(Albrecht Kaupp PHD (Auth.) ) Gasification of Rice

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Albrecht Kaupp

Gasification of Rice Hulls

Theory and Praxis

A Publication of
Deutsches Zentrum für Entwicklungstechnologien - GA TE
in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH

Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH

The Author:
Albrecht Kaupp, PhD, staff member of GTZ/GA TE has been working in the fields
of civil engineering, mathematics, and biomass energy conversion systems since
1972. Now project officer for biomass energy conversion systems since 1983. His
field of expertise is gasification of biomass.

CIP-Kurztitelaufnahmc der Deutschen Bibliothek

Kaupp, Albrecht:
Gasification of ricc hulls : theory and praxis ;
a publ. of Dt. Zentrum für Entwicklungstechno-
logien- GATE in: Dt. Ges. für Techn. Zusammen-
arbeit (GTZ) GmbH I Albrecht Kaupp. -
Braunschweig ; Wiesbaden : Vieweg, 1984.
ISBN 978-3-528-02002-6 ISBN 978-3-322-96308-6 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-322-96308-6

All rights reserved.

© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 1984
Ursprünglich erschienen bei Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Velagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweg 1984
A word of warning!

This book about gasification of rice hulls is based on

fundamental research and a comparison of various systems.
Because the gasification of rice hulls is very sensitive
to scaling up or down a gasifier, many but not all of the
physical and chemical properties of rice hulls are described
in detail.
To obtain a convincing decision on the most suitable way of
gasification of rice hulls the principle of negative selection
was applied, starting with conventional woodgas producers.
In order to demonstrate the various systems and show their
disadvantages they are discussed in detail at the end of this

However, it must be said that, based on a great deal of

experimental work only two ways of gasification of rice hulls
seem to be technically feasible and promising in the requ~sted
range of 20-130 kWel.

1. An open core downdraft gas producer with no throat and a

slowly rotating grate for ash removal, The limiting factor
for this system is certainly the diameter of the reactor
which should not be below 40 em due to the caking of rice

2. Gasification of rice hulls in pelletized form. Although the

densification of rice hulls is difficult and expensive, it
allows their gasification in smaller reactors due to a more
stable fuel-bed.

Option 1 is in the authors opinion the simplest and most

economical way to gasify rice hulls although a great deal of
work remains in order to predict the kinetics of rice hull
gasification andoptimize all the fine details which make the
difference between a good and bad gasifier.

Eschborn, February 16, 1984 Albrecht Kaupp


This study has received much technical, financial and moral support

from many people and institutions. I would like to thank Professor John

R. Goss for his patience. Eldon Beagle, Consultant, for the many hours

he spent in talking with me about his vast experience in the utilization

of rice hulls. Professor Stephan Whitaker, Department of Chemical

Engineering, for his concise, uncompromising teaching and treatment of

the theory of reactor design which was a keystone to most of the theore-

tical parts of this research.

My thanks are extended to the Carl Duisburg Gesellschaft in West

Germany which financed part of this research. The Weyerhaeuser Company

and their two-year scholarship which allowed me to work independently.

Special thanks go to the Briggs and Stratton Corporation, Doug Janish

and Mr. Robert Catterson, whose generous financial support over two

years made this project possible.

The help of Bart Duff, International Rice Research Institute,

Philippines, to secure adequate funding was greatly appreciated.

I thank George Giannini and the workshop people for the many gas

producers and other devices they built for me. Also not forgotten is

Kurt Creamer, Graduate Student, who assisted me in many of the experi-

ments and patiently corrected my English with weekly awards for the

"worst sentence". The illustrations for this work have been done by

Jim Bumgarner. The many hundreds of pages were typed over and over

again by Karin Clawson.

My greatest appreciation goes to Filiz who hates rice hulls, but

certainly does understand the author.



References 18



Introduction 22
History 22
References 42

References 49


Introduction 50
Formation Reactions 51
Reaction Zones 53
Model I 58
Example 62
Computer Program 64
Analysis of the Results 73
Influence of the Moisture Content 73
Higher Heating Values of the Computed Gas Compositions 76
Summary for Model I 77
Modell II 79
Species Concentration Equation 81
The Energy Equation 86
Flame Temperatures of Producer Gas 87
Computer Program 88
Comparison of Theoretical Results and Experimental Data 94

List of Symbols 96
References 98


Densities 99
Introduction 99
Phase Fractions 110
Surface Area of Loose Rice Hulls and Rice Hull Pellets 111
Determination of A~ 0 for rice hulls 112
Apparent Surface ABo of Pellets 115
Weight of a Single Rice Hull 115
Accuracy of the Results 116
Caking and Slagging Behavior of Rice Hulls 118
Slagging of Rice Hull Ash 121
Cause of Slagging 126
Caking of Rice Hulls and Pellets 130
Summary 130
Pressure Drop in a Rice Hull Fuel Bed and Superficial
Velocities 132
Experimental Set Up and Results 133
Discussion of the Results 134
Theoretical Treatment of the Pressure Drop in a Rice
Hull Fuel Bed 138
Size Distribution. of Rice Hulls and Rice Hull Char 141
List of Symbols 144
References 146


Introduction 148
Micrographs of Rice Hulls Before Thermal Decomposition 148
Micrographs of Rice Hulls After Thermal Decomposition 151
Size Reduction of Pelletized Rice Hulls 156
Summary 159


Introduction 160

Products of Pyrolysis 161
Mechanism of Pyrolysis 165
Pyrolysis Experiments in a Pure Nitrogen Atmosphere 169
Heat-up Period for a Single Rice Hull 170
Experimental Set Up and Procedures 172
Discussion of the Experimental Results 174
Composition of the Gas Phase 174
Ultimate Elemental Analysis of Rice Hulls and Char as
Function of Temperature 175
Weight Fractions of Char, Gas, Tar and Water 177
Energy Balance 178
Summary 182
References 183


BED 184
Introduction 184
Tar Conversion in a Downdraft Gas Producer 184
Mechanism of Tar Conversion 186
Design Criteria for Tar Cracking in Past Downdraft
Gas Producers 187
Experimental Set Up 192
Cases Tested 192
Test Material 194
Charred Fuel Bed 195
Filter Train 195
Tar Injection 196
Results and Discussion 197
Water Dissociation in a Hot Rice Hull Char Bed 199
Example 202
Experimental Set up and Procedure 203
Results 205
Summary 210
List of Symbols 211
References 212

Introduction 213
Italian Balestra Type Updraft Rice Hull Gas
Producer (1910 - 1944) 216
Chinese Rice Hull Gas Producer 221
Design Considerations for Ash Removal Systems 224
Ash Removal Designs 226
Summary 237
Design Considerations for the Gas Exit 237
Air Injection Designs 243
Design of a Small (2 - 20 hp) Rice Hull Gas Producer 246
Open Core Gas Producer 256
·Mode of Operation 258
Gas Cleaning Train 278
Sieve Plate Scrubber and Dry Packed Bed Filter 280
Experimental Procedures and Results 284
Summary 295
List of Symbols 296
References 298



1-1 Energy fractions in gaseous components as a function

of the equivalence ratio ~ 4

1-2 Ignition advancement versus hydrogen content of

producer gas 9

1-3 Soot formation as a function of H/C and 0/C ratio 11

1-4 Soot formation as a function of H/C ratio 12

1-5 Power output as a function of ~ 12

1-6 Ultimate elemental analysis on an ash and moisture

free basis of various biomass fuels 16

1-7 Block diagram of parameters involved in the

gasification process 17

5-l Co-current or downdraft gasification 52

5-2 Accumulative mass loss curve 54

5-3 Differential mass loss curve 54

5-4 Differential thermal analysis 55

5-5 Counter-current or updraft gasification 57

5~6 Equilibrium of the water shift reaction as a function

of temperature in a fluidized bed rice hull gasifier 61

5-7 Kp(T) as a function of T 62

5-8 Range of computed gas compositions as a function of

1\f and ~ 65

5-9 Gas composition, ~ 0, M 0 66

5-10 Gas composition, ~ 0.1, M 0 66

5-ll Gas composition, ~ 0.2, M 0 67

5-12 Gas composition, ~ 0.3, M 0 67

5-13 Gas composition, ~ 0.4, M 0 68


5-14 Gas composition, • 0.5, M 0 68

5-15 Gas composition, • 0.3, M 10 69

5-16 Gas composition, • 0.3, M 20 69

5-17 Gas composition, • 0.3, M 30 70

5-18 Gas composition, • 0.3, M 40 70

5-19 Gas composition, • 0.4, M 30 71

5-20 Gas composition, • 0.5, M 30 71

5-21 Gas composition, • 0.6, M 30 72

5-22 c2m equilibrium composition at various temperatures,

• = 0.3 72

5-23 Higher heating value of the raw gas for range of T and • 77

5-24 Adiabatic flame temperature as a function of A 91

5-25 Adiabatic flame temperatur~ Tad as a function of

mixture inlet temperature 93

6-1 Fuel bed structure of rice hulls 100

6-2 Apparent volume Va of a single rice hull,

andy, o phase 101

6-3 Ideal surface of waxed rice hulls 109

6-4 Actual surface of waxed rice hulls 109

6-5 Geometry of waxed rice hull for computation of Pa 109

6-6 Schematic of a single rice hull 114

6-7 Modelled cross section of rice hull 114

6-8 Na 2 o - Sio 2 system 123

6-9 K2 o - Sio 2 system 123

6-10 Experimental gas producer for testing the slagging

behavior of rice hulls 127

6-11 Schematic of slag formation in a rice hull fuel bed 128


6-12 Molten Silica and slag formation 129

6-13 Localized slagging, connecting pellets of rice hulls 129

6-14 Initial stage of rice hull gasification 131

6-15 Final stage of rice hull gasification 131

6-16 Caking of rice hull pellet at low temperatures 131

6-17 Experimental set up for pressure drop testing 133

6-18 Pressure drop through a rice hull and rice hull char
bed as a function of the superficial gas velocity vs
for various bed lengths 135

