LP100 - Prelim Exam

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Semi-Detailed Traditional Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7)

By the end of the 30 minutes lesson/s, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the prosodic features used in a communication;
b. Participate in every activity to acquire an excellent learnability and;
c. Develop skills that could help learn the lesson/s.

A. Topic: Recognizing Prosodic Features
B. Material/s: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation and Video Guide
C. Reference/s: Recognizing Prosodic Features - K-12 Curriculum Lesson
Guides (k-12guides.blogspot.com)

A. Routinary Activity:
a. Prayer
The teacher together with his/her students will have a short moment of
silence for a prayer.
b. Greetings
The teacher will greet his/her students.
c. Attendance
The teacher tells his/her students ‘Say present if your name is called’ to
check if they are around.

B. Review:
The teacher will ask his/her students to recall the previous lessons that have
been tackle. After hearing the recalled topics, the teacher will now present
some examples to enlighten more the knowledge of his/her students about the
past lecture.

C. Motivation:
a. The teacher will present a short video clip to brighten the mood of the
b. After that, the teacher will ask his/her students if they observe something
related to the previous lesson and ask them to guess if what will be the
lesson to be tackle about.
D. Lesson Proper:
a. After the recalling session that the teacher and his/her students have, the
teacher will now present the related topic that he/she asked the students to
b. And now, the teacher will properly introduce the topic to the students.
c. The teacher will now explain how will the students recognize the prosodic
features that will be used in a sentence in a communication.
d. This will allow the students to comprehend their thoughts on how to deal
with the prosodic features and;
e. If how they will apply and consider a particular type of a prosodic feature
that changes the meaning of a sentences.

E. Application:
a. After the discussion, the teacher will give the students a 15 minutes time to
study about the lesson.
b. After 15 minutes the teacher will have an oral recitation and give a point to
the student who can answer his/her questions.
c. The teacher will ask the students one by one, and give them 10 seconds to
answer the questions related to the topic.
d. This oral recitation will serve as their learnability and proof that they
listened carefully to the discussion.

F. Generalization:
After the discussion and the oral recitation as the application of their
learnability, the teacher will now ask the students to generalize the lesson that
has been tackled.
These are the following guide questions to be asked:
a. What are the types of prosodic features?
b. How will you recognize prosodic features?
c. Give at least 1 example of each prosodic features.
d. What are the advantages and disadvantages of prosodic features?
e. Is prosodic feature bad or good in terms of its usage? Why?

Following the discussion, the teacher prepared a fill in the blank test 2 points
each question plus 6 points to make it 20 points.
Speech rate 1. It means the speed we apply when saying a sentence.
Volume 2. Is an increase of loudness of the words we utter.
Juncture 3. Enables the hearer to detect the word or phrase boundary.
Projection 4. An ability to make our voice clearly heard at a distance.
Intonation 5. Known as the rising and falling of our voice when we speak.
Pitch 6. Is sometimes used interchangeably with intonation.
Stress 7. One of the easiest prosodic features to use and recognize in
spoken language.

The teacher will now give a task to the students as their assignment. The
students are required to make a short story and film themselves as they act
the types of prosodic features, the following are:
 Volume
 Projection
 Pitch
 Stress
 Intonation
 Juncture
 Speech rate

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