Question Bank: 1 What Is Human Resource Management?

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1 What Is Human Resource Management?

o Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that
focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people
who work in the organization. HRM can also be performed by line managers.
o HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as
compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety,
wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and
o HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the
workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute
effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the
accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives.

2 What Is The Difference Between Recruitment And Selection and what are
the responsibilities of HR Generalist

Selection is selecting a candidate without conducting any technical test. Selection is

based only on personal interview.
Recruitment is a process of selecting an employee through a chain of processes
(Aptitude Test / Technical Test >> Personal Interview >> Technical Interview >> HR
Interview >> Finalizing the Offer).
The responsibilities are Induction Training Program, MIS Report Generation, Payroll
Calculation, Admin and Personnel work, Performance Rating, etc...


3Briefly describe the concept of strategic human resource management.

Ans. The concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), defined as the
integration of HRM with the strategic goals which improve business performance for achieving
organizational goals. It mainly accepting the HR function of the company’s strategies through
planned HR activities such as, recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding personnel.
The strategic of HRM is mainly related to the culture, style and structure of the organisation. In
the strategic of HRM, line managers is responsible for managing human resources, who
basically manage people at work. HR policies, practices and activities are aligned with the
objectives and strategies of the organisation

4Why is training needed?
Ans. Training is needed for following purposes:
1. To match the Employee specifications with the job Requirements and Organizational needs.
2. Organizational viability and the transformation process.
3. Technological Advances.
4. Organizational Complexity.
5. Human Relations.
6. Change in the job assignments
7. To increase productivity
8. To improve quality of the products and services
9. To improve organizational climate
10. To improve health and safety
11. To prevent obsolescence
12. Effect personal growth
13. Minimize the resistance to change
14. To act as a mentor

5 Differentiate between training and development.

Ans. Although training is often used in conjunction with development, the terms are not
synonymous. Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping
them correct deficiencies in their performance. For example, when an organisation is
introducing new equipment, they may give training to their workers regarding how to use that
equipment on their job. In contrast, development is an effort to provide employees with the
abilities the organisation will need in the future.
1. In training, the focus is solely on the current job while in development, the focus is on both
the current job and the jobs that employees will hold in future.
2. The scope of training is on individual employees, whereas the scope of development is on the
entire work group or organisation.
3. Training is job specific and addresses particular performance deficits or problems, while
development is concerned with the workforce’s skills and versatility.
4. Training tends to focus on immediate organizational needs and development tends to focus
on long-term requirements.
5. The goal of training is fairly quick improvement in workers’ performance, whereas the goal
of development is the overall enrichment of the organisation’s human resources.


6 Explain the Training process with Sheffield four step model


The steps include Diagnosis, Prescription, Execution and Evaluation

In other words the process can be explained in a simpler terms ;
1) Training needs analysis of individual ,team and organizational training needs
2) Training instructional design; selection of the right blend of training
methodology for effective delivery

3 Implementation-on the job/off the job training ,conducting training and

development activities

3) Training effectiveness ;evaluation of training based on four Kirkpatrick

framework of Reaction; Learning; Behaviour and output

7Differentiate between Performance Appraisal and Performance Management

Performance Appraisal is conducted at the end of the assessment period without fully
complying with the process of performance planning mutually, in a scientific manner .It is one
side assessment and mostly a sort of post mortem exercise done .It is not a transparent
system .It is more on a control based approach .

Performance Management is undertaken with mutually planning and concluding the

deliverable during the assessment year with a mutually development approach. The feedback
is given at every stage to enable the employees to modify and maximize their performance .
Define SHRM and differentiate form HRM

SHRM is structuring the HR function in alignment and synchronization with the business
strategy of the organization. The HR strategy will be planned based on the cost leadership,
Differentiation and the Niche strategy and model of the business. It is more of along term Focus
with an investment approach on human capital.

