MIDH-2020-21: Implementation Guidelines
MIDH-2020-21: Implementation Guidelines
MIDH-2020-21: Implementation Guidelines
Niranjan Reddy
Hon’ble Chief Minister Hon’ble Minister for
Telangana State Agriculture, Horticulture &
Allied Sector
MIDH- 2020-21
6. Subsidy on plantation/cultivation would be admissible only to the
beneficiary having an assured source of irrigation (tube-well/water
tank supported with engine).
5. DHSO shall make a seniority list for his/ her jurisdiction. After
authentication by the HOs, the seniority list shall be maintained in the
record and shall be duly published on the Notice Board. The register
or computerized seniority would contain the details as Sr No., Name
of farmer, father's name, village, block, date of submission of
application, total area to be covered under scheme and signature of
farmers etc.
6. DHSO will accord the approval of case within 7 days of receipt from
7. Roster register will be maintained by concerned DHSO officer.
He/She will issue the slip to the farmer mentioning his/her
seniority number after obtaining signature of the concerned farmer
in roster/ seniority register.
iii. Farmers are free to choose the farm equipments from empanelled
firms under MIDH as per conditions prescribed under the
iv. The farmer-applicant will resubmit the original bill back to the
DHSO as a proof of the purchase of the component/input. The
DHSO will thereafter issue a receipt for the original bill to the
v. The physical verification of the material/input purchased will be
carried by the team of HEO/HO/DHSO in the prescribed format.
vi. The physical verification report should reach the office of DHSO
within 5 days of purchase.
vii. Display board depicting details of the Scheme (as per applicability)
in Telugu should be fixed at the Site with size 25 ft X 10 ft for
PHM&PC components and 4 ft X 2 ft for other components.
F. Release of Assistance
verified and inspection report submitted by the team comprising
of DHSO, HO concerned, Sr. Officer from Head Office, technical
expert in the field of component from SKLTSHU/PJTSAU (TSG
Member), representative from 3rd party and representative from
concerned bank as suggested in the check lists/or as
communicated by Head office from time to time.
iv. Stage wise digital photos to be taken before work, at the time of
work and after completion of work.
2. Release:
i. Subsidy is to be released as per norms fixed and guidelines
ii. Subsidy proposal to be submitted within 7 days of physical
inspection report duly obtaining DMC approval.
iii. Subsidy is to be released per ha or per unit basis as the case may
be. In cases where assistance is being sought on lesser or more
area than that of one ha or one unit then subsidy be released on
pro-rata basis subject to maximum limit prescribed in guidelines
under MIDH as per the net area sown / planted.
iv. Determination of per ha or unit can be ascertained as prescribed
against individual component in the guidelines.
v. Subsidy be released directly to the beneficiary as direct assistance
or as inputs as per the instructions issued from Mission Director
time to time for individual component.
a. For direct release of assistance to the beneficiary, payment
will be released through online to the beneficiary only.
b. No payment will be released as cash/ cheque /D.D by taking
signature or thumb impression in register.
c. All the assistance released must be entered in proper register
and in cash book.
G. Reporting:
i. DHSO will maintain the subsidy account and send the list to SHM
Cell at Head office monthly on or before 3rd of every month in
prescribed format.
ii. DHSO shall maintain the list of beneficiaries through HORTNET
and the same shall be sent to SHM Cell at Head office on or before
3rd of every month.
iii. DHSO shall send the physical and financial progress of his/her
district monthly in prescribed format on or before 3rd of every
3. The DHSO will be the controlling officer for successful implementation of
the Scheme (s) and co-ordination of all the schemes under which various
components are being implemented as per the scheme guidelines. He / She
will also ensure that, the scheme is duly publicized in the district
immediately after the targets are allotted.
i. Wide publicity should be given for the target allotted to the districts on
all components.
ii. Tours to be conducted for creating more awareness in the districts.
iii. The selected farmers under all components will be given prior training
at districts.
iv. Only the farmers willing to take-up training on particular schemes
should be selected for subsidy programmes.
15. DHSOs should ensure the bills produced by the beneficiaries are from the
registered firms/companies, before forwarding release proposal to head
16. The assistance will be given taking family as a unit.
17. It is the responsibility of DHSO to update the progress reports on 3rd of
every month. It is compulsory.
18. Bounded hard copies of all the schemes implemented in the districts
along with the photographs have to be kept in office. Stage wise
Photographs have to be uploaded in HORTNET.
19. It is mandatory to submit the success stories / case studies of each year
along with photographs.
20. Monthly district monitoring committee meeting to be convened under the
chairman ship of District Collector with all the members.
the DMC, administrative sanction to the beneficiary shall be issued
through the District Collector only. (In case Non- Project based proposals)
10. DMC approval has to be obtained by the District Committee for
Additions /Deletions to the approved beneficiary list.
11. DMC meeting should be organized as frequently as possible (GO Ms No.1,
dt: 07.06.2014 of the Agri & Co-op Dept, Govt. of Telangana) and minutes
to be sent to SHM for record purpose, release of funds etc.,
12. Filing of Applications through Hortnet is mandatory for all
Components. (Stage wise procedure is give below)
3. The programme for protected cultivation and lining of Community
tanks/ponds should be taken up in close coordination with the CRIDA/
Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC) in the State.
4. Protected Cultivation of vegetables should be promoted under
MIDH/NHM in clusters around major cities/metros. These clusters may
be provided with other infrastructural facilities like pre-cooling units, cold
storages, reefer vans, vending carts etc. and marketing arrangements
may be tied up by linking with cooperatives/private retail chains like
SAFAL, farmer markets.
5. Organic farming should be linked to certification. No separate funds will
be provided for adoption of organic farming alone. Arrangements should
also be made by the SHM or concerned agency for the marketing of
organic produce. Selection of Service Provider Agencies is to be done by
adoption of competitive bidding.
6. IPM measures should be need based and are to be taken after clearly
identifying the problem of pests/disease in the clusters. INM measures
are to be adopted in the clusters to correct soil deficiency and reduce
excessive dependence on chemical fertilizers.
7. The creation of water harvesting structure should be implemented in
conjunction with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA) wherever feasible and should be
compulsorily linked with the new area expansion and micro-irrigation
8. For implementation of horticulture mechanization, PHM, marketing and
mobile/primary processing activities, DHSO should make efforts to
organize self- help groups, farmers' interest groups, growers association
at local level and also involve Panchayats, Cooperatives, Producers
Company etc.
9. Efforts should also be made for the buyback arrangements of the
horticulture produce.
10. DHSO should involve research stations / KVKs/ DAATC centers of State
Agricultural University / State Horticultural University and ICAR
Institutes in the Districts for the extension activities.
11. While implementing the MIDH programme, convergence and synergy
should be ensured with the other schemes like Micro Irrigation, RKVY,
PKVY, MNREGS, National Mission on Medicinal Plants, AEZs of APEDA,
Tribal Sub Plan, Watershed Development Programmes, BRGF and
Schemes of the State Government.
12. The success stories of various components to be documented and
submitted to state office.
I. Establishment of New Gardens
A. Area Expansion for Fruits:
To bring additional areas under identified Fruit crops with improved
varieties / hybrids under suitable High or Ultra high-density planting
Pattern of Assistance:
The assistance is 40%/50% of admissible unit cost as per MIDH norms
and shall be provided for 3 years at 60:20:20 ratio for 1st, 2nd & 3rd years
respectively in case of perennials and 2 years at 75:25 biennial fruit crops
like Banana and Papaya.
A beneficiary can avail maximum assistance up to 4 Ha.
suitability and availability of water and authorized power connection before
recommending. Whereas, DHSO should inspect a minimum of 50% of the
identified or sanctioned fields.
12. Integration of Area expansion with micro irrigation is mandatory.
13. Selection, documentation and Hortnet registration process should be
completed in a time bound manner.
14. Before permitting the beneficiaries to start land preparation, pitting etc.,
the DHSO should ensure to take approval of DMC for the selected
15. DHSO should ensure proper documentation and registration in Hortnet of
various stages of implementation (viz., land preparation / pitting, planting
& installation of micro irrigation system etc. along with necessary
photographs) by the HOs concerned.
16. Intercropping shall be encouraged in all perennial orchards with region
specific intercrop as they contribute to soil fertility and income during
gestation period.
17. After the completion of plantation, H.E.O/HO concerned should inspect the
fields and collect all the required bills / invoices / vouchers from the
concerned farmers and upload in the Hortnet after proper scrutiny.
18. All such uploaded bills should be forwarded to the DHSO login. In turn the
DHSO will compile all the bills in his login and obtain financial approval of
DMC. After approval of DMC the same may be forwarded to ED login for
release of payment.
19. The District officers shall send the beneficiary list along with DMC approval
to the Head office for release of Subsidy.
20. The assistance will be provided to the beneficiaries / agency / firm after
filing of all mandatory details in HORTNET.
A. Supply of Plant Material:
1. DHSO/DHM should make advance arrangement for procurement of
planting material from accredited nurseries/certified planting
material/certified seeds for ensuing season. DHSO/DHM should have a
mechanism in place for the proper certification and distribution of planting
material/seeds. Sourcing of planting material/seeds from ICAR institutes,
SAUs, KVKs and Government Department/ CoEs is to be given priority over
other sources. Area Expansion shall be restricted to availability of planting
material from accredited nurseries/certified Planting Material.
2. Priority should be given for supply of plant material from tied-up
Horticultural farms / Research stations of PJTS Agril. University / SKLTS
Horti. University.
3. However, farmers shall be permitted to purchase plant material from
private nurseries under following circumstances.
Where ever farmer’s choice variety is not available in tied-up Horticultural
farms / Research stations.
In cases where short fall of plant material is identified in tied-up nurseries
In case of crops for which tied-up arrangement is not made.
4. In cases when plant material is supplied from Department Horticultural
farms, the assistance amount towards plant material shall be directly
released to the Horticultural farms by the DHSO s duly obtaining necessary
bills/invoices from the farm in-charge.
5. Incase of TC Banana, the list of accredited labs with DBT, GoI under
NCS -TSP shall be given to the farmers for procuring the plant
material. The beneficiary shall procure the plant material by incurring
full cost from T.C labs out of his own choice from the approved list
and assistance (cash) will be transferred through HORTNET to the
beneficiaries account.
6. Incase of Papaya, the plant material should be procured from CoE,
Jeedimetla or CoE Mulugu or Govt. Horticulture Farms. No other
source is permitted.
7. Before releasing plant material assistance to beneficiary, HO should certify
the plantation of the beneficiary along with photograph. No amounts shall
be paid to the private nurseries directly.
8. In cases when plant material is purchased by the farmers from Research
stations or from Pvt. Nurseries, the assistance pertaining to the plant
material shall be released to the farmers through DBT after submission of
Bills/ invoices and uploading in HORTNET.
B. Inputs like Vermi compost, FYM, Irrigation, Inter crop, Labour Charges
& implements like Gardens tools etc.,
Assistance pertaining to inputs like Vermi compost, FYM, inter crop,
fertilizers (organic and inorganic) and other inputs like bio fertilizer, bio-
pesticides, PP chemicals, Micro nutrients etc., shall be given to the farmers in
the form of cash through online transfer into farmers Accounts after certifying
by the concerned HOs, only filing and DMC approval.
