Bos 50847 MCQP 7
Bos 50847 MCQP 7
Bos 50847 MCQP 7
Direct Tax Laws and
International Taxation
[Relevant for May, 2022 & November, 2022 Examinations]
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Revised Edition : January, 2022
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In certain core papers at the Intermediate and Final levels, the question paper
has a dedicated section for 30 marks for objective type questions in the form
of MCQs, comprising of both independent MCQs and case scenario based MCQs.
These MCQs for 30 marks would be compulsory and there would be no internal
or external choice available in respect of such questions. Each MCQ would
have four options out of which you have to choose the one correct option.
The independent MCQs and case scenario based MCQs in this subject have to
be answered on the basis of the provisions of direct tax laws, as amended by
the Finance Act, 2021; as well as the significant notifications and circulars
issued upto 31.10.2021. The relevant assessment year on the basis of which
MCQs have to be answered is A.Y. 2022-23, unless otherwise specified in the
This booklet relating to Final (New) Paper 7 Direct Tax Laws and International
Taxation is relevant for May 2022 and November 2022 examinations. Students
appearing in November 2022 examinations need to consider the Statutory
Update (containing significant notifications, circulars and other legislative
amendments between 01.11.2021 and 30.04.2022), which would be web-
hosted at the BoS Knowledge Portal.
Please note that before working out the independent MCQs and case scenario
based MCQs in this booklet, you have to be thorough with the concepts and
provisions of direct tax laws and international taxation discussed in the October,
2021 edition of the Study Material, which is based on the provisions of direct
(c) M Ltd. does not have to deduct tax at source but N Ltd. has to
deduct tax at source@5.2%
(d) N Ltd. does not have to deduct tax at source but M Ltd. has to
deduct tax at source@5.2%
20. Under which of the following cases, will arm’s length price be
determined by considering the median of the dataset?
Case Most No. of Does the price at which the
Appropriate entries in transaction is undertaken
Method the fall within the arm’s length
dataset range beginning from the
35th percentile of the
dataset and ending on the
65th percentile of the
I CUP 5 -
II RPM 6 Yes
IV Cost Plus 8 No
(ii) No, he is not liable to pay advance tax in India as his tax
liability in India is less than ` 10,000
(iii) No, he is not liable to pay advance tax in India as he has no
income chargeable under the head “Profits and gains of
business or profession”
(iv) No, he is not liable to pay advance tax, since he is of the age of
60 years or more during the P.Y. 2021-22
The correct answer is –
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
26. XYZ Ltd., a Foreign Institutional Investor (FII), has total income
comprising of only short-term capital gains of ` 50 lakh on sale of
listed equity shares and interest income referred under section 194LD
of ` 15 lakh. What is the tax liability of the FII for the P.Y. 2021-22?
(a) ` 8,58,000
(b) ` 16,38,000
(c) ` 15,75,000
(d) ` 18,72,000
27. ABC & Co. and PQR & Co. are two non-resident entities based in
Country A and Country P, respectively. Both the entities own and
operate an electronic facility through which they effect online sale of
organic products manufactured by them. The details of their receipts
from such sale during the P.Y.2021-22 are –
Particulars ABC & Co., PQR &
Country A Co.,
Country P
(a) Receipts from sale of organic products ` 138 lakhs ` 126 lakhs
to persons resident in India
(b) Receipts from sale of organic products ` 285 lakhs ` 377 lakhs
to persons resident in other parts of
the world
Out of the sum mentioned in (b), the ` 63 lakhs ` 73 lakhs
receipts from persons using internet
protocol address located in India
Is equalisation levy attracted in the hands of ABC & Co. and PQR & Co.,
assuming that both the entities do not have a permanent establishment
in India?
(a) Equalisation levy is attracted in the hands of both ABC & Co. and
PQR & Co.
(b) No equalisation levy is attracted in the hands of either ABC & Co.
and PQR & Co.
(c) Equalisation levy is attracted in the hands of ABC & Co. but not PQR
& Co.
(d) Equalisation levy is attracted in the hands of PQR & Co. but not ABC
& Co.
28. M/s TPS, a partnership firm, is engaged in the trading business of
electrical appliances. Its turnover for the previous year 2021-22 is
` 1,10,00,000. It follows mercantile system of accounting. It has
received the amount of its turnover in the following manner-
Amount of Mode of Receipt
turnover (`)
70,00,000 Account payee cheques (` 5,00,000 received on
10,00,000 Cash (whole amount received during the
P.Y. 2021-22)
15,00,000 Crossed cheques (whole amount received during
the P.Y. 2021-22)
10,00,000 RTGS (` 2,00,000 received on 15.5.2022)
` 5,00,000 is not received by the firm till the due date of filing return
of income for the current previous year. The profits and gains as per
received from the Government and duty drawback receipts. XYZ Ltd.
contended that all the above receipts are profits derived from the
business of the industrial undertaking and are hence, eligible for
deduction under section 80-IB. Is the contention of XYZ Ltd. correct?
(a) Yes; transport subsidy, interest subsidy, power subsidy and duty
drawback are profits derived from the business of the industrial
undertaking and hence, eligible for deduction u/s 80-IB
(b) No; none of the above receipts can be treated as profits
“derived” from the business of the industrial undertaking and
hence, deduction u/s 80-IB cannot be claimed in respect of any
such receipt
(c) No; transport subsidy, interest subsidy and power subsidy
received from Government are profits derived from the
business of the industrial undertaking and hence, eligible for
deduction u/s 80-IB. However, duty drawbacks belong to the
category of ancillary profits and hence, deduction u/s 80-IB
cannot be claimed in respect of such receipt
(d) No; transport subsidy, interest subsidy and power subsidy
received from Government are ancillary profits and hence,
deduction u/s 80-IB cannot be claimed in respect of such
receipts. However, duty drawbacks are profits derived from the
business of the industrial undertaking and hence, deduction u/s
80-IB can be claimed in respect of such receipt
33. A REIT has distributed ` 2 crore to its unitholders, which comprises of -
(i) Rental income from real estate property directly held by it
` 80 lakhs
(ii) Interest income from special purpose vehicle ` 50 lakhs
(iii) Dividend income from special purpose vehicle ` 40 lakhs
(iv) Capital gains on disposal of assets ` 30 lakhs
In this case, the special purpose vehicle is an Indian company, A Ltd.,
in which REIT holds 100% of shares. A Ltd. does not exercise option
applied ` 40 lakhs towards its objects during the P.Y.2021-22. The tax
liability of the trust for A.Y.2022-23 is -
(a) ` 6,24,000
(b) ` 5,92,800
(c) ` 5,30,920
(d) ` 5,97,220
35. In the course of search operations under section 132 in May, 2022,
Mr. Hari makes a declaration under section 132(4) on the earning of
income in respect of P.Y.2021-22 not disclosed in the books of
account. Mr. Hari explains the manner in which income was derived
and pays the tax, together with interest in respect of such income.
However, he does not disclose such income in his return of income
filed on 31.7.2022. Is penalty leviable in this case, and if so, what is
the quantum of penalty?
(a) No penalty is leviable since Mr. Hari has made a declaration
under section 132(4)
(b) Yes; penalty@10% is leviable
(c) Yes; penalty@30% is leviable
(d) Yes; penalty@60% is leviable
36. A Ltd. filed its return of income for A.Y.2022-23 on 30th September,
2022. The return is selected for regular assessment under section
143(3). The time limit for service of notice u/s 143(2) in this case is -
(a) 30.6.2023
(b) 30.9.2023
(c) 31.12.2023
(d) 31.3.2024
37. Shipcargo Inc., a company based in Netherlands operating its ships to
and fro Cochin port, collected freight of ` 85 lakhs, demurrage of ` 5
lakhs and handling charges of ` 2 lakhs in respect of goods shipped at
Cochin port. It incurred expenses of ` 35 lakhs during the year for
41. Mr. Vallish, employed as Manager with ABC Ltd., pays rent of
` 50,000 per month to his landlord. Which of the following statements
is correct?
(a) Mr. Vallish is liable to deduct tax@10% u/s 194-I, since his
annual rent exceeds ` 2,40,000
(b) Mr. Vallish is liable to deduct tax@5% u/s 194-IB every month,
since he pays rent of ` 50,000 per month
(c) Mr. Vallish is liable to deduct tax@5% u/s 194-IB on the annual
rent in the month of March, since he pays rent of
` 50,000 per month
(d) Mr. Vallish is not liable to deduct tax at source
42. Mr. Sanjay, a resident, and Mr. Andrew, a British citizen and a non-
resident in India, are both sports commentators deriving income of
` 5 lakh from sports commentaries in India for A.Y.2022-23. Which of
the following statements are correct?
(i) Tax is deductible u/s 194J from remuneration payable to
Mr. Sanjay.
(ii) Tax is deductible u/s 194E from remuneration payable to
Mr. Andrew.
(iii) Tax is deductible u/s 195 from remuneration payable to
Mr. Andrew.
(iv) Mr. Andrew is not required to file his return of income u/s 139,
if tax deductible at source is fully deducted.
(v) Mr. Sanjay is not required to file his return of income u/s 139, if
tax deductible at source is fully deducted.
Which of the above statements are correct, assuming that this is the
only source of income for Mr. Sanjay and Mr. Andrew?
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)
taxed at the rates provided under the domestic laws of the source
country. Are ABC Inc. and XYZ Inc. required to file their return of
income for A.Y.2022-23, assuming that the tax deductible at source
has been fully deducted?
(a) Both ABC Inc. and XYZ Inc. have to file their return of income
u/s 139 for A.Y.2022-23
(b) Both ABC Inc. and XYZ Inc. need not file their return of income
u/s 139 for A.Y.2022-23
(c) ABC Inc. has to file its return of income u/s 139 for A.Y.2022-23,
but XYZ Inc. need not file its return of income
(d) XYZ Inc. has to file its return of income u/s 139 for A.Y.2022-23,
but ABC Inc. need not file its return of income.
