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B Rui Chrewakou, | ReSpreotor = and 0, exhange Exe - TeMmove Kaspe form bly cee || _Profeetian — cetting, transport Mi White bicod wikwnc) { to bn fection. ea Nutyon — corwes erent and fro wroughout the bo ° Requteser ~ heips Jo maintain PH ond feraperafure. @ Hormona — frangers hormones fo OAs. pelea a. functions of Bicod ye Transporfe nested matewals through — bed, \" Nugnent Pre glucose and amino avd Rae * Jrromsporfs WAlfe trough be]y fo Where they atroinagec] i" carton oxide | y ee is Metabolic Wasfed | Ry { o AU ar kee \ other excentiol icabrpanves > The wase oF horroefid Subsfan ves preelucesf, have fo be removed) conf nun uty for head they Renetioning of Hisues Tell aHir: gherefere , ecsentiol fo have: offrdent Faeepaniroe Fo? Te movement of these substances to the elk ane TRE < #| OP fferent group of anima have evolved Liferenf mnethools fer this” ar = cent have fo be provided witb nefrients, On F e a a] We wafer Heelan 27> tap ever oof ea P cave of Preheat roautek errewarogy © Sponges pump > pros! of eaper tornegh heir tolies NEL ee eed Heer tenieph) 0 uph of 7 this hole iz © Biced 1 the PoOaf comro only used ea Fruid by most Of the higher’ oppeoremns Fociuding burnawrs / Par Phi's purpose - © Aoother body Psi, iteph, alo heipt (np the transport of erie Mubsances z Bisco Sopp fk a yea coloured qoesnof confarns RBC . Fluid that Conpar'ns RB - RI Conpa'vs plasma an. a IP confarns Rie leery number of WBC, an) = RB, WAL and Aefelek. + plarelefs. eee 7 beipsitn the body deRnve|S- Tp he assodazea) tolth the and roa port of _the Crew axion oF o7zger, and: Promune spierny: carton pfioride. . oor ae spiosma “jaoks propel ns 4: Tk plasma has prok’ns, tigen, See iar SS > Plarwoa 4 > REG Se it amie Cc weet aa sob. Aburoint ave the =I jee : Plama ‘3 conttquenf Mager fuuncfioy Pee ieee eS Se pact ctederaly tees Other Lubcancer a caipfow > ~~ Osmotic balance, solar) “PH buffering and nene ~ Pofaiure 3 And mune? Ranefion calduro 7 ry f Magnes ture a, chissde 1 a, =o a L he - BA atin Hic “baranve and PH Brae ib ST etetg® ‘ =5'a1, Sry tan 4 Rte Reis a mmefabovisrn * Recphre ee ys I molecular loeighp Ariss. Creavieg: Ta re ay eee So ee ~ BS be Iq > Freune goby a o) od Tobuling pr Phvowed fn defen ae - z ae Torungioouln OG a) = ab T Morp abundant cas 1D cere, urine fae aw i oot i wa Ry are A bagel | fo Samed it Can “geo eee Nar cer, ORC frre, ’ at flenction of Albumin pou —______— conotey Ocrmonrt aNZe » ee Fore of ocrmopre POOL 7 “exeryeo/ by “prowling Mh bes piairna phaf vxuayy, pends fo put woyer” Sofo the he Pras fory (yen [becouse sarge plaima projelns can nop athe croys pray 2 the captions WOO )¢ + Yt etasas; or Cea REAT, Ahere cori be aA xeduon Py oimovte premuye, fae, ke fui Plaima projeine Confer nt eroeuy ree of ate Plaarna alee ox aS naty Catt, mg tty Heo - exe. fe GlucnKe, aetno ave, Ba ech ef. are also present: / the plasma as CoE ore onan 1D pranskp fh the toy, 2 facors of | Wengation on Bie? oR Bia Gre 150 wae. + Rats ~aesd fiid after Wed bos Clonee! qscrsro + Frovinogen (Pemex clotting 4 see beucoores and Rol eh one n HC 7a0er bic. . of ath phe cetis fn. bled + iS Oe s_ A heathy duct. THAN > ONG ees PoHTOUS fo es refifous OF RECs Ow of Bred . coneefively CONE and they confi feye. the: conte odufs ° 1 RAC oe “eleworcls OF puciews Gag and are Brean | in Yen ePE. of the. rmarmmal aa es: ved wees, tron conpaining —toraplen a called’ haccagiebn, hone the town of roms as Sa best, Podierduel has [49-46 gmt OF hoemoxiaty Gri Of Wemogiar;. baat, Aeora of bod | ,. 