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g x gram gaging (Sl!) d o (do d t) day. m(it d p ho(lc

G g (dan vi gin Idc bhng gin IOC Irpng i(rc 11l'(J'ng v(1f chat qua br(J'ng h,rc x (J no lu1 p
chuan 9,80665 mel Iren gidy binh phll'ang, 111/.1; day lit cong dung thong thua ng nht'll
con gpt III fors, gray ); G, x gigH - clia cdc dong vi phong X{l Irong cong
Ga x galium ng hifP, con gpi La ga uging)
GADA x y - aminobutyric acid gaging machine m ay d o
Gabriel's syDthesis Sl)' long hO'p Gahricl gahnite ga nit, ZnAI 20 4 (kltoang v(il spinel
(Sl.r long h(J'p cae nmin b<k nhlft brtng tllliy thlrang xan h sam nhlrng doi khi miiu
phan cdc N-nlkylptalimit von dll'qc dfell wlng, xam ho(1c den , dura kem va nh6m
clti! Iii' kat; plnUmil va nlkyl hnlogenlla) axil, con gt;>i Iii zinc Spinel)
gadoleic acid ax il gado leic, CloH3802 gaine VO, t)30; h(lp, khung
(axlt beo dan xunl lir dall gan ca m yel , gal gal (dan vi gin fOC Irong h e
nang chdy a
200C) xentlmt.;l-gam-giiiy, hang 1 xenfimel (r en
gadolinia gmlo !ini trioxit, Gd 2 0 3 giay binh phuO'ng. I11Ir&nK dling trong do
gadolinite gadolinit, Be2FeY2Si2010 treic d in, IrIf(YC day gt;>' Ui galilco, ky hif u
(khonng VtJl (/(11 hiem mau den. pltat xanh Gal); ga la n, x gallon
d en 1t0000c mau nail, ry Ir(Jn g 4 - 4.5) Gal x gal
gadolinium gadolini, Gd (nguyen 10 dffl galactan ga lac tan (m¢l Iron g s6 cric
hie,n, nguy en Ilr ... 6 64. nguy in IIr ltr(J'ng poLysacarii cau Ihanh I(r cdc don vf
157,25. co Iii: ((nIL m(lnh, nhlfl lit rt nhif( gnlndoza. con g9' Lil g.,'l lactosan)
d (> Ihap) galactaric acid ax il gala(;taric,x mucic acid
gadolinium oxide gadollni(III) oxit , galactogen galactogen (poLy .mcara, Irong
Gd 2 0 3 oc sen. von 1(10 ra galntozn klti thtiy phlin)
gage d1,lng ct,J do; CO', kleu; dlr6'ng, callp; kho galactoglucomannan galactoglucomanan
dlrCmg ray /I III do (m 9 1 chat Ir ong nhom polysacarif von In.
gage cock khoa do nU'&c (vnn 0- CQI mrac nh(rng thlmh ph'iin 101' clia go co qua f}u5ng .
cl;n Inng no' hO'I) Ian Irong kiCm va c hl~a cdc dun vi

gaged da: do D-gLu.copyranoza va D-manopyranoza)

gageite gageit , (Mn,Mg,Zn)eSi30t42H20 galactokinase galaclokinaza (enzym Xllc

(ho~c 3H 2 0) (khoang v(jt ch~rn silica/
lfic pll(Jn Irng D-Kalacloza vai
ng(bn mrcrc Clin manKnn. mngie va kifm) adeno...inelriplwsp hat de cho D-galactoza-1-
phosphat va adenosinediphosphal)
ga l ac t o lip i d 404
ga l acto l i pid galacto llpit, x cerebroside 7, 5, x ud l hi~n a cdc lillll Ih e i (Jp phlra ng
ga l acto m a nn a n ga laclOm a na n (m<>,
ell tf l va ttfm m (ll . d(U1g k llo i h o(1c h {l l, con g{Ji
tr on g nllo m polysacarit. d ur a cae dan l'! Itt b lue lead , lead glance)
D -g nlncl oz a va D-mnnoza. t nn Iro ng mra c ga le nite gale n, q u1:\n g PbS
vi) 1(10 rn cae dung d l ell r n t n lra l . eh l ~ng iii ga le n o bi s mut it e ga len o bismu lit , P bBi 2 S"
nlu.ra k eo fhl.re v(l/ 10 11 /{It ni ll f carbohyd r ar (kh oring v(it mall x tim chi h o{lc trang [hie c.
dl.r Irir' (r ong 110 1 nlul cli n ctic h (l l d (iu ) Iy tr {Jng 6, 9, d ura bislnlll sil l! Iln )
ga lacto m e t e r sfra kc ga lip o l ga li po l, C 15 H 2S O (li n h th e rll'Q'1i
L - ga l ac t o m e lh y l ose L-galactnm e ty loza , x lerp en kh ong m all, ddn x lllI l I tr tiall Clln
L-fu co se m Ol 10'.li va cn)'. n ong ch ay c:Y B9°C)
ga l acto ni c aci d ax il galacto nic , Ce H' 20 7 ga ll m~ l ; h:')t thuQc da ; m l,in , nOl (0- d a) ; m~t
(a:cit m o n obnzO' d a n x uat , r'r g nl nct oz a, r6 (clia kim I()(;II)
X /Ul t h i f n d lr a i ba d (ln g klr ae nh au VI? ga ll a c etophe n o n e ga I a x e t o ph e n on ,
quan g va n ong ch dy a
97° C, con g o ; hi C aHaO", (bQl k e l lin ll m illl Iri1ng l a i ph a l
pcnl ahydroxy hcxoic aCid) n nll xtim , tnn I r o ng mrOc. con va et e. n ong
ga l actosa m i n e ga lac t osa min , C e 1-1,,, 0 5 N ('h d)' £"Y / 730 C', dilng nlllr Ih"ac sal ITI~ ng)
(ch a l d a n X IUI I fl.l:iI am i n k e f tinll c/;n g a ll ate g a l a t , ( 0 H )3CSl-l2 COC>H. ;Cs 1-1 3 -
galnc l oza. l i m th il)' a eric /n ang [e bao vi (OM ),
khunn) ga ll e in ga lein , C 20 H 10 0 7 (bOt n au lt o(iC' vay
gu l a c t osa n galncto sn n, x galact.m mall xnn h . V(in r n khl nllng n ong . dl'i.n g
ga l a c to se ga lac t oza, Ce H'20e ( m Ol i O(l l nhtr ch a l c h i I hl pH fr a n g ph ii n t i c h
m on o sacaril xlllf/ hif n q eric d (Utg cd quay p h osphat Ir an g I1fr6-c lieu ya nlHr c h if t
Iral lli n q uo)' pluil nhlr m Ol Ihitnh p hon trung g ian tr ang sUn XU fr, rltUDe nhu(jm ,
Clin cae oligosacarit (Inc l oz a v a r a!inoza) con gpi la anthra c en e · v i o le t , ga tlin ,
w} p alysaearit (ag a va p ectin ) Ih(rc v<11 v(} py rogallolphlha lein)
d(mg v<'t, con KPi M cer ebrose) ga ll e r y furn ace 10 bang
galacto s id ase ga la ctosidaz a ( en zy m t lu i), ga lli c It (thu6c ) ga li; (thu(,,)c) gali (III ); (lhuOc)
ph fin gnlnctOsit) axil galic
ga l ac t os id e ga laClosit (g iy c nsil thilnh
' (10 ga ll ic aci d a xil ga lic, C 7 1-lS 0s (c/t at k e l
nh u phdn. Irng cl;a gal ac l o za va i rll"(Yll. k hi tinlt It i nlt kim Ii., c ri c dun g (l i c it e li ll
thl iy ph /in ch o g alac /() za ) metano l m yel d o i h o (fc clo r of.o m . /t oo Ian
ga la c tur o ni c aci d axil ga lac luron lc (adl trong mrac, con . et e va g lyx er oi. dr'uz g de
m o n o baza Iii' oxy h o n nh o m rtr (Y Il b(i c san XuOl ch a l ch 6 ng oxy h OO va m (rc m att
nh a t c li a D-g lliac l oz a Ihanh c ar b?xyl. vii Irong Ch {lP dnh )
ph lin bO r ¢n g r iU nlur Ihil:nh phlin. Clia eric ga lli c h y dr ox ide gal i ( Ill ) h ydr ox it ,
p ectin vt'l nhieu gom va nl".ra k en ,hv'c v{1l) Ga(O H )3
ga lax il e galrod i, Mn A I2 0 " (kh oong v(i t day ga ll ic ox i de ga li (111) e x it, C'J8 2 0 3
spinel m a ll d en cl" i·1I m all gan vt'l 11116m ga llin g~l li n , x gCl lleln
ax il)
ga llium gtl li G u (n g uye n 10 h o n hp c,
g a le na gBlen, PhS (kllOting v(i t m nll pilat I cy ng uye n u 'r .~ii 3 / . nguyen Iti- itr(J'n g 69,72;
x am ta t xum chi co anh kim 10(1;, rY Ir pn g I ii k im 10(# m au [r a n K b(lc, n o ng ch dy ()-
405 galvanized

29, 7 0 C, sOl G 1983 0 C ) gallous II (Ihu('>c) gaU (II )

gallium arsenide gaU arsenua , Ga As (ch at gallous compound hQ'p c hilt getli (11 )
k e t IfnI!, n ong chdy q 1238 0 C, nflii n g h(yp gallous oxide gall ( II) ~xit , GaO
kim' ella chilt n ay Ihw:'Tng dlrt;TC /(10 Ihiznh gallstone sOi m{u (11(11 1(10 ra c7 ItU m (it l/OiJc
val g all phosphua h o(lc indi arsemla) o ng m ~t va chlro canxi, cllO/c,w erol " O(lc
gallium arsenide laser laze gall arscnua bilirubin, h O('fc to hQ'p nht'rn g chff l eto)
(lm e phdt ra anh sang vuong g6c va ; lap galmel galmel, x hemlm orphite
chuyen liep u gal; arsenua, U buC/c s6ng galmey ca lam in (qu~ng k ern ax it )
900q A, co the dU'(J'C di'e u bil n IrI.r c liep galvanic battery b¢ pin (gom nlltell pill
G ,lin siS vi ba, clin lam l(l11h slill)
dit n)
gallium arsenide semiconductor ba n galvanic cell pin dlen (p in difn phlin co
dAn gall arsenua (ch d ! bOn d a n co kht! vlmg klli l n a nK f(JO ra ltien n ang b(tng (de dlpl/-:
ciim 1,4 eV va nhif t d(j /dm vlie CI,! C d (li d ir n Iroo)
4000 C khl dung frong tranz i/o)
galvanic corrosion SI! :in m on d ien h6a
gallium halide gall halogcnua (h (yp chat · (Stl a n man diQn IrOO g d n lien \ '(7i dong
hinh lhanh nlra lien k e l gaU va l h o(1c c/o. dir n tr o ng pin tliftl , d o cdc k im 1001i k lr dc
brOln, lot, fl o, h o(lc as/min ) nlrau Iro ng clU11 dien p hon gay 1'0 vi ·'W ·
gallium phosphide ga U phos phua , Ga P chenh Irclt d i en tile (sIr e di4n d QI1K) Clio
(Ifnh the Irong SUOI, do phm.p11o phrin trn ~ cont m;1 c() rrC~ lon )
h ai kim l ()(1i , con -.gf}/ Iii
vO'l gall subaxll q nhi~1 d l) Ihap ) galvani c coupl~ ctlP t ~o di '; n (q l p ch tft
gallium phosphide semionductor ban khdc nllau. tl l lIl' cdc kim 1000i kli ne n hatt.
d An gall phosphu3 (chd, bdn dan co kil t! t(lO ra dir t! tip k lli liep X llc val clUlt d jfn
vung cdm 2, 4 e V va nhif l d Q l lim virc qrc plldn )
d~' 8 70 a e klli dt'ulg u tran z ito) galvanic current d o n g ct lc; n m Ol c hi c u,
gallium potassium alum phen ga ll kali , d o ng ga lv ani c (d o n g dien m (n ("" {e ll on
gall (III) • kall sulfa! , K Ga (SO. ) • . 12H.O d ;nh )
gallium potassium sulfate gali (III) - kali galvanic deposit SII ke l l Ua di(:n
sulfa!, KGa(SO.),.I2H. O / galvanic element pin di¢n
gallocyaoioe ga loxy a nln , C'!lH13 C1N20!5 galvanic pile pin d i ~ n
(linh tire m tiu x anh, tan tro ng con, axi( galvanic polarization Sl,Y philn c l,yc di{!n
ax e t/ c blJn g . ki'im c a c bonat va ax it
galvanic series day dien, day ga lv anic (SI,I'
cJ o hydrlc dQ.m d~ c, dung nhzr thli OC
p luln cop IIrung d ol cli n cric kim /o(1i .w1p
nhU{5m va thuv e th,,, dlnh ph/tn chi ) Jl....ep then Ireit H,1' til' magie (k i m hiifm nlui'1)
gallodesoxycholic acid axIL a dtlu an OI bi an m im lui p lal in (h i ifm
gak>desoxycolic, x chenodc:ax:ycho lc acid nhd O q dau ealo l du{Yc bdo \Ie)
gaJlogeo "galo gen , x ella gic acid galvanization sV' m ~ dien; St! trang k ern
gallon galon(JeY hlf " gal, Anh : g al = 4,546 galvanize m<,t d len; trang kern (k e t Ilia k em
I; My : gal = 3, 785 I} tr i n be m(ft .\'(1t h o(lc fh i p nllif c d c qud
gallotannic acid axil galota nic , x tannic trinh nilling n on g , frang h o(fc d o; klr i mlJ
acid dlf n )
gallotanoln ga lata nin, x tannic acid galvanized (d a) m~ di ~ n ; (da) trang kem
galvanized 406
galvanized iron ~ t lay gitra 910 va J.lOOOC)
galvanizer m ay ~ diCn gamma oxidation Sl,f oxy haa garna
galvanizing (SI/) m <;i dien; (Sl,T) trang ke rn gamma p os ition v i tTl garna
galvanochemistry dle n h 6a hOC gamma rays tia gama (photon n dng ltt'(Tng
galvanograph may ghl dOng dien cao, d(fc biel kht dlrqc p Itd l ra bai h (ll
galvanography phep !l~i dong dien nhlin Irong Sl.t' chuyen gi(ra hai mfj-c ndng
Luq ng)
galvanoluminescence Sl! pha t quang do
dlc$n (Sl.t' phdJ anh sang co Ihe xdy r a khi gamma substitution 51! the 0- vi tTl garna
cdc dl f n cl.t'c clia m Qt so kim l O(li nhlr gamma transition Sl! c huy~n h 6a thuy
nhom ho{fc taman dU'(Tc nhlmg VaG ch al tinh, x g lass transitio n
dii n phtin Ihich h(Tp va dong difn c}'(lY gammil gamil (d an vi n ong d Q bttng n o ng
gilra cl uing) d ¢ J m g ch ltt fWI Irong J l clung mOi ,con
galva n o lys is s~r dli~n pMn Id mlcrll, microga mmil»

galvanometer d ien Ic e (dl.mg q l chi baa ganglioside gangllos it (mO l c h a l Ir ong

ho(fc d o d ong diin nhd nh& chuyen d{jng nh o m gly cosphingolipit co
a miing m(fl
cO' do cdc ll.t'c dlfn t(t' h o(fc dif n d (mg m il n u r on valri Idch , ehting clur a cl ult clan
dong difn 1(10 raJ XlU11 axil beo N-axyl clia sphingo!iin l lin

galvanometry phep do dong di¢n kel vo; m Ol carbohy dra l (g lucoz a h o(Tc

galvanoplasty SV' duc d len gnlneloza), clu ing citn g clura N -axel y l -
glllcosamin IlOifc N -axetylgalacl osmnin va
galvanoscope dien nghl¢m
axil N -axetyinellraminic)
galvanotropism ti nh htr&ng dl~n
ganomalite t;a nnmallt . ( Ca2 )Pb3Si3011
chfft ella sinh v(2t ddp /(li klch Ihich dien)
(kh oang v(i l silicat chi vu i cmu: i khang
gam a gama (dall vi khoi IU(Tng = 10- 6
mau l a i m/Ill xam kel Ilnll & h ? IIr gide)
gam); vi tri gama (vi Ir1 c ua nguy en Ilr
ganophyllite ganop h y l i t , (Na , K ) -
eacbon Ih,j- ba u
m (lc h cacbon day beo
Irong h (Tp clull hoa h9C); gClmrna (dan vI
(Mn,Fc,AI). (Si, A 1).6, .(OH) • .2H 2 6
(kllOfinK vljl mall nail, klt tinh d(lng ltfng
Clf'c7n g d ¢ tir truc7ng bang 0.00001 aSlel);
tn,l hO<Jc d(lJ1g La cluj-a l11angon va nh om
do tU"O'ng phan (trin miin hinlr h o(fc anI!
silicaJ ng(un nuue)
gamma acid ax i l gama, C ,oHsNH2- gapped cuts dOl;1n cat (phon cal gitra hai
(OH)S03H (Iin h the mall Ir tln g, t an il diem .foi)
trong nuc7c. It) chat trung glan trong san garbage grease rna thai
X llal thU DC nhll ¢ m , con g pi l il garnet granal (len chung Clia nhom si/icat
2-a m l n o-B- n a pht h OI -6-su I f o ni c ac id , kh odng. (icIng Cl,r Irong k e t linll, ('d d'mg
7 -a m i n o- l-n a pht h o l-3- su l f o n Ic aci d , Ilurc chung A 3 1J 2 (SIO . )3 ' Irong d o A iii
2,5-naphthylamine sulfonic aCid , 3-sulfonic Fe 2 + , Mn 2 +, M g ho(1c C n vii 111(1 AI,
acid , 6-&ulfonic aCid) F c 3 +. e r 3 + ho (Jc Ti 3 + , dimg nlur dd qU)i
gamma ac tivation Sl,T hOiilt h6a tia gama V(l V(il li i u mal)

gammagraphy SI,f c h\lp anh t>a ng ria gama garnierite t;a Tni e rit , ( Ni,Mg )3Si20s-
gamma iron s..1. t gama (co call Inle m(ll1g (OH). (khoting \'(i l serp en tin m il ll /~I. C Ido
tinh th ? l(ip phtt'ang d1cn t iim, on djnh h o(fc xnnl1 nh(ll, d(Ylg d a n rd, ld do quy vii
407 gas

qlUJng "iken., con g(Ji Lli nepuit c noumcite) gas attack SI,f ~n mon khi
garronite garoni t , N a 2C:"'l5A It2Si20064' gas balance cflO khi (cnn d(ic billl dP crift
27H 2 0 (kfroiing v{11 zeo/it Ihu(jc nhom khi nll(lm x(ic clinh IY tr(JIlg)
phflipslt, k e f tinh frong /if Ill' gide) gas balloon bi nh cfm khi, binh do ty trl.,)ng
gas k hi (m (j/ pha clia v(it cllf" a do chll, khi
de dang n O- Tn de Idp cllty In (Ji binh cllti'n. gas bath wlch khi
d(lc trung b(y; IY rr (Jng (hlfp); dau x:ing, x gas battery b(J pin khi
gasoline II dl bl khi d Oc ga s bell chu6ng khf; bQt k h f (bpt kllr clo
gas-absorbent coal tha n hap thv khi pluin tr ng 1r6n hpc q !lin c(in nllli ftru ng ,
gas-absorber oil dau h5'p th l,l khi glly ra Sl.r ngiIn crich nllli ItrO'ng wn nen
gas absorption operation Sl,r' xu Iy ha p va 1(10 ra cric /6 nlla a (im ban rinh)
lhl:J khf (de Ihu hoi klli h im tan co ITnn g gus black mu()1 khl, mu c;11 th an (eric h (lI
Iron h{Tp k hi khfmg klui ngung .... ~r (/1/1 hoi cncron min hinh th rinh d o .n.r cluiy dura
nny no; chung d (ll d,r(J'c bt'"g ench clio Ilift ho(lc sl.r p lriin Iltiy nhifl n;n klri Ihiell
luang kill lie p X l lc vd'l chiff Iring I'fJn co "hi en, citing eli: gia CIl"t:TnK eric .w in pllllm
dt? 1100 ((In rieng Jux,k ch on I(JC dt); veri ('ao .\"11, nhlr lop xe, COli gpi Ir; carbon black,
ChIli klt{ h o a Ian can filii h Oi, hO(1c luing channel black)
chat hifp p l ll.l (v{dl,' zeolil (onK h(J'p "o{1c gas blankd lap khf
I~r nhien) chi /rlfp ph(l phan Ill' cd kicll
gas bum b hom h(Yi d ()c (hom g(iy (ai n(lll
lirlftYc wi it/nil d(JJ1g riing) clIO CO il ngu-ai 1'0 Irim n nhicm m(JI willg)
gas a dsorption SI! hap ph", khi (,nr {(II'
gas bottle bin h n.ra khl
trung kh{ dtral be m(il chilt rdn do 1I.rc 11111
gas burette hurct khi (hllrel cl<k bi~1 d i! do
giirn be m (l l va e(ie phfln I l l' kill)
ga s adsorption carbon than hap phl,l khi
gas burner den khi (iA hO(lc ct.on M qua
gas adsorption coal than da hap phI,! khi
tlo klli clui)' d l r{Tc ho([(" h(m ht/p khong
gas amplification dQ khuech d(li ion hoa k it! - k I d c/uiy dlr()·c duiy rn vel duiy)
(IY so di~n lfdt Ihlt th(ip cilrQ'c tren tli~n
gas b y~ products ~iln pham phl,l khi
I(cll girli ph6ng brYJ bien co ion 1r6n ball
gas carbon Ihan khi (ki t ILia Clip cacbon
clall Irong In(Jl ong d em h,rc X(l): s., khuech
hall nhu linll klti;t Irong binI! 1(10 klti
d {li kh i (sl.r f u n g df) nh(lY clia pin 'l"ang
cli¢n chli'a day khf)
gas ceJl pin khi (pin .'w · crJ"p Irong c/o m(if
gas analyse r tich khi (m(iy de
m ~y ph~n
ho(lc n/deu c/Ull phdn 1i'lIg f ro,!g m(u c/ufl
xdc din}, cdc Ih anh phon kllf WI ry I e Clio
kll'- )
gas cementation SI!. t oi khi tha n , sl! tham
gas analys i s SI! phan tich kh i (Sl.t' phlin
lich cdc I hnn" phlin hoc.1c crie ~inh cluff eli"
k hi tha n
elrlll kit! (lIo(1c ti nll klliet Ito(fc //(5n hQ'p), ga s chromatograph m{IY ~ic ky khi (dvng
co fhe do hQ'p pll nn bang SU' IIlfp phu hon '"I.' dl~ng li·o n g ph cfp .\"i1c ky klli tie phtil
h{Jc, 5 1.1' d Ol , pin di~n li o n, g i ffy c h i 1111, hitln nllli-ng h(1"p dllft de hay hO'/ co m(ft.
pili p sac ky, kll of pho kY._, c ric tin" drift con dting de xric di"h m (H .'50 I (nh duj", v(il
dlrQ'c phtin tic" bao g3m nhi¢f frl. phnn I>; nlur ctic he .w» pllnn 1>0 ho{Jc pillin c/r ia
II i" lIrQ'ng, IY lrpng va d(} nlUYI) va eric cltrn-l1g dilnK nhiljl hlfp phl.l vd nlur
gas 408
plllrpng phdp dllu eh t de
tach cdc Ihanh (de t deh Ira i lim kho; Luong kh i. gom eric
phlln Iinh khlet ho(1.c m QI so plriln dO(Vl fhtip do n{1p chdt !dm kho)
tr'r cdc h tm hVp pluTe 1(lfJ) gas density ty lrong khi; m~H d o khi (m (it ·
gas chromatography phep de ky khi (ky d (J khl hay kho i b.l'Cmg r Ung kh l Iii kha i
Ihu{ll ldeh cho pha khl d~ng qua c(jt chii'o 11l'(7ng m (Jt don vi th e t lch khf, con ty
pha hap ph{, co dinh, chu y eu dung nhll' tr9ng khl Ld m(it d6 khi so vu i m {lt d O
phll'cyng phap phdn li ch dinh /tru ng d d t nll'tYc linh khilt cY df1u kif ", tieu chllhn)
w i cdc h9'P chdt d e bay ho i) gas density recorder rrmy til ghi ty tro ng
gascity tr~ng thai khi khl
gas coal khf th an (khl chrra 1)1 If I an gas detector may do khf , m ay klem ktli
hydrocacbon dl bay hal) (dvng q1 chi bdo s~ co m(lt CULl kht fTJo
gas coke roc khi (c ae thu du-t;Tc trong sdn h o(1.c kh i chtty dtr{>'c ho(1.c khf d ¢c h(I1 kit &:
x ulfl kill (kh dc lIu i CDC 1(10 ro nhanh ch o trong rn o)
luy f n kim) gas dispersoid sol khi
gas collecting main m;;lng 6ng gop khi gas distributing system h~ tho ng cap khi
(Irong luyit1 kim ) gas distributor may pMn (Pho l) khi
gas collecting lu be 6 ng g6p khf gas duct 6 ng kh i, 6ng kh61 (trong LUYfn
gas collector may g6p khf kim)
gas compressor m ay nen khi (may lam gas electrode dien CI,tC khi (di f n ct.l'C elura
(ifng tip sud , khl hn(lc hO'I bdng cdch l d ng khi hll't7lJg be m(lt kh( lie phia dung d fch
tY Ir9 ng kill va cung cap chtft luu thi!ng al p x lk vd'i die" Cl.l'C)
dll'(rc su e e dn rua hf lii n tho n g ) gas enclosure s \l' hru tang khl; the bao khi
gas condensate Jiquid chat 16ng khi - gas engine do ng CO' kh i (/O{li d (m g cO' d Ol
phan ngU'ng (hydr ocacbo n nhu propan, trong (rang d6 nhten IUu klr i dll'9'c frQn
bUlan va
p enton thu dU(7c nhu phon va t kh 6ng khi)
ng ung kilt ni n h o{fc ldm l(lnh kh t thlin gas-engine oil dau 001 trO'n d.Qng cO' khi
nhien lim) gaseous cement cMit lai khi
gas conduct 6 ng d an khi gaseous diffusion SIl khuech Ian khf (SI.l'
gas constant h ~n g sO khf (hhng so tY It chuy en phdn tti' It.l' do do dp soot ella chat
xuat hif n Irong phuong irinh Ir(U1g IJuji khi qu a rno vi x op trong qud trinh 100
ella kllf Iy !luYng bhng tip SIUll khl nhan nhien lif U c6 the phdn h (J.Ch; S I./' khulcir
w:h the tich m ol coo n6 c hia cho nhii t d O uSn ho a tan ch o n l(Jc c lia chd f khl qua
c /~ a n 6, co n g9 i 10 gaS-law cOnStlanl , p ol.ym e kh6ng x op nh() hdp Iltv va h Oa
universal gas constant) tan kh l vdo the n en p o ly m e)
gas container blnh khi (trong ng nnh khi d6t ) gaseous enclosure sv- IlTU tang khi
gas cooler m ~y ta m I~nh khi gaseous exchange s~ trao dhi khi
gas cure Sl{ Iltu hOO khi (Irong ngdnh cong gaseous fluid mOi trlri'Tng Ithi
nghiep cao su) gaseous fuel nhien lieu kbi (kh f chtiy dll'9'c
gas cyanization SI,J' tal nitO', S\l' (ham nitO' co the dilly ,
trong LO ho(fc d(mg cO')
gas defence SIl phong khi dOc gaseous indu.sion Sl,t" IlfU ta ng khi; bao the
ga s dehydrator thlet bl tach ntrt1'c khat khi khi
409 ga s

ga s eou s ne s s Ir~ n g t hai k hi ddn d (mg cdc m dy m }n , ch ong clr6 ng va

g a s e o u s polymerizati o n !';I,I' tr u n g h o-p cdc may khdc)
!chi; 5.., polyme h 6a khi g a s holder bi n h khi (binll trrr khi c6 ctO(lJ1

g aseo us s tale tr~ n gkhit hai I r en IV' do I h ting d ung keo lin keo x (lo ng
gase o us steam hal m r&c qua n6ng d ll'9'C de £lIeu c h /n h I he tfcl! khi clllra ben
gas e o u s tension ap su a l k h l I r ong)

gas e volution burette buret khi ga s holder bell c hua ng khi

ga s explos ion SI/ no khi ( .'>f,r no el ia k ll i gas bolder grea s e rna bi nh khi
m d fr ang m d than. bl.t; t han k h 6n g co val g as holder lank thu ng chli'a kh i
Iro d ang k ~) ga s ifiabl e It !chi h 6a dU'O'c
gas explosion tube c ng no ga s ification Sl! !c hi hOO (qua I rinh hOO h (JC
gas factor h e sO k h i (fro ng cong nghiep I!o(ic nl! iel de bien d o; '" 91 ch a l lIuin h khf,
d 'lJu m d) than dtl'(;Yc b ie n doi nhu qud tr inlr Hygas
gas fa mily k hi dau rna t/ul nh n hien licit k lt i ; I rnng nglm h mn Iii
phlu7n g p h tip kh oi Ihdc t han d l d l IIr {J'nK
ga s field vu ng khi I hien nh ien (vi'mg , ydi
r~ng dual d{{t (/ ho<tc khang hi gian tiO(lJ1 ,
k i m va ctic via t l!an m d ng bdn g eaclt d Ol ,
titan t (li clio de 1(10 ro k lli ehay du'vc von
gom m (j t h o(Ic n hi'eu via khl co glo tr!
IhuO'ng m ol)
co ti,e d ,rvc dOl de . .'nh m.'1ng
I U9'ng h o(fc
d u r.;Yc xu Ly thim h eac
Iroo clr c11 wi nhien
gas fill e d th e rmomet e r n h il;t kc khi
liiu, con g(>' Iii unde rgrou nd gasification)
(nhifl kif d ilng ch a t k ll ( (rl"run g ~h nlltT
ga s ification in pl a ce SI,f khi 'hoa l <;ti ch 6
h o{lc I lydr o) twin th ea galt d li ng di n h l ll.{ll
kll i Iy rwyng) gas ificati o n zon e vun g khi hoa
gas filter b¢ loe kh i (dl.m g Cl..l dling de 1000i g a s ifier m iiy k hi h 6a (mdy dri ng de san

cdc h (ll c h a l l ong ho(fc riln kho i Illo ng x uifl khr, nhifl Lii klrr to ng h (yp I Ir Ihan)

khi) gas ify kh f hoa

gas-flred..,furn a ce 10 d 6t k hf (10 ti lin g g as impuriti e s t<:lP khi
nil /en U( ll I d kh( de dot, dung trong Itly~n ga s ing (Sl,r) mlp khi
kim) g as k e t vong d~ m , h,.YP d~m (d~m Mllg vt;U
ga s firin g SV' d un M ng k h i lieu bien d(Ulg dll'Q'c. Ihlrt7nK In d (ltIg tc1m
gas fitings cal noi 6 ng k hi h o(lc von g, dimE d e I{l O St,l ' nOi kin rip Xiil'a
cdc ch i l iet l inh, con f.: Qi I ii static sea l))
g a s nue 6 ng kh6 1
g as lamp d en khi
gas fuel nhie n lieu k hi
g as lift Sl.,l' nang chuyc n bl:ing luo ng khi
gas furnace 10 k h i
(conK dO{ln v{1n clruycn 1r(l1 r ifn I r ong d n
gas g a uge ap ke k h i
l u o ng khr Ih oi n g fr {Yc lin Ir on g dU'ii'nE:
gas generatin g bottle bi nh si nh khi o ng ho(lc I hop kln dUCTC dim g d~ nang va
ga s g e nerator may sinh Ic: hi (d~mg Cl.l d e v(1 n chuyen V(11 Lieu riln d (lrlg bot h otjc:
1(l0 r a c h d l k h { tron g ph Ong Ihi n g il i(m ); 1t(U); st,r bam khi n cn 1<1y dau (S(l bum k it,
thlet b( k h i h6a tha n (th i et bi h 6a hQC de viin glin day g i e ng dou tI~ S I,I C k!tf va l am
sdn x u d t k ili tir Ilu m ); t h let hi dip khi co nh ~ C¢I dnu nh dln l iTng san itrr;Yng d liu IIi '
ap (Illiel bi cang ct(p k h t dp s u a t can de " g lenK)
gas-liquid 410

gas-liquid chromatography phep sac ky gus·oil s aparutor may tach! k hi -d il u

long - khf (d(ln g sdc kj khf Irong 46 pha (Ihi'utg dllra lta{7c clay Ihimg c h ,ra 0- vll.ng
co dlnh (Ph'lin n (lp Cp f ) It) dung m o l Long ,Ia u tr ang d o rip .w at dau g ie ng d,rQ'c
c:7 fr €n n'en r c'1n IrO', viet UtI GLC~ con g91 girlm sao eh o klti holi Inn di kbn vai dolt
Ji} gas-liquid partition chro mat ography) tt't' via bOe nhanh h a{1c lrich rn nlur p hn
gas-liquid interfacial efrect h le u u-ng f dc h rieng . con go; LiJ gas se parator, o ii -field
Uep xuc lo ng - khi separator, o il -gas se paralOr , o il separ;Hor,
gas-liquid partition chromatography sep'ln:lt or)
phep s~c ky l ong - k hf ,x gas - liquid gasoline xrmg, gasolin (n ll fen /iijll clIO dC) lIg
chromatography cu cl o t '-ra n g gom c:llti yilt( eri c
gas liqu o r nU' cYc khi mo , d un g dich hydrocacbon Inng dJ duiy ,M bay JUYi. ,lei"
amonlac, NH 4 0H (11m du(yc IIi- .\'dn Xl/(r, x u at IIi' clan m o lit O blinK cac qlU; Irinh
kh; Ihan) nlllr ChlOlK cell . r ef ominh, polym e h d ll,
gas main m ~ ng 6 ng khl (de phon phoi kllf) (:nKklnh Xlie Ilk wi alky l Jr.,o a. lett tlt()f1~
dl.mg Ja 8m, (',)n g(Ji Iii petrol)
gas making 8 11 t('lO khi (s{r 1(10 ra klti ciu ra
mrac ho(lc kh( chtra kh8 ng kill' bttng cdell gasoline a lky late a lk y lat xa n g (lhiinh
phan xlIng thuo-ng 1(10 ra bnng c ric h k e f
cho Luo ng h ut mruc vd k h 8 ng khi lac dl.mg
h o-p oLe! fn vol t..wbwnn qua q u a Irinlt linh
Len elk n a ng)
c h e gOi M alky L h an, san phom co trf so
gas making retort bi nh cong t~o khi
o Clan cao va pha vri'i xt'fn K d{jng caVil may
gas ma s k m ~\t n ;;t phOn.~ d(x: (d',m.'! C/.I de
Imy ell! {:til Ihlen Ir( .)'(} chtJnf( nl»
bdo vf milt va lluu ng h 6 hap tnl'(k kILi,
gasoline blast burner den ( h ~m ) xilng
hul w) soL kit; ct9c nlt o / O{li bd 0 nhit! m
Mng bQ l (Jc wt l a p clU11 /tap p 111.1) gasoline burner d e n (hilO) xang
gas mas k canist e r h0 p thtY m~t m ,l gasoline co ndenser h(l ph~ n ng lIng xfln g
gas mask charcoal thHn m ~H n~ phung g.,soline dope chfft phl,l gin xa ng
dOc gasoline engine d 6 ng cO' xang (d {jng cO'
gas meter khf kc (dl.mg C t.l diing d? do w)
rUJt Iroffg SIi' cil.mg . h Im ho-p k ILl WI h ai
xi'ln g nILu' nlti€n /if u )
g hi hl'(Tng khl chay qlln duang ong)
gasoline fracti o n phnn cfl't xa ng
gas mixture h a n h oop khi (frong 'uy en
gasoline from coa l ding lha n
ga so line gauge x~ n g
kc, dong ho xallg
gas naphtha xa ng khi
gas ogene gasogcn {kh; nhlin lifu 1(10 ra gasoline gel gel xang , x gelat in ized g.-'l)",()li nc
Mng cdcll dot duiy kh6 ng holin toim Ihan, gasoline knocking tioh no XHOg; 1I(1 no
dtr(yc dr.r kien fhay th e cho xdng, con g(Ji xnng
It} gazogc nc) Kosoline line dU'lIng Gng x :oln g
gasohol gasohol (nhien Lie u Long chi! I,i ' gasoline motor dong Ct.Y x:ing
ho n h q p xtlnl( ;.Id elnnol) gasoline number c hi sn xaog
gas oil dau gazoi n (ph'(m elit dfhJ. n'lt'; ,w;1 c?- gasoHoe octane rating chi sO oc l ~ n xfing
Irong khodng 2 32-426° C, Ihll'f7 nf{ gom dau gasoline oil )CanS
h da, nhlin lif tl diezen, dClu nlmK va dau ga so line pool hon x~ ng (qu.an ni,;m cho
nhilfn Ui u nh ~) xtfng chil l h r(1'ng khric nlum nhtl' m (J t
411 gas

nhom duy nhd t cho ml.'C d icit pha tr(m d iJ ph a p hu y en phu khi (t o n g h V p
d rip tr ng cric th o n g so srin ph l'i m CliO; hy drocac/)o n )
cimg) gas pipe 6 ng khi
gasoline precipitation test 51! xac dlnh gas pipe line dwng 6 ng khi
ket tua trong x ang gas pipette pipet khi
gasoline pressure gauge. flp kc x:inS- gas plant nha may khi d o t
gasoline proof 1/ chiu x Ang, khOng (ham gas pressure regulator may d leu c hinh
xang ap il,rc khi; tx,) glam a p
gasoline refining 51/ tinh chc ding gas producer may s inh khi (d~tng ct.' d e
gasoline resistant c hiu xfing k h f Ir OO I han h odn loon M n g c ric h .ftr elt.lng
gasoline scale can x:ing cl o n g th ai eric ph ri n trllg kh o n g kh ( wi
gasoline substitutes the pham x~ ng lII l'crc·klz { )
gasoline sulfur test 51/ Ihlr I\IU hu y nh gas proo" II k i n khi , khang tha m khi
ITOng x fi ng gas proofness SI,I" kin khi , SI! kh6 ng tha m
gasoline tetraethyl lead test S I! th& khi
tetraetyl chi trong x:ing gas pump bam khi
gasoline treating process phuO'ng pha p gas purifier m {IY tlnh c hc khf (tJiing cdc
tlnh chi!' x :ing l a p Stt l OX i l hydr at II da nll r'm 10(1i bd
gasometer binh chlia khi; khi ke (m ot 1000i hy d ro SIll! lUI)
dl.mg C(I c/ul'a WI do kll{, co fh i! dimg fr o n g gas puriling 51! la m S(tc h khf
h on phdn Itch de d o IIrO'ng kh f I on rn gas receiver bi nh khi
Irong phdn Irng) gas recovery SI! th u ho i khi
gasometer flask binh do khi gas reformer may c huye n h Ocl khi
gasometrlc method phU'O'Og phap do khi gas reforming SI,I" c huye n h6.:, khi
(ky Ihu(U phd n ticl! khf, khi cd th? dm?,c gas relief line d U'Crng th.: 'li khf
d o bitn g d(mg ql d o hO(fc tho ng qlw cdc
gas resistance of varnishes tinh chiu k hi
plum Ii-ng h 6a h oc va; eric tllu De thl i' d (fc
eLm SO'n
bif t )
gas retaining. property k hil nang giC; kh i
gasometry phe p pha n t ich khf
gas retort binh co08 sinh khi
gas outlet 6 ng thoot khf (a 16 cao)
gas retort carbon cacbon binh s inh khi
gas output hi~ u s uat khi; IU'Q' ng kh i ra
gas reVerSif)D SI/ dim khf, SI! phvc ho i k hi
gas oven 10 khi (tr o n g con g n g hifp klrf) (qll (; Ir i nh k ~ ' h up cr a c'k i nh h o (7c
gaspeite g as peit , N aCOa (k h odn g v(i t r ef pminh nhiijt nnp lll(J va ; s(r p o /yme h oa
cacbonal khctn binh lIul'&n g vcri cifu Ink h ot;1c alky l /t ria ("fie k ll i h y d rocn cbon dU"(yc
calx it) lie n lIanh frong r i"mg Vll nK phrin Ir n g)
gas permeability t fnh tha m khi; d O tha m gas sampling 15)' mli u khf
khf (mire d Q md m OT cllot kll i rii n g co Ih e gas sampling tube o ng tay mAu khi
di qua edc M Xop Clio mau v(iJ lif u) gas ·s crubbing ~ " ru-a khi (sv lo¢ bd cac
gas phase lI.r6ng khi, pha khi fOP ch a t kh, h o{Ic I d n g khd i kh; nlla Ide:
gas-phase suspension process phu'CYn g cl(lItg eli" ch ih . l p n g . kll i dlr()'c liep x lic vO ;
gas 412

cllfft l dng vo n l O(Ji bd I(lP cliff' Ix'ng cdch ng ll'ng fl.1 l if kh l Ihan)
h on tan ho(lc bang h 6a h {1p ) ga s tension ap sua( khi
gas seal v ang dl$m kin khi (vong clem ng c1n gas tester may pha n (ieh khi
k h6ng clio klt l '''tim nh(ip vao ho(Ic Ihodf gas thermometer nhi~t k.e khi (/O(li nhtf t
ra til' m ay d pc th ea Ir~c) k t Iro ng d6 plla n II} gllin n o va co ta kit!,
gassed nh l~ m dOc khi co n g () i La c o n st a nt-vo lume g a s
ga s separator m :i y t ac h k hi . x gas-oll the rmo meter)
separa tor gas tight II kin khi, khOng tha m lehf
gasser gicng khi d o t (g ie ng sa n xlIli'1 kill) gas tightness SI! kfn khi, 51! khang tha m
gas shell d<.ln khi dOc khi
gas sing SI! t o.'1 khf (sl.r Ida kill dlr&i d(Ulg gas trap b5y khi, ch6 gom khf (eM cong
bQl nil a q acqlt)' sau k ill d d HOP xong),- SI! khuy u h o(lc kh o ang a du o-ng o ng /l eu
h u t khi (s/.( ha p Ihv khl lxYi m OL cha t) ; 511 mrd'c ho(lc kh l th di nha m ng lln kh ong ch o
' <;10 bQt khf ('r on g lOng m Qt ch a t ) ; Sl,I' (hoa t k hr thOi th adl ra ngoal)
khi (s /.( 100 kill til' m Ol ch a t fr ang m ¢ / qua gas-treating system he thong xli' 19 khi
trinh c{m g ng h i); 51! dot sem (ch o .oN),i qua (h f tho ng cong nghi de Lo¢ bd cdc I@p
ngQn lun de d o t sem t rY lu m xom n}ulm chdl phi hydrocacbon (nhu hul nU'O'c,
cdi thlin ve ngoai) ; SI! bmn kh i diu hyd r o stdlua ho(Ic cocbon dtoxil) lir kh!
gas singeing machine may khf do t sCm dUll g i eng)
SQ'i (,r ong cong nglliep df t) gastric acid axif d ~ day (axil clohydrlc d o '
gas.solid chromatography phe p sac ky cac I e bOo vdclr 6' d(iy d(l day tiel ra j
cha t r ~ n-khi (m Ot d(1l1g $(1" kj k h l fr ong gastric enzyme enzym d;,1 day (m en lieu
cl6 pha dCng It} kllr ,,'d plio linll lr) ch{{r h6a d o cdc Ie brio mang el(J day Jie, raj
1If{ p phi.' ll ral I rnll be m (Ii (than, si/icagel . gastrin ga'lIrin (ho rm on p oLyp eptit d o nU m
ho~c mum in h O(ll 110 (1, viti lei! GSC) m(le m on vi tie l r o. "on k {ch IlIfch IVy d~
gas solubility d O h oa tan khi (mlrc d6 gldi ph o n g d i cit ll,4y va d (l ddy tie K lal
ch {{1 khr ho o tan vao ch ifJ l cin g de U,1O ra p hong ax it ga\·tr i c)
h' d3ng n/lfft) gastrointestinal hormone h e rm o n d<J,
gas-solubility factor h~ so h oa tan khi day-ruot no n (h orm on d o hi d(l day r W?1
(so 1m kh o i lieu chulin cua kh r glm ph Ong n on til l ra j
Irong diel' kif n x tic dinh clla bC rdch kil l gas vent kJ Ihong khi (duung o ng lIo(lc iO
- dliu v o n a Irang dung dicit trong m ol cho ph i p khl IhotiJ raj
haren dliu thung chua nhiet d Q va dp .m o l gas voltameter dien h.rQ"ng kc! khf
via) gas volumeter the Ifeh ke khj
gas spirit xang !chi gas volumetric method pbU'O'ng phap
gas storage holder binh c hlr'a khi phan t fch Ih~ tieh khf
gas sweetening ~11 tinh che kh( aas vulcanization SII hru h6a khf
gas sy It ~ng kh(; the khi gas washer binh rua leh.; may ni'a khi .
gas tank thung chli'a khf (de tnl' khl h o(lc gas washing 51/ rLra khi (khf thiin "hierl)
x dng) gas washing bottle binh rlra khi (trong
ga s tar h~ c in kh i th an (nh (ra I lton d d ngdnll hoo chat)
413 gearksutite

cas washing tower thap nra khi r n u tip k e Ihong tJul'u ng, Ilrc Iren mire
gas weighing balloon binh di n khi rip sual kh( quy en, de phlin biil va; rip
ga s welder m ~ han khf SUO l lIIy ~1 dO i )

gas welding SV' h a n khf (qua tri nh hdn gauge tank th ung dong
trong do kim lo(li du(yc han no; va; nhau gauging (SII) d o, x gaging
rth& nh i~1 cli a n gQI1 bra axyaxety len ) gauging glass c ng do mu-c nt.r6'c
gas well gieog khi Ihlen ·nhle" (g i eng dll'Q'c gauging t a nk thung dong
khoan dE khat Ih ac khi ,hien nhlin til'md gaultheria oil m e tyl salixylat . x m ethyl
kh i) salicy late
gas works Xlf&ng khi d o t gauze h.r&1 (bhng kim / O(lj h o(Ic cluj, deo
gas works coke c6c (xU'&ng)khf dot diing 'r ong eric bO 1(X'_.); viIi rat mong, v ai
gas yield sa n hJ'O"ng khi, hl¢u Sual khi m a n (d Lh rg l am bong bifng tr o nK pl/(ill
gate Clra, khung; I ~ khuon due Ihu{il)

gate mixer khung k hu5y gauze element bO p~ n loe Illm

gate stirrer khu ng khuay gauze platinum electrode di~ n Cl.,rc Illcri
gatherer m ay g6p; ngU'iY j thu gom (JJtI'i.y plaUn
tinh .<1,) gauze strainer Illm Joe
gath e ring (s ,,) thu t ~p; khuye t t~ t m;;i l ta m gauze top burner d im 11.1'&1 dinh
due Gay~Lussac acid axit Gay-Lussac (sdn

Gatterman-Koch synthesis SI! tong hO'p pham Clio fhap Gay -LILUOC fr o ng phuo-n g
Gattcrman·Koch (de long h(yp cdc aidelty t, phap phong chi de sdn X UGf !llllf "rlc, .. 1iJ
cdc a/dchy/ hinh Ihanl! khl hy droca cbon Iton h(1'p ctio ax il s ilif uric va n ito- ax il )
Iham dll'(J'c dun 11(5118 \'{Y; Sl.r co m (I1 clin Gay~Lus s a c tower thap Gay-Lussac (mOf
kim 1000t cl orlla nlur nita," c/orua. m Ol so hQ ph(jn IronK conK nghii ph img clli de.win
c h a l x tk lac kim 10(1 1 clorua va ho{lc XIIii'I axil slilfuric vo n hifp tlll.1 nita oxil
co coon m o n ox il lI o(1c hydro xy antw} de 1(10 rn vilr lo l n itro·)
Gatterman reaction phfm li'ng G~Hterm a n gaylussite gay I u slt, Na 2Ca(C03h.5 H2 0
(phdn ri'ng cL;a phen ol h o(Ic esle phenol wi (kh oang v(i t C'ocbonat ng(jm. muye, frong
hydro clorun val s{r c6 m(lt CIW kim l O{Ji m iT, phat wing trang. k e l linh 0- h ~ dUll
clorUll nhu nh6m clorun tfe snu 'hl~y phOn I n. tim thay do cac h o c(Vt)
' (10 ra aJdehy l; phon li'ng cria dung d;ch
gazogene gazogen. x gasoge n
elan ol nll'aC c ,~ a muo" clia zoni val bOI
gc gigahec (gignherlz)
dong k b Iua h o(lc I dc nhiin kh,r k Juic de
g~cal ca lo
l(IO rn c h"p chol dlaryl )
gaufTer 13m gQ1l; in hoa nOi gcd x grc.:, tcsi common diviwr
gauge dl,lng CI,I do II dl do g.-cm x gntm~c n time t e r
gaugeable It cO the do dU'Q'c Gd x gadolinium
gauged burette b uret chia d,) GDCH x a -dlchlorohydrin
gauge glas s 6 0g do m tIc nt.rac (hhng Ihl;Y gDNA x genomic deoxyrioonucleic acid
linh) Ge x germHnium
gauge pressure fi p s u~ t a p ke (tip silif, chi gearksutile gea rsutlt . Ca AI(OH) F.J-I 2 0
gear 414

(khoang v(it ch,;a set, xWlt hi~n ding nuac, con go i Iage Ia tin, . gel i g n it e ,
cryolit clura canxi nhom f lonw ng{im nitrogelatin)
nfl'(Yc) gelatin extra extra gelatin (chat no frong
gear oil dau truyen d(mg (dall boi Iran do co Ilu1)' the m91 it nitroglyxerin blfng
dfmg cho cdc hf truyen d(mg. phan Lan amoni nitrat)
cae 10(11 banh rang vi sal, banh rong Irong gelatinization Str tao gel, Str gelatin hoa
cac h(Jp so) , gela tinize t:;to mang gel (b9c ho(!c x It- Iy
geat 10 khuon bhng dung djch f(clatin); gelalin hOa, keo
gedanite gedanit (m91 10(1i ;'0 phdch gion. hoa (bien doi liranfl d(1ng gelatin hoiJc
milll wing nho. ch,ra m¢l ft axil :mxinic) thilnh gel)
gedrite gedrit (m91 lO(li anfophylit Hwang gelatinized gasoline xang gel h6a (xang
chua Mom) x li Iy bang chifl lam d(jc. dl~ng Irong bom
gegen ion ion ngtr<;Yc dflu nap an va sling phlln iLl'a, con g9i Iii
gehlenite gelenit, Ca 2 AI 2 SiO (khoring v{il ga"oline gel , jellied gasoline, thickened fuel)
nh6m melilit ket tinll Irong h(3 (1(' glue WI gelatinizing agent chat gel hoa (trong ,\'an
dong hinh val akermanil. La c/ui'l d(Jng x ufft chat no day . fa chill lam mem
nhl.m , mau It.lC tim fhay cung vo'; spinel) nitroxenlllloz n, eho plu!p Xli' Iy WI / (10 m
geiklelite geiklelit, MgTi03 (khoang I'(if hon llQ'p . con C9i Iii gelling _agent)
mall phut ICY-den ho(i.c pJUyt nOIl-{len kef gelatinobromide gclaLinooromua (che
linll trong h~ m(11 tlrOi va xlI{rr hilf,., cilan pham geinJilt b(/c bromlw von nh(lY sling
d(lng CIl.QI fron, dong hinh vO'i ilmenil) WI d/lng lrong ch~lp tinh)

gel gel (h~ keo hal pita cllll'f1 dUll ran WI gela ti noid d<;tng gel I I / / t l)'a gelalin
chfft long a d(lng din han soL) /1 dt I~O gelatinous /I (thu~)c) gelatin, keo dc)ng v{1l
gel gelatinous precipitate kct ttlCl. ge latin
gelate t<;10 gel, gelatin hoa gelatinous silic acid silicagel, axil silixic
gelatification st)' t<;1o gel, Str gelatin hoa keo
gelatin ge.t;:ltin (protein dnn xliiiI' tii' tia. mo gelation SI,!' dong cu-ng (t(1e d9ng qud Irinh
lien ket ~alt lI'ang va x/rang d(Jng V(1I. dong clrng); SI,Y t~o gel , Str gelatin h6a (S~l'
dimg nhll' lh(cc phfun l'a Irong chl.tp dnh. hinh Ihimh geL Iii' sol)
cong nghiljp chiD dea. IlIyljn kim va du(},c gelation time tht'ri gian gelatin hoo «(rang
pllf'im); chat no gel<'llin, X gelatin dynamite sdn xWlt nllr.m nhi~t eti'ng la k h oring thui
gelatinase gelalinaza (/o(li cnzyln lim fhlfy Kinn gili'a irk them chill XI4c (ae vao hfj
frong m9/ so nom men va moe l'()n Mm ehdt keo long Wl Me hinll (hanh gel)
hoa long gelatin) gelation water nl1'&c gel
gelatinate t:;to gel, gelatin hOc'") gel cement xi mnng gel Gxi mang cflll'(I I>'
gelatin dynamite dynamit gelatin (chat n(J If nho betonit khic n clio /fQn hq-I' clong
m(Inh gom chr~ yifu khoi nitroglyxerin . nhat han. Lam fling Ii! .'; 0 ml'(rc -xi mang
g ,0 ng k e0 ~, a; n nI r i n it rat , b 9 t . va !i:idm m(l! marc Ilk Ihanh /(1.0)
nitroxenluloza wi ntllrl cacbonat. Ihq- gel coat lap ao keo (l6p nh{l'(I tip ~'ao lie
khoan diing de pha eM giJp kit; doo dap 1n(f1 khllon wi hon keo frll'O'C khi ro! dUll
dlrung ong qua Lap etd, nhot La dal no deo VaG klwon. 6' nai san xliifl, l6'p ao keo
415 geni s tin

tru th anh p llan kh o n g Idell r a j c tta l ap ben d l; de Mm do nil' fr a ng)

monK horm Ihi¢n va Mm t tfn g clang ve be general./I chung; d ~ i c U'O'ng
m(ft ) general chara cteristic dac tfnh c,hung
gel electrophoresis 51! dien d j ge l (Sl.1' d i~n general chemistry h6a ht,)C d~ i cU'O'ng
dl thl.l'e h len (r o ng s it /eage l vo n I ii mol
general extension SI! gian d ai d o ng d eu
trrfa ng xiSp, Ira )
g e neral rormula con g th u-c chun g (cong
gel filtration 5l,Y toe gel (ki?"U slfe k y cot ,Jurc co the rip rll.m g kh6 n g chi ch o mQr
tdch cac pha n Ill- theo kfc h Ihu'tye, c h a t c n o
h 9'P chfft r U n g rn a c h o cd m 9 1 JO(lI h (yp
phon IIr di q ua C(H (t au tie n , con g(>' I ii ch a r co Lten quan, v i dl,l ci'm g (h trc cl l a
molec ul a r ex e lu sio n c hr o mat og r a ph y, aldeh)" R C H 0 , fr ong do R Lii hydro fr o n g
molecular sieve chro ma tography )
f ormaldehy , (ald eh yl d a n g i d n nha l ) wi
gelid II (thuQc) ba ng, l~ nh Lil g6c h y d roc(1c bon d6 i wrt eric a l dellyt
gelignite gelignit , x gelat in dy n a mit e trong clri)' n h fl' C H a d Oi l'oi a :t=et a ldeh), 1
gelling agent c ha t gel h6a,.x gc lat i n iz in ~ ~ 'iI C 2 H!5 cia; va; p rop r;ona La.,ehY I )
agent gl!nerate ph {ll si nh , si:'an Sinh ; gay r :1, kich
gelling property tin h c ha t t<;lO gc l lhich
gel os e geloza, x ulmin generating (5,,) pha l si nh , (Sl!) silO sinh ; (S l!)
gel paint sa n keo (s a n I ra n e n co linl! gay ra, (Sl,l') kic h Ihic h
gel -sol IIIlI(in nK h/eh nh a phim Il'n g c ,ia g e neration Sl,l' pha t sinh , SI! sa n sinh; SI! gay
/'119/ I m;rn g nh o nhl.l'~ polyamit vO'i chill f a. Sl,l' kich th ich; the h ~ (si n h VOl )
mang nh l.r a alky t) generative ruel nhlen li eu uti sinh
gel permeation chromatography phep g e n e rator m ay p h c.! ; m ay p hilt diCn : n ()i h('!' i;
sac ky tham ph on lic h brIn g C)'(tc k )'
ge l (51,1' b l} sin h (fr ong lin 1r9C)
Irong do ph a tinl! gam cdc vic n p oly m e generic names tc n tho n g dl,m g
xo p. n hu c l! d t dA n xIlr1 , dextr an
gen e tics di truye n hQc (k h an II flC n g lliett
carbohy d r ar lien k ifr ngan g, con pJw d (mg
elra I ( nh di tru),en sinll h pc)
/d In (jl c/ra t l o n g )
G e neva system h e danh pha p Gen eva (h i!
gel point chern ge l (glql d O(lJ1 d rd r l o n g brir d nnh pluip q u oc Ie dol va-I cric hop chat
dau rhl! Ju{ n l i nfl cJU11 d an h 'ol va d(J nllOl
hf"ru dl.ra Ir e n cac el nn c h a l
tdrrc) h ydr ocrlcbo n, ctic f en g91 (I ran K IrnK val
gelsemine ge l s emln , C 2oH2 2 0 2 N 2 m (lch cncbo n til lin g d ili nhd t Iro n g pluin
(alkaJoit k ifr linh. m iill Ird n g , n on g ell a)' (y IIi' )
178o e, Ian fr o n g con , e l c: vii ax il lorin g , genicide gc nlx il , C 1a H e 0 2 (h (J'p cluf f lin ll
dtl ng nh tr ch d / kic h Ih(ch h ~ than kinh I h i d (lng kim, kh6n g I an Iron g nl l'ac. n a n K
m lng tl'a ng) c h riy a J 74 0 c' ciiing nJu t' thuGC Ir"'r Still, \'e,
gel skeleton khung ge l ' r l t- n g Sii ll, co n gO i l a ox oxantho n c ,
gel s trength c U'o-ng d (l gel (d Eii l'(7 i cllf1, <)~x"lnth c n o n c"pnth o n c)

keo fa kiln n t1n g h o (lc so do k l u i n ang cl i a genistin genislin , C 2 , H 20 0 IO (glti co,vit m llll
110 1(10 n en geL) Wing n ll (11 elrin X lUI/ I ll' bpi d (1u tll'a nK. k Ilt
gem da quy , ngoc (khoan g v(if h o(Tc ~ '(i l li¢tt iii'll! III' dung dicit m elanol 80% non g eh d),
khtfc " ,1' nhien h o(fc nllan 1(10 co vi df/p vrl (Y 2 50 0 (.', I a n fr a n g etnn o i 8 0 % n o n j,:.
genomic 416
metano l nong 8 0 % va axelon n6ng, con g9i Iha nh, Sl.r gial phong n o do phong h6a vd
Id 7-D-glucoslde) st.r phlin b6 I¢ clin n o vao eac trwtl Ifch
genomic deoxyribonucleic acid axit vd. Irong dung dich. cdc h o, sang va d(Ji
deoxyribonucleic geno mic (cdc doem clla . duang )
axil d eoxyribonucleic (ADN) do tdc d(U1g geochemical cycle chu trinh d ja h6a (ddy
c l}a cdc enzym h(U1 chi Cf,ia A DN Clla m " t cdc giai It O(1n trong st.r di ehrly~n Clta cdc
Ii M o ho(tc sinh v(il, viet lifl gONA) n g u.yen t o gilra (h(lch quy~n, thlly qlty~n
genotoxant genotoxan (tde nhtin gay ra cd c va khf qllyen )
Idc d(mg d(jc, gtJy chit h o(lc kh 6ng gay geochemical evolution Sl1 ti c n h6a dia
ehlt d o l val cae chal lifll di Iruy en Iro ng h6a (sl.r bien d e)f thdnh ph'lin bilt ky Clin
nlliin va ngocl; nhan a cae I i baa ) dd VU(7't rn n godi ltrO'ng hi~n co trong dd
gentianic acid ax it gentianic,x gentisic ae id m e; sl.r bien d o; h(,Yp phfm h 6a lux C/lam9i
gentianose gentianCYL3, C18H320,6 ph'an ehinlt trdl ddt th eo th u i gian dla
gentian violet mflu tim gentian (con gOi lit clult, v( ti'.l cdc d(li dua n g)
methyl violet) gt!ochemistry dja h6a hoc (b¢ man nghUn
gentiobiose gentlobioza, C1Zi-:l220'1 eli'll t}ulnh phan h6a h (X Clla eric gial dO(Vt
khdc nha" clin trtii cla l va cdc quA 'fin"
gentisic acid axil gentl.ic. c.H.O. (ht;Yp
ehdt kel linh d(»1g Idng kfnh dun I tl tIl' veil I>' wi hOO 1t ()C gity ra sl.r phdn Ix') tp./fVl
sdt duO'c Clla eac n g uy en to va nudil q
dung dleh nll'cYc, Ihdng hoa a 2000C, nong
nllli'ng gial dO(ll1 d o)
clrdy a 2500C va I an tro nK nll'O'e. con , ele,
natr; va mOOI, di'lng Iro ng y h9C, con gOi geocronite generanlt, Pbs (S bAs)2Sa
Id genlianlc acid) (k hodnf! v(it clura c h i anliman arsen sul/ ltn

gentle oxida_tion Sl1 oxy h6a ttr tu- m au xdm clti)

gentnerite gentnerlt , C u.Fe3 Cr " S'8 geological chemistry dla h ~l hoc

(khonng vfil sui! un chi co Iro ng cric win geology dj<'l chat hoc (khoa h oc n/{hiin Cffll

Ih(lclt )
frd; dir t, licit .n r va d O-; song Clla no nil/(
g irl l(1i cY eric 1000i d ti. boo gom ng h ien Clht
genuine II th ~ I, nguyen
ctic d(ic di?m dia chlft elin m ot vim/{, nJu(
genuine soap xa pho ng nguy en chat hlnh d(lng eac thanh Ite dri, .n ,( phong h6t1
geocerite geoxerH (kltodng viii m iill Irdng va mdl m o n va st." Iram licit)
chli'a sap. chli'a eaebon, ax)' va hydro co geometric(al) inversion Sl1 c huyh vj
Iron g than niiu) hinh h OC
geochemical anomaly di thU'a n g d i<'l hOH geometric(al) isomer cha t do ng pMn dj
(S1.r t(ip trllng ca o han mli'e trung binh m(Jt
n g lly e n 10 h o a h9C trong mall rid. dOl .
d o ng s6ng. Iram tich v.v ... cJlli:ng to co m 6
geometric(al) isomeride chat dong phan
di himh
khodng veil & gan) geometrical isomerism hif~n tU'Q'ng dong
geochemical balance can b hng dla h oa phs n di hinh (hifn IlrC)'ng Iro n g do cdc
(sl.r phon bO Iheo Ii' l ~, vd toe do di ehuy ?n , i.fome cluj'n cric nguy c n tli' gifn val nhalt
tron g k e t tinh pluin dO(1n loi'm bo cdc fheo ciing tr(it It.r va va; ci'mg cae lien kIt
nguy en t l5, khotfng v(i l Ito(lc JI(),P clrlft; \'i n}//l'ng cd quan hf kh6 ng glan hay hinh
d1.l, S1.r phon ber thf!ch onh Irong dd /toa h pc kllrie nhmt, hinh dnng r 6 rang do mOt

417 germanium

liEn kit k ep g u ru cae nguyen fir cacbon G e rard reagent thu 6c thu- ge r ard (crie
eMng '' (In 1(10 ncn Ir ong m{jt phiin IIr h (yp c lt dt nmon{ b<;7c bon,
khil l! co Ihe Ion /(li n!lerng isome do) axeryd r az it -py r idi ni c l orna vd
geometric(al) optics quang hinh h Oc tr imetylaxethydrnzit amoni cLoruo, d ling
(hinh h()C dU'ung di Clio eric tia sting wi de tdeh cac aldehy, va keton ttl' cac dldl
hlnh dnll ella chting qun cric qunng h~) dall ho(ic mu II.I' nh i€n va de chiet h o rmon
g i a i t{nlt I ii' I1lI'&C l iell)
geom e lric (a l) s t e r e oi so m e ride chat
d~ng phAn dl hi nh I<'p the gerhardtite gcrad t il, C u2(N 03XOH)3
(khodng v(iJ mall ng('c xonh l~lC dura t!('jnx
geometric(al) sysmetry st,r dol xli'ng hinh
nitrm bozo)
g erm mam ( th llc vfl l ); ph6i (dong v~t)
geometry hlnh h(,")c (S I.t' nghien ('lhl. dlnh
(ng u o n ch{nh t(,. tlo co SI,I' sinh crud-nK w)
1I((1l1g hinl! d{lnf{ w) kich /ll/r ae)
phdt Irlen); baO lu- (l en chung c lia v; ,\'inll
geophysics vat Iy dlH diu (v{il Ii ve Ird; (Uf, V~/)
lid mOl Irl l'tYng cl in n 6. nghia Id I Ttii dat,
germane german , germani hydrua (germani
/chOng khr va kltodn x khling gion han
Itydrufl co cong Ih 're ch ung Ge n I-l 2 n -+ 2 ;
h (yp chal GeH. , german; hydrlla. lit chdt
georgiadesite georgiadcsil , Pb3 (AsO.. )CI3 kh{ kh6ng mau, cluty du(Yc frong k!rong
(khoong v (it mr}1I I rr1nK ho(1c vanK, p/UYf khf va boc cha), l!ranh ng()n /ii- a xanlr 10")
" flu, duo-l d(lng Unh the hr
td phlrang.
germanic II ( lh uOC) ge rm ani; ( thu oc)
ch,i'a eM c/oarsenm)
germani (IV)
geotextile v3i d~ chat (wit d~l hO(1c khi'mg
germanic oxide germ"lnl (IV ) tl ioxit , Ge02
till san Xliii', til' ...qi 10111: h (J'p h o(Ic .w)"i,
germanide germ a nua (Ju;rp c hat Clia dd t
dtmg d"e /dm mang lien It.tC KEirn d(11 vn
kl'eln. h o(fc kim 1000i klem l'ai germani, v;
kl' ,rong nhiell cltu 1(10 dlff )
d ,.t nhu m agie german ua Mg 2 G e, cdc
Beranial gcranla l, x c itral
germanua phdn lrng val I1Il'ae)
geranialdehyde geran ialdc hYI, x ci tral
germanite gc rm <l nlt , Cu 3 (Gc, Gu ,
Beraniol gera ni o l , (C I-13h CCH(CH2)2- FeXS,As). (khodng v(il mfm p h a l d o -
qCH 3 )CHCH 2 0H «('Ilift Iring khong miiu xdm. d(lnK kh iil. In ngtUin germani qurll1
u1l mdu wing nl!(lt Id rlI'V" wi t erpen, soi Ir(,ng)
q 2300C, Ian (rang con va et e, klr6ng Ian
germanium ger mani , Gc (n guyen I ii kim
Irong nll'qe, dimg ,ro n g ngimh nll'Ge han 1000i lro nK h o cacbon mau xam b(zc. X iOn.
va hua ng Ii~u) kll6ng Ian Irong 11I1'6c. n guyen II i- si5 32.
geranium oil dau phong Ifr (cllift l o ng mnll nguyen 1'1' III'O'ng 72.59, n o n g clujy (S-
vdng nh (lt ho(fe L~I C chung ell I til' cny 959 0 C ; lo )dm I O{lJ !riCin (b'm g Irang ban
phong Ill', nh Ctng Ihiinlt pitan quen thu6e don, hUp kim vd Ihuy (inh)
chinh lit x iiTo n elot va geraniol . cn Itm' (t e u germanium chloroform germani
dlmg Irong nganh ';1I1'6c han vii nltu chili c lorofom , GeHCI 3
Idm hua ng Ii~ll ) germanium halide gcr m a ni h a l ogcnua
geranyl geranyl , C toH n (nho m ChllT lir (ht7p char clln german i v6'i haLOf{ en. nll/I'
geraniol, (CH 3 )2 : CHC:H 2 CJ-l 2 .CHCI-I 3 : dilralngenua hock retraJuuogenlio clin fin.
CH.CH. OH) brom /locIc lot val germani)


germanium 418
germanium oxide ge rm anl aXi l , GeO , g iant granite d~1 granlt (con gC'1 I d
Ge0 2 (GeO I tm 1(1; a d(lnK polyme, Ce0 2 pegmali te)
If) b(jl Iri1ng, Ian frong kiem, drinK Irong giant molecule phan tfr kYn
fhriy tinh d(fc bie' va frong y lux) giant powder Ihuoc n 5 m~nh (bQI thu6c
germanous II (I hu(x;) germ an! (11) no chi! Iii' nitroglyx erin, naIr; nifrm, Itnl
germanous oxide germa nl ( II) axil hllynh vn nh(ra Ih o ng. dol khi vul
german salpetre am ani nUral, NH . NOa kiese/gllfl)
German si lver dong' Ir:\n g (con gpi iii gibberellic acid ax il glberclic, C' 8H22 0e
nickel silver ) (axil k iFt tinh co a 1I1I,r c \/QI gi;)ng giberelin
ge rmicidal sat trung & ltie dt.mg klch Ihlch sinh tnrang )
ge rmicid e thuoc dit;:t khuhn , thuoc 5..:,lt trung gib b erellin gibc relin (mQI I rong cric' h(yp
(cllift dir l baa If;) /1 df dlc;l k huan, Sc1.1 trung C"lff dan x un I tf/, nltien co b(J kIlling gthan
vn pha hO{lf l inh sinh h (X' r(mg n/llmg ntH
germination 51! m\y mam
Ileng nhu cltift die" lie t sinh trtru ng Ih{r('
ge r sdo rfi'il e gesdorfU, NlAs..S (ic l lOring vtJI
l '(iJ )
miilllrilng bQc uti xcim llu!p , kef ,inh frang
h e ddng q r, f(16ng cobn /lil va co the dura gibbs gib (dan vi Itlfp pill,' Mng nang cl¢
m 6 f It sil t wj coban, con Kpi tii nic kel be m (it 10- 6 mol trl1n mel vuong)
glance) Gi bb s adsorption ~quationphlIO'ng
gesso th<;tch cao (chfft liell tir rid pilon WI tri nh ,hap phlJ Glbhs (cong IIII/'C clw h? co
gelat;n ho(fc keo casein, .s an /en cal' pancn dung m o j va chlf! tan , l/reo tlo nang eli) bC
de t{IO be m(lt cho san ch ong kil t; Iw{lc de m(lt ch lil Ion du nett chal tan fam glam
s Irr cling be m(11 wi n o ng d¢ be m(lf (111ft
elling cho cac san nen poly me)
Inn IIf.a n e ll cllal Ian l/tm Ulng sIr(' ctTng
getter Chal diy o)n ,x scavenger; chat Ihu khi
be 111(11)
(chat nlur tali, giti' khl a be m(ft clia no
l'n dimg d? duy Iri chan khong cao Irong Gibbs a ds or pti o n isothe rm dl.l'\'yng dAng
den dlr n If;); h OOp kim hap thl,l khi (h9'P nhict hap phI.) Gibbs (pJlfrang Irinlr lien h?
lip .Wial he m(il clin clic: lap dun IX! melt
kim d(fc biel d(fl trong den dien II; klli san
xudt va bay ha l sail
khl rlii lnm cluln
vrYf nhiCI do luyet tlo(, lutng so khl, ,fr)
plrdn I I; h lfp plrl,t Irc n gam Irl1n dan V;
kh6ng den, kill kim 10{l1 bay luri n!(lt'ng I (l
no se hap IIIl.t khl clm wj/, c(),i g(Ji lil di4n tt'cll be m(il v(1 rip ,wrI t ("lin c"lft khf)
degctsser) ! Gibbs diaphragm cell binh di ~ n ph5n
GeV gigctelectrovon, GeV (c: igaeleclrum'olt) m fmg Gibbs (lo(li binh dicn phon mly dt't'18

geyserite geyserit, x siliceous , Sinter

c/e san XlUlt c/o, val (lien qrc graflt vd
d(lng h inh t qt),
gf gam h,rc, gl (gram-force)
Gibbs-Donnan equilibriu~ cfi n b~ng
GH x growth ha nno ne
Glbhs - Don n a n (con goi Iii Donntln
ghaUI gum gam gati (gom IIlt.rc V(1t Inn equilihrium)
Irong mrac, 1(10 rn keo nh tYl Irong nll'u c,
Gibbs-Duhem equation phU'an,g trinh
d llng nhfr du'(t nha nrO'ng /roo)
Gibbs-D uhe m (h~ Ih,rc quy dlnh tli'eu kleft
ghedda wax sap geda (stip o ng 11111 du9'c d;)j vcrl bien phlJn Ih itnJr pJrlJn clla l(Jp h(),p
Iii' ctic ioiti ong a chou Phi \'n An D ¢)
cric Ihe b oo Clta h~ lIai ho(lc nlilell tMIII!
G Hz gigahec, GHz (gigahert z) pllnn, con gpi iii Duhem's equation)
419 gismondite

Gibbs-Helmholtz equation phU' cy n g Gilles pie equilibrium s till n'i."li chu'ng cal
trinh Gibb.,,·Hel mholtz (bi~u 11I,(c ch o bie f din Mng Gillespie (Iltlifl bi chung alt d in
nnh }"l'ang clin nhict d('J d ol vu; hhn g sif btlng l ti l lIIan holm kin d ling c1 ~ xlk dinl!
cdn bhng Clin mi}t phdn Irng h on Iz pc); ca(' (fnh clrffl dong :~6i ctin ctic h lm h Vp
t r ang n"j~ t dong h (JC La mOl frong hal h ?- ch ii', I rinK)
,h,,.c nhl CI d(jng diJ lI' nil n (ji nifng \'() gillespile gilcspil , Rc'1FeSi.0 10 (khminK wj,
entalpy; h o(fc p ill rang Irinlt "rang Il,r l inh giong mica l'a sil, sW eat J
d fj bien Ihlen c,in fh e linn IronK qud Irinh (;illiland correlation I tTt"rng quan
ddng nMet) Gilliland ("II/rang p/tap Klin (itinK d~ ,,'nl!
gibbsite gibslt , 1\1(01-1)3 (klwting l'{il Inllll toan c{jf chtmg cifl. lien It if I;" l if (It)ng h hi
Irdng I w(1(" mn" .wing. ke f linh Ir ong hf 111'/1 n} .\'0 eric din clIO cc'>' IIJltr ctic lulm Clio
d a n Iil, Ilulnll phan chinlt Clio baw.:if, cd" climg /t'Of Iml loi l/tillll VI} ,W) d'Il',6 i [Meu)
g()i Iii hydrarglllil c) gilsonite gib:;onil (m6t /O(1i asp lr n n mil" d en
Gibbs phase rule quy Inc ph~1 Gibbs (II ?, o ng tin/t. van mall n lln. m l,11 /.:11)' tll,lnK n)
/lure xric din" so cdc bie n Ir(lltK tlui; din so)
thiel, tlllr&ng Iii n !1iijt d t), rip ",wffl va th an" gingelly oil dau vo-ng. x sesame o il
p"lin frong m l'H pha. de co
(t;n/t I"(lng (Iltii ginger cay ' glr'ng (101,11 cay cd, co ,lte cliiiff
/Thiijr clong n;a h ij trong can lx!ng. con g p t bling citing m ol Illr u cO' ('Ii kilt> ngldiJn de
LiI GibbS rul l!, phase r ule) clio nll/,m dall ~in \'j)
Gibbs-Poynting equation phu'o'ng Idnh ginger-grass oil d?iu Ct) gung (/ol,li dau ,W7
Glbbs-Poyntins (b;:;u tlllr(' liP" ,, ~ l in ll
ell/i'" :;0'#, Klf-rallinl . cl fing l/' o nK ftgnnh
huang n;n fl'mg rip SIUI' tlk d l,lI1f,: W}'; rip nU'cY(' 1/(11)
Sllnl h a [ ClllI m (jl clU11 I nng)
ginger oil d ~'1U glr' ng (tinl! clall cI{1c', m till
Gibbs rul~ quy lac Gihhs,X (jjhhs phase pitt'Yf \·ang. I an Irong pltan to'Il aic clung
rule m oi /"i'll WI k h o ng Ian trollK ntfcYC',
Gibraltar s ton~ da Gihrnllm (con gpi hi cl!ung C(II Ill' gl'rng kho; cae ,himh I'hnn
onyx m arble) c hinh ill xilral, born eol vn pllelnlHlren,
Giegy-Hardisty proce ss q un I r'i n h titing nhu' luurng li~1I d ,o I'll'{J'1l nu.,l \'I) do
Giegy -H aru isly (q ful tr inll sdn xuifl al.:iI u6ng "h it)
sebatic IiI' da u Ihall dall ho(lc cric nxi('f;l,jn ginorite ginoril , <:.:'1281 . °23.81-12° (kllming
n 6 nha phdn ll'n g etta axil a nhi~f d (J ('(10 vtj l dan I ii mnll Iriing dura c llnxi bonll
va; klem Ifn dn) , ng{im ntt'O'c)
Giemsa s tain th1l6c nhu~) m G icmsCl (phnm giobertite gio herlit , x magnesilc
d~ nhu9 m m a 1(10 IIuy ;/ wi d(mg v{it elcyn Girbotal process q ua t r'i nh Gir hotal (qUli
biJo hay ifl c/urn , dung dicit m e Lnnol [rinlt hap Ih(l lal s i nh lOl}i bd cn clm n
glyxer o l ngllyen lieu goc clin ctic cosinnt dioxil, hydro sulf Ull va ('tic IClP clU11 kill;'
Azurn B vh :cnn'" mctylcn vo'; mpl i t lImn" klli IIt ;iJn nhien cd SIi' dl,mg mono.,di - JIO(k
nhllQf71 bozO' clil') 1I'lelnno/aJ1iH nhll' chff/ phdn lhlg)
gifblaar poison axil f10c'\xctic (er)n gQi 'f) gismondite g ismo ndit, C'1A I2 SI 2 0 a .4H 2 0
fiuoroacetic acid) (kJlOtinJ,: VOL mr)H stillK ell/I'll Ct1J1X i nltom
giga- giga (li en 10 chi J(J9 , kj /tieu G. cd n s ilic(J/ ng(im fIIl'rYe. XIl(II hir n (T d (IIIK linl!
K(Ji tiJ kllo mcga-(il dling)) IIle /lin'! lilliI')
gitogenin 420
gitogenin gitogenin, C27HU04 (chefl ket glaserite gla.scrtt, x arcanitc
linh dieu ehe tit g ilo nin bdni each dun glass thtiy Hnh, k.fnh (clral VO cu eli'ng. vo
no ng vO-l axil clohy dr/c loong. 1(10 nen vdy dinlr Irl'nh, Ihll'a ng Irong ,m61, giOn. ch i! lir
nhd lir cdc dung dlch benzen, tan Irong cae siltcal, dol khl bora! wi phosphat, n o n g
dung m6i /Ul'U cO' nhtl' cla ro! am , con nong chdy vu l m 9t .', 6 axil Ix,ZU va sail d6 Inm
vd ele, dung Irong y h(JC de tri binI! ri ) co n.~lIOi nhnnh d e n.J! ifn .'i lr k e f ' i", h \ " cXr ! h l'!"
gitonin gltonin (git ogenin l elrag ly co.fit ·tinh; d a ng ~,o cat; k.hi ap ke (g (Ji lift clia
tr on ~h ¢ cav man din h OM S! , ((in n f( nh /,. w ea1he r $.!.Ia ...... lire kill' rip k if tiuiy n v.lirt ) If
(Ug llonln) It ( thuOc), thu~ tinh (( cI,', ',~ !!l; ',iIIIl, ill)ili,W imi,
gllOllKenin g!(Ol !~~ftift , C2 .l-i.. O. llllli. men
oJ !, t .. . ,
Ih~ d (mg lam. d im /{ nhu thuoe IrQ' liIir ) glass beads h ~H IhOy linh
gitoxin glt oxin , C 41Hs4014 (Kly cosil plrl.l glass black muoi den
d ll" "II/(' " .,. r'?\· man din II nt)n!!. k tr, tinh glass hlower IhQ'i Ih(')i IhllY linh
c:T d(ln g l d n g kfnh m(ip tit dun g die" glass blowing SII (hOi Ihuy tinh (1(10 h inlt
m elrln o l claro! a m (nn fr o n g li o n h (l'p kh6 1 Ihliy linh nh& t hOng cdell Ihf?i phong
claro! om vr) con. citing (rong y 'It()C (i e Ir; n6 bttng kh ong kllf qlln m QI em 6 ng Ihol)
binlt eli re) glass·bonde;d mica mica lien k et (hOy tinh
given fI nao d o; da ng xet; da: cho (VOl liCIl cdch ellen chl M lIg cach ep h on
give urr (ti d1 ra , ph[1I) tach ; ~ hVn ra j tlc!1 ra hup Iluiy Ilnlt b(jl VI} bQI mica 11,1' nhiell
give tI P ~lY mul ho{fc tong h(yp 0 nhif / d l) CllO )
glacial II bang gl"i ; bang, mr& c d a; bimg ha glass brick g<;tch lhuy linh (kll o l Iltti), linh
glacial acetic acid axil a xe(i c b a ng , frong 1110> rong vO'i win mau dlic Iren caC"
C 11 3 (';0011 (lU.: iI a.X-c:llc {'nil kllie t ( r:lui'a m {!l. d l'utg c7 eric /lUr n g IIg lln )
d,UYi 1% ml'a c ), ld chift l on g Iro ng, kh 6ng glass·ceramic g6 m thuy tinh (I/uiy linll
m ali. ifn m o no Illil a m. soi 118o C, (an a C/rng . lien. co nhiin val cnu Inle k ~1 lin"
Irong nzra c, con va ete va k el tinl! d e dting, khong x op, e6 d (j lien uon cao vn tf(J liell
di'lng nhll' dung m ol clro cric flau va nlu.raJ va d cip cno, diing de liim e{ic la p &pc. elk
glacial dye Ihuoc nhuom M ng clti l ief di f n vo ('0' dtle. cdc o ng Irao d o i
glacial phosphoric acid axiL phospho ric nhi f / . c h op l i n hi-a vn d l,m j( C I,~ n n ll
bang l1 u u ng )
gladUe gladU , PbCuBi!SSg (kh oring v(it mali glass cullet m fmh Ihtiy !lnh
xdm chI', dura clll va dong bismlll ,\'lIlf ua, glass cutter d OlO d i l k f nh (cI~mg C l,l gom
XIU'f1 Irl~n nhll' IinlJ lire liing kin},) ban" X l! IllIIp ho(Ic mlli k im C/l'a !!g de at,
glair giam long Lrang trUng (chill Long n/III' kfnh )
k r:o clu!' Itr I dng frting trti'lIg IrQII g ili'm , gJass cutting SI,I' d ,l kfnh
di4~g de chunn bi lie m(I1 b(>C snch ch a m(1 glassed steel IM:p phu thuy linh (ong ho(/('
wIng ) Ihllng phil thuy tinh dting Irong qua trlnh
glance pitch asphan nguyen chat (lO{li cong ng //{! comp osil Ihliy tinh-thep co d(J
rup/wltil co m(I1 g ay dong sang vn . . 0 vn ben Crill fr;j(' ella thi p va sire eh 6n~ m im
Jr~J"g " A i r 8 1150n l l nhung c o ty tr9 ng vn Clm Ilui)' tinh)
1:1 l~ cacbon kh6 ng bay hO'i cae han) glass electrode dlen C\,I"C thUy linh (dien
421 gla ss

Cl,r c h o(Ic mra pin q d o (t o Ihe qua m ang gla ss melt kho i Ihuy tinh; th·u y tinh na u
krnh uk dl;tng nlui' mtlnK Irao d8i cation) chay
glass fiber SQ' i thuy Ilnh (s(Y1 bhng lll/.~y glass melting SI,T nau chay thuy linh
linll dlrirng kfnh duu l 25 pm , dllng u glass painting SI,/' son thuy tinh ; hOi hoa
d ong btU ho{fc ~n nhll' len d~ liim vPt liell tren kinh
('Ifeh lim , dii n h o(lc nhi~/ va de gia cll'u n g glass paper glay ~ap thUy lInh (giay co l u p
cJro ch d t den d(lng l u p ) thllY linh nghien . tIiing lfu n g iay nip; giify
glass former ch3't tam IhUy tinh (oxil c6 lam Iii' s(yi Ihuy tlnh )
tile de dang 1(10 ra thtiy linll; h o(Ic La ox il glass pencil but chi thUy tinh
co th e dong g6p vao m(lng th,;y linll gl ass pipe 6 ng Ihuy linh
silieat )
glass pot bi nh thuy tlnh; nOi nau Ihuy tinl\
glass forming substance ng uy e n lieu (IO{1i nhd citing d e mIll nllli-ng Itr(YnK IIII;Y
Ih liy linh tinh nh a )
glass furnace 10 thu y tlnh (10 bC)c h o~lc
glass retort bi nh cong th Uy" tinh
fi lling t tyn de n lfu cric m e tJury tinl! Lon.
glass rod du" .lhuy linh (dimg de khuify)
nlti~1 dll'(>'c c lmg cf[p bhng edch h a ngpn
glass sand cat sllic (Cal hilm .lirvng Ill(lch
lira l ren be m (It "lilY finh wi f}ura n g ching
nnl! cao dimg frong nllll Ihriy linll, clura
edch nllng h oan nhii t kh 6 ng khl va go
nlurng lir(yng nh o nh o m oxif , stll OX ii,
duty. con g(Ji La glass la nk )
canxfaxil va magie ox il )
glass glazed (d~) ,,"ang men
g lass sc horl r.chorl lh uy tinh ,.~ axi nite
glass glazing Sl! trting men
glass silk hOng Ihuy ti nh
g la ss house nha m ay IhUy tinh
glass spinning SL! keo sQi th liy tinh
glassine gla"'ln, glay cttn lang (gi6y can Iring
glass spreading rod bay thUy" ti nh
m o ng n(1ng, trang :iu o t tir . bQr g iify Sill! il
r ift mIn, dimg l am gil(v bpc. I{ i ify Clich
glass-stem thermometer nhi(!t kc thuy
dNn trang l o t bien rip)
glassiness dQ b6ng
glass.stoppered bottle hinh nut th uy linh
glassing SI,/' danh bOng glass tank thu n g nau thuy nnh , x glass
glassing jack may danh h6ng
glass transition 51,/' ch uyc n hoo thuy tinh
glassing machine may d anh bOng
(.",.J' ch uyen xtiy ra kill ChOf long ngll(Ji di
glass in s ulator cal c~ic h di¢n thuy linh (cd;
Ihlm1l clui'l r rfn ~>6 djnh /tin" hOifc d (1ng
edell dicn ello dlriTng Irllyen (fii dicn mIng,
tllliy linlt; SI.r thay d oi cY mien \'0 d;nh lu'nll
che IiI' Ihlly linh Ii ho(ic Clt-ng h6a (ram))
Cllfl polyme k ifl linl! m ¢ ( phan IiI' t[(eu kirn
glnss jar binh thuy lInh nhrYf hoifc II.W CflO .W .\"Ong dieu ki~1l n i ·ng
glass.li~ ed (dU'Q"t!) tn'ing men; (dln.Yc) 16 1 vd lIuJ"ng tlo l Kion. (Iurang ·x dy rn do nltlf l
IhUy" linh dp bie n clot. eon gpi Iii gamma tran.'o;itioll,
gla ss makers ' s oap xa phong lam thu), lin h glas.."y transition)
(chat nlllr m an gan ox it Ih lim VGO fluiy lin" glass transition temperuture nh ic t d(l
d? [0(11 bd m l iu It.le do ctic muof sifl ((10 ra ) chuyc n hoa th uy tinh (nltJfl dQ 1(11 d e> m (JI
glass·making SL! s~m xual Ihuy tinh chat long cltllyen .WlnK chaf rrin va dinlt
glas s marker daa kh ~c thuy tinl1 ""nit h O{1c Ihliy linlt)
g l ass 422

g la ss tub e 6ng thuy tinh g htu con it e glauconil, KI 5(Fe,Mg,AI) " . 6~

g l ass tubin g ga u ge cr.1 do ClY 6 ng Ihuy (Si,l\ l)s020 (O H ) (m (it 10(li klwang \'rl sc i ,
linh d (Jng wry m o n g)
g lass va lves van thUy ti n h g la u cop h ane g la uc o pha n, N<l 2 Mg3 AI 2 Sie
g l ass w a re silO ph~m Ihuy tinh , do thuy tlnh (nalri amplribol h i! ctern If) mllU la fai d en)

g lass woo l rung IhUy Ilnh (k il o ! ,\'0'1 ,JulY g l aze m en (sli'); vc nhti n bOng; la p bong; sir
tin" gli5nK bang, dting litm c lta l crich di§n, ho vfli /I ell trang men; d anh bOng; thuy tinh
cillfl d pn v a cltn l I fJC klu)nK kltl) , h 6a ; san; danh veeni ; ho viti
glass woo l fi lt e r hOng loe thuy linh g l azed pa p e r giay lang , glffy m~ 1 txlng
g lass work ~I! st'm xuat Ihtiy Iinh g l aze d p o ttery do s.,'tnh trang m en
g lass wor k s nhfi m ay Ihtiy tlnh g lazed p owde r b(Jt dc'inh !:xSng
g l asswo rt c(r Ihuy linh g l aze s t a in chil l m £lu m en (cluf f /11. ;11 tie
!rim m en gom, chi! IIi' ox il mUll{ nghien
g lassy 11 l ila thuy tinh ; trong :.;uot; ~cing;
min, nlm' cdc oxit cobfll!, dOtlt:, nlflllgfln
b6ng; d~ng Ihuy linh
h o{1c sifl)
g l assy a ll oy h<;rp kim d ',lng thuy linh (h q p
kim co clfu Inlc vo dfnll hinh IIo(1c tl(Ing g l azier's lead men chi
11111)' tinll. con gpt It} mt!lallic gl.lss) , g l az ier's sa lt knli su lfat , K 2SO"
g l assy re l ds par fcl~ral t huy tinh , x g l az ing co m poun d hun hV'p gan kinh (hIm
sanidinc h <,'fJ Inf t hil (/(mg de t:dn kin vii g ilt' ctic
() k(nh 1{ / i clro)
g l assy l ayer lar trong sueil
g lassy s t .t te Ir;,mg th.il thuy tinh, x vHreous g l azi n g g la ss thuy tinh d "inh hllng
slate g l az in g m a«.: h ine mi.}' ufinh hOng
g lassy tr a n s lt iu n ~l! c huycn h6.'1 thuy tinh, G LC x g<ls.liquid ch romat ogr aphy
x g~s~ Iran sit io n gleam <inh sclng mir II d l phal sci ng yeu
g la u be rit glaubcrit, Nn z C:"'1(SO.h (k h nrinj: g litte r chfit Ifi r lanh (nhom V(1f /ii}u lrang
wjr II ~ (I (}'n Iii, giim In rlt l x rim. l'tlng , cd tinlt Ir( durn uk wry clti l a ll d~ moi l 'dy t (lO ra
lIu;), '[nit va l't m(Jn) m(Jt pltrin X {I nltin tllay hlp lfinll , dll'(J'l'
Gla ub e r 's sa lt nlu6i (j I <I U he r , o -(Jn \'tin ch ltl dtlo k.11I lu)a Iu,rp) ; sl.,l' I~p lanh
Na 2 SO. , IOH z O (,""'! at flaI r; "y d r (If 1/('111 (cri(' vi!I ,wing pluin ,\:(1 Itt' 11It'j1 "K/I f)" diem ,
kifl 'inll , nu" IIIrac klti d e 1I~[()(ii k lliml: dn m (11 bien IIO(1c 111 (11 ,\'6 ng (,Oil n Il//' kiell
kh,., "In fro ng mfCYc. k 1t6!!.K IlIn Il'ong (,UI! , 1,luill .\:{l KI t'O'flg)

titlng 'rang nllll(}H1 wil " tl y II p(') t,: lubin glol1in (m()t c/I(i't (rang nlu)m prolein
g lau cocerinite glaucoxcrinit (klwfing 1'(11 Iti,\-/on IUJU UIIf, diell cit e Itl' h emoglobin
cllti'n dOll g, k e m vd nl/() n/ ,wl/ ar bflzO' d() lIg \'(il)
ng (im mr6'c) glob~n z in c.: i n su li n in su l in kc m gl o hin
g la u coc br o i t e gl;1Ucocrcoil, Ca M n SiO. (cite pl,}im in sulin Ih ay ' rlol I)()ng each
(khoring 1'1;1' m (l u "h eY' 1 00 .It,~c, d(lng "nh 11u.?m ;::Iohin (dlin x llal l ir Item oglobin n ill
lit ? I lfnK 1n.1 ) mrill lin) w'i k.i! m c/O,.,Ifl, fir) ~d khonng IluT(
g la u cod ot g laucodot, ( Co,Fc)I\ ~S (khoring glan uk dung Ir tlnX binh)
"(il mlm phu l xrinHr i'lng, frang nhft' kim g l ob o s id e gloh()sil (t:lycO,\'i! xermnit cJu ;'(I
/o{li, ching tinh ,lie h i} It> pl"t'O'ng) mQI ,..fi nlt olll rlU'.hlg clul' klu)1/g pltd i ox il
w. ' u ~ nw. .. n e .. , ..

n euraminic , JlIlI dlr(yc 1(1' h ong diu ngu'al , Glover towt'r Ih{lp Glover (Illrip tr o n g quti
dl'tI va I(yn) Iri nh bllcmg c hi de . . an
X llut m "iI slllf uric,
globular powder b¢l vlen Iro n g do nita ox it, lUll lIllynh dioxil va
globular protein proleln d~ng ca u hIm h r;rp kh6ng k lli d l t'()'C ch o lIi IIi' duoi
(pr o t ein bal ky dl I an trong d ung m6i /in wi phlln c ilng ' v et ; li on h(J'p (lXil
mr6c) sulf llric nitrmyl-axif sil ifuric)
globulin g lo bulin (prol ein Iwye l rlwnh glow nong sil ng, s.-'i ng ch6 i /I dt nung n6 ng
khOng ben nhiet . k e r Ilia bUt amoni s" l[ at s.:'ing
baa hou 50% va tan Ironl{ dung dich muoi glowing combustion SI.! dO l c h fly sa ng
/onng) (phdn trng g ilt {l oxy IIo{Tc ch at ox)' hoa ~ 'a
glocken cell chu6ng dien phan (binI! di~n be m{lf nhien l.i~ fi r d n sao clIO co ,\ '1.1' plliu
phfin hinh chuang) X f,l nhiel wi tin l! san g mti k ll ong co ng on

glockerite g lokerit (k h orin g vii I m ti ll nilu, lira , ee)n g9i iii surface burning)
vang son . l Ien ho(fc xnnh 1~IC ma, d(lng nhli. glucagon glu ec"1£on (h orm o n protein do cac
cia, kJuun h o(ic III{I, clurn slll ( II ) sill/ nr I i!" brio a 0;(1 1I,ly li e l rn, n o d o n g vai Ire)
btuO' hydrm h on) trong 51,. cJUly~n h6a carbox y hy draJ, cOn
glory-hole 16 hinh hhl (10 nau lluiy flnh g,ot Id hypexyglyccmic factor, hyperglycemic

I(li ); 10 th~o qu~ n g ; 10 lay m !1 u glycogcnolytlc factor)

glo s s m ~ t b6 ng; vc bOng; <l nh; Sl,r ho v~ii ; d O glucamine gluca min, C e I-i 1!S0",N (nmin 1(10

bOng (0', so anI! sting pluin X(I g lamg Ilr rn bang crich kill;' glucu,\ )'lmnin h of,1c: oxim
gluc"o za)
m Ol be m(ll Iren l ong anh ,w inK p hon X(l )
II ill diinh bOng; h o v<l i glucan glucan (po lY Mu'arii clllr(l clln}'nK
gloss finish hofm Ihanh d c'm h hdng [) -gLll coz a he.xoz a)

glossimeter la ng kc, c<li do do lang (clung glucide sHearin , C 7 i-1 s N03 S

,Cl,l, I h u a n g Lit qU(lJ1g dien de do Iy sti till" glucinium beryll , Be (I iln c ii CI;O ng llyiln I ff

sang phdn X(l fir IrI QI be m (l l tr n n g m(H beryli, g p i nlllt' 1'(;)1 I'i uk mllol ('Iia beryli
I Ul'ang xac d in/! Iriln l o ng anI! sting plui" co vi nK{JI)
X(I' theo m (Ji IlIl'a ng. con gpi iii glossmcter ) glucocelot!broside glucoxl:rcbrusil (Klycosil
glossiness dO bong xerwnil clura gillcoz a)

gl oss meter Iflng kc, x glos,,<;im c l er glucochloral g lu cncloril l (edn KPi I{i
gloss oil d Iiu b()ng (.Hyn c/fill 10f,II c h{11 chlorHluse)
hl'(J'ng Iltdp dllra nhl,l'a th o n g hOll Ifln glucochlralose glucoclora loza (con gpt III
Iro n g nopllla cilUlg m al) ch loralose)
gloss paint s(YO b6n g a -D- glucf)chloralost! a.lJ-glucochlornloz,a ,
glossy II bong, lang x chIOr<llo!"C
glost do trang m en glucocorticoid glucocol'licoi\ (c orl i coil ';nh
glost firing 51.! nung men (qmi :rinlt Irring IlII'o-ng lai .o; ~1' chIlY :!" hoo glllcoza, cllli yeu
men va nllng eta Rom viSn I"r ae d d dci clo I'{j Ire n t"fin l iel r a)
ilu(yc murK a nllif l d(1 can hm'! ) g lucoge ncsis SV HHl Ih ~lOh !;lueoz~1 (Irol1;':

glost kiln !''; m en C"fY Iltl; lI{}ng \ '(il fir eric" .win pham Cl io SI,I'

J!love ga ng w y gly co l plllin )

glucokinase 424

glucokinase glucokinaza (enzym xlk lac SI,r C s H 12 0 a P (este clia glucopyrg;noza frong
phosphoryl h6a D-glucoza thiinh do nhom ph.osphat giln v6'i nguyen at
g(ucoza-6-phosphaJ) cacbon 1. co hai lo~li: a-D- vii {3-
glucolipid g1ucollplt (glycolipil cho glucoza D-glucoza-l-phosphat, con g9 j Iii Cori
khi Ihuy phlin) ester)
glucomannan g I ucomana n (polysacaril glucose-6-phos ph ate glucoza-6-phosphat,
chua D-gilicoza va D-manoza, La thanh C a H 13 0 9 P (esle Clia g/ucoza v6'i phosphat
phOn toi clio cliy co qua thong) gdn v6'i nguyen HI' cacbon 6, con g9i Iii
gluconate gluconat: CH 2 0H.(CHOH) •. Robisonester)
COOM; CH 2 0H.(CHOH)•. COOR (muoi glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
clla init gluconic) glucoza-6-phosphat dehydrogenaza (enzym
gluconeogenesis SI! t~o thanh glucoza d(mg v(1t co Vlt Xli.C laC S(l' oxy hoa
(Irong ca Ih~ dong v(il lit cric cllal, Int glucoza-6-phosphat bai Iriphosphopyridin
carbohydral, nhat Iii protein va chat bio) nucleolit (TPN+))
gluconic acid axil gluconic, C S H 12 0 7 (axil glucose tolerance test phep thlr dung n<;tp
klt linh, dtell ehe tit gillcoza bang each glucoz.a (phep th,i- d€ do khd niing Clla gan
my hnn, di'mg Irong film s(lch kim IO(li) bien d(ji glucoz a thimh glycogen)
gluconic acid sodium salt muoi natri glucose yeast water djch men glucoza ,
axit gluconic, x sodium gluconale . glucosidase glucosidaza (enzym Ihtly phiin
D-glucopyranose D-glucopyranoza , x cac glucosit)
glucose glucoside glucosit (mrc chat trong nh6m
glucopyranoside glucopyranosit (gillcosit hc,rp dlift chlca cac d(lng vong Clla xlucozCl,
bf{t ky chzca vong sail thdnh p h(in) frang d6 hydro CIW hydroxyl hemiaxefal
glucosamine glucosamin, C.,H 13 0 5 dll'(yc thay the bang nh6m alkyl ho(ic myl)
(ltuiYng amin, c6 nhfell nhal Irong tl,t' 7-D-glucoside 7-D-glucosit, x genistin
nhien. xual hi~n trang glycoprotein va glucosulfone sodium natri glucosulfon, x
chitin) sodium glucosulfone
glucosazone glucosazon , C S l-I lO O. - glucosyltransferase gl ucosy Itransreraza
(NNHCs H 5h (en zy m xlic lac Sll glucosit hOll
glucose glucoza, dU'ang glueo, C6 H 12 0 6 hytlroxylmelyl xytosin, La m¢t thiinh phon
(monosacariT, xuat hi~n 1(1' do ho(ic l..el clio mit deoxyribonucleic th~ Ih~rc khllan)
hr;rp ~'a Iii dl(iYng thong d~mg nhat, con glucuronic acid axit glucuronic, C 8 H 10 0 7
gt;Ji La cerelose, D-glucopyranosc) (axil lLo oxy haa goc CH 2 0l/ ('Iia
~lucose-6-phosphatase gl ucoz a -6- D -g lllcoza thanh COOH . Lii II/(lnlt phon
phosphat aza (enzym trong gan, x/1c lac SI,l' cria nlt;'ell polysacarit va m¢t so gom Iltl.rc
thllY phan glucoza-6-phosphat thiinh W;if. con K()i hi glycuronic acid)
glucoza I(I do va phosphm vo cO') glucuronidase glucuronidaza (enzym x/Ie
~~Iucose phospbate glucoza phosphal Ific Sl,i' flllly plum cae gltlcllronit, can K9i
(chlfl dlln xual phospho clla glucoza. nhlt' iii glycuronida~)
gillcoza-l-p hosp hat ) glucuronide glucuronit (lwp chfi't ner!
g ~ ucose-l-phospha te glucoza-l-phosphal, do Ul"fyng Ide clla ax;/ g lliclll'onic vai
425 g lyce r a ldeh yde

p h e n o l , rlrt';r u h o(1,c n x il Chll"a nh 6 m kludin)

carboxyl, co n gpi La gly curonide) g lut a mi ne syn th e t ase syntctaza glutamin
D-g lu c uro n o l acto n e D-glucurono l<tct o n , (en zy m X l le uk st.r 1(10 Ihfmh gillt a min fir
C e He 0 e (chat k € I tinh Inn (rong m ute, co ax i l g l utnlni c " it am o ninc . c o ,\'11' ell,ln g
a cae g om I h~rc v(iJ tro ng cac p oly m e va l aden o,\'inUlph o sphar nh lr n g ll o n n tl nj{
ca e c arbohydra t khdc, va Itl thdnh p ll nn Iu{),ng )
cdu Ink quan trpng e lla hau hift c d c !nO g l u t a r a ld e h y d e g lut a r a ld c h y t , OH C-
sO'i va lien k € t (r ong d¢ng v(it, dtmg fr o n g (CH2h C HO (c h ift long sol cY I S8°C. I tln
y h (X nhtr chat ch o ng v;em kh a p ) f ran g ntra c wl con. dl'tng nhu dung dicit
g lu e keo (dong v~ t) (d(Ulg g elatin tlul'O'n g s inh h ()C (50) vn ch o n g tlnh thuQc da)
m(li th6, kh o ng Ifnh kh ie t, m a ll ha pllnch , gl ut a r a t e glutafClt (muo l h O(1c es t e Clla a\:it
lhi1.nh phnn chi tiel chua b ie t, 1(10 rn nit a g Lutaric )
thliy phdn co lagen d (mg v{il, g elalin h o o g l u ta ric ac i d ax it g lutaric , C .5 1-15 0 . (a dl
frong dung dieh nude va kilo (Ie 1(10 '-0 kel tlnh, t an trung ntu j'c, co Ir ong eli ctii
la p k e f dinh c h ile ) 1/ dt dan , lam dinh dtdrn g va p hon u k h lo n g d u i len Ih o)
g lu e bo ile r nOi na u keo gl u tat hi one g lutath i o n , C l o l-l t7 0e N3 S
g lu e d iges t e r nOi s inh ken (trip epIil pltfin bo r (m~ rill, q u an Ir p n g

g lue fact o r y nha fTh1Y keo fr a n g cdc phan Ir n g m:y h o o m o Il/l,r e v(il
g lu e in peach keo hal va d (m g v (it )
g lu e wo rk s nha m ay k eo g l u t e lin ,l!,l ut c lin (nh o m eric pro tein d a n
g luey II dfnh g idn klti'mg ben nhlf l I r o n g h (l f n g i i dic,
t an Ir o llg cae fll.: it V(} k ((jm 1(){ln g)
·~Iu ey n ess tfoh keo; d (l keo // 11 (lhuQc) keo
g lu te n glu te n (h6n h <?'p prot ein Iro n g h(1f
11K II. COC, ' (10 rtl Ifnh thin h o i vel ct1 k e f Clia
gluin g (s..,) d a n , s .., la m din h
b(Jf nhilo ; tlilinh ph lJII c6 albumin nia m ci
~ lul am g<'1 ghep,
glula m (v¢t litlu du{),c t(10
d o ng v(il )
ra nh & nol hai h O{ic nhieu l a p go bling
g l uten in gl utenin (g ill/elin Clla Itia mi J
chift k ea sa a ch a eac hr;z1 Clia tift cd cac
lap xap xi song song va i nhall) gl u tet hi mi d e g lut e thimit , C 1311 15N 0 2
( tlmo c an than co tac t1l.mg "'e c h e h i! th an
g lu si d e s.' Cc·u in , (; H!jNOaS, x saccharin
k ln h t r unK /ro-ng)
g luta m a t e g lulamal (mu iii h o(l c este Clla
g l u tin ate d im , 1 ~1I11 d inh
axil g llliamic)
g l u tin o u s It d fnh nhu' k eo ; nh<.Yt ; ell n'}~t
g lu ta m ic acid a xit g lut a mi c , C!j Hg O "N
(axil amin diearb l!x ylic c tia h p a x il
a-k etoglutaric c6 nhie u I rang cdc protein ) g l u tin o u sness d { l d inh, d 6 kc o
g luta mina s e g lut a minaz a (ei1Zy m X i lc /fie g ly c e r a ld ehyd e gl yx c r al d c hy t , C H 2 0 1-1-
Sl.r bie n doi g[uJam ln rhiinh axil glu tamic C O I IC H O (cluff riill k h i m g miill. d o ng
va nmo niac) phiin v&i d eh y tlr ox yaxet o n .. /tin fr a n g
gluta m i n e g l ut a min , C .5Hto03N2 (axil nu'&C, khimg 1(11/ I rong d ung m o l lll"n ' co',
amin, l it ,no n nlnit e lla axil glillamic . cd In c lt lf t trung g ian qlltlll I r (Jng Ir o n g !i l.l'
Iron g mra c cl' e lla nhte u Ihtr e v(il va d in chuyl1 n hOll carb o h y tlr(l(, dt'jng nllu' h Oll
I hie t eh o s (r phdl Iri~n ella m (J t ,<;0 v i ch lf ! tr ung g ian fr a ng n g hliln nl'tl s inh II pc
glycerate 426
va dinh duang) c lia mit gly xl!ropho sp/lOric) .
glycerate glyxcrm (milo ; IIO(1c esle clla m : iI glycerophosphoric acid axil
glyxeric ) g lyxe r ophosph o rl c , C3 Hs (OHhOP03i'12 (
glyceri c acid mel! g lyxc ric. C 3 HsO. ((nit m 6 t IronK I wi fLt:i l 1m; baza d (jn g philn
hydraxy tIm (IIrqc nlur ox)' h ria g lyxerin ) milll "'lng n"(lI, tan ,rong nlUYC, XI ulf Itirn
glyceric aldehyde aldehyt glyxcric IronK thien nltien du'ai d(Ulg 10 11(;)'p nlllr
xeplw lin w) l exilln)
glyceride glyxcrit (esl c ella glyx crin W1 g oc
acil 1111'" ca, cdc chf{l beo lli Kly xeril elia glycerose glyxcro:w, C 3 J-i S 0 3
mQI so ru: il ben m(lch lini ) glyceryl g l yxc r y l , O C H 2 OCf-l OCI-12 =
glycerin glyxcrin, x gly cero l (nh6m e lll t'a ,ii' gty x ero l (C I-/ 2 0 I-1 )2 -
glycerinate g l yxeri n al : C I-12 0HCHOH- CH OH )
COOM; C H 2 0 H C H OHCOOR glyceryl diaed ..,te g lyxcryl diax c t a l , x
diacc lin
glycerinated If chu-a glyxerin
glycerinating s t,r xU- Iy glyxcrin glyceryl monoa c etale g ly xc ryl
m u nOClxcta t
glycerine glyxcrin, C H 2 0H.C.HOH.CH 2 0H
glyeeryl triaed .. te g ly xeryl Iriaxc l at
glycerine still noi c h Lrng giyxerin
glyceryl trichloride g lyxcri l Iri c l o rua ,
glycerine treatment s"r xli' Iy glyxcrin
C I-'2 C I.C HCI.C H 2CI
glycerokinase glyxc r okinnza (en zy m Xlic
glyceryl lripa lmitate g lyxcryl tripalmit al
tOe ,\'1.1' plw,\'ph o ryl h o a g lyxero! Ih im"
glYAcr uplwsplwl lrUT/X qwi tr inll ICrI m e rl glyceryl trist ea rate J; lyxery l trisl c <lrct 1. x
ra:it p r upio nic do ~'i s inh v(il)
stear in

glycerol giyxcro l , C I-I 2 0I-I CHOJ-I C I-12 0H glycide glyxll , C 2 1-13 0.C 1--I 2 0 H
(rlr(Yu t rih edric cla n g idn nlull, khi linll glycidic ucid axlt gly x idic . C 2 H 3 0 .C 0 2 1-1
khiif f no I ii c /t lft l o ng klu)ng mtiu. klt (m /f ( clull Iring de bay Ir a i , co n KPi lil c pox y-
m'-ii. n/tat c6 ~'i ng (Jl. /(IIJ hoim loim Irang prnpionic; <Ic ld)
mate vr) rlrt;rU, nltung chi tal1 m~)1 plt7m glycidol g ly xido l , C 3 H s 02 (ep ox il I ring ,
Irong e(ic dung mOl 1"6 n g (iI.mg nl",' <tI e \'() kh o ng m /III .\'{); 0- /(j2°C, Ir6 n Lan du'o' C WT;
elY! axelat , dling Iro ng ~rin XIIIi'I nlll.u l m r rYc, tliinK fr ong fo nK h(J'p Chnl /r(rrl CO ·,

alky l , clufl 110. c il lft eh o nK c/() n g . 111II0c. con g p i Iii c pihy <Jrln al c(')hol)
ml,re. ntra c 110(1, my pllfil11, Xtl plu)n g l'() glydn pholog lyx in, C S i-l g N0 3 ( 11(7 P e " (;'1
Iro ng gia cemg lin!t , con gpi I ii gly ce rin . k e f lin h t(lO Ihilnh nlll"nK In monK t(lp
glycy I alcohol) lrinll IiI' dung (Jie/r I1lUYC, n 6 ng duly a 2 45
glycerol" dichloroh y drin g l yx c rin - 247 0 C. Ion Ir o ng ki e ln WI Cfle ax if
diclohydrin, klwdnJ?" "ling nlll,. chtfr hi fn an" V() rr anK
sym-glycerol di c hl o rohydrin x ric (l in" pllnn I{c ll siif, ph o.\pho va ,\·jlic.
sy m -glyxcrln diclohydrin ('on gpi hi pho to glycine)
glycerol dimethyl ketal kcHl l g lyx erin glycine g lyx in , C 2 l-l S 0 2 N (axil nmln k i! f
dimetyl linll m(;11 Irr1ng. l !tanh p/tnn C/ia nhi eu
glycerol a- mono c hlurohydrin g lyx c rin prOldn , cim K Oi In flminOc'lceUc aCid )
a -monoclohydrin gl yc o- gly c;O-(lie n 10 /r n a chili elli lit? n KPf
glycernphosphate g lyxcrnpho.'iphut (m,,61 IIO(k lien fllmn l a i c/lrirng ho(1c gl)' x ;n)
427 glycoprotein

glycoaldehyde glycoaldc hy t, I-IOCI1 2 CHO gom eric j'an pham phan Ii"ng ('lin glycn/
glycocholic acid ax-it g l ycoc ho lic , C n Il 2n (OI-I)2 wi axil hII'll CO', vi d(1 ery/ ell
C 26 H 43 NOs (m('ll tim dll'(l'c b(~ng eric" kih g ly col dinxetnr Iii ,~' dn phflm elia ery l en
h(J'p a:dt ('h oUr vcYi gly xin) g /ycol wi axil m :eriej
glycoco II-para- ph en eli din c glycol ether etc glycol (ch ifl l o ng kh l m g
hydrochloride phenocol hydrocloru3 mila dlmg nhu dllnK m o i, (rang chfil l Oy
glycocyamine g lycoxlaml n , C 3 H 7 N 3 0 2 r,ra, vel nlllr c!tat p h o loling , vi til,l (lie n
(srin ph(jm IIrang lac elin mil aminox efic hinh I n e t e e t y l e n glyc o l di e t y l
vo argin in ma Irong st.r chl(yen mely l 1160 C 2N .DeN 2e N 2 (X: 2H . )
Mng melhionin hi bien IIIlmh crenlin, con glycol ethylene ether etc glycol etylen
gpi Iii guanid ineacct ic ac id) glycolic acid axil glycolic, CH 2 0HCOOH
glycogen gl y c o gen (p o lysn cnrit I'(j din" (wiy monK kh l mg m (1I1, clifty rt"'m , pllfin hi;)'
llin" kh o n g kidI' , mi1ll Irt'fn g. !ri a kllOrinK78 ° (', /fin trang mrac, 1'11'(711 w;
carbohy drnt dl,r Inr !ra ng ea c Ie btio ca vii ele, cJiing nlllr h O(l ch ffl Irung gian I r o n J.:
gan etta tif, cd eric d (mg \'(il Ixjc c aD, elmg nlw¢ m val, con K(Ji iii hydroxyacc tic a Cid)
nllll' frong eric Ie brI O c,ia d Qng v(ir b{1c glycolipid _glycolipil (U1 ()f cllffl lro ng 'nh om
,"rIp) cac Lipi/ phlr c h (7 p clura cri c g oc
glycogenesis Sl,r 1•.10 th fl nh glycugen (do earbohy drm J
chltyen hoa til' g i llco za) glycollic acid axil £Iycolic
glycogenolysis ~l! li e u huy g lycogen (.q l' glycolysis gly col phtm (,,1.( phan III'ty b(~ng
JUly ('huy en !too etia g ly cogen) en l )'m ('lin Kit/coz n /u)(k ('orbohycll'al kluk,
glycogen sy ntheta se synt e ta za gly cu ge n \'eYl ,\'l,r t{IO lit /mit (uil I(l c lit' Ito{T c (Lx i i
( e n z ym Xlic (de j ' (r t l> Il K h (y p 11I()ch pyru vic 1'(; gidi ph ollg m Tn;:: h l'(YIIK ti ll'cn
mny l ol fl cl in gly cogen ) cI(Jng oden mdn Iriph m plwl )
glycol glyco l, C n l-i 2n (OI-f )2 (efUII Illrll CCY glycolythiourea glycoly thi oLlrc , x
\ '6'i hai nhom hydrax.yl tr i ll m(l eh cnc bo ll 2-lh iohydant Oin
ve 1I!l,rc cluff b e o , con g (Ji /r) dihydroxy glycolytic pathwa y con dUlyng glycol phfl n
alcohol); HOCH 2 CH 2 0I-1 (ru(7u rtihy arw:. )' (d d)' cric phdn Ii"ng phm pllOry lluj a clti"It
khfmg mim, dimg nhu clla t cho nK d onK. lien qtum l u i ,win X Ua ( axil P Y I'/l\'jc Iron!:
tr ong ella I ftm. IJlliy It,re vd Irn nX ,win x ,ui l /e n men ph o sph o r y l h o o , (' C} II gp i Iti
dynnmil va nll/,ra, co n g (Ji I n cthyle nc Emhdcn-Meycrhof p clthWilY , h l.;x o s l.;
glycol) diphospha tc pathway)
glycol dehydrator cl1fil khlr nm'n: gly co l glycolyureu gly colyurc, x hydantoin
(thUf t hi Xli' I>i de 10(1i 11ft Cli ho(k phi/n glycnneogenesis Sl,I' t Hu thilnh gl yc n g":l1
lu n mrO'c tr"r khi am b /llt~ u k h clIO l if!p (quri Irlnh c/lIIyen h oa 1(10 th nllll K'yn)g en
x lk va i g lycol) Ill' ('(Ie li ell chfi'r pit' cnrboiEydl'nt)
glycol diacelah: glycol dia,xc la l, x cthylcnc glycopeptide glyco peptit , x glyco prote in
glycol dUlcclatc glycoprotein glycoprotein (m Ol clui'l Iro n g
glycoldinitrate glycoldin itrat , x ethy le ne nh6 m eric prol ein kCI h Q'p c/-ur(l eric d a n
nitra te ~I i c(i ('flrbohy drlll WI prot ein, cd" g (Ji h i
glycnl t:ster CS IC gly co l (II (YjJ ('hlft luju h()c glycopept ide )
glycose 428
glycose glycoza (monosacarlJ c6 call Irlk cae phdn Ii-ng sinh hoa lien quan tffi st." h6
dll'ui d(lng ho(fc nldehyl h o(lc kelon m(lch hap khi I"mn dc hOI co chiil Ixfo nho- do
heY ho{lc hemiaxelnl lIong) coenzym axetyl A bien doi Ihanh axil
glycosidase glycosldaza (enzym tlllly phtin SIlX.;nic va sau do thanh hexoza)
glycoslJ) glyoxylic acid axil glyoxiliC ,
glycoside glycosit (h9'P chal ma khi thllY CH(OH)2COOH (axil aldehyt ,co Irong
phfin sf cho duo-ng (glucoza, galactoza) va nltiell rno tlu,rc v{il va d(mg v{it . n lurl LiJ qua
aglycon, nll/eu glycosil co gid Irt lie m(il xanlt)

tr' Ilfa) glyphosate glyphosat, CaHaNOsP (chfft

rdn mfm Irang nong chdy a 2000C, Ian it
glycosyl glycosyl (nh6m cful'C h6a tr; mot
dlin xual ILl' d(lng lIong ctia glycoza nho- Irong mrac, dling nllll' IIIllOC trir co)
10(11' bd nh 6m hydrary/ h emiax etnl) glYP"osine glyphosin. C 4 1-i 11 NOa P2 (clull
glycosylation glycosyl h6a (phan ling h oa ran mall 11'(1ng, nong duiy a 203°C, tan
hpc Irong do cdc nhom glycmyl dut;Yc bo Itoim foan Irang nuac, cHmg nllll' drift diell
sung vao mQI protein de 1(10 rn tiet sinh trll'a n g Irong cay mfa)
glycllprolein) glyptal resin nhl)'a glyptal (glyxerol
glycotropic hU'&ng glycol (Idc d~mg chong rmhydr it plaalic lam IiI' nhfl Ilrang nhl,m
I(li tac dt,mg ctio insulin ) alkyl, ci/lng frang w:cni va chffl cdch difn)
glycuronic acid axil g lycuronic, x gm x gram
glucoronic acid gmelinite g m e.1 i nit , (N a 2 Ca)A1 2 Si 4 0 ,2 ,
glycuronidase glycuronidaza , x 61-1 2 0 (kh oring vOl zeolil khong mall hnt,1c
glucuronidase mrlu nh(ll wl k ifl linlt Irong hif !t,lC l{itic)
glycu roni de glycuronil, x glucuronide Gmelin's salt kali hcxa x y anofcra t (III),
glycyl glyxyl, NH 2 C H 2 COO- ho ;;c K 3 lFc(C N).1
NH C H 2 COO= (g nc /II' glyxin N H 2C H 2~ G M P x guanyliC acid
COON, co a cdc peptit) goar da khang qu~n g (con I(li 0- mci); vung
glycyl alcohol nJ'O'u glyxy l. x glycerol rna da khai lhac
glyoxal glyoxal, (CHOh (b(il h n(ic ch/fl goethite goctH, FcO(OI-l) (khodng l'(il m illl
long khong mall, ch riy rita c6 mlli nhl}, wing, dri Iw(jc nail ,w im, kiFl lin" rronx 1ft;
nong cfuly a
15 0 C , stJi a
51°C', dllng d(] lit pllll"O'ng , m(fc dil ,/urang tim Ihff)' Irong
chong ho a Ian tinh bQI. V{11 U¢u xenluloza cae ke't tl.i d(lnl{ s(yi l oa lia. tlranh ph7lfl
va protein, Irqng cdc c hat long INrp, de thong IllIr&ng c/;a gi Il.r nlriiJn ho(ic
IhuQC da va de clJong co la nhan ((1 0) limonil, con gOi la xanthosiderHc)

glyoxalase glyoxak'lza (enzym co m(" Irong goiTer lam g(yn; in h<k'1 nOI
cric m6 th~ kh dc nhall von x lic Iric st.'" hien gon'er calender m ay c..-i n Imyn s6ng
doi m etylg lyox al (himh axil latic ) goffered cloth vai hoa noi
glyoxalic acid axit glyoxalic, CI-IOCOOH goffered pa per gi~y van nOi
(tinh Ihe kh6ng mall, Ian Irang ml'O'C, 1(10 goffering (Slf) lam ggn; (Sl,J') in hO<l nOi
rn axil glyoxylic) golfer machine may lam gt,Yn; may in ho<l.
glyoxaline glyoxalin '.

