From The Following Information, Prepare A Cash Flow Statement
From The Following Information, Prepare A Cash Flow Statement
From The Following Information, Prepare A Cash Flow Statement
Share Capital 1,500 1,250
Reserves 3,410 1,380
Total Equity 4,910 2,630
Total Liabilities & Equity 6,800 6,660
All figures are in INR
Additional Information:
An Amount of Rs. 250 was raised from the issue of share capital and a further Rs. 250
was raised from the long term borrowings.
Interest expense was Rs. 400, of which Rs. 170 was paid during the period. Rs.100
relating to interest expense of the prior period were paid during the period.
Dividends paid were Rs. 1200.
The tax deducted at source on dividends received (included the expense of Rs 300 for
the year) amounted to Rs. 40.
During the period, the enterprise acquired property, plant and equipment for Rs. 350.
Cash payments of 350 were made to purchase property, plant and equipment.
Plant with original cost of Rs. 80 and accumulated depreciation of Rs. 60 was sold for Rs.
Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors include amounts relating to credit sales and credit
purchases only.