The Korean War Causes and Effects

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The document discusses the origins and course of the Korean War as well as its impact on escalating tensions between the US and USSR during the Cold War.

The document states that the Korean War was caused by North Korea invading South Korea on June 25, 1950 during a time of debate over US foreign policy towards confronting global communism.

The document describes how the Korean War involved four stages - the North Korean invasion, a UN counterattack that drove North Korea back, a Chinese counterattack that pushed UN forces into retreat, and a stalemate along the 38th parallel.

What were the causes and

effects of the Korean War?

L/O – To identify the causes and consequences of the
Korean War and evaluate its impact on the Cold War
What was the Korean War?
• The Korean War started on 25th June 1950
when over 90,000 North Korean soldiers
launched an invasion of South Korea.

• It occurred during a time of debate over the

future course of US foreign policy. Many in
Washington advocated a massive re-
armament programme to confront
Communism globally, as seen in NSC-68.

• President Truman realised that a failure to

take action would undermine the credibility
of the US policy of containment.
What was the Korean War?
• The USA immediately sent aid to South
Korea and called on the United Nations to
sanction military action against North

• A resolution sanctioning a UN-mission

against North Korea was passed on 27th
June 1950.

• This was a rare occasion when the Security

Council voted unanimously. The USSR was
boycotting the Security Council over the
USA’s refusal to recognise Communist
China, therefore did not have a vote.
What was the Korean War?
• Troops from the US and 15 other nations
arrived on the 1st July 1950. They were led
by a UN Commander – the American
General Douglas MacArthur.

• America now found itself at war again,

which persuaded the US government to
accept the recommendations of NSC-68 – to
raise the military budget significantly.

• The Cold War had now become a global war

as the USA sought to confront Communism
in Asia as well as Europe.
The Korean War – What happened?
• The Korea War started as a war of
movement with dramatic changes
in its first year however this was
followed by a stalemate that lasted
until its end in 1953.

• Stage 1 – North Korean Invasion:

An initial push by the North Koreans
resulted in them capturing almost
the entire Korean peninsula apart
from a small pocket of land in the
South-East around the city of
The Korean War – What happened?
• Stage 2 – UN Counter-attack:
MacArthur led UN forces in a daring
amphibious assault on Inchon, hoping
to split North Korean forces in half.

• Within a month he had recaptured

Seoul and driven the North Koreans
back past the 38th parallel.

• The US then decided on a policy of

‘rollback’ – to cross into North Korean
territory and reunite Korea. Pyongyang
was captured by October.
The Korean War – What happened?
• Stage 3 – Chinese Counter-attack:
Despite warnings from the Chinese,
MacArthur pushed on to the border
with China at the Yalu River.

• On 27th November 1950, over

200,000 Chinese and 150,000 North
Korean troops counter-attacked,
pushing UN forces into retreat.

• By December 1950, Pyongyang and

all of North Korea was recaptured.
UN forces suffered heavy casualties.
The Korean War – What happened?
• Stage 4 – Stalemate: The war
quickly descended into stalemate
along the 38th parallel.

• Truman decided to revert to a policy

of ‘containment’. MacArthur
disagreed and even threatened the
use of atomic bombs against China.
He was then fired by Truman!

• Peace talks began in 1951 but war

continued until 1953 when an
armistice was signed at Panmunjom
in July.
What were the causes of
the Korean War?
Content – Economic, Political, Ideological, Social
Time – Long-term, Short-term, Immediate
Role – Trigger, Catalyst, Pre-condition, Multiplier
Importance – Necessary, Sufficient
1. Failure to unite Korea after WW2
• In 1945 it was agreed by the superpowers
to temporarily divide Korea and take joint
responsibility for repatriating Japanese
forces there.

• The 38th parallel was taken as dividing line

with the USSR occupying the north and the
USA the south.

• At the Council of Foreign Ministers’

Moscow Conference in December 1945,
the USA and USSR agreed to create a
provisional government in Korea, leading
eventually to independence.
1. Failure to unite Korea after WW2
• However independence was never achieved.
As the Cold War developed the superpowers
became less willing to co-operate.