With regard to implements like Gardens tools etc., the farmers shall
procure the garden tools and invoices/ bills/ vouchers may be uploaded in the
HORTNET and the subsidy shall be given to the farmers in the form of cash
through online transfer into farmers Account.
C. Crop wise Pattern of Assistance:
No of Unit cost % of Subsidy in Rs.
S.No Crop Plants per (Rs.) per assis 3rd
(m xm) 1st year 2nd year Total
Ha. Ha. tance Year
Pattern of Assistance
2. PAPAYA (1.8 M X 1.8 M): No. of Plants per Ha. 3086
3. MANGO (4M x 3M), Himayat, Dasheri, Kesar & other improved varieties
No. of Plants per Ha. 833
Remarks : The Total cost (Plant Material + Inputs) is restricted to 72485/- as per the
norms of NHM
Spacing: 5m X 5m No. of plants per Acre: 333
Sl.No. Inputs Unit 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
I Organic Manures
Farm Yard Manure Tones 6.4 3.2 3.2
Vermicompost / NeemCake Kgs 40 Kg 330 350 400
II Inorganic Fertilizers
S.S.P. Kgs 50 Kg 650 200 300
Urea Kgs 50 Kg 140 140 210
M.O.P. Kgs 50 Kg 100 100 160
III Bio-Fertilisers
PSB Kg 500 gm 8 10 10
IV Micronutrients
Zn, Mg, Boron & others as
per soil testing report Kgs Kg 2.5 3 4
Plant Protection
V Chemicals
Chloropyriphos 20% EC Ltrs 500 ml 2 3 4
Dimethoate Ltrs 500 ml 2 3 4
C.O.C. 50% WP Kgs 500 gr 2 2 2
4. GUAVA (3M X 3M) No. of Plants per Ha. 1111
Total Year wise Assistance per Ha.
Sl. Subsidy
Name of Sub-component Cost (in
No 1st year 2nd Year 3rd year (in Rs.)
(2020-21) (2021-22) (2022-23) per Ha.
Plant Material (@Rs30/- per
1 45000 13332 3336 1332 18000
2 Inputs
i FYM 10000 800 500 800 2100
ii Neem Cake / Vermicompost 12375 800 800 1200 2800
Inorganic fertilizers and Micro
iii 47310 1918 730 1534 4182
iv PP Chemicals/ Bio pesticides 20175 750 500 1000 2250
Implements (Secateurs, Spade,
v 1000 0 0 0 0
Pick axe)
Total of Inputs 90860 4268 2530 4534 11332
Remarks : The Total cost (Plant Material + Inputs) is restricted to 73327/- as per the norms of
NHM and the subsidy is 40% of the restricted amount.
5. POMEGRANATE (5 M X 3 M): No. of Plants per Ha. 667
Total Year wise Assistance per Ha.
Sl. Subsidy
Name of Sub-component Cost (in
No 1st year 2nd Year 3rd year (in Rs.)
(2020-21) (2021-22) (2022-23) per Ha.
Plant Material (@Rs25/- per
1 22525 6670 1670 670 9010
2 Inputs
i FYM 10000 1200 900 900 3000
Remarks : The Total cost (Plant Material + Inputs) is restricted to 66,680/- as per the norms of
NHM and the subsidy is 40% of the restricted amount i.e., Rs. 66,680/-.
Spacing: 6M X 6M No. of Plants per Ha. 278
Total Year wise Assistance per Ha.
Sl. Subsidy
Name of Sub-component Cost (in
No 1st year 2nd Year 3rd year (in Rs.)
(2020-21) (2021-22) (2022-23) per Ha.
Plant Material (@Rs25/- per
1 13125 3892 966 392 5250
2 Inputs
i FYM 10000 1000 500 500 2000
Remarks : The Total cost (Plant Material + Inputs) is restricted to 40,008/- as per the norms of
NHM and the subsidy is 40% of the restricted amount.
7. APPLE (4m X 4m) : Low Chilling varieties suitable for Subtropical
conditions like HRMN-99, etc.
No of Plants per Ha. : 625
No. of
Target Area achieved Amount To be
Allotted and entered in Released as per
entered in ED
ED login of entry in ED
COMP Assis login of
HORTNET for login of
FIN which release HORTNET and Rem
N S ni e (in PH which release
(Rs is now DMC approval arks
o / t Lakh Y is now
.in requested (Ha.) (Rs.)
CROPS ) (H requested
a) G S T G S T G S T
hs) To To To
e C S e C S e C S
tal tal tal
n P P n P P n P P
B. Area Expansion - Vegetables
Max. permissible
Sl.No Item Pattern of Assistance
1 Vegetables
i) Hybrid Rs.50,000/ ha 40% of the cost.
Subsidy Maximum 1 Ha. / beneficiary
Total Farmer
S. permissible contribution
Component per Acre subsidy to whom to be released
No cost per @ 0.20 paise
@ 40%
Acre (in Rs.) per seedling
1. Non-subsidy an amount of Rs. 1280/-
per acre shall be paid in favour of ADH-
Seedlings @ 1.25 rupee COE, Jeedimetla / ADH-COE, Mulugu in
1 per Seedlings (Rs. 1.25 8000 6720 1280 the form of Demand Draft and the same
rupee x 6400 = 8000) should be submit to the ADH-COE,
Jeedimetla / ADH-COE, Mulugu at the
time of lifting seedlings under intimation to
the Head Office.
3. The transportation charges of Rs. 500/-
per Acre shall be released to the concerned
Inputs (Fertilizers & DHSOs
4 8125 0 8125 4. Available interest funds may be utilized
towards meeting transportation charges by
the DHSOs for time being and same shall be
reimbursement to DHSOs on submission of
TOTAL 20000 8000 12000 bills and incorporating in HORTNET
xii. The inputs (INM / IPM) required for the cultivation are to be supplied as
per the recommended doses given by the local scientists of Horticulture
xiii. The DHSOs are not permitted to inter change the budget allocation among
the sub components and should claim the subsidy as per the indicators
given for each component.
xiv. The cost involved in components like preparation of land, planting,
staking, labour cost and intercultural operations should be borne by the
xv. The identified beneficiaries should be uploaded in the HORTNET.
xvi. The CLHSO is responsible for proper inspection, certification of invoice,
and obtaining digital photograph of farmers along with material supplied
on subsidy in their Jurisdiction.
xvii. Priority should be given to woman farmers and SHG groups.
xviii. The CLHSO should record the data on production / productivity after
adoption of latest technology in cluster by farmers.
xix. Micro irrigation is to be tied up with TSMIP wherever feasible for getting
better yields.
xx. The District officers shall send the beneficiary list along with DMC
approval to the Head office, after planting for release of Subsidy after
uploading the beneficiary information in Hortnet.
All District officers should send information in the annexure prescribed
below for release of subsidy along with DMC approval.
Target No. of Area achieved
Amount To be
Allotted beneficiaries and entered in
Released as per
entered in ED ED login of
entry in ED login
Assist login of HORTNET for
S. ance PH HORTNET for which release is
NENTS ni (Rs.i DMC approval
No (in Y which release is now requested
/ CROPS t n (Rs.)
Lakh) (H now requested (Ha.)
a) S T S T S T
hs) G To G To G To
en tal en tal en tal
Subsidy amount in Rs.
No of Extent
Sl.No Agency Farmer Transportation
farmers in Ha Total
share share charges
C. Area Expansion- Spices:
Area Expansion:
II. 2nd year & 3rd year maintenance
A. 2nd Year maintenance of plantations established during 2018-19
The beneficiaries have to take up gap filling on their own to maintain 90%
of the survival garden under 3rd year maintenance.
While calculating the total cost as per the package, the subsidy amount
indicated for each sub-component under IPM / INM should be strictly
followed and no diversification of funds from one input to another is
allowed i.e., from Bio pesticide to chemical pesticide/organic manures to
inorganic fertilizers etc.
Before extending input assistance to the beneficiaries under 2nd and 3rd
year maintenance, DMC should take necessary proactive steps so that
beneficiary shall be motivated to take up gap filling on his/her own to
maintain 75% and 90% survival under 2nd& 3rd year respectively.
The identified beneficiaries should be uploaded in the HORTNET.
The District officers shall send the beneficiary list along with DMC
approval to the Head office for release of Subsidy after uploading the
beneficiary information in Hortnet.
The Head office will release the Subsidy to the farmers account directly
through online.
100% inspections by HO is mandatory. Whereas, DHSOs should inspect
a minimum of 50% of beneficiary’s fields.
Objective: Farm ponds are the man-made tanks constructed for storage
of water in the farmers’ field during rainy season from canals, bore wells etc.,
and to provide lifesaving irrigation to the crops or orchards during peak / critical
stages of summer to save the plants from drying up.
These are constructed by excavating the soil and depositing the earth on
the banks to form bund. The HDPE geo-membrane sheet is laid in the excavated
pond to arrest seepage and infiltration losses.
Pattern of Assistance:
Item Cost Norms Pattern of Assistance
Water harvesting
50% of cost including 300/500 micron
system for
plastic/RCC lining. For smaller size of the
individuals- for Rs. 1.50
ponds/dug wells, cost will be admissible on
1 storage of water in lakh/unit for
pro rata basis depending upon the command
20mx20mx3m 20mx20mx3m
area. Maintenance will be ensured by the
ponds @ Rs.125/-
The ponds should be provided 1.5 :1 slope.
The DHSO/ Ho should ensure that the command area is proportionate to
the size/ volume of community farm pond proposed.
The DHSO/HO should ensure that, the farmer has to provide required
bund area for his/her farm pond.
The volume of the farm ponds may be worked out by the following
Mark out the outer corner of the selected field using pegs
Measure the bottom dimension of the pond by calculating depth and
slope ratio. It appears in center of the outer corner of the selected site
and marked it excavation process.
Excavate inner marked area first up to desired depth.
After that, excavate rest area in inclined manner from one edge of
bottom to top of the outer edge of same side and repeat the same for next
three sides.
Spread the excavated soil in the depressions for leveling and also on
edges to make bunds of desired height from ground level.
Level the excavated pond in order to suppress the angular projection.
Cut soil must be sealed or compacted unless the site is dug into a tight,
clay formation so that film could be saved from puncture caused by these
After compaction, the whole area of pond should be treated with 4%
atrazine (Weedicide solution) so that the plastic film could be saved
from puncture caused by root infestation.
After that all surface of pond should be smoothened properly.
Excavate a trench of one cubic feet size on top of the bund at distance of
0.75-1.0 m from the inner edge of the pond for anchoring the HDPE film.
This lining material shall be UV light resistant and one of the best
available to last many years (generally 100 plus). It is used in lining
under gasoline storage tanks, public dumps, toxic settling ponds,
aquaculture ponds, etc. It can be heat-welded together. A minimum of
0.5 mm (500 micron) film is best suited for regular ponds.
D) Pointing over the film
To protect the film from damage pointing over the laid film is required.
Generally, locally available material / easily available material to be used
• Over laying works can be done in many ways but most suitable
and economic ways are one of them is overlaying brick alone
completely on all four sides, bunds and bottom of the lined tank.
Secondly construct a brick work frame of size 2’ x 2’ and place mortar
of cement and soil (1:8) inside the frame.
• Install water inlet and outlet pipes duly fixing them in brick masonry
post over laid plastic film and to measure the discharge of water from
the tanks, a ‘V’- notch weir can be constructed.
• Drainage channel all along the border of the field is formed
according to the gradient/slope.
