Elementary Mathematics: Wwlchenandxtduong

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c W W L Chen, X T Duong and Macquarie University, 1999.
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Chapter 3

3.1. Radian and Arc Length

The number π plays a central role in the study of trigonometry. We all know that a circle of radius 1
has area π and circumference 2π. It is also very useful in describing angles, as we shall now show.
Let us split a circle of radius 1 along a diameter into two semicircles as shown in the picture below.

The circumference of the circle is now split into two equal parts, each of length π and each suntending
an angle 180◦ . If we use the convention that π = 180◦ , then the arc of the semicircle of radius 1 will be
the same as the angle it subtends. If we further split the arc of the semicircle of radius 1 into two equal
parts, then each of the two parts forms an arc of length π/2 and subtends an angle 90◦ = π/2. In fact,
any arc of a circle of radius 1 which subtends an angle θ must have length θ under our convention.
We now formalize our discussion so far.

Definition. An angle of 1 radian is defined to be the angle subtended by an arc of length 1 on a circle
of radius 1.

† This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1999.

3–2 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Remarks. (1) Very often, the term radian is omitted when we discuss angles. We simply refer to an
angle 1 or an angle π, rather than an angle of 1 radian or an angle of π radian.
(2) Simple calculation shows that 1 radian is equal to (180/π)◦ = 57.2957795 . . .◦ . Similarly, we
can show that 1◦ is equal to (π/180) radian = 0.01745329 . . . radian. In fact, since π is irrational, the
digits do not terminate or repeat.
(3) We observe the following special values:
π π π π
= 30◦ , = 45◦ , = 60◦ , = 90◦ , π = 180◦ , 2π = 360◦ .
6 4 3 2

Consider now a circle of radius r and an angle θ given in radian, as shown in the picture below.


Clearly the length s of the arc which subtends the angle θ satisfies s = rθ, while the area A of the sector
θ 1
A = πr2 × = r2 θ.
2π 2
Note that πr2 is equal to the area inside the circle, while θ/2π is the proportion of the area in question.

3.2. The Trigonometric Functions

Consider the xy-plane, together with a circle of radius 1 and centred at the origin (0, 0). Suppose that
θ is an angle measured anticlockwise from the positive x-axis, and the point (x, y) on the circle is as
shown in the picture below.

We define
cos θ = x and sin θ = y.
Furthermore, we define

sin θ y cos θ x 1 1 1 1
tan θ = = , cot θ = = , sec θ = = and csc θ = = .
cos θ x sin θ y cos θ x sin θ y
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–3

Remarks. (1) Note that tan θ and sec θ are defined only when cos θ = 0, and that cot θ and csc θ are
defined only when sin θ = 0.
(2) It is a good habit to always measure an angle from the positive x-axis, using the convention that
positive angles are measured anticlockwise and negative angles are measured clockwise, as illustrated



(3) We then observe that

horizontal side vertical side
cos θ = and sin θ = ,
hypothenuse hypothenuse
as well as
vertical side horizontal side
tan θ = and cot θ = ,
horizontal side vertical side
with the convention that

>0 (to the right of the (vertical) y-axis),
horizontal side
<0 (to the left of the (vertical) y-axis),
>0 (above the (horizontal) x-axis),
vertical side
<0 (below the (horizontal) x-axis),
hypothenuse > 0 (always).
(4) It is also useful to remember the CAST rule concerning sine, cosine and tangent.

S (sin > 0) A (all > 0)

T (tan > 0) C (cos > 0)

PYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES. For every value θ ∈ R for which the trigonometric functions in
question are defined, we have
(a) cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1;
(b) 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ; and
(c) 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ.
3–4 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Proof. Note that (a) follows from the classical Pythagoras’s theorem. If cos θ = 0, then dividing both
sides of (a) by cos2 θ gives (b). If sin θ = 0, then dividing both sides of (a) by sin2 θ gives (c). ♣

We sketch the graphs of the functions y = sin x, y = cos x and y = tan x for −2π ≤ x ≤ 2π below:

y = sin x

-2π -π π 2π


y = cos x

-2π -π π 2π


y = tan x

-2π -π π 2π

We shall use these graphs to make some observations about trigonometric functions.
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–5


(a) The functions sin x and cos x are periodic with period 2π. More precisely, for every x ∈ R, we have

sin(x + 2π) = sin x and cos(x + 2π) = cos x.

