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Electrical Layout, Lighting Designing & Load Analysis of Multipurpose



Sandip Katuwal (42049)

Prajwal Khatiwada (42052)
Gopal Pokharel (42056)

August 2019

Electrical Layout, Lighting Designing & Load Analysis of Multipurpose Hall

Sandip Katuwal (42049)
Prajwal Khatiwada (42052)
Gopal Pokharel (42056)

Approved by:

1. Project Supervisor

---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------

2. Signature Name Date

2. Head of Department

-------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------

Signature Name Date
We would like to express our gratitude to the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Kathmandu University for granting permission and supporting the project. We would
also like to thank our project supervisor Asst. Prof. Diwakar Bista from the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering for his constant support during the project.

We would also like to thank our project coordinator Asst. Prof. Anup Thapa, PhD for his constant
support during the project.

The issue of safety and cost of electrical installation is becoming important for any type of
building. As the need for energy saving is increasing, it is important to reduce the lighting power
density while maintaining high quality lighting in the building. This project involves the design
of detailed electrical drawings in the software AutoCAD and design of the lightings in the software
DIALux. Estimation and calculations of different possible electrical loads are performed. As per
the requirements of different rooms, different types of luminaires are selected and simulated in
the software DIALux to ensure that the required illumination level is achieved. The types and size
of cables and the ratings of protection devices have been calculated. This project report can act as
a guide in the successful implementation of the project. The study emphasized on ensuring the
safety of the building from the electrical hazards, decrease the cost of installation and save energy
with efficient lighting.

Figure 1: Block diagram of system .............................................................................................. 3

Figure 2: Comparison of Different Electrical Wiring System .................................................. 9

Figure 3: Distribution System for Heavy Load & Medium Consumer.................................. 14

Figure 4: Load Placement of Basement Floor .......................................................................... 18

Figure 5: Load Calculation of Basement Floor ........................................................................ 19

Figure 6: Power Circuit Design of Basement Floor ................................................................. 20

Figure 7: Lighting circuit Design of Basement Floor .............................................................. 21

Figure 8: Luminaries Placement for Basement Floor ............................................................. 22

Figure 9: False Color Distribution of Luminaries ................................................................... 23

Figure 10: Isoline of luminaries ................................................................................................. 24

Figure 11: Distribution Panel of Basement Floor .................................................................... 25

Figure 13: Load Calculation of Ground Floor ......................................................................... 27

Figure 14: Power Circuit Design of Ground Floor .................................................................. 28

Figure 15: Lighting Circuit Design by Using High Bay luminaries ....................................... 30

Figure 16: Lighting Circuit Design for Ground floor by Using Led mount light ................. 30

Figure 17: High Bay Luminaries Placing by Using DIALux evo............................................ 31

Figure 18: False Color Distribution of Illuminations. ............................................................. 32

Figure 19: Isoline Distribution of Illuminations by Luminaries ............................................. 33

Figure 20: False color Distribution of Illumination ................................................................. 35

Figure 21: Isoline Distribution of Luminaries .......................................................................... 36

Figure 22: Ground Floor Distribution Board ........................................................................... 37

Figure 24: First floor Load Calculation .................................................................................... 39

Figure 25: First Floor Power Circuit Designing....................................................................... 40

Figure 26: Lighting Design of First Floor ................................................................................. 41

Figure 27: Lighting Placing & False color of Illumination ..................................................... 42

Figure 28: Isoline Distribution of Luminaries .......................................................................... 43

Figure 29: First floor Distribution Panel .................................................................................. 44

Figure 30: Main Distribution Panel of Multipurpose Hall...................................................... 45


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 System Overview .................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 Block Diagram .............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Electrical Wiring Design and Lighting Design ............................................................. 4

2.2 Components for Electrical Protection ........................................................................... 5
2.2.1 MCB .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 MCCB ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Earthing .................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.4 Energy Meter ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2.5 Power circuit and lighting circuit ........................................................................... 7
2.3 Softwares Used................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Electrical AutoCAD ................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 DIALux ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Different Type of Electrical Wiring Systems ................................................................ 7
2.4.1 Cleat wiring ................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Wooden casing and capping wiring ............................................................................ 8
2.4.3 CTS or TRS or PVC sheath wiring ............................................................................. 8
2.4.4 Lead sheathed or metal sheathed wiring .................................................................... 8
2.4.5 Conduit wiring .............................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Load consumption pattern ............................................................................................. 9
2.6 Color Rendering Index ................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Correlate Color Temperature ........................................................................................ 9
2.8 Different Types of lighting Arrangement...................................................................... 9
2.8.1 Direct Lighting ....................................................................................................... 10
2.8.2 Indirect Lighting .................................................................................................... 10
2.8.3 Semi-Direct Lighting ............................................................................................. 10
2.8.4 Semi-Indirect Lighting .......................................................................................... 10
2.9 Rating of Cable & Equipment as Per Nepal Standard .............................................. 11
2.10 Cables .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.11 Luminous Flux ........................................................................................................... 11
2.12 Luminous Efficacy ..................................................................................................... 12
2.13 Luminous Intensity .................................................................................................... 12
2.14 Luminous Intensity Distribution Curve .................................................................. 12
2.15 Illuminance ................................................................................................................. 12
2.16 Types of Luminaires .................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 13
METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Multipurpose Hall ......................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Incoming 3-phase supply to distribution board ......................................................... 14
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 16
DETAILS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY ...................................................................................... 16

4.1 Task Accomplished ....................................................................................................... 16

