Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

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Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process

Capacity: Average Flow 30 MLD
Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated.
S No Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference

Quantity of Sewage Generated 30000000.00 Lpd

30.00 MLD
30000.00 Cum/day

Raw Sewage Characteristics

1 Average Sewage flow entering the treatment plant 30000000.00 lpd
Assumed Peak Factor 1.00
2 Peak Sewage flow entering the treatment plant 30000000.00 lpd
3 COD 400 - 800 mg/Lt
4 BOD 189.00 mg/Lt
5 TDS 1520-1620 mg/Lt
6 TSS 460.00 mg/Lt
7 pH 6.50

1 Inlet Chamber
Quantity of Flow (Ave) 30000.00 Cum/day
Peak Flow 30000.00 Cum/day
0.35 Cum/Sec
Assumed Detention period 10.00 sec
Volume of the Inlet Chamber 3.47 Cum
Assumed Depth of flow 0.60 m
Area Required for Inlet Chamber 5.79 Sq.m
Assumed Length to Breadth Ratio 1.00
Breadth of the Tank 2.50 m
length of the Tank 2.50 m
Provide the Dimension of Inlet Chamber as 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 0.6 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

2 Screen Chamber (Fine Screens)

Peak Design Flow 0.35 Cum/s Assume Size of the screen flats of size having a
thickness of 10 mm and a width of 50 mm (CPHEEO
page no 201)
Assume Clear spacing between bars, o 6.00 mm 20-50mm, pg.201 of CPHEEO Manual
Velocity ahead of screen (Va) 0.60 m/sec pg. 202 of CPHEEO Manual
Area of Screen Channel, A= (Q/Va) 0.58 m2
Keeping Side Water Depth 0.50 m
Width of each screen channel, W 1.20 m
Water depth upstream, ha = A/W 0.48 m
t 0.01 m
Number of openings in chamber, W = X.o + (X - 1).t where , X = 76.00 no
No. of Opening ; o = Clear Space between bars ; t = Thickness
of flat
Total width of opening, Ws =x*o 0.46 m
Assume Angle of inclination 60.00 Degree
Assumed Detention Period in the Screen channel 6.00 sec
Assume Length of the screen chamber 3.60 m
Inclined height of the screen, H1 0.56 m
Velocity through the screen, Vs= Q/H1*Ws 1.36 m/sec
Head loss thru screen in normal condition, h1=0.0729(Vs2-Va2) 0.11 m less than 0.15 m hence ok

Head loss on 50% clogging h1=0.0729(2*Vs2-Va2) 0.24 m less than 0.3 m hence ok
Water Depth downstream Hb, (Za-Zb)+Va2/2g-Vs2/2g+Ha- 0.30 m
Headloss thru screen in normal condition
Water Depth downstream Hb, (Za-Zb)+Va2/2g-Vs2/2g+Ha- 0.17 m
Headloss thru screen in clogged condition

Provide the Dimension of Screen Chamber (Fine Screens) as 3.6 m x 1.2 m x 0.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

3 Grit Removal unit

No. of Grit channels 2 (1W+1SB)
Computation of Settling Velocity: Stoke's Law
Kinematic Viscosity of Effluent assumed 0.0000011 sqm/sec
Particle Diameter assumed 0.000200 m
Settling Velocity 0.03 m/s Pg,208,209 of CPHEEO manual
Reynold's number, Re=(d.Vs/Kinematic viscosity) 5.45
for Transition flows, Vs=[(0.707(Ss-1)d1.6v-0.6)]0.714 0.02 m/s Pg,208,209 of CPHEEO manual
Actual Setling velocity 0.02 m/s Pg,208,209 of CPHEEO manual
removal efficiency 2047.61 cum/sqm/d
Assumed Removal Efficiency 75.00 %
1535.71 cum/sqm/d
Actual Surface Over Flow Rate :(Q/A)= Vsn/[(1-η)-0.125-1] 1353 cum/sqm/d Pg 209-take n=.125, as per table 11.1-it is 1555

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Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process

Capacity: Average Flow 30 MLD
Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated.
S No Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference

Dimensions of grit channel:

Peak Flow 30000.00 cum/day
Total Plan area of Grit channel = Qpeak/(Q/A) 22.18 m2
Assumed Width of the Grit channel 3.00 m
Length of the Channel 7.40 m
Liquid Depth assumed 1.50 m
Provide a depth for the Grit Storage 0.30 m

Provide the Dimension of Grit Removal unit as 7.4 m x 3 m x 1.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

Mechanical Grit Removal Unit

Square Type Grit Removal Tank with Grit Hopper 4.80 m
Provide Mehcnical Grit Chamber with Grit lift Pumps having a size of 7.6 m* 7.6 m and 1.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

