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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (Dep ED)



District of San Luis



Project Title: Improve Reading Comprehension Ability In English Through

Reading Remedial Classes for Grade 4 Pupils

Project Location: San Luis Elementary School

Proposed Date:

i. Context and Rationale

The main objective of English as a tool subject is train the students in terms of

reading to attain comprehension and understanding what the ideas are being conveyed,

to express how proper diction and grammar should explained, let students express

through speaking and discussion the ideas they want to burst out from their mind and

how it is applied in a conversation, practice writing skills to let students jut down the

ideas that comes into their mind and express their ideas by using different figures of

speech, proper use of parallelism, when to apply synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and

other complex ideas that is being discussed in English.. In the Philippines, English is our

Second Language whereas, students are being taught wherein Filipino students who

reach high school level are expected to have developed their reading comprehension,
language and speaking and writing skills. Elementary pupils, high school and college

students are asked to comprehend, analyze, synthesize and evaluate large amounts of

information by reading, speaking, listening attentively and writing legibly the context that

is being conveyed by English which we considered as the universal language in our


Though, most of us Filipinos understand and speak well in English, unfortunately

some Filipinos lack the fluency, capability or mastery of identifying the right words to

speak, to write or express and some of our students and even our teachers being

observe that they are very shy or embarrassed to express themselves in speaking and

understanding the language especially in their classes, social conversations or even

when they talked to foreigners or educated people who knows how to speak. This is

because some Filipinos feared that if they talked in English they would be considered

boastful which raised the eyebrows or even ire of the listeners who usually insult those

people who knows or tries to speak in English, usually they were called as “mayabang”

“hambog”, “pakitang gilas“ or as a “alta” or social climber and that is why some Filipinos

do not even try to speak fluent English and they usually do the “Taglish” or the “Barok-

style” and even in social media, most users as we observe, they hilariously or

annoyingly used misspelled words that grew confusion. Though, the Philippines the

cheapest destination among foreign nationals “especially Koreans and Chinese” for

learning English in our country (or even the graduating student from a college or post

graduate degree) is not that costly.

Whenever the lesson is on reading, listening, writing or speaking it is observed

some of the students could hardly answer simple questions such as noting details which

concern on the literal questions that can be found in the text and are directly stated.

Most of them could not even make inferences about things not directly stated in the text.

Others have difficulty recalling previous knowledge which they can make use to

increase their reading comprehension, listening, writing or speaking.

Reading Comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text or

message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are

written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text or message (Rayner, Foorman,

Perfitti, Pesetsky & Seidenberg, 2001) as cited by Pardo (2004).  Reading

comprehension is a skill that can be strengthened and improved through more reading

practice. Pressley (2003), as cited by Pardo (2004), stated that increasing vocabulary,

extensive reading and critical reading are some of the practices that can be used to

strengthen and refine the person’s ability to comprehend any text. However, reading

comprehension fails for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the lack of

knowledge base. This deals on how much knowledge a reader has about the subject he

or she is reading. When the reader is more familiar with the happenings in the text

because they likely are similar in many ways to his or her own life experiences then he

or she can easily generate the necessary inferences from the text.

Listening is the ability to hear and get information from the speaker, it’s one way

of comprehension also because you get the details and how the speaker state the

sentence according to the manner or expression of his speech. With this the listener will
understand what the speaker between the lines and literally by the lines for it tells us the

two way meaning of what is he trying to say while discussing it to us.

Speaking is the ability to tell the context by proper diction, intonation and stress

so listener will understand what we are talking about so they will not be confused when

they listened to us.

One of the major tool subjects in our educational curriculum is English which is

important for it translates our cultural glory as a nation from the local or vernacular

language we used. It is considered as our second language after being taught to us by

Americans during their 50 year regime in our country and still it is widely used in printed

media, in television, radio, in the field of teaching, economics and other fields where the

local language cannot translate some technical words used in the said universal

language. Being a tool subject, English help improves our reading capability, tells our

that we are a member of the community of nations and it is used for diplomatic

communications to encourage unity even if there is diversity and world peace..

   To determine the strengths and weaknesses of students in every school,

English and Filipino Coordinators/Teachers should conduct a Pre-Oral and Post Oral

Reading Test in English and Filipino. Preparation of two copies of the assessment

passage should be done by the teachers- one copy for the pupil to read and the other

copy for the teacher to mark. The instruction for the pupils to read aloud as quickly and

accurately as possible and some questions about each passage should be properly

given. They used this kind of method to diagnose the explicit reading disabilities and to

help tailor interventions to the pupil’s specific needs.

        After evaluating children’s reading progress, listening, speaking and writing skills

and make diagnosis in order to make special intervention that must be prepared to

identify the children who may need additional instructional support and to monitor the

progress toward instructional goals. Sooner the pupils receive intervention for reading

problems, the better the outcome for all future academic performance.

Filipinos have high regard in English, which second to Filipino and they are very

positive in using it in arts, literature, music and other fields which make us Filipinos

widely renowned all over the world because many of us won many international awards

because they have the complete mastery of the language. In this study we will try to

determine if there is significant relationship in “Improve Reading Comprehension

Ability Through Reading Remedial Classes for Grade 4 Pupils of San Luis

Central Elementary School for School Year 2016-2017."