glyoxylate cycle chu Irinh glyoxylat (day gold vimg, Au (nl{llyen to hoa luX, nl{lty iJn
429 gold

IIi' so 79. n g uyen IIi' III'O' l1g 196.967. Um gold monoxide v ~mg (I) axit, Au 2 0
fr o ng nzrqe c lrang foan, n ang ('hay a gold number chi so va ng (so cia lu(Yng keo
J065°C ; In n g uy en ,15 kim /o(li Il,r nhlin. bao \'4 phd; Ihem vao sol w'ing do chllon
kim 1000i hi ditng ct.r mau wing lll am. rlf I IrQn val dung dich nalri cLorua dl! ngdn
n(lng, m em , thu a n g lhtfy it t7P k im val b(lc tiling dieh LdIn dlo sol dong 11.1, Ih e hii n a
vit d lJn g. diing trong kim fl ann. nlm klt oa. m (}u tf o ; It" do sang La)
m(l vong . anOl, hQ'p kim Wl chat Min) gold oxide vang axit, Au 2 0 3 (bQl ma" den
gold·198 vang L98 (d{jng v; phong X(l clio phur n t'lu, khong tan Iro n g nuac, phdn htlY
vang. kilo; /U'Q'ng nguy en IIi' }98 WI Illth bUi nllif/. t an Irong mil clohydric, dung de
ginn ban Juiy 2,7 ngely. d ll.ng frong tr; Iiqu m (l vang. Irang y h (JC va do SIr, eon g 9 i Iii
y h 9C cac khol Il Mng eacll liem d(mg keo auric ox ide, gold trloxidl?)
ella n o frt,r c tlep vao ,"0 hi II ) gold perc hlorid e va ng (111) c1nrua , AuCI 3
gold alloy ho-p kim vang OW!> k i m bal ki' gold plating S\f m<,l va ng
cd elura wing)
gold potas si um chl.oride viln g-ka li
goldbealer's s kin da d al vang (mang clo rua, x potassium gold chloride
ng adi do xlr Iy CllO ""9' g iii ella gia SIte. gold potas si um cya nide va n g - kaii
(iI'm:.g g ilra cac td kim /0(1; fr on g ddt vim g
xya nua, x potassi um gold cyanide
va dol kill frong am ke)
gold salt mu6i v img, x sc.x:l lum gold chlo r ide
gold beryl vang beryl, x chrysobery l
gold salt muoi va ng, x sc.x:llum gold chlo ride
gold chloride vang clo rua, A u C 13 (hQ'p
goldschmidtine gol d sch mldtin , x
ch al mau do, 1(10 ra M ng phon Ii-ng Clia
sl c phanit e
vang va cia ho(1c bAng p I I(;n Ii- n g c lio
goldschmidtite goldschm id tit . x sy lvanil e
H A uC / 4 vai cLo, phfin hliy bai nhiQ/, tan
gold s ize keo d a n vang (d ung dicit b¢1
Irong ntrac con va et c. d ii n g Irang cJlI.lP
Ira ng va do ch i va bQl vang hong Irong
dnh, m(J m~rc, y hf)C \.In d'O gom)
gold dust bvl v i'm g
dau /(1nh. dli.nK de ddn chilc cdc che ban
Ie vi; k eo d€ ddn fa wing WIO m(il be m(lI)
golden tt bhng vang; c6 vang, nhie u vang; ell
go ld so dium c hloride v a ng-nalri clorua,x
mau v ~mg
sodium go ld chloride
golden a ntimon y s ulfid e an ti man
gold so dium cya n i d e v[lng-nmri xyanui.l , x
pcnt asulrua, Sh2 SS ' x an timoxy pentasulndr.:
sodium gold cyanide
golden electrode dici!n cV'c va ng
gold sodium thiomalate v ~ln g - n <ltri
gold foil van g 13 (1(10 ra bang eri.n va ren thlomalal , C 4 H 3 Au Na 20 4 S (h c'p chal kel
d i'cy h u n 25 nm) tinll mau trang Inn Ir ong nu6'c d li.ng nhlr
gold hydroxide vang hydrox it , A u (OHh c ll a t rr! kllap t r o n g y 11 9C. con gpi Iii
(b(Jt mn" vcing nlJu. nh(JY sdng, 'kh ang Ian aurot hiomalatc)
Irong nlI'OC, Ian tro n g ph'lm Lan edc ax i t , gold sodium thio s ulfate vang-n<lt ri
de kh,i- Ihnnlr wing kim 10(1i, di;ng IronK Y thiosuifat . Na2Au(S203h2H20 (II9'P cltifl
h pc, d o SI r, tn(J vrlng) k~l finl! mall Irtlng Inn Il.r do Ironi{ mr6'c,
gold leaf vang 13 (1(10 ra M ng ddJ va cdn dling de dafll tri viem do khap dong tl/{lp
m o ng han 2 5 nm) va Lllpul ban do)
gold mon oc hloride v~tn g (1) c lorua , AuO gold tin precipitate chat kc) tua va ng .
gold 430
thicC, x gold tin purple gooseberry stone grosul arit , x gra;su la ritc
gold tin purple b¢( lin vang-thiec (I>QI mdu goosefoot oil dau rau mu ui, .t
nau '1.'6n lit h o n h(J'p vang clorua wi' lhie c c hc nopod ium o il
ox il m it" ntiu, tan (rong mnon/ac, tliin g gorceixite gorxclxit, R aA I3 (PO.. )2(OH ), _
Ir o n g m en 1(10 m ittl. sf;n X tU11 Ihliy linh H 2 0 (kllOong vOl mall milt durn barj \'()
ruby va Sir m y Ihu(it , con g<>i Ii'I gold lin nhom phosphat bazO' n g (im mUTc)
prcclprme, purple o r C'l.')."iiu....) gordonite gordoni t , MgA 12 (PO.. h(Ol-lh ·
gold trioxide v {m g trioxlt, x gold oxide 8 H 2 0 (khorinK l'(il k h6ng m i lll clui'a magic
Gomberg-Bachmann-Hey reacti o n l'n nham phmphm bazO' n grjm ntdrc)
ph iln u-n g G o mh e r g- B ac hmann-H ey (,win gorgoni" gor gonl n (prOldll , t"ll'iTn~ duro
xut1't It (>'P chilf diary I nluy them k{im \'fJO j ot WI brain 1( 10 l!t anh IJ(} killin g ci(InK
Idm h (yp mll o i dinzon i vn hydrocnc/>oll simt: )
fllmn l ong 1I0(1c cll dr dan X ttlfl) go rlic acid axil go r lic_ CSH7(C121'122}
Gomberg rea c tion p h an u-ng Gomhcrg COOl I (ndl khang n o dan XWI' 'ii' d all
(srin xu({t cae 1{OC 11.l' do qua pluin li'ng Clio ,m p"cainlw chi! ItI' h(lf C/iy G.IIIIIII/.: IlinK
kim 10(11 val trlory/m el)'1 halogen/w) A mazon)
gommelin gamelin, deelrin goslarite goslar H. ZnSO .. ,7 H 2 () (kllOong
gon x grade l'(i/ m{ill Irill1g ell/i'a kifm ,\'/Ilf at nK(1m
go nadotro pic h o rm one hormo n kich ~in h mro-e)
dl,lc (m ¢ 1 Ir ong hnl h or m o n ad c n olly- gossypusc !;OOyp<lZH . x raffino:'tC
Pf.oph)" l:ea/ kr clt Ilticlt lIIyen ," inh tll,le ) gouy goy (dan vi cI/~ 1I d {jnK bttllK licll etia
gonadotropin kich to s inh Ul,Ic . gona- ,!ti1 di~n d(mg vel cit? d lr n diell clr/a elm -In
dOlropln (clttll co lac dt.utg k,.C/, Illi('/, n l uln wj-j tit) pluln. C(l'(, ella ellif I di~n p IU1n)
w ycn sinh dl,K) Go u y balance dm (jt)uy (df.lIIJ( ("I.' d o (lk
gonnardite gon a r dit, N.1 2 CaAI .. ,Si s n 20 . dc) aim 11-I1I(ln I/i' WI nghiclt Iti: nia ctic mall
7H 2 0 (khodng v(il zeolit d(mg liell dill .·W i Ch{11 rdn. IcJng. dung didl)
l o a tin tY ~ /r(mg 2 ,3 ) goyazite goyazlt. S r A I3 (PO.. h(OH)s ,H 2 0
gonyautoxin gonyaulax in (mt)t cll(f, front: (k llOlmg l ' (it m i m ph&t l'iinX-lrr1ng, dong
nll 6 m cric h 9'P chffl lie n quan ICy; h (11 clul'a ,\'lr on l i-nh6m phospllat IIg(im
sm:: i1ox ln) nm7c)
Gooch cr ucible chen Gooch (ch en ban!! g r x gra in
gom day d'.4C 10, clii.ng {I e /(X qua amian g rab s ampling St,r lay mIiu d <Yn giim
h o(fc Ihrry Linl! khl phlin I {ch) grade ho.lng (m(it , ,.ong nlll'(}1l liiJu CIIlUIn.
Gooch funnel ph~u Gooch tlnll kllic'l klutc nlulli cllo cae hon cllnl 'I'()

goods h:tng hoa,; V~ l lie u slin pham hc5a hpc dd xoc L{ip , cho cac rip
goongarrite go n garil, Pb .. Bi2 S 7 (k l lOang dt.U1g riel/g. con Kpi ~tl gon); 10(11; dQ 1/ til
v{it chrra chi va blsmlU sull ua) pha n 10<:11
goop m agic d o n bom (h crp ch d f dong, 1>91 graded (dH) phan h~ ng , (da ) ph§n 1~1
n,h tlo. Ch'rfl magic n ghien m (l1. d iing nll,l' graded crushing st,r ngh ien ph."'m doon
'"9' Ihlmh plran 'clia cdc chat c/ (m bam graded b y drolysis SI.,l' thuy ph an phfin
<hay) do~m
431 grai n

graded potential dl¢n (he phtm ~ c nhau, rY fr {Jng 3,7)

grader may phan lo~i; m ay til , may sa n dolt graft polymer polymc ghcp
gradient gradlen (id veclO' chi l a c d (i bien gra ft polymerization lil,r poly me hoa ghep
thUn CI.l'C d(l; e lla m {i f h n m Iht.rc 'h e o Graham-Cole test phcp thtl' G raham .{"'.olc
hua ng nno ( 6 ) (eon g {Ji iii cholecystography )
gradient elution analysis ph?m tich n.ra graham nour h0t mi den
gle'll grad Ie" (d(m g st'lc ky
klf{ . !Ong I ron}: grain h~ t ; thO- (g'o); 16-p; gren (bhng 0 .65 f(
do dung m Of nrn g in; du {YC' Ih ay d o ; , fl eo k j /litJu gr ); h ~ 1 n o /1 cll xHy Ihanh h ~ll ;
thui gian, ho{1c M ng Iro n IIr fir clunK m o i n gh lcn !h~lnh h"lI ; I~ O h"II, h()""1 h<:ll
(hit- hai co n ifng SHa l nra gid; cao h an \'(i"i grain alcohol rtT(),U h<:l l, fLT<;YU g~o, rm,l 'U
dung m o; 1I1Ii' nlr a l nllng s lIn l nrn Kia;
nc p , x alcohol
ki m han. h o(1c bang cdch Ihay d o ; Ill' lir
grain di s tillery nha m ay nrQ'u h<,:l l
pH hay m Qt t{nlt chal khdc)
graine h<J1
grading (SIl) p h a n [O~ i; tx'r d6c t h oai
grained cata lyst chat xuc Ulc h{ll
grading analysis SIl phfm tich CO' h ~ 1
grai ned s oa p xa phoog h(l l
graduate dt 6 ng kh ~c d Q (dtlnK d e d o th e
grained tin Ihicc h<:ll
,(ch chal Id nK) 1/ lit kh:1c do
grainer O1<iy I ~I U h:.H
graduated cylinder 6 ng khac d(>
grainer proce ss q u .i Irlnh 1 ..10 h ';.It
graduated nask hlnh dong
(phl (rrflK phrip stin XIlIlI mlli,i fl'fJflf.( c/o
2raduating (s..,) kh ~c dr~ 1t111/}"1 cl /l'(Tc 1(10 ra nfuy clto bay h u i ntl'f7C
graduation 51! k h~k d O bien a canh clo n g Ittlliil l (j Ihii n)
graduation hou se thap lam nguo i grainer salt mu o t h (lt (natrl clo rlta sdn
graduation tower I hap Iil.m ngu<)i xunl hhnK qua Irlnh t(1o h (l l )
Graebe-Ullman reaction phan (tng grain finenes s number chi sO d O min h e.1I
Graebe ·U llman (phdn leng of,;n X I/at (ca. !J(ll Irung bin" cli o mOl veil lii ll h(lJ)
f l orenon nh a dun stji c ti c mu oi grain formation Sl,f 1<:10 h ~ l
2·benzoylben zen ediazon l tro ng dun g diell
graininess d¢ h<:t !; cll u true h ~ 1
(lxit l oa n g; pluin Ihlg c lla cric
grain leath er d a thuQc phia c.tl l (d a I hu(Jc
2.funinodip h eny lmnin ~ 'c7i al:it n itrO" ife f(1n
IIr pllia Ctjl clia d a d (jng l '(d) .
ra benzolriazol l r:'P: k.hi IllinK n o ng sf! m if f
nltO' de 1(10 ra c·arbOzol) . grain mill may x ay hQI
grain neutral s pirits fLT(YU ngu cot: lr~n g
grart copolymer co p o lymc g h c p (cno
tinh, x ne utra l spirit s
p oly me gom hai h o{Ic nh ie u th {t'c the
p oJyme khdc nhau th ong n hdt ve m(11 h 6a grain o~ crys tallization lam k e l Unh
IIpc) grain or soa p h<,:ll xa phong
grafting (SIl) ghtp. (SI!) !lop cay gFain of wood theY go
grafting clay set tiep day grain 011 d ~ u fuzen
grafting wax sap tiep cay grain size ro h{lt (clia h(11 khodng clura dd
grartonite grnftonit . (Fe ,Mn ,Cah(PO.h h O('1c Irfim trch ; kfch.1hll"tYC 11(11 tnmg bin h
(k hodng l'(iJ mau h ong kef lin h Irong h i cila 11(11 b(lc haloKenlia I ronK c/UI I nh ely
du n td, d(1n g nlut-nK / & p trip h ylil xen ~·dng ; cO' h (ll trunK binh a k.Jm l O(1i clo th en
gra in 432

duu n g kinh trung binh h o(Je ...6 h (ll I ren mmH g)

dicn Irell h o(fe th ? l iell d a n vi) gr a m m o lec ul ar we ig h t p han tlr gam, mol
g r a in t i n t h iec h ~ t (P h iin t lr Itr(7n g Cli a h (Tp chffj t'-nll M ng
gra iny It c6 d';lng h~t gtun, n g Ma [ Ii phtin Ilr hr(7ng tll eo thang
gram gam (d a n vl k h o i Iu(yng. bdng 0.001 ma n g llyen IIi- 11l'(J'ng Clia d ong v i cacbOl1
k g. k y hl~ 1I g, gm) 12 dU(TC l ay clllnll xdc iii 12 )
gra m - at o m nguy en tt.. ga m g r a m-m o le cule II pM n tt.. ga m, mol
g r a m- a t o m ic v o lum e the tich nguyen It.. g r a m-n ega ti v e tl gra m ..am (Ihll(j t ng li' de
gam ch i v i khunn m a ( m a ll v a nhll¢m m au ,'ui

g ram-at o m ic w e ig ht n guy e n tfr g a m I hu oe nhu() m d Oi m i'm (p h l.4 ) klli X I; Ij

(Ir(mg ltl'9'n g ng uyen IIr c lia m QI ng l~yen

blin g Ihu oe nl",¢ m G ram )
10 bieu liz; thea gam, ng hia 1Il ng uyen Ilr G r a m - p osit ive II gra m-dU"O'Og (tlm(U nglr
Lu(yng th eo Ihang ma n g lly en IIr LU(J'ng clia e ll! vi klwnn g ili' m au clln (Im oe n h u(jm
d o ng vi eaebo n 12 dll'(J'C l ay d l ,ng ba n g eh rnh kill xlr Iy bh ng tliuDe n huQ/n G ram)
12) Gra m 's s t a in thuDe n huo m G ram «(/l uoe
gra m -ca lo ri e calo nhu(jm phiin sal vi kh llnn h pc, k lnll p h el

gra m -ce ntim e t e r ga m·x c ntlme t (d u n vi co d inh dll'(J'c nhu(jm d ung d ieh h u i klem

n ifn g irl'(J' ng Ir o ng h i h ap dan x enllm el elia thllo r nhu(Jm boZO'. xlr I>" bhng dung

g run .giiiy , ky g-cm )

hif U die" lo t lrong kali todun vii S (lU d6 M ng
I de nh lin klll'r m au Irung l i nh v.i· tlllro-ng
gra m e nite grame nit (eon gpt la no nl ronite)
nhw')m d Ol mlill, thuoc nhuQIn vi k lmi'in
gram-e qui va le nt d U'O'Og 1U'g-ng ga m
h o<fe m all x an/t La gram .<Jlrcmg) ho (le dd
g r a m-e q ui va l e nt w e ig ht dU" O" n g h.r Q' n g (g r am -iim »
ga m (tr p ng Ju(Yng lua ng dlrang cl ia m QI
g r a ndit e gra ndlt (g ran at vo n III chi lt m mg
n g uyen 10 h o(tc lu),p eh lfl bi e " III! tmn g
g ian Ir o n g th a nh ph n n h o a lI ()e g ilr a
gam theo th ang m li c a c bo n 12 c o tr(m g
grosil/a vn nndrodil )
Lll'9'ng lu a n g d ll'a n g 3 g am trong nhlrng
g r a nit e gnlnit , d el hoa (eM dll'{7i sail
h (yp cllo l n o co 116a tr! elll nh Ihlre [Ii '4)
k iff tin}, r o r ang, co ea ll trlic h (l l . ell/fa
g r a m fo rmu la we ig ht thuc lU'ong ga m
(h (.Jeh onh va f eLspat wi ; plag iocla ph (l vtl
gram- io n Io n ga m (kh o i III'9'ng ella ion vat
bloW va h onblen )
g i d Ir; t i nll bhn g gam , bieu til; bang m (jl
gr a nitite g r a n it 11 , dfi hoa CLICYOg van den
so Mng l on g cd e phlin tlr Itr t;Tng eall th anh
n en io n ) gr a nul a h ~ 1
g r a m - m ass k h o i hr C)'ng gam g r a nul a r as h na tri cacbonat h ~ 1
g r a mme gam g r a nul a r -c r ys t a llin e s tru cture cau t ;;tO
linh t he h(l l
g ram-m o l pha n ttr ga m , mol
g r a mm o l pha n lfr gam , mo l gr a nul ar ity than h pha n h(lt; dQ h~t ; I)' Ie
h~ t
g r a m m o l ec ul a r II ( lhuOc) pha n t t.. ga n,
mo l g r an ul a r soda as h nat ri c.'l coonat h(lt
gra m m o lec ul a r vo lum ~ the ti ch pM n I ll' gra nul ar s t r u c ture ca u l ~ ~ll (ve k hong
gam , t he lich mo l (Ihe Ii ell d o m Ql m ol h o n dell cua V(11 licu dLlc h o(Ic ep do j·l.r co m (ll
c h al a Ir(lng Iluii kh( ri' (JOe l' Ii 760 ('Ita cde hOI h(yp pll"lin . h o(ic bi n tron g "{fi
433 gra phiti ze d

Ileu h~c Ir en be m (lI) g r a phit e graphit , t h an c hi (kh odng V(1 1 du rn

gr a nula t e 1{l0 h <;l t ( 1(10 r n ho(1c k e l ! jnlt d(lng ca coon IllI.l hinh. m em , m a ll d en. o n g
thdn h Jrr;u, q lC Jr o (lc kh i'fj nll a) tinh w ) co crim g l tte nh,I' m a , x un l hlen f l.l'
gra nula t e d II cO d a ng h a l , Ihimh h<;t l nhien cY finh /l,e I(,c g i dc h o(1c d(lng k h o ;,

gra nul a t e,.d ca rb o n tha n h<)1 h o(Jc co Ih~ f ling h t)'p " '" eoc d a ti m d. Iy

gra nula t e d re rtili ze r pha n d.:l.Og hC:\t

f rpn g 2,()l) - 2.23, d img a
b{iI ch i . no; n tlll
kim lo ri, clUl, bOl Ir an . ....a n wi clUl l d anl!
gr a nul a t e d su ga r dU'Crng ha t
bong, con gt)i l a b lack lcad , plum bago)
gr a nul a t e d tin thic c ha l ({lIr(yc 1(10 ItOJ IiI'
g r a phite a n o d e uno l g r a p h it (m fJl Iron g
thlte nong ch dy r 6 t qu.n luu l I ron g mrac )
cdc d ltn Cl,I'C graphil d ll n g f r o n g b inh dit n
gra nul a ting mill m ay ta o ha t phd n c alOl Ih,lY nK iln de san x lia f clo M n g
granul a ti on SI,I' 1<;10 hat d len phan; fr o n g t!if n ltl Ihanh g r aph;1
gra nula t or may lao ha l (de / (10 Jr(1/ wt say n h u n g vlio CalOi dtinh hrn be flui), nglin de
khtJ durm g) kh a t dliu d o n K dl f n ; CI.I'C' gop eleclr o n
granule ~t fr a n K d en d ifn ttl' ci)n g .-mnl h o(1c d en
granul o u s II co ch;tng h (ll don g m{V1h klt ne )
gra pefruit o il da u hat bU'CrI (dall mau niiu gra ph i te ca rbo n (han g raphit
pJU7t do ep Ill- h (I1 blr a l, c6 m i li q ua h{Jell gra phi te e lectrod e d j~ n el.,l'e gra ph i1
VI chm, h oo ritn a · ]()o C, dUng nlur c h a l g r a phite g r ease g ra phit txji t r a n (m6' bOl
bOi Ir O'n st;Yi va; va d o tltIiQc) I run d ura 2 -10% grap/lil vo din" /lin"
grape s u ga r cfU'Cm g n ho, x dext rose d img eh o l; In.',". n Jul' It} a
n J ltrn~ n O'; lim )
gra ph ic(a l ) II (t hu6c) do th i gra phit e lubri cat i o n o il d~u graphil .bOl
gr aphica l d iffe ren tia t ion phep v i p ha n I ran
db Ihl g r a phit e o il d a u g rap h il (lit e " "yen pllli
gra phi ca l r o rmul e cO n g I hu- c ca u l ao k h,r k eo 1(1 c lia graph;1 Iro nK ti~ II, tiling
(cdng illlrc: h o n h cc g{yi rn bie u die n b n 1'11111' ch at 001 t r un)
chil li clia cdu 1(10 m ¢ f phtin IIr ba ng cd c h gr a phite r osett e the gr aphit hoo (hi (oon g
bit" lhi cac lien k e f h o n h t)c Iro ng m (f t g r ap hit toa fla til' ctic liim kb linll )
phdng 1& glay nhll' cdc g (lc ll f li J n g, cac g r a ph i ti c carbo n C<lcbon gra ph it (cacbo n
Iltn kt l ben Iren m (I f pillin g f a gidy nhu' ,r o n g ,\'(1, h o(l c flui p co m (l t a d(l IlK
IUn kl l d(lng n em , c o n cdc li en k e , ben g r aph" )
du-u ; l U Cldy h o(ic nhll' dua ng d,rf n el gra phiti c cor r osio n s t,r fi n m l'm grnphi l
ho(Ic nJur n i m d ,rl n el ) (s ~1' Itn m o n g ang x r;m fr o n g d n Illtinh
gr a phi ca l int erg rati o n ph e p lic h phan pl/nn siiJ kim l o{li bien d o ; flu}nh stin pllom
bIIng do Ihl tin m ()n Cling g dn k e l v6 1 g rap h il du' )
gra phi ca l s t a ti s tic a n a lys i s s t,J' p h3n l ich g r a phiti c s t ee l (he p graphit (thep It(YP kim
Ih6ng ke do I hi dllra c acbon gl'apliU )
graph ic inte rpret a ti on SV' Iy giai (tXtn g ) g ra ph i t i z a tion :-:I! graphit ho a (:" /.1' 1(1 0 rll

do(hi 1"1:;1 !if u tI(lng Kr tlphiw Ill- cric IUTP c lt n f

gra phi c t ex tu re dIU true v .'\n c h fr (m a u lui-u cO' )
cdc cia Ill'00ng f l,l' cac clu r Itinlt m! m) gra phi t i zed car bon than gr aphit h 6a

2'· TD H6A HOC A·V

graphitized 434

graphitized electrode dien CI,tC g ra phil thua n g)

h 6a gratonite gra l o nil, Pb g A s. S1S (kh odng vII
graphitizing st,r h 6a h o- p graphlt (.n .r Ii c h,ra chi arsen Sill! uo. d(lng linh lht m4t
gang d~ bien dol lo an bQ /r o(1c m (it phan lhot)
ca cbo n I {J h (Yp thtmll c achon g rnphil) grav X G
grappier cement' xl m :ing g ra pi (xl mitng gravel sOl, c u oi; cat c6 v~mg
f(10 Ihanh "" cdc fdng vol t of non /t"ra va graveling (sV') f ai sOl
qud ll'ra ,hdJ ra. n g hfen min ) gravel mill m ay n ghl e n S{',i
Grassmann's laws cac djnh lu ~t
gravimeter trong h,t c kc (dWlg Cl.t can r/f
Grassmann (bdy dlnh /U (; I nh(in d(lng wi
nh(lY tiiing cl ~ do tr ong ('.l'C luang dOl
Ir Qn mau 1(10 rn CCT su c li o ph cp .<to ma"
btlng each phat hien nhlrng hi~" fr{lrtg
phiin Ifeh hi~n ct(li)
l'I'(T'1/: nho ,"tin m Ol khoi III'(Yng co dinlt ti
grass-roots plant C(Y s& thle l b i d o ng h(l nllli'n K clil1m klufc nhall I re n Ira; dd t , CM
(nhlJ mdy d o n g b(i xt1y Ire n miff bifng Xtly g(J1 It1 gnlV Hy m erer)
dl.rng) gravimetric II ( thuoc) Irong h1'Q'ng, In;xtg
grate g h! 10, v i 10 (gM d)} d Ol nl-lien 1i~1I rdn. It,rc
Ihtru n g gom cdc fhan/~ d (l t gan nlrall. de gravimetric absorption method
gUr nhlen liell dOl d o n g Ih u i de
kh6ng klr;
p hu01lg phap hap thl,! I rc:mg h.rQ11 g (p huung
dOl Ih ~l vao
nh lin Ii? u lir dual Len va Ir o
p hap ([0 h a m lut;Yng am clin dUll khi qua
r ai ra kh d i nhie n li¢u c hay); cal sang, cal
quan snt s t.1' (h ay l t a ; trp n g IIr(Tng ella mft
my II til d tat ghi; m a i; xat c.: h lf I Illit fim l hl eh h (Tp, nhu pho$pho
grateless producer m ay t~o khi kho n g g hi pentoxil h oiJc s ilic agel)
grate mill m ay xay h1'OI gravimetric analysis phep ph ~1O tfch
grating cach Ilr (,"(lng cde dfly nhd. song lfQng luO"n g (nganh h oa h (Jc phlln IIcl! dfM
song dring Irong o ng dt1n song de chi cho ltl'(Ynf,t trong d 6 thanh phan din thie t du(!C
m (i t ! o(11 song dl qua ); m~ng phim x~ (cric bUr n clol, tlul'iYng b/lng kef "in lIo(fr d6t
g dn ho(fc day kim 1000i lric cl~tng nllle b{J duly, Ihanh h 9'P chift hOrJc nguyen /0 tiM
phdn c h o ant en vi ba va chili g id il
X(1 kh;et, co th emh philn xric dinh dd bilt va
nha l ); cach lU- nhl t! u x~ (con gp; fa drl'(J'c elm , Irong m (H l'ai trll'ung h(1p hrrp
diffrac tio n grating); vi 10 , ghi 10 chal hn(ie nguye n to ( (10 ra khong chilo
grating constant h hn g sO cach Ilr, hang sO thilnh phnn dri nhung co qllan he 10M hpt'
m~ng x nc dinh vai n o)
grating spectograph m ay (quang) phe> ky g raVimetric determination Sl,J' de d\dI
each Iii' (kinh quang ph;; ea ch IIi- co mriy I ro ng luong
anh h o(1c dc.mg Cl.l klulc d e gh; phn)
gravimetric (actor he ~6 ph.cin tich I~
grating spectroscope kinh (qua n g) pho Iu-O'n g
clch tlr (kinh pho S I i- ti •.lng each IIi- truye n
gravimetric method phuO'ng phap phAa
h o(lc phdn X(l d~ trin sitc tinh wing va
lic h Irong lUQ'n g
tlura n g c6 khe. glrang h o(1c thau kinh d ll
gravimetry phcp do Irong h,c
chunn fr:l.rc (in h ,wing qun kh e wi d€ cite "
IIc" tinh sdng ci o ctkh tli- phnn Inn ,hanh gravitate hap d an
c d c v(lch ph o nlli" c/II"(Tc b()ng mill gravitRtion ~IJ· hap d an (S(t· IU;I tall MOll
435 gray
gUra cdc kha t /U'(J'ng frong vii ITI.' . con g p l nlra Sit' dvng tr png Il,rc)
/iJ gravitational auractlo n) gravity filter bQ toe h,r chay
gravitational constant h~ng so M'p ~n gravity m eter IY trong kc (l o(li dl,mg C(l rip
(h hng !i(} ry I f Irong dlnh /ll(it IrdP dan k t o ng c/ur U d e do lrl.rc /ie p Iy Ir(Jfln
cl io Newton. Ixtng b.re hap (llin gil/'Q hai dung die/! ban 1'i Im;mg); I)' Iro ng ke dien
h(ll bifl k y nhfJn hl'"h plul'ang k Juxi ng clich (d l,m g Cl.' dien de
d o bien Ihi€n Irpng /l.r c
gitTO chUng, chia cho t l ch cdc khol IIN;mK qua cdc thdnh h e (tin clldl k h dc nhrlll. dllng
CI4G c hri n g, co n KQi Iii constan t o f " ong tlll'!m do khodng v(2I ); Irong hre ke, x
gravitation ) gravlm el er
gravitational separation 51/ tach tro ng gravity mill may gm
hIe gravity purity d o IInh k h lc l IrQng h,rc
gravita tional s ettling Sl! I ~ ng Iro ng h,rc (dlrang)
(Sl." dic h chuy e n c li a tr {Jm fieh do b.r e hap gravity separation SI,I' tach do Irong h,re
dan) (SI.l' Meh cdc pha (khf-riln. l ong -r iln .
gravitometer ty Irong kc, x densim eter l ong-long. rlln -rdn) kh6 ng Ir(>n Ilin du(ye
gravity trong h,rc , tr9ng lu"CYng (/~rc Ifltt /l ifp btlng edch clIO pita d(im d{1c hem tdn i! do
dan a be m (fl himll linh h o(lc Ihien lhe tin" huu n g ella tr()n g Il,re, dimg Iron!: (/r1i
kMc) qu(1ng va cdc qua trln/! /roo ci'ing ngltif p
gravity bottle bi nh d o ty Irons kJrlic nhau )
gravity cell binh dien phan tro ng h,rc (bin lt gravity t es t SI/ Iht:r Iy lro ng
di f n phan Irong d o hal dung d leh ion gravity weight day doi
d lrt;Yc ltich rn nlra /To ng /t.rc ) gray tl xam /I dt gray (dun vi Ifell it r(yng
gravity concentration SI.! lam giilu b~n g lur p lilt., ella h i 51, bhn g nang 1U'(Yng do
Iro ng h,rc. 5l! luye" bh n g (ro ng hrc (m(>1 blre X{l i on hOO truyen c h o kh61 ItrC;Yng v(il
Ir o nK nhtell phuO'ng phap de t dch h o n ehlft fU'ang Irng 1 J Ikg, ky h iftl Gy)
h (yp cac h(ll. nhu kh odng 1'(il. dl.l'a l ren st.r gray antimony a n(im On it ; Sb 2 S a • x
khtic n~Ula ve 0" lr(Jng cl ia cdc iO(li khae antimonitc; jamcsonite
nhan vd Iren SIi'C cdn dol vd'i chuyen d onI{ gray body v~t xam (v(it b,i'C X(l nilng IU(J' ng
Ifrang d o l do c/,al lUll ho(lc m ol Irlra n g co phon bo nllng ilr(J'n g ella v{it den. val
niTa l ong (trong do die n rn sl.r tdeh ) gay /rf s6 g inm khong dOl, frong SIIOI p h t1 h,rc
rn cho cdc h(ll; Sl,r t dch cdc Ih e phan I an X (l ho(1c ben Irong m Ql khoting btrae .wJng
ldng -I on g dl.m lren Sl.r Idng crin p ha n (fng nno do, con g()i lit nonselectiv e radlalOr)
nha tr(Jng b.l'c) gray casting st,r due gang xam
gravity correction 51.,1' hieu c hinh lro ng Il!c Gray clay treating qull trinh XLr Iy d~t SCI
gravity determination SI.,I' xac dlnh l Y Gray (qua Irlnh Xlt' Ij pha h ai. lang co
trong dinh d~ p oly m e ho n cd c lhimlt phlin 1{10

gravity drainage SI.,I' thao mr&c 11.,1' nhien nlll.ra kh ong bdo h o a ch()n l pc (dlole/ in ).

(S~l' rru nlNYC 1(1' din fang d o eric /(r c h ifp

tUng co dlnh In dal lay mall 30 den 60
ddn) mdl)
gravity feed sv n ~p lie u til chay (sl,r chllyen gray cobalt cobaltit, x cobalUte
v{in v{il /ifu ttl' v; trf nay sang v; trt khdc gray copper ore qu:;t ng d o ng xc'im. x
gray 4 36
tc tra h cd rite Id hig he st comm o n fa clor (hcf»
gray h e rmatite he rmatlt x <'i m , x s pecula r lte g ree n bone xuang tuO'i
gray iron gan g xam (gang I h OI h o(lc g ang gree n c o ncrete x l m ~ ng mol do ~l m tIng
dl l.c I ro n g d o cacbon kh o n g clu r a I r o n g virn do chlra d o ng clrn g )
pearlil c6 m ('i/ U d(lTlK cac bon g r ap h il ) g reen c o ppera s ~t ( II ) s u lf a t , x fe rra u<;
gray s lag xi chi s ul fa te
greas e al kali x a phong kie m bOi tran gr ee n copper ore qu ~ n g d o n g Il,I c ,
greas e antio x idant c ha t c h 6 n g o xy h 6 a C uSi03 ·2 H 2 0
dau me;. green ea rth h,lC tho
greas ed (d a) 001 t rD'n , (da) Ira d a u green gases khi chU'tlg k ha (ha n d a
greas e rna (Ina d6n g V~I kh on g ifn d u (yc green glass t huy linh t h U'(Yng (liury tinlt (:0
n ilu cluiy. m em " nh i~ 1 d (j p h o n!! va IJ:u m au .,·d c I rY It.JC n h a t hay d?mg (I J ) ru: 1/
dlrt;Yc lir m cr Io--n, m 6· bO, x U'O'ng, m o- d on g clio IIt7p ch a t eram dri ng (r on g th llY linh
V ~ I IhO v a cae san p ha m th ai k h <ie ) ; ch at 001 t h on g I hll'i r ng)
tran (c h a l bOi Ir a n U d (lnK p h lin I an ntn green gold va n g no n l uo i; ho--p kim v ang
h o(fc mra r i1n el la chat li'tm d (Jc I rong c h a l (h t7p kim m all plU71 xan h cUn wmg c6 Si r
ooi Ira n l o ng n lllr d 'liu m ri linn d(Ic bhn g dl.mg b(lC. b(lC vii endimi. Ir o{fc b(lC va dong
x d phon g d img ch o k i m 10(1i ); s t,r tr a m o- n hu k i m 1000i h q p k i m)
/I cit b61 trO'n , tra rna gree nb e art go t a m xan h (10(1; go
c h ong
g rea s e filler c ha t d o n d a u ma d ll'(yc n ffm vn m o i , filing clra dong tnu . llun
greas e filter cal loe d a u s an M e d O' h img . win s an ng edi bie n)
greas e hardening re s is tan ce dO k h a n g green h y dro (,uin o n e q ulnhyd r a n,
h6a r~ n eua c ha t 001 tnm C e 1-14 0 2 .C e H4 (O Hh
g: re ase o il dau bOi trCYn g r ee nlandite co lu m b it , x colu m bit e
~ re a se p a int p han rna (son pl/ (In liim t/r Greenland spar s pat G ree nland , x cryoli te
ma n o ng duty d/mg Irong h o a frang ) green lea d ore qu ~m g chi h,l C (COli g 9i hi
~ re a se pr o or II kha n g tha m dau pyro m or ph ite )
:re a se s olidifi ca tion S\,r h (l.,'l r :l.n Ch Hl 001 gree n lumber go tU"CYi eg o wI·a n w rn ch u n
Iran h on g k h o )

:rease s pot v e t dau , d o m d a u (m QI 1000i gree n m o rtar viia m &i xfly (wrn v ira xiiy
bfn h nn m Clla cd ) d ur n kho )

:rease stain v e t dau gre en ni c kel oxide nik e n ox it ll,lc, x nick e l

o x id c
:reas ing (Sv-) 001 Ir<Yn
g r ee n oil d a u anlrax en (d au tho d d pltiifn )
:r t!8 s ing s ubs t a nct! eMt hOi Ircyo
green o re q u~ n g nguye n, qu~ n g ch U'a t uycn
rea s y /I ( thu() c) d a u rna; nhern
gree n s a It m uoi xa nh , u r a ni le l ra fl o rua ; x
r e a sy quartz t~c h cmh m flU Slra (con KPi ura nium te tr a fl uo rid e
Id milky q uan;~)
green s and ca l xa nh (ca, pluYI 11.1(" dlli:a clu ;
reat ca lorie k ilo ca lo y eu eric it (I' g lau eonil \'() lim I/ury g ili"o
re a t es t comm o n divi s or trCrc S() c hung n il an m r u e (hap ~'n d ,urn g blm I rong ; cal
I& n nha t (kji hlf ll gcd (U'SC/~ N) con K(Ji d urn nh ;eu si/ic en Im;;t it OXil m ag le wI
437 grinding

nhom val khodng 8% Ihe tieh frong than Grignard reaction philo frng Grignard
bQI, Ir(jM mrac d? /am klwo n dllc; cal kit (plum Ii-ng g Ura alkyl ho(1c anyl halogenun
Ch'l-fl cal xanh co il ho(1c kh6ng co chff! va kim iO(li mngit! Irong dung moi thfch
giln ke') lu,rp, Ihlrang Iii ele tlly i t doi, d e I{IO ra hii'u
green S oa p xh phong h')c crY-kim 1000i hnlogenun)
green stock nguyen lic$u Grignard reagent Ihuoc Ihlr' Grignard ,
greenstone da h,lc (con go; La nephrit e) RMgX (fitI'll cO'-kim lO{li halog entUJ ({lo ra
green strength dO ben ticn thh! u kct (d¢ fro ng phdn rfng G rig nard hiI'll dl,m g Irong
b'iin cO' h"c ma bOI rIp phd/ CD de chlu tang h(J'p IUI'1l cO')
dll'(Tc cac cong d O(ln CO' s au kill rIp va Grignard synthesis S\,I' long hO'P Grignard
IrU'tYc khi Ihiell ket, ma kh6ng hll' h(li cac (sir dl,mg IhuGe tfu'r G rig nnrd c.T mOl ITong
chi tiel tinh Ie va m ip site CliO n o) v6 so phnn Irng, th/rang irl phdn Ir n g
green verditer dong cacbonat hazer nglr ng fl,l. Ihu'ang lten qllnn lai Sl,r I{lO
/himh hytlrocacbon, axi" ket o ll h o(Jc rlUl'll
green vitriol vitriol It,lc , x ferrous su lfa te
b(ic Imi ho(ic b(ic 00)
greenware do gcm so ng (do gom c hu'fI
nllng) grind n ghic n
grindability linh oghi c n dm},c (kiln mIng
grenatite grenatit,x leucitc; staurolite
11l'0'ng dot de nghien cll a m !)1 v(1/ li~u)
grey /I xam
grindability index chi sO de nghien (chi
grid h.r6i tQa d (l (m(lng cric dlf(mg cdch d ell
so ch o bi;!t khd ntfnjJ (Ie n ghten clin m ¢1
nhau 1(10 Ihdnh cdc 6 vuong de xric d,nh
v(it Litu)
vi trl dlr(J'c phip Clio cric /0 tren Iffm ,"(lell
grindable II n ghl~n dlJ'Q'c
in IIO(tc snlxi); lu& 1 kim lo"li (Irnng acqll)'
de dan difn WI d6' ch{{t h O(l1 tlnh); m ~ ng grinder may nghi c n, m ay mai (d(mg C(l
lltai (nlllr mWIg duo'ng day t!i~ n
''' o(/i h o(ic mriy d ~ nghif?n VOl /if II nfllr mriy
h o(1c di~n Il,re); dl c; n CI,l'C IU'oi (Irong d en nghien mjn ho(1c dd mail
di~n ur) grinding SI,l' mai (cong dO(ln cO' Ihl,rc hicn
grid electrode dh$n e\,l'e h.r&i 0- de s i!ic lxin dan de 1(10 r a be- m (iLlJIr!in
cho ket Ilia ep ilnxi ho(Ic klwech tan I(lP
grid metal kim 10<.l1 lam hl'&i (h(J'p kim chi
c/UII; cling do{m ccy doi vcY; t;nll '''~ th{lch
l'o-i 5-12% anlim o n va do; khi vai m o t
anI! nh ilm lhay dbi kt'ch k fch ,Juroc Vt;il Ii
itrQ'ng Ihep ( / han, dtmg lam b ah kim lO(1i
wi do do Ian !iO c6ng JIII'CYng Clio rlll i ng);
Irong acquy)
SI,J' lan nho, SI,J' n ghi e n (sl,r lam "'{it Ii~u va
grid~tray column e()t c.:1t dTa iU'm Ihdnh nflll'nK h(1t rllt nita); mai ba via
Griess reagent thu oc thlr Griess (dimK til! (d'-mg da miii d~ ma; ba via a chl Iii!! gia
lIui' axil nilrtY, Iii dunK dicit c lia (lxil con g)
SUlfanili c, a-naptylamin vii axil axetic grinding aids ch5t trQ' nghi c n (clul' t h em
Irong ntruc ) viio ltt'O'ng can nghien 6' mdy ng/Ucn bi
Griffith crack vel nU'l GrlfCilh (vel nLl'l lIo(1 c mriy nKll i en din de I lIng toe qud Irin;'
nhd bat ky Irong trl 9' kim 1000i khie n cho nghien)
d {j ben chong dll'l gay giam m(mh) grinding charge me nghicn
grifTithite grifitit (klwdng v(il giong mica grinding cracks vet nth do m~li (C(1e vet
dura magie, srit, cnnxi va nllo m s;!icru) ml'l 0- chi lie f gin cong do miii)
grinding 438
grinding fluid chat 16 ng m al (cha, long loan phan
cd, gOI drlng Irong cdc cong dO(lfl miii kim gross calorific value nrlOg suat toa nhiet
/o(li) toan phan
grinding medium mOi trlrCmg nghien (v~f gross heating value n:ing suat toa nhi¢t
Ii~u bill ky gom bl va dlln dlmg frong may toan phan
nghtin) gross heat of combu s tion nh i~t do l chay
grinding mill may nghien ; may mal (may loon phan
gom lang quay hinh fr •., d? gidm kich gross porosity tanh x6p thO (cdc tlii khf
thlTUC clla cac h{ll qu(1ng h o(lc v{it liru ho(fcto rong kfc h thu6c va .\"0 lIu;yng
khac n(lp vQ:o, ba Lo(li chinh Iii cdc mdy khong m ong muo n trong v(it duc ho(/c kim
m ill kl~u bi. k/~u daa va kt~u 6 ng) /0(>/ hdn )
grinding oil d a u nghle n; dliu mai gross rubler tong hrQ'ng cao su (Irong .o;dl1
grinding sensitivity do nh~y m ai (c/o x/lift cao SII l a l ong trong lll'O'ng ow san
nh(l)' cl~n v(it li~u c/oi vcYi S{T t (lO thimh cnc p h dm co Ih~ btln c/uQ"c bao gom d(.-stome,
vel nll-t do mal) mUQi cocoon. duu tl (m va cae V(ll litlu kline-
grinding-type resin nhl,J' a din nghien dling Irong h oa h9'P cao su)
(vinyl ho(1c IO(li nll/.ra kluic can ngh/en gross sample ma u tho (mQ1 110(1c nllieu Xi.a
trlruc khl rite vao sol ch tfl deo hock sol /u(Tng lify f(r mQt Ilr9'ng v(it liiu 16'n hO'n
h,-i'u cO') d~ dem phtm t{cll, COn g9i 117 bulk samp'le,
griphite griphlt, {Na,A i,Ca, Fe)sMn .. . lo t sample)
(PO.. },(OH)" (k hotlng v(it chua nalri, gross thermal value n~ng sual tOa nhic$l
canxl, sill, nh am va m;mgan phosphaf loa n phan
baza) . grossularite g r osu Ja rl t. Ca a AI 2 (SiO.. h
grisein grise in , C"OHS, 020N 'OSFe (eI.al (/!tanh vien cuoi dmg c lja nh am g ranal
khd ng sinh k el linJr. m au dd. Ian lrong kh6ng mall ho(ic mau 1(IC. ...,ang. lUlU ho(ic.
nU'uc) do, con K(Ji La gooseberry Slone, gros... ul ~lr)
griseorulvin griseofulvin , C f 1 H 17 0 e Ci grothile grot H, x sphene
(chill kluing sinh , cI\o n.g ! ·.U lt\ k e l linh. Grotthus' chain theory Ii rhuyc[ m~c h
kh6ng m au, con gf)i lii curling factor) . Grotthus (Iy thlly l l h Oi . ban dliu dting de
grit cat tho; h~t clhlgi yay ~l, gi sat; bOt mai gidi Ihich d o dan dlen ella clUll diin phon.
Illeo d6 catot vd anal lui.1 luo n g Irng hydro
grog v~t U~u chlu Ilra (v~1 lifu ntmg ch;u vd ary ya cdc phdn II} clia chat dic n phdn
lu-a dimg frong sdn x uift cdc sdn phdm VOI1 hi ke~ clfng r n lro ng cdc In(1ch g iua cdc
" ('"(n-K.r' r l1l'7j>
pfrai clr{tI nltl¥r 1'1(1 AI,,, '"1t ('", '-Y1i :H.r phon hl'IY xciy ro c:Y cdc
groove ranh (m 91 /t o m bal ky Irong nh6m phlin Ill' gan clic diln Cl.l'C nhat )

cac h o m q c hu ol xodn kip cl~a axil ground dat; nen; san lot; st{ !lu i ctat /I It
deoxyribonucleic von d'l"(T(" co; /i1 nillII'Il{ nght"C n, tan, m al m on /I d t dim hay (ha ng
("h6 elm cdc protein nlLan; khe It'#p dili 0- kh ong); noi dat, tiep d at (m{Jch dien); c h~m
m QI be m (ll ) d~y (Ihuyen)
gross It loan tx.>. long sO ground caustic oot kiem an da
gross calorific power nang suat too nhl~l ground colour lap SO'n 16t
439 gualu(;ol

ground glass lhu y tlnh mal , thuy l inh ha rmon sinh IrLrerng (h armon polypepfif d o
nh ~ m , thuy tinh m er tJu;y /nrac wy en yen taft r a; kfch IMch
ground glass stopper nLIl "ham ki c h Ih,UY(' ca lid] , v i el liir GH; m 91
ground glass stopper flash blnh nut h ormon bOI ky dieu chlnh st.r sinh trll'ung
ella Ihl.rc v(it vd d {m g v(il )
groundmass khol chinh growth regulat o r c h a t d i eu tiet sinh
lrl.r6ng (clUJI l o ng h{Tp 1(10 ra lac dl}.ng cUa
ground pipe Dng chim
h orm o n xuat hifn It.r nhii!n Irong st.r k(ch
ground state tr\lng thai CO' br"tn (Ir(lng thai
th ich sinh tr m7ng clla lhf.rc v(il, vi dl.l nhlr
di'rng nang llr(Tng Ih({p nhar c l;a m 9 1 h (ll
axil dic!oph en oxY lIxl.ttlc)
h o(1c heh(ll xel tr o n g (;0' h pc !u't;Yng ttl' )
growth spiral dLrerng I& n len xo~ n 6c (call
ground stopper nut "hum
In le Iren Iii m (l l filiI! the, qllan srit du'{Y('
ground temperature nhl¢t dO m~t d a t sm~ khl nuoi t ;nh the , gom m91 b(ic lu n dan
ground water m.r&c "gam, mr&c d lJ'&i d 3t ((1I.a n Illrang xIl6ng va IHuyng ra the a
ground wire day d al dtr& ng xoc'in oc Archimede w5n co th e bi
group nh6m sao (m91 so sao chllylfn d (jng m eo wi ea" Ink linh Ihe)
theo cilng lura-ng val dmg toe d(i); n hom growth step b~c l6'n dan- (geT Iren Ii? m (it
(Irong hem h pc Iii h e) eric nguyen 10 va l cdc linh Ihe cao m ot h O(1c nhieu hang so m (m g,
Ifnh chnt h o n h9C t ln7n g t tl'; f rong dia Iren d o linh 1M] co Ille La n dan Jell)
ch a t I tl dan vi lh(lch di(l f nng b a o gom growth substanc~ chat sinh tn.n'rng
nhie " Ihan" h f; "h6 m con Iii m(J/ klulJ
GR-S rubber c~la sU G H.-.S (k )' hif/u l rmYC
nlf ln loon lux,); goc (10 h V p cdc nguyen lit'
tidy Clio coo .'1/1 t on g h{1'p dn Il~mg t(lO ro
Ifen ket bien dien nJlll' m Ol d a n vi fron g
bang d o n g ITI;ng h {1'p cal' nllli tiuJ'ng
n llli-ng dieu kif n nao rio. vi dl.l. g6c :mlf at ~ /y rell va bll/(ulien. dl;ng 0- LOp 0 10 ve) eric
SO ;-21# 1/ dl phfm lap, philn nhom ~rin phlbn coo ~II k Juic, tnaj·c day con Kt,Ji
group analysis st,r phan tich nho m /i'J Ru n a -S, gan cltiy 10 S BR (styre ne-
group precipitant cha t k et lua nhom butadiene rubber»
group reaction philO frng nh om gruel bOt nhao
group reagent thullc Ihu- nhom gruenlingite gruc nlingil , B i.. T eS3 (khvring
grout vfra JOng (hcm h {1'p lOnK clia xi mrTnK ~'(ll clura .w l! un va leluruo hismlll)
va ntrac h oiJc 1/(5n ItVP clia xi mrlnK. cdl grunerih: grunerit , (Mg ,FehSie022 (OI-l )2
va nll'l7c); dat d<'i I hili (V(l/ lieu thdi rI" m {>; (bi e n Ih ~ Clla rvnphihnJ. 1(10 ro (inh Ih ? d(m
cu trong kllni tluic tid ) Itl )
groutite gro ulit , H Mn0 2 (k ltorinK v(it n/u)m gr wt l rong hro-ng t h6 (g r oss weight)
tlia'lpa, gom mangan . hydro va oxy. do GSC x gas-solid chrommography
hfnh va t magnnit) gu~lac gua iac (n/ ufo IIIf{ tlll'(Tc tli· cric eli)'
Grove's synthesis 511 lo ng ho-p Grove (Sl,r Glloiacwn snm 11m va G, off leinalc:. tan
srln Xlltl t c ric alky L cloraG bhng crich en o fra nK con . ele . ~'d clorofom, d,;nx tra nK Y
at" it cloJry dric: vao m.(ll rlr{m khl co m (J t h()C va vecni )
kem clorua khan ) guaiacol gu alat.:ol , Ce H .. (OH )~1-I 3 (h t7p
growth st,r l&n len, Sl,Y sinh trl.ro-ng chdt k el tinl! kJu'jng mall, tan Irong nt.fuc,
growth hormone kich thich to sinh troong; dimE: nl"l' Ih lioc I/llr de x ric dinh .H,l · co 111 (11
gualazulene 440
clia nh(l'ng clul' nlllr lig nin. mnrxein vn (ngl rng 11,1 rlU)'1I a nhilft d (J cao th o n g qlla
axil n l l ra) Inc d l,mg cli a eric natri clox it )
gualazulene gUHlazulcn. C'S H'8 (d au xnnh gue s t element nguyen t 6 vel , x tra c e
co d i em soi 165·1700C, di'4ng nllll' tlwoc clemcnt
chong sun g l ay) guest molecule ph ~ln Ill' I(' (p h an lIr bj bc'iy
guanajuatite g uanaj ua lil , Bi 2Sc 3 (khoang Irong dIU Ink cllI; Clin h(Yp cllal cI{lng cJ
V{lt mdu xdm phat la, clura bl.wnlll sel en lln, m(lng. con g ()i Iii guest substance)
d(mg tlnh the h O('lc khot) gu es t s ubs tance cha t I ~J , x guest m o lecule
g~dine guanidin , CHsN2 (aminom el a- guide coat I& p son d !ln (LOp san mong
nil/n idin, san phlim ,chlly en hOa prolein c6 qwft vao m Of be m(il (r en lap .'tan pllll
Irong m(,(7c rlell ) lI o(1e lap 101 £If. chi ban nht;-nK cli o btl'au
guanidine-acetic acid a xil 3xe li c- lI o(lc khimg h o dn Illin "n do \'(iy chi d a n
guanidln, x glycocyamine ell() baft d e /o (li bd cluillg)
guanine guanln , C sI-IsON s (ba z a pw' in. guided bend test phcp Ihu- dO u6n cd diln
xuat hitn I{I' nhlin nlurthdnh phlin cO' bon hU'& ng (ph ep tlllr d6 lio n 'rang d o mall
cli o ax il nuclei c ) v(il dll'(rc lio n Ill ea hin" d(lng din" 11'I1"6'c )
guano guano , pM" c hlm bien (phdn eI,im guide ribonucleic acid axit rib o nu c le ic
bien dd phlin hl;Y fr{(J1 phlin , g i tiu phosphat dan hU'o-n g (day axif ribo nucl eic 1(10 I'll
vn nita, dling nllll' phtin bOn) k l llio n de n in chin" cae clio n o j)
guano s ine guan 05in. C 'OH'3 0S NS (ribo,\'il guildite guitdit, ( C u , Fe)3(F c, AI)..
g llan i n , nllcleosU ch tra gllanln va rib oz a. (SO.. h(OH ).. . 15 H 2 0 (kh o MK ,,(it m au nau
con g(Ji iii verninc) .\·nm Ch ,-'/ ' fl sui! at bazO' hydrat 11 6 0 Clia
guanosine tetrapho~phat e g uano s in d o ng, sal vn nhl)m)

tet r aphosphat (nucl eotil th am gia dieu guitcrmanite g ult ermanil , P h l oAr6 S19
chinh plllen m if gen trong vi kllllnn nh o- (khocing v(il mnll xnm ph 6't La ell/hi chi.
ngd, S{I' l ong h(yp axil ribonucleic ribos om ) nrsen wi hi'll hllynh, d(ltIg kh a t" ti(1c cI/{II)

guanylic acid axit gu anylic (nue/eolif clurn Guldberg~Waage group nhom

gunnln, drrung p el1lo za vd axil phosphnri c Gu ldcrbcrg-Wlagc (so klr fmg 1111(- n g uyen
va drr(rc 1(10 ra fr ong Ih,lY phiin axil (hing tronK nghien C/hl phdn li'nl{ h d a " pc
Irn ng LO coo, du(1'c cli o brtng ph/l"a ng Irinh
nucleic, viet tdl G MP. con gOi ld guanosine
lien he cac Ih e tfeh c ac kh{ pluin /rng wi
m o no phosphal c, guanosin e phosphoric acid )
guard bao v¢; lim chan; t ~m chan /I d t 000
san p h hm phdn ,.rnX, ky Iri f tl Now)
Gulf HDS process quo:' trinh HI)S Gu lf

(q lUi Irinh hyclrocrackinh Xlie I de t rin,.; ('1')
guar gum gum guar (nl/l.m k en III- hf,ll cl'iy tI!nh bien do; nguy en Jiiju dau mt> n (inl-i
g unr, Iii b(J1 m a" xnm .w ing phlin (an ,rnng IlIlmh eric phfin chung Cl'lt di~m .wi; IIu1P
mrri'c. £fling nllll' cllfff Jam d{fc IranK girfy , co kbn kill;' hi'll Im)' nh. nguyen l ifjll fJ {IP
Iltl.l'C p hwn, dll'(YC pham VI} my phlim) ('(i fhe La dau tho ho(fc clic phan sdt I(li)
gudmundite g udmundit . FcSbS (kJrorlnX Gu.finning qU<1 trinh Gu lfin ni ng (qlln (rln"
v(il m a ll trang b(lc to i xam I lui p , h tf I ii XLi- Iy hydro co xl k loc d~ / 0 (1; IJ n Itt'll
phuO'ng clurn sill s lllf ua vii antim onua) hlly n "kh o; cdc ph"lin d rl tluing w i dOll
Guerbet reaction phan u-ng Guerbcl nhien /i f ll, dong thai (:n; thiijn pllnn C(ln
441 g unmetal

eachan, mau .\'f'fc vd d (J on dinh chung w i tidn , flu} dan. l em (Mn , d if tl niem plto n g va
Mill Itfng d o ; cluu Iy trf;m g) MngJ
gum nhl,Y8 cflY, gam (poly sflcnrlt th{i'C \'(1/ gumminess d O dinh
hdo mru c h o(lc chth dan xud t trtrung Un gumming (SI,J') hoc cao SU i (SI,J') b6i ken
(/~ 1(10 rn th? phon tun nlta l ho(1(' dung gummi ,~g te st SI,I' Ih lr' dO di'nh
dich khi c h o vao nu rYc . co n g(J i I ii
gummite gum lt (khoang v(il tlllr sinh mall
hydrocollo id); g6m xa ng (c ilift bat kj fron g wIng, cia cam, do h o(fc miu clur n ctic lR iI
cdc hydrocac bon caD phtin IIi' bi oxy h on ngelm mru e ella luani, tll o ri V() clll, ('o n g OI
m (J / pJrlln co th'e hinh thiinh Irang x (lng Iii uranium oc he r)
du()'c bda quLin rna kha ng d in cho them
g ummosity tinh dinh; d O d inh
chal hdm my h oa); h~c in ; nhl!a thong 1/
g umm o u s 11 dinh; gion g nh lla
d l lam cao SU, phe t cao su
gummy ff dinh
gum acacia g6m acax ia
gum pot nOi n5 u nh L,J'a
gum acoroides ge m ac roit , x aca roid resin
g um resi n nhL,J'a d'ly (nlt o m dUll c6 n/fl.ra
gum amnoniac gu m am o niac
cialt 11m elll't}'C Ii,' IIII,I'C veil, cd c 1t (}II I/ f.Yp
gum arabic gam arabic , gam d an gifiy (g a m
g o", IIII/c WI nlH.rn 11()n fan frOiIK (' 0 11 kcm
h o n Ian trong mr uc {JIll d ,,,(y c fir cii)'
II a n nl"',t"a !hi en lll/ f cll, t " ci l.l cao '\" fl ,
nem/a (cay k eo) a Chiiu Phi va Ox lrfiylill.
gUlaperc ha, nlll.ra 1( om , myr, oUhanum ,
s dn xWll Ihu a ng In(li n lur bQt tr iin g , dl'mg
dimg ell! San x uat m Ol ,\"6 cill'()'C plu'im)
Iro ng san xud t ml.rc vr) chol k en. ,ro n g
gum Senegal go rn antbk: , x gum mal")ic
dt1nlz bOng vdl va nhu cllffl lien k ef c/t"nll
Iro ng mati mr6-c g o uache, con goi in acacia
gum s pint (of turpentine ) d a u nhl,l'a

gum; gum Kordofan , g um Senegal ) tho ng

gum benzoin g() m benzoin, x benzoin gum sugar d U'ons nhU'ju cay, a r..lhiln(TI....

gum dam mar gom dam" , x dammHr gum test phcp IhLr gum (el l! Xt7c elin" IIl'(yJlg
g 6 m fr ong x iin g )
gum elastic C<:'1 0 su; nhl,l'a
gum thu s Il h LlD gum, olih.-... num , x olib~lnum
gum formation Sl,J' t~() nhl,l'cl
gum turpentine nhl!<' tho ng
gum forming compound hoo p c h a t ( <;tl)

nhl,l'a gum water dung dieh gom deln giay

g um gutta go m gut<l gunbarrel hinh phun (blnh cd "rip .\'Illff kil t'
quyl!n d ling ell! Xli' ly mrae thai viing hi
gum Kordofan go m K o rd o fan . x g um
arabic ".1.1 )
guncotton bOng thutlc sung; nitrox enluloz..
gum lac ca nh k icn , g6 m lac
(mOl fro ng cac elral no nilra\: enluloz a C()
gum level ham 1U'C)'ng nlH,I"<I
do nilro 1160 eao (13,35 - 13,4 % nila) son
g um-like If tl,J'a nhl!H X liii! bdnp eac h xlr I>; bOng ba n g etic ({x ii
gummed (da) Lx,i ho nilric wi ,wl/llrie, citing cJlli y e ll Irong san
gummed label nhan da b(~i ho xm11 tlwoc n o elliy m(it h(yp chal l'a hai
g ummed pape r giay phc t keo (Io (li giay h(J'1' clldt)
m au co van h on 1n91 m (fl ph ih k eo d~ de gunmetal kim I~i due sung (d on g do chlra
dl,mg; g itly dong Ihimh .wiclt c6 bin ho(1c
S ir d(jng wi thiec fh eo ,>\ l ij 9 : 1, tru a-c d iiy
kh ang, m (JI m (fl phe l k eo dllng lilln nhiin (Um/! ell! cI,/(' (( (1i bac; kim 10(11 h o(lc II(:rp
gun 442
kim bd, ky dtlng de d,k su.nr; kim lO(li Irong Mng gon wi cric san phtim kha c)
ky dlr(yc X I" Iy de co
h o (lc ht7p kim bat gutter mang, ranh (Ihoal m rri'e) ; sl,T r Q(, Sl,l'
dang ve elm kim 10(li dl ic sling h(J'p k im ph un, SI,T xa , SIT thac chay
d ong m au d en, lam xin) . G utzeit l est phep t h ti- Gutzcit (el e I11Ii:
gun oil dau sung arsen: th em k i m va ax it SIU! uric l oang vdo
gunpowder thuDe sung (h6 n IU7P chdt no mall chat ma sau d o dll'(Yc phil t a gill)'
mau den ho(fc mall clio knit nilrat, than va I (X" !lim d un g dleh Iluiy ng an c/orua. tren
ltru huynh, ban dolt du(J'c ch t cr d(l/1g b(j/, gllfy :,-e hif n ~'et mall vang n ell trong mau
M en nay n o ; chung clm;:rc /illn 6' d(mg h (u ch ll t co ansen)
co k(ch thtroc khdc nhm, ) Gutzkow's process qu a tri nh Gut z k o w
gunpowder paper giay c u o n thu De no (m ¢ 1 bien the Clio qliri Ir/nh uich tx)ng (o;.if
(gjffy c ll(m ch{{/ no biJn fr o ng de rliin g kill d o i vO" thdt b(tc eh/ra nh/r ng lt rQ'ng (tOng
n~p) 16'n , citing a~it vui lt r(yng dtr l6'n ,Will dd
Gunzberg reagent thuDe th lr Gunzber g killi- b(lc ,H lI! oj M ng Ihan i1 o(jc, nh,,. a q lUi
(drl ng de xac dln.h axil clohydric tl.r d o trinh g oc. Mng Sill (I I ) suL! at)
,rong dleh vi) gvw trQng h.r(mg loan hQ x c (g r oss vehicule
Gurney-Mott theory Iy
thuy et Gurtley - weight)
M O ll (ly Ihuy e l ve qua trinh clu.4p anh vo n GW gigaoa t, G W (gigawatt )
de xudt cO' ehe hai gia; d O(Jn : q glai dO(ln Gy x gray
,h,i' nhlft llrv ng II;' anI! sang bi /ui'p Ilu., 6' &yps eo ll s If (Ihu(,x:) th ~c h cao
m (jl diem ben fr o ng gelatin b(IC /wi ogenu(l.
gypsum th(1c h C'. .,SO • . 2 H 2 0 (khO(ing
g im phong el ectr o n tin l! d (mg wi LO l ,-finK v(il sId! at lh dn g dl.m g nluI l, donI{ linh II';}
duang , c dc klwy e l 1<,1 linh d Oll ;: d o
d u n la. tran g . m clll tra n g 16'( X tim , ph 6'1
khu.ech tan vao cac vi lri ooy (alm nh(I)l )
wing h o{fc plllYI, nim, m t;'1 1 cat kiw i ph dl
ben I ro n g th l ticll h o(lc tr e n m elt h (1l
,rien l o t, co anh g an nl1lr tllliy lin h l a i m lm
g elmin , c7 gla{ clo (1.n hai, electron hi luiy
ng(}c Irai, ~/r;) elrng 2 0- th ang M o lls ~'a 'i'
(mang dlqn dm) bi trung h on bal ion b{lc
I r ong 2,3, till'Q'c nung a 19 0 - 2000C ell!
a k € (mang dif n dtrO'ng) vo n keI h(yp vrYi
t(m ra th(lch c ao)
electron d~ 1(10 ra ng uy en Ill- bQc, ,ng uyen
gypsum board ta m Ih~ch <:':'10 (I d·m Ih(lclL
IIi- b{lc cd klld n ifng b(iy eleclron lhl? IWi,
C (/O bot g i if)' )
sau do qua trinh Iren I(lp i(li, khi e n d w
v e l b(1C Ian Len) gypsum cement xi m a ng th ~ ch CHU . x
gy psum p k'1st er
gusher 10 p hun
gu·t 6ng heri mr &c nong (dtj t Iron g ong d a a ); gypsum earth df\ t tweh GlO
k.he k enh (a s(lu h a n mUTe x ling quanh gypsum lath laO cot Ih<;lch cao (Inti co lOt
Irong k enlr, n o l chung d o chuy en d (mg cli o th(lch cao d ong cli-n g m(ll hOi g lity dll'(yC'
m Ntc 1(10 raj xlr Iy de wra de bam)
gutta-percha gu l ap ercha, nha,ra k.e:1 (ch (1 t gypsum plank t a m mai thfil c h COlO (dill
nhiel d i o, (I.ra do dura hydrocacbon g ula kif-n d,.k ..din gom 10; ,h(2Ch cao co cot luo"
val m t>/ I I nh~Ta Ihll dll'(YC (ll' lalex clio m r;)t I lui p m (1 k i m. bon m ep cO d(Ulg Ka r nnlt,
so l octi ctly h9 h ong xi~m, d£U1g lam chlfl clt'J.ltK nlur t 6 m / 9'P mal c he nlui kitun K
e dell eli qn ch o cap ngam dua l bien va 'h ep va d Oi khl clIO he san )
443 gyros tat

gypsum plas ter vera th ~ c h cao (vli' a 1(10 h (Jp CO LO{l/ sang nltm ngang l Ong /hanh
th dn h c ltu. y e ll tiC- Ih(Jch cao, rdn Kpi ld ch o ng f}Jtjng d lrng c6 CO' /6 mdt sting g l dln
gy psum cement) Ilr tr~n xllong . ch uyen d (Jn g gan vang I r o n
gypsum wallboard l a m o p u.ra ng Ih<) ch k hte n ch o V(1 f li fl/. kh o n g elin Ihte , bi san g
cao (I d," op ' fra n g glun l oi Ih(lel! cao dlin qua mol sang k e tiep)
(tong cll-n g m(ll lX5i glay h o(Jc V(11 li f U sr;Yi gyro x gyrosko pe
khdc de de quet san ho{Ic hOi gilfy tiep) gyroskope con quay hoi ch uyen (dlplg q l
gyrating crusher may nghle:n quay duy tri hua n g g dc quy chieu nh a m Qt
gyration chuyen don g quay vang; SI,r h ~1 khol n (fng quay nhanh, m (Ji li'nK dlplg elU'
chuy ~n con quay h o i chuyen d ell phl.l rhll(jc vao
gyratory breaker m ay ng hi c n co n Uin d(ll1g d~c blf t clla d lnh lu(i t hnl Newlon
xoay , x gyratory crusher nol rang, v{lt n(1ng quay nhanh ch o ng i (li
r ift m{Jnh S{l' gay nh il ll d (m g Vii" cd XII
gyratory c ru s her m ay ngh le n con Ia n xooy
(may n g hien Ih 6 c6 d(l n g hai con , con hll'tYng phdn lac d(utg [(Ii m om en qUlIy gay
ng oai co dlnh va con frong eLrng d l.rng nh;eu bdng each lie n d¢ng (quay ch(im )
thdng u tJ tr~I C /~ ch Itlm . COn g (>i Id gy ratory th eo -/HaYng vuon g gac vO- l Illrung c lla
breaker ) mom en , cOn gp; La gyro)

gyratory s creen sang quay (m dy glo ng cal gyrostat con qlJ.;'lY hOi choy en
H henry. H (henry); hydro, B , x hydrogen n ong chdy q 2000 o t:. sol 6- Iren 540()o C )
Ha x hahnium hafnium carbide haflni cacbua, HfC (bQt
Haber-Bosch process qua tdoh Habe r xdm. n6ng chdy q 3887°C, tliing trong cae
·Bosch (quo Irinh truac day co d;nh nit a thanh d{eu khien LO phdn Irng h(ll nhan)
cl~ srin x u al amonlae Ill' hydr o va nita, XII C hafnium oxide hafioi diox it , Hf02
uic Mng sill , hien nay Ihay Mng cdc quti. harny. chloride hafini oxlclorua, HfOQ2
Irinh l o ng hq p nmoniac hi~ll quri hun. con H agge nmacher equation phln m g Iri nh
gOI Id I-faber process)
Hagge nmache r (phU'ang Irinh de tinlt tm
Haber process q ua Irinh Ha ber, x I-I.. bcr nhi ~1 h 6a ha i Clill eric h(J'p clufl tlnh khi e l
·l3osch process bhng each Sli' dl,mg cdc di'ell kl~n 16 1 h (ln
habit ngO<.l i d~ng tinh the, x crystal habit v6; cac: hong so Antoine)
habit plane m ~ t ph fing ngO<) I d <;tng (m (11 hahnium hani, Ha (l en d o ng u iT; My g(},i
phd ng 11O<'c h i! cric m(fl pllttng linh fh e hpc Y dol va-I ng uy en 10 105)
Iren d o xdy ra m (if .fa lIi4n IU(J'ng nhu .fl.r haidingerite hai d inge ril , H Ca A s O.J-12 0
sinh dOi linh Ihe)
(khodng v{it m all tnlng chtra canx; senal
H acid axi l H , H 2 NC ,oH. (O H)(SO,Hh ng(im my e)
(b(J1 hO(1e ch lf l k e f lin" mau xdm, Ian Iron g
hair t6c; 16ng; dfty t6c /I II (thu6c) IlX:; lo ng
mrac. el e VI1 can , (liing nlllr c hlfl I r w i/{
hair cracks vel n(rc d ~lOS u k, ve l ""It
ginn Iit/IOC nlrll(jm)
(,h rirng chi (\'ih flirt mdnlt ngr;" nltLeIl a Iil!
h .. vkly fracture SL! gay th C) (SI," giiy a
m (fl l o p H1n Ir en ding h o{ic /()'I' qll li~1I
k h OfinK v(i l d(lc lnrng bd ng (:oc be m {fl
rang Clra klui ng deu co m i p sac)
hair felt ni 16 ng (ni {tlln lir long gia .nie.
hackmanite hack.manit (khodng ~ '(il IlIulje
citing d~ edch lim 0- ('tic l Oll nlu))
119 soda/it clurn m Ol il lUll huynh. Imi'nh
qllang m/Ill da cam h o(fc ,ld frong an" ,winK hair pyrites pryrit d~ ng tOe, x millerite
or ngO{li) hair salt .. Iuno gcn, x alunogen
HAF black x high-.::'lbrasion fumace hlack. hair sieve r[IY 16 ng
hafnifluoride hex a rl o h H fin ~1 1 ( I V ) hair tonic Ihuoc moe lOe
M 2 IH f F .1 halazone 11<1 lazon , C OOH C 61-I~ S02N C L2
hafnis hanni dioxil, Hf02 (Iinh lit e In(lu. tnlng co Inlil ela Int;mlt; (all
hafnium hafin l, Hf (nguye n It) kim 10(li, il Irang mate vii doro! am , dung Hun cluff
nK")'in IIi- ,"0 72. nguy en IIr flr(yng 178.49. klui' trttl'lg ntaj'e )
445 haloalkane

half mot
n&3 h a lf stock nan thanh ph ~ m ; vCi'a giay
half aldehyde aJde hyl axil, CHO.R.COOH tia)f s tuft' ba n Ihanh pham ; vlra gifiy
half-aDd-half solder h t,)' p k.im him n U<I hall' sum m e thod ph Lra ng ph;:i p diem gifra
thlec m.'ra chi (h(Tp kim h an g om 50% Ihlife (x(i(' d inh rip sua t tham tllti' ll)
va 50 % chi) halt' time of exchange chu k 5' trm ) d e)i
half bat gach nLr3 (m91 m;'(l h on g (lch ciil m Ol ntl'a
ngang chtell d ai) half-valu e p e riod chu ky ban ra, chu ky
half boiled soap xa phong Olr3 s6i ban huy, x half -life
half cell nu- a pin (mQr dif n Cl~ C nil lin g half wave potential the m.'ra s6tlg
fran g chllt d if n ph(m) half-way unit thi el hi be"!n cong ngh it;p
half-cell potential the nlra pin ( a cri c pin halibut live r oil dri u gan ca bern (da ,," cd
dir n h6a: cli/fn Ih t do 101m b¢ phrin Il'ng q ' a i. mllll win g n h(1I 10 1 rlcJ wi m , co Inlii
frang pin, CC) I lle cQi /() l ong cl j a Ihi! b (lnOI n i, Ian tr ong con, ef e, clorof om WI ('(I('bon
va the a ea/o l , moj the du'(J'C col' Iii th i! disulj'ufJ, k ho ng fan frong nmyC'. d /'m X /ui'l
mra pin) tir gan cd ban, d l'l ng nhu' (huo c li ang, nlm'
half-cell reaction phan u-ng nu-3 pin n g lion vitamin A va D vii d f ~h/i ('x' da)
half cycl e ntr3 c hu ky (kh odng tha i glan h a lid e h a l o gcnu a (h (Tp c iull ki e ll M X ,
llra ng Ii'ng va l Hll-a C/W tr inh h o(ic 180 0 c, f ro ng do)tt lil. fl o, clo, '~/, "rom I IO{Ic
a ( fin so lam vl~c c ,in m (>1 /n(l cll h o{fc dl,m g asralin wi M Id nguye n to klu1c h o(ic goc
CI,t) h lhJ C(7)

h a lf el e m e nt n lm pin h a lite muo i ma halit , N aCI (m1l6J lI,i' nllien

I iI k h oring V(lt emp or if x lla ( hicn n hu tin ll
half-full d ay mQI nLI'H
III12 dring qr 1I0iJc d(lng kho i, 11(1/ I-! o (ic d(ic'
h a lf-grained s oap X.'l pho ng nt.'ra h ',il
d rifl con gOi lil common salt, roc k S:T11 )
half green nLr3 sO ng, nt.'ra lu'U"i
han cyclic thermal r e forming rcfn mintl
half-hard sim pham e Lm S tr ung binh (win
chu trinh nhiet Hall (qua tr l nh sinll kid ,Ht'
p ham kim I O(li cfin c6 d ¢ Cll'ng trung bi nh) df,l.ng cric b(i phON Cll a filii! ! hi ch /I 11 0(1 k lli
half-life chu ky b an r a , chu ky hii n hUy thnn Il'o t de s inh ra kh f /Jill coo 11'1' ng uyen
(th a i ginn d in thie t ele m 61 mra ch {lt nao licn g ac 111: naphla d e n Blinker C)
d 6 (rat qua cac pluin li'ng h 6a h (Jc; k h odng hallow prism [li ng kinh ra ng
th in g ian tr ung binh de 1n61 m i'(J ,\'0 ltu;mg
halloysite halOYSit, AI 2 Si 20e, ( OH ) .. , 2H 2 0
blft ky CUll cac n g uy en Ili' ph6ng X (l Ki iJng (khorlng val set I l,m sri' th iinh phtIn gifillg
nhau bi ph fm r a 'ph6ng X{1, con goi Iii k aolinif nlllr ng du ra nhie ll nll'(h' 110'1/ V(I
half-value perlcx:t , radioac tive half-life) kh rle ed it I n ie , c a c bi e n th e g {) i III
half-life period chu ky min huy mc t ahaloysit) ,
half merc erizin g S I,l' lam bOng Vlra hallUcinogen l aC nhflO gfly <10 g i ~i(; (cll if ,
half normal m:ra d Lr<Yng [m:rng nl-!ll' I . SD Kay ra cac no g l de) '
half period nlI a c hu ky halmyrolysis h tli ph ft n (nJllrnK bien dol
half quantum numbe r s6 ban llJ'(;Yng Ill' h OO h(J<' h (lll I ra m I (cl-! xciy ra khi tram ({ell

half-shade polarimeter ph an Cl,fC kc nt1'a 0' d ay hien )

to i haloalka ne ha loa lk a n (hy dr oc ocbo n "eo
halocarbon 446
halogen hoo) ch lrn hydro va cachon, nho m gom clk h (yp
halocarbon halocacbon (h (Tp chat c acbon (" hal nh re " hn/ogcn (alkyl h oiJc aryl
va halogen, dot klli cd val hy d r o) ha/og enun) va cdc Il(Yp chilI p alyhalogen
halocarbon plas tic cha t deo ha locachon ch,ra cdc nguyen Ilr halogen giang nhau
(chltt deo dl?u clre tir nh{ra h alocacbon ) ho(fc kluk nlulU)
halocarbon resin nhl,ta halocacbon (nlll,m halogenated ketone ke to n ha logen h6a
sdn x ulft bhng da tn)ng hvp cdc monome halogenating agent cha'i halogen hoo.
d{u Ihdnh tir cdc hydrocacbon l td hnlogen halogenation st,r hal oge n hoa (qua !rinh
h6a nhlr t e tr aJ l oe lylen C 2 F" WI h o(1.c phdn ,rng h o n h oc drra n guyen 10
triJlocloety l en C 2 F aCl) halogen vno mQI chlfl, n of chung bdng
halochromic It sinh m uoi mau cdeh .flr dl.mg chinh nguyen 16 do)
halochromy hien h.rc;yog sinh muoJ mhu halogenation catal ys t chat xuc t ac
haloform halofom, CHX a (h {Yp c!u'fl di?1I ha logen hoa
ch e Ill: phdn Itng axelnJdchyt haile keton halo ge n benzoi c acid a xil halogen
m elyl vO-l N aOX, Irong do X /d m 9 1 he nzoic, x.ee H 4 .COOH
halogen , vi dl.' LiJ t od%m 1-I C / 3 1 hO(lc h a loge n ca rrier chat ' a i halogen
bromoJom H C Br 3 h o(fc clor%m fl CC/ 3 ) haloge n co mpound hO'p cM'! halogen
haloform reaction philO tInS l(Io halofom halogen counter 6 ng dem halogen (ong
(sl.r halogen. h on ru:eln/deityl 1to(fc kelnn ri c m Geiger Irong dd uk d (mg I{r lal dUQ'c
m ery l frong dung dich mr6-c kiem, phdn l(Jo rn bt)ng kId halog en, "II". do II o(te
Irng ld d(tc trung CltO cdc h crp cJrd t clltl'a br a m)
nho m C H 3C O lie n ket vai hydro h orc haloge n d e ri va tive dtin X.uBI ha logen
cacbon khric)
haloge n ramily hO ha logen
halogen h alogen (m¢1 (rang cdc nguyen 10
halogen h y dracid hydraxil halogen
thu.Qc h O h nlogen, gom f la, do, brOln, iOI
halogen h ydride ha logen hydrua
va aslalin )
halogcnide halogcnua
halogen acid axil halogen (hO'p cluJt cJl/hi
halogen in ring halogen lrong nha n
hydro lien k e f V (i'i nguyen 10 halogen. vi
dl.l ax it clohy dric) hal oge n in s ide chain halugen Irung
halogen a ted (du{Yc) halogen h6a m<;lch nhiinh
halogenated acid axit ha logen hOB halogenize halogcl"! hoa
h a logenated a lc ohol I"U'<,Y U halngen hli.<. h a logen mineral khoong V~I ha logen (blff
halogenated aliphatic acid <IX II hco
ky h Q'p chitt ,<r nhien nao ellli·a h nlogen
nlllr cifrl IIi' anion nen Ito(tc chfnh)
halogen h6a
halogenated carboxylic acid ax il h a logeno·aliphatic compound hQ'p chtft
cacbaxyllc halogen hoa
ben ha loge n hoo
halogenated compound h c;r p c h ff l halogen organic acid ax il hu-u crr halogen
halogen boo h a lohy drin h.c, lohydrin (hO'P chlfr WIt con g
halogenated hydrocarbon hydrocHcbon IllIre chung X -R-OfJ , Ir o nl{ d6 X /t>
halogen h6a (m(3t ,,"ong niu5m eric eh o t dAn Ita/agenun nll/r CI. VI ri(l It) clorallydrin)
X llltt halogen ('li n cdc JU7P chdt 'IIi'll crY h a loid /I (lhu9c) ha logen
447 hand

baloid acid ax it halogen Irong do K BH+ lit hang so

phiin ly clla
haloid element nguyen to' halogen d{lng axil clia cllffl chi rhi va 1811 + / va
ba.ometer muoi ke I B / IlrO'ng Irng Lii nong do Clta baza
halometry phep do muoi proton hoa· va bozO" khong proton hoa)

balomorphic d~ng muoi (chi ddt nol wing hancockite hancokit (khodn"g v(ll siLieat

c6 cac dl)c diem bi dnh hlUyng nu;znh Ixh phrro t(l.P cJIll'O chi, ca,'.Xi, stromi va nhung
muD' trung tlnh ho(lc kiem ho(1c cd haiJ khoring v(it khtk, dong hinh val ep idOL)

balon halon if Locachon co mQt hoijc nhieu hand ashing SI,I' lay tro bbng tay
nguyen fIr brom frong phan trr ella no) hand calciner \6 nung thu c6ng
balD ore quang mUOi, x fringe ore hand centrifuge may Iy .tam tay
baloprogin haloprogin, C 9 H .. 00 3 J (tric hand furnace 10' thu cong
nhtin kluing vi sinh v~) hand grit soap x a phong rap, xa phbng
halothane halotan , C z HBrC IF 3 (c hii I long nham
khong mall, khong bat Lll-a, dl~nK nlw· handle tay d lm, lay n~m 1/ dl XU· Iy; lhau
thll~c griy me nhO' xong) uk; dieu khien; qu tm 11' ; cham soc, bao
balotrichite h a i 0 t ric h it Fe A li(SO.d". dU"<Yng
22H 2 0 (khoring vtJI chlra ,'tilL! at sal \'a hand-made It thu cOng, b~ng tay
Mom ng(1m nll'ac con gQi Iii butter rock , hand-made paper gifly thu cOng
feather alum, iron alum·, mountain butter; hand mould khuon lay
oot kY . khodng vt;lt sul! aJ nao co Call t(lO hand moulding St)' n~n hang tay
va d(1ng gl6ng J:talotrichit)
hand poked producer may phat khf cal
bambergite hambergil, BezBOaOH (
, lro thu cong
khoang v(it mau trilng ph&f xdm ho(ic
hand-rabbed furnace 10 thu cong
khong matt, dura beryli borat, d{lng tinh
Ih~ lang m.L, d(J cti'ng 7,5 theo thang M oh..,
hand-rabbed roaster \0 thu cong
tY tr9ng 2,35) hand-raked furnace 10 Ihu cong
bammarite hamarit, Pb 2 Cu 2 Bi"Sg (khoring hand sampling SI.!' lay m~u thu cons (.ni-
V(jf h~ dO'n til mall xdm (hep co sac do d~tng cdc p htumg p hap thr't cong d~ tach

chlla chi va dong bismllt sui! ua) va gidm k(ch thll'ac cae mau d(li di~n Clla
bammer blia, blia may qu(lng, Lii. m(j! (rong t cric phuang phtip
chinh d'e lay cdc [0 qlt(lng nito, cdc
hammer mill may nghien hun (lo(li mdy
plllumg phdp kluic lil lify malt being gau
nghi'en wl d(ip gidm kich thuo'c ct'ta Wli
ngO(lm. Ufy m(1u being ciao mang, cl1(;m
liell bang blla quay nhanh (rong m(il
IIIng phan, lay non lnau vii. Lay mau bdng
phi1ng dlrng ben trong h6p (hep, con K9i
cdi chin Ill', lIi"y mall bang ong)
fa beater mill; mdy nghten thfl:C tIn va cdc
stin pMm klrde bling nhi'eu hang brla nhd hand slaking st,J' toi v6i thu cong
quay va; rDC dQ cao) hand sugar refractometer c.'ii do cht<~t

hammer welding SI,!' h~m go suat dU'Cmg thu cong (d~mg qi xdch fay d~
Hammett acidity function chu-c axlt dpc chiel sua t ella cdc dung dicit du&ng.
Hammett (bielf thlrc dol vai dQ axil clla con gQI Iii proteinometer)
mol Inr&ng: Iro = KBH+ fBH+/ IfBl , hand-worked furnace 10 thu cong
hand 448
hand-worked roa s ter 10 th u cong hard bronze dong do CLmg (h '7'P kim co
hanging drop giot Ireo, giot ley Iu-ng d(J ben k eo caD c/ura 88% d o ng. 7% thiec,
hank con tCY; nul 50'1; von g srtt (buo,n) ; han 3 % k em va 2 % chi)
(dan \'; do 59'1, M ng 768.096 m d o l va { hard-burned (da) n un g gia
bOng va 512,064m d o l val l en 10(11 m I)l) hard-burned brick g~ c h n ung gift (g(lclt
hanks site hank s il , N a 22 K (SO,, )g(C OahC1 dtl'Q'c nung va thieu k e t q nhi~1 do cao)
(khoring v{it m all Irdn!? h o(fc vang. kit tin" hard chronium lap crom cli'ng (la p cram
Ira n g he ll.lC gidc ) In(l elien day tren kim 10 (li n en, /11m ttfng
hannayite hanayit, M g3(NH. hH2(PO" ),, . d O ch o ng m o n)
8H 2 0 (kh oan g v{it d ll rn axil nmon ; magie h a rd coal than cu-ng, an traxiL , x anthracite
phosphat ng{im m UTc, x u lft hifn n l ul' J;nll hard crown thUy tinh cr on
the m nu w'lng Ir o ng phlln chim bien) hard dete rgent cha l tay rll'(l ct.i'ng (chol
Hansa yellow chat mau vang Hansa (nh 6 m (ay nt'a kluJng thoat Iroo sinh h(JC)
chnt mall azo 11Ir ll ca co khn n nng hie n hard-drown wire day c hu o t nguol (dtty
mall m(lnh song d (j m a fTong san k i m, kim lO(li chuo l ng uOI. ,Illrong co d9 bin
dllng nai n ao elin I ranh d ¢ c) keo cao)
Hantzs ch synthesis 5 \,1' t()ng h o- p hard electron C\cC ~fOO c(r(\t. C.~aA&1It
Hantz..c;ch (plu;n Irng 1(10 ra h(yp chlfl p y r o l h.rc.rng cao '
kh; {3-k e lo est e. c/o roaxef o n wi mnin b(i c harden 10 1, hll<'l cu-ng, c u-ng I~ i ; dOng d~c. h6a
nlld, nKU'nK 11.1) r:\n
Hanu s solution d un g dj c h Hanu s (iOl
hard e nability kha n ~ n g t(li cling; d (~ {ham
monObr Olnlifl fro n g a:r.it ax etic biing , (Um):
l u i (a Cal' it(Yp kim .~a/. linlt chat quyl t
de xac dinh chi so ;o f fro ng eac h q p ch lft dinh (t {J sflu WI mIre d (i phfm b6 nin tf nll
htru c O' dura n o clura d an)
ctrng do to i t;1' nhi?t clQ cao ) ; kh.:; nang hOO
haptoglobin h aptoglo b in (gl o bubin fmplUl c arng (clio elUll deo )
chie m J·2 % h uy e t ttl'O'ng binh ,htl'anl( , h a rdened (d. ) .oi; (d ' ) ha,. r~ n , (da) dOng
chti'n chirng 5% cabonhy drm) d ~c
hard It cling, r~ n , c h ~c; chat h a rdened oil dau hoa rl1 n
hard acid axit cli'n g (axil Lew;'" d (J phiin hardened r es in nhl/a h() a ran
Cl,re thdp . tr(lng tluii axy It c}a du:O'ng c oo,
hardened s teel Ih ep te'i ~ Ung (thep do 161 ,
kh ong co cdc electro n ngaiU (Ie kidl l!ticlt, ctrng ba ng Ctiell 10 ; c7 nhi~t d(j coo,
vi dt.~ nlllr H +, '~i + vii A 1+)
hardener cha t la m l ang cLhlg (h (J'p kim chl
hard base bazO' Cling (boZO' Lew;'\' (c!tn, tltem wIn Ihe tt6ng cluiy d~ d;eu khien d9
clla electro n ) co d ¢ phon ql'c can vii d t} e lrng) ; chat lam d o ng cLrng (hq-p cltift phdn
dm d;en t/u1p , ete bl oxy h oo, h o(fc c 6 eric trng va ; p n lyme nh{l'o de l am no clong
o r bital fr ong nom d i rtY; , vi dt,l Iii H 2 0 , C'lr n/:, nlltr cac mnin h o(ic anhy dril phdn
H O · ,Oe N 3 va F"); din CLr ki€n co (qulin It'ng vai ('ric ep (1).: it d~ ldm klt6 ho(fc Idm
sl,r) d 6ng Cli'ttg cluing thanh chat deo. con g91
hardboard tam cLrng (Iffm ,\'{Y; d,rer" ttJo If; cu rin g age nt )
rn val m (if do. l en 480 . 800 kr{ / m 3 • m Ol hardening st,t tOi (1(10 (1(J Clrng cho IMp
m (ft c6 van 1'(1 m o' m(if nll lln) c aebon hdng reich Mm ngu6 i relt nhanh
449 h a rd

('01) rrang mQI kh odn g nhi?t (to uTi h (ln ) ; d co g ium do c6 I (lP c h ff t . ti l/ r a n g hi
SI/ tam tang c lrng (X li' Ij nhi~ t m Qt h (yp k i m antim o n)
Ulng C/i-ng th eo (h u i g inn a nllif f ct(j Irlm g h a rd m ag n e ti c m a t e ri a l V ~( Ii¢u III c li"n g
".'nh ); SIf I ~ ng SlrC c hlu dl,l'ng (X li' Ij 1IIl,U (k i m /o (li cd /t,r e khdng Iii' cao, c li o v o n g
vc" nlldm tifng sIre (I 'C kJuin g etm clumg I ll' trt! I a n)
dol vcYl nlllrng d(e u kif n kh itc n g hle l ve h a r d m o rtar vfra d in
nhift d~ h o(fc h em h an ) ; Sl,I' d 6 ng c u-n g (CltO hardn ess do c u-ng (ltr(yn g cnnxi ca cbonfl/
bi tong ) h On t a n t r o n g nu6'e, th/ra n g bie u III; nlllr
barde n ing age nt ch a t la m d o n g e Lmg ,:0 ph a n c a nx i eac" b o nflf Ire n m QI Iri iju
h.a rde nln g b a th dun g d ic h t oi pHlin mrac; d(l i IIr(yn g xac d l nh kh d n t'l n g
harde n i n g furna ce \0 loi cliim x uyen c lla l i a X . buac son g c nng
hardenin g kiln 10 nung do s Uo n giln lia X crln g elrng vn cfiim , x llyil n cnng
bardening liquid nl"tYc t oi m(mh; dc) ben Cl;n kim 10(11 h o(1c q il lic u

hard ening o il d a u 16 i khrk tnrae Sl.f kh i n, s ~r c<, xat . ""," m r)i m o n

h n(fe ,\'1.1' ClI I) ; tinh CLmg vfrn g (finh ellif t e,in
bar d-face Ie) i he m ~ l ( I{lO r n / 6 1' k im [ 0(11
m Q( II '; th o n g m ny , pJ-ll rung liij n , cil rung
arng, ('h o ng t1n m o n f r en p Irfi n b'lJ m (1.I kim
Irllyen h o(1c th ie t b; plto n g ng '-ra etll' (ye
lo(Zi chill lin m em k e m h eYn Mng , "'.1. h an .
mIre hu h (li kll o ng kh d cluf p )
phllll pllli. h oiJc eric ph/ra n g ph rip kluic.
chit g(>l lit hard ..s ur f<l cc)
h ardn ess numb e r c hi s6 c li"ng (,\'{i M eulhi
tlQ c /r n g lua n g d o ; Clill m ¢ f khOtit'K V(il ,
hard fibe r SQ"i c un g 011 6 Iti h o n go m (mit
k im 1000i 1I0(1e v(l/ liell k h ne, x fi e d ;nlt bt)n t.:
dling Iro ng liim III1i-n l-: c/uio. .\'(Yi xc va wit )
m Ol (r o n g ,\'0 h u n 3() pil i p /Ju l' d (J Clrn K
1/ ~ n g 1iQ1 clhlg (chi Sl.r lUll Iro a bhn g k iJ m
k h ne nltau )
clorlm, dlmg d o ' l 'C'y; g i ify h o(fe c a e l o nK )
h ardn ess o f w a t e r de) c ti'ng c ua oU'o-e ,
bard g lass lhUy t inh e u-ng, (huy (in h eh lu
Ilia (I /Uiy tinh k alt·vot c o h a m III'(ynK ax il h a rdne ss sca le t hang d (l c u-ng
silir C'no. dilng d e ,\-rin x u ifl tin tllll)' f lnlt h a rdn ess t es t ph c p (h lr' d o cli" n g (plu:p
stfng C'i'm g9i La Boh e mia n glass) I/u',. de xtic d i nh Jlfi lll 11l"C}'l1 g efillx l \ '(i
hard grea s e m (y r ~ n ( m a hOi fTa n ehn)' T(I
mag i e I rong mrri'c; plu! p fIlii , d e xac: cI;n"
q nhlf l d(j khoong 90 0 C ) d Q Clrng IlrO'I11: cllh Clla kim LO{II, k l lOon g
\'(;1 lI o(le \ ' (i f Ii';" klulc th eo 111(; 1 I ,. o n ~
hardh ead c~ n (i ..,h luyc;; n (e/Ul l Ii/n g m (i ll
nfrie /( I h ang clo nllll' Brin ell, M o lls II o(1c
lrdng C'lrng hin" Iluln h fronK qua Irlnh linh
SlIo r e)
Juyen Ihlec ban g n n u c hdy)
bard ir o n S:l t I II cu- n g (,.. II, /r o(Ic I Jl(i p h ar d o il d?i u 0 (TI,tC

klum g de bl fir 11 6a btlng cain I r n g n/llrng h a rd p as t p o r ce l a in do sU', SU'

gllf d /f (YC' ,>
; I f tIl' fl nh cia IIIIl d l r fYc C(lO) h a rd pit c h nhl,l'a du'(Yng din
bard lac n hl,J'a canh kHf n riln (n l1lp' c anh h a rd p o r ce l a i n sli" c li"ng (d o Sli' ('(5 ,\" , 'C ben
kil n ehte l b il n g tL ~mg m tii, con gpi I ii 16, (t o ; wh ,\'I,r (h ay d o; n "i~t cI (; d()1 ng<;1)
hard~ac resin) h a rd r a di ation hti'c X".l c Ung (Inrc X(I m e;
ha rd-l ac res in nh,rtt cci n h kie n r~ n , x hurd cdc h(ll lt o(1c ph OiOIl c o nang 1Jl'(Tn~ c:oo
lac l'() d o v (o' dtim x uyen qllll l i e c/iin K III(Ji V(tl
hard lea d chi cfrng (lu,Yp k i m cll i cd t f n h Ii~ /l ke cn kim 10(li )

29 - TO H6 A HOC A -V
hard 450
hard rays 1i<1 c ..rn g Hargrtmves process qU{ 1 tri nh Il<lrgrcHvcs
hard rock l1ii cu'ng (dri p l ui; ('"an 161 klwnn (qllll Irin" d~ ,win xuffl nntrl ,w i/at ni1iI
\'it no ml'n m it' 10 (li Jxj tfll'(ye ) dlO Iton h {Yf' b ra IIII)' nh d iw:iI WI kh6ng
hard rock phosphate phophorit k h l di quo m r6c mlU) i natr' clo run (Ilea
hard rubber chonll , can su c u-ng (eno ,HI ctiell donI{ n g ll'(YC )
111'11 !J o n a nlli ~1 tf(j WI rip ,\,tur, cnn tf~ ('0 Hari"1; ce ll binh diGn phfm 1.. 1,lr ing (binlt
I(nll eti-ng, drmg nlltr l a p "~I IiQII efkh c1iifr dir n plt an en bon dlr n CI,t'C clling dc flo
a efie erin dt.mg ct.1, con g(Ji Itl chnnitc) d it/n Ira dUI' cliifn pluin \'(1 tI{J "han qrr
hard rubber scraps m flO h c.m su cti'ng Cllu ctic die n Cl,l'c)
hard s ize 1'\1,1' g~n c h ~ t ; ho cti'ng harman hmman , C 12 i-1,oN 2 (tlnll ,lie nang
hard soa p xa ph(m g cu-o g c/uiy a 23 7_238°(:, ki m hrim S I,r sinh
Il'IrtYnK Cli (l m 6 c \'() m (n ,' if) I'i klllUln , cOn
hard so lder cha t h im cLm g; m Oi h i m cu' ng,
KPi If} arah inc , lo tllrinc. P~l."s in orin)
x h r<1zi ng alloy
harmotnne h ar mot o n , ( K . Ba ) (Al,Sih -
hard- so lder hi m c u-ng
hurd-sphere collision theory Iy thuyct
(SieO le ), 6 112 °
(kllOting l'{it z.cn/i, co ('tir
/(nll ('/u 7'1 Irtm dol inn , 1(/0 1'(1 ('fie finlr fhe
V<1 ch(l m clm die qua d iu cu-ng ( I) : Ilt/ly e (
de t (nh ("fic hhnK so t tic cl Q plrnn Il'ng dEii
klfp (,\'Ong tinh) hlnh cI"..,. ,'t(ip , n }n Kpl In
I..: rlls." ...." lllnC)
vrY i eric phtin tr nK plw klt( Ira llg ,\';nlt h{)('
hnrness lentht!r da yen ngl,l'cl
phlin (tr, Ira ng d 6 cric phfin Itt' ('oi "/u l' eric
q,in d ill cl i'!,,~ l'n ' ch(lm l 'Cn nllnll) hClrn css oil d ~ lI, liml m c m dH
hard s ugar dm"'ng I..:~II Harris process quit (rlnh Harris (pillmng
phrip fin" IlIy~ n chi ,,.o nK d o th di chi /roo
h a rd-surface t Oi he m~ t , x h ard- fm:c
long dlr(y{' plum ,Iffinll bl,li qua ,\:fir ndng
hard surfacing 1'\t,r Iti i he m~1
clt ti), va nal,., nU ,.nl n o n g cl"i)'. linen,
hardware do n g u kim ; phl-in c u'n g (Indy
nlilimo.n WI ''' iee hi m :)' l u)a, hie" t/ianl!
ctic muc)', nal,.; WI dll'{YC It o'l klu;' b:l)
hard wat e r n u'(ye elrns (ntrae clui'fI m (Jt ,W)
harst igite hi1r~li g it , Bc 2 C.a 3 SI 3 (},1 (klloong
mllol nlHr muO'1 cnrn: i Iw(ic mngic t(l o I'll
l'fil clll rll her)' Ii ~ '(; c fln t.: ; sil;nl/)
(rong n o/ dtln \'(1 l (lO rfl ke t lIin wYi XCI
p!tong ) hartite haritil ( n/H,rn h6n ' ''(l eft k t " IfnI!
hard -wa ter soap xii pho ng nm'M.; c l:rng m l1ll fl't'fng "inh Ilulnh (Y nic lignil , c'd" K()f
Iii homhiccitc, hmnchit c , hnrmilnn ltc, J~n )
hard wax n e n c..r ng
hardwood g(') c ..rng (go n (fnj:, Iha s r, nltl'llt Hartmann di"phrugm m i lflg Hartmann
(dt,lnK C~,I ,\'0 ,w inh ale .\'6 d (JC n!J(in li{Jng
ctia ell)' It(l l kIn nllll' ,\'oi, nnh clno. l'tl cfiy
Ihich) n g uyell 16' 1-" ctic pita p h dl X(I )
hardwood t a r hftc in go, nhl,l'3 chung gA Hartman's solution dung dic h H'lrtman
Hardy-Sc Hulz rule, quy I~C I-Iardy .....")chufz (d Ull!: d icit th y mol, r ttv u el )' 1 I'() eft
(Ih eo do clir n '(cll ella rac Ion tifng kltl~n ,\'! JLjlU'ic, tiling c h I? phlill 1"('11 c lt(J n J(Jr
Itlng m(lnlt ntlng ,\'II /{, k eo 11,1 ("fin cluing) d enti n)

hardys tonite h<1rd YSlo nll, Ca 2 ZnSI 2 0 hart s horn ~t m( >ni c ' l l..:h o nat , (N I-I 4 )zC03
(kllOring v(11 I1'l f)U I rflnK clura k i m cflnx i hartshorn oil cJ:iu XLTu'ng. x ho ne uil
si!ie(l/ ) h a rtshorn suits cJlIng u !ch amonim: d[1)'
451 He R
lhO'm, (con g(li Itl aromatic spirits of cacbonhydral tlreo con duq ng ell/I frinlt
ammonia) Calvin thong Ihlrq ng)
H asc h e p r ocess qu a t rinh l-Iaschc (quo h a u e r ite haucrilc, MnS z (khanng \'(11 mall
Irlnll ref om/nil nhiet dol va l nlriCn /i f n nOli phaf do ho{7c den phUf nail clura
hydrocarbon, dtty Ii'J p}IIur ng pluip ttfi sinh mangan slIl/lla (I,r nhifin. d(lng k h fii 11O(lC
kh ong Xlic lac th eo do lion II(;rp khi /to(lc l inh Ihl! , lrim m(11)
hui Itydrococbon va kh ang khi eli qua kilo ; h a u s m a nni te hausmanit , Mn 3 0 4 (k"oring
Inl sinh n ong dlin lI,co luong khr, xdy rn v(il m a clI,I C malt d en plt o f tui ll clura
Sil elroy m¢t ph'(ln gir;; ph o ng nltit/ l de mangan letroxit)
c rakinh eric h y dr ocacbon con I (li frong h aiiync hauyn , (N<I, C.I)4_s (Al e Sl s 0 24 )
Vling chriy) (S04' S)I_Z (khoang 1'{ll ,\'ilica( diln J,[ C~t'
h ast in gsite ha s tlligsit, NaCa 2 (Fe,Ms),- nllom sod nlil . d(lng 11(11 I'(mg IronK cric l ot.li
A l z Si e 0 22 (OH )2 (khoting v(i/ n,!6m dd manna kluic nllml, ell) cll'ng 5,5 - 5,6 0'
nmphibol ket linll Iro ng Ire d a n tit W1 clui IhallK M oh..,: I)~ Ir(m K 2.4-2,5. elm 1:(J1 Iri
yell ch,i'a natr;, canxi wi sal nhrrng Ill/ra ng ' hauynlte)
val mOl II kali vii magie) h aiiy n itc hauy nil. x hauync
Hasti n gs n a ph t h a rlrQ'u m Clylic , CH 3 0H Hau ze u r fu r nace 10 I-Iallze ur (Ib k t!p de
h atc h e tli ne hmc hetin, x hat c hctlilc chu'ng cal kem 'r on;.: d o nhii; 1 Ilui; lir m (;
h atchett i te halchc liI , C 3 8 1-118 (:wip klwdnK clllrng fI(}), dl((~),(, l(in dt.tn;.: de nlln;.: C/ui)'
mall viing-Irtlng , fl a nK clujy 6' 55-65°(' me kJuic)
(rong Ir(ll1K t/ufi (I,r "hiii n It} 79°C rl' rT(mg H awk in s ce ll pin kcm -sflt
Ihdi 'inlt klliel , d(lng khot ,rong eric 'he Hay d en p rocess ql1cl Irinh lia y d e n
009 qu~ng .wlt Iwife fr ong ("(k IIlk Irong (plllrO'ng pluip l in" Illy~1I dong blin;.: di~n
da vot, con K (Ji Lii adipoccrilc, adipocirc, pluin: ('{k (mot dotlg clum tinh ltty~n dlI'C)'('
halchetine, minera i tallo w , moulain ta lluw , Ireo IrollK clull di~n ph/in axil \'t> m l,i' I'''io
naphlhine) nill mr'}j anol ,vall do lriC d 6ng nlllr an v l no)
h a t c h e t to lite halche tolil , x cllsworthilc pltia kio nlllr COIOI )
h atc hi te hal chit (khonn}: v{i/ millt xlim clri haydite hayd U, dffl sel Xtlp (eld p"an lap
elura :mlf I ta chi w; an'en, cI(lng finli ,lie m o- r(mg, tid "Men lI o(lc ,w:1 d(1c Irtmg
lam ta) bAng Irf'ng lm:mg dun v( 'hap w) ctic I;nlt
,H a t c h- S la c k pa thw ay con uU'(rn g cl/ell C('Ulrite t"on ddng . dii.ng nlll r COl INII
Hatch-Slack (e/III trinlt ellllyen liria lien dc tam 1'(1 hi} long kifl Call nhc )
qunn ten pha qllang h(yp khong can anh h aza r d o u s m a t e r ia l viiI lieul "guy hiem
sang a m(>t ,\'() thl,re v{il co eric eni bie" (dui'l c1¢c, clUlf tin man, ~hii lie cluj)" chdt
cilllyeH 1100 VI} gini plrr111 rUng (rong cdc no, " 6a clult ph6ng X(l ho(Jc bOl ky 1'(il
Ie bIIo thit lri va bao m(lell von t(lO dielt
li~1I nao khac cn Ihl! gay nguy hiem clIO
klen co dinh l(lm IhiTi cncoon (lioxit (CO z )
Slt'C k line hn(fc h(lnh plllk Clin can ngld.,.;
flu}n h art! Ittl'" cO' bo n eacbon, Will do
kh; sir dl,urg kJu)lIj( filing)
nllli'ng nay phlin IlIiy tlrnnlr ctic axil
h aze suvng mu
IUfl1 cO' ba c(lcoon c()fIg wh CO 2 0- ('(Ie I (!
/xlo 000 m(lcft. tf dffy CO z dti gini plrnng H b o mb x hy drogen homb
do I(li dlr(y c co dinh thrinll ctic He R x hexach lorobcn~ene
her 452
her x greates t commo n divisor heat-affected zone v ung bi nh let Hie dl,lng
HeG x human ch orionic gonadotropin ("fing ben Irong kim 10(li nen chill cal' Ihay
hcp structure x hexagona l c lo."e-pac kc d doi ve en" Ink n/urng kllong n ong cluiy
structure Iro ng khi hiin khong ph{i gia, n11 h o(1c him

HDPE ;c high-dcnsily polyet hy lene co plll.1 gin)

