatively expensive and slow, some other
technologies are being deployed that are based on packet switching instead of circuit switching. For
example, the ARDIS (Advanced Radio Data Information System) that provides a data transmission
rate from 8 Kbs to 19.2 Kbs, the RAM Mobile Data providing a data rate of 8 Kbs, the CDPD
(Cellular Digital Packet Data) that provides data services on top of the AMPS analog system with a
maximum data transmission rate of 19.2 Kbs but with an effective rate of 9.6 Kbs, and the GPRS that
is a product that is being developed by the GSM consortium to include packet-switching with higher
expected data rates than the previous ones. In general, with all these technologies the transmission
Wireless Local-Area Networks
Wireless LANs provide higher data rates (more than 1 Mbs) to mobile users that have less
possibilities of mobility (inside a building, campus, etc.). Some of these products try to provide
wireless Ethernet connections and use different link technologies like radio frequencies, infrareds,
microwaves, etc. Examples of products are FreePort, WaveLAN and Altair, and there are also
standards, like the IEEE 802.11 and the HiperLAN, that are being developed.
Satellite Networks
Mobile satellite networks allow global coverage for two-way voice communications but limited data
capabilities. Data rates and propagation times depend on the type of satellites used. Geostationary
satellites (GEOS) provide global coverage with few but expensive stations and with great delays
when establishing communications that require a high power cost. Low earth orbit satellites (LEOS)
are smaller and less expensive and communications have low cost but also low data rate. The cells
are much smaller and allow for more frequency reuse but imply more handoffs. Medium earth orbit
The future
There are some trends known as Personal Communication Service (PCS) in the USA and the
Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) in Europe that may lead to a new generation
of mobile communications. They try to define and develop personal communication systems with
Three main features of the new context: mobility, wireless medium and portability of mobile
a) Mobility
The location of mobile units is an important parameter when locating a mobile station that may hold
the required data and when selecting information especially for location dependent information
services. But the search cost to locate mobile units is added to the cost of each communication
involving them. Two solutions have been discussed in the literature [16] for the first problem. In one
solution, each mobile unit has a home base station that keeps track of its location by receiving
notifications of its movements. The second solution is based on restricted broadcast within the area
b) Wireless Medium
The following are some specific features of the wireless medium: the scarce bandwidth, asymmetry
On the one hand, wireless networks offer a smaller bandwidth that wired networks; the first ones
offer a bandwidth that varies between 9 and 14 Kbps. while any Ethernet offers a bandwidth of 10
Mbps. Moreover, the oscillation in the bandwidth is more noticeable that in the traditional wired
networks. On the other hand, there is an asymmetry in the communication because the bandwidth for
the downlink communication (from servers to clients) is much greater than the bandwidth for the
uplink communication (from clients to servers). In order to resolve the previous constraints one
approach consists of the use of broadcasting to disseminate information of general interest. The use
of broadcast, on the one hand, saves bandwidth by reducing the need of point-to-point
communications among the mobile units and the Base Stations, and on the other hand, saves battery
power of mobile units because it reduces uplink communications, which are more expensive in terms
The wireless communications are very susceptible to suffering disconnections, so this is a very
important aspect to keep in mind when an architecture to support mobile computing is designed. The
disconnections can be classified in two types: a) Forced disconnections: these disconnections are
usually accidental and unavoidable, like for example those disconnections that take place when
entering an out-of-coverage area. b) Voluntary disconnections: these take place when the user
decides to disconnect his unit with the goal of saving energy. Other types of voluntary
disconnections can take place when abrupt changes in the signal are detected or when the power
level in the batteries is low, etc. In these cases the unit can take the necessary measures to change to
disconnected mode in a stable way and without risks of loosing data. The undesirable effects of the
disconnections can be mitigated using caching techniques [19-20]. Using these techniques the user
will be able to continue working even in disconnection states. This will also contribute to avoiding
Although mobile computers exist that present different capabilities, in general their limitations are
The design of portable computers implies that they must be small, light, consume little energy, etc.
This causes these computers to have generally more limited functionalities than fixed hosts, mainly
in aspects such as computation power, storage capacity, screen size and graphic resolution,
autonomy, etc. Among the solutions that try to overcome these limitations can be highlighted those
that adapt the images for their visualization by reducing their size, definition or colors, by using
filters. Filters are programs used for processing every message coming or going to the mobile units.
They can abolish, delay, reorganize into segments or transform the message [21].