As an English teacher we must inculcate learning of the subject by using


teaching-learning process, whereas, pupils are allowed to have the opportunity to learn

the subject using their own unique strengths and interest about the subject must be

sustain according to Salboro (2007) Gregore and Ward (1997) as cited by Salboro

that if an educator wants to be successful , they need to know the needs of the

Dunn (200) as acknowledged by Salboro (2007) gaining mastery and academic

achievement is getting it from the individuals unique way of studying habits by applying

widespread change in the classroom whereas, the teacher must have different

approaches in using intellectual work in learning-teaching process like different social

groupings, alternative activities and more complex projects in order for students to have

an opportunity to use their inert strengths in dealing with Filipino as stated by Howard

Gardner (1998) and as acknowledged by Salboro. (2007).

Salboro (2007) stated that teachers must provide better strategies that will be

to get attention and make students responsive in order for them to attain better learning

opportunities and better academic achievement.

Reading is the true backbone of most learning. Everything starts with the written

word — whether it’s math, science or even home economics. As students go up the

educational ladder, more reading is usually required as subjects become more dense

and challenging. (Philippine Star, 2010).

The problem why our students have poor performance in reading

comprehension due to lack of support among parents who are to make follow-ups on

reading and its not only the teacher who should do the job in reading remediation, but

also it’s the shared responsibility between schools and parents and with the cooperation

and dedication both (teachers and parents) shall achieve the goal that every Filiino child

is a reader as mentioned by Anniversario (2004) as cited by Salsboro (2007).

So to acquire the of needs adequate and quality basic education there is a need

for competent teachers and their capacity to adapt new technologies in delivering

instructions as mentioned by Anniversario (2004) as cited by Salboro (2007).

English is also considered as a tool for life long learning for it helps the person in

the development of his talent in he field of arts and literature, share ideas, analyze the
ideas being expressed and build students capacity to analyze systematically to attain

development and work habits.

As a teacher we are to make ourselves a motivator and facilitator of learning,

determine children’s individual differences to achieve better outcomes. As Aquino(2005)

stated and cited by Salboro (2007)the failure of the student is the as much of a failure of

the teacher.

Hence, this research is undertaken with the desire of the researcher to make

an effective and exhaustive assessment to find the significance between Filipino

Teaching Strategies and Reading Comprehension Among Grade 8 students, so this


entitled- “Improve Reading Comprehension Ability through Reading Remedial

Classes to Grade 4 Pupils of San Luis Central Elementary School for School Year



The study aims to determine the degree of Improve Reading Comprehension Ability

through Reading Remedial Classes to Grade IV Pupils of San Luis Central Elementary

School for School Year 2017-2018."

Specifically it gives answers to the following questions.

1. What is the level of Improve Reading Comprehension Ability after performing

Reading Remedial Classes among the selected Grade 4 Pupils of San Luis

Central Elementary School in the district of San Luis?

2. What is the level of Improve Reading Comprehension Ability after performing

Reading Remedial Classes among Grade 4 pupils between male and female
pupils of San Luis Central Elementary School in the District of San Luis?

3. What are the significant relationship exists between among Grade 4 male and

female pupils after conducting reading remedial classes to improve reading

comprehension ability in San Luis Central Elementary School for School Year



Teachers- The purpose of the study is to find out level of Improve Reading

Comprehension Ability through Reading Remedial Classes in English among

Grade 4 pupils in San Luis Central Elementary School in the district of San Luis.

It is believed that if the teaching and reading remedial strategies are determined

and applied it in improving the reading comprehension of the pupils and made


consistent, the pupils attitudes in reading, their comprehension would definitely

improved and this would of course helps teachers to select appropriate

techniques of helping students during teaching-learning process in reading. The

results of this study will therefore, bring both qualitative and quantitative benefits

to the teachers.

Students/Pupils- The outcome of this study will help the students in improving

their reading comprehension in English and it would help students to increase


understanding and mastery in the English language which would boost their

academic performance not only in English but also they can now comprehend,
critically analyze word problems in Math and Science and with this they may

logically can understand what is happening not only in their community, but also,

they will know that they should be sensitive and aware that they are part of a


community and this will help them to better communicate and respect the diverse

cultures and be a bridge that will unify to this cultures in gaining world peace,

environment awareness and respect dignity of other people around the globe.

They will benefit from teachers’ teaching techniques and/or strategies and it


Help gaining better understanding and comprehension of the complex words and

ideas of English, for it is our second language and universal language accepted

around the world and it would serve as a guide in achieving positive results.

