EEN-612: Electrical Transients in Power Systems: Tutorial-02

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EEN-612: Electrical Transients in Power Systems


1. For a 765 kV line, take Vw = 2500 kV, crest, travelling on the line, and Vp = 1500 kV of arrester at the
end. The line surge impedance is Z0 = 275 ohms. Calculate and discuss
(a) the current flowing in the line before reaching the arrester,
(b) the current through the arrester, and
(c) the value of arrester resistance for this condition
(d) the reflection and refraction coefficients of voltage and current conditions
2. Consider a 345-kV transformer protected with a gapless surge arrester of 276-kV rated voltage. The
maximum discharge voltage according to vendor’s data for 40-kA discharge current is 808 kV.
Steepness of incoming surge is 1022 kV/s. If the distance between transformer and surge arrester is 30
m, what is the approximate value of maximum voltage at the transformer terminals (Assume transformer
surge impedance is very large as compared to incoming line.)
3. Calculate the expected p.u. value of load-end voltage for various line lengths from 100 km to 1000 km
at no load due to Ferranti effect during load rejection. Neglect line resistance and assume source-end
voltage to be held constant at 1 p.u.
4. A transmission line runs through an area with thunderstorm activity TD = 10 thunderstorm hours per
year. The height of the top conductor = 10 m, the horizontal line width = 3 m, and the line length = 20
km. Calculate attractive radius based upon a height of 10 m.
5. Consider a lightning stroke ramp rising at 40 kA/μs, with a wave front of 0.5 μs, and infinite tail. Tower
surge impedance Zt =100 Ω. The ground wire impedance Zg = 300 Ω. Tower height = 30 m. Velocity
down the tower = 240 m/μs, velocity along the ground (shield) wire = 300 m/μs. The tower footing
resistance = 10 Ω. Coupling factor K = 0.3, span = 300 m. Calculate the tower top voltage, insulation
stress, voltage at base of the tower for the duration of the lightning wave front, that is, 0.5 μs. Consider
a surge channel impedance of 1500 Ω.
6. Calculate the tower-top and tower-base potential for a period of a lighting strike, impulse 60 kA/μs
occurs at top of a transmission tower for one μs. Consider tower footing resistance of 30 Ω, tower surge
impedance of 150 Ω, neglect lightning channel impedance. The tower has one ground wire of surge
impedance of 400 Ω. Consider a speed of 240 m/μs for the surge to travel down the tower, and a tower-
height of 36 m.
(a) What is the maximum tower-top potential reached in one μs?
(b) Consider a coupling factor K = 30 percent, what is the voltage stress on the insulation? If the
insulators have a CFO of 1000 kV, will a back flashover occur?
(c) The lightning strike occurs at the ground wire 100 m away from a tower. Determine the voltage of
the closet tower top after one μs of the strike.
(d) If the tower footing resistance is 5 Ω. What is the maximum tower-top voltage?
7. Find the equation and maximum value of recovery voltage across the breaker contacts while interrupting
4 A (peak) magnetizing current of 138-kV, 20-MVA transformer. Assume a capacitance of 4000 pF to
ground and an inductance of 0.25 H.

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