4 Parshall flume (Optional)

Width of grit chamber 3.00 m
Throat width of flume (W) 0.300 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Sloping convergent length towards throat (A) 1.350 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Width at the beginning of convergent section (D) 0.831 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Length of convergent section (B) 1.322 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Far end Width of divergent section (G) 0.900 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Length of divergent section (C) 0.600 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Length of the throat (F) 0.600 m table 11.2, 211 cph
K 0.075 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Z, - Constant 0.38 m table 11.2, 211 cph
Free board 0.25 m

Calculations & Dimensions

Q, MLD Q, lps D, m C/s area, m2
30.00 347.222 0.322 0.965
60.00 694.444 0.736 2.209
90.00 1041.667 1.085 3.255
120.00 1388.889 1.396 4.189
150.00 1736.111 1.683 5.049
Note: The variation of velocity is within the permissible 10%
deviation. Hence the section provided is OK
Note: Check for B =1.5 *Qmax^0.33 and not less than the value
given in table (adopted value)
D as per formula 11.18 page 212 of Manual, V as per 11.21
5 Equalization Tank (Collection Chamber )
Peak Design Flow 30000.00 Cum/day
Assumed Detention period 2 hours
Volume of the Tank 2500 Cum
Assumed Depth of Liquid column 2.5 m
Area required for the equalization tank 1000 Sq.m
No. of Tanks Proposed 2
area required for each equalization tank 500 Sq.m
Length to Breadth ratio 1
Breadth of the tank 22.5 m
Length of the tank 22.5 m

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Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process

Capacity: Average Flow 30 MLD
Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated.
S No Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference

Provide the Dimension of Equalization Tank (Collection Chamber ) as 22.5 m x 22.5 m x 2.5 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

Mixing Arrangements
Assumed BOD reduction in the tank 85% Percent
Incoming BOD of Raw sewage 189.00 mg/L
BOD to be reduced 160.65 mg/L
BOD Load 4819.5 kg/day
Oxygen required to remove BOD load 2 kg/kg of BOD
Oxygen required 9639.0 kg/day
401.63 kg/hr
Actual Air Required 25297.62 Cum/hr

Provide Corse bubble aeration grids for 25300.00 cum/hr

6 Raw Sewage Pumps

No. of pumps - 2 (2W+2SB)
Type of Pumps - Submersible/Horizontal Centrifugal
Average flow 30000.00 Cum/day
Number of working hours 20 hrs
Flow Capacity of Pump required 1500.00 Cum/hr
750.00 Cum/hr
Proposed pumps 4numbers (2W + 2SB), flow per Pump
208.33 lps
Head required 14.00 m
HP required for pump 78.00 hp

7 Aeration tank
No of Tanks 2
Flow - completely mixed
Q- per tank 15000.00 cum/day
BOD 28.35 mg/Lt
MLSS 2500.00
Type Aeration - Diffuser type fine bubble
Blowers - 2.00 ( 1W+1SB)
F/M assumed 0.12
Volume of the tank 1417.50 Cum volume of tank as per 13.6 page 226
Add additional volume of 25% for sludge recycle 354.38 Cum
Total volume of tank 1771.88 Cum
Hydraulic Detention Time 0.14 day

Depth of the tank 4.00 m

Area of the Tank 442.97 Sq.m

Area for each tank 442.97 Sq.m

Assumed Breadth to Length Ratio 1.00
width of the tank 21.1 m
Length of tank 21.0 m
Provide the Dimension of Aeration tank as 21 m x 21.1 m x 4 m SWD + 0.5 m Freeboard

8 Blower capacity
BoD load 425.25 kg/day
17.72 kg/hr
Oxygen Required for 1 kg BOD removal 2.00 kg
Theoretical Oxygen 35.44 kg/hr
Actual requirement of air 1674.11 cum/hr

Total Air Requirement 26972.00 Cum/hr

fine bubble diffuser assumed to inject oxygen of 10.00 cum/hr

Provide Membrance diffuser for aeration tank 2697 No.