49. In the P.Y.2021-22, Mr. Ganguly, a resident individual aged 60 years,
earned income from profession (computed) ` 1,45,000, winnings from
card games ` 1,50,000 (gross). He also has interest of ` 40,000 on
fixed deposit with banks and ` 9,000 on savings account with bank. He
deposited ` 1,50,000 in PPF. What is the total income of Mr. Ganguly for
P.Y.2021-22, assuming that he does not opt for section 115BAC?
(a) ` 1,45,000
(b) ` 1,50,000
(c) ` 1,85,000
(d) ` 1,90,000
50. Dinesh, a resident individual of age of 47 years, has not furnished his
return of income for the A.Y. 2022-23. However, his total income for
such year as assessed u/s 144 is ` 18 lakhs. Is penalty under section
270A attracted and if so, what is the quantum of penalty?
(a) No; penalty under section 270A is not attracted since he has
not filed his return of income, hence, this is not a case of
underreporting or misreporting of income.
(b) Yes; penalty is ` 3,66,600
inspected by him are not in order, since he can enter the cyber
café only after sunrise but before sunset and he does not have
the power to impound books of account under section 133B
(d) The Assessing Officer’s action in entering the cyber café at
1 a.m. is in order but impounding books of account and
documents inspected by him is not in order, since he does not
have the power to impound books of account under section
53. Mr. X made a fixed deposit of ` 12,000 with a non-banking finance
company (NBFC) on 1.4.2021 in cash. Thereafter, he made another
fixed deposit of ` 7,500 with the same NBFC on 1.8.2021 by bearer
cheque. On 31.3.2022, he made yet another fixed deposit of ` 8,000
with the same NBFC by an account payee cheque. Which of the
following statements is correct?
(a) Penalty under section 271D is attracted at the time of
acceptance of first deposit on 1.4.2021
(b) Penalty under section 271D is attracted at the time of
acceptance of second deposit on 1.8.2021
(c) Penalty under section 271D is attracted at the time of
acceptance of third deposit on 31.3.2022
(d) Penalty under section 271D is not attracted
54. Mr. Harsh has to pay ` 3 lakhs on 3.3.2022 to “Plan your trip”, a travel
agency, for a holiday package in Singapore and Malaysia for himself
and his wife. He obtained a loan of ` 10 lakhs for higher education of
his son studying in Columbia University, New York, on 20.3.2022 from
SBI, and remitted, under LRS of RBI, the said sum through the same
bank, SBI, which is also an authorised dealer. Is tax required to be
collected at source from Mr. Harsh by travel agency and the bank? If
so, how much?
(a) No tax is required to be collected by the travel agency since the
payment for overseas tour programme package is less than
` 7 lakhs; tax has to be collected by SBI@5% of ` 3 lakhs, being
the amount in excess of ` 7 lakhs
chargeable capital gains on sale of shares of Vaigai Ltd. and Tapti Ltd.
in the hands of Mr. Rajan and Mr. Ravi, respectively, for A.Y.2022-23,
assuming that STT was paid at the time of acquisition and sale?
(a) Long-term capital gains of Mr. Rajan ` 2,10,000; Long-term
capital loss of Mr. Ravi ` 4,20,000
(b) Long-term capital gains of Mr. Rajan ` 4,20,000; Long-term
capital loss of Mr. Ravi ` 4,20,000
(c) Long-term capital gains of Mr. Rajan ` 4,20,000; Long-term
capital loss of Mr. Ravi ` 1,20,000
(d) Long-term capital gains of Mr. Rajan ` 2,10,000; Long-term
capital loss of Mr. Ravi ` 1,20,000
57. Mr. Pranav, a resident aged 48 years, and his brother Mr. Vaibhav, a
non-resident aged 45 years, are due to receive dividend of ` 7 lakhs
(gross) and ` 5 lakhs (gross), respectively, from A Ltd., an Indian
company in January, 2022. The interest expenditure incurred by them
in the P.Y. 2021-22 on loan taken for investing in shares of A Ltd. is
` 1.50 lakh and ` 80,000, respectively. What is their tax liability for
A.Y. 2022-23 on such dividend received by them in January 2022,
assuming that it is the only source of income of Mr. Pranav and
Mr. Vaibhav and they wish to make maximum tax savings?
(a) ` 25,480 and ` 8,840, respectively
(b) ` 23,400 and ` 7,800, respectively
(c) ` 19,240 and ` 8,840, respectively
(d) ` 19,240 and ` 1,04,000, respectively
58. Under which of the following methods, arm’s length price shall be the
arithmetical mean of all values included in the dataset, irrespective of
the number of entries in the dataset. It may be assumed that the
variation between the arm’s length price computed and the transaction
price is 15%.
(a) Profit split method
(b) Resale price method
(b) ` 16,20,000
(c) ` 15,30,000
(d) Nil
65. For the previous year ended 31.3.2022, a public charitable trust,
registered under section 12AB, derived income of ` 10 lakhs from
properties held by trust and ` 15 lakhs, being voluntary contributions
from public, out of which ` 8 lakhs was applied for charitable purposes
and ` 4 lakhs towards repayment of loan taken for construction of
orphanage. The amount of ` 4 lakhs was not claimed as application in
any earlier previous year. The total income of the trust for
A.Y.2022-23 is –
(a) ` 13 lakhs
(b) ` 9.25 lakhs
(c) ` 13.25 lakhs
(d) ` 17 lakhs
66. If Country A is a notified jurisdictional area (NJA), then, the rate at
which interest receivable from an infrastructure debt fund notified u/s
10(47) is taxable in the hands of Mr. Ram, a resident of Country A,
and the rate at which tax has to be deducted at source on such
income are, respectively, -
(a) 30% and 5%
(b) 5% and 5%
(c) 30% and 30%
(d) 5% and 30%
Note: Ignore surcharge and cess
67. In October, 2016, Mr. Raghav, an Indian citizen who is a non-resident,
bought 500 Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) of Alpha Limited, India,
issued in accordance with the notified scheme of the Central
Government against the company’s initial issue of shares. Mr. Raghav
purchased the GDRs in foreign currency through an approved
intermediary. In January, 2022, he sold 300 GDRs outside India to
Mr. Joe, a citizen and resident of a country outside India and 200
GDRs to Mr. Kamal, a Resident but not ordinarily resident in India.
What are the tax consequences of such sale transaction under the
Income-tax Act, 1961?
(a) Capital gains arising on sale of 500 GDRs shall be subject to tax
@20% with indexation benefit in India
(b) No capital gains would arise on sale of 500 GDRs in India, since
the GDRs are purchased in foreign currency
(c) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital
gains arising on sale of 200 GDRs shall be taxed in India @10%
without indexation benefit
(d) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital
gains arising on sale of 200 GDRs shall be taxed @20% with
indexation benefit in India
68. If ABC Ltd. has two Units, Unit 1 is engaged in power generation
business and Unit 2 is engaged in manufacture of wires. Both the units
were set up in Karnataka in the year 2015. In the year 2021-22,
twenty lakh metres of wire are transferred from Unit 2 to Unit 1 at
` 125 per metre when the market price per metre was ` 180. Which of
the following statements is correct?
(a) Transfer pricing provisions would be attracted in this case
(b) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case
since Unit 1 and Unit 2 belong to the same company and are
not associated enterprises
(c) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case
as it is not an international transaction since both Units are in
India. For the purpose of Chapter VI-A deduction, the profits of
power generation business shall, however, be computed as if
the transfer has been made at the market value of ` 180 per
(d) Transfer pricing provisions would not be attracted in this case
due to reasons mentioned in both (b) and (c) above
69. Mr. Anjan, a property dealer, sold a flat in Mumbai, the stamp duty of
which is ` 2 crores for ` 1.80 crores to his friend Mr. Ashwin, a college
lecturer. Mr. Anjan had purchased the flat one year back for ` 1.50
crores and the stamp duty value on that date was also ` 1.50 crores.
What are the tax implications of such sale?
(a) ` 50 lakhs would be taxable as short-term capital gains in the
hands of Mr. Anjan. There would be no tax implication in the
hands of Mr. Ashwin
(b) ` 50 lakhs would be taxable as business income in the hands of
Mr. Anjan. There would be no tax implication in the hands of
Mr. Ashwin
(c) ` 50 lakhs would be taxable as business income in the hands of
Mr. Anjan and ` 20 lakhs would be taxable as income from
other sources in the hands of Mr. Ashwin
(d) ` 50 lakhs would be taxable as short-term capital gains in the
hands of Mr. Anjan and ` 20 lakhs would be taxable as income
from other sources in the hands of Mr. Ashwin
70. Dividend received by a real estate investment trust (REIT) from special
purpose vehicle (SPV) and distributed to its unit holders is –
(a) exempt in the hands of both the REIT and the unit holders
(b) exempt in the hands of the REIT only if the SPV is a specified
domestic company; taxable in the hands of unit holders only if
SPV does not exercise option under section 115BAA
(c) exempt in the hands of the REIT; exempt in the hands of unit
holders only if SPV does not exercise option under section
(d) taxable in the hands of the REIT; exempt unconditionally in the
hands of unitholders
71. ABC Ltd., an Indian company engaged in manufacture of steel, has
incurred expenditure on advertisement in a souvenir of a registered
political party. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) ` 91,500
(b) ` 13,600
(c) ` 16,800
(d) ` 22,800
78. P is a salaried employee. On 1.6.2021, he gets a gift of house property
situated in Mumbai (stamp duty value ` 80,00,000) from Q. On
2.8.2021, P gets a gift of house property in a small town near Pune
(stamp duty value ` 50,000) from R. On 3.9.2021, P also gets a gift of
house property in a small town near Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh from R,
the stamp duty value of which is ` 1,00,000. What will be the tax
implications in the hands of P, Q and R, assuming that they are not
related to each other?