He x helium heat ageing st,r lao h6a nhie t

head do~m dau, phan da u; do chenh ti p; cot
heat application SI,J' 'Cap nhiet
mr&c heat balance st,r din bhng nhle t (Ir(1lll{ tluii
head end phia c hat lieu, phfa l <'I i can bh ng I on /(li v? Irimg hin" gilrn bli"c
X(Ido Iral d n t va kll{ quyen n" (in du(J'c lir
header 6 ng g6p (III" chat fir" IiI' nhlelt {Jng
m (l l t nYi va blrc X(I do Irni 'difl wi kh r
k}uj} )
qayen p luil rn: plufp I{nll dling Irong 1IIIIIg
head fraction phan cfil duu
ll ria I d ng de co lilt} ctieu khien ,~(i' bo .wng
headlight oil dau dtl d a u IIo(1c 10(l i bd nlt;';1 n/u'," duy Irt' IIhif! d(J
head los s d c;,i giam CQl "i p (d(j ,\'1.11 f rong t o i Ull trong phdn Irng); tr<)ng Ih.H c.in b<'i ng
t?mg CQI rip do rip sudl. CQI lip d o vQn toe. (tr(lng th ai dl((yC blift Ion 1(11 kill I { nh d e n
CQI rip do Ih ; vi gilrn hai (Ii~m d{X theo tilt cd caC' nguo n tllll nlliCI WI ma, nhif!1
dong chlft ltl'll. do cdc n guyen nluin nlw' d 6 i va l m (Jt wing h o(Ic m ¢ r v(iJ Ihe lI(io clo)
Ina sal el,a' lIru )
heat bodied oil d a u trung hO'P ndng
head meter Ilru 1ll'Q' ng k c COl ap (ltrll heat bodying of oil SV' Irung h,rp n 6 ng
Itrq ng ki " 0(11 d ong dl.t'(l vno s~r tllOY d o l dau
Clio rip :mat)
heal calcuhltion SV' l i nh l o.in d m bh ng
heads phan ec'lt dau nhiC:I
heap d o ng// (/1 cha t don g, xep d o ng h e~.t capacity nh ii; l dung (lU'(J''' ~ Ilhif l din
heart cut ph an cat gifrH d e minK nhic t d (i Clin m QI h lf len m (n d (J
hearth 10 ren; buo ng tl1; bl,lng 10 tlt eo cach xac d i n" , Ill/rlTlI g 0' rip '\"1U11
hearth furnace 10 d f,y bh ng (10 de /Jung k lt6 ng do' wi lite licit kltlmg doi.
('()II g{)i
lU(1'ng n(lp, wi" nnm yen I ren tidy, banK Ir> therm al cap<lcity)
cach ch o khl n ong Ihoi qun n n) heat carrier ch fl'l tai nhii;1
heartwood lo i go (mo go cI;n th(rc v{il " (II heal conductiun SV' "';10 nhh; t (donK nhiiJI
kin) lli1ng trong m (jl ch if, fl'r vimg · ('6 "IIi f l d l')
heat nhle l (ni1ng Itr(yng fyuy en di d o clUJII" cnn d r!n vling co nhi~1 cl(J ,hap)
l i cit nhlf l d (j gil'rn n K ItOn pluil rn 1I1fllg heat conductivity linh dfi n nh i~ l , d6 d im
Ilr(1'ng \'11 nO'I Ow ni1ng Ilr(yn g. nlurng d(1llg nhi et, x thermal conduc tivity
nl1ng Iu(yng Irllyen tl i kluk tllr(Y'{' KPi I f) heut conductor chat <.Lan nhii;1
cong) heat consumption SI! lie u tht,l nhi(!t
heat-absorbing reaction ph i," lIng Ih u heat content enmlpy . nhi<;:1 hilm (con K(Ji
nhlC;I In enthalpy)
heat absorption capaction nfl ng s ufit th u heat content of gas c nt alpy ell " khi
nhi~t heat control Sl! kh6ng c hc nhi(! t
heat abstraction 5 1,/' 'xa nhlel heut cnnvectinn SI,l' d 6i lI..r u nhi e l ( ,\ 'If
453 heating

chuyen nhi f l ntfng bitng clruyen d o ng vOl heat exchange SI! trao dol nhi e t (cong
lj '''V'e lir v; trl n ay sang vI /I'r klulc ella clO(lll Clla Ihle l bl d{1'tl Iren s(r Iruyen n"i ~l
chif, fro n g tt d Inr nh'~1 nifng. con C9i ill hO(l1 tl 6ng khi ((lin n 6ng h o{1c I nm I(ln"
therm al con vection) du11 Iua co h o(fe kh ong co Sl.r IllIIy c1l'Ji
heal conversion factor thLrH s6 chuyen pita)
nhiet, dU'ong h.r Q'ng nhiel heat exchanger bQ trao doi nhiet (th iel bl,
heat-convertible bien dol nhl~ t nhu' b() t an nhi~ I 6 10, Iruyen nhiill III' cll d l
heat crack st,r r~m nh ie! Ilnl nay sang chdt l U ll kirtle h o(1c sang m ol
hea t cu re Sl,r I LTU h6a nhiet trrro-ng, con gpi IiJ. exchanger)

heat cycle c hu tri nh nhl':l heat expansion SI! nCr nhiet

heat death SI,T chet nhie, (dillu kifn cl.ia Izt! heat extraction 51! thai nhlet
co l(ip ha l k y kltl entropy d(l/ tai qrc (/(11. heat-fast It chlu no n g
Iro ng d o VOl chili h o n d6n h OM loan \'n heat now dong nhi~1 (nhi41 col nhlr nrlng
U nll'f l d 6 dell wi kh6 n g cO: nang brQ'ng ftrr;rnl{ Irllycn Ill' chill filly _mng clu11 kluic,
kiln (lung d e ,h(rc hitln cong) ve m(11 dinh Itr(Tng /{} nhi4 t Iruyf!n Iro ng
heat delivery surface m~t toa nhiel -dan vi Ih&i ginn, co n gpi IiI heat
heat density lOa nhiet SUal , m ~t d ¢ nhiet. transmis.'iio n)

heat dirrusivity Ifnh dftn nhiet; d O dan heat nux thong hrQ'ng nhic;t (Iu p-ng nlli~1
nhie t I ruyen qlla be m(ll dtrn I (ell clan v! Iruns
thai glan dan vi, con gpi Iii thcrm ct l flux)
heat dissipation SI,T lieu Ian nhlel , SI,J' hao
phi "hiet, x h eat loss heat function c nI,alpy , nhi et h ~,m
heat drop 51! h<:t nhiet h e at gain Sl! l:tng nhi et, nhl ~ 1 thu (I1rQ'c
heated (d.,) dun n6 ng h ea t generating reaction philO (rng It.;' ,
heated bar thanh do nhi¢ t d O n o ng chay
heat gun ~ ung S<1Y
heated perimeter ph<tm vi d o t no ng
heat index chi ~n nhiet
heat errect hi~u (rng nhi ~ t
heating SI! nung, SI! do t, Sl,I' dun
heat efficiency hi ~ u Sual nhle t
heating bath noi dun
heat-eliminating medium mOi tnra n8
heating body thie t hi dun
lam n guOI
heating capacity nhil; t dung; nhil~ t trl
heat emis s ion SI! phat nhiet
heating cham her bunng d o t; buong nung;
heat endurance Ifnh chju no n g
huong giCl nhic;t (phan kllllon d rk tip fronK
heat energy nhiet nang, x internal l:ncrgy
d o clu11 cleo nguQt nop vtio bien doi tlltinll
heat equivalent du-ong hrc.;rng nhl¢ t Ihe " dnK cluiy)
heater Ii> nung, 10 dun; huang cham , buung heating coiis cuOn day nung; 6ng x~n gia
m o l; sO'i nung (phon IIi' nllng bang dl~n ell! I1 hJ(:t (II? c1ng tY tiny Inu c l UY tl 'lin mang I I(1"i
clIp nhl~1 cho cfllOl nun/: ginn licp Iron g mUTC' de mmK l u}ng lOng co diem 1'0 1 cao
(lin cliiln IIr. con gpi hi clcctron·tulx: hcmer ) trTi d 9 n/trYI Ihich h9'jJ cho bam)
heater oil d au dun, x h c.:'lti ng o il heating cu rYe dU'Crng nhiet
heat erosion SI! an m o n nhiet heating effect hie ... tIns nhi et
heater plate bim nung, ban dun heating element pha n tlr nung (b9 phon
heating 454
c tin d~mK Ct,' dtln dif n a d o cll~n ntfng lIifp 1111,' a rip ,wrll kh 6 ng cloO
dtf(yC clwy?n Ihlinlt nlti" l) htmt of aggregation nhi ~ 1 kCI Il,I (t/(j I r1 ng
heating nue 6 ng ~ lI6i , o ng Ifl ng nh i~ 1 enlnlp), k lti !n61 kef 11,1 "ot chifl nlllf m Qf
heating ruel nhl e n lI¢ u dun , d~u dun , x I l nll Ih ll. ctll'(yC 1(10 ra ct rip ,\'IIlfl k il ling d Oi)
heming o il heat or as s ociation nhi C; I kCI h ey p (d(j
heating rurnace 10 nung I llng enralpy kem fheo ~v 1(10 th imh J mol
heating gas khi d Ol h (Tp cllift phoi Irf t lr cric pillin Iii' II!tlnll

heating medium c h a l l ai nhiCt phan clin n o h OjJe cac 1'1(11 kll nc a rip su itt
kh6ng d o l )
heating ..oil dllu dun (d a ti nhien /ifU d ling
Ir o n g cric Lo dun gia clung, con gpi Iii heat of' atomizution nhiel nguy en Ill' h6a.
he ..Hcr o il, hea ling 0 11) nhic;t I~O nguyen I ll' (cI(j Ihay cl oi entalp),
kem Ilu: o ~'(I' /)li!./I d o l I mol m (jf nguyen 16
heating space ph i'm g d Ol. pho ng sr.) ,
heating steam hcrl nlI('r c d Ol m 'm g
lu)(,1c m(jl h {J'p dUll a 2c)8K wi I almmphe
Ilulnll nguyen Iii" 11,1' c/o)
heating sur~ace he m~iI nung (lie m (11 d~
heat of' bund formation nhi ~[ lien kCI
hap 111(1 va Irtlye n nlli~ 1 1(,. m o " I r u (i'ng
heat or coagulation nhi(:1 keu Il,I
nn)' Sting m oi Irl r&ng k l uic)
heat of combination nhi el hoa Ill)'p
heating test SI.,r IhtI d() t n 6n,g
heat fit' combustion nhi~ t th icu, nhi el dUI
heating lube 6ng dOl nLlng
c hc',y , nhi~ 1 Irl (brc:rng IIlI ifl gidi plt6ng khl
heating value nhi ~ 1 Irj, nhi¢t d61 c h ..iy, x
0.\:)' I n 'HI J mol m r,'·u dUll eJ lip ,H lit, khOng
h em or l:u m buSlioll
cloi, ('()" g()i h i hc.'11 va llie , heating va lue)
heat input ~L! lieu I hl,.l nl1i(:1
h ea t of compression n hil;1 nen (nllitll 1(10
heat installution thie , h i nhi ~ 1 1'(1 khi mi n khong kId)
he~ltinsulatiun Sil f.: ..ich nhi~ 1
heat 01' condens ..ttiun nlli ~ i ngu'ng 11,.1 (d (j
heat insultor c hfil cc'u..:11 Ilhi ~ 1 (e/ui"1 cd d{) ((Tn/-: en/alp)' ktJm Ill eo SI." bi e n cloi I m o l
chi n nhi ~1 IUe)'ng d t' ,. 111fi'p) 11o'; Ill(i nh cluj'1 Inng ri" rip su d l wi "IIiifl clej
heat interchangt" S l.r WUI d oi nh i(:t k h rin/; (Ic'") i )
heat interchangel' m ;-i y 1' .10 a;'i nhi ~ 1 heat uf cuoling nhi41 chuyc n pha , nhi~ 1 1 ~lOl
heat leak SI,..r ro nhi(: 1 1',1I1h (cl¢ lilllg etlfalp), Ir ()n~ qud (rinlt trim
heat luss Sl,I' hHO nhi";l (ntfng hl'fJ'ng l uH,1c I(mlt "' (>1 IIf rY rip ,\'Iurl khimg clot, do mejl
cong ,\ 'lUll Ih o<ll kluJi m (>1 II ~ (llrai c/(lltg ," If Iii)' d r}; hell fl'Ollg "I" ,. ,,'I,r bU! /I c/o; 1111'(
nlli,)l , con gC)i hi heal tlis... ipCllion ) IIlnlt )
: h~at number c hi Stl nllLJ;1 hcat 01' crystallizutinn I1hi ~ 1 kCI linh (r/(j
heat of activuUon nhi\=1 hl ><,,11 hr>i1 (d() /rlng IrIng ("I/lftlpy k l,; I 11I011ll ( H ('It /il N(~ J1 (If) ;
en Ifill')' kill m ()1 dUll IJh--:n t/i"u IIi' d~flig stin g 11'~lIIg , I!tli k2'1 linl! Cl i o li d (Y rip .\'I/ rll
k im 11Or,11 IU>fI ,\ 'finK clr,mg IUH,II II dn (plnill kl!an;.: cit;; )
Irng) Ita n a tip ,H ufl klt tmg clt'jj) heal fll' decompusitifln nhi l; l pll,in Il l ly
heat of adh~sinn nhi¢t lIinh t)<"lm (dr.; Ilr n)' rI(j1 em(llp y ktYm tlleo .\'I.t' ph fin
heat of 4..dmixtu.·c nh i\=l trem It 111 IlIiy I mol h r:rp dUll llu},," cric " gll)'en I t)
heat of ad~'orption nh i ~ l hnp 11ll,! ( cI (j I rIn g ('li(l Ill } ri' tip s /Ufl kllnll/{ clr)i)
en/alp)' k lli I m o l m (jl dUll hi cllfff "hn c hClit ul' diffusion nh i";l khucf.:h 1.1 11
455 h~at

heut of" dilution nhici pha loang (dO fr1nf{ h.eat of mixing nhlt;1 trOn lan, nhic t h ("m
enwLp)' khl ,h8m 1n(}1 ",.('yng dunK mo; xric hqp (hiijll Kili'a en talp ), Clia Ill'n h (yp va
dinll w}o dung d;ch cY rip .w rll khong tlo;. long enlnlp )' CI;O cric tlu}nlt phlin nin n 6 (,Y
elm K()i lit integral heal of dilution , total hC~1I dmg rip ,\ 'IIri', wi nhi';l tI(J)
or dilution); nhlel . pha JOH n g v tSc'li (do Inng heat of mixture nhlet tr(lO Irll1
en/alpy khi ,hem
m Qt /Il'(Yng \'1'5 di.ng nh o heat 0" neutralization nhiCl Irung h oa
dung mol vao dung dleh t7 rip slid I khonj( heat of precipitation nhi¢t kct tun
dol. co'!, g(>i La dlrrcrcnlial heat or dilutio n)
heat or proc.:ess nhic;t qU{1 trinh
heat of dissociation nhiel ph flO Iy (clQ
heat of ruc.:emizution nhii;\ IriCI qunn g
f ifng entalp), a rip .w dt klrong do; kill cric
, hO.I
pluin Itl' phnn .rri "0(1(" ,cric lien kifl li d o trj
ht:at .,f' radiation nhlt;1 hlrC X~I
hi (IIrl)
ht:at of rt:ac.:tiun nhic;t ph,,'m I.i'ng (Id,. tltj
heat of dissolution nhie , ' ht1<-1 Ian
bien Ihlen Clifl enlal" y kem Ihca pluin l i-n K
heal of evaporation nhi ~ 1 h oa h(Yi, nh l~l
h 6a II pt., d· ('II' :"tult kluillK dol: I,.,i· (h,i bilt n
bO'c ht"Yi , x heat o r vClporl ....Hlioll
'hiiin elin n oi mIng kcm Illeo phdn It'ng h On
heat of explosion nhlel no h(x: eT 'h e fi eh klu)ng dol)
hent of formation nhi e t sinh, nhic;;!t 1•.\0 heat of' reduction nhi c t khl!,
Ih~nh (dO I lfng enlnlp y do SI," 1(10 IJllin" I
heat ul" sulidification nl1i~t hllOi rnn ( d (i
mol c hdt Ilr eric nJ.:lI),cn / [i CI;lI m) o' rip
Idng entail')' kit' J mol clldl I'll,., hinll
.Wdf khong dol)
Illimll IIi' m(H clu f l I o n/{ Iw(1c, il g(lp I UYn,
heut of fussion nhit;1 nl.')ng chity (d(j Iflng IIi' m(i l dUll kill (,Y rip s ui;'t wi "IIilll d (i
entnlpy kem Ih eo ,\·I.r blifn cle); I m o l Iw{Ic
klu5ng dol)
m ¢1 kh o ; ltrp"ng cla n vi Clia eh ([1 rtin IIHinit
heut of sulutiun nl1i ~ 1 hila tnn (enlfllp )'
ehdl I ring 0:: cliem n 6 n g clltiy Clta n ej ri' rip
('lia elunl{ d iell I,.,i' eli le} lIg eric elllalp), ('Iia
,\·"ill w} nhilll ll(j khong dOl. er)n Kpl Iti
cric Ihim" plt an eli(l n d, eim g(Ji /(i i nl l.!gra l
lalent heat of fusion)
heal of solution, 101<11 I1l.!<It of solution)
heut of hydration nh i(:1 hydral l1(la (t/{i
heat ul" sulvation I1hl<; 1 solva l hll,1
rtfng enlnlpy kilm Ilwo ,.. (I' 1(10 rlui"" I m ol
heat uf sublimation nhi~ 1 Ihang hoa (ell}
h)' tlrnr Ill' d(lng khan etia h {Yp eitrrl WI It'r
If}"ng enlnl p y kem th en ,\'I.r bie n d Iu I mol,
mrtrc a rip ,'Witl kh i'mg cle');)
Itl){1c klttil "",?,"g d rJ'n \'j, nia m (jl cilift rr1,.,
heut of ionization nhlet Io n h (J<' (d (j liTn);
en lnlp)' kilt J m o l c lul I hi I o n luju IImill
Ilulnll h a l CY til' .\'lull WI ,,11"';' d (; kinin,.:
dl);, cr)1I gpi Ir} 1; ltenl h eal nr suhlima t ion )
roiln ri' rip SlIill kll i'mg clo l)
he",t uf swelling nl1ic;t Inrn'ng'
heat of isomerizution nhl '; t ui.) ng ph tlll
heat flf transformatiun nhi ~ 1 hie n d()i
(t1(j MilK elllfllp y Cl iO m(jt c/1(1f kill 11 () INil
hent of linkage nhlt;t lie n kCl (nlIng 11I'{J'lIg
quo .\'U· Ilwy tloi plm ,.,ilo d n q rip ,\'Uti' \'()
lien k if l clia m(jl 10(1; lie n k ill h n n ,,.; ricJn g
glti'a eric nguyen IIr Iro ng "Iuin Itr, nlHI'
nllirJ l (If} killi n g don
x tic elin" bIIng nlfng 11I'(7ng cnn de plriin /y heat of transition nh i~l c huy c n h oa
rn l c d e ric lien k e l 10(li d o tr o ng J m o l It(YP heat f ) f vapurizatinn nhi ¢ t hila h,yl
cllnl c ilia clio s6 IIcn kc't nlllr ~ '(1y fr ang (ltl'(},ng nrlng Itn.Yllj.: ca" ,hiift de Mm hay
m (jf II (yp c hffl ) ItO'i I mol, h o(1c m (>I kit i)',. /u'(Yfl g rl O'II "i,
heat 456

clin m (ll ch a t l o ng , a tip sudl vn nhi ~1 ri p nllif l ch o cac m'.,c d(ch con g ng "j~p )

kh 6 ng dol, co n gpi In enthalpy of heat receiver thiel hi t hu nhlel

vaPQrizatlon, heat of evapor a tio n, Iment h eat heat rt!covery Sl,T thu hoi nhi el
of vaporizatiOn) heat·rent!cting paint sO' n c h o ng nhi e t ,
heat of wetting nhie l th am l1'cYl (nhiC' /trlp son ph!m x~ nhlet
,ha nU'tYc a m(lt chilt ; nhif l bO sung (:?in heat regenerator m ay h oo n ,,!hiel
thie t, ng oni nhlQt h o a h a t mrtYe I(r £10, de heat regulator may dlc u nhi et
litm bay hal nU'tYc tIl' m 6 ' ell ill Iro ng (t 6
heat rejection sV' li eu hao nhiC;I
n6 do bi h ap Iltv)
heat release SI! loa nhiC; l ; suat loa nhiC;1
heat output hieu suat nhiet
(lIrf;rn g nhiCI do 10 IIo(1c Co' ella nllng kluic
heat passage sv" truycn nhiet , da ra fr e n g fliy . chia clIO 'h e Ifc lt Clia n o)
heat penetration d Q thall nhi<;1 heat requirement h.rQ'"ng nhiel d in t hie t
heat polymer polyme no ng. ch a t tfung h t,:Yp heat rt!sistanct! SlIC c hlu n 6 n g; d i) c hiu
n6 ng n6ng; su e d lO nhic;t , x thermal r csl:mmcc
heat polymerization SL,t polyme h&... n()ng, heat.resistant II chju no ng, be n I1h i~ 1
SI,!' Irung h O'p n6 ns
heat·resi s tant alloy h O' p kim h e n nh ie t
heat.producing r ea ction p h ilO li'ng lOCI (Iu;rp kim ch o n g axy " ria)
nh le t
heat resistant glass Ihuy tlnh hen nhit;1
heat production SI,T Iti<1 nhU; 1 (tllliy tinh , n/III' IllIlY (in" bor o..~ ;liCal_ cll r(Yc
heat.proor II c hlu n 6 ng. ch iu nh il$t X li - l)l nhi'; f /to{7c nglim clller d if 10(11 bd
heat pump bam nhi e t (Ihiet hi chllyeJl ktelll de ch{lI clll'(TC" nring ("a o "(I l (m lt cI()/
nhif t IIr he n g u (i[ d ifn bC n onK h a n co Ile ll ng6' lllii k"o ng bi mi"l)
Ion Co' ndng tro nK quri trlnll. n1l6, Iii k il l heat.resisting ~ V" c hiu n ong. SI,!' ben nhi¢1
m{lc dich ch i nh Iii li1ng nhlft be n rin g clui- . heHt·retaining Sl.r giu- nhi~l , ~l,I' Iru- nhi(: 1
kh6 ng phd; liim l(lnh th em be ngu¢ i)
ht!at seHI gan no ng (n ii; IUli be m(7t c:/-t (f,
heat quantity hrO'ng nhiet , nhi e t Im), n g d eo nhifl banI! cdch Ide c/Vng nhi4t w i o cluj
(Itr(Yn g nltt~1 d o dll"(Yc, eric d a n vi d o tn n ot va ip)
colo , c nlo frung blnh, k ;tocnlo) heat sensitivity I fn h n h ~y m .l l"lg; d (l nh ~,ly
heat radialion huc x ~ nh ie l (nang ltr(,)'n g nang
d o chat ri'ln, chal l o n g vii ch ll, kllr pluf l
heat·sensitized mixing h o n h O' p nh "l y
rn dlru t dt;mg song dicn fii' d o nhlCI d 6 cl i n
no n£
cluing, con gpi If) thermal r adiation )
heat shield v o c;:tch nhi<; l , vo c han nh l~ 1
ht!ut.radiation pyrometer hoa kc b li"c X'.1 (lo-p bdo l'<.' di? chan llhifjl , ciling cy m if f
nhiet frtl'o-C kltnnng lilll IIi- wi Irl./ Ira Ife klti
heat rate sua t nhiet (_\"I_r biell 'hi Itif ll slI(lf quy en fr ai d iJl )
bien d o l c lln nltii mdy nh; ~ 1 dl f n " o(1c heat·shrinkable tubing o n g nhlc t co "'h .',
d {ing Co' nhlf t, nhll' nhlCf 1ll'(Tn g w in Iren (10(1; fing c h ifl d en co th e n unK n rin g wi co
dan \'1 cong ,H ffll ra, vi d(1 8111 / k Wit ) 1(11 e lta vli'n cric con h n(ic cric V{1 f co kiclt
ht!at rays bu-c x~ nhi ~ 1 Ill/UYC va IIlnh d(mg kluic n/ulll de criclt ly
heat rt!Hctor 10 philn u-ng nhi ~ t (LO pltdn wi c/-to niH i-III! Jn t.' C diell kllrie )
Ii-ng 11(11 nhiin clling clui yell cle ("illig cifp heat SfJurce ng ll{lIl nhi ~ 1 (btll ky fltiii"t bf
457 heavy
IIo(1c v(it tile It.r nll ien nl10 c lmg clfp nhiQt} heat-treatable a lloy h(yp kim khil Xlr 19
heat s tability test SI,I' th tr chju no ng nhi¢1 (h (Yp kim co ,Ir;: lIIm ell a crt-ng bang
heat-stable II chju n6 ng, ben no ng x Ii' I)' nhj~ ,)

heat storage SI! 1m "hie t heat-treating film mang x li' 19 nhiel (lap
heat s upply SIT cung nhic; t pllli ax il lIinh Ihi m" Iren be m(l11 kim 10(li

bang Xli' Iy nhir l)

heat tinting st! d a nh b6n g nh l~ 1 (.f/.r Qry
h 6a be m(11 kim IO(l{ da m tH bhng cdch heat-treatment SI! XlT Iy nhJ¢t (mmg n ong
mmg d e /0(11 bd vi dill Irlk) v() Mm n g ll(H kim / 0(11 ItO{lc l ul'P k i m ell!
heat transrer SI.,I' truycn nhi (:: t (cl myen
co d l r(Tc nlJlrng linh eltffl hotJc (lie" kir n
mong muon)
d i)ng c lia nhi~' lit- v(it Nt;)' san g V{II k lu1c
(k hf. long, r tln h o(lc h o n h (yp Clin cluing) h e at-treat m e nt oil dau xli' 1y nhlet
nha bl/T X(I. d ol /11'11 h o(1(' dan nil let) heat under reflux dun hoi hru
heat tran s fer by conduction s,,! truycn heat unit dan vi nhi¢!
dan nhic;t heat up n ung. say
heat transfer by co nvection S\f lruycn h eat utilization SI! Slr dl,lng nhie t
nhie t d61 h.r u heat value nhlet tri. nhlc; t dot ch {IY , x heat
heat transfer b y radiati on 51,1' truycn or combuslion
nhh~ t bli'c XeJ heat va lu e of mi x ture nhl¢l Irj htm hO'P
heat-tran sfer coefficient h~ s6 tru ye n hc a t vulcanization sl,r lU'u h c:>':1 n6 11£
"hiet (l l rO'ng nh; ~ 1 Iruyen qua dien Ildl heat w ;.t ve ~on g nhic;t (b,,.e x(/ . h b llg IIgo(li
dan vi c lin m iji Iru&ng hay "If IhonK fYonK co lun !>'v ow han .\'0 v~; song vtJ IllY;!II:
dan vi Ih &i g lan kill hilfll nhi/ft c1Q gill'a khorillK 111&1 gian Ih al llift 1161 binh
eric bien ciia It ~ 1(1 J eI¢) thll't:y ng wi kho chill V() IllI.l·a ng lim. cliett
heat tran sfe rence SI! truyen nhiet ki~ n niiy phdf keD (/Iii it n l ll]1 m QI ngiiy
heat-tran s fer nuid c h at h.ru t ru y~n nhit;1 de Iti song nlli41, n lurng Ih b llK tluro-ng
h ea t-transfer medium m ol Irtrang truycn n g ,r n iiy tilIng dli chi rric kltodng
IlIu(i l

nh let Ih& I gi(1II w )i n giiy uYi viii wan. con 1::{); Iii
hOI wave, warm W~IVC)
heat-tran s fe r o il dau ITUyen nhiel (cIall
cIling ele I ruyen n a ng ho(lc l (ln lt g',ra Iw; he avy II n~ng; tho; s-.i nh , d~c S<;I ; kh6 bay hoi
vii.ng be m {JI Ih lift bj x lr ,>, vii d(fc b/~1 lion h eavy acid axil n~ n g.x p hosphOlungs lic acid
h 9'P ele trtinh g i (im nhi" t fr o ng k l lOring heavy addition SI! them 1U"(yng leyn
nhi~ 1 (/6 rip dung) heavy alloy h (yp kim n ~ n g (lI(1'p kim
heat-transfer rate toe dO I ruyen nhit; 1 von! rmn-nlk en :)'';n x u lfl bang ("(iclt ep ni

h ea t-transfer surface he m ~ l tTu ye n ,IIIell h e'l 1>tJ1 kim /0(11. (hinK ltim In(in chifn
c h o car ting IIa X wi cae Ihle l hi pltong
nhie t
X(I vii lom eric be m(Il I ;{!p Xlk cl ta c ac diu
heat transmission don g nh iCt , luong nhl Ct ,
(/t,O dirn)
x heat flo w
hea vy ben zo l benz-en n~ns
h e at transport SI,( c huy e n nhi c; t (qua t rin h
heavy-bodied II sil nh, dac ~ I
chuyen nh/~1 qua m Q/ dillm co elinlr IrO<i<'
qua m (fl pltdng co djnh n/III' rY dong Irtii heavy c hemicals hu.."l ch at C( y him
lUll ifm) heavy co ucrt!ic he long n~ng (be 10118 mri
heavy 4 58
m QI ph on h o(fc l o iin bQ cnl Iff ll tlt7 dU(Tc (m anll I a n h a n I ron K h a i m rinh 11111 cltrO'c
'hay M ng col Ii¢u kim l O{li) /1;- m yo,\'ln pro l ein cO" S(III ,\'I,r phfin ~l rU h(1n

heavy cracking s.., c rackinh sfl u ch i! lxYi Iry p :,in 1'(1 ch y motry p sin )
heavy crude d a u Ih6 n{i ng (dn u Ilu') co Ii' Ilt:~ avy metal kim illC;'i n ~ ng (kirn 10(li co I);

/¢ cdc hydrocflcbon nlu71, pllf1n IIr Ilr(Ynf{ I r()ng x lfp xi .5 va c n o h a n)

Cfl O va tJur6:.n g c o h n m lu'(yng I Ii'I I IIuy nh heavy minernl kho.4 ng v ~t n{i ng (kllOlinl;
eflo) \ '(il co Iy Ir(m g I a n h ern 2,9 \'o n i il I)" Ir()n g

heavy current d 6 ng dien m C,l nh ('li n br o m o! o m , cllff l /t;nK <lting tie I ric h
heavy cut ph an cat c u oi kh o ting v(i/ n (lng klro i kllOtinK \'(i t nlu; )

heavy.duly oil d a u cong s u n t (doli fx) i /ru n heavy nuphtha mlphw n ~ nb ' ligrllin n i,l ng

co d Q ben oxy 110 0 10 1 \'(1 cae d (le I rlrng (Chal long m i iu h o p l u ich .wim /(Yi clri vcJn
ch o n g lin m on va p" fin I nn chif,,'( l ay rt'rn ' r) h o n h <rp c li n x y l en WI cnc h V'}J cl urt
10 1, dri ng Ir o n g c tic tI¢ nK cO' (/i c:zcn W) d onK tldng CflO IU7'n , de cluiy , clling nlllr
xtfn g 10e d Q cno Iro n K nllll'ng cUe" ki¢n dung m ol clIO a'plulfI , WI 'r o llK ,\'tin x ll rf ,
M in \'i ¢c cifnK) nlH,ra CO llmor o n , c r) n gp i Ir; hi g h- flas h
O<.lp hlha)
heavy electron elecho n n ~ n g, m czon muy
heavy element nguyen Itl n{i ng heavy neutral oil d a u n ~ ng trung t i nh
heavy end power distillate ph ~in d il gifrH heuvy oil u nu n ~l ng (ph nn crr, d nu mo h o(1c
(d oli h d a-xif" K)
crall nillfa th an tin IIra ng cl61 "h rT f ccj I Nem
,\,(); cno )
heavy ends ph an c.' t cu6 i n ~ln g (pil on ('(II
dnll m n ,'0 eliem .\'0; CflO nlllr l) heavy uxygen ox)' n{j n g, x llxy g~ n - I K
heavy fraction ph a n cat n ~l ng ( ('fie M ill
heavy petrol xfl ng n ~lO g
phlim (,IIOi dlllg 11111 h oi 11;- lInu Ihn II'OIl,!: he ... vy pelroliulll spil"i' ph Hn di l d Ti lJ
quti Irinh chung Cifl, C()" KPi ltl end cut) n ~ ng

heavy hydrocarbon hy clrncacho n n ~lO g heavy platinum meh,ls kim IO,:li n~ n g h(,l

heavy hydrogen hydro n ~ n g (hy d ro g o m plCHin

cric d o ng \' j ('(j kh o i Itr(yn g x() la" II n 'n heavy residue c<:in n(m g
m (1I, ("(I , he (hYl cri h o(fc Iritl) h~avy resin uil dH U nhl,r' l 11 ~) n g (d l lll , II /II,1'lI

heavy industry cl) n g n gh i~p n ~ n g Ihay tid J1UIU I/(i ll plUrl d d, d iem '\"6; cao)

heavy ion Ion n ~ ng heavy shade m ~l u I'xio h ua

heavy liquid c h a t hi ng n ~ ng (m (;, cliff ! heavy sudn soda I .ly hl :'l ng
Irong nha m cnc d l(II l o ng IlIl'u CO', d llng heavy ~pal- 11<lrit , BaSO.
d ich vel cO' WI 01116; n on~ chriy n (fn g dlin~ heavy still buttums m ..lz ul n ~lIl g·
tie Xlk tlrnh Ii' !n;mg Cl in ctic h {11 kllOtin g heavy-w~llIt:d II ell th[lOh u flY
h O(1c tie
ltich ctic klroting \ ·(il co Iy Ir(mg heavy water nu'(yc mj ng (IU7P elU11 h y tlr o
cao lur n VI) 1I1l1p han ,\' 0 \'eti c tic chiff long, \'( i fl l:y ell/ i 'a I); I~ d OllK 1'/ hy dr o elmcrl cao
v( dU, m (:ly l en i o cllla \'n bro m ol o m ) I/ a n so \'tt l m rcrc Ilu}tl;: IllIn}n;:. cc)n gpi /r)
heavy liquid residuum m az ut ; c~ n d n u u c u lC r i um oxiu c)
n{i ng heavy-water n :actc,.- Ii) p hilll l'rn g I1U'li'l:
heavy lubricating nils mil' hfl i t rtyn n ~m b n ~m g (Ic) " lui" l b lg ' llI:1I "I/ lin clli nK m n k
heavy merolnyosin mer o m y o s in n ~lI1 g n{lng I {}m cll(f l !rim cll {im VI} elc) i klli cd
459 heliophyllite

nlllr clrd/ Mm ng u (.>;) IU'O'ng dU'(mg d ,) can elm dla Iy 111&ng (a

heazdwoodite hcazctvOOIl, NI 3 S2 (kllOtinK C(jl cifl plllin ctO(ln dii n(1[1 , d(> can 1'11011
"(if win (It(le lr dura niken ,o ml! lin ) n(l[1 Iii kllOdng IU'O'nK c/tr a ng va; cit? ('(10
hecto ~ hCClO- (liifp c!{Ju nK"r ch' 100) \,Iin eI,n Ij Iluyng, diing IronK cdc I(nh 100in
hectorite hcctoril , ( Mg ,LlhSI4010 (O Hh ,'OI"r hnp va ch!,'ng cell . viiI, I ttl I-I ETP)
(khoong v(if sct Jan m(11 hn nhrim height or transfer unit tham s(.) llo call
mOn/mari/anlt dura ... /Ueat mngle w} lilhi thiet bi chuy c n (Ilirun ~"O khong Ilui' nguy en
ng<im nErO-c) dlinK cie ({nil ctk nguyen cong clin II/tip
hedenbergite hedenher gi t , Ca Fc S i2 0 a /tllp 'elc}ng ng " <),C, n o '); II/ v& i ,ha i Kinn

(khonng V{II mlitt den clura p y r oxen ["" l(1i bieu kien ntn cllifl itrll. viel iift
cnnxi-sat. xlllf, hitln ri' ch o liifp KidI' Clio
I-!TII )
cnc kilo ; cia vol w) granlt ) Heitler·Londun covalence thenry Iy
hedeoma oil d ri u b •.lc hi'! h il ".!; (rin/l dall lhuy c t e,)n g hl'a trj Il ci llcr·London (cri('"
m {1lI plto l vling erlt Iii' In eli)' b(lr IIf) hlfn8 . I (n lt ni1llg Iw;nlK liiJll kel w) klrorill!f, aiell
Inn Irong hal I IO(1c ,,/t/Cfl phan con 70'%1 gilra cdc nguy ell lit' Clio pll rin Iti' hydro IllIi
et c w) c l orolom, (Uing Ir o ng y h (Jc WI Ilg "ye ~J I l r, l'on X iri '/tib r e}ng Iwi el eclroll

hu a ng li '; u. con K(} i I f; AI1l~ri~'ln

tY eric obilal n!!,lIyen IIr qllonh m c';; h(11 "Iuill

penny royal oil, 'pull!giUn1 oil) Vl) sou d o 10 h(yp nllli"n!!, obilal eld II/(Inlt
/t r}m tlo; Xli"" g w) plu;" fltfi XII'llg)
hedlcy ite hedlcyil (kh o rin;: V(if ell/i'a !t(rp
kim " ,ill bi,\ 'mlll vn willri) helianthine hclianlin . m e t)' 1 da ca m
hedyphane hcdyphan , (C.l, Ph )s CI(AsO. h helical II xOcln fie
(kllOfing "\ '(il mf)" trdnK. pluf l wing ell/i"(I h"dica' agitator c<ii khllfiy xlltin
chi vn
cnnx l arsenflf w) clorltn. ching fin" helical coil c uOn d flY xo!. n. fl ng xll.i n
fhe dan Ifl) helical·'in seetinn m ij l f.:t. t (.J;,lO g f.:.i nh 1(')( .
Hefner candle nc n ll cfnc r (clIIUIII nrcl"ng nhi~1 x("l<i n lic (p hnn IX 111(11 ,1;41111 'nit r~i"K
tit? ~"ring. trlU¥<' clfiy cliing rY fJli'c, /u} lIg fJ,Q ti(lng xodn tic ("Ito 01(1 , ng(}(li cric cJ'llg Xli"
ne n quoe I i!, 1(/0 I'll nl/(Y clOI d en lI e/nt'r I,v dUl l Ill'll nlulm MnK "ii/II ,wti'l Iroo tl l)1
Irong do eric tltiJu ki ~n lieu ch url" \'iiI I Uif nhii/I. tiiin!!, tit- fIImg Il rinK WI /rim 1(11111 kill'
I-IK. con KPi Iii Hcfnc rkcrt.:c) Irong ('ric b(i 11'00 clt)i ("(In c/olr nhie ll 1i~1I)
Ht!fnt!rkerze nc n i-Iefne r,.\" Ikfne r c~lnul l.! helicase hclic...za (eflzy m ('6 k lui nrl1lg IN;;
Hefner lamp den Ilcfner (e/en co ng(Ht " h i elm o ; xoct" kef' rl..):;1 d eox)'r;hollIlC'leic d"
dOl amyl a-.:ctaf) elI(1C.' ,\"CIO che/' J

Hehner number ch "i ~ 6 Il c hncr (ph ,;" helkate he li cal (m(if clui'l IronK IIh e-)1I/ ("rk
'r ifm 'h eo Irpng [u"(Tng Clio cck (lX ;1 hl:() c/fl)' f'IIlin II;' xo~in tic. Ic)nK II~)'" , '(10 lIf!n
kh6 n[: Ian 'r o ng I1IUJ-c a ,ro llg eric clU;"1 111/(1" "\"1." nll(in d (lnK ni /{} el"i'c 116" 11(,(" ("lin
ben WI dnll) c ric kim h ){u" wi ctic bozo' Iltl"1I ('(r)

Heidtdberg cnpsule f.:lIp~l lll Il ciuc lhc r g ht!licin helixin , "l,: ~,ali cy laldchyuc

(vie n clllj:a d(mg q t W) lIty(:'1I de d o lir :~:(I Itdiun h c li o n ( " (II nluil! niu n g uy ell IIi'
eric g i ri I,.; p II ('lin cI(j r,,: it c1(1 c/f),) Iwli-J , 1,,1'0 Ilt'Ii pr Olofl "ri 111(JI IIcnrcm)
height c hlc u can, d,) can; lll"lng; diem can h~liophyllite h c li o ph yl il . Ph8A~ 2()7 C1 4
height equiv~lent ()f thenretic~II plntt! (k"orinK , "{if flllill ,"ring I lh" win!!, plllYI 11.1('.
heliotropin 460
he tii ph,rang, c1ura oxye/orua chi WI helium refrigerator may I ~ nh dung heli
arsen, xlint hien dlUh d(lng klloi hO(IC (mdy I(mh SIi' dt.mg h eli long ~/e lnm /e;nh
phlen va nlur cac Ilnl! II!(!) cdc cllnl xllong nhi4t d(j 4K hO(fc IJuTp
heliotropin heliotropin, x piperonal h an)
heliox heliox (hon h(yp hell vn viii phnn helix 10 xo xotan, day xmin (cII(:;n day m(jt
Iram m :y (Umg de th6- khl 1(ln Stili) Jup hoiJc quan Irai ra Iren LOt tr/.lC ho{fc
helium hell, He (nguyen 10 hda h9C d(lng qllif n bang day ([Ii elrng de 11,( mang) ;
khf, nguyen IIi' so 2, nguyen IIi' ltr(yng dUlrng xotm DC (cluolIg ve (ren m(ll trl.i
4,0026, mQt trong cae kllr hiem tron g ho(1c melt non ma Inl cd cdc (liem Clio lie
nh6m 0 clio bring wan hoan) . m(I1 deu du(Yc nll qua theo dmg goc); yang

helium-3 hcli-3 (dong "i c lio heli val khol xOc1\n (cau Ink xoan 6c val mau sao l(li

ltr(yng so 3. chiem xnp xi 1.3 pllQn tri~lI cl(fc trtrng clio nlliell polyme ,\'inll h9C, vi'
heU xunt hi?n Il,r nllien) dl.l, (l'(it wi prordn nucleic xotin kep)

helium-4 heli-4 (dong vi clin heli val khat helix-destabilizing protein protein Ulln
ftrQ'ng so 4 chiem gan nl-ur lonn b(> Iteli rna' on djnh ChUc"'li xo~n (profein bi'l, k)1
xui'll hi?n t(r nllien) trong nhom protein lien kiff val cdc mien
co Ihanh nhiem .\' (1(' dan c lia axil
helium I heli I (pha llell-4 long von ben if
deoxyribonucleic kep vn gay .'t(r thaD ra
nhiel rlf) tren (liem Imndn (khodng 2.2 K)
elln chilO' x orin)
vii co cdc ((nil chifl Clla clUII long binh
IJuayng. Iri'r m(;t d(> tJUIp) hellandite hclandit (khonng v(it CIIlI'lI
silical etla cac kim 10(li Irong nltom xerl
helium II hcli II (pha heli-4 long vtin Hen
va; nhom ..Wlt, mangan va canx ; )
6- nhil?f d(j gilra cliem khimg tllYff di}'j WI
diem lamda (khodng 2.2 K) vn co nhieu Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky rea£tion p~"ln

I(nh Chal d(tc bi?1 nhu d(j nll61 bien mcTI , IJ'ng l-Iell -Vc lhard-Zclln5ky (ellell che eSle
d(j dan nlliet cl,rc ky cao va !lieu Irng gieng hO(fc a-.:;i1 Ih i! a-halo (do ho(le brom) b(~ng

plum) aieh clio halogen pluin Irng voi lU: if v(h

s t,r co m{II ella phospho ho(ic phospho
helium burning 51,1' chay heli (SI,r long IIQ'p
halogenua vd do Ihl~Y pluln hor.1c
cac nguyen 10 a cdc ng61 sao thong qua
,W ill rU'9'U

phiin haloaxyl halogenun 1(10 JIlt/nil)

~V tong hqp ba h(lt alpha de 1(10 ra h(ll
nhlin eaebon, sou do lit -"',r bal Nep cdc h(1/ Helmholtz equation phU'(yl1g t rlnh
alpha) Helmholtz (lronl{ loan hpc In phtuynR
Irinh vi phlin rieng 11m r/u(Yc bring erich
helium film m~mg heli (m{ing sleu long
d(tt 100;n IIi' Laplace CliO m(jt hnm banK
phli m9i be tn(1t tiep Xlic va; hell /I, con
ham nhdn val m(J1 ldinK ,)'0 dm; Iron~
g9i /iJ Rollin film)
qlUlHg h(>C Ja plurang Irinh lien he cdc cl(3
helium-3 maser maze helJ -:1 (mnze kllf
p h ang dol diU va goc Clio m(l! Call klllk
(rang do diing klt( heli-3)
X(1. ccJn gfJi lil l .agrangc-l-Jclmholl7. cqu.ali(lI1;
helium-neon laser laze heli-ncon (laze kll(
'rong hOO I>; In h~ tlurc theo ' clo .mii't djfn
citIng (0 lu,J'p cdc khf heli WI neon) cI(3ng (sdd) Clio binI! <lifn plu;n thtt(in
helium-oxygen diving ky lhu ~ll l ~n dimg n ghich h(ing /lrang rllI'anl{ cang Clia pluin
hcli-{)xy (cric hO(1/ d(jng /{In .~,l- d(lng hon 11'''K hrJn lIpc klli (lifn t(ch eli qua binI! cong
h(yp I/U}- lieU va llxy) val tich Clio nltift do vn don IUlm ciia .\'ltel
461 hemihedral

th eo nhlf / d(j) hemntolysis Sll huyci d iu phflO

Helmholtz free energy na ng lU'Q'ng II,!' do hematophanite h e metl op h . lnil ,
(con gpi li2 free energy) Pbs Fc"O'0 (CI,O H h (kfwrin g v(il clllra
Helmholtz function na ng Im;rng 11,1' do oxydoru(l c"i Vtl .\'III J
(co n K(J i /iJ free ene rgy) hematopoietin hemHt o poiclin .fcluII d o btJ
Hdmholtz potential n a n g ILrQ' ng It; d o m ay gan di ll ''' (in q Irong Ih(in stin r(l WI
(con g(Ji /i) free energy) die" kltien lac d (j .\'fin x u a l (if hiID, enn g(Ji
helminthosporin h e lminl os p o r i n , l a hemopoiet in )
C,s H,o Os (site /0 kifl finll do m ijt s6 nllm hematoporphyrin h e m a top o rph y rin ,
sinh Irrrang tri n chffl n en cilra ng 1(10 r aj C 3 .1-1 3e O e N (h em kh 6 n g Sill, m(J/
helvine he tvin , x hctvitc porph y r in Illu du(yc nlicY x l i' Iy
h em og lobin bdnK axil sulfuric Iro n}.: 6n~
helvile h elvll , ( Mn , Fc,Zn)" Be3(SiO. hS
(khorinf,: v(il s ilicat. d f5n g hinlt va; dnnnlif
n!(hicm, con Kpi IiJ hcmo(Xxphy r i n )
w) gen l lr el v U, con K(Ji /r) h elv lne) h~matoxy lin he m<lh lxy lin , C 1s H,.()e (dUll
kill fin" kitnll~ m (iu co IrollK lu: moloxylon.
khi b{ Q\:y it on n o bi8'n fit rlnit itemalein vtin
hemafibrll ,Mn a CAsO" )(01-1)3·H 2 () (kllOritlK
1(10 rn eric .~an m (l ll d(lm " ti'; nll/l'lIg kim
\'61 mnll pila t mill loi tn t)" (to granm clui'a
IO{/; k l uk nitnu, {hing nltll' (itu rk 1I111l6m
mqngan arsenal baza)
Irong "ien vi h(Jc)
hematein h e matein , C ' SI-i'20S (c h llt
nlw()m mflu p/UYI nno "n dUll chi t hl h('l(l heme h em, Ca "H 32 0 " N .. Fc (p lll i'e clU11
hpc tIm d,r(yc /utng Q\:y h 6 0 h e m n toxy lin ) ... iI'-protopor phyrin li en kifl n.i'i I linK clall
vi polypepfil Clin h emog l obin )
hematemeter huyet d iu kc
hemerythrin hcmcrytri n , x h CI1l(lCry lhri n
hematin hamal in , C 3 "HaaOsN.Fe
(hydroxil Clia f erih em dtin xmlt Ill' h em
heme synthetase ~ nlhcta;r..a hcm (enzym
It) IU7P protoporphyrin I X , .W!I ( II ) WI
m :y !roo)
hematite h e m a lit , Fe 2 0 a (khoring veil .w!1
glob;n de 1(10 1"(1 ph lin IIi· lt em oxLohin
n K uyen v~n)
k ifl lin" ,rong ,, ~ m ('fl t" o ; Iti qwl n }.: Sift
hemi - hCl11i- (lien If) chi m (J1 I1I ro: lie n It;
quan Ir9/1g nhtrl, d onK Itinl! nn magem it .
eM m(j( piti(l ('lin m(n Ihe)
drmg l inh Ih ;; eo ve kim 10(1; m lm d en , d (ln K
hemi ace tal h cmiaxelH I (lap h(yp dUll ni
k " o i hinh I"(in I wife kit t v sO'i, I IO(iC (/ (lng
kCI nhd m ";:C(O/l ) - (OU ) wi /il ke', qmi
ddt plt a l d n, con K() i /r) bloodstone, r ed
Clin pluin Irng nltleltyl \If) rll'(yli} .
h e mati c, r e d irun o r c, r ed oc h cr,
rhombohed r al iro n o r e) h'emicelluln s e h cmixen luloz<l, (Cs I-I,o 0s)n)
(10(11 poly .menr" co Il'CmK /tuing ,i! I)(io. /iiin
hematnchromt! hcm ~lI ocro m ("ong .,",ic IV
kel WY; xenlul. ·z (I wi IiKnin, n o Ju)u I{m
co Irong , no 1(IC. nlu11 /i} klli thl.re " (il I);
I ron!: va klui c !tiffl Ix;'; cfic dunK didl kfiJlIl
c"'e ll .wfng nt(lnh a nlllr n g ch6 ...a ng .wil
I Oiing, ( ' t)" gfJi Iii h cxn-;..II1)
m(f/ clat)
hemi c olluid c ha t h~i n k cu
hematolite h e malolit , (Mn ,Mg).Al(AsO,, )-
hemicrystalline h ..in kCI linh
(OH)e (khoting v(ll mau tid phal n liu ell/i'lI
nlrCl m~l , han d ien
n" 6m mangan arsennl, d(lng linIE ,he m(11 hemihedra l "

Iltoi ) hemihedral symmetry phep dt'li xU' n g

hemihedry 462
mOt ' nU3, phep ban d61 xu-ng (hit?n 111'(7'nl: hemoconia hemoconia (ctic h{11 khong mall.
m(J1 linh Ih? chi co men so phnn flr (If;' Iron Ir o(lc Irinlr qua 1(1. co IronK Iwyifl
x l rng khd til Irong h t? tinh Ihl! mn ncr Ihll(k 111'00ng)
vao) hemncyanin hemoxya nln (.w1c In lin lufp
hemihedry the beln die" mall 10' clti co a l oal nltuyen Ille va dUln
hemihydrate nua hydra t klu7p. In,' con Irt,ng)
. hemlhydrated state tr~ng thtii hydrat hCk; hemoerythrin hemocrytrin (ltfing .\·ne 10
mOt nua ho l ufp tim Ilufy Irong m(" wii Ion; all
hemiketal hcmiketal (h(Tp c h lfl carbonyl. lrt,ng giun wi lool co chlin mang. con gpi
kel qua C/ia l'i,;c bO .wng nu;ru wio nl/om lii hemcrythrin)
carbonyl Clin kelon. e6ng II"re chung In hem oglobin hemoglobin (phlln IIi' C"/Ul·tl sitl
(1l)(Ii')C(Off ) (Oil)) mang oxy e lla h o ng en tt d (> ng v(11 c6
hemimelliti c acid axlt hemimelilic . xlI'eYng .w ing. c/I/i'a bon prolome polypepfil
CSH3(COOI-i h (hQ'p clufl kel linh d(lng Irong nltn m hem)
kim kh ong mnu, nang ehay a 196°C, Inn hemoglobin A hemuglobin A
( l o(/i
il IronK mUTe) hemoglohin ,.im Ilt ny Irang cd Ihe In rang
hemimorphic crystal IInh the ban dili flu/nh blnh Iltla}-tl g, ~' on tii ellllye n nhll'
xu-ng (Iinh fh? khdng ("e) m(11 pllting cltii Ihanh pllfin dan Irong Irll'&ng di4n cli. hi
xlrng ngnng ~'n l am do'
xlrng. gom cdc bien cllifl nhonh bty( nllii'ng clung dleh
d{mg chi Ihu/)c m QI dn" clia Ir(/C doi x li'n/{) klein In(lnh wi clui'O Ilfli nlu)", .wl/I hyclryl
hemimorphism hien Ill'O'ng ""hi deil xu-ng kllti c/llllin d(j 'ren plllin IIi')

hemim~)rphitc hcmlmorphll . Zn<4Si2()7- hemolysin c h fil tleu m,(IU (("/tlfl phfi n gitii
(OI-lh.l-120 (kluuing v{il mall (rrlng. khong h'OnK cnll)
mau, I(IC nh<lI. 1(7 IIO(lC w}ng. cd erl" ,,.,k hemolysiS" hi¢n IlIV ng l ieu m {l u (.H.I · pillin

linh Ih? Ili pllll'ang. III qu(lng kem. elm g(J; gini IfO{k .\' ~" !,ltd IlIi), lli'jng call ("0 gid;
It} calamine, electric c.l laminc. galmci) p Iiong IlC!maglobin)
hemin hemin . <:3 41-1 32 °<4 N. FeO (muril kif, he.llopexin hemopexin (pl"Olein glfn kifl
linlt elin f erilwm. elui'a .\·11, a Ir(mg Ihnl .w11 It em "·nnl.{ IlIlyel lU 'o'n~ nKIt"fYi. cd III? liJ
III ) clufl tltiJ" liel chuyen h OlI IIem WI 111110(' WI
hemiprism nun lling kinh (plnnc:oit cnf Iwi Cllal pluin phoi Item)
Ir{tC linlr tire) hemopoietin hemopoieti n . x hcnmlnpoictin
hemiprismutic tI nu'u U'lng tn,l, nU<l mng hemopnrphyrin hcmoporphyrin. x
kinh hematoporphyrin
hemiterpene isoprcn. hcmitcrpcn, C, lIe hemosiderin hem osiderin (glycoprnlein
hemitropic II (thu('>c) quay n ua vt'mg (chi cJll('n .\"11, ,im l/tll')' Iyong phfin It;-,., m i) wi
dIu Inic sonK linh Irang dn nell m(>1 phan nlufl In Iya ng 1!all)
xoa)' 1Boo Ilrl Irai ph"lin co the .\·onl-: .wnl-: ) h~m() st atic chfil d im nUlu /I /I di m miiu

hemlock oil d1iu va n sam, x spruce oil ti'~nlf)tr()phe hemul r op (clUII elinll eliding
hemobilirubin . hcm obl l i rubin (bilirltbill elmg ('dp qua nlullt uti pllai Clltl cI(mK v{ll
Irong huyi!1 Ihnnh blnh Ilrll'U ng lrUyj"C klti dt! con)

c/myen qua /{an) H~mp e l gas pipette pipet khi Hempel
463 h e ptadecanol

.empseed ,o il dau hc,H gai d u u (d all l>Co. Iromhopln.~'fin w} kflring tlell diu de kea dIU
mal/ Iljc stinK h o(ic \lang ph6-, n riu khi kilo. tflai ginn w)n C(lC Clin loan bo malt. cn
Ihll dlr(yc " r h(1I dnn Kni. dllnf( Ir a nK xn (rang ctic lO(li mo k l llic nll(l/I., nfliell nhifl
phtJng mem, ~an wi vceni wi ,/ufe phnm) Iran g grIN)
hfDdecanal h cndccnl. x undeca n al hepar s ulfuris kali !'Iu lfua. x potassium
hendecane hcndeca n , x un dccanc sulfide
hndecyl hendexy l, x undccyl hepatonavin viHlmin 8 2
Henderson equation for pH ph U'O'n g hepatoxin hepatoxin (cllifl co ,h? gliy Ion
lrinh H enderson tinh p H (p h uf7ng t rinlt etc Iluro'n x clIO gan)
rr" h pH C'lia mQI axil ' rong kit; 'rllng JU)(l h e pta ba s ic ulcohol n.n.Y u tU'lY Jr. n
n6. plr/rung t rinh co iell (tiJ'i val klwnnK heptachlor hc plm;lo, C I O 1-17 C1 7 (IIIIU}l' Irli'
pH fir 4 dtn 10 \'ci'i diell kien dung dieh ...,'ill, d(lng clld t rlln co stip. milll Irt1nx un
kh6ng qua I van g) nnll. k h fmg Ifln frong marc, Ian Irong COil
Henderso n process qua t ri nh Henderson vn xy/en, nonK clui)' (Y 95· 06°(')
(I{( xlr Iy qlli,fng clo ng ,wI! 110 banK ctiell heptacosane hcpl<le osa n , C 27 1-155
IIIlng 1'0-1 mllo i d? l(lO rn etic c/or llfl I nn .wm (i'ydr ac(fcbon, d (mg linlt til;; kllong /(tn
dd dlrCTc I1Kiim chief va cflo kifl Ilia ) Iro ng mr(Yc, nang cluiy (Y 60°C vr} ...6j a
~eneicosane h c nel cosa n C 2 ,H 44 270 0 (.' (ry 15 mmJ-lg), trln Irong con. co
(hydrocncbon no . clio ddy melOn ; fin" Ih? fro nK slip anI()
nang clltiy d' .fOoe wi sol a 2 15 0 (, (tY 1 heptacyclic compound hl.lp ehal bilY
mmHg)) v6ng; h<yp chIh vong hay C\lnh
bnequen henequen, slYi Ihun (s(Ti II/t.re l 'rf hcptacyclic ring v(mg b.c'ty c\1fl1l
'C'lfng IIIll dlf{YC' /(1' l ti C(iy ,hi,n, (itinK dc I>i;n heptad 1/ (th u(x;) e h,lt hl)..1 Ir! OclY /1 nhr'lm
My IhI"rng, ,w;ri Xt', diiy mem) hily, b() bilY
Htngstebeck approximation ph c p gan heptadec _ane hcpt clc.l ce a n , C17" I-I 35
dung He ng.slcocck (1' Iuu7'nl{ phrip ,(nh IUYC (ilydroc(I('/>on. cit:mg clul' rtln klu")nf( t(ln
iucrng phlin bti cdc Ihiinh ph an kh a ng chli I rong ntl'(Yc. I(ln trong'dJII, nd".': clui)' 0'
eMI Irong san plulm c()( c/urng cdl} 23° C WI s(j[ if JOJ°C, ' dlmg nllu IU)(I clU11
Heary's law djnh IU(lt Henry (I!reo do Viti , rung ginn)
dung r/{ch Iring tllllnang, dr) Inn n g dan Clin n·heptadecunoic acid axit
Chnl. Jnn k lu'}ng pluln ly -"if 'IY Ie \'(5"1 n o ng n-hcplatl ce~ lIl olc, C I-I 3(CI-I2),5COO I-I (mit
d~clin no) b eo. no. ({In Iron,; elf! ~'a con, klliJnK Ian
ientrlucontune h Cl1 lrl aco nt a n , C 3 ,H s4 Irnng nurre, d(ln K linh lit;; ~//{'}ng m/III
(hydrocflcbnn, d(1ng cIlnl kif' tlnh nang n a n g c lui), o' (,J0c, ("Ofl J((li hi "'clrga rlc
ehdy U 68°C va .~·Oi a
0- 302°C (a 15 aCid)
mml1g), dan x lln l IIi' mOl 10(11 re cilY w) heptadecunol hepladcc;'lno l . C , 7 H 3S OH
cO trong sap ons) { rl r(Tu, (/(lnK /c;ng k h nnH 111 1111, .\'(j{ f)' ..WpoC
ilpsr CHlci~. hti n /Hl P canxt s u/ ( uo , x Ian (t Irong nl/'{;(', (lting nlll£ lIoa ('Iur,
calcium su lndc Irung Kian. cluj:1 gill' hun"tlf{ tlt u m Iroll~
ieparin heparin (mll copn~y"'(1cnril aUI Ilk nKfinlJ ,lIl i /l1Jii/1ft Ii !lit/iliff Iii If) r rIM .. ,,1',
n/flllfll ' h," r ift/tn, .Hi pl/rilli Ii) rl#.rliJl.I:t lfl
,,_. 1 #''' ' .... . , ....

djlnl nlllr yflf IIJ Idltinj! /!8MII16!n. kluing cluff h n<tf '/lIh be /HeTI)
· heptadione 464

heptadione-2. 3 h eptadton-2 , J, x acetyl chfft 1(10 b{J1 fuyen noi)

v.aleryl 2-heptanone 2-hcpl a n o n (c o n g(Ji Itt
heptahydrate h cplahyd rm, hc...,'p c h al bay methy l n -a myl k.etone)
mr6'c 3-heptanone 3-hc pt anon , x et hyl butyl
heptahydric alcohol n rQ'u b.:,\y Ia n kelone
heptahydroxy alcohol n.r(Yu oay Ian 4-heplanone 4-heptanlln , (CH 3 CH Z"
heptaJdehyde h ep tald e h y t . C S H 13 CHO CH2)2CO (chfll Lring khong niflUl, On 41nll
(n/deh y', d(1ng dntl /fin (r ong er e, k ll ong va co mili de clt i fl, sol a xii'"p xl 98°C, dilJfg
tni'm co Itlrang qua, tan II Irong nutYc, sol de 1(10 dung dlch C1;n nilraxenluloza dOll
q J53 0 C, dilng nhu hon chdf frung ginn Ira va dati g in WI d tl ng tr o ng .<;O'n va chat
\.'a c ho nganlr ntroc hoo va
duf.7C pham, d(i!u v; 111I.I"e phlim)
con g<>i In h eptana l) heptalomic It b.:1y fan , bay C(tnh
heptamer h ept am e hcptatomic ring vang bay ~n h
heptanal h eplanal, x heptaldchydc hcptaval e nt It hoa trj bily
heptane heptan . CI-I3(CH2)5CH3 hcptavalent alcohol rLt(TU bay Jan
(hy(trocncbon long kltOflll miltl, de cluiy . he plene h epten , C17 H14 (("hlf t long hIm
kl/ong (an Irong mroc. .\"Oi a
98°e. tan ll (Yp crin cdc i .WJlne, .w3i a J89,S°C, dling
Irong · con, clorolom va ele, dling nlru cliff' tilln plll.l gin trong chal boi tTlY". nillt C'hdt
gliy me, d ung mol \.'a h oa chff, t rung g inn X tlc Iric vd nlue I dc nlrlln 1r0(1/ tinll be ,"(ft,
va Irong cdc phtfp tllIr ddnh Kill oclan con gpi i(i hcptylene)
ch l wn) hepto s e h.cptoza ( t hanl! vlen ni{1 nhom
1,7-heptanedicarboxylic acid ax il 1,7-hCpW- monos(lcnri/ clura hdy nJ(lIyctl fir C'acbon)
nedicarbox ylic h e ptoxide heptuxit (0.\:;1 n) pluin t';' elllra
heptanedioic acid axil heptancdi oic, x bay NgUyen IIi- oxy )
pimelic acid h eptulose h c plU lo~a (Il1u(u ngli· c/umg C'hI
heptanoic acid axil hcptanni c k el ozll I (I,? IlIimlt t ti' m o nOSfl car/t bd)'
C H a (CH 2 )sCOOH (caill tr o n g, .')tii a cachon)
223 0 C. f a n Iron g con ilv ete khong ·'nll heptyl heplyl, C I-I 3 (CI" 2)e - (nhdm dllff
Irong nutYc, cilinK nlur h o n ell Ii' , Ir un g ,ii· IWI' /an eN 3 (Cl -/ 2 )s C J-I 3 )
ginn) Il-heptylacety lene n-heplylaxctylcn. (dJl1
I-heptanol I-her lanol. C 7 H 1S OH (ruQ'1t 8pi Iii no nync)
d(lng chffl long khon/: mall co mlii l/tam hepty l alcohol nr(ru heptyl . x l-hcptiUloi
Inn [ronK t1Irri'c, efc: Irn{fc con. {lim$! 111111" heptyl a ldehyde a\dchy t h c pt ylic,
I/on cllifl ITlmg Kinn. nIttl" dunK moi Irong Ce l-i a CHO
ngiinlt mrae /Ion. con gpi /r} he ptyl <1ll.:ohol ) heptylen e h t::plyh.: n , x hcpu! n!.!
2-ht!ptannl 2-hcplanol (con K(Ji lif mcthy l Herb e rt cloudburst test phep thlr m ll'cl
amy l C<1rbin o l) hi H c rhcrt (p l uip Illli: cl(} clrng 'Tong do
3-heptanol 3- h cp l ~ln ol, CI 13 C I-I 2 CI-I- 1I(lllK 10(11 hi '/lli p du'p'c flui fli'" do ('flO diM
(OH)C.. f-19 (rll"Q' II. d(lnl:( chilt l o ng soi o· trll'o-c. llim xiII btl m{lI chi tie l eld 1m("/(ng
156 o C, elling nhu' clu1, pllti. riling rn6i 1'(; IY / ¢ "oi cI(i ·mem Clin m(J' \'0 d o do pkcil
chal pita l o(lng. Iron drnt trung !(inn wi hirn "0 l'lmg co klllly /!f ((it)
465 heterocyclic

Herbert pendulum method p hu O' n g herring oil d 1i u en. m o l (Ch ftl l ong m l lU
pnap con I ~c H e rbe rt (Plui p tlui- d r) elrng \Jong nh(ll t u i d el .\ 'lim dl eu cite IiI' c ri m o i .
(rong d o vi€n bi Ilu! p h o (lc (f n quy dU("Tn g t an Iro ng cac bon distil! lUI. clorof o m VfI el t!.
ki nll J mm nilm Iren be m (l/ ct'ln 111I'r di kh o n g I a n Ir o ng I1II'{YC, rilin g Ir o n g xfi
idm d iem ' l.l'n ch o con lile k ep n (ln g 4 k g plu)n g . IhllQc cia va nl1lr ch a l boi I r O'n m riy
chu ky 10 g illy, con /tIc ute 1(10 ra ve l Itln m 6c)
/Om a v(ll Ii~ll va In x a c dlnh dll'qc m Ol hess ite hcs it , A g 2 Te (kh o dng v (il clfl dll'qc,
so he so el i-n g . nlur klu J n i'l n g /0 ; crrng do tnf) " x nm c/li, k e t linh Ir ong It q d i1n g qr,
gla cOOg ) IIlll'a n g a d (l n g kh a i ~ 'a thu a n g c:h t'i'n
herbicide thuo c IT Cr co (h o n c/t ift plt d luiy win g)
ho{fc kim h ii m st." sinh Irll'tYn g (JIl.rc v(it) Hess's law djnh IU ~1l I-Ies... (II-wo d o nhi ~ 1

Hercules trap bQ gop H e rc ules (b(J gop Ilwnl ro h o(fc hnp tlu_, IrOITg m {jl pluin Irng
chif, long (10 mrac d iing I ron g ky ,'w(i t d o /100 h pc Iii gion f.: nhml eh o dli pluin Irng
"'(lnK ntroc klti v(il clliff dtr(Yc Ilta I h(lp Xfiy r n Irm ' K m Ol bl t'{YC hay fro n g nhlell
tlpng IIlTn fIIUYC) btf ac, co n J.: f,J i Iii law o f c o n stant heal
bercynite herxynit , ( F e, M g)AI 2 0 " (kh ann g summa tio n)
\'QI mall den nh om sp in el . k if t linh · (r ang he. aerolite h c tae ro lit , Z nMn 2 0 " (kh otinJ:
hf d dng ct.r, cn n gpi Iii f c rrospinc l , iro n v{11 m d ll d en clur a k b n - mnnf.: fll1 ox il . tim
spinel) d ll'(Yc ciin/( \ 'ul c h n l c o ph an it )
berderite h e rd e rlt , Ca B e( P O " XF ,OJ-l ) hetero- hetc ro- (lien 10 en ng hla kluic 10(li .
(khodng v(i t kh n n g m a ll t 6 1 vn n g n lt(ll cI;. vi df.l. I ,,? p c h n t cli L'on g .( t erer ocy cliC:
ho(fr: m all trd n g p h o'l Iuc clu r a phosp " m comp o und ) Ir'I h q p c h n l Iro ng d o vi m g clfll
vrl fJ orlw emu;: ; v a ber y li, d (> c li'ng (y t!t n n g / ( 10 tti' nldiJu h a n m Ol 10(1; nguyen /Ii')
Mol." Iii 7.5 - 8. 1)1 I rpng 3.92 ) hett: ro-atom n guy en Ilr khiic I~ i (ba t k ),
hereditary mechanics ccr hOC di t ruycn , n K" yc n IIi' n im kluic cm'bon va h y d ro Iro n K
co hOC ho i cO' (linh w.r e cO' "pc ( ron K c/o m (jf h (Jp c lld t hII'" co")
cac dol hrv n g nlllr Irng .w l n l ph(l Ihu (ic heteroatomic It nguyen tlr khci.c tu ~ i
khOnK chi vao cric (/(Ii Iu'(yn g kh ric. nlllt' heteroatomic ring d i vang
bien d(l11g. q c lin g IlftY ; diem m rl elm l'(}o
h e teroauxin h et er oa u x in , C ,ol-l g 0 2 N
rdc ticl! pluin lie n quan I U ; gid Ir; CI;a ( h o rm o n .... inll (rl l'Ci' IlK .Ih l.(' c L'(i l l'Ci'i b(J
nhii'ng cI(1; IIt'(Yng d 6 a
nllll'ng Ihb i die m klllmg ."I("{rn I ndo l)
trtruc do)
heteroazeotrope ho n h O'p kh6 n g d o n g Sill
Hermann-Mauguin symbols ky h li; u (!to n !t {yP l o n g kh6 n g h oim tOOn I r(jn llin
Hermann-M augul n (cac k y hi~ tI bic tl I" ; 3 2 I"eo m ('i Iy N fr on g plw l o n g . n goiii 1"11
nhom do l xlrng. Kom day cric so cfl o d (J kluj n g 1(10 1'(1 hIm /u?'P d o ng so;. con g()i
b9i clin Clie Ir(I C d n' i x li.'n g Iheo 1111/' /(1' ItI h e terogen eous zc o tropc)
glam , dUlg V(Yi cac k i "iCll kluic chi eric
heterocycle OJ van g
'''.ICclrio wi cric m (l t p h itn g g ll'un g)
heterocyclic II oj von g
heroin heroin , C 21 H 23 0 ,5N (h 6 1 k e ! linlt
heterocyclic atom nguyen tlr dj v o ng
mall t rt1ng . c h i! Iii" m o rph i n . /u7 P cluf l
heterocyclic compound hl.l'p ch a l d i vimg
hydr ocl ortla (iti n g nlur clul! I:irim d an \'(1
( Iro n g eto ('({ a tn ic w ')n g Lil t o I!(yp Cl i o Irell
,hl/ac m e)
heterocycli c 466

m Q I /o(1i n g u yen "i', vf cll,l . p y ridin cot' nh,r kll o ng d o n g nli/ft. n lu1 f M kif; Xtl
C .I-I.N ) un xt.f g inm l)~ Irt;mg ,heo d {'J can )
h e terocyclic nucleus nhfm OJ v6ng hcte rngenenu s pol y m e rizati o n st,r trims
heterocyclic rudical g6c di vong hc;rp d i the
h e terocy clic ring nhan d j vong heterogeneous radiat.ion bll'C XC) khOng
heterocycli c s tem nucleu s nhfm dj vang d o n g nhat (b,;'c X (l co m (j r so I an ...0 khric
no nllan. 1I (l1 klttlc nhnu 1I0(lc n lfng " '(fnl{ h(ll
klltic nllnu)
heterodesmic " dl eac h , hCl e r oocsmic (cll i
eric nguyen I,t- li en k e l ,h co nhieu cti c h het eroge neou s reaction phan ..:rns dj lhe
Iro n g eric finh III?) h e t e rogeneou s ribonuclei c acid axil
ht!lerodimer h C l e r odl mc (prot ei n d, u ribo nucleic di I he (ph lin lit· (nil ribOll ucleic'
IlI ilnh Iii' cri c p olypeptil \·6 ..., "'"ric nll(lll n- I O' n rllI'(YC co l I Ii li e n the clin axil
etic tiny ax il mnin) rii>nnllcleic monK lin. ~'ie ( Iti/ H ·RNA )

heterogeneity tinh kh(m g d o ng n h fi t, Ifnh h ete l' ogenenus ring co mpnund ho- p
dl the ((lie ll ki f l1 ('fin m Of m(i u cllif! crru <.: hfl l cJj vtmg
(IInnh Iii' cric 11 (11 h o(ic k if( 11,1 Clin nll/i'nt: heterogeneous strain bien cl C) ng di the
c"lf, en III lm ll pllnn klu1c nhnu) (Men d(lng 1I'0ng £16 e(ic '/U7I1h pI/an rl;ch
heterogene o u s khCm g d o ng nhfl t, c.J i Ihe
II chuyel1 elta m (il diem f ronK " (il kh fmg the
(c ll i lIon " (YP c li o cae p l IO n l llr Lo nK . li a'" bie n (lien dll'(yc nilit' cric ham I/Iycn f[nlt
IIo{i c l o n g - II O'i . r a n ; clli ctic d(1i IU'(yn g Clia cdc Ion cI(i ban tf {jfl)
l o an c6 b(ic I w(1c kfcll 1IIII'{rc kluje nllnn ; Ilt~ t crogc neous system he kh 6 n,g do ng
elf" t (lO t"'r nllli:ng Ilu}nh p"an k luk 10(l i nha l
IIo (1c kh 8 n g d eu ) heterogenetic " phtit sinh t ...· nhien; xcn kc
heterogen eo u s catalysis ~ l! xuc hie dj th e Ihe h¢
(sl,r x lk /tk xdy ra tt biiin p lla, Iluurng lit het eruge nite h c t c r ogc ni l , CoO( OH)
, "(I f phfin cnch r lln -/ ol1l-:) (k/lOrin~ V(;I ('obal1 ,"(lU den , (Wi khi co m Qt
heterogen e ous chain compound h O'p (t d CJng ho{ic :..:ilt, tim tJur), (Y ci(1ng g() k lltil,
chat m ~, c h kh6 ng d {'m g nhfit con K Pi Iii sminie ril c)
heterogeneous chemical reaction philO h e terogenolls khac n gui.)n g oc, c.Jj nguyen
u-ng h 6a h Oc khang d ('l Ilg nh at (II'; pluin (kll f ml{ hil' n ;': lIon Ix! n lremg CrY tlfe s/IIh
Irng h o n h (Jc trong d o chlfl pltdn Ir nK v(it )
tllll(Jr: cac p ll a kltric nil a u , v( ( i(l, clld, k h f hetero-i o n dj ion, io n kh.k IOc') i
va l cllfft ldllg, d l lft I d ng va t chlft ,.lIn. h eterolysis Sl,f dj Iy, x h e te roly tic t.:lc.wagc
ho(ic chd, xli e ttic rdn wyi ch dr phon Irng heterolyti c" c.Ji Iy
Idng h o(k kiln heterol y tic bond dissuciation energy
heterogeneous equilibrium Cc-'\ n hc'1 n g dl n~n g IU'O'ng phan ty lJcn kc t dl Iy (ct (j bien
the th len enlolp y x ny rn khi lien k;fL 116 a hrr
heterogeneous fluid ch a t lU'u khong d o ng bl d l Iy)
nhlh (ehlft luu Irang Iro ng do IY Ir p ng heterolytic cleavage ~ ..,
c.J l Iy (."i'l phd wl'
Ihay t/(jl Ifr d'~m nay 10-1 ttlDm kline, d ot lten k el Ir on h(Jc dan (hoi eLeclron) md
vu l nhleu ,"'.I C dlch kill q Uy(Jn p lull dtr(yc lro ng cto cd hnl electro n d ell (T ,"{)I lrong
467 hexabasic

cae nguyen tlr. con g(>i Ii'I heterolysis) v6'1 p urp uril)
~~iieteromorphic /I (thLI Qc) .di hlnh heterotopic faces m~ t khae ella (m{Jt e /;n
_ heteromorphic transfoJnation Sl! hlen cdc lien kifl kcfp Irong do phnn 1)0 sung
dol dl hinh (.fl./' Ihay d~l gM Ir( Clio eric hlen glty nen cdc cd" Irli.c tiring cr.r a coc pluin
nlliff d(mg 'c lio he frong do mQt ho(1c nllieu fi r)
clrdt thnnh phan cling bi bien dol Ir(mg heterotopic ligands phol tll' khac cha (coc
rfuii) pho; tti- (/ong nhli'l ve erl" 1(10 Inli st./' /lw)'
heteromorphism hien tm;r ng di hinh the rleng r f! lxYi m{il plta i ttr k7uk gity mi n
heteromorphite heteromorphit , Pb 7 Soa S 19 nlllrng cnll Ink d ong phiin di cnll}
(khoring ,.(it d o n In 1Mi'm den silt ch,ra chi heterotrophic effect hi ¢u li'ng dj dinh
an limon Sill/un) du6'ng (flrt7ng uk !{iihl cac phoi II;', nlllr
heteronuclear It (thuQc) khcic nhan ' IOc' d(lnK Clio elldl II'C chi! ho(1e dur, " 0(11

heteronuclear diatomics phfln Itl" hHi h o n d oi \'o i st.r g(1n kifl chnl n en bat
nguyen IU- khac nhan en zym )
heteronuclear molecule phan I Lr d i nhfm heterutropic tmzyme enz:ym d ! hua n g
(phlin ,,;, hai nguyen IIr co cdc nguyen I/i- (lo(li en zyln C'lwy e n nlu Ihu {in ngllteh
IhuQc cdc nguy en (0 klu1c nlum) Ira ng do IrI Q I pluin lit' nho clui' kltong pltdi
heteronuclear substitution st,r th e dl eh(11 nen drrf1'c clllng tam Ih ? pluin X{I
vong cltllyen enlt 11'/II(in nghiclt)
heteronucleus eli vong HETP x h eig ht eqUivalent of thcorcllca l
heterophase polymerization Sl,f I rlm g p latc
hO'p dl pha 11t~ ulandite h cu landit , (:"'11\ \2S10010 ' 5 H 2 0
heteropolar It dt ClIC (khoring wj l zeolil kel linlt Irong lu? deYll
heter()polar bond lien k i!t dl Cl,TC (/;en k el Iii. ,/ura n g xuiil hic n drra i d(ll'g kil o ' ,
q3ng h6a Ir{ c o /nomen ituJ'ng Cl.rc kll(k d(lnK Io-p h o(1c (/(lnK linll Ihe Irong cae It oe
kh6 ng) ,hi maC/no hour kh fmg p han lilly)
heteropo"ar compound ht,)'p chat di ct..n: Heusler alloy h OOp kim Hcuslcr (m (>1 clU11
heteropolarity tinh di CI,.rc; dO di qrc Irang nhom cac h(),p kim iniJll ,Hi t Iii'

heteropolar lin k lien k c t dj qrc Ilurang clura 18·25 % mangan , 10·25%

"hom va con 1(1; if} (/ o ng)
heteropolar valence h<l~1 Iri di cl,t'e
hevea rubber cao s u hcvca (coo S il s dn
heteropoly acid axJt dl dC'l (aK:il phlrc Clia
XIt(II Iii' mIl eno .'m. dimg /rim chnt each
ca c kim 1000i, c6 IY IrrJng Lo n han 4, vert
axil phosphoric; V( lll.l (lxll
dic n )
phosplwmolyplll(.") hewettite hcvclit, CaVa()18,lJ}-I20 (kllOring
~'(il mall dd sam durn emu: ' vnnndnr hydrat
heteropoly compound hc;rp ehfft dl da
(h(Tp chdl polyme ('I;a molypdat nil llria, lim lIuIY Iro ng enc kel 'V linll ,Ir/! Iii
anlryclrit eli a cdc nguyen 10 khae nill/' phuong d(lng 10')

phospho,' l'f d(l ktl Ilia mdu "iVr/( (N H 4h hexaalkylated (dU'O'c) an kyl hO~1 S(IU tan
P(Mo 3 0 10 )4 lit ht)'p chdl nh,,, I.'oy) hexabasic It s~u lan, sau chl'rc, sau nguyen
heterosite hetcrosll (khoting t'(J1 durn t Lt, ~iu Jan th~
phosphat clia set, vt2 mangan, dong !tinh hexabasic acid hCXfiXIl
hexabasic 468
hexabasic alcohol rU'Q'u sau tan di~1 klwan d im g fr o ng x ii ph on g sal I rling .
hexabasic carboxylic acid ax il m y pham, IJrIlDC boi da )
hex acaeboxylic hexachloropropylene hexa c l o pr o p y l e n ,
hexabasic ester csle CCl 3 CCI: CCl 2 (ch tft l o ng mtllllri1ng nucYc,
, clla h ex ax it
hexabromide value chi so hexabromua sol a 2JOoC, I an Irong con, elc v a cri~ 'dung

hexabrominated II (dU'Q'C) brom h6a sa u m ol' clo h 6n, tItin g llim dtmg m Ol. d Ult d en
h OO va ch a t LOng tJlIiy !t.rc)
I3n, (dU'Q'c) hexabrom
hexachlorated It (dll'1;Yc) clo h6a 5.,;U la n, hexacontane h cxaco nt a n . C aoHU2
(d lrO'c) hexaclo h 6c'l (hy tlrocncbon rt1n. n o n ia d dy m el an, no ng

6,7,8,9, 10, 10-hexachloro-l, 5, Sa, 6,

cllay a JOI OC)

9,9a-hexahydro-6, 9-methano-2, 4, 3, hexacosane h cx a c o s an ,

benzo(e)- dioxathiepin-3-oxide (lrydrocacbon n o Clio d (iy m elon, don g linh

the kh o ng m (lll. n ang cluiy a 57°e)
hexachlorobenzene h ex a c l o b e n ze n . hexacosanoic acid ax il h ex<lcosan o i c. x
C 8 Q 18 (tinh III ~ kh o n g mall, hinh kim cerotic acid
n ong duly a 23 Joc, d iing trong tOng lu;rp hexacyclic compound h o-p cha t s.:'i u van g,
lul'u cu v a nlur IllUoc Ir',. nam, v i e l 1111 hc:rp cha l vang 5<-'U c~lOh
H C B) hexacyclic ring Vl) ng S<l U CCilnh
hexachlorobutadicne he x aclohul a dl c n . hexad c ha t hoa trj s<'i u /I (/1 co h6a Irj sa u
02 C:CCl CCl:CCI2 (e/Ull l o ng kh6 nK m all hexad axis Irl,lC b(II..· sH u (tr I.IC quan g Cl ia
hua n g Iham d i U, ,\'oi a 2 JO· 2 200C. I o n tin" Ihll e6 d (1 b¢i I)(tng bd ng 6 )
fr on g con va etc, k h o n g f an fr on g m ayc, n whexadecane n · h exa d eca n , C 1s H 34
(/iin g nlur dun g m o l', d Ul l l o n K t r uy lJn (hytlrocabolJ ran . kluJng m till , nong cluiy U
nhi~l v a elrif l l on g Iluiy lI.rc ) 200C, La nllliln lieu quy chie u dw nn fro n g
hexachloro-cyclohexane xac d j nJr d t lf l itrt), n g ddnJr let-a (c hi so
hex acloxyclo hexan, 6 6 6 (111I tOC 1(1' sail ) xelmr) C I_;O nhlil n Ii ~ u diez en, con g9i In
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane cel.me)
I, 2 ::\, 4 , 5, 6-hexaclo xy c lo hexan, C e He C ia I-hexadecanol I·hcxad cxcno l
(bQt lr o(ic w iy m all tr ifn g Jro(ic tnlllI veln K 1-hexadecene I. h cxad cxc n , C H 3 (CH 2 ) 13-
c6 mli; m o e. l/rUDC Ir'-r ,<;(iu n ¢ i h a p d ¢c C H :CI-I 2 (ch flt I ring kh6 nK m {m dieu ch €
dol \ '(r; 1'1Ic);, g l an . r ,;p wi b(> vo; voi h r.1i nh & Xli' Ij xc ,), 1 ban g ph osp h u
TI n)" "
bOng. vie t t a t T BH) p entaxil. solO-- 274 °C. I an tron g dun/:" m v i
hexachloroethane hex acloclan, Cl 3 CCCI3 h'-m CO'. d im/: nhlr e/Ul l tr ung g i(ln t ron K
(e ric tinh the kh o n g m au mtil long n ao. t ong Ju)"p J"l' ll c O' )
n6 ng drdy a lllJ°C, d {k:, (bi ng trong l ong c;.\·w9 - hex a dec e no i cae i d H x it
h (yp 111/'11 CU, nbu· cll fff lain ch{im Iro n K l illl c i s ·9.tlex adex en oic
m en wi chat Xl lc lie n lUll h 6a cn o su ) hexadentate ligand ph 6 i IU- h exadc nl al
hexachlorophene he x acl o phcn . (I nc nit an c h e/m lu;a c.o ,w i ll nh 6 m co l ite
(Cs l-ICl30 HhCI-12 (b(1 1 m (i lt Iril ng n o n g gll n va o ion k im / o(1 i , ct'.l n 1:9 ; l ei
dufy a 161°C, tan IrOnl( con , ele. nxel o n WI sex aucn lanl e ligan d)
clor o! om , kh 6 n g I an IrOn !! m arc. I ii ch ilI hexadicne h cxa di c n . C a l-l,10 (n!to m
469 hexamethonium

hydrocacbon dtlTG n o va; hai lien kef kip, hexahydric alcohol n.r Q' u h exahydr l c,
m QI viii th linh viin c lio n h o m Iii / , ../. rU'Q'u sa u Ian (m(}1 l!tanh vi€n Clio nho m
handlen, 1.5-haoltien va 2.4-hexadien) cltr o-ng manllo /·...arbllol.dulxllol. In 'some
2 ,4-hexadienoic acid ax il 2,4-hexadienolc Clio Ca H e(O H }a)
h exaethyl ate d (dtrQ'c) elY ! h 6a S3 U l a n , hexahy drite hexahydrit , MgS0 4 • 61-1 2 0
(dtrQ'c) hcxaely l h6a (k h oring v(il h ~ dan In mau trtln g h o(fe
hex a nura te hexa nural , K(A sFe ) (h(yp chtfl mall Irt/Ilg pll ejl ll.tc clura magie s llif at
k ifl linh m au trlln g . n ang duiy u 440°C. ng(im ntrO'c)
dfing nhll' Ihuoe Iri;- cd) hexahydroaniline hcxa hy droanllin
h exago n hinh sa u c~nh (da g l ne co sriu hexahydrocresol h exahydrocr eso
c(mh) hexahydrocymene h exa h yd r oxyme n , x
hex~gonal II sc'lu q mh menthane
hexagonal close-packed lattice m~ng he xa h y dromethyl ph e nol p heno l
h,le g i3c b6 c h~ 1 h exahydrometyl
hexagonal cl ose-packed structure c.,'u hexahy drophenol h exahydropneno l
true h,le glac b6 c h~ 1 (efill Inle l inll Ihe b6 hexah y drothy mol he x a hy d r ot y m o l ,.x
ch (ll du(J'c d(fc [rtm g bttng S{f tJUlY do; d ell m entho l
d(ln Iwi lap . c:ric nguy en Hr a m o l l ap ml," hexah yd rotoluene hexahy drotoluen
a d in" clla m QI 10(11 cdc Itlm gffie dell va hexahydroxy a lcohol rU'Q'u sau llin
cti ~ nguyen IIi' u [up nay Irl.rc liep I r en
hexaiod ate d (d t.n;>,c) iot h6a S3U fa n
l am cac tam g i fie a cdc lup kf! c(in. vie t
hexaiodobenzene hexaiotbenzen, C e 16
I il l hcp structure)
e x a k i s (/3,
hO fJ-dimethylphenethyl)
h exago nal lattice m ~ ng 1I,lc g iac (m(lng
fe n butaUn ox il
Bravais co cdc 0 dan vi /c) cric Iifng Ir'.,
n - he xa lhyde n-hcxaldchy ' , C I-I 3 (CI-I 2 J.
" uong g6c vai day " "nlt b.IC gide ve} cac
C I-IO (chili l ong kh6ng m au co miil Iham
diem m(lng nltm a etinh Clio 6 dan vi va
g(it. ~' 6i U 128,oDe, dling nlur cll ffl I r ung
t7 Irim cdc driy)
Kirm clio cllffl deo h i m. Ihuoe nllll(jm. Ihuoe
h exagonal sys t e m he;: h,IC giac (ltf tinh Ih ?
Irir S till, nh{1"C1 va h o a chift san xmfl cao
co ba Irl.lC Mng nllall elll nll an a m (jl goc su)
1200 vel nom Irong m ()t m(ll p /uing. Irve
hexamer h exame (p olyme sau mon ome)
Ilur fir, khong M n g, vtl6ng g6c vul ba Irtle'
hexame~apol h exa metapol , C eH18N30P
(chdl long ciling nlllr tlung m o i Iron g lo ng
hexahalogenated (dU'Q'c) halogen hOii ~iu
lu;rp ha'" ca. plU.1 g i a ch o ng clonK . beIng
fan, (dU'Q'c) hexaha logen h6a
clto nhlin li~u d(jng ca pltdn b.rc va nhll'
he xa halogen a ted benzene bcnzen Ihuoc goy va sinh cho can Iriing gay dich
hexa haloge nua, C s X6
va " 60 eI'OI gay dOl bten, viti u11 HMPA)
hexahedron khol sau m ::'i t (cia djijn co sriu h exa methonium h ex~l m e (onl (m (JI chill
m (1l! Irong day dung d Ang Clio cae ion
h exa hydric II s.:,l u hydro, sau nguyen ILt, silU pol yme l y l en bis (lrim ely lmno ni). co cong
Ia n Ih,r c c h"ng I ii I (Cfl 3!3 N (G:N 2!n-
hexa hydric acid hexaxit N (CH 3)3 / +' Ir o n g tlo' n bttng 6, co /de
h examethyl d ia m in 0 i sop ro p~. II 0 I 470
'dl,.J.ng cll f n h(lc h. ">In g ldm hnyel rip. (hing Iro n g nt rlYc. cl e. con h o(lc ben zen , Inn Iro n g
Iron g 111m sang I! (X' n lllr mHO;, IIHrir llg iii k {iJm vn CrlC a'Cit (a elic va nitric, rlli.ng nlur
bromlfl h o(fc io d"a) clt lll n (j 1'(1 Iro nK p h iin Ilch kqli)
hexamethy ld iam inoi s opropa nol he xalli tromannite hcxilnit ro manil
diiodid e propioda l hexanoic acid axil hex a no ic
h exa methy le ne h c x a m e t y len , x I - h exa nol l-hex fl no l
cyclohexane hexaphenylethune h c xaphc n y ICl a n ,
h exa meth yle nediamine h ex a rn e I y' e n- (C . 1-1')3 CCCC. 1-1')3 (d i m e g6c
dlamln , H 2 N(C H 2 )sNl-I 2 (ch itl r d n kh an g tr;ph eny lmery l)
mall. Ian (/ Iro nK nuo-c, con va el e, fili n g hexatetrah e dro n hinh S{IU m~H bOn
, d e !)'dll X lU11 ny l o n va nJllhlg ea o p o ly m e
hCX ~llhif)nicacid ax il hcxtl thio ni c, 1-1 2 5 6 °6
he xa ti c phase pha hexatic (p lla v(11 d ufl
h exa methy l e nc glycol hex<1me ly lc n glycol, vo n If) Irung g lot! gll(a plUl rri n b inh
x 1,6 -hex(lOcd iol
Ilnd Yn g va p it a l ong ddng 1lt1'(7 n g va
h exa melhylene letr a mine hexa mel y lc n Ilra n g I( n g n i'i dUll Itr u hai ch ic" vo l Iri,il
IClmmin , x cy sta m ine tl,r din" Illro-n g b(ic SrlU nh l rng k h 6 n g co
hex a meth y l pho s pho rami de t ri,il 11.1' vi Ir! )
hcxa mclylphosphm mil hexa tomic ucid hCXHxit
hexamethy lphosphoric triamid e Iriam il hexatomic a l c ohol ruv u sa u Ia n
..hcxa m e ty Iphuspho ric. x hcmpa hex atomic b as e hcx tl oozO'
hexan e hcxan , C s H14 (cluf l l a nK kl! c3I1K hexatomic rin g v~lO g s{)u c:~ n h
mall. kh ong I{ln I ran g mrli-c, cI(j~·. cle C/uiy . hcxalria co ntan c hcxat riHconln n, C 361 174
co mlii Ih a m nlur!. co ctic "(InK: n .h exnll.
hexavalence htl<l tr j sciu
IU7 P c hal m(le l! Iluing . .»6; ri' M I . 7° (' l 'rI
d ling nh /r dung m Oi . dUll pJw !ruIn s: SCYI! ,
he xavu lent a lcnh o l rU'<:YlI scl U nin
ch ifl Min bien linll rU(l'1l l 'rI m c3; I r ll'i J'tlg hexavanad a t~ he x:w <lnm.Ja l, M .. IV e O l1 J
p l uin li'ng lI'ill1g h 9'p: iso h cx aJl. h o n h (J'p hex'e llal hcxcnH l, C 5 ' 19 (:01-1
cli n cac h o m e 1J(:x.an .~ Oi a 5 .J·6 Joc WI chi ng he xe ndiuic a cid <1 x il h c xcnd iuic , hexe n
n l ur clung m 6 i vcl chlf t Kidm dillm d lin g diaxH , C .. I le (COOH )2
d (lc; va n eoll ex all) l·h exe ne I· hc xc n e, C H3 (C I-12 )3 1I C:C l--I 2
h ex anedinitrile hcx ,lncdinllril (h ydr ocfl c h o n o l e! in . klu)n g m d u , so ; a
hexan e dioic a cid HXit hcx ~ln ed i n i c 6 4 °(' , Inn Iron K co n , ax e l o n . el e \' (1
1 ,6-hexanediol 1,6-h c x ..ln c dl n l , h y d rocfl c bon. k h a ng /(111 Iran g mai'c:. dling
HO(C H2 )e01-J (e/Ul l k el linlt. ta ll trOIlK 1111 11' h l w c/uf l t r unK ginn VII cli o ""(UI.
m roe va con, drinK Iro n g lillil ent gozolill . IIIu o c I' ti Ihl/ i ie ,,.,i· ,Will , co n g(Ji I d
nlllr ehol trllng g ;an Iro n g srin X IIi;' n y l on, hexylenc )
!)'rin X WII p o ly e,..,e VII p o lyurelan) l ,6-hexen e: diamine 1,6 -h cxcncdia m in
hexanitrodiphenyl amine amln he:xnbarbital he xo barbil a l, C 12J-J16N2 03
hcx a nilr o dlph c nyl , ( N 0 2)3C el-i2- (d rlfl g i dm dOli lit) gay fMC uic d~mg n gifn ,
NI-f C e I-l 2 (N02 )a (elUI I ran m (ill wing (ifl eim citing cI:? g liy m e Iro n g pJu$u tlm {il nflu
no, n ring c l u i), ri' 238·2.J4°C. kll l"'K ((Ill clUlt d an XU/II no/ri)
471 h id d e n ite

n-h exo i c acid ax il n -hcxo ic h exy lamine hc xy l a min , C H3 (CHz h NH z

hexokinase hcxolclnaza (en zy m X l le I ric s(r (d td l l o n g co m all l rifn g mUTc, d Qc, co m Eii
ph osph or y l h O(l cac h e.xoza ) mni n, ,\'o i U 129 0 C, liJ bazO' plo m o in ti'r n,r
h exu n e h cxon I{r phfin ly Clio ell a l n g uyen sinh )
hexosamine h cxQsa mln ( mn i n b (ic nh if l h exy le n e hexyle n, x I-hexcnc
dan x u n / I ,r h e.x.oza bh n g each Ihay th e hexy le n e g l ycol glycol h cxyl en, C 6 H 1 .. 0 z
hy(traxy l M ng In'"
nl!o m amin ) (clt lft ldn g kh tmg m (}tl, t r¢n hin d U(TC val
hexosa m i n idase A h ex osa mi n id aza A nuac, sol a 19soe, riiin g lron g c/UII l o n g
(en zy m X IIe l ac :'"(( IIlliy ph fin phon C"(1n phonh Iluiy It,r(', Iro n g m{/'e in va Iro nK X l i'
N - n xe tyl gn la e t os amln "I' m Ol ... 6 ly vai)
g ang liosit) n-h exy l et h er e tc n -hexy l, C 6H 13 CX:6 H1 3
h exosa n hexoSCl n , x h emicellulose (cltlff l o n K nll (1f mtlll co mtil d (1c Iru'ng, chi
h exose hex oza (m o n osa c nrit b a l ky c/Ul-rl Ian i l Irong n u ac. citing fr o n g ellie l banI{

stiu n g uyen IIi' cocoon f rong pJuin fir ) dimE( m ol w) Iron g .win x UI'll col o dio n WI
n hfrng san pltam xenluloza kll ric n l um )
hexose d ip h osp h ate pat h way co n
du o- o g h exoza diph os ph a t , x g lyco ly t ic n - hexy li c acid ax il n -hexy lic
pathway h exy lresorci n o l h ex y I r 'eso r x i n 0 I ,
h exo s e m onop h o s p h ate cycle chu tri nh CsI-l 13CeI-l 3(OH )z (Iinlt lite m liu 11'(1ng f Cy,-
hexoza m o no phosph at (con dll'bng chllyen p h al wing , vi cl(1c blf l , nong duly d- 6 .J o C,
ho n cacbonily dra l fr o n g tl6 m (if ,\'0 p h i il! I an il I rong I1Iruc. I an I ron g glyxeri n . d all

Ili' cria h aoza m Olloph m ph m bl o r )' 1160 I h l,rc v(if va dung mof 1111'11 cO', cfli n g f rong

h OM l o an) ( ngiinlt y)

h exo se p h osp h ate h CXO....H phl"lSph a t (m (J1 I -hexyn e I-hcxy n , C .. l-I gCC H (chrrl l ong
Iro n g cric esl e axil ph osphoric n;n /J exoz a, kh o n g m a ll, m iw I ril n g m r6'c, /1O(1c Iii
d (fc b /41 It) g illcoz a. 1(10 1/1(1.nh ' f rong ,\'/." n- b lll y laxc l y l e n s6 i (y 7 1 ,5°(.' It o(fc
chllyen h o n ctic cocbonhy tlra/ ho i ,\'lnh V(If ) m ely lp rop y l al:.cly l en .\'6 ; (} 8 4 °C)

hex ul ose h cx u l oz a ( k el oz (J d te u eh e Iii' H ey n 's r eag~ n t Ihu6c Ihu- B ey n (clar it a

m o n o.\'nearil m (l eh M ill ca c-bon) hni lo,i clln clo ng va omonlac, d ling 'rang
vi phiin I (ch c (lc/xm)
n -h exy l aceta t e n - h exy l axc l a l .
C H 3 COOCe H 13 (c hil l lrinK k h v n g malt l 'o t Hr x hafnium
a J690C, t o n I ron g con va el e, k h o n g Ian H ." cao In n, la n SA.) cao, HF,x high f rc gu enL)'
Iro n g n u-ae, d iu tg Mm d un g m oi ch o n/lIfll H F a l kylatiun OI lky l h ua I-I F ('Ill d frin lt
va esl e xenlllloz n ) alky l l ujn fron g clurng clfi clall md I rong
hexyl aceti c acid ax it h cx y laxetic tlo cac aiel i n (e 3 , (' .. ' ('~) plu;n Ii'ng wr;
h exy lacetylt:n e hcxy laxcly len I.\'oblil on co x ttc ltic etia fa it I l ohydric)

h exy l a l co h o l r Lr Q' u h cxy l , h t's x hypc r n ne str uclu re

C H 3 (CH z ). C H z o l-I (c h a t l o n g klr ong H FS c h a t sic u da n I O\l i fl ( Iy p e I I
mnll sol a J56 0 C, tan I r a n g con wi eu:, I t .\'Up I!l'con d llc fol')
t an tro n g nlt'ac, dii ng nhu h 6a clufl trun g H g x merc u ry
gian Mm du'("c phtim , est e thO'm va clta l hi bbst i te h lbstit, hyd nl gilil , Al z 0 3 , 3 1-1 z 0
klll'r Irilng ) hidd e n it e hi denit (k h o ang v (il spar/ lO n en
hide 472
mall 1t,I C lIo(lc 1(Ie pilat vang. Iro nK .'W OI , (g(Iclt drill hi-a snn x u ifl 1(" n guyen li ~ 1I
clllrn cram va e6 gin Ir; nlllr da qli)') gid /l nhom o:c u , nlllr It'r nlrom Inono hydrnl
hide da sOng (da con tt>ng 1110 II o(1e clura bmu: lI. kltl nung clUing dura nltiell
11I1I(jC. nhlft ld III' cl(jng v(ll l a n, nlliell 1II0i mulil, clling a nllte, cI(j nil C(lO lto(Ic nal
nlllr bo cal) chill t ni m(lnh)
hide glue keo da (keo d(1c mall nall sting high-alumina cement xi m ang nhicu ox il
Mm IIr da song d(jng v(il) nhom, x aluminate ce m en t
hierarchical level I mu-c phan cap I, mu-c high boiler c hat c h{lm sOi, dung m o l diem
Un c@y I (mIre dan" gin ct(j tin eoy Clin m (j t soi cao (rilin g m ol lit em WI O cluf f pho
h ~ thong dir n nt'fng chi lien qunn tal eric loong san de tam ch (lm 16c cI(i bay h ul, ,\'01
tltie t bl phdt cU r n) a 150-200"0
hierarchical level II mu-c phfln dip II , high boiling 1/ c6 diem sOi c.m, kh() S<.; j
mu-c tin ~y II (mtra ctanh gia cit? (il) c(iy high boiling solvent dung m o i d iem sui
Clln m (jt h i; thong etlen n t'fng chi lien qUlin cao
l a l c d c thle l hi pluil ve) Irllye n tnl cUr n) high brass d u n g thau nhl c u kern (clong
hierarchical level III m(rc phan cap III , thau den lit/rang phlim th ong d/.lng nhffl
mu-c lin c~y III (mire ddnh gM d(j tin c(iy dura khonng 35 % k iJm VCI 65 % clong)
clla m (J1 hr thong clif n n ifn g lie n qUlin fa l high calcic product s. .\ n pha m nhicu canxi
UII cd bn wing c/ui'c nrlng nin II i/. tho ng, high caloric power n:\ng su fit t U~1 nhh; t
ng hia Lii pl"it, Iru)'en dan vii ph lin phol IcYn
difn n l ing)
high capacity tyre lop xe cao tal
hieraiite hieratil , K 2 SiF6 (khrning v(it pllri'l
high-carbon chromium c ram nhi cu
:cam clura kali f losllicnl. x lIif, hill n n/rll'
ca rbon (cr o m clllro ( I nil ii'I 86 cj(, c rom ,
Iram t{eh a cdc mlijn g mil hra)
8-11 % cacix m WI 101 tfo 0.5 % sal WI 0,5%
hi-Ii X high fidelity s lllc)
Higbie model m o hinh Higbie (I); tllIIy e l high-carbon steel thcp nhieu cacl"ltm, ther
ehuy en kilo ; clol val ctic thrip Itttp IIt (l elii cacbo n can (tlui p dlic II o(lc ci(i 1"1211 dlll'U
n(lp 'h co d o cflff, l onK chdy qua Ini)l chi ll'l! n 0,5 % cachoJl )
liif l It(lP Irong dbng cluiy Inng vd d/l'(YC
high compressed steam hai nU"lYC Hp COiO
IrQn val nlllrng ch f{t Iring khrie g(fp 116 d-
high consistency ro' tational
cdc diem g l dn d O(ln g itra cric phon IIC n(lp)
viscosimeter nho t kc x(~ n quanh
high-abrasion furnace black mu<)i lo :a n
high-density polyetylene polycly lc n m {1I
m o n m~lOh (lo{/; milO' "wn ' (10 rn btfng
d c.,l cao (po/yo/elin den nong co klt th
each riot ciao khl kill Ihie ll k h o ng kId vii
Itrt:;rng riCng 0,9 41-0,960 g l em 3, vii! t UII
,m u do 161 de d/rng phan Ii-ng Ihlif" erin
bhng . cnc h (1I co c[ ,r a ng k(nh 26-30
n anomC/, clill1K a l op xe wi ,\'cin phtlln cno high-distillation thermometer nhi ~ t kc
,m ('u tinh tOI. ~'iifl I n t I-IAF black) c hU'ng cat nhl el do COlO
high-alloy steel thep ho-p kim cao (tlui p high-duty bniler noi xup de c.:... n ~ip

cJllhl IIll1hrg Iy If I an eric nguy en to klui nl( high duty fuel nhien lieu C' IO lx:tan
plrti; ("Ilcbon) high duty gns producer Ii) ga l:tmg sufil
high-alumina brick g.,lc h nhicu m;:it nho m Id -n , n1<ly phal khl c6n g sufi l It'rn
473 high

high early strengh cement xl ma ng elYng high-nash naphta naphla n ~ n g, n a pht a

nhanh h ~ ng t o t khu bOc c hclY, x heavy na phlh a
high efficiency hh; u su a l cao high flash oil d a u kh6 bung ch{IY
high-energy bond lien k e l nang ILrQ'ng caa high frequency ta n sO cao , c.:'lO Ia n (I'lin ,\'0
(lien k e l h od h (X" bOf ky l illn g idm n lfn l{ quy d lnh a
btlng tn"
fir 3 d e n 30 m cg all cc
itr(J'ng /1.1' do (I nhif, 5 ki/ocnlo Ini n m ol) ct ph o va fuyen . v i e t l a t It) HF)
high-energy fuel nhl en lI¢ u nhi el 1U't;.Yn g high-fre quency furnace 10 cno t a n (It)
cao (nhien lie u klli duiy Ic)a rn nldlfll n ifn g cdm Ir ng fr o n g d o nhl4t sinh rn bin ,ro ng
lll"qng h a n cac nllie n lieu d (ln K cacbon hr{Tn g n (l p 10, ben Iron g IhiJn" n rjj n a il..
th ong thtra n g, nh a t La hy dro boron) h o(fc ben Iro ng cd I Uli. n"& cac (LOn g clien
higher chloride clorua cao a im ling Ix ); 'ir til on K cao tan d o (,1I 9n elf! )'
higher derivaties d~ n xua t ca o qll(1n qlinnlt 1(10 rn. con K(Ji /t} corc lcs....-Iypc
induc tio n furn ace, high -fre que ncy heate r)
higher fatty acid axil reo CclO
higher homologue ch~ t d o n g dhng can high-fre quency heCtter 10 eao t a n ,x
high-frequency furn ace
higher hyddrocacbon hy drocacbon can
high·fretluency titration Slf c hu h n d O
higher order reation philO ung ~I C cau
cao Ia n (sl.r c llllall cl(> ba ng d o d(j chin di4n
higher phenols cac phe nol o m
tro ng cl6 Iwi dilln C!.I ·C d l n ),c [tip ben n goili
higher polymer cao poly me . elk h rx.1c binlt d u ra d ung cl;ch ('un ph lin
highest common factor tr&c so chun g li c ll wi ching n g llo n xo ay c h lell c7 d al
16n nha t, x greatest mommo n d iv isor m eg fllux ele d o lien tr inll elllian tit))
high-expansion alloy Jll), P kim gi cln nO' high.frequency vulcnnizatinn S lf Ilru
m~nh (h Vp kim c6 h ,; .\'0 glrin n(Y c no ) h ~"i cao ta n
high- expansion foam b(ll gifin ncr m (mh high~frequency welding s,", h ~1I1 C~l n t an
(b(H kh 6 n g cluJy du(Yc J'nn xuffl fir nm on i (.\·(r lid" /)(tItK c/illn tnt tro nK c/o 1I11i~1 d u ·(yc
l a llry l !-ilIlf m , tiling Iro ng ctbt 11 6a a mo t {/V ro nita clo ng di~ 1I aim Irng lx7; cli4n
nglim ) ,{r I ru(y n g CflO I a n. co n K9i I I)
high-explosivt! cha l nu nw nh (cluj' , Ill) vcr ; r a<.Iio-frcquc n cy w e lding)
n en nitrogLyxerill d in ng b i li D, ,,'(r n b m (lnlt
high-grade cast iron ga ng h ~lI1 g 16 t
va gan nl"r 1l1'c rha i)
high . grade dynamite d y na mit h ~lO g 16 1
high-explosive plastic chill d en no m <:lO h (d y nwnil co .\"Ii·e cang pita ./0 % I w(Ic ("lID
( c llffl n o /t o(fc 'di n h (Tp n o m (111 il , ct
ha n )
kh o dng nh'~1 d(J klt( quyen bi nI! flttro-nK .
high grade fuel nhi en Ii¢u cao d ip.
cos the dl k flu}nh IIinh d (lnK cnn thier, con
high-grade sugar dU'crng h~ng 16 1
KP i Ii1 plastic ex plooive)
high-heat cement xi m ~n g loa nh i~ 1 m'.lI1h
high fermentation Sl,r len m e n m ~H
(10(1; xi m iInK fon ra nlliell nlli'; l lI·ollK l/IUI
high fidelity do trung Iht,rc cao (d (J Irii 1(10
' rinll brio c/tr6"ng )
lim than" rtTI Kan va i lim ,hanll cli d {1C'
trtrng goc con gpi I ii hi-fi ) high heating value gus khi co nhi ¢t tr j
high-field superconductor c hril sic.u da n
lD;li II high ir.-un portland cement x l m Iin g
high fired (da) thi eu nhi¢1 cJ6 c an po lla n nhi e u sfI l
hide 474
high-knock rating gasoline xan g chi s6 high-octane rating ch i sO" octa n cao
oc:ta n cao high-performance liquid chr o mato-
high-lead bronze d (')ng do nhicu chi (d(jng graphy ph e p ~1c ky 16 n g tinh n:l n g CClO
do clura IY Ie ch i cno d~ ch o h {J'p kim nen ( /0(1; sdc kj CPI Irong do d ung m oi d u(yc
m en) cJwyen qua C(lf co lip, vlel l etl 1-1 P LC)
high l e vel m u-c cao ( m lrc (" run l{ I/{rn frong high p o lymer cao po lyme (p hlln fl i' Ian
hni mIre ho(1c Ir(mg I l uH logic tron g hf (p h dn Itr I l r(J'ng I ren 100000) tlu rang c/ura
.Iogic s6 n h; ph fin) cac dan v; I (lp cl ja /0(11 p h lin IIi' lu r;rn g
high lift pump bam a p cao [ h l1p, vi d l.' ely l en ho(lc propy l en )
highly acid c6 d o ax il cao high polymeric compound hq p cha t cao
highly basic c6 d o b azer cao poly me
highly branch e d chain m ~c h n hicu high pressure ap sual cao
nhanh. m ~c h pha n nha nh cao high-pressure chemistry hoa hQc ~I p ~ u a t
·highly branched compound hc.,rp chat cao (ng{ln l! nghien Cll"ll cric phan Irng v·rI
m ~c h nh lt! u nha nh , h qp c h at m~l c h phfm lIien ttu;rnx hon h (K· xa)' rn a lip !,·u llt triJn
nha nh cao 10.000 bar. clui yell lie n quan lai ,inll cllfll
c lia I r(lng tl /{ii N1n )
highl y compress e d (du'O'c) ne n m <.t nh
highl y compres sed ste am heyi nU"{yc "Ip high-pre ss ure cloud chamber hU(lng
sua t c.'lO, h eYi tip su.::ft cao s U"O"ng tip sual can (buang s u ang IronK d6
c/Ul [ k il t" d uy Iri a dp Slurt cao l I e glnm
high melting co nhic t d 6 nong chilY, k h6
k h odl1K c°rie " (II ndng "r r;rng cao \'() do do
n6 ng chay
• ({'fn g xric SIUII qunn srit cric bien co)
high melting glas s t hu y linh kh 6 n o n g
high pres s ure compressor may ne n cao
high melting metal kim l o~J kh 6 na n g
high-pr~ssllr~ gage glass Dn g kin h do
c hj u ~i p s u51 C<lO (cing kln h do Kom iJng
high-modulus furnace black m u () i It)
kim IV(li /r1p nfll klnl! day)
modun cao (10(11 m tt(H Ihan 1(10 ra kill dOl
high-pressur e laminate vflt Ii~ u lap ch ju
d "li ll lhi i! u k h 6 n g k ll i, dl r &ng kin ll 11(11
tip sutJ' t c.an (Vi}r Ii';u /up n en clU11 deo d tic
-10-60 nanom el , sail xul1l hiiln nay kll6n g
dring ke n ll/ r llg d ti dlr(yC' d i mg tam col l op
WI de k"tJ cr dp s.,· /u11 l a l (S·14)x / OS
p avcflll)
xe viet I t'll J-fM F blac k)
high-pressure mercury-vapor lamp
high mole c ular II (th uoc) cao phei n t lr
den hO"i t huy ngan cao ti p (d en p h dn g di~n
high molecular compound h o-p ch51 ·cao
clift-a klli I ro· va m (J/ il Ilui), n gfin lonK ..\"t.r
pha n Ill'
p h anl{ (lifn p ll df sting /xm dall qua cll(ll
high molecular polymer cao poly me k h i mmg n OI11-: w) /ri m bay hal Iluiy ngtin,
high-oc tan e tI cao octa n , co chi sO octa n sau c/d !'·I.r p h a nJ!. difn qun llO:t Ilu;y ng{in
cao (co chi .\·0 oClnn Irung binll ho(k caa 1(10 ra dnlt .'~nllg choi m (mll)
ta l 90 lreT l en vo (I o do co l inh c h ong n o
bigh-press ure phenomena h l~ n tU'Q'ng
1( 1)
~l P s u at cao (die" k i f n WI qua trinh /t.r
high·octane fuel nhlen lieu cao oct a n n li len xllat h ifn a lip .'i1U11 ("no va SI." .'iOO
high - octane gasoline x:ing cao QC tan '<,I clUin g a phimg Ilti ngll/f m)
4 75 h igh

hi g h-pre s s ure phys i c s v ~t Iy ar sua t cao h igh s illic o n iron g.a ng giau silic
(SI.l' ngh i i n ('Ib~ ca e nnh Illu!rng c l ia rip :Hul, hi g h-sol ve n cy n a ph t h n napht Cl n flOg surit
ca o d o ; W7; eric t (nh clU11 ('lin Vtjl ch iff) hD.:'1 tan eao (m (if fro n g cric rlun g m iii r/t,m
high-pre ss ure pr o c ess qu <'i !d nh flp sufl l Ir iJ n tin" mo sol t r o ng kh o dn g nap llw
cao (qua trin" 1rOO h ()C xdy rn rip .Hu1,a (35-3·13°(.' ) w; co '''lm I l r (J' ltg IU'(l c li ll l
c a D, vI' d'.l . s nn x ll if t ph e n o l a 330 Iha m ca o ete c6 m I n g ~' II{i' f li On fnn c a o d 5 j
atmosphe. s l.r cri'tng h Q'p ery /en a 2000 atm, va l nitr ox en lll [ oz n , san kh 6 vrl I1l QI s6
s'." / l)n g Irt;/p nmo ninC" 0- JO(J.. }OOO tum va nlll,ra ) !
H I' stin xu ifl kim Clrun g r a n g h q p a
t re n hi g h s p ee d toe do cao, cao toc
100000 atm ) high -s pee d c e m e nt xl m a n g d o n g c ti' ng
high press u r e p ro du c e r 16 ga C~I O ap, 16 n ha n h, x alum inat e cem ent
p h a t khi cao clp hi g h s pe e d ce ntrifu ge m ay Iy tflm t oe dQ
h ig h press ure r eac t o r buon.g phim u-ng can
Cc:'lO ap h ig h -sp e e d kn e ad er m fly trQn tc1c dQ cao
hi g h-p r e ss ure se p a r ato r I hle, bi I.'!ell ,'Ij1 h igh- s p e ed m ac hi ne m.'i y khoa n can tue
sua! cao (lltling n ()m ng llng co Illong kill (m dy klt oon k im C I UJ'lIg c6 k llfi nifng quay
rip s u d t c n o, nhitl l d (J lIulp tli qua WI IronK qJ! a ng kllOfJII i l nlur, 250 0 vf,: /ph ,W) vai
d o ch ift l o ng tdch kh o i c1ui"1 k ilO loe d ¢ li")i dn I h o n K tillri'y n x 160U· / 8()()
hi g h-press u r e towe r thap cao ap vg / pll C liO m d)' kh o(1n kim ('I I")'II }; IOf.'i
hi g h press ure t y r e lo p xe cao cip lrlmg bin ll )
high quality cas t iro n gang h ~ng I l) t high -s p e ed m ixe r m c'lY k hu5y ICk d <) CelO,
hi g h q ua r t z lh ~c h anh nhic$ t d O e ao (lhfJc h h ig h- s p ee d s t ee l t he r g ia, th e p can lill:
rmh hinll Ihrinll a n hiifl d ¢ cno) (IliffI' h 9'P kim va n ei r n K WI d nl klti mOl),:
hi g h-rank coa l t han IO~ i C<;.o, t ha n 1000\i l il t do)
(t h n n clura du a l 4 % lim kh; sliy kil o b l1ng h igh -speed t y r e io p xc toe d c"l C. IO
kh6 n g klli w ) h a n 8 ./% carbon ) hi g h -spee,d v ul ca ni za ti o n !'i tl Ilr u h il a
hi g h raw duo-ng thCl h ~ n g 10 1 nhanh
high-re s idu a l-p hos ph o ru s c opp e r hi g h- s tre n g th a lluy h(:rp k i m h ~ n g 10' 1.
d o ng d O dU' p hospho c.ao (don g dli k h l'r m:y h O'p kim 1..1 0 ben ~IO, x high-lcn!\ilc <tlluy
",6 d p rllin eliif n g i rj,n do co m (fl ph osph o high -s t r ength c as t iro n ga ng h ~ n g tn t
rill', ,'ur a n g cluu i 0 ,1) high-s tre ngth lo w-a ll oy stee l the p hOOp
hi g h r es i s t a nce p y r ome t e r h<\a kc dien kim thfi"p d (l hen cao (1lufp d u rn i , n inbi
: tra cao 11 01:1(' vm u uli v(i cd d (i Ix n cn o, d(J dai va
hi g h-r eso lut io n e l e ctro n m ic r os c ope d (i.p tY nhi ~f c/(1 thifp f(>! han w), a m Ol ,W)
kinh hien v i d i~ n t ..... d() ph iln gia i cao (kinJi 10(li . d ¢ ch ong Jn r}n rr ong kid (fuyen I fi!
Itien vi diifn I l r lr an K tlo cac (fI lling ,w; " ,in /I a n ,\' 0 \'a i I hep (' aebon . v i CI 1i11 H S L A
tlt rru kinh dU(Tc gidm elii'n to; ,,,diu w i eric SIl:c1)

d o n g d iifn ,lul u k i n}, t'l1 tlilfn rip tanK f oe hi g h- s t re n g th s te e l th ep d O ben CClO , x

tlU(TC cllly Iri va l d (j o n dinh cn o n ~'J " m d t:ll h igh -tc n!'iile !'i tcd
du(>,c d p plz lin g Mt c t,rc k y c n o) hi g h -s uga r b ee t c o d l i n h ie u dU'(Yng
hi g h rubb e r mi x in g hon hQ'p giau c.m SU hig h - t ec hnol ogy rob o t r obot cong ngh e
high 476
cao (robot £'"0 frang bi /I€n " f ngll'(Tc, 11t( 1U'Q'ng nhiel dO cao (enc hien lut)'ng xdy rn
glae, cach 11111 nh(in dii- UQu rY tha i glan ri' n" i~ 1 do khoring Iren 500 K)
"",re va eric b6 die" kltlen In(1ch) high-temperature s uperconductor
high temperature nhic;1 dO c.... o chat slc u dan nh h~ t d el COlO (Vi:;1 1i~1l gom
high-temperature alloy ho;rp kim nhie. d6 dura ox)' Clla m (Jf nguyen 10 dift "je m ,
cao (h Q'p, kim Ihiclt hQ'jJ ch o .\"r cll.mg a barl Vi) dong von 'he hien ,fnh sieu cll;n G
nil lei d Q 500 0 C vii eno h an ) nhiel dQ 90 K vii caD han)
high temperature carb o nization 51! high-temperature varnish so n .{hic;l do
cacbon h6a nhh~:t do c."lO cao
high·temperature cement xi m ang nhl¢1 high-temperature water boil er no l hoi
de..) cao (xl mtfng chIli tlll'(TC S l,t' nong duty. m.r&c nhlel di.,'l cao (nol h ai c ling clfp mrac
S I." Min !z oo m em lI o(1c -"If va cI(ip In(lnh (y nong co itp de sua i nll1rng pho ng co cUen
nhif / d(j cao, citing de grin kifl vtjl /if " chill I(C,", Ia n)
hra) high-t e n si le alloy h O'p kim dO ben COlO

high-temperature chemi s try h 6a hl)C (hc:rp k im co cI (j ben cao, con g(Ji Lii
nhi¢t dO C(IO (nglinh nghlen CI t-II etic "len high·stcnglh a lloy)
Itr(Yn g 116n ' h ()c xliy ra a c""'rng (nin 500K) high-tensile steel (hep dO be n cao (ll/{fp
high-temperature coke cae nhi¢t do cao hc:rp kim Ihlfp c6 khodng giai h(ln cJui)'
(cDc / (10 ra U nhi~1 d(J CflO 900- J/50 o C, 50.000 [ a i 100.000 paD I ren Insa vuong
tItlng clui yell elro II/yen kim) (3 . ./·6,9 x 1 0 8 ) pnscnn. con g{Ji Lii
high temperature decomposition SV' high.strenglh stce l)
phan huy nhil;1 dl.,i c.-... o high h:nsion dil;n c'ip ca~, cao the x high
high-temperature distillation Sl./ chU'ng voltage
c<11 nhiet de,,) C<lO high-tension current dfmg cao thi!
high-temperature fuel cell pi n nhlen Ii¢ u high-test bleaching. p owder v6i clurua
nhic; t dO cno (pin nlric n li f " Mm vifC 0- h •.mg to t
nhl41 dQ Iren k h oang 5500C. co 'h e Sli' high-test cast iron ga ng h~n g tot
dl.mg nhien l ifll hycirocncbon re diJn vii high-t es t cement xl m:mg h~ ng 10 1
Ilur&ng Sfr dl.mg m1l.oi nang clui), nlur clU11 high vacuum chan k.ha ng cao (chan khong
dlcn p l um) co rip :mif( giira I x 10 3 va 1 x 10 8 mm
high-temperature lacquer SOTI nhie l d O Hg (0.1333224 VII a.O(}()} 333 pnscnn))
cao high-va c uum distillation Sl,J' chU'ng cat
high-temperature material v:;it lieu nhlc;t chan khong cao
dO cao (v(ll IiQu co khd nifng ch;u n h iet tI(J high-vacuum insulation cach Iy bt'i n g
caD, baD gom h t)'p kim cao clfp, h Q'p kim chan khang C<IQ (cluin khong cno gilra cric
cll;U bra gom, diing trong nlllrng enu
w) "itch Clla binh l'och kip nham cach nhiel
tn k nlur Mu VIi trl.l ch;1I nlurng dieu kien u nhiel'd(i Cl.rc Ihlfp (cryogenic) nhu a
nhlfl ctQ rat k irtle nglrletJ binI! Dewar (caL p ll (ch))
high-temperature oxidation Sl,l' oxy h6a high-vac uum pump bam cha n khang cao
nh ie t do cao high velocity co mbustion Sl,l' chay nhanh
high-temperature phenomena hi en high velocity electron elec tron nhanh
477 histogram

high-volatile bituminous coal th an I); tr png (Ml van Clta qll(lng n iing le n liiy
bllum bay hoi m~nh (Ihnn hilllm goml,ren Ilura g i(rn 0,5 W1 I )
3 / % cJuTI d e bay h a l) Hinsberg test ph cp LhLr Hinsbcrg (de pltfln
high voltage dien ~l P ca~, cao the , cao ap bl~ ( ctic lim in b(ic IIh61 w) b(1c IUli, d o Iti
(di~ n tip vao cO' hling ng hin von, con 1:91 p han trng etill mnin wY/ benz en eli.wl! aryl
Ln high tension) c/a rll{l Irong (Illng d;elt ki em. (linin b(i('
high voltage current dong (d i~ n) c.,o the, nhdl c h o cac sill! nnam il vnn Inll Irong
dong Cc:'lO a p dung d;eh baz a, mn/n b(ic hal clIO crk dllli
high-voltage insulation Stl each dle n cao dan xllift kh o n g h Oll Ian. amin b(1c bll
~ p (sr.1" elfeh
dicn nhhm ngtln ng fra st.'" clan" kh o ng phon 'rn g val (hlloC tI"r)
Illlmg tUen a m(lch "0(11 d(jng cY dlen rip hinsdalite hlnsdalit , (P b, Sr)A I3 (PO.. )(SO.. ).
cao) (01-1)8 (klwring \ '(11 ,, ~ m(lf Iho i milU xdm
Hildebrand function h a m Hildebrand ''' tim h o(1(' ph a l l(lc . c h,ra chi vfi
(nhiCl h o n 1t0'1 c rin m Qt clul' pI"., Ihll¢C vao sir onti·nh om ,\ 'IIlfat 11(1 phosphltl Imz u, a
nong ri p moL Cli o h a l. n 6 gan g l o ng nlum d(mg linh Ih ? Iho \'I~ d (lng khO'i)
dol val nhieu h cYl' clU11) HIP x hot isostatic pressi ng
hilgardite hilgardit . C'e(Be011hC1" . 1-1 2
(khonng v{i l kh 6 n g mau dura borm V{)
° hippuric acid axit hipur lc . Ce l-l ~CONH.
C I-I 2 .COOH (Iinh Ih }! khong mrlll n o n K
clorlln rand n g(im nlt'ac. xlul1 Ifien a d(mg cluiy 0- 188°C. Inn Iro n g ml'6c /1( )ng. COli
tinh the d a n u) hal In(iI) WI ele, rltln g Iro nK n gitnh y II(} ,,1111' h Oll

hillebrandite hilcbrandit , Ca2Si03(O l-t h " hili trunK X;fllt)

