MS 1525 Brosur Final - Amd - Edit3

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Speaker’s Profile Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Through the Application of MS 1525:2019

Emeritus Prof Ir Dr K.S. Kannan Vision

Energy Consultant
ISI Ventures Sdn Bhd
Accepted by Malaysians,
[Chairman, Technical Commit-
tee on Energy Efficiency of
Recognised by the world Seminar
Buildings (Passive) ]

To provide credible standardisation and
Prof Dr Ir Abdul Razak Sapian accreditation services to facilitate interna-
tional trade, develop industry competitive-
Kulliyyah of Architecture and
Environmental Design, IIUM
ness towards enhance economic growth,
[Chairman, societal and environmental well-being
Working Group on Architecture
and Passive Design Strategy] Reg. fee : RM135.00
(Payment receipt) Recipient Ref : MS1525
Date : 12nd September 2019

Closing Date : 6 Sep 2019

Ar Von Kok Leong Time:
Director Venue: Pullman Hotel Bangsar,
Malaysia Green Building Kuala Lumpur
Confederation Organized by
[Chairman, Reg. Fee : RM135.00
Working Group on Building Payment can be made through the
Envelope] following mechanisms:

1. CASH; or
2. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Ts Steve Anthony Lojuntin to CIMB ( 86-0265657-6 )
Director Akauntan Negara Malaysia-
Energy Demand MITI-T
Management (EDM) Division, 3. Payment by cheque / money
In Collaboration with
order payable to:
[Member of Technical Com- “Ketua Pengarah, Jabatan
mittee on Energy Efficiency
of Buildings (Passive)] Standard Malaysia"

Please register via the following link:
MS 1525:2019
Achieving Sustainable
The Department of Standards Malaysia MS 1525:2019 - was developed by a few
Working Group (WG) under supervision of Development Goals Through
(Standards Malaysia) is government agen- Technical Committee (TC) of Energy Efficien- the Application of
cy under the Ministry of International cy in B uildings (Passive), under National MS 1525:2019
Standards Committee on Building, Construc-
Trade and Industry (MITI) and was estab- tion and Civil Engineering. This seminar is
lished on 28 August 1996 (Act 549). Under highlighting MS 1525:2019 as a reference doc-
ument of criteria requirement and minimum Tentative Programme
Act 549, Standards Malaysia serves as the
standard for buildings. Major modifications of
national standard body responsible for this revision are as follows:
8.30 am - Arrival of participants & registration
the development of standards and ac- 8.50 am - Welcoming Remarks by The Director
a) improvement to description on passive de-
General of Standards Malaysia
creditation activities of compliance as- sign strategies especially daylighting, facade 9.15 am - Overview and Update MS 1525
design and renewable energy; By Prof Emeritus Ir Dr K.S. Kannan
sessment bodies. Standard development
9.30 am - Presentation 1: Architectural and pas
in Malaysia has grown rapidly in line with b) new figures for horizontal and vertical pro- sive design strategy
jection of shading coefficients; By Prof Dr Abdul Razak Sapian
current economic developments and in-
10.30 am - Q&A Session
dustry needs. Standards Malaysia is the c) replacement of figure for egg crate shad- 10.45 am - Coffee Break
ing coefficient with tables; 11.15 am - Presentation 2: Building Envelope
Department responsible for developing (OTTV/RTTV)
Malaysia Standard (MS) through a stand- By Ar Von Kok Leong
d) ACMV outdoor design wet bulb tempera-
12.15 pm - Q&A Session
ard development committee comprising t u r e i s r e v i s e d ; a n d 12.30 pm - Lunch Break
2.00 pm - Presentation 3: Air-conditioning and
of balanced stakeholders to support the e) introduction of Building Energy Intensity mechanical ventilation, Lighting
growth of the industrial sector in line with (BEI) Benchmark in Clause 10. By Prof Emeritus Ir Dr K.S. Kannan
This Malaysian Standard cancels and replac- 3.00 pm - Q&A Session
the vision of the State to become a devel- es MS 1525:2014, Code of practice on energy 3.15 pm - Presentation 4: Energy management
oped country by 2020. It is developed on efficiency and use of renewable energy for control system & Building energy perfor
non-residential buildings (Second revision). mance
consensus-based consensus by all stake- By Prof Emeritus Ir Dr K.S. Kannan
4.00 pm - Q&A Session
holders and approved by YB Minister of 4.15 pm - Presentation 5: Case study
MITI as set out in the Standard Malaysia By Ts Steve Anthony Lojuntin
5.00 pm - Q&A Session
Act 1996 (Act 549). In addition to devel-  To create awareness among users and 5.15 pm - Refreshements and end of seminar
oping MS, Standards Malaysia also plays a building owners.
 To expose those who involve in energy
role in promoting and promoting the use use sector about the efficiency of re-
of MS that has been developed. newable energy.

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