Name:Neha Kumari Class:XII-D Subject:English Ail:Report Writing

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Name:Neha kumari

Ail:Report writing
Wha i Repo Writin ?
Repo Writin – A repo i wri e accoun of somethin
tha on ha o serve , hear , don , o investigate . I i
s stemati an wel -organize presentatio of fact an
findin of a even tha ha alread take plac somewher .

Repo t ar use a for of wri e assessmen t fin ou

wha yo hav learne fro you readin , researc , o
experienc an t giv yo th experienc of a impo tan skil
tha i widel use i th workplac .
Marking scheme
Repor Writin Forma 01 mar
Conten 02 mark
pressio 02 mark
Tota 05 mark

A wel -writte repor mus p ses th followin trait :

1.Adherenc t th specification of repor brief;
2.Analysi of relevan informatio ;
structurin materia i logica an coheren order;
3.presentatio i consisten manner accordin t th instruction of th repor
makin appropriat conclusion tha ar supporte b th evidenc an analysi of
th repor ;
Heading– A descriptive title that is expressive of the contents of the report.
By line- Name of the person writing the report. It is generally given in the
question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your personal details
in your answer.
The opening paragraph (introduction) – It may include the ‘5 Ws’ namely,
WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE along with WHO was invited as the chief
The account of the event in detail- The proper sequence of events that
occurred along with their description. It is the main paragraph and can be
split into two short paragraphs if required.
Conclusion– This will include a description of how the event ended. It may
include quote excerpts from the Chief Guest’s speech or how did the event
wind up
Sam Qu s o
Q1. MMD School, Nashik, recently organized a science symposium on the topic: ‘Effect of
pollution on quality of life’. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, editor of the school magazine.
Write a report on the event for your school magazine. (120 – 150 words)
Report on Science Symposium held at MMD School, Nashik
-By Amit/ Amita Raazdan, Editor of the school magazine
A symposium was organized on 1 January 2021 in the school on the topic “Effect of Pollution on Quality of Life”.
All the science students were a part of the elucidative program.
The event started with the felicitation of the guest speakers. Thereafter, the participants were espoused by Sh.
Suraj Prakash. He acquainted them with the objectives and goals of the workshop. The resource person Dr. Hari
Om Gupta reflected his profound knowledge on the topic and highlighted how important it is to curb the menace
of pollution.
An exalting demonstration of the effects of pollution on our lives galvanized the engrossed participants. After the
lunch break Dr. K.K. Arora, Resource Person, exhibited the possible steps that can be undertaken at the
personal level to reduce pollution. It was followed by another session on the basic concept behind pollution
reduction which triggered the young minds into thinking innovative ways.
An interactive concourse ignited the inquisitiveness of participants. They have committed themselves completely
to bring about a change in the situation. The informative workshop culminated with a vote of thanks proposed by
the head of the science department.

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