Future researchers-This research would also serve as resource base to

scholars and researchers in carrying out further research on this field. They would

benefit from this study, for they would glean new ideas on how to improve reading

comprehension ability through reading remedial classes among grade 4 pupils

towards English and increasing Grade 3 pupils’ reading understanding of English

as an individual. This new information would enable them to conceptualize a


framework leading to the development of high competency level. If applied it will go

on to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

The Researcher- The results of the of this study will bring unique and new

experience to the researcher himself. He would acquire self-fulfillment and joy

whatever success the conduct of this study brings. Likewise results will provide

him more knowledge and better understanding on the Improving Grade 4 Pupils’

Reading Comprehension Ability through reading remedial classes in English

for she will be able to find ways and recommend suggestions on how to attain


level of English proficiency among Grade pupils, besides she could make use of

this by exercising the positive ones in the actual teaching field, thereby enriching

her knowledge on her field particularly on the impact of increasing improvement of

the reading comprehension ability of her Grade 4 pupils through reading remedial

classes and from this, English teachers’ may gain benefits for she will unlock better

reading teaching strategies that can be applied to pupils in the teaching learning

episodes to improve reading comprehension capabilities of her students and may

attain higher satisfactory level in the reading comprehension remedial classes..


The study is focused on the assessment of the Improve Reading Comprehension

Ability in English through Reading Remedial Classes Among Grade 4 Pupils of

San Luis Central Elementary School In the District of San Luis. This will be

conducted covering the First Grading Period for School Year of 2016-2017.



Gregorio (1998), Monino (2000) as acknowledged by Bernales (2004) noted

that teachers can produce a favorable working and/or study condition , if teachers are
able to make progressive reading teaching strategies and facilities that will facilitate and

encourage learning among students and pupils such as, nice school activities which can

be a routine so that, pupils and students will value the meaning of routine and it will

become their habit, furthermore, they would find out the reason why a habit should be

develop and it will facilitate speed, avoid wastage of time and aids to keep pupils and

students to focus on their work.

According to Portugal (1983) as cited by Samonte-Vericio (1995) stated


of in order to create a better formation of attitudes, is careful and honest examinations


students’ attitudes towards their subjects and with valid instruments, teachers can

identify where to start and when to apply proper reading teaching techniques to

encourage motivation and participation among students so that they will value the

being taught by their teachers..

Calumpitan (1985) as acknowledged by Samonte-Vericio (1995) cited that

aside from attitudes, there are factors that are related to the interest of students in

their reading ability and all of these starts with motivation to get their interest until they

attained their desired goals, their attitudes toward the subjects and parents’ guidance

over their children which is foremost need to follow-up and cement the reading and

comprehension capability of the students at home.

English Proficiency according to Rolleda (1997) refers to the

acquisition of other desired information, understanding, skills, habits, interests and

attitudes that measure a child’s performance in his or her academic subjects and these
are determine by his or her grades or scores.

According to Lanton’s Theory of Education as cited by Rolleda (1994) that

reading readiness is facilitated by following factors such as sex, Intelligence Quotient

Level, interests, motivation and levels of performance. Rolleda (1997) also added that

school curriculum, facilities, teachers’ competence, home and the community are

that can be estimated in his or her learning lifestyle.

Francisco (1998) as recognized by Rodriguez(2003) also added that he found

out that reading readiness performance is in relation with educational attainment of

parents, parents’ occupation and income, availability of learning resources at home,

learning activities prepared by the child and parents, and kind of media patronized that

would motivate good academic achievement of pupils.

In order to attain positive reading comprehension according to Robertson

(1994) as cited by Rodriguez (2003).the following are being given emphasis:

1. Students and pupils’ attitude towards their teacher, interest on their subject, topic

that they will read and form positive study habits.

2. How pupils and students’ understand the direction in order to set upright study

conditions and get the ideas of the lesson (comprehension ability).

3. Reading ability, to remember and understood how to apply on what they read. If

student is a poor reader it would lead to failure in academic performance and the

teachers are to blame and being asked by higher educational managers on what

strategies and intervention will be applied to raise the reading comprehension of

the students..
4. High ability to a poor mark because students or pupils did not like the subject.

Clark and Miller (1989) as recognized by Rodriguez (2003) explained that

reading comprehension is intensive success attitude towards learning and the

acquisition of comprehension and understanding is due to teaching styles and

strategies applied by teachers and the factors involved according to Atkinson

(1996) as cited by Rodriguez (2003) are: comfortable classrooms, good facilities,

educationally qualified teachers that would boost better English proficiency that

shall lead to better academic performance of pupils and/or students.


The researcher has conceived a framework as seen below as Figure I and it

involves the following variables: gender of the respondents and reading remedial

in English, these referred as dependent variables while positive result in the reading

post test is the independent variable.

Figure I

Dependent Variables. Independent Variable

Gender & Reading Postive Results in

Remedial Classes English Reading
in English Post Test
For Figure II, we show Conceptual Framework Paradigm made by Rodriguez

(2003) that Reading Remedial Classes in English and strategies to Improve Reading

Comprehension and Understanding as independent variables, while the learners’

positive result in the reading post test in English as our dependent variable according to

Mercado (2005) wherein the study conceptualized the premise that teachers’ teaching

strategies in reading remedial classes in English can influence pupils’ interest and

readiness in undergoing reading remedial classes and attain positive high


level in English.