(khoring v{il 1n(1U Ira ng clurn canx i s ili cal hippuroyl (go c ) hipuro y l , C e l-15 ,CO·
ng(im muyc, XlI{11 hl¢n 6' d(lng I.:.h61) NI-I C I-I 2 CO-
Hill plot d o Ihi Hill (bie" ([ten b nn~ tlo I ll; hisingeritc hi s in gc ril , Pe~ -Si205 (O H ) .. -
pltrin Il-ng Hill) 21-1 2 0 (k h oang v{il l 'r; elfnh h i nlt nUlU cl t.:11
Hill re.action ph im u-ng H i ll (lr OJIK sinlt d urn ,\'(11 (I II ) silic rIf n g(im marc. Iii lfll(lllJ.:
Itoa It) ,\'1.1' gin; pll 6 ng my phan Ii;' lxYi ('(Ie sill)

h(ll ll,lc Ificit rlen g khi c6 m (ll clU11 nh(ln histamin e h is lHmin . C 5 11g N3 (ch ri' , dn"
electrOIl Ihfc ll h Q'p nllll' / erixyarua; I ranK x /lnl {linin ('Ilfl his /mlin co n/dc II IrOIl/: Jllti
116n h,,' u e()" Lil SI.I' ,'inn X IUi', eflc ax il ngtdh)
phcnylax c ll e 11I i! bitng eac h nx)' h Oll histidase h islidaz.:'l (en zy m lim (hny trOll};
alk),lbenz c n hai kali p crman g anat kill ('0 gem rlQn g l'(J1 co xuang song b(k CfW, "6,,
m(ll (lx: lt ax elic) xtic tric .'0 1,1' k//lr mnin Clill hi,w idln Illfl"II
hirider~d contraction s" cn kh6 ng Ltl do tl\: /I /lr oconic)
(srI co vi nlilet ('ftll v(il dlk " Oil bl c rin ('I,IC histidine h is lidin , C S H 9 0 2 N 3 (w;: ;! (1111;11
Ixj fin Itilth d(lng «((1e bi~1) bllZ O' k ifl ,tn" co nhlc il Ira ng IWlllog /obill
hindered settling s.",r I~ n£ khtmg LI,I' d o (.\" ,1' vei x u l;'1 plait IiI' ,\'1.1' tllliy phfm p h on /(;',
' Itlng c lta c a c h(ll 0' 'h e lIuyen Jlhi; cl(1c pl'mein)
(r ong mrcYc, SI." rO'i c lia cllli ng b; ntl'rJ'c histochemistry h6H hl)c rno (lI~f}nh kllon
dfing len can I(li) /u:x' nghien Cll-U SI." ph lin bi') vil h O(}1 linh
hindered-s~ttling ratio he s6 la ng kh6 n g Clta etic t!tanh phan h Oll h pc Iron g m o)
ll.r do ((y siS Ir(mg IlI'q ng kllOallK \/(11 Iren histogram hi s togra m , ph a n ho do (hie"
histoJogical 478
dlen , bhng do 1111 lIam phiin bl} nita cae Hodgson number chi so Hodg so n
hinh dill' nh(il ma chieu r(mg bieu tht cae (phlrO'ng plrdp lien d onn sai d o Iro ng so
kJwdng dln;rC phlin chin c l ln crie gia Irj 'Iud trinh I nm Luon g khi dao d (jng khi binh
qunn sat dut;1c vn ehieu cao bieu III; so
eac dieu ap n~m g ilra ngllon m(lcll d(jng (bam
quan sal xu{{t hl~n Irong m ol khoring do) hOt.fc may mI n) vn mdy do (to dinh ca, vol
hi sto logica l chemistry rna hoo hOC phlln ho(fc o ng Venllui)
h isto n e histo n, (m(jt Iro ng nlllrng protein hoegbomite hoegbomlt , Mg(A I,Fe,Ti).. 07
bnzu m(lnh, tan dlTt;1C. c lin cae nhlin Ie bao (khodng v(il mlm den clura magie, nlr6m.
v6n ket Ilin bal Glnonl hydroxil) stlt va titan axil con 8(Ji 10 hogbomite)
Hittorr method phll'O' n g philp Hltl orf Hoepfner process qua tdnh Hopfner, x
(phiTang pluip x dc dlnll hhng v(inso H o prn cr process
ch/ly en Irang d o ta d o nhtrng thay do; hoernesite h o erncsit , M£3·As20eJ-120
tra ng thanh p Iran Clla dung dich c:Y gan (kh oring v(it m lllI Irn ng. hr d a n In cluj'"
cntot vn a gan anOl c lia binlr diVn phon magie arsentll ng(im mate. d(1118 lillll Ihe
kill co IU9'nJ: di ~n eld blel chuyen qua) giong tlt(Jclr c(lo)
Hittorl' principe nguyen I)' 1-Ilt(orf Hofmann amine sepa rati o n SI,t' t .ic h
(nguycn Ij theo d o S1,r pho ng di~n gitra cac amin Hormann (ky IIrU(j1 trich h o n Ir q p cli"
(lifn qrc Irang cllat kilt ri' ap SII(II till clio eric Glnin b(k nhfil, /x)c Iwi Wl b(ic bfl, cluin/-:
kh6ng nltal thiel xdy ra !(itra eac dl;:m gan cllI'(J'e mmg val elyl Ql:alm. kh6 nK c o phOIl
nJult cl la elie dien cr.rc nell klux ing cach li'IIt; wTi mnin b(ic bo, m ain b(ic nhtft 1(10
glfl'n cac diem (t6 nltm 0- ben trai qfe tiell Ihanh diamil , V(I (linin h(lr: hal 1(10 tlulnh
Iren do Ih! the danh hi-a phl.l tflll(jc kltonng m on oamit khi h Im h (yp p luin Irng du(yc
crich , con g (Ji It; short-path principle) c11li'lIg ('(II ,\' jJ Idch thilnh cdc Ihelnlt "han )
hj eimite hj ei mil (khodng V(il m nll d en eflli·n Hofmann degradation Sl,Y £i.im cfip
ytri. j'ltt, manKfln. urani, eanx i . coLlIInbi. Horma nn {Ide lil,ln!: Clla bromin v(i kicm
lantan , thl ife l·() von/ ram ox il , tlllu7n g l en (lmit sao eho n6 bien flu}n" omln b(k
xual fti?n va i call trIk tinh 11';1 bi bli'c X (I IIlult wh il IIan m 61 nKllyen IIr cacbon)
phd va) Hofmann ex h aus ti ve methylation
hi hect ollt, hi (hecloliter) reaction p hHn li' ng mctyl h oa tr i t; 1 de
hm hectomct, hm (hectometer) Hofman n (.\'// pltlin lui)' nltivt Clio ("lie 11 (>,1'
clU11 amont hy drnx it b(ic bon ,hnnl! o l el in
HMF black x high-modulus furnace black
li d IllI'OC , ngo(1i 14 l el ramel yL (lmOnl
H Monel h l..Yp kim Mo n el Ii (/t(Yp kim hyriroxll phtil1 f lliy de clIO rzrQ-tl)
Monel chit-a 3,2 % silic klui dl.lng 0- d(lnK
h ofma nnite ho fm .mit ,x hartitc
dfie, cli"ng va ben /tan M one/)
Hofmann mustard-oil reaction ph.:'ln
H M PA x hexa metap(JI t.Yng dau mu I ~I C H ofmann {dieu chi!
h obbl ng stee l lhep ph lly rang (Ihep gin aLkyli,wlllinxy'annt bhng edcl! nung dong
dllng cI~ sdn xudt dao edt ri'lng) Ih&I nlnin b(k nltdl, IhJiy nglin (/ J ) dorun
hodgklnsonite hotklnsonlt , L'n ('(leoon disIlL/lw)
MnZnSJOs.l-1 2 0 (khonng v(11 mnu h"lJng IfTi Hormunn r eaction philn ling Harm ..ln"
nllll pho·t dd, dura kcm mangnn .,llieflt (pluin Irl1K rlil ngiln m(lell cdc (lmin nl!r>'
ng(im mro-c, xlldtlli¢n 0- d(lng CaC tinh Ildl) X l i- Ij Ix'ng bromin vr) klem (X IU) IIU}lIh ('(Ie
79 h o le

lm il1 dlli-a il ha n mo, c oebon . tltmg de .win h ~ belng t a i n g hlenK w?)n III d ~g c" (Tn g lti'
%1111( ny l o n t illuyn g m (li) klti m tTI ng llo n eti en . d o tl o n gtln k l'llj n g
Horm ann re a rr a ngem e/"t Sl,l' sc.i p xe p ~i clio M ng d n Ch erI In; dl(ty n g lr(Tc x u o n g)
Hofmann ( !i l/ ' l ti l .\"tip xep h on h pc e ri c h o ld e nit e h o ld c nit ( kh oa n g V(lt I IC I II
hydr olt alogc nufl Clio eri c N . nlky lanilin plllr a n g mllu do c ll l ra IM.an K an k if m
Mng eric h n l/ ng de cho e(ic mnin o alky l nrsennt bazo t'(Yi m (jl (I c anxi. magic vii
btnun) slit )
Hofme is t e r se ri es d a y H o fm e is t e r (5 1,1' h o l de r gi n dt,rng, khHy dl,rng (K id K lli' M n g
Jifp x ep cac anio n h o(fc calio n ct:J g ifl ln co 1/0(1(' diij n m (lt h o(fc nhi'en t i n h Ih ? c au
kll(i nitng glty d ong fl.' kltl 'h em cac m/loi chi h o(lc c{k linh ki en k lu k th eo cacl! sa o
('I j(l chllng WID eac sol Ira clunK m oj) cho co Ille d e d iin /( bd wlo ho(1c l ay ra J;
~ (igbo m i t e
hogbom it , x ho eg oomitc b i nh dl,rn g , t hu ng d t,r n g (ch rll k hf. c h a t
iogge d (da) veT, d <1 ng hi c n l ong)

bogge d fu el nhien li eu nghien (ph i! 1i ~1I Cl iO h o ld e r of gas th u n g ch(ra kh i. hi nh trfr khi

.t lr o-ng ("I ra dll"Q'c cap qua m ny n g l-rie n h o ldin g f u r n ac e It) g ifr (be d tli:n nll ng
(!tog, de g idm k f ch tIl/rae WI " i nh d(m J.: n o n g d e K ill' k im lO(l i n on g clu i), dlllan bi
t&i k {ch tlurac m n nh VI.' IIn ll nillt" de ll ) dl ic)
hog gu m gam nghicn ([{om elfnh, d (c/I li e f hul d in g t a nk thun g c h u a
r(I l it nlllr n/{ l oai eEl)' Sterculia k /uic n h all. h u l d t i m e t h erl glan h.ru .ip (tr on K h im bhn K
,h,},,1t p h a n ch i n" iii g nlncum. gom d lr(yc (lif ll Ira Ii'I Iha i ginn I lk dung tip It_i'" wif)
sdy kho brin a till tn ra n g nllll' bQl h o(Jc cac d icn c l.'·c Wilt k i ll n xti l d i 'm x II f;n )
nlur wiy m on g m au trd ng. dtlng I ron g con g h ~) l d u p i myng giLT (til ;; I(ell c/ld , g it i- h o(1c
ng hi ~p Ih,.l'c ph am , m y p h ltm va d~ t) ellIl' a troflg binll 11 0(1(' d (iy cJ w yen x li- I);;
hogs h ea d t hung (c6 d un,:: I (CI1 23.8 U I) ",hifl long gitl' ItJ ; (1 0' Iti'n g) Ir o n g bi nI!
hog s kin s ua Il;rn (h ol,1c o n gJx lr I); Ihlin g dll'n l{ d o c tic luo ng
hohiraum v~ t ete n, x h la c k hod y k Ill' hn(1c IIa l drinK l en )
h o h ma nnit~ h o m a n i I . F c 2 (SO . h (OI-I ) 2 ' h o le \('\ tr o n g (l r (ln /{ th ti i n tl ll g 11I' r.J' n g
7H 2 0 (kh odn t: " (it h e l am In m llit nail " (If el ectron Ira n g gan d inh ""i ng n i'fn g Iu-r.>'tlg
(Ii l u i m li lt da cam X(11n V{) cld rml den I n"'g ,"fl ff , r ri n . bi e n dlen nh,,' I lle n o til
d ura sal .w n! fit 1)(120' h )' clrnl I-U)(I) h (l l m n n g d if n I{c h til l'CT n g. Cc)1l K(J i it)

hois t d l nfm g (liim clwyBn d (m g ho(l c n a n g elccl ron h o le)

(til gi d 6 M ng re)n ;: r(K' h o(Jc p llli )!1 ell I CYI h o l e co ndu ct i o n Sl,r d an d l¢n Itl I ra ng (.\'l_r
m<1.y (b¢ ph (in plu il Jt.l'c Cli n m dy n a n g. d an elien x w r , Iticn n -on K c /url bfin dd n k hi
dll ng de n ang Ilr m Qt. v; Iri n g ay ph(n t re t! el ectr o n die" cI,llye n v an LO I r o n g cil uyl
tdf \'d d o do dll'(yc ltfp de 1(10 d lett ki t/n eli (inl! hlt'(7n g et;a rlien dp uk cil.mg "') d o eto
d~ng, con K91 /iJ wi nd in g e ngine) 1(10 ra 10 trein g m 6'i )

hois ting machine m ny n nn g (cO' c a u d e h o le formin g p in khoclO d (H If, (ch a l cleo)

n"ng 1I0(lc h(1 v(lt /l ~ u w 7 i c h lly e n d Qn g h o le injec t ion Sl,r' phun \(') Irong, Sl,t Ih~ m II.)
gidn d O(ln frong k il l vA n l(ill' ((, cQ'''' v(ll li~ 1l Iro ng (:n _t' ' (10 rn lri t r o n K I r On l( b an clan
freo /{l' do) ic)(l i n klfl l ric clu ng dlv n rip \ !nO n1l1l kim
h oldba c k p hanh ch ~ n , con Ch(1O (phnnh d' 10 (li nhrm l i ep x lk vci'J be m(ll v(i t licu )
hole 480

hole mobility do Iinh dong 10 Iro ng (so (t o tlw rfll' (Yc kll' IOQi cric clU11 ch iel WJ lignin
khd n t/n g to ~ng di cllflyen de diJng qua khoi V(ll U¢u 11.1' nhien)
chat bdn dan, bltng t oe dr) t ro; Irung binh holocrystalline toan tinh , k e l tinh hoan
ella cdc 10 Irong chla c h o d i¢n Iru'ang) t oo n (chi cdc lid m aC/na ~'6n Iii eric khOtfng
hole trap bc-\y 10 tr6 ng (I(1P chilI ban dan Vl.1J kel I;nh h oon Im)n, kltong cOlluiy IinhJ
co khrl nifng girl; pho n g eleclron van cac holoenzyme loan me n, h a ll'lenzy m (enzym
Vling dan h o(lc h 6n (r!, (Irang dlrang val phll'c l(lP 11 0 (11 I(nlt It olin l oan, ch,lo
s~r bay m I)l LO (ri5~ng) apoenzym \·iJ coenz.y m)
hollandite h a landil , B.:l(Mn 2 +, Mn4+)e016 hologram imh to.:,l n ky, ho logram (klnh dnh
(khoang v(if milH xrim b(lc l a l d en clllj'a d(1c bitlt clling f rong pluJp [O(ln k j. khi lim
bar I man ganal va ,n a n ga n X ll a l hitln a ban do du(J'c IrrinK vii c hie u cll(un laze pJui
d (lng linh Ih i ) I! (rp Ill' ph ia .Hm Ilt i 1(10 ra (inl! ba Ch;?N
hollow-bowl centrifugt! may Iy l{lm c hen frang k lt 6ng gia n . con go ; Lii hologram
rang int er-fcrom c tcr)
hollow-bowl clarifier m ay \y tam c h en hologram interferometer giao Ihoa ke
ri'ing x h o logram
toon k y, "lnh toon ky,
hollow concrete be 16 ng r o ng holography phcp loa n ky (ky IllIIot de gh~
hollow filling Sl,r nhe l d ay khoc.\ n g rung vii .will do trii 1(10, cae pllfin b6 bien d~ ~oj)

hollowness tanh r o n g; di) ro n g pha Clin m61 nhittu IOt:m .'lonK. {Hlng fQng
hollow pac king Sl,f m,lp dlly khm'mg rlll1 g rat nlur pltll'ang phtip 1(10 dnlt qUllng btl
c h tetl ~ ' (l cd ~'rh "..rinK fim va :.ong wi Illytn.
hollow prism l:ing kinh n'lng
a S(l' 1.(10 ri,., /t qllflllf( . ky 1I IIlfjl ntiy dU(If
hollow tilt! ngoi rong, g,:lc h n\ ng (kh6l x ii)'
Ilu.l'c "iin bang crich xiii tell ui'm kinlt tinh
Llip rang b(tng be I nng Irn(ic .w!1 Il/III}; de hinh Kiao Ih on gill'a atilt .wing phi', Iwp
xfly "rang ngifn. Ilrang bao h O(lc .wIn hn(ic
pluin X(1 til' l ' (il din quan Jlim wi (in1l sang
mat Ireo, con g9i 10. h o ll ow hloc k )
d e n I n .rc fiip t il' chfnh nguon Iwrit' phdn
holmia h o lmi ax il , H02 0 3 X(1 Ill' In {)l Kll'anK)
holmium h ol mi, 1-10 (nguyen t6 d al hill m holohedral d(tng l ofm xu'ng. d~lOg toan d~
Ilm¢c nh 6 m con yfrl, n g Hy iJn IIr ,\ ·0 6 7. xu'ng (cit; cali Ink linll Ihe co do; Xlfng
nguyen Ilr 1t"(J'ng 16 4 ,93, n a n g clujy a cao nhii'l tr o n g mol lap finh lite, con g(l
1400 -1525°C) ld h o losymmc l r ic, h o lnsyslcmic)
holmiunl oxide h o lmi ox it , H o 2 0 a holohedral forms d,:lng 1l) ~H1 dol xlh1g
h o lm oak cay SOi x~ nh holoh e dron linh Ihe 1I ~1I1 xu"ng (eI!JnK IInIt
holmquistite h o lqui sl it , (Na , K,Ca)Li- Ihe 111tI(x: nlto", I nn" db; Xli'l l/: , co tal cd
(Mg,FC)3A 1zS is 02 2(OI-l h (kho(ing " (it Itf n ic mtJf crin ,hUIt clIO (Ii)i x ti"ng ltoiilllodnl
lil p JlIro n g miiu d en pluYI la, du r a ktifm holnhedry SI,r II~IO dtj"i xu- ng
va s ilica( Clio si'lt. m aKie. litlt i vii " h om) holopulping process 4u~ lrinh nghlenbl)
holoaxial t G In tfl,.IC (crJ f if l en cdc In.lc cli'h gi!'ly h an n t m tn (quti Idnh l illn hQI gi(lY filth
x lrng klui (If) oxy hoa kiem cac l' O hiio g{j qrc ky InOnt
holocellulost! h o loxe nlul nza (l lJnx phon (y nhifl d(j Wl rip .'ll uff fillip va ,Will eto hOa
cal p o lysacorlt Clio giJ , 1"00m ... vO'n Chli'fl Ian phon Cfll IiKnin)
xenluloz.a wi lifl en eric helni'l:enillloz (l WI holoside polys.'\caril
481 homogeneous

holosiderlte holOSlderit, sAt vAn th<;lch vong (h(yp chdt vbng c6 m(JI lo(li nguyen
holosymmetrlc d<;lng to~n xu-og, x ttl- trong cilu. tnk, vi dl.J nhlr benzen)
boJohedrai homocyclic nucleus nhan dong vang
bolosystemic dang toan xu-ng,x holohedral homocyclic ring dong vang
holystone da bot (edl kef mem dUng fTong homocysteine homoxyslein, .C.. H 9 0 2 NS
C() bong tall) (axU amln hinh thanh a dong v(il do SI,r
bomatroplne homatropln, C18H2103N /ot;li mely/ cua methionin)
(a/kalalt gay ra SI.r glan d"Ong Ilr vel Chll-ng homodesmic dO'n lien (chi linh the co cdc
lifl dllu v~) nguyen ltl- lien kift thea mot cdch duy
homenergic now dong chay dnng nang nhdt)
(d~ng chdt lull. co l(jng d(mg ndng, the homodimer homodime (protein call thanh
n4ng vd entalpy tren khat llr9'ng dan vI lir cdc polypeptil dong nhdt ghep c(l.p)
. M gi6ng Mall. a rnpl vi rrf ehat lUll va a homoeoblastic texture ket cllu deu h~t
m(Ji thiYi diem) homogeneity tinh dong nh~t (d(lc trLrng
homentropic flow dong chay dong c,la mQt chdt ma cac tinlt chat kltong pJr(J
entropy (dong chal l,ru co entropy tren fhu9C van v; trl, frong thong ki! La ttnh
khat /lr(yng dun vi glong nhau. u m9i vf bling n"au Clla cae ham p han bi5 cl4a m6/
Ir; ella chat /rru va a mpi thin dilIm) .~·o ((ip hcrp)
homidium bromide homidi bromua, x homogeneous It dong nhat, dong the, dong
elhldium bromide Ii"nh (chi m(JI chat co thimh ph{"Jn ho(ic diu
bomilite homillt, Ca2(Fe,Mg)B2SI2010 Irlle dong deu; dong dell ve call Irlie ho(lc
(khoang v(Jt mall den ho(1c ntlu phat den thanh phnn)
Chll'a sdt can:.::; borosilicat) homogeneous body v$t dong the
homo- Ue" t6 homo- (chi chnt 1?mg ddng homogeneous catalysis S,-<," xuc laC dong
cUa mf)1 h9'P chat, co cong Ihll-C kluic h{>,p the (st,r Xilc (aC xdy ra (rong m ( )( plra
chili do ch& ttIng m¢l goc CH 2 .- chi tlur&ng La kJri hogc long)
polyme dong nhal call thanh tir m¢t iO(li homogeneous chain compound h(')"p
monome dan, nhrr po/yetylen til' ely len; chi chat m~ch dong nhat
nguyen Ilr khung du{>,c bCJ sung VaG call. homogeneous chemical reaction phtm
Irlie' dd bier; chi S(l' glong nhau ho(l.c u-ng hda hoc dong the (hf p luin Irng hau
Itrang t{r) /u;x : frong do ta'
en c ric thiinh phan ( chfft
bomoatomic chain m~ch cung nguyen Ill' phdn Il-ng va chat Xll.c (ric) dell ciing pho)
homoatomic ring vang cung nguyen tlr homogeneous equilibrium c~ln hAng
bomoazeotrope dong sOl d"Ong the, din bhng dong tfnh
bomochromoisomerism hicn tLYQ'ng dong homogeneous mixture hon hO'p dl~ng
pMn dllng ~c nMt, h6n hO'P dong (he
bomocondensation polymerisation Sl!' hom.ogeneous phase lU·o-ng dong the, pha
polyme h6a dong ngung dong the
homocycle nhan dong vang homogeneous radiation hu-c X<l dO'n srlc
homocyclic II dong vang (b,r e xq c o ddi Jail cI.re ky hf/p. ho(fc ellll.ln
homocyclic compound hQ'p chal dong cdc h(lt dan n{lng mot lO(li. san clIO Uri cd

3 1 . TO HCA HOC A · V
homogeneous 482

cdc l htlnh ph'il n cuo b.rc X(I de" g lo ng d~g

nhau ) homologou s series day dong dAng
homogeneous ray Ua dcm ~c homologue cha l dOng d an g
homogeneou s reaction pha n frn g d o n g homology tinh "rO' n g d o n g (t ( nh giiJng
th e nha" cu ban g h r a cac call Ink h o(lc qUff
homogeneous ring compound hO'p cha t trinh U cdc sinh v(jt kluic n hau. II"rang It)
vo ng dllng 'hI! do chlmg bill n g llo n l ir m Qt 10 lien chung),·
homogen e ou s s train bie n d;;t ng d o n g linh ti nh d o ng d a.n g (quan h ~ g ilt-a cdc ng uyen
(bie n d(U1g fro n g d o ca e Iha nh phnn dieh 10 IhuQc dmg m CH n"6 111, h o(Ic h (). Ir ong
chlly en crin (tt~m blfl k j Iro ng v(il d ell lil being umn h oc)n cd c n g uy c n t 6 ) ; tr<;lng thai
htun luyen linh Clla cdc l pa d <> ban dall) d~ng d l\ng (tr (lng t" 6i tro ng d dy cae " tlP
homogeneous sys tem h e: d o ng th(! ch it I ha'u CO' khiic nJlflu Ixh CfJ 2 nlltr day

homogenization SII d o n g nMI hoo m el an CnfJ 2 ~+2, Iro ng tlo cd s~r ltumg I{f
g i lra cdc lu;rp ch ift fro ng d ay vel s.n.r bie n
homogenize d o ng nha t h6a; u khuech tan
dol p h lin clip cdc t(n" ch lft Cli a cluing )
(g ta- kim JO{JI u nh lel d () c aD d'l lfiu de JO(Ii
m ()1 k e f 11.1 h Oa h pc ella cde Ihimlz phan homolys is Sl,r d o ng Iy , x h o molytic clcvagc
Mng S if khllech t a n ) homolyti c c1evage Sl,r d o n g Iy (St.f plr a l'(7
homogenizer m a y t ro n d c u (m riy fr Qn m (Jt l lin ket dun (" ai el ecl ron) fr ong dd
m QI elecfron con [ (Ii f ren m o; nguyen I tr,
h o (fc nhi. luu n g h On c h lf f ba n g ctieh rip
ch d f do d l qua c dc lo nhd 0- be m (11 el i-n g) co n gpi l a f rcc-radica l r eaCtion, homolysis)

homogenous fI d Ong the, d o ng .ntml homome.tric pair ~p d Ong hinh nhh!u x~

(qlp cdc call tnk tinlt the -co eric " in"
homogenti s a s e h o m ogen fisa7..a (en zym x l ic
nlrleu X (l Ua X gion g nh(lll)
Ide s ~r bie n d lJI ax il h o m ogentisi c' th anh
ax:iI fll.maryl ax efoaxetic ) homomorphis m hl<;n hr<rng d ong hinh
homogenti s ic acid a xil h o mog e nti s i c, homomorphou s transformation SI/
CaHeO. (scln p hmn trung g lan frong .\'I.r bie n dOi d o ng hinh (l'l,r bien clal gld fr( cdc
ehlly ~n h o a ph enyLaLonin vatyrosin. tim bien n!tifl d (mg clia !tr tron g (/0 klt6ng
thdy qua nhlell 0- nlur ng ng u a i va l ax il ch a L thanh ph an n aC) b i thay do' Ir(lng
phexyl p y ruvlc-nle" va alkapt on-n i~ ll) thlU)
homo-ion d o ng lon , ho m oio n homornorphs cha t d o ng hinh (cac phlin Itr

homo-ionic solution dung d jch dOng ion h Oll ch a t co k ich tlu r ac va h inlr dpng
luang l~r n/urng khd ng nhd l Ihlet co M t
homolog chif, do ng dAng
ky d(1c trung chung n ilo khde)
homologation S I,J' t ~o lf o n g ct h n g (kiell
hy dro! onny l h On lra ng do cacOOn m onox it homonuclear diatomic molecule phAn
plum ITn g va-I m Qf so rtr(Yll n o (I e eh o Iw(fc tli' hal nguy~ n Iii' cung nhan
aldelaY I h o(lc rU(Y1I (h o(1c lu!m I U,rp en Irai) homonuclear molec ule ph a n 10- d ong
eh'Ta nhlell h u n m (JI t:oc bon so va i d Ulf n h.<in (ph fm IIi- h ai n g uyen IIr m a cd haJ
mf) n g uyen Itr lte" th u(Jc cim g n g uyen 10)
homologou s It ( lhuOc) d o ng d Ang; tlTtyng homo phase dong loong, d o ng" ph.:1
do ng homo polar bond lien kCI d o ng Clle (Jlin
homologous compound hQ'p cha t d o ng k ef c()ng h on tr ; co l onK /no m en Imi ng C(fr
483 Hope's
blIng khl'Jng) honeycombing r~n tll ong (sI.r tdch tha bin
homopolar crystal tlnh the dCing CI,I'C Irong cua gtJ khl'J; SI.J' nhdp nh6 vd yell dl
(Ilnh Ih~ co cdc Itl,. k i t 11ft cd de,. la 10(11 CI,lL' bQ 0- tren m~1 luiYng be 16ng do s,.r
~ng h6a 1(11) tach rul clla hi ,I»1g, ktl qUa Id co fI edJ
bomopolar valency h6a tn d1)ng eU'e 0' cdc khe lTang gla-a cac viin do delm)
homopolymer polyme cllIng nM, (po/yme boneystone d' ong, AI2C120,a . I8H20
1(10 thdnh tt',. m(JI monome, vi d(/, bODey syru p m~1 ong nMn !<to
po/yetylen /(1.0 rn "he; polyme h6a ely/1m) bood vo, v6 bQc; n'p, mG, ehvp, chao /I dl
bomopolysaccharide polysacarlt d~ng bQc, phu,che
nh~h (polysQCwil vOn 10 polyme aio m~t Hookean deformation SlI bien d ;;t ng
10(lJ monosacaril) Hooke ($(r bltn dczng ella m(JI cMt von rj
orlho .. homosallcylic acid axil If vO'l Illc Inc dl,mg vdo no)
ortho-homosalixyUc Hook~an solid chit r~n HCX>ICe (chal riln
homoserine homoserln, C.H.~N (axil Ij ,rrung von w/in thea chinh xdc d;nh lu(ll
amln t(lO ro MU sdn plrlJm trung glan q Hooke d o l w i ,"pi gia Irllrng suift nhlrng
d~ng vc2t Irong sl.r phlin hli.y chuy~n /rOQ Id n/ui'ng gld tTl 16 n)
xyslaJhionin thiinh xysteln) Hooker diaphragm cell binh dien phDn
4 .. homosulfanilamide 4-homosulfanilamit mang Hooker (ell.utg Cl.' dimg Irong cong
homotope nguyen to' elms hQ nghif p d~ difn phfin naLr; clorua cho clo
lid XiiI ho(fc pOlns (kaJi hydraxil). nlroc
homotropic enzyme cnzym dOng hU'cmg
mll o i linh clr ~ bl10 h oa drr(yc cho vdo
(10(1/ enzym a/osUric Irong d6 chal nen
quanh anol chuy en qua mnng toi calal. clo
dlrt;Tc drlng lam chdt phdn x(l alas/eric)
1(10 ra cY ana l vd hyetro cY catOl, Irong binh
homovanillic acid axil homovanllic,
cOn 1(Ii nnlrl hydrax il va natr; clarno c('/n.
H<::X:eH3(OCH3)CH:z COzH (chill chuy?n
mimg nKd,! kh6 ng cI,o cric sdn ph!;,n tr(m
hOO ('hl,.h elia dopa 3-O-metyl. di,ng trong
tllnh phlin enzym, viet till HVA)
Hooke's law dlnh lu ~ t Hooke (dlnh lu(it
homozeotrope han hO'p di soi (hem h q p I/leo do Irng .m ilt clia ch a t r4n Iy I f Ihu{ut
Irang d o cdc Ihdnh phfJn 16ng tr(m IIln val
110 1 b/~n d{U1g xay rn d 151 Vq ; n o)
;u.0I1 Ilreo m91 Iy I f 0- pha lOng va co Ihe
hook gaug~calip treo m6c (d'Jng cr" di;ng
Iddl ra Mng chung cal thOng ,/nrang)
d e do Mli'ng thay clo; ('lin m{rc nlruc trong
hone da mal (da. h(ll m;n dl'tttg de miil .wlC' khay bay I UTi)
c6ng ql, edt); may mal doa (may ,"iii gom
bop cay hot b6 (de Mm "r(y1I. bin), 1/ dl ph.:'"1
co cdu g/li' nh/ell lliin dd hinh Ihui'in be1
h o t tx"i (vilo mrac qmi d? ldm rtr(Y1l bia)
Ir( theo hinh mall IrOn dUng d? mal dOll)
bopeite hopetit , Zn3(PO.h.4H20 (khodng
honey ~t ong (chlft tie l ng91, nhOI, clui V{!I hf td phll'(7ng. mau xdm. ehtTa k i m
ylu g(}m levuloza lid dexlroza elm ong m(il. phosphat ng (im ntroC', tY Ir()l1g 2.76·2.85.
Mltg lell trong 10 OI1g) llrung hinh IIqi parahop eU)
honey comb to ong (khol Ie bOO sOp dtrtY; Hope's apparatus IhlEt hi Hope (thlet b{
• d(uag cdc hinlr lilng lTV I(IC gldc do ong m(it gom binh chlra muYe. hIm hvp lam l(JIfh
xdy cl(l'ng cho dan q lid chIt-a m(lt) Irong mcing bao qllnnh hinh. cdC' nl,lt l kif
boney combed /I (00) cliu true ~ng to OIlg n/umg trong nlroc 0 cdc di~m bin Iren vel
Hopfner 4 84
ben drr6 i h o n lu),p ldm I(mh, du"" d~
chlrng ,"i nn rhng kh6 i 1U't)'ng rien g Cl,r c
horizontal flue 6 ng kh6i ngang
horizontal-nued oven 10 c ng kh61 ngang
d (Ji e lill nr.rue JQ. 0- V aG khodng 4°C) horizontal gas coke cae khi 10 nga ng
Hoprner process qu ~ trinh Hopfner (qua horizontal grizzly m ay sang IIIa l ngang
trinh thu hoi d ong or qu(Jng sulf UlJ d o n g horizontal pump m ay berm ngang
nh & n g dm ehit l M ng dung dIe), d o ng (I )
horizontal retort n Oi c hU'ng nga n g (d e
clorua Iron g nalrl va canxi clo ru a va d i en
mUlg chdy kem )
ph/in dung d ;eh I(JO lhtinh tron g eric thiing
horizontal spindle pump bam
co m a n g baa vr. eon gpi Iii Hoepfne r
trl,l C

horizontal tube evaporat or chU'ng
n (}1
Hopkins-Cole reaction phan ..rn g 6 0g n gang (kl ~ u n ol bay h a l ch a l I ri n g
Ho pkins-Cole (s l.r x u.lft hien vong 11m khi d (Jn g o ng l o ng Idp n gan g , tlttra n g h ay
Ihem axil sui! uric d (im d (lc va o Iro n h (7p (limg nhift d e dieu cite mrac n 6 ng cap)
clura prolein va tail g ly oxy lic, lUy nh;en ,
hormone h a rmon , n OI tl e t t o (h 6a ch d t
gelatin va z ein kho ng ch a phrin Irng nay )
thong fin d o ctic tuyen n (il t ii!1 1(10 ra va
hopper phc u n ~p li eu (d~ n(lp \'(il Ii?u h(lt tie t Irl.r c fic p vao l LOng mall cl ~ / (1.0 r a ttie
r a l nh,r ng a coe h o{fc than) ; bunke, thung d (ln g d tJc It jf ll I€n pltan x a cl ia CO' th e;
chua h q p ch a t Illrll Co' dlr(7c t a n g h (J'p vai
hoppered bottom d ay hinh n6n , d ~y hinh llrq n g n h d u m QI b(J plt(in Clia cay wi
ph€u ehuy en teY! Ix? plrlin khtic n a l n o co onh
hopper scale din bunk e IJlro-ng l u i m QI qud trinh sinh Iy r l en g)
hopping SI,I' U'6'p h o t 00; SI,r h a l hor b6 horn s Cmg (d(m g d o\tn hi nh sfrng (a
v(i!) ;
hops oil da u ho t b6 (tinl! d au mau vang g Oc n o l kltung g o vuo ng) ; ant en loa k en;
pha t II.JC mili IhO'm m{lnh. Ian Ira n g con , c~ 1 tu v a; nga m glfr dlen Cl,l'C (0- m dy /1(1n
ele va elo r a! o m , khong Ian fr o n g m rac, di~m Ilep X IIc)

chlrng c dt tir h oa qu ri cay h OI bo. c a e hornbeam cay rra.n, c.;y sOi tr~ n g
/lu}nh pho n chinh Itl hlunulen . ger aniol wi hornblende h o nble n (l en cluing d o i va;
terp en , dimg d ~ u a p bin va Ihunc /a) eric amphlbol canxi hr
d a n t a 1{ I O ra diiy
horizontal It ngang, n ~ m ngang dung d ;ch r itn r i)ng g ifra nJur n g k i m 10(11
kh dc nh a u v a l co n g th ti'c l o n g qU a I
horizontal chromatography phep sac ky
(Cll,N a)2(M g, F e,A I). (A I,S;). 0 22 (O I -/ _F)2
ngang (ph t p sile ky glay trong d o pho site
kj nifm n g ang c h,;- kh o n g ph d ; th a n g hornblende rock da hon blcn
dll'ng) horn h:ad c o ntunit , Pb C I2 ; phosge nit ,
horizontal cylinder drying machine Pb2 0 2 COa . x phusgcnitc
may say In,l n ~ m ngang horn mercury ca lo mel tl,l' nhien i-Jg 2 C 12

horizontal diaphragm cell thung dd ic:.n horn quicksilver ca lo mel, x ca lo mel

phan nhm ngang horn silver xcm gy rit , A gX; cloragyrit, A gCl,
horizontal firing SI,r dot nga ng (St." d Ol
x cerargyritc
Mien lieu Iro n g liJ n o ; hai Iro n g d o cac hornstone da s Cm g (c()n g(Ji liz chert )
duu phwt x d Mien /if II. va khon g klt l va o horny 1/ bang s lrn g. c() d~ n g su-ng
to theo ch/eu n g anK ) horny subs tance cha t sfrng
horse box leather da lui yen ngt,ra nh(rng dleu klf n nhifl d ¢, rung ([(mg , d ¢
horse hair lOng bOrn ngt,ra llm, d (j 0 nhilm, hire X(l dien t i l' h o{1c btre
horse hide d a ngt,ra thO X(l h(l1 nhlin cr.r c k y khdc n g hif l)
hors e hide leather da ngt.ra (da thuOc) host structure clIu true chu, c ha t chu (call
horsepower rna h,e, StrC ng1!3 «(tan vi clJng Irue tinh Ihe 1(10 n en khung M y phlin tti'
sw1t q H e ky Ihu{J/ Anh, bhng 550 fU/ -pao kh ach Ir o n g h 9'P eh a l clalrat (c1(1n g 0
Iren g ilty, xdp xl 745.7 o at, vie ' ,d, hpJ luCri). con gOI lil h ost substance)

horse-shoe flame ngon Ilra hioh m o ng host substance ca u truc chu, Crull chu , X
ngl,l'3 h ost struc ture

horse-shoe furnace 10 m6ng ngl!8 hot n6 ng; ph6 ng x~ m ~nh/I II sac, nho n ; gay
ho r seshoe m~gnet na m cham hinh mons
ng\l3 (nam clrflm vlnh eli'll h o(lc nam ch am hot acid ax il n 6 ng (a'C iI clo hydric n o n g
dlen 10/ hinh m OOg n g (ro h o(fc clur U de (9.3-149 0 C ) d e phlin JUlY {up Call oon fr o ng
hal q r c gCJn nhau) g l e ng d a ll von hoa tan dl(im va kil o IO(li
horse-shoe main m (lng 6 ng hi nh mons
ngl!3 hot-air cure 5 1,1' h.ru hoo kho n g khi nong
horse-shoe mixer may IrOn rno neo, may hot-air drier thh~'t bj say kh6 ng khi no ng
kh uay rna neo hot-air engine do ng CO' khi n6ng (d(jng cO'
horse-shoe s tirrer may khua y mo neo nhiet SI r dl.mg k ho ng kht lto(Ic khl kJuic
nhu hy dro. h ell h o(lc n ita nhtl' cltift I m i
hors rordlte hosfo rdlt , C u 5 Sb (kh oting v{it
l am vi fC (sinh cong ) h Of,l1 d ¢ ng thea c hu
m all trdn g b(l c cluro h (J'p kim d o n g -
Irinh nhll' ehu t r inh Stirling h o(tc e h" trinh
antfmo n)
E ricsson)
hortonolite ho rt o nollt , (Fe.M g.Mnh Si0 4
(k h oang V(l l mcl u sam cluro s ille m sill. hot-air funne"phc u loe hai tha nh , phe u toe
n6 ng
mog le va m ang an, ta Ihanh vlen cUa day
o livi n) hot-air rurnace 10 khi nong (thi h hi strui
k I n c ling cap kho ng kil t n ong ch o cac o ng
Hortvet s ublimat o r thi e t b l th a ng h oa
dan _de Illan h oan ban g d Ol ltl'u d o Ir(Jng
H o rtv e t (d r.m g de xac dinh nhie l d (j
I(r c h o(fc nh & qU(l1)
ng u ng t~l (d illm Ihd ng h o a) ell a cac chal
r d n Ihdng h o a ) hot-air oven 10 khong khi n6ng
hot-air soldering han khong khi n6 ng (s~r
hose 6 ng mem, 6 0g cao su (dAn chltl l d ng )
han Ih lJi IIUJng k M ng khf h ep co nll'" d(J
hose machine m ay I~ m 50g cao su
du(yc dieu khi€n ch (lI ch e a g id Irj can clto
hose pipe dtremg 6 0g cau su
lul n l u ng m ol han r U n g re a cac tdm
hose tube 5 0g me m, 6 0g cao su m (lCh in )
ho s t-guest complexation chemistry hot-air s team c ure 51,1" h.ru h6a hOi m.r&c
h6a hOC tao phfrc chu - khach (sl,r ,hie' ke va khong khi nang
I CJng h 9"P va ng hfen CtrU cdc pJurc chat
hot- air steriliza tion SI,1" net trung ban g
phlin Iri- h (h l cO' co cifu Irue ral phuc I(1P
khOng khi na ng (p huO'ng pJu1p lii l trtmg
m 6 phdng cdc plure ch a l sinh h OC ) S ir dl.mg n hif t kho d Ol va t dl.m g C(i Ihuy
hostile-environment machine r o b o t linlt va nhlr ng v(1.t l j.fu chill nhif l khac von
cam llr ( r obot c6 khd nifng lelm vi fC t7 can say kh o sau X li- Ij , nhlfl d l) 160 -
hot... air 486
1650C tde dl.mg trang (I nhlft 2 glh) b~ kim lo(lJ nang chdy nh,r thiec ho(lc
hot-air vulcanization SV' h.ru h6a khoog kem)
khi nOng hot-draw chu6t n60g (chuol v(lt lifu trong
bot alkylation s .... ankyl h6a nOng khl no con n6ng)
hot atom nguyen tu- n6ng (nguyen It;' co bot drawing SI,T keo n6ng, s .... chuat n6ng
n~l nllng ho(lc d(mg ntlng coo liJ ke t qud bot-drawn tube 6ng keo n6ng
ruo ml)t qluf triM h(lt nhlJn Mil" phlln rii hot enamel coating s" trang men n6ng
beto ho(lc bt1t notron) bot extrusion Sl,J' due ep n6ng (qua trinh
hot blast 5\1' thO, n6ng dlic ep kim 1000i a nhift d(j rdt cao)
bot-blast rurnace to cao gi6 n6ng bot feed SI,r ~p Ii~u n6ng
bot blast beater 10 cao 816 n6ng bot noor may say day bling
bot blast main doong ang gl6 n6ng hot forming st,r d(lp n6ng (cac nguyen c{j~
hot-blast pig iron gang khang khi nong t{lO htnh th(TC hlin G nhiCI d(j cao hern
bot-blast sto"e 10 thoi khi nong (thlel bi nhicl'd¢ leii kil lin)' c,ja kim io(li)
Ihu hlJi d~ nung trrrac khOng khl di vao bot gas purification Sl,J' linh che khi n6ng
to coo luyin I'uip Mng each sIr d(mg nhii l hot gas recycle process qua tranh tuan
hI' khf 10 coo) hoan khi n6ng
hot body v~t cung nh~t hot-gas welding han khi n6ng (hcln v(Jt
hot break Sl,J' mng do dun nong; Sl,J' pnan Iiiu nIIiil deo bOng cach dal.l tlin Lam mem
.up do dun n6ns nh& lia kh6ng khi nang Sflll do him a chI)
hot breakdown Sl,J' I~ng do dun n6ng; Sl,J' dd hOa mcm)
phAn kYp do dun n6ng hot isostatic pressing S\I' d~p n6ng dAng
bot carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle chu linh (qua Irinh co kit bOI gom hO(fc kim
trinb cacbon-nitO'-oxy n6ng (bien the c,ia 10{l1 bIIng nung va ep bot deu tir mQi. phia
chu IriM cocbon-nilu xuifl hiin u nhift ct(j bin trong m(jl khuon mem kIn, viet uh
cao va m~t dl) cao g(lp trong cac VJ.l sao no HIP)
nJur sao mcYl va sao steu mal, Irang do h(ll bot jacket bao glir n6ng
nhlin nilu 13 bilt proton d~ 1(10 ro w:y 14
bot junction tlep dl~m n6ng (mol nol
irU'oc khi no bl phlJn rd beta Ihclnh cOcbon
13, cOn gt;J1 La fast carbon-nitrogen-oxygen
n6ng coo, c~p nhifl dlfn)
bot laboratory phOng thi nghiem pMog x~
(phong Ihf nghlim dur;Yc Ihitl ki d~
hot-cathode catot nhiet (CO/OI U do nhlfl
nghiin c u-u v(lJ llfU phOng X(J co cuang d(j
glly ra Sl.r phat X(J electron ho(lc ion, COlt
m(ll1h 101 m,re phdl dp dl.»tg cdc bien p/uip
g(>l III thermionic cathode)
xli'lj phc)ng ng'l'a d~c biet) .
bot cbemistry h6a hQC phOng x~
hot metbylation Sl,J' metyl h6a n6ng
bot cure sv
IllU h6a n6ng
hot moulding SlT dl> khuon n6ng
bot-die steel tMp lAm khuOn nOng (Ihip
hot plate bCp dien; tam nung (be m(l.t ' d(lt
hVp kim nhlft diJ coo, ch/u va d(Jp, drlng
ctlc mol nol duvc nung '61 nhlft dQ lriJn)
/rang ctlc may ren)
hot dipping nhung n6ng (s(r m(J cdc
bot polymer poiyme n6ng
thiJnh phlln kim Iot# Ixlng ctlch nJulng vdo bot polymerization SV' trung hO']l n6ng
487 hot-wire

hot press may ep n60g mrt-c; khfl rirng h ay b; ehdy Iro ng nhl4-ng
hot pressed (dU'Q'c) ep nong khodng Ihi71 ginn dell d(ln; vfmg b; r (>i
hot pressed oil dau cp n60g sting quri mire a b,re anh,' vi Ir{ fr o ng gen

hot press forge m tiy ep n6 0S (mdy d(ip co {an so d(jl bien cao 001 thua ng; Vling
1(10 hinh chi liel kim l o(Ii btlng each ep kim eo do phong X(l cao h u n trung binh; phan
IO(li nong Irang khuon a dp sudl cao)
b"e m(1/ lhnnh nh Mn li~1l a to p}uJn li'ng heu
nhfin hi n o ng qUQ mIre; Vllng h fP co nhlf t
bot- pressing SI,l' ep n 6 0 s (/(10 hinh b(jl
d ¢ coo h u n x ung quanh)
kim /O(li CJr(lI h o(!c.·gom btlng cdch uic
dl;lng d'Ong 'hal rip l~rc va nhi~1 u nfltet d(j hot spraying SIf phun n6 ng {ky Ihu(ll phlUl
drj cao dE xdy ra S l.l' rh i€u ket); SI! t(lO san Irong do d(J nha l cUa san dll'(Yc g ldm
composit (S(I' san xual v(il lieu comp osil bhng nhlel cluj- khong phdl bhng dung
M n g each lie n kit cot va ch ill n e n nlra mtJlI
nh iet '¥d dp It.re, Ilurang tT may ep Ilui.y hot-swage chon nong (g ldm tiel dien clm
Iv'c) o ng ho(lc thanh kim Lo(li nong)
hot-pressure welding 51.! h a n ep n o n g hot taring SI! ,rill nhl!3 tfOOng n6 ng
(qluf trlnh h dn ep Irang do St./' b i e n d(lng hot tear Sl! nli't n6 ng (sl,r t rich lto(1e ben
vi m 6 v(ll lieu n en de 1(10 r a st.r dong 11.1 In tTo ng h O(fc ben ngodi Irong V(ll dlk do llii
do Idc dlJng nhiel va rip ll,rc) h o(lc It-ng slUll Iro ng h o(lc cd hai, di'eu nay
hot-quenching SIT 161 n6ns (s¥, to; ttl' nhtel dt1n 16'i Sl.r h 6a riln klui ng dEl-ng va st.r co
d(j cao xu15ng m o l IruiYng nhii l d6 (hap a gan nhif l dQ ma v<i:1 d llC hOM l oan rifn)
h u n song vbn con cao) hot te s t SIf Ihlr n6ns
hot reflux 511 h oi Iltu n60g hot trim slra no ng (Jo(Ji bd bovla (ria xum)
hot renux condenser thiet bi ngtrng hoi . q v(11 r.en n ong)
ltru n6 ng hot-water cure Sl! Itru hoo ntr&C n6 ng
hot-rolled tube c ng can n60g hot-water funnel ph~u hal l&p, p~u Joe
hot rolling SI.! can n6 0g (s~l' CM cdc thanh n6ng
h o(lc tilm kim l o(li kill con n o ng) hot-water gravity circulation xl pho ng
hot-runner mold khuon duc ranh ngang nhl ~t

n 6 ng {khutm c h ilI deo Irong do r d nh hot-water heating h4$ th6ng Stral ntr&c
ng ang dll'(yc gill' no ng cdch ly vai cdc h oc n6ng (he tho ng sual ch o l oa nha Irong do
ItJlI m ol Iru'ang chuyen nhlit Id nrrac nong va
hot saw cU"a n6 ng {cua cong suat d i m g de phll'a ng lien phdl nhlf t la cdc It} sll'a l 100
eill kim 10(11 n o ng 1 nlili l, 10 srro-I dol Ill''' h o(lc panel o ng
hot shortness tinh glon n6ng (ifnh gUm, xot'ln. con goi Id hydro nic heating)
thll'Ong c Ua th ep h o(lc sift ren , khl kim 1000i hot well khoa ng n6ng (klroang gom phlin
n ong, d o hmn lu{yng luu huy nh coo) nglrng, nhtr a binh nglrng h al cua dCng
ca ho(lc wabln )
hot spot dil!m nang {vung h o(lc d l?m ben
fr ong hf phdn rIng t{li do nllif t d(j enD h a n hot wire SQ'"i n6ng {s(Yi dlil:' Ira c7 u,le.difn
ddng k~ so vai q thltn binh phdn Irng, nu ro khi n o ng va co '(Ii kht ngu(>i)j d ay
Ih'l'o ng xde d;1)/t. vi Ir{ m(lt phdn Ii'ng ; n6ng (day dan dl<n co dlf n lhe ~o va l diIll
vilng Irong dll'iYng o ng ddn bl mon qua hot-wire ammeter ampe ke nhlet, ampe
h o t-wire 488
k tr no n g (ampe ke d o d o n g xoay clli eu (qua Iri n " x /k I dc de l O(l1 h yd r o c l;n c dc
h o(lc m ¢ 1 chie ll b a ng cdc h c ll a 110 di qua h y il r o :::a c bo n n lll; c lia (m il t h o tltanh efk
s{J'J dliy manl! , k h i e n ch o S {7i day n o n g Mn m o no ho(Jc d lo lef in IIrang /"ng Cl io dutng,
vd g i an r a h O(1c ch"utg , IiIm N eh kim d o, drift Xlle lac crom-nh o m vai v(ir /leu Ir a
co n gpl ld t her m al a m m eter ) d iing dua i d(U1g vien)
h o t -wi re a nem o m e ter phong toe kif day H o ud r y fixed - bed calalylic c r ac k i n g
" 6 nS (p h ong IDe k if g om d '~n Ira elm sv i cr ack lnh XUC l ac tang co dlnh !-Ioudry (q lUI
d dy mdnh du(l' c m m g Mng die n , d(lt tr Of1g trinh Id i s inh vang de
c rack /n /r cdc p h 'lin
lu o n g k h l , thay dat (d o n g u (Ji dl) m ¢ / c/r u n g cd t dltu m o d~ f(JO ra xifn g ocl an
I U (l'n g p h{l t Jw oe vao I D e dO luo n g khl, cno IIr cric ph On c lft dau m o diem SOl e ao
(uing de ng h ten ell''1l kh a ng kilt' cluiy r o l h a n , c6 the d{m g cdc c h d , x /ic l a c v l en
wi ea c l a p bU n) l o n g h t;1p /r o(7c t l.r nh l e n It) n h 6 m oxit
h o t-wire in s trum e nt khi do d ay n o ng
Cl,I hy drosilicaI, COn g Oi Iti I-Io udry proce..<;,s)
(k lli Cl.l d o h O(lJ d o ng ph{I tlluQc wio sl,r Houdry h ydroc r a cki ng qua Irlnh I-Io udry
g ldn n u vi n hift clia ,<;(7i day m ang dong hy d rocr ac k inh (qu.a t r i nh x l ic tdc k if t h 9'P
d ir n ) crack inll I'a JO(li l Ull hlly nh da" Ih{j khi
C l la

hot w o rk c6ng vice nguy hiem (n illf m V I,I c o m(ll hydro . clufl x lk tnc co tlt e If) nik en
(/01 h o i /lim vle c va i , h O{Jc q g a n . lhie t b{ ox i l h o{lc niken s ulf un trell aJuminosi/ica/
ho(lc m (l ng dif n Ir an dang co d imK cli~n) wi coban . m o ly p d a/ tren nlmnin)
h o t working st,r g ia con s no ng (Sl," hun bie n Houdry pro ce s s q ua trinh H o udr y,x
d(JlIg d ,ln C1ia kim JO(1i w7i t oe d(j va nll'?1 I-t o udry flxed ...b c d !';"H <1 lylll: cr acki ng
do de k h a ng x tiy r a sf.r lifn g c l"ng d o bie n hou se h o ld fu e l c h ff t d6 t d an J..h,mg
d (lng d eo ncu p,) hou se hol d fu e l g as kh l d o t d<i n dl,lng
hot work in the b a tte r y co n g nh ic;t t rong h aus eh o ld soa p xa pho ng th LTi m g
acquy hove r c r a ft ta u d em k h f
h o t -z on e vung no r.g h owlite h nv lil, r.a 2Bi!5Si Og(O I-l ) ~ (klu){i" g
H oube n - H oesc h sy nth es is S l,T to ng hO'p q'il m(w tr a ng. d(lng luyc ll hO(k d(mg dd t )
H o ubcn· i-Ioc.<;ch (qua t,-,'nll n Ktrn g I {I Cl io
hp x ho rsepowe r
cdc x y a n u n val cdc pheno l p o ly hy dri c k lt i
HPLC x hlg h ... p c rfo r m a n c c l iquid
co m(1t h y dro c/or tla va k l! m clo rlW de cli o c hnlm atognlphy
cd c ketal'! p h en olic)
h r gi(Y, h , g h o ar I
H o udrinow c a t a ly tic c r ac king cracki n h
H - R NA x heterogeneous r ioonucleic acid
lu a ng xuc tac H oudry (qu a trlnll crn ck i nh
H S L A s t ee l ,\: high -6trcn glh iow ....'l lloy steel
X l k tdc l i nh cl! if dWI m d lang dong . lien
t(IC de s a n x u iil xtfn g Ocl nn c a o I lr eric H s u bs t a n ce cMt H (clUll t tu yn g tl.r nltU'
p l! an cdl dOll mo n(fng h U n) hi,\'l a min vn du(>'c col nlf tr d o ng m tj t val
Ira tro nK phdn '''n g ell a ,"(Jch m au CI.~ c bQ
H o udrifo rming qua Iri nh f o rm in h I-I oudry
Iro ng Sl..r ';311 I lul'O'n.g m 6)
(qud Irinh r ef ominh x lk I dc tinl! ch e d o u
m o lien /J.l C d e san x lI a , phan co I h u m
HTU x he ight o f tra nsfe r un it
oclan cao fir naphta oclan t h a p) Huber' s rea ge nt t hll o e I h& H u ber (dun/(
H o udr y but a ne deh y drogen a tion d;c h IIlrn-c c /ln nm o n i m o lypdnr va kall
ph uung ph ap !-Io udry 10 ,,11 h ydro ella bula n , erro:y anua. cI/l.n g nh,I' ' h u oc f ilii- de phdl
489 humid

h/ ~n axll ~'6 cO' '(I' d o) n l1ng va h(ln clri! trong .\'1,1' Illl,re h iijn Clio
Hubl's reagent thuGe thlr I-Iubl (dung die" can ng ll'ul, eo !Hi n qlllln f al vif C thilt ke
10 1 w) (Juiy n gfin cLorun Iro nK con dilng (Ii] mdy m oc, ng h e nKhi~p Vii nh(rng bi/!n cdl
xdc dinll ham [l,,(mg jot c,in dau va Ina ) khne Irollg m o l lrll'Ung v(ll Iy Clio con
hue sac (len Clio m (it mnll nlllr do, wIng __ ngrrui, con g9i In hum an engineering)
II/ II I' cam nh(in chu quan) human-machine chart sa do ngl1'CYi .fTl3y
buebnerite huebnerit, Mn\\O. (lhllnh vlin (sO' d o qua trinh d a 1r0(ll dQng hal CQI n iu
m angan mau do pilat ntill l ui den cLia d c1y cdc b,ruc do nhlJn viin Ih {l'c hi ~n Vii ale
von/ram ii, xillft hlin dll'of d(ll1g linh Ih ~ Ihao fdc do m dy 1IIl,r e hien va chi ra cdc
lifng tTl.'. hf dan u), nKifn, dong hinh wi'i IIU7J gian r o t IIl'00ng Il-nK d o i yql m ol bin,
f erberit) con gpi Ii) man ..machinc chart)
hiihnerkobelite hun e rk obc li t , human-machine system h e ngl1'Cri·m;:ly
(Na,CaXFe,Mnh(PO.h (khonng vrl chlra (he ma c'ric ell/ iT n ang clin ngll'ul conK
phosphat nntr', canxi, sli, va mangan , d anK nllan \'a mtiy c6 lii n quan val nlwn WI d i"
hinlt VeTi v(ulllit) thle', cho IW(l/ d (mg etia h f thonK .. con gpl
Iti mal1.fTl<lchinc sy stem)
hull vo; vo lral clly; thim tau Ihuy; than may
b.'y I I (il b6c vo humboldtine h u mboltin , FeC 2 0 " ,211 2 °
(kllOdng v(l t clura sill (II ) oxalat ng{im
Hull cell binh di~n pnfm ke l lila I-lull (bin"
IlIl'ac, cim gpi IiJ humboldlil e, oxa llt e)
dien phtin ktl /lin hO(1/ d (mg ben (rong
m Ol khodng dong th ai cdc m (il d¢ dong humboldtite humbollit , x humboldtine
dii biih) humectant c h at gay am, c h a t t~m tr & t
huller may bOc V(l, may xal vo (clUlf I Ulp t"l.~ h O{1c gill' l (li lil'n, ~'i dl.' Iii

hull rubber cao su m img glyxero l , Kly/co/ prop y len l'fl H,rbilol,
(h ing Iront: dleu clti! /tl/rf k~'o wi IlOa qll(i
hulsite hlll slt , (Fe 2 + ,Mgh(Fe 3 + ,sn).
S(IY klu))
(B03)02 (kh o ring v(il mnu den c/1Il-a
.w11·canxl.magle·kiJm bornl)
humic (lhu(K.:) mun, humiC (n) lif" '1/1(111 l ifi
/zo{lc thin X lii" Ill- mii,,)
hum tieng u (lim Ih anh do /01 snl elin bie n
humic acid ;-Jxil humic (m(j( Iro JlK cdc w::U
tip 1(10 ra vi cric td 161 bien tip ip khong
hth~ cO' plt/i'e I<,p klufc nhau tllll dlr~Yc lir
clr (lt h o{1e eac h ie" l r ng Ill- gido, Ian 55 din
I n/ln , khi'mg Jan trong cdc ax;' va dung m Oi
din thanh gnp dol Ian s5 dll'iYng d{ly dien
IUrll CrT)
I{re); Ulp diCn (nh/ell dicn X ll({, hl¢n a "lin
so ngllan dl~n . ho(Ic r tfe h pa ba Clio n o) humic-cannel coal th an nc n · mun (CO"
gpi hi p<ieudocannel coal)
human chorionic gonadotropin
gona~o tr o pin m a n g deem cua n gLTCri humic coal them no n, than mun (JJwn cn
(h ormon kich sinh d {Ie vn kich Ih ~ wlnR miut l/zan gom cll/l yell clU11 1m,,, II/mil hUn
do flit m ang dem tie l ro, vi et t tll HCG , elm trong SUOl )
gp/ lit chorionic gonadotropin) humic compounds chat miln
human engineering ky thu~U vi nhan, x humic substances cha t miln
human·faclors e nginee ring humid tI li m , l1'cYlam
human-factors engineering cong nghe v i humid air k h6ng khf am, hO'i am
nhan (lin h \ '(l'e Irl Ih.rc nghLen Cll-It cdc khd humid anulysis phe p phan tich 1.J1Y(
humid 490
humid gas khf ~m Humphries equation phU'O'ng tr i nh
humid beat nhlCt dung r1~ng eua khi ~m . Humphries (phuung trinh cho Iy "00 eac tY
nh~t ~m nhlet defng tip vd citing Itch Irong kh ang
humidification SI,l' Lolm hm (qua Ir;nh lifng khr Ibn nhrr helm eua dp StUff hQ'i mro-c )

Iulm Irrt;rng hoi nll't.7c ella chlft khf) humus chat mun, hun (ehdl d(mg k eo, v6
humidlner m~ I~m ~m (mdy t(U) am ch o d;nh h i nh, tlurang cn mau sam, Ie) plul-c
kh"ng khf va duy trl dt'l ll kifn am cfln h t;Tp cdc V{Ut chltt hFru cO'. Clta d (mg, ll!l.r c
(httl) v(1t kh&tg bl phiin hUy}; d a t den
humidistat m~ do chlnh d O nm (khi C I.I hundredweight (viif, ull CWl, d u n vi
l ;,:t

40 va dteu chlnh de. lJm Ifl'CYng dol, con khoi itr(J'ng thOOg d{lng q Aiy bilng 100
g (J1 til hydrostat) poo. h o(lc 45.359237 k g , con g (J1 Id centa l,

humidity tioh hm ; do a m (hdm IUl:;m g h u t

centne r , kintat, quintal, sho rt hundredweight;
d eYn v; kh oi 1ll't7n g tho n g d{lng q A nh
mrtt e (rong khf quy en.. dll'(1'c biell (hi theo
nhi?u slJ do, nhu' do lJm IU'O'ng d o ; chdng Mng 112 p ao h o(1c 50,80234544 k g. con
gpi Iii lo ng hundredweight; lIu n v; kh 6 i
Itrt;Tng tron g he tr oy bhng 100 pao troy
humidity capacitor tv d o hm (dlJng c t.' d o
ho(lc "3 7. 3241 7216 k g ) ,
do am 'trong d 151 CI4:0 m lJi truu ng bttng
cdch cdm bie n 4 0 (hay d lJi dlen dung) Hundsdieke reaction ph fl n u-n g
Hundsdiekc (1(10 ra alky l halog e"ua Mng
humidity indicator chat chi bao do am each dlln sol b(lc carboxylat vO'l dlrQ'n g
(muol caban (vi d'.l cohan (11) clorua) (hay
hr(J'ng brOin Irong cachon telraclorua)
dlil mau khl do am Xlll1g qllnnh (hay dbl,
hu ngry da thu(lc d&
no d~1 lir mdu h'Ong khl hydrat hOO s ang
mau leT phu t hie kht khtm) Hunt and Douglas process qu a tri nh
Huw va Douglas (qua I"'nll nung ch dy bao
humidity test phep thlr dO am (ph ep IIUT
g om mUtg sl en chua d ong , ch i, vang va b(lC
iJn mOn frong d 6 mall c hili 4 (11 Irong m 61
de 1(10 ra d ong sull aJ va ax il (clllr kh ong
trlrong co d (J am va nh/f l d~ dut;Tc kh6 ng
phdi b(lc .w .llnt), .\·tJn phllm c/ut;Tc ngllm
chiel bh ng axil sIllfuric c h o d ong. dung
humid volume thC tich (kh6 ng khi) iim d Icit t (lO r a dut;Tc X I;' Iy vql canx; clOTua
humin humin (chdl m dtl khlJng lu) a Inn 1(10 nllit clIO hm hlly nh cliax lt qua n 6. d ong (/ )
ra Irong S(r Ih,lY phdn axil clla mOt protein clorua sau d o dlrt;Tc klul' thanh oxll bilng
chua tryptophan) ; ulmln, x ulmln nmyc vol {Idi sinh conx i nne/orua} va d ong
humin substances chit mun (I) ox iI dut)'c nllng chdy)
hum.te humU (khodng v(JI than mun; d dy huntite hunlil , Ca M&t (COa ).. (kh odng v(it
khodng. v<2t neosllieQ/ magle co liin qllan mall trang ch tra canxi mag/t! eacbonat )
ch(lt ch~ vl edll trlic tinh th? vd ht7p phiin hurdle Ol<;Ing, lI..ral; each lar
h6a h(JC) bureaulite hureaulit, Mn a H 2 (pO.. ) .. .41-1 2 0
humogelite humogelit . x ulmln (k.hodng v(il hf deYn tel, mau siic klulc nholl,
Humphrey gas pump bO'm kh i chri'a ph osphat ax il h y drat h oa e l4 Q
Humphrey (t CJ ht7p d(jng-·cu d o l trong vd mang an)
bum Irong d 6 pit long kim 10(Jl dut;Tc thay husked (dllQ'c) b6c vo
Ihe bIIng ct)t nrrt7c ) hutch m ang (litu), th ung; may rlm /I cli xep,
491 hybridized

glip, g(lp Hybinette process qua trinh Hybineue

hutchinsonlte hutchln so nlt , (qua trinh tlnh ch~ anol nlk en Ih6, 01101
(pb,TI).(Cu,Ag)As.S,o (kh odng V~I m all d.u,Yc d(lt trong ~ be timg ct5t !hep asphan
dd chrra suit ua ch i, d '3n g va QTsen. vO-l va h o a tan Jiin h6a de chuyen cdc I(lP
nhtrng luV ng tall va b(lC Ihay d<JI, xullt chdt nhu dOng va silt vdt> dW1g d;ch lrong
hll n 0- d(Ulg linh 1M nhd h i Id phluTng) khi WJ sling lien I(~C chat dli n phdn niken
buttonite hutonlt, ThSiO. (khodng v~ h t Iinh khle l) .
dun to kMng mdu ta l mau lI.le nh(lt. chUa hybrid II ( thuOc) lal chung (co hai hot1c
sllicat lhorl, irrbng hinh \!61./horil) nhi'eu d(lc Irfl'ng ho(Ic kleu cdu Ink khdc
HVA x homovanUUc acid nhau) /I 000 k1i, v6t lal (h(lu th ~ Clla cdc

byacinth zlrk:on. x zircon CM m f khiU: 1(}(Ii dl Irllyen)

hyaline h ya lin (chdt trong. d o ng tlnh. hybrid composite comp~iI 1,,11 (1I(l1 /if "
comp o ...it 10 h(J'p hal h o<fc nldi n co, I{nh
khtJng cifu trrk. tim Ihfiy tToni: the gac
cua S(ln , t h ~ Ihlly /lnh , c h d l nh ay vn nd ng cao) •
g lycog en) II /I trang suot. It,ra thUy lInh hybrid enzyme enzym la l (d(mg en zy m
byalite hyaU I (bien Ih~ kh6ng mau. Irong polyme xuJ{t hiin Iro ng cdc cd the dl h(Tp
cha 'h ay d(lltg phon ,,;, l ai cif,. Ihanh tir
ho<lc tTong m e) Clla opal, d{ll1g k l , h(lclr
ellu h o(1c ke, tren m{ft, d(U1g chiun /lha
cdc don vi dutYl phan It;' khdc Mall a m (H
h o(1c nhi'i u axil nmin)
_t!ocdt:' hoc va khe ittI', ala dd, con g()i In
M~I~r's glMS, water opal)
hybrid integrated circuit m (ICh tich h(,:r p
lai (m(lch co di'ulg mOt h o(fc nhieu linh klf n
byaloba~alt hyalobasal, x 13chylite
r al r(lc kil h (Tp vO-l kit call m(lch Ifch
hyalophane hyal o ph a n , BaA I2 S1 2 0 e
(k hoting v(11 f el spal khtJn g Innll. h i dun
hybridization 511 lai hna c(k I e ' b(lo
(1(10 " (1
In, d?ing hinh vO-l adulcuia, con K9i II)
dlnh duung la; ... 6 ng dfl'Q'C nh& h(yp ~ i boo
baryl3 feldspar)
1(10 ra bQng Ih{l'c ng h iem ; lac dwtg h o(lc
hyalotekite hyalotekH, (pb,Ca,Ba).BSl e O'7 - qtui lri nh 1(10 ro cdc con l al; t(to ra the l al
(OH.F) (khodng v(JI m all xdm Irang c h trn bdng cdch kit c(fp c~ $(J'I ax it ribonuclei c
bor osilleal va / lorua chi, barl vd canx I , phl.l vn axil dearyrlbo;ulClelc (A DN); Ir(Ht
d{utg khiJl k{, tlnh) a cling nguy en ttl' hai ~o(fC nhi'iu orbit al
hyaluronate hy aluro nat (mun; h o(fc «t.fte co ndng lU(Tng luang I l,r , 1(10 r a orbital la; )
ala axil hyaluronic) hybridization probe ph:in llr do lai h Oi!
hyaluronate lyase Iy aza h yal ur o nal , x {phiin IIi nhd (,lia ax;' deoxy rib on ucleic
hyalurooi<la.e ho(IC' ax II r ibonucleiC' lion dUCfc dtinh d ifu
hyaluronic acid axil hyalur onic phong X(l va di'tng de nh{Jn d(ll1g C'de (lay
(polysacarlt lim Ih ay nhll' m QI p h {j n axil nllCieic ph{J Ixlng 5 1.1" l ai hOa)
nguyln cUD chill glong gel Irang m o lli n hybridized orbital quy ham lat hOO, orbital
k{1ella d~ng v(II) Iai h6a (obilaL pi.iln lri', ItI III h()'p lIly{n
hyaluronidase hyaluronidaza (m o t enzym t f nh cua hai h o(l.c nh;eu o rbilal ntlng
btlI k j Clla hp cdc enzym von xUc ,de !J (l' IU(Tng Itrong d,urng (nhu cdc orbital 2s
phllll hliy axil hyalur o llic, COli gpl ld va 2p). t (tp Irung d()C Ih eo m QI huri'n g
hyaluronate lyase, spreading f actor) nhifl dinl' trong kh6l1g g'lan vd 'hapt gla
h ybrid 492
t(lO tlrilnh m(jl lii n k i t ho a I T; lrl,r c /lI p) c h o ng flfn g huy e l rip . rl l m g nlur mIl o;
hybrid mi c r ocircuit vi ~ch lai (\., '" (Jell hyciroclol'lm )
f ro n g d o kit h cYp eac ky ,"u (i t mang h yd ra nt va n Ury mr&c chfra c hay , x fl re
m ong, mang dny h o(lc khllech trin va l nlc hyd rant
chip ban dan x lin "kit rUng de ((1 0 Tn h yd ra r g illite hydrnrgillt . x gibbsllc
m (leh) hydra r gyris m flg Q d(l c t h u y n gfo n , x
hyb ri d m o lec ul e ph ~ n tv lal (dan phlin mercurialism
Ifi, tluriTng /0 pro tein, d (fc 'f/mg cli o eric h ydra r gy rum thlly ngfln, x mercury
va d urn h al ,"(lelt p o lyp ep/if
dl h r;rp Ili'
h ydrase hydra7..a (en zy m XI ;C tac sl.r 10(1; fxj
cd " Ink khtic nhau xac dinh bet; Ita; aiel h o(Ic bO ,fUng ",rO'e vao chil l n en k h6ng
klltic nha,, )
elin Iluiy ph fin n6)
-h yb rid o rbit a l orb ital la i, qu y ham lai hy dras tin e hydrastin, C21J-J21N Oe (alka/oit
(orbital I (JO Tn n1l& 10 h (J'p hai h o(ic nldell
I dch " " m Ol s6 l oaf thuQC h 9 cay m ao
orbital ng uyen Ilr tren m ¢/ nguyen IIi)
II/ra ng , d (1ng Iltng k i nh ta plllrcm g , k i t
h yb r id pro p ell a nt I huoc no d ay lai (t /t IiOC ifn I! ti'r dun g d{c h ruqll, n on g cltdy d-
n{J dliy SIr d {U1g 10 hO'p 1'(11 lieu long va 132 ° C, Ion m (mh Irong ax e/ on va ben z en,
r ifn d e Ipo rn n ifng Itrt,)'f1K d ay va ch o', !tm
1flJ1 Irong eloro! om, 1(", il h a n trong etc
lam vli c) va cOn)
hybrid thin·film ci r c uit v i m\lch mfmg
hyd ras tinin e h y dra s tln l n, C11 H 130 3 N
mOng lal (vi m (I ch / (10 ra bd ng crich Kan ( h 9'P (' h iff 1(10 r a do sl.r phr.n lill y
cae than" phan ru t r(l.e va d{tng C(I /xin da n
Ity drmilin , k €t l inlt h i nlt kim llr dung dicit
vu l cdc m (lng tlulnh phlm 111(1 tl(jng wi doy
ete da" m o, fan - trong ctic d unK m ol hil'''
dan du'Vc klwech ttin Irong chon kh ang
co, nhlr con, cloro! om va ete, d iing Irong
Iren n cn gom Irang m en, saphia h o(l c Ilfliy
y h(X' n lflr cha l kich fhich Irong bfnh co
re va nhu cllIll com m ril~ /rong cluiy m au
h yd a n to in hyd a nt o i n , (~N2 02 J-1
IIi- clmg)
cI,lft k e f l in h mall fr a ng , n ang chriy a
hy dr a tab le II hydral h6a c.h nlc
2 200C, dli ng n l llr h oo dlift Iru ng Kia n
(rong srln x lld, m ijl so cilr(yc phlim va nh ll' hydra t e hydra l (d(m g h (1p ch ilt r tJll co
cI,1f1 Lam ",em va /dm Iro n wlf, con g pi Iti mro-e dua; dong ctic phlln IIi' H 20 lien
glycoly urea) kel val n o, vi d{4 dong sUlf at khan lit clUJ'
h yd n oc arpi c a ci d axil h ydn oc a r pi c , riln m ou Ir iinK c6 cong Ih,rc e usa. n l llmg
C U,H 2B 0 2 (chnt beo wi d o ti kh o n g {I II khl k i t linlt II" mrO'c ,hi 1(10 r a clul l r tfn
dU'Vc Idch lir d ati. d (li ph ong IIi', 1(10 ra cac ke: , linh mau lam vO'; co n g Ih 'Te
anh Ihe mall t r tfng n 6 ng duly a 60°C, CuS0 4 .5H 20 va ctic ph ii n Ili' nll'(YC I II
dii ng (I e d{ell Ir; bfnh Hansen) ph an k h 6ng trich r O'I Clia tinh Ihe; h 9'fJ
ch a l k e t Jin/l 1(1.0 Ihanlt l ir,fW to JI()'P mrO'('
h ydracid hydraxlt
va clu1 , k hl, tI/lrQ-ng Id Ihanll ph on Cli a kltl
hydr ac ryli c a c id axil hy dr a c ryli c ,
IhU n nhien co tip) II dl lty draJ h on
C I-I 2 0H.CH 2 CCXJH (ch a t l ong co ci?iu. Iii.
Isome cuo ax il l ac tic va khi dW1 n 6ng phan h ydra t e b aryta ban hydroxll , Ba(OI-l )2
h tiy Ilu)nh ax il acry lic ) h ydra t e d a lumin a " hom osit hydrnl h6a
hyd r a la zine hy d ra I27. in , CaHaN. (fhl/ae x alum ina lrihydrme
493 hydraulic

hydrated aluminum oxide hydrat nhom V(Yi cae phiin Ill' ho(ic dan vi khac /o(li,
ox it, x alumina trihydrate ph/fC chfft co Jh~ (tlf(J'C co kel bang nJurng
hydrated baryta bari hydroxit, Ba(OH)2 tile Ilfang doi yell hoiJe co Jh~ Ion I(li nhu
hydrated cellulose xenluloza hydrat h6.:'l, m(jt hr,rp chal xric dinh)
x hydrocellulose bydration beat nhl~t hydra! hOO
hydrated chloral cloral hydral h6a, x hydration water m.r&c hydrat hoa, m.r&c
chloral hydrate ket tinh
hydrated electron electron hydral boa hydrator thiel hi hydra! hoo
(electron gidt ph6ng khl ion h6a m(Jt phan hydratropoyl (goc) hydratropoyl,
hi' mrac bal mrac va bao qll.anh roi
eric C e H s CH(CH 3)CO-
phiin tu-nU'G-c dinh hUQng sao cho hydrau lic II (thu¢C) thuy lire; (thu6c) Ihuy
electron khong thoal ra dur,rc, con g9i Iii dong (ho(l.J. d(jng IlO(ie bi fac d(Jng wi Idc
aqueous electron) dl.mg clio. nlflYC hoifc chot [11'11 co d(J nh(rl
hydrated ·grease ma hydrat boa (Ina dieu Ihap khdc); (thuoc) mro-c; chju nu-o-c
cht v6'i xa phong chua klem hydra! h6a) hydraulic analogy SI! lU'o·ng tlJ (huy dong
hydrated halloysite hatoysit hydrat hOO,x (<;// luang III giu'a dong cha, long nong
endellite va dong chirl klu' chill min, nhlrng hi~n
hydrated lime voi tOi, x calcium hydroxide IIrr,rng khac nhall nhl( song va d(jp xuat
hydrated manganic hydroxide mangan hi?n a cd Iwi h4. sl.r luang 11./' do; hoi bO
qua cae gia 10e.: Ihilng dllong Irong chift
(III) hydroxit hydral hoa , x manganic
long wi nhl"i'ng glut h(ln do; ~'u; ry so cae
hydrated mercurous nitrate thuy ngan
ty nhi?f doi wTi dUll khO
hydraulic binder chal ket dinh chju mrac
(I) nitral hydra! hoa. Hg2(N0S)22H20
(tinh th~ nh(l)' sang, d(Jc, tan trong nucfc hydraulic brake phanh tbuy Il!c (phonh
n6ng, phtin hlly a 700C. dimg nhu ihuoc Irong d6 fIle ham du'{yc dlfa vao Ihong qu.a
thli' phlin I{ch va IronK. nganh mJi ph{Jm lac c1l.mg elia mdy rip Ilui.y il.rc)
va y hQC) hydraulic cement xl m~ng chju nU'o-c, xi
miing Ihuy Il!c (x j mrlng dong Clrng I(li
hydrated silica sllic axit hydrat hoa , x
Irong nUG-c)
silicic acid
hydraulic circuit m~ch huy Il!c (m(leh
hydrate inhibitor chat lrC chc hydrat (m(Jt
hor;lI d(jng ,,(mzg 11,1' m(1ch df~n Irll' m{)l
chifl (nhu rU{Y1l hot;I.c glycol) Ihem vao
dieu La dong di~n d,.rqc Ihay the bling
luang kht d~ ngiin sl.r t(lO thanh va S~(
dong muYc hO(I.c chat lim khae, nhu 6' st.'
dong bang Clia cdc hydrat khi Irong cae
d{ell khien bling tluly /l.re)
h~ nhi~t d(J thap)
hydraulic classification Sl! philn la~i
hydrate of aluminium nhom hydroxlt,
thuy h..rc (':ill phfin /o(1i cac Il(ll frong thling
A I(OHh nhir Ij tY(mg, diing dong ntrrrc d(1ng len)
hydrate of barium bari hydroxil, Ba(OHh hydraulic conductivity d(l dfln Ihuy Il!c,
hydrate water mro-c hydrat hOO, mr&c kel h~ so tham, x pcrmeability coefficient
hO'P hydraulic current dong Ihuy !lyc (dong
hydration Sl! hydrat hoa (qua trinh giin frong kenh do chen" lifeh nul'r: mrac r.Y IIai
mr6c phiin Iii' vao In(jl phtin II; phll'c hqp ({till)
hydraulic 494
hydraulic cylinder xl lanh (huy ",e khne d'l'ol dp Slidl)
(klJonng xl lanh c,;n bum die" chuy?n hydraulic pipe cng nuUc cao ~p
errung br;c) hydraulic pIpe-line dLl'Ong 6ng nLl'Oc cao
bydraulic elevator may nang thuy dong ap
(mdy nlJng hO(J1 d(Jng bttng dp II.l'c ntruc hydraulic power oil dau dOng CO' Ihuy h,re
con gc>l In hydrauUe lin) (dml sdn xlllf, II"" gilng dd lO(lI cdc IfIP
hydraulic engineering ky Ihu~ t thuy cOng chdt ifn /nOn va glly gl, dung d~ eh(l), bum
(ngtlnh kj Ihu41 cang trinh lIin quan lui ,huy hl'c gllng khoan)
thie/ kt, /i1p rdp va xby dl.rng cdc tr(V7l Xli' hydraulic press may ep ,hUy hIe (,Il hp-p
Ij mute IhdJ, cdc he thong Cling c4p ttll'UC, m(ll xl lanh lun va m¢t xl lanh nhd noi
d~p . nhd /tidy Ih<ly dl/n_) vul nhau Mng dm7ng ong vd chfra chdl
hydraulic nuld ehilt IIru tbUy h,e (cha, Icing (Ie al' SIIifI eheft ldng t(10 ra IxTi 1(I'c
"til co 49 nhal
ca'4 th,lY
'hap dring de Jam hO(lI nhd lac dl,Vlg lin pit tong aio xl lanh nhd
dong ca hrc) se dAn ttln 1{l'c Ion lac d(V1g lin pil long
hydraulic rrJdlon rna ~t IhUy d Ong ' (s,l'C U xl lanh ltl1l, con g(11 Id hydrostatic press)
edn dol vetl dong chdy. Idc dl.Ulg lin lie ,"(II hydraulic pump may bO'm Ihuy It,rc, x
IIlp xric glua dong va ong ddn dong va hydraulic ram
lam llin thlf, nllng IU(1ng) hydraulic ram may born Ihuy IIfC (thiet bi
bydraullc .Index chi sO' c..rng mr&c (xl de tp ntl'ac chdy lin mll'e cao han nJu7 SIr
/tiling) d(mg dong nllng clla dong chdy. dong
hydraulic leatber da kin n.roe nll'ue d- ((frang ong cap dll'q'C di'rnx I(li
hydraulic lime vOl chju nucYc, vOl (huy mQt eriC'h mnn holin sno eho m9J phlin nhd
(JO{l/ dd vtJl dd dlf(YC nung va ngh/en than" ml'lYc dlt'(Tc nling lin beYi cot tip do toc do
1>(11, hl1p Ih'.l mr6c rna khtJng truong hcxk Clio phon iun, con g(J1 ld hydraulic pump)

nong lin, cho chlfl gdn kFI rt'ln 1(11 Irong hydraulics IhUy h,rc hoc (ngdnh klrna h pc
nuac) vd cimg nghe lien qllnn d en ca II(X' eh({f
hydraulic limestone da vol IhUy cOng (da It,.", d(fc bieJ ld erY hpc chlf, innxJ
,o(Jl clul'a sille axil va
nhom axil I(UJ ra 1000i hydraulic separation sv pb;in Ioai lhUy
vOl riln 1(11 Irong nll'u e) It,rc (s~( phlin lO(1i ea h(Jc co SIr dl.InK md)'
hydraulic loss tlln 'ha, 'huy dong (I!;n phon l{)(Ii kieu Jlll;Y l{l'c)
Ihlfl nifng luVng chlfl lrm do ma stil dOng hydraulic test phep lhLr Ihuy ap .
chay bin /rong h~ Ihong) hydraulic turbine tuabln thuy It,rc (mdy
hydraulic machine may thuy hit (mdy bien d5i nifng IU(Tng cUn ngllon mUTe d-
ch~y /xing d(!ng CCY kich hO(l' wi dong coo thanh coo ntfng "in Ir{tc quay J
ehdy kin ella. ehlft long nhlt' do" ho(1c hyd~aulicwater mloc IhUy h,re
nlt'oe cO tip) hydrazide hydrazil (hydrazin axyl, hvp
hydraulic main ong mr&c cao ap o
bydraulic module h~ sO chju mme dllr, co eong thtre R-t-NH-Nfl2 1
hydraulic mortar VLrd chiu mr&c Jrnng do R co the In nh6m,~' nlkyl)
hydraulic motor dOng cO' thuy II!C (c1(mg hydrazine hydrazln, H2NNH2 (ehdt lonK
C'U kieh hO(lI bttng nm7C ho(fc chlf, Iring khong mnll. htit am, so; d- 1140C, ",iii

amonlac, no La chat khl;', co Ih? N zH axil hydrazoie, HNa

phl1n hdy, bazO' va hal chlrc, drlng nh.r hydrindantin hydrlndanlln, C18HtoOe
nhlln IIfu ten 1.i-a, uc che lin man 0- no; (h{Tp chdt dUng nhrr thUDC thu xdc dlnh
IttTI vtllrong long h{Tp vc't lI~u h0(11 tinh btlng trile quang cdc axil amin)
Wrh h(Jc, chili ntJ, chat chong axy /roo vii hydriodic acid axil hydriodic (chat Jdng
h6a eM, lam dnh) mall wIng von La dung dlch mrcYc cuo
~)'drazine chloride hydrazin clnrua , hydro tocllla khi, dung dlch 59% hydro
N1H4 2HO lodlw 1{lO ro chlf t II3ng soi lien llJ.c, It:} ax It
~ydrazine hydrate hydrazin hydral, m{ll1h dr'utg trong long h{yp chit, hrro cO'
H1 NNH 2 0H 2 0 (chlft long khong mall, WI tam thuoc thu 'rong h6a phlin lich)
Me khat, sot a 119,4 o C, dung nhlr mot hydrlodic acid gas khi' axlt hydrtodic, x
Ihdnh ph'M trong nhten lifll phdn I~rc va hydrogen Iodide
trOllg lC»tg h{yp hii'll CO') hydrion ion hydro
bydrazinobenzene hydrazlnohenzen, x hydroaromatic tI thO'm hydro h6a
hydroaromatic compound ho-p chat
Z·bydrazinoethanol 2-hydrazinoetanol, x lham hydro hOO
hydroaromatic series day t-hcym hydro
bydrazobenzene hy drazobenzen, hoo
C12 H 12 N 2 (hQ'p chat kel /lnh kh6ng mall,
hydrobasaluminite hy drobasalumln.l t,
nang chdy' a J32°C, Ian it trong nITtYc, Illn
AI.. (SO.. XOH)10.36H20 (khoang v(iJ chl~a
Irong con. dung nhrr hoa chat trllng gian
"hom sui! at ng(im ",rae va hydroxlt)
trong long h9'P benz idin)
hydrobenzoin hydrobenzoin, C 1.. H 1 .. O Z
bydrazoi~ acid axil hydrazoic , NHN :N
(It(YP clU11 kef linlt khonK milu t(lo ra bttng
(eM/ lOng eM n?J, La chat d(x: nguyen sinh
m(lJ1h s{)l cY 37°C)
I cdr.' n g c Ii a h c) n h 0 n g nat r I I ~ n

hydrazone hydrazon (hQ'p chat clura

benzaldehYI. nong chtiy a
136°C va Ian il
,rong mrtYc)
nhom - N H.N:C - va thll dtr(YC til' phdn
hydrobiotite hydrobiolit (khoang Ilt;ll set
ling nglmg 11,1 c,ia cae hydrazin v(r; cac
triocwhedral (trim m(1t ba) gom cdc I&p
alde/tyl ho.(fc kelOll. dimg nh,r nhien li~u
d(lc bi~l) . hlm h(yp ella biotit va vermtc"UI)
bydride ~~drua (Iu;rp clUll chIt-a hydro va hydroboracite hydro borax it,
m¢ nguyen 10 khac. vi d~L. H 2S La Irydrua CaMgB s 0 11 .6H 2 0 (khodl2g V'" mau trllng
m(fc dU n6 cO·,he dlr{),c gpi dllng ia hydro elura canxi magle boral ng(lnt nrrue, d{U1g
SId! 1Ia, va lithl hydrun LIH) kho; ."(Y; ho(fc phielf)

hydride descating lam st.lch gi h~ng

Sl,I' hydroboration SI!" l~O hfru CO'-boran (quli
hydrua (lo(lJ bd cdc c{ln en:: it be m(ll Clla trinh stin x ,uI' cae hII'll. cu-bornn nha IX;
kim /O(lt bang cach nhLing Irnng ki'em sling h{Tp chifl va; lien kif, B-H vtio m(Jt
nong duiy dura cae Irydrua) Itydrocncbon chull no. vi d~, pluin ,,.ng ella

hydride of arsenic arsen hydrua, arsin , ion diboran wy; m(it lIQ'p ehift cacbonyl)

AsH s hydrobromic acid axit bromhydrle h6a,

hydrides or nitrogen cae hydru.:.... eua nitO': HHr (dung dicll clla hYllro brotnllLJ Irong
amonlac, NH3 ; hydrazin, N z H .. ; dlimidua, l1IuYc.thuang Ltl 4Q%, chl,' long trong,

khong mau, dimg 'r o ng y hpc, 1rOO P hlin hydrocarbon with separated
'ich va ,(jng h{Tp c h d , hihl CCY ) hydrocacbon yang each
hydrobromic ether alkyl bromua aryl hydrocarbon with separated
bromua; etyl bromua, C 2 H s Br" hydrocacbon Yang each
hydrohromlnation st,r hydrobromua h6a hydrocellulose hy d rox enluloZi
hydrobromo-auric acid ax It gelalin hinh Ihdnh tlr phdlt Uft,
tetrabrom-auri C, H(AuBr.) x enlul oza vai 11I1"6c h o(lc bol
hydrocalumite hydro ca lumlt , x enluloza va Ir(m val nlrac ~c Ai
Ca2AI(OH>r3H20 (khodng v (i r kh6ng cdc dung dicit mIlo i, axil h~c klb•••
mall rai mau h~c sting ehu-a emu : i va nh6 m dimg tro ng san x lu1t S{T1 nhdn 1(10
hydroxir ng(im mroc) nhtin t (lO, vdi chu(J; bOng, git!y vd ",

hydrocaoutchouc cao su hydro h 6a hoo. con gQi lit hydrated cellulose)

hydrocarbon hydr ocacbon ( m (>t c h ff t hydrocerussite 0 hydro,«,',,"
Iro ng nh6 m h On c hffl rdl r (m g c hi clura Pb3 (OH}z(C03 J2 (khoonK V<lI kMof
cocbon vd hydro, n guon l u n nhal elm cac
clura chi cacbofl a/ bazo. tilth IItt ..,.. ~Io
hydrocacbon In Ilr d(Ju m d tho) m on g II? Itol.e g idc)
hydrocarbonate hydrocacbonat , cacbonat hydrochinone hydrochlnon,x
quino ne
axlt, MHCOa
hydrocarbonate of sodium n a tri hydrochloric acid axil clohydrlc,
(dung dleh ella khr hy droclorutJ
bydrocacoonat, N a H C03
hydrocarbon black mu oi hydrocachon
nutYc, lii c/,f{ t long d(jc. tam
cay mdI,
ro hon h(Tp !t6; l ien 'I.~C 0- nOng 46
hydrocarbon blending value c hi sO pha
'rong nll"(YC, dllng r¢ng r al nJur
hydrcx:acoon (chi so
octon danh d;nh dOi
Iro n g long h(J'p h,rll ca. Irong ph..
vol h o n h (Tp pha 20% c lin h ydr ocacbon
b£)ng axil cdc gieng dau. khu qu#.,.l
val h o n Ju;yp 60: 40 etta isooctnn : n ·lwpl an .
Ii IllIorc pillil71. lam S(1c/t vd lay girl
von dll'{TC linh I(li cho nang dO JOO% theo
i O(li. con g(Ji ld muriatlc add)
Ij thuy e t e"a h ydr ocncbon (I em lIn;")
hydrochloric ether alk.yl cloru8.
hydrocarbon gas khi hydrocacho n
c lo rua ; ely I c\orua, CZ H!)CI
hydrocarbon resins nht,ra h yd roc a cbnn
hydrochlorination SI,I' hydroclorua
(v(l t lieu glon h o(lc ({(nil cUe" c h e bhng
hydrochloro~auric acid a",1t
Irimg h (yp mQi so th a nh ph7i.n c h un n o ct'ta
auric. HlAuC I.. 1
nhl.l"a Ihan dd., nJuol"a h o(1c dau mo. nluorn do hydrochlorthiazide hydroc
re va diing 'r o ng eric 11(5n h c;rp Iheo ('(;ng
C T H a C IN 3 0 .. SZ (I"/lac /long lVI
IJure cao $U va asp han. va Iron g cae h (Tp
c /r o n g cno Imyel rip)
plllln pJUt va trat)
hydrocinnamic acid axlt
hydrocarbon steam reforming S l,r
C e H!) CH 2 C H Z COO H (h(Tp
refo nninh hydroc.-'lcbo n bang hO'i
linh II';?, co mIll tlrO'In cria hoa v4
hydrocarbon with condens~d nucl~i c hdy tY ./6 0 C, dIm/{ I rong nganh
hydrcx:acbon v b ng ngU'ng tv wi IlIr(1'ng vi)
hydrocarbon with condensed rings hydrocinnamic alcohol
hydrocacbon voog ngU'ng It,l hydroxina m ic. X phcnylpropyl alcohd
hydrodynam ie,

cinnamic aldehyde a Idehy t (char long rat d¢c, co mill hflnh nhiin
It. tnxlnarnic,x phenyIpropyI aldehyde ddng, sot q 25,6f!JC, drlng de sdn xulft
tlIIroclas,sifier may phan I~i thuy h,rc muoi xyanua, acryloniJril, thuOc nhuQm va
1....!1'fV.1RlIiIsifylog SIl pMn loai thuy h,rc lam chat hun kh6i lrong nOng.nghi~p , cOn
g9i la formonitrile, hydrogen cyanide,
prussic aCid)
hydrocyanic ester este hydraxyanic; alkyl
xyanua, R.CN
hydrocyanic ether ete hydraxyanic
1IW1~M.!'nl process qua trinh Hydrocol hydrocyanide hyc1raxyanil, x chalcocyanite
trlnh xUc tdc dva tren tong hQ'p
S(T hydrocyclone hydroxy clan (may ttich
'IJhtr-Tropsch d~ san xuifl xiIng va cac xyclon de /O(1i bd cdc h(ll riln khoi luang
"hlim hydrocacbon khac Ill: hon hqp nu6'c va phdn 1000i bang lr,rc ly tam)
dro va cocbon monoxil dan xuift IU khf hydrodealkylation 51! lo~1 alkyl bhng
nhlIn, Ihan ho(ic ph'iln cat doll. mol hydro (cong dO(ln tinh che d(Ju md dUng
01108 51! thuy I~nh, sv- lam I~nh nhift va
dp SUal de 10(11 bd cdc nhom melyl
DlI'6'c d~ (sv Io¢ bo nhi~t khdf rail ho(tc cdc nh6m alkyl Ian khai
nrut btlng each nhWtg trong nuoc da) hydrocacbon. ho{lc thay doi vi Iri clla
hydrocortison, C 2 ,H30 0 nhung nhom do 0- phiin ar, dimg de ndng
drung ala 17-hydroxycorticosteron, Iii. dip san phlim gia trl (hap)
klch vo thu(,ng th(Jn, xllal hl?n Ir,r hydrodesulfurization SI! I~i hru huynh
vd ,hng h{Tp, Idc dl.mg tuang tr,r b~ng hydro (qua trinh xuc Ide ch'o nguyen
. tJI"uI nhung m{lnh hun, con g9i la U¢u dau md phdn li"ng vCi'i hydro de kh,}
IUQ'ng luu huynh Irong d(Ju) .
(sdn phlim hydrod~sulfurizing (Sl!) IOl;Ji ILTU huynh
bang hydro
. .......,•••~It .... th.et hi hydrocrackinh (thief hydrodynamic equations phU'O'ng trinh
Ij tip XIMt CtlO crackinh cdc p han Ill' thuy d¢ng h,c (00 phll'ang trinll bieu Ih!
i!• •frOt.~"cj;on dOl Irong khi quyen co ham gia toc Ihr,rc cUa h(ll nU'cTC dun vi nhu long
hydro coo) coo cac gia roc Ihimh phon do It.rc gradien
1MI!CY'1l'Af'kiog hydrocrackinb (qua tri nh tip sufft, l~c ma sm. I(rc lam l~ch cua trdi
. chi d'liu rno ducT; dp sUal cao co x u c dal, Ir,rc hap dan va cdc yeu to khtic)
dd Iinh hO{ll de t{lO ra ho(ic x iing cao hydrodynamic pressure ap suat thuy
hO(fc nhlen IIfu phdn Il.rc cUa may dong (hi?1l gii"ra tip suat Cliochat luu va
.." hili phdn ll"ng chl nh la them hydro tip Slull lhliy lfnh. khdi ni?m nay hii'u fch
cdc phdn Irr ddn xual tU dau md qud chll yell u cdc bili loan dong chdy an dlnh
w2 qud phllc l(lp khong lam xilng clm chal ldng khong nen duQ'c, Irong do
vet sau do la S(l' crackinh chung Lip sllifr Ih,iy tinh Itl khong dl)I dol VlY; d{j
c4c nIIien li~ll c{Jn thiet, chat xUc lac coo nao do (nhu kht chlfl long bl chan tren
dill rAn axil va lhanh p han kim 10(11 hai m{jl tam c,rng), do do Iruo-ng lvc
hOa) ngoa; (Ir(mg lvc) co Ihe duO'c lor;U khoi
acid axil xianhydric, HeN bili wan)
hydrodynamics thuy dOng h,rc hOC (ngdn/t silk ox il khdc, dling de ddnh """I••
nghle n cu-u c huyen d¢ng ella chat LUll va khdc Ihl;'y Ilnh, (tty gl dong,
tlcong lac ella c hdt lUll vu{ cdc bUn ella Iha,. va (h ip axl,aII,.
h (yp kim., x,i-li
n6, d(lc hiet trong Iruo-ng hr;rp ch(( t Ire-u dClII. vd h oa Ian qu(lng)
khong nhut kh6ng min du(Yc) hydrofluoric ether alkyl 1101'",__
hydr~elasticity thuy dan h o i (ly thuyel noma; e lyl norua, CzH,F
. ddn h'Di cUa chdtluu; luang Ide gitl"a dOng bydronuorination SII hY'~rtlf1oNlI"!
nuuc ho(1c ch lft long khtle va d(Jng thIn hydronu orosilicic acid axil hcloIIIiII
dan hlJi eua v(JJ nh dn g Irong d6) HzSiFs • x fiuosillcic acid
hydroelectrical cell p in m.rcrc hydroforming SII hydrofomJnh
hydroelectric generator m ay phat thuy linh che dan mn
clro cdc "aPhid
die" (may dien quay bien da{ co n lIng fir chat x,k I de a nll;?1 ct(j coo .~ . ~ ••
wabln thl4Y l,-cc h o(lc guong nuue thiin" v,i.-a phd; vaJ ."".1' co m{fl ella ~ydrD
dien nlfng) va khl ch,ra hydro. de IlJO ,a drll
hydroelectricity thUy dle n (dien n lln g sdn cao aclan BTX diing Idm nhl.ln Ilfa
xulft Mng may phdt thllY dien) .cO' h o(fc san xuifl hoa chdl}
hydroelectric plant nha m ay thuy dlen, hydrorormylation 51! hyd"'f(lrm~1;l
tr~m tfU1Y dh';n (thle I bl Irang d6 dien ntfng (pJuln ,rng them hydro vd nhdm
drl't;rc .s'dn x udt Mng may phd! lhr~y diin. cde nguyen II;' caebon IhOng qua
con go; ltl hydroelectric J"CM'"er slat1on) kep d~ clto cac chill dd n xu4,
hydroelectric power station nh a m ay axy. vi dr.l : Iro ng qua tr lnh atD
thUy dlen~ x hydroelectrtc pla nt hydro! a rmy I tip d,.mg cho nJUlnf
bytlroextractor m ay tach mr&c lrng xdy ra nh& XI;' iy oLefin wtl

hydroferricyanic acid axil hydro va cacbon m o nnxH ",61 !II

hexaxyanoferic (III) axil, ferlxyanic, elral X,lc uk cohan)

H.Fe(CN). hydrogarnet hydrograna t (m(JI

hydrofining s,"" tinh chi! h h ng hydro hOO frong nhom cdc khodng ,,(21 cd
(qua ·trlnh xuc tde fiing co dlnh Io¢. Ilru chung A s B 2 (Si0 4 )3 .,..l0H)4 X
Juiynh va hydro hda nhteu lo(li nguyen lieu vqi m6t so g ranat)
n{Jp. tu chat khi tui sap, chITI Xl4C Ide chua hydroKasilication 511 khi hOO
coban axil va molypden axil trln n e n hydro (ky (hUQI sdn xuift khl.a","'lI :
nh6m a:r II ip IrC>1 va co the 1m sinh ·'(11 cho
(ir Ihan dd, (h(U1 dd nghien phdn
khf n o n g, Ih6, giOu hydro, chua
Ixtng khOnK kht va herl mruc ho(fc khi o ng
h eri mrtYc U tip sudl 6,9 x loa
1(10 ra melan)
hydrofinina gasoline xAng hydro ti6a
hydrogel hydrogel, gel Olroc (s"
bydronning solvent dung mOl bydro h6a chill keo ma pha phiin Ian (bo)
hydrofluoric acid ax It flob~drlc. H F vui pha lUn ,,!-c (muTc) d~,,,,,
(dung dlch nU'uc CI-4Q hydro! lorua, Id chat p hllm d(Jng keo I1h 61, ,'i d{l
long khiJng mdu,. d9c, Me khot, lIn m a n d6ng 1'-1.)
rUt m(U1h, Ld axil yeu so vul axit clo hydric, I.. ydrogen hydro , H (l1guyin 10
nJul'ng tIn moo IhUy tinh va nhrrng v(it lieu lien (rong bdng fUM h oan, nguyln
hydro g e n

nguyen "'" 1Il'{Tng 1,00797, Irang dieu k ifn hydrogen bli s tering Sl,T t ~o thanh bQt
liM Ihm}ng no kh6n g mnu, k h 6n g miU. hydro (cnc ve f r (ln h o(lc nhirng b{J/ klt( 1(10
khlNtg "i, ch,i'a p h lin IIi' h ni nguyen IIi- H 2 , rn klli hydr o ng uyen fli' fhllm nh(lp vao
dMg Irong .fan x u({t mn orlfnc va m eumol . 'h ip thong qua nhlhlg kh e sfell Ie vi va
rho tinh chi bltng hydr o b 6 a. khl;' ill''' lro- (hr'mll hydro phiin tLl- va gtb' ra cdc n Qi
lrujn.h cdc sdn phl'im dau m o vn klll'r qu(7ng rip " .re)
kim I"", ox /I) hydrogen bomb bom khlnh khi. born hydro
.rdrogenable II hydro hOO dU'Q'c ( 10(1; bom Irong do dual dp Il;U m(Ulh va
.ydrogen acceptor chat nh~n hydro nhlCI dQ cao eac lI (l t nhlJn hydro n(fng
.ydrogen acid hydrax it (ham g in phdn ti'ng l ong h Q'p 11.1' d uy tri,
•,drogen acid ester este hy draxit ; alkyl kh6ng dieu khien duQ'C, de I flO ra vt., n o .
baklgenua, aryl halogenua con g91 Iii H oomb)

'ydrogenant /I hy dro h Q.;, hydrogen bond lien k et hydro (10(1/ lien

kef lIinlr th anh kill nguyen IIi' hydro gc1n
'Jdrogenant agent uk nhan hydro hoa
' ydrogen arsenide arsen hyd rua, arsln,
vao n g uy en tIl' A am Qt phlin IIi' t(fO ra
lien k e f phl.l val n g uyen Iti' B h o(le Irong
.\lH3 '
eilng phon Ilr h eXte phiin tti' kh x J cdc lien
'ydrogenase hydrogen aza, m en hy d ro h6a kef hydro m(lnh nhtft dlrQ'c 1(10 r a khl A
(mzym XJlc I nc Sl.l' (tty h6a hydro)
va B ld cnc nguyen H'r dm dlcn m(lnh nhU'
IJ1Irogenate sa n ph ~ m hydro h6a /I d l flo. oxy h o{Ie nilO')
bydro hOO
hydrogen bruzing htl n dong hydro (han
bydrogenated It dU'Q'c hyd ro hoo dong Irong kht quyen gMu hydr o)
.ydrogenated fat m eT hydro hoa hydr ogen bromide hyd ro brom ua, HBr
hydrogenate d oil dau hydro hoa (dan (ch ol kh; d(x:, ng lly Itlem, d img nhu h Da
th{(r v(il l ong kh6ng 000 lion co hydro bo ch al Inmg ginn w) cll fft X Jlc tac alkyl hoD,
Sling x lic lac de bie n de)i dati th imh ch n l 1(10 ra axil hy drobr o mic Iro ng dung dleh
uln. baD /J on hydro) nuac)
.ydrogenated rubber cao su hyd ro hOa hydrogen-bubble method phU'O'ng ph6p
. ydrogenation Sl,T hydro h6.c, (Sl.l' /rim baa bQt hydro (phluTn g phrip hlr n h inh dong
/rOO cdc I(lP chal diolefin Iro ng xclng d e ch ay /rollg dtJ b9/ hydro ttll'Q'C 1(10 r n Mng
tpo ra sdn phl'im on dinh; phr1!i Ii'ng x tic dien phlin nU'a-c co .'0'1;' dl.m g day elle n q l'C
tdc cI;a hydro \'(7 1 nhl'rng h (J'p dUll klulc. va dll'Q'C lilln de t (lO ra h o(lc cdc dlrong
thlrc'rng chun n o) thai gian (being cach ,ric d{lng diin dp
hydrogenation catalyst c h a ·t xuc l aC m (JCh d (mg wiD eal OI Iral1) l ux,lc cdc duung
hydro hOO d on g (btlng cdch Ide dWag diin rip lien I {.IC
hydrogenation gasoline xa ng hydro h6a vao ch o V{lI1 a
ealol cdeh diQn)
hydrogenation solvent dung m 6 i hydro hydrogen burning phim u-ng d o t hydro
h6a (cdc phdn Ii'ng nhif l h fleh X U'" hien 0- / 6 t
hydrogenation vessel thung hydr o hOO cdc ng61 sao fhll (k (My ehfnh, Iro ng do CtU'
hydrogenator th let bl hydro hOO, n o l h3p h{lJ nhlJn hydro to n g h(1p de 1(10 rn cdc h(ll
hydro hOO nllan h eli)
bydrogen blanket ding khf hydro hydrogen carrier ch§ l mang hydro

hydrogen chloride hydroclorua, Hel axil ho(Jc bazu)

(chilI kh( khong mau, boe kh61, ral d(x:, hydrogen fluoride hydro floru8,
tan trong nutYc, cCJn va ete, dUng Irong sdn (hydrua f lort~a, H F khan Id chi, IdIt 11M
xul1t vinyl clorua va alkyl clorua, trong d(Jng khong mm.l, Me khlJi ,rOfll ua.w
trimg hQ'P. dCJng phdn hoa \10 cdc phdn khf, nong chdy a
-83 0 c, $~I it 19,80(
lrng khdc) dimg de san XLUlt cdc chat ldm lertII . . .
hydrogen cyanide hydroxianua, HeN, x flo (nhu Freon) va cdc hVp elll,
f lorocacbon, nhrr clul( x Ik t6c 'TOft ...
hydrocyanic acid
hydrogen cyanide laser laze hydro
xyanua (laze khi sUo d~U1g hydro xyanua,
x udl x tlng alky Lat. nhu ttic nhiin f ID
va Irong di'ell chi! ax/t flolrydrlc)

phtit ro bri'c X(l hCJng ngo¢ cY buac song hydrogen generator may pMt hydm
31/ v4 337 micromel) hydrogenic ion Ion ki~u hydro (lIg","'.
hydrogen cycle chu trinh hydro (qud trinh bi 10 (Ii bd cac electron chi con 191
Iran dol. cation day d,i frong do chill hap electron)
phl,l dll'Q'C dUng d,rai d(ll1g hydro ho(f.c hydrogen iodide hydro l odua, HI
axil IV do) kh6ng mau Ian (rang mrcic, co ,~ ".
hydrogen damage Sl,l' hong do hydro (sl,r Irong l(jng hcrp hii'll CO' wi 1I/ur ,hu6c
(In mOn, thuung cY cac nCJi hO'i. do hydro con g()i Iii hydriodic acid gas)
khuech ttin qua thep phdn ung vai cacOOn hydrogen ion ion hydro, H +, x by
d~ t(lO ro me/an, von rich tl;1 lrng suat Cl.IC ion
bQ cY m4t pMn each giua cdc h(lt, gay ra hydrogen ion concentration n ~n, «t
nhirng eM trong rol cuol cUng lOrn gay ion hydro (etf) chuan h6a ella m~ . .
thttp) diclr do; vai ion hydro. H+, nO Illn ~
hydrogen discharge lamp den phong tal ~hep do do axil phOn 1611 ~I pH-
dl~nhydro (den phong di~n chrra hydro va log '2/11(H +)j trong do (II t) La nOn, If
dimg nhu nguon blre X(l til- ngo(li) ion hydro Jinh iheo dlrang i,rVlIg g.
l;Iydrogen dis uJri de hy drodisul fua, x Iren [(t dung dlch)
hydrogen sulfide
hydrogen ion exponent chi so hydro
hydrogen donator coot cho hydro (m(jl cdch b/~u Ih; pH, Cl,l fh~. pH=.JogCH,
bydrogen electrode di~n Ct)"c hydro (kim Irong do C H = nong cI(J ion hydro)
lo¢ quj (nhu plalin) dien rIch m(fl r(jng hydrogen ion indicator ch3't chi lbI ill
liep xuc val khi hydro Irong dunK dich hydro
ion hydro baa hl>a val khf hydro, La kim
hydrogenize hydro h6a
lo(li duQ'c htln vao sQ'i day gdn ct day ong
hydrogenized (duo-c) hydro hOa
thlly tinh rong chua m(J1 phOn thljy ngdn,
dUng lam dien qre chulin veri Ihe zero d~ hydrogenizing (SI!) hydro h6a
do hO(l/ d(J rua ton hydro) hydrogen laser laze hydro (laze phM '"
hydrogen embrittlement Sl,r glon do kh( lrong do hyclro du(yc dt't1lg d; 'po "
hydro, (cOn g(Ji ld acid brittleness) cdc b,rac song phI', }Wp gan 0,6 pm IrOifl
mien Ill- ngo(li chan kh6ng) ,
hydrogen equivalent duO'ng hn:mg hydro
(so nguyen trc hydro ho(fc nhom hydroxyl hydrogen loss ton that trong hydro (~,
co th~ thay th~ du(),c frong m(J1 plrdn Ilr hno tr(mg Jll'Q'ng Clio lxinh ep ho(fc b6t IWII
_ ___1..-- '
501 hydrohalogen

IO(li kJri nrmg I ran g khi qlly el1 hydro, dimg x ual cae kjm lo(li s elenua va cdc hqp chat
nlllr so do ham ilrQ'ng o xy CLi a mall ) ha"1I cO'- s elen v a tron g di"e u ch e \·tJJ lie u ban
bydrogen maser m aze hydro (m az e diln g dan)
kil l hy dr o M In CO' s a- d e c ho t ( n hif u rn hydrogen soldering Sl)" han xi hydro
wr l (/ (5 011 d {N h ~'a d Q Unh khiih phD caD) hydrogen sulfate hydrosulfat , MHS0 4
bydro g en n itra te axil nitric , IIN03 hydrogen sulfate of sodiuDi natrl
bydrogen nitride amoniac, NHa hydrosulfat, NaH S O ..
hydrogen number c hi s6 hydro hydrogen sulfide hydro sulfua, H 2 S (khf
bydrogenolys i s h y d ro ph a n (phdn Irn g kho ng mall, d i?c , de chay , milj d(I c bift, soj
Irong d o kh{ h y dro g a y ra bie n d8i h o a a
-60°C, tan Irong nzro-c va con, dlmg nhu
ht;>r Ilrang " .r nhu: vai Ir a Clio fl U OC tron g tfwoe Our phfm. tich, nhu n g uon Ill:" hlly nh
Sir (lui), p Jr an) vel d e tinh c h i! c dc axil clohydric vel

hydrogenou s u (thuOc) h yd r o ; C() hydro sulf uri c, con g (Ji iii hydroge n d isulfide)
bydrogen ove r v oltage S l!" qua d h~ n ap d o hydrogen tellurate hydro telurat, x lelluric
hydro (s l.r q uti d i f n ap x ay ro a- d i i;n c 1.t'c aci d
do gin; ph6n g kh{ h y dr o ) hydrogen thermometer nhi ~ t ke hydro
bydro ge n ox ide hydro o xit , x w a t e r hydrogen transfer S l!" chuye n hydro
hy dro gen pent as ulfide h y d ro hydrogen transference Sl!" Chuyen hy d ro
pcnlasulfu a , H 2 S 5 hydrogen trisultlde h y dro trisulfua . l-I 2 S 3
bydroge n p erox ide hydro pero xit , 1I 2 0 2 h y drogeochemistry thUy dja h6a ( n g anh
(cluff l ong n q ng. kho n g m im. khong b en . nghle n Cti-t~ c a c d(ic ({ nil hoo h (Jc Clio dar
soi a 158°C. tan fran g nua c va con. diu-r g v a c dc win g nuac be IM(11 co lie n quan t a i
nhu- cha r fay trlln g , h 60 chif l (rung gian. dia c hil l khl~ \ ·I.rc va ...·,ing)
nhiell l i ¢U l e n lira \-'a c hal sal ITlmg. con hydrogeology d ia c h a t thuy v a n (kh a a h9c
gol liz perox ide) n g hien Clru SI.I:" x ,~ at hi ~n n ia n,"rac b e !n (it
bydr oge n pb o spbate h ydro phosph M. va nua c n gli!n , vi fc s ,r d~lng n o Wl cac
MH 2 PO .. ; M 2 HPO .. cfllrc ni'ing clio n c5 tran g vi c c film. bi e n dot
bydrogen pbosphide hydro ph osphH , x traj ditto c hci y ell d o x6i mon v a trllln rich)
phosphin e hydrography d ia Iy thuy v a n (kh a n lr(Jc
bydro gen - r e duced powder n o t hoan n g hie n crt-II cach do va m o JrJ cae d(ic diem
nguyen b~ng hydro (bQt kim 10 (11 ct,r(yc s an v (il ly ClW d(li du C"Yn g , ho 0 0, song ngb; WI
x lla t b(} n g hoan nguy en kim l O (lI . h(J'p eric vlm g b iY Ian c(ln , c6 c hti. y d(1c bitf' d e n
cha t k Im / o(1i ho(1c c dc h(U kim l o (U nhie ln l ' i tfc k i e m .<;O(i t vn sIr dl.mg clujng )
bOn be mtJt b tTng hydr o ) hydrogutta-percha gut a -pecha hydro h oa
hydro g e n rrc vivification Sl)" t a l s inh hydro hydrohalide hydrohaloge nua
hydroge n rich gia u hydro hydrohalite hydr o hal i t , N a 2 C I.2 H 2 0
bydroge n sca l e thang hydro, tha ng nhic t kc (khoang v{if dHr a natrj c/o rua hy dra! hnez,
hydro h i nh thanh c hi d o nrrac m (i n L(Ulh x u o n g
hydr o g en se l eni de hy d r o scl e nu a, I -I 2 Se dtra i OOC )
(kId kllo flf{ mall. dQc, tan fr o n g nu n-e. hydrohalloysite hydro h alo ys it , x e ndc llitc
cnrbon dis til! lUI w i p hosgen , tHmg ele sdn hydrohalogen hydro h a l o g c nua

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hydrohalogena tion 502

hydrohalogenation SI! hydr o hal ogen ua hydrolyte chat Ibuy pha n

hoa hydrolytic If thuy philn
hyd roheta~rol i te hycJrohcraerolil, hydrolytic adsorption 51,!' h ap phI,! Ihuy
Zn 2 Mn 4 8 1'12 ° °
(khoang Vt;Z 1 !n illl nou
sam ctf!n d en ph a t nail, durn oxif kcm WI
pha n
hydrolytic. decomposition SI.! Ihuy phim
mnngnn hydrm han, co c1(1ng klloi)
hydrolytic dissociation SI.! Ihll)' philn
bydroiodic acid axil hydroiodic, HI hydrolytic enzyme enzy m Ihuy phan (e/uTI
hydroiodic ether alkyl ioctua; ary l iodu a; Xl le lac uk dl,lnK gion g nJIIl' hydrolaza)
etyl iodua, C 2Hsl, x ethyl iodide
hydrolytic process qua trinh thl1)' phlin
hydroiodination Sl! hydro ilxtU<'t hoa (p luin Ii-ng ella hdn h (>C en ha'll cO' Ittn \'(i
hydrokaollin hydrokaolin, x endc\lilc cO' (rong do mcac gily /'(1 Sl.t piton Juiy k ep
hydrokinematics thuy d(mg ht)c (ngim" 1'(Yi h (yp cho' l kJ/(ic. hydro ,!I/i()c m i)( IrQ'P
Ilghi en CII'II c/r"yen d(m~ Clia cllift l ong clrfft \'ci hydroxyl (hll QC vdo h(Yp ehifl
khong xet r6'; ng/lyen nhfm chuyen d(mg) kJuic)
hydrokinetics Ihuy h,r e ht,Jc (nganh Ilglrien hydrolyzate s itn ph hm thuy phfln ;
CIl'l.l cdc Ir,n' do chal Icing gii) /'a nlut h~ hydrolyznt (tra m tielr cl(ic /nrng h(y; eric
qlla ch I/yen dong Clio no) ng/lye n ftJ nil//' nhom, kali ho(ic' narri vein
hydrolabile If khung ben mrcYc de bi I/rtlY phcin)
hydrolase hydrol a7.C1 , men Ihl1y philn (m Ol hydrolyze Il1uy ph{1l1

--- chifl trang nll6m enzym, :uic t nc

pflan '- cua_ protein, (l\:
S I.l'

it tzrlcleic, rinlt b(JI ,

chifl beo, est e p hasp hm \'(1 nhFarg cluj' f d(/i
IllIiy I~ydrolyzed (d;)) thl1Y phao

hydrolyzing (SI,I') l huy phfl11

hydrofJHlgnesile h yd r o ma gnesi l ,
phon fl i' kllnc) Mg .. (OI'lh(C0 3 h31120 (khoring 1'(// IIHill
hydrologic cyde chu ldn h thlly Vrl11, vlmg trdng. ell/l'{/ cla/ k/!'t linll Irong /rtf dO'1l tri.
lua n ho~m nLl'cYc (vong tll7m ho/m cl fiy el,; co cl(mg lilll! Ih e trlP(), klt i -;; vo din" I!inlt
cljn tzrtO'C fit' d(lj d/tang qlln khf qIlY<Yl l . fiN IIO(ic vo cia val)
dar lien WI ngl/'(Tc tr a I(/i cf(li dIL"O'n~ . can hydromagnetics ILr thuy d(mg l~rc hl)C ,
g9i la wat er (..),cle) (con g(Ji It) m <lgncl nhy t.lrody ncmiic.,,)
hydrology thuy v~n h oc (khan 1!9c nghien hydromechanics ClY h,)C ch fil !l'mg (ng illll!
ClI' /1 Sl.l' xllat h i¢n, tli nn ! lOtlll, phlln bo wi nghiiln C I I 'II niL' c /tii" f I cing. rfr,li'&nu hi n/uh',
('lie ('-nll chir I Clio cae \'lIng mto'c a I rnj nhll' m oi In rrYIIK de tl'lly eJ/ [(IT)
dif f vii phan II:rl g c li n cllli.ng \'d'; m oi hydromctallu q~y phcp lhu)' luy(!n k im (SI.I'
X li- I>; ale kim IOfJ; WI \ ' (i/ Iii/ II clui'a kim
hydrolysate Sc'1n phhm thlly phf1l1 l O (l; I>/in ~
qua tri ll"
Cflc (;m)
hydrolysis 51.! thuy ph iln (SI,t' phil" J/liy hydrometamcll'phism l1icn I Ll'l,r ng IhUy
ho{'fc SI,t' thny dai m Ol hon c lui', l>r;i nlnh' bien (S I,I' bie'" clo; cia brj'i c hfit c/o 1111'0"(,
trang dung diel! 11/.('(;'c Clin cll(j', diIJn ph/in mung (rang dlin~ die-II ma khong din dCIl
thi la cdc phnn ling Clin cOlion n)'j JIII'r>'('
nhiljl dQ Iro(ic (ip SIl (i', cno)
de l(l.a rn baza yel/ ho{ie Clia an;n l1 \'(r i
hydrometer IY \r( ~ n g kc, phu kc (dl,m g Ct.l
flll' (YC de 1(10 rn lI.X if yell)
do doc 1/'1,1'(' Ui/ p clIO hW'1 m(i r d(J, Iy Ir{Jflg
hydrolysi s constant hfm,g s(i Ihl!y phftn ho(ic d(ic Inrng flro'n:; II}' 11<;0 (hi Clio ('tic