4.2 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of Basement Floor .................. 17
4.2.1 Load Placement and Calculation for Basement Floor........................................ 17
4.2.2 Power Circuit Designing of Basement Floor ....................................................... 20
4.2.3 Lighting Circuit Design of Basement Floor ......................................................... 21
4.2.4 Lighting Designed by Using DIALux evo ............................................................ 22
4.2.5 Distribution Panel of Basement floor ................................................................... 25
4.3 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of Ground Floor ..................... 25
4.3.1 Load Placement and Calculation for Ground Floor ........................................... 25
4.3.2 Power Circuit Designing of Ground Floor .......................................................... 28
4.3.3 Lighting Circuit Design of Basement Floor by using High Bay Light .............. 29
4.3.4 Lighting Design for Ground Floor by Using Led Mount Light ......................... 30
4.3.5 Lighting Designed by DIALux Evo by Using High Bay lighting ....................... 31
4.3.6 Lighting Designing by DIALux by Using Led ..................................................... 33
4.3.7 Distribution Panel of Ground Floor ..................................................................... 37
4.4 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of First Floor .......................... 37
4.4.1 First Floor load placement and calculation ......................................................... 37
4.4.2 Power Circuit Designing of First Floor ................................................................ 40
4.4.3 Lighting Circuit Designing of First Floor ............................................................ 41
4.4.4 Lighting Design by DAILux evo ........................................................................... 42
4.4.5 Distribution Panel of First floor ........................................................................... 44
4.5 Main Distribution Panel of Multipurpose Hall .......................................................... 45
4.6 Earthing.......................................................................................................................... 45
4.7 Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) and Surge Protection Device (SPD) ... 46
4.8 Cable Size ....................................................................................................................... 46
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 47
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 48
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 49

1.1 Background
Electrical wiring is an electrical installation of cabling and associated devices such as switches,
distribution boards, sockets and light fittings in a structure [1]. Wiring is subject to safety standards
for design and installation. Allowable wire and cable types and sizes are specified according to the
circuit operating voltage and electric current capability, with further restrictions on the
environmental conditions such as ambient temperature range, moisture levels, and exposures:
sunlight and chemicals [2].

Electrical power distribution systems are often connected to ground to limit the voltage that can
appear on distribution circuits. A distribution system insulated from ground may attain a high
potential due to transient voltages caused by arcing, static electricity, or accidental contact with
higher potential circuits [3]. A ground connection of the system dissipates such potentials and
limits the rise in voltage of the grounded system.

1.2 Objectives
• To draft the basic electrical plans and layouts of a building.
• To study and design the lighting arrangements in a building.
• Design of protection and isolation system in building.
• To study the electrical demand of a building.
1.3 Motivation
Proper lighting design of a room helps to create a warm, inviting, safe and comfortable atmosphere
along with adding style to interior decoration [4]. It brings positive effects which can affect human
comfort, productivity and even human health. A carefully planned lighting can save significant
amount of energy which helps in saving energy cost. At workplace, appropriate lighting can reduce
eye fatigue and headaches and can prevent workplace accidents [5].

Electrical wiring design helps to estimate the type and length of wire that will be needed which
saves money. It also saves time because the professionals can identify the areas if any problems
occur [6]. Proper electrical design prevents the building from any kind of electrical hazards which

could cause fire and it also prevents people from getting serious injuries. The concern for human
safety and the importance of better design motivated us to undertake this project.

1.4 System Overview

Electrical wiring design consists of network of wires connecting various accessories for distribution
of electrical energy from suppliers meter board to the electrical loads. A three phase supply is
connected to the buildings main distribution board (MDB). From MDB, this supply is distributed to
the distribution board system: floor distribution board (FDB) and sub-floor distribution board
(SFDB).The circuit breakers of various circuits are grouped together on distribution board. Electrical
loads are determined for each room. Then, the size of cables from meter board to MDB, MDB to
FDB, FDB to SFDB and for power and light circuit are calculated. Protection system are also
designed which consists of moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB), main circuit breaker (MCB),
residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) and surge protection device (SPD). Suitable type of Earthing
method is also selected.

For lighting design, the required illumination of different rooms is identified. Then, the necessary
number of luminaires are calculated for each room and further simulated in the DIALux software to
ensure that the illumination level is met.

1.4.1 Block Diagram

Figure 1: Block diagram of system
In the above figure power from the utility pole is connected to sub-circuits via three phase Energy
meter, three phase circuit breakers (MCCB) (4-pole 50A) and Double pole MCB. The three-phase
power distribution to homes or offices is necessary if the load requirement cannot be handled by a
single-phase supply. The efficient usage of three phase power depends on balancing load
distribution on each phase of the three-phase supply.

In this, three phase four wire supply is connected to the main distribution panel. This panel has a
three-phase main breaker. This main breaker has single handle such that all the loads are powered
down simultaneously and also in case of electrical faults, it trips or opens all loads simultaneously.

The three phase four wire power supply from this main panel is connected to the floor distribution
board through which it is connected to sub-circuits. The main panel consists of four pole breakers
and each floor distribution board consists of three pole breakers. For further sub-circuits, there are
single or double pole breakers.


Study and research about the theoretical aspects of the project were done. Research papers and
books were referred for this purpose. Studies about various electrical components, various
softwares used and theoretical aspects about the project were carried out.

2.1 Electrical Wiring Design and Lighting Design

Electrical wiring design is an electrical installation of cables and associated devices such as
switches, distribution boards, sockets and light fixtures. It shows how the electrical wires are
interconnected and also shows where fixtures and components may be connected in the system [7].
There are general rules which should be considered during wiring design such as, the conductors
used should be of size that could carry the current safely. There should be separate circuits for
lights and high wattage power appliances. The load on each power circuit is to be restricted to 3000
watts [8]. Each sub circuit should be protected against excessive current by fuse or circuit breaker.
Proper electrical wiring helps to save time, money as well as protects the building structures from
electrical hazards as well as prevents people from getting serious injuries.

Lighting design is a field within architecture and electrical engineering which is concerned with
the design of lighting systems [9]. The lighting design takes account of the kind of human activity
for which lighting is provided, the amount of light required, the color of light as it affects the views
of particular objects. Proper lighting design adds style to interior decoration and creates a safe and
comfortable atmosphere. At workplace, appropriate lighting prevents workplace accidents. It helps
to save the energy cost as well as improves the productivity of the workers.

