The Korean War Causes and Effects
The Korean War Causes and Effects
The Korean War Causes and Effects
For Korea, accept answers which use either the start of the Korean War in 1950, or the
“liberation” from Japan in 1945 as a starting date. For Vietnam – accept starting date from
either 1946, or from 1960–61. Middle East – could include the Arab-Israeli dispute
characterized by a series of wars since 1948 and/or Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan.
Reasons could include: ideology; strategy; mutual fear of perceived rival expansion;
prestige; proxy/surrogate conflict; economic resources etc.
Results could include: intensification of tensions; economic and political burdens placed
upon superpower participants; arms/technological development; realisation of risk of direct
confrontation leading to periods of peaceful co-existence/détente; increasing role of PRC in
East-West confrontation etc.
Demands of question barely understood; poorly structured with minimal focus on the task;
little knowledge is present; some factual examples identified but factually incorrect, irrelevant
or vague; very little or no critical analysis; mostly generalisations or poorly substantiated
Some understanding of question; attempts at structured approach but lacks clarity and
coherence; knowledge is present but lacks accuracy and relevance; factual examples identified
but are vague or lack relevance; some limited analysis but is mostly descriptive/narrative in
nature, not analytical
High degree of awareness of demands and implications of question; clearly focused and well-
structured; knowledge is detailed, accurate and relevant; factual examples are used effectively
to support analysis/evaluation; critical analysis is well-developed, clear and coherent; there is
evaluation of different perspectives; all main points are substantiated and argued to a
reasoned conclusion