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503 hydrosol

ehifl iong) hydrophone 6ng nghe dU'6i mr&c (dl,lng ql

hydrometer degree dO chia Ly Ln;mg kc d? thlt song am dtroi mrae va bien d/)i
ehling Ihiinh song di~n)
hydrometric(al) It (thu9c) ty Irong ke
hydrometry SIl do hhng ty trong Ice, phep hydropneumatic I h La Y k h f (ho(lt d(mg

do ty trong (khoa 11t';x: va eong ngh ~ do cae bdng nang ill·qng etla cd mroc Ian kh()
tY Ir(Jng, nhal iii ella cac chal long) hydropolym~rization S1,l" hydropolyme
hydro mica hydromlca (mQI Irong InQI so h6a
bien Ih? ella lnusem'iI, nhat Iii flit , von ktfln hydroquinol hydroquinol, x hydroquinone
dan hoi hun mica, e6 anh ng(Je trai, doi hydroquinone hydroquinon, CeH.(OHh
kht ehll'a it bo t(1t hun va nlliell mroe han (linh the mlm trang, nong chdy a 1700C,
museovit, con g(Ji ia hydrous mica) sOl a 285°C, tan trong con, ete va ntroe,
hydron blue xanh hydron ditng trong nhielt linh v~rc, con g(Ji iii
hydronic heating sU'CrI nU'&c nong, x hydrochinone, hydroquinol, qUinol)
hot-water heating hydroquinon~ dimethyl ether ete
hydronitric acid axil hydroitric, HNa hydroquinon diametyl, C e H.(OCHa )2 (vdy
Irang, nang ehay, a 560G~ dung nltu ehiit
hydronium ion Ion hydro, Ion oxonl HaO+
chong b(le mall san, nhu· huang li~ll, trong
(ehli'a mQt proton kel lI(yp voi m91 plr/in
thuoc nl1uQm WI my pham)
Irr mroe, tim Ihfly 'rong muTe tinh kllief
va m(J; dung dich nll' O C, con g()i If) hydroquinone monomethyl ether ete
hydrogen ion) hydroqulnon monnmc tyl, CHaOCeH.OH
(chat ran giong sap, mall ITtlng, nong chdy
hydroperoxide hydro pcroxil 1-1 2 °2 ;
a 52,5 0 C, tan Irong benzen, axeton vel con,
dltng nhlt· ehal chong oxy hoa, cilrqe
hydrophile v~t U'a nU'(Yc, keo U'a nU'&c
phant vii Illuoe nhuQm)
hydrophile-lipophile balance S II can
hydrorultber cao su hydro h6a
bhng U'3 nU'&c - U'<I chat ben (sl.r hIlI luang
do; dong Ihai m91 chal nilli h o a vi! hai
hydroscope 6 ng nhom dlfo-i nU'&c ,
hydroscop (dt.mg Ct.1 de qlUm sell etic V(ll a
pha ella h~ nhli tuang, vi d~1 nhu nu(yc wi
klla xa (liuri nlra-c, gom m9t day gluYng
trang ong I"' lip)
hydrophilic tt U'a mn.Yc (co tii !r.t·c c/6i I '(j-j
hydroseparator Ihiet bi taeh b~ng nu'ac
P !r1.1 Iro(ic hap f/lI.t ml·oc)
nuoc, hlil,lIffp
(fhiitt hi tdch Irong do cdc h(l1 ran a [he
hydrophilic colloid keo U'a nU'cyc
10' lr'rng dU(),e khuri"y hling tip suli"t I/uiy
hydrophilic nature Iinh U'a nll'lYC l{l'e ho(lc dl.mg CI.~ khuify)
hydrophitlite hydrophllit, x chlorocalcide hydrosilicofluoric acid axit hexaflosilixic,
hydrophilous /I thuQc nO'i am U'&I H 2 SIFe
hydrophobe V(ll ky nU"(Yc, keo ky' nU"lYc hydrosilicons silan
hydrophobic II ghel nU'(Yc, Icy nU'ac..(lhiell hydrosilylation hydro-silie h6a (bo sung
di il.re do; voi mrae, day ho(ic klf6ng hap lien k e f Si-II van lien ·kef kep C·C clla
phl.l ho(le hap t!tl.t nuoc) ; (thu(lc) tJc;nh d~i m9t olefin)
hydrophobic colloid Iceo ghel nU"<Yc hydrosol hydrosol, sol nlfcYc (hi! keo ma
hydrophobic surface be mijl ky' nlYtYC moi ,,.myn}? phlln ttin La nrroc, pha phiin

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bydrosolvent 504

Ian co Ih~ za
chilI riln, ch/fl kh{ ho~c chfft hydraulic press
Icing khdc, con g{J1 La aquasol) hydrostatic pressure ap
suat thuy Hnh
hydrosolvent dung m6i m.r&c (ap sual d' mi)l di?m trong chat IIru d'
hydrosphere thuy quycn (phan nuac tren tr(Jng Ihai nghi do tn;mg ilrqng ciia chilt
trai d/ft philn bi~t val phon riln (lh(Jch iuu d' bin tren no, con g{Ji Lii gravitational
quy~n) va val vo khf ben ngoat (khf pressure; gia Irl am clla ling suat vuong
quy~n» g6c vat mi)t be m(St trong chill itm)
hydrostabile tt ben mr&c hydrostatics thuy tinh hoc (nganh nglLlen
bydrostat may do chinh do lim, x CUll cae chilt long dlrng yen va cdc l~rc tdc
dl;Ulg ten chlmg ho{ic do cI/l.lng gay ray
hydrostatica. II (thu6c) tMy tinh hydrostatic sink phao cao thuy Hnh
hydrostatic analogy tU'011g tl! thuy tlnh hydrost.atic strength su-c ben thuy linh
(Sl.t' luang t~r gltl'a cdc h~ thuc clia dong
(khd ndng ella mi)t v(il chlu dl.l'(7c l.lng suill
dlfn, hifU the va difn Ira a m(lt m(lell di~n IlillY tInll)
va cdc h~ thlrc clia cdc dt;li llrf;mg luang hydrostatic stress u-ng su~n thuy tinh
ung mo ld dcng mrac duly dual ap Slurt (dieu kt~n Irong do cdc Irng sual mIn bdng
thUy linh) nhall Ilo~c cac Irng sIltl1 keo bdng nhau a
hydrostatic balance can thUy tinh, can ty m()i huang va khong co lrng suiJr Jru{Yt d'
trong (din hal don ciin bdng nhau trong do bill ky m(S1 phitng mio)
v(2t dau Ii€n duqc can ngom kllong kill sau hydrostatic weighing SI! din thuy tinh
do trong coc nuac d~ xac dinh ry tr(mg (phuO'ng pILap xac d{nh kho; ltr{Yng rieng
rua no) cl.l a mi)t mau chat, mau chilt du(yc can
bydrostatic bell chuang thuy ap Iron8 khong kill va Sll/I do din Irong dUll
long dd bie! khot llr(),ng rleng)
hydrostatic equation phU'O'ng tdnh thuy
tinh (d(ll2g gld dinll bal Ihanh phl1n thting hydrosulfate hydrosulfal, MHS0 4
dtrng CLla phuO'ng trinh clluy?n di)ng hydrosulfate of sodium nalri hydrosulfat,
vectO' khl tilt cd cac so h(lng l~rc Cariolis, NaHS0 4
di) cOl1g Clla traj dilt, ma stit va gla IOC hydrosulfide hydrosulfua (h(7p chat co
thdng dung dU(7c co; nhlr khong dang k€ goc SH -, vi d~ suifhydrat. suLfhydryl,
so val nhlrng so h(ll2g lien quan tal ap ".re r u ()' Il nIL 0, t II 10 l, rrr .()' II S u if lIT 0' vii
thdng dtrng va tr(>ng llfc) mercaptan)
hydrostatic equilibrium can bang thuy hydrosulfide of ammonia amoni
noh (tr(ll2g thai clla chill ll.(u ma cac be hydrosulfua, NH 4 HS
m~1 ddng khal (ho(1c m('it di) cUa n6 trUng hydrosulfite hydrosulfit, MHSOa
nlLau va ndm ngang SilO!. Sl.r elin bdng hydrosulfite of sodium natrt hydrosulfit,
hoan loan ton t(Ji git:ta tr{Jng /t.rc va rip lI.rc. NaHSO a
h~ Ihtre glua up m/ft va d6 cao hinh hr;c hydrosulfite vat Ihung hydrosulfit
du{Yc cho bal phlrO'ng trinh thllY tfnll)
hydrosulfuric acid axit sulfuhydric, H 2 S
hydrostatic head do chenh ap thuy Hnh,
hydrotalcite hydrotalxit, M&AI 2 (OH)16-
cOt ap thuy Hoh (COa ).4H 2 0 (khodng v{1t miill trling ng(X:
hydrostatic press may ep thuy h,rc, x (rat chlra nhom vo maRie hytlroxit WI

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505 hydroxy-benzyl
cacbonat ng(Jm nuac) C 4 H s N02 (chfft ket tinh khong mall, nong
hydrothermal crystal growth SI! IOn lI!n chay a 86 - 87°C, di"mg nlllt' chdl dtfl
clla tlnh the thtiy nhlet (s~i' hinh thiinh cdc nffm Irong dfft vii nhlt' chfft dteu liift sinh
dan tinh th? th{lCh anh c7 nhlft dQ va dp Iruang dOl val h(ll glong)
Sl/(ll car> Irong n(Ji hffp vai dung dlch hydroxy- hydroxy- (den to hoa h(Jc chi
klem) nhom OH - trong h(yp chift. ha-u cO', nhl(
hydrotimeter may do mrac cfrng, mrac hydroxybenzen chi phenol CaH sOa.vlfc
clIng ke chi su- dl.mg oxy- liim den t(i Iii khong
hydrotreatlng xU- Iy bhng hydro (qua trinh dUng, cang con d{X: ld hydroxyl-)
xuc lac linh che dau trong d6 hydro liep hydroxyacetic acid axlt hydroxyaxetic, x
Xllc vai dong chfft trung gian ho(Jc san glycolic acid
phtim dau md d~ lo(U cdc I(lP chlft nhu hydroxy acid axil hydroxy (axil hll'U cO'
oxy, lUll huynh, nilO' ho(Ic hydrocacbon b ff I k Y c 6 n h 6 m °H - n h Ii' ax it
chua no) hydroxyaxetic)
hydrotroilite hydrolroillt, FeSnH 2 0 (chfft hydroxy-amino-acid hydroxyaminoaxlt,
keo nghlen min, mau den co Irong nhieu ROH.RNH 2 ·COOH
IO(li bun vii dff t sit, du(yc cILo Iii do vi hydroxy-amino-butyric acid ax Il
kILulin a day b/~n I(JO nen) hydroxyaminobutyrlc,
hydrotrope cha't tang tan (h(yp chffl co khd NH 2 ·C3 H s ·OH.COOH
nang liim lang dQ hoa tan Clta m9t so Chftt hydroxya m phetami ne
h,l'u cO' hOo tan (t) hydroxyamphelamin, C9H30N (amin glao
hydrotungstite hy drot ungs Ii t, cam dung nllu mllol hydrobromua uong
H2 \\04.H20 (khoang v(lt ch,ra ax it nhU' Ihllcc va m¢t phan nhu c}zlfl llim Ian
von/ramlc ng(lm nuac) mau glan d(Jng IIi: vii a ml'U)
hYc:lrous It (thuOc) OI.rac, ng~m mrac (chi hydroxy-an hydride hydroxyanhydrit
s~t' co m(it cUa mQI lu(yng nuac khong x ac hydroxybenzoic acid axil hydroxyhcnzolc,
dlnh; chI ry L~ nuac lten kel xdc dinh) C7HaOa (chd( bd'( ky (rong ba chlJ't dan
hydrous mica mica ngam ntrae, x xllat kel Ilnlt clla axit benzoic: cdc d(lng
hydromlca orlho, meta va para. este cua hq-p chal
hydrous salt mUDi ng~m ntr&c para duqc dl~ng nhu chdt kim ham vi
hydrous wool fat rnO' 16ng ClrU c6 ntrae khul1n)
hydroxamic acid axil hydroxarnic (h(Yp para-hydroxybenzoic acid axit
chffl ha-u cO' chua nh6m -C(=O)- para-hydroxy benzoic, C a H 4 (OH)COOH.
NHOH) 2H 2 0 (linh th~ khong mau nong chdy a
hydroxide hydroxlt (h(yp chat chua nh6m 2JOoc. Ian trong con. ntt'ae vii ete, drlng
OH - , hydraxll cua cdc kim lo(li thuo-ng nhu hoa chflllrung glan vii cho thuDc tCJng
lil bazO' vii clia phi kim thuo-ng La axil, Il(Yp)
hydraxlt c6 th~ la chfft huu cO' ho(1c cMt hydroxy-benzyl alcohol nJ'Q'u
vo cO') hydroxy benzylic, OH.Ca H4 .CH 2 OH
hydroximlno hydroximlno, x nitroso hydroxy-benzyl chloride hydroxybenzyJ
hydroxisoxazole hydroxlsoxazol, clorua, OH.Ca H 4 .CH 2 Cl

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hydroxybiphenyl 506
2-hydroxybiphenyl 2-hydroxybiphenyl, x HCX:I-12 CH 2 NHNH 2 (chlll long hal nltal
phenylphenol khong miui, nang chdy cY -70 0 e, tan trong
,B-hydroxybutyric dehyd rogenase ru'Q'1I Ihifp , dling nhu tdc nhfm Jam r~mg
dehydrogenaza ,B.lzydroxyblilyric (enzym In, con g{Ji In 2-hydrazlnoethanol)
XllC tac s~r bien dat axit L-{3-hydroxy- 3-hydroxyflavone 3 -hyd roxy f1av on, x
butyric Ihanh c«ifaxeloc«elic nha l0(11 bd f1avanol
hydro) hydroxyine hydroxyin , C21H27C1N202
hydroxycarbamide hydroxycarbuQ1it, x (Jlltloc an than . Cling co lac d~mg chong
hydroxyurea non va klrring Itistamin, dllng nhu muol
hydroxycarbonyl compound hO'p chat hydrocLortUl)
hydroxycarbonyl (hQ'p chifl co ",(>1 JrO(lc hydroxy-ketone hydroxyketon
nh/ell nhom hydroxy (-0/-1) va m(>1 Iwijc hydroxyl- hydroxy 1-, x hydroxy
nh/ell nh6m carbonyl (= C 0)) = hydroxylable II hydroxil h6a dU'Q'c
hydroxychloroquine hydroxyclnroquin , hydroxy-lactone hydroxylaclon
C 1s H 28 CINs O (Ihuoc citing nhll' mlloi hydroxylamine hydroxylamin, NH 2 0H
sul! al de dieu Ir/ sot nfl. lup til ban dd hinh (chifl kifl Unh kltong mall , san x llal
din va viem dn khap ci(1ng Ihap)
IhtNyng mlJI nha tlltly phon axil cae
hydroxycholine hydrox¥colin. x mlL'iCarine nitropara! in, klti nrmg b! phon jlllY, dling
hydroxycinchonine hydroxyxinconin. x {rong /(Jng lu:rp Mfa ('0' va nflu chat khr;")
cupreine hydroxylamine chlorhydrate
hydroxycitronellal hy d roxyx i! rone la I, hydroxylamin hydroclnrua , NH 2 0H.HCI
C10H2002 (chal Long khong mim ho(1c hydroxylamine hydro~hloride
mllu vang sang, nfUYl, sol Irong khoang 94 hydroxy lamin hydrocloru a , (NH 2 0H)CI
- 96°C, Ian Irong 50% con va dUll khong (e/ufl k e l linll nang cluiy cY 151°e, tan
bay hal, dUng trong nganh lurang 114u va Irong Klyxerol wi propy Len glycol, dr.ing
nuac hoa, "on g{Ji liz citronellal hydrate) nhll' clU11 killi' Irong cllt.ljJ dnh viz Irong
hydroxyd hydroxyt 1160 /l;ng h(yp va hOO phiin -trclt, nhlr d,al
2-(hydroxydiphenyl) methane 2-(hydro- chong Q\: y hall Irong CL\: il beD WI x iz p hong
xydipheny I)melan, CaI-l!5CH2CeH40H viz nhll' rlwoc !luI' lai 110((1 hall enzym)
(chat kel linh nong dlliy (Y 20.2 - 20.9 0 C orlho-hydroxylaniline orllto-hydro-
hoiJc chat long, citing nlllt' Ihl/oe di~1 mam xylanilin, C a H.NH 2 0H (tinh Ih2 mila
~nh , chat bao qllan WI clufl sril trilng) Irang da yen m(it Ihal g ian bUI n thimh
hydroxy-ester estc hydroxyaxil , phal nlm, nong chay cY 172 - 173°(.', nang
R.OH.Co.OR' han Ilri Ihang 1100. Ian Irong nrr6'c 1(11111 ~ ·a.
. hydroxy ether hydroxyctc, R.o.R.of-l benz en , ciling nliu' Ilwoe nllll(nn toc Vii Long
hydroxyethylcellulo~e Illli va nhl( IIIlIOC nlllu;Jm Irtmg gian. COli

hydroxyelylxcnluloza (b(>1 milll Ira ng (ta! /I g{J/ La orllro-aminophenol. Ql:ammOnillm)

che Itr xenluloza dtlJlg de
chll(>i bong vlii hydroxylapatite hy d fOXY I a pa tit ,
va nlltr drat Lam d(1c san nen mrac) C<15(P04)30H (d(Lng hiem clia n/t ()m.
2-hydroxyethylhydrarine apatit kc't linlz Irong ,,~ I'.IC gldc)
2-hydroxycty Ihydrazin, hydroxylase hydroxyla-zCl (m(jl frong nh(ell

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enzym xlk tac m()t so phan I(ng hydroxyl protein call Inte IO(li cologen)
hOa lien qllan (Un oxy nglly en iIi') para-hydroxypropiophenune
hydroxylate san phHm hydroxyl hm-I II ell p ara-hydroxypn)piOphcn o n ,
1'IC X:: s I1 4 COC:!-[s (chii', kfJ' 1 linJc nang
hydroxyl hlJ"
cluiy 0- 1490(.', tan frong con WI ele, riling
hydroxylated (<.lLn,1'c) hydroxyl hoa
nhlf chlfl kim /uim horm o n lu/'(yng sinh
h}'droxyla ti ng (Sl.l") hy droxy I h6a
dl.IC lIIy e n y en)
hydroxylation Sl.l· hydroxyl hoa
8-hydroxyquinoline R-hydroquinolin,
hydroxylation reaction ph ~ln Lrng
Cgl-lsNOH (Iinh Ih e ho(ic hQI mini (rting
hydroxyl hoa (mQt Irong mQI so kieu pluin
.yam l(li khi hi chi/r .l wing , Ian il Irong
ling dllng de dIm m Qt ho(ic nh{eu nholn
I1ll'CYc. Ian (rong benz en , n.an.g chay a 73 -
hydroxyl vao cac h q p chat ha'u CO", lei
75 0 C, dllng Ir o ng clie ll c h i]' Ihu oc dir71 nam
phdn Irng ox)' h o a ngll"Q'c vc)'i Sll' Ihliy
WI Irong Iticlt kim / Of}i n//{'), I(k cil./flg nlllt'
c h (i" I g (i Y k i!" I 11 i (/ , C () n g 9 i I rI 0 x i n e ,
hydroxyl compound lw'p chat hyctrnx y l
LlxY4uinolinc, X-quil1olinnl)
hydroxylher6lerite hy d r llX y I h l.! r tl e r iI ,
Ii - h Y d r u x Y (I II i n 0 lin c sui fat e
DlBc(PO.)(OII) (klwdJ1g I'(i l /t il elml lei
~-hydrm':Y4uin()lin sl.l lfal , C1'aH1sN20SS
chu-u phosphal WI hydrox il cmv:. i WI heryli.
(h() ( ke I I ill II 111(111 wing nli(ll , n6f1g chriy a-
dOlig hinh 1'00i h erderil) 1 75 - 178 0 (:, ICln Irnnx I1II'6'c, eliing nh/l'
hydroxyl hydrogen hydro nh(im hiumxy! Ihlllk sril f/'ling. chitl killi' Inlii. chal Iri Ina
hydrox,lic /I (lhUl)C) hydroxyl II (ji )
hydroxyl oxygen oxy nhclm hydroxyl hydroxy trihasic acid hydroxy tri ax il ,
hydroxy mon()b.a sic acid· hyctroxyaxil. hydrox y ax it 1)<1 lrin , OII.R.(COOI -I)3
R.OH.COOH 5-hyd roxyt ryptam inc
hydroxy-naphtalene lly () rnx y a 11 <I pt a Ie n . 5-l1ydrox)'ll"yptamin,.\: serotonin
1\1ptol, C'O 117 01-1 5-hyd roxyt.·ypto phan
hydroxy-naJlhtalene hy u rox y n <I ph I a k n . 5 -11ytlroxy I ry ptophHn , (:111112 N 2 0 3 (cI.(II"lg
naphtol, C H 7 0H qlll! nhd /to iic linh (h e !linll kim, hi ({e n
p.hydroxynaphthnic acid "xii ('/t(/"I sinh huc CliO santonin)
p.hydroxynaptoic , C lO ll s OIICOOI-I (clrrl1 3 -hyd roxyty ram i ne hydrod rom ide::
rdn mall wIng. Inn Ir ong elC: wi ('(")1/. /Icing J - hyurnxylyr a 1l1in hydrobromua ,
chay a khodng 218°C, (liillg fl/lIl' rlel/ oc (I rO)2 C aI-l3CI12 C H2N1I2 ' H Br (ng II o n
nhll¢1n WI chal !n(IIl) dO/lalnill clIO l o ng /t <,"p eric cluTI Iita ng (1.('

"hydroxy-3-nitr()benzen~arson ic ad d cat eclto! rlInin)

axil 4·hydroxy -3 -nit robe nZCI1C1 rsonic , hydrox:y unsatu.·ated acid hydroxy axil
HOC'8 Ha(N02)A:;O(Ollh (tillll III ;: cfllng c l1ll"a 110
Mit IllUDe 1/111' ziricon. cc)n Ii ling d e k ie III hydroxyu rea 11ydrox)'lIre , I·ION I-I( :ON 1-12
rranhlem kludin m(il nOli WI aU IIIir:J1 lIil;lI (tinlt lid! Itinh kim . t/()llg cluiy 6' 133 -
IUdI slllil trlrong wi chiin nll() ; (). d (jllg I'(lf. 13(}0<:, riling nhll' cltdl cll ()'ng //fIg 11111". C(lll
cOn g(>1 Iii roxar.;onc) g(J/ hi hyclroxycarl1amicll:)
hydroxyprolin~ hyclrnxy prolil1 , <:51-19 ()a N hydrozincite hyuro 7.i 11xit . Zn s (OII)5-
(axil nmin ve cO' brill g i<N 11{U1 6' ("tic ((:03)2 (klto(illg cll(TI /lUl li Ir l'f llg. JI/U)'I

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hyetograp b 508
xaln ho(Ic p h a t w'1ng c hlc a k ifln cac ho n (/{ Wlo d (ic [ ( nil !-l o a I); c l i a cdc be m(11 VII Mng
baz O', c6 d (m g kho t h o {'i c c(in k e l) khi d(j am (I ('(yn g cl a'i 1i/ l1g)
hyeto g r a p h bie u 0 0 g i a n g Ih ti y (b a n do h yg ros co pi c depre s si o n el (> giam am(16
h o (I c bi e ll do Ih e: hi ~? n phri n
itc (yn g bo d o khn na n g }!l l l nll'ac Clia chil i kM am)
gidng thll}' th ea th a i g ian I w(ic Ih eo I'lin g) hygr() s ~-I)picity tinh hut a m ; dQ hut am
hye t ology gia n g thuy hOC (k h o o h 9C nghie n hygro scopic m u is tu.-e do am do hUt
nrt.l ngLian goc , ca ll trit e wi nhll-ng d (lc h ygroscopic wat e r n lI tre d o hut am
di(fnt khnc Cli o tn (>i d(lng ginn g thllY ) (th iinh pha n IIlr6-c th n nhtr&ng hiip plu!
hygrogr a ph ky am «(un k C! g fti) Ir e n b e tn{} f eric h (1f d a , \'a ,k hong khd
hygroki n.elDatic s am
d e) n g h e) c (ng rin h dl,m g eha (I/l_rc v(ll)
n g llie n C I,{- ll chlly en d (Jng Clin cac
In o La h ygro s copic w a t e r c on te nt h ~lm hllin!
c h a t nrNY" Irong k ilt' qllye n) ntr6c do hut lim
hygrology am do hQc (bi) mon n g hie n Cl i'l l hygro s tat m <iy die u a m
hiiln lu(Yn g flo'i f ll OYC (d Q ;:11: 1) Cli a kll/' hY lnecromon e h y m cc r o m o n , C1oHa'\
fluyen) ( c h a t k c t tinh , n (m g c h ~IY (y 19 4 " \95QC
hygrome ter a m kc (dl.lft r; C(l de d (Jc r r (l' C Ian Ir o n g n le f a n o l vii ax il (lxe l ic bdnX,
Iiep llc(yng tun (r o n g klu:J n g kh{ /t o {}c d llff d ling nlllr ItlliOC l (Yi tn (i l I'a clUing co IMI
kid klln c , c hi b rio t hU' (Y fl g th e o d(j am wi hi tie" chlla n xric d j nh Jr O(lI Ifn I! enzym
luO'n g d o t nh ll' so p han (ra nt tit? am hitJn b/ln g huj'nh quan g k e )
Ihai so va i h t '(>'ng iiln CI,I'C d{l i co th e C() 0' hY l-nexazol h y m ex aznl , x hy droxlsoxazole
nhi r? 1 d ¢ klw \ '~C C m a k hong xay I'a S I_"
hyos cya mine hyo s xy a rntn , C 17 1-1 2S O,N
rtg ll'ng 1(1) (atkalo il k e t linl!. m a ll l rrt ng /(iel! lir (~
hyg r ometry am t dlc h OC (bc;) m all n g h ien ky n ham, c ay en du'(Yc 1'(/ nllli"ng Owe \'~
Cl_r ll ph ep do elt? ru n cl i a khr' q lly en wi khric, Ian (r o n g c ·o n I'ci fLl: i1 l Oring, dll!ti
nfl/eng cllift kilt' kfuic ) {r o n g y h pc nhlt' c hrf r ch o ng lie l c/l otin)
hyg r omyc i n hy gr o m yx in , C 2 s 1-13301:l N hy pe rchr o micity d () l a n g sflc (cI¢ hffp Iii)
(ch a t kh -in g sinh II t'H I f a n (/[r.-;rc , tt'n l! ax il
r'i n h sring fir n go(ll c li a cac rLllil g dlel
yell pho tac dl,mg k hd r (jng d o m Of cluing pol yn ucleOlit ((I n g l e n do nUlr call trliClJui
vi s in h f (lO ra j
c(t p c6 Ir (it It,r)
hygroscope Hm n g h ie m hy p c r conju ga tion S l)' h ()' p (,n ,r sap xi,
hygro sc op ic It ca m u"ng am (n h (l}' w 5'i d Q c(ic li e n k e l (r o n g m (JI p h /in flf flI' llng 11
(lin, vi d l,' n.hll' m(j , so rn o IlI(i'C v{I r) ; h t'i t
S(r' k {[t h pp tr o n E; h () /I h (yp th eo ('ong Ihlir
am (c 6 khn n rln g 1'0 r if f f r aJ1p' l a n g I fic dQ v() eric biell /riifn e lla n o nltll'ng [(it' dl.'1r!
SL,t" n g ung tl,l ClW h o-; n l l"(YC, or
d(mg c ll o
yell fr o"n)
cac nh iln ngu"n g fl.' c hl l 'a Inli o i v o n c lI o
hypere ut e c t ic qua e Llt ec lic
dung dich m cac c6 dp S ill'l l h o- i d in. beIn g
rat Ihap so v a i ap sw'1t h o- ; c rla nll'O'c lirzh
h ype re ute cti c a lloy hl)'P k im sau cutC(lit
h C)' p kim sa u cu n g tinh (h (Yp kim dol 16
k hie t a d m g nhi¢ t d o ) ; bie n tinh v i a m (chi
h(Jp p h a n n lim ben p h d i e ll/ ee li e Iren glill
chil't c 6 c ac d (Ic lrrcng W J f L.)' Ih ay d o i r o
r~t da a n " c lla h O'i m rch: ) ; ng u'n g
h l l'l7 n g
eli? c an blin g va ell ,i'(/ m Ql C(IU fni e (tWeetk
am (c hi m r &c h a p fhll Ixh k h onn g V(l l rlfrt ndo do )
k ho fir kh i ({uy e n , /; c Q"ng fl !( l rng fliy f h ll(jC hyp ~ r e utcctoid steel tl)~p :-, C1 U CUlect(J:

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509 hypoborate

(Ilufp ellIl'n Ire n 0,8% cacbon) m egah ec)

!Jyperfine st ructure diu tru e sic u tinh Ie hypersonic speed toc (1<) sicu vu'O't am
(5//lrich cac I'(lch p ho do sp in Clia 11(11 nhfin (foc d ¢ Cli{/ v(il I &n h o-n c/I/'l 'flg ntIm mn
ngllyen IIi' h o (ic do x w J I hi~n hIm hp'P c{ic (oe cI¢ rim thanh Irong d,ifl ' lll'll m{i v{iJ
dong I'i Irong nguy en 10, l'Uf l lal hfs) c huyen d (>n g qlla)
hyperforming hyperfominh , S l! sie u hypersonic wind tunnd dU'ang o ng gi6
fomlinh (qua trinh hydro hon tinh che' flau sic u vU'c.y t am (d/d'yng ong g io t rong d o
rno co Xlie tac de cd; rhl(fn chi so octan clla kllong kh{ ('h/lyen d¢ng vO'i toe d¢ d(l; th e
naph{(I nho' Im}i bd cdc h(yp cluf{ Iml (r o ng khoring t IC 5 1& ; 15 [an 10C d(> lim
/ill}' nlr va nil 0-. cllifl Xlie tric La co ban tlranh)
molypdaJ tren n e n aililnosil;cnl) hyperso rption S~I' sie ll
hap (quo I rinlt v&i
hypergolic til boe chc1Y (co kiln ntIng danh InnK hap ph(1 c {lcb o n 11 0(11 linll (n; fIIan
lira I/.f pllal kh; lie p x lic) 1/O(l n de 1/1/1 /i ni Iic lI I/.IC Ny l en Ill ' metnn
hypergolic fuel nh ic n lieu tl! boe eh ,iy (I (j Vii eric klr{ phlin IIi' fl l'(ynK Ih lij) khdc)

h(1p nh;en li~1l va cllifl oxy h (la viYn hbc 'I." hypersthene h ypcr q c n , (Mg, Fc)S i03
chay khi liep x li.e, nlllr m el anal wi h y d,-o (khorll1K v(il ( (10 rld m {lIl plt &l xdm, ph o'l
perox ;l. dijng nlllr chltl no df!)' l en lI'm ) 1(1 e. d en h o{ie niill sa m Ilrll (>e nhom
hyperoxide peroxit (JI'lhopy,oxen, ('(j finlr dong tid Ir en be m (i(

hyperphoric alternation Sl! dOi chat, s~r nil kho;)

hOi,n vi hyp ertonic solutioJl lung dieh u 'u lnrrrng

hyperpres sure sicu ap (dung dielr C(j rip slIii'1 Iham fhii' /l cao Ito-n

hyperse nsor b~) sieu d m bi e n (b() II giil nh(ell so v&; dll:1 K di c it c ll/din dang
(rll' o-nK)
In(Jeh m¢t Ih£lnh phrin chinll 1(li dll'QT, 11O(I(
d9ng nfllr d(mg C(l phon Iii' mang c",i ye'" hyper"valent atolll n guy e n tLI' sic u h6 a tri
chili ham \'(l d(mg de brio vI? cat' l1I(1ch tf ell (nKIIY(' fl "i' 0' K,'ti'a Ir ong C(11l Irl le lien kitl
il(1p kho; bi qllo clong WI qlld (ip) do'n "irlin ch in lIOn ltim el ec(r on Ir ou Irj de
hypersonic (( cao sieu nm (chi ((;11 siY co o
1(10 rtl eric lien k i!'( cong hfl(/ (rO

hall 500 megalwc); sicu vU'O'I f llll (chi l oe hypervelocity wind tunnel thrtrng ung
tf9 sieu Vlr (Y1 am ho(ic d o ng khong klr{ gil) s icli It')e (dl('(Yng 6 ng gi6 tr rmg d o co
chllyen d(jng vai 16e d(> ",i eu V UQ't lim) th e cl(lf dl{'{7C l fic eI(> kh ang k/r{ wi nlrif t

hypersonic night Sl! b ay Sh~ u VUVI am ( \'If £16 C{lO /rO'll so 1'6 'i 0' dll' i)'n g o n g g ;6 s;ell
v ll'~)' 1 iinl)
bay va; toc d(> cao /t a n nh{e/l so 1'0'; (oc
dp tim I h rU1h (' lie hI'>, (h eo ql~\, /l'(i'c eh e (/ 6 hypnotic IhllllC ngl:' (Ihlllk gtiy hllon ngli.,
bay sieu l'/r(YI am hill da" rY gfi'p fIl'im Inn CrJl'I K(J i l a snmnifiGlI11. SOP0rl ( IC)
lac d(> lim Ihanh WI m{T r (jng ditn va h(ln) hypnotoxin hypno toxin (hormon girl dinh
hypersonic now d lmg ch~"y sieu vu'(Yt am do mo n ci o 1(10 ra l '() git)' r a g i li"c ngli)

(tiong cJ/{iy c lia chal 111'11 qlla m (>1 1'(11 0- ( oe hypo n a tri thl osu lf a t , hyp os ulfit ,
" Ii ,I N" VII'(11 am va song va d(lp bd( dOll Na 2 S 2 ()3 5 1-1 2 °, x sodiu m thi osulfa te
a erich be m (JI 1'(1' m(i ( khodng 111'1'11 " (In) ' hypo acid hYPl1ilxit
h)'jlcrsonics call sicu fl m h~)C (,\'l.r 1(10 ra 1'(1 hYl)O hath 11(: khLr, hl:: hyposulfil
Sir dl,tng so n g lim cr> Ifm :,fi Iren 5()O hypuborate hypoborat, M0I311 3

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hypobromite 510

hypobromite hypohromil, MOBr hypothalamic r e leasing factor ycu 16

hypobromous acid a xil hyp o brnmo' , gia i pho n g vung dU'cY i go (m QI Irong cdc
HOBr h arm o n d o v i/ng cilrO'i go lief ra, fnty'tn
hypochloric acid axit hypoc lora, H CX::I theo erich c lia s<?'i Ih'ii n kinh l o i IMy /rI1I]e
trlyen yen , c7 do ellli ng gr7y ra ,w gMI
hypochlorite hypoclorit , CI03 - (io n am
ph6n g ch 9 n 19 C cae h arm on /lIyen yen d~c
ddn x uat tic a x it hy p ocl o rO' HOC I. i o n La
bi~ l)
tac nhfin axy h o n v a thanh phon elia ch itl
tay tritn g ) hypothesis gic'l lhuy c t (m f nlz de dlf(1C gld
dinh liJ dling khi chlr ng minh mrnh d?
hypochlorite sweetening Sl/ XLI' 19 c1 a u
khdc; m f nh d e du<?,c coi hl dring do elk
ma b ang hypoclorit (qua Irinh tin" cM! d ati
It? qua dli'(Ye 11m Ilra'y til dling; m ~n" tH
rna ox y h o n c ae m er c aplan x{1ng blln g
x ric d i nh m 91 l (ip I W I' h o(fc (lil fm b6 va
eac h khuay v a i drmg d/ e h h y p o ci o ril
I { nlt d ring d an clia n d co 1M dlwckltm
1II1'0'e, kie m)
trn b(~ng chrrng cd ' m all )
hypochlorous acid ax il hypoclo r O', I-lOCI
(axil ye ll, klu5n g on din", dli Io n ((Ii (r o n g
hypotonic solution u un g d jch nhuQc
lru'cyng (dung dich co rip ,\'11(/1 liram IMII
dung dtclz mlloi Clio n O, dring nlur cJul I tl'i y
(h(1P h O't! dung d icl l I11110 i d dng Imung)
Jriin g )
hypochromicity d O giam s~c (d (5 h ffp Ihl,l
hypovanadate h y pov a n a d al , M2VI Q'II
anI! san g lli: n go(li c lia eric d/lng dieh MZV 2 0 S

poly nucleotit g iam x u o n g do 1(10 ra call hypoxanthin e hy poxa nlln , Cs H.ON. (Jdn
{rrle (/zli' cifp c6 tr(iI 11,1') p h elm (rllng g ian clfi n x Illrf IIi' adell/II/rong
sl,i' tllIiy pharr (L1.'.if n u cleic )
hypoeutectic alloy h Q'p kim sa u c ung [inh ,
hQ'p kim sa u eut ectic (" (YP kim d o i e6 " Q'P hypsometer C<lO kG' di em Slil (Ilp/g ! tI<I
ph'lin n"m be n I r ni elll ee/i c) ri p s lI a' l k it,. quye ll d e: xcic d!nll d(J eGO

th o n g qua do diem soi Cli o eric elrfillong );

hypoeutectoid steel th e p sa u e ulcc t o it
cao k c t a m gi ac d ~I C (m (>f Irong rtlQI so
(th ep c/nra dll'a i O,8 (}f, c a ebo n)
hypoiodous acid axil hypoioda , HOI ( (l1.'. il
dl,m gq l d o d fJ x d c dinh
rl u /Ill clla fl1l' .
c o i ba n g plt llp lam giri c eI{le)
k hong b~n, r a t y elL, lil k el qua IJ-tllY p h im
hysteresis hie n (U'O' ng Ir ~ (Ir ong dien Id
y e ll iot Irong nu'ac)
m (Jt hiell Irng Clia b(J cillO d (m g fll eo dog/Ii
hyponitrite hyponilril , MzNzO z
Ir! nao d o clia Iham .\'0 lam vi?e cO lh? ddn
hyponitrous acid ax il hyponit ra, HzN z O z {Le'n nhieu g id 1ri d inK ,m a l / /0(1(' 1M so
hypophosphate hy pophosphat , M.PzOs ra; Ir o n g n g iznh h (tI nJritn l it SI/ fh ay dOl
hypophosphite hypoplm<;phit , MH 2 P0 2 J(lIn Jlul'i c7 ,1(1c Irung I O'C cit? dlm . difn
hypophosphoric acid ax il rip c lia o n g d e m bli' e X (I d o 11 0(11 d¢ng
hypophosphoric, H.P2()S (rrl'(Yc d 6 Clia n o; (r an g VQI '>; Iii ,w ph(1
hyposulfate hyposutfal , MzSzOs thu(Jc a ia Ir (m g (fu ii Clio "4 vila licil SIt
hyposulfite hyposulfil , M Z S2 0. 11'I(,o-C d o Clia n o n o i eh/lng du o i d(lIIg SI,l
trl Clla m (jt lri4/1 1l'I:lg v(il If -,I'WI nguyen
hyposulfuric acid a xil hyp o sul f uri c ,
nhan Clia n o ); hi~ n tlY<;mg Ill' Ire, (cf)n gpl
HZS 2 0 S
Ir) m agne tic hysteresis)
hyposulfurous acid axil hypos ulfur a ,
H 2 S 2 0.
hysteresis coefficient h~ so Ir~ (JIang so
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511 Hz

d(fc (nrng eho mQI Vt]1 !NIl rteng Irong hysteresis loss ton hao do tre (fUlng
cong (hire eho fan hao do Ire) lll'(yng bifi'n dOi thnnh nll;';1 frong v{JI lii}II
. hysteresis loop Yang tre (dll' ri'ng eong k{n do s/,r tre til' ho(ic "i ffn III'(Yng Ire khne,
rna m(51 vQ1 lifu IhE hi¢n hi?n IU"(Yng Ir e kem thea SI.I' bien thien wan lIolin clla til'
(n}IIl' eMff s(tf IiI' ;'o('Ic chaf sat ditfn) titan
Irll'O'ng ho(ic bie n k{ cll kllnc)

thea Iren da th; bien bi k{ch (nllll' dQ cam hysterocrystallization Sl[ ch~m ket tinh
Irng til' ho(fe dQ philn Cl.l'C di{jn) plll,l Ihll9c hysteromorphic tt tre hinh
bien k(eh (nhu" Ill- tru"O'ng ho('Ic tlirJn hyzone triti, T
t",ang) Hz hcc, Hz (hert z )

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( x iodine
clin nllli-nl( d(mg dC>, m(1e r//( m {m(! ({"ii 1M
IA x international angstrom Cfln blIng fir dtfi xll'nR lw Ridc ,l'(Ing (ti'ell
\ 1\.'" ,t 10 lJleaCellC a Clu k l ¢n nlti¢1 d 9 va tip ,I'wJ'r her; rflny dol co
ianthinite ianthinit , 2LJ02 .7H 2 0 (khorinK fh e dan d en sl,r hYn len Clia eric d(lng linh
l'tJI mall tIm cfuj'a l/rani diox il n~ (im tlIl'(Ye Ihe fro ng do hnll n/I/r khong the n/uJn fa
d(mg tinh the ta phfrang) dtr9'C mall f(l e girie dun ginn)
(AT x internalional at omic tim e ice-crystal cloud mliy tinh the ht'lng (dtim
iatrochemistry y hoa h<,)c may dlll'n lodn he? cric finh IIIC Mllg nll/(
(BA x Indolebutyric acid mliy Ii (val ng hia nay p/I(in liNI v(iI eric

IBIBx isobutyl isobutyrate dam may nmyc wi may hIm Iwp ) va co rfQ
khuifch (rin w] danK ve ,1'(7 ; holm Io<in klll/r
ibogaine lbogain, C26H3202N2 (alka/oit
chief trich tfr than va [a [o(li cfiy b~li
vai (!dng w! Clio may I? ;91 nr((;c di?n hinlt)

Tabernanllie iboga, k ifl finlt Ill' elanol flly f l

ice-crys tal fo~ su'cyng mu tinh the bc1ng,I
ice log
doi nhlr cdc linII the IIjnh kim !tinK tn,l ,
nang cluiy 0- 152-153°C, Inn franK elano/. ice-crys ta I haze Ian sU'CYng tinh the Mng
efe va claro! am, dlllJg frong y h ()c) (/O(1i ,\'IUYng mil bang ra', nh ~ chi gomcdr
I C x integra ted circuit tinh the bang va d oi kll; qllan wit dlfVcu

ice mr&c da, bang (clufl d{.lm d(ie hjnh fh{lnil

cric d 9 cao trh 20.000 f /II (610() mi l) I'd
Ilul'<r ng g(ln lien \'(ri ,H,t' k el (ria ('fie lillli
do Sl,r don f{ d {1e (' lin MlUrC (/t ri Mfl /·nt'. :;.: (I '{
Ih i! Mnl()
rein. co diem nong ehdy (JOe (32°/,,) I'd
iced (dLrO"c) u'cYp nLrc'Yc d;i
IhubflC XU{fl hi~1I tJ dplIg ca c linh Ilt tY l{IC gitic;
Mp h oc,'1c k/to; 1IU(~ C cl 61l g ha/lg)// (/1 rl' ( YjJ
ice dye [hu6c nhu()m '<lIlh
mUTc dfi ice dyeing 5 1,!' nhu6 m l ~mh
ice calorimeter nhi¢t 1U'C;mg kc nu'()'c d~ ice dyestu.f thu6c nhu6m I~n h
ice colour thuck nhuOm I<,mh, x azoic dye ice fog sLr(rng mu Mng (lo(li slI'ml!: mti ~iXn
ice cream kem (1Iui'e (In) cdc h(1t banR /0' Ili'ng. JM(5( pha" fa cae tinh
fir e biing du anK k/nh 20·J()(} microlntl
ice cream freezer m;.iy I~ml kern (Ihlcc !in)
nJ/lrng c/l/i yf!'/I. d(1c bicl klri (ito' # c, Id
ice crystal tinh the b~ng (mijl Irong m(jl .'On
cae finh the hanl: d,ran;; kin" }NO
d(mg k itl tinh vi m/'J clin bljn~ , h(/o Rom c(Jf
mieromel . XW:21 hien 0- nhiel elf) r({IIMp,
!t,IC giac, tam nho I~,c gi(ic, tinh the cl(InK
t huang k.lli thin Nih yen '<Tng. Irong $dng
nluinh cay. linll Ihe !lilll! kim 1'(1 f /) h (>'[1
a Nil cno. con ROi Itt frCl'it flClk ~, fr~1 (~

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513 ideal

lrozen fog , lee-crystal fog , pogonip , rirn<;: ice splintel-s m tmh b a ng mang di¢n (Indnh
log) bang Inang di iln. nhd x(/l quan ,W il (/u'(YC

Iceland crystal cia Aixulcn, canxi Irong die ll ki ijn ,h" nghi t/ m, khllhoi kh6ng
cacbonat, Caeo a , x Iceland spar khi velD si} bi reich ra ci(Ulg hinh cily ho(ic

Icela~d spar da AixCYlen, canxi c.'lchonat , k e t Il.l khcJng gian)

CiCOa (d(lng lilll! tire m(il tllai de (ri c ll ice stone dc'1 bang, cryolil, x cryOlite
che, khlkx(l k i p , Iii d(lng carveil linh khiiFt, ichthanuTlol ichtamol (chal Iring nh&1 Iflu
rrong mol, co nldell 0- A ixn'icn , con gpi hi duq-c (Ir c hll'ng nil Illiy m(>1 so chi phie'n
Iceland crystal) bifl"n, ,WUl dd slllIona( h6a I' hnn C(II Vrl

Ice line dlTang bang (do Illi diem dOllg cI(i(' rrllng /too vcri (unaniac, ciling nhll' ,lIl1oc Sa(
am mUle pili,' (hllQc vlio (ip slui'/) (/'ling n.1I/,? vel ('/l(lr kt'cl/ Illich ctie btJnh
Ice making machine m{IY nUT)'C {,h i ngorli do WI do; klli n/III' thl/f'ic long d<hn)

Ice mould khuon nuo-c d ci icing SIJ' u'cYl' nu'("Yc dci ; l6-p b a ng phLI (lo'jJ
biing litl1g h o (ic "llIl I c n In('1 v(il cia cac 11(11
Ice needle linh the ~ng hinh kim (tinh lir e
nll'6'c long (Ihu'& ng qlui nguQi) d(ip van wi
bdng mdnh, riM, tiel di~n ngang Irl.lC d(JC
clong d(ic; khoi IIO(iC lerl' bang hinl! Ihanll
om no Ihlrung In ".IC g irie, n)n g pi Iii icl.:
11'I?11 In{il dffl Irong rnlill dong do .'OI.l" d o ng
being I ie!"p C/(a cnc 1c7Jl nlrl'YC eli lir e
li e n
Ice nucleus mam oong (I/(/I balky cd Ihe
liUJin ra I/"r d~-rl, Iti' song h o(lc fli ' sIIrh, can
Ide d(jng nlllr mwn kih lin" Irang SI.I' hinh
gpi la fI{xld icing, flooding icc)
thtlnlJ cdc lin I! the bang Irang kid quy en)
icing rnachin~ nl .-'Y ll'o-p nU'lYC d;:-,
Ice pellets vicn hc"ing (lo(1i kiFI IIi" g om eric
icnnunl~t~l- i C{)1l0nll.:t (dl.urg CI,' dlJ linl k,{ elr
I;in ixJng Irong ,\'1101 ho(ic m(;' cllrc}'l1.g kt"nh
(Ill/"( )-{' Clio 111(>1 ,,(il k/ri h ifFI khodng ericll
0,21nsu (5 milimel) Iro(l(" "I/(; lunl, cd lite
II o(ic k//()ring cric h ( 6 '; <,(it dti bUh kfcl!
d(rng hinlr dill, khc3ng dell, ho(ie hin" n()n
(1II1"6'c nll(>' do hilllL ril1h Clla n6 an flulll
(hlem kill)
kl'nlr d(/ biitr tiell Cl.l ' 1(10 ra; klnh ngriln
Ice point diem b ring, die m k c t tinh (di e m
IrI,l"c lie p eli k.llIIng kiln 10(1i)
d6ng d(lc /lII.I"C Clin n/I'C)-C' , nh it; I d (j I (Ii d d
icosah~dl-()n hinh h:li mlro'i m :;i t
Mn /ulP nlcO'c linh kltii]"r bti n /r i Hl klu; n t;
/chi I'll biIng linl! khi e l co lite ton 1(li ()' ('{in ICSH x luteinizing harmolll.:
bIIng ({Ii tip SI/{i"1 / nrmosp he lie ll ch/lnn) I D.\" inside uiamclcr

Ice point depression SIJ' h ,,1 hrlng uiem I DA x ilninooiacctic acid

,Ice pole CI,I'C hc'\ng (ulm g7in ,bing Clio I' /ran i~dingsitc iding~iI (hnn "P'p Inrlll niill pllo'l
cMe nlllfr C1ia ixlng ((illl! (>ife c(re, !:t/f/ 8 3 (h; ctin eric silicol f(lO nen C(1c d o ul ej' tlrl
hO<k 84 d¢ l '; Bife v(1 /60 dt? kin!! Tay , ",O C l l l 0 hoz 0')

ron g{Jllil pole of Inaccl!ssihilily) ideal acruclyn::unics kill dong II.n: hex: Iy
lcequake d(ing l)i'lng (/ii!n~ l ' {/ .. 6 ' ;'o(le IlH'rn g (l1.J.:rinh kid d(Jng It,l'e h(Je nghi<J1I
ehdn dQ/lg kb" III eo ,V /,I' p//(1 V()' e(ic k /t o'i ClI"tI cdc.: gjri IlIii{ t dn'n gicin 110(1 girip gidi
bilng, tlucung cia ,\'1.1' co l 'l /(mlz qlld IIlIi'c) IIzt'cll In(>1 Sf> hrli (onn Illong kh6ng kId WI
clio cnc Id'i gini l(nn l/ting, can gQi 10 idea l
Ice spar da bang linh, x saniuinc
fluid dynamicS)
Ice spicule linh the h frng hinh kim , x il.:l.:
needle id~al crystal tinh thi! 19 tU'('yng. (can goi Ir"i


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ideal 514

perfect crystal) identify nhc) n r a; ph,i t l1i (: n; (fCmg nhilt h6.1

ideal dielectric chat dic;n moi Iy tLr&ng identity period chu ky lmng nhilt
(chdt d;iln moi trang d 6 toiin b¢ nan g 10 grinding SLr m ?li ID, S ~I' Imli lhriYng kinh
iUQ'ng can t!ri e f d:J thi e l i(ip m¢t diifn I rang (-"1.( mr}i dll'o'fll? k /nlt l rong clin m¢/
truang tr a ng chdl di fn m ot dell Ir a Ie;i chi (U! I ring)
nguo n khi bd trIl'ang , con g9i Lii perfect idioblast elj h ~I O, I e h i llJ ltf lC o j (Ie biro {Ilile
dielectric) v(il c6 hlnh d(mg h or;le ell/i'c ntlng klllk r6
ideal flow dong ch~IY Iy tLrl-yng (dong c h ifl r ifl vO'i eric ( if iJrlo lfin ('(in hen IrOll!? Cling
ltru khong n e n dlr(yc, hni chiell, klu5ng m (> ( m n); hien linh hinh (tillinit plt'rut
xoriy, on d{nh va khong n/ur l); dong chclY k 110 ring l'(if elin tI ri hie tI cllifl !trllil I/llinh
kh6ng nhat, x inv iscid flow c/o st.r (di k ih Unit von g i6'i It(UI hal ctic
ideal fluid chat ILrU Iy tlY(Yng (dliff Lml cd m(11 linll Ille riellg Clio fl O)
dong cJuiy ly tuang) , chat ILrU khong nhlYL , idiochrnm.atic eli m i lll d,)c trLrng, II! sat
x inviscid fluid (tlllu'r ng rip dl.tng cli o klw rin!!, \'~i)
ideal fluid dynamics dOng lt,I'C h QC chfi t idiomorphic fI I ~r 11 i n h (cim l:(Ji la
ILrU Iy tLrang, x ideal aerodynamics aUI o morphi(;)
ideal gas khi Iy tmy ng (chit, khl co eric idle If kh(mg l i li (elt (l)' klt r! ng tri/)
phfin fir vo Cling nlu> WI ell/ing kh o ng fric idle ("oller Ir~IC kh(mg 1~1i
dl,lng len nltnu; clulf khl IlIrln ' th en t1illll idocl"ase iuoer' I, .I.' vcsuv i;lI1ilc
I,,(il BoyLe (tlclt dp ,mifl W7 Ih e I[ch khnng
i cI i c :.\ C i d <I
0 II C iJ i d " n i e, c: II z0H.
dOi a nhifl d¢ klrong t/oi) wi d;nlt 11/(1/
(C:HOH)4 ,OX)11
Joule (n(H nling chi pht.l Ihll¢c n!titJt d (» ,
id rial ite iclrialil , C: 22 H 14 (klu)(ing v(il cilliD
dm K{>i iii perfC(;1 gas)
/rye/r oc(lebon k ilt lillll ('22 1114)
ideal gas law djnh Iu ~t khr Iy ILI'l'rng
I DU x 5 -iodo-2'-elcoxyuridine
(plw:ang trinh tr(mg Iltdi khl IINyng v6rr '>' I DUR x 5 -iodo-2'-<!cn xy uridine
liJ xap xl lot cho cdc kll/ th',rc a nltiifl ell)
i-f din .0;6 Irun g gian, IF (i"lerm~dilllc
d,j cno va dp SIUlt dll Ihrlp, ngltfa Iii PV
}' reqll eney)
= RT, trong do P iii dp slIrl1, V In (hi! I/c lt
Igewsky's solution dL,ng ojch Igcwll)
tren mol k/-t/, T LiJ nhiill d(> vii R In !tang
(cil/If kh r7c tin m r)n cliillK de diell chilh~
:;6 kit/)
('(1<: /)011 c ft o j,/uifl Itc h !ti cn f/ri, ROlli 5%atl
ideal solution dung djch Iy 1U'('mg (dllll/{
f'icric I rong ctm Illy';( dbi)
dicit lltiin (lteo d;nh I,,(it H,rlOId( 0' In p i
igneous (f (ll1u(k) Ilra ; c(l ILI'<I; h(ia Ih~ nh l!X
kllOlin/{ nlli\' ( d (j WI nong d(j, kltong dOi
dri dl)ng 11.1 1(li Ii." k!t6i nOll!? c!triy )
n¢i nrlng khi lr(>11 ~'n eric (/tiinh p han
igneous concentrat.ioll Sl,l' luy cn Ilhl
kh6ng Ilia nhou)
igneous Inineral k Illl a ng v ~ 1 mac
ideal state lr~ng thai Iy tm'yng
(klto(ing \ '(It t{IO n en tid lI1{/cma)
identification Sl! nh ~m ra ; SI,J" ph{l! hi¢n ; s~r igneous petrology Ih ,W h hoc h(m Ihi,
nhc)n d~ng (ngrinlt ngltie n c li ' /{ rid /f/(ICIl1f1, ,W .lc~
identification limit gill'i 11<In ph<l l hien , !tit/ II, theil'll! ph'iin ~'ri ngll /ln goc C/ln rh~
gi&i hc.'10 nh ~1O dc,mg igneous rocks u ;) maCIll;l
'identifier chal phcil hic;n ignitability I.nll de h (ic c h;IY; d(l dCM

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515 iIIuminants
chay dl¢n Irong den chuyen m(leh, con gol la
ignite dot chay,dot thfmh tro; bOc chay, moi keep -alive "electrode (il dt'mg »); dh~n CI,l'C
l..ra, danh l..ra mol dfin dl~n (di~n ql'c d(lng btll chi, lam
igniter cO' cau danh l..ra (dl_lng ql dl! moi bling carborundum Iw(1c v(il li~ll dlin di~n
hon h{Tp nhien Ufll); ngoi n5, kip no (11l'(Yng klrac kll6ng bi tllliy ngan liim tral, nliling
thuf5c na den ell! t(lO di(!u ki~n de dang cho mOl pllnn Irong calat be Iluiy ngan cua
S{l' bllt l.ra clill lm;mg tluUSc no clay ho(fc ignilron va d/~ng de klU7l plld! -SI,1' dan cti~n
min) a dil!m ean Ililel Irong mol clw trinh dong
ignitible II d~ hOc chay x oay chiell)

ignition 51,/' moi l..ra, 51,1' danh Ilr3 (qua trinh ignitor fuse day dan Ilra, ngai chay
bllt dllll dot hon h9'P nhten li~ll ho{fc ignitron ignitron (den be anot dan Irong do
phuang tifn de th(I'C hifn qlld trinh do) (lifn qre mol dlin d/~n dll'{Tc dllng de kll6-i
ignition charge thuoc n5 mOi (lIu;mg pilat vel calol Iren be m(11 be IhllY ngtJn
IrtN)-e moi dm ky dan)
IIIIIoc na nhd tlurang gom thuoc no den
t(lO dieu kNn de dang cho SI." cha)' clia I-head cylinder xi tanh dau I (ke-t (:ifll
Ilr9'ng thw5c na chinlr) d6ng cO' dOl Iro"!g co cd van n(lp Ian ~'an
ignition dope chat xuc lien 1I,r chay x li dell nam 0- dnll xi tanh)

ignition lag do Ire danh Ilra (a d(mg CO- ihleite ihleit, x copiapitc
dot trong, khodng thai gian gitl'a tlk b(lt ilang:-ilang oil dau ngoc Ian U1Y (dnll lang
tia lira va s(r elray clill hon Ir9'P kh6ng h{Tp hot}c dan xllat 11'1' hoa clia cay ng(X'
khi-nllien li¢lI., con g{)i lcl ignition delay) Ian lliy, cltli'a pinen, geraniol WI lina/ol, con
ignition limits gi&i h~n boc chay g{)i M cananga oil. ylang-ylang oil)
ignition losses hao hl,lt khl nung i1esite i1esit, (Mn , Zn, Fe)S(\.4H 2 0
ignition point diem bOc chay, nhl~t do bOc (khoang v(it miill l(tc dllra mangan-kiim sal
chay, x ignition temperature mif al ng (im ntI'O'C)
ignition quality tanh ba l l..ra (tlnh chift ILl<' Ian so Cl,l'C Ih fip, ILF (infra/ow
clia n/tien li¢II bat bra khi dU'{Tc pillm w)o
f reqlleney)

lU9'ng klr6ng klli nen trong xl tanh dOng IIkovich equation phU'cyog tdnh lIkovich
ca diezen, so do dlr(yc clro Iheo chi so (qlum hij loan h(JC gili'll dong khuech lan,
xetan) /rtf so khlle eh tan ~'a nang df) hO(lt clUII,
ignition range gi&i h~n chay dtmg Irong (inh loan phlin Ilch Cl,rc pha)

ignition temperature diem boc chay, illinium ilinl, x promethium-147

nhlet do roc chay (nhi~1 (16 Ihifp nltift I(li illite ilit (nhom cac kJwang v(it SIft giong
do mt)t drat bill (Ill" boc chay va liep II,IC mica mau xam, mall i(IC ho(1c nlill phal
cluiy kltl dot trong khimg khi, c(}n g{)i tll vang co Irong eac tram t{ch co Sel, la chiTI
autogenous ignition temperature , ignition (rung gian trong h9'P pllnn vii eftll Ink
point; nhl¢t dt) Ihap nlull 0' do nang gill'a mOn/moritil va muscovlI)
irl'{Tng tang Ir{TP t(lO ra trong pLasma VU'(J'I illuminance dO rOi (m(it el6 Ihong lll'{Tng
qua nang /m;mg mifl qua hl/'c X(l htlln) .vanl( Irenhe mitt. con g{Ji la lIIuminalion,
ignitor di~n CI,I'C moi phung dien (dien CI/<' luminous flux density)
dilng de khai phlit \'ll cluy tri S(l' ph6ng iIIuminants chat phat quang
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illuminanting 516

illuminating attachment thiet hi chleu Ihlmh vlen vai Irai nguyen Iii' hydro x a
sang nlwu nl",. m(jl p hnn (,Ila vong)
iIIuminathig gas khr thnp (htm h9'P khi imidazolyl Imidazolyl. C a l-l 3 N z (goe Ilf do
dl chtiy di'mg d~ thtlp sting, chll'a hydro, dan xmll IiI' imillazol)
metal, elan, caclxm monaxiJ va m91 il nita imide imi( (h9'P chitt dan xual Iii' al/hydrit
va axy) ar.lt bdng each Ihi! oxy (0) bang nliom
illuminating oil dau Ilra, dau th~p (d)lu =:/II II; h(yp clU11 co 1I0(lc nhom =:/II H ho{fc
nhlr d'llll hda dl'mg de d6t chtiy chil!u .wing) amill b(ic hai Irong do R Iii nh6m cllli'(/
illumination do roi, x illuminance axyL nhrr RzN H)
illuminator may chlcu sang; nguon sang imide chloride Imi! c1orua , R.CCI : NH
illuminometer rQI ke, quang ke xach tay imidogen nhom Imit, HN :
(qllong ke dlmg ngoai hi?n IrrriYng hoifc imido-group nhom imil
ngoal phong Ih( nghifm WI cho k e l qlUi ,imido-halide imit halogcnua. R,CX : NH
kbn ch(nh xtic han so vc:Yi quang ki! imido-hydrogen imit hydro
phong 1M nghifm)
imine , imin (nh6m IWp clul' It7 san phnm
ilmenite i1menit, FeTI03 (khotinK V(JI mrlf phan Ii'ng nglrng Cltll cac lIlllellyl IW(lc
thoi miY {t(le, mall den slit, ta qu{Ing chfnl! kelon vui nmonic }1O{fC (lmin, chrmg co g(k
clta litan, con g91 ltl mohslte, titanic iron N H glln WIO caciJOn vai lien k e , kep nIl//'
ore) R-H C=:/II H . 111111' benz tiLdimin)
i1semannite IIsemanil (kllOong v(il milll imino-acid iminoaxit, NH.(R.COOI-I)2 (m:it
den, La-den'; ho(lc La, cllli'n mo/ypc1en OXif IIII'll Co' tronl: do nluJm = N Ii gan V(io m 91
ho{fc co Ih? Sflif at ng(Jm nrrac, d(1ng kh6i lIo{fc hai cacbon , vi (/1.1 a x il (I X elic
ddt) N Ii (eH Z('.'00/-l)2
image hlnh an,?, c'mh imino-base iminobazO'. R2 NH
imaginary It ao, ao tlfl1-ng, kh6ng Cl) Ih~t imino-compound hQ'p chfil imino (/r<>p
imbedded (da) dong vao, (da) an v ao; (da) chifl co g6c = N /I K cin l'ai m (jl ho(fc Iwi
do vao nguyen 11;' enebon)
imbedding (SI,!') dong vito, (SI,I,) an V~tO ; (Sl!) iminodiacetic acid axit iminodcaxct ic ,
do vilo C.H 7 NO. (cllal kef linh nhll' JUJU cli/ f,
imbibe t~m vitO; (ham vito Irung gian Irong san X luTI c/ral 1(10 chelm,
imbibing (51,!') tlim vao; (Sl,J') thfim vito chat hO(1I linh he m(lt va milt); phlh', vifI I
imbibition SI,!' dim vao; Sl,l' tham vito (.n,r 1111 IDA, con I:Qi hi t1iglycinc, im i no-
hdp Ih(1 chdJ ldng Ixh d,lfl ritn hO(1e chal diethanolc acid)
nrl-a rlln) imino nitrogen nitlY imino (nifo· k i!1 h 9'P

imerinite imerlnlt, Na 2 (Mg, Fe)eSie022(O, vai hydro {rong nllom imino)

OH)2 (khoang v(JJ khong mt'1Il UYl milll La imino-urea iminourc, gnanidin ,
dllra silicat baza cl;a nafri, sal , magie. C(N 1-12 h:N H
d(lng tinh Ih? hinlt kim) immaturate chml chin mutJi
imidazole Imldazol, C 3 H. N2 ('"91 ehal immerse nhung, dim; ngam
(rollg nh6m cdc "Q'P clufl 1111' /1 Co' eli vong, immersion SI! nhLing chim ; phtrO"ng phelp
dura m(j1 ~'ong hal /lin khcml: /uin hoo nam ngam

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517 impact
immersion battery b() pin chim eho dllng dich Clio drat xlk tdc tiep xlk
immersion cleaning st,r lam s<.Jch hang vO'l cI,lft long, can g(>t La anchored catalyst)
ngam (;\V 10(li bo bl.li ban khot kim 10{li immunity tfnh mh~n djch (dteu ki~n c'la
Mng cach n.llllng vao chat long s(lclt) m(>t cO' Ih~ s6ng ch6ng eI/(J1 1(11 du(yc va
immersion coating st,r phu nhung (pllll kJuic phl.tc dm),c SI.( Illy nhiem ho(ic ml)t
v(it /i~/I Len be m(it kim lO(li ho(ic g6m b~nh); linh mi~n lrlr'. tinh mi~n cam (kho
bang cach nl1llng no l'l10 mI)l chlf t long) nifng Clio kim iO(li ch6ng l(li dl((yc s',r ifn
immersion heater Ceil dun chim (dl.lng CI.I mOn do t(nll on dinh nhi~t d(>ng)
di~n d~ dun chilt Long bang cach nhllng immunochemistry h6a hoc ml~.n djch
Ir~re liep vao chilt Long) (ngiinh khoa lux nghien crl'u cdc bien dbi
immersion objective V~l ki'nh chim (v(it hoa h(Jc lien quan vO'i cdc yell t6 mien
k(nh h/~n vi euang ,.. 0 cao ltU{yC thiel kif dich)
de lam vi~c vcYi kh6ng gian gll1'a v(it kfnh impact lire d~p (lIfc va ch(lm gilra hoi V('lt
va krnh 000 v~ v(it cllll'a dny dnll co ellie', dri c:~ tam thay doi tiling ke Xllng Ilr(yng
suat gan gi6ng nlur clu'et Sitift V(l/ krnh va Clio hi! chill Idc d(>lIg CI.io vo d(ip, n)n g (Ji
krnh boo vc(te gidm ton hao do phon X(l Iii impulsive force)!/ cit va ch<.Jm. va d~p.
va fl1ng chiet .wat Clio kh6ng gian v(It, con d~p vao
g(Ji Lil immersion lens) impact elasticity tinh d~m hoi va ch~m
immersion plating SI," m<.l nhung (m(l /o-p im pact elasticity tester may Ihlr dan hoi
kim lo(li quy han dinh vao be m(it clio ~'(it va , cham
kim lOo,li bang erich nll/lng vilo dung die" impact energy dO ben va d~p (nong lu{yng
ion kim 10(li qlly hem, lil phon Il'ng thi!, can d~ Mm ntl't gay v(it li~ll, can g(Ji Iii
con g(Ji lil dip plating. metal replacement) Impact strength)
immersion refractometer khuc x~,kc impact extrusion Sil u~p cp dun (qud
chim (dl.mg C(t de do chiel Sltifl Mng erich t,.in" ep elfin ngll{H efe ,w in xurrl e(k chi fiel
nhling phnn Ii'Ing k(nh vilo mall (tang kiem d(lng tam b(lng aiel! d(lp Iho! kim 1000i tliJl
fra, eon g(Ji Iii dipping refractometer) Irong hoc khllon bhng ('hay d{JI d(ip loe
immersion roller lfl,lC chim, con mn chim dQ coo)
immersion sampling Sl," lay mftu chim impact forging st,r ren d~p (SI,t' Mm bie.n
(sl.r /hlt th(ip malt long clio phong Ih( d(Ulg deo kim iO(lI srr d~lng S(l' va d~p)
nghiim ho(ie phlin I(cil khde bhng c{ich impact head do chCnh ap dong
nhfi'n chim binh vilo clulliong vil mIte day) impact machine for testing may va
immiscibility tinh khong tron lfin duQ'c ch<.lm d~ thlr
immisci ble It khong tron lfin dUllc (chi impact mill may nghien d~p (thiet bi Mm
chat !tru khong Ihe tr(m Mn vcYi nhalt) gtrim hch thu"O'c Clio dci vii k,horing bhng
immix htm hcrp. Iron lfin Idc dl)ng Clio cac cdn" quay liim biln v(it
immixture St,r h6n hcrp. SI,T tron Ian li411 vao cdc tam thep)
immobilized catalyst chat xuc tac gifr cu impact modifier chat lam lang sU'c ben va
djnh (char Xllc tdc phlin Ilr IHin ket vO'i (ellal them vao mQt chitl khde Irong qua
mI)l cllat rdn khong hoa tan rna khong trinh san xuat de f{lng suc ch6ng bien
Ihay dol ddng k~ cau tnk d~ ngifn khong d(mg ho(ic dli't gay)
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impact 518

impact number chi s6 va ch~m cadimi, b(lc, vang va kim In(U khac trong
impact pressure ap suat dong, x dynamic mr,51 lan, viet litl lSI')
pressure impermeability llnh khong lham
impact screen sang rung (sang dlt'{YC thlet impermeable /I kh6ng tham (khong cho
ke d~ rung ho(l.c Mc ve pilla trlNYC kill da nuri'c IIO(lc chif I long kllac (Ii qua, cbn g9i
n(lp /ifu va ditng d(jl ng(jt khi g(l.p eli' La impervious)
ch(1n) impervious It khong tham, x impermeable
impact strenght tfnh ben va d~p (kho impervious carbon cacbon khong tham
nilng clia v(11 li4u chong l(ll Sl.l' cha I tai (cacbon tip vai chat ket dfnh bilwn, sau
m(mh); dO ben va d~p, x impact energy do caebon hoa bang each Ihtell kel de 1(10
impact test phep thlr va di;ip (SI.I' xac d{nh ra VQt li~/l d(im d(fc khong thifm, dllng
dQ lien chong dirt gay clo m d(ip . dll'ryi tai nhlt' g(lCh de
ltil fhiutg cong ng"~ lIoa dlifl
uon, keo va xoi'ln, nilng ltt'(yng hap 1111.1 ~'a III/Ing Inn
dll'{YC do khl lam d,i't g(ly v(it lirJu bl1.ng imperviousness tinh kh6ng thflm
m(jf cli va d (ip ) impinge va ch~lm, va d~p
impact tube ap kc dOng (can g9i iii pilot impingement St,r va ch(lm, 51,!' va ct~p ; SI,!' xu
tUbe) day (Sl.t' In(li bo cac g lot chif I long khdi
impeller may khuay tuabin; bQ canh khuay luang kllf "o(I.c luon[( 1r0'; bling aiel, trim
(bQ pJt(ln quay clia luabin, ong be, qU(lI, cho no va vao lifm canh klllu1y a
16c clrj
bum Chtell tn,ll: ho(l.c bO'm ly tilm ho(ic C{lO. do V(ty cdc gJot long Nil khdi lliong,
thiet bl khuay Ir(jn, can g91 La rotor) cbn g9i In liquid knockout)
impeller pump may bam ly lam, bum impingement attack st,r fin mon do va
canh khuay (mdy beYm bift ky Slr dl.mg cO' ch~lm (SI.I' an mon tilng cnn a kim. lO(l1 d o
cifu trtmg gian de
eung eifp nilng lu(mg ehlfl ldng cltlty~n dr,5ng cl(lp v(lo, thuang .
lien 1l,IC lam chill long chllyen dr,5ng) do .vl.r an mon /ri'p bao v~ be m{lt)
imperfect combustion Sl,Y chay khong impingement black bo hong ong kh6i
hoim loan implosion Slr ntl hu'&ng vao (.'>'1.1' no lip Wl0
imperfect crystal IInh Ihe kh6ng hofm han nlw' a SI." n(J vao ella binh chli'n chfin
(tinh fhe ma cifu Irlk wan hoim (teu d(l.n
khang (nJw' vo tluiy linlL clia 6ng tia di~n
hi pha va bal cac klwyet t(it khae nhall) : lie) ho(1c .'>1.1' mi n clia v(it /iiju phlln h(lc/r '
imperfect gas khl thl,!'c (can gOI lil re<ll clll'(Yc do eric VI,I nC} binh Ihuang Irong vii
gas) kll{ h(lt IIluIII); S~I' xl,!p (.".1' [(ieim dp ~/(ift dr,51
imperial green xanh mctyl , ng{j/ cio p l/lin ll'ng IrO(/ hOC ho(Ic Sl.t' Ihay
Cu(C 2 H a 0 2 h.3Cu(As02 )2 dC;i Ir(mg tluii kllien clro mol Irlrang xung
imperial red chat milU do oxil S~ I (m(>t qllnnh IN}n wio)
Irong cac bien the mau do Clia sril (//1) imporosity Iinh kh(mg xop
ru: it dl~ng nhlt' sac to) imported effect hi~u u-ng du nh{lp
imperial smelting process qua tdnh nau impregnability tfnh tham dl1(.YC
luy~n da kim (qua trinh luy~n kim nhi~t clr,5 impregnable It tham dl1(yc
cao XII' Iy itl'(yng INu n(lp d{im d(l.c phl!:c impregnate tham, t~m (lip m(jf chlft /ring
I(lP vao to dO'n de tal sinh kem. dong, chi, WlO cac khoang trong clla dUll riln xop

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519 incinerate

de thay dai linh chal clio no, nhlr Sl,r llim impurity chat tJan (v~ li~1t l(l khimg mong
ng()C lam Mng d,at deo de cai I"i~n mall mli.o~ ,-;ong m9t chat tin" kIlN! I); l~p chat
sdc va ttfng Illai Ih9. dim von! ram xop (chal ma khi khllech tan vO'i lu{),ng nhd
Mng h(yp d,al bari nong chay de sdn xllal wio kim 10(li ban ddn se ho(Ie Cling cap
cflfol phlln Ian. /zo(fc llim go bhng creo,wl electron Il,r do cho kim lopi ho(1c nh(jn
de 000 qll£in go khdi bi mrO'c lam m~lc) electron Iii' no)
impregnated timber g6 dim (go du(yc In x Indium
che bien de chill dlr(yc lira, chong nam in InS(Y, x inch
ho(1c chong con triing bhng cdch tam cha I inactivate lam mat ho~t tinh
chong chdy ho{'lc thudc In'r nam ho(fc Irlr
inactivating (SI,!') lam milt hO<lt tinh
con triing vao go trong c/uln khong Iro{'lc
inactivation SI,!' lam mat hO<lt tfnh
duO'; rip suat)
inactive It khong hO(lt dong, !chong hO(l1
impregnating machine may t~m
tinh, Ira
impregnation SI,!' dim
inactive alkali nat ri hydrocacbonat,
impregnation compound cMlt tam NaHCO a
impregnator may dim inactive filler chat don tra
impression vet h~n (Vel do cric b9 ph(in inactive tartaric acid axil raxemlc, x
clio t''',rc ~'(11 de l(li tren be m(Jt dat mem, racemic acid
dat ct'rng l(li va vet hhn IhlrO'ng La vel
inadherent It !chong dfnh bam
l6m); ban In (dall in tii' khllon khac); may
inadhesion SI,r' kh6ng dfnh bam
in (may if! sach); dau k.h~c (khoang gia
cong er khuon r en de 1(10 ra Irinh d(lng inadhesive It !chong dfnh bam
ri€ng er m9t chi tiet) in bulk tMnh d6ng, thanh kh6i
improve cal tien, hoim thic$n incandesce dot nong ~ing, nung sang
improver chat efti lien, chat cai I~O incandescence SI,!' n6ng sang; SI! nung sang
(sl,r phdt b'I'C X(I nhin thay CUll v(il nong)
improving (SI!) c.:'!i lien, (SI,!') holm lhic$n
improving of lead 51,!' linh che chi incandescent /I n6ng sang, n6ng Irang
impulse xung Il,!'c (Ifch philn clio ll,rc Irong inception of knock Mt dau n6
m9t khodng thin gian); xung him (m9t inch insa (c/O'n ~'i do d9 dat thong dtp'lg 0-
xllng ho{'lc nhieu X ling CliO dong han dlt.ng M Y va A nh , bang 1/12 lUI 11O(IC 2,54
Irong han d;~n Irer); xung diem (xung keo Xen tim el, viet tilt ia in)
diU ngiln tal Inlt'e eo the co; tllit; khorIng inch of mercury insa thUy ngan (rip suat
clla no nhd vo II(ln) do c(jt IlIllY ngiln co khoi lu{),ng rieng
impulse turbine tuabin xung (d(jng CO' 13,5951 gam Iren xentimel klroi. coo 1 insa
ch(nh trong do eI,at lUll co rip eli vao vol (2,54 cm) gay 'ra khi gia toe tr{)ng l(rc e6
phlln ma 0- d6 nitng lu(yng do tip suat (the gid tri chutin 9,80665 m/s2 ho(1e xap xi
ndng) bien da[ thanh ndng iu(yng do v(in 32.1739811/S 2 , bilng 3386, 388640341
toe (d9ng ndng) va bi rolo hap 11m) pnscan, dllng nhlt' dan vi do rip sudt kh!
impulsive force Il,!'c va d~p, h,rc xung, ,x
Impact incident It t&i (dnlr sting)
impure It !chong linh !chiet, tJan incinerate nung nong, thleu

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I ncineratl ng 520
Incinerating (Slf) nung nong, (Slf) thieu nlurng blu.7e song khdc nholt)
incineration Slf dot ra tro, Slf thieu (quti incoherentness Hnh nYi r<)c; tioh khang
(rinh dOl v(iJ lifu sao cho chi con [(Ii tro) phu hOOp
incineration dish dia (de) nung nong; dia incoherent waves song kh6ng phu hO'P
thleu (song co qllan hf p lin khOng co elinh)
incinerator 10 nung; 10 Ihieu incohesion SI,!' rCri r~c; Slf khang co ket
incitement 51,!' kich dong incombustibility llnh khang chay
, d(> doc, dO nghieng . incombustible If khang chay
Inclined grizzly slmg lucri nghieng incompatibility Ifnh khong lliang hQ'P
inclined retort binh cat nghieng incompatible It khang luang hQ'p
inclined ~tep grate producer It'l ga ~c incom plete combustion SI! cMy khang
nghteng hoim toilO (.~l.r cluj)' Irung c/o nhien lifl/
inclined tube evaporator Ihiel bj Cl) ang diu'n bi oxy hoo hoim loiln) ,
nghleng incomplete equilibrium can tmng khOng
inclined tube gauge cip ke ang nghiCng hO~ln loon
inclusion the trong !inh (tinh Ihe hotjc incomplete oxidation SI,!' oxy hoa khang
dO(ln linlz Ihe lim I/U'[Y frong finh the khdc; hoon loan
hoc nhd clllrn day kIll' lraQc chitt long incomplete protein protein khang hoan
frong mrt tin II thC:); !he baa Irong (san toan '
plram nhin Ihay clin Sll chllyen hoa te
incomplete renctitln phlin ti'ng kh6ng
ben Irong ngllyen .\';nh ch{lI); chal Ian (h{lt
hoon It).']n
((lP nlllr elit mile frong kim /o(1i non!; eha)'
incomplete reduction Slf khlJ' khong hn~U1
/rong qun 'rinh dong cl(1c); the vui (m91
mdnh dd gill hem viii trong dti hljr, lhdah)
inclusion complex phu'c chat thimh phan incomplete singeing st)' dOl scm khong
hOc1n loon
long nhau (ke! h(yp khong lien kef 'rang
do ctie phlin tIt Clm m(>1 thanh clllro tOrln incomplete valence shell vo hci;l Irj chWJ
phOn ho(1c m(jt phnn ben Irong m{mg Jinh d~'iy

Ihe C1M Iilanh pMn kluk) incompressibil ity I In h khong nen duo'c,
inclusion compound hQ'p chat chlfil linh khong cp dUQ'c (Iinlr chol Clia m(n
trong, x clathrate clU11 ",in cluy Iri ,,,;} (fell ban clall Clio no
incoagulable It kh6ng dong It) khi tip SlUll lling coo)

incoercible II k.hong nen dm;yc, khung hoa incompressible II khong m!o dU'qc
long duooc incompressible flow di>ng chilY khang
incoherence tfnh n'yj r~c; tinh kh{lng phll ncn duooc (ehuyen d(jng Clio ellal long ma
hoop khong gay blfl ky thay dai ,ino Clia m{if

incoherent If raj r<)c, khang nhilL quan, d6)

ld16ng phO hqp incompressible fluid chat long kh()ng nen
incoherent light anh sang khong phu hqp dU'<.J'C'I (chat lOng klronK
hi gidm Ih~ tfel!
(nifng lU'(1ng bite X(l di¢n /If khong phdi khi Idng rip slur,)
loan bQ ciing phn va co till! con c:hr/'a incongealable It kl10ng dong ket

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521 independent

incongruence tfnh khong tU'ang h<;rp tnrng); lOng ap (khoang nhd diell khien
incongruent It khong IU'O'ng hO'p dll'(yc lrr(Yng oxy , nhi~1 dQ WI ctQ am clio
incongruity tfnh khong lU'cyng hO'P Ire sO' sinh can sr.r chl1m sOC cl(ic bifl); lu

incongruous II khong lU'ang hO'P (chi drl'l ap (khonng Irong phong Ihi ngltifm dieli
gay k eo th ee co Ir(IC va m(it chlt-n In,lC khien clm;rc nhifl dQ de nuoj cay vi khulin
khong song song vat Ir~/c va m(ll chrt-a Ir{lc ho(ic de 1(10 dleu ki~n dl dang cho cdc
clla dtt-I gay ch(nh ma n6 c6 lien 'IlIOn) p hep tI/ll- sinh lu,'Jc)
indamine indamin, l'IN :CBH4~,CBI'I4NH2
inconstancy tfnh bien dBi; do bien dBi
(Ihuoc nhuQm khong hen dieu ehe hc'l.ng
inconvertibility lfnh khong lhu;;in nghich
phon Il'ng clia para-ph enylenediamin va
inconvertible II khong thu~n ngich
anilin. con gpf It) phenylenc blue)

incorrodible It khong bi an mon
increment gia IU'O'ng Iic;!u (phon v(il 1i4u
indan indan, C 8 11 4 (CH 2 h (chal long
khong mllli sOi a 177°C. fan Irong con va
ri€ng re elta mQI nh6m cric mau tllII Ih(ip ete, khang Ian IronK ntl'lY C, dan X U(i't li'r
wi mQI nguy en cong dO'n clla Ihie f hi lay nh~i'n than dd)
mAu Iii' cdc p h{in clia LO ~'on lrich rUI ng ~'e
indanthrene blue phhm xanh indantren
IluYi gian ho{1c khong gian) ; lu'qng nU'u'c
indanthrene printing blue ml!C In xanh
gia t:ing, (con g9i la recharge); sO gi<l (d o
bien Ihien clia d6; so ho{ic cric giri Ir; clia
ham, IhU'iYng giai h{1n 6' mQI ltl'9'nK nho indanthrone indantron , C28H14N204
(Chal mall /0' ho{ic thllGC nllllom indigo Ifm
duO'ng ho(ic am); gia lU'qng (do bie n Ihien
Irong dtmg dieh boz O' loring , cLllng Irong
nhd Irong gid tr! ella m(jl bie n)
nhl./()m Viii hong wi "lllr cllf1t mrilt Irong
incretion SI! nOj t!§t ,_,
,~' O'n va men)
incretory II nOj tiel
inde,ible ink mile khong thy dU'(,yc (m~/'e
incrust ket va, dong ~ n
khang Ih? r1iy bo dll'p'C, vi d~i nlt/i' m~r('
incrustate ket VO, dong c~n nho)
incrustation 51! ket VO, SI,r dong c~n indene indcn, C 9 H 8 (hydrocacbon do nilan,
incrusted da ket vo, dfi ddng c~n long, khong mall, sai 0' 181°(,' \'(1 dong d(lc
incrusting (SI!) ket vd, (Sl!) dong c~n () -2°C', don xllat Iii.' phon cllli''ng c (rt nltl,l'll
incrusting substance chat t~o v() thnn dri.. copolyme va; benzeof Ilrnn, dtlng
incrustive It tli\O vo, dong c~n him lifm pilli. lot san)
incubation 51! u am (S{i' rillY Iri cdc I/(~ n indentation hardness d() cu-ng Ihe n fin
11(Yp h6a chlft cY nllli'ng nhict dQ x rlc dinh 1l1m (slFe crin clia be m(it kim 10(1; doi wJ-i
trong nlllrng klwdng IhiYi glan khdc nlwll SI,I' af! [om bang Iric cil,mg clla rip It,i 'C cang

d~ nghien Clrll eric phon Irng h6n hpc, nlllr ct.1 nhpn 1/O(1c dOll Iron clt-ng, c()n g{Ji It)
I/O(ll linh enzym); Sl,r du'O'ng trong miiy on penetration hardness)
nhic;!t (cay vi kllltfin); 51,1' U benh (lhiYi giflll independent double bond n6i d6i dQc
lurn Irien clia m91 henh lfty nhllm gill'a Me I~p
nhiem khlllin do ltie nllan gay bf nh WI /tic independent migration law djnh lu~l di
bieu hif n cric Iritlu clllt-ng); 51,1' ap (rdc d(mg ehuycn d(lc I~p (theo do mlH ion rrong
ho(1c quri Irinlt Ill' (rnrng)) chllan d(j dan di~n dting gop mQt /u'(J'tlg
incubator m ay ap (thie'l bi nllan r(1O dl! ti'p xac dinh WlO t8nK ct( j don dlf n , bill ke ban

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independent 522
cllal Clla ctic ion khric Irong chal di~n Irong m(it ma; Irtrang Xl1c d;nh. con g(Ji
phon) La "hsolute index of refraction, absolute
independent variables chi so d(>c I ~l r ; refractive constant, refractive constant,
bien doc l~p refractive index)
inderborite inderborit , OIMgBs 11 0111-1 2 0 index of unsaturation chi sO chU'? bao
(khoting v(Jt ht! dun In cll'fa canxi va hOa (trf so chi so vong ilO{lc lien kel kep
magie bornl ngtjm nli'ac) frong 1n91 phfin Ilr: lien kef ba du:q-r:: coi
inderite Inderit, Mg2Bs0l1015H20 (khoang nhu co tr; so 2-)
v(J1 borm hydra! hoa) index thermometer nhi~t ke chi baa
index chi so (chi so IreD Ir en ho{lc freo (1111i41 ke trong do cac /1(l1 thep chi boo
duooi de chi phnn flr rieng Clta n19f l(ip mang bai IllIly nglin Irong rUQf nlrit!f ke
hQ'p ho(1c day ; so a pllia Iren biln Irril Cfta I'a d(nll I'GO Iltfinh ong a Vf Ir( cao wi I'{
dau ctln de chi b(Jc clia ciin 0\00; 'rong Vtjl fr( t!rap o do do chi i}(io cric thang qluin f(nh
Iy lit d(ll tUQ'ng bling so, Ihll'Cyng khong C1.l C liell wi ct/c d(li)

Ihlr nguyen chi d9 Lan clla hit!1I liong vtjl india ink ml!C nho, ml,l"c t ~IU (m(rc den ben
Iy nao do, VI dr.1 chi so kJulc x (l (chie f mall chi! lil' mUQi (ten wi ellal ki!f dfnh
slIal)) mtllt to', mQt so
LO(li chilt dll°(J°c nlt"ac, con
index compound chat mau , chat C{y him g(Ji La Chincse ink, sumi ink)
index ellipsoid clipsoil chict suat (e/ipsoil indialite indialil , Mg 2 AI .. Si 5 0 1S(klrodng
val ba tnolC vllong goc co chielt cit/I Iy II! v(ll cordieril h~ [(IC gine, cling ki elt 1' 6';
val ctic gla tr; cll(nh Clia ellIOet SII(I"I Clta beryl)
anh sting Irong mol Inl"<Yng di huang WI indianaite indiana it (khoang V(l/ sel !(i5ng
huang Iheo phttO oong etill vec/a diiJn /tt'cmg SilO mall trlingo Iii 10{li haloysil a A n £)9)
Ifng. con g(Ji Iri ellipsOid of wave normals, Indian beeswax S<'lp nng An tx)
indicalrix, oplical indicatrix , polarlzahility Indian corn ngl)
ellipsOid, reciprocal ellipsoid) indian grass oil dall phong 113' , x
index liquid chat long chi baa (cllal long palmarosa oil
da biet chie! slUrl, (Jiing d e fim chief mal indian gum gom An 06 (m(jf trong cdc
cua cdc chaf b¢1 bftng kfnlr hien vi) 10(li gom nlur gom gaf;, gom sterculia, va;
index minerals khoang v ~ t chi ban d(> qltanlr c('ia nht.ra keo fi"r cric loa; coy
(khodng v(if ma dang wI dall rien CliO no /"ling An £)9 wi X o orilanka)
kh; chuyen Itl' h(lng bHi"n hinh fhltp sang Indian ink ml,l'c den
cao cho biet gia; /u.ln ngot/i clia l 'l"ing) Indian meal h6t ngo
index of absorption h~ s6 h a p thl,l, chi so Indian mdissa oil dall sil
hap thl,l (con g(Ji La absorplion index)
indian red pham (JL) s~t (cllat malt ne n or: if
index of activity chi s6 h~t tfnh oyilt, dllngetedr/nh bong wing; b(lc va cric
index of cementation chi sO tOi , chi so kim LO(li klulc, con g(>i Iii iron saffron)
tham cacbon indian yellow pham v~tng An 06 (ellitl
index of refraction chie t suat, chi khuc so malt ,vimg. mfi co fire lit allreo/in. diell che
x~ (Iy so lac d(J pha clla anh sang trong 111 coban Wl kali nitrnJo !zo(1.c mltoi magiC

chdn khong tren loc d9 plio clla dnh scin!( bozo' I(lP Clio axil euxanlic, ho(1c /hlltjc

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523 indigoide

nhuQm tong hQ'p primillin) ellipsoid

India paper giay in mong indicolite indicolit (mot bic'n tlrl! mall clram
India rubber cao su An fX) - 10' erla tourma/in, clilng nil". da qliy. con
indican Indican, CsHeNOSOK (mllof kali g(Ji Iii indlgolite)
clla indoxylsul! nI tim thay trong nuac indifferent equilibrium cfm b~ng phicm
til!1l nhll' ke ( qrui cria Inc dr,mg clia vi kllllnn djnh, x neutral equilibrium, neutral stability
Len tryplophan trong rIl9t); C 14 H 17 0 e N indifferent gas khi trO'
(glllosit co a cay cham, klli Ihriy p han indifferent oxide oxil Irung Ifnh
indican clio Indoxyl von bi kllong kll{ oxy indift'erent stability dm b5ng phicm djnh,
hoa thimh mall cham) x neutral st ..,bility
indicating controler dong ho ki~m lra , indiffusible II khong khuech t<ln dlJ'Q'c
dl,mg CI,1 kl~m lra co chi thl
indigenous It lk-1n dja, bim xU', t~i cho
indicating liquid level gauge cai chi indigenous coal than I~i cho (con g(Ji Hi
mU'c long
autochthonous coal)
indication meter chi thi ke indigenous limonite limonit 1<,11 ch6
indicator chat chi thi, x chemical indicator; (limonil c1lln xlIal lie Sill! lIa v6n gill'
dl,mg CI,1 baa 16i (Irong mdy I{nlt); m<iy chi nguyen t{li cho S/l~rlla goc)
000 (ong lia eatOf ho(Je d~tng Ct.l kluic Ihe indigo Indigo, phhm cham (pltam xanlr lO'
Izi~n thong tin da Iruyen hoiJc cirllyen liiJp chic'I 1ft' cac /o(1i eay b(li. g(Ji fa cay clujm);
/ll- ngllon nao do klloc, nhll' tii: mdy 11111 pham xanh indigo, x indigo blue
rada); may chi thl (klt{ Cl.1 do de
tllll ~idn
indigo blue pham xanh indigo,
do cnc bien do; op SlUl' - the I{cll cY xi lanh
CleHlo02N2 (Ihnnh phan indigo l/ruOC
d(>ng cO' honn dllng, mdy mIn hO{7c bam
nhll()m. kElt linh nhu khoi m(11 thoi mau
dang v(ln Iziinh trong cllII Irinll liim vit!c);
lam x am , p han lillY 0- .:W°c, tan trong
ham phi Euler (trong forin ht;JC)
anWn nong va clorolom. tong hQ'p dll'(TC,
indicator diagram gian do chi fhi (ginn dllng nhu Ihuoc 111Ii: wi tlllloc nJwom, con
do np sud/-thl! t{ch bil!u elien va do cong
g(Ji La Indigo)
tlzl.rc hi~n bai chd/ lll"ll ho(Jc a d,al lrt'll
indigo carmine carmin Indigo,
Irong khl Ih'.rc hl~n chu trinh lam vi~c
C1sH8N2Na20SS2 (bot mtw ' /a sam cd
trong xi lanh dong cO' pit long, bmn ho(1c
anll dong, dllng nlllt' ellaf mau lIlli' elllh'
may mIn)
nifng l/r(ln vii nhlr (hunc tllIr Irong pilaf
indicator electrode di,¢ n CI,I'C chi thi hit!n eloral va nitrn!, e()n g(Ji Iii soluble
indicator method phlJ'cmg phap chi thl indigo blue)
indicator paper giay lhu, glay chi Ihi indigo copper dong ch~m , cuvelit, CuS
indicator plant diy chi thl (cay dfmg (con g(Ji Iii covellile)
trong Ihifm do dia Ih(rc V(ll nlllr phll'O'ng indigoid dye IhuDc nhuom indigoit (m(J1
tit!n chI bao ve m91 s6 hi¢n w'(J'ng dia (rang cae Ihuoc nl1ll9m indigo w5'i elk
clrdt) nh6m ClsHl002N2(indigo) hO\lc
indicator ':ange mfen dOi mau chi thi C 1s H SS202 (Illio/ndigo), cillng d(} nhll(Jm
indicator test phep thu chi thl va; bOng, to' nhan t(10, doi khl en l(lfl)
indicatrix elipsoit chiel suat, x index indigoide colours IhuGC nhuQm indigoit

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indigolite 524
(d~n Xllal erio intligo) indirect lighting SIl chieu sang gian tlep
indigolite indigoHt, x indicolite (h ¢ ehiell sang Irong do hem 90% anh sang
indigo red ph~m do indigo, ClsHl002N2 (ir cac cten dtrq'c lUll ngtrq'c ten Iran rOi
(Isome mall do clia indigo (Ilil dlu?,c frong fir ct6 phdn X(l killiecir Ian frO- I(li)
snn Xltifl indigo, con g9i La Indirubin) indirect material v~t H~u gian tlep, chal

indigosol lndigosol (m9( 10(1i (/woe nhll9m) gi.'tn ticp (brrl ky v(U li~1I mio dtlng (rong

indigosol orange phl'im da cam indigosol sdn xfUTI m91 .win pham mil ban Ihiin no
klrong tro- Ilriinh mQ( plian ctio san pll(~m
indigosol printing black mlrC in den
va gin Ihay dOi Illy (Iieo san plram)
indirect oxidation s~ oxy hoo gian tiep
indigosol red violet phllm t 1m de)
indirect-reading instrument dl,lng Cl,l
doc gi,in tlep
indigo vat thung nhl1l)m cham
indirect reduction :"l.!" klll.!" gian ticp
indigo vatting SIl nhuo m chilm
indirect steam ho-i nU'th; gian tier
indigo white Icucoi ndigo
indirect substitution SIl the gian tiep
indirect ammonia recovery pht.rcyng
phap glan tlep dieu che amoni sulf<H , s~r thu indirect sulfonation s~r sulfon hC>lI gian
hal gUin ticp amoniac tie p

indirect contact SIl tiep xuc qua thiinh , Slr indirubin indirubin, x indigo red
tiep xuc gian tiep indissolubility tfnh khong tan
indirect effect hl~ u U'ng gian tiep (uk dl.lnK indissoluble II kh6ng Hln dtr(,Yc
Iroo h(JC cria blrc x{l ion Iron dOi vai dung indissolvableness tinh khang tan
dfe" loling do luang lac Clia cae p/uln IIi' indistinguishahility linh khCmg kh6ng
clra( Ian veYi cdc plrfin IIi' IrO(1c ion chllyen hlt;f uU"(),c
tlep phdn frng m(lnll, do pluln It-ng cria indium intli, In (nguyEn 10 kim lo(u, nguy En
brre X(l w71 dflnK moi 1(10 ra) tri'su 4 C), nguyen Iii' Itrt;Yng 114.82, lall
indirect extrusion s~r ep dun gian tlep (rong eric axil, nong chdy a
J5(j°C, .W); d'
(qfla trlnh ep d,tn (rong dd p/u31 dtl'ng yen 145()OC Iii kim 10(1i mnu frrlng b(lc, bo ng
con gin khllon rang lip khru3n nKIl'(Yc Ira Icing, eIE keo, kllong bj xin mau WI clttng
I(li phfaxi lanh) Irong eric hq'p kim qlt)! lnm eto (rang stl'C
indirect-fired drier thic t hi sffy It!"" gicin wi Itlm nTng gid, (rong eric 1r9P kim hlin
ticp k{nh, chl;'( hOi (ran , kim 10(li him 0 (r(IC WI
indirect heater thiel bi nun g glan ti ep nlill' clIfff chi lh; nO'(roll 10 phall Il'ng
(binI! d'lll:a fhiel bi frollg do nhitl( sinh rn nguyen Ill')
til' nguon SO' cap dll't;YC Irlly en lai chff( lUll indium antimonide indi antimonua, InSb
Iw(Ic Chal ran \'on .mu do diing liJm mOi (/inl! lilt} nong d/(iy a 535°C, In lu;rp dUll
Irrr&ng ftlmg) lien kim co Ifnll brin (hin WI dQ linh d(mg
indirect heat exchange. . trao dOi nhic;t qua electron nlriijl d(j phong coo nlral Irong eric
thanh, traG dOi nhi~t gi<in tiep I'(il li4u dti hie I, clttng Irollg nfliflll ell.mg ct.1)

indirect heating SIl dot n6ng gian tier indium arsenide indi arsenua, InAs (/inh
indirect humidifier thiet bi lam 501 gian (he kim 10(li nO"g clrdy a 943°C. hi h9P

tlep, phong am
clul'( lten kim co (fnll brin c/.(;n, dllng IrotiK

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525 induced
cac /Wlg C~I hi~u Irng Hall) C12H1302N (axil kiff finh fuang til axil
indium chloride indl cJorua, InCI; ICJ2 ; indoleaxetic frong hO(l1 tfnh main, viel fiff
InCI 3 (bQt htlt lim mall trifng, tnn frong IBt\)
nwyc va con) indoxyl indoxyl, (CeHeN)OH (glycosil kift
indium phosphide indi pho'sphua, InP finh m em wlng, dllng n/llr Chal frtmg gian
(khoi kim 10{li gUm v a nong chay 0- frong san xI/at indigo)
1070 0 C, Iii h(yp chat lien kim co cac tinh induced anisotropy tinh di ht.r&ng cam
chat ban diln) u-ng (dong di~n sinh ra Irong V(ll dan do
indium sulfate indi sulfal, In 2 (S04)3 (bQf til' frtrang fhay doi theo fhai gian nlllr 0-
mall phat xam, c//(ly nt-a, tan trong ntl"CYC, sl.r ntlng b(tng dif n cam Il'ng)
khi nWlg thl phtin hllY) induced current d o ng cam u-ng (dong
individual coefficient of heat h¢ so difn sinh ra frong V{il dati do Ill- truang
truy en nhi~t rieng Ihay dOi fh eo f/UYi g ian nhrr a sl.r nung
individual vulcanizer may hru h6a ca b(tng di~n cam Ii-ng)
nhan induced dipole It.r&ng CIlC cam u-ng

indivisible inactive compound hQ"p (luang cl.rc clif n 1(10 ra bai sl.r Idc cil.mg
chat treY quang (hOC) khong tach dlr<;rC clia diljn Irtra ng )
indocarbon Indocacbon (thnDc nhll(>m den) induced draught SII thong gio til nhien
i ndogen Indogen (nhom chtrc CeH" (N H )- induced electromotive force suat di~n
COC=; xuat hl~n vi d~1 nlllr trong phdn IIi' dong cam u-ng (.waf dien d6ng hinh fhiinh
indigo) do cltll~ ? n d(>ng clia v{if dan qua IIi"
indogenide indogenit (h(Yp chat clurn fruang , ho(ic do S t.( bi/Fn fhien clia lIl'
nh6m chtrc CeH 4(N H ).CO . C = IIi" fhong xI/yen qua v{if clan)
in dog en) induced emission Sl! phfil x~ cam u'ng, x

indoin blue ph lim lam indoin stimulated emission

indole indol (CeH 4(CH N H )CH , san induced fission Sl! phfm h~ch C<im u-ng (.... ,.(

phlim phiin hllY clla Iryplophan hinh pluin h(lch x ay ra chi khl "(If nh(Jn bl bfin
fhanh frong qua Irinh thoi rtf" tronK 1'11(>1 phd ballg llCy/ron, fia Kmnn IIO(Ic nhli'ng
va do mQt so nlloi cay vi khuon; Irong /roa 11(11 mang nang lm;mg k/rac)
1I1t'1l cO' La chat d(mg vay mlill Irrtng lai induced-flow heater thiet bi dun n6ng
pilat wing, glly ling tllIr, Iniii kho chill, tan dilng cam u-ng
trong con, ete, nuac nong va dnll khanK induced heater thiel b! dun nang c:'tm u'ng
bay hal, nong chay 0- 52°C, dllng nilli' induced heating .'II! dun ncng dim l1'ng
thuDc thli- hOO h9C trong ngemh nuo'c hoa induced magnetism III linh C<im u-ng (IIi"
va y h9C, con g{)i La 2,3-benropyrroJe) finh ma vqf lif ll fil' co clm),c kIn no a frong
indoleacetic acid axil indolexetic lir ,,.,rang)
C 10 H g 0 2 N (san phom phfin IlIly Clia induced moment m nmcn 1U"()'ng CI,J"C dim
tryophan do l'i k/lllan t(lo ra va co Irong u-ng (momen LUcYng ct."C di?n frtil1t< bi,,"
ntl'cYC lieu va phiin, dling nill/' hormon k ich ,ren phfin IIr l'on dlr(yc 1(10 ra do ftic chmg
sinh trll'o-ng tlu.rc VI)t, viiIf frlf IAA) nin dif n frua ng l en m9f drift liit/n mai)
indolebutyric acid a x il indolebutyric , induced potential the dim u-ng, dii;n tip

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induced 526
cam frng,. x Induced vollage Cl,I'C cdm Irng clia phlin fir khong Cl.rc, con
induced radioactivity Ilnh phong x~ nhan gpi Iii Dcbyc force)
t~o, tfnh ph6ng x~ eam u-ng (Iinh phong X{l induction "urnnce 10 cam ung (Ie) df~n
dlr(yc t(lO ra do bi'ln pha m91 ehal bdng trong do nhf?t du'(yc 1(10 ra trong ilrqng
b,re X(l, can gpi Iii artificial radio.:'lctivily) kim 10(11 n(1p vao nha sl.r edm ling d;tJn
induced reaction philO u-ng (dU'Q'c) cam tIl')
frng induction hardening S,! loi cllm ung (ky
induced voltage di~n <ip cam ling (di~n lip IJw(11 10; Irong do nll;~t d{j eao can Ihiel
do s~r cdm Irng dj~n fir ho(fc SI,t" cdm Irn,:: IJIIl dll'(Yc nha cdm Irng di~n Ill')
tlnh di~n gay nen, cc)n gpi In induced induction heating SI! nung cam (mg, s,!
potential) dun c.:'\m li11g (.f~r liing nhitJl d(i 0- v{il lieu
inducible enzyme enzym dan (enzym co nha dong di~n cam Il' ng, con g(Ji Iii
m(I1 citay; d(lng vi ltr(yng frong Ii! biiC) eddy-current heating)
nhung nang d<> clla no fang rifl m(lnh klli induction melting SI! nau luy~n cam frng
co m(ll cac phlin II;' III? bdm) (St./' bii! n cloi kim LO(li rifn thilnll Ir(lng Iha;
inducing catalyst chat xuc tHc <:elm trng nong duiy Irong to phtin Irng)
inductance di~n cam (tfnlt chifl Clla m(jl induction period chu ky cam frng (thai
m(lch d/~n ho(tc hai m(lch giln nhml mil gian lii,ng 10C m(jl plltin Il'ng 116a h9C fir
suat di~n d9ng sinh ra (n/uy qud trinh aim loe d(J zero den toe d(J ql'C d(li)
Irng dl?n Ill') cY m91 m(lcll Iii do sl,r hien induction pump b(Ym cam u-ng (bam bal
thien dong d/~n cY chinh m{lch tlo ho(1(' 0 ' ky IJO(lI d(jng nlla !>'l,l' cdm II'ng ditJn llr)
m(lch kin); dO II! cam (Iy so SUl!' cti~n d(jng induction soldering SI,I' hilll V~ly dun ung
Iren d9 bien Ihian dong ltl~n); cuOn c<lm, x (quti t,.inll IUln nha nlli~1 sinh ra (rong "(il
coil hiin b/ing clong difjn cdm Il'ng)
inductance coil cuon ~am (con g(Ji lil coil) induction, valve van n~p, x inlel valvl;:
induction SI! cam frng linh di~n, x induction welding SI! h~1O dim ung (qlltl
electrostatic induction; SI,I' cilm ling di~n tll', Irin" /tiin nlu)' nhitJl sinh ra frong "(II lliin
x electromagnetic ihduction; SI,I' cam u'ng nita clong di~n aim It-nK)
(Ide d9ng ho(1c qllti Irin" hi nguyen nhlin
inductive capacities c.ic Mng s6 dIm ung
ella lac d(jng ho(lc qud Irinh khtie)
(d<> (ii' tham WI /u"illg ,\'0 di~n I,n ui)
induction coil cuon dOl u'ng (dl,mg Cl,1 clll
inductive charge elien tich dim ung (di~n
t{lO ra dong xoay ch(eu di~n dp cao ho(ic
liclI t'On t{li 0' m(jt v(lt do /1() cY gan v(it khac
cdc xung difn dp cao t/~ ' dc)ng m(jl dLi'eu
mang di~n)
di~n dp thaP. Irong do St.l' ngii~ dong m(jf
inductive effect hicu u-ng cam ung (Irong
chieu a cll(in So' cap clltl'a tll'O'ng do; it
phon ttl- Iii !>'1,1' dielr clwy(}n clia m{il cl(j
vong dliy se cdm It-ng diljn tip C (IO do CU(Jf1
eleclron cio SI.t' piton Cl,I'C clia m(J1 IHin kel
thlr cdp ch,ca nhieu vong dliy qlllfn quanh
cll{jn So' .,iTp)
b(h nguyen Itt- lim dltJn ho<tc dll'O'ng clfijn

induction efTect hi~u u-ng cam u-ng

o' gan)
inductive mechanism C(Y che cam l"rng
induction force lI!c dim u-ng (Io(li lI,t'c van
der Waals do ttt'ang uic ella momen lu'6'ng inductive reactance dIm khang (ctilln
qre elm phon Iii' co q/'C I'll mmnen ltl'6'nK kluing do dffn crim clia cu(Jn dny hO{lc

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527 inert

m~ell giiy ra) cit ttl long I'I/(in li'ng Ihoril kilo; binh wi
Inductive surge SI! qua ap cla din) u'ng (SI.I" d ling d (j P hIt I nJ n l>i nIl cll/;'(/ mQI p han 111m
fdng 1'91 clia djfn rip do ngiif d Qf IlgQf " r:rjJ p"nn I( n g)
dong cti~n trong ,"(lell cam ling) inert element nguy en t6 In)'
Inductivity tinh cam lrng; d0 cam lrng inert gas khi tn)' (cnn g(>i Iii n o blegas)
Industrial alcohol con cong nghlc;p (rll"(Y/I inert-gas blanketing St)' I'>qc khi tfa (Uim
etyl bi bien t(nh. bai (newt. kelon . xiing s(lch kh ong khf khoi m QI IhUft bi Iroo d 8 i
h~c nlui'ng ph!.1 g ia kllnc kltie n khfmg lit e nhNI beI ng cticll .1'/(' dl.lfIg kfl( Ira klli ddng
dl'utg de tam cI(j lIong) Ihie t bi)
Industrial diamond kim cU' (yng con g inert-gas cutting s~r ca l Irang khi Ira (s t.r
nghi¢p (kim w'O'ng qlui cI;'ng /zo(fc d(lng crll kim l O(li d ong Ih i'xi ch o Illo ng kltf Ira '
hQt tda tia khfmg Ih e cnl Ih(lnh do Irang qlw \'ling C(I I d e n gri n ngll'(l s t./' 0\:." hr5o)
nrc) inel"t-gas shielded arc welding S t)' h ~1Jl
industrial gas khi cong nghi~p h l) quang Imng khi Irer (({lui Irinh !rrfn Ita
industrial glass thuy tinh ctmg nghi ~ p ({lIong Ir o ng de) VI/Ilg Irrin dINJ'C c !r d n 1)(1ng
(/hfiy linlt bnl ky d,;C Ihanh cric d(lng chi kllf fr O' de flg ri n I1g ll '(1 SI./' ox)'. /rO(1)
tiel sdn pMm \.( ril.l IllIiy linh \'oi. Ihli)' linh inel"tia qu(l n linh (I(nh cl/(r, Cliu V{II clull
chi) vo'n II./' biell hiijn IIIII/' s li'c erin b(rl k>' Ilwy
Industrial jewel da quy c[mg nghi(!p ((/ri d Cli x llng III'Q'tIg C ltO m ()/ \'(11)
Clrng nhl( ruby llO(fc s ap hin, clling hzm 0 inertial flow dim g c h ~ly
th e o lJu fll) tinh
tTl.lC, eliot chill Xllng o· cl)ng CI.I va nhtr kim (do ng cluTy nUl k /r a n g cr5 !t.re IUfO lrie dl.lI1g
ghl) len ellal !tnl ; d n n g c /rriy klt ong mo wil
Inedible rat mo' kho ng an ull'lyc.: Irong /11(/1 lIta Ih i2' n(il1g Irong (/0 khemg e6

Inedible oi I dliu kh 6ng [111 tlU'tyc g radien rip XI/.(i'I)

inelastic /I kh6ng cHin ht li (kh fmg co klui inertial fon~e Il.rc qllel n tinh (l(rc 1l((>-t1E;

IIIlng dllY Irf bUf n d(mg m(i klt tmg Ihoy d Oi fI(~""g {nc dl.lllf.: l e ll m (i f \'(If d o sli' dl.lng h i)
kidl lil/rac hojJe hinh d(ln g ) qlly c /ti e ll p/ri qurin I(nll . \,( dl./.' I(rc Iy lrilll
l'(} life Corin /is X IIii', hii}n Irong /r i) I(JO d<l
Inelastic collision va clwm kht lOg d im ho i
({lIoy. con }.:(>i la e ffecliv e force)
(long dong nlfn g ctic IUJI \:a c h(lIn gill'
nguyen I"rae va .mll V(1 dl(1m) inertial mass kh C>i lu'O'ng qmin tinh (khot
Itr()'ng elia m (j l \ '(11 x tic drnl! brIng clfnh 111(11
inelastic stress u'ng sui'll kh6Jl g d ~Hl h tl i
QI.(C lac cil.mg l en clutl rt'in 8(1)' bie n d(lng
N ewl o n Ihll' hoi. I//, O'lI g phnn vch kh o i
1(('Q'n g .\:ric d inh lufn g S(/' fy I i} veri I(/'(' hap
rQorho hinll d(lng WI k( cit thuac ban drill
CllarMI rail kh ol1g plll.le hoi dtt'Q'c sail khi linn)
10(lJ bd ttlc) inertial reference frame h i; quy c hic u
Inert Ira (kh6ng /t o(lf ff nlt. k/tong I' hrill
q wi n tinh (h if I(JO dQ Irong do v(il cJllIYC Il
d (i llg I'o'i v(Jn 10C kh a n}.: d c"U ' cJdrng f1(IO
ling II00k khong uic dl.tng)
k/t o llg e6 Ir.r c n ao ((Ie dl.lI1g le n n o. c(>n g()i
Inert atmosphere khi quy c n Iro' (khi
hi inerti;;]1 coordinate syslem)
IfIlyen kluJng phdn Ifng nh1l' nil()'. cacbon
dloxlt 110(/(' heli. dl/Ill{ d e d qm clutf lang inertial settling s~r sa lang quan tinh
pllrin Irng lrung Illll llg . ng(in cae khi w i inert solvent dung mcii tn.) '

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inesite inesit , C..a 2Mn7Sil002B(OHh51-120 inflated tyre b c'lI1h xc hO'nl C<l ng

(khoang v{il milll d o nh(ll CIIlI'O mat/g un inflating CSt!) phl m g iC n ; (Sl!) Ihoi ph'
cOt/x i s ilicat ng(im nucYc, d(lnR lin" th e inflating agent cha l sinh khi, chfll sinh
lang tr~1 nllo ho(ic d(lng kh o i) eha! Ifll11 pho ng
inexhausted II kh6ng hut het inflation Slr pllo ng le n; S \,!' thai phong
inexplosive 1/ kh 6 ng no inflation pressure of tyre np suall
inf~ction Sl,T nhicm khunn (.H,r fham nh(ip ClllJ ~l m lop
Clio sinh v(lt gay b ¢nll wlO CO' the, c o lIoiJc influent loa j ;\nh hU'(Yng (sinh l'tJl phd
kh 8 n g co biBu hi¢ n Clio b¢ nh ; d{ell ki¢ n gay c lin b a ng sinh fltrii Clin m QI cOlIg d
b¢nh do Sl,r Ihlim nh{ip Clio uic nhlln g liy d o ng c h c'IY van (d o n K C/III I h(1I (hdy' •
b¢nh) nll/l' dong mayc cluly I'no fl o, IIO(lc d"" III
inferential flow meter lu'u lu'O' ng k C:' :-illy c lur l h h lR eltay nio billll X li' tf) ; nhili
di en ( ill'll lil'9 'nt: k iJ' tro n g d 6 111'11 ilr~ n!!:i (sang 1'.1'.. ) / / tI( e h ;'l), v i ll!
dll'(YC xac djnll bang ph ep do m (j l lIi l/ lI inl1ux Chl\ Ch;'l)' viln; elnl sting
11f'{;rng lie n qlian t o 'i Ill'Il Ilr(>'flg, 1I11It" d {j S(lf
information center trun g If1m Ihong~
tip ,\'Ilat Ilnl! (y clI O cllra n!: 0 11g //(!P , 11O(IC
(tr/ln!: fam c hI/y e n vI? hm m,', ,ur Ij Ii
chlly en d(mg quoy Clio b (> canh /t o{Ic r o l o
(r/lY fim Ih (j n !: tin d e pli o biell Iront
cllIl' kh o n g phdi d o ltl'U Ilt(YI1!: til Ifc)
IIflll 'l1K kfl o tin !: t/I<)-i Kiml c{ell cl(I n, Iheo.l'iu
inferential liquid-level meter m ~IY uo c all ho(i c co cll<:m / (>c, tlly Ih eo nllli'llg nhIl
mti'c chftt lo ng suy dien (may tlo /I1lh' cllft l c all errp hriclt elin IIg /n)-; ,\'Ii' clWlg)
long Irong d o I1l1h' clur l Icing clll'(yC xtic
information s cience kh oa h(.lC Ihong I ~
d;nh b a n g cdch do 1r/ 9 t hii;n Ill'(Yng n fl 0 d 6 (I.v IllIIy i/( WI ky 111II(i1 lien ll//{//l/ rj{ J(f l/Ul
lien quan wh In/l'e d o, nhlt' phoo r d n ehim f h {il' , P hall 10(li, Ill'll In" , Imy ri lll I'll phh
m (jt phfin Iro n g C"fl l Idng , til' s lillt d ' mli' e bi(]'" Ir i filth' lid glti I(li)
nno d6, cI(j (hin dill" Clio cluff Ldng 110(1('
information technology C() llg nBh¢ lhOng
d(j h a p '111.1 l)/j'C X (I !:am(/ Clio n eJ, ellli'
I in ( ((ip II <J'I> eric CCl"'g llti lt ~ cflllyt!1l 1'( Xli
kh 8 n g phdi d o (n,rc (iiJ'p)
infinite reflux h Cli lUll v t l l e) n , IU'tYi h rull1
I\i !tnl Ii'll'
vn Irao tl o i IIt (jn ~ lin , b{/()~Om
IrTI c d eric I O (li IJlriy tlnll I'll ('tic 11(; 1f19'tn

to ~m Iltt mg Cling nlt/i' cti c pllll'l YnK plrtip II/(ill /I~

inflame rue e h{IY !tif n do I/(;HI)

inflammability tinh de hel e c h,iy ,x information theory Iy IhuYCI Ih ling lin
fl a mma bility (m <5 1 nJ.:rlnh c lin '>' II//Iye'l Imyen Iltring
inflammable tI de l~e eh;l), n g llien eli'll c ae hfl i /orin mri hml, rlmK cap

inflammable minerals kl1o{Ing V(lt de helc nhfj'n!: chuem Clr d e s o stinh uk Il r tmy?n
Ilu)ng k hac n/W/i / r e II co' .1'0' tlie d(i btltl
!tii li, sli· cll.tng so' d o "I' (m g Ill/inK lill flUl
inflammublene s s tinh de l)tic c l1;iy , tinl1
dll'Q'e klli hie l n o i d linK Cli(//llIlng btio; miJt
e h{iy uU'<.>'c
n g rlllil CllO ly (/tIlY(;'1 xri,. .1'1111'1 l1~ hiitl flnl
inflalllmatioll s~r b ele e h ;'I)" S ~I' htic Ill'a; S~I '
l i nl! //(7 1' Ie c lin SI.I' Inlyen cric tlrrinJ: 0011,
v iCm ()! h {)c)
ell/'nlt x dc 'rol1R vo n!: nlll/,nj? Kia i !J(lJ1 xdr
inflate ph o ng len ; th()i pht mg d{n/t. khi eric bit t/t o n f( fin / (10 nen thOng
inflated (dc'i ) phong le n , (d H) d ing hO'j bfio c6 'he hi sai /(lc)

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Iftfrared hong ngn~li (lie n qllan UY; h,i'c x(1
h ong ngoi) i (pht1p chl,lp anll (r a ng d o h if
hOng IIg O(li)
ql/ang !rang n gO(1i hli'6' ng an!r rn.l'e lie p len
I iafrared absorption s~r h fip lht.l h()ng p him h o n?, ng o(li. 1(10 ,.n brin xIIi nlrli' ng
ngo.:') i (lIifn fII"(YIl K moi trrro n g Ifty ni'ing b iiFn Ihi e n n/lif( d (> Clio pllOng ('(inh (ii'
hr(rnR lit 1J,i'c X(1 hong ngO(1i klti In i'C X(1 diem nc}y rO'i diem Iduic)
Irr~' en q/la m o; Inro'ng)
infrared radiation hue xc.1 h t m g ngo<:li
infrared analysi s sl,r phfln rich ( 4 u <tng ) (hll'C x(l diif n IIr co b(l'o-c: song n ltm Irang
~o hong ngo~li ddi til' 0,75 fai 0,8 micromc{ (gi6i h(1n sonR
Infrared brazing S lr h~1O don g hong n go<.l i dil; (inlr ,winx dd klla kiell) la; lOOn
(qua Irlnh him dong 'ron[( do m6i him mic rom c i ( vi ba ngdn n/urr))
iI'We: 1(10 r{/ nl1& n"i~'( Clia h,rc X(I hong infrctred soldering Sif h ~m vily h l mg ngm.li
IIgon i ) (s l.(' linn wiy fI'ong d o (>lrc X(1 /ra n/!. nKo(li
infrared dete ctol' h~) di) ht)J1~ ngo<.1i (dl.mg Cl/f/g cdp nfri¢t din illif:'!)