For many years, lighting research for interiors has been focused on the visibility and visual comfort.
But lighting has impacts not only on these, but also on the health, wealth and safety of the people
as well [10]. Lighting design has vital role in influencing viewer’s perception by evoking moods,
providing visual focus and conveying visual tension [11]. Care should also be given on choosing
lighting system because the energy use of system is important, both in terms of its initial capital
cost and the running cost [12].

2.2 Components for Electrical Protection
2.2.1 MCB
A miniature circuit breaker (MCB) automatically switches off electrical circuit during abnormal
condition of the network which means in over load condition as well as faulty condition. Nowadays
we use an MCB in low voltage electrical network instead of fuse. The fuse may not sense it but
the miniature circuit breaker does it in a more reliable way. MCB is much more sensitive to over
current than fuse.

Whenever continuous over current flows through MCB, the bimetallic strip is heated and deflects
by bending. This deflection of bimetallic strip releases mechanical latch. As this mechanical latch
is attached with operating mechanism, it causes to open the miniature circuit breaker contacts, and
the MCB turns off thereby stopping the current to flow in the circuit. To restart the flow of current
the MCB must be manually turned ON. This mechanism protects from the faults arising due to
over current or over load.

2.2.2 MCCB
Molded case circuit breakers are a type of electrical protection device that is commonly used when
load currents exceed the capabilities of miniature circuit breaker. They are also used in applications
of any current rating that require adjustable trip settings, which are not available in plug-in circuit
breakers and MCBs.

A moulded case circuit breaker MCCB, is a type of electrical protection device that can be used
for a wide range of voltages, and frequencies of both 50 Hz and 60 Hz. The main distinctions
between molded-case and miniature circuit breaker are that the MCCB can have current ratings of
up to 2,500 amperes, and its trip settings are normally adjustable. As with most types of circuit
breakers, an MCCB has three main functions:

• Protection against overload – current above the rated value that last longer than what is
normal for the application.

• Protection against electrical faults – During a fault such as a short circuit or line fault, there
are extremely high currents that must be interrupted immediately.

• Switching a circuit on and off – This is a less common function of circuit breakers, but they
can be used for that purpose if there isn’t an adequate manual switch.
The wide range of current ratings available from moulded-case circuit breakers allows them to
be used in a wide variety of applications. MCCBs are available with current ratings that range
from low values such as 15 amperes, to industrial ratings such as 2,500 amperes. This allows
them to be used in both low-power and high-power applications.

2.2.3 Earthing
In an electrical installation, an earthing system or grounding system connects specific parts of that
installation with the Earth's conductive surface for safety and functional purposes. The point of
reference is the Earth’s conductive surface. The choice of earthing system can affect the safety and
electromagnetic compatibility of the installation.

Protective Earthing
An earth ground connection of the exposed conductive parts of electrical equipment helps protect
from electric shock by keeping the exposed conductive surface of connected devices close to earth
potential when a failure of electrical insulation occurs. When a fault occurs, current flows from the
power system to earth. The current may be high enough to operate the over current protection fuse
or circuit breaker, which will then interrupt the circuit. To ensure the voltage on exposed surfaces
is not too high, the impedance (resistance) of the connection to earth must be kept low relative to
the normal circuit impedance.

Functional Earthing
A functional earth connection serves a purpose other than electrical safety, and may carry current
as part of normal operation. For example, in a single wire earth return power distribution system,
the earth forms one conductor of the circuit and carries all the load current. Other examples of
devices that use functional earth connections include surge suppressor and electromagnetic
interference filters.

2.2.4 Energy Meter

An electricity meter, or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electric energy
consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device. Electric utilities use
electric meters installed at customer’s premises for billing purposes. They are typically calibrated
in billing units, the most common one being the kilowatt hour (kWh). They are usually read once
each billing period.

2.2.5 Power circuit and lighting circuit
A Light circuit usually uses less power, therefore lower amperage than a power circuit so the wire
diameter is smaller. Also, because the fittings in a light circuit are usually out of reach, an earth
wire is often not used.

A power circuit is defined as any circuit used to carry electricity that operates a load. A circuit with
an outlet for the source, two wires for the path, a switch for the control device and a motor or a
load is a good illustration of a good power circuit. When the switch is closed, the electrons flow
through the path and the electron go directly through the motor windings and cause the motor to
operate. The only circuit control in this circuit is the switch wired directly in series with the motor.
There is no separate control circuit associated with this power circuit. Most lighting and acceptable
outlet circuit in a house are power circuit since they only provide power to devices when the
devices operate, and the circuit control is a part of the power circuit.

2.3 Softwares Used

2.3.1 Electrical AutoCAD

The AutoCAD Electrical is a software that focuses on the overview of electrical domain with
emphasis on naming conventions; the use of symbol and their libraries, generation, and insertion
of PLC layout modules, and organization of PLC database files.

2.3.2 DIALux
A DIALux is a software which can design, calculate and visualize light professionally with the
latest luminaire data of leading luminaire manufacturers included. By using this software, we can
design, calculate and visualize light professionally – single rooms, whole floors, buildings and
outdoor scenes.

2.4 Different Type of Electrical Wiring Systems

• Cleat wiring
• Wooden casing and capping wiring
• CTS or TRS or PVC sheath wiring
• Lead sheathed or metal sheathed wiring
• Conduit wiring

2.4.1 Cleat wiring
This system of wiring comprises of ordinary VIR or PVC insulated wires (occasionally, sheathed
and weather proof cable) braided and compounded held on walls or ceilings by means of porcelain
cleats, Plastic or wood.

2.4.2 Wooden casing and capping wiring

Casing and Capping wiring system was famous wiring system in the past but, it is considered
obsolete these days because of Conduit and sheathed wiring system. The cables used in this kind
of wiring were either VIR or PVC or any other approved insulated cables.

