Moore - Intangible Privacy
Moore - Intangible Privacy
Moore - Intangible Privacy
Privacy, Power, and Information Control*
It is an obvious truism that the proliferation of computer networks
and the digitization of everything not obstinately physical1 is
radically changing the human experience. As more individuals
obtain access to computer networks such as the Internet or the
World Wide Web—the official word for this is to become “wired”—
digital based environments and information have come to play a
central role in our everyday lives. Our money is stored and
transmitted digitally, we listen to CDs where the music is recorded
and played digitally, there are now digital cell‐phones, cable
television, and musical instruments. And all of this lies outside of
the bit streams of 1’s and 0’s that make up computer networks,
software programs, and operating systems. Many claim that the
future holds information that cascades, not just through a PC, but
across all forms of communication devices—headlines that flash
across your watch, or a traffic map popping up on a cellular phone.
It means content that will not hesitate to find you—whether you
have clicked on something or not.2 The integration, by digital
technology, of what used to be disparate forms of communication is
radically changing how we work and play.
At the center of this communication revolution is the control of
information—who has it, how can it be gathered, can databases be
owned, should information be “pulled” by users as a request or
“pushed” to users who have shown interest? These concerns have
obvious import into the areas of privacy and power. We each leave
“digital footprints” that can be tracked by data mining companies
and used to create purchasing profiles, medical summaries, political
agendas, and the like. Moreover, this information is then sold to
direct marketing companies—who will then call, write, or in the
future, e‐mail us—government agencies, private investigators, or to
anyone for any reason. There used to be domains of a person’s life
that were totally inaccessible. A person’s home and bedroom,
notebook and hard drive, were all sanctuaries against the prying
eyes and ears of others. It is alarming that digital technology is
sweeping these domains away. Deborah Johnson accurately
captures this sentiment.
We have the technological capacity for the kind of massive,
continuous surveillance of individuals that was envisioned
*Copyright American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 35 (October, 1998): 365‐375. Portions of this
paper were presented at the 1997 Central Division Meeting of the APA and at the 1998 Ohio
Philosophical Association conference. I would like to thank David Wasserman, Jim Swindler, Earl
Spurgin, Don Hubin, and Ken Itzkowitz for their suggestions and comments.
1. This phrase comes from John Perry Barlow, “The Economy of Ideas: Everything You Know
About Intellectual Property is Wrong” in Intellectual Property: Moral, Legal, and International Dilemmas,
edited by A. Moore (Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997), Chapter 15.
2. Kevin Kelly and Gary Wolf, “Push,” Wired Magazine (March 1997), 14.
3. Deborah Johnson, Computer Ethics (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994), 84.
4. For a lengthy defense of the following Lockean model see Intellectual Property and Information
Control (New Brunswick: Transaction Pub., 2001, 2004). See also, “A Lockean Theory of Intellectual
Property,” Hamline Law Review 21 (1997): 65‐108 and “Toward a Lockean Theory of Intellectual
Property,” in Intellectual Property: Moral, Legal, and International Dilemmas, edited by A. Moore.
5. American copyright law prohibits the ownership of abstract ideas—copyright protects new
and original expressions, not the ideas that stand behind the expressions. Nevertheless there is still a
type/token model here because copyrights protect expressions of a certain type.
6. It may be objected that some intangible works are rivalrous, for example the Mona Lisa or
Michelangelo’s David. What is rivalrous about these works is not the ideas that are embodied in the
canvas or stone, it is the physical works themselves. We can all hang a copy of the Mona Lisa in our
living rooms—we just can’t have the original embodiment.
7. Unlike copyrights and trade secrets, patents exclude other independent inventors from
obtaining rights to a work already patented. The Lockean model of intangible property that I will
sketch does not include such a rule.
8. John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government,§ 27 (italics mine).
9. Locke, Second Treatise, § 33.
10. Both Jeremy Waldron, “Enough and as Good Left for Others,” Philosophical Quarterly (1979):
319‐328, and Clark Wolf, “Contemporary Property Rights, Lockean Provisos, and the Interests of
Future Generation,” Ethics (July, 1995): 791‐818, maintain that Locke thought of the proviso as a
sufficient condition and not a necessary condition for legitimate acquisition.
11. This view is summed up nicely by Wolf, “Contemporary Property Rights,” 791‐818.
12. Even Marx never explicitly denies that laborers are entitled to the fruits of their labor—
“Indeed, it is natural to think that his condemnation of capitalist exploitation depends on a
conviction that laborers are entitled to the whole fruits of their labor.” Lawrence Becker, Property
Rights: Philosophic Foundations, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977), n2, p. 121. See also, Karl
Marx, Capital (New York: International Publishers, 1967), vol. 1, part VIII, chapter xxvi.
13. For a defense of this view of rights see G. Rainbolt, “Rights as Normative Constraints,”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (1993): 93‐111, and Joel Feinberg, Freedom and Fulfillment:
Philosophical Essays (Princeton University Press, 1986).
14. One state of the world, S1, is Pareto‐superior to another, S2, if and only if no one is worse‐off
in S1 than in S2, and at least one person is better‐off in S1 than in S2. S1 is strongly Pareto‐superior to
S2 if everyone is better‐off in S1 than in S2, and weakly Pareto‐superior if at least one person is better‐
off and no one is worse‐off. State S1 is Pareto optimal if no state is Pareto superior to S1: it is strongly
Pareto‐optimal if no state is weakly Pareto‐superior to it, and weakly Pareto‐optimal if no state is
strongly Pareto‐superior to it. Throughout this essay I will use Pareto‐superiority to stand for weak
Pareto‐superiority. Adapted from G. A. Cohen’s “The Pareto Argument For Inequality” in Social
Philosophy & Policy 12 (Winter 1995): 160.