• Live grass/ Turf is established on the bunds of the pond to prevent
soil erosion.
Procedure to be followed for executing of Farm Ponds for the year
8. District Officer should obtain DMC approval for the list of feasible
beneficiaries identified for farm ponds.
9. After obtaining DMC approval, the DHSO shall issue work order to the
empanelled Agency / farmer.
10. The farmers are given choice to choose firms either from
empanelled/non empanelled to procure/purchase of Geo-membrane
sheet but, the sheet should be as per specifications i.e., BIS-
10889:2004/BIS-15351:2015 etc., for 300 Microns/500 Microns and
the same specification of the sheet laid in farm pond should be
depicted & clearly visible in the photographs which is uploaded in
11. The subsidy will only be released after fixing the fencing and name board
at Farm Pond.
12. MI Engineer will take the MB record and Check measurement will Be done
by Horticulture Officer.
13. The format for joint inspection is annexed.
14. Super check by DHSOs – 100% verification by DHSO is mandatory.
15. After completion of execution of farm pond MI Engineer and concerned
Horticulture office will issue the completion certificate along with
photograph for record purpose at district level to the DHSO
16. DHSO will inspect the farm pond a l o n g w i t h c o n c e r n e d H O and
inspection report along with the DMC approval will be sent to the SHM
Office by recommending for release of subsidy to the beneficiary.
17. The DHSO shall submit release proposals along with a copy of DMC
approval to the Head Office for release of subsidy to the beneficiary.
18. Propper documentation to be made at HO and District level. Necessary
land, identity & bank documents of the beneficiary (Photocopies), MB
measurements, Joint inspection report, bills/vouchers and at least 03
photographs for each farm pond (Fencing, display board and BIS/ISI
mark should be depicted in photographs) to be maintained in the
19. All the farm ponds should be integrated with Micro irrigation. Under
such conditions installation of sand filter is mandatory.
20. Fencing & Erection of display board are mandatory.
21. The fencing should be done by the farmer with his own cost.
22. A Display board (Iron) of size 2’x2’ ft containing the following
information in Telugu should be placed near the farm pond.
Department of Horticulture
Mission for Integrated development of Horticulture (MIDH)
Name of farmer:
Extent of land & crop:
Type of Farm Pond: Individual / Community
Size of pond :
Capacity of pond (litres):
Total expenditure: Rs.
Subsidy amount: Rs.
Non subsidy amount: Rs.
Year of sanction:
Name of the
Total subsidy as per
Beneficiary, Volume Actual
Dimensions of the farm Expen MIDH Norms
Village & of the command
pond (m) diture @ Rs.62.5 per
Mandal & Pond area (Ha)
(in Rs.) cubic meter
Survey No
(in Rs.)
(length X width)
(length X width)
At Ground level
(length X width)
Pattern of Assistance:
S. Max permissible
Item Pattern of Assistance
No Cost
50% of the unit cost i.e., Rs.422.00
Rs.844 per sqm per sqm.
Naturally Ventilated
1 (>2080sqm to
Poly house (Tubular) Maximum eligibility is 4000 sqm
per beneficiary
Enhancing productivity.
Promotion of high value Horticulture crops under poly houses
Year round production of floricultural crops and off season production of
vegetables & fruit crops.
East and South for the sun is excellent for the green house, which can
remain open on both these sides, but it should be shaded on the north and the
west to protect from winds.
I. General Guidelines & Procedure to apply for assistance
1. The cases shall be entertained on First Come First Serve Basis.
2. The applicant shall be responsible for the completion of all required
documents. Incomplete documents do not entitle applicant to avail
assistance. The application shall be considered only after submission
of all the documents.
3. Farmer will apply to concerned DHSO office through HO of concerned
block with complete required documents as per check-list.
4. DHSO will scrutinize the applications and shall submit to Head office
along with DMC approval for placing before SLEC.
5. Head office will issue administrative sanction letter after approval from
6. In case of finance by Bank, the DHSO will verify the documents. If
found as per check-list, will send second copy to the bank with pre-
sanction letter to bank for sanctioning the loan of the project.
7. Bank after sanctioning the loan amount of project will send a copy of
sanction letter and appraisal report to DHSO for the sanction of
project. The date of receiving of appraisal report in DHSO office shall
be treated as first day of application and will be considered based on
available targets.
8. All the cases must be entered through online on HORTNET in case
assistance is to be availed under MIDH scheme.
9. The programme for protected cultivation should be taken up in close
coordination with the Precision Farming Development Centre (PFDC),
means they live separate from parents and this can be verified by
means of Aadhaar card and/or Voter ID Card or Driving License or
separate ration card having in all the cases separate address to that of
their parents.
6. Department promotes cluster and for that farmers of Telangana State
can take land on lease. But in all such cases the cluster projects
should be bankable. The combined amount of assistance to such
cluster projects should not increase 20% of the total financial targets
of that district.
7. Only those applicants are eligible to apply who did not avail assistance
on account of Protected Cultivation in his/her name/spouse name or
in name of dependent member of his/her family from any Government
agency. Further those applicants or dependent family members who
have been availed assistance under this component at anytime,
anywhere in Telangana State are not eligible.
A display board depicting “Department of Horticulture”, Telangana
State (Assisted Green House with logo of MIDH).
The payment of subsidy will be made in 2 installments. First
installment will be released after receiving satisfactory Joint
Inspection Team (JIT) report of completion of erection of poly
house in all aspects as per technical standards. The second
installment will be released by SHM after receiving satisfactory
JIT report for project completion and commencement of
commercial production.
The Joint Inspection Team will comprise of DHSO, HO Concerned,
representative from lending bank (if bank assisted), Scientist from
PFDC, PJTSAU, Hyd, Sr. Officer from Head office and
representative from 3rd party.
Assistance should not be availed from any Government department.
An affidavit duly notarized Rs. 100 stamp paper (format enclosed) to
be collected from the farmer along with the proposal.
Under Poly Houses, flowers, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic
plants, spices etc. should be considered for cultivation.
The proposals for construction of Poly House may also be implemented
in project mode with credit link back ended subsidy.
Documentation with photo graphs to be done at various stages of
erection of Poly House and submit to State MIDH cell along with joint
inspection report duly indicating the Name of the beneficiary, Extent,
Village and Mandal.
The photograph should clearly depict the board, unit, farmer and also
committee members of joint inspection team.
The beneficiary should utilize the structure for a period of 15 years for
the purpose it was sanctioned.
from 3rd party after completion of erection of poly house in all aspects
as per technical specifications of MIDH. This inspection will be
conducted after call from farmer/firm in written to DHSO of the
District with assurance that the erection of poly house has been
completed as per technical specifications of MIDH. In case of bankable
cases joint Inspection team along with Banker shall carry out the
b. 2nd & Final inspection: 2nd & final inspection shall be conducted by
JIT after project completion and commencement of commercial
production in the structure.
c. The DHSO/ HO should inspect the site at least on monthly basis and
should guide the farmer in all aspects like maintenance of poly house,
production practices, marketing status etc.,
IX. Insurance of Poly house: The insurance of Poly house is mandatory and is
the responsibility of farmer. Submission of insurance certificate is mandatory
for release of 1st installment subsidy.
Name : S/o :
Village : Mandal :
District : Component :
Area In Sqmt : Assistance :
Year of Sanction :
Technical specifications for naturally ventilated Poly House.
** Products with BIS standards only are accepted.
Items Description / specifications
Product Naturally ventilated green house/ Poly house
Size 2080-4000 sq.mts
Orientation Preferably North South gutter direction
Width of each bay 8 meters
Distance between consecutive 4.0 m
column pipes
Items Description / specifications
50mm OD with 2mm thickness. Bracing 33mm
Trusses member/ Arch’s OD with 2.0mm thickness G.I. Pipe Structural
members to be fitted in plated nuts, bolts and
washers without welding. (33 mm bracing to
increase the strength and to with stand vertical
and horizontal pressures.)
Stay/ Hockey pipes 60mm OD with 2mm thickness, fixed in the
ground without any joints and welding at a
distance of 2.5 m.
Purline 48 mm OD with 2.0mm thickness at ridge gutter
arch and 42/43 OD with 2.0 mm thickness for
Purline member and other 43 mm,2mm thickness
Horizontal bracings 42mm OD with 2mm thickness horizontal bracing
2 No’s must provide each bay in both sides.
Every 3rd column top to 2ndcolumn bottomof both
Cross Bracing sides must be connected 42mm OD with 2mm
thickness GI pipe to ground the wind load. (In
vegetable Poly houses to take the weight of the
crop and transfer the wind pressure cross
bracings are essential).
Bottom to pillar Bracing 33mm OD with 2mm thickness 1.2m long bracing
to be fixed from pillar to bottom.
Insert GI Pipes of minimum 76mm OD 3mm
thickness with 1mm tapered top 1ft. or more to
Foundations have foundation depth of not less than100cm or
more depth depending upon soil type and
prevailing wind condition, grouted with cement
concrete mixture of 1:2:3 using telescopic
insertion of column.
GI Pipes of minimum 60 mm OD & 3mm thickness
(@4.20 kg/m)
Fasteners All nuts and bolts must be of high tensile strength
and HOT dip galvanized.
One entrance room of size 3x3x2.5 mts. (LxWxH)
Entrance room Indoor (not need to be provided and covered with Poly
required upto 560 sq.mt. from carbonate UV stabilized transparent with sliding
1000sq. mts it is required.) arrangement. Outer hinge door of size 1.5m width
and 2.5m height and sliding type.
UV stabilized 200 micron 5 layers co-extruded anti
Cladding material (Poly film) drip/mist, anti dust, diffused/ IR blocking
(sulphur resistant for Rose) having minimum 85%
level of light transmittance.
All ends/ joints of plastic film need to be fixed with
Fixing of cladding materials two way aluminium (220grams/RM) / GI with 0.6
mm thickness profiles with suitable locking
Items Description / specifications
arrangements along with curtain top. Fixing of
cladding material shall be done between 11.00 AM
to 3.00 PM
Zig zag spring high carbon steel with spring action
Spring insert wire, galvanized of 2-3 mm diameter must be
inserted to fix shade net/ Polyfilm/ insect proof
net into aluminium / GI profile.
i)UV stabilized 200 micron 5 layers co-extruded
transparent plastic film should be provided as
curtains on all sides having manual operated
Curtains and insect screens crank mechanism.
(mono x mono is nylon fibre, ii) 40 mesh (115 to 120gsm) nylon /shade insect
inter locked, woven mesh, more proof nets (UV stabilized), of 4.5 mts height above
life) all four sides upto gutter height (crop specific).
iii)50% Mono x Mono shade net of 125 GSM,
should be fixed at side ventilators below the
curtains. Rollup side GI pipes with uniform
thickness throughout the side length of GH are
suggested to ensure smooth functioning of the
MI Component
Indicative Quantity of Material of Drip/Fogging System in Polyhouse/ Net
House (as per the crop requirements)
** Products with BIS standards only are accepted.
A Drip System
1 Main and Sub-main Line PVC 63 mm x 4 kg/cm2 Meter
2 Main Line PVC 75 mm x 4 kg/cm2 Meter
3 16mm LLDPE Lateral line CL-2 Meter
4 Inline 16mm PCND, 1.3 to 2.4LPH @ 20-40 cm CL2 Meter
5 Ball Valve 63 mm (Moulded Seal, Plain) Nos.
6 Ball Valve 75 mm (Moulded Seal, Plain) Nos.
7 Sub-main Flush Valve 40mm Nos.
8 Sub-main Line for Flushing 40 mm X 6 kg Meter
B Fogging Machine
1 Main and Sub-main Line PVC 50 mm x 6 kg/cm2 Meter
2 Main and Sub-main Line PVC 63 mm x 6 kg/cm2 Meter
3 16mm LLDPE Lateral line Meter
4 4 way Fogger Assembly with HP LPD Nos.