2.4.3 CTS or TRS or PVC sheath wiring

Single core or double core or three core TRS cables with a circular oval shape cables are used in
this kind of wiring. Mostly, single core cables are preferred. TRS cables are chemical proof, water
proof, steam proof, but are slightly affected by lubricating oil. The TRS cables are run on well-
seasoned and straight teak wood batten with at least a thickness of 10mm

2.4.4 Lead sheathed or metal sheathed wiring

The type of wiring employs conductors that are insulated with VIR and covered with an outer
sheath of lead aluminum alloy containing about 95% of lead. The metal sheath given protection to
cables from mechanical damage, moisture and atmospheric corrosion.

2.4.5 Conduit wiring

There are two additional types of conduit wiring according to pipe installation.

• Surface Conduit Wiring.

• Concealed Conduit Wiring

Particulars Cleat Wiring Casing Capping Batten Wiring Conduit Wiring

Life Short Fairly Long Long Very Long

Cost Low Medium Medium Highest

Installation Very Easy Difficult Easy Difficult

Repair Easy Little difficult Easy Difficult

Figure 2: Comparison of Different Electrical Wiring System

2.5 Load consumption pattern

Understanding and forecasting of load characteristics have been complex due to its dependency on
large number of factors which affects it i.e. weather condition, geographical diversity,
sunrise/sunset times, seasonal diversity etc. The detailed study of the electricity consumption
invokes a knowledge of its trend and seasonality which can be exploited to extrapolate the demand

2.6 Color Rendering Index

A color rendering index (CRI) is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal
the colors of various objects faithfully in comparison with an ideal or natural light source. The CRI
of a light source does not indicate the apparent color of the light source; that information is given
by the correlated color temperature (CCT)

2.7 Correlate Color Temperature

Color temperature defines the color appearance of a white LED. CCT is defined in degrees Kelvin;
a warm light is around 2700K, moving to neutral white at around 4000K, and to cool white, at
5000K or more. The Kelvin based CCT (Correlated Color Temperature), is a scale used in lighting
to measure the color temperature of a luminaire. It puts specifics to the description of the
appearance of white light as “warm”, “neutral” or “cool”

2.8 Different Types of lighting Arrangement

 Direct Lighting
 Indirect Lighting

 Semi-Direct Lighting
 Semi -Indirect Lighting

2.8.1 Direct Lighting

In a direct lighting system, 90 to 100 percent of the light from the luminaire shines toward the work
surface. This is the most common type of lighting and is used for many types of tasks. The area that
is lit depends on the characteristics of the luminaire. For example, light shining downward may be
either concentrated in one small area or spread evenly over a wide surface. Sometimes, however,
direct lighting creates glare and shadows. The placement of the fixture or brightness of the light can
be adjusted to eliminate these problems.

2.8.2 Indirect Lighting

In an indirect lighting system, 90 to 100 percent of the light from the luminaire shines upward and
reflects off the ceiling. Indirect lighting should result in highly diffused, evenly distributed light. The
ceiling is the main source of light in this type of system, so it should be completely and evenly lit.
If the system is well designed, only a small amount of light will shine downward.

2.8.3 Semi-Direct Lighting

In a semi-direct lighting system, 60 to 90 percent of the light from the luminaire shines toward the
working surface. The remainder of the light is reflected toward the ceiling and the upper portion of
the walls. This lighting system softens shadows and produces even lighting. Semi-direct and direct
lighting have many characteristics in common. As is true with a direct lighting system, unless the
fixtures are properly arranged, reflected light or shadows can be a problem when using semi-direct

2.8.4 Semi-Indirect Lighting

In a semi-indirect lighting system, 60 to 90 percent of the light from the luminaire reflects toward
the ceiling. Highly reflective ceilings and room finishes are important, as is good surface
maintenance. This method of lighting produces a very pleasing room ambience while also providing
several good reading areas.

2.9 Rating of Cable & Equipment as Per Nepal Standard
The current-carrying capacity of different types of cables shall be chosen in accordance with good
practice. Cable size shall be 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240, 300, 400,
500 mm2 [13]. The current ratings of isolators and normal duty switches and composite units of
switches and fuses shall be selected from one of the following values: 6, 10, 16, 25, 32, 63, 100,
160, 200, 320, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000 and 1250 A. IS 13947-3 shall be refer. The current ratings
of miniature circuit breakers shall be chosen from the values given below: 6, 10, 16, 25, 32, 40, 63,
80, 100, 125 A.

Lighting and levels of illumination: Lighting installation shall take into consideration the many
factors on which the quality and quantity of artificial lighting depends. The modern concept is to
provide illumination with the help of a large number of light sources not of higher illumination
level. Also, much higher levels of illumination are called for than in the past, often necessitating
the use of fluorescent lighting suitably supplemented with incandescent fittings, where required.

2.10 Cables
The smallest size of the cable that shall be used, will depend upon the method of laying cable,
permissible maximum temperature it shall withstand, the prospective short-circuit current to which
the cable may be subjected, the characteristics of the overload protection gear installed, load cycle
and thermal resistivity of the soil. IS 1255-1965 shall be referred to. Short-circuit rating curves will
serve as an approximate guide for selection of the size of cables.

 Light circuit --- 2.5 PVC insulated copper stranded cable
 Power circuit - 4.0 PVC insulated copper stranded cable.

2.11 Luminous Flux

It is the rate at which light is emitted by lamp or luminaire and measured in lumen (lm). Luminous
Flux (Φv) is energy per unit time (dQ/dt) that is radiated from a source over visible wavelengths.
More specifically, it is energy radiated over wavelengths sensitive to the human eye.

2.12 Luminous Efficacy

Luminous efficacy is a measure of how well a light source produces visible light. It is the ratio of
luminous flux to power, measured in lumens per watt in the International System of Units (SI).

2.13 Luminous Intensity

It is amount of light in particular direction, measured in candela and denoted by I. It denotes how
bright the source or illuminated surface is, measured directly facing the source or external source.