6-19 Suggested horizontal velocity profile within a

rice hull bed 1111

6-20 Pressure drop across a rice hull bed, experimental

and theoretical results 140

6-21 Size distribution of rice hulls and char removed

from downdraft gasification 142

6-22 Fine particle content of rice hull char from

downdraft gasification 143

7-1 Vertical wall of rice hulls after one hour of

operation 149

7-2 Rice hull-tar conglomerate from updraft gasificatton 149

7-3 Single rice hull before gasification 150

7-4 Outer surface before gasification (x 20) 150

7-5 Outer surface before gasification (x 180) 152

7-6 Inner surface before gasification (x 500) 152

7-7 Inner surface before gasification (x 2000) 153

7-8 Cross section of single rice hull before

gasification (x 550) 153

7-9 Bump on outer surface before gasification 154

7-10 Rice hull after complete combustion at 1200°C (x 20) 154


7-11 Rice hull after complete combustion at 1200°C (x 550) 155

7-12 Outer surface after gasification 155

7-13 Single bump after gasification 157

7-14 Inner surface of rice hull after gasification (x 550) 157

7-15 Inner surface Silica skeleton of rice hull after

gasification (x 2000) 158

7-16 Size reduction of pelleted rice hulls under

thermal decomposition 158

8-1 Schematic of producer gas diffusion flame 160

8-2 Orange diffusion flame from raw producer gas 161

8-3 Composition of pyrolysis gas on a nitrogen and

oxygen free basis froma sub-bituminous B coal 167

8-4 DMBA 168

8-5 Rice hull pyrolysis test apparatus 173

8-6 Dry pyrolysis gas composition as a function of

temperature 17 5

8-7 Weight fraction of C, H, ~. 0 consumed as a

function of temperature 176

8-8 Weight fraction of the pyrolysis products as a

function of temperature 179

8-9 Weight fract.lon of the products fr01n Model I at cp 0 179

8-10 Higher heating value of rice hulls and char and

energy lost during the pyrolysis process 181

8-11 Weight fractions of ash, carbon and volatiles

(H, 0, N) in rice hulls and rice hull char 181

9-1 Updraft gas producer 185

9-2 Downdraft gas producer without a throat 185

9-3 Downdraft gas producer with throat 185

9-4 Tar content for beech wood and rice hull producer gas 185


9-5 Hot temperature zone of a downdraft gas producer with

wall tuyeres 189

9-6 Approximate position of vertical temperature profile

and throat for optimal tar conversion 189

9-7 Downdraft center nozzle gas producer 191

9-8 Downward creeping fire zone in a downdraft gas

producer 191

9-9 Experimental set up for tar cracking tests 193

9-10 Tar conversion efficiency, experimental results 197

9-11 Longitudinal temperature profiles in tube 200

9-12 Steam conversion in a rice hull char bed Z06

9-13 Dissociation of steam in the presence of glowing carbon Z07

9-14 Steam dissociation with C, Hz, HzO, CO and co2 as

products Z08

9-15 Steam dissociation with c, Hz, H2o and CO as products 209

9-16 Steam dissociation with c, Hz, H2 o, CO, co2 and CH4

as products 209

10-1 Flat slot grate 214

10-2 Shaker grate 214

10-3 Shaker grate 214

10-4 Crossdraft gas producer with no grate 214

10-5 Italian updraft rice hull gas producer of the

Balestra type Z17

10-6 Chinese rice hull gas producer Z22

10-7 Parameters which influence the grate design 2Z6

10-8 Cold test stand for grate performance 2Z8

10-9 Eccentric rotating grate 229

10-10 Gas exit above grate ZJC


10-11 Gas exit below grat~ 230

10-12 Grate with rotating curved wiper 231

10-13 Rice hull char removal as a function of t~e wip~r

speed and distance d 232

10-14 Eccentric wiper grate 233

10-15 Gas producer and engine mounted on a free-swinging

frame 235

10-16 Detail of free-swinging bars and mounted engine 236

10-17 Slightly curved vibrating disk 236

10-18 Producer gas viscosity as a function of temperature 242

10-19 Wall tuyeres without throat, downdraft gas producer 244

10-20 Wall tuyer~s with throat, downdraft gas producer 244

10-21 Center tuyere, without throat, downdraft gas producer 244

10-22 Center tuyer~ with throat, downdraft gas producer 244

10-23 Continuous slot as air inl~t 245

10-24 Open core air Hffusion into the fuel bed 245

10-25 Downdraft gas producer with force- feeding system 248

10-26 Rice hull fuel bed before and after caking 250

10-27 Gas producer with vibration grat~ and gravity flow 251

10-28 Gas producer with wiper grate and gravity flow 252

10-29 Gas producer t.'ith force- feeding system and wiper grate 253

10-30 Gas producer wit~ force-feeding system and water grate 255

10-31 Fixed fire zone in an open core downdraft gas producer

with continuous ash removal system 257

10-32 Batch-fed gas producer ~ith top lighting 258

10-33 13atch-fed gas producer t.7lth bottom lighting 258


10-34 Batch-fed gas producer without ash removal 259

10-35 Air-to-fuel ratio of the gas producer as a function

of the gas flow rat~ 263

10-36 Fire zone velocity (up) and fuel bed velocity (down)
as a function of the gas flow rate 263

10-37 CO and Hz content of the dry gas as a function of gas

production rate 265

10-38 THC content of the dry gas as a function of gas

production rate 265

10-39 co 2 content of the producer gas as a function of the

gas production rate 266

10-40 Nz content of the producer gas as a function of the

gas production rate 2()6

10-41 Higher heating values of producer gas 270

10-42 Superficial gas velocities at 25°C as a function of

gas production rate 270

10-43 Operation time for a 165 em column 272

10-44 Specific gasification rate 272

10-45 Rate of rice hull consumption 274

10-46 Degree of rice hull conversion 274

10-47 Rice hull volume reduction 279

10-48 Efficiencies of the process 279

10-49 Gas cleaning filter train 281

10-50 Steam content of the raw gas ~s a function of gas

flow rate 289

10-51 Approximate temperatnre of upward movlag fire zone 289

10-52 Dust content of gas after gas filter train 293

10-53 Appearance of fiberglass filter papers 294



1-1 Products of Thermal Decomposition of Biomass 6

5-l Proximate Analysis of Rice Hulls 56

5-2 Relative Intrinsic Gasification Rates at 1 atm

and 800°C 59

5-3 Species Concentration at ~ 0.3 75

5-4 Species Concentration at T 30%,

Wet Basis 75

5-5 Adiabatic Flame Temperature and Measured Maximal

Temperatures of Various Producer Gas Compositions 94

6-1 Ultimate Analysis of Rice Hulls and True Densities

of the Elements 106

6-2 Gas-Solid Phase Distribution in a Gas Producer for

Loose Hulls and Rice Hull Pellets 111

6-3 Maximum Error Data for Rice Hulls and Rice Hull Pellets 118

6-4 Melting Point of Selected Oxidized Minerals 120

6-5 Softening and Melting Temperatures of Biomass Ashes 124

6-6 Rice Hull Ash Composition 125

7-1 Average Size Reduction of Rice Hull Pellets 156

8-1 Fuels and Their C-H Composition 162

8-2 Ultimate Analysis of Pine Sawdust + Bark and Rice

Hulls and Char at 400°C 180

9-1 Chemical Composition of Tar Used in Experiments 194

9-2 Chemical Composition, of Tar 194

9-3 Pellets Ultimate Elemental Analysis, 300°C 195

9-4 Data for 20 Selected Tar Crackiqg Tests

9-5 Producer Gas Composition of a Wood Charcoal

Automotive Gas Producer 201


9-6 Gas Composition of an Automoti~e Crossdraft Gas

Producer. Change of Gas Composition During Use 201

9-7 Energy and 111ass '!Jalance 203

9-8 Elemental Ultimate Chemical Analysis of Rice Hull

Char Used for Dissociation of Steam 204

9-9 Gaseous Products of Dissociation of Steam at 700°C

and 920°C 208

10-1 Producer Gas Composition of the Balestra Unit 220

10-2 Composition of Producer Gas from Downdraft Chinese

Rice Hull Gas Producer 223

10-3 Char Remo~al by Vibration 237

10-4 Terminal Velocity Versus Particle Size Diameter 242

10-5 Ultimate Chemical Analysis of Rice Hulls for Testing 262

10-6 Dry Gas Composition as a Function of the Gas Flow Rate 268

10-7 Residue and Its Chemical Ultimate Analysis 277

10-8 Particulate Content of Air 282

10-9 Water Content of Raw Gas 287

10-10 Moisture Content of Producer Gas after the Gas Cleaning

Train 291


Man discovered fire and with it the combustion process between 0.5

and 1.4 million years ago. It took him much longer, until 1669, to

develop the art of generating a combustible gas from a carbonaceous fuel

(Wyer, 1907). I t may be appropriate to ask why .it took so long. It is

even mor·e appropriate to explore why the history of gasification was so

chaotic and why the heyday of gasification was so short. Over 12,000

large gasifiers were installed in North America within a period of 30

years, providing electricity and street lights to many large cities.

Moreover, in the 1930's and 1940's over 1 million automotive gas produ-

cers were operated worldwide. The period of commercial use of gas pro-

ducers was quite short, considering the almost total disappearance of

the technology after 1950.

The history of gasification is so astonishing and instructive, that

it will be dealt with in a separate chapter.

Insofar as writing a dissertation is a serious matter, the time and

efforts invested in this task should not be wasted by duplicating pre-

vious work or by trying to demonstrate banalities such as a discussion

of· the generation of a co1nbustible gas from a carbonaceous fuel. An

extensive survey in 63 countries has preceded th'is work to provide a

basis for establishing research priorities in this field. ("Kaupp and

Goss 1982).

While conducting this survey it became clear that the level of

disagreement among researchers, engineers and manufacturers is unusually

high. The disagreement begins with the definition of the word

"gasification". Of course, the mistake lies in the attempt to charac-

terize a process with an imprecise tool, i.e. language. The litera-

ture is full of catch words such as fast pyrolysis, slow pyrolysis,

pyrolysis without oxygen, pyrolysis with oxygen, starved air combustion,

combustion with excess air, combustion in an oxidizing atmosphere, com-

bustion in a reducing atmosphere and of course gasification itself.

Naturally, finding a meaning for gasification within the mentioned

framework is a hopeless undertaking. It is therefore appropriate to

start at the beginning and make the statement:

"The carbon in the fuel burns above a certain temperature when

in contact with oxygen and this process generates a phenomena

which we sense as heat. In addition, the process generates

certain products, the natures and quantities of which are open

for discussion".

It is a simple calculation to determine the amount of air necessary

to completely burn the solid carbon in the fuel with the assumption that

there are only three products: unburned res !dues other than carbon,

water (HzO) and carbon dioxide (Co 2 ). Whether it is possible to control

the process such that those are the only three components is irrelevant

for this definition. This process is known as stoichiometric combustion

or combustion with 100% theoretical air, and is thus uniquely defined.

The difficulties arise when no restrictions are imposed on the products

and when less than 100% theoretical air is assu~ed. There are ~any

definitions of the meaning of gasification, therefore there is certainly

no danger in postulating still one more which hopefully is more precise.

One can demonstrate a combustion process taking place at less than

stoichiometric air. Such a process will be described as occurring at an

equivalence ratio ~ which is defined as:

Mass of Reaction Combustion Air

Mass of Stoichiometric Air for Reaction

By definition ~ is a number lar:ger than 0, although in most combustion

reactors values between 0.1 and 4.0 are achieved. Products from com-

bustion processes are more than just solid residues and gaseous pro-

ducts. An appreciable amount of condensable liquids are also generated

which may or may not be combustible. In converting reactants to pro-

ducts the chemical processes are endothermic or exothermic. However,

energy can be stored in only two modes in the products:

a. Sensible heat which represents translational, vibrational and

rotational energy of the molecules.

b. Chemical energy which upon further oxidation can be converted into

sensible heat.

It is therefore rather intriguing to characterize gasification as

the process which stores the maximum of usable chemical energy in the

gaseous portion of the products. Although at first glance this seems

another weak definition of gasification, it has the advantage of clearly

laying out the objectives. A demonstration is given in Figure 1-1 which

illustrates how the total energy stored in the gaseous phase changes

with ~. One can also deduce another general concept which holds true

for any combustion process: The total energy in the process is shifted

into the gaseous phase with increased ~· In theory one can therefore

utilize the ultimate elemental analysis of a biomass fuel and calculate

the equivalence ratio ~ which optimizes the process with respect to the

chemical energy stored in the gaseous phase.

One objective of this work is to determine whether operation at this

optimal ~ can be sustained, and if so to determine the design that will

accomplish this. In order to show the complexity of the problem, one

need only list the major issues involved:






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2


Figure 1-1. Energy fractions in gaseous components as a function

of the equivalence ratio ~ (Reed, 1979).

1. A gas producer by itself is of little use. In any installation a

gasifier is either used to:

a. generate a combustible gas which is subsequently burned in a

burner to provide heat, or

b. generate a gas which is used as a fossil fuel substitute in

internal combustion engines. In this case there is a wide

range of applications such as generation of electricity and

mechanical power.

2. Almost all combustion processes generate a very complex mixture of

gaseous, liquid and solid products. Some of these products are not

only harmful to engines and burners but also to man. There is the

tendency to minimize this aspect of gasification on a small scale

because it requires some effort to detect and quantify these unde-

sirable products. In order to illustrate this point a partial list

of components of a combustion process is given in Table 1-1.