5 Ball Valve 50mm (Teflon Seal, Plain) Nos.
6 Ball Valve 63mm (Teflon Seal, Plain) Nos.
7 Sub-main Flush Valve 40mm Nos.
8 GI Wire 2mm thick Meter
9 Sub-main Line for Flushing 40 mm X 6 kg Meter
C Filtration Unit Nos.
1 Disc filter 25 m3/hr Nos.
2 Disc filter 40 m3/hr Nos.
3 Sand filter 10 m3/hr Nos.
4 Sand filter 25m3/hr Nos.
5 Sand filter 40 m3/hr Nos.
6 Manifold GI + GMV Nos.
7 Ventury Assembly Complete Nos.
8 Air Release Valve Assembly 1" Nos.
The list above under MI component is tentative. However, the actual
material to be used at site may vary as per structural design
requirement and this will be binding to the firm.
FORMAT – I Recent
Application for Availing Assistance / Subsidy Under MIDH Passport
Through State Horticulture Mission Size
Name of the Scheme: Protected Cultivation Photograp
Check list:
1. Pattadar Pass Book/Original Computer pahani
2. Detailed Project Estimate
3. Soil & Water Analysis
4. Affidavit
Documents to be
Description submitted by / Action to
be taken
1 Application Form –Format-I
2 Soil & Water Analysis Water Report
3 Affidavit – Format – II Farmer
4 Pattadar Pass Book Copy
5 Project Estimate as per MIDH norms
2) That the terms and conditions of the scheme of MIDH under which an
application has been made by the applicant have been properly read and
understood by me and I affirm that the Green House / proposal / scheme
comply with the terms and condition of MIDH and the application has been
made in the correct applicable scheme.
4) That the information provided in the application for availing assistance under
developmental schemes – _____________________ is true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief. The estimates of the cost of Green House / proposal
/ scheme, financial viability and operating results have been worked out /
computed as per the rule and generally accepted principles and norms in this
6) I / We also solemnly affirm that the proposed activity in the application for
availing assistance under development Schemes ______________________ is a
completely new activity and not a pre – existing activity or any Component
thereof and further I assure that the unit will be utilized for the same activity
for which the assistance is sought from the MIDH through State Horticulture
Mission of Telangana for the economic period of 15 years. In case, if the unit is
misused I am liable for any action deemed to be fit by the Govt. of Telangana
including recovery of the assistance amount extended. The information
furnished in the application dated ___________ is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed.
7) In case of concealment of any facts in this regard, the MIDH would have right
to cancel my application out right at any stage.
10) I agree and resolve that the department reserves the right to modify, add or
delete any term/ condition without assigning any reason thereof and shall also
have right to pre and post inspect / monitor the Poly House and verify the
related records at any time during the economic life of the Poly House by the
concerned officers.
Format - III
Dt: ………2020
………………….. District
S.No Name of the Item Quantity Rate
Name :
Seal :
Cell No. :
Format – IV
1) This is to certify that the above farmer has erected/ installed Poly House
as per the Technical standards of MIDH.
2) This is to certify that all the original purchase bills of the items for
Expenditure incurred have been verified and found correct.
Scientist from PFDC Sr. Officer from Head Office 3rd party member
Format – V
1) This is to certify that the above farmer has erected/ installed Poly House
as per the Technical standards of MIDH. The commercial production of poly
house has been started.
2) This is to certify that all the original purchase bills of the items for
Expenditure incurred have been verified and found correct.
3) This is to certify that the above farmer is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs.
Scientist from PFDC Sr. Officer from Head Office 3rd party member
Mulching is a practice followed for conservation of soil moisture, to check
weed growth and to improve the quality and yield of Horticulture crops. Some
of the tips for plastic mulching are
The farmers are suggested to use different colours of mulching sheet
i.e., Black & White (summer season), Black & Silver (Kharif and Rabi
Transparent mulch is recommended compared to black mulch as it
creates congenial microclimate for crop root zone.
Soil temperature profile varies under transparent and black mulches
and hence for deep rooted crops black mulch is recommended.
To remove the mulch sheet the farmers should wet the Soil before
ploughing the mulching sheet after completion of the cropping.
Burning of mulching sheet should be avoided and it should be disposed
for recycling.
Thickness of Film:
In plastic mulching, the thickness of mulch film should be in accordance
with type & age of crops. Economics suggest that the film thickness should be
the minimum possible commensurate with desired life & strength. The
recommended thickness of mulch films for different crops is as under:
Mulching area should preferably be equivalent to the canopy of the plant (larger
the canopy, larger the area of mulching and vice versa).
Terms & Conditions:
Increasing the reach of farm mechanization to small and marginal
farmers and to the regions where availability of farm power is low.
Creating hubs for hi-tech & high value farm equipment.
Provide financial assistance to farmers for procurement of farm
machinery and implements.
S. Name of the Maximum
Particulars Cost Rs Pattern of assistance
No Equipment Subsidy
in Lakh
1 Tractors up to 20 PTO 3.00 lakh 25% of the cost subject to a Gen –
HP per unit maximum of Rs.0.75 lakh/unit Rs.75,000/-
for general category farmers per Unit &
and in the case if SC, ST Small SC/ST/W/
& Marginal farmers, Women SF/MF- Rs.
farmers 35% of the cost subject 1.00 Lakh/
of a maximum of Rs.1.00 Unit
lakh/unit. (whichever is less in
both cases)
2 Sowing, Brush Rs.0.30 40 % of the Cost, Subject to a Gen –
planting, Cutters lakh/unit maximum of Rs. 0.12 Rs.12,000/-
reaping and lakh/unit for general category per Unit &
digging farmers and 50% of the Cost in SC/ST/W/
equipments case of SC, ST, Small and SF/MF- Rs.
marginal farmers, women 15,000/- per
farmers, subject to max. of Unit
Rs.0.15 lakh per unit
(whichever is less in both cases)
3 PP equipment Tractor Rs. 1.26 40% of the Cost, subject to a Gen –
mounted / lakh/unit maximum of Rs.0.50 lakh/unit Rs.50,000/-
operated for general category farmers, per Unit &
sprayer and 50% of the cost in the case SC/ST/W/
(above 35 if SC, ST, Small & Marginal SF/MF-
BHP) / farmers, women farmers, Rs. 63,000/-
Electrostatic subject of a maximum of Rs. per Unit
sprayer 0.63 lakh/unit (whichever is
less in both cases)
All the DHSOs/ HOs are directed to give wide publicity of Farm
Mechanization & PP equipment under MIDH programme.
1. The farmers having orchards are only eligible for the component of
Horticulture Mechanization. The identified beneficiaries should be
uploaded in the HORTNET.
2. The application should be collected by the concerned HO and the DHSO
will scrutinize it.
3. The DHSO/ HO should ensure that, the beneficiary has not claimed
subsidy for the same unit under any other schemes (including Agriculture
4. The empanelled firms approved by M/s. TSAIDC, Hyderabad and their
dealers are only eligible to supply farm machinery. The empanelled
companies should be registered in HORTNET with their bank account
details through concerned DHSOs.
5. The empanelled companies who get their equipment tested either from
FMTTI (Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute) Geraldine A.P. or
Designated Institute from DAC are only eligible for subsidy.
6. All the companies / Authorized Dealers should furnish bank account
numbers along with the IFSC codes to concerned DHSOs for online
transfer of amounts of non-subsidy amount through RTGS only.
7. The empanelled companies list along with the prices should be made
available to the farmers. The choice of the farmer in selection of the firms
should be given priority.
8. After the selection of the firm and its make, the concerned HO/ DHSO
should explain the details of subsidy and non-subsidy particulars to the
identified beneficiaries, who are enrolled in the scheme.
9. The identified farmers should pay the non-subsidy amount in shape of
DD drawn in favour of concerned DHSO.
10. The concerned DHSO shall take DMC approval for selected beneficiaries
and will issue a purchase order along with the non-subsidy amount to
the approved firm / authorized dealer (empanelled through TSAIDC,
Hyderabad) with a copy marked to concerned farmer.
11. Issue of purchase order without non-subsidy amount cannot be
12. The firm should deliver the desired make of the machinery to the farmer.
13. The original invoices / bills and purchase order of the concerned firms /
authorized dealer empanelled through Agros will be retained at concerned
DHSO office only.
14. The DHSOs will send final proceeding along with annexure approved by
District Collector to the Head Office for effecting the payment to the
concerned firms / authorized dealer empanelled through Agros.
15. During disbursement of the machinery to the farmer, concerned HO,
DHSO and concerned firm representative / authorized dealer should take
a digital photo along with the machinery and the same is to be uploaded
16. The subsidy amounts will be released to the approved firms / authorized
through online transfer by the Head office.
17. The District officers should strictly follow the SC/ST allocations while
implementing scheme.
18. The District Officers should see that the entire physical & financial targets
are to be achieved as per time line, duly following the norms & guidelines
without any deviation.
Target No. of beneficiaries No of Units achieved
Allotted Amount To be Released
entered in ED login of and entered in ED
as per entry in ED
Assis HORTNET for which login of HORTNET for
Nam FI login of HORTNET and
S. U tance release is now which release is now
e of N DMC approval (Rs.)
N ni (in PH requested requested (Ha/No.)
equip (Rs
o t Lakh Y
ment .in
La To To To
a) e /M C S e /M C S e /M C S
kh tal tal tal
n F P P n F P P n F P P
Under post-harvest management, activities like handling, grading, pre-
conditioning, packaging, transient storage, transportation, distribution, curing
and ripening and where possible long term storage can be taken up. Existing
schemes of the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) and National
Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) will be leveraged to the extent
possible. MIDH would include projects relating to establishment of pre-cooling
units, 'on-farm' pack houses, staging cold rooms, cold storage units with and
without controlled atmosphere capability, integrated cold chain system, supply
of refrigerated vans, refrigerated containers, primary/mobile processing units,
ripening chambers, evaporative/low energy cool chambers, preservation units,
onion storage units and zero energy cool chambers. These projects will be
entrepreneur driven and provided credit linked back-ended subsidy.
PSUs/Government agencies/Cooperatives/growers' association
recognized/registered by the DMCs, having at least 25 members, will also be
entitled to avail assistance for such activities. They may avail back ended
subsidy without credit link, subject to condition that they are able to meet their
share of the project cost.
5) After receipt of all documents DHM approval has to be obtained.
6) The DHSO should forward the project proposals in 3 sets (Cold
Storages / Ripening Chambers / Integrated Pack Houses, etc.,)
along with the check list duly signed by the DHSO, preliminary
inspection report and DMC approval. If any documents are not
submitted proper justification has to be given for not submitting
the documents.
7) As the bank consent letter, bank appraisal report and affidavit are
most essential documents, the DHSO should verify these
documents with originals and DHSO should attest the duplicate
copies before submitting the project proposals to this office.
