Syllabus Ee541 22sp
Syllabus Ee541 22sp
Syllabus Ee541 22sp
Machine learning using large datasets stands as one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st
century. It enables reliable face and speech recognition, internet search and monetization, computer
vision, and self-driving vehicles. Machine learning proficiency requires software skills as well as an
understanding of the underlying mathematics and theoretical concepts. This class introduces important
aspects of deep learning using a computation-first approach. It emphasizes using frameworks to solve
reasonably well-defined machine learning problems. Two advanced courses provide a deeper study of
mathematical concepts: EE 559 Machine Learning I: Supervised Methods and EE 641 Deep Learning
Lecture Discussion
Monday (section: 31249) Thursday (remote)
17:30 – 19:20 14:00 – 15:00
Piazza enables fast and efficient help from classmates and instructors. Use Piazza to post questions
about course material, homeworks, and policies instead of emailing questions to the teaching staff.
Use Canvas to electronically submit your homework and view course grades. You will receive an email
to register during the first week of classes. Contact Dr. Franzke with any technical issues.
Use Autolab to electronically submit programming portions of homework for “auto-grading”. You will
receive an email to register during the first weeks of the course. Contact Dr. Franzke with technical
Recommended preparation
Graduate standing with a typical undergraduate ECE background including the equivalent of EE 105
and EE 155. Some exposure to a high-level scripting language such as Python or Matlab.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:
Understand the fundamentals and implement linear regression, a linear classifier, and logistic re-
Apply common deep architectures such as multilayer perceptron, convolutional, and recurrent
neural networks and understand where each is most applicable.
Be proficient in Python programming, including loops, conditionals, lists, dictionaries, classes, and
standard programmatic patterns.
Be proficient in numerical Python using NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib for design and analysis.
Organize, store, and access datasets such as .npz files, .h5 files, pickle, and pandas.
Use frameworks to train MLP, convolutional, and recurrent networks to solve machine learning
Be proficient with relevant computing and cloud computing resources such as:
“Deep Learning with PyTorch”, Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, Thomas Viehmann, Manning, 2020.
“Deep Learning ”, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, The MIT Press, 2016. (online:
“Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists”, Qingkai
Kong, Timmy Siauw, Alexandre Bayen, Elsevier, 2020. (online: https://pythonnumericalmethods.
Note: The texts are secondary to in-class lecture material and homework sets.
Course Outline (tentative)
Topics/Daily Activities Reading & Homework Deliverables
Week 1 Machine Learning inventory. HW 1 assigned.
(10 Jan) Configuring your Python envi-
(17 Jan) No class, Martin Luther King Day, University holiday.
Week 2 Getting started with Python. Supp: [4] Ch. 1. HW 1 due.
(24 Jan) Estimation and MMSE. HW 2 assigned.
Week 3 Numerical Python. lecture slides, supp: [4]
(31 Jan) Estimation and regression. Ch. 2-7.
Week 4 Decision theory, logistic regres- lecture slides, supp: [4] HW 2 due.
(07 Feb) sion, multilayer perceptrons Ch. 14-16, 25.
(MLPs) HW 3 assigned.
Week 5 MLP backpropagation (scalar supp: [1] Ch. 1, [2] Ch. Quiz 1 (week 1-4).
(14 Feb) detail) 6, [3] Ch. 6.
(21 Feb) No class, President’s Day, University holiday.
Week 6 MLP backpropagation (scalar, lecture slides. HW 3 due.
(28 Feb) vector/tensor overview). HW 4 assigned.
Introduction to data engineer-
Week 7 PyTorch: Building and Train- supp: [3] Ch. 7-8, [1]
(07 Mar) ing MLPs, Optimizing training Ch. 3.
(14 Mar) No class, Spring break, University holiday.
Week 8 PyTorch: Optimizing training HW 5 assigned. Preliminary proposal due.
(21 Mar) HW 4 due.
Week 9 Advanced data engineering, lecture notes. Quiz 2 (week 5-8).
(28 Mar) embedding and auto-encoding HW 5 due.
Week 10 PyTorch: Convolutional Neu- Supp: [2] Ch. 8, [3] Ch. Revised proposal due
(04 Apr) ral Networks (CNN) 9. HW 6 assigned.
Week 11 Introduction to linux CLI and lecture notes.
(11 Apr) AWS
Week 12 PyTorch: Recurrent Neural HW 7 assigned. Supp: [3], Ch. 10. HW 6 due.
(18 Apr) Networks (RNN)
Week 13 Generative adversarial net- Supp: [3], Ch. 20. Quiz 3 (week 9-12).
(25 Apr) works (GAN) HW 7 due.
(11 May) Project reports and videos due
Grading Procedure
Homework is assigned every 1-2 weeks. Assignments will include computational and numerical pro-
gramming problems and will encourage experimentation and curiosity. No late submissions for credit.