((I dfip Irng l'o-i hrrc x (1 hang n g()(1i. drt ll.!; infrared sp~ctrum ph l) h l) ng ngl1c.1i
de phril Irifn eric l ' l.i li do 11 0(111 h o(ic Stf qu d (klruting blC6"c .w Jng Cl tO bll'C.\.:(1 I!()nx ngn(li.
nong (fin Inri)' m 6c. Inriy hay, .1' l! C9 WI con !It'nll hiij n /10(1 (' bieu cia oro-ng tit) bll'C .\:(1
ngm7i, Irong £lie ll klrien eric ql/(l trinh c("mg /t o n K ngO(/i tlo l '(ir lif " 1)lul l ra IIo(lc h ii'p
nglri( nl/{ly nlri¢ r d (j ) 111(1 plzt.l 11/1(>(' wIn /)I I'O'C ,w>ng Iro(i (' Ihmn
infrared emi ss ion s"r ph:"lt xa h (lI)g ngoc.li s{y c6 lien (juan)
(Ific (((mg plllil sdng Ir 'Ong IIg o(1i) infnlred thermistc,r nl1i¢l cli ~ n tra h o ng
infrared-emitting dif)d~ diot plHir xc.1 n goc,li ("hi,;( l/i iJll (rd· (iling £I i] c/o cvng ,wu T,
hong ngoi.l i (dim pllli( quang co !}fi·c .\'(1 ) n;(/ ", i'e X(I h /jng ng o(Ji)
infrared film phim hi~m g ngo ..'1 i (pftim nh( I.V infrclred-transJl;an~ nt materja~ v;)t li¢u
I'ui rdc /)J ( (h: w5ng o· \ 'ring h/m~ n go(1i gi'in ) trung suClt h t lI1g n go;'.l i (1 '(11 liiju (1lUlng ch(J
infrared filt.er hi.) iI..l C !1("1I1g n gu'.li (c ll rt( b th' x (I /i C)J1g n gO(li 11'I1)'el1 q lla. \'{' til.' II/Ill'
fro(ir Ihier b{ 1'6n rrl r Irong x,,;), d{)i vcri nat!'; c/ O l'l((l (0,25 d 2'11 IfJ microm c l J. xes i
brrr .\'(1 Il ong ngo{li 6' m ( jl sti J)//,cJ'c ,\'cJng i odl/o {/ ( (j-j 50 1I1ie,.o1n e l) I 'r! poly r: rylcn
/rang k.lri l urp /"(.1 IIIIlt'ng 1o (Ii vli-c ,\:(1 dif} n 11/(11 d() C(lO ( J() 1C>' i 3 0() mic""OJnel)J
lir klu1c) infr~\s()nic If ( thu (H:) h ,) ;101 «('Iii cd c lin
infrared laser Im '. c h i..<)n g ngO<.1 i (la zt.: plld( hi{ju, (!tie l hi I'o(i(' hi';ll fln';)'}!g lien quan
ra hti'r .\'(1 Il ung n go(Ji , "!UJI fa (;. CriC I'(ing d E!1! ctic I n ll s6 <lII'd ' j khotinK ngh c t/ru/,e
hong ngO((i g()1/ wi (rung hin!l ) Cit" /(Ii n gtl'rJ·i, IIi·" Itl d lnj-j c!l/tnt: 15 n z.
infrared phos "hUl- c ll ;'!t ICIIl 4ua ng h ;-)l1.;! ('()}J .Ii (>i hi SUhSlllli c (/1 clfll1J.:)
ogO,:li (cluf f l li /l quoit/{ nUJ k/li hi clli(!"tI hli'c infrasflund hi) ; 1 111 (ctic r/lng d (j fll-: {"(ill

XI} /r olfg ngo(li fr n flg "hi I /O(ic 11r(i1l1 chi S(}II klt') lI g kilt" ()' f rltl slY qt/o {ilkI' n i n Wi
kill rrtf rirm pflri( qllang do c f/{'{( k fch Im ell 1l.!;lrr'U khrJ fI /!. ('(i,n 11/1 (11/ d/f()"(" n//I/" lim
thong fh(drng /l o(lc (,.6i Clio /1 6. I 'on /lli tif thanl! . Ii,'e clr l'C)-j' cllI'olg 15 Hz )
m tinh sting cd c/lng pJ/(J 1'11111" l'llng plio in I'n se pha nU'l}'C si)i; n gfll l1 chi0't
(fin clul ! kiell h (Jell (r~)i. ctic c !t iT I l/in qtltlng infusibility tinh kh6ng n(log chclY
sId! 11(1 w i sciclI lto It) nh({'ng VI dr.l l/ IUIn
infusible" khl)ng nl 'ing ch;'IY
Irpng nlltft)
infusioll SI,r pha nu·\)·c sOi; Chal I('mg ngtllll
infrared photography phep Clll.l r ,'In" chi e t (dllng dfel! mro-c ("Ita lliri"h p/!(jn /r(}(J

:;.1 . Tel H O A HOC A .V

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ingo t
(an elia n Ul r Cl l (fr do ngtl171 cJui'r d (j I ron g crJ k lui rid n g rlt'i'ng /t o(i<' Irim cll(jlll pillin
dung fII a i m (>1 k lt aring fl u)'i ;.:iol1) ; sU' lit: m l i'ng lu)o h ell', de IIIi'll felt I'e m (il ky (ill/Qt,
truyc;n (.I'I,t' fi e ll1 cit {I In /11 () ( d/(ng di cit WIO 11 0 phdl crJ hit/II qlld r;' 11 (1111-: r/(j (IInp)
anI! fII(l c h /l o(ic wio IlU) t11 /'Cl'f dn I lOr7(" n l (j
illhi h itn A' S\,l'cctl'1l i ug Sl,l' khLI' lu'u huynh
kltric CI /O ('0' f h e)
clL ln g chfi l U'C ch "::: (({u(i Ii'illit Xli' '>' linil eM
ingot thtli , lilt')! (\ '(11 d l ie k im /O(l i r (ln IIu'clt dfill III ,) rle I.:llIi' Ill'll It II)" lilt ('/t oxilllg (bl€n
h(>'p elto fUr /( clt dy ' (Ii h o(fc ;.: i a c/>ng : fluii nll.:rC(!J"(1l1 Ihrlll iz dislIlI IIII) co hlln: /u(mg
wing h o(1c t!t o i 1>(lc) 111 e /,('(//, {nil (/t/{I J , dill/I{ Ch (l f Ire eM
in got furn n'~c II I d(ic I h , ')i p /r£'.'1ylC!lI ed i(lJllil1, k/t cJllij khi I'll XiiI)
i n go t i~' qlL'l S i'\ I t 11 c'J; (S d r fI (' 0' n g t! /J' i fi ni, in b (} In 0 gc II!.' i t,Y t i 111 k I1tlllg dii ng nhal
kllie'l s tin xwi'! I rrmg 10 lv! orfin) inhomogenolls 1/ kl1tl ll g tlii ng nhill
ingo t meta! kim It);:! i 1116 ; in b 011 r ng h! Cll t; ill' (d(m I'i d(i plttin ri'ng
d :'I( )
ingl"ain nl1u(1J1) ('fl(f in {) 1 I ,i / ) //(;11 l i'lIg, I nK"icll r/rio giu It)
ingrain col o !' thu 6c nhw:> 111 ;I z oic . 1l')Uric cI() pitrill l ing c l IO I I) 1)l l(il/ li'lig ellII ky /

n!1u(ml le,lI1h , x aznic dy e g i r)', /'IiI rn ( i l' ilwcr'sc Il ()U r)

in gi' edi~n'i: h (yp ph~ln, di u lLr ; c hfl l dt) n IIl .. h O llSt' scrap S,ll q ll1 1;,li nhll nJ,iy (kim
inhibi ted ac i d axil kim h<l m (oxi( dli ng / o (li rlii ",(,O'C hrlo I'll , ('(i l i'{/ hO(1e xtf f(/ U
II' 0 n g n guyen cong /(111'1 mi'( v ,)' b(llI.'!. a \'if 1111/;'11;': g i (1i tl oun kl,ric II/WII khi r!tic I'fietin
I 'tin clii dl/'(>'(' xl r 1)1 h ( ja h (>c (ft'; g i rilll j )()'1 <'tic l /tc h (/ /{/JlIi rrim , n i ll gVi hi run ~ rowxl

( ric (/(ll7 g (In nu)/'I (: Iio lid d fJi w 5-! II ';; I hfYng se r;lr l
a ng fr onE; k lli I' li n gill' dll' o 'c hi'; l1 {l l lI i iniUal (, oi l ing poill t I111 i4 1 d() ilfl l d ~u sO/
(r Ol1g qll{i fr inl! frill ; mi'l I'S) (n llil/ I r/ (J gli i rllI 'l,n ki ll' gi()I IIIn' cill1'lJ8 elft
inh ibiting p i gmen'- c ll ril m ill! kI I11 ll,'i m c//ill { [(; JI it o a / Iill g I'li ra i k illii Jlfip bin"
(el/lf f phI.l ;':1([ s u n k i l n I /lim, ho(/ c I1g(711 ('(ill
.I'~(' gi I'rl S (I' fill I nim cl io eric kill1 10(11' II ()(/e illit iai u' !! silc l' l1l ;iy n g l1i ~ o ,(r lJ\i, rna)'
.1'(1' f(IO th ill/ II 1I(i'1I1 II/()('. I f d(l 1'1111(' chi n g l'lil' n tlv)
crmnm ) initial delona lill g agellt cl1fil I11lil no
inhibition s~r Lre cI1 C;, S LY kim h{i ll1 (co' c h i; initial pn~s s lll't; ci p slI iit (h' lo) ui1u
klu 311g CO); (1 lIi'c "gilll Crill 111/)( XliI1g rl CJllg in it i,lI se t Slr d Cll1g k2't ha n dnu (,\,// ixlufml
b lin g {ric {h,mg cl i n .L I III}.: IIg /I '(n' /(l i: flh' d ('III;': U/'II,I;\,(/(I klti Ilt e ll1ll1l'cYC \'lio /!I! (OnK,
d (mg k im mi n 11O(1 {' n;.: rill f rei' I ric d (jJ;g I'(jf .r i llliillg /wiie I'/i'o )
I>; I /O(ic I/()(I h (>c)
initial s~atc Ir; lllg Ih ;:\i d ill!
inhibit i o n coefficit;'Ht he :c.l) l'l'e chC: in itiaiing (Sl.r) k l1Ui milD
in h i hit; 0 11 i n d to! X l~ h ; ,,;ti tl' C e h "; (/ 11' (" /1 ,1(
init i ating agent c f1iYt k lmi m;'l(); chill m1i
clt/Tf ('!I ri n g cill/y en luj (/ kl l tlc p/tfJ C dlu)'(' n ('; (c ir ri' l II ;) ('( j d (1 ,,11(1.1' cnll liIi(i l dOl \'tIt
l ric dl./llg sinlr hoc Clio 11/(I{ (r(JIIX /I1 '()'ng
n/ti ~~( , 1/1(1 ,\'(il, 1'(/ (' /l ml/ kItHr" 1'16 (hicilltlJP
d a ll \'i c ll rt f c/tl!ye n l lt )o)
Jl II/(' p lt flll IIi' !J/ () i trollg IlliC)i nil)
inhihit(H' e ll ;i! h[lm (cl l rf ( dl l' ( ),c If (ill k1.0,
illitia fing l' xp losi vl' ell :il m (')1 no
m (}c n"j I W(i(' nlninK f..: h{; ~'(10 Ih" tic n f ) rl:iy
,i nit iatioll i'ad o r yi::'u t(i kll.IYI rj ;lu (prOldn
ra n cit' 11(111 c lt ti' hi, m (11 (' lI riy I'rl tit' dill/I
bri'l 1..'.1' CI/II clto .\'(1' kll(}-f dnll qlld Iril/it I~
11Iro-II,g ({/iii IriJlit (' lu iy): e il;i l tre c l1 c (('I IrT I
"()l' / JI'OIL'ill)

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531 inner
initi ation step h U'l)'C kho'i mao (phtin Il'n g kho(mg d 6 1)
khie!! cho phdn l i'l7~ d(iy chI/yen u(11 dnll in k I11l,1'C (ll! § phfln /(In Clt(l m QI ch (rl mllll
nhll'ng bdn than no kh onK phdi lil ngllo n h u(ic dllng dtclt ch 5 1 mall Irong ch(11 n en ,
stin phalrl c/Zi"nh) 1(10 chifl l ong. h61 n lu10 h ofic bi)1
/'(1 rip de
initia t or chat kllO'i m ao (cllfft h o(ic p/UJII W70 1'(7 ""6 /,.,2n 1/1 (11 chift, cac 1171./'(' vi e t,
Iii'(kluk clull p hrin Il'ng ) k h oi tnt/a cflo cldnlt difu , vB I'a in dell du'(yc rip Ih en nh.i'e ll
phdn Il'ng dfly l'/lIIy en nh//' SI./' Irllng h pp , cnch l en gifl'y, kim /o(li, chal d eo, g o, IllIi),
v( (b,t a>:. ely l peroxil): ngo i n o; c h fi t gay n<) [inft, v(li h o(ic chift nen khac)
inject l'ie m inkometer inkornct (kh/ ct.~ de do d6 d{nh
injected gas klli phun V~I () (khi" (lirc;rc hO'in Clio cae d, ifl l ong blin K ericli xony cac I(lng
va~ mo san x l/(1t dall de ;(10 ra x/h' d ciy qllay liifp X l ic I'(Yi ch ifl l ong )
khi n lul m l ling sdn lt r(J't1g d(}lI ) inlay hu'c kha m , blrc d.-II (bli'c Irnnl! ho(1c
injection S ~l' ph6n g (trl/{ I ' li 11'1.1 l e n qll_v \'(/1 fran.g /r / G!I'(J'(' 1(10 I'a bon.g eneh c/z en
d(lo); St,r ti c m ( fll llo (' I'ilo da. ti n ll In (IC fI. ... m (> l V(il /i iJ ll nll/I' k im i O(li v ao khoring
t{n fli i/II W70 In(lch ho(1c til,tI1g cr.t di i/n ill' ; Ir ti l'lg (j- k.im /c)(li, tlri, II o(lc go. I'(il 1i~ 1l
electron IIO(k to t rf)ng HIO cllftl hdn d nn); (nh l/' .)'9'i Ihip ) co Ih ? danh bong. flllng
SI,1' phun (nh i en INIl. n flien Iii/II va khong h O(lc /rIm lI i mg clt dy)
khf, nllien Iii/II va ~'h(t't m :y h an Win bllons inl c akage s U' n\ lU'q'll g r6
d6(; chitt l ong ho(ic v(Jt Iii/II d eo WIO cric in Ie t pi pt! ting (di1 n) V i lO
vel lIIi'l, h oc Ir onr; via da); chfit tWm i nl et valve vall 11,1P (I '(/n Itlil c/u11 /ti'll V(IO
injec t ion blow mo ld in g ~l.l' dllt: th ui ;-ip x i Ian/; Clio d (mg C(7 florin ellIJlg . ham //()(i c
It,rc (qlla (I'inh cfllc chfi'l d do trong d () 6ng 111 (1), nell "e<'lJ1 g()i 1~1. induc tio n valve)
chifl deo r ang du'()'c t (/O hinll bling clilc (ip inl et wat~I' IW'll-L; V ~lll
in-line ass embl y machine m {IY lap nip
injec tion lase.' laze phun (la z e Ir ung d o then clcly cl1uyc n (lIuiy /rtp rrip grin cae linlt
dim g ali nr.l'enlla ,,"nil Cl.r c 11I1I~in /li En (/ 6 i "iiJn FriO I fi' m 1J1 (lclt m oi (lin mt)1 linh · ki ¢n
cons; ,\'IIdl vrlo dt'mg 1I1 (>t ch aftl In.tc I iEp klli /(1'111 lrI(1ch dll'(J'c chllyen tii' v i" t/'l' nay
Ihanl! rin" .wlnK pllli 11 9'/7 I17 rl kh 6n g critl qlla \,( /1'/' kh ric !>rTllg day chuy en ho(ic cO'
bmn quong) e(rU t'(i n cflliyen kll(k)
injectio n watt:r IlU'tYC tiem in-line t!nginc c.J (m g co' xi lanh thting hflOg
i nj t!c.:to r di¢n c ~rc ph un (dill 11 C(r c qll(/ rio (d(jng ('0' ('() nhiell xi Innh WI cluing dll' (YC
CtiC 1t {11 tfii d illn (1/, Ir i)'ng lI o(ic el ('('/I'fm) I;r'') tn' Ih ilng luing )
dlt(J'c ep wio VIII/g Irtf()'l1g coo Iron?, m ()/ inner ba'Tt.> I ti l1 £ t:llli'ci m au kh oa n, x inner
spm.: isl o (trall s ilo nhi"tl /l d'iill ra C(l1) I {Ill )): tuhe
m,iy phun (thiEI ht elui'a I '()i plrlll'l (j. Irong
inner-complex compound h o-p chat n0i
ch!i'l Ill'll k./cll 1III' cit vrin ril{'(;rC g io 18'(' I'()
phu'C, ho p c hil t chelat
do (/(5 ctl o n l!t eo c/ur l !tr/l tllli' /toi . pltiin
inner compound hc:r p c ha t IlQi ph fill ILl'
plt tii h em 1t ~)P /rong tip SIIti'( 1(l n g uio clt iff
inn t~ I' clHIC 01' name Ill'>n tro ng (cua) ng<.>n
lil'tl kfch tlll'ell ); lJ ~l u phuJ) (b/lgi c6 von
plum di? dim nllien li¢1I bllOtlK dOl Cl i u

d (m g co' diezen); v(1i phun (d i: cii'p mNh' inner cslt' r cst c n('li
vao n Oi h O'i, !t oIJe er'i'p nhi e n li t/ II \'fIn in ne r hemiact!t a l hemiaxelal vlmg

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inner 532
inner potential the trong (gia Irj lrung inornl sQ'i VO CCY
binh clm thl tlnh di~n Iffy Irong lOan 'he inorganic II vo CCY (lien qllan lai ho(1c cau
If clL linh Ihe) ilranlr Iii' cdc h(1'p chat Iron lI{}c khong
inner salt mUGi noj chll'a cacbon nhu nguyen to chinh (Ii'll'
inner tube s:tm xc (ong cno Sit kin rai eacbonnt, xyanlla w} xyannt), nghia Iii v{1t
ILo{lc dlk (rong cdc lop xe, con g{}i lit tube); chat khong co ngllon xoc (f{)ng I'c}l hoae
ong ehlhl m§u khOc:"\n (ong Irong ltic d(mg Ihl,I'c Vt;1I)
nlLu ong clllra mlill Clio ong lay mall inorganic ncid axil vo CO' (h(1'p chal elifl'n
khonn kep, dllng de lay cdc mall loi khonn hydro va nguy en 10 hoijc goc phi kim, I'"
mQI via qll(1ng de phfin Ifch, eon g{}i La dl,1 ax it clohy dric H C/, ax it Sill]' IIric
inner barrel) H 2S0 4 va (l~iI cacbonie !-I2COa)
inner tube deflation SI! xa oot hai s<1m inorgnnic base ffilZll' VlJ CCY
inner tube reclaim cao su tai sinh sam inorgnnic chemistry hoa hl)c VO co'
inner tube skiving machine may xen (nganfr hoa h9c nghien Cll'll cac phan ,i'nK
sam va Ifnfr clult hoa ht;Jc ella lal ca cac nguyen
inner tu.b e valve van sam xc 10 vit h9'P clral clia cllling , Irir
hydrocacbon, va Iltl/'(Yng gom em'bit, m : il
inoculant mam dlY (ehal Ihem l'ao me
Clla cacixm, cdc kim 10(1; cacbonnt, cdc I/{J'p
nail cluTY, fhuang a phan sail ella cong
chal eacbon-III'1t hllynh va cdc 1rt;J'P chal
dO(ln nffll Illy4n, do do lilln tlLay dol call
lrllc dong d(Ic clm kim lo(1i dlie, nhll' Irang
finh luy4n h(ll cdc h(1'p kim nit om ); thuik inorganic liquid laser lazt: vC) cO' (laze
Hem chung long frong d6 clla' , long 1'0 cO' nlzll"
neodym-seleni oxyelorrtn hoije plro,\p/ro
inoculate liem chung; dly ghep; gfly mam
ciorlla pita Iteodym clll'(1'C dlmg nhll' dufl
(klt linh)
hO(1I Ifnll, con g()i hi neodymium liquid
inoculating s~r nhi~m ban, Sl! nhi~m dc,')c
inoculating crystal tinh the mam
inorganic peroxide pcroxit vo co' (/I(J'P
inoculating needle kim pia tin cllti't 1'0 co' chll'a m(iI nK Ily en. ,iJ a Ir(mg
inoculation SI! tiem truycn, Sl,I' liem chung IJuii oxy !roa cao 11/1(11 clia no (n/lIt' adl
(dun ((k nhan gfiy b4nlz VaG d(mg v{il ho(ic perc/orie 1-/CI(4 ) /wijc co nlr6m peroxy
IJ!l,re wJI de 1(10 rn d(lng b~nh nJr~ WI t(lm -0-0- (nllu' axil p erC1:omic
clio cd the mien diclr); 51! cliy (dll'n l'i sinh H aCrOa21120)
v(it Len Jw(fc wio moi Irtl'ang nlloi efi')'); SI,I' inorgnnic pigment sac to vu co' (kim 10(li
ghep mam (>:lr I)' v(it li~ll nong cluly hanK ()xil, ,m (r lUI /w(ic mltoi kluic. 11.1' nhien IIO(ic
v{il li~1I klutc Ir/l'CYC kill dlk de t(1O mnm ,(j nX lr(1p. cillnx nlul' uk nJuin 1(10 m(11I clIO
clro cdc linll lhi}) ,wn!. eluJ'1 d eo wi II1I/e)
inoculum chfil cay Iruycn, chat liem Iruycn inorganic polymer polymc vi) cO' (phfjl/
(lm;rng nho dUll elura vi khllan tir muli IIi' /(5'1" f Il/tcJ'lIg /I1(lC/r I hit fig !ro(7(' p luin
cffy tin" kltiiff dllng de bill d'lill d(1'1 ItIlr3i nhflltlt )'ai cac flRltycn IIi' kh6nR ,,'"ii
cay mG'i ho(ic gcry nlliem clIO dQng l'~' Ihi caclxm Irollg kIlling chinlr clin ell/ing , 1'1'

nglli4m) (/(1 a IllIl)' tinll, In(il polyme vb co' cii'll

inodorous 11 khong mui Ilrrinlr Ill' ctic vc)ng V(I m(lch cdc dO'n l'i

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533 insoluble

silicat l(fp /(li) cil,mg fL~it nitric ell! hc>n tan b(u' khoi wing
inosilicate inosilicat (lap ho(ic /o(/i ("(III lien kel, COli gpi Iii quartation)
Ink silical Irong do cdc khoi Iii' dbln ,";iO. insect attractant Chal dan dl,l con trung
lien kel vai nhau bdng cach phan chia (hon cllal, Ilrm:'mg Lien qllan fa; kielr dl,le
chllng cdc oxy d? 1(10 ra cdc In(lch Ilutng con Irimg. von co 11r? dling de' cifin cJl,l con
diti vo lu;n) frimg gay did, fai m'Oi clijc Ito(fc eli khao
inosine inosin, Clo1-II2N.Os (hc;rp chal sdl con ming)
XIUII liNn Irong cO', Iii san phnm IllIiy phlin insecticide thuClc Irlr sau (lton clriTl diel
Clio axil inosinic) Sail hp)
inosinic acid axil inosinic, CloHI3N.Oal' insecticide oil dau trlr sflU
(Ihimll phnn nllcleOlit Clill C(T, dlrc;rc 1(10 ro insectifuge Ihulk trlr sau
nhir klllr goc amin clia axil adenylic, klli insect repellant Ihulk trlr :;au
IllIiy philn no cllo hyp axonlin 1'(1 axil
insensitiveness tinh khong nh<,ly
insert SI! d~t va~, SI! lap vao, 51! glin vao;
inositol inositol, Cs H S (OI-'1)6 ,2H 2 0 (rtrc;rll v~t 101, v{\1 d~m 1/ £II a~t vim, lap van, gan
Ian Irong nu'ac, Ihuang kel ..,hom \' ai
\·ilamin. co lai chin chal don!: pluin l(ip
insiccation s~r If1m kho
Ih? clia hexahyclroxyxyclolleJ:rl/'i WI ellal
inside diameter du'ang kinh trnn,g (dij diii
dlly nhal co lam qllan 1I'(mg sinh h9C III
Clill duo-ng di qlla Ilim clia \'(11 11'1,1 /rOt}c dill
meso-inositol kllong /WI,II I(nll qllang. ell/ra
cric linh III? miilt Irdn!:. plllin bi'i rijllK
r!mg , ctic cticm Inlil ntim a m(il frong ella
\'Ijl, ky hi411 10)
Irong clijng \'(11 vii Ih~/'<' ~'(il, Iii yell 10 sinh
mrirng clIO el(mg \'(il WI Fi ,\'inIL \'(11) in situ I~I cho (0' vi Ir( hnn dall)
inoxidability tinh kh(mg hj oxy h()a, linh
insol x insoluble
khong gi insolation SII phai nan~ (,H,C' phO'i m91 v{it
inoxidable It kh6ng hi oxy hOa , khong gi dtrui tin" nting m(il fI'lh) ; dO phai nang
(nling ItrQ'ng m(fl InYl '/1/( dIC{J'C, Ihmyng
inoxidizability tinh khong hi ox)' lu)CI, linh
biell 1111 nlru- ,mal nling lm:rng Iren bCJ m(It
khong gi
ngang clrrn I'{)
in phase dong pha (co cac cl(lng s()ng ding
(lin so vii £Ii qua cdc gid Ir! Ilumg li'ng ir
insolubility tinh khling tan
Cling IluYi dil!m) insolubilize chuycn thanh d<,lng kh{')ng tan,
gi3m tlnh tan
input dau vaa, dau nhap (thang tin clurg
cap clro IlIie I bi ,I: Ii' I); tI(,. lifll fir the g iai insolubilizing (SI!) chuyen thanh d~ng
bin ngoa;, qua Ir;nJa cung cap du liiu do kh6ng tan, (SI,I') giam Linh tan
Iro(fc Ihiel bl Ih(rc hi~n qud Irinh ay; cong Insoluble II thOng tan (kh~ng co khd nllng

SlliTl ho{ic Ifn IINII dIm WIO lhiel bi dien hi'xt Ian lrong chiTI kline, til/rang lien qllan
Iro(fc dlfn ',r; cnc dnll ntil rl? dun cong lai ctic Ire rtin-long ho(fc long-long. viellill
suiTl ho(fc lin lIi~u vito; liti nguyen \'(7 insol)
nhlrng yell 10 moi Iruirng kluic dll'Q'c mijl insoluble anode anot kh6ng tan «(mOl
he bien dai) klrong bi him tan Irong qlld Irinlr dicn
inquartation 51! chia bon; phcp phan tfeh pltlin)
~c (m91 b'fae Irong p/uip thlr b(lc thdi sIr insoluble bromide number ,chi sO' brom

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insoluble 534
khong I an p lll;'e ! (IP k h dc )
insoluble cyanic acid xy am c lil , (NI-I CO)3 in st r ument sc ielH;e k ilo<) ilqc do cJ~m g C ~I

inspect ki~m Ira (x em xiii m (N vtJl d ? xric (({ifJ h vp cdc kh di n i¢m WI ng llyen l>i co
dinh xem no e6 phil hQ'p ~'6'i tiell ell/ din ( (j clui'c !I f (ho ng ve (h il! ( /d , p /tfll1 ,,'cll I'll
hay khong . co liz ? dllng (lti Kicic, liz/nil g i dc, dp til,lng cdc d~lI1g Cl,l do WI /z fj d l,lI1!{ C(I do )
Xltc gidc, khll:zl g i de WI vi gi de ) insu late co I<)p, ngan c;'lc h; c8c h dien
inspis s ated 11 C(.) ct~c; ng Lrng k et in su la t in g s ~r co I ~l p ) s ~r ngfi n cach ; S l,l' cck h
ins pissated oil dau m o d ~c q uanh dic,: n
inspi s sation S~I' c o d~c (qlld (r fnll h im d(IC insulating b oanl ta m c ele h Iy (V(7( lif ll
mQI eh ift long ba ng each eho bay l lO'i ; SI./' f lfm dilng 0' fll' irn g W) Ir(/n de f(1O ra .\'(1'
co d (ic c (l n cra ll b/ing erich cfr o · hay l lO'j niclz ly)
h o(1c oxy h o a d em t 6 i Iz i nh thrinh h ac in insul a tin g compou nd h(rp c hfit c{lch uien
h o (1c nlll,CfI than sail m (jl Ih i)' i gian drii I (J V;l nhi C; l (clufr l£jng o'
n hi{j r d o f/ui"p dll'Q'c
.w ing chang h(ln); s~ ngll'll g k el re jl \'f70 cdc M)p noi (m il ('rip vel de ran I(li.
instantaneous condition di c u ki (: n t Cre ('() I h Ilt d lin n hif l w) d rll/ rl h! n !-u!m n en ((10
thai (dtell kifj n ell a h I' ()' /n (J( (/ui'i d iem r (l 161' a ich Iy f(if )
rieng ) ins ulat in g C Oll Cl'et e he tCi ng cclch nhiG.1 (M
. instrument d~mg C~ do, khi Cl,I do (dl.mg C(I f ang c() cric ( ( lilt cll rt l eric /} Il fl ifjl , Ihll"(YnR
dl do va dOi khl con g hi va dtell efllnh g i d d ll'(i' c fr (m ,,6'i s(J"i (JI11ir7ll g vei (} d ung cdc
trj cria 1n9t d(li ftl' (m g dang qllan scil) k lr tii , eric ((1'111 i/()ng ("{ /'JIg , /W (Jc.: 1c5p b(Jc )
instrumental a nalys is ph a n ti c h hh ng in s ul ati n g m a te l'i al \I ,) t li ~ lI c{\ch di ~ n
dl,m g ql do (SII' d/.lng m (j r dlp/.g 1' 1.1 d () rli! in su lat ing oil d~' ll Celeh di\; 11 (/ly d roC(lc/JolI
do mi)t Ihtlnll p h nn , plu il hifj n .1' 1/ ' h o nn c/ o 1r 6a n lll( Ir i c { o /J en ze n, Ir on v eri
(hanh 111 91 phdn ling d ;nh Ilf()'/If( It o{ic de hyclr nr:(Jchm l /1 0 116(/ ci a hell tli ~~n m c'J i C (l O

phdr hiljn S/,I' fhay d Oi tron g eric I hi ll ch iY ( V(l di.'} /Il btic clr riy co o lie!! e6 l /i e rhlng
elia h ~ ) cfn(i'c (t· eric' chI/y eti ill ( IC/r. ('ti ll ci ao m (lch

instrumental constan t h a n g s6 dlmg q l

di£?n, hi e!"!t (ll if n / I/( chfY, cdc;' dif!n WI m a i
Inl' i mg lrlm I1g l/() i, c(Jn g()i /() elec trical o il)
i n s ul ating l>ap~I' gifiy dcll diGIl ( 1'(11 lifjli
in s trumental method phu'o'ng phap dl,m g
C l,I do
li e ll c li llan de erich clir/tl rll i e t hi di iJ l1,
filu 'iJ'n g Kr}m g i ft y g ri i rt f)Y I'lu I .\"0"11 erich
instrument corre c tioIl S l,I' t1i ~ lI
c hinl1
dirl l1 II'/(ill d en h O(IC //"I rll( wing (1 ni Iwi In(lI ,
dl,m g Cl,l do (~(r hiljll chinh cric dl,mg 0.1 do
COli f(Oi Iii electrica l il1sul:.ttillg pap!;!r , v arnish
dl.rn Iren (hie ( bi lIlli' ho(1c el i) kl/()nK clt/'n ll
pa pc r)
x d c clia dl,m g Cl./ d o lI o('lc lac cil.lng li n ,m)"
insula ting power' kh:1 nrlll g (;<\c l1 uic,: n
Clla dl,mg Cl.l do )
insula tin g streng t h e,1() hl: n c·,ic l1 ui (:n (so
instrument oil d ~ lI dung Cl,l elo (l o (li dOli
do klrri nang ("I i (/ V(l f iiI/II erich elil!n chill
boi Ir on d{1e bi{jl dl/'Q'c (in" ch e" de ch tin f{ c! u'(J'c cli</n cip nUl k./l cJn g hi d ril/it fillin g,
axy lIoo WI ch o ng k eo, phil h (Jp vai Mp d u()'c dinh ng hifl ni!l( cl i f f! ril' rr en eli) diiy
cdch difn va ng an dll'(J'C s(r x in v(i C1\:y /I() (/ d ( .ill vi cnll d j kh r)'i IJ i u i f .1'1.'" jJ lr o ng dii!n
clla cdc f1l(lt kim 10(11 ('() !i(:" p x l i e, diinf{ de p lt d lil ly, (I u /' (l'tl g d o b r7 n g I' o n f /'e l1
bOi Iran cdc dl,mg ct.' d o wi (.'lie C r)' ('(Til x e.l1I i m el)

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535 integr'ating

insulating tape bang c~k l1 dii;n (bifng dim cI,r6'i be m(i( khuon, dluJ'c e(t,. n(1O kh(1c
v(it lit;/i erich di iln va fir/ra ng dinh. (itinK hO(lc {Tn InlJn vao kim 10(/i eli! ({In rfl eric
d e b(JC erie m o i nOi tlt)y ho(ic eeip ccicJr rlinll llO(ic h oc chlt'a mt.l'c, nll.fC fhlt'o (Y ,,.,I n
di ~n, con gOi liZ eleClrical tape) be m(jl phai dlr9'c qlui f h o(1c Inti s(/cll SOli
insulating varnish so'n cach di¢n mni Ian eho ml.('(' vii f/'lI'()'C m oi tan (1(1p in)
insulation v~t Ii¢ u dch Iy (v(i; litJ /i. cilil1g o· in teger sO nguy e n (,,0 d e m d,uyng /r a(ic am
tuang. tran WI scm de erich Iy m{)f phan bat ky ho(1c so khong )
nhi~t va am fhonit); v~1 Ii¢ u c<lch di ~ n (\'91 integral heat of dilution nhiCI pha loflng,
lifll co diiln frO' .wat cao Wl do do til fell x heat or dilution
h9'P d~ tach eric v(it dan dit;n ('(lnh nh(/u integral heat of s oluti o n nllicl hIm tan ,
trong m(1ch diijn ho(ic ngi'in n g ll'(/ SI.I· (ie'p x heal or SolLllion
xlk cd the x dy rn g iti'O cac w}t (ftin (li ijn.
integral pl-ocedure decomposition
con g (Ji La eleci rical insulation) temperature nh i¢t de) ph i"lJ1 lllly I heo
insulation porcelain SU' CHch elien (m(J/ phuo'ng pl~ <'lp Ifel1 phfm (nIJil/ f ct<) pl/{I,., IlIiy
Irang nhl"cng v(it Wl ll cdch diijn kluic nJwu nif {"a !th(y plui p l!eft phlin /J(}ng do fltj SI.I"
gom silic axil ming ch riy , ste{//il mlng c/lfiy ph (J n lieh nhi ~' Ir(mg [(I'C m Q( l) oIY ll1 e)
l/o(1c g6m "p'p eI,af d(ic biij f, Illldmg cll/i'o integral waterprooHng SI.J· c h6ng lhil'm
z iric on oxlt h o(ic beryli OX iI , ccJn g()i hi
lich ho'p (S f.1' chong clr{1m clIO lu} ((i ng /Jrj'ng
electrical porcelain) erich fh i?m v(if lifll cltring Ih,l""., v(IO xi
ins ulator v (t t c<1ch di~n , d~lI1g Cl.1 c,kh di(:n, mring h o(ic vno nll"d'c Ir(in)
SLI' each di(!n (dt.mg C(l"ct? cli~ n treY C(/O clitl1g
integrase illlt::grazCI (enzym 1(10 cLi'e ll kil),.,
de d o' "o(ic tach cric 1'(11 (!rin di(~ n I1h/im c lr o S f.1" d Ollg hrla f!l:; Ih(/"c kll/uln non IIICinll
kh ong clIO dong di l/n cll(IY III' cluing sang IIie nlri/i m SrlC vi klwan /ro(ic cdl bd IIi' d o )
cric v(if k IICic , Clm gl)i In ciCCI ricCll il1 sula lnr) ;
integrated circuit m ,l c h tich h(.)'(1 . Ie
v{it liG u each Iy (v(it /il/l/ dfin nhicJl. rllI1 WI (m(tnR n tii Clio ctie phfin IIi' licit CI./"C ~'(i thl.l
clifn k i m); eh~it ciich dien (c luTI 'r ang de> d(ing Kritz wlo m r)f d 2' /1rll1 drl n drrn I/O(ic
vtlng nang "('(yn?, binfr Iillf ang d ay va ke'l flia /I' en d ff nl/(Y lI1(j l deiy lien (l.lC c ric
ngan erich vr)-; winK j.' iel, IlIfch dolt tbIn qlUi Ir;nl-l IIl"o'ltg Ilrich wi co klui ming Ih(l"("
bang V!'Ulg ('{T,n Ina ch I co el ec tron v/i"i hilj /l il nlu11 m¢t ell/i'e nang m(lc h cii ljn IIi'
n{Tng Itr(rng n/,(ll ll elecfr on -von m(h co Ih e da y cili. cOJ! K oi Iii lnlegrClI<.:u
xllyen qua dll'(yc de dritzfr Illling cllat) semiconuUC\l lr)
insulin insulin (honn o n protein do eric te' integrated el ectronics di en Ill' 11<.1c lich
biio b<tln Clio eric dao (1.1)' I{IO 1'0. tham gi(l hl.),p (tirll{il nKli' chllng dt! eM plrfil1 ky xdo
trong Slf chllyen II/JfI cflrbohyrlra/ WI cllrf( 1'(1 ('rjng I'IKhlj diljn trio frong (hi S(I" 1'111.1
beo) Ihl/()c l li n nhnll Clin v(it li'; ll. ,hie' hi. 11I(ldl
insulinase insulinaza (en zym do gfll1 I{ln rrl. 1'(7 vitJc xem xii thie'{ kiF hlj f/:d'fng IfI cI{1c
co th e kllll' hO(l( (inl! inslllin) Ili f l en y nghin. h ep /ran. phfm k >i x rio I(f()
intaglio plate khu6 n in 1<1111 (lie tn(l t k im rn II1 (K h I(ch h Q'Jl)
10(li tie '(10 rn eric phon (Ii' in Irong i n 10m ) integrated semiconductor ban d[m lfcll
intaglio printin g Sl,r in 1<1111 (p/lll'ml g h~)' p , m<Jch t fe h hO'p, x Integral cc} circuil

pluip in trong do eric ph,ln (I;' in d ell nrim an tegra ting in str ument may tfeb phnn

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intensity 536
intensity clIcyog do (clQ m(lnlt hOQe .1'0 du'(yc. Irong do h() 1(10 I'll vii cllly Iri eac
lrr{yng cl;a mQt d(li [u(yng nhlr di il n clli' lielll rll I/I'CYng Ihiell)
truang, dong diiJn. Sl,r Ir"r !roa. h,re X(I ho(Ic intercellular substance chat giCln bilO
sr,r pllong X(I; cong sua, trliyen bcy; anh (Ifulnll phon InO nom giti'{I cae Ie biio)
sring ho(fe song am qua diiJn liell clan vi interchanger thiel bi tran doi; Ii) traa etOi ,
vuong g6c va; song) nhi¢t
intensity of current clIcyng dO dong dlcn in tercoagu la tinn Sl,I' ngu'ng kct tu'tYng hu
intensity of field clIang do lru'('rng intercondenser hO nglIng trung gian (gW'(l
intensive properties tinh Chal Cll'(Yng linh cae lang Clia mriy bam p /."m lia hal nhiell
(Iinll ehal dQe [(lp vai [Il'{yng ho(1c eI(lng lang)
Clio cI,nl dang XCi. vi dl,l nhrr nhiill dQ. rill interconvertible 1/ chuy<!n ht'lCI Ifll1 nhall
slU11 ho{1c I"imh phon) dll'Q'c
intensive variable bien cu'ang linh intercooler b(> phi)n Iflm 1;,lOh trung gian (bQ
interaction Sl! llIang lac (dol V(yl cdc Irao doi nhlfl eli! liim {(lnh clInt 1/l'11 gil;'
llianh phon song Iii tae d{Jng phi fIIy e'n cae lang Clio may mi n n{dell (ang de liel
nlra cto cae linh cI,ill clio dong chii', Itm ki4m nang IU9'ng)
(nhu x ling ltr{yng. nang lrr{Yng, d(j xoriy) intercrystalline It giu'<! C.-IC tinh the
dll'9'c Irllyen Ill' phon fUry Clio phD song intercrystalline corrosion SIr :in mt10
sang phan khat'. hOQc XciI Iheo erich kllae.
lien linh (\",r ifn mc'm CI,/e I>(j x li)' ra cl9c theo
gil'ra cdc xoay co qlly mo kieh Ih,u)-c khoc
crie bien linlt 11Ii! Clin kim /0(11 ho(1c h9P
nlrall; Irong v(il If if} qlld Irinh Irong eto
kim. con g(Ji Iii intcrgranull1r emrosion)
lIai hOQc nhiell v(il Ulc dl,mg cdc b,re l en
interdendritic attack s~r an mlm (1<,1I1g
nhall; trong thong ke hl lIieln 11I'()'nf.? kllien
diy , x interdcndrilic corrosion
clio dap rl'ng clol wYi Ide (/I,mg Cli" h(/i ('(lei,
interdendritic corrosi(lll s~r iln I11tJn
Xli'If khong plui; La long do'n Kitin Clia
d~ng city (d(lng an mlm IllIrc} ng I/ui'y Clia
cae clap Irng do; val moi erich Xli' If)
kim [O(li ng ay qlwnh cdc linll till: d(lfIg cfiy
interaction constant hang s6 IU'lYng lac
lrong cae h(yp kim dura ~ ia e{jng /1O(ic g i([
interatomic II gifra (cae) nguyen Ill' ec3ng il cio cae gradien IWp pit/in gt;y nen.
interatomic distance khming dch gi(i'ct con g()i Iii interdendrilic llttack)
(dic) nguyen tlr in terd itTu si on Sl,I' khllcch Illn tuung Ill ) (st./'
interattraction Sl! hUI IU'trng h{) IrQn llin Clia hai c/UII
/I,r Itt'll ban c/a" cricft
interbedded II xcn kc, xcn I(Yp, xen tang nhml bai m(>t miing)
(co cae {ling nam gll;'a nhfmg lang klu7c interdimer copolymc
vai nhii'ng d(ie Irtrng kltdc nhtlll) interesterification Sl,I' cstc h6,a tU'CYng ho
intercalated graphite graphit dan xcn interface gino dit;n, kh&p noi (Irong lin
(v(ll lifll c!tin difn 1(10 ra bang each lam
"9C); m:,il gian da~n dla chan (Irong dia v(il
s(Yi hOQe bQI graphil bang eric /-WP cI,nl I}, ); m :,i t phflO each (bien gilra lrai pha lul'l
gMu kim 1000i k~p gili'a efic /(Yp graphi/)
ky, glii'a ba pha (klli. long wi ran). co ntll11
intercalibration Sl! hicu chuhn tU'crng h6 kii!u m(ll pluin each : klrf-Iong, khi-r(1n.
(Ir(lng (hai do m(>1 nhom phimg Ihi nglli4m long -long , Long-ran vii ran-ran); hien chung
(hrun gla m(>( chlrang Irinh killm Ira d(ll (co lit? In mQl chi liel phan Cll'ng tiling

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537 interh .. logeu

gi'-ra hai chi fief fhiet bi, m(jf "hnn Clia b(j interference colors mau giao Iho<t (e(ic
nl/(r may I(nlr trllY n/r(if' du'(ye I}(Yi hai m(/II f(lO bO'i SI,t" gino (ho(l clia c1l1im fin"
ho(ie nhfell ehlrang Irinh, ho(Tc be m(lf 1(10 sang di qlla m(j( hil kho(ing v(il !nang cI<11
ra bien gUra Iwi 10(li \'Ill lifll) frong k(nh IIi;;n ~'i phlin Cl,re)
interracemixing Sl! tron l'r mi:1t ph<"m cach interference microscope Idnh hien vi
(sl,r fr(jn hai c/Ull long khfmg klld Ir(jn giao thoa (kinh hi;;n vi (iiing d;; hi(jn hinll
1I0(lc klld (r(jn m Qt phan a m(it (iep Xlic WI do cae de) l(jeh plIO ho(ie qllnng (/'inh
(m(ll phan each» frong cdc m(111 drift IronK ,~1I01 ho(le phtin
interrace resistance su'c ciln m ~it ph<"10 X (1, no klltie 1'0-1 klnh hl;;n vi flUyng pluin

cach (.nrc edn dong nhi(ft do ti ep x lie phn 6' cluj cdc .vring /(j-j 1'(1 nhiell X(I klu)ng
khong hoim hdo gi'-ra hai v{il 1i;;11 (Y m(11 (deh /'ieng, ma '\" ,1' giao 1110(1 cfll'9'c f(1O 1'(1

phlin aaeh; ~'e m(ll din II 1I1'9'ng b(ing hi(jll gil1'a .\'ong (rllyen qlla 1'(1 s6ng kluic x lU1t
IIhi;;( tlQ gifm Irai phia m(it pluin edclt ('lIia phtil IIi' dinK ngllon)
clio (hong ltr9'ng nlLi(f( qua no) interference spectrum ph() nhi~u (pluln
interfacial angle g(x: philn cach (g(k gill'a 1>0' Inn .l"eJ Clio n/riell g(IY r6i (ronK mc3i
cae m(ll (inh fM}) frtl'img Irllyen ben ngo(li mtiy 11111) ; pho
interfacial energy nang IU'C,Yng he m~lt giClll lIma (plu) X/Ulf phal (Ii' S~/' gioo Iho(l
(nang llr(yng I(r do eli" eric be m(lf d' '"(II tinll ,wing nhu' ()' Imillg drl mdt/J:)
phan each do S (I' e/tilnh l(fell frong XII interferential /I (Ihu(k) giao Iho<l
}llrang Clia moi plw hilI cae phlin tri' rienf,i interfering (SI!) gi<lll thml
clill cll/ing blIng ,\"l;'C c(ing be m(if, con g{)i interferometer giao t hOiI kc (d~lfIg C(I
In surface enerh~) Irong lfrj anll stillg Iii' nglloll du(y(" (rieh /'0
interfacial force su'c cnng l:Ie m~l , x Ilrimh lrai Iw(1c nllie" cluim, v6n (lrlrang
surface tension (tii IWp 1(li sail khi di qllo nlui'ng flu(ing
interfacial potential the ghJ'a cac be m~l , dll'cYng kluic nholl 1'(/ IIiifn len hin" gino
the m~t phftn each I hO(l)
interf.. cial tension sCrc cang be mi,it, x interferon interferon (prOiein do eric (if boo
surface tension d(Jng "(it nguyen w:n 1(10 ro khi bl nllicm
interference nhil~LI ((rong 1I0(l pltlln I(clt hi "iI"lLI' , C(") Inc d(lng kim "tim S(I" sinh sdn

sai sti hf thong frong m(i( pillfp do XII(7", "il"ll,I' 1'(/ ((101'0 (inh de kl/(ing 0 ' eric Ii! bao

llif n klri cae chli'f di k 'em c6 m(11 frong ellli)

mAlt dang pllttn I'-elt ; Irong IrllyclI Iltang interfused (tHi) ndng chilY
/a nang ItI'(Yng klt6ng mong Jnll{')n c6 Xli intergranula.· corrosion S~I' an mlm giu'a
IllUrng gay nhieu cho .\"/,1' (1111 c(ic ((n lIi';lI cac h;:tl, x intercryslallinc corrosion
enn thiet, cc'm g(Ji iii electrical interfcrence, intergranular fracture SI,I" gay gi(hl c,ic
radio Intcrference); SI! giao thoa (.\"~I' Ihoy h;,ll (,\"I,r Ian fl'lI)'cn VC:'1 mi'( d()c: theo cdc bi211
dOi (heo kh()(ing each hO(ic (Iuh giml Cli(/ h(ll Clin kim 10(li IIO(ic hpp kim)
bien de) song vl'in x Iliff phd( Iii' .\"~t" c/rong intergrowth SV' dlllg I<";'n ien ((I'(lIlg (hai
cluJI' (c(jng d(li sl'i ho{lc ,'ee (a) Clin hai moe IItii Cli(/ eric (inll lId} khodn~ kl/(ic
ho(le nll{eu song co cimg ho(1c g On dmg nlwlI do S(i' k e f (inh dong Ill/d)
(nn s{i, cc)n g9i lil wave interference)
interhalogen interhalogen (m(J( (rong cdc
interference band d;im giao Ihna ho'p eillil 1(10 tlliinll /ld'i eric n~/lyi1n Le) h{)

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interionic ,\ \ , I '
hnlogen von pluin If l/I? wYi nhnll dll 1(10 ro h di X I{- Iy Ih em frlrd-c klti Ira Ilrnnlt hang
10(11eac hQ'p chnl d O i , v [ tl/.i i o l h on CIIo i ding)
mono! lorua) intermediate oil d a u cat Irung gian
interiOl'iic attraction lir e hut gili'a eae io n intermediate oxide oxit 1U'& ng Ifnll
(II.t'e 'lIi,
COlilomb g ifi'a cric ion ngll'Q'c cia" intermediate pan noi nau silO phrtm Inmg
Irong m!?1 dung d i eh) gian
interior pressure ap sua ! lrong intermediate phase plla trun g gian «(ro ng
interlace dan v ao , ken va~, dan x en hi!h rrp kim, phn phlin bif l m{1 cdc kh odng.
interJ~cement Sl,r d an V f IO , SI,/" ken v an hrrp phr/11 kh6ng m O' r (m g I o-i b(i'I ' k5' eO'/i
inte rlacing (sl,/") dan v im, (sI)') k en v an IIr tinh khle'l nao clin h i! th o ng)
intermediary metabolism 51,1' ehuyen h6a intermediate pr'oduct ban thanh phl'i m ,
Irung glan , SI,I' trao dOi~chal Irung gian (cric s<in phllm trun g gian
buo'c Irung I?inn Irong SI.( long h 9'JI Vf7 intermediate pr(Jof SI,/" ki cl1l n ghi ~ m trung
ph{ln hliy h o a 1:9c clla th l;(e ph am ben gian
Irong cdc I e bila dinh ([/t'o-ng) intermediate reaction tower Ih<ip ph ~lIl
intermediate IH,'Y P ch a t trung gi a n, b ,l n u-ng Irung ginn
thanh ph~m (li en dUll Clio m 91 stin phom intermediate screening s~r simg plW
din thie t, etylen Iii clln' Irl/ng gian Clio
intermedin interm edin (chat horm o n d o
po/yelylen va etan La ch n t Irung gian Clio
(11l1), g '(W Illy If n yen Clin m (J1 .\'6 l o (ii d (jng
ely/en); ban in m au (ban in dllng lam mall I'(it 1(10 ra, c6 rinh 11II'(hlg 10'; SI,f lIinll (h anh
cho in l(Ii ve S(/Il)
site 10 . (/I'O'ng tl.t' hormon k { eh (hicl! Itdc
intermediate agent ella t trung gian .I'ctc ({) brio d' ng mh)
intermediate annealing SI,/" II trung gian intermetallic compound h O'p c h al lien
(.I·I.t' Lam m em kim 10(li beI ng x Ii' Iy nhitl t o' kim In~li , (C OI'l g pi In elec tron compuund)
m!?l ho(1c nhiell gial d O(ln lrang gia eong
intermiscibility tfnll d{! !r(m I~n; dO de
ngll(ji va Im'o'c l7in X li' ')' c/lo i cling ) Ir(m Ian
intermediate compound hO'p cha t trun g intermittency t(nll gian ct o~1O (I[nlt cll n l
gian Cliu m (>1 h cl ct(>ng b.r e Ihay d o l (h eo th a i
intermediate crus her m c'iy nghicn Vlnl g ion gili'n d (mg thrii g an IIdin 11m/It I'li h an
intermediate crushing SI,I' nghien V l ra d ,()n)
intermediate flux Ih e n o ng c h flY Irung intermittent carbonation S I,I' C<H:bllni c
gian (cha( (rQ' dllng g o m eric h9'P cluf ( htla gi c1n tloan
hnlogenlla IlIl'lI eeY mn eric e(in phon hliy intermittent-contact recorder' m ay tl,/"
Ixh nhi~t him, lric {iI.lng trrr dllng g an w j-j ghi gicln do~m
Ide ell.mg clin cllfft 11'9' (hmg lin m iJn) intermittent discharge Sl,r ph{lO g di c; n
intermediate formation s l,l' t ~l(l th a nll gia n d Ol,l n
Irung ginn; stln ph~ m Irung gian intermittent drier m;iy say gian dO()11
intermediate fraction phan trung gian intermittent filter cai loe gi<1n d(~ 11
(chie t, chung _.) intermittent operation hOal d o ng ghl n
intermediate materials sfm pham lrung cl o(J n (diell ki lln Irong d 6 mOl (",mg Cl,1 /1O{1I
glan, bc'in sim pham (srin "ham /rim ra d Oi cl(m g binh lillfo'ng t ronK m Ol (hch g inn. Satl

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539 internal

do bl hong m9t flutl gian, qua trinfr do Cli' internal electrolysis Sl,I" nOj dlen phflO
/{ip /(1i trong nfrll'ng thai khoang dell ho(1c internal energy noj n1\ng «(Inh cllff( d(fc
khong dell) Irll'ngclia Ir(1ni Iluii Clia mQt hi; nlti~( dQng
intermittent reaction phrlO ung glan do<:m lIfe, du'(1'c dim ra IronK dinh flU}t tl11i' nltti't
intermittent vertical retort hi nh cat clia nhii;l d(>ng ll.rc hpc. no bno Kam nQi
dung (lam vh~c) gian dO<:ln nang clin cric pluln (Ii' rieng ld. d (3ng mlng
intermix tr(m; khuay clia cdc cll/I)'lln d9ng ben Irong WI dong

intermixing (SI!) tron; (51!) khuay gop Iii' tll'CYng tric gill'n, cdc phiin l1i', nhu'ng
kh6ng linll den (h e nang \'iI, rt(jng nang
intermixture han ho-p; t ~l P chat, chat Ian
ella II? xiI lOan bQ, dOl khi no dlr(yc g9i
i~termole_c!lla ...._glfra cac phan III, lien phfin
m¢1 cdch sa; lam La nhitJl nang)
tII '
internal ester noi csle
intermolecular condensation ngu'ng
tl,l gifra cac phan t ll', Sl,l' ngLYng t l,l lien phfln
internal force nOj Il!c (lI.rc do p/tan nay
Clia h i} tde dl,mg Len plran kluic: Clia h i} )
internal friction d(l nh&t , x viscosity; n(lj
internlolecular force Il,I' c licn ph fl ll ILl'
ma $,il (ma sat bien dOi co' nang clia bien
(li,I'C gilra hai phan /I;', Lil 11'11' g radien ('/i(/
cl(1ng than" nhifl t ben trong V(lt liijll ch/II
the nang gilra cdc phlin ui' neu nelng
(cie dl,mg Clia li'ng ,Wrrl Ihang giring; cloi
ltl'(Yng ia hilm cIla khoang cach g ia'a cdc
v6'i chti't b9t, Ina srit hinh (hlin" do e(ic h(11
tlim p hlin tli')
11'11'(1'1 Len nhall, n o ian han ma sal clia
i ntermolecu larly gifra dic phan III
kho i chift ran ehli'a cae h(lt rieng lrJ)
intermolecular migration Sl,I" di chuycn
internal furnace 10 dot trang (10 nOi IWi
giu'a cae phan III
co h¢p bra a ben trong be m(il I11mg tam
intermolecular oxidation 5l,1' oxy ho n
ngll{Ji bang mr6'c)
gifra eae phan III
internal heuting s~r dot Irnng
intermolecular rearrangement S~I' snp
internal heut of evaporation nhj ~ t hoa
(xcp) I <;Ii gifra cae phan III
hai trung
intenlal uction noj lac dl,mg, «Ie <.Il,mg
internal indicatol' chfit n()i chi Ih!
internetl latent heat an nhi~t.
internal circuit m<;leh trong
intel'nally cnmpensated (du'O'c) nOi trj~; l
internal combustion engine dong cO'
dot lrong (di)ng cO' chfnh trong do nhien
internally fired boiler nl)i hal dell trong
lifll ctll'(yC dot duiy ben trong d9ng cO' WI
(noi hO'( ong tt'rn ell/l'a /c) dtil (rong /illn
cdc sdn pham dot lam nhifm V~I clld, ill'll
ngll(jl bang f1/l'(j'c)
nhift d(jng b,rc, nhtr vo-i cdc d(mg cO' xang
vii diezen)
internally heated dm,Yc u{)t Irnng
internal compensation Sl,I' nol lri~t quang internal oxidation s~ nxy hl');t Irong ( ,\'/.I'
ox)' IIi)(1 d,rc)-; be m(il Clio ctic flulnlt pltnn
internal diffusion Sl,I" khuech l<in hcn
h9'P kim do oxy khlleclt (tin w)o kim LO(li)
trang (st.1' klwe ell Ian clill cac chat p han
Il'ng long ho(1c klli vao nhll'ng 16 sau nha' ,
internal phase IlI'lyng philO ttin , rim phfln
tan , x dispercsc phase
clia clta't X lic lac lulp phl.~ ki'em, can de cri
hiflJ ling XLk tdc holm toim) internal photoelectric effe·d hi<;u u'ng

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quang dic;n trong (quti frinlr fl"on~ do Sl.r
international practical temperature
hffp II-U.i mQt photon tron~ chIlI ban dan scale thang nhi~l dt) Iht,n..: dQng qu()c tc
£lrra den sr.e kich Ihiclt m!)! eleclron Iii' ('han~ nlliff eli) t/Ila Iren Mill (liem: diem
vimg hoa Ir; Un wing e1ftn) btl clia n1ro-c. eric diem so; Cll(l oxy. IlIt'(Yc.

internal pressure ~lP sual (rnng, n(li rip, x /tl'll hU"i'nir \'n cae diem dong d(ic CI;a I'nng
WI b(ll'. k)i hit/It 0C, d(J Celsius I/O(lc 'int)
intrinsic pressure
internal reduction SV' khu' m)i phfln tu' international standard unnealed
copper U('lOg U lieu chutm qu6c Ie (dang
internal l'eflux Sl,r m)i hlli lu'u
tinh klrifft Ii co di~il frO'
1.7241 SlUtf
internal resistance di~n tra Irong (dii)n
mierooln-xentimel a 20°e, dtr(J'c Iffy nhll'
Ira ben Irong m(JI ngllon dir;n rip nlrll' pin
d(J dlin rli4n IOO%)
di~n IIO(1c may phtil di4n)
International System of Units h¢ dan
internal ring vong lrong
vi 4IJOC Ie, he drYn vi SI (hi) don vi 1'(.11 ');
internal rubber mixer m{iy Irt)n can SLI IronK do cac d(1; ''''(J'n/( co' bdn Itl d(j clai.
internal secretion n{lj lict (ellift lii!t 1'f1
,hiN ginn. kllni ItI'Q'ng. climg di~1I. n!tiff {/(l,
du(yc Irap /iiJ'p vno mrill)
I h(l tnt'c cruhlg de? ,w inK wi Iir(J-ng chlfl. va eric clan
iJ ... cnull separation St,'- m)i t.!ell vi w'ung li'ng It) mit, f:iliy. kilngmn, alnpe,
inlt:I 'Jlal stress li'ng sual tmng (luJ Il'ng k em 'in, candela WI In 01, n6 co din 1'[ c/rfnll
.\'lIii't J)en trong mi)/ chffl I'dn \ 'c)n kllong IllIi'c 1'(1 clll'~)'(' 11l:1i nKfli elin do qu6c (f
phu JhuQc clic it,l'e ben IIgoai, cc)n g{Ji hi klllly(/n nghl tiling r(ing I'r;I., con gpi thea
residual stress) liellg "fltip Iii System International d 'Unilcs,
internal thread ren trong (ren \'/r cifr d' viel fal Irong moi n~lin "Xli' la SI)
m(il Irang clia mc)t xi Ian" r/m/O international lInit dan vi quCk Ie, III
international ampere ampc qu6c Ie (Lrt'Q'ng vitamin, hormon, cllifl kllan/( sinh
(dong di4n mii kfri c/rtJY qua dunK diell h(/C J/O(1c sinh cluf'1 kluic 1(/0 1'0 llie dl,mg sin"
nitrnr Irong ntr&c .\'1: ke I fl4a b(1(' nr; ItJe il {)c rietrg dll'()'(' C/llnc Ie r/ulp nh(ill)
dQ 0.001118 gam tren Kiiiy, dan vi nny clfi international vult \Ion 4U()c Ie (t/{J'n vi
dtr{Tc Illfty flrif bling clan "i mnp c. n6 xifp Jri~11 clit1n tJ/(~' Jw(ic ,\'/lii't cliin d(mK. brIng
xi bang 0.999850 ampe) 111,01858 ,"',Ur,
cli~n d(jng ('{ia pin Weston
international angstrom angsl rom qlloc no cia dll,()'(' Ihr~~1 Ihe brinK nm ~'(I
()' 2()O(',
Ie (dan vi cl9
tin; bang 1/6438.4696 ')Il'd'c bling 1,00034 ~'on)
;~ol1g C1ia v(lch cadimi do Iron~ klt6ng klli internuclear distance khm'mg Celeh giu'(I
kh6 a rip Sliffl khf qll),en lieu ellllon, 0- coil: h~11 nh[1O (k/lOring ('tiell gill'" I/oi /r(11
nlli.}1 cli;J 15 0 (.' ehri:a 0.03';1-, ,hi: licit C{lc/)ml nillin (rang m¢t phan Ill')
{lim; it, Mng J.O{)00002 ang ," lrom, \'ic' , (iff
interparticle giu'a Celt: he,ll
interpass temperature nhi¢l u(J mn him
intern ati onal Htomic time I hiyj gian
(')- mn; him nhtell !'fin Iii "hifl elf) IIIflp
nguyen IV qu()c te (rlu")'i girm cl~m Ir(}n nic
nhii" elia kim 10(Ji luin (Iii kih flia InrO'c
dong ha nguyen "i' hOt;tt d(mJ,: lheo dlinK
k hi Inn Jrr)n tiep theo bril dnu)
dlnh nghia giliy !i1 da'11 vi IluN Kian ('Iia
interpenetration twin song linh xcn nhau
hi Sf, vie't frtf lA T)
(/rai ho{ic nJdiJu /inh the rieng Ie clr{ip ~'(J-i
international convention quy u'()-c qu{)c
nlltJll co
\.d nJur "..1..,.-- A,-. l -!. . - , ...

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541 intestinal ,
vao nhnu, con f((>i La penetration twin) gicm; khrk-lng Ih('Yi gil tn (Irong \'(ll l);)
interphase vung licn ph" (l'IIng gili'n Iwi interstice kho{tng IrClng (kllOdng rang ben
phn clin m(11 phan cfich md'i 1(10 ro, c/lli'n Irong £In ItO(IC rla' /); khnilng dien kl::
efic h(ll clin cd hoi pfw) (khodng IranK ho(tc tid} licit Kf/fn ctic
interplanar spacing kho.,'lI1g celch lien m~it ngllyen Iii' clin mr)t m(tng linh Ihe, lro(ic
phang (khodng cfich vuong goc gili'n eric gili'n cric nhom nguyen Ilr lIo(1c Ir(ll Clia
m(1/ p/uing nguyen Ill' song song ke liep ('(111 t/'lie chal rein)
trong linh Ihe) interstitial khllyci lfit dien kc (khuyet t(il
interpolar It giu-a cac Cl,fC lin" the Irong d6 m()1 nKllyen tli' cltitm vi
interpolation phep n("ll suy (qlla trinh tr, gitl'a cric I'; II" m(lng d ell d(in clin linll
diing de Irac Iu(yng gifi Ir! I/'llng gian Clia 1;,(1) /1 11 khc , kc (11I1I(i(' ve, lien qllrlll l6'i,
m(it bitn (plr~1 IIIII{X: ) von hi I11(JI h(ll11 ('fin /1O(Ie nam 0' khoring Irt>ng giri'n hai I'(it)
bien (dr,k [(ip) filii' hai kh; dr; bii/( "ric gin interstitial atum nguycn Ill' dien kc
trl CliO bitn phl.t rllfl(ic flfO'ng li'ng v(N 11191 (nguyen IIi' dicit ciluyen din bi bll(ic 0' vi
so girl 11'( rai r(lc Clio bien d(k hip) Iri khong ('(In bring ben Irong m(lllg linh
interpolation formula c(mg Ihu-c n()i SlI)' Ift(!)

interpolymer chflt dong Ifllng hqp, interstitial compound h9P chal dien kc,
copolyme (polyme hc'm h(yp elfll Ihanh IIi' h(.1'p chfil ngoili mit (IWp cllfft ('lin kim IO(li
hni IlOtJc nlliell c/utl goc) cllllyen Ij ep wi hy dro, bo, cnebon, IrO(IC
interpolymerization Sl,f dong trung hq'p , nita mti Iinlt Ih e Clia n6 eli ('{III I/'Iie II,/c
SI)' cnpoly me hoa gilie ho cll(il clin ('fic ion kim 10(1(, vai ('(Ie
interpretation SI,.. glell Ihich, SI,.. dmln nhfin nguyen IIi' pili kim nlim d ' cric vi Ir/ ngot/i
nti/: h()'jI cllrfl cloi Irong do ctic nguyen IIi'
interpulse time thl)'j glan Iicn xung (Irong
nia m(j[ nXlly en It; (till/,(J-tlg la nguyen 16
him di~n tra /a IluJ-i gion gili"cl cfie XlIlIg
I) IIi kim nll r: ) chie'ln eric klt(){ing Irong gili'(l
kc' /itp Clio mc)t xllng Illin)
cfic nguyen Iii' nia In(lnK Iinlt lite 1(10 bO'i
interreaction Sl,f IU'tYng uk nglly en It> lilli' Ilni (III/rang La nguyen lu
interrupted aging Sl)' liio h(l.:'1 gian cJo e.\l1, kim /o(li n(lng)
Sl,f lao h(lc'l tung bu'(}'c (p hlfang p l/{i[1 lam
in terstitial-free steel Ihep kh6ng dii!n kc
lao hdn wjl litJlI Iheo nhiell /III'O'C, sml m o i (1Iu!p "luJm /(inK I'o'i l/lim 1/I'(J'ng ('(IcbOIl
b'1'6'(' v(it lit/II l(li dU'(J'c dIm trd' 1{/i nhi?1 Cl/C ky Iluij) , Iheo danlt "gltia ltI O,O()5'lr;
d(i pllong) trong do cachofl du' ke' l h(J'p 1'(5'; lIio!)i
interrupted quenchinlj gi<in dm,ll1
SI,I' I()I (c%il/hi), liIon 110(1(' ngl/y en lti' lII'O't1~ 11.1'
('il,r toi Irong tin v(il litJu clll'(yc ItTy ra n~(11 nrio d6 ('6 (if II,/'(' I/I(mlt t! tii \,()' j c(/eboll)
qlliing Ill' moi II'IU)'ng toi trong khi nr) wi ll interstitial impuity I <:I P ch ;"il ui c n kc
a nhift et9 C(lO lum so WYi nhitJl d(> m6i (nK II)' t~1! IIi' nui hinll t 11Iu'>, nK ' klrong I j m
IrU()'ng) I hay I rOil!; m(11 clUj'1 rill! 1'(1 nlim d' \'i I ri
interruption of chain SI)' dU'1 m ,)ch Irollg crill trtic m(lng nUl hinh 1/lld'l 'ng
interspace khoill1g d~m (khodng gili'n cric kluJng Ion I(li etic nxuyell Iii' h(l(lc ion)
,w rang su&n ho(ic ctic s(yi 1I0(1c ctic /hll)' interweaving (su') dan ViID , (st!). ken Villl

nho clia m(>1 ml) llOtJc co' qllan); kho,'ll1g intestinal honnollc horll1on rU('H (m(>1
khong khi (trong xny cll.mg); khollOg khung trong I'fli horman, secrelin I' ri

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intimate 542

choLexystokinin do rll91 tiel rn) intrinsic birefringence do lU"o·ng chiet

intimate mixture h6n hqp trc,)n ky rieng

intoxicant chat dOc intrinsic conductivity do d:"1n dlen thunn

(d9 dan di~n Clio btin dan ho(ic kim IO(ii
intoxicate lam ngo d6c, lam trung dOc
trong do khong co cdc I(lP chat ho(ic
intoxicating (51,1') ngo doc, (st!) trung d(lC
kllltyel l(if ci{1l [rlle hoi}c nang (t9 CliO
intoxication Sl,T ngo doc, SI! trung d6c
cliling ra I [hifP )
intra-annular It nQj vang
intrinsic fador yeu to
noi I~i.(chifl do d(l
intra-annular tautomerism Sl,T ho bien day 1(10 rn, ke, hq'p vOi yell to ngo(li Lat
nQj yang
(vitamin. B 12) trong fhllC pham clio de
intra-cellular II noi baa (trong m91 Ie biio) clrift chong Ihieu mdll, lhieu yeu to n9i l(li
intracellular enzyme enzy m nOj bilo dlr(},c col Lii nguyen nhiin Clin thie" mall
(enzym chi hO(lt I{nll ben (rong Ie bilO ma dc tinll con g9i ta C1stlc'S intrinsic [<'IcIOr)
no du9'c 1(10 ra) intrinsic mobility do Unll dong thuan (d¢
intramol~cular If noi phan ttY /inlt d9ng clin cdc eLeclron frong m(Jt bdn
intnlmolecular anhydride anhydrit n0i (tan Ihllan)
phan Ill' intrinsic photoconductivity dO quang
intramolecular condensation s~r ngU11g dan (huan (d9 qllang dan gdn lien vat SI.I"
t\.) noi phan Ill' kfclr !hleh cric h(lt mong di~n ngang qlla
intramolecular migration Sl,T di chuyen klre wing clin m9! t'{il li~ll)
nOi phan Ill' intrinsic pressure ~ip sual trang, n~)i ap
intramolecular" oxidation Sl.J' axy ho.'l O<,)i (tip sluff Tron.g cllftt lOng do Il.I"C /1I("(7ng
phfm Ill' vao tdc rlt.mg len cac phiin tIt' 0- gan be m(if
intramolecular oxidation-reduction clLtfl long, do L(/·e luil gia·a cdc phfm Iii·
51.! oxy h&'l khu n(,1i phfm Ilr g iiy nen, con g9i Iii in ternal pressure)

intr amolecular rearrangement SI.)· sap intrinsic property tfnll chat n<)i 1<.li (Ifnl!
(xep) noj phan 10' clirfl CliO m()( chill vtfn kIL6ng bi linh
/lIl'o'ng nghiem Ir9ng bo·i cdc ((lP chtfl ·
intramolecular transformation Sl,T hien
dOi nOJ phan lir hO(ic nlllrng -'"1.1· khong holm hao trong cit"
l/"lk m(lng Tinll fhe)
intramolecular transpositifJn Slr

chuycn vi noj phJn ItY intrinsic semiconductor chflt b,In dan

thunn (cl/(il ban d(in Irong d6 nang d(J clio
intranuclear tautomerism .s~r hi) hien
eric 11(1( mang diiln Iii cf(k Iru·nK cl!o bdn.
noi nhan
'fran v(il li41i clu"r klujng pll(ii clIO "fun
intraparticle dift'usion Sl,T khucch trin
11l'(ynK I(lP eltif I vii khuye [ !(it dIU Inlc clin
trang h<:lt
Unit Ille. con R9i Iii i-type semlconductur)
intrastratal solution SI.)· hC);,1 Ian trong dja
intrinsic temperature range khoanc;
tang (Sl.( nghien nho hnn h(1c Clio eric Ilu>~lh
phon dn. sail (ram Ifell)
nhi~t do lhuan (trolll{ chil'l orin dan III
kllficing nlti¢1 do ma l(Ii do cac ! in/! chit!
intratomic 11 n(')i nguyen !lr elien Cila n6 ve cO' ban klu)ng hi bien di)i
intrinsic If n0i ".Ii ; rif~ng bo-t cdc I(1P chltl ho(k nltll·ng Sl.t' kllfmg
intrinsical If nc)i l~li; rieng hoim hdo ben trong linlt Ihe)

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543 inve r si o n

Intrinsic vi s cosity d ( l 1111 ll'1 111 l.l"C (/)', .\0 d (j sy mm<': lI)' pr inc ip...: ; r/'(m}!, f lilly if I /rl' O'l1g d t;i
nlult rieng ni n dlln K dicll I/"(! n n o n K d (j I' ()t1R hi n RlIyen I>; Ih eo d 6 eric dinh 11l(i1
eMt tm! ngo(li SIIY I'e n o ng d Q zer o, elm rllliy iJ n d (>n R /rl g i o fig nlw lt [r o n g 1I1 ~) i 11(7
g(Ji lillimillng vist:Osily Ilum h er) qllY chiif u c lt o d ii. e6 d ll'()'c g i a I b e h ay
Introfaction Sl,r liln g thfim (sif Ihay cl l' i d ('J kh o n g)
long I'll eric I(nlt ellif t It/III 11'6'1 r i e nK (d e invariant proper t y tinh I1 fit bi ~ n (1I'l1h
I~ng tM'm ) elin /11 91 h (J'p ch {r l l a m d o c /t rl l <IIrt I l o rin /t t;!< Cl io m r)1 k Ir t m g g ion nrlo d (j
IMm (e/rll t Itl ng Illllm) g riy n et! ) k h b n K hi Ilwy d e)i ,\'flli khi c /till I nc dl,Ul~
introfier chat thfi m Clio 111 (>1 pltdp h i 2'/'I c! o i h{fr k,~' fr o ll g m ( I(
li t;! crie pil i p bi 2'/'1 r!()i I/ rio dr>, eem g '( i i hi
intumesce tru'o'ng, pho ng n l; n Lrt nll i<; l (lin I I
11i~) inv ar ia ncc)

Intumescence SLY lrU'(J' n g. s ~r p ll l1ng {li ll.!1

invariant system h¢ h fi t hie n
eMt elin \'(11 iiI/II kl,i nllng n o n g II, i In nn ig in ve rs e hUlIl" nghidi d ;\n g il)',.\: inh<')lIl'
phong IeII, eric vrJI lif/Ii 1I'II'O'IIg I >h o n g I'i inverse met am o l"phislll l1i t; n 11I'(~ ' l1 g hit:n
nltif t ad(1n g k lt{Ji wi dW7g [(1m d ll'o'c (iring hi 11 h 11 g ll'()'C

niU( tric nhfll1 ch6nR cl/(jy) inv e r s e Ini ce ll c mi xc n cY ,'j( ) , x in v c rt c d

Intumescent tI tru'O' ng, phl 1l1g ra; nCr! nl1i':; t l11iedlc
(Ilnlithe) invers e pie z o eledrh: effect h ic u Cr n g ,'iI')
Inturgescence SLY lru'O'ng di¢ n ngll'(,l'C (SI,t' co I ro(1c Xiri ll Cl io 1:l l ( )( Ii II II

inulase inulaza (en zy lll d o !/U) I st; I O(/i 1I1 ( ;C I h e ril l d i r/ fl dl u)' i (ill" II/I' ()'/l ,:;': C li (/ di f/ 11
100 rll, X II C /tic XI./' hiEn c! ()i inlilill [I, rillli Irl Nh lg, IIlut' r)' fi ll g Ilg ll t' {It'mg lilllr rlr i: ,
lel'lIlow ) ('()n X II Ii' I /r ; ~ n d' 16 p C/rllye ll li iFl1 Ir o ll g

inulin inulin (p olY,l'(/c aril ('(/' 11 [/l(llIil [ Ii' eric m (il sri \/ i l fif u Il(in d (i Il )

dun t·; f rIIcl of 10' (//IOZ n ) inve rse p."o port i on a l (P"':l u t. i tie s d ',li
invariance tinh nat hie n (lr o n fi l orin hue. 1U'<,l' ng n g h id1 Ll flll (hrli clui 1II' ( )'lI g /;;2'11 rl l);

x Invariant propert y ; Ir o n g ql/{/lI g lr ()( ' I ii /l UI ,,'c it c lia clll i ll g g il i ' klr 611g d e}i )

linh clrat bnl kS' ClilJ m (J1 ellIl lII srin ~ \,('YII inv e rse seg l"e gati o n S l.l" chi; , ,,'Ieh ngll'lrc

glll'khOng dOi khi rln/r srill g p!t rin ,\:(I 11 0 (/ (' (SI,I' c/ti(/ I rieh 1},(!II,f!. k illl FO(l i (/ti c Ir o ll g d ()

killic X(I ci m (JI /r o (lc lI!ric /I lII (i l 1l l lIi n g: kim l o(li c () di(; m n ( jn g clrriy l!t ltf> rill' 111/1'0

Irong I'Q/ I>; ta I ( nlt cllt?' 1 Cl io m () 1 r/(I i ,\' /{(r l Iri ~n 6' ('tic I Jll l!1l de (/ o ll g d(j(' /r (m
IIt(7ng \'(11 I>; h ()(ic m (ii rl inlr III (i ( \ '(i l I)' b {}i I'i killl Inul /(j n g ('/ltiy I'(i r! cric h t )c /I i ll/r
kltOng b; Ihay de)i /)(h m (>1 s6 p h el ) hi2'/1 r/tri nh (Y kim l orli r/ri d o ng (1(1e S c)' /11 h U ll )

doi hay pllf!p lolin ph rin cI,i;:'" eric' 1( }{1 d ii inversC- S (IUa n~ law J,inh 1'.1(11 binh pl1u'lYn g.
khOng ginn. pll/i p ddt! II/()'i ~irlll , 1)IIf,fp !i,ill n t; l1jc.: h <J ~I () (d in /r I {{(if hri' l k}! I r ())lg ri d rlui
/1(1P lfj~n I{clt , cric plllf p (I'wy I IO(ic eric 111' (r n g 1110.1' d o i l it l:O k f lO rin g e li c it ( ()' [
phep bi e n d o i Lore lll z, C() II g () i I rl Il g ll o n 1,\' If II g lri c h ,,(h' hinl! I J/rII' O' n g
~ mmetry) klt o ring cdell drJ)
Invariance principle nguy en I}; h fit hil: n i n v e '"s e S II h s tit 11 t i (1 n S lI ' th e n g ll' ()' C
(Irong \'(11 I>; la 1l~ lIy(j " I); b(t( k ,\~' (lr eo c/(i (nguy en {Ii' X " (Tn g I'Ig /ly en IIi , II )
mOl rf(li /tl'Q'lI g 1'(11 (\; /r O{I C m (J I d inlr II{(II in V t! rs ion Sll' n gl1 ich 1.: 11 LI}' Cl1 (t /'m lg I, (i(/ II { )('
vQlly r6 If nI! brrl bi e n Iro ll g "'()I s(j ph ,;!, h i SI,r hi'~' 11 d i)i m ()/ II (> }! c lr ri' f l/t {init d{lII g
biCn ti ni, C() II ~ 9 i Irl sy mm et r y 1: lw, d o n g I Jlr iill Cl i(l /1( ; ; I r o n g (i llir rlr (; I rl sr,r

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(r/{/1g ri' b(!" frollg WI ('ric nhrim 1m eMt
bien do; IIr da hinh linh (he nt'i), 16t do
hinll linh the kliae, cc)n g(.li In bdo m(Y r(jn!Z rll ng{)(/i 10'i dllllR 1II0i, eiJn

transformalion); phcp dan kh6ng ginn (Irong g(.li h} inverse micelle)

v(it I), iii Sl.r phdn c/riell dong Iheh {if, cri invert~d pseudoplaslic fluid chat IlfU

ba Illrang Irong khong ginn sno clIO m /;; gin den ngu'<.n ; (d m K{>i hi uilal ,lnl fluid)
{ (Xl d(J dell dtr(.>'c Iho}' ,/ti}' brIng d(l; lu-(>'ng inverted nun pr~ss Inri)' cp ngll'l,Yc
Ii mel i a e h i 11 Ir n (} , c () n g (.I i Ins p <I c e inverted siphon xi phtmg ngu'C,Y c ((IIT/l ng
inv ersion): ~lJ dilo (IrollK clUII rein hi sl.t" I(JO 6 11g , 6 lip cdr ngang cllfJ /till .\'1,11 II o(lc!li
tlrimh 1n(J1 Lop ri' be mt.'1 Cliu cluj', /]ti n (hin qUlI pit/a d'i'6 'j rlll'e)'ng eni , cloi klrj dlWr
ngu'(Yc 10(1; so w;-; khtSi ch!f, iJlin dlin, R(.Ii III tlll'n',,/! cI/ling ''-/' d (/ng eluj' U nin
Ituu)'ng In do ttic dl,mg Clio fii?" Irt("(J-rzg ; 110)
trong nhi~1 d(Jnr.; "(.Ic In Slf (I£i() IlIro'nK in"ertibl~ f1 n g hj e h chuyc n um,rc
Ih / jng tlllUJ-rlg Clio m(jf -"(t' hiiFn do; {,o(ic inve.-tin invertin , x sa cc h a r< l ~
q{((i tri'nh, nhll' Sl.l' dOl elii'll Clia h ~ s {) gi(Jn
inverting (Sl.") nghjch chuy c n
ncr ~'i I1'liiljl , ' Iia ml'()-(- d' 4 ° (' t/()~Jc SI,l' diJi
invert SligH.' UU'lrng nghich chu)'cl1 (hOll
difll 1/(; so J olllc -ThOln.\'OIl (j' 11](,J1 nlti ifl d ( j
1/(71' g ()JII 5()','l' glllC(}Z rI \'(/ 50'J" [!'IIC/ Olll
11(10 .-16)
fllli clfI '(/' ( ' IIi: IllIiy plliill glll('(1:', (/ , l'() n IuIp
inv~r~' i()n of phascs St,r U ~ll) pl1<1
f/I1. 1 1111'''' (' (h~ d ring , rilin g /I' a ll g rllng
invers~on puint diem ngh!ch el'wy ;:: n_ diclll
nglii':p I I lI,n , I'/Itllll)
ngh!ch (HI D investmcnt casting Sl,r <-!li e hnn " khul'iJ1
inversion temperatur~ nhicl d() d .-H) l11au chil)' (pillro""g I'ltap d,i e II//(im d(ll d{)
(nhifl d(5" l(1i do m (JI mn' j 11(111 ('lin e(if' IIl1iff
chint, xric coo Cli(/ kich 11t,(,(j'c Cliu eric \'~/
di¢n phd; dIH,>'C gill' o· nhiiJ / d(j C(lO eli: It, m
(!tic /lltd nll r)' /rlm /.:/1110 11 1'1('(( C/r;1I hi'a ron
clio Xfui'r diifn d(Jng nhi41 diijn /roll~ m(lc/t
d o ng nf'lI1: ()' tllti~ 1 d~} pltimg 1)(/ 0 qr/(/"'I
lXing kh6ng Irong khi mri; JUI" ki(l ('lin c(iF
mrill ,w iJ) Inli Hlll d n n d n g cll riy deI ~I
nlzif/t c1iq l1 (h"~),(, gil'i- ()' nhi l} t d() Ilul "
/.:/rtl(m klu)lIg cd Clie /11,;j tr i'ii )
khon~ dOi; 'rong nltiljl d(jng /I ~ )( ' Iti IIhi~ 1
investmcnt. (;OlllpOllncl <.:11 if 1 111m m!l u
dO (Ii do hi~;1/ Il'Ilg JOlli e:- 'I/ton1 .\'(J/l Cli(/ lI1(j f
e ll;'l)' (!U)f/ It()'f) c/I/i'o cI, lrl 1'1r1,1 g in (' !J(II '/((1,
chiff klli d<)/ dif f.()
('Iiii', d ( nll k [--, 1'(1 cfr/r , Iri ng !I1(JII"': l!ti ng dc
inv~rsive If nghjc/l l:i1uycn, ngh!c h d;'lll
/ (1() r(/ ('(ic kill/()'" cI,o c/tic /)(l l1g 1<.111 /1)11 ilia',
inv~rt ngh!(;h cl1u)'~~ n, chLlycn (h lJa ) Ih ~\Il11
inv~rtase invc rlaza , s.acanli',a , x 's';lcchilraSI:
illvestolent [}I""(;CSS 4uil trinh 1l1;1U Ch;'IY,
invcrt~d (f n~ l.l'l.rc, ngl1jdl ehuy~J1, I:hllYCIl
.\' losl-w ~L,( process
(hl1a) Ih~mh (n)n fUJi hi overturned)
inviscid flnw (](-mg e h;lY khi1l1g nh' i'! (dong
invert~d imagt:' "lOh ngln,)'C (an/t Il,Jn (ltt'(j-{
cll(ly ni(/ n/{) .t ellli'l /dn g kfr fm g 111,&1, ('1)11
len 11'(!11 ctil1~ n hll' 1nii I lid"" pl/{ii I1g IIi {/
g t;)i /ri rril:linnics s flnw , i eh..: al fl ow.
In rinh hillft Ilulnh do quoy ~'(i' ISO D qll(/ntl
n(lI1 v i~c()tl s f1o\.",)
ducrng Ifi' v{il /d/ "X"'(') 'i qlloll ,Wif . 11/111'11,1;
invisdd fluid c11a l I( ) n g khi'Jn g I1 l1(11 (rlro't
rinh nlll/, l'(ly hI c/o p/,nn Irion eric kinll "'i /i n
Idng kh/mg e (i cf~j nt,cj'/, tin tI () 1/(; ('Ii tl/l~
van 1(10 rn, ("(in f,{Ji hi re versed ima ge)
k/r(~tlg ('6 IhlP. s/lir, Irtl'~}'1 I'il cluiy " /tUII:
inverted micdle mixcn <lilt) (k e f 11.' /.Jet,
c cJ ,\'/.l' tie u I£ill /I rIng 1/I'I;n rg, n l t/ g ()i In i<kal
Illll'ae k eO 11'0111( d ( j cr,le nl/(illl cd Cl,re I{il)

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545 iodine

nuid, nonvi~c() us fluid, perfect fluid) fir e k !r ang mn" 1/O(1c Intill I Nt ng, plr a n IlIiy
invisible heat tia nhi!; t , lia htmg n goa i a II()O(' t/ling Iro n g I/( ) a phiin liell \'n y
invisible image <'mh khon g nhin thay , <'m h 1r 9c

kh ong leha ki e n (anlr c6 d(lnR kh a n !? fir /} iodic acid anhydride anhydrit axi l ioclie,
nhin IlulY hang In n ! lit I a")'ng , nlllr anll t~n .\: iodine pe n l OX id e
trell nhli lIl'o'ng anlr) iodide ioclua ( h (Yp chrtf nKllyen IIi' i OI 6-
invisible spectrum phl"') kh o n g (tr6ng) tr(mg flr rii o\:y h 6 a - J I'ri c6 fh e rlll'P'C coi
Ihay nlrll' dan X II if I IIi' ll\:i l h yd r Oi odic" vf dl,l K I ,
Invisible writing ink Il1l,rC vi c l kh6ng hi¢n N a l ; /r(>p c h if f Clio i o l nhll' C 1l 3 C.'I -/ 2 1

hinh (ml.rc vii]"! kh o ng nhin (hlty dlr(J'c c!/{) Iro ng d r) i o ' kiJ'l lr (Yfi I'rN 11'1 9 1 nh()m am
d,": ~l J rv'J )
, 'j klli hif n mn" nit a laC d l.lng nll/ifl //O(lc
han eh(lf, ditJll chi! hang n m o nin c II1I/ {) i iodide process qWI Irinh indua (qwi frinlr
IIO(ir cae mlllJ i kim 10(li) linlr fliyf n Ir o n g ci a kim 10(li , nltl/, filt1fl

in vitro Ire n klnh , Irong l'ing n g hi ¢ m , in vitro ho{ic Z iricolI, k iJ't h (Jp \ 'o' i h a i iot WI S{l/I

(chi pluin li'n g sinh h(X' x dy rn Ir o ng 111(')' cf 6 iodlln hay hui wi p han IlIi)' () n/riij f d (j
hi nil an f(lO )
thie t C rl O de c lIO kim I O(li rrtn tinh khic'( )

In vivo tre n en' th e sting, trnn g sinh " <:11, in iodimetric fI (Ihu(x::) phep c h uh n d (l int
vivo (eM ['han li'n g sinh h (Jc xay ra fr o n g iodinate iOl 11 l'l; 1
te biw h o(Ic co' I he sri nt:) iodinated (dLrcyc) illt Ill)"
Involatile " kh6 n g bay hlYi iodinating (~ l,r) io t 11(),1
inyolite inyolit, C"2 B6011 , 1 ~ I 120 (klu)(ing iodinating agel1t " '\C nl1fm in l h ~)a
I '(it"~
d a n ttl, kh oi'lg mnf{ ellIl'a cnnd hOJ'(I( iodination Sl,l' i(ll 11 (la
ng(im !lIraC, d Q Cling bting 2 'r e ll 'hnng i()dill ~- 131 i (JI- I ~ I (cft)JlK \'i pll(.jng ,\:(1 nlr fin
Molrs, t); Ir(mg fil 2) 1(10 Clio i o l , kllrii (r('ang ,W) 13 1, Ilu )'i K iafl
10 x ionium !>tin r ri Cl i{/ n(j h i 8 ng fly n)'i hlh' x (I oew
iodargyritc ioclar gyrit , /\ g l (khoring \'(il 1I (l WI gllll7fi, clling Iro n g dtinll d r/' ll I ) / Io n g X(I
Ir,le gi(ic mnll pll O'I wing IIO (ic p/r (YI II,/e (r o n g y it (Jc \'(; ('('J Ilt! II S lri~~/) , cI ( lC I'/r r>flg X~I
clrri'(/ b(/(' iodl/a 1/.1' nhien, IIIIr6'IIg ('() d (m g l'rt'O I'll tit' )
rti'm m Ollg, cc}n gpi Itl iodyrilc) iodine iOI , I (nglly e 'r flY Iwlo!?C:1I plri kim,
iodate ioclal, MI0 3 (lnlirii Clio w .: il iot/ie n g 11 .1' 2 /I 1/ i' S () 53, n t: I' Y c7 n /I i' III'( J' n g
ClllfO goc {03- ' nalri I'ri kali ;odnl 1(1 12fJ,90.J ,I, /1( ) l1g c lrriy d' IN°C. st'H cJ' 18./° (',
nMrn!{ mu o i 'Iii t i l ; IJ' (JI /K IIlra' l I'n d,, '(yc c ric I'dy It o(ic 1r(lf flltill slln'I, "I)c, (h"i (In Inon,
dlinK Imlll{ y h{Jc) /1 til ill I Ill'I; 1 Ilt iin g IlOa de (iri n /!, k/r o ng fon Irong flln)'c' ,
iodated (du\)'c) iol hl)<] Ian Irong eric d lln g IIU "; ; Ih ang tlu('()'ng,
Iodating Sl,I' iOI 11<5,1 el l illg n / I/I' c irri 1 ell ~; 1 IIU/II/ "/ klt l/ t/" , '0

ifJda( i ng <lgen I Inc nhf m iol hli;! IluUll' s(i f Inin/.( , fJ' OJlg IIIIIOC nlr1l91n , c(in

iodation S~I' iot h<1H fhll tic 1'(1 c/i, ' ( )'(' !,"rim, (r (Jng k5' 11111(1/ ill
iodie If (Ihu(x::) iOI ; (thu()c) axit iodi e; (thu(x::) kl/(te vii nllrr cltfi' , x li c lIic I'ti Ihll c) c Ilui'

iodat plr li n ({ elr)

iodie acid axit iodi e, J 1I<)3 (m: il In(lnh l 'ii 'O iodine bisulfid e iOI hisulfu<l , x su lfur iudine
p/rlii, ((1ft (r o llR 111('6'(', d(lll!; o()( Im(ic fin!r iodin e cyanide int xy" nu ; I, I C N (dung l.;jlll

35 , TO H O A HOC A , V

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khong man, d(jc, c6 mIl; Ju'ing va vi cny, \'0-; enzyln)

nong dUlY a }47°C, tnn frong nuo-c, con iodoalkane iodoalk an (hy drocarbon a/kill
va ete, dtmg nlllr dUll bao qluin, con [((Ji In {rong £16 m9f ngllyen "i' tot Ilwy (hi '"fA
ho(Ic nllieu nguyen IIr frye/ro (rong phOn
cy anogen lo<.lide)
It'r, V{ ([I.' iO(tumetafl (.'11 3 /, h(ly iii mayl
iodine disulfide iot disuIfLJ~ , x sulfur
iodine Dum ber chi so iot (so do hr(mg jot
iodobromidc jouohrnmil , Ag (Br, CI, I)
(kllOrin~ V(II hif tfdng cr,r ell/f(/ clOT//(~ iodua
hap fh(l Irong mrJt lh&i Kinn da clto b(:)-i
wi brolnlw b(IC, d ong hin" I'(Y; xernrgyrll
m?>1 chiD ellll'a bao han Iron h(Je nlllr dall
thl,rC v(it ho(ie cno SU, tiling de do do chu'n wl bromy ril)
bao hoa ella h(yp cluJJ ho(ic hIm h9'P, n>n iodocyanin iotxyanin , x cyaninc dye
g9i La iodine value) S-io do-2 '-deoxyu ri dine 5 -i od 0·2 ',
iodine pentoxide iot pcnloxit, [205 (lin" ucoxy uridin , C g l-11 ,IN 2 0 5 (('!Jil( kef /inh
the mim Irang . plriin IlIi)' 0- 275°C, Inn dimf: liun cllkl klu/I1K \ 'int\' clIO mat, I'lel
In(lnh (rong mro'c, k/u)ng IOn Irong c o n It/I IDlJ ,JDtJR ,JUDR)

Illy q l dot. eJe vn elorof om, liiinK nhll' ehifl ioduc!'iin ioel! 'c sin , x c' lsin
oxy Iron cae/JOn mono:dl Ihimh dioxil ()' iudo~thanc iounctan , x ethy l itxJiuc
nhit}1 d(J binI! Illluyng Wl Irong tong hQ'jJ indoethylene iodo c tyl c ll.X IClrallldo,
Illrll cO', con g9i Iii jodie a cid anhydride ) ethylene
iodine solution dung dich iot , x tincturl'! of iodoform ioctofom . CHI 3 (('II ii't r dll /If 1(1{
iodine 1J irk. mtill vang, miltK clr {i)' cY 119 0(.', Ian
iodine test phep thl!" iot (nhn viii gi()1 dung 'rang clorolom, el C: l'Ci mr(h', ro nllli'n~ (Iile
die" kali iodufl len Inall de phar Iti~ n Sif linll diijl klllifin . tiling IrO/I,I.: ("u ric !nei lr/
c6 m(il Clin /inh 091, k e f ,!Iui dll'o'ng l/rllt hilt/II nR O (ii da nlll!, n) n KOi Id
nell mnll bien tlrimh mnl( xanh 10') triiouomc lhnnr..: )
iodine tincture cl-m iOI , dung uj c h iot •. \: iodo hydroca dH.ll i () cJ n h y tJ r nca c bon
tincture of indinc (hydrocachon Ir n n}!, (Ie) I1g/lyt~1I fli' iOl lhll),

iodine value c hi $(,) ilH , x iodine numhe r Ill i/ m9f ho(fc nlliell IIRII)' !? n (II' hy dro 'rong

iodized oil duu (xLI' Iy) int (chifl /on~ c6 p hiin III', nlll(" ()- olk(III, c/r(f, lirmn hO~f
dati. d(le , nl1(Y / c6 Inll; (di von lrI srin plrru n oler in)
bo sling iot Clio d{ill (J/I.re v(il, clura eh,l·nR iodoJ11eth~lnc iounmct ;m, x melhyl iooide
40 % iof !too irqI' lui'li err, tLiing (rnng y h9C iodomethylation SI/ iouo lllClyl h( ~l
nlrtt' mo; Irtrang chrin X(I chn phi p clI/,IP iodometric II chuan ell) inl
nnh hang phong X(1) iodumt'tric acid v,alue dO axit t.: huan dI)
iodized salt muoi iot (ml,ol lin {honl{ iot
Ilr/rang da dflve x II' I}i h!in~ iOf (Ie cling
iodomt!try ph6r chu;l n d (1 iot (\"i~c lip dl.utg
clip iOI IlI."r c!/{/', dinl1 du'o-ng /)0 sting)
him "pc iot \'flO cluuJn rt f) OX)' ·/HHI-kM de
i 0 d 0 a c~ tic ~l c ida x jI i0 d 0 <I X c tie ,
phlin tic ll dfn" /1I'c;m K m (il !it) h(1p eMI
CH 2 1COOII (lin" lite milll IranR ho(fc
hon h q c, Irong d o ior dlr~)'C cliltl~ nhu rli6l
khong milll fan I ron:; n(("(YC W] c on, nang
kJIlI' wi int gini pll ong lTOIlK ,,!uin ling cti
cllflY 6- 82-83°(', (/tlnf: Irong nghien Cll'tl
lien q/lim dUQ'c clwrln d (J tlutilllE: Jrong coc
sinh hqc do InC dl.mg kim hlim oin doi no

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547 ion-exchange

mol Irll'ang Irung 1(1fh ho(lc axiJ nht: val Ihuang hay xlial Irifn cY /(rp E; Irong hoa
dung dlch tieu chuM Clla m,;t chat khlr ly La vllng tr(>1 han dol ChIll C I~O cac i on
nhu natr; thiosr.df al ho(fc nalrl arsenil, vi lim quanh ion dll'ang trong m(jt chlfl di4n
dl,l cac II()a chal dem phiin t{ch Iii dong phlin v a ngll' {Y c 1(11 , th e o l y tflU ye l
(II l), vang (IV), arsen (V), anlimon (V), Deby e-Hllck el, con g(Ji It} ion atmQl;phere)
clo va brom) ion concentration 'na ng do lon , m ~1I dO
iodophor lodopho (h{Yp chal mang JO/) , ion, x ion d ensity
iodopsin Iodopsin (sac to Ihl gitlc tim thoy ion condensation SLY ngLYng tl,l Ion
cY cdc non vang m(l.c, ch,ra relinen klt hQ'p ion counter ong d e m ion, x ioniz alion
vaj pholopsln) counter
iodosobenzene lodosobenzen, CeHslO ion crystal tinh ihe ion ( co n gp i hi
(chat ran vo d;nh hinh mall trang pluf l C oulo mb cryslal)
vang, no cY 2OO o C . tan frong mrac nong ion current do ng ion (donK di4n do chllyen
va c()n, La chOfaxy hoo m(mll) ct(>ng Clia cac ion)
iodous It (thu~lc) 101; lodO' ion density m~ 1 dO ion (\'0 ion Irong Ihe
iodous acid axil iodO' , HI0 2 tich don vi, con g9i la ion con centralio n)
iodoxybenzene iodoxybenz e n, C61-15102 ion detector bO do io n (dt.lng C(I d e , :h ril
(tinh the mall frang frong . no 0- lti4n SI,I' cd m (ft va n ong cl(j cIla eric i OIl
227-228°C, Ian il Irong mrac, kho ng fall dlmg dicit long , nltll' pH k if h o(/c cae k y
trong clorof om, axeton W7 benzltl1, Iii clufl (hli(it do dlin dl¢n )
ru:y h6a m(l.nh) ion-dipole bond lic n k e t inn lu'(Yng Clore
iodyrite lodyrit, X lodargyrilc ion emission SI,I' phat x ~ ion (Hi' p h ong cric
ion Ion (electron ho{ic po,..itrol1 lach rwng jon Iii' be m(II Clia m (jl ch a t vao kh v ng gian
ho(fc ngllyen tlr ho(lc phlin Ilr do mal IIo(IC x lmg qllnnh)
fhu thbn m(>1 hOijc nlliell eleclron n en C() ion exchange SI,I' Iwo d Oi ion (pluln ll'ng
du{yc di~n Itch loan phfin) li on h9c IronK d o cric i on hy drol " cia lin"
ionamines thuoc nhuOm ionamin d (jllg ('Iia clurl r a n dll'9'C 11'00 c/o i ng a/lg
ion atmosphere \Chi quy<.!n ion, mfly ion , x wYi C£lC ion ding d irln If ell Irong elllng eifel!.
Ion cloud cllit ( riin ('() c(TII trtk /n O- gio ng /tuh cltinll
ion-beam mixing SI,I' tr~)n bang chum io n ni WI cric iOIl linh d (m g Irtlllg 11(} 0 e(ic
(qua trinh Irong do S~l' biln phd cluf f ran nhom m/lng di(?n, IIO(/c mang the, g (l n vao
Mng chiim Ion n a ng ltl'Q'ng coo gay I'(l St./' n en dlii't ran , n en chlf, r ilf! dIN} 'C g ()i Iii
tr(m /lin cac nguyen II;' cl.i a h a i plla Irk h cho', trrto d oi ion )
rjeng ban dOll co ";{It ct wIng gon lie m(il) ion-exchange adsorption SI,I' h fi P phl,l
ion burn vet lon, x Ion spot Iran dOi ion

ion chamber bubng Ion h<'la , x ionization ion-exchange chromatography phcp si'k
chamber ky Iran dOi ion (pltuO'ng plujp ,\'flc k )i trong
do pita linil g o m cdc nil/,l'O tr.ao d o ; ion cd
ion cloud may ion, \Chi quy e n ion (cJu~
,hI! /r) ax it hO(1c hazO')
khong dong nllal lzo(fc d rim tn(it d(j ioft
Jan bat Ihuang ct m';l Irong cac mlen d ell ion-exchange clay (Hil sel Iran dt) i io n
dijn clia l{Jng dl¢n 'y. nit It' cric drim u r I ion-exchange electrolyte cell rin ch fi l

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ion 548
dl~n phan trao dol Ion (p In nhlen li~1I 110(11 ionic associution SI! lien h<,Yp ion
dong dl,Ul fren hydro wi oxy trong khfmg ionic atmosphere may ion
khf, Il¥ang tI,l' pin nhien Urll hydro-oxy ionic atmosphere density m(il lll) may
lieu chllon trt'r mOl die" La dral di~n phon ion
long du{ye thay Ihe btlng mang trao do;
ionic utmosphere radius bc'in \dnh may
ion, hO(l1 dong a tip ,w at khf qllyen WI
nlz/~I do phong)
ionic bond lien ket Ion (lo(ll lien kifl liDo
ion exchanger chat trao dOi ion (chal ran
I/pc Irong do mQI IIO(1c nhieu eleclron
ho(lc Long dill-a ctic ion c6 Ih'e Irao doi
elluy?n hoon loon fI'r nguyen Ili' nay sang
du{yc val ctic Ion khtie val dicn Ifell luang
nguyen IIi' klu1c, do de) ba!n nguyen IIf
11.1', e6 m(ll frong dung dieh mil frong do
tl'lmg hon Ihilnh ion mang clifn, nhrmg Ion
clufl klrtJng Ian)
do xilp xi Itinlt dill \'iI Jllli hin nlullt do
ion-exchange resin nhl!a trao doi ion cli~n lielr nglt'()'c clli'lI clia ellIlng, con g9i
(nlrl,l'n long hqp e6 Ihe ket hqp Iro(le INto ta c!cctrovaicni hand)
dbi ton \'ai dllng dtclr. nlll,m nllll' the IfJO
ionic charge ui¢n tfeh ion (tong difn Ifclt
ra SI,I' trao dbl Ion natri WYi Ion e(ln~i klri
Clio mQI ion; (!ifn lI:cI, cria mQI eleclron,
llim mem nll'aC cll'ng)
(lien lic" ClUI m(JI ion bill ky ccJ etQ Ian
ion exclusion 51! 1~li trfr ion (Ir~ nhl,l'rI (roo bang dj~n '{cll eleclron hc)(lc hQi nguyen
dbl ion Irol1g d6 clic ion /in" ctong a pha Ctul Il(»)
nhl,m-ge/ Irrlng hon cti~n clie nh6m c!I/I'C
ionic compound hl)'p chat ion
mang difn bifl dQng giln vai nhl,l'a. do do
ionic conductance u() dr.n di¢n ion (phon
ngan cllal d/~n phon IlIlI tlrom nhop wio
drlng FJrlp Clio /o(li ion tfrl clIO viio long do
pita nhl,m-gel, dling Irong cac pl/(fp lach
(liin clifn Ilt'o'"g dl/'o'nK Irong gilT; Ir(m plln
nO'i chal d/~n phlln b; 10(11 klrril nJrI,l'n. dill'
l{)(inK vo hfJn)
klifmg phdi ,,(if lifll khong CI.l'c nl1l1' khi
Idch muoi khol glyxerin khfmg Cl,t'c) ionic conduction S~J' diln t1i~n' ion G\'I,I' dan
elifn C1ia cllli'l rtln do ,I'I./' did, chllyen Clio
ion-exclusion chromatography phcp
cac ion ben IronK m(lng linlr Ihe)
s:ic ky I~,II triI ion (phep sdc ky tmng do
chat hap phl,l brio hon e(mg nlllr"g ion
ionic conductivity linh di'm diGn ion; d(>
lin" d(mg (cntlon ho(fc (Iniol1) nllli' co IH(1t dan dien ion (p Iran do elfin difn Clio clufl
frong dllng mOi r';'n gMi mang nui". do (16 rnn do Sl,l' dan di¢n ion)
10(11 bO dll'qc cdc Ion mau tlrlf fll'O'ng lI,n ionic conductor v~t dan ion
ion fractionation SI! cat phflO dmm ion ionic crystal tinh the ion (Iinll lire Irong
(.S'I.l' tdeh eac emlon hO(1c anion Iii' mot dllng drl cae elral eI,ii]'m ea(' vi Iri m{mg deu hi
dielz ion Mng each ,\'Ii' ell,lng mrlng Ilram ctic ion mang dli!n dll'()'c gill' /(Ii wh nlUlu
du'qc etoi vai ion ('an Ihiift, thiifl hi 1)00 c/,,; yeu do IIt'00ng uic tinh tfii!n clin ellIlng)
gom cae binlr ct/~n Ihnm Irich w) eric 1IIIIng ionic dissociation SI! phan Iy ion (,W
cal pI/lin ctO(m ion) phon ly dan de'n 1(10 /'(/ eric 1011)
ion gage ap ke ion, x ionization gage ionic equilibrium SI! din b~mg ion (d{eu
ion gun sung ph6ng ion, nguhn ion, x ion kiiJn lac et(J phon ly Clio e(ic pluin IIi'
source khtJng bi iOI1 II6n b(Ing IcJe d(J /0 h()'p cac
ionic 1/ (thuQc) ion ion)

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549 ionization

ionic equivalent conductance do d~n ionic strength cU'Ong do ion (~o rio luang
dic$n tU'cyng dU'ang ion (phan dong gop clia lac (inh di~n Irrmg binlr Kill-n cac ion trong
moi 1000i ion clia m(>1 mlloi vao d(> don di~n chnt dif n phlln, bling nri'a tong cac so
luung dll'ung clia chal clifn plu1n) h(lng IIIIl dll'(yc Mnf( cadI nluin nong dQ
ionic-gel gel ion (gel co nhom ion gdn \'ao mol Clia moi ion \'&i binI! plllUYnK llria Irj
call Ink clia gel, cac nhom khang the clia no)
kllllech Ion vao dllng dich xllng qlUmh) ionic weight khoi 1U'~mg ion
ionicity tinh Ion (d(lc linll ion clla m91 chffl ion implantation SI,/' cfiy bAng ion (qlui
rtln) Irinh dua t(lP c/ul'l vao cac wing gan be
ionic lattice m<Jng Ion (m(1ng Clia tinh the m(11 elia chat ran n"& el,/un ion (rnng ellal
ion) rifn)
ionic link lien k et Ion ion irradiation SI,/' chicu x~ Ion (.W ban
ionic membrane m llng Ion (mang ban pha InQI chll't bling ion toc dt) CliO)

Iham dan difn, lac dl.mg difn trll'&ng van ionite lonit, x anauxlte
mong sf co st.t: djch clillyen difn di clia clic ionium 10nl (dong vi plrong X(l xulfl Irirln
ion qua mong, dimg Irnng difn (hnm (ich) Il,l' nirhJn ctUi (/wri, ky hirlu 10, nguyen IIi'
ionic micelle mIX en ion itqYng 230)
ionic mobility d('l linh dong ion (ty ,\'0 toc ionization SI,!' ion h6a (qua Irinll nguyen IIi'
d(> keo ,heo lrung binh Clio m(JI ion Irnng ho(,1(' "ll(in II;' Irrmg Ju}n m(11 -di irO(IC IJIIl
chal LOng ho(lc Chill kht' tn!n <Iirln Iru&ng) Ihem eac electron, nh& ell) eo cilr(yc di~n
ionic polymerization SI,/' polymc hoa ion
,fch lirl.rc WI Ira llranh lon, X(;" rn do sl.r
Iriing ht)'p thtJng qlla cal' cl,nl trung
(SI,1' phdn ly cac nt:"yen IIi' Clia pJuin IIi' Irong
gian ion (ion eacbont ho(ic caclxmion) cI"i' dllng dicit (N nC/ - N a+ + C /-) lu)(lc cl;a
khtJng phnt qua nh(l'ng IO(li Irllng hon elral kfrr' Irong dl~n Irrrc'J'ng (N 2 - 2/-1 +)
(olefin ho(fc axelylen)) ionization by collision Sl,I' Ion hlla V •.I

ionic potential the ion h6a ch';:lm

ionic product tich (so) ion, tfch (56) tan ionization chamht:r hlllmg Ion hua (Ix? cia
h(ll von do dQ ion Frria t(W r(1 trong chat
ionic radii ban kinh Ion (cac ')(in k{nh co
khi elurn day bllong nl/(1 ca(' "(If m(lng
Ihe gon clIO cdc ion vi ,\1,1' IIUlY ttl'Ji n/tanh
di~n chllyen clQng nltan" klli elI/ing eli qlla.
clia I/t'ung lac day gilea cll/lng Ih eo klwang
con g9i 1O ion cham her)
each khien cho ell/ing (It;y nltall nhll'
nJIIl-ng qua ellu ran, nhfi'ng han kinh (to ionization constant htlng so
ion h6a
xac dinh kfcl! Ihll'&c clia linlt Ihe ion)
(Ilumg 11,1' clin fl(}ng so
plrllll I)" CT <lay k

ionic ratio ly I¢ ion (ti' N Iheo Ir(>ng /u'(yng

= f/-/+/lA"/I/HA/ , dllng klti rip (iI,m/(
dlnh ll1(i1 lac c1l,mg kltai flU,Tltg clio Sl,I' loti
clia Ihanh pllan chinh clin nlt'&c biiin tren
Iroa. a phll'ang trinlr (/'(! n 1/ A hiell Iii! m: it
itl't)'ng eh,ra ion clorlln, \',. dl,l, ,\'U .ICL = nllll' mil axetic)
0,/396, Calef = 0,0(694)
ionization counter o ng dcm Ion h6a
ionic reaction philO ti'ng Ion (bll~ng ion hon Irong d6 klrong co xl,r
ionic solid chat ran Ion (c/tift ran cii'll klllll(ch d{li Irong nh& k!lIlifc:h d(1i elutl
Ilronlr It" cdc jon Win k~1 wh nl/(//I chi; yell khi, citing dii dem cac h(1( i 0 1l /roa, cc}n gpl
Mng III'Ung lac tin" dj~n clia ell/ing) La ion counter)

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ionization 550
ionization current dong dl¢n ion hoa, hl)a (bien co trong do mQl ion ho(fc nhom
dong (tien trong chat khi ion drr(yc t(1o ra, ~'f d(i nh& cho Jz(l/ mang
ionization degree do ion hoa (ty 14 Clia di~1'I (Ii qua v(jl chift)
d¢ ion Iroa do the xdy ra doi vcyi chift kJui ionizing radiation bli'c x:;t ion h6a (cdc
ion hoa Irong m{>t dllng dich ho(ic Iron h(l/ ho(lc photon co ni'lng lIr(Yng d/l de 1(10
hqp phdn Il'ng) ra Sll ion h6a IrIle tie
p khl chling eli qua
ionization density m~t dO ion hOO (m{1t m¢t chat, con g(Ji La ionization radiation; cdc
d¢ cljn cric ion trong eI,at klli) h(lt co khd nt1ng giiy ra tlTO'ng lac Jr'.ll nhiin
ionization energy nang lu'O'ng Ion hoa trong do ntIng lrr(Tng gidi phong rn dll de
(1Ir(),ng ni'lng ltr(),ng din de b,rt m{>t giiy nen sr.' ion /1oa)
electron khoi m{>1 /o(li nguyen tlj' ho(lc ion machining SI! gia cong bang ion (\'Il SIi:
phfln fir nao do ra xa vo h(ln Ihrr&ng cllr(),c dl,lJtg eh/'un ion loe d¢ cao de 10(li bd V(1I

bi?1t Ih! theo eleclronvon WI ve Iri so b(tng 1i4li khoi mOt be m(ft)
thE! ion hoa tfnl.r bang von)
, .
ion mean lift! thai gian s6ng lrung bloh ella
ion (th&i ginn trung bin" gill'a /ric m(J1
ionization gage ap ke ion (dl,mg cl? do
m(it tlQ kJri rat thaI' nluT ion hon clufl khi nguyen Ill' hoQc pJuln lIr bi ion hon va hie
va do dong ion , con g{)i La ion gage, no tdi Il()'p WYi mot Iw(k nhic/t electron,
ionization vacuum gage) hO(ie m(It eleclron thfm)
ionization heat nhiet Ion hoa ion migration SI! di chuy~n ion (chuyfJn
ionization isomer chat dong phfm oj ion , cl{Jng C1ia cac ion t(lo ra lrang drift di4n
!some di ion (m¢t /rong hnilw(ic nhi'ell JUlP phan, chat b.in dan v,v, nlleY lac (iI,illg tli4n
chift co cong Ihli'c pha.n tli: giong nhali the gill'll cdc di~n CI,I'C)

nhung d(lllg Ion khdc nhau) ionogen nhom sinh ion

ionization potential the ion hoa (nang ionogenic group nhom sinh Ion (nhom
lrrqng tren di¢n I(cll dO'n vi din de du(/ nguyen fir co dinh lrong m¢1 chat Irao d(jl
m¢1 eleclron 1I'r m(JI lO(li ngriyen trr ho(lc ion von hO(lc bi ion haa lIo(lc co klld ni'lng
phfJn tIl' mlo eto ra xa viJ Ju;lJt. (hu&ng bieu phan Iy lhanh cdc ion cti dlnll WI cdc eli'jl
Ih; theo v.on, c()n g()i lcl Ion potential) ion linh d{3ng)
ionization radiation bli'c x~ ion hoa, x ionography phep sac ky ion (mot ki~1l di~n
ionizing radiation st'lc ky lien qlwn 16'1 S(/' dl ehllyen ella cdc
ionization source nguon ion, x ion source ion)
ionization vacuum gage ap ke ion, x ionomer ion orne (p olyme v6'i cdc lien kef
Ionization gage c{>ng lIoa tri gilen cac nguyen 10 clla m(lel!
ion ize Ion hOcl Vll cac lien ket ion gill'a cdc m(leh)

ionized atom nguyue,n tlr (bi) ion hoa ionomer resin nhlla ion orne (poLyme co
(nguyen Ill' /11I'i'fl ho(ie thiell cdc Ion. do dq ely/en nhtr thclnh phal1 chfnh nlrll'llg elui'a
no co di~n /(cll lh(l'c) , cdc lien kef cd cQng lIoa tri Mn ion)
ionized gas khf ion hoa (chat kh( co m¢t ionometer ion ke
so nguyen Ilr lIo(lc phfin tIl' hi ion 1I0a) ionometry phep do ion
ionizing (51!) Ion hoa ionone lonon, C13 1-1 20 0 (chat long khiJng
ionizing event lac dong ion hoa, ,Ian ion mali uTi milli Vllng sang. soi 6' 126-128°(.'