4) Joint Inspection
1) It is the responsibility of the DHSO to coordinate with all the
members as constituted in the team for conducting joint inspection.
2) The relevant proformas should be properly filled and subsidy has
to be recommended for release.
1) The DHSO should periodically visit and inspect the unit to see that
whether the unit is being utilized for the purpose for which it is
6) Time Frame for Implementation of PHM Projects
Sl.No. Component No. of days
1. Verification of project proposal with 10 days from the date of receipt of
check list proposal
2. Intimation to the promoter if all
documents are not submitted
3. Inspection by HO / DHSO
4. Obtaining required documents from Within 7 days after verification of the
if any promoter as per check list application
5 Application form filing in hortnet Within 7 days after getting
application form with full details
5. Obtaining DMC approval
6. Forwarding to State cell Within 2 days after obtaining DMC
7. Techno Economic Viability Study by Within 15 days
the Technical consultant
8. After obtaining Techno Economic Viability Report – Project to be placed in
After the project is approved in SLEC of State cell & MIDH and
Administrative sanction order shall be issued.
9. Periodical inspection by DHSO Monthly intervals
After completion of the project (After the promoter has taken up all
suggestions given by technical consultants in Techno Economic
Viability Report and after the energy audit is completed)
10. DHSO to recommend for Within a week after completion of
constitution of joint inspection civil works & machinery installation.
11. After joint inspection team is Within 7 days after constitution of
constituted DHSO to coordinate with joint inspection.
all the members and arrange for
joint inspection
12. Submission of release proposals Within a week after completion of
along with joint inspection report & joint inspection
DMC approval for 1 instalment
After commercial commencement of the project
The DHSO shall obtain the coefficient of performance sheet in respect of
electricity / refrigeration load from promoter and submit the same to State
cell for conducting energy audit by the technical consultant and also
DHSO shall see that data logger / PLCs are installed by the promoter as
mentioned in technical standards
As the following documents are mandatory the DHSO shall obtain the
same for seeking techno viability advice before placing the project in SLEC:
1. Heat load calculation sheet during loading period, pull down period,
holding period in accordance to technical standards and guidelines
duly certified by the engineer.
2. Detailed coefficient performance sheet during peak load, holding period
and lean period duly certified by the engineer.
3. Layout of the proposed cold storage unit in accordance to the statutory
building by laws and building codes and standards duly approved by a
registered architect and structural engineer.
4. Technical data sheets of each equipment namely compressors,
condensers, cooling towers, Air cooling units giving general layout,
dimensions, material of construction, rated capacity, operating
parameters and COP duly certified by respective equipment
manufactures with respect to relevant codes and standards.
The DHSO shall also see that additional compressors and humidifiers are
installed in multi chambered Cold Storage to have at least 10% of space for
storage of Fruits & Vegetables, as most of the cold storages are proposed for
storing chillies, tamarind and agriculture produce. The non-providing of
space in cold storage for storage of fruits &vegetables is being pointed out
in almost all Techno Economical Viability Study reports.
The project proposal received in State cell from the DHSO with all the above
required documents shall be forwarded to the technical consultants for
Techno economic Viability study.
The project proposals that are technically and economically viable shall be
placed before the SLEC for approval.
In principal sanctions / administrative sanctions shall be issued to the
projects that are sanctioned by the SLEC.
The DHSOs after receiving the In principal sanctions, shall inspect the site
periodically and to inform the suggestions / remarks given by the technical
consultant in techno economic viability report to the promoter and confirm
the compliance of the same to head office.
The payment of back-ended subsidy will be made in 2 installments. First
installment will be released after receiving satisfactory Joint Inspection
Report (JIT) report of completion of civil works and installation of
machinery/equipment as per technical standards. The second installment
will be released by SHMs after receiving satisfactory JIT report for project
completion and commencement of commercial production.
The Joint Inspection Team will comprise of DHSO, HO Concerned,
representative from lending bank, technical expert (TSG member), Sr.
Officer from Head office and representative from 3rd party.
The promoter / DHSO/ Banker should scrupulously the follow the terms &
conditions communicated along with administrative sanction proceedings &
release proceedings.
After completion of the project, the DHSO shall recommend through a letter
for joint inspection of the project along with bank disbursement statement
/ completion letter from Banker.
The DHSO shall submit the proposals for constitution of joint inspection
team for 1st installment subsidy after completion civil works and machinery
The DHSO to coordinate the JIT and submit release proposals along with
joint inspection report in format -V (A) (CS), V (B) (CS), V (C) (CS), V (D) (CS)
& V (E) (CS) and DMC approval.
Basing on the release proposals of the DHSO concerned the State cell shall
release 1st installment subsidy to the subsidy reserve fund account of
concerned bank of the promoter.
DHSO should ensure that promoters shall allow 20% of horticulture
produce of the concerned district farmers.
The DHSO shall submit the proposals for constitution of joint inspection
team for 2nd installment subsidy after commercial commencement of the
unit and energy audit.
The DHSO to coordinate the JIT and submit release proposals along with
joint inspection report in format -V (F) (CS) along with energy audit report,
and DMC approval.
Basing on the release proposals of the DHSO concerned the State cell shall
release 2nd installment subsidy to the subsidy reserve fund account of
concerned bank of the promoter.
Terms & Conditions:
1. The project should have clear cut backward linkages to provide assured market
to the producers.
2. The promoter should ensure that project Cold Storage/ Ripening Chamber
should be as per technical standards stipulated by the Department.
3. The Banker’s letter should have details of term loan sanctioned and disbursed,
statement of term loan account and that no other subsidy was availed for the
same project.
4. The DHSO should forward the letter of the Banker after verification of the
project and satisfying himself in all respects regarding establishment of the
5. The subsidy is purely credit linked and back – ended.
6. The payment of back-ended subsidy will be made in 2 installments. First
installment will be released after receiving satisfactory Joint Inspection
Report (JIT) report of completion of civil works and installation of
machinery/equipment as per technical standards. The second installment
will be released by SHMs after receiving satisfactory JIT report for project
completion and commencement of commercial production. The Joint
Inspection Team will comprise of members from lending bank, technical
expert, SHM and District Administration.
7. The project must be successfully completed according to the terms and
conditions of the loan / as per the approved project report and technical
standards prescribed by the MIDH. The release is subject to the strength of
the joint inspection report, norms & term loan etc., as the case may be and
as per the availability of funds.
8. The promoter shall not claim subsidy from any other State / Central
Government dept./agency/aurtority/other for the same unit. The
Department will initiate recovery proceedings under RR Act. If there is any
deviation to this condition.
9. Tending Bank should submit the utilization certificate to the State
Horticulture Mission after utilization of subsidy released.
10. The subsidy assistance released by State Horticulture Mission to Bank shall
be kept under separate head “subsidy reserve account with a tenure not less
than 3 years”. The adjustment of subsidy will be on the pattern of back ended
subsidy wherein the full project cost including the subsidy amount but
excluding the margin money contribution from beneficiary would be
disbursed as loan by the banks. The repayment schedule will be drawn on
the loan amount in such a way that the subsidy amount is adjusted after the
bank term loan portion (excluding subsidy) is liquidated.
11. The subsidy admissible to the borrower under the scheme will be kept in the
subsidy reserve fund A/c – borrower – wise in the books of the concerned
financing bank. No interest will be applied on subsidy portion by the bank.
The balance lying to the credit of the subsidy reserve fund A/c will not form
part of demand and time liabilities for the purpose of SLR/CRR. Instructions
issued by the RBI from time to time should be followed.
12. The concerned banker should send the Bank Statement of the firm at every
six months and If the unit is cancelled for any reasons thereof within the
stipulated time, (minimum 10 years) after receipt of total subsidy amount
from the Department the banker should return the amount to State
Horticulture Mission.
13. The release of subsidy is subject to CA certificate, valuation report, actual
expenditure, receipts & inspection etc.,
14. In case if the Bank declares the term loan account as NPA due to nonpayment
of loan by the borrower or the project turning nonperforming assets during
term loan re-payment period would make the firm/promoter in-eligible for
getting back ended subsidy and the same is liable to be refunded by the
concerned bank to SHM account.
15. If the promoter intends to dispose the project with in a period of 10 years, he
has to repay the subsidy back to MIDH.
16. Change of Management / Proprietary ship of the project shall not be allowed
without prior consent or permission of the MIDH.
17. The unit should be utilized for the same activity for which assistance is
released for the economic period of 10 years. In case, if the unit is misused
for carrying on any activity other than the horticulture activities under the
scheme, the promoter /Director is liable for any action deemed fit including
recovery of the assistance amount.
18. The promoter shall adhere to the advices given in the Techno Economic
Viability report for release of subsidy.
19. Mission Director & Director of Horticulture, Telangana Hyderabad reserves
the right to modify, add or delete any term/condition without assigning any
reason thereof.
20. The promoter has to submit Affidavit to that effect i.e., the unit is utilised for
the purpose for which it is meant and in case any kind of misuse or
irregularities are observed in due course of period, the Commissioner of
Horticulture has right to recover the subsidy released. It came to notice
(during 5th SLEC) that R.B.I objectioned that the loan amount has taken by
the firm on the name of the farmer, but actually the loan amount was not
taken by the farmer. The firm owner drawn loan amount with mis-
interpretation of facts. If such cases are noticed by the Govt authorities,
criminal cases will be filed against the culprit and the entire subsidy will be
recovered back from the Bank.
21. In case of any discrepancy/ dispute, the decision of the Mission Director &
Director of Horticulture is final.
For the purpose of these guidelines, 3.4m3 (cubic meter) or 120 cubic feet
of temperature-controlled storage space created shall be equivalent to 1 MT
(metric ton) of storage capacity, irrespective of the product stored.
Cold storage type 1: Are cold stores with large chambers (>250MT each),
each designed for single product storage. These types of stores are designed for
bulk long-term storage (potato, spices, pulses, etc.). This storage has handling
system for unpackaged or soft packaged produce, or produce stored in bags or
bins (non-retail packaging). Produce on exiting such stores have to undergo
bulk shipping to processing plants or subsequent packaging process for making
consumer retail packages. These are seen to be primarily brick & mortar
structures with multi- layered fixed or mezzanine floors. They incorporate small
handling area or open sheds designed for one-time seasonal loading (during
harvest season), and for smaller volume off-loading to serve specific buyer
demand. They must incorporate air monitoring and ventilation mechanism for
controlled air replenishment, enabling them to counter produce induced
modified atmospheric parameters inside the storage chambers.
The extant guidelines, standards and data sheets, as published by NHB on
behalf of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, for cold storage projects
have been incorporated.
Format - I
1. Name of Project :
2. Type of Activity :
3. Objectives :
4. Purpose (Details of crops stored in cold :
Storages / Ripening Chamber are also to be given)
5. Location of the project with address :
a) Address for correspondence :
b) General area :
c) Hilly/Tribal area :
6. Constitution :
(Date of incorporation and relevant law alongwith a copy of articles and
memorandum of association, bylaws, partnership deed and registration
certificate whichever is applicable. Documentary proof regarding authorized /
paid up capital and promoters contribution.)
(a) Public Ltd. Company :
(b) Private Ltd. Company :
(c) Registered Society :
(d) Association :
(e) Federation :
(f) Producer Company :
(g) Proprietorship firm :
(h) Partnership concern :
7. Management :
10. Means of Finance
(a) Promoter Share :
(b) Bank Term loan :
(c) Subsidy :
(d) Quasi equity :
(e) Unsecured loan :
Total :
11. Details of Cost of Plant & Machinery/equipment supported by
12. Details of the Building construction and the cost duly certified.
14. Availability of raw material, name of the cluster and District along with
the major crops.