HRM is managing the human resources form entry to exit in the organization ,The gamut of HR
function includes Recruitment& selection, T&D, compensation ,engagement ,performance
management and finally cessation of service


8 What is meant by collective bargaining?

Ans. Collective bargaining is the process, where terms and conditions of employment are
determined by mutual agreement between the employer and the employees. This process is
called ‘collective’ as both employer and employees participate in groups rather than as
individuals and bargaining refers to arriving at a stage of agreement using methods like
discussion, exchange of ideas and facts, and negotiation rather than confrontation.
Collective bargaining is bipartite in nature because only the employers and the employees are
involved in the bargaining process. The idea is that the employer and employee should not
make decision unilaterally or with the intervention of any third party.
In 1973, the International Labour Office Workers Manual defines collective bargaining as
“negotiation about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a
group of employers or one or more employers’ organisations. On the one hand, and one or
more representative workers’ organisations, on the other with a view to arrive at an



Q.1. Why study human resource management and define HRM?

Ans. You may ask a question, why study human resource management? You will recognize that
staffing the organization, designing jobs and team, developing skilful employees, identifying
approaches for improving their performance, and rewarding employee successes—all typically
are known as HRM issues-are as relevant to line managers as they are to managers in the HR
To work with people effectively, we have to understand human behaviour, and we have to be
knowledgeable about the various systems and practices available to assist us build a skilled
and motivated people. At the same time, we have to be aware of economic, technological, social,
and legal issues that either facilitate or constrain our efforts to achieve organizational goals.

While people have always been central to organizations, today they have assumed even more
vital role in building a firm’s competitive advantage. Particularly in knowledge-based
industries such as software and information services, success increasingly depends on “people-
embodied know- how”. This includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities people of an
organization possess.
Management experts now realize that the key to a firm’s success is based on establishing a set
of core competencies. Core competencies are an integrated knowledge set within organizations
that distinguish it from its competitors and delivers value to customers. For example,
McDonalds has developed core competencies in management efficiency and training.
Canon Corporation has core competencies in precision mechanics, fine optics, and
microelectronics. Core competencies tend to be limited in number, but they provide a long-
term basis for technology innovation, product development, and service delivery.

“Human resource management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the
procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and reproduction of
human resource to the end that individual, organisational and society’ objectives are



Six main role played by Human Resources Management in an organization are: 1. The
Conscience Role 2. The Counsellor 3. The Mediator 4. The Spokesman 5. The Change Agent 6.
The Problem Solver !

Human Resources Management plays a critical role in an organisation. It plays a crucial role in
process of converting inputs into outputs, product design, quality maintenance, rendering
services and many other functions depend largely on the human efficiency.

HR also plays significant role in managing finances and managing information systems.

HR manager also plays a vital role. His roles include role of conscience, of a counsellor, a
mediator, a company spokesman, a problem solver and a change agent.

1. The Conscience Role:

HR manager plays an important role of reminding the management its morals and obligations
towards its employees.

2. The Counsellor:
An important role of the HR manager is that of a counsellor. Whenever an employee is
dissatisfied with the job he approaches the HR manager for counselling and guidance.

An employee can also approach the HR manager for counselling for other problems related to
his/her personal life which is likely to influence his performance like, health, children
education or marriage, mental and physical problems etc. The HR manager listens to their
problems and offers suggestions to solve those problems.

3. The Mediator:
In any organisation, there are times when there are differences of opinion and
misunderstanding between the management and the employee or between employees
themselves. Here, HR manager acts as a mediator, a peace-maker and a communication link
between them.

4. The Spokesman:
HR manager acts as a spokes person within the company, as well as are representative of the

5. The Change Agent:

Change is something always resisted by the employees. HR manager acts as a change agent in
order to bring about a change on the existing system or an introduction of a new system.

6. The Problem Solver:

HR manager acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues that involve human resources
management and over all long range organisational planning.