3. Depending on the usage of the producer gas very different restric-

tions are imposed on its composition. It is not clear whether the

process of thermal decomposition at <P < 1 can in all instances

satisfy these requirements. On the other hand, it is well known as

to what extent the various applications can utilize solid and con-

densable products.

a. A center-fired burner can cope with solid and condensable con-

taminants in the gaseous phase much better than an internal

combustion engine. The degree to which solid carbon particles

and liquid higher hydrocarbons are burned off is however a

strong function of the H/C and C/O ratios. Where the heat is

used for drying purposes, it is important to point out that

direct contact of the hot combustion products of producer gas

with the material to be dried is desirable from an efficiency

standpoint. However it is not known whether combustion of pro-

ducer gas completely destroys undesirable contaminates which

could otherwise affect the product to be dried.

b. Extensive experience with producer gas in internal combustion

Table 1-1. Products of Thermal Decomposition of Biomass (Bugge, 1927)

Carbon monoxide Formic acid Methacrylic acid

Carbon dioxide Acetic acid y-Butyrolactone
Hydrogen Propionic acid n-Butyric acid
Crotonic acid iso-Butyric acid
Water !so-Crotonic acid Angelic acid

Tiglic acid ~ 3 -Hexenone-2 2-Methylfurane

~2-Pentenoic acid Methyl n-butyl ketone 3-Methylfurane
y- Valero lac tone 3,6-0ctanedione Dimethylfurane
n-Valeric acid 2-Acetylfurane 2,5-Dimethyltetrahydro-
Methylethylacetic acid Cyclopentanone furane
n-Caproic acid 2-Methyl- ~2 cyclopen- Trimethylfurane
tenone 5-Ethyl-2-methyl-4,5-di-
Isocaprolc acid Methylcyclopentenolone hydrofurane
n-Heptoic acid Cyclohexanone Coumarone
Lignoceric acid Methylcyclohexenone Pyroxanthone
Furoic acid Dimethylcyclohexenone Benzene

Methyl alcohol Toluene

Ethyl alcohol Phenol Isopropyl benzene
Allyl alcohol o-, m, and p-Cresol m-Xylene
Propyl alcohol o-Ethylphenol Cymene
Methylvinylcarbinol 2,4-Dimethylphenol Naphthalene
Isobutyl alcohol 3,5-Dimethylphenol 1,2,4,5-Tetramethyl-
Isoamyl alcohol Catechol benzene
Guaiacol Chrysene
Formaldehyde 2-Methoxy-4-methylphe-
Acetaldehyde nol Ammonia
Propiona1dehyde 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol Methylamine
Valeraldehyde 2-Methoxy-4-ethylphenol Dimethylamine
Isovaleraldehlyde 2-Methoxy-4-propylphe- Trimethylamine
Trimethylacetaldehyde nol Pyridine
Furfural 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-methyl- 3-Methylpyridine
5-Methylfurfural benzene Dimethyl pyridine
Hydroxymethylfurfural 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol
2,6-Dimethoxy-4-methyl- Methane
Methylal phenol Heptadecane
Dimethylacetal 2,6-Dimethoxy-4-propyl- Octadecane
Acetone Propylpyrogallol mono- Eicosane
Methyl ethyl ketone methyl ether Heneicosane
Diacetyl Coerolignol (or - on) Do co sane
Methyl propyl ketone Euppittonic acid (or Tricosane
Methyl isopropyl ketone eupitton) Furane
Diethyl ketone
Ethyl propyl ketone

engines has clearly shown that piston engines cannot operate on

producer gas which is contaminated over a specified limit with

solid carbon and condensable products. Restrictions on the

quality of the gas are severe. After cleaning, a practical

limit exists of 5 - 15 mg of solids and tar per kg of gas if

the gas is used as an engine fue 1. A further constraint in

using producer gas as an internal combustion engine fuel is its

combustion characteristics, such as ignition characteristics,

flame speed and soot formation. Thus, the amount of con-

taminants in the producer gas is not the only parameter that

affects its suitability as an engine fuel. The actual com-

position of the gas will also have a pronounced effect on

engine performance.

4. It is of necessity that a gas producer have an effective gas

cleaning train when using the gas for internal combustion engines.

The difficulties in cleaning the gas are rarely documented by scien-

tific data. Some of the issues are:

a. Purification of producer gas is not an impossible task and in

principle not significantly different from the gas purification

that has been performed for a century on a commerical scale.

The technology and knowledge is available.

b. Purification of producer gas results in most cases in bulky

purification systems that often cause high pressure drops

across the system. It is therefore important to find an accep-

table compro~ise between purification efficiency, pressure drop

and installation size.

c. In many applications the internal combustion engine is used as

a suction pump. It draws the necessary combustion air into the

gas producer and then draws the products of gasification

through the purification train. A high pressure drop across

the gas producer purification train is therefore highly unde-

sirable for a suction gas producer, because it reduces the

volumetric efficiency of the engine.

5. There are many arguments against using a gas producer to provide

fuel for an internal combustion engine that operates under a

variable load such as an automotive engine. The two most important


a. A gas producer and gas cleaning train replaces only the gaso-

line tank of an ~ngine. For automotive applications, there are

substantial space and weight limitations with regard to the


b. A gas producer can he optimized for only one gas output rate

and will usually not operate as well at a different rate. In

particular, the formation of large amounts of condensable pro-

ducts are often a problem at non-optimal flow rates when fuels

high in volatiles are used.

6. For any engine application it is desirable to have a gas composition

that does not fluctuate greatly over time for the following·reasons:

a. Some components of the gas, such as hydrogen (Hz), can greatly

influence the flame speed of the producer gas-air mixture,

which in turn would make variable ignition timing as a function

of the Hz content necessary. See Figure 1-Z.

b. The ever present moisture in the gas also affects the flame

speed. Moisture also influences the reversible carbon (soot)


c. A changing heating value of the gas, which is entirely a func-

tion of its composition, will change the power output of the



I /o

..,"' 4 0 5 % --=F"'-----+--::::,.....""""=::...t7""'':::::------l
~ 30


500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Figure 1-2. Ignition advancement (degrees before top dead center)

versus hydrogen content of producer gas (Anonymous).

7. A gas producer is too often thought of as a simple device that can

generate a combustible gas out of any biomass fuel. This misconcep-

tion has had and will most likely continue to have a considerable

impact on any future developments of the technology.

Having outlined the general issues it is worthwhile to refine the

above points and to discuss the design parameters which are associated

with these points.

l.l Using a gas producer to generate a combustible gas may not have the

advantages one would hope for with regard to fossil fuel savings, econo-

mics and ease of operation.

a. Generation of producer gas and subsequent combustion in a

burner is no different from direct combustion of the biomass in

a furnace with respect to the heat released. In both cases the

product of combustion is a gas having a high sensible heat con-

tent. The alleged economic difference lies in the costly puri-

fication of the stack gases from a furnace operation. Whether

gasification has an advantage over combustion in a furnace if

the only objective is to generate heat for drying or space

heating depends on many conditions.

b. Using producer gas as a substitute for fossil fuel in internal

combustion engines is more attractive than direct combustion of

producer gas in that the end product is a higher, more ver-

satile form of energy: mechanical power and electricity. On

the other Hand it also imposes more stringent requirements on

the quality of the gas such as:

Low solid particle content

Low condensable content

High atomic H/C ratio

Steady gas composition

High Hz content (see Figure 1-2)

Producer gas induction temperature near that of the ambientair.

Of special interest is the high H/C ratio. Most producer gas mix-

tures are in an unfavorable range of 0.1-1.4 for their atomic H/C ratio.

The lower number represents a typical updraft producer gas very high in

CO with almost no Hz while the higher ratio of 1.4 is common for

downdraft producer gas.

Soot formation can be expected for stoichiometric mixtures of pro-

ducer gas and air as shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4. It is of course

always possible to supress soot formation by combustion at $ > 1, as is

done in burners. However, combustion at $ >1 in an internal combustion

engine leads to a drastic decrease in the power output of the engine as

sho~~~n in Figure 1-5. One can therefore expect soot formation within the

combustion chamber at an optimal power output. This sensitivity of the

power output with respect to $ is not as severe for an engine operated

on gasoline.

x 1
c No carbon
.t:l deposition

Oxygen-to-carbon atom ratio, 0/C

Figure 1-3. Soot formation as a function of H/C and 0/C ratio

(Probstein, 1982)
(-range for producer gas)

2.1 It is often useful to determine the amount of volatile matter given

up when heating a carbonaceous fuel at low temperatures in an oxygen-

free atmosphere. This pyrolytic process is what takes place in the

50 CD

... 7


~ 40
.. ...>

"'z ....
...~ 5~--~f-~1----+--~~--_,

20 ...o41--l+t---
-l--+-----+- ---+--_,
z ~
Z31-++-- --+----t--- -+--_,

03 0.2 0.1 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure 1-4. Soot formation as a Figure 1-5. Power output as

function of H/C ratio a function of cp
(R. Reed, 1981) (Kennedy, 1940)
upper zones of a gas producer where no oxygen is present and tern-
peratures are around 100°C - 500°C. Of interest are:

a) The fraction of solid, liquid, and gaseous products formed

during thermal decomposit ion at low temperatur es.

b) The amount of carbon evolved and stored in the various phases.

c) The compositio n of the gaseous portion.

3.1 In most gasifiers the proportion of condensabl e products generated

is substantia l. However, this does not mean that these products must

leave the gas producer in a condensabl e form, which will necessitat e

removal by a gas cleaning train for engine use. A properly designed gas
producer includes provisions for the conversion of a major portion of

the condensabl e products into noncondens able gases. However it is not

easy to accomplish good tar conversion. The benefits of converting

tarry products inside the gasifier are obvious:

a) Tar is a high energy component of the products of gasification

having a higher heating value of 20-34 MJkg-l depending on its

water content. It is therefore more economical to break it

down into a mixture of combustible gases inside the gas pro-

ducer, instead of removing it mechanically outside the


b) The removal of tar vapors from the gas stream is costly, dif-

ficult and leads to bulky gas cleaning equipment.

c) Tar vapors and liquids have been known to be a health hazard

for decades (Harvey, 1982).

Although the mechanism of tar conversion is difficult to explain, one

may in general postulate three major conversion paths:

d) Thermal cracking at high temperatures which results in cracking

of large hydrocarbon molecules.

e) Thermochemical conversion, which involves not only high tem-

peratures but also a catalyst to promote cracking.

f) Combustion of the tar with oxygen.

Because of cost considerations, the catalytic effect needed for ther-

mochemical conversion should come from the biomass fuel itself, rather

than adding a catalyst just to support tar cracking (see Chapter 9).

4.1 One of the decisions that must be made with regard to gas cleaning

equipment is whether to use wet or dry cleaning devices. This decision

is mainly based on the relative amount of solid and liquid contaminants

in the gas and not so much on their actual make-up. Some of the parame-

ters involved are:

a) Solid particle load (mg kg-l of raw gas)

b) Determination of the proportion of solid particles in the raw

gas which can be attributed to physical entrainment as opposed

to those which were generated by reversible carbon reactions

(soot formation).

c) Amount of condensable products in the raw gas, their distilla-

tion point curves and the water content.

d) Dew point of the mixture, which influences greatly the location

of any dry gas cleaning apparatus, since condensation of the

vapors would render it useless.

5.1 Gas production in a gasifier is proportional to the rate of carbon

gasified. It is therefore rather difficult to provide an internal

combustion engine with the necessary gas quality if the engine is fre-

quently changing speeds. Of special interest in this context are:

a) The reactivity of the fuel. It will determine the response

time of the gas producer to a changing gas demand.

b) The ability of the gas producer to maintain the same vertical

temperature profile under varying conditions. This charac-

teristic will determine the amount of unconverted tar leaving a

downdraft gasifier.

c) The ability of a gasifier to operate under a wide range of gas

production rates at similar equivalence ratios.

6.1 Maintaining a steady gas composition and a suitable gas quality is

dependent on two key parameters:

a) Existence of an undisturbed, homogeneous fuel bed, that is free

of channels and caves.

b) Steady fuel flow and residue removal.

7.1 It is unrealistic to expect a gasifier to operate satisfactorily on

various types of fuels. One hundred years of gasification research and

commercial applications have clearly shown that the key to successful

gasification is a gasifier specially designed for a particular fuel. It

is of paramount importance that the physical and chemical charac-

teristics of the fuel do not change significantly. The parameters that

influence fixed bed gasification of a biomass fuel are listed with

respect to their importance:

a) Physical shape of fuel particles and fuel bed structure

b) Moisture content

c) Volatile matter

d) Ash content

e) Ash composition

f) Energy content.

A large variety of biomass fuels have very similar chemical compositions

on an ash and moisture-free basis, as shown in Figure 1-6. Therefore,

the differences are attributed to local variations on how the fuel is

processed, where it is grown, and to what climate it is exposed.


The foregoing discussion on gasification of biomass has emphasized

the complexity of the process which does not only generate a combustible

gas but other products as well. How many factors are involved in the

process is shown in Figure 1-7. In the past the following issues seem

to have dominated gas producer-engiae applications:

a) Contaminations such as tar and dust in producer gas.

b) Development of compact, light and efficient gas cleaning


c) Design of gas producers with a good turn down ratio.

d) Design of gas producers which could gasify inferior fuels such

as bituminous coal, high ash fuels and fuels with low bulk


e) Fuel preparations such as moisture content, fuel size, shape

and fine particle content.

f) Safety and health hazards of producer gas operations.