(a) ` 81,00,000 shall be chargeable to tax in the hands of P as
income from other sources and capital gains shall arise in the
hands of Q and R respectively on account of transfer of capital
asset in Mumbai and Kanpur, respectively
(b) ` 80,00,000 shall be chargeable to tax in the hands of P as
income from other sources and capital gains shall arise in the
hands of Q on account of transfer of capital asset in Mumbai
(c) ` 81,00,000 shall be chargeable to tax in the hands of P as
income from other sources and no capital gains shall arise in
the hands of Q and R respectively as gift does not constitute
(d) ` 81,50,000 shall be chargeable to tax in the hands of P as
income from other sources and no capital gains shall arise in
the hands of Q and R respectively as gift does not constitute
79. PQR Ltd., a domestic company, has distributed on 15.6.2022, dividend of
` 50 lakh to its shareholders. On 17.9.2021, PQR Ltd. has received
dividend of ` 54 lakh (Net of TDS) from its domestic subsidiary company
XYZ Ltd. The deduction under section 80M allowable to PQR Ltd. would
be –
(a) ` 50 lakhs
(b) ` 54 lakhs
(c) ` 60 lakhs
(d) Nil
80. Lima Ltd., a domestic company, purchases its own listed shares on
13th August, 2021. The consideration for buyback amounted to ` 23
lakh, which was paid on the same day. The amount received by the
company two years back for issue of such shares determined in the
manner specified in Rule 40BB was ` 17 lakh. The additional income-
tax payable by Lima Ltd. is –
(a) ` 1,02,960
(b) ` 1,04,832
(c) ` 1,39,776
(d) ` 1,37,280
81. A REIT derives rental income of ` 2 crore from real estate property
directly owned by it and short-term capital gains of ` 1 crore on sale of
developmental properties. It also receives interest income of ` 3 crore
from Gamma Ltd., an Indian company, in which it holds controlling
interest. The REIT holds 90% of the shareholding of Gamma Ltd.
Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) All the above income are taxable in the hands of REIT
(b) REIT enjoys pass through status in respect of the above income
and hence, such income are taxable in the hands of the unit
(c) REIT enjoys pass through status in respect of interest income
from Gamma Ltd. and hence, such income is taxable in the
hands of the unit holders. Rental income and short-term capital
gains are taxable in the hands of the REIT
(d) REIT enjoys pass through status in respect of interest income
from Gamma Ltd. and rental income from directly owned real
estate property and hence, such income are taxable in the
(c) ` 1,14,400
(d) ` 1,13,300
88. Mrs. Kavitha, wife of Mr. Sundar, is a partner in a firm. Her capital
contribution of ` 5 lakhs to the firm as on 1.4.2021 included ` 3 lakhs
contributed out of gift received from Sundar. On 2.4.2021, she further
invested ` 1 lakh out of gift received from Sundar. The firm paid
interest on capital of ` 60,000 and share of profit of ` 50,000 during
the F.Y.2021-22. The entire interest has been allowed as deduction in
the hands of the firm. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Share of profit is exempt but interest on capital is taxable in the
hands of Mrs. Kavitha
(b) Share of profit is exempt but interest of ` 40,000 is includible in
the income of Mr. Sundar and interest of ` 20,000 is includible
in the income of Mrs. Kavitha
(c) Share of profit is exempt but interest of ` 36,000 is includible in
the income of Mr. Sundar and interest of ` 24,000 is includible
in the income of Mrs. Kavitha
(d) Share of profit to the extent of ` 30,000 and interest on capital
to the extent of ` 36,000 is includible in the hands of
Mr. Sundar
89. X Ltd., a domestic company not opting for the provisions of section
115BAA, has a total income of ` 10,01,00,000 for A.Y.2022-23. The
gross receipts of X Ltd. for P.Y.2019-20 is ` 260 crore. The tax liability
of X Ltd. for A.Y.2022-23 is -
(a) ` 2,68,50,000
(b) ` 2,79,24,000
(c) ` 2,91,49,120
(d) ` 3,34,88,000
90. M/s. Atlanta Airlines, incorporated as a company in USA, operated its
flights to India and vice versa during the year 2021-22 and collected
charges of ` 280 crores for carriage of passengers and cargo, out of
which ` 100 crores were received in US Dollars for the passenger fare
(c) ` 1,950
(d) Nil
93. Mr. Ganesh is running a steel factory. The total turnover of the factory
during the F.Y. 2020-21 amounted to ` 2.5 crores. The estimated
turnover for F.Y. 2021-22 is likely to exceed ` 3 crore. On 10-04-2021,
he availed consultancy services from a Delhi based chartered
accountant. The consultancy fees amounted to ` 1,84,000. Should
Mr. Ganesh deduct tax from consultancy fees of ` 1,84,000? If yes,
then what shall be the amount of tax to be deducted and by when
should the same be deposited with Government?
(a) Yes; ` 18,400 to be deposited by 07.05.2021
(b) Yes; ` 18,400 to be deposited by 07.07.2021
(c) Yes; ` 15,400 to be deposited by 07.05.2021
(d) He is not liable to deduct tax in respect of professional fees paid
94. Mr. Naveen is an employee working in a public sector company. He
repaid a loan in cash of ` 24,000 (including interest of ` 5,000), which he
took from his friend for higher studies. What will be the consequence of
the said transaction for A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) Disallowance under section 40A(3) of ` 24,000
(b) Penalty of ` 24,000 u/s 271E due to violation of section 269T
(c) Penalty of ` 19,000 u/s 271E due to violation of section 269T
(d) No disallowance or penalty u/s 271E, since the principal amount
of loan is less than ` 20,000
95. Mr. Sam (aged 40 years), a US football match referee, has earned
income from football tournaments in India for A.Y. 2022-23. Are TDS
provisions applicable while making payment to him and if so, under
which section?
(a) Yes; TDS@20.8% as per section 194E
(b) Yes; TDS@5.2% as per section 194E
What is the amount of deduction allowable u/s 80D to Nikhil for the
A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) ` 63,000
(b) ` 55,000
(c) ` 67,000
(d) ` 65,000
97. Mr. X took a loan of ` 10,00,000 from SBI on 31.03.2012. The amount
of interest due and unpaid on such loan as on 31.03.2021 is
` 2,10,000. The interest due for P.Y.2021-22 is ` 90,000. During
previous year 2021-22, interest actually paid on such loan was
` 1,00,000. On the request of Mr. X, a restructuring arrangement was
entered into wherein the unpaid interest as on 31.3.2022 was
converted into Funded Interest Term Loan (FITL) which is shown
separately from the original loan. This FITL is to be paid 4 annual
equal installments from 31.03.2023. Mr. X is of the view that for A.Y.
2022-23, the following deductions shall be allowed to him while
computing his business income:
102. Kunal & Co LLP engaged in manufacturing business withdrew from its
bank account ` 125 lakhs by cash (each individual withdrawal does not
exceed ` 2 lakhs) in the P.Y.2021-22. The purpose of withdrawal from
bank was for buying agricultural produce, being raw material required
for manufacture for finished products by it. Kunal & Co LLP always
files its return of income before the due date. Are TDS provisions
applicable on such withdrawals? If yes, what is the amount of tax to
be deducted?
(a) No; TDS provisions are not attracted
(b) Yes; Tax of ` 50,000 is required to be deducted
(c) Yes; Tax of ` 1,25,000 is required to be deducted
(d) Yes; Tax of ` 2,10,000 is required to be deducted
103. Two tonnage tax companies X Ltd. and Y Ltd. are amalgamated to
form a new tonnage company Z Ltd., a qualifying company and the
option for tonnage tax scheme of X Ltd. has an unexpired period of
8 years and Y Ltd. has an unexpired period of 6 years. For what period
the special provisions of Chapter XII-G relating taxation of income
shipping companies would apply to the new company Z Ltd.?
(a) 8 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 7 years
(d) 10 years
104. Mr. Suresh, a retailer of spare parts, purchases goods from Petal LLP.
He purchased goods worth ` 55 lakhs from Petal LLP on 1.11.2021.
Petal LLP wishes to collect tax at source from Mr. Suresh on the given
sale at the time of receipt of the consideration. In order to meet the
compliances, it calls for the PAN of Mr. Suresh. However, Mr. Suresh
provides only his Aadhar card. Even after continuous follow up,
Mr. Suresh refuses to provide his PAN. What amount of tax is to be
collected on the given sale, assuming Petal LLP’s turnover for the
F.Y. 2020-21 was ` 12 crores and Mr. Suresh’s turnover was ` 7
(a) ` 5,000
(b) ` 500
(c) ` 25,000
(d) Nil, since Mr. Suresh is required to deduct tax under section
194Q in this case.
105. XYZ Ltd., a domestic company not opting for the provisions of section
115BAA, has a total income of ` 10,02,00,000 for A.Y.2022-23. The
gross receipts of XYZ Ltd. for P.Y.2019-20 is ` 410 crore. The tax
liability of X Ltd. for A.Y.2022-23 is -
(a) ` 3,23,00,000
(b) ` 3,35,92,000
(c) ` 3,36,67,200
(d) ` 3,50,13,890
106. XYZ Ltd. has failed to report an international transaction entered into
by it with PQR Inc., which is a specified foreign company in relation to
XYZ Ltd. What would be the penalty leviable in this case?
(a) 2% of the value of the international transaction
(b) 50% of tax payable on under-reported income
(c) 200% of tax payable on under-reported income
(d) Both (a) and (c)
107. Alpha Ltd.’s total income of A.Y. 2022-23 has increased by ` 34 lakhs
due to application of arm’s length price by the Assessing Officer on
transactions of purchase of goods from its foreign holding company in
respect of a retail trade business carried on by it, and the same has
been accepted by Alpha Ltd., then, -
(a) business loss of A.Y.2018-19 cannot be set-off against the
enhanced income
(b) deductions under Chapter VI-A cannot be claimed in respect of
the enhanced income
40 years, earns rental income of ` 40,000 per month and ` 45,000 per
month from his two let out flats. He also has interest on savings bank
account to the tune of ` 15,000. He deposits ` 50,000 in NPS Tier I
account. Should Ganesh and Rajesh opt for the provisions of section
115BAC for A.Y.2022-23 to minimise their tax liability?