(b) The functions tan x and cot x are periodic with period π. More precisely, for every x ∈ R for which
the trigonometric function in question is defined, we have

tan(x + π) = tan x and cot(x + π) = cot x.

(c) The function sin x is an odd function, and the function cos x is an even function. More precisely,
for every x ∈ R, we have

sin(−x) = − sin x and cos(−x) = cos x.

(d) The functions tan x and cot x are odd functions. More precisely, for every x ∈ R for which the
trigonometric function in question is defined, we have

tan(−x) = − tan x and cot(−x) = − cot x.

(e) For every x ∈ R, we have

sin(x + π) = − sin x and cos(x + π) = − cos x.

(f) For every x ∈ R, we have

sin(π − x) = sin x and cos(π − x) = − cos x.

(g) For every x ∈ R for which the trigonometric function in question is defined, we have

tan(π − x) = − tan x and cot(π − x) = − cot x.

(h) For every x ∈ R, we have

 π  π
sin x + = cos x and cos x + = − sin x.
2 2

(i) For every x ∈ R, we have

π  π 
sin − x = cos x and cos − x = sin x.
2 2

(j) For every x ∈ R for which the trigonometric functions in question are defined, we have
 π  π
tan x + = − cot x and cot x + = − tan x.
2 2

(k) For every x ∈ R for which the trigonometric function in question is defined, we have
π  π 
tan − x = cot x and cot − x = tan x.
2 2

Remark. There is absolutely no need to remember any of these properties! We shall discuss later
some trigonometric identities which will give all the above as special cases.
3–6 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Example 3.2.1. Consider the following picture.


Clearly the triangle shown is an equilateral triangle, with all three sides of equal length. It is also clear
that sin(π/6) is half the length of the vertical side. It follows that we must have sin(π/6) = 1/2. To find
the precise value for cos(π/6), we first observe that cos(π/6) > 0. On the other √ hand, it follows from the
first of the Pythagorean
√ identities that cos (π/6) = 3/4. Hence cos(π/6) = 3/2. We can then deduce
that tan(π/6) = 1/ 3.

Example 3.2.2. We have tan(13π/6) = tan(7π/6) = tan(π/6) = 1/ 3. Note that we have used part
(b) of the Properties of trigonometric functions, as well as the result from Example 3.2.1.

Example 3.2.3. Consider the following picture.


Clearly the triangle shown is an equilateral triangle, with all three sides of equal length. It is also clear
that cos(−π/3) is half the length the horizontal side. It follows that we must have cos(−π/3) = 1/2.
To find the precise value for sin(−π/3), we first observe that sin(−π/3) < 0. On the other hand,
it √follows from the first of the Pythagorean identities that sin2 (−π/3) = 3/4. Hence sin(−π/3) =
− 3/2. Alternatively, we can deduce from Example 3.2.1 by using parts (c) and (i) of the Properties of
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–7

trigonometric functions that

 π π π π π 1
cos − = cos = sin − = sin =
3 3 2 3 6 2
 π π π √
π π 3
sin − = − sin = − cos − = − cos = − .
3 3 2 3 6 2

We can then deduce that tan(−π/3) = − 3.

Example 3.2.4. Consider the following picture.

5 π/4

Clearly the triangle shown is a right-angled triangle with the two shorter sides of equal length and
hypothenuse of length 1. It is also clear that sin(5π/4) is the length of the vertical side, with a − sign
attached as it is below the horizontal axis. On the other hand, it is also clear that cos(5π/4) is the
length of the horizontal side, again with a − sign attached as it is left of the vertical
 axis. It follows
from Pythagoras’s theorem that sin(5π/4) = cos(5π/4) = y, where y < 0 and y 2 + y 2 = 1. Clearly

y = −1/ 2. We can then deduce that tan(5π/4) = 1.

Example 3.2.5. To find all the solutions of the equation sin x = −1/ 2 in the interval 0 ≤ x < 2π,
we consider the following picture.

7 π/4

1 1
3–8 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Using Pythagoras’s
√ theorem, it is easy to see that the two triangles shown both have horizontal side of
length 1/ 2, the same as the length of their vertical sides. Clearly x = 5π/4 or x = 7π/4.

Example 3.2.6. Suppose that we wish to find all the solutions of the equation cos2 x = 1/4 in the
interval −π/2 < x ≤ π. Observe first of all that either cos x = 1/2 or cos x = −1/2. We consider the
following picture.

