(BTL2 - Understanding) PO - (1, 2, 12), PSO - (1) (BTL2 - Understanding) PO - (1, 2, 12), PSO

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Name of the program: B.Tech in EEE Academic year: 2020-2021 SET-I
Name of the Course : Digital Electronics
Year & Semester : II - CO No R19C212. 1 R19C212. 2 R19C212.3 Total
II Marks 4 4 2 10
Name of the Exam : MID-
H T No of Candidate:
Max Marks : 10M Duration : 90Min Date :25.08.21
Description of Course outcomes being assessed:
R19C212. 1- Classify different number systems, codes and realize Boolean functions
using logic gates.
R19C212. 2- Minimize switching functions using Boolean theorems and design
arithmetic circuits using K-maps.
R19C212. 3- Design combinational logic circuits using LSI, MSI.
1(a) Translate the following numbers into decimal numbers
i) 10110111011011102
ii) A0CB.EE16 [BTL2 - Understanding] PO-(1, 2, 12), PSO-(1)
(b) Realize a 2 input EX-OR gate using minimum number of 2 input
NAND gates. [BTL2 - Understanding] PO-(1, 2, 12), PSO-(1)

2(a) Construct the following Boolean function using K-Map in SOP Form
F=∑m(4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14) +d(0,1,2)
[BTL5- Evaluating] PO-(1, 2, 3, 12), PSO-(1)

(b) Write De Morgan's theorem and solve

[BTL5- Evaluating] PO-(1, 2, 3, 12), PSO-(1)

3. Design full adder using two half adders and also explain operation.
[BTL5- Evaluating] PO-(1, 2, 3, 12), PSO-(1)
Name of the program: B.Tech in EEE Academic year: 2020-2021 SET-II
Name of the Course : Digital Electronics
Year & Semester : II - CO No R19C212. 1 R19C212. 2 R19C212.3 Total
II Marks 4 4 2 10
Name of the Exam : MID-
H T No of Candidate:
Max Marks : 10M Duration : 90Min Date :25.08.21
Description of Course outcomes being assessed:
R19C212. 1- Classify different number systems, codes and realize Boolean functions
using logic gates.
R19C212. 2- Minimize switching functions using Boolean theorems and design
arithmetic circuits using K-maps.
R19C212. 3- Design combinational logic circuits using LSI, MSI.

1 (a) Perform the subtraction using 2’s complement method. 2(M)

(i) 11010 – 10011 (ii) 11000 – 1011
[BTL2 - Understanding] PO-(1, 2, 12), PSO-(1)

(b) The message below coded in the 7-bit Hamming code is transmitted through noisy channel.
Decode the message assuming that at most a single error occurred in given code word 1001001. 2(M)
[BTL2 - Understanding] PO-(1, 2, 12), PSO-(1)

2. Simplify the following Boolean function using Tabulation method. 4(M)

Y(A,B,C,D) = ∑m(1,3,5,8,9,11,15) [BTL5- Evaluating] PO-(1, 2, 3, 12), PSO-(1)

3. Design a 8x1 multiplexer with suitable inputs. Implement the following Boolean function with an
8X1 Multiplexer. choose B,C and D as select lines. 2(M)
[BTL5- Evaluating] PO-(1, 2, 3, 12), PSO-(1)

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