MS 1525 Brosur Final - Amd - Edit3
MS 1525 Brosur Final - Amd - Edit3
MS 1525 Brosur Final - Amd - Edit3
To provide credible standardisation and
Prof Dr Ir Abdul Razak Sapian accreditation services to facilitate interna-
tional trade, develop industry competitive-
Kulliyyah of Architecture and
Environmental Design, IIUM
ness towards enhance economic growth,
[Chairman, societal and environmental well-being
Working Group on Architecture
and Passive Design Strategy] Reg. fee : RM135.00
(Payment receipt) Recipient Ref : MS1525
Date : 12nd September 2019
1. CASH; or
2. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Ts Steve Anthony Lojuntin to CIMB ( 86-0265657-6 )
Director Akauntan Negara Malaysia-
Energy Demand MITI-T
Management (EDM) Division, 3. Payment by cheque / money
In Collaboration with
order payable to:
[Member of Technical Com- “Ketua Pengarah, Jabatan
mittee on Energy Efficiency
of Buildings (Passive)] Standard Malaysia"