Philippine Christian University: Case Study Outline
Philippine Christian University: Case Study Outline
Philippine Christian University: Case Study Outline
1.It was a period of mergers and acquisitions (1990s)
2.During the time of privatization & economic Liberalization
3.The golden age of Business Process
Outsourcing (Present Time)
The person with power or authority, or function who can act on the resolution
of the problem that is consistent with the function of the chosen person. Choose
II. VIEW POINT only one person or one position, if the name of the person is not known.
III. CENTRAL PROBLEM The most significant conflict in the case that the viewpoint needs
to act on which he has the power to resolve.
1. There is a need for a strategy in …
2. There is a need for a method in …
3. There is a need for a technique in …
4. There is a need for a partner in …
Goals that the viewpoint hopes to achieve after taking the necessary
b.Want objective: Long-term vision, hopes that the action taken will bring
in the longer existence of the company
To be a leader in the … To be an authority in …
Actions within the power of the viewpoint. If any one of the ACA
is taken, it can be a significant factor in resolving the problem. There
VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION must be at least 3 ACA which are all different from the current program,
you may include the “status quo” as the 4th ACA. Indicate advantages
and disadvantages for every ACA.
Choose the best ACA. It could be the ACA with the highest ratio between
advantages over disadvantages, it could be the alternative that gets the highest
ratings or grades. It should explain the fulfillment of the objective when the needed
action is taken.