2.14 Luminous Intensity Distribution Curve

It is a relative distribution of luminous intensity with respect to angle in spherical/polar (r,)

coordinates. Plot normalized with respect to total lumen for any type of lamp so that lamp of various
watts or lumen of similar character may be dealt easily.

2.15 Illuminance

It is defined as luminous flux falling from light source on a surface. It is denoted by E and unit is
lux (lm/m2) or foot-candles. It is an important parameter in lighting design and inspection of
lighting quality. The range of lighting level is defined in lux for visual task.

2.16 Types of Luminaires

High Bay Light

High bay lights are used to illuminate spaces with high ceilings. That usually means ceilings ranging
from 20 feet to approximately 45 feet. On the other hand, low bay lights are used for ceilings under
20 feet. As a high ceiling location has more space to fill, a high bay light is a powerful light source
that can brighten up a large area. They have multiple applications across a range of industries,
including workshop and factories. They are also used in large recreational facilities, gyms and large
conference halls. High bay light provides clear and uniform lighting with little glare.

Spot Light

A spotlight is a powerful stage lighting instrument which projects a bright beam of light onto a
performance space. Spotlights are most commonly used in concerts, musicals and large scale
presentations where highlighting a specific individual is necessary.


The following methods were applied during the implementation of the project.

 Initially the literature survey about the project was done.

During literature survey, secondary information regarding the project was gathered from the
sources like research paper, articles and books.

 Visit to the project site

Visit were made to the project site which helped to gather information directly from the site.

 Luminaires calculations and simulation

Then, the number of luminaires were calculated to meet the illumination level of the rooms
and simulation was done to check whether the requirement was met or not.

 Layout design

After that, all the loads were placed and finally the layout design of the building was done.

3.1 Multipurpose Hall

Multipurpose hall is a building or large room used for many different types of events or activities
involving a lot of people. It provides a well-equipped space suitable for a wide range of activities
such as various exhibitions, sports events, conferences and so on.

Kathmandu University (KU) Multipurpose Hall is located in the university premises. It is in front
of KU football ground and swimming pool. KU Multipurpose Hall is a 3 storeyed building having
a main hall for multipurpose activities. Ground Floor has a storage and toilets for gents and ladies
and a pump room for swimming purpose. First Floor consist a Meeting Hall for meeting purpose
and an Office room for multipurpose hall officer. Ground Floor consists of a Meeting Hall, Office
Room, Stage, Seating and a Main Hall.

Main Hall is divided into Volleyball Court and Badminton Court. It also serves as a Seating area
when required. This multipurpose hall can be used to organize various formal programs like
seminars, conferences and meetings. Similarly, it can be used for indoor sports programs like

badminton, volleyball and table tennis. All the Luminaries are calculated as per requirement of the
room and placed accordingly for a particular lux level. Also, electrical wiring layout is done as per
the load calculated.

3.2 Incoming 3-phase supply to distribution board

Industries or factories are installed with three phase power in order to connect heavy machineries
and equipment. Busbars carries this three-phase power and from which individual connections are
brought out, to individual loads, through cables. The figure below shows schematic diagram for
industrial three phase wiring.

Three phase power from the utilities is connected to the main breaker through three-phase energy
meter. The power in the main breaker is then given to various busbars. This panel is also included
with metering arrangement to display parameters like current, voltage, energy and power. The
figure below shows the power distribution from main panel to machinery and lighting loads.

Figure 3: Distribution System for Heavy Load & Medium Consumer

The three-phase power distribution to homes or offices is necessary if the load requirement cannot
be handled by a single-phase supply. The efficient usage of three phase power depends on
balancing load distribution on each phase of the three-phase supply.

So, the single-phase loads in the offices or homes must be connected to each phase such that
maximum possible load balancing will be achieved.



4.1 Task Accomplished

• Literature survey of single pole, double pole and triple pole MCB and MCCB.

• Literature survey on Nepal National Building Code (Electrical design requirement for public

• Literature survey of power rating of luminaries and their respective Illumination (lux).

• Literature survey on the electrical AutoCAD, DIALux and DIALux evo.

• Literature survey on level of illumination for different building and workplace.

• Designing of lighting on different floor by using DIALux evo with respective to their required

• Design of electrical layout of different floors of the multipurpose hall by using AutoCad.

• Design of Distribution panel of all floor with respective to the required load rating.

• Electrical load analysis of the Multipurpose Hall.

4.2 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of Basement Floor

4.2.1 Load Placement and Calculation for Basement Floor

As per the electrical equipment requirements for the room, the load are listed below.

Load Placements

For Basement floor

Rooms Types of load Watt Number

Gents Toilet Mounted LED 18 7

Hand Dryer 1500 1

Shower Room Mounted LED 18 6

Gents Hallway Mounted Led 18 2

Hand Dryer 1500 1

Changing Room Mounted LED 18 4

Pump Room Mounted LED 18 2

Water Pump 8KW 1

Ladies Hallway Mounted LED 18 2

Hand Dryer 1500 1

Ladies Toilet Mounted LED 18 7

Hand Dryer 1500 1

Store Room LED Tubelight 24 13

Power Socket 1000 2

Lumainaire Calculations

Coefficient of Utilization(CU) 0.6

Maintenance Factor(MF) 0.8

Room Area(A) Illumination(E) luminous Flux (O) Number of luminaire(N) Luminaire used

Gents Toilet 26.4 100 1900 5.347891222 7

Gents Shower Room 18 100 1900 1.973684211 3
Store Room 162 150 3200 15.8203125 13
Ladies Toilet 26.4 100 1900 5.347891222 7
Gents Hallway 21 100 1900 2.302631579 2
Changing Room 10 150 1900 1.644736842 1
Ladies Hallway 21 100 1900 2.302631579 2
Pump Room 12 200 1900 2.631578947 2
Ladies Shower Room 18 100 1900 1.973684211 3