3 Differentiate between performance appraisal and job evaluation.

Ans. Performance Appraisal:
(i) Meaning – Performance appraisal refers to knowing of the level of performance of
employees working in an organisation.
(ii) Relation – It concerns with individuals because the level of their performance is to be

(iii) Objective – Its objective is to provide basis for promotion, transfer, training, etc.
(iv) Basis of Policies – Policies regarding training, promotion, transfer etc. are formulated on its
basis in an organisation.
Job Evaluation:
(i) Meaning – Determining of the relative worth of different jobs of an organisation is called job

(ii) Relation – It is concerned with the job and not individuals. Worth of each job is determined.
(iii) Objective – Its main objective is to determine remunerations for different jobs.
(iv) Basis of Policies – Remuneration policy of an organisation is determined on its basis.


4 Discuss the importance of Human Resource Planning.

Ans. Need and Importance of Human Resource Planning:
(i) To carry on its work and to achieve its objectives, every organisation requires employees
with adequate knowledge, experience and aptitudes. Human Resource Planning is helpful in
selection and training activities.

(ii) Human Resource Planning identifies gaps in existing manpower in terms of their quantity
and talent

(iii) There is need to replace employees who retire, die, resign and become incapacitated due
to injury. Provision for replacement of personnel can be made through Human Resource

(iv) Human Resource Planning facilitates the expansion and diversification of an organisation.

(v) Human Resource Planning creates awareness about the effective utilisation of human
resources throughout the organisation. It helps to reduce wastage of manpower. It also helps in
judging the effectiveness of human resource policies and programmes of management.

(vi) Human Resource Planning is helpful in effective utilisation of technological progress.

(vii) With the help of Human Resource Planning, areas of surplus manpower can be anticipated
and timely action can be taken (e.g. redeployment).

(viii) Human Resource Planning is useful in anticipating the cost of human resources, which
facilitates the budgeting process. It also helps in controlling human resource costs through
effective utilisation.

(ix) Human Resource Planning facilitates career succession planning in the organisation.

(x) Human Resource Planning helps in planning for physical facilities like canteen, staff
quarters, dispensary and school for the staff and their children.

(xi) At the national level, Human Resource Planning facilitates educational reforms,
geographical mobility of talent and employment generation.


5Difference between job description and job specification.

Ans. Job description is the measure of job whereas job specification is the measure of the job-
holder. Job description is the summary of the duties, responsibilities and other characteristics
of the job whereas job specification is a statement of the qualities and qualifications required in
the job holder to perform the job properly. Job specification assists the management in
selecting a match for the job.
Job description tells what is to be done and what is the nature of job, whereas job specification
tells what attributes are needed in the person handling the job. Job description helps the
candidate to understand the requirements of the job which are to be fulfilled by him and it also
helps him in making self-appraisal by comparing his actual performance with job description.
Job description assists the management in appraising the performance of the employees.


6What do you understand by industrial relation?

Ans. Industrial relations means the relationship between employer and employees in
industrial organisation. According to pale Yode, “The term industrial relation refers to the
whole field of relationships among people, human relationship that exist because of the
necessary collaboration of men and women in the employment process of modern industry.”
In a narrow legalistic sense, industrial relation is a subject of study and aspect of management
which includes the relationship between, employers and employees. But in a broad sense, the
term: industrial relation includes the relations between the various unions between the state
and the union as well as those between the employers and the government.

Relations of all these associated in industry may be called industrial relation. It includes
individual relation and joint consultation between employers and workers of the place of work.
According to the International Labour Organization, industrial relations means relationship
between the state on the one hand and the employers and employees organizations on the
other hand and the relationship among the occupational organizational themselves.

7 Discuss various applications of job analysis.

Ans. Job analysis is useful or applied in the following fields:
1. Organisational Design:
Job analysis are useful in classifying jobs and interrelationship among them. Responsibility
commensurate with authority and accountability for various jobs can be specified so as to
minimize duplication or overlapping. In order to improve organisational efficiency, sound
decisions concerning, hierarchical positions and functional differentiation can be taken on the
basis of information obtained through job analysis.

2. Requirement and Selection:

Job analysis provide information about the task, responsibilities, knowledge and skill required
for a job. It is helpful for recruitment and selection of employee. Job analysis provides
understanding of what an employee is expected to do on the job.