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

(Strategies to increase
the Reading Comprehension
in English through Reading
Remedial Classes

Peer Teaching Concentration

Remembering/Memorizing High Comprehension Level

Data in Reading Among Grade 4


Organizing Time to Read of San Luis Elementary School

Listening and Information


Reading Remedial

Writing down notes

Oral and Vocabulary



HO1. There is no significant differences in the assessment of respondents existing

between male and female pupils on their Reading Remedial Classes Post Test in

English in relation with their Improve Reading Comprehension Ability Remedial

Reading Classes

HO2. There is no significant difference in the Reading Remedial Classes in English

In terms of attaining comprehension between male and female Grade 4 pupils who

are studying English 4..

Ho3 There is no correlation exist between “Reading Comprehension Ability Remedial

Classes and the Result of the Post Test in the English Reading test given among

selected Grade Four pupils of San Luis Central Elementary School


Mercado (2005) identified the following variables that are being applied in the

teaching-learning processes during the English remedial classes that will be engaged to

Grade 3 pupils who are taking their regular English subject and students shall undertake

the English Reading Proficiency Ability Test to measure their English proficiency in

comprehension that is based on the teaching strategies that teachers applied in the

teaching-learning episodes. In this study which would be taken among Grade 4 pupils

from their First Grading (June-August) for School Year 2016-2017.

Peer Teaching Concentration- intense and conscious application of mental and


forces or both to perform a task on solving a problem, reading and studying a lesson

(Goods, 1987) as cited by Mercado (2005) explained that concentration is ability to

attend to a selected stimuli to the exclusion of other stimuli. Added by Mercado (2005)
it is also referred as studying in quiet places, keeping alert, focusing on one’s work,

keeping on studying despite distraction and this will happen through cooperation among


Evaluation through Test- determining students oral test and comprehension test

by getting the frequency distribution, item analysis and mean percentile score of the
of the reading post stated by Mercado (2005).

Remembering/Memorizing Data- as discussed by Mercado (2005) whereas,

it is the students’ ability to remember the data in mind during class discussion, to

review notes, recapitulation of the concepts and recall the facts.

Speaking or Oral Recitation- able to speak and express loudly in front of the

class and to present reports in an interesting manner as explained by Mercado (2005).

Writing- ability to jut down ideas and expressions in well structured paragraphs

and ideas are read legibly and/or may printed through computers as explained by

Mercado (2005).

Information Management Skills- as explained also by Mercado (2005) it is

the ability to locate or research information using standard sources (primary sources

or secondary sources) and to utilize this information effectively. It is also define as the

responsible use of the information and communications technology in order to avoid

plagiarism or violation of the intellectual property rights.

Listening- paying attention to lectures , avoiding noises and/or disruption

inside the classrooms and other naughty misbehaviors to attain better understanding

of the lesson (Mercado, 2005).

Organizing time to review- according to Mercado (2005), it is setting aside

regular time for studying everyday, and being organized by following definite study-

schedule, prioritizing studies and keeping up schedules to review the lessons or

tutorial lessons.

Reading Remedial- means of intervention by using appropriate description of

ideas, can understand the instructions being given inside the classroom, through books
and printed media and giving of oral and reading comprehension tests as explained by

Mercado (2005) so that the researcher can determine if the reader already high level of

comprehension in all reading tests after teachers applied appropriate teaching


to raise level understanding in reading.



A. Research Design

The research made use of the 20 item English Reading and Oral Test by
Dep Ed (2015) consisting of Pre-Test and Post-Test Exercise to measure pupils

comprehension in reading and they shall be supervised by their English teacher while

doing the said exam

Item analysis shall be applied shall be applied to interpret and analyze the data

that is being gathered. Then selected pupils shall take the reading remedial for the

First Quarter undertake the pre-test and post-test in reading comprehension


From Dep Ed website (the pre-test and post-test is made up of reading selections and

pupils shall answer the multiple choice questions numbered 1-20 each).

The results of the test shall also be scrutinize through the use of item analysis

wherein the results are shown by frequency distribution percentage of correct


of each item numbers and mean percentile score ( so that, researcher can be able to

interpret and analyze all data gathered and to correlate the coefficient so, it will help the

researcher to determine the level of reading comprehension ability through reading

remedial classes among grade 4 pupils of San Luis Central Elementary School..


The study was conducted among the selected Grade 4 pupils of San Luis Central

Elementary School in the District San Luis from the month of June to August (First

Grading Period) School Year 2016-2017.


The subject respondents of this study are 50 Grade 4 pupils who are

taking English remedial classes at San Luis Central Elementary School in the District of
San Luis who will answer the English Reading/Oral Pre-Test and Post Test to measure

their reading comprehension proficiency level.

The aim of the study is to determine the level of reading comprehension

in relation with the reading remedial classes being conducted among Grade 4 pupils of .

San Luis Central Elementary School.


In order to determine level of Reading Comprehension Ability in English through

Reading Remedial Classes among Grade IV pupils of San Luis Central Elementary

School, the researcher will use the 20 item English Reading and Oral Test (20 items

test and 20 Items post test) which is downloaded in the Dep Ed(2015) website and

interpret the frequency distribution, percentage of correct responses from each item

numbers and mean percentile scores from the pre-test and post-test in order to interpret

the data gathered.


