Korean War: Sam Rosenstone & Lee Potter
Korean War: Sam Rosenstone & Lee Potter
Korean War: Sam Rosenstone & Lee Potter
Sam Rosenstone
Lee Potter
• At the Potsdam Conference (July–August
1945), the Allies unilaterally decided to divide
Korea—without consulting the Koreans—in
contradiction of the Cairo Conference.
Appointed as military governor, General
Hodge directly controlled South Korea via the
United States Army Military Government in
Korea (USAMGIK 1945–48).
• The united states and the soviet union were
involved in post war occupation of the Korean
peninsula. It was the same kind of occupation
as Germany.
• The US backed by the United Nation were on
the side of the south, and the North was
supported China and the Soviet Union.
• President Truman announced that the US
would counter "unprovoked aggression" and
"vigorously support the effort of the [UN]
security council to terminate this serious
breach of peace."
Syngman Rhee
• He was the first President of South Korea
• Backed by the United States he lead South
Korea through the Korean war, with his strong
anti-communist ideals.
Kim IL-Sung
• He was the first communist leader of North
Korea. He led North Korea in the Korean War,
and will forever be known in North Korea as
the Great leader, and the Eternal President.
• “In the North, the Soviets backed a Stalinist regime
under their client Kim Il-sung and created the North
Korean Peoples' Army, equipped with Russian tanks
and artillery. In the South, the chaotic political
situation resulted in an American-backed
administration under the presidency of Syngman Rhee,
whose openly declared aim was the imposition of
national unity by force. As a result of this stance, the
American-trained South Korean army was limited to a
lightly armed gendarmerie, lacking tanks, combat
aircraft and all but a small amount of field artillery.”
• The North Koreans believed that Syngman Rhee
of the south, crossed the 38th parallel which
provoked a North Korean counter attack into
South Korea to capture Syngman Rhee,