• Despite the Moscow Agreement, separate

governments emerged on either side. In the
South the US appointed Syngman Rhee, an
anti-communist. In the North, the USSR
supported a communist faction led by Kim Il

• Both had fought the Japanese and both

wanted to end the division of Korea. However
both had very different ideologies.
1. Failure to unite Korea after WW2
• Due to Cold War tensions, both
superpowers agreed to divide Korea in 1947.

• The Americans persuaded the UN to

establish a commission to supervise Korean
elections. It was refused entry to the North
but observed a separate election in the
South in May 1948.

• The Republic of Korea (ROK) was set-up in

the South led by Synghman Rhee. It was
undemocratic and anti-communist but
recognised as legitimate by the UN General
1. Failure to unite Korea after WW2
• In response the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (DPRK) was founded in
the North by Kim Il Sung in September
1948. It was recognised by the Communist

• The failure of the superpowers to create a

unified Korean government thus led to the
permanent division of Korea into two
hostile states.

• Each claimed to represent all of Korea and

each leader wanted to unify Korea.
2. The Role of the USA
• Having now divided the Korean peninsula,
both superpowers began to withdraw their

• Soviet troops left the North in 1948 whilst US

troops left by mid-1949. In Dean Acheson’s
‘perimeter’ speech of January 1950, the US
declared that they wouldn’t commit troops in
mainland Asia.

• This withdrawal of troops left a power vacuum

in Korea, in which hostilities between the two
Koreas' could develop. The withdraw of US
troops presented Kim Il Sung with an
3. The Role of Kim Il Sung
• Both Kim Il Sung and Synghman Rhee
wanted to reunify Korea on their own
terms. However neither side could unify
Korea on their own.

• Kim Il Sung persistently tried to persuade

Stalin into supporting an attack on the
South, in which he eventually agreed.

• Stalin wasn’t to blame for the war although

his support for Kim Il Sung was significant
in the North’s decision-making.
4. The Role of Stalin
• Stalin eventually supported plans for a war at
the beginning of 1950. This may have been
because he was more hopeful of winning.

• The Communist victory in China and the

development of their first atomic bomb in
1949 may have persuaded Stalin to act.

• The development of an anti-communist Japan

by the USA also threatened Stalin’s control in
the region.

• A successful invasion of South Korea thus

presented Stalin with a tempting opportunity
to spread his influence.
5. The Role of Mao Zedong
• Kim Il Sung also had the support of China.
Mao was initially sceptical about the
success of the invasion.

• However Kim persuaded Mao that Stalin

was more enthusiastic then he actually
was. Mao was also keen to get support
from Stalin for his planned attack on

• Mao therefore gave his approval to Kim for

an attempted invasion of the South.
What were the effects of
the Korean War?
Content – Economic, Political, Ideological, Social
Time – Long-term, Short-term, Immediate
Role – Trigger, Catalyst, Pre-condition, Multiplier
Importance – Necessary, Sufficient
Effects on the USA
• The Korean War heightened US fears of
further Soviet aggression elsewhere,
therefore the NSC-68 recommendations to
triple the defence budget were approved.

• US land forces in Europe were

strengthened along with NATO which
added Greece, Turkey and eventually West
Germany as members.

• Many of these plans had already been

discussed before the War, however the
War served as a catalyst for these policies.
Effects on the USA
• The USA signed the Treaty of San Francisco
with Japan in 1952. This allowed the US to
build military bases in Japan and the US began
to rapidly rebuild the Japanese economy.

• The US also began increasing its support for

Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, whilst continuing to
isolate China.

• The South-East Asia Treaty Organisation

(SEATO) was created in 1954 as an anti-
communist containment bloc. Members
included Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, USA,
UK, France, Australia and New Zealand.
Effects on Korea
• The war had cost the lives of over 300,000
civilians and property damage was huge.
The peninsula became permanently
divided with no hope of reunification.