1 1

2 π/3

- π/3

Using Pythagoras’s
√ theorem, it is easy to see that the three triangles shown both have vertical side of
length 3/2. Clearly x = −π/3, x = π/3 or x = 2π/3.

Example 3.2.7. Convince yourself that the only two solutions of the equation cos2 x = 1 in the interval
0 ≤ x < 2π are x = 0 and x = π.

Example 3.2.8. To find all the solutions of the equation tan x = 3 in the interval 0 ≤ x < 2π, we
consider the following picture.


Since tan x > 0, it follows from the CAST rule that we can restrict our attention to the first and third
quadrants. It is easy to √ check that the two triangles shown have horizontal sides of length 1/2 and
vertical sides of length 3/2. Clearly x = π/3 or x = 4π/3.
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–9

Example 3.2.9. Suppose that we wish to find all the solutions tan2 x = 1/3 in the
√ of the equation √
interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 3π/2. Observe first of all that either tan x = 1/ 3 or tan x = −1/ 3. We consider the
following picture.

1 7 π/6 1

It is easy to check that the three triangles shown have horizontal sides of length 3/2 and vertical sides
of length 1/2. Clearly x = π/6, x = 5π/6 or x = 7π/6.

Example 3.2.10. Convince yourself that the only two solutions of the equation sec x = 2 in the
interval 0 ≤ x < 2π are x = π/4 and x = 7π/4.

Example 3.2.11. For every x ∈ R, we have

sin3 x + sin x cos2 x = sin x sin2 x + sin x cos2 x = (sin x)(sin2 x + cos2 x) = sin x,

in view of the first of the Pythagorean identities.

Example 3.2.12. For every x ∈ R such that cos x = 0, we have

(sec x − tan x)(sec x + tan x) = sec2 x − tan2 x = 1,

in view of the second of the Pythagorean identities.

Example 3.2.13. For every x ∈ R such that cos x = ±1, we have

1 1 (1 + cos x) + (1 − cos x) 2 2
+ = = = = 2 csc2 x.
1 − cos x 1 + cos x (1 − cos x)(1 + cos x) 1 − cos2 x sin2 x

Example 3.2.14. For every x ∈ R, we have

(cos x + sin x)2 + (cos x − sin x)2 = (cos2 x + 2 cos x sin x + sin2 x) + (cos2 x − 2 cos x sin x + sin2 x)
= (1 + 2 cos x sin x) + (1 − 2 cos x sin x) = 2.

Example 3.2.15. For every x ∈ R such that the expression on the left hand side makes sense, we have
1 + cot x 1 + tan x cos x sin x
− = (1 + cot x) sin x − (1 + tan x) cos x = 1 + sin x − 1 + cos x
csc x sec x sin x cos x
= (sin x + cos x) − (cos x + sin x) = 0.
3–10 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Example 3.2.16. Let us return to Example 3.2.5 where we showed that the solutions of the equation
sin x = −1/ 2 in the interval 0 ≤ x < 2π are given by x = 5π/4 and x = 7π/4. Suppose now that we
wish to find all the values x ∈ R that satisfy the same equation. To do this, we can use part (a) of the
Properties of trigonometric functions, and conclude that the solutions are given by
5π 7π
x= + 2kπ or x= + 2kπ,
4 4
where k ∈ Z.

Example 3.2.17. Consider the equation sec(x/2) = 2. Then cos(x/2) = 1/2. If we first restrict our
attention to 0 ≤ x/2 < 2π, then it is not difficult to see that the solutions are given by x/2 = π/3 and
x/2 = 5π/3. Using part (a) of the Properties of trigonometric functions, we conclude that without the
restriction 0 ≤ x/2 < 2π, the solutions are given by
x π x 5π
= + 2kπ or = + 2kπ,
2 3 2 3
where k ∈ Z. It follows that
2π 10π
x= + 4kπ or x= + 4kπ,
3 3
where k ∈ Z.

3.3. Some Trigonometric Identities

Consider a triangle with side lengths and angles as shown in the picture below:
c  JJ


SINE RULE. We have

a b c
= = .
sin A sin B sin C


a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A,
b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos B,
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C.