Because of the limited autonomy of the batteries, to optimize the energy consumption is generally a
critical aspect in mobile computing. Even with the new advances in battery technology, the typical
lifetime of a battery is only a few hours. This problem is not likely to disappear in the near future.
The use of asynchronous models allows the disconnection of the portable computer of the network
while their requests are heeded in the server of the fixed network, and so these units can be in doze
This section explains the impact that the previous issues of mobility, scarce bandwidth,
disconnections, limitations on the size and battery power limitation, have in data management. In
particular in subjects like transactions, data dissemination, query processing, caching and database
6.1. Transactions
As it is accepted in the database community, all transactions must satisfy the ACID properties. So
they must be Atomic (all actions performed or none of them), Consistent (database must be left in a
consistent state), Isolated (a transaction does not read intermediate results made by other
transactions) and Durable (results must remain after the transactions commit). Moreover, the
schedule in which different concurrent transactions are performed has to be serializable. This is
enforced by the concurrency control methods, like two-phase locking or timestamping methods,
implemented by the DBMS. However, the problem is more complicated in a distributed context
where different protocols like the two-phase and three-phase commit have been defined in order to
ensure ACID properties for transactions performed in different computers (see [22]).
Mobile transactions are, in general, distributed transactions where some actions are performed in
mobile computers and others in fixed hosts. In this case, the previous properties: atomicity,
consistency, isolation and durability are hard to enforce, especially when the mobile computers are
disconnected. In this case, techniques like two-phase locking and two-phase commit may seriously
affect the availability of the database system. For example, when a disconnected mobile computer
owns a lock over database items or if other computers are waiting for the mobile computer to know if
it is ready to perform a commit or not. Therefore, it is necessary to provide transaction support for
Some proposals work with the notion of weak transactions that are those that read or write local and
probably inconsistent data [23]. Other proposals present mechanisms so that applications have views
of the databases consistent with their own actions, what is known as session guarantees (see [24]).
Others present notions of transactions based on escrow methods, which are especially interesting in
sales transactions. The total number of available items is distributed in the different sites and local
transactions can commit if the demand does not exceed the quantity in the local site (see [25]). In
[26] isolation only transactions are proposed where the rest of ACID properties not. In [27] a
technique is explained where the broadcast channel is used so that the mobile clients know if they
have to abort the transactions that are running. In order to do that, Certification Reports are sent
through the br oadcast channel. These reports contain items over which commits are going to be
made. Another related idea called transaction proxies is presented in [28] that consists of defining
dual transactions (one for each transaction performed in a mobile host) that will be executed in a
fixed host that acts as the host support of the mobile one. These dual transactions contain only the
updates made by the mobile transaction in the case that recovery were needed.
The feature of asymmetry in the communications along with the feature of power limitation that are
present in the mobile computing framework make the model of broadcasting data to the clients an
interesting alternative. Broadcasting consists of the delivery of data from a server to a large set of
clients (sometimes it is also called push-based). By pushing data, the server avoids interruptions
caused by requests of clients and so optimizes the use of the bandwidth in the upstream direction.
The main aspects that the broadcasting system must decide are the following ones: the clients’ needs
and whether to send the data periodically or aperiodically. Periodic push has the advantage of
allowing clients to disconnect for certain periods and still not miss out items. In [29,30] there appears
the use of a periodic dissemination architecture in the context of mobile systems. Aperiodic
dissemination, on the other hand, is a more effective way of using the bandwidth available. In
[31,32] they work with the concept of “Indexing on Air” i.e., transmitting an index along with the
data, so clients can tune only during the times they need to. One issue that arises in the former
approach is how the index is multiplexed with the data to make the latency and tuning time minimal.
Since no broadcast program can perfectly match the needs of an individual client, mechanisms have
been defined to compensate the existing mismatches. One of them consists of doing intelligent
caching and prefetching at the client side. These have been studied in [29,30]. Furthermore, in [19]
the authors present a way of sending invalidation messages over a limited bandwidth network. With
these messages the server can notify the clients about changes in the items that are being cached by
Alternatively, broadcasting can be achieved by using multicast addresses. The server sends data to a
group of clients using the same address. Hashing can be efficiently used in combination with
multicast addresses.