(a) Both Ganesh and Rajesh should opt for the provisions of
section 115BAC
(b) Neither Ganesh nor Rajesh should opt for the provisions of
section 115BAC
(c) Ganesh should opt for the provisions of section 115BAC but not
(d) Rajesh should opt for the provisions of section 115BAC but not
115. During the F.Y.2021-22, the following income accrues or arises to a
specified fund –
(i) Capital gains on transfer of rupee denominated bonds of NTPC
Ltd., an Indian company (transfer effected in September, 2021
through India International Exchange, GIFT City, Gujarat and
consideration received in US dollars)
(ii) Interest on debentures issued by PQR Inc., a Country P
company, whose POEM is outside India (assume that such
income does not otherwise accrue or arise in India)
(iii) Capital gains on transfer of shares of MNO Ltd., an Indian
(iv) Capital gains on transfer of debentures issued by MNO Ltd.
(v) Income under the head “Profits and gains of business or
profession” of a securitisation trust
Which of the income referred to above when computed in the
prescribed manner would be exempt in the hands of the specified fund
under section 10(4D), assuming that the same are attributable to units
held by a non-resident (not being the permanent establishment of a
non-resident in India)?
- Mr. Gopal relinquished his title in a land in the name of LPG for
a consideration of ` 18 lakhs, which was duly recorded in the
books of accounts of LPG on 31.10.2020. The stamp duty value
of the land on that date was ` 20 lakhs.
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions –
1.1 How much interest can the firm claim as deduction for
A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) ` 5,40,000
(b) ` 4,35,000
(c) ` 2,25,000
(d) ` 1,05,000
1.2 How much salary can the firm claim as deduction for
(a) ` 10,05,000
(b) ` 8,88,000
(c) ` 8,70,000
(d) ` 6,96,000
1.3 The business loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowed to be
set off while computing total income of the firm for
A.Y.2022-23 are -
(a) ` 3,00,000 and ` 1,50,000, respectively
(b) ` 2,25,000 and ` 1,50,000, respectively
(c) ` 1,50,000 and ` 1,12,500, respectively
(d) ` 2,25,000 and ` 1,12,500, respectively
1.4 What would be the total income of the firm for A.Y.2022-23?
(a) ` 6,30,250
(b) ` 4,12,000
(c) ` 6,04,000
(d) ` 5,29,000
1.5 What would be the capital gains in the hands of LPG assuming
that the land acquired from Gopal was sold on 28.02.2022 for
` 25 lakhs to Mr. Jack, fair market value and stamp duty value
on the date of transfer being ` 30 lakhs and ` 28 lakhs,
(a) ` 10,00,000
(b) ` 12,00,000
(c) ` 8,00,000
(d) ` 7,00,000
Answer Key
Question Answer
1.1 (c) ` 2,25,000
1.2 (d) ` 6,96,000
1.3 (b) ` 2,25,000 and ` 1,50,000, respectively
1.4 (c) ` 6,04,000
1.5 (c) ` 8,00,000
2.3 Has MCS Pvt. Ltd. violated any provision of the Income-tax Act,
1961, while receiving payment from Mr. Shyam and Mr. Akhil?
If yes, what is the amount of penalty which MCS Pvt. Ltd. is
liable to pay?
(a) Yes, contravention of section 269ST on receiving payment
from Mr. Shyam; Penalty of ` 2,00,000 u/s 271DA; No
contravention on receiving payment from Mr. Akhil
(b) Yes, contravention of section 269ST on receiving
payment from Mr. Shyam and Mr. Akhil & Penalty of
` 2,90,000 u/s 271DA
(c) Yes, contravention of section 269SU on receiving
payment from Mr. Shyam & Penalty of ` 2,00,000 is
attracted u/s 271DB; No contravention on receiving
payment from Mr. Akhil
(d) No violation on receiving payment from either
Mr. Shyam or Mr. Akhil
2.4 What is the time limit for filing tax audit report for A.Y. 2022-23
and the amount of penalty leviable if the company does not file
its tax audit report within the due date?
(a) 30.09.2022; penalty leviable is ` 35,00,000 u/s 271A
(b) 31.10.2022; penalty leviable is ` 35,00,000 u/s 271B
(c) 30.09.2022; penalty leviable is ` 1,50,000 u/s 271B
(d) 31.10.2022; penalty leviable is ` 1,50,000 u/s 271B
Answer Key
Question Answer
2.1 (b) Penalty of ` 25,21,000 under section 271D
2.2 (a) Penalty of ` 23,000 under section 271E
2.3 (a) Yes, contravention of section 269ST on receiving
payment from Mr. Shyam; Penalty of ` 2,00,000
under section 271DA; No contravention on
receiving payment from Mr. Akhil
2.4 (c) 30.09.2022; penalty leviable is ` 1,50,000 under
section 271B
3. The following are the details relating to four resident entities, AB &
Co., LM & Co., PQ & Co. and XY & Co. for the P.Y.2021-22 –
Particulars AB & Co. LM & PQ & Co. XY & Co.
(Firm) Co. (LLP) (Firm)
(1) Nature of Retail Business Wholesale Interior
business/ trading of trading decoration
profession plying,
hiring or
(2) System of Mercantile Cash Mercantile Cash
(3) Turnover/ ` 200 ` 101 ` 100 ` 50 lakhs
Gross receipts lakhs lakhs lakhs
(4) Amount ` 150 ` 80 ` 70 lakhs ` 45 lakhs
received by lakhs lakhs
way of RTGS/
NEFT in the
[included in
(3) above]
(5) Amount ` 30 lakhs ` 21 ` 10 lakhs ` 5 lakhs
received by lakhs
way of cash in
the P.Y.2021-
22 [included in
(3) above]
(6) Amount ` 20 lakhs - ` 20 lakhs -
received by
way of RTGS/
NEFT between
1.4.2022 &
(7) Working ` 5 lakhs ` 1.50 ` 3 lakhs ` 5 lakhs
partners’ lakhs
Additional information:
(1) It may be assumed that partners’ salary and interest are
authorised by the partnership deed, relates to a period after
the partnership deed and is within the permissible limits laid
down under section 40(b).
(2) The details of vehicles owned by M/s. LM & Co. are as follows –
Gross Vehicle Number Date of Date
Weight purchase when first
(in kgs) put to use
(1) 8,000 3 28.5.2021 1.6.2021
(2) 9,000 2 31.7.2021 1.8.2021
(3) 10,000 1 17.8.2021 20.8.2021
(4) 11,000 1 30.9.2021 1.10.2021
(5) 12,000 1 11.11.2021 13.11.2021
(6) 13,000 2 31.12.2021 1.1.2022
(b) ` 20 lakhs
(c) ` 25 lakhs
(d) ` 22.50 lakhs
3.5 Would your answer to questions 3.3 and 3.4 change, if the
firms decide to get their books of accounts audited?
(a) No, there would be no change in the answer to either
questions 3.3 and 3.4
(b) Yes, there would be change in the answer to both
question 3.3 and 3.4
(c) There would be a change in the answer to question 3.3
but not in the answer to question 3.4
(d) There would be a change in the answer to question 3.4
but not in the answer to question 3.3
Answer Key
Question Answer
3.1 (d) AB & Co, LM & Co and XY & Co.
3.2 (a) ` 12.60 lakhs and ` 4.50 lakhs, respectively
3.3 (c) ` 4,36,500
3.4 (c) ` 25 lakhs
3.5 (b) Yes, there would be change in the answer to both
question 3.3 and 3.4
4. Mr. Hari, a property dealer, sold a building in the course of his business
to his friend Mr. Rajesh, who is a dealer in automobile spare parts, for
` 100 lakh on 1.1.2022, when the stamp duty value was ` 120 lakh. The
agreement was, however, entered into on 1.9.2021 when the stamp duty
value was ` 110 lakh. Mr. Hari had received a down payment of ` 15 lakh
by NEFT from Mr. Rajesh on the date of agreement. Mr. Hari has
purchased the building for ` 50 lakh on 12.7.2020.