Sketch of Proof. Consider the picture below.


c  JJ


o /
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–11

Clearly the length of the vertical line segment is given by c sin B = b sin C, so that

b c
= .
sin B sin C

This gives the sine rule. Next, note that the horizontal side of the the right-angled triangle on the left
has length c cos B. It follows that the horizontal side of the right-angled triangle on the right has length
a − c cos B. If we now apply Pythagoras’s theorem to this latter triangle, then we have

(a − c cos B)2 + (c sin B)2 = b2 ,

so that
a2 − 2ac cos B + c2 cos2 B + c2 sin2 B = b2 ,
b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos B.
This gives the cosine rule. ♣

We mentioned earlier that there is no need to remember any of the Properties of trigonometric
functions discussed in the last section. The reason is that they can all be deduced easily from the
identities below.


sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B and sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cos A sin B,

as well as

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B − sin A sin B and cos(A − B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B.

Remarks. (1) Proofs can be sketched for these identities by drawing suitable pictures, although such
pictures are fairly complicated. We omit the proofs here.
(2) It is not difficult to remember these identities. Observe the pattern

sin ± = sin cos ± cos sin and cos ± = cos cos ∓ sin sin .

For small positive angles, increasing the angle increases the sine (thus keeping signs) and decreases the
cosine (thus reversing signs).
(3) One can also deduce analogous identities for tangent and cotangent. We have

sin(A + B) sin A cos B + cos A sin B

tan(A + B) = = .
cos(A + B) cos A cos B − sin A sin B

Dividing both the numerator and denominator by cos A cos B, we obtain

sin A sin B
cos A cos B tan A + tan B
tan(A + B) = = .
sin A sin B 1 − tan A tan B
cos A cos B

Similarly, one can deduce that

tan A − tan B
tan(A − B) = .
1 + tan A tan B
3–12 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Example 3.3.1. For every x ∈ R, we have

π  π π
sin − x = sin cos x − cos sin x = cos x,
2 2 2

and π  π π
cos − x = cos cos x + sin sin x = sin x.
2 2 2
These form part (i) of the Properties of trigonometric functions.

Of particular interest is the special case when A = B.

DOUBLE ANGLE IDENTITIES. For every x ∈ R, we have

(a) sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x; and
(b) cos 2x = cos2 x − sin2 x = 1 − 2 sin2 x = 2 cos2 x − 1.

HALF ANGLE IDENTITIES. For every y ∈ R, we have

y 1 − cos y y 1 + cos y
sin2 = and cos2 = .
2 2 2 2

Proof. Let x = y/2. Then part (b) of the Double angle identities give
y y
cos y = 1 − 2 sin2 = 2 cos2 − 1.
2 2

The results follow easily. ♣

Example 3.3.2. Suppose that we wish to find the precise values of cos(−3π/8) and sin(−3π/8). We
3π 1 + cos(−3π/4)
cos −
= .
8 2

It is not difficult to show that cos(−3π/4) = −1/ 2, so that
3π 1 1 2−1
cos 2
− = 1− √ = √ .
8 2 2 2 2

It is easy to see that cos(−3π/8) > 0, and so

3π 2−1
cos − = √ .
8 2 2

Similarly, we have
3π 1 − cos(−3π/4) 1 1 2+1
− = = 1+ √ = √ .
8 2 2 2 2 2

It is easy to see that sin(−3π/8) < 0, and so

3π 2+1
sin − =− √ .
8 2 2
Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–13

Example 3.3.3. Suppose that α is an angle in the first quadrant and β is an angle in the third
quadrant. Suppose further that sin α = 3/5 and cos β = −5/13. Using the first of the Pythagorean
identities, we have

16 144
cos2 α = 1 − sin2 α = and sin2 β = 1 − cos2 β = .
25 169

On the other hand, using the CAST rule, we have cos α > 0 and sin β < 0. It follows that cos α = 4/5
and sin β = −12/13. Then
3 5 4 12 33
sin(α − β) = sin α cos β − cos α sin β = × − − × − =
5 13 5 13 65

4 5 3 12 56
cos(α − β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β = × − + × − =− ,
5 13 5 13 65
so that
sin(α − β) 33
tan(α − β) = =− .
cos(α − β) 56

Example 3.3.4. For every x ∈ R, we have

sin 6x cos 2x − cos 6x sin 2x = sin(6x − 2x) = sin 4x = 2 sin 2x cos 2x.

Note that the first step uses a difference identity, while the last step uses a double angle identity.

Example 3.3.5. For appropriate values of α, β ∈ R, we have

sin(α + β) sin α cos β + cos α sin β 1 + cot α tan β

= = .
sin(α − β) sin α cos β − cos α sin β 1 − cot α tan β

Note that the first step uses sum and difference identities, while the second step involves dividing both
the numerator and the denominator by sin α cos β.