Luminaire Total Numbers

Mounted LED 30
LED Tube 13
Power Socket 6
Figure 4: Load Placement of Basement Floor
Load Calculations

Light Circuit

Items Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Mounted LED 30 18 540
LED Tube 13 24 312
852 W

Power Circuit

15A socket Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Store Room 2 1000 2000
Gents Toilet 2 1000 2000
Ladies Toilet 2 1000 2000
6000 W

Total Power 6852 W

For load balance, 6852/3 W

Load on each phase 2284 W

Mounted LED LED Tube Power Socket Power Power

Phase R 10 5 2 10*18+5*24+2000 2300 W
Phase Y 10 3 2 10*18+3*24+2000 2252 W
Phase B 10 5 2 10*18+5*24+2000 2300 W

Actual power for the calculations of MCB and MCCB ratings

Diversity Factor
Light Circuit 0.5
Power Circuit 0.3

Power Power (Using diversity factor)

Phase R 10*18+5*24+2000 750 W
Phase Y 10*18+3*24+2000 726 W
Phase B 10*18+5*24+2000 750 W

For MCB rating: Current(I) Current(I)

Phase R 750/220 3.4 A
Phase Y 726/220 3.3 A
Phase B 750/220 3.4 A

MCB required
Phase R 20 A
Phase Y 20 A
Phase B 20 A

Figure 5: Load Calculation of Basement Floor

4.2.2 Power Circuit Designing of Basement Floor
By placing the required load as in the Figure 4, the power socket, Multimedia projector, Internet
cable socket, Telephone cable socket is placed as shown in figure below.

Figure 6: Power Circuit Design of Basement Floor

4.2.3 Lighting Circuit Design of Basement Floor
The required number of luminaries are calculated by using the formula with the required level of
illumination, which was further simulated on DIALUX evo for the placing of luminaires. The gang
switches are used in such a way that at most 6A current can be handled by MCB.

Figure 7: Lighting circuit Design of Basement Floor

4.2.4 Lighting Designed by Using DIALux evo
At first the standard level of illumination of room is fixed and the number of luminaries is calculated
by using the formula. After then the luminaries are placed in DIALux evo for the simulation, so that
undesired level of illumination and luminaries can be avoided.

Figure 8: Luminaries Placement for Basement Floor

Here the luminaries used are led mount type and led tube light. The light output ratio of led mount
type is 100%, Luminous Flux is 1900 lm, power of 18W with the Luminous efficacy 104.4 lm/w is
used. The color rendering index is 80 and correlate color temperature is 3000k.

The light output ratio of led tube type is 100%, Luminous Flux is 3200 lm, power of 24W with the
Luminous efficacy 133.3 lm/w is used. The color rendering index is 80 and correlate color
temperature is 5000k.

Figure 9: False Color Distribution of Luminaries
Here, the level of illumination for the toilet is 100 and for the changing room and store room is
maintained as 150 Lux as per the standard. False color shows the whether the required level of
illumination is meet or not on the floor.

Figure 10: Isoline of luminaries
The Isoline is an illumination curve given by a particular luminary in a particular Direction.

4.2.5 Distribution Panel of Basement floor

Figure 11: Distribution Panel of Basement Floor

All the loads are calculated after then the distribution board is designed. Here the 16A MCB are used
for the power socket, 6A MCB are used for lighting circuit. Each phase is divided into the equal
electrical load, so that the phase will be balanced. Main MCCB for the floor is used of 32A and each
phase main MCCB is used of 20A.

4.3 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of Ground Floor

4.3.1 Load Placement and Calculation for Ground Floor

As per the electrical equipment requirements for the floor, the load is listed below.

Load Placements

For GROUND Floor

Rooms Types of load Watt Number

Stage Mounted LED 18 40

Spotlight 29 2
Power Socket 1000 2
Entrance LED Tube 24 10

Seating Area Mounted LED 19 24

Office Room Mounted LED 18 1

LED Tube 24 2
Ceiling Fan 80 1
Computer 300 1

Meeting Room LED Tube 24 11

Ceiling Fan 80 4
Projector 300 1
Heater 1500 1
Table Microphone 120 3

Main Hall Bay light 260 20

Mounted LED 24 86

Lobby LED Tube 24 2

Power Socket 1000 1

Balcony Mounted LED 18 10

Sound System 1000 2
LCD Screen 100 2
Power Socket 1000 1

Lumainaire Calculations

Coefficient of Utilization(CU) 0.6

Maintenance Factor(MF) 0.8

Room Area(A) Illumination(E) luminous Flux (O) Number of luminaire(N) Luminaire used

Stage 160 350 1900 61.40350877 40

Entrance 147 150 3200 14.35546875 10
Seating Area 160 200 1835 36.33060854 24
Office Room 24 200 3200 3.125 3
Meeting Room 91 300 3200 17.7734375 11
Main Hall 1165.41 350 22008 38.6122376 20
1165.41 150 1963 185.5275726 86
Lobby 19.17 100 3200 1.248046875 2
Balcony 44.73 200 1900 9.809210526 10

Luminaire Total Numbers

Mounted LED 161
LED Tube 25
Spotlight 2
Bay Light 20
Power Socket 14
Figure 12: Load Placement of Ground floor

Load Calculations

Light Circuit

Items Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Mounted LED 51 18 918
LED Tube 25 24 600
Spot Light 2 29 58
Mounted LED 24 19 456
Bay Light 20 260 5200
Mounted LED 86 24 2064
Ceiling Fan 5 80 400
9696 W

Power Circuit

15A socket Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Stage 2 1000 2000
Office Room 1 1000 1000
Meeting Room 4 1000 4000
Lobby 1 1000 1000
Balcony 6 1000 6000
14000 W

Total Power 23696 W

For load balance, 23696/3 W

Load on each phase 7898 W

Mounted LED LED Tube Power Socket Ceiling Fan Spot Light Bay Light Power Power
Phase R 11+24 25 6 5 0 0 25*24+5*80+11*18+6*1000+24*19 7654 W
Phase Y 40 0 7 0 2 0 40*18+2*29+7*1000 7778 W
Phase B 86 0 1 0 0 20 20*260+86*24+1000 8264 W