The researcher asked the permission of the District Supervisor of San Luis who

is based on San Luis District Central Elementary School, the permission of the

school head of San Luis Central Elementary School and parents of the fifty (50)

4 pupils in order for them to be used as samples in the said study. The fifty (50)

will take the Pre-Test in Reading and Oral Test in English 4. The results of the pre-

test (frequency distribution, percentage distribution from each item numbers and
percentile scores shall be interpreted to explain the level of reading comprehension of
the respondents after getting results of the pre-test before treatment is applied. Then

teaching strategies in reading as cited from Mercado (2005) shall be applied during the

reading remedial classes in order to raise the level of reading comprehension among

grade 4 pupils of San Luis Elementary School. After the reading remedial classes done

in the First Grading Period (June to August) School Year 2016-2017, post test from the

Reading and Oral Test downloaded from Dep Ed (2015) website shall be used to

determine if there is significant increase in the reading comprehension ability level


Grade 3 pupils after treatment was made. Researcher shall used the item analysis

whereas, frequency distribution, percentage distribution and mean percentile score shall

be used to determine the data gathered and prove if there is significant relationship

between reading comprehension ability through reading remedial classes in English

among Grade 4 pupils of San Luis Central Elementary School.


Table I shows the Distribution of Respondents by Gender

Frequency Percentage
School By Gender
N=50 (%)
San Luis Elementary School
Male 27 54
Female 23 46
Total 50 100

Interpretation of the Data:

In table I shows that there are 27 boys out of the 50 total respondents which comprises

54 % of the total samples while there are 23 girls out of 50 samples which is 46% to

attain total 100% in total percentage of the samples gathered.

Table II Pre-Test Result based on the Correct Responses in Reading and Oral
English Test given among male/female respondents (Dep Ed, 2015)

(No. of Items 20)

Frequency Total Percentage
M F Correct M F Total
1 13 15 28 26 30 56
2 12 18 30 24 36 60
3 18 12 30 36 24 60
4 20 21 41 40 42 82
5 17 14 31 34 28 62
6 12 13 25 24 26 50
7 10 15 25 20 30 50
8 12 11 23 24 22 46
9 19 23 42 38 38 76
10 13 11 24 26 22 48
11 15 12 27 30 24 54
12 18 14 32 36 28 64
13 13 21 34 26 42 68
14 24 13 37 48 26 74
15 11 9 21 22 18 40
16 11 8 19 22 16 38
17 23 11 34 46 22 68
18 17 15 32 34 30 64
19 12 17 29 13 34 47
20 18 15 33 36 30 66
Mean 29.85 MPS 56.15

Interpretation of the Pretest in Reading and Oral Test

Mean is 29.85
Overall Standard Deviation is 11.94
Over all Mean Percentile Score is 56.15
Table II Post-Test Result based on the Correct Responses in Reading and Oral
English Test given among male/female respondents (Dep Ed, 2015)

(No. of Items 20)

Item Frequency Percentage
Total Total
Nos. M F M F
1 23 20 43 46 40 86
2 21 18 39 42 36 78
3 22 20 42 44 40 84
4 20 21 41 40 42 82
5 23 21 44 46 42 88
6 21 20 41 42 40 82
7 18 19 37 36 38 84
8 26 17 43 52 34 86
9 25 23 48 50 46 96
10 21 20 41 42 40 82
11 20 22 42 40 44 84
12 19 20 39 38 40 78
13 24 21 25 48 42 90
14 24 23 47 48 46 94
15 21 17 38 42 34 76
16 22 18 40 44 36 80
17 23 19 42 46 38 84
18 25 18 43 50 36 86
19 20 17 37 40 34 74
20 18 18 36 36 36 72
Mean MPS 83.3


Overall Mean Percentile Score is 83.3

Standard Deviation is 16.16
Overall Mean is 40.4
Level of Reading Frequency Percentage
Proficiency M F M F
Independent 19 17 71 73
Instructional 4 2 15 9
Frustration 4 2 15 9
Total 27 23 100 100


19 Grade IV males or 71% are considered independent readers while 17 are grade 4

females of 73% while 4 out 27 or 15% of males are instructional readers as well with 9

out of 23 or 9% are females and 4 out of 27 or 15% are male frustration readers as well

with 2 out of 23 females or 9% are frustration. In other words further reading


should be done to increase reading ability and comprehension of Grade IV pupils of San

Luis Central School.

Based on the Pre-Test , Reading Remedial Strategies and Post-Test, it is found out t

gender has no significant relationship in the in terms of improve reading comprehension

for both are average in the pre-test and post test result. It is also found out that if the

teacher is doing her job in doing the remedial reading classes, there would be increase

in the improvement in the reading comprehension ability of the pupil so it will


and able to analyze and comprehend the ideas being given in the reading tests after the

reading remedial is applied as treatment in the conduct of the study.

Recommendation and Suggestions

1.Teachers must continue to implement the reading remedial classes so, student/

pupils will attain satisfactory result or increase in the reading remedial classes and
test in the said intervention.

2. Teachers musty always motivate students to read and choose appropriate reading

material that will cope and improve reading comprehension of the students.