3. Performance Appraisal:
Job analysis determines performance standards of the job. So an employee performance is
compared with the standard set with the help of job analysis.

4. Training and Development:

Job analysis provides valuable information required to identify training needs to design
training programs and to evaluate training effectiveness.

5. Human Resource Planning:

Job analysis is an essential element of effective human resource planning. It helps in
determining quality of human resources required in an organisation. It also provides useful
information for forecasting manpower requirements in term of knowledge and skills.

6. Health and Safety:

Job analysis reveals unhealthy and hazardous environmental and operational conditions in
various jobs. Heat, noise, dust, fumes etc. are examples of such condition. On the basis of such
information, management can develop measures to ensure the health and safety of employees.

7. Job Evaluation:
On the basis of job analysis, worth of different jobs are determined. It is helpful in developing
appropriate wage and salary structure.

8. Labour Relation:
Information obtained through job analysis is helpful to both management and trade unions for
collective bargaining. It is also helpful to resolve disputes and grievances originated in the


8What are the measures required for making workers participation in management

Ans. The following steps are taken for making successful workers participation in
(1) Participation should be a continuous process. Adequate time must be allowed to let it take
roots. It is a slow and steady process. It should be start from the shop floor level to the
boardroom level.

(2) Proper training and education should be provided to the workers and their
representatives, about the process of participative management.

(3) Workers should be made aware of the benefits of participation.

(4) Workers’ participation has looked after the workers interest on one side and efficiency,
productivity, quality and profitability on the other side.

(5) Employers should adopt a progressive outlook. They should consider organisation a joint
endeavour in which workers have an equal say. Employer should be made conscious of their
obligation to workers and the benefits of participative management. They should provide
security to workers.

(6) Strong, enlightened and truly representative trade union should be developed. Only one
union should be recognised in each industrial unit to represent the workers.

(7) Employers and workers should agree on the objectives of industry. They would recognise
and respect the rights and obligations of each other.

(8) Mere legislation cannot make participation successful. A true spirit of mutual cooperation
and commitment to participation must be developed on the part of both management and
labour. Both are in trust with each other.

9 Design KRA and KPI document for the position of HR Head


1 Individual Responsibility

2 Team Responsibilities


The incumbent is reporting to MD

She is responsible for discharging the entire gamut of HR function for the units,
branches and corporate.

She has to contribute to both the transactional and strategic HR operations.

The transactional function would include Manpower planning, talent acquisition,
compliance, on boarding /Induction, salary and compensation processing and
payment, redressal of employees employment related issues, Grievance handling
implementing Labour and industrial law and thereby preventing legal

The strategic function includes the Training and Development activities,

competency development, performance Planning, appraisal, measurement and
development, employee welfare, recognition and celebrations, employee
engagement initiatives, succession planning, deploying HRIS, developing internal
HR capabilities, implementing best talent management practices and scientific
HR internal process.


1. Prepare the Manpower requirement forecast document along with the

budget and Submit the same for the approval of MD/CEO by end JAN
and BY ___


2. HR Recruitment policy and process document should be circulated and

communicated to all with total transparency by ---
3. The Manpower Requisition Form by the HOD should be the Entry point
for starting the recruitment process. The recruitment cycle should be
completed within 10/30/45 days for different positions
4. The cost of recruitment per Employees needs to be controlled by proper
planning and maximum use of portals and references for maximum
positions; 8.33% should be the maximum charges for few select positions.
5. Ensuring 100 %effective usage of selection tools /techniques adopted in
the entire selection process as per the policy and process.(Demo, written
test, Interview by panel and in stages , practical test ,)
6. Offer letter and the other Employee Forms including Statutory Forms to
be issued to the selected within 24 hours
7. Appointment Letter along with the Joining Kit should be issued within
two days on joining.
8. Ensuring 100 % Orientation,effective on boarding and Induction of all
employees .