16. Forward linkages -Analysis of domestic and export markets, tie up made
for sale of Produce and branding aspect.
19. Financial Analysis – IRR, NPW, Cost benefit Ratio, Breakeven point,
DER, DSER, Projected balance sheet etc.
20. Insurance of the fixed assets
22. Name of the sponsoring bank along with the details of Techno-
economical appraisal reports, copy of sanction letter and
Detailed Project Report (DPR) as submitted to bank.
23. Affidavit of Rs. 100/- regarding Non-availing of subsidy from any other
Central/State Govt.Departments.
25. Details of the sustainability of the project with special reference to its
Capacity to generate income since only one time grant is admissible.
26. Implementation schedule.
Format – I (b) (CS/RC)
AT ____________________ DISTRICT ____________
1) Name of the Component & :
3) Purpose :
Date of Commencement :
Probable date/ month of completion:
7) Breakup of the Project Cost:
Format – II (CS/RC)
2) That the terms and conditions of the scheme of MIDH under which an
application has been made by the applicant have been properly read and
understood by me and I affirm that the project / proposal / scheme comply with
the terms and condition of MIDH and the application has been made in the correct
applicable scheme.
6) I / We also solemnly affirm that the proposed activity in the application for
availing assistance under development schemes - ______________________ is a
completely new activity and not a pre – existing activity or any component thereof
and further I assure that the unit will be utilized for the same activity for which
the assistance is sought from the MIDH through State MIDH Cell of Telangana
Govt. for the economic period of 15 years. In case, if the unit is misused I am
liable for any action deemed to be fit by the Govt. of Telangana including recovery
of the assistance amount extended. The information furnished in the application
dated ___________ is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
material has been concealed.
7) In case of concealment of any facts in this regard, the MIDH would have right
to cancel my application out right at any stage.
10) I agree and resolve that the department reserves the right to modify, add or
delete any term/ condition without assigning any reason thereof and shall also
have right to pre and post inspect / monitor the project and verify the related
records at any time during the economic life of the project by the concerned
Verified on solemn affirmation at _____________________ that the content of
the above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
material has been concealed.
Format – III (CS/RC)
false declaration / certification by me or any part of my declaration is
found to be incorrect, the Board may, in its discretion, take any actions
(including legal action) against me as deemed fit and proper.
(Sign of the Consultant)
With civil stamp
Format – IV
Date of Inspection:
A Component :
B Details of Project :
(i) Name of the project :
(ii) Address for communication :
with telephone No. :
This is to certify that the promoter has submitted project proposal along
with DPR and all relevant documents for Establishment of Cold storage unit. The
project proposal is as per the norms of MIDH and recommended for placing in
SLEC for approval.
A Component :
B Details of Project :
(i) Name of the project :
(ii) Address for communication :
with telephone No. :
Format – V (B) (CS)
Name of the Firm :
District :
Place :
Subsidy Account No & IFSC Code:
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Project Cost Actual investment
Sl. As
Particulars As per amount Promoters Remarks
No. appraised
project released Margin
report by money
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Cost on Land
2. Civil Works
3. Cost on Building
Cost on Plant &
Ethylene Gas
Generation System
6. Plastic Crates
Bank Manager /
(Field Officer)
With Seal
Format – V (C) (CS)
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Cold Storage Unit as per
the norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms & conditions
mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in
the Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation
of machinery/equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------.
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st
installment to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------,
IFSC Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
Promoter HO DHSO Sr. Officer from Head Office
Format – V (D) (CS)
Name of the Cold Storage:
Total No. of Chambers:
Number of Floors:
Chamber – I Chamber – II
Volume Volume
Len Wid Hei in Len Wid Hei in
Particulars Particulars
gth th ght Cubic gth th ght Cubic
Meters Meters
A.Cellar A. Cellar
Less -
Less - Machine Machine
Room Room
Net Volume Net Volume
B. Ground B. Ground
Floor Floor
Less Machine Machine
Room Room
Less Office Less Office
Space Space
New Volume New Volume
C. Floors C. Floors
Less Machine Machine
Room Room
Net Volume Net Volume
D. Total Net D. Total Net
Volume Volume
(A+B+C) (A+B+C)
E. Total Area
Chamber – I
Chamber – II
F. Capacity in
Total volume / Maximum
3.4 MT allowed (MT) 5000
Total Cost of Lakh
the Project
Maximum 8000
Cost per MT
allowed (Rs.)
Total Eligible 35% of
Subsidy (Capacity X per
(35% of cost) MT)
If the capacity is less than 5000 MT actual cost and capacity is considered for
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established cold storage unit as per the
norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms & conditions
mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in
the Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation
of machinery/equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------.
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st installment
to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------, IFSC
Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
FORMAT- V - (E) (CS)
Motor Type
Capacity of the Motor in H.P Make
Refrigeration Capacity in Kw/TR
Total No. of Compressors Installed
Total No. of Motors Installed
Total Capacity of Motors in HP
Type of Evaporative Coils
Total No. of AHU’s Installed
No. of Fans per Unit
Capacity of AHU in Kw/TR
Total Capacity of AHU’s In TR
Type of Condenser
Capacity of Condenser in TR
6 1.Humidifiers : Present / Not present :
2. Make / Model No. :
3. Type of Humidifiers :
7 Type of Doors
A Thickness of Insulation
B Insulation Material Used for the Door
With Density
8 Generator Make
Model No.
Capacity in KV
9 Material Handling Lift
10 Thickness of the Walls
11 Type of Insulation used for walls
Wall insulation Thickness/ Density Vapor
Barrier used –Details
12 Floor Insulation
13 Ceiling Insulation
Material used
Recommendation of Pre Inspecting Officer
14 Capacity of Transformer
15 Fire Safety Devices installed or not
16 Type of Commodities Stored
17 Brief info on the Market Potential
18 Any other Information
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Seed Infrastructure Unit
as per the norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms &
conditions mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in
the Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation
of machinery/equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------.
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st
installment to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------,
IFSC Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
(Project completion and commencement of commercial production of unit)
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Cold Storage unit as per
the Norms and MIDH guidelines.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the terms and conditions
laid down in administrative sanction order issued by Horticulture
3. This is to certify that the project has commenced commercial production
and running as per projections in DPR/TEVR.
4. The project eligible for total subsidy of Rs.___________ Lakhs and
Rs. ____________ Lakhs is recommended as 2nd installment.
TSG (Member) Sr. Officer from Head office Member from NABCONS
Format – VI
A. Identification
Name of CEO / MD
Phone / Mobile
Name of Manager / Contact Person
B. Basic Cold Store Design Considerations
ii) Fresh Air / Ventilation System
v) Machine Room & Utility Areas
Details Length (m) Width (m) Height (m)
Machine Room
Office Area
Toilets & Changing rooms
Any other
Water vapour transmission rate,
ng/Pa.sm, Max.
Water absorption after 24h
immersion, percentage by mass.
Relevant IS Code of Practice for
Thermal Insulation of Cold Store
Total Insulation Thickness (mm)
No. of layers &
Thickness / layer (mm)
Type of vapor barrier & thickness
Type of Bituminous/Sticking
Type of Cladding /
Covering/External Finish
Locking/Fixing & Sealing System in
case of Metal Skin Composite Panels
Any other info
ix) Material Handling
Proposed Practice: Manual / Semi Automated /Automated
Procedure Brief Description
Material Handling Procedures
& Equipments
Cap of Electric Elevator
Rating of motor (kW)
Any other device
Please attach a Plan & Layout of the proposed Cold Store unit in
accordance to the Statutory Building By-Laws and BIS Building Codes &
Standards duly approved by a Registered Architect and Structural Engineer. The
drawings should detail out insulation type, thickness and fixing
methodology in sectional details.
C. Heat Load Calculation of Cooling System – Summary
Ambient Conditions Summer Monsoon Winter
Dry Bulb Temperature (°C)
Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
Infiltration Load
Ventilation/ Fresh Air Load
Equipment Load - Fan
motors etc.
Total Load (kW/24 hrs)
Compressor Detail
Compressor Parameters Refrigeration Motor Remarks
Comp. Electric
Make & Nos. Evap. SST. Capacity Rating. Working
RPM Power.
Model / Cond. (KW) (KW) /Standby
Temp ( C)
Condenser Details
Parameters Condens Total
Condense Fan /Pump Remarks
Cond.Temp.(SDT) er Electric
r Make & Nos. Motor Working
/ in/out water Capacity Power
Model Rating /Standby
temp(OC) &flow (kW) (BkW)
Fan &
Cooling Pump Total
Parameters DB Cooling Remarks
Tower Capacity Electric
Nos. & WB Temp, Tower Working
Make & (CMH/LPS) Power
in/out water Capacity(KW) /Standby
Model & Motor (BkW)
(*) TD – Temperature difference between Evap. (SST) OC & Return Air (at
coil inlet).
Please attach Detailed Technical Data Sheets of each equipment namely
Compressors, Condensers, Cooling Towers, Air Cooling Units giving General
Layout, Dimensions, Material of Construction, Rated Capacity, Operating
Parameters and COP (please note that the Air Cooling Unit data sheet should
include heat transfer area, fin spacing, no. of rows, air flow, face velocity, fan
static, air throw, Fan Motor BKW/KW, fin spacing, etc ) duly Certified by the
respective equipment manufacturers with reference to the Relevant Codes &
Electrical Instillation
Total Connected load (kW)
Estimated power requirement at Peak Load Period (BkW)
Estimated power requirement at Holding Load Period
Estimated power requirement at Lean Load Period (BkW)
Capacity of Transformer (KVA)
Size of Capacitor for power factor correction & their
Make & Capacity of standby
D.G.Set (KVA)
Safety Provisions
Details of Fire Fighting Dry
equipment Water based
Handling Refrigerants & Leaks Leak Detection
Handling measures
Safety devices – LP/HP cutouts, safety valves, shut off
valves etc.
Details of Emergency alarm system
& push button system in cold chambers
Emergency lighting in Cold chambers & other areas
Lightening arrestors
Any other safety provisions
Codes & Standards Followed
Building Design & Structure
Construction Materials
Thermal Insulation & Application
Refrigeration Equipment & Systems
Electrical & Mechanical Systems
Food Safety
Estimated Performance Parameters of Proposed Cold Store
Parameters Peak Period Holding Period Lean Period
Coefficient Of Performance
Of the Cold Store Unit
Power Consumption
Total Electricity Cost
Electricity Cost towards
Storage (Rs/ MT /Day)
Other Information
Place Signature and
Date Name of Applicant with seal
Pattern of Assistance:
Component Unit cost Pattern of Assistance
Background Facts
It is also noticed that ripening chambers which are being set up under
various schemes of horticulture development, do not posses appropriate technical
standards. Main shortcomings noticed are as follows-
Latest revisions will be followed in all cases. Even for Ripening of
Fruitsand Vegetables’ the process as recommended by IS Standards (e.g.
IS11977 of 1987 for ripening of green banana) or as per International,
Standards should be followed.
