Sibre Data Sheet Shi 103

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SHI 103 S3-08

Calliper Brake SHI 103 M 1501 101 01 E-EN-2017-01
Calliper Brake SHI 103 M 1501 101 01 E-EN-2017-01
M 1501 101 01 E-EN-2017-01

optional: proximity switch ″brake open / closed″ optional: proximity switch ″lining wear″
optional: proximity switch ″brake open / closed″ optional: proximity switch ″lining wear″

hydraulic connection M16x1.5

hydraulic connection M16x1.5

bleeding manual release device is optionally available

bleeding manual release device is optionally available
SHI-Typemanual release device is optionally available 103
SHI-Type 103
Clamping Force FA
Clamping Force FA 103
FA with airgap c = 1 mm kN 55,4
FA with airgap c = 1 mm Clamping ForcekN FA 55,4
FA with airgap c = 2 mm kN 52,2
FA with airgap FA with c =airgap
2 mm c = 1 mm kNkN 55,4 52,2
bleeding FA withFairgap c = 3c mm kN 48,8
bleeding FA with airgap with
c =airgap
3 mm= 2 mm kNkN 52,2 48,8

FA with airgap cTorque

= 3 mm Calculation
kN 48,8
Torque Calculation
MBr braking torque Torque Calculation Nm 2 x FA x µ x (d/2-60)
MBr braking torque Nm 2 x FA x µ x (d/2-60)
MBr braking torque Hydraulic Nm 2 x FA x µ x (d/2-60)
PL release pressure Hydraulicbar 60
PL release pressure bar 60
PL release pressure bar 60
Pmax max. pressure bar 110
Pmax max. pressure
Pmax max. pressure bar bar 110 110
Vmax volume at c= 2,0 mm ltr 0,046
Mounting Studs Vmax volume Vmax
at c= 2,0atmm
volume c= 2,0 mm ltrltr 0,0460,046
Mounting Studs Brake Discs
Mounting Studs BrakeDiscs
Brake Discs
n quantity 3
n quantity 3 b discbthickness
disc thickness mm mm ≥ 20 ≥ 20
n quantity size, grade 3 b
M30, 8.8 disc thickness mm ≥ 20
size, grade M fastening torque M30, 8.8 d disc-Ød disc-Ø mm mm ≥ 650 ≥ 650
size, grade A M30,Nm 8.8 1450 at µ=0,14
d disc-Ø mm ≥ 650
MA fastening torque Nm 1450 at µ=0,14 d1 max.d1hub orhub
max. drum-Ø
or drum-Ø mm mm d-280mm d-280mm
MA fastening torque Nm 1450 at µ=0,14
Linings d1 max. hub or drum-Ø mm d-280mm
Linings Dimensions
Linings Dimensions
material sinter L x B x H = 253 x (612+b) x 310 mm
material sinter L x B x H = 253 x (612+b) x 310 mm
material sinter
friction coefficient* 0,4 L x B x H = 253 x (612+b)
weight: 130 kgs x 310 mm
friction coefficient* 0,4 weight: 130 kgs
friction coefficient* 0,4 weight: 130 kgs
*average friction coefficient
*average with standard
friction coefficient material
with standard combination
material combination and a and a circumferential
circumferential speed up to 15 speed
m/s up to 15 m/s
*average friction coefficient with standard material combination and a circumferential speed up to 15 m/s
Alterations reserved – SIBRE Siegerland-Bremsen GmbH – Auf der Stücke 1-5 – D-35708 Haiger, Germany
Tel.: +49 2773 94000 – Fax: +49 2773 9400-10 – e-mail: –

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