Moreover, there also exist works that integrate the pull-based and the push-based approaches. In a
pull-based operation, clients explicitly request items by sending messages to the server which in turn
send the information back to the clients. When dealing with both approaches two independent
channels – front and backchannels – are used. The frontchannel is used for push-based operation,
while the backchannel serves as the media for the pull-based operations. The available bandwidth is
shared between these two channels. Finally, some recent applications of data dissemination include
information dissemination in the Internet [33] and in private networks [34], and dissemination using
Query processing is affected when mobility is considered and it is possible to formulate location
dependent queries. For example: “where is the nearest gas station?” or “which are the cinemas that
project some film at 8:00pm in this city?” return different values depending on the location of the
mobile computer.
Query optimization methods try in general to obtain execution plans which minimize CPU,
input/output and communication costs. In centralized environments the cost that affects most is the
input/output whereas in distrib uted environments, communication cost is the most important one but
the two others may also be important if communication costs are not very high (for example in local
area networks) [36]. In a mobile distributed environment, the communication costs are much more
difficult to estimate because the mobile host may be situated in different locations. The best site from
which to access data depends on where the mobile computer is located. In general, it is not worth
calculating plans and their associated costs statically, but rather, dynamic optimization strategies are
Among the works related to query processing in mobile computing we can mention the following
ones [37,38,39,40]. In [37] they present how to deal with queries with location constraints, that is,
queries that involve the individual location of users. Because the location of users is not exact, it is
expensive, in terms of communication costs, to find out the missing information necessary to answer
queries with location constraints. The rest of the mentioned works try to provide solutions to more
specific problems. In [38,39] they try to facilitate travelling by providing updated information on
traffic conditions, weather, available parking, shortest distances, emergency services, etc. Needed
data can be obtained by making specific requests (pull based) and by data dissemination or
broadcasting (pushed based). In [40] a Web information system for a mobile wireless computing
environment is presented. The Web is extended in order to allow documents to refer and react to
changing contextual information, like current location in a wireless network. It introduces the
concept of dynamic URLs (which allow to return different documents or execute different commands
depending on dynamic environment variables), and also the concept of active documents that
automatically update their contents in response to changes in the user’s mobile context.
6.4. Caching
As said in the previous subsection, query optimization methods try to minimize CPU, Input/Output
and communication costs, and in particular in the mobile distributed context, the communication
costs may be important. It is accepted that applying caching techniques for query processing can
reduce communication costs dramatically. However, it is more difficult to apply caching techniques
in this mobile context because cache contents may change rapidly or get out-of-date due to mobility;
in addition, updates to the cache memory may not be sent due to disconnections of the mobile unit.
In [18] they present several techniques related to caching such as prefetching, replacement strategies
and consistency of the cache memory used in combination with broadcasting techniques. The idea is
to send by broadcast channel some data that may be needed in the future (prefetching) and/or data
The limited screen sizes of many mobile computers has motivated the development of new interfaces
for them and, in particular, the design of new database interfaces for mobile computers. In [41] there
appears a query processing interface called Query By Icons that addresses the features of screen size
along with the limitations in memory and battery power and the restricted communication
bandwidth. In [42] the issue of how the pen and voice can be used as substitutes for the mouse and
In this section we present some other issues that also have to be considered in order to build systems
Two main types of models are being used in the mobile computing environment [18]: the
client/server model (in its different versions) and the peer-to-peer model. An important difference
between them resides in the role that each element of the environment plays. In the former case, the
mobile unit – client – requests a service from another computing system – server – located at the
fixed network, while in the latter case, there is no distinction between clients and servers. Each site
(ideally) has the full functionality of both a client and a server. Although there are certain
applications for which the peer-to-peer model is adequate (e.g. two partners performing cooperative
work on the same data using their portable computers) the client/server model is more broadly used.