Your total homework score sums your best homework scores (as a percentage) after removing the one
lowest score (of minimum 50%). You may discuss homework problems with classmates but each student
must do their own original work. Cheating warrants an F in the course. Turning in identical homework
establishes a rebuttable presumption of cheating.
Quizzes are short (45 minute) non-cumulative tests that cover the most recent material (approximately
5-weeks). Quizzes highlight important concepts and methods. They test ability to apply major principles,
demonstrate conceptual understanding, and may require writing snippets of Python code. They occur
during weeks 5, 9, and 13 (tentative). You may use a single 8.5”x11” reference sheet (front and back
OK). You may not use any additional resources. You are expected to bring a scientific (non-graphing)
calculator. Any cheating may result in an “F” in the course and will be referred to Student Affairs for
other penalties. Alternate arrangements will be considered only for valid medical or family emergency
excuses (proof required).
Final Project
This course culminates with a final project in lieu of a final exam. Teams of two students will design and
implement a deep learning athat connects two or more independent asynchronous components (often
“frontend” and “backend”). Treat the final project as a multi-week in-depth homework assignment that
integrates concepts from the entire semester. Problems will include a representative dataset to get you
started. All projects must obtain the instructor’s written approval. You must experiment and document
network architecture search, hyper-parameter optimization, and dataset augmentation.
You will submit two deliverables: (1) a properly referenced written report that includes all source code
as well as links to any external code sources and (2) a short video describing your findings, methods,
and analyses.
Project topics must include sufficient scope and apply course knowledge to a useful end. The project must
compose at least two distinct units that operate and act independently but provide greater function when
acting together. The project must demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the entire development
stack and the product lifecycle from idea to deployment to maintenance. You may use whatever computer
language you like but deviations from Python, C++, Node.js, GoLang, or other frameworks used in class
require prior instructor approval.
Written project report: the project report should summarize the topic, provide relevant background
(theoretical or applied), timeline and contributions, and document challenges and extensions. It
should provide discussion sufficient that an uninformed expert could understand the logic, al-
gorithmic decisions, and implementations. Teams should provide quantifiable metrics to justify
engineering tradeoffs.
Video: a 3-minute video that describes the problem, your design, and implementation. You may choose
to upload this to a video sharing site such as YouTube but that is not required. All team members
must participate equally.
Example projects
Semantic classification of images of faces Classify emotion from facial expressions – e.g., sad, happy,
bored, neutral.
Clothing coordination Design a CNN to match shoes, pants, shirts, accessories, etc.
Language classification Design an RNN to perform real-time audio language classification – e.g., Hindi,
Mandarin, and English.
Course Grade
Homework 45% A if 90 – 100 points
Quizzes 30% B if 80 – 89 points
Final Project 25% C if 70 – 79 points
D if 60 – 69 points
F if 0 – 59 points
Cheating is not tolerated on homework or exams. Penalty ranges from F on assignment or exam to F in
course to recommended expulsion.
Academic Conduct
Presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a se-
rious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of
plagiarism in SCampus in Section 11, Behavior Violating University Standards https://scampus.usc.
edu/1100-behavior-violating-university-standards-andappropriate-sanctions. Other forms of academic
dishonesty are equally unacceptable. See additional information in SCampus and university policies
on scientific misconduct, Discrimination, sexual assault,
and harassment are not tolerated by the university. You are encouraged to report any incidents to
the Office of Equity and Diversity or to the Department of Public Safety http:
// This is important for
the safety of the whole USC community. Another member of the university community – such as a
friend, classmate, advisor, or faculty member – can help initiate the report, or can initiate the report on
behalf of another person. The Center for Women and Men
provides 24/7 confidential support, and the sexual assault resource center webpage
describes reporting options and other resources.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is critical the assessment and evaluation we perform which leads to your grade. In
general, all work should be your own and any sources used should be cited. Gray-areas occur when
working in groups. Telling someone how to do the problem or showing your solution is a VIOLATION.
Reviewing examples from class or other sources to help a fellow classmate understand a principle is fine
and encouraged. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. SCampus, the
Student Guidebook, contains the University Student Conduct Code in Section 10, while the recommended
sanctions are located in Appendix A. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs
and Community Standards for further review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty.
Support Systems
A number of USC’s schools provide support for students who need help with scholarly writing. Check
with your advisor or program staff to find out more. Students whose primary language is not English
should check with the American Language Institute, which sponsors courses
and workshops specifically for international graduate students. The Office of Disability Services and Pro-
grams index.html provides certification
for students with disabilities and helps arrange the relevant accommodations. If an officially declared
emergency makes travel to campus infeasible, USC Emergency Information
will provide safety and other updates, including ways in which instruction will be continued by means of
blackboard, teleconferencing, and other technology.
Academic Accommodations
Any student requiring academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disabil-
ity Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations
can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as
possible. DSP is located in GFS 120 and is open 08:30 – 17:00, Monday through Friday. The phone
number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.