The guidelines and technical specifications of NCCD (National Centre for
Cold Chain Development) should be followed
Format - I
Ripening Chamber
1. Name of Project :
2. Type of Activity :
3. Objectives :
4. Purpose (Details of crops stored in cold :
Storages / Ripening Chamber are also to be given)
5. Location of the project with address :
a) Address for correspondence :
b) General area :
c) Hilly/Tribal area :
6. Constitution :
(Date of incorporation and relevant law along with a copy of articles and
memorandum of association, bylaws, partnership deed and registration
certificate whichever is applicable. Documentary proof regarding authorized /
paid up capital and promoters contribution.)
(a) Public Ltd. Company :
(b) Private Ltd. Company :
(c) Registered Society :
(d) Association :
(e) Federation :
(f) Producer Company :
(g) Proprietorship firm :
(h) Partnership concern :
7. Management :
10. Means of Finance
(a) Promoter Share :
(b) Bank Term loan :
(c) Subsidy :
(d) Quasi equity :
(e) Unsecured loan :
Total :
11. Details of Cost of Plant & Machinery/equipment supported by
12. Details of the Building construction and the cost duly certified.
14. Availability of raw material, name of the cluster and District along with
the major crops.
16. Forward linkages -Analysis of domestic and export markets, tie up made
for sale of Produce and branding aspect.
19. Financial Analysis – IRR, NPW, Cost benefit Ratio, Breakeven point,
DER, DSER, Projected balance sheet etc.
22. Name of the sponsoring bank along with the details of Techno-
economical appraisal reports, copy of sanction letter and
Detailed Project Report (DPR) as submitted to bank.
23. Affidavit of Rs. 100/- regarding Non-availing of subsidy from any other
Central/State Govt.Departments.
25. Details of the sustainability of the project with special reference to its
Capacity to generate income since only one-time grant is admissible.
Format – I (b) (RC)
PROPOSALS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF _______________________
AT ____________________ DISTRICT ____________
1) Name of the Component & :
8) List of Documents:
a) Approval of the DHM (Dist.Collector) :
b) Detailed project report (5copies) :
c) Bank Approval Memorandum :
d) Affidavit :
e) Quotations for Supply of Plant &
Machinery :
f) Details of Civil & Technical Works :
Certified by Chartered Engineer
g) Photos of unit :
9) Details of Estimated Cost & Subsidy as Per MIDH Norms:
Format –II (RC)
AFFIDAVIT (Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper )
2) That the terms and conditions of the scheme of MIDH under which an
application has been made by the applicant have been properly read and
understood by me and I affirm that the project / proposal / scheme comply with
the terms and condition of MIDH and the application has been made in the correct
applicable scheme.
4) That the information provided in the application for availing assistance under
developmental schemes - _____________________ is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. The estimates of the cost of project / proposal / scheme,
financial viability and operating results have been worked out / computed as per
the rule and generally accepted principles and norms in this regard.
5) No Subsidy / grant – in – aid has been availed by the promoters / directors /
partners / proprietors for this new project and component thereof from central
Govt. or any its agencies.
6) I / We also solemnly affirm that the proposed activity in the application for
availing assistance under development schemes - ______________________ is a
completely new activity and not a pre – existing activity or any component thereof
and further I assure that the unit will be utilized for the same activity for which
the assistance is sought from the MIDH through State MIDH Cell of Telangana
Govt for the economic period of 15 years. In case, if the unit is misused I am liable
for any action deemed to be fit by the Govt. of Telangana including recovery of the
assistance amount extended. The information furnished in the application dated
___________ is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material
has been concealed.
7) In case of concealment of any facts in this regard, the MIDH would have right
to cancel my application out right at any stage.
8) I will display a sign board depicting “Department of Horticulture“ (MIDH,
Assisted Project).
9) The release of subsidy is subject to actual expenditure, receipts, inspection,
MIDH norms etc., In case of any discrepancy / dispute the decision of the Mission
Director & Director of Horticulture is final.
10) I agree and resolve that the department reserves the right to modify, add or
delete any term/ condition without assigning any reason thereof and shall also
have right to pre and post inspect / monitor the project and verify the related
records at any time during the economic life of the project by the concerned
Verified on solemn affirmation at _____________________ that the content of
the above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
material has been concealed.
Format – III(RC)
10. That in case of any concealment of facts by me in the DPR with respect
to invariable compliance to Technical Standards or on any instance of
false declaration / certification by me or any part of my declaration is
found to be incorrect, the Board may, in its discretion, take any actions
(including legal action) against me as deemed fit and proper.
(Sign of the Consultant)
With Seal
Format –IV (A) (RC)
Preliminary Inspection Report
(At the time of submission of project to State MIDH Cell)
Date of Inspection:
A Component :
B Details of Project :
(i) Name of the project :
(ii) Address for communication :
with telephone No. :
C Project Location with Address :
(i). Survey No :
(ii). Village :
(iii). Mandal :
D Constitution : Individual/Partnership
E (i). Proposed Activity : Ripening Chamber
(ii). No of Chambers :
F Name of the Promoter :
Promoter HO DHSO
Format – IV (B) (RC)
A Component :
B Details of Project :
(i) Name of the project :
(ii) Address for communication :
with telephone No. :
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Seed Infrastructure
Unit as per the norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the
terms & conditions mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made
in the Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and
installation of machinery/equipment as per technical standards were
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st
installment to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------
, IFSC Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
Component of cost Quantum Unit
1. Land Sft
2. Building Sft
3. No of Chambers
3. Chamber Size
a. Length Ft
b. Width Ft
c. Height Ft
d. Crates that can be accommodated of size No
1.77’x1.28x1.08’ (540x390x340 mm) at 10 crates
longitudinally, 3 rows on either side of isle and 8
columns i.e. (10x3x8)*2 No’s
4. Fruit storage
a. Per Crate Kgs
b. Total for chamber Kgs
5. Insulation
a. PUF panels side and top Sft
and polysterene for floor
b. Polysterene panels Sft
c. Thermocole/ Glass wool etc. Sft
6. Door
a. Hinged Doors
b. Sliding Doors
c. Electric operated top sliding door
7. Refrigeration
a. Direct cooling – Freon systems – 5 HP Nos
b. Direct cooling – Ammonia systems Nos
Component of cost Quantum Unit
c. Water spray – Air Cooled systems Nos
8. Humidification
a. Humidifier Nos
b. Air cooled systems
9. Controls
a. Temperature and humidity Nos
b. Control panel for refrigeration system Nos
10. Ethylene Gassing System
a. Ethylene liquid dipping Nos
b. Ethylene gas generator Nos
c. Ethylene gas injection system Nos
11. Crates Nos
12. Pallets Nos
13. Trolley Nos
14. Deposits for Electricity etc. Set
15. Pre-Operative Expenses Set
16. Working Capital Set
Volume in Volume in
Particulars Length Width Height Particulars Length Width Height
Cubic feet Cubic feet
A) Ground B) Ground
Floor Floor
E) Less :
a) Machine
Space :
b) Office
Space :
Total Net
F. Total
Chamber - I
Chamber - II
Chamber - III
Chamber - IV
Format –V (E) -RC
Phone Nos. :
Land (own/lease) purchased / inherited:
If purchased for this purpose, sale deed: If only the land cost
included in the
Area (sq.mt) :
Cost of land :
Shed (own/lease) :
Dimensions of the structure : If any the shed cost is
Refrigeration unit :
Company :
Code :
Capacity :
Commodity used :
No of chambers :
Thickness of Puf panel :
Density of Puf :
No of batches / year :
Bills (certified)
Refrigeration unit :
Puf Panels :
Control devices (temp, RH etc.) :
Humidifier :
Ethylene generator :
Format – VI
A. Identification
Name of CEO / MD
Phone / Mobile
Name of Manager / Contact Person
B. Basic Cold Store Design Considerations
ii) Fresh Air / Ventilation System
v) Machine Room & Utility Areas
Details Length (m) Width (m) Height (m)
Machine Room
Office Area
Toilets & Changing rooms
Any other
Relevant IS Code of Practice for
Thermal Insulation of Cold Store
Total Insulation Thickness (mm)
No. of layers &
Thickness / layer (mm)
Type of vapor barrier & thickness
Type of Bituminous/Sticking
Type of Cladding /
Covering/External Finish
Locking/Fixing & Sealing System in
case of Metal Skin Composite Panels
Any other info
x) Grading, Sorting Washing & Packing Line (optional)
Proposed Practice: Manual / Semi Automated /Automated
Please attach a Plan & Layout of the proposed Cold Store unit in
accordance to the Statutory Building By-Laws and BIS Building Codes &
Standards duly approved by a Registered Architect and Structural Engineer.
The drawings should detail out insulation type, thickness and fixing
methodology in sectional details.
C. Heat Load Calculation of Cooling System – Summary
Ambient Conditions Summer Monsoon Winter
Dry Bulb Temperature (°C)
Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
Hours/Day Pull Down
Holding period
Compressor Detail
Compressor Parameters Refrigeration Motor Remarks
Comp. Electric
Make & Nos. Evap. SST. Capacity Rating. Working
RPM Power.
Model / Cond. (KW) (KW) /Standby
Temp (OC)
Condenser Details
Parameters Condens Total
Condense Fan /Pump Remarks
Cond.Temp.(SDT) er Electric
r Make & Nos. Motor Working
/ in/out water Capacity Power
Model Rating /Standby
temp(OC) &flow (kW) (BkW)
Fan &
Cooling Pump Total
Parameters DB Cooling Remarks
Tower Capacity Electric
Nos. & WB Temp, Tower Working
Make & (CMH/LPS) Power
in/out water Capacity(KW) /Standby
Model & Motor (BkW)
respective equipment manufacturers with reference to the Relevant
Codes & Standards.
Electrical Instillation
Total Connected load (kW)
Estimated power requirement at Peak Load Period (BkW)
Estimated power requirement at Holding Load Period
Estimated power requirement at Lean Load Period (BkW)
Capacity of Transformer (KVA)
Size of Capacitor for power factor correction & their
Make & Capacity of standby
D.G.Set (KVA)
Safety Provisions
Details of Fire Fighting Dry
equipment Water based
Handling Refrigerants & Leaks Leak Detection
Handling measures
Safety devices – LP/HP cutouts, safety valves, shut off
valves etc.
Details of Emergency alarm system
& push button system in cold chambers
Emergency lighting in Cold chambers & other areas
Lightening arrestors
Any other safety provisions
Energy Saving Equipment & Measures
Details of Energy Saving devices Brief Description and Savings
Light Fixtures CFL/LED
Natural Lighting for general areas
VFD for fans / compressors
Refrigerant Controls and Automation
Air Purger
Power Factor Controller
Energy recovery heat-exchanger
for Ventilation System
Renewable/ Solar Energy e.g.
PV lighting
PLC Control, & Data Acquisition
Any other features e.g. water recycling, rain water
Other Information
Place Signature and
Date Name of Applicant with seal
Component Unit cost Pattern of Assistance
Integrated pack Credit linked back-ended
house with facilities subsidy @ 35% of the cost of
Rs. 50.00 lakh per
for conveyer belt, project in general areas and
unit with size of
1 sorting, grading 50% of cost in case Hilly &
units, washing, Scheduled areas for
drying and weighing. individual entrepreneurs
2. Enclosed covered sorting and grading area: a food handling hall with
mechanized handling and cleaning equipment.