2 5 ; tae monies peg @ SEMF ONE Te fo fren ipn. of respreqy gf Ze H HEMOMLOBIN (HE) " Gach RBC COnfalne 280 Mfilion HL rmdjewJeS - | or — Hb MORE Consist 4. chairs each formed of heme and polypepfide chain Goan). - | 3 Herne consi or POP prin oF Fron m@ (Fe). # Fach bor P00 disfibupon in phe a 3 gna FOK"E pon there (Ag of fron 3 65% Of which _chreesapes *n blood as haernegh bin > Absuf one hf of “he Fersaindey %& sored fn the Iruer, Spleen ane bone racrrrocd OPER AIN, ferritin and Aer AONE ary RBC, have an overage TR span of (420 Pater Wich they are aspoped” fo the” Selean rd of RBG )- a ere 9 AW Seucoryfes Ae alto KNW G3 he bjecd Coit coe) on they ave lack, of haernogloby'n 2h) “Eos petleaped and veAP ue, (eer AD io (eine aS averages Gee0 = Sees re Sof Het | a (Ges ove generaty shop Wed. Ss CS AUC 7d Se it amie ~ Glevefed fn parasifiC voor 7 ToRepor anf 4 oucrgie JOA CHTOUS ~ = _yrphogpes (g0- “25% ) a are of feo ROR tyre ~ Bk ere = Roth verporsibio for Immune expences OF The dea apesefs alto called thromboenes, are ce fra Tee iad from THEIARM TOG HES, (gpetiot cell 9 the bone more )), a eee 5 SM We + these cous [ACK a nucers. Trp. v Ss ——— normedld Cprpean LET IO-25,A ployefef. tom: | EN PAA i ABO Biscd Types i a eo we gt et a de See > ABD Sete velox fo the prosene of cuysfice antigens on the RBC AND the Api&edics fn the Plana . os > Am Antigens aso canied oagiuinggens Jc ay Antibodies caijed Baiting , eres Se it amie oy sie a ess ponoy ae Tope “ALO ‘ ant! A B,0 i ay et mw {AAO | yom ant -A,Q 5 = during blsod| transfusion. ms) bicod Sancta ed > The erie a donor tas | to bE CaveRuly matched vl) p the bleed of a redpient before ART bis Penchiciny ho andid = ceveral eek of umpis esruete of Rec) »p i [a [Psstgrelp Pages T aetoates Bie ised CROC | — __[peecito 8 Ferm, | AB Age | none AG Ao4.8,0 | eA A e Ar Aa | APO [8 es] A fara lero 0 |mne [APe [aanrao |” (0 Ay Other “bleod group oR J henve ‘0’ AOLP | | Pidlviduala awe Caned ‘unfversat donose’. haan reg rans TAR : > Person with Aa! Group co can accept bisoa fivrn PeVsouk With AB aswen as the diher group Of Heod. Therefave, Such Persons “are coyjed siniver) Ca —— wh Acceptor at hervtanvo and genesicr The ABO gene Ts autocormaj ‘(Lite Pre FE vot on etthe sec a clrvornocorned ) |] crores Peeerenl gen SAK Woes ih _lotateol on the _Srromocorme 8 - eta bisod TOE baila dominant over the’ 0! b\cod, sees Ae? dig Avand. BE LATOUP) genes One kO = dominant + Gach person Vos fron Copies of genes | “teding, far dheié Reo biced group Cone meajenray and ere paternod in onan ) @iccd Ape] iemowmre | Cs A oar CP ae | 1 p faa, Sade AA oe a = peo 5" ae ee peyeneeliea ji eS | Ae TAIT aA r ir _. | 0 rowel 10 Cus) » #8 4B perttanve wart. z= J aae foo ANele por? chris Lew 7 tA) f. Poverty fe {i a a “A 0 A @ ‘Bs aw 8 8 \ @ 0 a v do yout “A penon’s biced group tk Aa. Aecording 40 feo i bIsod Arouer, syserp he can donate Rac me whicr bised group.? eye ee 23) ag cl Pe elamecemaaneat: comet ctor, clinic dating the Fyosing Tquenton: “xf the raoihor Of A child Is bisod group ~~ iype OF aL the thd ie A=, wnaf Hecd tye woud the Fothey be? Explain he you ger pur r iS - a. Be whicn Pe Of inherttanve . are abterved in the ARO bised AROUP gysierD Of Huma ? G) Codominance Ge Poygen’s Tnberitan we CO Sex lirkeg! cay epistasts ©) murnple ateres ‘ + B.A man ts Suing his vot fe For Lvoree on the qeand pepper Ferg ond Sone cat ee