Provide 2 Blowers of capacity at 0.45 ksc (1W+ 1 SB) 26972.00 cum/hr for each tank

Sludge Volume Index assumed 100.00 Page 235-SVI 80 to 150

Sludge Recirculation Qr/Q=Xt/((10^6/SVI)-Xt) 0.33 table 13.1 page 235 or taking SVI 100
Volumetric loading rate 0.24 kg/cum
Xt V = 3543750.00
ay Q (Yo – Ye) qc/(1 + ke qc) 125250.00 equation 13.7 page 227
Hydraulic Mean Cell Residence Time -40.56 days

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Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process

Capacity: Average Flow 30 MLD
Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated.
S No Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference

Assumed Reduction in the Aeration Tank 95.00 %

Outlet BOD from the Aeration tank 1.42 mg/L

9 Secondary clarifier
No. of Tanks 2
Average Flow in each tank 15000.00 cum/day
Table 12.1, but it is 8-15 for average flow and 25-35 for
SOR 25.00 Cum/Sqm/day peak flow for extended aeration

table 12.1, it is 3.5-4.5 m for extended aeration, although

SWD 2.00 m para give depth 2 m in vertical flow tanks
Solid conc. In settled sludge -% 0.8 to 0.9 %
Withdrawal frequency - continuous
Area Required for the Tank 600.00 Sq.m
Diametre Required for Secondary Settling Tank 27.64 m
Assumed Detention Period 3.10 hrs 1.5-2 hrs as per table 12.1
1937.50 Cum
Depth of the Clarifier assumed 2.50 m
Area of the Clarifier 775.00 Sq.m
Provide Secondary Clarifier of Diametre 31.50 m OK.
Surface Loading Rate 19.35 Cum/Sq.m/day

Provide the Dimension of Secondary clarifier as 31.5 m diamtre x 2.5 m SWD + 0.5 m Freeboard

Assumed BOD reduction in Clarifier 20.00 %

Outlet BOD from Clarifier 1.13 mg/L

10 Return Activated Sludge /Excess sludge pumps

Type of Pumps - Centrifugal
No. of pumps 4 (2W+2SB)
Assumed return flow 50.00 %
Return sludge Pumps 7500.00 Cum/day
Operating hours 20.00
Capacity of pump required 375.00 Cum/hr
104.17 lps
Head required 8.00 m
Power requirement for the Pump 22.50 Hp

10 Treated Sewage Sump

Assumed Detention time 15.00 Minutes
Average Flow 30000.00 Cum/day
Volume of the tank 312.50 Cum
Provide a depth of tank as 4.00 m
Area of the Tank 78.13 Sq.m
Square tank Size 8.80 m
Provide the Dimension of Treated Sewage Sump as 8.8 m x 8.8 m x 4 m SWD + 0.3 m Freeboard

11 Pressure Sand Filter

Average Flow 30000.00 Cum/day
Filter Operating hours 20.00 hrs
Operating flow 1500.00 Cum/hr
Filter Loading rate 11.00 Cum/hr/Sq.m
Area of the Filter required 136.36 Sq.m
Diameter of the Filter Required 13.20 m
Provide the Dimension of Pressure Sand Filter as 13.2 m x Diametre with 1.8 m Shell height

12 Filter feed Pumps

Provide Filter feed pumps of capcity 1500.00 Cum/hr
15.00 head

Reduction in BOD Expected in Dual media filter 20.00 %

Exit BOD from the Dual media filter 0.91 mg/L

13 Disinfection through Chlorination

Bleaching powder Dozers, 1W+1SB 3500.00 litres/hour
or Vacuum Chlorinater 1 W+1 SB 1.00 Kg/hour
Chlorine Contact tank 15 minute detention 8.1*8.1*4 m*m*m

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Design of STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Design of Sewage Treatment Plant for Hapur Extended Aeration Process

Capacity: Average Flow 30 MLD
Guidance:Yellow cells are input information to be suitably filled. Green cells are to be reviewed and modified/updated.
S No Description of Parameter Value Unit Reference

14 Filter press for Sludge Disposal to handle sludge of 18000 kg/day

1714285.71 Cum/day
14285.71 Cum/hr

Population Equivalent 225000.00 Persons
area per person 0.03 Sq.m
Total Area required 5625.00 Sq.m 5120
Provide Sludge Drying Beds of Size 16 m x 16 m x 1.8 M TD - 20 No.

Pipe Sizes (Diameter in mm)