1. Getting the Staff Training and Faculty Development Budget prepared and
approved along with the Annual Budget
2. Each core ,HOD an staff should undergo minimum---- Hours need based
training in a year
3. Working out the policy of Promoting within as a first process and
developing employees eligible to be promoted. Ensure 60% of the
positions are filled by promoting within and gradually to increase to 90%



1. Ensure 100% Accuracy and Validation of HR data base including the

statutory record submission to the Regulating and Controlling authority
2. Payroll Data should be mobilized by 31 of each month from the Unit and
submitted to Finance Department by 02 of each month.
3. Preparing, scrutinizing, validating and submitting the statutory
documents, returns in the prescribed format (PF, ESI, Medical Insurance)
to the Various Regulated Authorities as per the prescribed Date
4. HR Monthly MIS report to be submitted to the management by -- of each
month by furnishing the consolidated data
5. 100 % Personal Files preparation, updating and safe custody on a
continuous basis.


1. Ensure resolving the request of Employees in maximum three days in

general and with particular reference to Salary certificates, Loan
advances, NOC etc.
2. Frame and implement a strong Grievance Handling Process for the
employees in a structured manner.


1. 100 % of Employees at the level of ------should have been appraised once

in six month /one year as per the policy.
2. Implementing Best practices of Performance Appraisal like MBO,
Balanced score card and the process of Self Appraisal, KRA/KPI,
weightage, Objective/Subjective criterion in the PMS.
3. Ensure that Increment letters issued to the Employees on or before -----


1. Undertake Market salary survey once in a year and submit to the

2. Ensure that salary and monetary benefits are fixed based on market
salary, merit and the competencies of the employees.
3. Implement Employee Recognition activities and celebrate all their
personal and professional achievements regularly.


1. Employee satisfaction& Engagement Index at all levels should be

maximized on a continuous basis and should be kept above 90%
2. Revise and relook Employees friendly HR policies and Processes without
compromising the productivity and innovation on a yearly basis
3. Conduct One HR MEET every year to get the feedback of core Employees
at levels to get their opinion and suggestions for relooking the HR
4. Attrition should be contained less than ----%
5. Employee Handbook and HR Manual should be prepared and
communicated to all the Employees.
6. Ensure 100% safety at our working places for the employees


10 Link and explain Competitive strategies, role behavior and

HR. practices

Fill in the HR Practices in the last column

Type Role behavior HR practices

of strategy
Innovation ● A high degree of
strategy creative
● A longer-term focus
● A relatively high
degree of co-
nt behavior
● A greater degree
of risk-taking
● A high tolerance of
ambiguity and

Quality- ● A high concern

enhanceme for qualities
nt strategy ● High concern
for process
● Low risk-taking activity
● High levels

Cost- ● Primary concern

leadership for results,
strategy especially output
● Low risk-taking activity
● A relatively short-
term focus
● Modest concern
for quality

10 With Answer Competitive strategies, role behavior and HR


Type Role behavior HR practices

of strategy
Innovation ● A high degree of ● Jobs that require
strategy creative close interaction
behaviour between people
● A longer-term focus ● Jobs that allow people
● A relatively high to develop skills that
degree of co- can be used in other
operative, positions in the firm
interdepende ● Broader carrier paths
nt behaviour that reinforce the
● A greater degree development of a wider
of risk-taking range of skills
● A high tolerance of
ambiguity and ● Performance
unpredictability appraisals that are
more likely to
reflect long term
and group-based
Quality- ● A high concern ● Relatively fixed and
enhanceme for qualities explicit job
nt strategy ● High concern descriptions
for process ● Relatively egalitarian
● Low risk-taking activity treatment of
● High levels employees and some
of guarantees of
commitmen employment security
t ● High level of
participation on work
● Extensive and
continuous training
Cost- ● Primary concern ● Narrowly-designed
leadership for results, jobs and explicit job
strategy especially output descriptions
quality ● Short-term results-
● Low risk-taking activity oriented
● A relatively short- performance
term focus appraisals
● Modest concern ● Little training
for quality ● Close monitoring
of employee

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