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551 iridic

12 mmrlg, Ian Irong con. etc va diiu

({Ii ngung 1{4 )
khodng, dling Iron g n gnnh Juru ng Iii/II.. g in ion source nguoo io n (dl,mg C/.l Iro ng el6
vi w ) san XU fl t v itamin A , cOn gol /t} lri sane) ion dUQ'e I flO ra, clteu lie ll.. gin 10C va phdJ
ionophilic /I l1a Io n ra tha nh chl~m Ju; P . con g(>i Lit Ion gun ,
ionophore iono pho (m (il ch ift ,rong nh6 m io nizatio n so urce)
h(1p chill, n o t chung lit vong, co khd nang ion spot v e l io n (ve l pltd l quang ct.' c bQ
mang cac ion qua cnc \'fieh n gifn lip'-l d o kbn di (ren m an hinn o n g tin d l~n IIi' do
Iinh c h lf t c h (.tn l (>c c all a n , vi d',l ban phd cae i on tim , co n g ()i Iil ion bum )
valinomyxin va n onaclin) ion triplet e{\,p ba ion
ionophoresis di~ n di Ion ioxynil ioxynil, c., 1-1312 NO (elra t ran kh ong
ionos phere ta ng di¢n ly, Ion quy en, quye n m a ll. nong chay a 2J2 ~2 J 30C. d,i n g de
io n (phon kill ql'Y~n tren clin 'rd; clift b j kh o ng chi! co 11.011 a vi'ulg n g li cDc ~'d btu
blre X(l If; ngO(li elta m (11 Ir&1 Jon h on dt; co lhe IlIao )
d~ nong cI¢ cdc electro n Il.r do anh II/urng ioxynil octanoate io xy nil oc t a n oa t ,
t a l S l,r Irlly en cdc sonK vo fl cyi!n , bien ben C15 Hl112N02 (cluf , rdn c6 sap . nong duJy
duu i ella n o c7 each m(il dal kho dng 70 U 59-6fJO c' khon g t an Irong muyc, (liing
ho(lc SDkm va bien 'Ten ma r (mg tu i d (J nlur Ihuoe Ir"" sail cho ng ll coc va n; em
cao vo h (m) duang )
ionospheric wave s6ng lang d i~ n 1)' , song I PC.t: propham
trOi Ir ~ indium
ionotropy hh$n tll'Q'llg ho biEn proto n iridescence 51,( la p I{mh nhicu m ~lU (h i~1I
ion pair c:.t p io n (i o n cltuYng wi ion. am Ir ng mall dill vong lite lIif n a
nhi"rng V(it
ba n g di~ n IIeh . Ill1r& n g lit m QI elecl ron, khac nhau clo S l,r K i no ,h()(l 6' m ang m ong
cluing d l rQ'c 1(10 rn do Ide d l,mg ctin b,re x (I (n/tIt' a bt;>t xa phi mg h o(1c xli ci'r ) h o(lc s(r
ten ng uyen lIt h o(fc phnn IIi' trung JU)lI ) n l lie u X{'I ella anlt sang fir m (il lie m (11 co
ion-permeable membrane m ~ln g th a m IIhieu g lin. nJur b(i Mng Clin m QI so Loiti
Io n (m ling h o(jc , ({m ch a t IJul m ll'll l ierl chim)
m (it so 1000i h o(fc k i en l olt n ao (16) iridescent 11 la p lanh ngG ~c
ion polarization st,r phan el,te io n iridescent cloud may ngil sAc (d am may
ion potential the io n h O~I . x ioniza lio l1 lin" Ihe Mng fh e hi~n cac ve t Ilfp ltinh
potential ho(1c cric vien m a ll.. thtru ng d d wi xanh,
ion product tic h sf) io n , tfe h ~ Ia n dlrq'c quan sal ch e cll 3 00 so l-'C7i m (1t Ir& i)
ion retardation S l)' t r~ ion ( v{r cllie , hap iridic It (thuQc) Iridi ; c hua iridl (IV )
cdc clin t tlitln phnn ,"(In" w i-i nh(rn l rao iridic chloride iridi (IV ) c lo ru a, Ir C I..
tloi anion Irong d o m o n o m e calion du(yc (kJUl i d ial m lill clen p h a t milt, Illil am . l(1n
Irimg l u;rp h m,lc n g u (J'C I (li ) lrong 11.lrri'c va can. dli.ng de plrlin li cll (ccil
ion sheath vu ion nitric fi N 0 3 J.'a Irong cOl1g vifC "'j phon
ion-solid interaction tl1'O'og t ~ic io n<:hfil ticlt, con gQi Iii iridium chlo ride , i ridium
ran (qua Irinit nguyen "i' xwr , hi#n do ki!J te trachlo ride)
qua va clt(lln ctin cdC' Io n. ng uy en II} It o{Jc iridic compound h(YJ'J cha t irldi ( N )
pltlin /Ii' nifnK Itr(},ng c ao \'(7; v(it c h a , iridic oxide iridi (IV ) oxil, Ir02
iron 552
iridium irid i, If (nguye n 1t1 kim 10 IJ i, ng hien ('Ii"rl ('ric m o l luin kim ' /o(li, cric CC1
ng uyen IIr ,fO 77. nguye n fir IIrt;rng / 9 2.2 d Ie t'fn m dn , ,\'1.1' /t ao m {'m ('/;n d ong C(7 WI

c.r nh6m plalin. kho ng Inn Iro ng cdC' ax it, cac dtl rc n t'fng ella crr 'he )
n o ng duly a 2454 0 (.'; Iii kim 10(li m (ill bqc iron ~,cetate sil l ( 11) ax elflt ,X ferr o u s
Irtlng , gUm, eli-n g, dim g Iro n g n g ll ;: kim acetate
Iroan . cae l iep x l ic rlifn tti', di ~n Cl,l'c. clfiy iron a c etate liquor dUllg dle h sth aXClai
(lien Ira vit d{Ju ngo; b,;I ) (dung d i ch m fm d en du ra 5·5.5 %,5t11 w) tlol
iridium-192 iridi-192 (d o n g "i plrong X IJ klti ,'H1! ," 1I11 (II WI I a n in. cia gia m go lac
Clia l rlili v&1 'h&1 g ian ban r d 27 nga)', btre i ll,lng WIn m (1I ,w11 1(10 r(l, citing cle nllll{Hn
X{l bela va gama. dlin g Ira ng dteu I r{ ling VI}in J.U j s,ic wi 111111' d ,a l call m iiu c li o
11111' v a ch o chl.'P rinh hh n g ph ong X(I ctic tlwoe n",,(mt a lizarin WI nill'o ,'m, ('()n g9i
v{il dl k kim LO(Ii nll~) Iii black liquor. black m o rdanl, iron liquor)
iridium chlodde iridi c lo rua, I rel; l rC l 2 ; iron alloy h(,Yp k i m ~It (11(l'P kim ('() ,\'(1,
Ir0 3 ; IrCl. , x Irid ic chl o rid e nlur Ih an/t phan c/rin" )
iridium tetrachloride iridi t c tracloru.l , x iron alum ph c n s~ t . x ha lo tric hile
iridic c hloride irun ummonium sulfate stit (111) - a m o n i
irido compound hO'p eha t irldi (II ) s ulfal , x f e rric ammo nium sulfa te , fc.:rrnu"
iridosmine iridosmin (h Vp k i m ir i c/i·osim i ' Immonium sulfate
11.1' nhien clura }O·771Yt-, fr idi, 17-80% {).\'imi, ironarc process phu'O' ng ph ..",p h l~) quang
0- .10% p Lali n, o-} 7% r o di, O·9 1J(, rlll en i, O·2'Y,. Sal (p11l(O'n K phap n (i' tl luyflt n hifl (1i,1 n ,re
siil , WI 0 ·/ % d o ng. i l,in g /tim ki m pllli " ky nlO S/£ cll,m g h o rt II{K' p l a.wl(I il :? xlr I>;
Ihll(il \'11 0 I r l,l e la b an wi ete
/(ln g C/ ;'n R "(il 1i ~1I chi" Itr a niur z iricon ox il)
pla"n ) iron arsenalt! stu (III ) arscmll , x fc.: rrou.;,
iridous II (thuQc) Iridl ( III )
iridous chloride iridi (Ill ) c lo rua , IrCl 3 iron~binding pI' olein protein lien k c t stll
iridous-compound h O'p ch a t irid! ( HI) (prot ein Iwyc'! Iltanh nllfr h em oglo bin lIf:!
iridous oxide irld i ( Ill ) ox il , Ir 2 0 3 V(ln clw yiln eric ion .<it 'll )
iron ~t, Fe ( nguyen to k im 10(li m im fran g iron black an limo n h6t (bOt m;n (lIll i m on
b(le, n g uyen IIi' n) 2 6, ng uyen II'r II,'(nrg m i'1Ild en clling d e 1(10 clIO hQl g iay lip wi
55.8 4 7. n ong chtiy a l .'un o c; Lil k im I(){II' 11t(lc h ('(10 P ar i ('0 n:
bong Ilu!" , srin x uat
n (fng c6 Itr Ifnh, cU r en WI de k eo. XIII;'t lutng plrtin ,brg ('I ta k tJm l'af clunK ri fe"
hic n fro ng cac
wi n tlz (lcll vii kif f h (J'p frong n l: it " tta I1II1V ; Imli m on WI k e l II;a nia b(H
rifl nlri'e u qu (1 n g Vii p h'lln I o-n e{1c el f; anlima n m fiu d en )
m agm a, n 6 ld m Ql Iro ng nlllr ng k im 1000i iron blue ph h m la m S~ I (sdl(l/J)
dl~ng r(m g rdi nhifl va dong m QI va; tn) f cr oxymwa cLlinK IIhtr drift m rlu Inm Ira ng
Iro n g cae qua Iri nh ,<iinh h ()C ) cang ng lt lc p .'>O'n cli o eric: SO' II ," (in wi
iron-55 .sat-55 (clo ng ~.; ph on/( X(I ('1 ;(1 .'lift , k llllng " i nh Cli'll , con fili n g I rong m,.I'"
k j hi f u S5Fe. tha i g ian ball rr; 2,9/ n gity , x anll, IrOl1g 1I/lIujm mall g lny w } ,,1111' !lu)nll
rlil d (jc) phan c lia plu1n M it )
iron-59 ~ t-5 9 (d ong vi plzo ng X(' Cl i(l ... 111, iron bromide sta t (til) hrnmu<I , x fe rrK'
ky hlcu s 9 F e. th ai g inn ban I'd .J (),3 ngity, hromidc
blre X (l b ela vr) g ama, ral (t 6e, (lii n g ele iron carbide siit cachua. Fc 3 C ; x cem entite
553 iron
iron carbonyl s:\ t carhonyl, x Iron iron hydroxide s;:1t (Il l ) h yd roxil , x ferric
pcntacmbonyl hy d roxiu c
iron casUng s.., due gang (lll ie eric Vtjl ironi c (t hu(x:) S:\I (111 )
plio," sill t/teo kllU on) ironic c-hloride Sfll (III ) c lurua, FcC1 3
iron cell pin si5t ironic h y dru x ide s :\ t ( III ) h ydrnx il ,
iron cem~nl xi m ang s.:>\t (" tin IU;TP nllli'ng F e(OI-I).
mlln sdt nhd val amoni d o rlln. dling de ironing Sl! 1.) ; :,;1,1' wil (s(r glflm tltj lIit)' 11Ifl""
gdn etic iii 1m', sifr Iro(f£" IJU!p) cri" v<', elmo ' .w ill bhnK eric" gitim kllc Jut
iron chloride s.:'ll clorufl, Fc0 2 ; FcCi 3 • x gili'a milt ,I"k wi killio n )
ferric ch klrlde; fe rrou.~ chlo r ide ironing cy linder I n.' lil
iro n citra te sit, ( Ill) x ilral, x ferric cit rate ironing rastn ess Ifnh ehiu 1ft
iron-Cons tantan sa.t -conSln nHln (10 /1(71' ironing machine mfiy 1;.'1
h"i kim 10(JI di,ng clra eric m o l h an c(ll' iron liquor dung dj c h st.t axe t at,
nhif l die n . tliing tie
,10 nhif l tip (T eric mnl Fc(C I·130zh.41I z0,x iron ;;ICCWtc liquor
Iru&ng m:y Iroa h o(lc khl,. )
iron lo ss ( ()O han uo lu i (COli K9i I ii core
iron cordierite cordicrit Sc~ I. x se kanimt it c loss)
Iron core 10i si11 (161 /illn ftr .w'lt klr iJi h ex}c ire ... m e tab (, li s m SIf chuycn h6a sli t (qua
d(l ng 16 p I w(1c vtjl Ii~" IiI' I(nll kluic.: co 'he Irinll li ck, 119 ("' wi .'iinl! I>' Il {X' lien q"(ln ,ui
dura rd, r, slit)
sl.r lurp " 11.1 ,wff Ill' nlt:}1 WI va ; (n) Clio no
iron count SV' dem s..-1t ( 5 (1' plriin I{e ll .\:fk fro ng /t v nK dill)
d;nh cac h (Tp chal ,\'If, /,. o ng Iltvn}.: Min
iron metav~'n •• date So'll (III ) m c t(lVanadCl I,
plrl/In, phdn an" :i{r xwr, h iCn WI lam mtl'C
x fcrri(.; vanadah!
tfn m an)
iron met e orit e v.in t h ',Ich ~ t , Ihlen t h.l;,\ch
iro n depositing bacteria vi k h u~ n (lfi nS)
!)[It (/O{l i win IIt{Jclf clura d ill y e'lI .wf, wi
/lik en wi ll {lng IIun nltiC:1I {lin .\'0 \'(j-j b(I,
iroll dichloride Sc"h (II) die lorua , x fe rrous
kj rl ri binll I11I1'(711E: mio)
c hlo ride
iron mica mic'l SCi l, x Icpidomclane
irone Iron, C, .. H 22 0 (lCTp en l ong klt6 nK
iron miniulIl :-;fIt Illinium
m all, lit ff,,'1nlt ph a n c lla linh clli ll, riling
ITong n g dnll mrac h on) i r o n monos ulfide sUt ( II ) sulfua, [-"cS
iron rerrocy anide sal (I ll ) feroxyanwl , x iron monoxide s.:>ll ( II ) m onox it , x fcrrou."
ferric (errocyanide l)xiuc

iron rruoride s~ t (rIl) fl o rua , x ferric iron mnrdant c ha t S<l l c6n m flu
fl uoride iron mould ve l mmsat
iron founding SIT duc gan g iron-nickel accumulutur acquy s..>\t-llikcn
iron foundry xl.nyng luy¢n ga ng , xU'Crn g due iron ni c kel nlloy hl.,.r p kim sal-nikcn (h (rp
g.:'1ng kim sil, cluro 20-80% nik en . cd d {j II"fm
iro n ga rnet andradit, Cc'13Fcz(Si0>a c ao l 'fl ,till Itno do 're ,"1fp rY eric m(il d(l
iron glance qu~ng s..1t txlng. x s pceulnrUc 'ir ' li ang ,II iii' wi e/iJ n;1I ,Iuill" nJIli'nj: I(rln
iron glass thuy tinh s.:"It (1IIIi)' tinh mnll) mong IIan liJ ,It ..;" ....illic )
iron hat mu s..'\t (luYCII kim ) iron nUrate ~ t ( III ) nit nll , x ferric nilrm c
iron 554

iron nonacarbonyl s~t nonacacbony I, FeC03

Fc 2 (CO)g (Iinll fh~ mau wing - da cam, iron protochloride ~t (II) clorua, Fe0 2
phiin hlly a
IOOOC dl! cho lelracarbonyl, iron protosulfide s~t (II) sulfLk'1, FeS
tan it trong con WI melon, hau nhlr khong iron protoxide ~t (II) axil, FcD
Ian trong nrr6'e, ele va benzen)
iron pyrites ~t pyrit, x pyrite
iron ore qu~ng sat (dti ho(lc tram tich dura iron red pham do ~t (m{)1 Irong nlllrng
cdc h(),p eI,at mil til' do co the Illyen du(yc
ehal miill bat ky che ,r'r "hlrng lO(li
saf(lJJ) oxit mau do khde nhau)
iron-ore cement xi mang qu<:ing sal ~i
iron resinate sat (III) resinat, x ferric
mang frong do qruJng sell dll'(yc dlmg thay
cho sel ho(ie di~p th(lch)
iron organisms vi khuan ~t
iron-retention agent tac nhan gifr (lac sal
nhan t{1O phlrC lien kel sal haa Ian vtio cdc
iron out lieu tm, I~i trtr ion pllll'C tl,lp de ngan ngira ~'l.C lai ket Ilia
iron oxalate s~t (II) oxalal , x -rerrqus va mil kin gieng khonn sau kit; (Iii xli' ly
oxalate gieng bang axil)
iron oxide Sal ~xit , FeO, Fc 2 0 3; FeO, iron rubber cao su cot Sc'lt
Fe2Da (mQt frang cdc oxil sal hydrm 1I01l, iron saffroD pharn do sat, x Indian red
Ibng h(),p ho(fc Irl nh;en, sal (1I) ox it ,
iron scale vay sat, VI,Jn Sc'lt
sat(JJ/) axil, sal (III-J/) axil)
iron scurf yay sat (V(11 li~(l ddnh bong
iron oxide process qua lrinh s.:'lt oxil (qua
citing lte tl,lo mjiu cho g(lclt mau lam, Iron
trinh cho chat klli di qlla sal \'(1 hQl
Q.\: it
hf)'p ella etd wi ctic h(11 slit fir nglrien cdc
g~ l(in Ihlt Lam giiiy de 1000i slll/ua)
nang Sling)
iron oxide purifier thiet bi linh che khf
iron sesquioxide sal sesquioxit , Fe 2 0 3
bhng sAt oxit
iron sesquisulfide s.1t sesquisulfua Fe2 Sa
iron paint mill may nghien bQt sat (che)
ironshot It (thuOc) ironsot, co vel sat (chi
khoang v(il co VlJn va ..,tt sill ho(lc qll{1ng
iron pentacarbonyl s~h pentacarbonyl ,
Fe(CO)s (chat ldng co dalt phfin htiy khl
iron slag xi sal
dr/eli sting, fan trong pJran lon eac dung
iron soldering him bang rno h~1.O (sl,r hiin
mOt ht"ru cO', dllng nhll' nguon xlk Idc .w11
linh khiet va cho loi nam cham, ci'm g()i Iii Irong do mo him /()O ra nlti41 din thief)
iron carbonyl) iron spar spar sal, x side rile
iron phosphate sal (Ill) phosphat, x ferric iron spine) spinel &->\1, x hercynite
phosphate iron sponge bQt sal
iroD pills vien sal (vien /Julac lam bdng sal Iron stain gi sat, vet han sat
cacbonaJ) iron stearate s~h (III) slearal, x ferric
iron-porphyrin protein protein sat - stearale
porphyrin (/0(1; prolein chlfa sitt va ironstone qu~ng sat, sidcril, limonil,
porphyrin vi d~l hemoglobin, site to Ie bao 2Fc2 0 a .3H 2 0 (do tram lich giilll .'fa~ ho(1c
va calalaza) kef 11m tr,.(c tiep nhl( Iram licit co ch,i'a
iron protocarbonate sill (II) cachonat, l'at ho(1c do Ihay the hoo h(Jc)
555 isenthalpic

iron-stony mete rite v~n th;;tc h sAl, Ihle n du(J'c bieu II!; bdllK d (j ulng enfropy clin
th<lch d t, x stony-Iron meteorite M)
iron sulfate s:t t sulf n l , x fe rric sulfmc j irreversible pro cess qua lri nh khc}ng
ferrous sulfate thll ~ nn ghieh (qua Irinh kh 6 ng II';! rlrin
iron sulOde ~I (11) sulfua,x ferrous sulfide nglr(J'c wj s/.r bien tllien vo ('tlnK nhd Clin
iron tannage Sv- Ihu()c s~t (thu¢c do bhnK dfeu k;~n ben ngotH)
mlloi .t ilt) irreversible r eac tiun p h lln lIng khl) ng
iron letracarbonyl S:t l tClracacbonyl , t hu{in ng hieh

Fc 3 (CO)12 (tinh th e ong anI!. m arl 1I.le slim . irrever ~i ble thermod y namics nhlet
phdn h,iy u 140-1500C. fnn fro n g dung mol d on g h(,)C kh6ng thu';'n n ghieh ( ct'm K (Ji Iil
h{i'll CCY, con gpi lrl tri-tron dodecac.:'trbonyl) no neq uill brium Iheml odY ll amies)
iron tube o ng ~I irritant gas khi g.l y kich thfch (kllf k illing
iron vitriol ~ t sulfa l, F eS04 .7H 2 0 l:I;Y chlff nKluh. clll kidl IlIicil git)' kho
iron whiske rs ra u s.:'h (cdc s{J"i dan linlt clliu cho dn va tam cllljy m r eYc melt. m QI
th ~ sill tinh khie l ) dUll franK lip etic k ill Kiiy dlliy nude m til
diutg ell! 11I)'~n l{ip va chO"nf{ b(lo (/()1110
iron work nha may luyen ~t
irrotalional flow dimg c hily kht"mg xmiy
irradiance m ~ 1 dO th6 ng h.ro-ng bu-c X ~I
(dong cluiy ("Iia chdl Illoll Iron g d o r o ta nia
(c on gpi lit radiant flux dcnslLy)
ham v(in 16c It} bllng khoflf{ a m (J; nai. do
irradiation st,r ch le u X<;I <trong If sinh Iii
d o o\otr tllan lIoan ctia v{in to c Illeo !n ()1
sl.(' Idc dl.U2g .tong II.m cu iYnK d(j till '"(11th
vao m pl h ~ sinh h pc de Me n t!~i call Ink
dtr&ng con kin br1, kj' de" M e n !nrll. con
g o; Ii; a c ycliC molinn . irmHi tional molinn)
h o(lc dllrc nifng clia n o ; frong kj, thu(il Iil
isano oil d a u isano (dall l illn kh 6. nlia l.
s/.r cllftll lia X. lin gama, lin IIi' ngO(li h o(1c
!n(11l wIng nh(11 dtell cliff Iii.' "wi c ll n m (>1
hire X(l ion h on kluic vao V(1t 1i~1I.
v(it h o(lc
l()(li c Oy 0- cllfill Phi. d ll nf( nll"o dlil~ l 'ecni)
b~nh nhfin); b6ng Xf;' (ao anh quang h (Jc
iS ll ti .. i:c;alin, C IIH~N02 (I ndo l dll'{J"C til e
khie n cho nlul'ng v(iJ sling co vt! nhu 1& 11
betng m :y c¥ vi Iri (°ftcbo n 2 WI 3. k e f linll
hun .'iO val kich Ihuac tluorc clia cluing)
nllll" " in" kim mall c/rio Ifil l 1I'0llg J11l'ty C"
irreducible repre se ntation b~u di~n Nil
n anKo dl'mg tronK srin xllrll Ilmrie nhuQm)
khil quy
iscnergic now dong chby c.lllOg n fl ng (dong
irregular polymer polyme khllng dcu dlny Clift CIlOf Itm Iroll/.! dd to ng ("lin d(mK
(polyme co clf" I rlte phiin lIi kh6ng c/li

ndnl(. Ih i! n/1ng WI enlftlpy c lia /)(11 k y

gom '" ~ IO(l1 dun vi call 1(10 tr on g m (i( phlin ndo Clift clld, /lrll dfin kll a ng lImy (Nil
cach stlp xep tuM Il.r dlly nlull) k ill pitfJn d o du(J'c InftnK th eo Cling p(N
irreversibility linh khOng thu~n n ghjeh cllift 'ltnt )
irreversible /I khOng thu~ n ngh ieh iSl!nthalpic It d !t ns cn t a lpi (Cel ent a lp),
irreversible cell pin kha ng thu~n ngh jeh k h ang doi; val enlfllpy klu)nx dot")
irreversible energy loss Io n haa n ang isenthalpic expansion SI,l" gifln n('r dting
111Q'ng k:il6ng Ihuan nghlch (qua trin" bien cntfllpy (of/or Kian 11(7 xriy ra m(i kh(Jn~ cd
dol nllng Ilr(Tng lrnn g do elieu k/~n '<
10 Ttl -'"t.r (hay c10i11(10 Clifl cmalpy)

Ihieu 'he klch ,hic h clln Illiet de daa isenthalpic pru cess qu .i lrinh uli n g
nglr(Yc qua trinh. sO" do c,in Ion han nriy cn t alpy (qlld In'"" X (iy r(/ ~:"i enlulp),
isentrope 556

khOng dol) isoacceptor dong the n~n (m(H Irong m fx

isentrope dLTcrng d~ng e ntropy (dlretng ,\'0 1000i mit ribonlle/eic chuyen lin co 'he
blt!1I d/~n entropy kh o nJ( d o i) clulp nh(in dmg a\':iI amin)
isentropic II dling entro py (co en/r op)' isoacty. thioglycolate isoil c lyl
kh6ng ttol; l 'ui en/rop y klt ong doi) thioglycotat , IISCI-1 2 ( :CXX.:I-I 2 (7 H 1S (elul l
isentropic compression 5 1,!' ncn dtlng lang khong mnll, IIIoong ,' mii (flln WI 4u 0
125° C, dling trong dUlt chong oxy h o n.
entropy (sl.r mi n xrly rn m a khOnJ( co .\'I,r
Ihay dhi enlrop y )
Ihlloc Irir sdlt, phV gia dati. chnl (teo h o n)

isentropic expansion s ~r gean ncr dtang isoalkane isoalkan (alkan \'(7i m(lch phlin
nlu;nh. nguyen Ilr cachon gan W;I cutii Cl;a
entropy (St," gidn net xdy ra mli khong c cJ
no lien kifl vai mQI nh6m melyl d u n)
Sl.r Ihay dol entropy )
isoalkyl group nhtlm i50alkyl (nh6m
isentropic now do ng chay dang entropy
nguy en II; iii k ifl qlUi Clio ~· t.r 10(1; nf{uycn
(dong d,dl Itrll Irong tM entrop), ('lin bill
'Ir hydro khoi nlujm m (:lyl fltl ", n cllo i
ky plran nlio Clio dlnl bm flell khang Ihay
d O(m '"(lcl! lIutng CI;a m tjt ISD?lkan )
dol kill phan d o tl"{TC mnnK th eo dUl l
isoalloxazine mononucleotide
isoHlnxuz in mnnonuclcolil , x rihoflavln
isentropic process quci lrinh diing e ntropy
(qua trinlr xny rn mn khong co ,"',r /linK
is(,amyl acetate Istmmyl axetat , x amyl
Jro(1c st,r gidm entropy, nl"r qud frinh wra
,thuQn nghich l'I"'n clotin "hif /)
isoamyl alcohol nn;ru isoamny l, x L..oouty l
isethionic acid iscthionit:,
-CI-I 2 0H.CHS02 01-1 (clUll long Ian IrOn1{
isoamyl benzoate Is o umyl bcnz o~ll,
mru c ,f6/ cY 1000(.', (liinK Irong san x url '
C e l-l s C O(x.::5I-1 •• (clllfl/dng kllong mau cd
clldl Illy rrra)
tnlii qmi, ,W)! 0> 2600C, Itln trong con , kh o nK
ishlkawaite Islkuvail (khodng \'(11 Jr r ui /(In (rong mrac, clling Irong gla l't ve) mUTc
plurang, mall clem. dura clu; yell urani, sill, hO£I, cim K{)l III ilmyl hcnztl.'ltc)
cllf, hiem va cO/lllnbi flXlI)
isoamyl bromide Iso ,lmyl hrnmu a,
ishkyldite Iskyldll , Mg,.Si,,02,(OH)20 ( C I13hCIICHz C I-I2Ur (eltat [ rin K kh o ng
(khoting v(it dura mag ie ,d licat haur ) I» (ill. ,..oj C
Y 1200 C · 12 1° C, ,'0 Ih~ tr()n Iii"
isinglass kCtl bung b6ng ca (k eo (Uelt cll i! va i clm wi ell: , citing Iro ng tbne h{Tp htt-II
lIt' bong bOng klu) clia cd lam W1 nhfrng M)
10iU cd klrric, dling Iro ng cac /O(li k eo, ch ffl isoamyl butyrate I s oamyl buty r al ,
gdn ke, ,'a ml,"(' In, cOn g9i It) fish gclmln, C:5H11C(XX.:31-i1 (c/zdl Idng m(}/I Iritng
Ichthyocoll.:'l); mi c~l d(l ng ta m (mica Ilufo-ng n"eYc ,w51 (y 150-1800C, Ian Irong con vn
tY d(lng lam lI,a clui dan, dimg cY cric crinh el e, thinK nlllr clunK mOl wl clu;'1 clen irOn
crrn 10) eltn xenl"loz a (L\,: CUlI wi linlt dall IlOa)
iso- 00- (lien 10 chi i.mme cI;a mQI nguy en isoamyl chloride l!'OC.lilmyl clorua, <::51-111 °
10 ,rong (/6 c o _'0,1' /(Julc hie' cY h(ll nhfm so (chnl Itjng kll 6 ng mtill kllfmg tan Iro ng
veti d(Ulg Ir<); Ifhfft elia nguy en 10; lien 16 IliriTC, so; c; [()()OC n ci ccJ Ille Iii dril' bal
c hi .\'I,r pluin nhdnll d u n c:Y cu{ii m(lCh k y trnng m { jl s c"f " (1' 1' drill nlllr
cacbon) J. c/o-3-mely/blll(ln (eN 3)2(.'11 (CI-/2h C I,
557 isobutyl

ho(fc Iron h(yp nhii'n/{ JWp ,,11111 (fling nlur 0- dr{b Ill)' n"rn vC .\'inh, XI) plr(}ng, elrnl ,\'fil
dung mol, frong Inl."c, (/~ .tong kho; cho trimg I'll nlrll' chtf I t (1O I!lra ng "0
dd, va nlltl' hon "IIIf, Irung glan) isobornyl thiocyanoacetute isohornyl
isoamyl nUrite lo;;oamyl nllrlt,x amyl "Urile thloxyanoaxcla I, c 'OH 1T exx:7 c U 2 SCN
isoamyl salicylate Isoamyl snllxyhH, x (clrlff long en tinlt, mnlt wlng , Ian Irong
amyl sallcyk,le con, "enzen, elOf'of om WI efe, chinK IronK Y
isoamyl valerate Isoamy I valera!, h(JC "n
nlllr IIt"oc Ini' ,w;,,)
C.Hg COZC S H11 (chffl long Irong. co In,if isobutnne isobuwn, (<: 1-13 hCI-ICI-I3 (clUII
lao, sol a 2400C, Ian tronK con WI ele, kJr; IiCn, klr6nX mdu, khfmg (fn m on kim
khtmg Ian Irong mfac, diing Iro ng y IIp(' 10(li, klrong plu/n l"n}: "iYi ';,rac, ... 6i (f
va Illrung Ufu qud) .JJ,7°C, ciling n/rll' Ir oa drllf IrtlllK gian,
isobar doong dAng flp khi quycn (Irong kill clllli llim Iwr" l'li nlrirJn li~,t)

11('(Tng ta dcr&ng ve qua /If/ cd cac eliem isobutanol L",obulnnol , x L~obulyl alcohol
et)ng rip ...tuf, khi qtlyen d(}C ,heo m pl be isobutene isohulcn, X Isohutylcnc
m(ll ('hu11n nao d d, nllll' lie m(ll (fling ItQ isobutyl (~6e)isobuty I, (C1-I3 h CI-IC I-12 -
caD (nIUr, Id InI."C mute bicn trung bin" (XWff Irifn cluing h (1n Irong iso/mlnn ol
Iren cdc ble" d(j m(1l), Iii InrJl lldn},: en/rop)' (rtl'(TU 1.\'01>111)'/. (CII 3)2CIICfI 20/-1 )
/to(1,c .'00 do thlfng dting elia m(11 cat ,her; isobutyl acetate Isobutyl axelCll,
/ie,); nguyen 16 dong kh()i s6 (m{j{ tronK C 4 ")gOeXTI" a (dUll lei,,).: klu}IIg mllff ('(.I
hai ho(fc nil/ell nuclll c6' c ling so nue/on lrll' a nK qurl , Ifln trong con, elc,
Irong ('tic "(II nhnn clin clllln;,: nhll'nx ir)'ctrocncboll, khang Ian IronK fIIt'CYC, ,w'}i CY
nguy en IIi- so vd eae I;nh chlft hon /r(JC C1in 116°('. tiling nhu cluIIK ," iH ,\,(T n I'li
clumg khne nhnu); dU'iYng dang <IP (d(l'o-nK IIiI rox ellllli o z II J
n ot cae diem Iro ng vOl I). lit ei'm g iiI' .\'/UII
isobutyl .alcnhol rU' Q'u I soh utyl,
d(JC Iheo bC m(tt nao tlO frang mQ' Ir~ \'01 (CI13hCI-IC I12 0 H (clufl /ring k/ri'm}: m l)"
Iy; du'o-ng n o t cac- diem ClinK rip .wal Ire/l It! ,win plulm plll,l crin ,w in xu;i'l I(~n).: Ir{rp
do tlrl bieu dien eiie bien nhi41 d(>ng lI,n) mettllwl, ,wi; 0- I070C Ian Irong nln;'(', e/c
isobaric 1/ d~ng ~P (co rip .\'Illff bhng nllflll vd din , citing "IIII' tiling m 6i Irrmg ,\'(1'11 dinK
Iro{fe rip sudt klrong dol do; w)'j hOrJc h{J'p IlIi'" ('(1 wi II'0ng lop nlll,l'(I plitt CC}11
khfmg ginn ho(le IIr&I gilln) g{)i Iii i soh ut<ln ol iSllpro~ )'Ic<lrhinol,
isobaric process qu.,-'i trinh dfing cip (qua 2·mct hy I· I·propanol)
trinh nhifl d(mg Clio chif, khi ,rong do ,\'/,r isobutyl aldehyde aldchyl bobulyl,
Iruyen nhlql lui ho(te IiI' Irc klri g(i), rll .''iI,t' (CJ-I 3 )zCUCHO (chifl I rinK kIll)".!: "UIII,
Ihay tt!)1 Ihe liel, a rip sual klr{mg d on trong ,HlOI. co mlii lul ng , ffln IrcNlg ('on,
isobath doong dAng sfm (c1mTng "ien n ot klrong Inn Irong mrac, .wjj rT 6./°(', tll"n!~
cric diem dmg d() slJu ct;a mr6'(' I"en m Ol nllfr 11 60 Cllfll Irung Kiall, c(}1I KPi It)
ble" (113, con gOI lit deplh contour, depth isohutyr aldehyde)
curve, fathom curve) isobutyl carbinul c arhinol isobulyl,
isobornyl acetate isohornyl ClXctut, (CI-13hCII(C II2)201-1 (chal lallg kluJng
C tO H 17 OOcCH 3 (clU1f Iring klrong mlm co m itu c6 I'; cay, 1m, IrollK con wi fl i t" /fin (t
mtil Id ,hOng WI :d'H (y 220-224°(" Inn frong Iroll/{ IIIrac. .\'6i a
1320(', lliinK nlllr Iri'"
dart klr ang buy IItY' \ 'a dOli khodng, "ring clufl trunK Kian w) clung moi Irong tbl'{J'('
isobutylene 558
pl,c;m, y h(JC.• , con g(li It} lso.:.my l alcohol» isochromatic II dong mau, dong sac (chi
isobutylene iSobutylen, (CI-I3)2CCH2 (chilt s l.r Ihay do; clla mQI s6 d(li Ilr(J'ng lien
long dl bay hO'I, khang mnu. de
cluiy, sa; qunn un tinh sang (n/ur m(J1 di) mo;
a -'JOe, dI polyme h6a, dung Irong xtlng, 'rtrang anh sang dl qua, chiet .sufft), Irong
nhu h6a chill Irung glan va de che IIJO do mall ... itc /lo(fc blr&c song clin rinh sring
caosu bu.tyl, con g9; la isobutenc) du(J'c gi(j' khang dol; chi cac duang n6l
isobutyl isobutyrate isobutyl isobutyrat, cdc diem Cling mrlll)
(CHa)2CHCOOCH2CH(CHa)2 (chlit long isochrone dLrang dAng thai (duang tren
khOng mau co mi'l; vi qlUi va so; a 148,70 (:, blell cia no/ la' cd ctic diem co clUlg Ihq;
Ian Irong can va ele, dlmg lilln hlrang Ii(f'l (liem xulil hien cl~a mOL hifn IU(J'ng rUng
l'd chill Xlla dual con Irimg, viel l itl lBIB) nao do Ito(lc clla gid 11'( deng Clin mOl d(li
isobutyraldehyte isobutyraldehyt , x Itr{yng nao do)
isobutyl aldehyte isochronism tinh dAng thOi (Iinh chill co
isobutyric acid ~IX II isobutyric, IOC do hO{1I dong dell hO(1c linh Ilian holin.
(CH3)2CHCOOI-I (chill long khong mau, VI dl.~ Clla con life ho(lc con lile bu clta dong
so; do 154°C, Ian Irong mr&c, con va ele, ha)
ciling nhlr hda chfft trung ginn wi cllilt Illy isochronous II dang therj (co tan so ho(1c
lie, (rong nf(anh huang Ii~ll l'a mrri-c. IllIlijc elm ky c6 dlnh) .
da) isocitric acid axit i<;oxUric, I-JO(X::CI-I 2 CH.
isobutyryl isobutyryl , (CI-I a )2C.CI-IO (nhom (COOH)CH{OH)COOH (;.'Jome Cli o {IX il
goc Ill' mil i.wblllyric (eN a)2CHC(XHI) xUric l 'on IUn qllon lui chit Irinh axil
isocamphor Isocampho, Isopinolon, Iricorba'Cylic Krebs Irong vi khlllln vd Illl.Te
C 10 H ,S O v(il}
isocarb dU'ang dang (ham iU'(Yng) cacbon isoclasite isoclasit, Ca2(P04XOH).2H20
(du&ng tren ban do not eric diem dong (klwting v{il mati trdng ch,rn canx;
ham IUr;Yng cac /xm lien klfl Irong Ilwn dti) phosphal bnza nf{(1.m mrac, d{lng linll Ih?
isocetyl Jaurate Isoxctyl 1 ~lur;at,
nho hope cllJng CQI)

Cl1H23COOC'S1-133 (chlft long c6 dna, de isocolloid d~ng keo

chny, tnn trong ph'lin Ian dung mni Iui'll isoconcentration dAng nang d0 (cric girl
cO', d(mg tronK my pham l'a du'(yc plltim Ir{ nang cI(j khimg dol)
wt nlllr chffl deo hoa wi chill Mm mcm wii) isoconcentration map btm do dang 110ng
isoc:hor dLrCrng dting tich, X isochorc d() (b(;n c/o
hOff(' sO' do nong d {j ("Ita h¢
isochore dLrang dling tfch (do Ihi cho Ilufy long lWQe klti .\"0 vui m(lt thanh phon rluy
s(r bien th;en Clio d(l; lu(Yng nay lbeo c1(Ji nhifl Clm hr, clu{yc chi rn hdng coc dlrlynx
lUQ"ng klufc, nlur sl.r bien Ihien etta tip .'wilt vien dilng nOnK d(j)
theo nhi~t di), khl tit? tich clin chal du{Yc isocrackate L<;ocmckat (.'Orin pltam lonK Clin
glii' khong (Iol, con g(li Iii isochor, qua trinh dilng crack/nh)
iSometric) isocracking qua trinh d~ng crakinh ,
isochoric It dling lich (x dy ra mn khong co isocrackinh (quo Irinh hydro craki"''' bien
s(r Ihay clai lh~ I{clt, con gOI Iii i<;ovolumic) hydrocacbnn Ihanh ctk .w in pflam diem soi
isochoric process qua trlnh dting tich (qllfi (lu1p. co Ki{j Irl 110"1'1 , 1I00;u d(mg (T nllifl clij
lrinh xdy rn Ina khong Ihay (tOi lite I{ch) l'a rip ,\"Iuf, IIi"fYn/.: doi Illlr" \'(j-i "'.1" ('6 miJI
559 isoelectronic

hydro vd eMI xUc Ide) c hdt c lri e l, hr;rp c h a t liim s(lch , du(Yc
Ilocyan (gae) lsoxyanat , O :C:N .R phlhn. I hw5c Iri,. sllu va c hdl dea h oa)
I.ocyanate l sox yanat (m ,;; , c hlft Ir o n g isodesmlc structure c.:;u truc d Ang cU'Crng
nlr6m cdc chltt dtfn xudt trung finh ella do (cdu In k tlnh th ~ Ion tro ng d d tilt cd
cdc amln b(1c nhdt. cOng IhrC'C" c ,ia n o li2 c ac I U n ket d e ll ciing c tra ng d (j. do (t d
R;N = C = 0, Irong d o R co Ihe lit alkyl kh6 n g lIinh t1u}nh cdc nha m nguyen I.r
hole nh6m aryl, vi d 1.l 2 , 4 - toLlI e n phon blf/ )
dlLsar:yanate; h (),p chat bdl ky ("/"t-a nh6 m isodimorphism h U~ n t U'Q"n g dong nhl hinh
Mu-C tsaryanato) isodisperse It phan ta n d Ang ca; kha phan
Ilocyanate resin nhl,l'a Isoxyanat (nhl,ra tlin d ang pH (chi eric h(ll cO' h(ll k eo phlln
alkyl m(lch thc1ng du?c k eo d iU ra bUi f tin d eu clIng k feh ,h,reTe; khd phlin tan
phdn ti'ng v6i lsaxyanal, sau do dlr(TC Xli" (rong cdc dung dlcll val di.n g Ir; si5 pH)
i;vol glycol h o(lc dinmin lie n de ke' isodos e curve dlTc:Yng con g dAng lie u Iuvng
ngQIIg tn{Jch phdn ",.. c6 /;nh chong , " I'll (du&ng " t! Iren blEu d ~ ve m (it v(U n c1{ ItTt
mM eno ) c d eric tli?m nh(in nh."i'nK lieu IU(Tn g btrc
Isocyanato group nhom isoxyamun (nh6m x (I nhu nlulIl)
chlte -N = C - 0 ' (10 n e n erk i .\'oxyrutaf isodulcitol I so dul xilo l (con g~l I ii
fhay the n g uy e n It;- h y dr o C lin rhamnose)
Irjdrocacbon) isodynamic dling d {ln g !I,re (c hi ,..,.r blJn g
IlOcyanic acid ax il lsoxyanic, HN =C=O nhau crin hal h o(fc nlli e u h ,r c h o(l(': St.l'
(m~ Irong hai dQng ella axil xynn/c, drifl kh6 n/( d o l c lin m Ol It.r c)
4JT{ dlr(7c drmg nllu chdt (rtmg g inn Ir o ng isoele c l.C"ic /I dfmg dien (clti tll,;n lit e kltong
tUtU che po/yare/an va nhil-I1K nlll.ra kluic) dol)
Isocyanide Isxyanua (h (Yp c h a l l'C.h cong isoelectric focusing st,r d'-eu {l e u dAng
IhUe chung RN e C tro n g cld hydro Clio dien (ky Iltll(il uk" protein Iro n K d o h o"
hydrocacbon du<-,c thay th i! belng 1'111 6", h (Yp clic pillin IIi· protein dU·(Tc Iliclt tlui nh
-Ne C ) Clic tlul nll ph(,UI Clio m) nlu7 ItiC dt.IHg (li~1I
Isocyanine Isoxya nln (tha nc nlw (nn wr; IrIrunK I cn hAn h (Tp IranK /(el mnng en
clu ,rlic ed hal vong kh(k nllllll /ro{i c g rmli en p /-I xnc (/ in/l t"rae. con gpi Iii
quinolln n ol val nhn u ba l m p l s6 I e m(lc /r e lcclrorocu sing)
"fuyEn Ilr cacbon c/Il'i'a cric lie n kef kep isoelectric point diem di\ng dien ( ,r( .\·6
bi n hr;rp, v{ d{l phlim xanh xyanin) pH c .in m ol ,nr&nK pllan Ilin Ih e htt)'en
I.ocyanuric acid axil l sox yanurl c, x pili) ken 1(11 do c d c "(1t ken k"i'mg dilly en
fumlnurlc acid d tjng Irong dien Irtrang)
Isocyclic /I d t mg: v 6 ng (co .<;0 q mh btfng i s oelec tric precipitation S,! k ctlu a <.U\ n g
IIhml ) d lt; n (.n.r kif' Ilia clia cdc clU11 ri- diem dilng
Isocyclic compound h(Tp c hal d o ng vt'mg di~" (Ir( yf) pH t(li cia l o n g dl~n I/dl &
(hVp clllf, m c} (:(111 Irtk vOng Iro n g d o 1..·(1" m (jl phlln If;' lI"on K cltm!: (Iic ll 1,,} n K zero,
thdnh tfr m (jl 10(/1 nguyen IIi) prorein d n n g 1(1 lil, nllift cr di~m miy)
il odecyl chloride i sod ex y I c loru~l . isoelectronic d An g d i¢ n Ill' (lie n qunn uN
C, OH 2t CI (clull lring kh 6ng milU s(jl CY cnc n g uyen IIr co c .)ng so eleclro n bi!n
lIO,60 C: dt)ng nlllr clung m ol vn fr o n g coc IIgorii h(ll nhlin n}{uyen ffr )

isoelectronic principe nguyen 1y dflng isohydric cJ~ng nong dQ proton (('hi'.

dlen to- (qunn nlfm Iheo ll6 Cal' pllan "r co h9'P ctic flun,:! djclt l'6'i Cling nang ~ III
Cling so eleclron \'() Cling so n[:u)'en IIi'. mil hy(lro \'(1 klt i'jnJ,: dnlt luurng Ilh ll9 dr
cdc klloi lu(yng ngllyen Ilr lun han so l'cr; di,;n ('Iln ,,'rng dung dlc" dem han J/{Tp)
hydro. c6 XII Jurang cn CllU Ink ltifn Iii' isohydric solution dung djch dtmg nlq
luang I~r. tfn" chnt hOO Irj hpc IIl"(rng 1I.l' d (l proton
w) cd'" hinll nguyen n'r mJng) isohydrocarbon isohydrnc..'lchon
isoelectronic sequence day dimg dien to- isoionic point dicm.dc\ng ion
(I(ip h{J'p cnc phD 1(10 rn blh ctic nguyen
isokinetic relationship quan he diD,
10 hoo h(Jc klrnc nJum hI ion Iroa :mo clw
dong (quan h~ Kifi'a e nlnlpy wj entrap,
cdc nguyen IIi' hock ton clia eh/ing dura
kfclt hOl;1l clin mpi 10(11 pJuln Irng ('0 IJf.
Cling so eleclron)
isoentropic process qua tdnh dfing isnkinetic temperature nhl¢1 dO dAn,
tf(mg (nltitll tlO 111l,i'(' ltO(k do ' (Ii lto tj It
isoenzyme isocnzym (mt;51 IronK ctic d(mg Clin It'll ca ctic Ihimh vb:n ('fin tilly C'OC pJ»,
difn eli phiin bifl clia ,"(')1 enzym, bi;;u Ih! Irng CO lien qflfm Iii nllfr nhnu)
ctic Ir(lng ·,hrif polyln/! killic nlulll nllung
isolate tach ricng, Ctl l{lp (ukh rerj Itaj phlt
co Cling ciut'e ntTng, con gpl /t) Isozym~) (,Ii(l m QI It,; x ,i" '>'
nh a hf thonK mn, dillt
isoeugenol Isoeugenol, C 10 1-I 12 0 2 (cllIll nltlr bi(}n p htip nn l onn franK kill Wo
/dng co dUll tHell ehiI IIi' eugenol btlng cdell cilt'ri'ng \'(1 ," ,i'a ell/i.'a 110(1(' d~ tal dtM
dun nong, Ian r, Irong nturc, lbing Irong IflUYllg t1im~ c!ray Xli- I); ; Imnl: ltrill U
stln xlUll vanilin) nj{lil m(J1 lfJ(1clt hock m (j l pltan ,/tlf,,.
isonavone isoflavon. C151-11002 (kelon ki!i kho; he cling enp dien)
linh , khong Inlm, c6 Ironl: nll'e" 1III.I'e l '(il, isolated (da) tach ricng, (dfi) cli l{ip
no; chung dual d(tng cluf, lhin xui;',
isolated system h~ 1.:6 Il)p (n)n ~~ll;
hydroxy) closed syslcm)
isoflurophate isoflurophm. (CHahCI-IOI2 isolating (SI!) ti.lch ricng, (sl.,r) cil I~r
P(O)F (chal long (10 rn fL'l:iI f loltyclric kit;
isolation Sl,l' each Iy, SI.,I' lilch ricng, sl,I'Ctilip
co nlrac, tiiing nhtr IJIlU}C Ifie cI(jnK kilJu
(.\'1,1" I fklt m(jl h6a cllfft linlt khle'l klll)J".
chafin trong ('lie l>4nlt m(tl ngu'iTi \'(1 ifIllI'
h~rp cllftl ho(k ItOIl h9'p. nlllr /rtlng III
IlllIik co llong Ill- a clOlZg qj()
cJurn}: ("(rl, j" ,r kel Ilia h oCk ,,"Il Mfp 11aJ)
isoforming Jsofominh (quri Irinlt linlt c/u"r
isuhmcine isnleuxin, (:e1-11302 (axit_
dau md Irong do nap/lIll ole/ill tie l' Xllc
Inol1ocarboxylic c:llli yell co /fnnK ph),
\'tii chl{1 xlk ltic aLll/nin c:Y nhi~( cll) ('(10 l'(1
l6'n ('llc proleill '''~t"C che)
tip sunl Illifp cit: 1(10 ra cdc i,Hune ('hi ,\,()
iso.ug ch~1 dlmg cflu
aclan cao lur n)
isolugous series day dong diU
isohexane isohcxan. C ell,. (h Im h (TP !rillg
Clin cac hytlrocllcbon d o ng I'luin, de cluiy isologue c h~1 d(lng diu
l'a tie no, kh6ng Ian frong ntl'f~C, 'all ,rons isomer chilt dong phan , chat dong phAn4
phnn Ian dung moi JUI'It CO", ,wi; lj' 5.J..61 0 (', diu, isome (mi)t Ironj.l Iwi /w(lC' nhii/I W.
tiling nlrtr dung moi cJIIII klti'ing clti!" diem cJui'1 co ClinK Iltanh phnn pilan ,,1.
s6i) nguyen It; wi ('linK phiin IIr fU(TnK lin""
561 isomorphism
khtic v~ cd" ITlIe. ~Ia do lid ve finh ch lfl . isomerized (da) d o ng pha.n h 6a
rO nJlflu erich Ih~ hl f n nhil'ng kluic nlm" isomeromorphism h~n Iln,Yng d o ng phan
v~ cdu Ini.c , v i l iV nh,r cdc 1"7 P c /lffl hinh
n·bllian C H 3 (CH a)2CII 3 va [sohll/an isomery hlen tll'Q"ng d ong philn
CH 3CH (CI-f 3)2; fra ng v(il Ij 11(1/ nlrdn. /hi
isometric It dAns tfeh, dting CI,/', x iSochore
d6 ld mQI ,ro ng hni Iw('lc nh{i!ll nl~ clil co
isometric line . dU"emg dang tfeh
ClUtg klr15lll1'(Tng so va C1U1g nguyen
s6 IIr
Mung Ion 1(11 frong nh{rng klwnng ,hin
isometric process quti Irinh dAng lich
(qua Irlnh nh'f f d(Jng ll.rc kh6ng Ina sal,
rJan do dU(Tc U nhFl'l1g Ir(U1g ,htil 11I'(Yng
Ihe lich khong dol, Irong d o h ~ bl giant
Ilf kJufc nhml val nt1ng 1ll't;Yng \'0 /(nh clttt,
Irong cdc bien cli'ng cO' h ()C)
phOng X(l khne nhau. con gpi liJ nuc lcm
5oo1er) isometrics dU'Ong dAng Ifeh
Isomerase lsomeraza (enzym Xlk lac cdc isometric system h(: dang CII', he I ~ p
phdn Ii-ng d ong phan h oo) phU"cyog (hf linh Ih? fr ong cia cac d(lng
dlrt;Ye Iham chlcn ve ba IrI.t e bhng n}wll,
Isomeric /I (Ihu¢c) dong phfln , dong pha n
dj tau . v u ong g(k ,",ji nh"", con g(J1 la cubic
IlOmeric shift djch chuyen dong phan
isumolecule phao Ill' m9ch ph.:'in nMoh, x
(dlch clmyen Ir o ng c(Jng Ill{'(:rng M o.'.... h(l(ll!r
nonl inear molecu le
f4y ro bUllri e dl.U1 g Clin luSa Ir; Clio 11!(lIyen
nf lUi tlrung Ide ella m(il tlQ eLeclron a "(11 isomorph khoang V~I d o ng hinh, x
i~)morphic mineral
nhtln l'ul difn t'-clt 11(11 nhiin. con Kpl It)
chemical s hift) isomorphic II ,lonK ""nh
I.o.. eric structure cffu Ink dong phan isomnrphic mineral khm'in g v~t d~ng
Isomeric transition SI,/' chuycn d o ng phiin hinh (IUli h o(lc n""-e ll h (yp ehlfl kh odng ket
(II! dllly?n ph6ng x (I Iii' /some h(11 nluill lin" cn Ihan" phnn " o a h()c k}uk nlwil
My tui Isome h(ll nlliin kllrh-' nang Itr(TIIg nhung elf ll· Irlic gionK nlwlI, nlur 10(11
Ihlp hu n) Kl"anat ho(1c nhom f el .vpal)
Isomeride chat d('lng phftn isolnorphism hl¢ n tU"(,Yng <long hi nh (dlell
Isomerism hien t LI'(yng dong phfm ( fr ong klf n xdy ra khl mQf Ion val d(j pho {oilng
sinh hpc Iii (UeU klf n co hal ho(1c n"{ell b() cno ,lut7c "".1' Ilu'inh 1(10 linh th? lu1n h(yp
ph(Jn co Ihe so sanll clut;Yc elf" Ihimll Ii,· dun w'io m61 c"dl kel Ilin elto di; lit khong
m~ so d"Ong nhlfl cric clo(ln IIrO'n8 IV·: 11r? lien {loan du(yc st.r thanh 1(10 n}ur Ihe
Irong hoo h/~n
IIr{Yn g m (}1 .w'J IItJ'p
hpc lit Iren cO' .w>- eric ban kinh lin" Ill ? h()C' va
dldt h6a hpc, co cau Inic kluic n/tntl m(le {on, vi ( iI.1 ~'cY{ kllli
nlur st.r d ?>ng kef Ilill ch,-
d/)ctic h t7p c/,dt co Cl)ng Ilui"" phon dOrlw); Ifnh d(jng hinh (Iinh clutt hO(1c
"turin 10 nl"r nlrall; Iron}.: \'Cil Iy h(11 nll(;n Ir(mg Ihrii dong nlurf h o(Jc "r(r n g It.r v?
III SI.' X'I/{I Iri~n eric isome h(ll nlllin) IIlnh d(lng It or.7c cr1"11 !rlle, nlur giii'n cac·
homer.bate d u ng phftn hll.:'l sinh ~'QI do .v/.r IIt:;i It.~ pheil ,ricn, Iw{lc cae

isomerization Sl,r dlJng phflO h6"1 (qlUf d(lng kil"t lillil tl"),,h fJII"lin IlfO'IIK I~r) ; phcp
rrlnil JrJ(jI hp.p clufl hli! n (Inl Ihanh isome, d Ang dIU (Iulm m{1t-m(jt c ,in m (il crTu Irlte
r; dr., bien bulan Iluinll b·o/mum) d(li si"i (",. d'.l.. nhrim., vCmg. mOl'lun. khong
gian veclcr) lin cau/r,ic kluic ciing IOfl; mn
Isomerization heat nhiet dong phan hoa

.. . TO H6A HOC AN

win gltl' dur;rc flfl cd cdc quan hf d(li so, ch/u. solO-28°C, tan frang dnlt, tie"
ham ngll"{J'c ella no bien dien Ilr(J'ng 'fl') hydrncncbon, klu5ng 1011 fr ong mt(jt, dWc
isomorphous II dong hinh nlllr dtlng mol va lion chlfl Imng ginn, caa
g91 iii 2 -mclhylbutanc)
isomorphous mixture hon hQ'p dong
hinh isopentanizing (SI,r) them isopentan, (Sf)
isoniazid isonlazit, C e H7 N0 2 (Ilmoc dllng lsopentan h6a
nhlr c hill kim ITI.rc klwf1n Ina, con !!pi Iii isopentanoic acid axil IsopcntanolC,
isonicotinic acid hydrazide) C.HgCCXJI-I (chat long kh6ng mittl, dt4!
dlr{>,c. soi (Y 183,2°C, tiling de sdn .rull
isonicotinic acid axil Isonic o tinlc ,
chI{ I tIeo hOO, dtr{>'c p/u';m \'(} clU11 hOi!rtm
CeH5N02 (vien ho(1c b{)t mnll trllng, tan
il Irong nlrac. Ihdng hoa a 260 o C . (Uing long h9'P)
trang sdn xuill hydrazit m:it honicOlinic isopentyl (g6c) Is opcnly!,
(Izonfazld), mQI chilt chong lao) (CI-I3)2CI-I.C I-12CI-I2 -
isonicotinic acid hydrazide hydraz il ax il isopentyl unit d()" n vi L'mpemyl; x ~
L'iOnicotinic, x isoniazid unit
isonitrile isonilril , ca rhilamin , alkyl isophoronc isopho ro n, CCX:I'IQCI-I 3 )CH,-
isoxyanua, R.NC C(C l-l a )2 CI-I 2 (chI{ I l o n g mall trdng nlnn.
sol 6- 215°C, (Wng nhtr d"ng mot chostm
isonitrosoaxelophenon. C 8 H7 N02 (tlnlr Ihe l'a crie nhl.l'n p o lyvinyl \'11 nilroxenildOlfll
d(lng lifm , nong chdy a 126-128°C, Ian isophthalic acid axit Iso pl alle,
Irong kiem va cacbonal k{iJm. dflng (te C s I-I .. (COOI-I)2 (Ii-nil Ih~ khiin g mOM,
phal hlt;n Ion silt (II) w) pnlndi) lilting hO(l a 345°C, Inn il Irong mat e, 'IJI
IranK con vn axil axelic, dllng nhlt eM,
isooctane ISOO C I n n . (CHahCHCH2C-
(XH a )2 (ch(r, IOOg khong mflll de cilliy, Irun g giun eltn nlll.ra polye,f lt v.

sol a 99 0 (": , Ian /1 Irong con va ele. kllong p nlyurewn Vli nlllr eltii"t d eo )UXI_~ cOn Ipi
Ian Irong nll'ac, riling Irong nlticn li i/ft , la m e ta-phthalic acid)
dQng cO' w) nhu: hun chlfl Irt.ing glan) isnpiestic II dang tip (clti rip .fltift Mllf
isooctyl alcohol rLrQ'u isoo e lY! , n/101l Iwoe khong dBi)

~H1~CH20H (hon h{>,p cdc i.\·om e Ill' isopolymolybdate isopo ly molypdal (lttp
ll3ng IUTP qua Irinh oxn, sot ct 182-195°C, cdc hVp dUll 1(10 n e n bling a't:iI 1100 dultf
dt'tng nhtr 1100 chlif frung ginn, dung m iJi diell molypdnl 1I000e IrOnl: m 91 so tntc)",
nlu,ra, chat nha. !JOO va elral chV"ng 1(10 b{Jt) hqp nha nanE( crie molypdal binI! thtrim,)
isoosmotic solution dung dleh dnng isopulytungstatei:mpolyvonframm (hqp
tn.rO'ng, dung djch dting tham tha"u chifl I(ln Ihimh /lh a nf{lrng I I.' cac IUJP cM.
isoparaffin isopnrafin (m.Q1 bte n Ihe m{felt wmJ nunal, /lura nf! chin Ihanh m eltfl¥'Jtl/tmd
nluinh Cfin hydrocnchon no m (l c h Illling NU 6 W 12 0 .. 0 .\: / '/ 2 ° l ' a p arm/IJ1 g .~1a1 1I1w
(binh iluro-ng), l,r (Il.l is ooc /an lIo(i e Nn ,O W ,2 0", x H 2 0)
2.2.4-lrlmelyl penton (Cl-l a hCsH 9 Irl isopotential level mlrc dltng the (coog{i
bien Ihe m(l.c/r nltanh elln n-O C lnn hi potentiomelric surrace)
ell a(ClI 2)6 CH a) isoprene iS~pren , CsHe (d/olef in liillll{lp,
isopentane lsopentan , CI-l a CI-IC t-I 3 CI-l 2 Ct-I 3 In chif! long khong mall, linh {I(JIIK sOl 6
(chili long khong ;nall de ciUly, co mill (I/! 34,l°C, khang Inn Irong ntrr'k , WI! 110IIf
563 isopropyl phenyl
con va ele, polyme h o a de dang de 1(10 ya a 82,4 ° C, Inn Irong mr6'c, el e Vii el anol .
cac dim e va HIIl.ra e[(u tome phon Itr "'(Tng dl'mg Irang sdn x u fft axelOn wi c/url dlin
cao) x/uri n;a n o , glyxerol va nJ"r dung m oL
isoprene alcohol n.¥O'u Isorren , con g(Ji Id isopropanol)
CH.:C{CH,).CH:CHOH isopropylamine Isopropylamin,
isoprene rubber cao su isopren t C Hah C HNHz (chat long kh ong mim, <i.e
isoprene unit dCYll vi lsoprcn (dun vi dill bay h uI, sol u 32,4°C, cUmg nhlr dung m of
Ink ntIln cacbon d{1c Irlrng c h o cac t erpen, va Irong stin xual duQ'c phlim. Ihu DC
con g(J1 Ltl lsopentyl unit) nhuQm va IhuDC Iril' stil l, Ihu6e Irll' klliUln,
isoprenoid isoprenoit, x terpene con gQi ta 2..aminopropane)
isopropaline is o propalin, C '5Hz3NaO ..
(chifl LOng mfm do cam tan h(Ul ch i! frong
anilino) propionate is o pr opy 1-2 -
mro-c, dii.ng nhtr IllIloc Irk co tru (k de
(N -be n zoy l-3 -clo - 4-f1oanilinn) propionat ,
kh o ng chI! co vii cd ld r(mg a
(!!une fd) C19 Hlg 0 3NC IF (tinlt Ih e milll tNttll{ nluJ.
isopropanol Is o propan o l , x isop r o p yl
sc)i a56-.'po C. tliinl{ nJuf thw? c Ir (l' c d
iSOIJropyl 4,4 ' -dibromobenzilate
isopropanol amine isap ro pa n () I ami n ,
isopropyl 4,4' -dlb rom obenzi lal ,
C H 3 C H(OI-l)C H z NH 2 (clUlf Idn g c:hdy
C17 I-118 0 3I3r2 (cluff ,.,1" mati pll6-t neiu.
dtr(7 c c6 m,,' amon i ac nll t; l'a ,\'6 ; d'
n on/( cluiy 0- 770 (." Inn n.5 p/1an Iriijn Irong
J59,90 C. tan Irong mro-c, citing nflu clulf
nuac (Y 200C, chifl tI;~, ve, bel )
nlui IIro-ng hOO vn xii pho ng /fl)' kilo. clU11
isopropyl 4.4'-dichlorobenzilnte
lo(li sap, my phlim, cl uff cleo /10(1 WI fhllfk
isopr o pyl 4.4'-diclohcnzilat, (:171-1'6 03C12
Irlr sail)
(b¢l m illl /rdn~ nonK cluiy a 70-72°(, /(In
isopropenyJ acetate Isoprupeny l ax cla l , 10 pI/an Iriiju Ir(}n!; flfl'a-C. diing nIl//' cliff'
C H a C02 C(CH a ) = C H 2 (ciUII Idng .w3i ()' d;~1 \'e, bet)
97°C, cUmg ele axy l IIl)a eric enol li e m
isopropyl ether etc i.·>opropyl , «(;1--1 3 )2 C I-IO-
C H (CI-Iah (chill lonK kh6"K In(ill, tie
2-isopropoxyphenyl N-methylcarbamate cluiy, tan Irong H/ I'fTC. t'" mil; elc, .HJi a
2 -I so prop ox y ph e n y I N -mclylcarnamat, 6 8°C, dl~ng nJul' dIm/{ fm i ; wi c/1(1 t chi/! (.
C"H1!50aN (ch it' rc'in kluJng mati. nong c/ul' diy ,\'()'n va veen'-, wi IranK ('tic ccJng
chdy a
91°C dlmg nlllr IJl1 lfic Irk g inn, IJurc 1(10 d vm. cc)n !((Ji In Uil<;opropyl et her)
rlloi. muoi) N-4-isopropylphenyl.N'. N'.dimenthylul"t!a
isopropyl (gi5c) ""propyl. (CH,).CH (giic N -4-isopropylphcnyl- N '. N ' -d im e l)' lur ~
ni' isoprophnn. vi cil.' n o x/I(l, hi~n fr o ng (Cl-lahCHCsH4NI-I- CON(Cll a )2 (dui'l
nrq u isopropy l (C H 3)2CJ-I OH) r tfn k if, linl! . n o n!! cluJy CT / 51-153° C, fan
isopropyl acetate isopropyl axcla.l , I lO phon Irjell (rong H/a)'c. ciling "llft cluf'
CH 3 C(X)CI-I (CI-I 3 )2 (clu1f IcJng fh am. ,rt'r cr) cho !tia )
khOng mall. soi a
89. 4 °C, dt'mf( nltll' duiW orlho-isopropylphe nyl·methylcarbmatc
m o l va clIO sa'n l 'a m~l'c in ) orrho-isopropy lphc nyl-n1ClylC<l rhamat , ( :'11-115-
isopropyl alcohol rlT q u i so propyl , 02N (clrifl ke' linlr milll IranK, n onK cluiy
(CHa)2CHOI-I (cllffl long khi'mg mlw, ,w); r+ 118-89°C. dling nllll' {IIIU)C I nl' ,WIl l cl/O
Isoproterenol 564

lUll, cacao, con g()i ld MIPC) isosterism hi~n lU'Q'ng dttng cau di~n llr (St.'
isoproterenol isoproterenol, C1 ,H 17 NOa ttrung lI,r c/;a cac Ifnh chat VQt Iy et'w cac
(amin lac dl;lng giong .hon kinh ginn edm ion, }u;rp chat ho(tc nguyen 10 do elf" Ink
dl'm.g nhrr chltt giiin phe qwin) electron dong nhal hcx}c trtung 11,1')
isopulegol Isopulegol, C":'OH'TOH (rrr{1'11 isostructural It dong dIU (chi crie V(1t li~u
ddn xulft til' terpen nhu chltl lOng mall kel tinh ea cac vi Ir; nguyen ttl- IIrung reng
trt1ng nuo-c, c6 mul b(lC' ha. dimg d~ san va co x II lIu6'ng the ion m(lnh)
Xildt nU'o-c hoa) isosynthesis S\l long hl,Yp d i cllu (qua Irinh
isoqulnoline Isoqulnolin, CeH. CHNCHCH cac han h(yp hydro vil ctlcbon monoxil
(chltt long khong mall, s6l d- 243°C, Ian phdn Irng qlln chat Xlk lac thor; axil (doi
trong phan lan d.Ulg mol hfm cava axit kh; han hqp val cac chal bO sung) de 1(10
khodng IOOng. klJong tan Irong muyc. dan ra eric hycfrocachon phiin nJllinl!)
Xltltt tll' nhr,ra than dd ho(ic long h{}'p isotachophoresis phcp di~ n di dang IOc
d,t{1'c_) (m91 bien the clin pilip ctitJn cit Irong eta
isosafrole isosafrol, C,o H'002 (Chill long cck 10(li inn dic" cllu}'en Wy; toe tI(j nhlr
c6 min qrui city, soi d- 2.UoC d'-mg de eM! nhall khi co di~n lru'&ng)
nrrac hoa va huang U?Il) isotactic isolaclic, d ting cau (chi eric polyme
isoschizomer Isoschizome (m91 trong hai ki!1 IInh trong do cae nhom Ihi! 0- cae
ho(lc nh/ell endonucieaz(l h(ln che von ng llyen Ilr cae'bon khong do' X/I'lIg co
phlin ct1t phlin II;' axit deoxyribonucleic a ('all hillll (cllll' khong p }uii call h i n" ngall
cilng m¢1vi Irf) nhien) so vai m(lell chfnh )
isostatic compacting SI! nen dang tInh isotactic polymer polymc isotaclic
(frong /UYfn kim bQt. Irong do ap Siurt Iii' isotherm dl.n'yng diing nhi~1 (Irong dia l'tjl
chltt kM ho(lc chltt lOng dp lie"
vila bQl Iy Iii (Ilrang Iren ban cia nc>; tift C(i cac
kim 1000i chl.l'a Irong khllon mem) diem ciing Ilhi~1 eli) ho(ic nllif} t dl) khong
isostatics dU'Crng dang linh; dU'o-ng frng dfJi; trong nhi~ 1 dong h(>C iii clu'o'ng cong
suift, qUy d~o u-ng suat (frong cdc nghien ho(1c cong t/llrc eho bie l ql«1ft IIf gill'll hoi
Clrll qUMg dan hoi plldn r(ch lrng sllat lil bien, nhlr rip :mal vellh e liell, khi nhi4t d{5
nhlrng dlUyng cong ma liep lIlyen crill drrqc gill' khfmg ctai, con g{Ji iii isothermal)
chling bien dai lien dan Irong cdc Itll'lhlg isothermal II dling nhiel (n) nhi el do
,"(II phJng chinh , con g(>i Iii SIrC~s khong dfJi, a nhi~1 d(j kh()ng dOi); dUlrng

trajectories, stress lines) d~ng nhi~l , x isotherm

isostatic surface be m~t dttng tinh (he isothermal annealing S I)' U dt.ng nhie t (S I,(

m(il Irong v{J1 dan hoi ba c.:htell sao dlO l(li bien dol flHf p aus lenit tlliinh lerll wi
m~i di~m Clla be m(lt mfll lrong cac m(lt penrlit 0- nil;?! eli? kh ong dOi. COil g(Ji h)

phdng chinh ella I,.ng suitt l(li (liem do dell isothermal transformation)
Iidp Iuydn vui lie m(ll) isothermal change qua trinh dang nhit;:t
isosteric " dAng diU di~n Ilr (chi cae dIU isothermal compression $l,I' ncn dang
Irlic difn tl;' t,rO'ng III Irang cae ho-p chifl nhic;!l (sl.r nen 0- nhlfl cti)ng khfm~ cloi)
hoo hpc); dAng tich rlcng (chi tire t(ch ricng isothermal equilibrium tnlOg the'11 d m
Mng nhau ho(fe khong ,10; trong Ih&i gian bhng dling nhi~1 (Ir(lftg IMI khl qliy en flghi.
ho(1c khOng g ian) khong hi finh IIlro-ng bo-i lac n/usn ben
565 isotopic

ngcxli, Irong d o SI.t dan nhiCI ,(.,. pkltn n ay isotonic solution dung dlch d Ang lrU'O'ng
l ui phan kh ne sau m QI khodng lIuy; ginn is otope cha t d o ng v i (mQI Iron.g Iwi h o(le
d li Mil dA n 16 1 nhif l d Q de"
Iron g l oan nhieu ng uy en Iti" co ciing nguyen Ifi" so
kil o i kit! quy en ' con gCI i ll con ductive nhung kho l IIrt;Yng so kha e nhnu )
equilibrium ); SI.,r cfl n bhng d Ang nhic;t (dfell isotope-dllutlon analys is 51! ph a n lich
klt n Iro n g eta
h al ho{fc nhli u Cling he a pha loong do ng vi (m91 bie n Ih ~ clla ph i p
nh if/ d (j n en g iir u clllmg k h tJng co d Ong phfin lieh sile k j gidy. d ong vi pho ng X(J
nhtel ) d anh dlfu crlng 10fl1 nh,r ehlft dir(Tc dlnh.
isotherm a l expan s ion Sl,I' glan nCr d Ang lu(Yng dU"(Tc Ihem .,do dung dleh, ,'i(Ul d o
nhl~ t (s r.t g i lln n u c ll a m (Jt c/ur, Iro ng klrl dU(7f.' ph fln tfel, clinll Itl'Q"ng ,hOng qllLl d o
nhif / d Q ella n o dut;'C' ghr k ho ng d ai) (19 p ho ng xo)
i s otherma l now don g d an g " h ie l (dOng isotope effect hii; u frog do ng vi (I dc d l.m g
cll d , khr Ir on g d o n/l/'; l c1¢ kluJn g tlra), Clla hlljll khol it l'(Tng gltra cdc dong vi c ling
d(jl) ng uyen to etol vul cac Ifnh chlfl vell Ii va
is othermal process q ua Iri nh dfing "h let Iroo Irpc phi h (ll nhiin , n/ur 10C d (j phdn
(qua Iri nh nhict d fJ k h 6 ng tin; brll kyo nhu Irng , h O(Ic vi Irf elin M ng , ella cdc phdn
g i dn n O- /roeIc .'it.r mI n ell a l kh l. dlen r n
SI.( Ir n g h 6a"pc lien . quan leY! d o ng vi,· )'1.1' bien
nh& bO Sllng h o(1(' Lo(li IW nhi~1 k ilo; h e Ih ien cdc nhlf' d6 dllly?n lIep ell a cdc
tho n g val IDe d (J " "1'0 Ihicl! h (yp It ? dlly Ir; d ?Jng vi elln nguye n 10 s tell fi ef" Ij I i
nll tfl d ¢ kh6ng d a l ) n g h lch wy l can b(k h al CliG kll o l itrQ'n g
is othermal transformation 51! u d an g n g uye n "i')
nh l¢t , x Isotherma l a nnea ling; SI! h len d C'J i isotope-exchange r e action ph il " ling
d lin g nhlc; t (sl.r bie n d o l bO I k y C I; (I m (il t rao dol d o ng vi (plu /II Irllg h OcI h pc Irao
ell o l xdy r (l q nll U; t cI(1 k ho nJ,: etai) dO; cac 1I/{Il)'CII IIi" el i(l ng uycn 10 n an etO
isothermal treatment xU- Iy d Ang nh ~t
Sl,f g Ura hn t h o'eTc nh ;?11 tieing " 0(1 h <.>c.' n ;a
(sl.r x lr Iy nh let cac k im 10(11 cY nhiel d Q n g uye n 10 d o, ca c ng llyii ll IIi" cl dem g n ay
k h6ng d /jj ) Ctll'(7C danh d a ll ba n ;.: d o n g vi ~.." o c h o
isothiocya n a te Iso lhloxyaMH (II (Tp ch ffl phlln biil ctll'(TC cluing vai cdc ng llyen Ilr
1001 R - N =C = S. I ron g d o R cn I II ? I ii q dong kh ac)
al ky l h o(fe nh6m ary l. \'I' cI", It} d a ll m i' l oc, isotopic carrier cha t nlCi Og a lmg v i (c:h d l

can g(>i iii su l focar blmide) k h de vui vi IU(Tnf{ nc; mang chi a Ihdn h
is otone nguy en 10 do ng n01 ron (m 61 Irong ph?1n dong "f)
'" 9 1 so nuclll co d ing so nalru n fron g h {11 isotopic element n guye n to d o n g vi
nh tln ell a ell/in g nJllr n g cd .\"n p rol o n kJuic (n g uyen 10 cd n h leu don g " I X/Utl hlf "
nhtN/ ) Iro ng 'l.r nhlen )
i s otonic II dAng tnJ'cyng «("(5 ,\'I h' cflng eteu, isotopic enri c hment SI! la m ;Gi:,u d b ng vi
nhlr cdc st;Y1 cO' co; chi clung d l ch co ciing (qua Irinh 'hay d ol d (1 nll{ell III'O'IIK {tiSl ('lUI
ap sud t Ihlim thnu nJllr plUl long Clln m (if d Ong v( ClUJ n g uyen 10 n nn d o Iro ng m 91
Ie baa h o(le m 6) M, d o d o I{lO r a d(Utg ng uyen 10 g lil" cT
i s otonic s odium chloride solution m Ol (t o ng vi r ien g)
dun g dlc h o a trl c l o ru a d An g II'"lJ' cyng. x isotopic exchange 811' traa d bl d o n g v i
no rmal saline (qua trinh h ai ng uyen IIi- thu(Jc eac clonK
i sot o pi c 566
vt kh ric nhall cr4a cim g m Ol ng uyen 10 Irao v( dl.l nIl/I 6- bcnzen )
d o l cric Ir(lng Ihdl h o(fc vi Ir{ h 6 a I r i 6- i sov!' le nt h y p e r co nju ga Uon s i e u k e l
d m g phlin II;' h o(fc cac phlin /l;' kll ric nltall ) hop d ang h6a lr! (call Ink cri a cdc lien k ef
i so t o p ic i ndi c ator cha t chi thl dun g d o ng frong phlin Ili' s;eu IU n h Q'p sa o clio so
v i, d o ng v i d an h d au, x isoto pic t racer lien k ef Iii g i a n g nlttr ha; call Ink c(Jng
i so t o pi c labe l d a u d &g v j,x isOlOplc trace r hua ng n l ur ng crru tn k Ilur h al v? n ifng
i sot o pi c m o l ec ul e phan tlr d o ng vi (ph an IUQ'ng k em I IIt.l(jn 1(7; h u n cau t rek flllr
IIi' Ir ong d o h{ll "h {in ctia m " , Irong cdc nhff, )
ng uyen ttl' ItJ m Ol d ong vi d (fc bif /) isova l e r a l isovaleral, x isova ler~ ld e hy de

iso t opic n umber do ng vi sO (con gpi l a isova l e r a ld e h y d e isov a I e r a Id e h y t ,

neul ron excess) (CI-la hCH C I-I 2C H O (c ll ff t I d n g kh o n g
i so t opic t race r d o ng v i danh dau (dong " j m au co mti; t tio vd ... 6j a 92 0 C, I an Irong
clta m QI ng uyen 10. h o(fc p/l ong X(1 h O(Ic con wi el e. citing frong m rqc h all vii du Q'c
OOn, mel cd Ihe dim m " t ItrQ'ng nhd \'l10 ph lim \'(1 d ? IlUn lit rung lii u)
m a ll dUl l (cllffr /n an g) d e bdm sril t h eo iso v a l e ri c uc i d axil isovale ri c ,
ng uyen 10 t16 t r ong Sllot qtui fr i nlt h oa l u)c. (CI-I ' )2CI-IC I-I2 C O O I-I (c h ilI l o ng kh o ng
sinh "pc /l o(1c v{if I),,', VI; cli ng cd I/l e bam mim. mid vi kh 6 chill sol a1 7 6 o C. tan
sa f mflll I a n h a n . c o n g (J i Iii isotop ic Irong ron va el e. cd tro ng m Ql .so thl.rc v(i l,
ind ica tor, isOi Opic label, la bel, tag) drlng IiIm nubc h Oll, htrO'n g l;f U vii Irong
i so t rO I) ic " d ~ n g hU'o ng (cu l.: i l.II K e (ic f in h y II pc)
cll lft frong m p; lll rang ) 2 -i sova le r y l-I ,3 -ind a ndi o n e
i so tr op ic flui d ch a t ILrU dang hLr& ng (Ch tl' 2-isova lc ryl- I,..1 -ind and ion , C ' 4 1-1'4 0 3 (Ch (r l
Itm co eri c l i n h ch ifI kh ong phl.l Ihu(x WIO kiff finll m all wing ....61 U 67-f>8 0 C. kh6 ng
htro-n g d o chting) I(1n Iro ng nrrac. tlii.ll g ete t/if l 10(1; g(u n
nha m )
i s otr o p y ti nh d ffii ng hLrcrng; h i~ n tU'Q'Og d ang
hU'a ng (I{n " c h lft c lla m Ol d (J ; I UQ' n g isov o lumic II dAng l ich , x iStlChu ric
kh ang p lll.l thuQc vela lunin g d o n o IUJ{1c isovo lum ic p r ucess qua Irinh d a ng lich
,inh cll!ll cri a m ot m (J1 Irtru ng h o(fc t lulC i sozyme lsozy m , x isoenzy m e
th e co cae ,inh di a l kh ong pllt.' ,hll(k win IS P x im perial sm clting process
IIINing rt o cluing) it ac on ic aci d flz il I I Hco n·ic. C H 2 :C-
i sotyp i c " do ng klcu (chi m Ol clUll kift lin lt (COOl-()Cl-12 COOH (ch lft k et finlt kh6 n.g
c6 cong flurc h OO h (>c t lrO'ng I l.r vet; c:ong m iltl. phan lillY a J65 0 C, dfing nh u' elrifl
l lu re h O(l h (JC c l.in h Q'p c/ulr xdc .d!nh k l ulc tru n.g glan /rang l o n g /U?P hth' ca Vf)
w ) (' ti ll Ink g ia n g call tl'lic cli a h C7P chif l I rong n/u.m Vi} ell If' deo hoa)
do) i ta t a rt a ri c a cid ax il i! a ta rtmlc, C 5 H a De
i s uure n L'I"ooure , NH2 .C(OH ):NH (ch lft I (JO r a btlng tllI.r c ng hir m qu a lin
i sova le nt dang h6a tr! m en . h i nll Ihanh nll/r .Hin pham p l ll.l , 5%
isoval en t conjug ati o n SI.! kCI hOOp dAng l Ong d (J ax il t (1O r n. ctta cluing vi ... jnh 1(10
h6a trj (cdll Ink cac lien k ift Irang m C}1 ra i l it aconic n lfm qrl(J1 mali d en )
ph on IIi' lien h Q'p sao clio eo II';Z l 'j e t tiu Q'(' ite r a tion m et h o d phU'CTng phap I~ p
cdc eaa Ink thay the vo-i d m g s6 li en k ift. it-plate l am cao su amia n
567 Izod

ium ion Ion ium (nhom nguyen tlr mang ivory black pham d en nga (phlim den (J¢ng
(tiijn duang Irang eM i o n pili kim m ang v(il dfe" chi! bhng ench Ihi ~ 1l ch it l ngd,
eli?n, clllr khong pllai cacbon h o(1c silie, co diing nlllr dUll md l ~)
call h i nh electron vo kIn, (II/ rang kif! h (Tp ivory board cae long nga (bia ell-ng co do
va; fii' gDC nlllr a cnrb oniwn ion ) bong cao h ai phi(l pilli l a p set, dimg /dm
Ivanov reagent thuoc thlr Ivanov (llwac cdc I ffm card' in nghf Ihu(J1 va !xing Ih(l'c
tlllr lIl'ang / 1.1' nh/l' rhlloc Illlr G rinard, dan)
dU'(Tc 1(10 ra bhn g cach cli o (ail ary l axetic ivory paper giclY nga
h o(fc muo ; naIr; e lla n6 phan It-n g wi'i Izod tes t phep thO- Izod (Plufp Ihil' va d(Jp
magic halogenua isopropyl) trang d6 con l dc rai d(ip \'00 m Q/ mau,
ivory c ha t nga (dul l m all trd ng ng{} vol Ihtra ng Id cifl chich co dinh, vaL nllng
gom nga voi WI r tfn.g vOi, 1'1 trpng 1,87. co ltl'<),ng /63 j /In a 10C d¢ 3,5 m til Iren gLfJy,
d¢ bOng cao V() d tlng ch o cae chi lil, frang d ¢ coo bien tit} life sou khi \'(1 d(lp fa ~'6
Iri va cric san pham n g h ~ tlw(i/ , w; tr/t'(.1c do ru1ng Itl'Q'ng hfip tIll.' wl do do ello biifl
day con dll ng lilm phfm (iiin plano) cuang d l) WI d(lp)
J x Joule (,-,. linh mnu den chlrn ax iI mangan va slil,
jacaranda gO jacaranda, (con Kf'i lit ~roh mQI Ihlinh viin ella l O(l1 manhelit)
wood) Jacquemartt s reagent thu 6c Ihu-
Jaccarino-Peter effect hil~u ling Jacquemart (Ihu oc Ih,;, phtin tiell cliing ell!
Jaccarino-Perer (st." 1(10 ra t(nh ,\';e U dan tlur rll'(YU ety l, d ura dung d{clt nll'ue elin
Irong m,,! so kim 1000i sat fir 11I6ng qua Ilic tlttiy ngan ( II) nilrat va axil nilric)
d(lng Clia ti,. tnru ng ben ngoiU vo n btl Iri"r jade ngqc bich (dd qll)i Cll'n g, ch(1l, In(IU I'-Ie
d(j phdn ale Clla cac electron dnn. con K{Ji slim hO(1c Irrtng phO'1 l/.lc clllh~ h O(lc j fIll eif
M compensation effecl) ho(ic n ep hrit, con K9i Id Jadcslone)
jacinth ziricon, x zircon jadeitt! Jade !l , NaA I(S03) 2(kllodn g V{II
Jack sphalerU. galen g13, ZnS, x sphalerit e pyrru:en dO'n fit, d(mg linlt fit ? Itinlt S(yi ,

jacket kholmg baa (khodng ban qucmh x i mall I(le, Iii lo(li ng(X" breh co gici 11'; nillit)
lanh d (mg C(T qua do [utin chuyen dUI t Mm jadestone d;i ngoc bich . x j ade
ngllvi); VQ chAn (hfJp mong chtl'o m¢/ ho(ic Jaeger method phl1O'ng ph <ip Jaeger
nh/~tt thanh nhlen lt~ll dlmg de ngtln r.hien (plflrO'ng phdp xnc clinh sIre crlng be Inrif
li~u IhodJ vaa drift IIlIn ngu(J; 10 pi,,;" ling nUl dUll long Irong do la do rip ,mlil din
h(ll nlll"in) thil l de bllqc khong khi tlroi qu.a tJng mao
jacket cooling Stl lam \',mh (oong oos) bqc dan drlm Iron g chili long)

jacketed (d;;) bQc John-Teller t!ffect hil$ u u-ng Jahn -Tc llc r
(ldc dt.mg nluT do cdc Ir(l,ng Ilrai obitlll :iUy
jacketed crystalizer c h ~ u k e t tinh bQc
bie n frong cdc phiin II;' (Inr cdc pI/fin II;'
jacketed pipe dU'Crng 6 0g bQc (du'& ng o ng
m(l,ch Ilui ng) It} khang 1ie11)
thanh kep frong (to co chd t ldng qua nJuTI
jalap jalap (chllt r dn mall da c am JIO(Ic
nen khong V(ln chllyen dm;rc bdng du'ung
ph&l do I/o(fc elrat bQI '"()u pha l vang l ui
ong binh Ihuang , duly a ong biJn Irong ,
miu co v; cay va mi,; nlu;, Iil re
cri khb clia
bao quanh ld duang ong l"lin chllyen ciU11
10(li cay c7 M ehico (Exogoniwn parga),
lUll nong)
ho(le IhllOC dteu c he I ll ' n o , dling nhu'
jacketed still thlet hi citl hoc tlm6c X(; Iro nK y h ()c}
jacket beating S,! gia nhit;l (b.:~ng on1p bQc jam miCt; xiet I~ i , cha
jacketing (Sl,I') d Ol n<.lng hoc; (5,",) la m 1<.tOh jamb brick g~lc h dau Iron (g(lclr co mQt g6c
bQc; (.\1') b<,x: vllal I ron, d/mg de 1(10 ra mep IIr(yn Ir im
jacobsite jacohsit, MnFc 2 0" (khoring vtjt a cdc to IIcc7ng)
569 jawbreaker

jamesonite j a m eso n Il , Pb.FcSbe S t4 tallow , sumac wruc:)

(khoting v(il man xilm chi UTi xdm d t!n. kef jar binh; k); chum; v~ 1
tin" cY he In pluumg, d{lng tinl! thiJ hin" jardiniere glaze m en jadl ni (I Of.li m en
kim val d(lng sv' va IcJng Ir~l va co anI! kh6ng ,\ 'Il'melT! "n chi Cltng. clura ctic ro:il
kim. con gpi It) feather ore, grny antimony) chi, kem, kali, Cflnxl, n"om va ,\'ilie)
Jamin effect hlc$u ling Jamin (SliT e M dong jarlite jarlit. NaSr 3 AI 3 F l s (k h orln g v(il
ch dy ella m QI CQI elrlll l ong ngtfn each ba/ kh6ng m a ll lai pllo-I n lil! c hlta
cac bpi kh 6 ng kh( frang 6 ng mno dan, aLuminollarlln nnlri vn slro nti)
ngay cd klrl chill c/lenh Ifeh tip .m lf, (tang
jarosite j a rosit , K Fc 3 (SO.h(OH )8 (kltOling
ke g itra cdc dou o ng) V(il alunit m n ll \'nng h ong Ito(lc nail cn c(lu
Janecke coordinates he lOc" d o Jancckc I r ,k IInlt lite m(lt Iltol, con gpi In utClhitc)
(sir dr,m g g inn d o hinIL dur nh{il h o(1c kieu
jarosite process qu n lrinh jMosii (q /lti
Ponchon de bi~ll fh l IUlm irr(J'ng dung moi
lrin" tlifn IUY f ll k i m Irang cl6 cric ion ,w'll
cli n cdc plIO din M ng long-Iring , dim/: clIO
(I f I ) k e l I,ia fli' cac clulIg die" n(lp wlo (T
linh l oan thie t kl! uk" c/rilfl bitng tiling
d(lnK jnro.Yil. ,w llm .wlt VIi knli Iw(fc tlOlrl
m Ol)
ng(im ntrac)
japan sO'n (san h o(lc vern' say m lm d en
jarrah aiy khuynh dit;p
bOng. gom cJu; yeu ehal arpltnn Tf1n ) /I ell
quet san, danh veenl jar ring vang d¢m
Japan camphor lo ng nao Nh~ l , C 1o H I8 0 jasmine oil d au hoa nhi li (Iin ll drill Ilrmll
Japanese pe'ppermint oillinh di:l u b<tC h il kh " n K mnu Iti' /t on nlltli vd (ll inX tr o n g
Nh ~ t (dnu edt Ifr cOy M en flw nr vc m;i,\', nKnnh lurang lie u )
plrdl Ir/en U Nh(jt, Braz in \'(1 M)i, dnll it jasmone Jac;mo n, C 11 'H 1S O (kelolt I rin g cd
mil l h u n d Oli b(lc hn, d"ng Iron g still x ulfl Irong dan hoa nlti'J/ wi ctic linll dnlt IIII,' T
m enl ol) kltric)

Japanese sardine oil dau cr, Irich Nh31 jaspagate jaspagat (COli K(Ji In ngatc ja"pcr)
japanned (d a) quel son, (d a) t.1.inh vcc ni jasper Jw;P::, nsoc t ~c h .mh (III (Ie''' anlt k ifl
japanner thO' wn, thO' danh v ccnl Unh an, m iT 10-1 Itai Iro ng m iT. 11(1"1;. dUi'l1
japanning (SI,I') quel w n, (~,,) <.tanh vcc ni cric l(lP cll lft .w!t ru: it, cd mnu do d(fc Irlmg.
japanning kettle nOi n.:=1u so'O con g Oi iii jaspcrilc. jaspcroiu, j a"pi!)
japanning work nhe, may scrn jaspt!rite j ac;pcrit . x jas pe r
Japan paper gk:ty Nh(h (lO{li g ;ay d (fc' bi~1 jasperoid jaspcroit. x j<lspcr
co nlui'ng "ll 10 m do m klrong d ell Iren Ili jaspilite dii ngoc hfch st.1 , JclspHiI ( dri cllti'n
m (1I, dllng Idm Ilrli!p ch,k mirng \'(1 n/urng sil ie cI(lc cll(11 gio nl( nllll' j (upe \'Ii dlll'a ctk
dp dt.m g trang trl kluic) doi ,wit ox it)
Japan tallow sap Nh(il, x Jap., n wax jaspis jasp is, x jasper
Japan wax Sc-1p Nh{il (sap man w}ng nll(ll Jaspoid Ja'ipon, x IClc hylilc
co. mill 6/, Ihlt dtr(yc IIi' quo Cliy ,wrn, Ian jatex la lec dil m d ;;ic
Irong benzen va naplrla, kll6 ng Inn Irong Java almond oil dau h(.l nh nhfl., JaVel
m aTe, nong elrtiy a 530 (.', dimg trong cdc Jave(It:) water mr&c JClv e n
sdn phlim sdp, chlfl danh bong, xli phong jawbreaker m.Iy nghiC!n (kicu) nh' li, x Jaw
wi nhlr chlft thi! l'Op o n g . con g(J1 ld Japa n crusher
j aw 570

j a w c ru s her may nghic n (k.eu) nhai (mdy j e t a ir pump rom phun l ia

ng h ien (Iri gill'a h ai h am bctng filli p, m pl j e t bl ac k muOi d~n
h am co dln h cOn 'lI';m kia dunK citra. con jet bl ow er may p hu n lIa
g{Ji La jawbrea ke r) jet coa l th<1n huyen, than Ilra dai (/0(1/ Ilg nll
J ea n s v isc o s ity equati o n phlTO'ng tri nh mflu den lIlyen clr ng. rinK finh. xu/f l Ilivn
dO nha l J eans (phuu nK Irinh dlO bief d¢ Ihunlt kh t>i rienK Irong di~p · Ih(lel. dllra
nhcn Cl io mot elrat kltf I>,' I f val l(,y IIIi'm billun, d lr(Te col In xual p l uif fi r go Ir o;
khimg dol Cll(l nhift d¢, .\'0 mii kllde nltm' d(ll Irong ng(Jp lUI , cOn g(J1 [() black amber)
dol vai nhirng c h at kill kluie n l um) jd co mpre sso r may ncn tJa (Iltler b; sfr
j e fre r so nile Jefe r so n i t , Ca(M n , Z n , dt.U1g vOl pluIn kfd, /rO(li l'() o ng (Ii kbn
Fe)Sl~e (kh odng v(iJ mnu 1{IC slim hO(1c de bum chat Itru khn n en)
den p hal /t.IC clura p y rat: en) j e t co nd e n ser m ay nglTng klf! U tia (m tiy
J e ffr ey c~ u s h e r may ngh le r. Jeffrey (mdy n g trng kl~u l"ung liep xtk Inrc f ie p. sir
ng ll/en d e ngh/en khodng v{it m em o n/llr dwrg ht~u l4-ng lUll Cl;a l ia p l um de 1000i bO
da, con g{Ji l it w hlzzer m ill) n l urng chat kh6ng ngtrng due-c)
j e ll Ih(lch. gel, keo dong j et fu e l nhien lieu phan II!C (10(1; k cro.\·ln d(Jc
j e lli e d (da) dong I<tl, (aa) gel hoo blfl ed (liem ooe chtiy 52°C. diing cl,O m dy
j elli ed ga ~o lin e x~ng gel hoa, x geli:ltinizcd bay phdn It.r e, co '''~ co mcltm h o(fe n ap l en
gasoline bo sling tie 1(10 rn diem ooe
cluiy 43°C, clro
jellificati o n SI! keo dOng, SI! gc l hoo may bay lJfld n .·w )
j e lly Ih ~c h , gel, keo d ong, x ulmin jet- m e mbr a ne m e th o d p h lT cy n g phap
j e lly in g p o we r kha na.ng keo dong, kha m ang Iia (pillrung phap lrieh d ong l 'j IIrani
nang ge l hOO lrong do lia hat loting IIrO'ng Ide val klrf
nen urani h a nl/arlln gay nen s~r khueelr
j e llylike tJ c6 d(lng keo, c6 ~ng t h <;tc h
/ffn WI lien Itrani·235 vno tin plum, khi
j e lut o ng Jeluto n (con gfJi It) ponlianak gum)
/dm giiiu dtrt;TC chit l I{r mlel'! llrung Idc
J e ppe l's o il d a u XlTOTI g, x bone oil gitra l in plum vit urani hexal l a ma bOng
j e r e m ej evi t e Jere mcJevlt , A IB03 (kholing cdeh .nr dl.lnK cdc o ng nita)
V~I kh6ng mau lro(Jc mall Vting dura nhom
jet m ixer m,iy I rOn kit:u lia (kilJIt mtty Ir(m
boral. linh Ih l! h i 1~lc gidc)
d onK cluiy fto{lc /llong p 11t.1 tllII(k wIn !iI.r
Je r e mi ass en c r ys t a lli ze r n Oj k e t tl nh va eh(lm crill eftal long n()y va ; eftal Idng
Jercmia"SCn (d~mg et.' (I e nuni linlt Ihe rt'ln kfttic eli} f (lO rn s(r Ir on)
frong dllng dlch long siett brio h oa Wl de j et n oz zl e vol phun lIa (voJ phtln tlura ni:
tach l inh fhe kh o i dung d;ch ) co dt;mg eI(ie biel de 1(l0 rn lin plum n l ur
jerk p ump m ay bam xung (m dy wm Cttng l'o; plum c7 donI( cO' pfton /I.re fto(k d (}ng
cap /trt,J'ng IIllten lii u eh fnlr xtic elm van cO' ten li ra)
phlln nlliin li~lI cria d(mg ClY d Ol Irong vao jet pr o pul !'io n SV' day phan hfC (:n.r day
Ilk V(lI1 mo. diing de plum nhii n 1i~1t) Clio fbt Ithl ho(1e mdy bay p ltdn I~(c n ita
jet d o ng. l uong. tia 1/ dl c hay than h d ong, m(ll dong elY pllnn hrc,· sl.r day nita l in
phun than h tia clUJf lun )
j et a irc r a ft fu e l nhle n lieu (dong ccy) phan jet p ro puls i o n fu e l n hien li eu d (m g elY

lo.rc pMn Itlc

571 joint

jet pump berm tia (co lia tifng toe d ~ c llo n jodrenphos jodfc nph os. Cal-i e 0 3 0 2 IPS
chdt Iml 1}1I1' hai nllhm cdp n 6 u rip sua t (h (Tp clld, k l , tlnh, nOOg duiy U 76°C, Ian
cao) i l Iro ng ntl"cYc, dim g nllll" IIwoc tril" can
jetting (s ....) phun II. trilng u eric g la dinh, trang Ir(li wi cO stY
jeweler's rouge sdt (UI) oxlt, x ferric oxide conK nghi~p)
jewelry alloy hoo p kim kim hoon (hQ'p kim jog Jech m \tn g dleh, jog (s ¥, dieh dlllyen ct;n
de r en , de k ea. thtd7ng /a dong dd, de> ben l ecll m(ll1g ItI" m(ll p}u1ng linlt Ill e n ay l a l
cho ng mon 101, diinK nhlr kim lO(1/ n en m (11 phdng ,inll 'he khde )
trong dlJ kim Iro iln) Johann crystal geometry hinh d ~ng tlnh
jezekite jC'Lc k it, x morinltc the J o han n (cJ(lng di eu li eu et;a linh lire
nhleu X(l d o l val .'i{1" tr1n site cri.l (ia X clting
J factor he sO J (plurang trlnh kh 6ng Ih,i'
Iro ng vi phiin lieh M nl{ ql"C' do el ectro n.
nguyen d lm g de tfnh d Q Iruyen nhifl dol
k em ('h i nlt xric ha n hlnll d (m g linh 'h e
lUll 11.1' d o qua cac mang elrat lrrll )
J ohannson)
jig may nhuOm J18" Cinay de nhllQIn h img
Tui b hng erich d lell chuyen vdi !le t kilo
johannite joha nn , C u(U02 h(SO.h ,6 H 2 0
(k h ~ rn a) qua dung dleh nhuQm [ri n ,r(u' (kh Oling v(it ,, ~ Inm Iii miiu 1~IC "K {>C t o-i
/{Ie lrio dura ttn ng v~ urnnl ,\ 'tIlf (If baza
l lIn ); do g {1 (dl.lng CI.' de d;nh
v( Vll g ilT eric
chi lidl t7 cac n g ll)lcn cong g in c6ng vt'i dan hydrOl Iroo)
cong C(l eill ); m ay slmg rung (thiet hI rllng johannsenite j o h a n senll, Ca Mn S l 2 0 e
,ro n g do th an d ll'(J'c liim s(lc h va qll(l n g (kh()(ing veil' pyro.un d O'n la mlm ntiu dinh
du(,c Illy en Iro ng ml'c7c) huO'n/{ , pltu t xdm h o(1.C' phd:1 I(I C, dura
silicat canx i \'() mang(U1, Lil ,Juinh vien Cllfl
Jigger thlet bl sang lira, x j igging conveyOJ'"
nh6m pyrax en)
jigg~r wheel m am thO' gam
Johannson crystal geometry hinh d(mg
jigging SV' sang rira, SI/' tuy~n d ~iI (phlrung
tlnh tht: J o ha nnson (d(mg elleu Ili u h O{)11
pluip trpn g h,r c dimg de ldeh khodng v(11
loon clio linh Ihtl nhieu X(l d ot wn s{r Ilin
kh o l eric }Ull dd ({u(lng nha SIr d~utg d(J
,w'le tin X tiling Irong eric m ay vi phiin tich
ch enll /llch hicli tll,m g ella toe d(j ltln Jt qua
dllng qre de) electr o n. chinh xric luYII Iti nlt
sanK Kian de" d (1n) clem g I{nlt Ilttl J o hann)
jigging converyor thiet hi sang 4u{lng (dri)' Johnson concentrator m ay luycn
cdc m ang lIufp Ireo vau mdl bua n g khifll
J o hnson (Ihie l bi d tlng de I deh eric h (1I
qll(lng h o(fc d (l( (ren cdc IrI,K li'in Iren ,film
n (lnK nhu wlng kim /0(11 lir bim kJltxinJ;
bua n g, va eLic h chuyen qua I(li bdng I de
d ura van g , gom 1'0 d(ll1g hinh Inl l fit elk
dr.mg CU, de di ehuyen khoting v~(, con gpi rrinh cao ,'ill ,v ong song \'(71 Irl.1C ng lrieng)
/ll chute conveyor, jigger, pan conveyor)
johnstrupite jon'itrupit, (Ca,Nah(Cc.Ti,Zr)-
jigging screen sang I~c (SiO. )2 F (hhor1ng v(il dura s ilieaf pJtll'C
jig machine m tiy sang rim /(IP Clia xeri va eric kim 1000i kluic. clemg
jinjili oil di u vUng tinh 'he Id ng Ir l./l
joaquinlte jOaquinit, N a Ba 2 Cc 2 Fe- joint kh &p n Oi (m(ll a e p x l ic f{ili'a Iw;
(fi,Nb)2Sl eO u (OH , Fh (khodng v(il mau x Il"a ng ric n g r e, con gt;Ji lii articulrt/io n):
vang on g elltra nalrl sd, lila" silicn/ , d (lng m o l n o l (m o l n 6 1 hal day tltin h OCk IUli
linh the t it p huang ) ellrty n g clAn d o ng dit!n) ; m ~U 'n oi (be mell
joint 572

h (J'p nhdt elm hal IIO(Ic nhie ll chi /fe' cO' lit narcissu<i oil)
kill ho{1c clfu Irlk); khc mrl tach (k h e mr( jordanite Jordanll, (Pb,TI)'3As7S23
cal n gnng da va killing Ihe " len btf, ky SI,t' (kl! ocing V~I mllu xdm chi ch,i'o chi arsen
die" c!rlo/ en N(io ("tin pllia n ay kh e mrl so ,w ll ua. cl(lng linh Ih ? elun fa)
val phl a kia) /I dt n Oj joseite Joo;elt. BI3 Te(SI,s) (khorin g V~I dui'a
joint compound hOO p c hat mol no j ("(if , elarllo bismUl. bao gom llt'll hlly nh vn
lieu dlinK dill yell (Ie hOi Irq n ren cric d,a sel en )
niSi dtl'ang o n lt Vi) s au do d,ing d? n gifn Josephinite j ose phlnlt (khotfng v(1t dura
ngira SI.I' r o ri q cac cli o nOl) h f7P kim elin sill vd nlken, xlllft hl4n tro ng
joint efficiency hlc;u suat m oi nOi (Ir; so 11.1' nlti€n nhu s{yi :m oi)
bleu Ih; nhll' tY so dQ oen m o l dinh ltin. Josephson effect hic;u ling Jose phson (s{r
him kh6ng plll,l gla h o(Ic han dong Iren cI(j dud IrlJm cLia c{lp eleclron qua l up ra o
bCn kim l o (li goc) crich dicn mong glfta h ni cluTI stiu ddn,
jointing SV' mle t m~ch xay ; da nO-I tcich con gpi Itl J osephson tunneling)
(die " kif~ ella dti d (1c trung bhng eric kh c Josephson tunneling hic;u frog Josephson ,
m i't tacll); Sl! 00.0 thO (qua Irinlt IIIJn mck x J osephson errect
elY bdn de can chin" h o(fc litm nluin m (it joule jun (dan vi n tlng Itn;m g h o(1e c6ng
m (I1 ~-:-l ;a chi tti! t gia con g nha ,)'Ii- dl.U1g d ati Ir ong IIf dan vi m e t-kilogam-gili)" bdng
edt bUn ct CYn nhh m cilium hi chi tie' dlO cOng elo iI,rc J niUlO'n tlu.r c hlf n kilt el/em
gla cong liep) hrc l rie cil,lng wio dich chuyen eli I m et. kj
joiniing paste nh"a g:1n 6 ng nol h/~ tl J , con K9' Icl newto n -mete r of enerb'Y)
jointless kh6ng nOi Joule-Clausius velocity v.;in t oe
joint penetration c hi e u sa u m 61 h a n J OUIc-ClaLL<;im, (d(li ilr{7ng dimg Iro ng mo
(k horlng erich m a k im lO(li him h o(1c wing td bie n die n d {jnK clla ch iit klli, !xing elln
no ng dilly Ihfun nh ~p vao m ol Juin) b(ic ;'a ; elin ,y ..,6 tip .m d l chill kltf tr en
Jominy end quench test ph e p Ihir InQI ph'lin ba m~1 d(J clia n o)
Jomlny,x Jo m lny l est Joule equivalenl dLrO'ng hr Q' ng Joule
Jominy test phcp thir Jominy (plui p tlui' (quail h c bang .\'0 gitra cric d(li itr{yn g co
kha n tIn g 101 c lrng fr o ng do thnnh thep ntlng WI nhii l , gid tri c h a p nll~n ItICn nay
tftr{J'c mmg n o n g l ui nhlct d Q nustenil hon If) I c alo bang 4. / 85 ± ().(}OO5 Jun. con g9i
d in thle t va loi ClrnK a
m (jt d ftll r"Oi sou do Iii m echanica l equivalent of heal)
do d (j c lrng d (X' ,heo chleu, ,~tiU Clio n o. bII, Joule experiment Ihi n ghiem J u ule (Ih i
dau Ifr dati ttJi, Cntl gpt li'I J o m iny c nd ngif m nham pltril hir l1 " ,re n i)i pillin llr
quench lest) I Irong mljl ('/lif l klli. Iro ng d o In tlo nll'f t
Jones reductor thiet hi khu- Jones (don g her p 'h~l cltill klti c7 Iro ng m {H binh n;'o
C'{l di'mg de kl"i: h On h pc cac dung dich, d lr{yc plu!p gilin ncr san g binh lh,i' hal dd
nlllr coc d llng d;ch muiH ,\'&1 (III). gom dtrf,YC lilllt chfin kll6ng .. th i ngh/f m do
o ng Ilutng d lrng ch ,ra kem h (lf mn c7 el o IltUTng IU(Tn g CO' nie, nlltet, 'rong do cac
dllng citc/r dtc{},c r ol vno) Ini II' ~mg raj kitten cli o b6 canh klmny
jonquil oil d'3u IhUy tiCn truiYng tho (da" q u ay Irong binI! kin clui'a mruc Ina tli)
kh o ng m an dieu c h t tir hoo ct1y ,htiy tl€n l itn g nhl~1 etO dU·(Tc clo M ng nhlft ke)
IrIrang Ih p, diing Irong ntruc hon.. cOn XPi Joule heat nhl~ 1 Joule (nlrlf l l oa ra kit;
573 jute

dong dli n ch(lJl qua m 6i Irtra ng co dlin juice catcher Ihung hung nmYC ep
Iru, drr(yc l i nh thea dlnh lu(il JOllle) Juice drught SI,1' e p mr&c qua
Joule'. law djnh lu ~t Joule (d/nh I,,~ theo juice extraction SI,t' ch.el nwc qua
do kill do ng dl~n chtJY qua m 91 chd t /hl Juice liming SI! lam trong nwc (qua) ~p
cong sud /I da nh/it tl nh th eo oat bdng dlfn (Mn~ I'oi )
treY clla chat /inh theo om nhlin va; binI! juice pump rn.:'iy bmn m.r&c quil
phuong c iia d o ng dlcn Iinh theo nmp e;
juicer may cp nwc qua
Irong nhii l d(jng h pc lit d;nh lu{it then do
juicing (Sl,l') cp OlJ"(YC qua
q nhifl do khong dol nfl; ndng Clla c/u1,
khi lie n tai m (it g i a ' h(ln Jurll IU.111, kh6ng julienite Jullenil, N a 2Co(SCN) • .H1-120
pill.' (h"Qc vao Ih ~ t{ch khl rip su {{t lien l ai
(k h oting ~'(if m cm la. he II; gilk clur a nalri
coban Ihloxytvtaf hydral hria)
zero )
Joule-Thomson coefficient h ¢ sO' juniper berry o il dau qu i. b:kh (du"
klti mg mnll .wim 1,,1 w) c1(1c I"i fronK k l ujllK
J oule-Thomson Cry so do bien Ih;en nhli l
d(J (ren dQ bien Ihli n rip su dt efla clul' klli klti. vi clufl. h ll'O'flK Il,ra da" th dng. ,liin
:tWIt IIr qtui ciiy bnch ch in k ilo. ("'II ): I ronK
dang gliin n o ddng enla/p y)
n g/lllh y. nrO'II gin va rll'(Y1l mlli wi Iro ng
Joule-Thomson expansion Slf giti n ncr
IIghi: II"i y . elm gOi iii j uniper n il)
Joule-Thomson (HI g /fin n & do(m nhi(!1
juniperic acid ax il junipcric, C 18J-i 3203
kh6n g Ihu(in n gh;ch Clio chi;' Itru qua mil
(axit hydr axy k/!t linh n 6 ng cluiy U 95 0 (.',
xop ho(1c van ma m Ol phnn. con gOI III
1/111 dlu?,c " ..,. Ilkh lOng snp " "'" dry Iti (I uj".':)
J oule-Thomson proces.c;)
juniper oil d au qUt; bach, x junipcr herl)'
Joule-Thomson inversion
temperature nhlet dO dolo loulc·-ll1omson
juniper tar oil dau b..kh Iron , x cHdc oil
(nh'el d() fiJi (/6 he SC) J Olde-TllOm son Clio
,"" 1 clufl khi dtf ch o dbl c/n u) juniper wood oil d a u go
bac h (daft dicit
ch e' bt)ng clkh p/w Iming d'lill qua htich w)-;
J ou Ie-Thomson process qua t r i n h
loulc-Thomson,x J ou lc -rl 'h()m~m ex pa nsion
cia" fhi'mg h o{fc bAng cnch Cll1 dnu Ih6nK
qua g(1 bach. dlinK nl/l r IllIIoe b<ii 1'(1 Iro"l-:
Journal oil dau 0 tn,le (In(J1 dna hOi 11'0'''' ngh e fllll y)
d(lc- blfl dlmg clto cdc- 0 ITI,IC-)
Jurin rule quy tiic Jurin (lfuY ' l dc Ih eo (/tj
JP-4 nhien Ii~u JP-4 (n hien lif lt tlur tl911K do (liillg CllO Clio cI,If, I Ollg Irong onl{ m(/o
cu phdn b,rc dura 35% plriin cril linlt dall (/tin Iii Iw; rim ,\',h' c(lng b'lJ m (ll nhfin 1I(r;
'"0 nllf va 65 % ph'lin Cll, xtIng ) cosill g<lC ticr Xlie Clio no l'(Ti n nX m(/O
JP-S nhien lieu .lP-S (nhii n lifll tl~jng co' thill, chia clIO f ich clia Irong Ilrq l1g rie llS
phdn b,re qulin SI,I' clura kerosin linlt cll /! d/(l' hillg WI hnn k inh frong Clio 611S)
tI(fc bi f i c6 diem bik dUly xae djnlt wi jurupaite jurupa il , (Ca, Mgh(Si 2 0S(OJ-lh
lliem do ng d {k x tic llinh ) (k l wtlng V(il ell/;a calIX; maXie .\'j!ical n g(im
Judson power Ihuck no Judson (cllill no mUTc)
clura natri nitral, tha n. lUll Itll);nlt wi m (JI jute board t;'m van day (Illm \'fi" ep i fr
il nftrog ly x erin ) s~ri doy)
juice nLrac (quit) cp jute paper giay day (giay tlai du r(l cluj
juice boiler nOj na u mtlyc cp yeu sQ'i day)
jute 574
jute yarn 50'1 day juxtaposition SI! kc nhau
juvenile m61 sinh juxtoposition melamorplose hien tuvng
juvenile hormone he nnon kich situ n on , ~>; bien chiil (do) tlep xuc
neaten In
kx kilo- trong c/ 6 cdc b,re X{l lim thanh kh6 ng quan
K x potassium sat du(J'c I ,-ong klli tdi l(li mQt l-'(iJ li~u cha
kA klloa mpe. kA (kiloampere) un trng .<mift vlrC7t qlu; g id trj caa trrro-c

K·A age tuol theo K-A (Woi theo ph6ng X{l

do elta n o )
ala dd xdc dlnh lir Iy so kali-40(4 oK) trell kalfax kalfax (nh" lua ng nh(lY rin;' l 'ring IIi'
argon-40(40A) co m(lf frong ltd) I1go{Ii pili; Iren l a p n en Mylar. du(Yc Xli'
Ij bIIng nllN I)
Kacld axil K, C ,oH.NH20H(S03Hl. (ax il
dAn x udl ,f,.
axil nap'ylamln [r[sul! on /c. kali kali OX il , K 2 0; bo l ~l, K 2 COa

dUng Irong sdn xual IhuGe n}m(Hn ) kaliborite kaliborit , HKMg2B12021 ,9H20
kadaya gu m gOm ka daya , x karaya gum (khoang v(it khong m illl tui m i'm tr i1ng.