Gravity Lines
Sludge line 160.00 mm
Sewage line 125.00 mm

15 Pump House
Size of the Pump House 100.00 Sq.m

Hydraulic Calculations

Average Ground Level 210.00 m

Inlet Chamber
Water Level in the Inlet Chamber be 212.00 m
Liquid Depth Provided in the Inlet Chamber 0.60 m
Bed Level of Inlet Chamber 211.40 m
Bar Screen Chamber
Water Level in the Bar Screen Chamber be 211.35 m
Bed Level of U/s of Bar Screen Chamber 211.05 m
Bed Level of D/s of Bar Screen Chamber 210.81 m
Grit Chamber
Water Level in the Grit Chamber be 210.71 m
Bottom Level of Grit Chamber 209.21 m
Silt Depoition Hopper bottom level 208.91 m
Equalization Tank
Water Level in the Equalization tank 210.21 m
Bed Level of Equalization tank 207.71 m
Aeration Tank
Water Level in the Aeration Tank 209.81 m
Bed Level of Aeration Tank 205.81 m
Secondary Clarifier
Water Level in the Secondary Clarifier 209.41 m
Bottom Level of secondary Clarifier 206.91 m
Treated Sewage Sump
Water Level in the Sump 208.41 m
Bed Level of Treated Sewage Sump 204.31 m
Wall Top Level of Treated Sewage Sump 210.50 m
Pump House
Size of the Pump House 100 Sq.m
Finished Floor Level of the Pump House above Treated Sewage
Sump 210.65 m
Roof Bottom Level of Pump house 214.00 m