Mr. Hari’s brother, Mr. Ravi, a retail trader, sold a residential house to
Mr. Vallish, a wholesale trader for ` 50 lakh on 1.2.2022, when the
Answer Key
Question Answer
6.1 (c) Tax is deductible@10% on ` 20,000 distributed to
Mr. X and @5.2% on ` 1 lakh distributed to Mr. Y
6.2 (d) The business trust is liable to pay tax@15.6%
and 42.744%, respectively
6.3 (d) is exempt in the hands of the business trust and
in the hands of the unit holders
6.4 (b) is exempt in the hands of the business trust,
since the trust enjoys pass through status in
respect of such income; such income is taxable
in the hands of X and Y
6.5 (c) subject to tax in the hands of the business trust
6.6 (d) subject to tax in the hands of the unit-holders X
and Y; business trust has to deduct tax@10% on
` 40,000 distributed to X and at the rates in
force on ` 2,00,000 distributed to Y
(a) ` 3,12,000
(b) ` 1,56,000
(c) ` 4,68,000
(d) ` 2,34,000
7.4 Assuming that the underreporting of income is on account of
misreporting, penalty leviable on M/s. MNO under section 270A
at the time of reassessment would be:
(a) ` 3,12,000
(b) ` 2,34,000
(c) ` 12,48,000
(d) ` 6,24,000
7.5 Assuming that the under-reporting of income is not on account
of misreporting, the under-reported income of Mr. N and
penalty leviable on Mr. N u/s 270A would be:
(a) Under-reported income ` 15,00,000; penalty ` 2,34,000
(b) Under-reported income ` 12,50,000; penalty ` 97,500
(c) Under-reported income ` 15,00,000; penalty ` 1,36,500
(d) Under-reported income ` 12,50,000; penalty ` 1,36,500
Answer Key
Question Answer
7.1 (c) (2) and (3) above
7.2 (c) (2) and (3) above
7.3 (d) ` 2,34,000
7.4 (c) ` 12,48,000
7.5 (d) Under-reported income ` 12,50,000; penalty
` 1,36,500
Answer Key
Question Answer
8.1 (d) ` 14 lakh is taxable in the hands of the investment
fund; ` 80,000 is taxable in the hands of each unit
8.2 (d) Business income of ` 14 lakhs is taxable@30%
(plus cess@4%)
8.3 (c) Business loss of ` 4 lakh can be carried forward by
the investment fund; capital loss of ` 40,000 can
be carried forward by each unit holder
8.4 (c) ` 11 lakh
Mr. Ram
(i) Filed return of A.Y.2018-19 on 30.4.2020 in response to notice
under section 148 served on 20.3.2020
(ii) Filed return of A.Y.2019-20 on 12.9.2019
(iii) Filed return of A.Y.2020-21 on 25.9.2020
(iv) Filed return of A.Y.2021-22 on 30.9.2021
Mr. Shyam
(i) Filed return of A.Y.2018-19 on 30.4.2020 in response to notice
under section 148 served on 9.4.2020
(ii) Filed return of A.Y.2019-20 on 30.9.2019
Assessing Officer made a reference to the Transfer Pricing
9.4 Assuming that Mr. Ram and Mr. Shyam have business losses
pertaining to A.Y.2021-22, can they carry forward such loss for
set-off against the business income of A.Y.2022-23?
(a) Yes, both Mr. Ram and Mr. Shyam can carry forward
their business losses of A.Y.2021-22 for set-off against
the business income of A.Y.2022-23
(b) Mr. Ram can carry forward business losses of
A.Y.2021-22 for set-off against his business income of
A.Y.2022-23; however, Mr. Shyam cannot do so
(c) Mr. Shyam can carry forward business losses of
A.Y.2021-22 for set-off against his business income of
A.Y.2022-23; however, Mr. Ram cannot do so
(d) No, both Mr. Ram and Mr. Shyam cannot carry forward
their business losses of A.Y.2021-22 for set-off against
the business income of A.Y.2022-23
Answer Key
Question Answer
9.1 (d) 31.3.2021 and 31.3.2022, respectively
9.2 (b) 31.3.2021 and 31.3.2022, respectively
9.3 (c) 31.3.2022 and 31.12.2022, respectively
9.4 (c) Mr. Shyam can carry forward business losses of
A.Y.2021-22 for set-off against his business income
of A.Y.2022-23; however, Mr. Ram cannot do so
10.5 What is Mr. B’s gross income-tax liability for the P.Y.2021-22,
assuming that he does not exercise option u/s 115BAC?
(a) ` 5,70,960
(b) ` 4,91,400
(c) ` 5,08,560
(d) ` 5,53,800
Answer Key
Question Answer
Mr. B has not filed his return of income for the last three years
whereas Mr. A has been regularly filing his return of income. No other
customer of the co-operative bank had withdrawn more than ` 10
lakhs during the P.Y. 2021-22.
One of the customers of the co-operative bank, Mr. K paid ` 12 lakhs
out of bills for ` 15 lakhs raised in respect of the credit card account
by account payee cheque and was declared bankrupt thereafter. The
actual bad debts of the bank (including bad debts on account of Mr. K)
(b) K and B
(c) A and B
(d) A, K and B
12.4 What is the amount of penalty leviable under section 271FA?
(a) ` 1,01,500
(b) ` 1,17,000
(c) ` 89,000
(d) ` 1,02,000
12.5 Let us assume that, on 26.02.2022, as a result of business
reorganisation, the co-operative bank got succeeded by another
co-operative bank. Assuming that the deduction allowable u/s
32 for the P.Y.2021-22 is ` 3,50,000 and that the predecessor
co-operative bank had incurred expenditure of ` 30,00,000
during the P.Y.2019-20 on voluntary retirement scheme for its
employees, what is the aggregate deduction allowable to
predecessor co-operative bank under section 32 and 35DDA for
the P.Y.2021-22?
(a) ` 8,61,507
(b) ` 3,17,397
(c) ` 9,50,000
(d) ` 9,17,397
Answer Key
Question Answer
12.1 (c) ` 10,000 and ` 1,56,000, respectively
12.2 (c) ` 20,50,000 only u/s 36(1)(viia)
12.3 (b) K and B
12.4 (d) ` 1,02,000
12.5 (a) ` 8,61,507
Additional information:
(i) The loan was advanced by Y to X on 1st July, 2021 in rupee
terms and carries 6.5% p.a. rate of interest. For borrowers with
similar risk profile who are not associated enterprises of Y, Y
advances loan at 4% p.a. interest rate.
(ii) X has maintained such information and document in respect of
the international transaction as has been prescribed under
section 92D but has not reported the transaction as an
international transaction. X does not make any adjustment to
its total income on account of application of provisions of
Chapter X of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in its return of income.
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions -
13.1. Are X and Y associated enterprises? If so, why?
(i) Yes, X and Y are associated enterprises because
Mr. Ayush holds voting power of 30% in both the
14. Z Pvt. Ltd. (“Z”) files its return of income for the P.Y. 2021-22 on 30th
September 2022 declaring loss of ` 14,00,000. The rate of income-tax
applicable to the company is 30%.
The tax auditor of Z, in his audit report submitted under section 44AB,
has reported a disallowance of ` 50,000 towards personal expenditure
of directors as no evidence was produced by Z in support of this
expenditure. However, Z did not disallow the same in its computation
and return of income.
The return of income was processed by the Centralised Processing
Centre making an addition of ` 50,000 towards personal expenditure
and the loss u/s 143(1) was computed at ` 13,50,000.
The return of income was selected for scrutiny assessment and by
order passed u/s 143(3), the loss as per normal provisions was
reduced to ` 10,50,000 by making an addition of ` 3,00,000.
The assessment was reopened u/s 147 and by order passed u/s 147,
the loss as per preceding order u/s 143(3) was converted into income
of ` 2,00,000.
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions (Ignore MAT) -
14.1. Which of the following statements regarding penalty on
addition of ` 50,000 towards personal expenditure is correct?
(i) Since Z has claimed deduction of amount incurred
towards personal expenditure of directors, Z shall be
considered to have under-reported its income.
Additional information:
(i) X has registered a patent in India for treatment of a novel virus
which it has developed in collaboration with Y. 90% of the total
expenditure for developing the patent has been incurred by X in
at its manufacturing facility in Uttar Pradesh while the
remaining has been incurred by Y outside India.
(ii) X receives royalty of ` 5 crore by permitting other companies to
use its patent. The total expenditure incurred for earning such
royalty is ` 42,00,000.
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions -
15.1 What would be the amount of disallowance, if any, of interest
paid by X to Y in computation of total income of X?
(a) No disallowance is attracted since the transaction is at
arm’s length.
(b) ` 3,00,00,000
(c) ` 1,20,00,000
(d) ` 1,80,00,000
15.2 At what rate of tax, will income of X from manufacturing
business, dividend and F&O trading be taxed, assuming that X
opts for the special provisions introduced by the Taxation Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2019? Ignore surcharge and health and
education cess.
(a) 15%, 10%, 22%, respectively
(b) 22%, 15%, 22%, respectively
(c) 15%, 22%, 30%, respectively
(d) 22%, 10%, 30%, respectively
15.3 Which of the statements is correct as regards taxability of
royalty in the hands of X?
(a) Royalty of ` 5 crore is taxable@15% u/s 115BBF
Question Answer
16.1 (c) The provisions of section 115JB are attracted in
the hands of DEF Inc. since it is resident of a
country with which India has a DTAA and the
branch office of DEF Inc. constitutes permanent
establishment in terms of such agreement
16.4 (c) Both capital gains and fee for technical services
have to be reduced while computing book profit
of DEF Inc. for levy of minimum alternate tax
17. Wellness Pvt Ltd, an Indian company incorporated on 1st April, 2021
offers multi-disciplinary marketing services in print and digital media to
Indian businesses. To carry on its business, the company has engaged
local advertising specialists in the field of print and digital media.
These specialists attend to clients of the company by doing required
consultancy, execution and also perform analysis of results. Depending
upon the service request of the client – whether print or digital mode,
specialists perform relevant tasks. The specialists employ their
individual skills and exercise discretion, judgement while performing
Answer Key
Question Answer
17.1 (b) Yes, due to reasons stated in (ii) and (v) above
17.2 (c) ` 16,50,000
17.3 (a) ` 73,600
17.4 (a) ` 69,89,900
17.5 (b) Yes, ` 5,50,000
(c) ` 26,08,350
(d) ` 27,20,050
18.5 What would be the income chargeable under the head “Profits
and gains of business and profession” of Beta Ltd. for
A.Y.2022-23, if the company opts for the special provisions
under section 115BAA?
(a) ` 38,13,350
(b) ` 35,13,350
(c) ` 36,38,350
(d) ` 35,17,100
Answer Key
Question Answer
18.1 (c) ` 21,33,750 and ` 1,02,900, respectively
(b) ` 50 lakhs
(c) ` 100 lakhs
(d) ` 140 lakhs
19.3 What is the amount of income chargeable to tax under the
head “Capital gains” and “Profits and gains of business or
profession” in the hands of Mallika for the A.Y.2023-24?