....... 80
% 60


31: 20


"' "'"" "'

..J ..J 31:
... "'
..J 31:
..."' ..."' .......... ..."' "' ..."' "' ""
..J ..J <I
... ..."'
Cl a:
...a:31: ...a:
<I 31:
% % ..J "' "'
..J "'31: a: <I


...ii:> z ... ...z "'z

...a: "'
..J C(<l
...z o"-
0 z
0 ::::> %
::::> c.> ...JI-... ...>- ...... "'z

... ... ... a:

% ..J
0 z
0 c.>
;;; .... C(Ul Cl ..J

a: ... ...
0 Cl ::::> ::E a:
..J a: <I
0 uJ ..J ..J 0 Cl 0 ~ 0 ..J % <I <I
iJ: a: c.> 31: a: 31:
c.> c.>
0.. Q. 0 Cl Cl CD CD

Figure 1-6. Ultimate elemental analysis on an ash and moisture

free basis of various biomass fuels (Kaupp, 1982)


Handling and Storage Costs

Fuel Upgrading Ash Content

Chemical Composition Heating Value

Quality Control Moisture




Gas Producer Costs

PRODUCER Environmental Heating Value


SYSTEM Reliability Tar Vapor


Producer Gas Gas Mixture Moisture



Gas Chemical
Gas Cleaning Composition

Burner Costs

Internal Efficiency
Combustion Engine
Producer Gas
External Reliability
Combustion Engine

Feedstock Safety

Figure 1-7. Block diagram of parameters involved in the gasification



1. Bugge, G. 1927. Industrie der Holzdistillationsprodukte.

Theodor Steinkopff Company, Leipzig, East Germany.

2. Harvey, R.G. 1982. Polycyclic Hydrocarbons and Cancer. American

Scientist. July-August.

3. Kaupp, A. and J.R. Goss. 1982. State-of-the-Art Report for Small

Scale (to SO kW) Gas Producer Engine Systems. U.S. Agency for
International Development, S&T/DIV, Room 509, SA-14, Washington,
D.C. 20523.

4. Kennedy, W.B. 1940. Mixtures of Producer Gas and Petrol.

Institution of Engineers 12(9):259-263. Australia.

s. Probstein, R. and R.E. Hicks. 1982. Synthetic Fuels.

McGraw-Hill Book Company.

6. Reed, R.D. 1981. Furnace Operations. Third Edition. Gulf

Publishing Company, Houston.

7. Reed, T.B. 1981. Survey of Biomass Gasification, Volume 2,

Principles of Gasification. Publication IISERI/TR-33-239, Solar
Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado.

8. Wyer, S. 1907. A Treatise on Producer Gas and Gas Producers.

Hill Publishing Company, New York.


2.1 Objectives:

2.1.1 Determine the physical and chemical properties of rice

hulls affecting the gasification process.

2.1.2 Develop a small rice hull gas producer, taking into con-

sider at lon the unique physical and chemical properties of

rice hulls.

2.1.3 Obtain performance data for the gas producer.

2.2 Scope:

The following physical and chemical properties of the rice hulls used in

this research were determined:

2.2.1 True density of rice hulls.

2.2.2 Apparent density of rice hulls.

2.2.3 Bulk density of rice hulls.

2.2.4 True density of rice hull pellets.

2.2.5 Apparent density of rice hull pellets.

2.2.6 Bulk density of rice hull pellets.

2.2.7 Void space fraction of rice hulls.

2.2.8 Void space fraction of rice hull pellets.

2.2.9 Pore volume of rice hulls.

2.2.10 Pore volume of rice hull pellets.

2.2.11 Apparent surface area of rice hulls.

2.2.12 Apparent surface area of rice hull pellets.

2. 2.13 Ash content of rice hulls and range for data from the

published literature.

2.2.14 Ultimate analysis of rice hulls and range for data from the

published llterdture.
2.2.15 Ultimate elemental analysis of rice hull ash and range for

data from the published literature.

2.2.16 Softening and melting points of rice hull ash and reported

phase diagrams.

2.2.17 Average weight of a single rice hull.

2.2.18 Microscale appearance of rice hulls before and after the

gasification process.

2.2.19 Slagging and caking behavior of rice hulls and pellets.

2.2.20 Flame temperatures of the combustion and gasification pro-

cess for rice hulls.

2.2.21 Tar cracking in a rice hull fuel bed.

2.2.22 Tar cracking in a pelleted rice hull fuel bed.

2.2.23 The pyrolysis products of rice hulls in a temperature range

of 250-450 C:

Solid residue and composition

Tar generated

Water generated

Gas generated and composition

Carbon bound in the condensable phase.

2.2.24 Pressure drop across a rice hull and char bed as a function

of the superficial gas velocity.

2.2.25 Size distribution of rice hulls.

2.2.26 Size distribution of the residues of rice hull gasifica-


The following parameters characterizing the design and performance of a

rice hull gas producer were determined:

2.2.27 Ash removal system: design and parameters involved in the


2.2.28 Design of the gas exit and parameters involved such as

superficial gas velocity and solid particle entrainment.

2.2.29 Design of the combustion area of a rice hull gas producer

to optimize temperature profiles and flow fields.

2.2.30 Fuel feeding systems for a rice hull gas producer.

2.2.31 Gas cleaning train for producer gas.

2 .2.32 Gas composition as a function of gas output and furnace


2.2.33 Solid particle content of the raw gas stream.

2.2.34 Producer gas output versus size of the rice hull gas pro-


2.2.35 Adiabatic flame temperature of producer gas assuming

various losses.



The present and future high energy prices which have affected

Developing Countries most have made the possibility of gasification of

waste products such as rice hulls and other crop residues a popular

choice in Third World Countries and elsewhere. The alleged advantages

of gasification seem to be intriguing for several reasons:

a) Decentralized energy conversion system which operates economi-

cally (at present high fuel prices) even for a very small scale

of 5-10 hp output.

b) Gasification has been practiced for over 100 years and was a

very well-established technology.

c) Producer gas was and still is generated in very simple stove-

like combustors on a small scale.

However, the history of gasification provides a realistic picture of

this technology. It is outlined in detail in the following section to

identify the considerable social and economical problems that prevailed

throughout its development and use. This chapter is taken from a publi-

cation in 1982 (Kaupp and Goss) which was based on the analysis of 63

original publications that dealt in length with the social, political

and economical aspects of gasification prior to 1950.


The history of gasification can be dated back far earlier than

usually stated. In 1669 Thomas Shirley conducted crude experiments with

carbureted hydrogen and 30 years later Dean Clayton obtained coal gas

from pyrolytic experiments. The first patents with regard to gasifica-

tion were issued to Robert Gardner and John Barber in the years 1788 and

1791. Robert Gardner suggested the application of waste heat of fur-

naces to raise steam, by combusting the heated products in a boiler.

However, the first confirmed use of producer gas from coal was reported

in 1792. In this year "1urdock generated gas from coal and used it to

light a room in his house. ~or many years, after Murdock's development,

coal gas was one of the principal fuels used for lighting purposes in

England. It use declined in favor of electricity but the use of pro-

ducer gas still continued and became increasingly important for cooking

and heating. Experiments to gasify wood or at least use the gases

obtained from charring of wood started surpisingly early (in the year

1798) when Lebon tried to gasify wood. In 1801 Lampadius proved the

possibility of using the waste gases escaping from charring of wood.

The process of generating water gas by reaction of water with a hot car-

bon bed was mentioned by Fourcroy in 1804. It took five more years

before it was realized by Aubertot that the stack gases of blast fur-

naces can be combusted and used to roast ore and burn lime. He received

a patent for this process in the year 1812. The first gas producer

built used oil as a fuel and the patent was given to J. Taylor in 1815

who designed and operated the unit. Between the years 1815 and 1839

many patents were issued for utilization of waste heat and stack gas

from blast furnaces. However, the first commercially used gas producer

can be attributed to Bischof who built a large unit at the iron works of

A.ud incourt, France in 1840. During the next 20 years many researchers

and engineers improved the technology. They used low grade fuel and

combusted the gases in gas fired furnaces. The real breakthrough came

in 1861 with the Siemens gas producer which is considered to be the

first successful commercial unit. Before the turn of the nineteenth

century there are three more important events to mention. First, the

introduction of the Dowson gas producer in 1878 which was the starting

point of the modern gas producer-engine system. This was the first pro-

ducer that was successfully used for stationary power engines. Second,

the introduction of the Mond by-product process on a large scale in

1889. And third, the introduction of the Bernier suction gas producer

in 1895, which was the beginning of the use of gas producers in small,

compact units. The Mond by-product ·process proved for the first time

that other valuable products such as ammonia could be obtained via gasi-

fication. The residual gas from this process was low in heating value

but still could be used for industrial heating purposes. This process

was also adapted to gasify highly volatile fuels such as peat and brown

coal and several plants were in operation in Japan, the United States

and Europe.

As far back as 1819 a portable gas producing apparatus comprising of

a gas producer and a gas vacuum engine were patented in England. No

record can be found that it was ever fitted on a vehicle. The task to

actually operate a passenger vehicle with producer gas for the first

time ever must therefore be credited to J. w. Parker who covered over

1000 miles with his 2 hp automotive gas producers in Scotland during the

years between 1901 and 1905. It is interesting to note that the inade-

quate protection Bernier got for his patented gas producer-engine

system, permitted other enterprising engineers the opportunity of

directly benefiting from his system. Many competing designs were put on

the market in increasing numbers for the next 15 years. One such make

is the Brush Koela plant that was first introduced as a patented device

in 1901 and was actually designed for export to India and other

Developing Countries. The name Koela is the Indian word for charcoal.

The oil engines used during this time period were actually replaced by

producer gas engines. Some companies in England did a brisk business

selling producer gas-engine sets to generate electricity throughout the

country for domestic lighting. The necessity to stay ahead of com-

petitors led some companies to utilization of the waste heat and the co2
generated in the process. However, these early attempts of co-

generation were not very successful, although the general ideas behind

it are no different from today's principles of co-generation. The first

decade of the 20th century was also full of attempts to sp.read the new

concept of suction gas producer-engine systems to other applications.

The Duke of Montrose convinced the British Admirality to introduce

some of the new compact suction plants on ships, because similar experi-

mental units were already in use on barges for channel and river

transport in Germany and France. A small gas producer carried by four

men and used for disinfection purposes was manufactured by J. Pintsch.

The gas, rich in carbon monoxide, was used for killing mice, rats, or

other vermin on farms and ships. The technology of gasification of wood

and charcoal was stepped up, mostly to provide the colonies of the

British and German Empires with gas producers that did not depend on

scarce anthracite coal. H. A. Humphrey had considerable success with.

operating huge pumps on producer gas. Several types of these 1000 hp

waterpumps were built in Alexandria (Egypt), Berlin {West Germany) and

Chingford (England). Some enthusiasts considered producer gas the

future fuel for internal combustion engines. On the other hand a talk

given by Ade Clark for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London,

in which he discussed industrial applications of the diesel engine

signaled, in 1904, the increasing interest in this new diesel tech-

nology. The manufacture and operation of producer gas plants was in no

way restricted to European countries and their colonies. In fact the

United States Geological Survey had for several years investigated the

economical value of coals and lignites as gas producer fuel. The early

tests done with a pilot plant erected at the Louisiana Purchase

Exposition in 1904 were very encouraging and demonstrated the use of

many coals that could not be combusted in the existing steam-power

plants. The fact that the technology of large updraft gas producers

became more and more reliable encouraged gas engine manufacturers to

build larger and larger units. Before the wide spread use of producer

gas only small gas engines up to 75 hp were found economical to operate

with town gas. However, the cheap producer gas led to the operation of

huge gas engines. The first 600 hp engine was exhibited in Paris in

1900. Larger engines, up to 541)0 hp were put into service in the u.s.
shortly thereafter. The results of a survey of 70 plants out of the 376

existing plants in the u.s. in the year 1909 are published in United

States Geological Survey, Bulletin #416.

With regard to the present situation, the USGS report is important

because i t states for the first tirne the many difficulties caused by

lack of knowledgeable engineers, tack of knowledge and confidence in the

technology on the part of the public, inexperienced salesmen not fami-

liar with the details of the engine and the gas producer concept, lack

of types of gas producers that could gasify inferior fuels and the large

number of unsuccessful or only partly successful installations made

during the experimental period of this development. One of the key

problems with gas producer systems that has persistently remained to the

present is quoted from the bulletin:

"It cannot be denied that many of the difficulties charged

to producer-gas power plants are due entirely to incompetent

operators. Some plants have been put out of commission tem-

porarily by the prejudices or the lack of ability and

training of the operators or engineers in charge. A few of

these failures are due to the impossiblity of finding men com-

petent to operate the plants, but many of them have undoubted-

ly been the result of a short-sighted policy on the part of

some manufacturers, who are not willing to give proper and

necessary information about the design, construction, and

operation of the plants made by them. The possibility of a

sale at the time is apparently the only interest they keep in

mind, and the future is allowed to take care of itself".

Sales brochures from many countries and personal contacts indicate

the situation is very much the same today. The demand for better educa-

tion of the designers and builders of gas producer plants and furnaces,

drivers of automotive gas producer vehicles, the existence of special

schools teaching gasification and the demand for higher wages for

drivers of automotive gas producer vehicles can be found throughout the

entire literature covering the 100 years of commercial gas producers.