The traditional client/server model presents some shortcomings when dealing with wireless networks
because these kinds of networks present a high rate of errors, limited and variable bandwidth and
continuous disconnections. For this reason the following client/server extensions have been
proposed: the client/agent/server model and the client/intercept/server (both can be grouped under
what is called the indirect model [44]). The basic idea of the indirect model is: whenever the
interaction between two computers takes place over two radically different media , like wire and
wireless, their interaction is broken down into two phases, one for each kind of media. An
intermediary element is placed in one point between the two computers. That element manages the
interaction between the computers, taking into account the different nature of the two media
involved, so it tries to relieve the more limited extreme of the communication of some tasks; but its
existence can even remain unnoticed by the two computers. More particularly, the client/agent/server
model allevia tes the impact of the limited bandwidth and the poor reliability of the wireless link by
continuously maintaining clients presence on the fixed network via an agent. The agent splits the
interaction between mobile clients and fixed servers in two parts, one between the client and the
agent, and one between the agent and the server. This model moves responsibilities from the client to
the agent. Moreover, agents are used in a variety of forms and roles. At one extreme, an agent acts as
the complete surrogate of a mobile host on the fixed network. At the other extreme, the agent is
client/intercept/server model [45]. In the client/agent/server model the mobile client cannot continue
to operate uninterrupted when an event such a disconnection happens. That model requires changes
to the client code and the agent can optimize only data transmission over the wireless link from the
fixed network to the mobile client and not vice versa. The client/intercept/server model proposes the
use of two agents, the client-side agent who is co-resident with the client and the server-side agent
who resides on the fixed networks. This model is transparent to both, the client and the server, offers
flexibility in handling disconnections and optimizes data transmissions between fixed network to the
7.2. Agents
Agent technology is not new in Computer Science [46]. It has been used, for example, on Artificial
Intelligence. In general, an agent is a computer program that acts autonomously on behalf of a person
or organization. Each agent has its own thread of execution so that it can perform tasks on its own
initiative. An agent system is a platform that can create, interpret, execute, transfer and terminate
agents. When an agent moves, it travels between execution environments called places. A place is a
context, within an agent system, where an agent can execute. The source place and the destination
place can reside in the same agent system, or in different agent systems that support the same agent
profile [47].
The use of the agent technology when implementing mobile systems provides one with the following
advantages [48]:
connected all the time. That means that mobile units may decide to disconnect while the agents
that represent them, are working in other computers. This may be interesting, for example, when
• Autonomous communications. This means that agents may take some decisions on behalf of the
user when representing the mobile units. This may be interesting, for example, when accessing
databases and some transactions fail; in such case, the agent can take the decision of retrying the
transaction or not, trying another one and so on, considering the knowledge that it has about the
mobile unit.
• Remote communications. This means that agents can make use of remote facilities or resources
such as memory, CPU, etc. This may be interesting, for example, when a mobile unit has not
enough capacities to develop a task; in such case an agent can realize the task in a remote
computer and once finished returns the results to the mobile computer.
Recently there exists a great research effort with respect to the mobility feature of agents. A mobile
agent is not bound to the system where it begins execution; it has the unique ability to move from
one system in a network to another. The ability to travel lets a mobile agent move to a system that
contains an object with which the agents wants to interact and take advantage of being in the same
host or network as the object. When an agent travels, it transports its state and the code with it.
Mobile agent technology, apart from the previous advantages that we have mentioned for
implementing mobile systems using agents, allows one to migrate processes among different
8. Design Features for Systems that allow Mobile Computers to access Data Services
The number of people who use or work with mobile computers is continuously increasing. Although
the performance features of those kinds of computers when working disconnected (for example in
the case of laptop) are equivalent to those offered by fixed computers, when working connected to a
wireless network the same does not occur. The intrinsic features of wireless communications – poor
quality, limited bandwidth, continuous disconnections – make working connected to a wireless
network more difficult. However, one important wish of mobile users is to have the possibility of
working connected to a wireless network in the same way as working connected to a fixed network
or with at least better quality of service than that offered by existing networks.
Different research projects consider that wish and try to build mobile systems that overcome the
existing limitations [49-54]. All the previous works consider different aspects of mobile computing
by using agent technology. In the same line, we present in [55] a system based on the use of the
client/intercept/server model which incorporates some modules and agents in the mobile computer as
well as in an intermediary element situated in the fixed network. That element, called Gateway
Support Node (GSN), (see figure 1) is the intermediary element in the communication between the
mobile computers under its coverage and all other hosts of the network (mobile or fixed). Its aim is
to relieve mobile computers from many tasks and increase their capabilities, respecting, at the same,
time their natural limitations and taking into consideration the problems of the mobile computing
framework and trying to solve them. The pair formed by the GSN and the Mobile Unit (MU) allows
the MU to behave like a fixed computer for the rest of the network. The GSN lends its identity to the
set of mobile computers that it monitors, so when the GSN receives messages and data sent to the
Concerning the use of agents, in the mentioned works the process consists of creating an agent for
each task to be carried out, giving it the data necessary to access a certain source of information and
sending it from the mobile computer to the network. Once the results are obtained, the agent returns
to the mobile computer. In our proposal the underlying philosophy is different. We advocate using a
majordomo agent Alfred in order to avoid the continuous transferences of agents through the wireless
link and, therefore, the high cost that it represents. Alfred is an efficient majordomo for mobile
computers. Each mobile computer will have its own version of Alfred with the aim of giving
adequate services to its owner. From the implementation point of view, Alfred is the union of two
agents: SAlfred (Static Alfred) – a static agent situated in the mobile computer –, and MAlfred
(Mobile Alfred) – a mobile agent situated in the intermediary element –. MAlfred is created in the
mobile computer, but it travels to the intermediary element, where it works on behalf of the mobile
user, representing him in the network, becoming the common point to all the communications in
which the mobile unit is involved, even when the mobile computer is disconnected. When a task
must be carried out, SAlfred sends a message to MAlfred with the necessary data. Then MAlfred
carries out the task or creates a new agent, a specialist (the specialist mobile agents are situated in the
GSN), and orders it to carry it out. Once the results are obtained, MAlfred sends them with a
message to SAlfred.
