Comment On The Validation of Continuum Electrostatics Models
Comment On The Validation of Continuum Electrostatics Models
Comment On The Validation of Continuum Electrostatics Models
Electrostatics Models
Department of Biochemistry, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190,
CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1. (a) Screened interaction calculated according to eq. (1) (x-axis) and to eq. (2) (y-axis) for 1025
ligand–thrombin complexes. (b) Screening energy calculated according to eq. (6) (x-axis) and to eq. (7) (y-axis) for 1025
ligand–thrombin complexes. All values are in kcal/mol.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. (a) Screened interaction calculated according to eq. (1) (x-axis) and to the “scrambled” model (y-axis) for
1025 ligand–thrombin complexes. (b) Screening energy calculated according to eq. (6) (x-axis) and to the “scrambled”
model (y-axis) for 1025 ligand–thrombin complexes. All values are in kcal/mol.
One is tempted to validate the solvation model by thrombin active site from P3 to P20 . A solute dielec-
comparing the approximate with the exact screen- tric constant of 1 and a solvent dielectric constant
ing (e Eint int
solvation with Esolvation ). Such validation is not of 78.5 were employed in all calculations together
correct because the energy function used for dock- with a grid spacing of 0.5 Å. The comparisons be-
ing ultimately contains only e Eint
solution , the screened tween the screened interactions and between the
interaction. Solvation energies of molecular com- screenings are shown in Figure 1a and b, respec-
plexes often show a strong anticorrelation with the tively. As is evident from Figure 1a, the approximate
vacuum energies P of the complexes themselves.4 – 6 In method does not show good agreement with the ex-
eqs. (6) and (7), i qi φvacuum (Eri ) can, in general, be act solution of the Poisson equation. Nevertheless,
much higher in module than i qi φ(Eri ) or i qi φ̃(Eri ). a validation based on comparison between screen-
Consequently, the correlation between e Eint
solvation and ings (Fig. 1b) gives the opposite impression (see also
int Fig. 2 of ref. 3).
Psolvation can result mainly from the correlation of
i qi φ vacuum (E
ri ) with itself. As a paradox, we generated another set of
The UHBD program7 was used to calculate screened interactions for the same complexes by
the approximate and the exact screened interac- randomly mixing the list of 1025 exact screened
tion (and, consequently, also the corresponding interactions. As expected, the “scrambled” model
screening) for 1025 complexes of the rigid struc- showed no agreement with the exact solution of the
ture of thrombin with small organic compounds Poisson equation (Fig. 2a). Yet, the screening result-
(acetate ion, benzoate ion, methylsulfonate ion, ing from the “scrambled” model still showed a very
methylammonium ion, methylguanidinium ion, good correlation with the exact screening (Fig. 2b)
2,5-diketopiperazine, and benzene). These com- because of the aforementioned correlation of Eintvacuum
pounds were distributed on the surface of the with itself.