Further development of the automotive gas producer was done by

Porter and Smith in England during the First World War. The impetus for

this work was the possiblity of disruption of gasoline supplies which

had become the dominant fuel for motor transport. Although most of the

early development of automotive gas producers was done in England, wide

spread application during and after the First World War was crippled by

the British taxation system that assigned taxes to cars according to

their weight which included the gas producer. The 1919 special report

of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the employment of gas as a source

of power which dealt at considerable length with the automotive gas

producers and its advantages was not followed by any government action

to put the automotive gas producer in a more favorable tax situation.

A totally different situation prevailed in France. There the use of

wood and charcoal as a fuel had a long history and the French govern-

ment was actively encouraging the development of automotive gas produ-

cers after 1919. Further public awareness of this method to drive an

automobile was greatly increased through ralleys organized each year

since 1926 by the Automobile Club de France. The distances that had to

be covered were between 1600 and 3000 km. One of the greatest names in

the development and manufacture of automotive gas producers was the

Frenchman, Imbert. He filed his first patent for a downdraft gas pro-

ducer in 1923 and many successful designs including the recently built

small automotive gas producers are based on this design. The interest

in the automotive gas producer faded in France during the 1930s and most

of the development in this field continued in Germany. In fact the

Imbert Company is again manufacturing gas producer-engine systems in

West Germany. Although the automotive gas producer never played any

role in the development of gasification in the u.s., more than 12,000

stationary gas producers were in operation during the 1920's and 1930's

in the u.s. and Canada. Over 150 companies in Europe manufactured small

and large gas producers for various applications. The gas producer con-

cept was especially appealing for applications in remote areas or

Developing Countries which had brush or timber. For instance, the

British company, Crossley, sold gas producers for remote mines in

Australia and the Tulloch Reading 50 hp truck developed in England was

mostly purchased by the Empire Cotton Growing Cooperation for use in


The next decade from 1930 to 1940 can clearly be considered as the

development period for small automotive and portable gas producers that

reached its peak during World War II. New concepts and designs such as

crossdraft gas producers were developed or improved. Efforts were

undertaken to build the automotive gas producers lighter and improve the

gas cleaning system which was the vulnerable part of the units. New

units, capable of gasifying more readily available fuels such as bitumi-

nous coal, anthracite and wood, were developed and tested in small num-

bers. The Br.itish gasification efforts were still more directed to

their overseas markets and not so much for domestic use. There were

signs of an increasing critical view toward the automotive gas producer

in France. It was claimed that at least one new gas producer mounted on

a truck was more expensive to run and operate than a comparable gasoline

truck despite all government grants and subsidies. It is of interest to

recall the official position of the French and ~ritish governments

during the early 1930s. Authorities in both countries felt at that time

that the automotive charcoal gas producer was more suitable for their

colonies where the supply of gasoline was scarce, and wood that copld be

made into charcoal at very low labor costs was readily available. The

emerging gas producers using wood and low grade coal were not given much of a

chance for general use. History has proven that assessment to be correct.

The first well reported conversion of internal combustion engines,

in this case tractors, to producer g·as drive under economic pressure

occurred during the 1931 to 1934 period in Western Australia. The large

quantities of wood available, the negligible oil resources at this time

and the collapse of the wheat prices during 1930's set the scenario for

a rather hasty, uncoordinated conversion of kerosene tractors to pro-

ducer gas operation. Many farmers, in order to avoid bankruptcy had to

consider all alternatives, including producer gas, although it was well

known that the power loss of the tractors would be considerable. What

happened during these years until the recovery of the wheat prices was

just a small part of what happened later during t"orld War II on a much

broader basis. Many gas producers were failures from the start. Others

deteriorated rapidly owing to faulty construction. Several firms were

interested in the manufacture and sale of such units, but had neither

the money nor time to do the necessary research and development engi-

neering. As a consequence, there were often totally dissatisfied custo-

mers, who after a short trial, resolved they would never again have

anything to do with gas producers.

On the other hand, a small number of farmers having ingenuity and

mechanical skill, operated their units very satisfactorily for a number

of years. In this context it should be mentioned that there has never

been an automotive engine especially designed and built for producer

gas, although the technology was wide spread for over 100 years. With

plentiful fossil fuels available during peaceful and stable economical

times, there was no need for the producer gas concept. During emergen-

cies and war times the concept of producer gas engine systems was always

so hastily brought back that there was simply not enough time and money

available to develop a specially designed producer gas, internal com-

bustion engine for automotive use. This explains in part the difficul-

ties some farmers had in converting their kerosene tractors to producer

gas drive. The interest in gas producers faded quickly after the 1930's

depression was over. Only 62 producer gas tractors out of 4548 tractors

in Western Australia were operating at the end of 1937.

In late 1930's the effort of Nazi Germany to accelerate the conver-

sion of vehicles to producer gas operation was the beginning of a world-

wide effort to use the gas producer concept as part of a plan for

national security, independence from imported oil and acceleration of

the agricultural mechanization. A typical example was the Soviet Union.

The build-up of the military as well as rapid expansion of heavy

industry necessitated a major change in the mechanized agricultural

units. The change was directed toward the fuel used. It became

apparent that despite a high priority for the agricultural sector, the

transport of the fuel was becoming a problem. The big agricultural

areas were far from the large oil fields and the distribution of the

fuel even when plentiful was one of the biggest problems. The introduc-

tion of gas producer powered tractors and trucks to the Russian farmers

can therefore not be viewed as an emergency measure to reduce the con-

sumption of gasoline and diesel oil. Instead it was viewed as an alter-

native to using fuels available locally and thereby easing the

transportation and distribution problem. Almost all early Russian trac-

tors were powered by gasoline engines which required extensive

rebuilding of the engine to avoid a severe power reduction. (A later

model, the Stalinez C65 tractor, and the Kharkov caterpillar tractor

were equipped with diesel engines). From the design of the gas producer

and its gas cleaning system, it seems most likely that various German

gas producers were used as the basic design for these models. Despite

some criticism about the gas producer concept, its economics and future,

new advanced crossdraft gas producers were built in France. In par-

ticular the Sabatier and Gohin Poulence plants showed an astonishing

performance, equal to most gasoline powered vehicles. However, it

became more and more obvious that good gas producer performance was clo-

sely connected to the quality of the fuel. Plants like the Sabatier, or

later the Swedish Kalle model, were highly reliable and worked well only

with specially manufactured charcoal having carefully controlled

quality. In 1938 most European countries stimulated the use of producer

gas through subsidies for conversion, favorable tax benefits or even

edicts such as in France that required all public transport companies to

change at least 10% of their vehicles to producer gas. The I tal ian

government was even more strict, requiring all buses in public service

to use home produced fuel, wood charcoal, alcohol or home produced

petrol and oil. These various measures led to 4500 gas producer

vehicles in France, 2200 in Germany and over 2000 in Italy by the early

part of 1939. England, the country that did most of the pioneer work in

the beginning, however, saw its producer gas program entangled in poli-

tics, resulting in very little conversion to producer gas for vehicles.

Tve learn this from an article written by the Coal Utilization Council

appearing in the Fuel Economist in July 1938. The Director of this

organization complained bitterly about the stubborness of the British

government in this matter. Nevertheless, some British bus companies ran

their city buses on producer gas quite successfully and on schedule.

What happened to the development of the automotive gas producer

after 1939 must be seen in the context of the World War II. From the

number of articles published about gasification in German journals each

year and the work of several national committees on the subject it was

obvious that Ger~any was much better prepared to deal with the logistic

problems associated with the operation of hundreds of thousands of auto-

motive gas producers. However, the most drastic development took place

in Sweden, which experienced a most severe fuel shortage. Other

countries delayed the conversion to producer gas operation, because

there was simply no need for it. For instance, not many automotive gas

producers were seen in Australia in the year 1940, compared to a con-

siderably larger number in New Zealand which was much earlier affected

by the fuel shortage. The United States coped with gasoline shortage by

means of rationing but nevertheless automotive and stationary gas produ-

cers were manufactured in Michigan. They were not available for

domestic use and most of them were sold to China under Lend-Lease terms.

"Woman Who Fled Nazis Makes Gas Producers in Michigan Plant for Export

to China" was one of the headlines of several articles that appeared in

the National Petroleum News and Chicago Tribune about this activity.

The development of the European gasification activities was closely

monitored by the Forest Service of the United States Department of

Agriculture and some of the findings have been published. At the end of

1944 it was concluded that wide spread commercial adoption of gas produ-

cers in the United States would not be promoted. Only under special

circumstances in remote areas, gas producer ope rat ion might be accep-


Even after the outbreak of the war, the British government was in no

hurry to regulate or require the use of automotive gas producers. One

of the reasons was the unsuitability of most existing gas producers for

the soft and brown coals of England, which had little anthracite.

Nevertheless, a so-called government emergency crossdraft gas producer

was developed especially for the British coals and low temperature coke

and it was planned to manufacture 10,000 units. The government devel-

oped producer worked reasonably well but ln 1942 i t became increasing-

ly difficult to obtain the necessary low ash coal to run the gas

producer and plans to mass produce the unit were given up. The conver-

sion of vehicles to producer gas drive was therefore mostly restricted

to bus companies and some private companies that installed the station-

ary Cowan Mark 2C gas producer as an emergency power supply to fac-

tories affected by air bombing. Therefore, large-scale conversion of

vehicles took place in Sweden and the countries occupied by Germany

during World War II.

In December, 1939, about 250,000 vehicles were registered in Sweden.

At the beginning of 1942 the total number of road vehicles still in ser-

vice was 80,000, about 90% of which were converted to producer gas drive

within 1 1/2 years. In addition, almost all of the 20,000 tractors were

also operated on producer gas. forty percent of the fuel used was wood

and most of the remainder charcoal. Dried peat was used to some extent.

This fast and almost complete conversion was accompanied by the drastic

decline of imported petroleum from 11 million barrels in 1939 to 800,000

in 1942.

It is far more interesting to recall the logistic difficulties

associated with the conversion of gasoline vehicles on a large scale

during World War II, because the technical advances made after 1940 were

not significant and dealt mostly with the improvement of gas cleaning

systems and better alloys for the gas producer shell.

Schlapfer and Tobler, who conducted extensive tests with various gas

producers during the 1930 to 1939 period in Switzerland, pointed out the

human element involved. They argued that most of the converted post

buses running on producer gas in Switzerland did not perform well

because drivers had difficulties getting used to the new driving style

and were reluctant to do the additional work involved. Most troublesome

was the required daily cleaning of the entire cleaning system and the

preparations for the next run, which included the clearing of the fuel

hopper, because overnight storage of the fuel in the fuel hopper caused

considerable starting difficulties due to moisture buildup. It also

became apparent that neither the manufacturers nor the general public

really understood the problems associated with a gas-producer operated


One company in France had a mixed fleet of gasoline and gas producer

driven vehicles. The drivers had to carry out refueling and making

repairs after the day's work at regular rates of pay. The producer

vehicles were constantly having to go to the shop for repairs which the

drivers alledged were beyond what they could do. After the company

decided to pay overtime for the time spent to clean and refuel the gas-

producers, the producer vehicles became at once as trouble free as the

gasoline vehicles.

This situation also existed in Germany prior to World War II. In

the early 20th century, owners of large stationary gas producers talked

about sending their engineers to special schools on gasification and

paid them higher wages to ensure that the gas producer was properly

operated. The German government finally agreed after many years of

rejection, to pay their drivers of automotive gas producers higher

wages, which improved the situation. 'However, the uninformed private

driver remained a persistent problem. ~t the beginning he was faced

with hundreds of makes of gas producers and no manufacturer's guarantee

about the performance. Although one could not prove that some manufac-

turers actually sold equipment they knew would not work, it cannot be

denied that ,nany of them did not know much about the performance of

their units or could only prove reliable performance with high quality

fuel having carefully controlled physical and chemical properties.

Large numbers of unsatisfied customers finally led to government action

in Germany and Sweden as well as in the occupied countries. The number

of manufacturers of gas producers was significantly reduced to about 10

with models that had been proven to be successful. However, the fuel

supply and the quality of gas producer fuel was still a problem that

actually was never solved. Until the end of 1941, wood and charcoal

were the fuels most widely used in Germany. The collection and prepara-

tion of gas producer fuel was handled by the Gesellschaft fur

Tankholzgewinnung und Holzabfallverwertung which kept a tight control

on the size, shape and moisture content of the fuel. The fuel could be

purchased at over 1000 official filling stations all over the country.

