Freud, Piaget and Pavlov
Freud, Piaget and Pavlov
Freud, Piaget and Pavlov
28th April 2021
Today’s Discussion
Part I: Psychoanalysis
Part II: Piaget’s Cognitive Development
Part III: Behavioural Psychology
Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud
Conscious Mind:
The ideas, thoughts and images that we
are aware of at any moment of our mental life
Subconscious Mind:
Lies just beneath the conscious layer –
which can be easily brought to the level of
consciousness at a moment’s notice
Unconscious Mind:
Hidden and usually inaccessible to the conscious
Structure of the Psyche: Id, Ego and Superego
1) Cognitive Domain
Knowledge of the learner
2) Affective Domain
Emotional aspect of the learner
3) Psychomotor Domain
Physical activities/ abilities of the learner
Piaget’s Cognitive Psychology
• Understanding of symbols
• The learning of the language
• Understanding of Symbolic representations or images
i. Pre-conceptual phase: (App. 2 to 4 years)
• Mismatch (or generalization) of names, persons, objects, animals etc.
• Thinking is too imaginative and far removed from reality
• Inability to distinguish between living and non-living objects
• Egocentric nature (cannot understand that there is another perspective) - cannot
understand that there exist different modes of thinking
Pre-operational Stage (about 2 to 7 years)
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - Food
Unconditioned Response (UCR) - Saliva
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) - Bell
Conditioned Response (CR) - Saliva
Classical Conditioning: Educational Implications