K·A decay SV' phan ra K -A (sl.r phan rli dura borm ng(lm nll'UC cl ia kali va magie,
pMng X(l clla kali-40C4 0K) ,h(}nh argon
con K(J i Iri palcrnoitc)
40(40A) kill h(ll nhan kali bill eleClrtm qU)i kalicinite kalixinil , KHCOa (k ltoang viiI 114
dfW vii sau do phtln rli Ih nnh lugon-40. Iy (lcYn ui kll6ng mnll U7; mi'lII t rc1ng IIo(lc
sO 40K tren 40A diing de xric d{nh IUn ; pluYI w'lng dura knli blcacbonat, d (lfIg h(Tp
run dd (tubi th eo K -A» the kef tin")
kaemprerol kaempferol if lm'on o il v&i dfll kalimagnesia muo i k ep kali-maglc sulfal,
,nic flumg It,r clln querx etin nhung va; chi K 2 SO.MgSO• .6H 2 0
"* hydroxyl fr ong yang B. Iric dl.mg nJllr kalinite kalinlt , KAI(SO.), . ILH 2 0 (k luxlng
v{il lua n g ehiet nh am phen c/Ilra sulfat
dOng yell 10 en zy m va gay rtl SI," kim ham
sinh trm3-ng a thl.rc v{it) ng(im ntr6c etia knli vii nh6m, co tl(lng s(yi,
kalnit. · kal nlt, MgSO• .KC I.3H 2 0 (khotillg con gQi In potash alum)
~I h? dun III m au trang . xdm. " 'urg JlOifc kaliophilite k allo philil , KAISi0 4 (k h odng
den., c6 dong khat h(lt kh ong ctell, diing "(il leCIQsilicat hie m , h ~ !~le g iae, tim Ihtly
nll/t phfin bon vel ng llon clia cdc Ir(J'P c/U1t a clei mil lira. g iim kali wi ngh eo silie ox il,
kali vd magle) irra ng hinh l'(r; kat,,"ilil. con gpi I (i f act:lIi1c,
kalnosite k a lno s it , Ca 2 (Cc,Y}z(Si04 )a- phacc llil e)
oo3 .H 2 0 (kh oang vcjl m a ll Ilcill pll & t vimK kalium kali, K, x powssium
chua silieal va caclxmnt n f((im nll'cYc Cf4-a kalkowskite kalk o w s kit , Fc 2 Ti 3 0 9
CtVUi, x erl vii ylri) (khodng v(il Iriem . mnu p h at nliu h o(l(" clem,
Kaiser effect hl¢u u-ng Kaise r (lIi41l Ii-ng clura ax il srit \'(} liIan, flUUYMg val nJ"i'ng
quan sal dlr(},C' c7 phnn Lan eac kim lO(li, llr(yng nhd eric nguyen to
difl hiem , nfobi
kallidin 57S
va lanlan) each gilra hell long ~'a chat riln)
kallidin I kalidin I, x bradykinin ka poe oi I dau bOng gl;lo, x kapok 01
kalsilite kalsilit, KAISiO. (khoong v(il/ziem ka pok oil dau bOng g(lO (dlirt mdu vdng,.
III dd ntii L';'a, iinh th§ hf t'le gitic. lrrang m," va vi de ch;,l, Ian trong cM, tit iii
hinh va; kaliophilil va dol khl ehlra nalri) cLor%m, dan xl4al Mng ctkh ip clk,."
kalsomine kalsomin, x calcimine cay ' bong g{lO, diing trong JIJIl 4" vi
kalumite k~lunit (df;mg "tr_l' nhien ella plu}n) nguyen li~1I xii phong. con d{JC It) kllD
kamaeite kamaxlt (khoting v(11 clura h{7p oil)
kim niken-sifl va ehlra kho; phan Lan cae karat cara (dan v; do ham IU(1ng ~
thien Ih(lch silt ciutg "'0'1 laenif) (1110; vemg) Irong m91 h9'P kim, bi~" ""
m91 phan hai mUD'i bOn. do .clo l'di!g 11
kanamycin kanamyx in, C18H3SouN.
cara la wing tinJr khiel 18(2,4 baj 11
(chat khang sinh bazO' (an Iron g ntrac.
muo su If al co hi~1l II,l'C a
cdc ea nhie,n do karaya gum gam karaya (dlch "IIIl"''''
cac vi khuan gram tim gay ra) 10(11 cay a An DQ (STerculia flrens). lief
mall trifng tai sam, dt'mg Irong dll(1t
kankrinte kancrinit, 6NaAISIO... .Ca
(HCOS )2
pham, wii vri th(rc pham va nhrr cM/IM
gom t,.agacanth, con gpi Jillnd,..
kansite kansit, x mackinawite
tragacanth, kadaya gum)
kaolin kaolin, cao lanh Al z 0 3 .2Si02 2H 2 0
karbutilate karbutilat, C,.H2f NaDa (chi'
(m91 chfft trong nhom cdc khodng v(if set
ran Irilng nh& nong chtly c7 J76-1"f1OCt
g'Om kaolinit, nacrit, dickit va anallxit ,,'ai
dil.ng nllu (hunc Irk co d' cdc vilng kh!Jttf
tinh Ih§ hai to-p.
frong do cdc lap silic-axy
Irong ngri coc, viing l/Ilyen din dlch dw.,
va nhom -hydroxyl Iltiln phien nhau; Lii do
silt vii nui Irong ciiy)
mall Iri'lng, mem, khong deo, gom cJUt yell
kluxing v(it kaolin, con g{Ji Iii txllus alba, Karl Fischer reagent Ihu6c tbit Kilt
Fi.~cher (dung dlch 8 mol pyriJin vul2md
white clay)
ilr14 /rllynh dioxit, them khodng /5 mol
kaolinite kaolinit, AI 2 Si 2 0s(OH). (klrodng
mel anal wi sail do J mol jot, dting d~ 1/111
1.'(21 ch{nh cua nhom kaolin Clia cdc khoang
dlnh cac vi IUQ'ng nuo-c nhir cluWa d~
v(il set, Iii khodng If(il mtm trang, xdm hO{Lc
phat vang giau oxif nhom cau. Ihanh Iii' Karl Fischer technique ky thuVt KIll
cdc tam silic phoi v! ttl- dlfn libz kifl Ixh Fischer (pltrrang phap xdc dinh ctk '"
1n91oxy chung vai nlu5m phoi vi bOt di~n)
1tl'~Yng ntrri'c bang chunn d(>. Ih1l6c 1M
K m'l Fische,. ,hem wYi gia lU'(yng nIrO
Kapitza balance din Kapitza (crin III' tfnll
bin" IJlliy rinlr dura m{~1i uTi d& I;t'"
d~ do d(J Ill' cam clia v(il li~1l Irong cac lil'
l'ang sang nliu ho(ic ,:ury d;~n 1M b"n~
Irll'&ng Ian tde ell.mg Irong nltii'ng khodng
a diem kef Illlk)
111&1 gian ngan)
Kapitza expander bQ gian khf Kapil7..c1 (b(j
Kitrmitn-Tsien method phllO'ng pb',
Karman-Tslen (phu(Tng pluip lay
gliin kh; pit Tong dli hOO Long heli. d~l'(I dring cdc p hUD'ng tTinlr cho diJng chtly
Iren s~r liip kit;, clur khong phd; d¢m ho(fc dtr(Tc hal chieu von ella quy lite ddlf
vong gang a p it long) cle u-o-c ({nil cdc Itiflt leng nen Clia ~
Kapitza resistance sU'c cfm KapilZa (sth' cluiy dual lim thanlt)
cdn nhi~t dol val dong nhi~t qun m(it phon Karrer method phllO'ng phap

#"' ..- /'i.4r ~"P ""(C"' h.I..-y. J)f .... ~'"" .IJ'p -;'- '
JdiII h(r rlbo/lm'ln) kayser kayl'iC (dan "j do diU ngh/ell (/ri o.
kastcnit. C ..."1S0 4 n/"I, Iii ... 6 .fong, bhng fl g'hieh cld o I
k aso l!t , Ph( UO;)SJO" ,HzO xentimcl , con g p i Iii rydberg) .
~g ,,(it m nll ~'nnK h o ng clura ch I' Ilrani K bentonite K hcntonit. x pota ss ium
ng(im muTe, ri(InK tlnh Ih l! d a n la) hcntonitc
k as ugamyxin , kcal x IcJlOCc'Jloric
'G."",ON,,o,o (chill khnng sinh kef linh Keene's cement chat kel dinh Ke e ne
dlmg nlur IllIloc dlel nil In cho ( t"(lc ), cao mmg khan Ir(m vrH chal x l ic
ill, ron gpi iii kasugamycln hydrochloride, lien, d"mg nlllr \'Irn h olm Ihilln rt'fn)
keeper chal ch(~ n g ox)' h 6a (rinh)
hydrochloride Keesom relationship he thu-c Kc csom
""!I'my'''. hydroclorua. x kasuSc"unycin (plltrcYng Ir;nlr tin" Ihif n cfng lien kitl vcTi
." .. lln kasumln. x kasugamycln "ro-n g Inc elia eoc Ino /nen /tru ng qrc Clio
IllaboliSln SI! di h6a hal phlin Ilr co ct.rc)
ri ng vong ngung kat a keeve thung It!n men
hien ttrO'ng bie n c h at keg thung nhu
thermometer nhi~ t kc Kma (nhi?1 kehoeite kchocil (khOtfng v(il l'O dinh ""nll
"'(1" dtmg dl! do cric ~ '(1n 10C t/ui"p c:lllrn ennx; -nll nm ktJm phosp/lm ha z cY
III'l1n honn khong khf, btlng crich n!: (im nrrae, dWlg kh n t)
btl" Ittn Clla nhif t ke l e n Iren .fRoe kt!ir thung di)' tri1ng; nlll hO'i
",hllh!,1 glan d? n o n g ll(.U lir 38 UT i Kekult! structure diU true Kekulc (Ctla
ho(f~ mQI kJwting kh ric nno do ben In k phlin IIi' n;n " f lien h (1'p vim!:. clrr {Te
"hilt d(i m o i Irlrung, khotlng Ih u i pluic hpa \'0'; cric lie n kb l l a h I'll k i! xen
16 s6 d o dimg kh o ng klli a \'; tri do) k if nhali)
oil d~ u I~ e (co n gpl III peanut kelp Ira lao
kel poll dau ui.n
".",meter kataromct (d(lng Cl,l de p luil kelp salt mu6i 1m l aO
,., Ithrrng Itr{Tng nlld crie chn I kid Irong
Kelvin absolute temperature scale
kh( Mng crich do d(J bien Ihlc n 1(10
Ihang nhi¢ I d0 tuy ~t d6i Kelvin (llIfllJK nhi ~'
,,6 d~ dAn nhiel Clio khong kllf, cc)n !:(Ji
t/ {; Ir o n}: lIn t}; :.0 cric nhlf t l l () clill hal tIC
cc ll)
cluj'a btlng Iy "\"0 lu(YnJ.: nhle l Inli m¢1 mdy
nhlif , " 0(11 ct(mg ,''co clw Irinh CarnOl II ti'"
1111.1 IIi' m(JI IronK eric biJ rto Iren lU"(Ytlg
IIIII.trlte CniOptril (con g(); Iii c.atoptritc) "h; 41 m ri may eM
Ihdi I(li 1'£;0 be kin, nltl'; f
,",i·l,utanol value lrj 56 knurl-butanol cf(1 diem ba Clia mrri'e c1lr(yr d;nfr ngfrla If)
do s6 milimet dati pita s a il lIo(1c \'t!cni 273, J6K , c on g(,)i 1(1 Kelvin temperc!lure
eM Ihle l de 1(10 rn "'(1 d(~r " ~.N"f.' ,c<~-,Jc, X c h '; n "<;('";:I k")

rdm l .-nllri Irong nr()'u bUI)'I) Kelvin body v~ t the Kelvin ("(II III ? Iy
gum gOm kauri (nlll.ro eopal e lrng trr /lra nK e6 trng ,\"Ilnf IrU"(Y1 (Iie p Itlyi!n) it'}
IhOng knuri (Agmhi.,· mL-flrnlis), {lim/{ f ong ella ,.. 0 h (lIJg " f I '; ~"ri'i bien d (mg Clia

P · YO"",HOC A,V
Kelvin 6'11

n6 vd s15 h{utg tY Ii vul toe do bien

Ihlen x ud l bieu bi. nJur m 6 ng vd da. vOn kMIr
bien d {U1g cUa n o rh eo ,h in gian, con g p t 'an Iro ng cdC" dung m ol protein, cd WI:
ld V oigt body ) itr r;rng lUll h uS'n" ca D va not chung d*
Kelvin e quation p hl.TO'ng t rinh K e lvi n xys lin va a rg/n ln n h,u cdc mit nmin tNt.
(phua n g trl nh cho ble , d (J tlIn g dp su.l{, Uti. I h e )
h al e ll a m (jl c h ill k i m t h eo d Q I cIng d(J k e rm esi t e k c rmeslt , S b 2 S 2 0 (khodtt, ..
cong b~ m(J1 Clla no. theo phtrO'ng tri nh do mil" d o an" d ilo. drmg b,U tlnh lit! Illiotl
gipl ch t'ft Id n g cQng- n h d t o e do bay h O'; h inh Ihtinh d o "" .r hie n d ol elin stibmll, all
ciVIg 16 n vd h(IJ chat r iln ctlng nhd ' hi d ¢ g 9i I n a n ti m o n y b lc n dc. purple bleodc.
h oo tan cu a n 6 c ang I o n) py roslibite , red an timony)
Kelvin-H e lmholtz in s tabilit y t a nh k e rn e l nh a n (ng uye n Ilr dd bjllru r '*
kh a n g o n di nh K e l vin - He lmh o lt z (linh electro n 1160 Ir; h O(fc n g uyin IIr man,.,.
kh6ng m. 1(nh xdy r a 0- m (11 phdn each I;c ll duan g Ih / e u c dc el ectron quj 4"
gitra h al l ap cha t lUll n e u c huyen d o n g n goai dmg ); n h an r h o; (phan bin trong"
ll¥'a n g d d t e lm ch Ung d ,; I v n va euo l ci'u1g m (H It(l t ); h~ t ng O cue (n illt h{ll lila ItoIr
phd VO' m (I1 phiin edch) h (lJ ng 6)
Kel vi n sc al e th a n g Kelv i n , x K e lvin k e rn e l o il d ?i u h c.1 1
absolute te m perat ure sca le k e rni te kc rn il . Na 2 U. 0 7 .4 1,12 0(klJodng"
Kelvin temperature scal e {ha ng dO
n h i¢ t borat ng (im n lI' ac k lr i'mK mall /(1'/ ......
K elvln {than g nhif t d(j I h (r c tien qu oc ,if frang k e f l inlt I r o n g h ~ c1t7n In vd co'"
von p h il h t;Yp w i t hang n hir/ d(3 I UY f / d o ; Iluiy 11nll. III n g lton Ix> quan trpng. tOft,,,
K elvin M n f r o n g nha-n g gi6i h wf xdc dlnh la r a.'iOrile)
th,} n g hll m ); th a n g nh ie. t d O t uyci d o l k e ro g en k erogen (v(illif ll l lfrll c" MoM"' ,
Kelvin , x K e tv·in absolu te tem perature sca le p h (rc l (lP co m(fl Iro ng d d tram tirh. MI,
kemidol ca nx l ox ll , Cao La lro ng d if P t lt(lell. d ,r o-c bi en d~l
c dc san ph w n driH m o nha clf/lng
kempite kempit, Mn 2 (OH)a C I (khodng v{il
gpi Iii kerabllumc n, pe l rologcn)
h I t d p h uO'n g m du i(lC n g pc, chua m angan
oxyclor ua bazO'. d(Utg tln l! I he n h o) k e roge n s h a le d.i phic n dau (cOn ,91
0 11 shale)
kennel coal th a n lua d a i
k e r os ene d a u h o.." d 'a u hi';.t
keotrolite k e ntro lit . Pb 2 Mn 2 S i2 0 g (k h oring
k e r ose n e -burn er d en d au hOt,
v(J t md u n d u sa m p h o- , do c h,ra c hi
k erosene-o il m ix tur e h6n hQ'p
mang an sillcat)
kenyte k e n y t (bien Ihe C"lia pho n a lit c h ,r a
kero se ne s t oc k nh ie n Ii¢u dau h6a
o ll v ln cu n g vo-i a n o r t h o cla za f e l s p Ql ,
k e ro s ine dau h6a , (Jau ILr3 (pI/ an r!t
n eph e lln. ocm it - auglt. amp h lbo l nalrl,
rn n dd l i nlt ch e dun.g nhu nhii n Itfu
ap a/lt va cdc ax il dl.I.C )
dun . nllu, d (jn g CfT p h dn I~rc, IMp
kept i pi c a c id axlt k e plip i c, d l$t co va "hll' c llift n (?n IlllIo. l r it
COOH .CH 2 C O .CO.CH 2 ·COOH Irp n g c hlTn g 0 .8 . c d c f ll iin" pl!an
kerabitum e n k erabilu m en. x kerogen I n cdc hy dr o c(lcbo n para! in vd
keratin ch 5't sirng, kera tin (,"(it 'ra n g cnc (r o ng k h odn g (:10 I tY ; C 14 , con gplld
a lbum/n o ft d(I c Iru ng clla c dc ehal dan o il )
579 ketone

kerosine distilate phan Caldau hoa keto-aldehyde kelOalde~, It, R .CO.CHO

(pha" edt frong khorlng 150.3000 Ii',. d liu keto-amide ketoamlt, R..CO.CONH2
md ho(fc dall da phle" , dimg nhlr d llu flu1p keto-amine ketoamin. R.N1-I 2 ·CO.R
d e n , dau dol 10. nhu dung m a; va nlu,. keto-enol tautomerism hien H.rO" ng h o
lhanh phan ella nh iin /ifII mdy bay phdn hie n keton--enol
i(l'C, con gpi La burning all)
keto-form d<;lng ket ...,,"
kerosine propellant "hie" 'lieu phA" hIe ketogenesis SIl sinh keton (sl.r san xulf, cdc
kcrosln (,rllien lieu phdn l(rc gom phlin edt Ihe keton)
"hten lifu ldng day Ih O'm thttp. d (j tinh ketogenic horm.one hormon sinh keto n
che caD, val khodng Ij Irong khOng tru(Tt
(ytu to ban dOll dl1n XW11 Ill' die!! chit t Ih6
qua ba d(J thea thang IY lr(mg ala Vi f n
den tuy e n yen von k ;ch II!;eh Sl.r chuyen
dau md My q 6O o F(l5.6°C), co the chit-a
h6a axil bio, hay g/o- dlrc;re coi Iii 10 hc;rp
phl.l g in) adrenoeorticotrop in v d h o rm on si nh
kerosine shale d a phlcn dau hoa (cOn K Pi Irlr o- ng . eo n gpi Id fatmclabollzing
talorbanite) hormone)
ketal ketal (Ihll(it ngir eu c hi goc =:= CO; ketogenic substance chat sinh k e ton
ho(lc m(Jt lrong cdc k et o" lJXe1aJ) (Ihl.re phom bal k y c ling cap cdc the
ketene keten, C 2 H 2 0 (kilt plul.n Irng m(Jnh, keton)
d(jc, khong mQu,. vi kho chiLI. sOl u -56 o C, ketoglutarate ketoglutarat (muol ho(Ie eSle
Ian trong ete va axelOn, phtJn huy frong CUD ax. it ketoglweuic)
nrr6c va con. dimg nhlr chlfl ax etyl h oa ketoglutaric acid axit ketoglu ta ri c.
Irong lang hr;rp hu-u ca)
ketene lamp den k e ten ($c;ri C hromel nung
C ~ H e 5 (axil ketodiaxil xuat hien
."dn pham Irlm g g inn fr ong chuy en han

blIng di?n nhiT do (hiLy phtln melon d e ((10 earbohydra/ va prolein)

ro k eton) ketohexose kctOhCX07..8 (m on ro·acari/ c/IITn
. ketimide kcttmtt (hc;rp chdt dU't;Yc bleu dten m(lCh sail cacbon va m Ol nho m keton)
Ix'lng R 2 :C:NX, Irang do X lil goe axy l)
k,!tol nrQ'U keton . R .CO.CH 2 0H
ketimlne ketimln (hc;rp ch{(, huu ea ehli'o ketolase keto laza (IO(1i enzym .rue Idc S{l'
nll om h6a Ir/ hal ">C = N H , bazu Sehl!! phtin cdt edc earbohydrat a vi Irl cacbon
lit m 9 1 v; d'.l )
keto- keto - (lie n 10 h da h Qc hii'u cO- ch o
ketolysis SIT keton phfin (Sl.' h Oa Ian. eac Ih?
nh om k e t o ho(le cacbon y l C:Q. nlur q
k eto n) kel oax lt ,
keto-monobasic acid
keto-acetic acid axil ketoa xe tl c ,
keto-monocarboxylic acid k ctoax il.
keto acid axil keto (hq-p chill vii'a lil a'(i/
vrl'a Jtj keton• .l·; dr., axil {J-axetoaxelic)
ketone keto n, xeton (m(it chat Irong nhom
ketoadipic acid axil ketoadipiC, CeHe0'5 hoa c hdt co con g tJure chung RR ·CO.
(sdn phlim trung gian trong c.huyen h Oa
trong d o R vd R ' La cdc gac alkyl. aryl
lysin thanh axit glutariC) ho(fc gae dj vang. eac nhom R va R ' co fh e
keto-alcohol nrO'u keto, R .CO.CH 2 0H Id gLi5ng nhau ho(lc khdc nhall, ho(lc gop
ketone 580

vao vt}flK, axeton va keton mely' ety' du{)'c cric on/.:, l'Iing l'()HI cha pl/(f p uk/! IOlIg h ai
dling nllu clung mo; l'n keton no; chung In ph/a In:n bri (1I1g)
cac: chert trung ginn quan Irpng trong sl,r keY kiloelcclronVtlll . kl.!V (kil oc:le(lrOltl'o/r)
long hQ'p eric clritl }lIi'u cO') key chi a kh6H; kh{).'l ; phi01 (mny It'll/t. md),
ketone body the keton (m(;)1 Irong cric ell/I' ~',\', )
keton khric nh(1U vo n lifng lifn Ironf,! Intlll Keyes equHtion phu'o'ng crinh Kc yes
\'() ml"ae lieft Irong rnQ/ so (fieu k;¢n, nluI"
(ph/ran!! Irinll (r(lttK thni Clio chat "",.
nhiem axit tiell dtdrng, do; hill d(U \'(7 Ilwi n}u1m llitJ/1 chinh phu'O'ng Irinh !'an der
nghen, con gp; iii acetone body) Wnals d o l n 7 ; I(k ril,mg Clta cdc phon Itt'
ketone decomposition SI.,I' phan giftl ketnn han qunnh /{}n .\'0 h(lng hiell riie n fh e dell
ketone ester este keton, RCOR 'COOR~ clia m(JI phon IIr)
ketone ether ete keton, H..CO,CI·12 .o,R ' Keyes process qu:i trinh Keycs (qun trinll
ketone musk X<.l hU'ong kcton ell/rug {'(It (h ing d e dic u c llc' 1'1I'f)'/i /Ily ~t

ketonic II (thu{x:) keton dot', the m l>ettzell l'I7() dim/.: d idt ('on 95';;;,
-m('('Yc ,WI; lien 1(1e W] kll; c/I/l'lIg nrl C(;II
ketonic acid axil ketonic, RCOCOOH
khan rei; ddy c(il)
ketonic bond lien kct kClOn , lien k c t
keying agent chfll lfi ng hci01
ketonic ester estc keton, RCOR'CC>OR" keystone d<'1 dinh V<"ll1l (lid hinh /I '; m de
CIUJn c/lnh l'()m) ; d .-I c h ~111 (dli IIgldiJn III/{)
ketonic ester type kicu cstc keton
citing de c!/(;m Hio kifl ft.' dri M 'II d' m(71
ketonic ether etc kcton, R,Co'OH 2 ·OR'
duo-ng nh1.m)
ketonic form d~ng k c ton
K feldspar f clsp"U K (c()n g pi Iii potas." i1l11l
ketonic link lien kct kcton , lil~ 1l kCI
f eldspar)
kg x kilogram; kilogr<lm force
ketonic oxygen oxy keton
kg-cal x kilocalorie
ketonic type kicu keton
kgf x kilogram force
ketonization Sl.I' keto" h6a kgf~m kilngam Il!c . mct, kgl · m
ketose kctoza (carbohydrnr co mhom kdon) (meler·kilogram)
ketosteroid ket os l ero il (m(H clull Ir ong kg-wt x kilo,gfllOl f orce
nh om steroU trung lu)n co ."1.1' Ihny Ihi! keto
khelin kclin . x khellin
von sinh rn mall do d{fc Irlt' ng vo' ;
khellin kclin, C,.I-I 12 0 5 (chifl , iJII /; h f)p
m·dinitrobenzen ri' mQt rlllttg rlic h k{e m ,
kilt I;nh III' dltnf,! <ilch melann/, o j l'{ drinK,
nhii'ng h<7p elrdl dd clu; yell It7 eric clU1 1 tlong cluiy (} / 5-1_/55°(' tall Irong 1II1'r)'C
chuyen Iron Cl;O cdc sleroil \'() tll{in ~' (i
nhieu }uyn fronK dung mol IHI'I( c(y. (hing
luyen sinh ,Il,lc) franK y h()c nll/I' c/"r, chting co ,ltifl, clull
kettle nol, thung giiy ginn In(lch nlnh ni clufl giiy gilill pitt'
kettle bodied oil dnu trung hO'P nhi¢t qulin, n'm dtf , Iti c/lel/in, khelin WI gp; /i1
kettle reboiler nOi nflu 1<.11 kicu on:; lo ng vi<m01min)
(dl,mg CI,l Irno do; tthift kleu tJng l o ng kHz kilo h ec. kllz (kilolt jfl' tz )
Irong cia d,al /tjllg bay hai 6' phin l'l) do kibhl~ X(\ Ihung gt)
nlri~t dUly;;n /Ii' dUll Innl{ !l o ng cJuiy qua kidney ore h em" l it dnn g thrln (<ir:lnK
581 kilogr.."m

hem(llil , lm (h lly eric kilo' ('II (fl , ban fhe dung de h im)
ho(1c kifl " (1('11 co /rinll qlu} III(in) killed s teel the p 1{lOg (Ih lip klll'r ot')' h oim
kidney stone c uOi (con K(Ji I n nephrilc) torin , vi cll,l . brtng erich Ihe m n/rom 1I 00k
kier n o i nilu gi~ l, noi I(Yn (nof co tip rll! dun .\'i!lc, IronK (/6 pll(in Il'ng g irra cnebon wi
sol W1r durn g in conK finl! nhlim 10(1; bd ox)' Iron g qmi trin ll (I onl: cl(fc hi tri~ /)

cric clrff I 1(1 nlllr Ito 1I0(lc .wip) killer chilt Iri ~l quang (ffJP clllll nK iln c rin
kiering (~l!) nau gi~ ( Sl,' p l uil qllnng Ironl! cllffl rttn)
kies pirit . qu~ng srtt sul fua kiln 10 say; huong sfiy (tic .wIy, mmg lI o(1c
kieselguhr s lli c<1£Cn ( co n KP; / (/ dor v(il li~1I nlllr fJll {ing I/O{ic, gam) II dl
uialomaccou!" c.:'1 rth) say; nun g
kieseri Ie klcsc rlt , M gSO .. J -f 20 (kl/Odng \ '{it
kiln dried dU'c,n; say Ib
m rlll Irt1nx kf..~1 Il n lt a Iff I I 00n Il}, ell/i'" kiln dry say Ii}
mogle .f ill! (If ng(im ntUTC \'0 x Hlf t hitl ll kiln e d (dLrl,Yc) s.c'y kh(,
fr o n g ('(fn milo;) kilned malt m<'lc h nha kht)
Kikuchi lines dU'frng Kikuchi (lIlnll mall kiln gus khf It'}, kho l It)
gom eric c(lp (IIr&n l: trr1n g w} s tun son;: kiln h o le CLr'1 1(',
.mng , Im duc;yc kill cJl/im elect ron Ill" X{I
kilning (Sl!) s:1y Ii)
(n /rie" ,\: (1) b(y; chat ran kif, rinh, h i,,11 dt'
kiln mill m{l)' nghien sti),
clIO thong l in ,'e alII Inic Clio tinh fhe)
kiln roasting Sl,I' nung Ii)
Kiliani reaction ph ;;"ln Ki l iani lrn}!
kiln s lru c lure diu true III
(pJllurng plu;!, / ()ng h (yp aldozn cno 11,-
n ld ozn tlrtfp. mnnosncflrit. n l",. aidelry l n;
kiln tar nhL,r<l It'l
keton. p i";,, Irng hytlro.-..:ytlntut eI ? I (/() r(l kilo- kilo- (lien lif IHeu Illf } 03 I w{1c } OOO,
xyan ohyclrin, l 'on tlu(J'c IllIiy plllin ele 1(10 " iiFt f i11 k )
rn ('ae mit hydr a\)'. bie n clo' ,llIin" lacrol/. kilobar kilohar (cion I'j (ip ,\'" tit br)IIK JO(}()
l'I'J kllt',- IluJnll nldozn \frY; 111m lu)nK natr i ) hal'. "iir , t(1t kb )

Kilk~nl1y coal anlraxil (crJ/l K(Ji 1(; kil oca lori e kilm:a l o (dan \,{ nlli r l II d l11:
<lnl r C'l cilc) b/;fll: 1000 (,lIlo, \'i e l t tit kca l, CcJII KQI iii
kilogntm..c,alori c ( k g<al ). k"l rgc calo r ic(Cal)
kill k hlr (xl i' Iy th i! n iio d o d e phd IlIiy
nlt/rng linlt c/Ull killing d in 1'1 d~1 Ih h~'I , kilogram kilog <lnl (cla ll 1'i klloi 11I'{J' lIg
frOIl!; It tl met-kilol!fIIll-p,iriy, bei n g khi'il
(rung lu)n (u:iI bdnK erich clIO 1" 2m Idem):
d {t p liil (II/(Jm clU11 klllr ox)' 1J/(1JIh. "JIII' Itt{m;; nia nguyen mri" qui'" I f kilogam
j'i!ic hock nllt}m, n i o flui p mlng cluiy de lUll 11'1;' 0' Si!\'re.\' ( Pluip), del 11ft kg);
dii'ng pluin (rng gili'n cacbon wi ox)' I {IO /'0 kilogal11 IIfC,.\' kilugntm forc(,,'
cncbon mon ox it wi elioxil eI(llig kit,. 'rang kil ogram-ca lorie k ilocalo, x k iloc~lloric

qlla f,.;nh dtmg d (1c); c h(ln (Irong klwrU/ kil u~ram - e quival cn t w~ight dU' (Yn~

dnll, I1 giill KiiFng plllm /)r'ng II/Ilhlg hi~ f/ lU'l."rng ki logam (dati \ 'j kho; itf(J'Jlg hfillK
pltrip t ll i cll Itr;rp; (ronl! ,\'(i" xlli{{ drill m'; IOO() I rlll tllrrrng /tl'{Tng Katn)
I ii tlknJ.: san xlUlt g i i! nJ.: tI? nj f h ~ l it..": n kilug ....tm force kilog<tm h,rc (ti fTtl vi " .n·
l u)n" slra clurn g i e nlO bltnK 'r(lnK IU(TtlK ('1 ;(1 khfii I ki/c'f{ rlJH (.r
killed spirits ax il han (elling d;ch ml'(h' {Iiem Irifn be m (1f Irrit' ell;', ('0 Kin I f)(' ,rp lIK
('lin kifm (II) c!onm (/{mg nlll/' chii'I '''('' /tfc 9./'106(j5 m /,\'2, I'i(f, /(11 kgJ', dm K{)i Ie}
kilo'gram-meter 582

k.ilogram (kg), kilogram w e igh. (k g"'" '» or kinem atic v iSCOSity)

k.ilogram-meter kll oga m I'l e- m e t , x kindic II (Ihu¢c) dOng hOC (I iin q ua n t u i
OlCte r-kllogram h o{1c t (lO r n ehuyen d ¢ng)
kilogram weight kilogam I'lc {con gOI I r} kinetic energy don g n an g (n tIn g III'tJ'ng
kilogram f o r ce) m (jl v~ t co d,r(Tc do no cltlL)1en d(m g, Iro ng
kilohm k iloom (dan vi di~n tr a ban g 1000 co- h ()C co dien no Ixtng mra kll o i JU(Tng
om, ky h l~u kO, ko hm) ClUJ VQI nhlin va i binh p huo-ng toe d¢ CUD
kilojoul e k ilojun (dan vI n tIn g lutJ'ng ho(lc n o)
cong M ng 100 J un , ky h l~ u kJ) kinetic equilibrium st,r ca n b~ n g d o ng,
kil o liter k i lollt (dan vi di m g I f ell Mng 1000 con g91 I ii dy nam iC equilib rium)
Ifl h o(fc I xentimer k h oi, ky h it ll k l) kinetic friction ma sa l dOn g (m a ,1'111 gili'n
kilometer kil o m c l (dan vi dQ d iU bang hlli lie m {f l trt r t)'t I ren n hau )
WOO m el , k y IJJ(u km ) kinetic potential the dOng hOC
kiloton kilol on (dan v; dimg d e xac d ln it kineti c pres sure ap sual dong (tl¢n g n lIng
hl~ll sud l clia bom plrdn h(lch bang cong I re n d a n v( th)} t(cil Clio ch d t luu, bOng
n o c l~ n J OO O t a n ( h f
.<I u a t m et) mTa If ch m~1 d(j Clla n o va bi nh pllll'ang-
Irinltrol o l /Um (TNT). ky h{~/l kl ) t oc cJ¢ clia n o)
kimzeyite klmzeyit , C'...a 3 (Zr, Ti h ( AI,si)a 0 12 kineti c ' reaction phan h,rc dong (Iri'r kh a t
(khodng v(iJ thu(jc n hom g r an m) III'(Tng r-uu v(it n i llin VcYl g la I OC Clio n o)
kina s e klnaza (en zy m X llc I dc eh o eu,: phd n kinetics dong It,l''c h OC (d on g b,rc hOC cria
ling p h osp or y l h O(l) eric th ~ ~'(11 ch a l )
kinematic bound a ry c o ndition d ic u kinetic s tress u-og s ufi t d ong (I ron g Iy
kl¢n b~ n dOng h OC (d[eu k i~n I/l fmh p hCJ.n thllyer co ' ''n ll uTi ch uyell lip".': clin lih'l:
van lOC cJld t 11m vuo ng g6c vai biin ran p lr'iin I Ii- r U ng ie, Erng su a t :C ll a t h ilfn do
phdf Mng kh6ng c:Y ehfnh bUn, k hi bien lit I on t(li SI." piuin bO v('i n l oe Clio cdc p h lin
Iii m (11 drift IOIll{ I hi di ell kien tip ri lp1g IIi', V{ dl.l Iii rip ,wril Cl io kit! Iy Ilrang )
ch o !ri eu vectr.r Clio cric v(in InC qua m ~ t kineti c theory I)' t h uyc t d On g hoc (Ij
phl1n cach ) thllYi't g idf Ih fc" d (mg Ihdi Clio cac h ~ V(U
kinemati c nuidity d O l o n g d On g h oc Iy va; gid ,Ih ief Id dlllng gom m (J t ,\'0 l6'n
(ng h ;ch d cio Cl ; O dQ nhu l dong) n guyen /lr h o(fc phdn (u chuyen tl(mg r{(t
kinematic s dong h OC (ng nnh nKltiin (,Ih, m a nh li¢t , n 6 g i d d jnh li ifp r a ng n lIn g
ch uyen d (mg ClUJ IIf cdc h (U v(il cha l m a Itl't)'ng vd dQng I w:;rng d u(),c bOo loim t r ong
kh6ng de y d C'n eric /t,re tde d l.m g lin h f) va ch (1t11 Cl ia nlurng h (ll do va co (h e tip
kinemati c similarity 51! (tra n g t t,r don g cll,m g cdc p h uang pluip tlriing k i d€ suy
hoc (qutut h f giil'a cdc hi d ong chdy dial Ta d (mg thai Irung binh a l a cdc h (ll, con
/t1'1l Iron g lto cdc t o e (t o ch ill hrn lua n g Iii. m o lecular theory)

Ii-ng va cae g radlen 10C dt) deli U Irong kinetin k i netin.. C t OHg O N :s (;cytokinin 1(10
tj s6 Ipi nllli'n g v; I r f IlrO'ng " ng)
cling cac r a Iron g nldiu /o(li Cliy von co Ide d (mg
kfch l hieh j'l.l' phlin ban)
kinematic viscosity d o nh eY t d Ong (dt)
nll al tUYfl do l Clio ch at hm chia eh o k h o i king' s blue pham xa nh coban,x coba lt blue
bl'Q'ng r len g Clio n o, con go; Id coeffic ie nt king 's y ellow pham vimg opimen, (As 2 Sa )
583 kneaded

kinic acid axlt klntc.x qUlnic acid kilo. kltol, C.oHeo02 (provllamin cua
kinin kinin (m(H frong m ,,1 s6 polypeptit vitamin A dbn xuifllii' dCb. gan cd. vol, kit
h o¢ /(nh dw),c Ij h pc von Ide d(mg nhll' linh /11' dU/1g dleh m etanoJ)
chat lam gldm huy e l dp , lam co cdc ca kilon colours thulle nhuOm kHo n (phlJm
Ira n l och rieng va tam tling d¢ Iham mao nhuQm ettil)
dan, vi dl.l UJ brady kinin) kJ x kilOjoule
kink nut , c h o th ~ t nul (vong xodn ch(ll Kjeldahl method phU'O'ng phap KJeldahi
trong S(TI cap ldm bien d(Utg l tin 11,U: vd (Phlin I{ch d{nh lU(Tng ht;1p chili htl'u CCT
hong dhy); ch6 x~n uon (clio uo n gilio hai d~ xac djnh ham /U'(Tng nila nho tlrO'ng
dO(l11 xodn oc cua axil tUaxyribonuc/eic do Ide \lcYi axil s ulfuric d~c, amo niac d,r9'c
k h a n g ch o n g dung m (ll c(lp ca sa va cal til' N H . 50" /(10 Ihtlnh)
x tl'ung song poly nflcleolil hi xodn ) Kjeldal nask binh KJe ldal
kink site vj lrl nllt kl x kiloliter
Kipp gas generator may Kipp (mily phdl klaprothite klapro CH, C u.,8i"S9 (khodng
khi) v(it mau x am chu-a d'3ng bismuJ sui! ua)
kips d a bO kJebel s bergite klebelsbergU (khodng v(it
kir asphan pho ng boo chli. yell gom anllmo n suI! at bozo)
Kirchhoff' s equation s phU' O' ng lrinh kleinite klcinH (khodn.g v(it mrut wing d en
Kirchhoff (cdc pltu O'ng Irinh theo do ll(lo do cam, d ura ax il, sul! aJ va: doruo bozq
h am rieng d ¢ bien th ien entalp y (h o{1c n ¢ i Clla tllliy ngiin \'{} (Un on ;)
nting) tron g m (J l phdn lrng, theo nhlf t d (J, Klein-Rydberg method phU'O'ng phap
a tip sldfl (h~c the Ifeh) khfmg dO; bdng Kleln·Rydberg (Irong h 6a Ij de xdc dlnh
d (j bit n thiCn nhii t dung 0- dp sulft (ho(fc ham I h e nilng theo khodng cadi giua cdc
th e !{chj khtmg dOi ) h(ll nJum coo phlin tu lu'u ng ng uy in It;' liT
Kirkendall effect hl e u ling Kirkend all eric mrrc dao d(Jng va quay coo phdn Ilt )
(hien tU'()'ng ddu a m(11 phlln each g ia-a Klein's reagent thu oc thLr Klein (dung
h 9'P kim va kim 1000i dlch chuyen ve phla
dich borovonf ramtU bdo hOa )
h r;1p kim k if; nhi~ t do clia he fling cao hun
klockamnnite klokamnlt , C u Se (khodng
di'em xtiy rn lV khuech uin )
vQ/ mau xam dd phil n chu-a dOng selenua,
kirovUe klrov il, (Fe.Mg)S0 .. .7 H 2 0 (k hoang
v(it cluro sui! a/ ng(lm mruc clia sat va
x uif l hi'" c7 cdc k el 11.' d (Ulg h(ll)
km x kilom eter
mogle, d ong hlnh val malanleril va plsan it )
K Monel ho'p kim K Monel (h(yp kim phi
kirwanite kirv anit (mOl i O(l,i than anlraxil
li'r linh, h o a clrng th eo' lu/)I nia nlken
co dnh kim)
(28 .34 % ) vd dang vd 2, 75% nh6 m, co Ih ~
kish bOt gra phit (graphil t(l' do no; li!n be
X li' Ii nhlCl sou khl gia cong linh de 1(10
m{11 gang hy pereweclic nOng chdy kill n o
ra v(it liiu vUo cho ng du(yc tIn m a n vtro
nguQi di )
q r c IcY arng vr1'ng)
Kistiakowsky-Fishtine equation
phuCrng tTinh K lstiakowsky·FIShtin e (de
knead khuay tron; lam dCa, Lam- nhuyen
ti nhan nhi f l h o a hOi coo c dc hC'P c hlfl knead ... (<lo))<bu5y Ir(in ; (d3) IiIm dCa, (do)
linh khlel, hau feh khl khling co cdc d,.i' lam nhuyen
_ lieu ve dp suitt hal va l a l hem) kneaded eraser diy n g~o trOn (/ O(J; Illy che
kneaded 584

Ifr cao S1I kh6 ng hru h 6a, Iti nlt ci(lnK co ,1/;: knf)ckout press m{IY c p Ih<ln khu 6n
I/ury d ot d e citing brYi ng lro-i ,\'Ir tll.tng cle knockout vessel hinh khLr g il,l l (""nll. /(mK
In)' b6 ri a " dill' bt;1 chi kh6 i g i rly ) h ()(,Jc Ixi), elll ng de 10(11 bo cri c Kipi c/ur, Itm
knead e d structure e<l u Iruc htm h<,rp khni I flanK kill )
kneader m .iy ngiul Ir6n (m ri)' I I"(m \ '(il lif lt knuck pruducer chal gay no
1x)1 nluJo Irong cl o hQI nl,,;o (Iir(TC clrio Ie" knock ruling d (l kic h n () (ch i so d o xu
xflo nK nht?" f lin , 1(11 ben n p sang "':n k in Itlro-ng kl cll n o ('lin X(ln l.:)
de cric l eTp r;enK ri! k ifl dlnlt w )-i nIHIl( 1(10
ra h (;n 1t(Y1' d ong n lui'f)
knuck reducer cha t chong no -
knock sedative dope phl,.l gia ch6 ng no
kneading ( 5t!) khu ffy In,) n ; ( st!) If,m d en , knock suppresssor chal chti ng no (ch if,
(st!) lilm nhuyc n Ihem W}(J nllien Iifr~1i d(m K cO' d e kim b(YI
kneading machine moly IrOn ; Imiy khuffy IlOr,1c nJuin IJgirn ,\'1,1' /..: Id l nv wi -"I,r f1('j ' <10
kco ; may t r('m v u'a giiiy r a Ir on g donK ('a d ti l Irong kic"
pit Ie)n g,
kneading trough thung t n.) n l't dl,l elll l efrnl!ly l )
knebelite knchclit , (Fc, MnhSIO " (kl/Onng knuck test phcp thO- nt)
l 'O I c}ur a Siff m (ln g all ,'ii/ical) Knoeven ~lgel reaction ph .'tn u ng
knee d au gOi (a c/uin n}!,ur'ri wi (/i}ng 1'(1f); Kn ncv c na gc l (,\'1.1' ngunK IU ald eb Y I VeTi
khlYp nOi (0- mtiy ngllten ); kc (diu Irlk d (y II Q'J' ch ill d llra nllo ," m ely l en /":Id, 110(11
tlll'O; can a m nv luin clif n Iru) (= rIl »
knife block h(lp dm> Knoop hardness d 0 C li-Og Kn o op (d()
knife-edge 1n.1 Ill'fri dao (m el' h rp g rfn ",ra (,l l'n K Ii! l'i u r a n g d o; (" in wjf /if " nlll l' k i m
nlllr IIt'a i dna, l 't ell,l m ep Il,rn n i(l elill cio n 1cJ{II', ("fryC x ric dinll brin g pluj p II"i' (r n /iim
My (y ell,mg Cl,1 clo) K I/ ()(Jp )

knife edge of balunt:e In,! hro'j dil O ctln KnHnp indentation t~st ph cp IhlJ' ( u (J
knitting machine nil d a u mfly d nn ct'm g) an 10 m Knoop (Pil ip 11",· d (J nrllK
knitting yarn SV' <.Ia n ' )ling ltinh cll op kim cll'an l( ('0 thinK I'H) 1(10

\'C' Inm K ntKJP , d (j n fng d ,r(1(' x(ic elin h

knock SV' no II (/1 nl>
I lleo d {) sfill do /;(1 1(10 ~ 'ih 10m K fJ(WP gr~\ '
knock back rm XlII:lOg, l<i ng xUl1'ng
r(l )
knock down the oil (;k h d au khtl! nu't.Yc
KnOol) indentt!r h(,) 1<,10 vel Iflm Knoo p (b(,
knocker cha l no, x shell knock er
1(10 v a·1 16 m M n}!, kim cU'rYng co de hillll
knock-fre~ khu ng (gay) n(> I h Oi 1'(1i nk (tlro-ng chin lIu:o I)' I i} /.' 7 l'()
knock indicator chi Ihi 11() ("lie g6c /f1m 0- ,till" /3 (jO WI 172° 3() : dlillJi
knock inducer chill kich ni.l IronK pluip 1I"i' cI(J nrl1 K Ifn lii m /.:II<HJpJ
knocking (sV') no knupite kno pit (m QI bi en Ihe ell/i'll x c,-i ('I i"
knot:kings c{ln ray p er cw sk it)
knock intensity ClJ'o og de!) kich nll (n r u nK knoppers qua ho d :u) (de) thm)<.:
(t {) k{ell n a glt{ l ttr(yc kill 1I1li- (}i'Wn h o{f(' Knorr synthesis SI,.I' l ong hO"P Knorr (I'/uill
(t{j kich n o c,ia x dng (t (m g cO' ) Ir nK nKl rng 11.1 1(10 p y r o l liifn himll Iw(1c
knockout bQ p~ n Itkin khu6 n I ron g axil ru: l!lic blI n K hocfe lr o n g ellIIIK
knockout plate b~ln tha ll khu{"m eliell Jde, n Iro ng d o a ·m nino k el o n k e l " (1'1'
585 Kulbe

wr; h(Tp chilt a~c(1chonyt tie 1(10 ,-" p yrol. knbdlitt: k ohclit , Ph 2(Hi~"ih)2S5 (kllO/i ng \ '(il
co Ii! /r) .\'If long h (yp p yrolllnh 110(11 "/1(1',) m n u xri"r plurl clem ell/ i'(j (Ullim o n bi.tmrllf
knot no t, nut (l'CI "'1./0 a Kr1 .\"flc danh tI,1'll eI,,- ,\"III! lUI)
clu} cllnh m (>C ,.(1 fir II/fin eliy); knot (cif ll Ko c h's acid axil Ko c h N I1 2 C , o ".
Irlk ell /rnl f r o nK !t6 n ht,'/I cO', IrnnK (Ir; ctic (S03 N )a
l'onK rlII,'n 50 /w{1c nllie ll /UY/1 Ctk I/I(illll ku c c.: hlinit t.' k n Cl..: hli nil , Hi 2 M()()s (kltmillg
"ien co ('nil IIInll !t,rn nlur nlit); h ~'li ly/ giiy , l"(il Itf I r) I"I/N"'K IIUIII w inK 1'11 0'1 It.I(' c/u;'(1
knot (dan l 't v(in l ac I h ril ') ' (I,X52 kill) bi.\·111111 m olYl'dal )
(ren 8i&, bring xlfp xi O.5 J.1-14 m /.\') Koehler lamp d c n Koehler (d en an I mill.
knotty" cl') hU'<Yu, Cll nhi c u nLit, cd nhicLl n gt;m Iti'a clti , blinK nap/i/II d/mg n 'onx ('fie
d61 m {i kill)
knott y gneiss dnlnmil bU-cTU knenenite k oc n c nit , M g5A 12(OII )12<:1.
knotty ore qu~ng buau {k h ming " (II rtlf m e'" cltli'a mo~it: IIlulm
knotty wood go nhlc u mau cloruo boza )
knoxv i llite knoxvilit , x copiapilc k()ettigitc kn c ti gll , Z n 3(AsO.)2.X I1 20
Knudsen cell hinh Knuuse n (do rip ,\"//(1'1 (kltorin g \ ' (if c armin cllti'll k~m or.\·(! II rn
h a ; r tf' IlulP hntt/-: erich c/o kllot Irqmg h O'I hydral It (;o)

thodt r(l klli bin" clura clllll Idn g elin b/lng Knhlnlllsch I;,w dlnh IlI:) t Kn hl nlll'\ch (" i?
va; ha; nin n d) -"If dnng g,;1' ("Iio III 'n K ion wIn 't!(i di<!n dn"
Knud se n now dl'm g Knudsen (d'm g{)/ Iti flnrnK dUO'IIK ('Iia c/U11 tfi~n ,,1t(1I1 " ,) c ling
fr ee m o lecu le now) {ming; pc
d() (hin tlNn IINTn;.: dlnf n g ("Iio

Knudsen gage ~i p kc Knud<;.cn (d(IfIK CI.I de d llllX die" rrll loring {'lin clUII tllfn p/ilm
{t o rip .wil' "nl /lufp . "on d o
clUJI [(n' Clio
m(m" }
kh! I nc {II.lnK l iln m ('JI l /fm I(lnll mll bell Kuhlruu sc h method phll"l r n g rh ~i r

c(mh n{} co m Qt Ilfm dU"(Yc minK b(tlll-: dif n) K u hlrau ..;c h (do d{j (Iii" (Ii~n p" fin ('tin m (H
dlllll-: d{("/i ("() .\'1;' dl.lIl g dill Wllt!m.\·IOIJ<.')
Knudst:n-Lungmuir equation pllln r ng
trinh Knud sen-Lan gmuir ( ~"o"g h O(l k .'· kuhm kilt)OIll , x kiloh m
Ilw(i1 It) quail h ~ etlll f ile d (; elurn/{ di"r Knjic acid axil Kojk ,Ce ll eO. (clUI I kl/(ing
ph fin It;' n"h rip .\"fIIf! luri h(i n l/fla, nlli~ 1 d() sillh k i!! l inh, ndng cluly ("1 152·J5.JO ( ·. IlIII
dung dicit n; I'lilin II,' Itr{mg klli boy Iud Ir o n!!. II/rae (l\' t!I OII wi {'vn , ti li ng Iro llg
w; n g ung 1/.1 klul n}: liii ,,,,,11 h rHln ) fllllf,e Ir'-r .w ill 1"(1 n/tll' dUll ch tin/-: n rlm \"(/

Knudsen numb er S~i s6 ..Knur.l~e l1 (I)" :o,-ti ('fI(i ng d k llluln)

eft? d iU qudng dl l"ttng ft.r d o ,rung hin" ('I;a kuktaite koklail . (N II. )2 Ca (so.h.l12()
criC' pll'", 11(- c lIa cl,nt lit ,. Ten d() (lrlt d(Je (k h o lin g \'(11 dllra cn llx i amoni .\"tllI (If
tnTn /{, d[mg di: m t> In tldng clUII kli l m t}' " K(im /IIft'h ' )
d ¢ fh lfp) kfJlbt:ckite k o lhcc kit (k l w{;"K l'(il miill Xllnh
Knudsen vacuum gage tip kc c hflll khfll1g itT 1(;-;xdm cllfra IJery li nh6m ("and -,"liem
Knudse n ({ll.ln~ ("(I cle c/o nie' rip .\"1Il;"' kit,. n i 1'11 0-'"1'/1(11 Il K{im ,,,nyc, cr) " KO i Itl
lim , m QI ,'all xony tllelt elIIIY;:" blinK rip sltcrrclilC)
S W ll e,ia eric ,,/I(ill Iii" cl/fQ'C n llnK m }n ;.:, tI() Kolbe h y drocarbon synthesis phuun g
xony ,>; I? Wy( ,,(jnK tI {j ~Ii(l cric pl/(ill IIf' rh;lp l (")O1! h('yp hydroc<lcho n K o lhc (n lu)
frong hf) tlilj ll pluin l11/1oi I an Irollt: mrac n;" adl
Kolbe-Schmitt 586

carboxy lic de sdn Xud l alkan) korn e lite k o r n e l it , Fe2(SO.. h.7H 20

Kolbe-Schmitt synth es is SI! t o n g h Q'p (k h 06ng v(il kho ng m a" l u i mau n Oli ch ua
K o lbe-Schm ltt (1(lO a"t: il s olixy lic blIn g cach sitt (I l l ) sui! a t n gom n m yc)
eh a cacbon dlox it p h dn Il 'ng va ; m u.oi natrl Korn e r 's method ph U'cyng p h ap K o rner
p h en oxit cY 125 C )
0 (xac dlnh vl l r i WYfl d o l ella cac n h 6m t h e
kolm l han glau hydro cliD ch it, clon g phlin d{ vi tr { tro ng benz en
k o m a tiite k o matiit (dti ma c ma I il' t a n g bdn g cach sdn XUQl cdt: chat d o n g p h iin
m anli co ham IUQ'ng mag l e eao, n hat La d i v i lrf Iii' benzen Ih e h al ran n do d o)
m og ie oxil) kornerupine k orn e r up in , ( M g,Fe ,A 1ho-
K o ndo alloy hO'p k. lm K o n do (h V p k i m (SI)3)9 0 .. 3 (k h odng V(il k h an g ~ 'm)u, mau
p lr a Loong Clio VQt lieu IIi' t (nh t rong r:lr a l wi n g . n a il. h o(1cx anb ntraC bie n chli-a
n en p h i Ill' t inh l ir e Ir lfn hi f u Ii-ng K o ndo) mag i e sill borosilica/ )

K o ndo e ffec t h l~ u u- ng K o ndo (s l.r I dng Korshun meth o d phU'o-ng phap K orsh un
m (m lt 4;
til/run g Clio elff n Ira elm m (jt so (x tic dinh vi Ltr(J'ng ea cbon va hy dro (r ong
It(J'P kim p h a LeXing elia V(il /i( u cir tfn ll ht;Yp c h f( t JIII ·U ca, mali c h a l d lr {),c
tron g chllt nen phi til' ,inll kltl h(l t h ap c rackinh trong lhie ll 11l.1I axy, SOli do dtr(Yc
n h ift dO) oxy Juj a Iro n g dtr tJura my)

Kondo temperatur e n hl ¢t d Q K o n d o ko s m oc hi o r kosm och io. x u rey ite

(nltl CI d Q ma dual d o hif a Ii-ng K o neto kot o ite k o t o il , M g 3 (B0 3) 2 (kh odn g V(jl
ch iem u u I h e d o l val m Ol t{lP eh a l til' tinlt h n r nf he ,Ii p Jllr a n g, (l o n g call I n k vai
xtie dinh va v(Jt lieu n en ) j imboi l )
kongsbergite k o nsbe r git (h o n h o n g III Kourb a l o rr's r eage nt s t h u oc l ht:r
nhien eua b{le va thuy ng dn, 10 (li g Mu bQc K ourbatoff (cdc lac nh an kh ae dting eh o vi
clrli-a 95 % b(le vel 5 % thUy . ngdn) phlln lieh I h i p eacOOn, c~ bon cong Ilui-e
koninckite koo inkit, FePO.. .3H z O (kh o dng khdc n ltellt. ba l'a! ax it n it r ic, m ~1 va! ax i l
v(it m au vl m g Clia sll, ( }} I ) p h o sp h at ng(1m clohydr ic )
nua e ) Kovat's ret e ntion ind e xe s chi s6 duy tn
K o nowalorr rul e q uy t ~c K o nowaloff (quy K ov at ( thll tf!.C nh(ln d(Ulg It (J'P c}rd t tr u ng
Idc Ihve ng hif m n o ; r d n g I r o ng 1r 00i t r en sitc k j k ill , d 9 ng tll ni a la m 9t ItQ'P chat
h Im h Q'p long co ry I f c oo h a n CliO tlrimlr duQ'C chl ra bh ng vi tr{ coo n 6 Iren t h ang
p hOn tna khl Ih em van ch (f r l d n g .'.c la m c ac g id tr ; alkon binll t huo-ng , v( dl.~ m elon
t ifng dp suitt h a l elUz n o !iO va ; cdc tJu!Jnll = 100. elon = 200)
p h l1n khtic ) Kozak sequ.ence dfly K ozak (c!iiy n ucleolil
kontakt sa p o nirier c h a t xa ph u n g h 6a ' r o n g v l'm g axil rib o n ll cli e mang Itn 5'
Ucp xuc k h o ng d;eh eh o p JIt!p c d c ribO.\·om phiin
koppite ko plt (k h odng V(l l clura m QI d (V1g biCI codon klny; dolt )
py r ocLo g o m x eri, .w'll va kali ) Kozeny- C armen equation phU'O'ng trinh
Kopp ' s law d inh I ~l Kopp (lro nK h o a IY. K oz-cny-Carme n (p It/r a ng tri llh d i5 i val
thea d o nhl f t dun g m ol clia m Ol h o-p c h ili dOng c h dy k h ong ' flO xody ella cdc ch a t
lUll qua ,"Ong b(Jt)
r d n u nhlf l d (J va dp ~· Ila" p h o n g xap xi
M n g lang cdc nhifl dunK C lta c ac n g uy en Kr x krypton
,6 Iron g h(yp ch a t ) kra rt liquor dung d jc h nau sul fal (giify )
587 krystalglass

kraft mill nM m ~y lam bOt gi3y coo ra p Kresb·Hcnsclelt (con d,trang p II d n 'rn g
kraft paper glily g6. hAng I"", day (g /tty vong phan hli)' arginin thanh lire kill c6
dtly h o(lc cae lOng tam IIC bQt go qua tr inh arginaza)
suI! ai, c dc IO(li khong illY Irilng dlrQ'c kribergite k ri bcrg it , AI5(PO.~(SO. )­
dung /dm gldy gol va h(ip cae t on g V(l1! (OI-l).,2H 2 0 (kllodng v(J1 g l6ng d d pllan.
chuy~n) mau trdng clura nhom suI! m va plto.rphaJ
kraft process q u ~ trinh s ulfal (hun b(JI bOZlT ng(im mrac ) ,
glliy). X sulfa te pulping krlngle domain mi e n kringle , x kringle
kraft pulp bOt gla-y ccr ra p (g itiy baa xi regio n
mcIng) kringle region mien knnglc (dIll Mnh call
kraft pulping qua tri nh bOt gi3y sulfat, x IT/k proleln duy nlllf l gom ba IUn kel
sulfate pulping disul!lla, con gpt Iii kringlc d omain)
Krause rolling mill may can Krause CIOlJi krohnkite kr o nkll , Na 2 C u(SO.h.21-1 2 0
mdy can trong do cdc ITI.l e cdn \'Ira ljnh (kluxing V{JI d(lng d u n ta mau xanh cia trai
tie n vlra quay. {dm g ldm m (lnh chti u diiy clur n d ung natri su I! rJI ng{im mr6'c:, cd a
c lja tom thep kit; n 6 di qua) d(1l1g kh6i )
krausile krausil, KFe(SO. )2.H20 (khonng krokidolile krokidnlil (co n gfJi id
v(it mall !{l e, pilaf van g cJllra kalt·sl1 t c rcx.:idolilc)
sui! at ng (im nlrue) Kroll process qua trinh Kroll (qua tri nh
kremastic water mr&c t ha m Itru,x vooosc kh,} d~ stin xWlt chI; ytiU xop kim t o(li
wale r t itan til' litall t etrae/oTlm)
kremers ite krcmersll , ((N H 4 ).K12 Fc. kryogen blue ph~m lam kry ogc n (phlim
0s ·H 2 0 (khodng v(it mou d d d(Ulg t inh lit? :ml/Ila)
Idm m (fl . chua kali nllam, si1J c/OrlW flg(lm kryolithionite kryolil lonlt, Na 3 Li 3 (A IFe )2
n u rYc) (kh odng v(it cd call Inlc Il,ra nlllr g ranm,
Kremser formula co n g thlfC Kr c m sc r Ja m {il lO(li spot/lunell)
(phlra n g Irinh t f nil Clln b()ng \ '{i l c/url l'(} kry ometer Ihilp n hiet k c
tr(lllg Ihal can bhn g Clia ('(JI cal. gid thief kryoscopy p hc p do d o h ~ b::ln,g diem
d;nh I"til phiin 1X5 Iy lua ng, ng hla It) n on K krypton kryplOn , Kr (nRI~ye n /r) kill Ir Q'
d (j 0- haL pha (/tal w} Lon g) iii I)" I~ n,.; khtJng mdll, n g uyen IIr so 36. nguyen Ill'
nhall) IIt'(J'ng 83,80, no kh ong tniit vd kltong "i.
krennerite kr e n c rit , AuTc (k h oang \'(i t citing d~ chlra day den t/lfn pluU quang)
m au ,rtlng b{lc I cYi willg f elurllfl va III/dmg krypton-86 kryplOn -86 (dong vI krYPlon,
ch u-a /:x:lc, con g91 M white tellurium) n guyen ni- IIr(7ng 86, dtlng frong pI/tip d o
Kresb cycle Ch ll Irinh Kres b (d ay ph dn elm mdy do cllIlan)
Irng men m;y h 6a m (i t dan vi axelyl I/{Ii krypton lamp den k.rypt on (d en /jo qliLlng
cachon th a nl! cachon dlOX l1 WI m eac de clura day krypton. m {i l I.o(li c hil " sang
cling cdp niIng' Iu(),n g tn; dtr&i u(lI1g cac Iro ng strang ITUI sail UYi 300 m lft ho(tc /t a n
l;en k e f phosphnt nl/ng hr(l'ng coo, dm IWi va dtlng d~ chic" sang tlmyng hllng mri)'
Id citric acid l.,),clc, trica rboxy lic acid l.)'clc) bay Irong ban d em)
Kresb-Hensel e it cycle c hu tr i nh krystalglass pha Ie nhl c u c hi
kt 588

kt x kiloton kvar kilov~ r (kilo mr)

K u x kurch.alovlum kW k.1I00<11, kW (kiio Wflll)
kunzite kunzit (/O{li ng pc sp o clwnen plUTI kWh kil<Xlcll-girr (kilowatt-h o Hr)
h ong ) kyanite ky a nll , 1\\2S105 (khodng ~-'(il sm eal
kurchatovium kus~u n\' i , KlI (nguyen Il> UU, m al /a IIo(1c snn K .'C anl! It.l e. linh ,1/;: !I f l(lm
l en gp; d o nh6 m cac n" ii nghien Cil-ti L ;i}n Iii co tin"
tll/iy tin" fa ; ngf'C Iral, Xllfl' Ill,;n
X 6 eli g(Ti y) q lin" the Mn (/(if m ong l'a eac k iff 11.1 k ef
kurnukovile kurnakovlt , M S2 Be O l1 tlnh. con gpi M (,'}'<lnit c, dislhenc, sarrrc )
(kh otinK viiI fra ng durn magic born! ng(im kyanize xU- Iy go h.:"tr.g thUy ngun c10rua (tlun
m ro-c) go br)ng (lili)' nglin c/orlla de clu')ng Jnl.l c )
kutnahorite kutnah o ril. Ca (Mn ,Mg ,Fc)- kynur~nic acid axil kynurenic, C ,o I1 7 0 a N

(C03 ~ (kJuxing vOl t inll the d(lng m(fl IImi (.win ph;,," oin .'·'f c/",ycn hnll try ptophan
vii d o ng hinlr wi1 do/e mil . I ii carbon at ,·n a ntrt7(" tic " elin d ong \'(It cn wi )
hie m nin ranlCi wi mangan, lim Ihii)' \'(':Yi kynurenine kynurcnin. CIO H,203N2 (.w in
m QI il mogle va stll 'he cli o m angar.) plliim trun g ginn tr o ng c lruyc n Ir nn
kV kilovon, kV (kilovo lt ) tryp tophan. en Irang mrac 1;;1u oin d o n/{
kVA kilovan ..ampe, kV 1\ (kil(')l'o/I -amp er e ) v(it co vIi)
I x liter labile hydrogen atom nguyen Ilr hydro
La x lanthanum hlk.ll d Ong
Labarraque's solution dung d jch labile region vung khong on d jnh
La b arraque (dung d(c" 4-6 % naIr; labile shlte Ir~ng Ih,ii !chong ben
hypoclorrm W7 4-6£%-, naIr; c/orll(l l'(h clift, lability linl1 kh6ng ben ; dO !chong hen
on dinh natri fly (/ro.>.: /1 h o ()c nal ri cacbol1f11, labilized hydrogen atom nguyen Ill'
d ring nil//' chat klut, lrlmg) hydro hO~1l h6a
labdanum oil dau ladanum (finll lint' mall labile lahit , M gSi306 (OlIhJ-120 (kltoring
vang holing kim co m il; Ito p/uiclz x om, Ifln wJI elura magic: silica! bazeY ngtJm mn!e)
trong con, clar%m Wl ete, (hin XIII1I fit laboratory ph('mg Ih( nghi';:m enoi nf{hien
nlll.m cac 1001 hong do kluic . nlwll. tiling ell'll thi nghilJm)
trong nrrac Iron, con K(>i Iil ladanum oil)
laboratory al>l)arHtus m ciy nH>C Ihi
label nhan, nhan hi¢u; chfit dong vi <.tanh nghic;m , thie l hi Ihi ng hi(:m
dau, x isotopic tracer II (/1 dcin nhan
laboratory apron I ~I P dc ph('mg Ihi nghii;n1
label gummer mfly d.in nhan
labor.dory cu ... l :t o cho fl n g p h(l ng Ihi
labe(I)led atom nguy en lll' dc:l nh drill nghi¢m
labe (I) led com pou n d h()'p eha I u~'lIlh dfll.l laboratory cuurdinate system he It)CI U<}
labe(IHer m.iy u.in nhan pht')ng (hi n ghi ~ m (It ,; (Iny cit i[J", t wi" nJ'i
labelling (sl!) d.in nhfln; (s~r) ttiinh dfill pl/{Jng tlli IIglri';m Clio nglt'o-i qunn stl l.
nguyen {U' IlfO'ng p llt;/'! l'6'i ,,~ f(lm /.:./l 6 i)
label paper gaify la m nhcin (m ()1 Irong laboratory IU'uccdure ph lrrrng phcip
nhieu 10(11 gilty citing d c: /r,m nluin hinh. ph('m g l11i n ghi~ m

chat [(>, san xutlt de In apse' ding n/ul' in laboratory .. eagent Ihu{k Illl!' thi nghi ~ m
Iypo, miff nhri n de in WI m(iI nlu/m de luil laboratury sample m !lu Irong phim g thi
/ZO d i n") n~hj~ m (mfill cI/(JI tie
fIlii' WI plt/}n ,fel, l i {·
labile II kh6ng ben, khtmg on <.tjnh (de 1/10)' malt 16'11 WI e6 h (YI' pltfin Clin miil( 16'/1)
dOi biri nlti~ /. ox>, /Ion /10(1(' If/ui'''1-: q/la h.buratory- s izc reactor hi nh phil n lrn~
trinll kluic); linh d Ong (di e/l drlly j" Iii · dll~ (qu)' 11l( )) philO); Ihi" nghic;m
nliy (ten du~ klloc) laboratory test s~r th lr phnng (hi nghi(:m
labile equilibrium din hhng khong hen labradorite 1 ~ IfH ,1(.1 nri 1 (/O (1 i f e/sp (/f
labile form d~lOg khang ben pIng iOc/fl miiu x (1m , 10', 11./(' ItO(1c:: n f;II, ('()
Labrador 590
hVp phan Ifr A b!5oAn!50 l u i A b3oAn70 ' va die" chinh d ong cllfiy va cdc I f nh chllt
tr o ng d o Ab = NaAl5i O s v a An = khtic)
eaAl 2 51 2 0 B > [rang qua tr/nh h /nlt [h anh lacquering Sl,r sao; la p san
khl v(JJ lif " tl.r nhi€n n g u (ji di f elspal dbi lacquer petroleum d a u pha sO'n (.fol a
khl the /lien dnlt mau kllnc nhau, con g()i -165-20(}O C, ry m ;m g 0,785)
ta Labrado r spar) lacquer solvent dung m ol san
Labrador spar s par Labrad o r , x lacquer thinner d ung m Ol pha loa ng SO' n
la bradorite
lacrimation SI,r c hay nuac m a. l (sl.r Ue'
lac nht,l'a canh kien tho (chat nhl.rn do mQt nErd'c m t'll binI! thua n g; Sl.l' lie ' m ro-c m a l
so l O(lI con lrimg song h/tng nJu.ca cl ia m (jl qua m u-c kill klux )
so lO(li cay Ii/! I ra, chu. y e u a An t)Q, dUng lacrimator chat lam chay mr&c m ~ t? x tear
lr ong san x ual nhl.ra crinh kiln )
lacca senlac, nhlla canh klen
lacrimatory II chay m~&c m al
laceal laca l, CnH3 1CeH3(OHh (h v p chff t
lacrimatory agent chat lam. ch ay n uoc
phen ol , co Irong mu: cciy va tnch r n (h uh
m ~h
d(lng k if I Iinh)
lacrimatory candle ne n cnay mr&c m:b
laecase iacaza (m (il l o¢ axidoza Ihl.(C v{il
lacrimatory gas khi c hay mruc m ~ 1
x lk I de sl.r axy h OO cd c phen o l )
lacroixite lac roixil (kh odn g v(il k e f tinh
lac dye pham m au canh kic n
m lm x a nh vii.ng nh (ll clura phosphat bazO'
laeheane laches, C 2oH2S ClN03 (h(),p ch ifl Clln nho m, carn: I, mang an vii. natri (tlll l'ii-n g
dt'mg Irong nhan kho a. k e f (Inh II'r dung
l'u i f l o ), x unt hir n nhlr cd c tinh the)
dlch elanol va ax eto n. n an g chdy u 213°C. lactalbumin a lbumin s u a (pr o t ein d a n
• con g()l It) chlonde benzllare)
Klan chlra tron g slra gia ng huyt t thanh va
lachrymator khi chay mr&c m tit
co d Q tlinh dlrcYng coo )
lacker son ; vecni /I dl san; danh v ecni
laetam lactam (n Qi amil (vl>ng) (10 than},
lac lacke pham m au canh kic n bang ctich dun cae axil amin g ama (y) vii
lacmus qui, x litmus den/a (¢). do dd axil y -amln o bmyric dJ
lac musia qui dang 1(l 0 lh ii nh l a c lam y -bll.tyrolactam
lacquer SO'n; ,:,ecni (chat ch,ra dill ye ll m¢( (p y rolidnn), nhieu laclam b h0(11 IfnI! sinh
lU'(>,ng La n chdt ddn xutft xenluLoza. lIu'Jng ly )
dl.mg nhtft lit nitrox enluloz a, nJllrng d ol laetamic acid a x i l lacl a mlc ; a xil
khl La esle xenlulozn. nh,r x enLuloz a axelnt amino-propion ic. C H 3 .C HNH 2 .C cx)H
va x enluloz a btl/yrat, h o(l c et e xenlllioz a lactam-Iactlm tautomerism SI,J' he, bie n
nJu¥ elyl xenluloza. cI,ing diJ gin conK t i nh Inctam-I.:"lCllm
muyc bong, nhifl iii cY d ong thOt~ va nllll'Ng
lactase 1;lctaz;"i (m ()( /O{li en zy m. xlk Inc .fl.r
kim LO(li song mau khcic ) (1IIiy phr1n Ln c t o za thanh tfex lrozn va
lacquer coat l&p SO'n; la p vcc ni g alocloz a )
lacquer deposit ~ n san; c~ n vec ni lactate C H 3 .CHOH .COO M;
l ac tat :
lacquer diluent dung mo i sao (dr a t lo ng C I-I 3 .CHOJ-I.COO R (milo! hn(Ic est e c lla
cO' kh o n g cd khd n iing Inn, dfr9'C Ihi m
}Urll axit lactic Irong d o hydro axil elm nh om
vao cdc cong t}lIrc san de
g inm d (i nllri' t c arbox yl dlrQ'c Ihny tir e· bAng kim 10(1i
591 lactonitrile

ho(1c goc h fhl cO')1/ dl tle t ra sfra laelin lactln, x lactase

lac tate dehydrogena se dehydrogenaza lactoalbumin a lbumin sua
lactat (enzym chrra kem x ric Idc s~r ru:y h an laetoferrin lactoferin (pr o tein gdn kit sdt
m(H so ax il a-hydroxy tlulnh cdc axil t,.ong Slra, mrac b()J, mruc milt va cdc chat
a-keto orang ,rng) tie , ctia "" 91 va ~ may h6 hap von ngt'ln
lactea l II (t huOc) sfra; c6 d~n g sCi'a cOn SI.I" chlly~n
hOO sill Clia vi khuOn, kel
lactea n II (t hu¢C) sera; c6 dl(lng sua Itt;rp val khdng Ihe no dong val '''0 quan
lactescence ~ng sO-a; mau sfra Irpng trong ngdn can m Ol.\"0 bfnh nhiem
lactescent II d.,lOg sfra; c6 mau sfra khu1in)
~actonavjn lactof lavin. vitamin . B2 '
lactic acid axil la ctic, C3HS'03 (axil
a-hydroxy hill am, xudt hii n a ba d(U1g C I7H200sH .. . x riboflavin
dong phlln d; dIll quang .' d(1l1g L , Irong lactoge ni c horm o n e kich thich [(3 t ~o sua
mall va m 6 CO' nhlr sdn phllm c lifl S(r' (con gpi la prolacl in)
chuyen h oa g lucoza vd g lycogen, d(U1g D lactoglobulin l ac (ogl o hulin (phan ca l
,Jill du{Yc bilng lin m en !iu.croza va d(mK protein kel linll Clta slra Ian Irong dung
DL, hon h (yp /r/~1 qllong co m(it f rong (licil amoni .wl! CU nlra bao hOn wi kll6 ng
th{rc phiim d{ell che bang lin m en nllb vi tan Irong nuuc li,,11 kill;, )
bhng tong h O'P)
khulin va con <lieu lactom e ter sua ke, Iy trong ke sU'a (de do
lactic acid amide a mit axi l lac t ic, Iy t,.ong clia sira)
C,H.O.CONH. lacto naphthol lacto naphto l, !actol
lactic acid race mase men tri ~t qua ng axil lactonase lac l o naza (m91 I O(li enzym xlic
lactic Ide tllliy phOn 6-phosplzoglucon o-- 6..Lacl on
lactic acid series day dong d~ng axil th anh axit 6-phm·phogluconic theo can
lactic, C n H 2n O I-I.COOH d,rcyng pentnza phosphat)
lactic aldehyde a ld ehyt l actic, lactone l ac t on (/l Oi m onoe!i l e veing t (W

CH3 ·C HO~I.CHO IIllmh '1.1' pluff bai etic axil hy droxy gama
lactic amide amit lactic, laclanmil, (y) va denfn (0) nllll" vciy axil y-
CH3CH(OH)CONH. /tyclroxybwynic ' IJn I"fl y- blllyrolaclon )
lactic cassein casei n SChi lactone isomerism SI,I" dong phan dj !aclon
lactic deh y drogenase men dehydraza Clla lact one ring fiv~ membe red Vl>ng lacton
axJt lactic (enzym xlk Ide .HI' kh,r hydro clia nam ca nh
mil lactic va axil p y ruvic. viel ,ilt LDH) lactone tautome ric iso m e rism S,! do ng
lactide lact lt (esle kip vang, nQi phon lIr phan hd bien dj lacton
1(10 thanh II} cae nxil a-hydra'CYLphrtn lu n lactonic acid ax il lac tonic (lac/on clura
cdc I net it de" /d
cllift riln dl~m nong ehoy nhom carbnxy l )
th ffp va ele lI11iy phiin wi bazCT (Ie 1(10 Ta lactonitrile laclonitril , C H 3 C HOI-I CN
cdc m"ol clill axi, goc nhtl' nlllri l aclllI) (clllf, l ong mall wing unn, sol a 183°C,
lacti m lactim (d(m g enol 110 bUEn <"lin lnet run tan Irong mrri"c, kh6ng tan frong eaebon
rna vai lnctam n o '(10 Ihlmh SI.I' can brtng sul! it va ef e dau Inn dllng nIl/I" clung m61
bill kY Irie nao nita lacuvn mang hydro 11.1' va h On chlfl trung gian ' rong .win Xllaf cae
do) eSle ella axil lnclic. elm gOi"/r1 acetaldehyde
lactonization 592
cyanohydrin) Ktlrn m QI dOl IIrO'IIK limy dol thing s(n ,,,
lactonizulion qua Irinh t ~l O laclon <h(lng dfJ; Iu-(yng c/1U;;n ninx rimy tI ~{ " (lnl: o
(ln 0-
cach ·cllO nluj m hydr oxy l ((Ie ,/{lng ,, (j / ding rtin 0
" 6)
phlin IIr len nllem eacOOnyl 1l 00u II o a) lager beer hin nh.;::, bia tJu'c (lO{l; bin sdn
lactophenene lacillphcncn . x para- x tltl r bill,/-: l en m en driy wi d~ lir (; I/Ian
laclophcnclldc u h 6 tilling. rlur('yng .,0linK ,"(ill wi cnrOOtttll
puru-h,ctophenelide para-IHclophcnctil, liOn 1( 1)
Cl1H1~N03 (lltln g Iro n g y h lX" nlllr IIIlItk lager y~asl m en hia nh~
(e va h (l SOl, It7 lu;rp dUll I(In Ir0l11( I1Intc, lagging Ihanh (h-,. nga ng ; 15m 6 p dling; lap
k e ( linh ,,;. dung dieh c(yl (lxclat wlllc.\"an. 6 p c{'c h nhi{:1 (\'Iioa mnilln wi mugi' atll
n o ng c1uiy a IJ 7- 1JHO('J citing "lul" I d-p eri ch nllir l a lhict bj r&!g
lactoprene lac l o prcn l'nQI Irong n"i~ 1I leJ{li nglul WI tlllodon;.: tin ;.:)
eno sa long h(Tp co d {j l>en 10 1 dj;; l '6 ; d Ti Il lag phase giai dn.,m n ghi ; 1!1{yi ky dim lin&
hydrocaebon. oum. O\:)' WI nl-lIIon;.: yell 10 laid fabric vii i S()l: (wii mil ctic ow !i (i(lf: lICit
phong JU}fl kluic lrtt- I(mll WI t'on It) eric kel Iro n;.: m (}1 c"/fl 11111,. Ialec, kluinK ro
poLyme hOQc cop o l y m e Clia cs l c (1.\";1 eric oW."; "KnllK )
acrylic) laid paper girl)' Sl}C C$irTy l oa; I/inh mall
laclose lacuna , du(Yng su n, C u'I22011 cdc {/lru nK .\·onK .W)";': edclt "I/tlll o\"(to rllo
(disncaril clura IJ -g lllcoz (J wt D-g laclozn 1(10 ra .\·(>c)
xu({t h/~n Irong SlI'flo con K{)I Iri laclin, milk laitance slr., xl mang ( qil li';l1 yCII go," chi!
sugar) ye-II n j;. hill), IIlfill}' Ir elJ be /II{J I be lOng.
Judanum oil d a u ImJanum, x lahdanum oil ,,!tnT In kill Ir (j" qm; II/tiell ",niT w)o xl
laevo-con'igurnlion l:tiu hlnll qWI)' Ir~il IIf'l11g)
laevuisomer Cha l U(lOg phfm (OJ dill) quay lake ho I1mi°l: (frong d'l' 1ii..~Il );· Chr.1 nhUl)n
Irtil m ilU (",{if Irrmg lI1 ~if ,,!tdm l all ((ir tlmoc
laevorolary II quay Ira i "}'II(jm clup'c kEf II0p l·o-; ho{lc /ulp p1u.1
luevorolation $ \J" qWI}' Inii l )(h ctic mHO; nio ("(Unoi , bari. awno nluim.

laevorotatory II quay Inii (lxll p},o.'lplto\Ooll/ramic " o(ir (Iotil

p " O.'lP f WIn o/)' P cI ic o d ,.",.': d :J ,,/1tI()11J wit. rAoI
laevorotatory oil dau qUHy Ir<ii
K(Ji /r) co lor I;,k c )
Lafarge cenlent xi m iln g Lafargc , xl mnng
In ke cui or m iw soon
vol xi thuy hrc (l:i m l1 ng clle fir \'I,oa mhl
hydrat. '-0; t'(} b(>1 dim III (leh. tlttng frang lake copper u o ng lh) dtul dil)n cao (/0(11
t',1'a clio ctic cit; liifl dim (II(1c ll l oa tin wi; clong lin)' kltie l tliell cite t,jo '111!11l/-: My "r
vi no kh6ng 1I1/ll~jm "'1111) \"lIng Lak e S"f)/'ri or , nj If(> d(;n di4n C&J)
14.1 ke oil dau hi', pll;'l:h
hIe mau kc (miill v(it /if u d t:l . IIJ/urn;: bring
go, d,ing d c k iJ cne gin bhng go Iw(le Illi!/~ Lahlnde cell pin La lande {lcHJi pill mit st'r
Iren n en d'll h o(lc tic 1(10 k l wtinf.: IronK dt.lnK anOI k em wi c(l/ OI tlnllg 0.\";1 (Ilk IIll1r
g/{ra etic glti); u t) lU'u <'m h d iCn (a tfn l{ 11111 I(lm pllftnK II o(lc xi h llllt rtmg , I'll "lin,
hinh do so "r~''Ilg nlld clin killing IIinll); dO cl irn pll im nntri It y rlr oxil I)- dlm.~ filch
tre (chi n" Nell glti'a ha; bie n c6 Iro(fc Kin nucYC (ni l (1n t irl))

Iri dtr(Tc x c I clum;.:); g<'x; Ire (h/~ 1I pIta lim lambda leak sl,r ril IHOlua (.n or n) hdi IcJng
593 lamp-black

II qua cae 16 nhd fro ng do cac chat I dn g nhung l up kh dc nhau l ten kel) ; ch.l ng phan
bini , tlrmy ng kh 6n g the di qua) l&p /I dt can th8nh 1Ji; pM" l&p; xlip I&p
lambd a point dl~m lamd a (nhifl d(5 laminated coal than la p
(2,/780 K), 0- rip sun'khi quyen. t(li d o laminated composi te com popsit co th6'
xdy rn ... (.1' bien dol g llrn cdc clldt lo n g h ell l a p ( 10(11 V(jl /if II com pos it I(la Ihanh lir
J w' h elt
II .. nhif t d {} t(U d o nlriel dung nhll'ng l a p c h it , k hdc nhall)
rling Clia m QI ella t co Cl.rC d(li nhp n quan laminated glass lhuy tlnh a n l orm , thuy
sal dl l'(YC (r o n g nhlc u S{l' ch uyen pha 10(11 linh lap. x nonsha ttering glass
hail laminated material n guyen lie u co Ih6
lambda sulrur huynh la mda (m(jl
hl'lI l&p
frang Iwi thcinh pit'an ella luu hlly nh deo
lamina ted metal kIm 1001 phan lap (kim
,nn Irong co cbon dls ulf un)
10(1i composit (Idm h o (lc Ihanh kim l OCli
lamella tam m o ng, phicn m ong; l&p m o ng compaslt gom hal ho(lc nhieu l ap lten kel)
lamell a r 11 (thu':;c) ph lcn m 6 ng; I&p m 6 ng laminated plastic ch al dco ta m (lam
lamellar crystal tinh the cl;;t ng lOp (drift m o n g gam c dc l a p ch it, d eo ch o ng Un
da tlnh lhe co cdc h(lt ('lin no u d(1ng cac nhau dU{Tc I U n k if, lCli ho(Ic /lim nhl,l'fl
Idm m ong) ho(1c ep nhift)
lamella ted tI (lhu¢C) phicn m ong; la p m OnS laminated structure cliu true kYp
lamin a ban mong, nlm I'Jl6ng laminated thermosetting plas tics cha t
lamin a r tt ( lhu oc) ba n mon g, ta m m ong; dec eli-ng no ng d;,1ng lam
lh3nl1 tlinR;. thimh lOp - lamina ted wood go dAn (lam g6 tilln lir
laminar boundary layer la p bien Ch:!ty cdc lo p go dd" ICli vul nhau co cdc Ih(T
lang (Iup m ong tren be m{lt crj a .,:(if nJul n ,rang son g)
chim fr ong drift lUll, fro ng tio toe d (J duJf laminating resin nh..,a la
bfll so va; lie m (it l o n g n h anh ,heo khodng lamination l&p din lang (mOng chal d eo
rdell IIr lie m (11 '0'(7 dong cJll'iy Itl kieu clui)' baD Vf Iren Iq in dll'(7'c 1(10 ro bang nhiel
lang) va up sudI); La d ~ p m o ng (m (il Irong c lic
lamin a r composite compos it d~ng l a p l o p d(ip m ong .wl1 h o (fc th ep dring fro n g
C"'l1t lieu camp osil gam hai h o(Ie nllieu l a p eir e l(lo lIJ l Ld IiI' c lin m(leh lir); SI! dh 16'p
v(2! IlfU kline nlwlI dll'(YC lien k e , I(li l'lj-j (plrau tl",(it edl pho ; I ronl{ do sp t111'(Yc ("(11
nhall) thimh tlrng l 6p); St,r sap la p (S{l' slip x ep
lamin a r n ow dong chay tling (dong clul)' t hanh Ilrng l up)
thilllll luong Cl iO chal l o ng Newl o n nhat lampadite la mpadlt (kluxing viiI 80m clll;
lch6ng nen dut;Tc, Inl Cli cdc h(ll clrlll l o n g YC Il .. mangan ox il n g(im mUTe v(h 18 %
chlly ~n d(jng thea nJllrng duung ph/in bief d o n g axil Vii Ihuang l a cohan ax il)
ldch rllng) la mp-base cement chat ~ n dul den
laminar sublayer I&p can c hity rang (lap lamp-black muoi d e n (d(mg caclxm m illl
btlrl duly lang ben dual 16'p bien cJuiy r ol) den pllal xcim, !ilin nllll' lin" kltie l do d o t
laminar-turbultmt transition SV' c h uycn tlflu , Jute In. nlll,l'a h O(1c c hltt clll i'a c(lcbon
chAy ki'p sang c h ay r o i k llde ma khong cdp lI,; kh6 n g khl. dunK
lamin a te t am m 6 ng (lam l '(il fi f ll gam I ra n g san xuat b ,;1 ch i. sun , chat dan"


lamp 594
b6ng kim 1O(J~ ehl» Ihan, gllty Ihan) phospha te
lam p glass thuy tlnh b6ng d en lal)dscape agate ag~ 1 dtnh quan (m'" l~
lamp method phlrang pllAp den ",de dlnh chalxedony Irong m & va chli'a cdC' baa tM
llnl hUYM) khien cho n o co lit! gVI ncn phOl1g ednA
lam I! oil dau h6a, x kerosine 11_4' nhii n qllen Ihu(jc, con g9i Itt fortiOcatkxl
lampropbyUJte lamprophylU, Na 2 SrTiSi2 0 a agale)
(khodng v(JJ chrra Ilion slronll nalri silica!) langbanite langbanit (k llOting v(il mau tim
lampshade paper gllfy c h~p dim (gllty sill hr il"JC gidc chli'a s i/icat va oxil mangan.

frong m iT vd ho(lc ch6ng chtfy h o(lc kh6 st'fl va anlimon, dong linh Ihe lifng IT(I)
chdy, IhuiTng llim lir bQl go, gia), dn tlu,rc langbeinite langbeinil, K 2 M g2 (SO.h
glasln d{lng lup )
V<!I h o(1e (khodng v(iJ h e 1{IC gitic khong mtill, ph6t
lamp sulfur test phU'ong phap den (xdc vang, ph u l do h o(1c pital xanh_co dnh Ihu,
dIM lrm huynh) linh, co lrong cric Iram t{cll mllol, dllng
trong cong nghitjp phon bOil nhu ngl/&!
lampwax parafln
kali s fllf 111)
lanarklte lanarklt, PbzOSO. (khoang v(it
langite lan git (khcxing v(il dui'a dong suljrJ
de"., la mau Irilng, xanh nh(ll h o(1c xam ,
ng(im mrac. mall / 0- I cYi 1l"IC)
ch,ra chi suif at bnzu, Iy Ir p ng 6, 92, 1(10
dumh do nhiil va khong kllf lac d~mg Len Langmu ir-Blodgett film ' m ang
galena) Langmuir-Blodgett (mang dan phfm IIt'T9I
ll,r l(lO ra nh& tfp l u p be m {ft Clla ctic phfRt.
lanatoside Ja natosit (m(n ,ro n g bo / O(1i
IIi' nmphlphilic vno l u p dan n ot ....d chuyen
glycosll f(r nhiln fer lei cay mao ella IIOl)ng,
n o vdo ch a t n en bhng cdch nluing)
khl Ihu.y phOn bhng axil cho m(J1 phnn IU
D-glucoza, ba phlln tu dlgiloxozn va m {it Langmuir isotherm equation phlfong
lnnh dAng nhi¢! Langmuir (pJur()'ng trinh
phlJn IIr axil axel/C, cd ba g ly coSii dell Idc
Itrru leh clIl4 yell dol va; cae h ~ klti, vUf
d¢ng ten lim)
Iu(yng chal hap phl,l tr en be m(il phil
landesite landesit (khoang v(il mall n fl u
Jhll(jc "')0 np ,wlfl, fro ng klli nhi~I d(J giil'
chua phosphat h y drat h ou clla .)'Qt va
kho n g doi. g ia t~liet mOl l ap phon lIt III
mang an)
hlfp pill,t, n 6 tn : f :: ap I (l + ap). tTong
land pebble phosphat sOi d a l , x land pebblc d6 f M ph'lin IX m(lt bl plui.. p lit rip ,mal
phosphate va a la Ju'Ing so)
land pebble phospahte phosPh.11 sOi dlil lanital SOi nhan t(10 casci n
(phosphal sdi tro ng tOng set ho(1c cdt dlrth lanoceric acid axil lanoxcric, C30 1-1,,0 0.
be m(It dlft, c6 mQI ltr{yng /'thd urfU1i v"j tIm lanolin rn& lo ng clru, lanolin (.flip li3ng dIU
hOi nhu sdn phllm phl"l, dl.i ng nhu ngllo n ng(bn mrd'c (eI,,; ye,l cdc e.\'l e c110Te~'leroi
phlin bOn phosphat, con gOi Iii land pebblc, Clio cdc axil beo b(Jc cao) ddn xuat nhu
land rock, matrix rock) san phlim pitl,l khi chuan bi len Iho cho
land plaster th~ch cao_ d at (Ih(lclr cnn mdy keo sO'l len, dllng /am nen cho dldt
nghi'en min dimg nhu phlin bon ",i nlllr lam m em Iro ng m y phlim va mrac g{N
chal Jam Ihay dOi dill Ihira nnJri va kali caln)
cacbonal) lanolinum ma long ciru, lanolin
land rock phospha t sOi dat, x land pebble lanosterol lanoster o l, C aoI-l50 0 (stuol
595 la rd

chua n o, co Irang m b Mng ell-u ) l a nthanum tri Dxide la n ta n tr lo xll ,x

lansrordlte l a n s f o rdl! , Mg CO.5H. O lanlhanum oxide
(kh o Qng v"t chua m ag le c acbono/ bozu lapacho ic acid ax il lapachoic, x lapachol
ng(Jm nll"t7C khl (rich ly liT d d t de Irang lapa chol la pac ho l, C 15 H,. Oa (h 9'P ch a l
kh&tg khl dl>l ,hiJnh nesqluhovit ) kel Ilnh m au vtlng, die" ch e l ir 'I O(Ii eery g o
lanthanB lanla n ax lt, La 2 0 3 Clt-l1g Jap och o Q A ch en lin a,'con g pi Id
lanthanide serie s d Ay la n1 a n o ll (ddy lapacholc acid, targusic acid)
ng uyln ti5 dlft htem ng uyen /u s6 /,}- 57 lapis lazuli dA .hanh .hlen (do k ( , tin"
d en 71, /(nh ch ili h oo h (JC l uang l if Ian m au xonh da I r a l , xanh tim h o(fc x anh la
Ian, ng uy en Itl- s6 5 7) pho l Jvc, Irong m a- l u i m a, rili ng nhu d d
laothaoite lantani. , (La, Ce), (CO. >..8H. O nil-a quy , c6u t(la Chl4 y e u Iii' l az u ril WI
(khoilng v(ll k M ng mtlu, moo ming, h ling canxil 1.161 1n91 i t hally n, sodalit wi nlui-ng
h o(lc vdng . chlra lanlan c acbonat n g(i.m kilotlng v(it khae, con g pt Iii lazuli)
nuuc. d(Ulg linh the ho(Ic ddl ) L a pl a c e irrotational motion c h uyen
lanthanum lantan, La (nguyen to 1100 h (JC, d(lng khoog cuo n xoay Laplace (dong chdy
ng uyen Irr s6 57, ng uy en IU hr(Tn g 138,91, kh 6 n g xody clio ch lft ltru kh 6 ng n 1l6 1.
Jij n g uyen / 0 Ih,r hal fr o n g nh 6 m dlft kho ng n en dll'(1c)
hiem ; tanlan Iii kim lo(li m au Iri1ng. m em , lap or coil mOt v ang ella 6 ng ruot ga
d l can, bl X In d l /rong kh6ng khf lim, la Laray vi s cometer nha t ki! Laray (dl,mg Cl.I
thdnh ph7Jn ch f nh ella h(yp k i m cdc ng uyen d? d o d(J nh6 1 va cdc I{nh chal k lrac ella
16 dlIl hl( m ) ml,rc)
la nthanum-doped lead zircooate-Iead lard rna, rna Ion II d l bill ma
titanate chi lantan zlrtconat Utanat. x lead
lardaceous II (thu6c) rna
Lanthanum zlrcona te ti tanate
lard compound ma han hQ'p (g ii5ng m 6'
lanthanum nitrate l a n ta n n ltr a t ,
l {Tn )
La(N0ah :6H 2 0 (linh Ihe m au Irilng 111,1
Ibn, no n g ch dy q 400C. I an Iro nK con vii
la rde rillite la d e rll il , (N H. )l3 5 0S ,2H 2 0
(k hodng v(it d(m g bOI kil l inll mtiu Ird ng
nuu e, diln g n }u r Ihuoe sdl trimg vii Ir on g
chua amon ; bor m ng(im m r ac, XI.UII 1li4n
cric 1.10 khi)
nhrr b(il k i l lin h)
lanthanum oxide la ntan axil, La 2 0 3 (bQl
m oo trdng , n on g ehdy q ch l'rng 2000 oC, la rd lubrication Sl,/' b6i I r (Yn bang mt,.
Ian f r a ng ax il, kh 6n g t an Iro ng m r o-c, dimg lard oil dau tach lli' m6' lQ'n (d'liu n!r 6 1 wing
de thay the vt3/ ITong cdc ng uon sting canxi d e n kh6ng co m all co m,1i d(lc tr ung \'I) l't
vet Iro ng Ihl4y t inh qua n g h(>C. con g pi Id dIU, n ong cJuly cT - 2° C, I an I r on g cacbon
lanthana, lanthanum se;quk>x ide, lanthanum dis ulf u a, el e, ben zen vi! clorol om , cdc
triox ide) Ihanh p hon ch inll ld olein va g lyxeril ("l i n
lanthanum ses qui ox ide 'lanlan sesq uiox it. cac ta il bio r iln, d lmg n iur chal bQi Ir a n,
x lanthanum ox ide d au len , chltl Ih tlp sdng va Iro ng .win x ulfl
lanthanum s ulrate la nt a n s ulr a t , xil phOng )
La. (SO.). ,9H. O (tlnh 1M m il.. Irllng, I an lard oleine o lein rna l<;rn (plran lo ng ella
(I Irong "UoC, Ian Irong eon., d img de xae m a l(1n )
di M nguyin IU- 1trV n g CUD lantan ) lard stea rin e stea r in m a lQ'n (p h an d (1c
large 596
ala ma l(Tn) mdng hinh Ilranh frin cdc de ,ir v(lt lieu
large calorie ktlocalo , (con gp t La du(yc ldm bay h u t Mng btre X(l laz e )
ktlocalorie) laser glazing SI,I' lting b6ng be rna-I b1ing
large dyne nluton t (con gpl ltl newton) laze tlwi trinh h(yp kim h6n be m(lt Mng
large ring lactone lacto n vong 1&0 edch c,ho laze cacbon dtax II lien l~lC nlIng
large-scale experiment lhf nghl~m d\lt IU(Tng coo cllII.yen d(mg \agang tie m(ll chi
quy me, IIt l kim ' 10(1/, t<,o rn lu p ~ng chdy m dng)
large-scale field test thf nghtem da ng~1 laser printer may In laze ~mdy in CI." C ky
quy mO 1&0 nhanh SIi' d~mg laz e de 1(10 ra cric Vling
difn I(cll vo n hlil bQt kim lO{Ji vdo g iay)
large-scale filtration SV" tQC quy mO 1611
laser wehling Sl,T hAn bhng laze (51,1' hiln vi
larlxinic acid axil larixinic. x maUoI
vel Mng chfun laz e)
larnlte larnlt. {J-ca.SlO. (khodng V~I malt
latence Ir<;log thai lin, tr\lng tMl tle m la ng;
xdm, /t} pha nua ben dun Iii eua c anxi
tfnh an
orlos/lleal. ben u 520 "din 6700C, con gpt
ld beUte) latent 1/ ~n
larsenlte larsenlt , PbZnSIO" (khoang V(JI latent energy nang IU'O'ng lin, An n~ng
mdu tri1ng ho(Jc kh6ng mau chua chi k i m latent heat An nhlet (/rr(Tng nhlf l do IH (l1

sllicat, xuat hl,n u d(lng tilth the td mol, ho(1c m ~1 kho t /11'9'n8 dun Vi, etla m ot
ph,rong) chili hap th(, h o(Ic Ida ra khi thny d ol
lr(lng tMi (nhll' n 6ng eluly. IhiIt'g Iroa lro(Jc
larvacide chat diet dOl bQ
hoo hUI) 0- nhrf l d(J va dp suitt kho ng dUI)
larvicide thooc d Let sAu non (lo¢ Ihuoc Ir(r
d{ch d~ gill Ifu trUng) latcnt heat of fusion an nhiet nOng cmiy,
x heal of fusion
laser laze (thlet hi dl, n IIi' Ifch qrc bie,; d/ji
IJllng /U'(7ng vao thanh chrlm tinh sting khd
latent heat of Iiqu.e faction an nhit$t h6a
biln ho(lc hong ngo(li phil h Q'P . rdt hrp
va m(Urh, ntlng lut;Tng vno klch thlch cdc latent heat or sUblimati.on a n nhl e l
nguytn ',i' rua ~ c~g hud-ng quang l i n
lhang hoa, x heal o f sublimation
muc nifng 1ll'9'ng cao h u n . va b,;; c(mg latent, heat of tran s ition an nhiet chuy en
hud-ng bll.(H: cdc nguy en IIi' bl k(ch Ih(ch t U'&n~
hUe cUng pha, laser ld viti lifl Clla light
X(l latent \heat
, of vOtporization !"in nhi ~1 hay
~mpllflcatlon by stlmulaled emission of hai, x . heal of val,'Orlzalion
radAatton: mdy khutch d(Ji dnh sdng bdng latent image anh an (anh khong nlrin Itury
pht1l We X(J edm lIng) do uie d{U1g v(2t Iy 1r0(Ic hoa h()C Cl4:n nnh
laser-beam cutting 51,1' C~I bhng laze, x sting 1(10 rn a cdc Iinh Ihe rli ng It! cua nhli
laser cUlllng- luO'ng dnh, ~qlUf I,lnh "'en hinh l am cho
laser cuttiDg SI,I' c't bhng laze (quri Irin}, anh nhi n Ihlfy du(Yc u /lm bdn)

huung chlUn laze vito chi Ilel Cia cOng tie late-n! period Iherl ky hn. then ky cilm li'ng
mutg va edl chi tlt l . COli g¢ lit la..er~'m latent polarity linh phan CIfC an
CUlling) latent solvent dung m 6l lrO", c~t pha loa ng
laser deposition SI,I' ki!l loa b~ ng
laze (quri latent valency hOO tli an, hOa. trl phv
Irlnh ktl tlia Ii.,. Irul Irang do cdc mang lateral II mQ.t bC n, ben
597 lattice

lateral cbain mt;\ch ben, ~ch phl,l lathering power khil nang ,<,0 bOt
lateral deformation SI,r' bI.~n d~ng bien laticirerous vessel binh hlmg mu cao su
lateral group nh6m ben, nh6m ph..- latlcometer latec ~!, ly lrong ke latec
latex lalec, mu cao su (coloil dcmg sua Irang latrappite latraplt, (Ca, Na)(Nb, n, Fe)D.
d6 cao su h o{lc chill dio IV' nhMn hO(lt: (mI)l 10(l1 perovsktt khodng)
Illng hVp iu II~ng Irong nuuc; sdn phllm latten I'm kim ~ mOng (btlng dCJng Ihall
Ih~ dan h~i s dn xulft ItT Jalec) ho(lc h(fp kim llI'ong Il.r, -Ihip cdn n6ng
latex-albumen cement ch5't kel dlnh ho<tc sdl m(l Ihlte:, dung cho cdc ~c dlch
latec-albumIn. h'l> latec-alb~mln trang Irf)
latex cement chat kel dinh latec, hCl dan lattice gilln (m(lng cdc ddl kim LCJ(t/ ho(lc gl'!
mtee (dung d/ch dung m 61 co d(J dfnh cao dan chlo nhall); m<lng IInh lbe (sfl slip xtp
. clla lalec) wnn hOM dell d(Ic cdc diem m(Utg I rong
latex composition
chitl phI.' gin)
hop latec (Ialec va

latex compounding SI,r' che 1, 10 hon h(rp

kho ng glan btl chtin, no gom cae diem P

ma Vt:cto Ill' m!)1 diem co dinh dd cho uti
P cd d(lltg nto + n 2 b + naco Irong lid nt ,
n 2 va na ~ cac so nguyen vd a, b va c ld
latex concentrator m<iy C(') lalec cdc veclo d9c 19iJ luyen linh co dlnh, COn
g¢ Id periodic lattice, space lattice)
latex cream kern lalec
lattice constant hhng sO ~ng (Iham so
latex cylinder thung dl,r'ng latec,· blnh hUng
d;nh nghla 0 dun vi coo m{ll1g linn. the,
mu cao su
nghia Ld d¢ dtli cclc c(lllh " ho(J.c g6c glita
latexed (dli) tllm late<:
cdc cf.V1h, cOn g9i Id la ttice parameter)
latex ingredient hqp ph~n mlec
lattice coordination number sO. phOl vi
latex mix hon h01' latec (latie vii eMt d¢n) m~ng
latex mixing hiln hc;rp latcc lattice dynamics d6ng h,rc hoc m<lng (.'"1.1'
latexometer Ic'ltec ke, ty Irong ke Jatec nghien cd'll cdc dao d (mg nhi~1 ("f;a m{V1g
latex paint SO'n latec (sO'n chu-a Ihe huyen Ilnh Ih?, cOn g,,1 III ctystal dynamics)
phl) ho(lc nhil luang mr6c rna lalec kel lattice energy nang hrO"ng m~ng (nifng
h(Tp v61 cdc cMt mall va phl.l.gfa nhu chdl IU(7ng clJn de Idch cdc ion Irong m (jl Iinli
gitn klfl va chilI 1(10 nhl1, cc)n g{Ji fa latex ih~ Ion ra x a nhau vo h(ln)
water paint)
lattice model m O hinh m<;lng
taferp-roofing sV' tam lalec lattice parameter tham siS rtl<'ng, x lattice
latex rubher coo su latec constant
latex thickening sV' c6 lalec lattice polarization SV' ph an cV'c m<;l ng
latex tube binh hUng mu cao su (Sf.t' phdn Cf.rc diet! el.a chlfl rifn do cdc ion
latex vessel binh hlmg mit caB su dleh chlly~n kh d l vi ',r{ cdn bhng Irong
latex vulcanizate latec hru h6a m""g)
latex water paint san mr6t: latecrx latex lattice scattering SI,r Ian X<;l tren ~ng (slf
paint ttin X(l clla ·cdc eleclron do va cham vcYi cdc
lath brick g;ICh h~p dill nguyln Ifl' dao dl)ng Irong m{U!g Ilnlt the,
lather bQt /I dt hOO bQl , nlii b<>t lilln gid," dQ IInh ct9ng ctia cdc phlin. Ill'
lattice 598
td/ dl f n Iron g tlnh thl wt do v(1y dnh du('c dteu ch/nh thea m o ng muo n va chi'un
hua ng 10 1 d o dan dif n e,m n o ) nhieu X(l dll'cYC ghl 1(11 Iren phi," dnh )
laUice structure c...'u trUc m ~ng Laue pattern glAn d~ Laue (dnh eh(lp d(lc
lattice vacancy ch6 khuy(ft m~g Unh th~ trung Irong phuung phdp Laue nghUn
lattice vibration SI,( dno dOng mang (S(I' Cf~1l Cdll trlk linh Ihe)

dao d ong Wan hoan eua c d c nglly en IIr laugbing gas khi cu61, nita axlt, N 2 0 , x
trong m(mg linh tMi qllanh vi tri elin blIng nitrous ox ide
eli a chlmg) laumonite laumonlt, x la umontite
laUice wave s6ng m<;ln g (nhlell IO(Jn Ian laumontite laumontll, CaAI 2 SI.. 012.4H 2 0
truy lin qua m(lng tinh the 'rong d o c dc (khodng v(21 zeoli, mau trt'fng k e l tinlt
ng uy en "rdao dong quanh vi trl cdlt Mng . Irong h i dun Iel, m a t mru c khl de ngodi
c'la chling) tro t. co Ihe Ira n en tro ng ma va Vl,lIl ra,
lauan g6 d a l ngl,ta Phllipln (g6 ,ir ml)l s6 cOn g{)i ld laumonite, lomo nite, ta montlte)
g l o ng cOy & Philip in, M alaxla va Savawnk laundry blue phhm gl3.1 la m (dung dlc h
, g i o n g nhu edy ddl ngt.I'a nhrrng co v a clut-a Ihuoc nhll{jm dring de t(lO ra silc mau
Inl'ang nhleu h u n khl d O am Ihay dlJi) lam ch o val bOng h o(lc vdl lanh vang mau
laubmannite la ubmanlt , F e 3 Fes (PO.). - khl g l(1I, Ilura ng Chlra pham lam phlJ)
(OH) 2 (kh odllg v(iJ chIt-a st'll (f 1) phosphm laundry soap xa phOng gtat
va sift (III) ph osphat bt:u: u ) laundry soda soda gt~ t
laudanidine laudantdtn , ~OH25NO. lauramide lauramiL , am ,it l a uric,
(alkal o lt quang h O(II, lim thdy 0- tlilloc C "K 23 C ONH 2
phifn, k e l tinh nhu cdc urng 1r{4 lit" dung laurate la urat , C 1,H 23 C CX>M
d ich Clm. va n an g c hdy a
18 50C, cOn g9i laurel oil da u nguye l que
IiJ I-tauda nlne, Irtto p lnc)
laurel wax sap Iha nh ma l, x bayberry wax
laudanine taudanin , C 20 H 2 !5NO. (alkalolt
lauric acid axil lauric, C H3 ( CH2)10 C CX>H
kh6ng qUllng l ux;" dl1n x uifl Ill' dllng d ieh
(~it bio n ang duly u 44 °(.~ s61 a 225°C
klem cdt I,..,.. phan chiel morphin, kel tinh
(100 mmflg. 13,332 pascan), h;'lh kim
c7 d{lltg I tln g tnl U) pluI'ung Iii' c on va
kh6 ng mau Ian /rong dJn va ele, kh o llg Ian
clorolom , n ang chdy 0- 16 "JO C, tan Irong
c{)n nang, ben zen va clo r o! o m , cOn g(Ji liJ
Irong nuuc. tim Ihdy nhu g lyxerlt u
beD Iht,r c VPI nh,I' cdc d'liu dlra va thanh
dl-la udanldinC}
mai, drmg nhiT I dc nhltn tam lim, Irong my
laudanosine laudanosin, C 2 ,H 27 NO. (m91
pham, x a pho ng. nJl~I'a va Ihuoc Irlr .)'l1u va
alkalo ll v o n lit el e melyl c lia laudan/n ,
nhu h oa cht'fl trung g inn}
d(lng kh ong quang hO(l/, k e l tinh II"'" d)n
laurionite laurlonlt , P b(OH )C1 (kh odng v(lJ
IOOng va n Ollg chdy 0- chung 115°e, d(lltg
kho ng m d u chlra chi clo run bazO', xulf,
quang h O(lI quay trdi, k e l tinh It"'" dung d lcll
da ll m d Illu;, n ong duty a
89 C C ) hien 0- cdc lin" Ihe hinh lifng lrt.i, Ita:'Jng
hinh vu i parnlmuloltit )
Luue method phLrO'ng pha p Laue (p/uTo-ng
pluip ng hli ll Clru call I,.,k tinh Ihe bhng laurUe la urlt, RuS 2 (klwdng v(U m au d en
S{T nll/eu x (l lia X Irong d o ellilm lia X da dll'& 1 ci (m g IInh the h o(1c h{ll nh d chtra
st'fc cJuUJn Ir"I'C linh du(,c c lliell vdo d u n rulen; ,wi! UQ (lh l t"CTng ' v i osiml»)
linh Ille m a s(r dinh hlr& ng ella n o co Ihe (auroyl (g oc ) l a ur o yl , (g o c) laur y l .
599 law

CH.ICH. I,D CO- kich fhich)

lauryl (goc) laur yl, goc dod exy l , lavender spike oil da u hoa 00:11 huung 13
CH. ICH .I,o CH . - rOng, x Spike o il
lauryl alcohol rU' Q' u lauryl . lavenlte lavenlt, (Na,Ca),Zr (SI.01 XO, OH,
C H3 (CH2 )1 10 H (ch ili rdn khon g m au dteu Fh (k h odng v(il d{ln g tlnh Ihe It1ng Inl
che Ul" cdc axil beo dtJu dll'a cd mid diu, dura siliCa! pJUl'C l(1p )
s61 0 259 0 C . dung frong ch61 Ihy riTa. d(ill Laves phases pha Laves (cd c pha ho-p
hOi Ira n va dU've phtim) kim co cong Ihtrc chung A B 2 va ellu trUe
lauryl aldehyde a ld c hyt
l a ur y l , tinh the h o(jC M gCu 2 (/~p phut7n g) ho(Ic
C H3(CH2 )10 C HO (thanh phnn linh dliu ti" Mg Z n2 ho(Ic MgNi2 (cd hal deu 1t,l C
clly linh sam b{1C, Id ch at r dn h o(Ic 100g giac)) ,
kh 6 n g mau, cd m ill hoa, Ian trong con law d lnh lu ~t, quy lu{lt (iinh chat deu d {fn
90% dtmg fr ong nll'a c h oa) tip d(lng ch o m (>i thanh vien ella m QI / &p
lauryl mercaptan mer capta n la uryl . r (jng t;dc hif n 1U't;mg)
C 12 11 2S SH (chat long vang nh QI h o(Jc lawn cal ray
trifng nuac, mlli dill, khong tan Irong dung law 01' action and reaction dinh lu~t tfac
m o l hii'll cO', dring de san xudt clul1 tieo. dl.)ng va phan tfac dl,m g (co n K9i I II Newt o n 's
dU'(yc phdm. IhuDe tri'r sau, IlluDe tnt ncrm third law)
va elm/orne) law of active mass dlnh ru.S)t kh61 hrQ'ng
lausenite laus e nlt , Fe2(SO.. h -6HzO hoo ' d¢ng
(k h oang v(it h ~ linh th e d a n Id m iw trdng, law of chance dlnh I~t xac sual
chrro sdt (Ill) sill! at hy d ra! .'loa, d(l ng
law of chemical change d ln h lu~t bien dol
Idng s{>'i)
h6a hoc
Lauson engine dong ecy Lauson (dQng CO'
la w of combining proportions dlnh lu ~ t
m QI x l lanlr d rlng ITon g cdc p h ip Ifur sang
l pc trrrac cdc pllep Ihl'r emu bOi trO'n diiy
'Y Ii; b6a hO'P
law of combining weight djnh lu ~ t trong
L (nhU' cdc phep 'hI' L -J h o(1c L-2»
lUQ'ng h6a hQ'P
hiutal la uta l (Ir(),p kim nlrom clrng vui 'Y
law of conservation of energy djnh lu ~ t
If nJr d dang va sille vel nhll'ng ve' "'(lp sat,
baa toan na:ng 11l'0'0g
m ang an h o(Jc magie)
law of conservation of mass d lnh IU~ 1
lautarite OJ(l03)Z (khodng v(1./ hf tinh tire
bao loon khoi 1ll'Q'llg
dO't! lit, clr ti-a canxi iadaJ. a d(V1g tinll the
l a ng tTl,/)
law of conservation of mass-energy
lautite ra uUt , CuA s S (kh odng vqt dura dinh lu~t bOO toan n:ing IlrQ'Tlg - kh6i lUQ'ng
d o ng suit un va "llong arsenua) law of conservation of matter djnh rU~ l
lavender oil dau hoa oai hU'O'Og (lin'" dtiu baa toan vtit c ha t
kh ong m au ta; va n g h o~c vim g h ie co law of constant angles d lnh lu ~ t g6c
J"rO'ng tlrO'm va vi clrdt. ch ung cdt fir h oo kha ng doi (d;nh I(~I theo do g 6c g Ura cdc
luO'I eua mQI s6 l oill adl lrut7n g . cdc tJu'mh m(il Cl la linh lire ghr n g uyin khong. dCiI khl
ph lin c h l nh lel linalool, linalyl axe / a l . linlr tire Ion lin)
geranio l, f urt luol vd born eol . dung trong law of consta nt composition dlnh lu~ t
ngllnh nu6'c Jwa vel Irong y h pc nhu chift thanh ph'5n kh6ng dOi
law GOO
law ··of constant heat summation djnh dlnh lu~ t tinh the hoc hi nh h OC
lu?t long nhiet h.rO'ng khong dOJ, dlnh I~t law of independent migration djnh lufll
Hess, x Hess's law di chuyen dOc !fIp
law of constant proportion dinh IU{il law of isomorphi sm .djnh IU ~lt dong hlnh
lhanh ph~n kh6ng d~i, djnh lu{il Proust law of least squares quy t ~c bi nh phlIong
law of ' corresponding slates djnh l u~t oM nhal
lr~ng IhBl ltrang (tog (,!teo d o , dol va l Iraf law of magnetism djnh lu~ t 10- Ifnh (eli""
chat. kill hal IY so bit, ky CIW dp sull/, lU~1 Ih eod o cac q r c til' dmg ddll day n llau
nhi~1 d(i ho<tc the Itch Iren cdc tinll chat va cdc cl.rc tii" kluk ddll h,;l nllaN)
lu i hem itl'ang li'llg ella cluing bctng nhau law of mass action djnh lu{it lac dvng kha l
Ihi Ij so Ih,r ba CIUtg plldf bdng hal Iy so h.n.rng (th ea elo ((5co d(J die" bien Clin plldn
rrng /loa II pc I)' If fhu(in val eric n ong tip
law of definite composition djnh IU~1 phaff I lr Clin code h (7p cluff phdn Irllg)
Ihanh pha n xac djnh, djnh I~t ty 1 ~ XclC djnh, law of minimum nutri~n djnh IU~11 dinh
x law of definite proportion dlIa ng tal thieu
law of definite proportion djnh ty I'; xac law of mobile equilibrium djn h tu,f lt cfm
djnh (Iheo d6 m (JI lu;rp chat ho n h pc Ilion
bling dong
clura clIng cdc nguy en 10 theo ciing IY It
law of multipl e proportions djnh IU ~1I ty
Ire ng IU9'ng co dlnh, con gpt In law of
I'; b9i
definite com position)
law uf uctaves quy lac hcit 16; (]jnh IU ~lt chu
law of distribution dlnh IU~ 1 phan bO
ky Him nguyen 10
law of electric charges djnh IU~ l d lc$n Ifch
law of partial press ur e djnh IU{1I tip suat
(d/nll Irl(1t tll eo do cdc d/?n tich clurg dii"u
rteng ph an, dlnh lu{l l Dalt on , x Dalton IHW
day nhau va cdc (Ii?n tfeh khde d a u Ini.l
law o f partition djnh IU{1l phfm b6
law of perdurability of mat ter d jnh IU(II
law of e quipartiUon of energy nguyen
baa toim v{it chat
Iy phan bO deu n ~ n g IUVng (Ilreo cdc b(lc
(l.r do). nguyen Iy Boltzm ann law of periodicity djoh lu 01 tuan hO~iO
law o f equival e nt proportions djnh IU~ 1 law of p e rpet ulll motion dlnh lu {tt
ty Ie (hrcmg hrQ'ng c huyen d ong v in h Clm
law of equivalents dlnh IU ~l dlIO'ng IUQ'ng law of persistance of .~ nergy cljn h lu(l t
ba~ t o~m ..:a ng 11IQ'ng
law of fixed proportion dlnh lu{lt ty Ie law of photoc h emical absorp tion dj nh
kh6 ng dCiI lu~ t ha p thl.) quang hO<1
law of freezing-point tlepression dinh law of photochemical c(~ui va lcnc~ djnh

IU ~1 dO h~ bang dl~m I ~t cllIang llIQ'ng quung hoa

law of gas diffusion dloh lui' t khucch tan law of photochemi s try djnh IU ~1I quang

khi hoa
law of gas .reaction dinh lu{lt philo ling law of radiation dlnll lunt bu·c Xy
khi law of radioactive decay tljnh lu{lt -phfl n
law o f geometrical crystallography hUy ph6ng X\l
601 leaching

law of radio a ctive di s placement d lnh yell a m(>t t(ip h(Tp cdc m(ll pl!dng song
lu~t chuyen vi ph6ng x ~ son g, l'ltt cac wing g Ura cac m~' phdng
law of reciprocal proportions dlnh luflt luung do' Iro ng, cOn gpi Lii layer lattice)
ty I~ nghich lazu U da Ihanh (hien, x lapis lazuli
la w of reinter' composition djnh IU ~ 1 lazulite laz ulit , (Mg,Fe)AI 2 (OH)2(PO.. )2
thanh p h an tltO'ng quan (klrodng v(JJ mau xanlt Ifm h o(Ic xnnh ngpc
law o f sign s dinh lu{jt vc d:ru (Iich h o<tc bfel! vO'l anh Ihlly tlnh c hlra nh6m
(huang clia hal so ltl d tt'ung n ell cac so phosphol bozO', xuctl hLi n a
cdc klloL nhd
c6 ci'mg ddll, fa din nell c dc so khdc ddu) vd linh Ihe dan ta, d Q etrng 5·6 U Ihang
law of thermoneutrality djnh lu~it Irung M ohs, Iy Ir p n g 3,06·3, 12, con gpi La
hOa nhle t bcrkey ltc, blue spar, raise lapis)
la w of v a pour press ure relations d jnh lazurite Iazurit, (Na ,Ca)a(AI.5i)02 .. (S"sO.. ).
lu ~ t tU'O'flS quem <l P sua t h01 (kh odng val f elspmoil m a.u xanh lu ho(fc

lawrencite la uren x it , (f'e ,NI)CI 2 (k ltoting xanh Ifm kCI linh frong hf dilng ct.r , flrlmlr
v(it m au n a il /l m.1c mall I/.Ie clurG sift (/') ph'lin khotfng v(il chinh elm dri 'hanh IhLin)
ciorU(l va Ja k l lOtillg v(i t 1'/11-' co n hfell Iro llK LC D x liquid cryslal display
cac win th (lc h .wt l) lem b(H s() chung ntID nhat. BSCNN (leCL'~1

lawrencium lorcnxl, Lr (n guyen 10 h o n common mulilple)

h pc vcYi ng uyen tl~ so 103, Iwi dong vi eM LDH x Iactie dehydrogen ~
dll'Q'C ph dt h lQn. khat (u(Tng so 257 ho(Ic LDPE x low-dcnsity polyethylene
258 va khiJi Ilwng s6 256) LO so x lethal conccntrallon 50
lawsonite lauso ni t , CaAI 2 (Si 2 0 7 )- LO so x lethal d ose 50
(OHh .1-I 2 0 (kh o ang v(il khong mall h o(lc
leach nlrc1C ngam c hicl; ctu,t ngam chlc t; S.,'l n
mall La phO'I xum, k e f Unit Irong h ~ fa
pham ngam chiCt; Ihlct bi ngtun chlct II dt
phuang. l im Ih ay a eta gan ai va eta
ngam chief; rfra lOa
ph i f!n)
leacha te dung djch ngam chic I ; chat lo ng
laxa ti ve laxa l iv (ui c nhfin kfch illi c it
ru-a liia (Iro ng din /too, d rifl l d ng t"dm qua
clllly en d(mg Clia rll (H va Lam g idm Ida bdn)
lay down SI,J' I~ ng
dill va irOn Ian mQI so el,a' trong qud trinlr
l ayer I&p, tang, milng
leached (cta) ngam c hic t
layer crys tal tinh .the la p
le a ching ngam chic i (d ling ciW1g mol Idng
layered column chromatography phe p
de boo Ian m Qi ch al I nn dtr(Yc IiI' h o n h r;rp
sae ky c¢t phan 1&1'
crill no vqi mOl chat n1n klrong lan , nga,"
layer lattice m~ng lap, x layer stfutUfC
elliel I ii dmg dO{1n uk" trong cong ng h iffJ
layer of curbon lang cacbon d~rn Iran '''.1' dtuyen khal, vi dl,l nrn muo i
layer of oil molecul es mfmg phan tu- dau tan dll'(yc khoi bC m~1 ciia kil ILia kltong
layer of oxide lap oxlt , mang oxit Ian 1'a Ide" d,rang t;r ell em dua ng; Irong
'laye r s ilica te phylosilica l , x phyllC6i11eatc nganh md In Sl,l' h oa Ian cdc kluxing \'(;1
layer structure cau (rue la p (cau Ink linh ho(fc kim 10(" Ian du(1'c khdl qll~ng nha
the lim Ihdy u cdc clU11 nlw' grapl,,:' va etle dlUig dtch ngllm chil l nhu c.dc dung
sel, frong do cdc nguycn IIi' '(ip tnmg~ chli dfc" xyantlll lto(1c do, m it h o(le nlUTC, cOn
leaching 602
g"lld llxlv ia tlo n); rira Ilia (S I.I' tdeh ho<Ic hOQ mro c, phdn hliy q 2 800C, m a t m a yc q
Ian cdc thanh ph'ltn Ian dm;rc ,ir d d h o(!c 75° C, dfmg tro n g nllUQm t6c, Ihu DC ~'n
thlJn qu(lng vao nu'uc thd m qua) cha t cdn m all vdl, d e ch o ng ,ha m mru c,
leaching liquor nlJ'uc nga.m chle l d e san x uifl vecnl va sun , va nhU' tllllo C
leaching s olution dung d lch ngam chlCl Ihli' phdn I(ch , con K(Ji l a s ugar o f lead )

leaching tub thung ngam chle t lead acetate method phU'O'n g p h a p c hi

leaching vat thung ngam chiet
leach ioneexchBoge notation process
lead-acetate test p he p thu c hi axeta t
quc1 tri oh luyen nOI nstim chlel trao dol Io n lead acetate test paper gl a y th& c h i
(phuO'ng phdp chil l de Xli' Ii qu ~ng dOng axetat
k h 611g Ir~c l ie p t uyen n tJI d u t;Yc, kim 1000i lead-acid battery acq uy chi - axit (acquy
dU{1c h on Ian bOng ngam ch let, vi dl.l, btlng Irong do cdc dlt n CI.r e Id bru l chi chka ch i
ax it suI! uric, I rong s(r co m{fl ella nh(Tn ax il vo n co thanh phlln thay d o; kill n (lp
trao d /jl l on, nhr~a ix1r 1(11 k im lo(li do hon va khl phbng va ch a t dirn phfin l a axll
Ian va Stu. do thu h ot (r on g b(>l khodng hon SJd[ uric l oong)
nho- qua trlnh luy en nOI ) lead alkyl chi a lky l
lea c h liquor mr&c " ga m c hict lead alkylide c hi tllky l
leach materil v ~h IIc u c hl !!t dtrO'c (ch d l lead angle g6c s&m pha (hl~u pha g itr a d (ll
khodng h 6a dll d e co the Ihu h oi kinh Ie IU(Tng bie n Ihien h i nh sin wi d (li ltr(yng
. bdng ng lJm ch ler) 'clllIan vo n Ihay dol d(mg sin c7 dmg 'an
lead chi , Pb (ng uyen 10 h oo h(JC, ng uyen Iti' .ro khl hl~ll pha do La duung. co n g {)i ld
Sif 82, ng uy en Ili' iu(yng 207,19); bU'6'c re n a ngle o f lead , lead , ph ase lead)
(khodng cdch m a viI lie n vao da; DC khl lead antimonite a nt l m o.> nit c hi ,
lI(Jn Irpn m QI vong); d ay d ~ n no t (d dy d a n Pb3 (SbO.. h (b91 m au van g d a cam , d 9 C,
d i"m g d e n Ol ha; d lem cro ng m QI ,"(l eh ); kh6 ng tan trong mruc, dting nhu ch a l m im
day d o sau (klro ; ch i bu(jc vao .w;ri d dy citing sun va nJlllc m m au tlui.y· tinh va gom , con
d e d o d Q sail Clla bi en ); tha nh c he n each gpt ld anlimo r:ay yellow , N a ples' yellow )
dOng (ddi kim I OCZ; m dng dlm g Irong qua lead arsenate c hi a r se n a l , Pb3 (A sO.. h
Iri nh sdp chtr de Idch cdc don g chii' val (tfNI lire m iJll Ird ng , d oc, kh6 ng Ian tro ng
nhnu ); kim 1000i c hi (k l m 10(11 m em , n (fng co nuoc, dlmg n hlr thuo c Irit Siill )
m all tin h b(1c pho t l u , klrf vr'r a cat ra I h i
d l c dn va de k eo, x u ift hl ~ n Ir o n g I(r
nhf€n, ph'l1n I o n dU'cYi d(1ng 15 h (yp , dUng
lead aryl chi a ry l--
lead arylide chi aryl
chll y l ll tro n g cdc h t;rp kim lam dua ng lead azide c hi a zlt , Pb (N a h (linh th e hinh
o n g . vd cdp , du e c on chii', cd c vd chdn klm kh6ng m au, k h6 ng lien. n lJ q 3500C
phOng X(l); gOc sam pha, x lead a ngle chi aZ;1 dU(Tc nha n n gap Iro ng n1rqc kh ;

lead-20S c hi-2 0 8 (d Ong v; ch i , n g uyen

v{in clluyen d e g i dm d Q nh(ry, dUng nlur
IIi' Itr(yng 2 08, hinh thanh d o s¥ phlin r ii ngo; no cho Ihuoc n {J m (ll1 h )
phOng X(l cUa thort) lea d bar chi thanh
lead accumulator acq uy c hi lead· base babbitt babit ne n c hi (11f?p k ;m
lead acetate c hi a xet a t, Pb (C2 H a 0 2 )2' 10· } 5 % antimo ny, 2· } 0 % Ihfec, t o'; 0,2 %
3H 2 0 (1lnh lhe m a ll Iriln g , d (Jc, Ian Irong d ong, dol khl vol arsen;c, phan co n [(Ii La

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