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Sl. No. Description Unit Value
Design of Screening
1 Maimum Flow MLD 30.00
m3/day 30000.00
m3/s 0.35
2 Shape of bars - MS bars
3 Bar Size mmxmm 10x50
mm 10.00
mm 50.00
4 Clear spacing mm 30.00
5 Velocity of flow m/s 0.80
6 Net submerged area of screen opening m2 0.43
7 Gross certical area required m2 0.38
8 Depth of a channel m 0.30
9 Width of a channel m 1.25
10 Velocity in screen chamber m/s 0.92
11 No. of bars required Nos. 31.31
Nos. 33.00
12 Actual width of screens m 1.32
13 Actual depth of sewage flow m 0.28
14 Free board for screen m 0.50
15 Total depth of screen m 0.78
16 Screen size mxm 1.32 x 0.8
Design of Grit Chamber
1 Specific gravity of particle to be removed Gs 2.65
2 Diameter of the particle mm 0.20
3 Gravitational acceleration m/s2 9.81
4 Darcy friction factor f 0.03
5 Beta constant - 0.04
- 0.06
6 Cricitcal horizontal velocity m/s 0.23
7 Keep cricitical horizontal velocity m/s 0.20
8 Detention time in chamber s 60.00
9 Length of grit chamber m 12.00
10 Volume of grit chamber m3 20.83
11 Cross section area of flow m2 1.74
12 Width of grit chamber m 3.00
13 Depth of grit chamber m 0.58
14 Grit generation (assumed) m3 0.05
15 Grit storage time hrs 8.00
16 Storage volume required m3 0.50
17 Grit storage depth m 0.29
18 Free board for grit storage m 0.50
19 Total depth of grit chamber m 1.37
m 1.50
20 Size of grit chamber m x m x m 12 x 3 x 1.5
Design of Skimming Tank
1 Detention time in tank required mins 4.00
2 3000.00
Compress air required lits
4 Minimum rising velocity of greasy material m/min 0.25
4 Surface area m2 746.40
5 Side of tank m 27.00
6 Actual area of tank m2 729.00
Primary sedimentation tank
1 Type of tank provided - Continous flow
2 Detention time hrs 2.00
3 Sewage volume treated in detention time m3 2500.00
4 Velocity through tank m/min 0.30
5 Length of the tank m 36.00
6 Cross section area of tank m2 69.44
7 Water depth in the tank m 5.50
8 Width of the tank m 12.63
m 13.00
9 Free board over the tank m 0.50
10 The overall depth of tank m 6.00
11 Tank size mxmxm 36 x 13 x 6
Design of Aeration tank
1 Total BOD enetering STP mg/L 189.00
2 BOD removed in screen and grit mg/L 0.00
3 BOD of sewage aeration tank mg/L 189.00
4 BOD to be left in effluent exiting STP mg/L 25.00
5 BOD to be removed in activated plant mg/L 164.00
6 Minimum efficiency reqd. in the activated plant % 86.77
7 Mixed liqour suspended solids (MLSS) mg/L 2500.00
8 F/M Ratio - 0.30
9 Volume of aeration tank m3 7560.00
m3 7500.00
10 Depth of an aeration tank m 5.00
11 Width of the tank m 20.00
12 Length of the tank m 75.00
13 No. of tanks to be considered Nos. 2.00
13 Length of each tank m 37.50
14 Selected length of each tank m 37.00
14 Volumetric loading check - 0.76
15 SVI assumed ml/gm 100.00
16 Return sludge ratio - 0.33
17 Factors reqd. for sludge retention time calc
ay - 1.00
Ke - 0.06
Yo mg/L 189.00
Ye mg/L 25.00
Xt mg/L 2500.00
V m3 7500.00
Q m3/day 30000.00
18 V * Xt - 18750000.00
18 Sludge retention time days 5.00
19 V*Xt - 18923076.92
If logic 5.00
20 Free board on tank m 0.50
21 Total depth of tank m 5.50
20 Aeration tank size mxmxm 37x20x5.5
Aerator sizing
1 BOD applied to tank mg/L 189.00
2 Flow in tank m3/day 30000.00
3 BOD to be removed in tank kg/day 5670.00
kg/hr 236.25
4 Peak oxygen demand % 125.00
5 Oxygen transfer capacity of the aerator in kg/kWh 1.90
standard condition
kg/HP/hr 1.41
6 Oxygen transfer capacity of the aerator in field kg/HP/hr 0.98
7 Oxygen to be applied in tank kg 295.31
8 HP of aerator required HP 300.05
9 No. of generator considered Nos. 10.00
10 HP of each generator HP 30.01
Design of Secondary clarifier
1 No. of secodary clarifier (settling tank) No. 1.00
2 Flow in clarifier m3/day 30000.00
3 Recirculated flow % 50.00
m3/day 15000.00
4 Total inflow to clarifier m3/day 45000.00
5 Hydraulic retention time hrs 2.00
6 Volume of tank m3 3750.00
7 Liquid depth m 5.00
8 Tank area m2 750.00
9 Surface loading rate of flow m3/m2/hr 30.00
10 Surface area to be provided m2 1000.00
11 Taking area whiever is higher m2 1000.00
12 Dia of circular tank m 35.68
13 Total solid inflow kg/day 112500.00
14 kg/day/m2 112.50
Solid loading
15 Freeboard on clarifier m 0.50
20 Clarifier size m xm 35 x 5.5
Design of Sludge Digestion Tank
1 Flow in tank m3/day 30000.00
2 Total suspended solids mg/L 428.00
3 Mass of suspended solids per day kg/day 12840.00
4 Solids removed in primary settling tank % 65.00
5 Solids removed in primary settling tank kg/day 8346.00
Moisture content in fresh sludge % 95.00
6 5 kg of solids is equal to wet sludge kg 100.00
7 Total wet sludge removed kg/day 166920.00
8 specific gravity of wet sludge - 1.02
9 wet sludge volume m3/day 164.45
10 Moisture content in wet sludge % 75.00
11 Volume of digested sludge m3/day 32.89
12 Digestion period days 30.00
13 Capacity of digestion tank m3 2289.19
14 Cylindrical digestion tank depth m 6.00
15 Cross sectional area of tank m2 381.53
16 Dia of circular tank m 22.04
17 Sludge digestion tank size mxm 22 x 6
Estimation of gas produced
1 Total suspended solids mg/L 428.00
2 Suspended solids removed in primary % 60.00
mg/L 256.80
3 Volatile solids in suspended solids % 70.00
mg/L 179.76
4 Volatile matter reduction in sludge digestion % 65.00
mg/L 116.84
5 Volatile matter reduction in sewage m3 3505.32
6 Gas produced per kg of volatime matter m3 0.90
7 Total gas produced m3 3154.79
8 Methane contains in gas % 65.00
9 Carbon dioxide contains in gas % 30.00
10 Methane produced m3 2050.61
11 Carbon dioxide produced m3 946.44
12 Calorific value of gas KJ/m3 36000.00
13 Fuel energy MkJ 73.82
14 Boiler efficiency % 80.00
15 Boiler energy MkJ 59.06
16 Boiler energy in calories MKCa 14.33
Raw Sewage Pumps
1 No. of pumps - 2 (2W+1SB)
2 Type of Pumps - Submersible/Horizontal
3 Average flow m3/day 30000.00
4 Number of working hours hrs 20
5 Flow Capacity of Pump required m3/hr 1500.00
6 Proposed pumps 3numbers (2W + 1SB), m3/hr 750.00
flow per Pump
7 lps 208.33
8 Head required m 14.00
9 HP required for pump HP 78.00


10mm facing the flow

6-40mm for medium screens

Screen inclined 60

which is greater than 0.42 m/s self cleansing velocity with 30mm spacing



For sand

for gritty matter

for unigranular sand
for non uniform sticky material
Range 0.17 to 0.26
To prevent scouring
Range 40-60s


per 1000 m3 of sewage


3 to 5

300 to 6000 m3 million litres

material to be removed

square tank
ntinous flow
1 to 2 hrs

low velocity

effective depth of tank


only inorganic solids removed

85 to 92%
1500 to 3000 mg/L
0.3 to 0.4


0.4 to 0.7
50 to 150
0.25 to 0.5

per day for mu sewage

5 to 8 days



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