Example 3.3.6. For every x ∈ R for which sin 4x = 0, we have

cos 8x cos2 4x − sin2 4x

2 = = cot2 4x − 1.
sin 4x sin2 4x

Note that the first step involves a double angle identity.

Example 3.3.7. For every x ∈ R for which cos x = 0, we have

sin 2x 2 sin x cos x

= = 2 tan x.
1 − sin2 x cos2 x

Note that the first step involves a double angle identity as well as a Pythagorean identity.

Example 3.3.8. For every x ∈ R for which sin 3x = 0 and cos 3x = 0, we have

cos2 3x − sin2 3x cos 6x

= = cot 6x.
2 sin 3x cos 3x sin 6x

Note that the first step involves double angle identities.

3–14 W W L Chen and X T Duong : Elementary Mathematics

Example 3.3.9. This example is useful in calculus for finding the derivatives of the sine and cosine
functions. For every x, h ∈ R with h = 0, we have

sin(x + h) − sin x sin x cos h + cos x sin h − sin x sin h cos h − 1

= = (cos x) × + (sin x) ×
h h h h
cos(x + h) − cos x cos x cos h − sin x sin h − cos x sin h cos h − 1
= = −(sin x) × + (cos x) × .
h h h h

When h is very close to 0, then

sin h cos h − 1
≈1 and ≈ 0,
h h
so that
sin(x + h) − sin x cos(x + h) − cos x
≈ cos x and ≈ − sin x.
h h

This is how we show that the derivatives of sin x and cos x are respectively cos x and − sin x.

Problems for Chapter 3

1. Find the precise value of each of the following quantities, showing every step of your argument:
4π 4π 3π 3π
a) sin b) tan c) cos d) tan
3  3  4 4 
65π 47π 25π 37π
e) tan f) sin − g) cos h) cot −
4 6 3 2
5π 5π 53π 53π
i) sin j) tan k) cos − l) cot −
3 3 6 6

2. Find all solutions for each of the following equations in the intervals given, showing every step of
your argument:
1 1
a) sin x = − , 0 ≤ x < 2π b) sin x = − , 0 ≤ x < 4π
2 2
1 1
c) sin x = − , −π ≤ x < π d) sin x = − , 0 ≤ x < 3π
2 2
3 3
e) cos2 x = , 0 ≤ x < 2π f) cos2 x = , −π ≤ x < 3π
4 4
g) tan2 x = 3, 0 ≤ x < 2π h) tan2 x = 3, −2π ≤ x < π

i) cot2 x = 3, 0 ≤ x < 2π j) sec2 x = 2, 0≤x<
1 1
k) cos x = − , 0 ≤ x < 2π l) cos x = − , 0 ≤ x < 4π
2 2
1 π
m) tan2 x = 1, 2π ≤ x < 4π n) sin2 x = , ≤ x < 2π
4 2

3. Simplify each of the following expressions, showing every step of yor argument:
sin x sec x − sin2 x tan x
a) b) sin 3x cos x + sin x cos 3x
sin 2x
c) cos 5x cos x + sin x sin 5x d) sin 3x − cos 2x sin x − 2 sin x cos2 x
sin 4x
e) f) cos 4x cos 3x − 4 sin x sin 3x cos x cos 2x
(cos x − sin2 x) sin x cos x

g) 2 sin 3x cos 3x cos 5x − (cos2 3x − sin2 3x) sin 5x

Chapter 3 : Trigonometry 3–15

4. We know that

π 1 π 3 π π 1 5π 1 π π
sin = , cos = , sin = cos = √ and = + .
6 2 6 2 4 4 2 24 2 4 6

We also know that

cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β and cos 2θ = 2 cos2 θ − 1 = 1 − 2 sin2 θ.

Use these to determine the exact values of

5π 5π
cos and sin .
24 24

[Hint: Put
√ your √
calculators away. Your answers will be square roots of expressions involving the
numbers 2 and 3.]

5. Find the precise value of each of the following quantities, showing every step of your argument:
 π  π 7π 7π
a) cos − b) sin − c) cos d) tan
8 8 12 12
6. Use the sum and difference identities for the sine and cosine functions to deduce each of the following
a) sin(x + π) = − sin x b) cos(−x) = cos x c) tan(π − x) = − tan x
d) cot + x = − tan x

− ∗ − ∗ − ∗ − ∗ − ∗ −

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