(a) Nil and Nil, respectively
(b) ` 47,04,380 and ` 60,00,000, respectively
(c) ` 37,04,380 and ` 60,00,000, respectively
(d) ` 57,04,380 and ` 60,00,000, respectively
19.4 Is the annual value of penthouse held as stock-in-trade
taxable? If so, under which head and what is the amount
taxable for A.Y.2022-23?
(a) No, since annual value of property held as stock-in-trade
is exempt for a period of two years from the end of the
financial year of completion of construction
(b) Yes, ` 5,04,000 under the head “Income from house
(c) Yes, ` 4,98,960 under the head “Income from house
(d) The rental income of ` 7,20,000 is chargeable under the
head “Profits and gains of business or profession”, since
property is held as stock in trade
19.5 Is Mr. Harish liable to deduct tax at source on rent paid to
Mallika in the F.Y.2021-22? If so, what is the amount of tax to
be deducted and when?
(a) No, since Mr. Harish, being a salaried employee, is not
subject to tax audit; hence, there is no obligation to
deduct tax at source
Question Answer
19.1 (b) ` 93,10,219
19.2 (d) ` 140 lakhs
19.3 (b) ` 47,04,380 and ` 60,00,000, respectively
19.4 (b) Yes, ` 5,04,000 under the head “Income from
house property”
19.5 (d) Yes, he has to deduct tax of ` 36,000 from the rent
payable for March, 2022
(c) (` 45 lakh)
(d) ` 10 lakh
20.3 If, out of the amount of ` 1.25 crore paid for acquisition of land
in the P.Y.2021-22, ` 75 lakh was paid by way of cash, what
would be the answer to questions 20.1 and 20.2 above?
(a) ` 175 lakh; ` 35 lakh, respectively
(b) ` 125 lakh; ` 85 lakh, respectively
(c) ` 100 lakh; ` 110 lakh, respectively
(d) ` 225 lakh; (` 15 lakh), respectively
20.4 Considering the assumption given in question 20.2 above, what
would be the tax payable (rounded off) by PQR LLP for
(a) ` 10,92,000
(b) ` 41,48,140
(c) Nil
(d) ` 40,40,000
20.5 Would Mr. P be eligible for deduction under section 80JJAA in
the A.Y.2022-23? If so, what is the quantum of deduction?
(a) No, he would not be eligible for deduction u/s 80JJAA
since the employees have not been employed for 240
days in the P.Y.2021-22. He can, however, claim
deduction thereunder in the P.Y.2022-23
(b) Yes; ` 63,81,000
(c) Yes; ` 58,68,000
(d) Yes; ` 52,56,000
Answer Key
Question Answer
20.1 (d) ` 175 lakh
21. Delta Limited has three Units – Alpha, Beta and Gamma. It transferred
its Unit Gamma to Epsilon Limited by way of slump sale on 1st April,
2021. The Balance Sheet of Delta Limited as on that date is given
Liabilities ` (in Assets ` (in
lakhs) lakhs)
Paid up capital 2,550 Fixed Assets:
Reserve & Surplus 930 Unit Alpha 225
Unit Beta 225
Liabilities: Unit Gamma 825
Unit Alpha 60 Other Assets:
Unit Beta 165 Unit Alpha 780
Unit Gamma 135 Unit Beta 1,200
Unit Gamma 585
Total 3,840 Total 3,840
Additional information:
(i) Lump sum consideration on transfer of Unit Gamma is ` 1,320
(ii) Fixed assets of Unit Gamma include land which was purchased
at ` 90 lakhs in March, 2020 and revalued at ` 135 lakhs as on
March 31, 2021. The stamp duty value of land on that date
was ` 130 lakhs.
(iii) Other fixed assets represent plant and machinery and furniture,
which are reflected at ` 690 lakhs (i.e., ` 825 lakhs less value
of land) which represents written down value of those assets as
per books. The written down value of these assets u/s 43(6) of
the Income-tax Act, 1961 is ` 615 lakhs.
(iv) Other assets do not include jewellery, artistic work, shares and
(v) Liabilities represent ascertained liabilities and does not include
provision for taxation or proposed dividend.
(vi) Unit Gamma was set up by Delta Limited in March, 2020.
(vii) Assume that the turnover of Delta Ltd. for F.Y. 2019-20 is
` 1295 lakhs and Delta Ltd. has not opted for section 115BAA.
(viii) Book profit of Delta Ltd. computed as per section 115JB is
` 400 lakhs
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions -
21.1 For computing capital gains on slump sale of Unit Gamma, what
would be the deemed cost of acquisition and improvement for
the purposes of section 48 and 49 and the resultant capital
(a) ` 1275 lakhs and ` 45 lakhs, respectively
(b) ` 1230 lakhs and ` 40 lakhs, respectively
(c) ` 1155 lakhs and ` 115 lakhs, respectively
(d) ` 1155 lakhs and ` 165 lakhs, respectively
21.2 What is the tax liability on capital gain arising on slump sale of
Unit Gamma?
(a) ` 55,08,360
(b) ` 45,90,300
(c) ` 57,65,760
(d) ` 48,04,800
21.3 If Unit Gamma was set up on March, 2010 instead of March,
2020, and the sale consideration is ` 3000 lakhs instead of
` 1320 lakhs, what would be the capital gains arising to Delta Ltd.
on slump sale and the resultant tax liability? The CII of
Answer Key
Question Answer
21.1 (d) ` 1155 lakhs and ` 165 lakhs, respectively
21.2 (b) ` 45,90,300
21.3 (c) ` 1845 lakhs and ` 429.81 lakhs, respectively
21.4 (c) ` 40,06,080
21.5 (a) No distribution tax in the hands of Delta Ltd. and
no income-tax in the hands of the shareholders in
respect of dividend so distributed
22. Ganga LLP is a limited liability partnership set up a unit in Special Economic
Zone (SEZ) in the financial year 2016-17 for manufacture of textiles. The
unit fulfills all the conditions under section 10AA of the Income-tax Act,
1961. During the financial year 2020-21, it has also set up a warehousing
facility in Pune for storage of sugar, fulfilling the conditions for claim of
deduction under section 35AD. Capital expenditure in respect of warehouse
amounted to ` 97 lakhs (including cost of land ` 32 lakhs). The warehouse
became operational with effect from 1st April, 2021 and the expenditure of
` 97 lakhs was capitalized in the books on that date.
The details for the financial year 2021-22 are given hereunder:
Particulars `
Profit of unit located in SEZ 60,00,000
Export sales of above unit 1,20,00,000
Domestic sales of above unit 40,00,000
Profit from operation of warehousing facility (before 1,60,00,000
considering deduction under section 35AD)
Mr. Ganesh, one of the partners of the LLP, commenced the business
of manufacture of leather on 1.4.2020. His turnover in the P.Y.2020-
21 is ` 180 lakh and in the P.Y.2021-22 is ` 200 lakhs. The payments
made in the P.Y.2021-22 is ` 190 lakhs. The profit for P.Y.2021-22 as
per books of account maintained u/s 44AA is ` 12.10 lakhs. Out of the
turnover of ` 200 lakhs, ` 190 lakhs is received through RTGS and
NEFT and ` 10 lakhs is received by way of cash. Out of the payments
23. BMT Shipping Co. is an Indian company having its place of effective
management in India. It owns three vessels out of which two are
“Qualifying Ships”. The registered tonnage of the two qualifying
vessels is 33,840 tonnes and 230 kgs and 24,952 tonnes and 370 kgs
respectively. In the F.Y. 2021-22, the first vessel was operated for 212
days and the second for 347 days.
The WDV of the block of assets for tax purposes, being ships, as on
01.04.2021 was ` 1200 lakhs
Ships forming part of WDV as per books as on 01-04-
Block of Assets 2021 (` in lakhs)
Qualifying Ship 1 580
Qualifying Ship 2 270
Non-qualifying Ship 3 230
Other Information:
(i) Profit from core activity referred to in section 115-VI(1) read
with 115-VI(2) is ` 70 lakhs.
(ii) Profit from incidental activity computed as per section 115-VI(1)
read with 115-VI(5) is ` 14 lakhs.
(iii) Book profits calculated as per the Explanation to section
115JB(2) [in so far as it relates to income derived from core
and incidental activity] are ` 100 lakhs.
LMN Shipping Co. is a foreign company whose place of effective
management is outside India in the P.Y.2021-22. Its gross receipts for
P.Y.2021-22 is ` 630 lakhs, the break up of which is given hereunder –
(c) ` 14 lakhs
(d) ` 15 lakhs
23.4 Would any amount be taxable under the other provisions of the
Income-tax Act, 1961 as per section 115VT(5), if BMT Shipping
Co. had transferred ` 15 lakhs to Tonnage Tax Reserve Account
during P.Y. 2021-22? If yes, what is the amount so taxable?
(a) Yes; ` 1.80 lakhs
(b) No amount is taxable as per section 115VT(5), since the
amount transferred is more than the minimum reserve
(c) Yes; ` 5 lakhs
(d) Yes; ` 21 lakhs
23.5 What shall be the income computed under section 44B of LMN
Shipping Co. for A.Y.2022-23?
(a) ` 39.75 lakhs
(b) ` 53 lakhs
(c) ` 26.50 lakhs
(d) ` 47.25 lakhs
Answer Key
Question Answer
23.1 (c) ` 71,20,454
23.2 (b) ` 944.44 lakhs
23.3 (b) ` 20 lakhs
23.4 (d)Ye Yes; ` 21 lakhs
23.5 (a) ` 39.75 lakhs
House Properties
Mr. M owns a house property in Mumbai since the year 2010, which he
occupies for his own residence. He continues to repay the loan availed in
the year 2010 for purchase of this property. The interest payable for the
financial year 2021-22 on such loan is ` 4,25,000. The brought forward
losses attributable to his house property for A.Y. 2020-21 and A.Y. 2021-22
is ` 5,00,000.