Actual power for the calculations of MCB and MCCB ratings

Diversity Factor
Light Circuit 0.5
Power Circuit 0.3

Power Power (Using diversity factor)

Phase R 25*24+5*80+11*18+6*1000+24*19 2627 W
Phase Y 40*18+2*29+7*1000 2489 W
Phase B 20*260+86*24+1000 3932 W

For MCB rating: Current(I) Current(I)

Phase R 2627/220 11.94 A
Phase Y 2489/220 11.31 A
Phase B 3932/220 17.87 A

MCB required
Phase R 20 A
Phase Y 20 A
Phase B 20 A
Figure 13: Load Calculation of Ground Floor

4.3.2 Power Circuit Designing of Ground Floor
By placing the required load as in the Figure 12, the power socket, Multimedia projector, Internet
cable, Telephone cable socket and CCTV camera is placed as shown in figure below.

Figure 14: Power Circuit Design of Ground Floor

4.3.3 Lighting Circuit Design of Basement Floor by using High Bay Light
Required number of luminaries are calculated by using the formula with the required level of
illumination, which was further simulated on DIALUX evo for the placing of luminaires. The gang
switches are used in such a way that at most 6A current can be handled by MCB. Since it is a
Multipurpose Hall so, we used the different lighting for the different purpose. For the sport purposes
we used the High Bay luminaries.

Figure 15: Lighting Circuit Design by Using High Bay luminaries

4.3.4 Lighting Design for Ground Floor by Using Led Mount Light

Figure 16: Lighting Circuit Design for Ground floor by Using Led mount light

Since, it is a Multipurpose Hall, so for the functional program, conference and seminar we used the
LED mount type light.
4.3.5 Lighting Designed by DIALux Evo by Using High Bay lighting
At first the standard level of illumination of room is fixed and the number of luminaries is calculated
by using the formula. After then the luminaries are placed in DIALux evo for the simulation, so that
undesired level of illumination and luminaries can be avoided.

Figure 17: High Bay Luminaries Placing by Using DIALux evo

Here the luminaries used for the main hall are High Bay led type. The light output ratio of led mount
type is 100%, Luminous Flux is 22008 lm, power of 260W with the Luminous efficacy 84.6 lm/w
is used. The color rendering index is 82 and correlate color temperature is 5000k. Similarly, mounted
LED tube is of Luminous Flux 1364 lm, power of 40 W with Luminous efficacy of 32.5 lm/w.

Figure 18: False Color Distribution of Illuminations.
Here, the level of illumination for the main hall is maintained as 350 Lux as per the standard. False
color shows the whether the required level of illumination is met or not on the floor.

Figure 19: Isoline Distribution of Illuminations by Luminaries
The Isoline is an illumination curve given by a particular luminary in a particular Direction.
4.3.6 Lighting Designing by DIALux by Using Led
Since, it is a Multipurpose Hall so, we used different luminaries for different purpose. For the sports
purpose we used High Bay light and for general purpose we used mount led type luminaries.

Here the luminaries used for the main hall are mount led type. The light output ratio of led mount
type is 100%, Luminous Flux is 1963 lm, power of 24W with the Luminous efficacy 81.8 lm/w is
used. The color rendering index is 84 and correlate color temperature is 4000k for the main hall. For
the meeting room we used led tube of 24W, light output ratio 100%, luminous Flux 3200, luminous
efficacy of 133 lm/W. The color rendering index is 80 and correlate color temperature is 3000k.

Figure 20: False color Distribution of Illumination
Here, the level of illumination for the main hall is maintained as 100 Lux as per the standard. False
color shows the whether the required level of illumination is met or not on the floor.

Figure 21: Isoline Distribution of Luminaries
The Isoline is an illumination curve given by a particular luminary in a particular Direction.

4.3.7 Distribution Panel of Ground Floor

Figure 22: Ground Floor Distribution Board

All the loads are calculated after then the distribution board is designed. Here the 16A MCB are used
for the power socket, 6A MCB are used for lighting circuit. Each phase is divided into the equal
electrical load, so that the phase will be on balanced. Main MCCB for the floor is used of 32A and
each phase main MCCB is used of 20A.

4.4 AutoCAD designing of Power and Lighting Circuit of First Floor

4.4.1 First Floor load placement and calculation

As per the electrical equipment requirements for the floor, the load is listed below.

Load Placements

For First Floor

Rooms Types of load Watt Number

Meeting Room LED Tube 24 11

Celing Fan 80 4
Projector 300 1
Heater 1500 1
Table Microphone 120 3

Lobby LED Tube 24 2

Power Socket 1000 1

Office Room Hanging Tubelight 30 2

Celling Fan 80 1
Computer 300 1

Lumainaire Calculations

Coefficient of Utilization(CU) 0.6

Maintenance Factor(MF) 0.8

Room Area(A) Illumination(E) luminous Flux (O) Number of luminaire(N) Luminaire used

Meeting Room 91 300 3200 17.7734375 11

Lobby 19.17 100 3200 1.248046875 2
Office Room 24 200 2426 4.122011542 2

Luminaire Total Numbers

Hanging Tube 2
LED Tube 13
Power Socket 6
Figure 23: First Floor Load Placement

Load Calculations

Light Circuit

Items Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Hanging Tube 2 30 60
LED Tube 13 24 312
Ceiling Fan 5 80 400
Projector 1 300 300
1072 W
Power Circuit

15A socket Numbers Power(W) Total Power(W)

Meeting Room 4 1000 4000
Lobby 1 1000 1000
Office Room 1 1000 1000
6000 W

Total Power 7072 W

For load balance, 7072/3 W

Load on each phase 2358 W

Fan LED Tube Power Socket Hanging Tube Power Power

Phase R 2 5 2 0 2*80+5*24+2000 2280 W
Phase Y 2 6 2 0 2*80+6*24+2000 2304 W
Phase B 1 2 2 2 1*80+2*24+2*30+2000 2188 W