3. Sorting and Grading conveyors: mechanized roller or belt based system
to allow working personnel to selectively pick and choose produce for next
activity, capable of handling 16 MT of output per day. Water based
conveyor system used for some crops.
4. Washing/Drying equipment: where required, mechanized washing
and drying lines.
In case pre cooling, cold storage and ripening chamber etc., components
incorporated in integrated pack house, the related add-on technology
components can be applied as per MIDH norms.
Facility for conveyer belt system depends upon product to be handled. For
example in case of mangoes conveyer belt system is used whereas in case of
Bananas water troughs are used in place of conveyer belt system.
Simple Thematic Layouts for Some Horticulture crops:
Reference data sheet:
Note: Application format, affidavit, check list and subsidy calculation sheet etc.,
pertaining to Cold Storage & Ripening chambers may be referred for Integrated
Pack Houses
Joint Inspection Report for INTEGRATED PACK HOUSE (Release of First
A Component :
B Details of Project :
(i). Survey No :
(ii). Village :
(iii). Mandal :
(ii). Type :
H Bank Details :
1. Bank Name :
2. Branch :
4. Loan Account No :
Bank disbursement statement
5. with :
A/c. No. :
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Integrated pack house unit
as per the norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms &
conditions mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in the
Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation of
machinery/equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------.
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st installment
to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------, IFSC
Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
The promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in the technical report.
If the capacity is less than 5000 MT actual cost and capacity is considered for
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Integrated Pack House unit
as per the norms of the MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms &
conditions mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in the
Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation of
machinery/equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ----------.
4. An amount of Rs._________ is recommended to release towards 1st installment
to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No: ----------------, IFSC
Code:……….., Bank:--------------, Branch:-------------------.
Promoter HO DHSO Sr. Officer from Head Office
Actual as per
As per DPR
S.no Component inspection Remarks
Size Capacity Size Capacity
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Integrated Pack house unit
as per the Norms of MIDH. The promoter has followed all the terms &
conditions mentioned in the administrative sanction.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the observations made in
the Techno Economic Viability Report (TEVR). The civil works and installation
of machinery /equipment as per technical standards were completed.
3. This is to certify that the project is eligible to avail subsidy of Rs. ______
4. An amount of Rs. ___________ is recommended to release towards 1st
installment to the subsidy reserve fund account bearing No:_____________,
IFSC code: __________________, Bank: ________________, Branch _____________
(Project completion and commencement of commercial production of unit)
1. This is to certify that the promoter has established Integrated pack house
unit as per the Norms and MIDH guidelines.
2. This is to certify that the promoter has fulfilled all the terms and conditions
laid down in administrative sanction order issued by Horticulture
3. This is to certify that the project has commenced commercial production and
running as per projections in DPR/TEVR.
4. The project eligible for total subsidy of Rs.___________ Lakhs and Rs.
____________ Lakhs is recommended as 2nd installment.
TSG (Member) Sr. Officer from Head office Member from NABCONS
Pattern of Assistance:
S. Max permissible
Item Pattern of Assistance
No Cost
Rs. 15.00 lakhs Credit linked back ended
1 Cold Rooms (Staging) subsidy @ 35% of the total cost
per unit of 30 MTs
i.e., Rs. 5.25 lakh/unit
Component Definition:
Component Description
The component has been kept separate but must be appraised only when
attached to a pre- cooling unit. The beneficiary must be advised that the cold
room (staging) necessitates the following:
The design specifications of such cold rooms are similar to a cold store, with
the refrigeration design to suit humidity and temperature ranges for horticulture
produce. Where pre-coolers are built appended to an existing cold store, the cold
store itself serves this purpose.
Pattern of Assistance:
S. Max permissible
Item Pattern of Assistance
No Cost
Component Description
Other kind of precooling systems include the vacuum cooler, hydro-cooler,
etc. and these have unique designs and will be considered for appraisal on
project basis.
Pattern of Assistance:
S. Max permissible
Item Pattern of Assistance
No Cost
Low cost Onion Storage Rs. 1.75 lakhs 50% of the total cost i.e., Rs.
Structure (25 MT) per unit 0.875 lakh/unit
Pattern of Assistance:
Sl. Pattern of
FLD Unit Unit cost
No. Assistance
FLDs (farmers) - Ultra-High-
Rs.3.67 75% subsidy i.e.,
1 Density Mango with Raised bed Ha Rs.2.75 lakhs per
technology and Weedmat lakhs
Guidelines for Frontline Demonstrations in Farmers Field during 2020-21
i. The Mango varieties viz., Himayat, Kesar, Dasheri, other improved varieties
only to be taken up for FLDs.
ii. The maximum eligibility is one unit per beneficiary i.e., One Ha.
iii. Priority should be given to procure plant material from tied-up Horticultural
farms / Research stations of PJTS Agril. University / SKLTS Horti. University
iv. However, farmers shall be permitted to purchase plant material from private
nurseries if variety is not available in tied-up Horticultural farms / Research
v. The DHSO should organize an exposure visit to the selected FLD beneficiaries
to Centre of Excellence, Mulugu.
vi. Planting on Raised Beds, Drip irrigation, weed-mat are mandatory
components for FLDs.
vii. The DHSO/HO should visit the FLD fields at weekly intervals and should
guide the farmers on timely Training & Pruning operations and other
management practices.
viii. The site of demonstrations should be at a place easily accessible and at
central point to attract large number of audience/farmers for more impact,
and easy monitoring and feedback.
ix. The farmers selected for FLDs should be progressive one with lead and who
is easily approachable by other farmers.
x. Special attention towards soil problems like acidity, alkalinity, micro-
nutrients deficiency, soil borne pests and diseases should be tackled before
taking up the Frontline demonstrations.
xi. Display board of size 3’ X 4’ iron angular frame to be fixed at FLD plot.
xii. Plot with assured irrigation system should be selected after soil and water
xiii. Crop specific scientist may be called to the field whenever necessary and
printed literature to be given to the farmers.
xiv. Advance planning may be done for the demonstration so that all the critical
inputs are arranged in time.
xv. All the important farm operations may be carried out by the demonstrating
farmers under the close supervision of DHSO.
xvi. All-important operations carried in the field should be documented in the
registers by concerned HEOs & HOs.
xvii. Monitoring is required on continuous and regular basis through visits to FLD
plots, recording observations, getting the feedback from the farmers.
xviii. Monitoring teams consisting of DHSO, HO & HEO concerned District will
make visits to such demonstration plots for getting direct feedback and
offering suggestions and guidance.
xix. Calendar of activities should be maintained and concerned officers who ever
visit the field should sign in the register.
xx. The department will not owe any responsibility climatological and weather
xxi. Proper documentation of FLDs to be ensured by DHSO/HO.
xxii. The DHSO shall submit the release proposals along with DMC approval after
successful demonstration of FLD’s. The subsidy shall be released to the
beneficiary from Head Office.
xxiii. The release of subsidy will be subject to recommendation of the DHSO,
expenditure and norms of MIDH.
Target No. of Area achieved and Amount To be
Allotted beneficiaries entered in ED Released as per
U entered in ED login of HORTNET entry in ED login
COMPON nce (in
S. nit FIN login of HORTNET for which release of HORTNET and
No siz (Rs. for which release is now requested DMC approval
/ CROPS per Y
e in is now requested (Ha.) (Rs.)
Unit (Ha
Lak Ge S TS Tot Ge S TS Tot Ge S TS Tot
hs) n CP P al n CP P al n CP P al
Pattern of Assistance:
Sl. Pattern of
Particulars Unit Unit cost
No. Assistance
Training of Farmers - Rs.1000/- day per farmer
1 No 100% of the cost
Within the State including transport
1. Training programme should be of one day duration and should focus on crop
management during flowering, fruiting and pest & disease management.
2. It should be ensured that, the trainings conducted in a month should
invariably cover 18 % SC farmers, 10 % ST farmers and 33% women
beneficiaries / farmers
3. The Training programme should be held within the state. If feasible / possible
a field visit of the farmers should be organized to the neighbouring districts
to educate the farmers on latest technologies adopted. The expenditure per
training should not exceed Rs.25,000/- per batch of 25 farmers (component
wise indicative cost given below).
Assistance @ Rs.25,000/-
S.No Component per training a batch of 25
1 Study material ( Reading and writing material, 2000/-
2 Honorarium to faculty members / resource 3000/-
3 Expenditure on food 5000/-
4 Travelling expenses 6000/-
5 Miscellaneous, contingent exp. 9000/-
Total 25,000/-
Non-Negotiables for Conducting Training Programme to the Farmers
1. The districts have to identify the training needs of the horticulture farmers
in the district keeping in view, the horticulture profile, productivity pattern,
incidence of pest, post-harvest practices and other such relevant issues.
2. The farmers / beneficiaries identified under MIDH especially, for Area
expansion, Protected Cultivation, Front line Demonstrations should
invariably be covered under HRD program.
3. The DHSO shall identify resource persons including retired personnel of
Horticulture dept., KVK’s, progressive farmers and their services can be used
by paying honorarium.
4. Providing written literature in Telugu on the training subject to the trainees
is a must. If training is conducted without giving the written literature,
it will not be considered as training for getting assistance.
5. Feedback of the farmers on the usefulness of the training shall be obtained
in specially designed feedback forms or in a register along with the signatures
of the participants.
6. Documentation like photograph shall be taken for each training program.
Press publicity should be given on these training programs.
7. The DHSO should every training programme as this will give an opportunity
to interact with farmers and get feedback on horticultural issues.
8. Attendance register of the farmers should be maintained by each officer.
Passport Size
1 Application No. :
2 Online ID No :
3 Name of the Scheme :
4 Name of the Crop :
5 Name of the farmer :
6 Name of the Father/Husband :
7 Village :
8 Mandal :
9 District :
10 Survey No :
11 Land (Leased/Owned) : ( if owned pattadhar passbook/ original
computer pahani/Recent Registration
13 Total Area (in Ha) :
14 Proposed Area (in Ha) :
No of Plants per Ha :
Spacing (in meters) :
13 SF/MF/BF :
14 Category: General/BC/SC/ST
15 Soil Type : Red soils/Black soils/Red
loamy soils/Sandy soils
16 Source of Irrigation : (Bore well/open well)
17 Drip Irrigation : Yes/No
18 Total Amount for Non-Subsidy :
19 DD No. for Non- Subsidy amount :
20 Whether any Govt. Subsidy availed :
21 Bank Account Number :
22 Name of the Bank :
23 Name of the Branch :
24 IFSC Code/RTGS Code :
25 Mobile number :
declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge
and I promise that the benefit obtained from State Horticulture Mission will be used
for the purpose for which it is given and in case of misuse I am liable for any action
deemed to be fit by Govt. of Telangana including recovery of the subsidy amount
with 12% interest to the Government.
Recommendations of the
Horticulture Officer
Time line for Different Components under MIDH for the year 2020-21
Sl. Action
Component Time frame
Submission of release
Committed Liabilities proposals 15th Sep 2020
Grounding & Submission of
Area Expansion of Fruits final Release proposals 30th Oct 2020
Month wise plan of action &
Indent to be placed to COEs 31st Oct 2020
3 Area Expansion Vegetables
Grounding & Submission of
31st Jan 2021
final Release proposals
Grounding & Submission of
4 Area Expansion Spices 30th Dec 2020
final Release proposals
Grounding & Submission of
5 2nd & 3rd year maintenance final Release proposals 30th Sep 2020