Impressed by better infrastructure, quality education, safety in UK,
Mr. M bought a residential property in the UK in December 2021. He
earned rental income of GBP 3,300 (@ GBP 1,100 per month for
January to March, 2022) from letting out of UK property.
The telegraphic transfer buying rates are as follows:
Date (financial year 2021-22) Rate (GBP to INR)
31 December 93.49
31 January 93.26
28 February 92.32
31 March 93.07
Investment in shares
Mr. M had purchased 500 shares of Indian company XYZ Ltd on
17th March 2017 at the cost of ` 150 per share (STT paid). As per
scheme of amalgamation dated 10th January, 2018 between XYZ Ltd
with another Indian company PQR Ltd, Mr. M received 250 shares of
PQR Ltd in lieu of his shareholding in XYZ Ltd. On 4th April 2021,
Mr. M sold shares of PQR Ltd at ` 325 per share (STT paid).
Date (Fair market value Company Fair market value per
as on) share (quoted price on
stock exchange)
10th January 2018 XYZ Ltd ` 160
10th January 2018 PQR Ltd ` 320
31st January 2018 PQR Ltd ` 360
Answer Key
Question Answer
25.1 (b) Resident and ordinarily resident
25.2 (b) ` 43,30,000
25.3 (a) ` 81,250
25.4 (a) ` 2,14,992
Mrs. Sachdeva owns a shop of 100 square feet area in Mumbai. She
rented it to an architect who gave her an interest-free deposit of
` 1,00,000. The rent paid by the architect from 1st April is ` 60,000 per
month. Mr. Sachdeva’s brother, Mr. Ajay who is a non-resident sold his
house at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai to another non-resident,
Mr. David, who is based at Germany for a consideration of ` 20 crores
on 01.09.2021. Mr. Ajay died on 01.11.2021 on account of a car
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions -
27.1 What is the amount of interest allowable as deduction u/s 24 to
Mr. Sachdeva for A.Y.2022-23?
(a) ` 46 lakhs
(b) ` 42 lakhs
(c) ` 40 lakhs
(d) ` 37 lakhs
27.2 What is the amount of deduction permissible to Mr. Sachdeva
under Chapter VI-A of Income-tax Act, 1961 for A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) ` 1,70,000
(b) ` 2,20,000
(c) ` 3,70,000
(d) ` 14,20,000
27.3 Is notional interest on interest free deposit received in respect
of shop let out on rent chargeable to income-tax? If so, under
which head of income would the same be taxable?
(a) No, it is not chargeable to tax
(b) Yes, it is chargeable to tax as profits and gains from
business, since a commercial property has been let out
(c) Yes, it is chargeable to tax as “Income from Other
Sources”, being the residuary head of income
27.4 (d) Yes, he can hold Mr. David as an agent as per the
provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961
27.5 (b) In Mr. Sachdeva’s hands
28. Mr. Billabong stays in India from April to September and in UK from
October to March every year. He owns a house in London, which he
has let out at £ 1000 per month. He paid taxes of £ 100 levied by local
authorities of London every year [1 £ = ` 120].
Mr. Billabong also has a flat in Winchester, UK, where he stays when
he visits UK every year. It is unoccupied for the rest of the year. He
paid municipal tax of £ 5000 in respect of the said house property for
the F.Y.2021-22.
He owns the following house properties at Mumbai:
Flats at Status Municipal tax paid in the
Mumbai F.Y.2021-22 (`)
Bandra Unoccupied 10,000
Worli Unoccupied 20,000
The other details relating to the properties owned by him are given
Place Standard Municipal Fair Rent
Rent (`) Value (`)
Bandra, Mumbai 60,000 p.m. 50,000 p.m. ` 70,000 p.m.
Worli, Mumbai 1,30,000 p.m. 1,40,000 p.m. ` 1,20,000 p.m.
Winchester, UK £ 1000 p.m.
London, UK £ 2000 p.m.
(b) ` 4,97,000
(c) ` 20,07,600
(d) ` 30,85,600
28.4 What is the amount of capital gains chargeable to tax for
A.Y.2022-23 in the hands of Billabong’s father?
(a) ` 60,00,000
(b) ` 50,00,000
(c) ` 10,00,000
(d) Nil
28.5 What is the amount of tax which would have been deducted in
respect of income received by Mr. Billabong’ father?
(a) ` 1,000
(b) ` 2,01,000
(c) ` 3,00,000
(d) ` 3,01,000
Answer Key
Question Answer
28.1 (a) ` 22,000
28.2 (a) ` 25,04,600
28.3 (c) ` 20,07,600
28.4 (c) ` 10,00,000
28.5 (d) ` 3,01,000
29. Mr. Bharat, a cloth manufacturer, runs his proprietary business in the
name of "M/s Bharat Traders". He also exports clothes outside India to
his associate enterprises as well as unrelated parties. The turnover of
Bharat Traders for P.Y. 2020-21 and P.Y. 2021-22 were ` 400 lakhs
and ` 410 lakhs, respectively, from such business.
Answer Key
Question Answer
30.1 (b) ` 8 lakhs would be taxable as deemed dividend
in the hands of Mr. Rajat
30.2 (b) Yes, tax is required to be deducted@2% on ` 20
lakhs u/s 194N by ABC Bank
30.3 (d) Yes, tax is required to be deducted@2% on ` 30
lakhs u/s 194N by the co-operative bank
30.4 (c) ` 83 lakhs
30.5 (b) ` 26,34,060
31. Mr. Harshit, a resident Indian, is in retail business in Mumbai and his
turnover for F.Y.2020-21 was ` 8 crores. He regularly purchases
goods from another resident, Mr. Pranav, a wholesaler in Mumbai. The
aggregate payments made by Mr. Harshit to Mr. Pranav during the
F.Y.2021-22 towards consideration for purchase of goods were ` 80
lakh (` 20 lakh on 8.5.2021, ` 25 lakh on 27.8.2021, ` 20 lakh on
18.10.2021 and ` 15 lakh on 11.2.2022). Mr. Pranav’s turnover for
F.Y.2020-21 was ` 11 crores.
Mr. Pranav paid ` 5 lakhs on 1.9.2021 to M/s. Thomas Cook for a
holiday package to Singapore for a week with his family, comprising of
his wife and two children, being twins aged 22 years, in the last week
of September. He also took an education loan of ` 15 lakhs on
1.2.2022 from State Bank of India, Madam Cama Road, Mumbai, for
his son’s two-year Master of Public Administration program in
Columbia University, USA and remitted the said amount through the
same bank, which is an authorised dealer, under the Liberalised
Remittance Scheme of RBI (LRS). For his daughter’s MBA in Iowa
State University, USA, he remitted ` 12 lakhs on 15.2.2022, out of his
personal savings, through Bank of India, Bandra branch, Mumbai
which is also an authorised dealer, under LRS. Mr. Pranav also
remitted ` 6 lakh on 28.3.2022, out of his personal savings, under
LRS through Bank of India, Bandra branch, as gift to his sister residing
in London, on the occasion of her 50th birthday.
(c) ` 13,15,000
(d) ` 13,36,000
32.2 What is the deduction allowable under section 80M to A Ltd. for
A.Y.2022-23? You may assume that dividend received by A
Ltd. in the F.Y. 2020-21 is the same as in F.Y. 2021-22.
(a) ` 6,00,000
(b) ` 7,00,000
(c) ` 9,20,000
(d) ` 13,00,000
32.3 What is the tax liability (rounded off) of Mr. Aakash for
A.Y.2022-23 under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961
if he wishes to make maximum tax savings (ignore TDS)?
(a) ` 1,32,600
(b) ` 1,44,040
(c) ` 1,78,780
(d) ` 1,29,580
32.4 What is the residential status of Mr. Aarav for A.Y.2022-23?
(a) Resident and Ordinarily resident
(b) Resident but not ordinarily resident
(c) Non-resident
(d) Deemed resident
32.5 What is the tax liability (rounded off) of Mr. Aarav under the
provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for A.Y.2022-23, if he
wishes to make maximum tax savings (ignore TDS)?
(a) ` 11,22,260
(b) ` 2,60,520
(c) ` 1,87,720
(d) ` 1,90,840
Answer Key
Question Answer
32.1 (d) ` 13,36,000
32.2 (b) ` 7,00,000
32.3 (d) ` 1,29,580
32.4 (c) Non-resident
32.5 (c) ` 1,87,720
33. The following details pertain to Mr. Arvind and his three brothers,
Mr. Arjun, Mr. Anand and Mr. Aakash. Mr. Arvind, Mr. Arjun and
Mr. Anand are engaged in retail trade business. Mr. Aakash is engaged
in the profession of interior decoration. All of them maintain books of
account under section 44AA. While the brothers engaged in retail trade
business follows mercantile system of accounting, Mr. Aakash engaged
in interior decoration profession follows cash system of accounting.
The details pertaining to their business for the year ending 31.3.2022
are as under –
Particulars Arvind Arjun Anand
(i) Turnover of P.Y.2021-22 ` 95 ` 1.80 ` 5.00
lakhs crore crore
(ii) Amount received in cash ` 5 lakh ` 8 lakh ` 4 lakh
[out of (i) above]
(iii) Amount received through ` 85 ` 1.65 ` 4.80
NEFT/RTGS on or before lakh crore crore
31.7.2022 [out of (i) above]
(iv) Total receipts in the ` 1.07 ` 2.00 ` 5.50
P.Y.2021-22 crore crore crore
(v) Cash receipts [out of (iv) ` 7 lakh ` 10 ` 27
above] lakhs lakhs
(vi) Total payments in the P.Y. ` 80 ` 1.60 ` 4.50
2021-22 lakhs crore crore
(d) 31st July, 2022 for Mr. Arvind, Mr. Aakash and
Mr. Anand; and 31st October, 2022 for Mr. Arjun
Answer Key
Question Answer
33.1 (c) Mr. Arvind, Mr. Arjun and Mr. Aakash
33.2 (d) None of them
33.3 (c) ` 5.90 lakhs, ` 11.10 lakhs and ` 30 lakhs, respectively
33.4 (c) The profits and gains of business chargeable to tax in
the hands of Mr. Arjun would undergo a change;
however, there would be no change in the hands of
Mr. Arvind and Mr. Anand.