Actual power for the calculations of MCB and MCCB ratings

Diversity Factor
Light Circuit 0.5
Power Circuit 0.3

Power Power (Using diversity factor)

Phase R 2*80+5*24+2000 740 W
Phase Y 2*80+6*24+2000 752 W
Phase B 1*80+2*24+2*30+2000 694 W

For MCB rating: Current(I) Current(I)

Phase R 740/220 3.3 A
Phase Y 752/220 3.4 A
Phase B 694/220 3.15 A

MCB required
Phase R 20 A
Phase Y 20 A
Phase B 20 A

Figure 24: First floor Load Calculation

4.4.2 Power Circuit Designing of First Floor
By placing the required load as in the Figure 23, the power socket, Multimedia projector, Internet
cable, Telephone cable socket and CCTV camera is placed as shown in figure below.

Figure 25: First Floor Power Circuit Designing

4.4.3 Lighting Circuit Designing of First Floor
Required number of luminaries are calculated by using the formula with the required level of
illumination, which was further simulated on DIALUX evo for the placing of luminaires. The gang
switches are used in such a way that at most 6A current can be handled by MCB.

Figure 26: Lighting Design of First Floor

4.4.4 Lighting Design by DAILux evo
At first the standard level of illumination of room is fixed and the number of luminaries is calculated
by using the formula. After then the luminaries are placed in DIALux evo for the simulation, so that
undesired level of illumination and luminaries can be avoided.

Figure 27: Lighting Placing & False color of Illumination

Here the luminaries used for the meeting room and office room are led tube light and hanging tube
light. The light output ratio of led tube light is 100%, Luminous Flux is 3200 lm, power of 24W with
the Luminous efficacy 133 lm/w is used. Similarly, the power of hanging tube light is 30W with
Luminous Flux 2426 lm.

Here, the level of illumination for the meeting room is maintained as 300 Lux as per the standard.
False color shows the whether the required level of illumination is met or not on the floor.

Figure 28: Isoline Distribution of Luminaries
The Isoline is an illumination curve given by a particular luminary in a particular Direction

4.4.5 Distribution Panel of First floor

Figure 29: First floor Distribution Panel

All the loads are calculated first and then the distribution board is designed. Here the 16A MCB are
used for the power socket, 6A MCB are used for lighting circuit. Each phase is divided into the equal
electrical load, so that the phase will be on balanced. Main MCCB for the floor is used of 32A and
each phase main MCCB is used of 20A.

4.5 Main Distribution Panel of Multipurpose Hall

Figure 30: Main Distribution Panel of Multipurpose Hall

Here, we have calculated and placed all the loads, then we calculated the rating of MCCB for the
main distribution panel.
4.6 Earthing
For earthing purpose, Plate Earthing can be done. A plate electrode of copper of dimension
60cm*60cm*3mm is buried into the ground at a depth of not less than 3 meters from the ground.
The earth plate is covered in layers of coke and salt. Then the earth wire is bolted to the earth plate
with a bolt and nut.
4.7 Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) and Surge Protection Device
RCCB and SPD are connected in the main distribution board. RCCB is used to disconnect the circuit
whenever fault occurs. A 30 mA or 100 mA trip current four pole RCCB can be used for protection
against fault.
SPD protects the devices from voltage surges. It is connected in parallel on the power supply circuit
of the loads. A SPD characterized by 8/20 microsecond waveform can be used for protection.

4.8 Cable Size

The size of cable from energy meter to main distribution board is 20 mm sq, 4 core copper having a
current carrying capacity of 50A. Similarly, the size of cable from the main distribution board to the
floor distribution board is 15 mm sq, 4 core copper having a current carrying capacity of 32A. The
size of cable from floor distribution board to sub floor distribution board is 4 mm sq, single core two
copper cables having a current carrying capacity of 20A. The size of cable for light circuit is 2.5 mm
sq, single core two copper cables having a current carrying capacity of 6A and for power circuit,
cable size is 4 mm sq, single core two copper cables having a current carrying capacity of 16A.

As mentioned earlier, proper electrical wiring design is important to address the safety and cost of
electrical installation in a building. Efficient lighting design plays role in reducing energy cost as
well as improving human productivity and comfortness and influences people’s perception. To
ensure the safety from electrical hazards, proper selection of wires and protection devices like SPD,
RCCB and MCCB is important. Similarly, proper selection of luminaires is important to maintain
comfortable atmosphere, save energy and enhance interior designs. This report includes summary
of literature surveys and design of electrical layout and lighting arrangements which can be used
as references in implementing the plan.


[1] J. Gupta, A Course in Electrical Installation Estimating And Costing, New Delhi:
S.K. Kataria and Sons, 1968.

[2] "Electrical Wiring Design and Protection," 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 09 2018].

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[4] S. Graf, 2018. [Online]. Available:


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[7] S. Uppal, Electrical Wiring-Estimating and Costing, New Delhi: Khanna

Publishers, 1986.

[8] K. Raina and S. Bhattacharya, Electrical Design Estimating and Costing, New Age
International Limited, 1991.

[9] R. Kelly, "Architectural Lighting," 1974. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 02 2019].

[10] P. Boyce, "Lighting research for interiors: the beginning of the end or the end of
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[11] M. S. El-Nasr and I. Horswill, "Automating Lighting Design for Interactive

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[12] D. Phillips, Lighting Modern Buildings, London: Architectural Press, 2000.

[13] P. Kadariya and J. Mahaseth, Electrical Design Requirements for Public Buildings,
Appendix A: Required Illumination (lux) on different areas

Source: “Illuminance-Recommended Light Level”. [Online]. Available:
Appendix B: Luminaries used Description & Luminous Emittance
Source: “Glamox”. [Online]. Available:

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