15. It is important to note that compensation is typically built into the proviso and the overall
account of bettering and worsening. David Gauthier echoes this point in the following case. “In
acquiring a plot of land, even the best land on the island, Eve may initiate the possibility of more
diversified activities in the community as a whole, and more specialized activities for particular
individuals with ever‐increasing benefits to all.” Gauthier, Morals By Agreement (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1986), 204. Eve’s appropriation may actually benefit her fellows and the benefit may serve to
cancel the worsening that occurs from restricted use. Moreover, compensation can occur at both the
level of the act and at the level of the institution. This is to say that Eve herself may compensate or
that the system in which specific property relations are determined may compensate.
16. I have in mind Nozick’s Robinson Crusoe case in Anarchy, State, And Utopia (New York:
Basic Books, 1974), 185.
17. The distinction between worsening someone’s position and failing to better it is a hotly
contested moral issue. See Gauthier, Morals By Agreement, 204; Shelly Kagan, The Limits of Morality
(Oxford University Press, 1989), chap. 3; John Harris, “The Marxist Conception of Violence,”
Philosophy & Public Affairs 3 (1973‐74): 192‐220; John Kleinig, “Good Samaritanism,” Philosophy &
Public Affairs 5 (1975‐76): 382‐407; and Eric Mack’s two articles, “Bad Samaritanism and the
Causation of Harm,” Philosophy & Public Affairs 9 (1979‐80): 230‐259, and “Causing and Failing To
Intangible Property / 18
Prevent Harm,” Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (1976): 83‐90. This distinction is even further
blurred by my account of opportunities. See Moore “Toward A Lockean Theory” 88‐89.
18. This view is summed up nicely by A. Fressola. “Yet, what is distinctive about persons is not
merely that they are agents, but more that they are rational planners—that they are capable of
engaging in complex projects of long duration, acting in the present to secure consequences in the
future, or ordering their diverse actions into programs of activity, and ultimately, into plans of life.”
Anthony Fressola, “Liberty and Property,” American Philosophical Quarterly (Oct. 1981): 320.
19. One problem with a Pareto condition is that it says nothing about the initial position from
which deviations may occur. If the initial position is unfair then our Pareto condition allows that
those who are unjustly better off to remain better off. This is why the problem of original acquisition
is traditionally set in the state of nature or the commons. The state of nature supposedly captures a
fair initial starting point for Pareto improvements.
20. It has been argued that subjective preference satisfaction theories fail to give an adequate
account of bettering and worsening. See D. Hubin and M. Lambeth’s “Providing For Rights”
Dialogue 27 (1989).
21. For similar views see: Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1971), cha. VII.; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, bks. I and X; Kant, The Fundamental Principles of The
Metaphysics of Morals, Academy Edition; Sidgwick, Methods of Ethics, 7th ed. (London: Macmillian,
1907); R. B. Perry, General Theory of Value (New York: Longmans, Green, 1926); and Loren Lomasky,
Persons, Rights, and the Moral Community (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).
22. One plausible exception is body rights which are similar to, if not the same as, many of the
rights that surround property.
23. There may be many others such as, consent theories, consequentialist theories, social
contract theories, theories of convention, and so on.
24. The proviso permits the use, exclusion, and augmentation of an object. Although this does
not give us a complete theory of property relations it begins the process. I would argue that the
proviso, whatever other forms of property relations it might allow, permits private property
25. Suppose that one way to achieve Pareto‐superior results is by adopting an institution that
promotes and maintains restricted access, or fencing, of intellectual works. This is to say that, given
our best estimates, everyone is better‐off living within an institution where fencing is permitted and
protected as opposed to alternative institutions where fencing is prohibited. If such a case can be
made, then the Paretian may have a way to justify specific acts of appropriation by appealing to the
level of institutions.
26. The “harm” that I have in mind here is in terms of an individual’s level of well‐being.
Obviously alternative accounts of bettering and worsening will defend a different standard of harm.
27. Alan Westin, “Privacy in the Modern Democratic State” in D. Johnson and J. Snapper,
Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub.: 1985): 187.
28. W. A. Parent, “Privacy, Morality, and the Law” Philosophy & Public Affairs 12 (Fall 1983): 269‐
288, reprinted in D. Johnson and J. Snapper, Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, 203 (all page
citations refer to the reprint).
29. Dean William Prosser, “Privacy,” California Law Review 48 (1960): 383, 389, quoted in E.
Alderman and C. Kennedy, The Right to Privacy (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995), 155‐56.
30. C. Rossiter, Aspects of Liberty (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1958) quoted in Westin,
“Privacy in the Modern Democratic State” 188.
31. For more about privacy rights see, Charles Fried, “Privacy,” Yale Law Journal 77 (1968): 477;
A. Westin and M. Baker, Databanks in a Free Society (New York: Quadrangle Press, 1972); and J.
Rachels, “Why Privacy is Important,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (Summer 1975): 323‐33.
32. Would I be doing something morally illicit if I put on my new anti‐monitoring suit that
afforded me complete protection from every surveillance devise except the human eye?
33. This case is cited in E. Alderman and C. Kennedy’s The Right to Privacy, 171.
34. Rachels in “Why Privacy is Important” argues that privacy is valuable because it is
necessary for creating and maintaining different kinds of relationships with people.
35. Sissela Bok, Secrets (New York: Pantheon, 1982), 254.