The system that we propose can be presented from two different points of view, depending on where
the GSNs are situated and who owns them. On the one hand, the case of a GSN owned by the
company that is offering the wireless communication infrastructure, for example a cellular phone
company can be considered. On this model the GSN can offer some services for the general use of
mobile users that contract them to the company. Among those services can be found (see figure 2):
Broadcast transmitter for disseminating general interest information such as local traffic condition,
weather forecast; Yellow pages for providing access to different data repositories that contain general
interest information such as local restaurants; Access to Internet a la Carte for facilitating the use of
the push technology to the mobile users; Available software such as freeware software, that can be
used on the mobile computer or on the GSN on behalf of the mobile user; Rent of lockers that allows
the mobile user to have services such as confidential access protected with a secret key to a locker.
On the other hand, the GSN can be situated in a computer that is in charge of monitoring the access
to a private corporate network. That is, the GSN is part of the Intranet of the company and the
offered services can be customized according to the needs and characteristics of the particular
company and of its mobile workers. For example, the GSN could offer the following services:
Access to data repositories for allowing the users to perform queries and updates in any database
server of their organization; Access to fixed hosts for providing access to information stored in fixed
hosts and allowing one to get and store files in any host of the fixed network where the user has the
right access privileges; Access to WWW in order to obtain WWW pages, caching them in the GSN
and sending them to the mobile users; E-mail for allowing mobile users to get and send mails to any
mail server; Blackboard for allowing storage of messages of general interest that the users can obtain
in several ways.
Figure 2: Mobile Computing environment with GSN elements and mobile agents.
9. Conclusions
In this chapter we have made a brief revision of the main issues concerning data management in
mobile computing. We have illustrated the possibilities that this new paradigm offers and the widely
accepted architecture, followed by the technologies that are considered. Moreover, we have
introduced the main features of the context, that in fact have a great influence on the performance of
the mobile systems, focusing on the data management aspects. In summary we can conclude that
mobile computing opens new expectations for data applications. However, mobile computing is not
mature yet and many problems must be solved, so it is expected that new proposals will appear in the
The concepts presented in this chapter can be further studied by reading the following two books and
article. The books are: Mobile Computing edited by Tomasz Imielinski and Henry F. Korth [17] and
Data Management for Mobile Computing by Evaggelia Pitoura and George Samaras [18], and the
article is Mobile Computing and Databases – A Survey by Daniel Barbará [56]. The first one starts
with a good introduction to Mobile Computing and then it presents a set of projects and systems that
study the new problems related to mobile computing in different computing areas: networking,
operating systems and information systems. In relation to networking it studies the mobility
management, ad-hoc networking protocol and transport-layer issues. With respect to operating
systems it studies operating system support for mobile computing, energy-efficient CPU scheduling,
storage alternatives and disconnected operations in file systems. And in relation to information
systems, it presents the problems of wireless access to information, application design, etc. The
second book is more centrated on the data management issues in mobile computing, although it also
has a chapter about system-level support. After another good introduction to Mobile Computing it
presents different software architectures and techniques for information and location management
(broadcasting, caching, replication, etc.). It finishes with some interesting case studies. The survey is
focused on research in the area of data management in mobile computing and different techniques
such as data dissemination over limited bandwidth channels, location-dependent querying of data,
advanced interfaces for mobile computers and techniques to maintain data consistency.
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Figure 1: Mobile Computing environment.
Figure 2: Mobile Computing environment with GSN elements and mobile agents.