This service was more or less operated and organized like today' s oil

companies and gasoline stations.

It soon became apparent that at the prevailing wood consumption rate

and the tendency of drivers to use charcoal, there would not be much

forest left within a few years. The construction of charcoal gas-

producers was therefore forbidden in France and Denmark afte.r July 1,

1941 and greatly restricted in Germany and Sweden. The new policy was

to encourage the use of brown-coal, peat coke, anthracite and low tem-

perature coke. It however can be concluded that their use was plagued

by problems with the quality of the fuel, such as high sulfur content,

too much volatile matter, poor physical shape of the various cokes sold,

too expensive production methods and improper handling of the fuel bag~.

Most customers did not understand the differences among the various

fuels they could buy or their influence on the gas producers. The

situation today is about the same and any introduction of small sta-

tionary or portable gas producers on a broad basis would likely lead to

the same difficulties. Some users of automotive gas producers even pro-

duced their own fuel out of brush wood collected in the national


A slightly different situation prevailed in Sweden with its vast

supply of wood. At the beginning the unrestricted use of charcoal led

to various designs of high performance gas producers, which operated

very well as long as they were fired with the specially prepared char-

coal they were designed for. The tar oils from wood carbonization were

also not wasted and used for heavy fuels and as a lubricant. Over 3000

furnaces producing charcoal were in operation in 1944, to provide the

necessary fuel for metallurgical operations and the fleet of gas produ-

cers. Although the officially produced fuel was strictly classified and

quality controlled, not all of the fuel related problems could be

solved. For instance, first grade low volatility fuel of less than 3%

volatiles turned out to be medium volatility fuel with over 8% volatiles

that could not be gasified in most gas producers. Hard, high. grade

charcoal leaving the factories with a low moisture content of 10% and

only a 10% fraction of fines, reached the consumer broken up and

crumbled with a moisture content of over 20% and was therefore rendered

useless. Although the emergency situation was on everybody's mind, the

temptation was high to buy and operate the very convenient, high perfor-

mance gas producers which depended on special fuels.

It is obvious that an automotive gas producer that can be started

within 2 minutes and does not require much cleaning sounded much more

appeaLing for the private customer than one with more flexibility with

regard to the fuel needed to operate the unit. The tendency to modify

the fuel for a gasifier in question instead of investing the time and

money to design and construct a gas producer for a fuel in question can

be found throughout the entire history of gasification. This approach

was not changed during the first 100 years of gasification and present

signs indicate that there will be slow progress toward designing gas

producers for specific fuels.

Although the number of accidents related to the use of automotive

gas producers was considerably higher than with gasoline vehicles, most

accidents were due to negligence of the driver. The increasing number

of accidents caused by operators not familiar with their equipment was

of much concern to the Swedish government and the manufacturers. This

was reflected in very detailed operation manuals and the introduction of

a special driver's license for the operation of an automotive gas pro-

ducer. Of concern were simple operational mistakes such as not ven-

tilating the unit after a day's use which resulted in a gas build up in

the gas producer that could explode while the owner was checking the

fuel level next morning. Other operators had the opinion that as long

as the engine was running on the produced gas everything was fine and

switched too early to producer gas drive during the startup period. In

most cases this led to totally tarred up manifold and valves, because

the initially produced gas, although of high heating value was rich in

higher hydrocarbons that condensed in the engine. ~ore serious and not

so easily cQntrolled is the danger of accumulative carbon monoxide

poisoning which occurred frequently according to Swedish reports. The

problems in the past with automotive gas producers, should be viewed in

the light of the enormous task that was undertaken in Europe to convert

hundred of thousands of gasoline vehicles to producer gas drive within

three years in a difficult time. An automotive gas producer must also

be viewed as the most advanced gas producer, much more difficult to

design and operate than a stationary unit.

Shortly after World War II, automotive gas producers as well as all

the large stationary units were put out of service because of abundant,

cheap supplies of gasoline, diesel oil, natural gas and electricity.

The change away from producer gas operation was also drastically

reflected in the research done in this field. The number of publica-

tions listed in major engineering indexes dropped sharply from several

hundred a year to less than 10 a year during the 1950 to 1970 period.

It can be said with few exceptions, gasification and in particular small

portable gas producers were a forgotton technology during this time

period. Research done in this field, which can be called a considerable

contribution to the advancement of automotive gas producers, took place

in Sweden during the 1957 to 1963 period. This research was initiated

by the Swedish Defense Department after the Suez Crisis and undertaken

by the National Machinery Testing Institute. The research made con-

siderable contributions to the improvement of the gas cleaning system

and the modifications of diesel engines for gas producer drive.

The 1970s brought an increasing renewed interest in this form of

power generation and a more general look at the complexity of gasifica-

tion. Some o.f the present work concentrates on the revival of the old

ideas and designs and their modification and expansion to fuels dif-

ferent from wood and coal. A worldwide search for small scale gas pro-

ducers in operation and researchers working on the subject as well as

the increasing number of dally inquiries about gasification received,

show a considerable interest and demand in small gas producers.

However, the idea still persists that gas producers are a simple stove-

like energy conversion system that is easy to design and operate. The

present demand is therefore also stimulated by the belief that gasifiers

can convert almost any carbonaceous material to useful tnechanical and

electrical energy. This image of a gasification system is far removed

from any reality and in particular the history of gasification has shown

that a fixed bed gasifier providing fuel for an internal combustion

engine is a very selective energy conversion system with little flexi-

bility with regard to the fuel it was designed for. A further handicap

is the little knowledge we have about the behavior of various biomass

fuels under thermal decomposition. This knowledge· is certainly basic

for any further optimization of gas producers and cannot be obtained

easily. On the other hand, amazing performances of gas producer-engine

systems have been reported and verified throughout the history of gasi-

fication. It is not just an assumption but confirmed reality that

trucks have been operating on producer gas for over 300,000 km with no

major repair and less engine wear than that resulting from using only

diesel fuel. Large Italian rice mills have gasified their rice husks

and used the gas to drive the power units used for milling for decades.

The number of quite satisfied owners of small and large gasifiers is

certainly not small and there is lots of evidence that i t can be done.

The history of gasification has also shown that it is not one of the

most convenient technologies.


1. Allcut, E.A. 1942. Producer Gas for ~otor Transport, Engineering

Journal 5(4):223-230.

2. Anderson, M.. 1938. Case for the Encouragement of the Producer-

Gas Vehicle in Britain. Fuel Economist 14:245-246, 256-257.

3. Anonymous. 1933. ~ New Gas Producer-Gas Plant for Road

Transport. The Commerical Motor, 20:787-788. January.

4. Anonymous. 1939. Alternative Fuels for Wartime. Gas and Oil

Power. PP• 235-238. October.

5. Anonymous. 1941. Emergency Gas Supplies for Factories. Power

and Works Engineer 36:137-139. June.

6. Anonymous. 1938. Forest Gas for Traction. Engineer 166(4311):


7. Anonymous. 1939. Gas as a Substitute for Gasoline Part 1.

Petroleum Times 42(1073:169-170, 189.

8. Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation. 1978. Gas from Coal: A

Volatile Solution. Energy Guidebook. PP• 108-110.

9. Anonymous. 1939.· Gas Producer for Road Vehicles. Engineering.

PP• 631-632. May 26.
10. Anonymous. 1939. Gas Utilization for Automobiles. Gas Age.
December 7.

11. Anonymous. 1943. German Portable Gas Producer Practice.

Engineering 155:423-424. May.

12. Anonymous. 1949. Improvements in the "Brush Koela" Gas Producer.

Engineering 169(4398):395.

13. Anonymous. 1940. Specification for Portable Gas-Producer Fuels.

Engineering. P• 150. February.

14. Anonymous. 1942. Producer Gas Plant Manufacture. Gas and Oil
Power 37(443):147-150.
15. Anonymous. 19 Producer Gas: Present and Future. Gas and Oil
Power 40(473):49-50.

16. Anonymous. 1943. Producer Gas versus Petrol Operation in

Germany. Petroleum Times 47(1193):190.

17. Anonymous. 1942. The P.s.v. Gas Producer. Bus and Coach. PP•
228-230. November.

18. Anonymous. 1945. The Soviet Producer-Gas Tractors. Gas and Oil
Power. pp. 89-95. Ma~ch.

19. Anonymous. 1929. The Tulloch-Reading Gas Producer for Motor

Vehicles. Engineering 127:641-644.

20. Bailey. M.L. 1979. Gas Producers for Motor Vehicles: A

Historical Review. Department of Scientific and Industrial
Research, Chemistry Division, Report CD 2279. New Zealand.

21. Branders. H.A. 1941. Producer Gas is the Motor Fuel of Finland.
Automotive Industries. pp. 482-485, 522-523. May.

22. Breag, G.R. and A.E. Chittenden. 1979. Producer Gas: Its
Potential and Application in Developing Countries. Tropical
Products Institute, Report G130, London, England.

23. Brownlie, D. 1940. Producer-Gas Driven Vehicles. The Iron and

Coal Trades Review. PP• 121-123.

24. Campbell, J.L. 1942. Gas Producers: An Outline of the

Compulsory Government Tests in Australia. Automobile Engineer

25. Clarke, J.S. 1940. The Use of Gas as a Fuel for Motor Vehicles.
Institute of Fuel Journal 13(70):102-117.

26. Dimitryev, A.P. 1940. Automotive Gas Generators Used in USSR.

Automotive Industries 83(10):534-535, 551.

27. Dunstan, W.N. 1945. Gas Engine and Gas Producer Practice in
Australia. Engineer 180(4688):400-401.

28. Egloff, G. and M. Alexander. 1944. Combustible Gases as

Substitute Motor Fuels. Petroleum Refiner 23(6):123-128.

29. Egloff, G. 1947. Fuels Used in Sweden. Petroleum Engineer


30. Forbes, W. 1939. Experiments with Gas Producer Vehicles in

Cardiff. Passenger Transport Journal. PP• 201-205. November.

31. Fowke, W.H. 1938. Operating Results with Producer Gas. Bus and
Coach 10(2):84-86.

32. Freeth, E.E. 1939. Producer Gas for Agricultural Purposes.

Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia

33. Gall, R.L. and J.D. Spencer. 1966. Caking Coal Behavior in
Gas-Producer Tests. Coal Ag~ 71(2):128-130.

34. Goldman, B. 1938. Fuels Alternative to Oil for Road Transport

Vehicles. Fuel Economist 14(248-252. July.

35. Goldman, 13. and N.C. Jones. 1939. The Modern Portable Gas
Producer. Institute of Fuel 12(63):103-140.

36. Goldman, B. and N.C. Jones. 1938. The Modern Portable Gas
Producer. The Engineer 166:248-252. December.

37. Goldman, B. and N.C. Jones. 1939. The Modern Portable Gas
Producer. The Petroleum World 36(460):3-5.

38. Greaves-Walker, A.F. 1916. The Design and Construction of a

Producer-Gas House for Clay Plants. Transactions of American
Ceramic Society 18:862-866.

39. Hurley, T.F. and A. Fitton. 1949. Producer Gas for Road
Transport. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

40. Kralik, F. 1943. Rail Car with Charcoal Gas Producer. The
Engineers' Digest. PP• 24-25. December.

41. Lang, W.A. 1943. Alternative Fuels for Motor Vehicles.

Engineering Journal 26(8):449-454.

42. Langley, F.D. 1942. The Revival of Suction-Gas Producer. Gas

and Oil Power 37(446):236-240.

43. Lindmark, G. 1944. Swedish Gas Producer Buses. Bus and Coach.
PP• 266-269. April.

44. Littlewood, K. 1977. Gasification: Theory and Application,

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 3(1):35-71.

45. Lustig, L. 1947. New Gas Producer for Dual Fuel Engines. Diesel
Progress 13(5):42-43.

46. Mellgren, s. and E. Andersson. 1943. Driving with Producer Gas.

National Research Council of Canada RP 15/43. Ottawa, Canada.

47. Miller, R.H.P. 1944. Gasogens. u.s. Department of Agriculture,

Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Madison, Wisconsin.

48. Overend, R. 1977. Wood Gasification: An Old Technology with a

Future? Sixth Annual Meeting, Biomass Energy Institute Symposium.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 12.

49. Pavia, ~.E. 1942. Woodgas Producers for Motor Vehicles.
Institution of Engineers Journal 14(12):279-292.

50. Rambush, ~.E. 1923. Modern Gas Producers. Van Nostrand Company.
~ew York.

51. Renton, c. 1940. Producer Gas Tests in the Queensland Railway

Department. Institution of Engineers Journal. PP• 274-278.
Australia. October.

