Death of An Englishman Activities

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Death of an
4 Englishman
Magdalen Nabb


This ungraded summary is for the teacher’s use only

and should not be given to students.

The story
Carabiniere Bacci, a trainee police officer, receives
a call early one morning just before Christmas from
Cipolla, the cleaner at Via Maggio 58 and goes round
to find an Englishman called Langley-Smythe dead in
his ground floor flat, which is full of antiques. Marshal
Guarnaccia, who is ill and so could not take the call, we learn about Italian night-guards, relations between
pays a brief visit and says that Cipolla’s wife has North and South, the illegal export of antiques and
just died. so on.
Since Langley-Smythe comes from an important The real interest of Death of an Englishman, apart
family in Britain, two English detectives arrive to help from the conventional excitement of a good story with
with the investigation. lots of action and the enjoyment of searching for clues,
A little girl on the second floor says she heard lies in the very human portraits of the policemen
two bangs in the night: one was the sound of the themselves and of some of the people they deal with.
downstairs door and the other was a gunshot. Magdalen Nabb only gradually reveals the character
Eventually, the police conclude that Langley-Smythe of the Marshal to us: he is presented to us at first
was exporting antiques illegally as the fingerprints of through the eyes of Carabiniere Bacci as a fat old man
several different people have been found on the with possible Mafia links. By the end of the book the
Englishman’s furniture. reader and Bacci both understand that the Marshal is
Langley-Smythe had been waiting for someone both a good detective and a sensitive man. The world
although nothing had been stolen. Additionally, Miss the author describes is an everyday one, where the
White from upstairs tells the English police that central crime happens almost by accident and where
furniture was often moved in and out of Langley- the central tragedy is that it is the murderer and not
Smythe’s flat in the middle of the night. the murdered man who is the victim.
Believing that the antique dealer, Cesarini, from Magdalen Nabb was born in 1947. She is the author
the first floor, is involved in the murder and the illegal of a number of detective novels featuring the Marshal,
trade, the police trap him entering the Englishman’s of which this book was her first. She is the also the
flat in the middle of the following night with two author of a series of stories for very young readers
other men. based on another character, Josie Smith.
But the police have no evidence to link Cesarini
with any crime. Before reading
Finally, the Marshal sends for Cipolla who tells Here are some ways to help your students approach
him that his wife had worked for the Englishman who the story:
had refused to pay her. Cipolla had gone there and
1 Give students the title of the book and show them
shot him almost by accident while in a state of anger
the picture on the cover. Ask them to try and guess
and grief.
what kind of story it is.
Background to the story 2 Give students a copy of the text on the back
Death of an Englishman was first published in 1981 cover of the book, and of the story introduction
although there is little in the story to date it very on the first page. When they have read the texts,
precisely, apart from Cipolla’s age (aged six in 1945, ask them a few questions about the story, or use
now forty-two). The setting has an Italian flavour as the Before Reading Activities in the back of each


Death of an Englishman
4 Pre-reading activity

Match the words with the pictures

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

a Miss White was delighted to see Carabiniere e A dark figure came towards Bacci out of
Bacci again. the fog.
b ‘When Milena still didn’t leave, the f ‘But her key is still in the lock!’ the
Englishman picked up the gun he kept in his Marshal said.
desk.’ g ‘I own the flat. That doesn’t make me a
c ‘I put the things in a black rubbish bag,’ said murderer,’ said Cesarini.
the little cleaner. ‘I always do that.’ h Cipolla followed the others to the cafe.
d ‘What have I done? Oh, Marshal, what have I
done?’ cried Cipolla.

To the teacher

Aim: To familiarize students with the setting 2 who they are or what the relationships between
Time: 10–20 minutes them are.
Organization: Give one copy of the worksheet to Then ask them:
each student or pair of students. Ask them to match 1 to look again at the pictures and put them in
the picture with the correct caption. order as they think they occur in the story (tell
When they have finished, ask them: them that picture number 1 is also first in the
1 how many different people appear altogether in sequence);
the pictures (get them to pay particular attention 2 to predict the story from the pictures.
to the ones who appear most); Key: 1e, 2g, 3b, 4a, 5c, 6h, 7d, 8f.


Death of an Englishman
4 While reading activity

Character matching

Who are these six characters from Death of an Englishman?

Find two more pieces of information in the book about each of them and write them in
two of the empty spaces.
Now decide on two more pieces of information about each character which you think
could be true and write them in the last two spaces.

Had a moustache. Had a foreign maid. Spoke to the Didn’t have a key
Marshal in a dream. to the front door.

Lived on the first Was an
floor. antique dealer. Started work at 6 Wore a black
in the morning. cotton overall.

Comes from a rich Knows the bus Wore a Said the murder
Florentine family. routes in Florence. policeman’s hat. was at 2.45.

2 5

Doesn’t speak Is ‘the perfect Asked Bacci Heard two bangs.

English very well. student’. for his gun.

Is large and fat. Has watery eyes. Didn’t go to church. Stole newspapers.

3 6

Is going home for Comes from Sicily. Ate dinner alone. Lived on the
Christmas. ground floor.

To the teacher

Where: At the end of Chapter 9 same character which they can find in the book.
Aim: To focus on descriptions of characters, Ask them to now complete the remaining two empty
consolidate knowledge of characters, hypothesize circles with other information about each character
about character and motive which could also be true about each character, based
Time: 10–20 minutes on how they imagine him or her to be. Get students
Organization: Get each student to identify the to compare their additions in pairs and then get
characters referred to in 1–6 and write their names feedback from the whole class.
in the central boxes. Ask students to fill in two more Key: 1 Cesarini, 2 Bacci, 3 The Marshal, 4 Cipolla,
of the empty circles with other information about the 5 Giovanna, 6 Langley-Smythe.


Death of an Englishman
4 After reading activity

Order the events

Number the events in the story in the right order.

a She died in the night soon afterwards.
b Cipolla asked Signor Cesarini what he should do.
c The Englishman hit him.
d Cesarini just laughed.
e At 6 o’clock he called the Marshal.
f He got angry and picked up his gun.
g Then he sat down and waited.
h Milena asked the Englishman for her money.
i Milena started working for the Englishman.
j Cipolla went to see the Englishman.
k Cipolla picked up the Englishman’s gun and shot him.
l The Englishman did not pay her.

To the teacher

Aim: To order, revise, remember what has been read, have to check the events in the book in order to work
summarize out the chronological order of events. Once they have
Time: 10–20 minutes done this, you can also ask students in groups to tell
Organization: Give out the worksheets to pairs or the story in the order in which the events actually
groups of students. You can present this activity as a took place.
kind of detective exercise as well, since students will Key: 1i, 2l, 3b, 4d, 5h, 6f, 7a, 8j, 9c, 10k, 11g, 12e.


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