33.5 (d) 31st July, 2022 for Mr. Arvind, Mr. Aakash and
Mr. Anand; and 31st October, 2022 for Mr. Arjun
34. Mr. Rajesh, aged 53 years, and his wife Mrs. Sowmya, aged 50 years,
were born in India. They were living in India till the year 2000, when
they moved to Country X and settled there permanently. Since the
year 2010, they have become citizens of Country X. They have two
sons who are twins, Mr. Dinesh and Mr. Karthik, who are also citizens
of Country X. They completed their schooling in an Indian school in
Country X. Thereafter, in the year 2016, Mr. Dinesh joined mechanical
engineering in IIT Delhi. After completing his engineering, he took up
employment in ABC Ltd., a multinational company, in Gurgaon at a
monthly salary of ` 1,50,000 from September, 2020. Dinesh visits his
parents in Country X for one month every year. For the rest of the
year, he is in India. Mr. Karthik completed architecture in College of
Architecture in Country X and took up a job in LMN Inc., San
Fransisco, in the year 2020 for a monthly salary of US $ 5,000.
Mr. Rajesh has a textile business in Country X. Mrs. Sowmya, a
Carnatic musician, gives concerts in Country X in music programs
organized by the Indian community in Country X.
Mr. Rajesh visits India for one month every year to be with his
parents, who were born in Coimbatore and have always lived in
Coimbatore. The details of his income for P.Y.2021-22 are as follows –
Income from textile business in Country X - US $ 80,000 (You may
assume that the currency of Country X is US dollars)
Rental income from house property in Coimbatore – ` 60,000 p.m.
Interest on fixed deposits with SBI, Coimbatore – ` 10 lakh
Country X does not levy tax on income from business of textiles in
order to give a fillip to textile industry in that country. Country X also
does not levy tax on income earned by a resident of Country X outside
In the P.Y.2021-22, Mrs. Sowmya visited India from 3rd October, 2021
to 31st January, 2022. She was in Trichy during the months of October
and November to take care of her ailing mother in Trichy. During the
months of December and January, she rendered Carnatic music
concerts in the Margazhi Maha Utsav organized in the various music
academies in Chennai. Every year, she is in Chennai entirely during
these two months for this purpose. She also visits Trichy every year
for the full month of May to spend time with her mother. She owns a
house property in Trichy which she has let out for ` 40,000 per month.
The municipal taxes of ` 6,000 p.a. are paid by her tenant. For the
P.Y.2021-22, her income from music concerts in Chennai is ` 3 lakhs.
She also earns interest of ` 9 lakhs on fixed deposits with Indian Bank,
Trichy Branch.
Mr. Dinesh resigned from his job in ABC Ltd. on 20th September, 2021
and took up an offer for employment in MNC Inc., New York at a
salary of US $ 7,000 p.m. He had submitted his resignation to ABC Ltd.
on 20th August, 2021, and thereafter, served a notice period of one
month as per the condition stipulated in his terms of employment. He
left India on 28th September, 2021 and joined MNC Inc. on 1st October,
2021. He earned interest of ` 40,000 from fixed deposits with Axis
Bank, New Delhi.
Mr. Karthik resigned from LMN Inc. on 30th November, 2021 to join
PQR Ltd. in Mumbai. He came to India on 2nd December, 2021 and
joined PQR Ltd. on 5th December, 2021. His salary in PQR Ltd. is
` 99,200 p.m. He used to visit his maternal and paternal grandparents
in India for two months (July and August) during his summer holidays
upto the year 2019. In the year 2020, he visited India for one month
in July 2020. He earned interest of ` 9,500 from savings bank account
in SBI, Mumbai.
TT buying rate of US $ on various dates is given below –
Date TT buying rate of US $ Date TT buying rate
of US $
31.3.2021 ` 68.00 30.9.2021 ` 70.00
30.4.2021 ` 68.60 31.10.2021 ` 70.40
31.5.2021 ` 69.10 30.11.2021 ` 71.00
30.6.2021 ` 69.50 31.12.2021 ` 71.30
31.7.2021 ` 69.70 31.1.2022 ` 71.90
31.8.2021 ` 69.90 28.2.2022 ` 72.00
31.3.2022 ` 72.40
Answer Key
Question Answer
35.1 (d) It can carry forward unabsorbed depreciation but
cannot carry forward business loss
35.2 (d) It can neither apply for revision before the
Commissioner under section 264 nor for rectification
under section 154
35.3 (b) Yes, penalty is leviable for ` 3,00,000 under section
271DA. It can be imposed by the Joint Commissioner
35.4 (d) No tax is required to be deducted in respect of
payment to Ajay but tax is required to be deducted
in respect of payment to Anil.
35.5 (b) ` 5 lakhs
37. Star Co. Ltd., a listed company located in Pune, is engaged in multiple
activities at different locations. It furnished the following information
unit wise for the year ended 31st March, 2022:
Answer Key
Question Answer
37.1 (b) ` 2,40,000
37.2 (d) ` 24,00,000 and Nil, respectively
37.3 (a) Loss of ` 3.90 crores to be carried forward to
A.Y. 2023-24
37.4 (d) Loss of ` 3 lakhs can be set-off from other
business income
37.5 (a) ` 139.3782 lakhs
37.6 (c) ` 14.7142 lakhs
Programme package to
North & South America
purchased from
overseas foreign tour
Mr. R 01.01.2022 ` 14,50,000 Repayment of loan
obtained from Bank in
Germany for pursuing
higher studies.
From the information given above, choose the most appropriate
answer to the following questions:
38.1 What would be the tax liability computed in the manner to
maximise the tax savings) of Mr. Sumit for the A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) ` 1,06,600
(b) ` 1,19,600
(c) ` 1,09,200
(d) ` 70,200
38.2 What would be the tax liability (rounded off) computed in the
manner to maximise tax savings of Mrs. Sneha for the
A.Y. 2022-23?
(a) ` 1,00,780
(b) ` 88,820
(c) ` 1,43,520
(d) ` 1,11,180
38.3 Is tax required to be collected by AB Bank Ltd. on the
remittances made by Mr. P and Mr. Q? If yes, what would be
rate of TCS and amount of tax to be collected at source?
(a) No tax is to be collected at source on both these
card. His total receipts for the year 2021-22 is ` 4.95 crores. On
1.12.2021, Mr. X has remitted ` 7,50,000 to his son studying in
Australia through SBI, an authorized dealer. He has taken education
loan of ` 7,50,000 from SBI itself for the purpose of such remittance.
Mr. X has also sold 1500 listed equity shares on 1st May 2021 through
Bombay Stock Exchange, which he sold after holding the shares for 15
months. He has paid STT both at the time acquisition and sale of such
shares. He acquired such shares for ` 2,50,000. Mr. X made a profit of
` 1,70,000 by selling these shares. He is of the view that whole of the
amount of profit is exempt from tax. Based on this view, he has
furnished his return of income on or before the due date specified
under section 139(1). On 12.12.2022, he received an intimation under
section 143(1), intimating there is no tax payable by him or refundable
to him.
Based on the facts of the above case scenario, choose the most
appropriate answers to the following questions:
39.1 Is Mr. X under any obligation to deduct tax at source on the
rent paid to Mr. U in the P.Y.2021-22 as per the provisions of
Income-tax Act, 1961. If yes, under which section and at what
(a) No, he is not liable to deduct tax at source, since he is
not subject to tax audit
(b) Yes, he is liable to deduct tax at source under section
194-I @ 10%, since his turnover exceeds ` 1 crore in
the P.Y.2020-21
(c) Yes, he is liable to deduct tax at source u/s 195 at the
rates in force
(d) Yes, he is liable to deduct tax at source u/s 194-IA@5%,
since he is not subject to tax audit
39.2 Is Mr. X required to collect tax at source during the previous
year 2021-22? If yes, what would be the amount of tax
collection at source?
40. X Ltd. has two units, Unit A and Unit B engaged in setting up and
operating a warehousing facility for storage of sugar and edible oil,
respectively, since the year 2016. Y Ltd., an Indian company, takes
over Unit B of X Ltd. by way of slump sale for ` 350 lakhs on
1.10.2021. The expenses incurred for this transfer were ` 10.5 lakhs.
The following is the extract of the Balance Sheet of X Ltd. as on
30.9.2021: (` in lakhs)
Liabilities Total Assets Unit A Unit B Total
Paid-up equity 550 Fixed 160 280 440
share capital assets
General Reserve 180 Debtors 250 175 425
(a) ` 18,42,375
(b) ` 20,04,938
(c) ` 30,00,000
(d) Nil
40.2 What shall be the cost of acquisition for the purpose of
computing capital gains in respect of the slump sale?
(a) ` 2,18,50,000
(b) ` 2,38,50,000
(c) ` 2,28,54,938
(d) ` 2,08,54,937
40.3 What would be amount of tax payable on capital gain arising on
slump sale in the hands of X Ltd. assuming X Ltd. is opting for
section 115BAA?
(a) ` 22,75,430
(b) ` 24,69,317
(c) ` 25,38,550
(d) ` 27,92,405
40.4 What is the due date by which X Ltd. is required to furnish a
report from Chartered Accountant certifying the correctness of
the net worth of Unit B?
(a) 31.10.2021
(b) 30.11.2021
(c) 31.03.2021
(d) 30.09.2021
40.5 Assuming that X Ltd. has transferred Unit B to Y Ltd., in
accordance with the scheme of demerger under section
2(19AA), what would be the taxability in the hands of X Ltd.
and Mr. Raj, a shareholder of X Ltd., on such transfer?