• The 38th Parallel became a new heavily

defended frontier in the Cold War that
exists even today.

• North Korea remains under Communist

rule whilst South Korea became a
successful democratic and capitalist
Effects on China
• China’s reputation grew after the War, having
successfully pushed back US forces. This
increased Mao Zedong’s reputation and
helped him to consolidate the Communist
revolution in China.

• Stalin’s reluctance to help China throughout

the War would eventually contribute to the
division between the two powers, with China
taking a more independent stance from

• However Mao’s aim of uniting Taiwan with

China became harder as the USA now
committed itself to defending Taiwan.
Effects on the USSR
• The USSR was not directly involved in the
Korean War however it did give tacit
consent to North Korea.

• In the long-term, the outcome of the War

damaged Soviet interests. The USA’s
decision to triple its military spending,
rearm West German, maintain troops in
Europe and contain Communism in Asia
drew the USSR into a wider, global conflict.

• This would stretch Soviet commitments

throughout the world, harming their
Effects on South-East Asia
• The Korean War was an attempt by the USA to
contain Communism in Asia. Asia was now a
new battleground in the Cold War.

• Many nationalist groups in countries like

Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and the
Philippines all sought independence from
Colonial powers. Some of these movements
were Communist and increasingly relied in the
USSR or China for support.

• US policies increasingly confused these

national communist groups as being allied
with Moscow. This would eventually lead to
the USA’s involvement in Vietnam.
Effects on the Cold War
• The Korean War effectively globalised the
Cold War. It was no longer just a European
conflict but a global conflict which would
also affect other parts of the developing

• It also led to increasing militarisation. Both

sides increased their military budgets, with
the USA’s military budget reaching 10% of
GNP in the 1950s.

• The USSR increased the size of the Red

Army from 2.8 million troops to 5.8
Paper 2 - Exam Question 1 (2007)
• For what reasons, and with what results for East-West relations, did
the superpowers become involved in the affairs of one of the
following: Korea; Vietnam; the Middle East? (15 marks)
A two-part question requiring candidates to explain the motives behind involvement in
either area of conflict and what result this had for East-West relations. It is not an invitation
to detail or recount the course of the conflicts in either area.

For Korea, accept answers which use either the start of the Korean War in 1950, or the
“liberation” from Japan in 1945 as a starting date. For Vietnam – accept starting date from
either 1946, or from 1960–61. Middle East – could include the Arab-Israeli dispute
characterized by a series of wars since 1948 and/or Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan.

Reasons could include: ideology; strategy; mutual fear of perceived rival expansion;
prestige; proxy/surrogate conflict; economic resources etc.

Results could include: intensification of tensions; economic and political burdens placed
upon superpower participants; arms/technological development; realisation of risk of direct
confrontation leading to periods of peaceful co-existence/détente; increasing role of PRC in
East-West confrontation etc.
Demands of question barely understood; poorly structured with minimal focus on the task;
little knowledge is present; some factual examples identified but factually incorrect, irrelevant
or vague; very little or no critical analysis; mostly generalisations or poorly substantiated

Some understanding of question; attempts at structured approach but lacks clarity and
coherence; knowledge is present but lacks accuracy and relevance; factual examples identified
but are vague or lack relevance; some limited analysis but is mostly descriptive/narrative in
nature, not analytical

Demands of question understood but only partially addressed; attempts at structured

approach; knowledge is mostly accurate and relevant; factual examples are appropriate and
relevant; some analysis or critical commentary but is not sustained throughout

Demands of question understood and addressed; focused and generally well-structured;

knowledge is accurate and relevant; factual examples are used to support analysis/evaluation;
critical analysis is present and mostly clear and coherent; some awareness of different
perspectives; most points are substantiated and argued to a consistent conclusion

High degree of awareness of demands and implications of question; clearly focused and well-
structured; knowledge is detailed, accurate and relevant; factual examples are used effectively
to support analysis/evaluation; critical analysis is well-developed, clear and coherent; there is
evaluation of different perspectives; all main points are substantiated and argued to a
reasoned conclusion

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