52. Ridley, c. 1944. Temporary Fuels, A Consideration of the

Prospect of Their Permanency. Automobile Engineer 34(446):63-67.

53. Roberts, R.P. 1933. Producer Gas Equipment on Tractors in

Western Australia. Journal of the Department' of Agriculture <?f
Western Australia 15(4):391-402.

54. Ruedy, R. 1944. Wood and Charcoal as Fuel for Vehicles.

National Research Council of Canada (1157).

55. Skov, N.A. and M.L. Papworth. 1975. The Pegasus Unit. Pegasus
Publishers Inc. Olympia, l~ashington.

56. Telford, W.M. 1949. Some Notes on the Design of Mobile Producer
Gas Units. Institute of ~ngineers Journal 12(11):299-304.

57. Telford, W.M. 1941. Some Notes on the Design of Mobile Producer
Gas Units. Gas and Oil Power 36:179-181.

58. Tookey, W.A. 1952.. Suction Gas Plant Development Fifty Years
Ago. ~ngineer 193(5028):754.

59. Twelvetrees, ~. 1944. Paving the l-lay for Producer Gas Operation.
Bus and Coach. PP• 104-107. February.

60. Walton, J. 1940. Alternative Fuels. Automobile Engineering

30:91-92. March.

61. Woods, M.W. 1940. An Investigation of the High-Speed Producer

Gas Englne. Engineer 169(4401):448-450.

62. Woods, M.W. 1938. Producer Gas Vehicles. Instltution of

Engineers Journal 10(3). Australia.

63. ~~yer, s.s. 1906. A Treatise on Producer Gas and Gas Producers.
Hill Publishing Company.


Gasification research and commercial production came to an almost

complete standstill after World War II. The current revitalization of

the technology is due to the growing belief that fossil fuel supplies

will be exhausted within 50-100 years and that transitional energy tech-

nologies will be necessary until direct utilization of the sun's energy

can be instituted on a large scale.

The present work done in the field of biomass gasification is

insignificant when compared to the work done between 1840 and 1950. An

extensive literature review was therefore conducted which identifed

about 1200 publications of worthwhile content. More than 640 of these

publications were obtained, analyzed and organized by the following


a) Internal Combustion Engine

b) Developing Countries

c) Gas Cleaning

d) Chemistry of Gasification

e) Portable Gas Producer Engine Systems

f) Stationary Gas Producer Engine Systems

g) Biomass Fuels

h) Fossil Fuels

i) Theory of Ga~ification

j) Economics of Gasification

The results have been published by Kaupp and Goss ( 1982). Also incor-

porated in the report is a survey conducted in 63 countries concerning

present research efforts in this field. Of over 500 persons contacted,

148 in 34 countries either had experience with biomass gasification or

are presently working on it.

Rice hulls are one of the most abundant crop residues in the world

(an estimated 70 million tons in 1982). This byproduct of rice milling

often causes disposal problems. Many studies have been undertaken with

regard to the utilization of rice hulls for a wide range of applica-

tiona. An excellent survey of the utilization of rice hulls as an

energy source has been done by Beagle (1978). Books on the various

applications have been published by The American Cereal Chemist

Association (Houston, Chapter 12, 1972) and Angladette (1966). Ultimate

analyses of rice hulls as well as ash content measurements are given by

Beagle (1978), Houston (1972), Jones (1953) and Borasio (1928) for

various locations. A number of 40 - 80 hp rice hull gas producers were

in operation for decades in Italy. Descriptions and sketchy performance

data are given by Garbarino (1911) and Francesco et al (1917) about the

80-100 hp Italian rice hull gas producers. The journal IL Giornale di

Risicoltura has regularly published information on rice hull gasifica-

tion as well as on the properties and utilization of rice hulls, most of

which appeared between 1908 and 1950.

The German engine maker, Humboldt-Deutz Motoren AG, did extensive

testing on rice hull gas producers during the 1930s. Possenti (1944)

describes a successful Italian rice hull gas producer, named the

Balestra unit after the engineer who built and operated it for over 30

years in the gas plant of Vercelli.

Tucker (1944) investigated some physical properties of rice hulls

such as thermal conductivity and true density. However, his investiga-

tive methods leave ·some doubt about the validity of the published data.

The most recent reports of existing rice hull gas producers are

listed in the FAO publication RAPA No. 61 (FAO Bangkok, June, 1982).

The publication discusses rice hull gasification efforts in Malaysia,

Thailand, The Peoples Republic of China and the Philippines.

The Egyptian government shut down their last remaining rice hull gas

producer because one worker died of carbon monoxide poisoning while two

others developed respiratory diseases (Beagle, 1982). A well-preserved

(1925) rice hull gas producer and engine (Crossley-Premier) was reported

by Beagle (1983) in Burma. It may therefore be concluded that rice hull

gasification on a larger scale (40 - 150 hp) is well documented and was

successful at least in Egypt, Italy and Burma. Recent work and reports

about development units as well as laboratory units at the university

level must be viewed with great caution. Well-documented tests on rice

hull gasification in a fluidized bed are given by Van den Aarsen (1982).


1. Angladetta, A. 1966. LeRiz. G.P. Maisonneuve and Larose, Paris.

2. Beagle, E. 1978. Rice husk conversion to energy. FAO

Agricultural Services Bulletin #31.

3. Beagle, E. 1982. Personal communication. October, 1982.

4. Beagle, E. 1983. Personal communication. January, 1983.

5. Borasio, L. 1928. Sulla composizione chimica della lolla di

riso. IL Giornale di Risicoltura, Anno XVII, No. 3.

6. Francesco, et al. 1917. Processo industriale per la utiliz-

zazione della lolla. Premiata Tipo litografia Gallard! and Ugo,
Vercelli 1917.

7. Garbarino, G. 1911. Utililzzazione integrale della lolla di

riso come combustibile. November 1911.

8. Jones, J.D. 1953. New refractory from vegetable source.

Canadian Metals. January.

9. Humboldt-Deutzmotoren AG. 1933. Gas producer for using vege-

tables wastes, e.g., rice husks, nut shells of cacao, coffee or
palm kernels. Chem. Abstracts Vol. 27:5520.

10. Humboldt-Deutzmotoren AG. 1934. Gas producer for using husks and
similar vegetable wastes. Chem. Abstracts, Vol. 28:3565.

11. Kaupp, A. and J.R. Goss. 1982. State-of-the-Art for small scale
(to 50 kW) gas producer engine systems. u.s. Agency for
International Development, Washington, D.C. 20523.

12. Possenti, A. 1944. Gasification plant for rice hulls in the gas
plant of Vercelli. Risicolture Vol. 30:243-251 and Chem.
Abstracts Vol. 37:3247.
13. Tucker, P.W. 1944. A study of the physical and chemical proper-
ties of rice hulls. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University,
Department of Chemistry.

14. Van den Aarsen, F.B. et al. 1982. Performance of a rice husk
fueled fluidized bed pilot plant gasifier. First International
Producer Gas Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka. November.



Gasification of coal and biomass had its heyday at a time when very

little was known about the process except that incomplete combustion

generated a gas which in turn could be further oxidized (burned).

The simple definition of gasification given earlier as a process

that stores a maximum of chemical energy in the gas phase does not

include any suggestions about how this is achieved, nor does i t disclose

the principles behind this conversion process.

Any air-blown combustion process yields a range of gases such as:

CO, COz, CH4 , CzHz, CzH4 , CzH6 , c 3 ~, c 4 ~, Nz,

Hz, HzO(g), NOz, NO, 0, Oz, N and H

as well as condensable vapors consisting of higher hydrocarbons.

Advanced computer programs as well as experimental results have

shown quite clearly that at the prevailing gas producer temperatures of

800-1300°C the products which contribute more than 1% to the total gas

volume are restricted to CO, COz, CH 4 , Nz, Hz, HzO(g) and in some

instances Oz •

One elemental chemical ultimate analysis of dry rice hulls shows

that 100 kg of them can be represented by:

C3.45 H4.94 °Z.33 N0.04 (Si0z)O.Z6 (see Table 6-1)

This representation accounts for 99% of the constituents of rice hulls.

It is therefore up to the individual to decide how the gasification pro-

cess will be characterized based on the given input and output species.

One should realize that there are many options available and that those

models which most closely resemble a real situation are in most cases

not solvable. The non-solvability of models is not primarily caused by

insufficient numerical methods. The major handicap and missing link are

the physical parameters of the fuel and the design parameters of the gas

producer that must be incorporated into the governing equations, either

as dependent variables or as boundary conditions.

The complexity is shown by a list of properties involved in

modelling the gasifier performance:

a) Temperature Field

b) Flow Field

c) Species Concentration Profiles

d) Intrinsic Reaction Rates of the Homogeneous Reactions

e) Boundary Conditions

f) Mass Transport across Phase Boundaries and Heterogeneous

Surface Reactions.

Formation Reactions

It is customary to list the formation reactions of the major pro-

ducts as well as their interaction. One should not conclude that for-

mation of these species can be adequately characterized by this simple

set of equations (at 25°C, 1 atm):

Combustion c + oz = co2 - 394 MJ/kg-mole (5-1)

Water Gas c + HzO CO + Hz + 131 MJ/kg-mole (5-2)

Water Shift Reaction CO + HzO = COz + Hz - 41 MJ/kg-mole (5-3)

Boudouard Reaction c+ COz =2 co + 173 MJ/kg-mole (5-4)

Methane Reaction c + 2Hz CH4 - 75 MJ/kg-mole (5-5)

It is difficult to determine whether C02 is formed directly according to

Equation 5-4 or whether i t is the final result of a sequence of reac-

tions such as:

c + 1/2 02 t co (5-6)
CO + 1/2 02 t C02 (5-7)
In addition, methane can be formed in many ways in homogeneous reactions

such as:

CO + 3 H2 t CH4 + H20 (5-8)

C02 + 4 H2 t CH4 + 2 H20 (5-9)

The basic set of equations listed above does allow one to identify

various zones in a gas producer as shown in Figure 5-l for a downdraft

gas producer where fuel and air are flowing in the same direction.



0 400 600 800 1000

Figure 5-l. Co-current or downdraft gasification.

Reaction Zones

Splitting up a gas producer into strictly separate zones is cer-

tainly not realistic but is never~heless conceptually useful. Most com-

monly we have:

a) Pyrolysis Zone

b) Combustion Zone

c) Reduction and Shift Zone

It is necessary to distinguish between reversible reactions which may be

in equilibrium and irreversible reactions which can hardly be modelled.

It is therefore difficult to find an adequate mathematical description

of the processes taking place in the pyrolysis zone. The pyrolysis pro-

cess, or low temperature decomposition of biomass, is highly irrever-

sible. It involves the release of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen in the

fuel along with some carbon. The products evolved are called the vola-

tile matter of the fuel. It is not difficult to determine the tem-

perature at which the release of volatiles ceases i f the experiment is

done in a pure nitrogen atmosphere. In such a case the accumulative and

differential mass loss curves exhibit the typical behavior shown in

Figures 5-2 and 5-3 for wood.

a) Almost no release of vapors and gases below 250°C.

b) Rapid devolatilization between 250 and 400°C, the rate reaching

its peak at 375°C.

c) Very sharp drop in the release of products after 375°C with

termination of the process beyond 450°C.



IU 50

100 400 500
1 O c
Figure 5-2. Accumulative mass loss curve
(modified from Shafizadeh, 1976).

It is noted that in a technical sense pyrolysis and devolatilization

are defined as taking place in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Therefore,

after the release of all volatiles, carbon can no longer co~bine in an

oxygen-free atmosphere and the process stops completely.




200 250 300 350 400 450


Figure 5-3. Differential mass loss curve. (Shafizadeh, 1976).

The products of pyrolysis of biomass are a mixture of water and con-

densable higher hydrocarbons, gases, and solid residue. A long list of

trace species often found in the condensate of biomass was included

earlier (Table 1-1). The proportions of the various products of the

pyrolysis of rice hulls at different temperatures will be given later

(Chapter 9).

In practice, thermal devolatilization occurs with at least some oxy-

gen present (unless, of course, special steps are taken to exclude it).

One of the best known practical applications of devolatilization of

biomass is the ancient skill of charcoal production. By burning some of

the carbon, the temperatures that are necessary to drive off the vola-

tiles are achieved (around 300°C). It is noted that the devolatiliza-

tion of biomass is not self-sustaining. The overall heat of reaction

oscillates about zero; thus the reaction switches from endothermic to

exothermic as shown in Figure S-4.