3.Teachers must advise parents to make follow-ups in the reading comprehension

by organizing time for reading and review and staying away too much in exposure

of social media that drives away students from reading and parent must be strict in

helping teachers in making students to read, whereas the program called DEAR by

Dep Ed must be utilized. (Drop Everything and Read).

References of the Study

Barnales, Edgardo (1993) “Factors Attributed Reading Comprehension among

BEED College Students of Saint Joseph College”(Unpublished Master’s
Saint Joseph College, Cavite City)

Espejo, Zenaida (1997) “Learning Styles and Academic Performance Of Computer

Students In Integral Calculus” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Philippine Christian
University-Dasmariñas City Campus, Cavite)

Mercado, Isidro (2005) “ Influence of Study Skills On Students’ Academic Performance

In Language Subjects In The Tertiary Level” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis,
Philippine Christian University, Dasmariñas City Campus, Cavite)

Paiton, Emelyn (1996) “Academic Achievement Of Grade VI Pupils And Some Personal
Factors In The Urban Community” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Philippine
Christian University, Dasmariñas City Campus, Cavite)

Rodriguez, Elsie (1997) “Correlates Of Performance In English Among Grade IV

Pupils in Indang, Cavite” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Philippine Christian
University, Dasmarinas City Campus, Cavite)

Rolleda, Luzviminda (1997) “Achievement Level In Science And Health Of Grade VI

Pupils In Silang II And Some Non-Intellective Variables” (Unpublished Master’s
Thesis, Philippine Christian University, Dasmariñas City Campus, Cavite)

Rodil, Laarni (1996) “Mathematical Ability , Reading Comprehension and Problem

Solving Skills of Fourth Year Students of Bucal National High

School” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, PCU-Dasmarinas,


Lubigan Jocelyn (2006) “Attitudes of Fourth Year High School Students Towards

Science and Mathematics and Its Influence on their

Academic Achievement in Physics” (Unpublished Master’s

Thesis, PCU-Dasmarinas, Cavite)

Salboro, Edna (1992) “ Reading Comprehension and Academic Performance of Grade

Six Students in Lalaan Elementary School, District of Silang II; A

Basis for Reading Remediation Program” (Unpublished Master’s

Thesis, Philippine Normal University, Manila)

Samonte-Viricio, Milagros (1999) Reading Ability in Filipino and Its Correlation to

Academic Performance among Grade Six Students
Of Dasmarinas District (Unpublished Master’s Thesis,
Philippine Christian University-Dasmarinas City,

Pardo, Joaquin (2004) Reading Remediation Program and Factors Attributed to Poor
Reading Habits in English Among Grade Five Students of
District” (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, National Teachers’
Published Material/s

NAT Results and Reading Comprehension Among Filipino Secondary

Students (Philippine Star, 2010 p. 4 column 5).

Reference coming from Internet

DepEd English Oral and Reading Comprehension Test (http.www.DepEd Tambayan @ 2015

Oral and reading Comprehension Ability Pre-Test for Grade III

Dear Respondents

Please answer by encircling the letter of the correct answer after reading the

to determine your level of comprehension and understanding as Grade 3 student in

English Reading. This is not a test.

A. Read the following sentences in the paragraph and answer the following
questions after reading the said paragraph.

There is an art exhibit in the elementary department of Philippine Christian

Colleges. Paintings and drawings by elementary pupils are displayed. The first three

prize-winning painting are done in water color. Fine charcoal pencils are used in first

two prize winning drawings. Life-like self-portraits done in color and oil paintings of

different kinds of fruits and flowers attract many art lovers to the place. The pupils

made the prize-winning drawings come from grades five and six.

1. What is the idea of the paragraph about?

2. Where do the first three award winning paintings are made from?

3. Where are the two first award winning drawing made from?

4. What made many art lovers being attracted about the color and oil paintings in
the said art exhibit?

5. From what grade levels did the prize-winning drawings in the said art exhibit
came from?

Reading Exercise B

My ambition is to become a soldier because I want to serve my country. Real

Soldiers are brave and strong. They are the defenders of our nations. They are

not afraid to die for their country’s sake. They usually remain loyal and true to

their mission. In one way or another they become heroes in time of peace and in

time of war. For these reasons I want to be a soldier when I grow up.

1. What should be the appropriate tile of the paragraph?

a. “Why I Choose To Become A Soldier”

b. “Real Soldiers are Brave and Strong”

c. “My Ambition Is To Become A Soldier”

2. Which is the best description to be explained of being a soldier?

a. Real soldiers are brave and strong

b. They aren’t afraid to die for their country’s sake

c. They become heroes in time of peace and of war

3. What is the best quality of a soldier should have?

a. They are brave and strong

b. They are not afraid to die for their country’s sake

c. They remain loyal and true to their mission

Reading Exercise C.

Every year, Tomas and Geronimo go on vacation to Matabungkay Beach in Batangas.

