Quarter 1-Week 2 - Day 2.revised
Quarter 1-Week 2 - Day 2.revised
Quarter 1-Week 2 - Day 2.revised
Key Concepts / Using appropriate prosodic features of speech like pitch, stress, juncture, intonation,
Understandings to be pronunciation , volume and projection and rate/speed of speech in differing oral
Developed communication situations
2. Content Critical vowel sounds [I],and [i]; and critical consonant sounds [s], [ſ],
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity
The teacher presents a short article to the students. She/He assigns a student to read
each paragraph of the article (Learning Package in Grade 7 English, pp 12-130)
(Appendix A). She/He asks them to read it aloud while the rest of the class follow reading
After reading the article, the teacher asks those who read orally to identify sounds that
5 minutes they found difficult to produce. The teacher writes the words on the board. Then, she/he
lets the class listen to her/him as she/he read the article aloud.
The teacher emphasizes the words they identified as difficult to produce, the words with
[s], [ſ], [I],and [i]. Then the teacher presents the objectives for the day.
The teacher lets the students enhance their pronunciation of a few critical vowel and
4.2 Activity
consonant sounds based on some parts of the article (Task 4.Loud and clear!) (Refer to
20 minutes
Appendix B). Students will be guided by the teacher in reading.
4.3 Analysis
The teacher asks the students to produce the following critical vowel and consonant
[ I ] , [ i ], and [ s ] , [ ʃ ]
Ask students to give examples of words with critical vowel sounds [ I ] and [ i ]; and
critical consonant sounds [ s ] and [ ʃ ].
The teacher asks the students to produce the following critical vowel and consonant
[ I ] , [ i ], and [ s ] , [ ʃ ]
10 minutes Ask students to give examples of words with critical vowel sounds [ I ] and [ i ]; and
critical consonant sounds [ s ] and [ ʃ ].
4.4 Abstraction
The teacher asks the students to read again the article with correct pronunciation of
words focusing on the critical vowel sounds [ I ] and [ i ]; and critical consonant sounds [
s ] and [ ʃ ].
5 minutes The teacher explains to the students that aside from observing the criticalvowel sounds, it
is also very important to observe the proper stressing of words and the intonation pattern
when performing an oral communication activity.
The students are asked to read the following lines and identify the words with critical
4.5 Application
vowel sounds [ I ] and [ i ]; and critical consonant sounds [ s ] and [ ʃ ].
There is nothing wrong to dream and aspire
To reach the top in the ladder of fame
Only be sure in playing the game
5 minutes Others are not trodden your haste to ascend.
4.6 Assessment
The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group is given a copy
of an article to be presented orally to the class in 1 minute. They
are given 2 to 3 minutes to practice for their presentation. They
10 minutes are given the criteria for rating before having their practice.
(Refer to Appendix C for the Rubrics for rating)
4.7 Assignment
The teacher assigns students to read the story The Origin of
Enhancing / improving This World at home, Learning Package in English 7, pp. 14-15).
3 minutes the day’s lesson She/He asks them to find out the significance of the number
seven among the Maranaws.
4.8 Concluding Activity The students will be given the following tongue twister for them to practice reciting every
day to make their mouth flexible when they speak English.
2 minutes * The defective detective defectively detecting a defective detector(3X)
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
80% in the evaluation. learners who have caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who
D. No. of learners who continue to require
require additional activities for
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well? Why
F. What work?
did these difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
G. supervisor can help
What innovation or me
solve? materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Designati Division:
Email address:
Number: 9276808423 ruthescuadro@gmail.com
Receiving Phenomena
Responding to Phenomena
Internalizing values
Talking to Learners/
Anlysis of Learners' Products