3D Modeling Course - Outline

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3D Modeling - Course Outline

Points Course
3D Modeling Course Outline Possible Hours
Course Overview 4
Lab 1: Start the Course
Identify computer requirements.
Learn how to move through the course.
Switch between windows.
Lab 2: Set Up Your Computer
Find files and folders on a computer.
Set up a computer to show the List folder view and file name
Make a course folder.
Lab 3: Set Up a Browser and Install 7-Zip
Set up a Web browser.
Download and install a zip utility.
Lab 4: Download Resources and Zip Assignments
Get the course resources.
Install software.
Learn about finding, completing, and turning in assignments.
Zip and unzip files and folders.
Project 1: Make a Hat 9
Lab 1: Navigating 3D Space
Open a project.
Switch between Object and Edit Mode.
Switch between Preset Views using the number pad.
Zoom with the mouse and the keyboard.
Pan with the mouse and the keyboard.
Lab 2: Transforming a 3D Object
Turn on and identify the 3D Transform Manipulator.
Define the following terms: translate, scale, and rotate.
Move a 3D object.
Move a 3D object along one axis.
Undo changes.
Stretch a 3D object.
Stretch a 3D object along one axis..
Rotate a 3D object.
Rotate a 3D object along one axis..
Lab 3: Saving Files
Identify the File Navigation screen.
Define the parent directory.
Save a project using Save and Save As.
Lab 4: Create a 3D Object
Define the following terms: meshes, plane, sphere, cylinder, cone,
3D Cursor, radius, and vertex.
Add a 3D object.
Join 3D Objects together.

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3D Modeling - Course Outline

Lab 5: Rendering 3D Objects

Define rendering.
Move the camera to change the rendered image.
Render a 3D object.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 1 25
Assignment 1
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 35
Project 2: Build a House 11
Lab 1: Make the House
Use the 3D View grid as a modeling guide.
Shape a plane into a rectangular door.
Shrink a plane to window-size.
Move the planes onto the house.
Lab 2: Create the Roof
Identify Vertex and Edge Select Mode.
Define edges.
Use Vertex and Edge Select modes to shape a cube into a triangular
shape for a roof.
Lab 3: Paint the House
Define material and texture.
Identify the Buttons Window, Material Editor, Shading Panel, Mini-
Windows, and the Blender Lamp.
Add a material to a 3D object.
Add an image-based texture to a 3D object.
Move the light.
Lab 4: Add Materials to the House
Identify the Color Picker and Map To mini-window.
Add color to a material.
Add a texture to a 3D object.
Change texture settings.
Change the color of a texture.
Lab 5: Render the House
Define the following terms: Lamp, Area, Spot, Hemi, Sun, parent-
child objects, and path constraint.
Change the Lamp's lighting type.
Set the camera's current view as the rendering frame.
Identify a path.
Constrain a camera to follow a path.
Modify a path's shape.
Reduce rendering time.
Render an animation.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 2 25
Assignment 2
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 35

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3D Modeling - Course Outline

Project 3: Make a Creature 14

Lab 1: Make an Arm and a Leg
Define the following terms: symmetry, faces, subdivide, and
Use a background image as a picture guide.
Subdivide a cube.
Select vertices using Box Select mode.
Extrude cubes to create an arm and a leg.
Lab 2: Make a Head
Extrude cubes to create a neck and head.
Box select and move vertices to shape the head.
Box select vertices to extrude an ear from the head.
Remove a background image.
Lab 3: Add Body Parts
Identify Face Select mode.
Box select and move vertices to shape a hand.
Select a face and extrude to create a basic foot.
Select a face and move it to create a rounded belly and nose.
Select a face, extrude, and move it to create a tail.
Lab 4: Mirror the Body
Define the following terms: mirror, merge limit, and subsurf.
Delete faces to prepare a 3D object for mirroring.
Add the Mirror and Subsurf modifiers.
Identify the Set Smooth and Apply buttons.
Lab 5: Add the Face
Add new objects while in Edit mode.
Identify mirrored objects.
Add 3D objects as mirrored objects.

Shrink, move, and rotate mirrored planes to create eyes and teeth.
Shrink, move, and rotate mirrored cylinders to create eyebrows and
a mouth.
Assign names to specific vertex groups.
Apply modifiers.
Lab 6: Make the Creature Colorful
Define Nor.
Assign materials and textures to specific vertex groups.
Add bumpiness to a texture.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 3 25
Assignment 3
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 40
Project 4: Animate the Creature 10
Lab 1: Add Bones
Define the following terms: rigging, bones, body, root, and tip.
Identify Wireframe Viewport Shading.
Switch to Wireframe View.
Add bones to create an armature.
Duplicate and flip an armature to create mirrored bones.
Lab 2: Name the Bones
Define armature.
Name bones.

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3D Modeling - Course Outline

Lab 3: Attach the Bones

Define skinning.
Make the bones in an armature parents of selected vertices.
Lab 4: Create Keyframes
Define the following terms: pose, keyframe, and LocRot.
Fix bone rotation so Paste Flipped Pose works.
Insert a keyframe.
Copy and paste poses.
Lab 5: Render Your Animation
Render the animation.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 4 25
Assignment 4
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 40
Project 5: Create Terrain 10
Lab 1: Make Hills and Valleys
Erase an object.
Add a grid.
Identify the Transform Properties Panel.
Define the following terms: proportional edit, falloff, constant - no
falloff, root falloff, random falloff, sphere falloff, linear falloff, smooth
falloff, and sharp falloff.
Make hills and valleys.
Lab 2: Add Grass and Dirt
Define the following terms: specularity and stencil texture.
Change a material's specularity.
Add a stencil texture.
Change texture settings.
Lab 3: Add a Sky Backdrop
Create a sky.
Add a sun lamp.
Lab 4: Add a Moon
Define the following terms: IcoSphere, ZTransp button, colorband,
and color gradient.
Identify the Ramps mini-window and the colorband.
Create a Colorband.
Add a light inside the moon to make it glow.
Add stars to the 3D scene.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 5 25
Assignment 5
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 40
Project 6: Build a Car 10
Lab 1: Make a Tire
Extrude a circle to make a tire.
Define the terms library and append.
Append a material.
Lab 2: Build a Car
Add a subdivided grid.
Stretch a grid's vertices to match a background image.
Extrude a grid shape into three dimensions.

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3D Modeling - Course Outline

Lab 3: Paint the Car

Append materials.
Add materials to specific vertex groups.
Lab 4: Move the Car
Append objects.
Join 3D Objects together.
Animate the car driving.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 6 25
Assignment 6
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 40
Project 7: Make a Scene 10
Lab 1: Bring the House and Creature Together
Append objects, armatures, and animations.
Shrink an armature and its child object.
Lab 2: Follow the Path
Create an animation of the creature walking towards the house.
Lab 3: Adjust the Animation
Identify the Animation Screen.
Switch between the Animation and Modeling Screens.
Identify the Outliner, Timeline, and Action Editor Windows.
Increase an animation's length with the Action Editor.
Lab 4: Open the Door
Create an animation of a door opening.
Insert rotation keyframes.
Lab 5: Finish the Scene
Define the following terms: tweening, Bezier curve, and curve
Modify an animation's Bezier curve.
Modify the shape of an animation's Bezier curve.
Quiz Study Guide
Quiz 7 25
Assignment 7
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 45
Final Assignment 12
See assignment description document for detailed instructions. 50

Total 500 90

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