They bring their swimming trunks along. They lie on the sand and watch other boys and

girls near the shore. In the afternoon, they go fishing. In the evening they vist friends or

just stroll omn the baech. They enjoy walking in the sand because the nights are cool

4. What is the story about?

a. Two friends went swimming in the beach

b. Tomas and Geronimo’s yearly beach get away

c. Spending the day and night at the beach

5. What do the two boys usually brought along whenever they go to the beach?

a. they always bring along the sand

b. they bring along their nets to catch fish

c. they always bring along their swimming trunks.

6. Wherein Batangas do Tomas and Geronimo go for swimming?

a. They go to Calatagan Beach

b. They go to Nasugbu Beach

c. They go to Matabungkay Beach

Reading Activity E

Gulliver landed on island called as Liliput and its habitants were called as Liliputians.

They were no bigger than his thumb.He found out that because of his size he could help

these small people against their enemy. The Liliputians had to sew 600 mattresses to

make one Liliputian mattress for Gulliver. In one meal he ate about 100 Liliputian

chickens, 60 kilos of Liliputian potatoes and drank 60 barrels Liliputian wine. These are

some interesting about Gulliver’s travels.

7. What is the story all about?

a. How Gulliver eats and drinks in the island of Liliput

b. The travels of Gulliver in the island of Liliput

c. The Life of Gulliver in the island of Liliput.

8. How do the people of Liliput thanked Gulliver for defending their island against

their enemy?

a. The Liliputians built Gulliver a house in the island of Liliput

b. The Liliputians guard Gulliver whenever he sleeps

c. The Liliputians made him a mattres and gave him lots of food.

12, What is so interesting about Gulliver’s travel in the island of Liliput?

a. The people there are warlike and ferocious that they made Gulliver a prisoner

b. The people of Liliput are giants and bigger than Gulliver

c. The people of Liliput are no bigger than the thumb of Gulliver

Reading Exercise F

Gravity is the force that pulls all objects towards the center of the earth. When a man

climbs a mountain, he is fighting against this force and when he goes up to a steep

ladder he has to go against this force, too. He does not fight gravity, though when he

goes down the road. He does not goes against it, either when he parachutes down an


13. How does the paragraph explains gravity?

a. We do not fight gravity and we only follow it

b. Gravity is the push of man upward to climb a high place

c. Gravity od the force that pulls us down in the center of the earth

14. What happens whenever we throw all objects upward?

a. The objects thrown upward float in the air

b. The objects glide to where the air goes

c. All objects will be brought down due to the pull of gravity

15. How is gravity explain when we try to climb a mountain or even a steep


a. We are being pulled down because gravity pulls us down

b. We are being pushed upward for gravity pushes us up

c. We will glide or float for there is less gravity high above the mountain or

the steep ladder

Reading Activity Letter G

Air is very useful to man. It is necessary for burning and used tom operate

many household appliances, too. Moving air helps sailboats to move and it

helps fly little boys’ kite, either. Air dries our clothes and it transmits sounds,


16. What is the best title for the said selection?

a. Air is useful to Man

b. Man needs Air to Live

c. Man and Air needs each other.

17. How do air helps man in terms of movements?

a. It dries our wet clothes

b. It is necessary to make fire burns

c. It moves sailboats and kites

Reading Exercise H

Man can’t live without air and water, either. The oxygen in the air helps the

cells of our body make use of the food we eat and this oxygen drives away

carbon dioxide from our body, too. Water on the hand regulates body

temperature and it carries away waste from our body, too.

18. What is the paragraph all about?

a. Water and Oxygen are both useful to man

b. Air has oxygen and water has nutrients

c. Air is given off as Carbon dioxide and water brings out waste from our


19. What does water do in our body?

a. It removes carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen for cells respiration

b. It is used for bathing especially when its hot.

c. It regulates body temperature and carries away waste from our body.

20. What is the importance of air for us?

a.. It regulates body heat

b. It removes waste out of our body

c. It brings oxygen and removes carbon dioxide

Post Test in English III (DepEdTambayan, 2015)

Read the selection below and encircle letter of the correct answer.

Reading Exercise A.

Olivia Salamanca was pioneer woman doctor of the Philippines, Hers was life

dedicated to her country’s fight against tuberculosis.

1. What is the selection telling about Olivia Salamanca?

a. Her life was dedicated to fight against tuberculosis

b. She was a pioneer woman doctor in the Philippines

Reading Exercise B

Dr. Joaquin Marañon made the emergency discovery of malaria during the

Japanese regime and he found it in a quinine tree that is found in the

Philippines and called the drug as totaquina that saved many malaria


2. What is the amazing discovery of Dr. Marañon in the field of medicine?

a. He was able to find the cure against malaria and called it as totaquina

b. He found out that the quinine tree can cure malaria

. 3. What is the reason why Dr. Maranon found out the cure for malaria?

a. Because it would give him riches and fame for his discovery

b. Because during his time many people died due to malaria and his

discovery would saved many lives.

Reading Exercise C

Dr. Angel Arguelles taught many Filipino farmers to use fertilizers and

insecticides in the field of agriculture.

4.What is the selection about?

a. The discovery of insecticide and fertilizer by Dr. Angel Arguelles

b. Dr. Angel Arguelles taught the farmers to use insecticide and fertilizers
5. What will be the benefit if farmers use insecticide and fertilizers in their


a. It will help farmers to get rich because they would harvest much from their


b. Fertilizers would nourish the soil and plants and insecticides will drive away

pest from destroying plants.

