Term1 MCSE568

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Stamford University Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Term-1 Postgraduate Exam, Semester: Spring 2022
Course: MCSE 565, Title: Network Security
Time: 1 hour, Full Marks: 15

Important Instruction for Term-1 Exam

a) Date: 16/2/2022
b) Time: 9.00-10.00PM (1 hour)
c) Question: Download the question paper from Google Classroom Assignment
d) It’s a handwritten exam (use white papers). Write ID, Name and Mobile no. at the top in each
page of your answer paper.
e) Submission: After finishing the exam, scan and upload the file (in pdf A4 size). Save the file with
the name: Term1_<your ID>.pdf
f) Five (05) minutes extra time will be given before the start of exam for initialization
g) Fifteen (15) minutes extra time will be given after the end of the exam for scan and upload the
answer paper.
h) After 10:15PM, NO submission will be allowed

Answer all the Questions

Q.1 (a) Find ciphertext using veginere auto key system cipher with key=”Protective” 3
and Plaintext=”Stamforduniversityofbangladesh”
(b) Encrypt plaintext= “B” with Key=“E” using Vernam Cipher. 2

Q. 2 (a) As a hacker, try to recover the plaintext as closely as possible from the 2
ciphertext “krrg bg gpnrr bk” using following table with Monoalphabetic

(b) 4 2 3
Decrypt the ciphertext “BK” using the Hill cipher technique with key= [ ]
1 5
Q.3(a) Find ciphertext for plaintext=”Committee” using Playfair cipher technique. 3
(b) Decrypt the following ciphertext using Rail-Fence decryption method with 2

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