3D Modeling Course - Outline
3D Modeling Course - Outline
3D Modeling Course - Outline
Points Course
3D Modeling Course Outline Possible Hours
Course Overview 4
Lab 1: Start the Course
Identify computer requirements.
Learn how to move through the course.
Switch between windows.
Lab 2: Set Up Your Computer
Find files and folders on a computer.
Set up a computer to show the List folder view and file name
Make a course folder.
Lab 3: Set Up a Browser and Install 7-Zip
Set up a Web browser.
Download and install a zip utility.
Lab 4: Download Resources and Zip Assignments
Get the course resources.
Install software.
Learn about finding, completing, and turning in assignments.
Zip and unzip files and folders.
Project 1: Make a Hat 9
Lab 1: Navigating 3D Space
Open a project.
Switch between Object and Edit Mode.
Switch between Preset Views using the number pad.
Zoom with the mouse and the keyboard.
Pan with the mouse and the keyboard.
Lab 2: Transforming a 3D Object
Turn on and identify the 3D Transform Manipulator.
Define the following terms: translate, scale, and rotate.
Move a 3D object.
Move a 3D object along one axis.
Undo changes.
Stretch a 3D object.
Stretch a 3D object along one axis..
Rotate a 3D object.
Rotate a 3D object along one axis..
Lab 3: Saving Files
Identify the File Navigation screen.
Define the parent directory.
Save a project using Save and Save As.
Lab 4: Create a 3D Object
Define the following terms: meshes, plane, sphere, cylinder, cone,
3D Cursor, radius, and vertex.
Add a 3D object.
Join 3D Objects together.
Shrink, move, and rotate mirrored planes to create eyes and teeth.
Shrink, move, and rotate mirrored cylinders to create eyebrows and
a mouth.
Assign names to specific vertex groups.
Apply modifiers.
Lab 6: Make the Creature Colorful
Define Nor.
Assign materials and textures to specific vertex groups.
Add bumpiness to a texture.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 3 25
Assignment 3
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 40
Project 4: Animate the Creature 10
Lab 1: Add Bones
Define the following terms: rigging, bones, body, root, and tip.
Identify Wireframe Viewport Shading.
Switch to Wireframe View.
Add bones to create an armature.
Duplicate and flip an armature to create mirrored bones.
Lab 2: Name the Bones
Define armature.
Name bones.
Total 500 90