Reading Exercise D

Dr. Rogelio Relova discovered the cure against rabies that came from animal

bites like dogs. However, preventing from being bitten by dogs with rabies is

your responsibility.

6.Why did Dr. Relove invented the rabies vaccine?

a. It would help people from being bitten by dogs and cats

b. It would save many lives for it will prevent infection especially people who are

being bitten by dogs and cats

7. What does the statement mean?, “However, preventing from being bitten by

dogs with rabies is your responsibility.”

a. It is you duty to be safe from not being bitten by dogs so you will avoid rabies

b. Its better to run away or hide it you are being ran after by a dog.

8. How does a person got rabies?

a. If he is being bitten by a person who is also bitten by an infected dog.

b. After being bitten by a dog that does not have any rabies injection by a

The century egg is a special egg to the Chinese and this have been

preserved for a century before it is served before the customer. Although this

kind of egg is believed to be a hundred years old, it really is not so. On the whole,

the century egg is black with age and does not really taste delicious, except

probably to the Chinese.

9. What is the author’s explanation about the century egg?

a. Its about an egg that that is preserved for a hundred years

b. Its an egg that is black in color but it dose not really taste delicious

10. What do Chinese believed about the century egg?

a. It is a very special egg that is preserved for a hundred years before it is to

be served to the customer.

b. It becomes black in age and it does not taste delicious after all, except for

the Chinese

Pantabangan is a beautiful place to live in. It is a small town of rolling hills. Its scenic

beauty is as pretty as its picture. It is cool there, too. Fruits are so plentiful there that

one does not have a hard time choosing what to buy. Floating pieces of drift wood in the

winding rivers look beautiful to a weary travelers’ eyes . This hilly town is one of the

tourists’ spots in the Central Luzon.

11. What is the paragraph all about?

a. It is about the all the fruits that are plentiful in Pantabangan

b. It’s about the winding rivers of Pantabangan where driftwood trees are

floating in the beautiful winding rivers.

c. Its about the town of Pantabangan located at Central Luzon and it is known

for it scenic beauty.

12. Why is Pantabangan considered as one of the tourist’s spots in our country?

a. It has plenty of fruits that are plentiful and available in the said place

b. It has winding rivers that is beautiful for the travelers’ eyes.

c. It has a scenic beauty and it has wonderful places to be visited by travelers

13. What do we mean by the term “ Its scenic beauty is as beautiful as the


a. It has several places that travelers can visit

b. It’s surrounding is cool and refreshing.

c. It’s beauty can be seen through the different features that makes the place

pleasant to the eyes of the travelers.

The harana is the Philippine’s serenade. It is a man’s song and it is sung to a

girl on a moonlight nights to the accompaniment of a guitar. It is the most

sentimental of all Filipino songs . It expresses a boy’s love for a girl.

This type of music shows the character iof the Filipinos –the laughter and

merriment of the young and the sentimentality of the old and young lovers.

14. What shout be proper title of the paragraph that you had read?

a. The harana as the Philippine’s serenade

b. Tha harana as a music that shows Filipino character

c. The harana that shows the love of old and young couples

15. What is the usual musical instrument that is used to accompany the said


a. Violin b. Harp c. Piano d. Guitar

16. As a song of the Filipinos , what does the harana wanted to express as our

own Filipino music?

a. It is sung to a girl during moonlight nights

b. It expresses a boy’s love to a girl

c. It shows the true Filipino character –the merriment of thhe young and

sentimentality of the old lovers

Music is always found in programs and singing contest and it never lack of participants

and an appreciating audience. A town fiesta will never be a fiesta without music.

Brass bands parading in the streets are followed by groups of children marching to the

lively tune they hear. A street beggar who plays a harmonica will never fail to attract

passers-by. Can you imagine life without music?

17. What is the selection all about?

a. Life can never be the same without music

b. A town fiesta will never be a fiesta without music

c. Amateur programs will never lack participants and appreciating audience

18. Why is music needed by us people?

a. Fiesta will never be a fiesta without marching bands

b. Programs and singing contest never lack participants and appreciating


c. Beggars attract passers-by as they play their harmonica

There are a lot of tourist spots in the Philippines and many tourists coming all over the

world come to see those scenic places. Some famous tourist spots visited by tourist are

Boracay, The Rice Terraces, Mt. Mayon and Mt. Taal, Siargao Island, Matabungkay

so much more, and aside from those tourist spots, foreigners like the smiles and

hospitality of the Filipinos, that is why our country is called as the friendliest nation from

the rest of the world. That is why, its more fun in the Philippines.

19. What should be the appropriate title of the selection?

a. Its more fun in the Philippines

b. Famous tourist spots in the Philippines

c. Philippines; Friendliest nation on Earth

20. Why do foreigners like to come and visit the Philippines?

a. They loved to visit the Philippines, for it has so many tourist attractions and

to visit.
b. The Philippines has smiling, friendly and hospitable people known around the


c. The Philippines is known for its best tourists’ spots and its very hospitable people

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