oe et an eA pee» The qricd cia, who the moun Bisaim , is > bisod tape Che ea ¥ car Can THIS Prfermation AGO piso jype) beused do oe Sos Smet CaS I Se it amie Se it amie be ee eel 2 coagulation OPABIGOAM Arby he Ss Blead erhidips — PeguIAtion oF clottin Tn aRepO NEC ae an Tagurny oF taueHe « hic te A mechani to prevent execive ins of > , bisod from the meca BOE emocpasis fs the body's vay of Stopping, Irhuved bleed vetels Fore bleeding. — LS Hemosyacis Tncludes clotting of tne bid + an > Teo much stot ya tan ere block bisad vetsey ArOF Ore not Peeding. ; Sa’ 3 Te Harte clotting can come Heewive bleeding 5 Form minor tua | fi = + consequent] the body has como| mechanicrns fo © Ltt caging and) diksolve clots thop ave m0 _longers needed . B 3 AN anormal in any part of the Sete thot Coryrols bleeding can jead TO Sheowsive Bleeding : oo enremive corti ng, both.) of Which con be i dangerous » Ee ; 3 When coping fs prow aren o sight Mnsuyy pa bred a 55 may lead JO 2ere bisod toss. > When Clotting %% excecsive smal bisod veweb fn crteal places can become clogged ‘wotth clots: clog Nesselg Pn the eeeD can eae sproxes f cing gel NEsse{c eacting to the — heay con | COUR Sere Hacks - pi el) BEE ots Fiore eins 9, 17 he lors » pelvis, OF, epson sen provel ir arrOUmh the bisodspeam fo dhe [aungs zed bier mazos Ares there, Puimena amt Hemostasis Mmvolver tree rapes proces? erobolisrn - a Narrowing Ceonstigion 7 ot bisod vecsela- crorting Cplateiets v @® Actiwipy of cone tke bieod ParHes thot “beip 1? vicod T | ® Actin p+ cf proteins found io bleed thot WOK volib PlayeIe4s “to help the bised clot Cerontng actos) vl H# Beed cloe plugging the Breaks 3 When 20 fosusy caues & blend VECLEls WAILZO break, Tplateets are acivated. They cranges farm round Foe, | sei Stick te the broKen YE&eIS voc) ond each other, anol begin. +o mo the break. he ako Interact wlth Other vised —PFOFeINs to form Farin. Rean cprands formes @ Nef thot enfaps move Platdets ord ‘e0g GaAs reso a clot thot Si the beso, Jou would have Opserved a dank vreddith brown suv formed ot the ste of A tuf or am fnsuny over > cirenied of time. 7a 4 Sr fs a eiot ov COAAH OTH formed THAIN | ofan oor OF threads Coed Pinina fn which dead and daraacged Tetemens af bieod ont Arepped . ee Frining oe eo med by qhe Conversion of fractive frorinogen 4. tn. dhe ae POTD bi the en i ee Ee pe So > Thrombing, urn (Dare formed Form AnoI|h ey Pracve subepance pre ot LOL the Plasma eaied prothorsbin . We > An engyme complen, dhrror bolginase » ifs vequtred ea NeW LOLS eA ooh J > This coraptent ts formed by a series of lined ec- reacp'ons (cascade prey ) Invoiing a nurever Of factors precent in the plasma fn an inactive state, eo An Raa or A & touma Hrouictes the __patelets Tn the tisod to rePase Cental eee which acivege the tmechanisrn Hk | afion . > ae factors reaaied by the Hawes OF the cite of tngu also con Inifrate Comujosio? Ys Corciure tors ploy ve important rove 7 Clottin By ee LOE Common Nowe. fratnogen i 7 Provrormdi AWssue factor Catt ion vs? Proaccelerin = ppre conver tin: Angi herno philic facios WE chenctmas v factors WS “Pnggeman Factor Feat stoi ti-zing factorvvi prevent en roido- ¥; nigro | ahrough wounds seals “uspund + ke 0 factor vil > Haeraophfita Bised clofs seowly Bieod clor C Geroromud blocks © ave Doro rebote Tyrompus clislodged ond carted tn bisod jb Flow Erarbol ws) E@mbpoiua Popped fn Smo! f blocks “bisod Plow — GS volisrm D

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