'·· '\
/ "-
'\ '\. .............
. I . '

__.........-.....,·.........\j_____ ,.,... '
0 '··,WOOD
"' ..... __....,.--·- ·-·-·
,_. \

.......... ,... -............ ,,,
\, :' "---- .....................
\,,,, ' I '.,

............. XYLAN

Figure S-4. Differential thermal analysis. (Shafizadeh, 1976).

A common laboratory method for characterizing biomass fuels is the

proximate analysis. In this test the amount of volatile matter, ash and

residual carbon in the ash is determined by heating a sample of the

biomass to a specific temperature. However, the product distribution is

strongly dependent on the temperature, rate of heating and the type of

furnace. In addition, the presence of even minute amounts of air can

greatly influence the results of these tests. It is therefore not

surprising that a wide range of proximate analysis data exist for a

given biomass fuel. In general the proximate analysis is not a reliable

tool for judging the usefulness of a biomass fuel as a smokeless

feedstock for burners and gasifiers because the tests are done in an

unspecified atmosphere. Beagle (1978) lists results from previous work.

His range for rice hulls are given in Table 5-l. Differences can also

occur because of varietal characteristics and processing variables, etc.

Table 5-l. Proximate Analysis of Rice Hulls (% weight, dry basis)

Ash 15.8-23.0

Volatile Matter 56.4-69.3

Fixed Carbon 12.7-17.4

Two widely used methods for pyrolysis analysis of coal are the

Fischer and Gray-King Assays. Probstein and Hicks (1982) have carried

out a linear least square fit of a large number of standardized 500°C

assays for coal. Their work proves that is is possible to predict with

high accuracy the fraction of tar + light oils and water released. One

interesting part of the evaluation is the linear dependence of the above

components on the H/C and 0/C ratios. Unfortunately research on the

thermal decomposition of biomass has not yet reached the state where a

large number of results have been obtained under identical conditions.

The equations for coal are given below and will be compared later to a

500°C assay of rice hulls.

Tar + Light Oils (mass%) 29.1 c-

12.1 (5-10)

19.7 c0 + 1.64 (5-11)

One widely used gas producer, the downdraft system, has already been

introduced (see Figure 5-1). Another commonly used system, the updraft

gas producer, is shown in Figure 5-5. It is noted that no matter how a

moving (fixed) fixed bed gas producer is built, there will always be a

low temperature zone where pyrolysis takes place, thus a considerable

amount of condensable higher hydrocarbons will be generated. In deve-

loping a useful model of the gasification process one must exclude this

zone and its products because it is very difficult to postulate the pro-

ducts formed, the mode of formation of these products and also the

manner in which they are again decomposed.


Figure 5-S. Counter-current or updraft gasification

(Skov, Papworth, 1975).

It will be shown in Chapter 8 that the mixture of condensable hydro-

carbons and H2 0 formed is not a small fraction of the pyrolysis products

but amounts to over 30% (by weight) of the rice hulls. On the other

hand, many gas producers are either operated with devoiatilized fuels

(charcoal) or at high enough temperatures to induce tar cracking. In

these cases, there is no need to account for the products of pyrolysis.

Model I

One of the simplest models which will be called Model I, is based on

three assumptions.

Assumption 1:

a) The two input streams, fuel and air, are given as (see 5.1):

Fuel: c3 • 45 H4 • 94 o 2 • 33 (Sio 2 >0 • 26 (100 kg of dry rice hulls)

Air: N1 • 58 o0 • 42 (1 kg-mole air)

For an equivalence ratio of 4J .. 1 the chemical composition of the two

feed streams is:

It is noted that Silicon (Si) is already in its oxidized form in the

rice hulls and will not be oxidized by the combustion air. Silicon is

most often found in plants within a Silicate System. The representation

as Sio2 orily serves to indicate that there will be no oxygen consumed by

this mineral in rice hulls. With biomass fuels having an ash content

smaller than 1% such as corn cobs and most woods, the ash may be

neglected. However as shown in Figure 8-11, the ash content of rice

hulls is too high to neglect in computations.

At first, one may find it strange to represent a mixture of solid

carbonaceous fuel and air in the form of atomic ratios which does not

reveal the actual nature (gas, liquid, solid) of the inputs. However,

the product concentrations are functions only of temperature and

pressure and not the original arrangements of the atoms. Thus, for a

computer program "combusting" a given fuel, i t does not matter whether

the original atoms are in a gaseous, solid or liquid form.

Assumption 2:

All possible reversible reactions go to equilibrium. This assump-

tion is not completely valid for two reasons:

a) The pyrolysis process is highly irreversible and there is a wide

range of intrinsic gasification rates for the Equations 5-l through 5-5.

How the intrinsic rates compare is given by Walker et al. (1959) and

listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2. Relative Intrinsic Gasification Rates at 1 atm and 800°C

Reaction Relative Rste

C + 02 t C02 105

C + H20 t: CO+ H2 3

C + C02 t 2 CO 1

C + 2 H2 t Clft. lo-3

It is noted that the water shift reaction (Equation 5-3) is the only

significant homogeneous reaction taking place. The assumption of

equilibrium is therefo!'e justified bqt nevertheless difficult to prove

for several reasons:

a) In an updraft gas producer the off gas is always mixed with the

products (gases, tar and water) of the pyrolysis zone. Any reliable

verification of the water shift reaction reaching equilibrium must be

done below the pyrolysis zone. In addition a "true" temperature must be


b) The same difficulties arise with the off gas from a downdraft

gas producer. In a well-functioning unit, no uncracked pyrolysis pro-

ducts, except water, will be present in the raw gas. However, one still

faces the difficulties involved in determining a "true" temperature for

the gas sample.

To verify whether the equilibrium state of the water shift reaction

is reached, it is best to use a fluidized bed gas producer, because a

more homogeneous temperature and species concentration field is present.

In fact, by definition the species concentrations and temperature field

are independent of the spatial coordinates in a fluidized bed gas pro.:.


The degree to which the water shift reaction approaches equilibrium

in such a unit is shown in Figure S-6. The conversion efficiency, n, is

represented by:

(C02)max - (C02)meas
(C02)max- (C02)equil

The graph indicates that the product distribution is dominated by

pyrolysis products in the low temperature range. In the high tem-

perature range, the graph shows that the water shift reaction is near

completion. Based on these results it is of interest to check the tern-

perature sensitivity of the equilibrium constant, ~ (T).


700 800 900

Figure S-6. Equilibrium of the water shift reaction as a function of

temperature in a fluidized bed rice hull gasifier
(Van den Aarsen et al., 1982).

Kp (T) is given by:

[C0 2 ] [H 2 ]
e- li G(T)
RT [CO] [~OJ

Kp (T) as a function of T is shown in Figure 5-7. The standard free

energy change for the reaction when going to completion at 1 atm is

given by li 0 G(T). Its value can be computed in KJ/g-mol by:

where ! represents the species CO, co2 , H2 o and H2 • Then ~ 0 G(T) is given


~OG(T) "' I ~o
G(T) (5-14)

The coefficients in Equation (5-13) are tabulated by Probstein and Hicks



CO+ H 2 0 =CO2+ H 2
1- 4
1- ~
(/) 1-
z <(
0 II
~ 1-
~ <(
~ 2


500 600 700 800 900 1000 II 00


Figure 5-7. Kp (T) as a function ofT.

The following example shows that it is not always possible to deter-

mine the validity of Assumption 2.

A typical raw gas compos! tion as measured in one of the small rice

hull downdraft gas producers is the following':

Species % Volume

COz 12.6

co 15.3

Hz 10.8

H20 10.1

The associated equilibrium temperature is 840°C. The measured tern-

perature was 742°C. At 742°C, the equilibrium composition should be:

Species % Volume

C02 13.4

co 14.5

H2 11.6

HzO 9.3

From the example it is clear that the water shift reaction due to its

small energy change with respect to large temperature changes is very

stable. The vastly different response times of the gas analyser com-

bined with the inaccuracy of high temperature measurements in a convec-

tive gas stream prohibits any firm conclusions from pilot plants.

Assumption 3

No condensable products except for water, minerals and solid carbon

are present in the product stream.

Basically this means a "tar-free" gas, thus no carbon or hydrogen is

bound in higher hydrocarbons (> C5~). This assumption cannot be valid

for most gasifiers. It may be justified for well-designed downdraft gas


Computer Program

Based on these three assumptions, the raw gas compositions of a rice

hull "reactor" operating at various equivalence ratios have been com-

puted. Reactors operating without an external heat source are sometimes

labeled gas producers whenever the gas contains enough chemical energy

to allow subsequent combustion in a furnace or internal combustion


The computations have been done with the STANJAN program developed

by R. Reynolds (1982). This program was selected over the other

available programs for the following reasons:

a) The program uses one of the largest thermodynamic data bases

presently available (JANAF Tables, 1971).

b) It allows the user to specify the products. For the purposes of

this work, the following product species were chosen:

Solids: c
Liquids: H2 0 (.l)

Gases: CH30H, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, H, H2, H20(g), HO, N, N2 ,

25, N02, O, 02, C(g).

c) The program accounts for condensable phases and for the products

of disassociation reactions which become important at higher tempera-


The results of the computations are given in Figures 5-9 through

5-22. Species having mole fractions less than 0.01 are not shown in the

graphs. It is noted that the gas composition has been computed over a

temperature range which will not be attainable without external heating

for small values of 4>. For instance, sustaining the gasification pro-

cess at cjl = 0.1 and T "' 1000°C is hardly possible, because the heat

generated from the small amounts of carbon burned is not enough to match

the heat losses from the reducing reactions and from the system (see

Section 9.4).

Another limitation lies in Assumption 3. It will be shown in

Chapter 9 that insignificant tar conversion occurs at temperatures below

800°Co The graphs are therefore only realistic within a narrow tem-

perature band with a lower limit of 800°C. The upper limit will be the

adiabatic combustion temperature at a given cp.

Let c be the raw gas composition, then

c = c(cjl, M, T)

where: equivalence ratio

M = moisture content in % weight, wet basis

T temperature, °C.

The range of cases shown in Figures 5-9 through 5-21 for the temperature

interval 500°C to 1400°C is shown in the grid in Figure 5-8.

....<t 0.5
a:: 0.4
...J 0.2
:::::> 0.1
lJJ 0
0 10 20 30 40

Figure 5-8. Range of computed gas compositions as a function of

M and cp.

cp: 0
Q.. M=O

_. 0.1
1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-9. Gas composition, ~ = 0, M = 0

cp =0.1
(/) 0.6 M=O
z 0.5
~ 0.4
~---------------------- H2
~ 0.3

~ 0.1

600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5-10~ Gas composition, ~ = 0.1, M = 0

<.!> cp = 0.2
z M=O
0 0.4
<( 0.3 Nz
0:: Hz
0 0.1
800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-ll. Gas composit ion, ¢ = 0.2, M= 0

cp = 0. 3


600 800 1000 1200 1400


Figure 5-12. Gas composit ion, ¢ = 0.3, M= 0

a.. 4> = 0. 4
en M=O
0 0.4
c:s: co
\L 0.2
0 0.1 H20
::E C02
600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-13. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.4, M = 0

(!) 0.5
0 0.4
1- 4> =0.5
(.) 0.3 M=O
a:: 0.2
0 0.1
600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-14. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.5, M= 0

cp = 0. 3

z 0.5
z 0.4 N2

c:r 0.2
a: H2
.....J 0.1 H20
0 C02
600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-15. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.3, M = 10


cp = 0. 3
z 0.5
~ 0.4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - N2
t- 0.3
a: 0.2 -:=~~~=====:::co
_J 0.1
0 C02
600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-16. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.3, M = 20

LaJ cp = 0. 3

~ 0.6

~ 0.5

t; 0.3
a: 0.2
...J 0.1
600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 5-17. Gas composition, ~ = 0.3, M = 30

:I: cp = 0. 3

z 0.4
~ 0.3
a: 0.2
..J 0.1
600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5-18. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.3, M = 40

(/) cp = 0. 4
<X 0.6

u 0.3
.....J 0.1

600 800 1000 1200 1400


Figure 5-19. Gas composition, ~ = 0.4, M = 30

LIJ c/>=0.5
<X 0.6

z 0.4
1- 0.3
a:: 0. 2
.....J 0.1
800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5-20. Gas composition, ~ = 0.5, M = 30

w cp = 0.6


600 800 1000 1200 1400


Figure 5-21. Gas composition, ¢ = 0.6, M = 30

z -6
....u -8
C) -16 cp = 0. 3

600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5-22. c2Hm equilibrium composition at
various temperatures, ¢ = 0.3

Analysis of the Results

Although no mass transport, kinetics and local energy balances are

incorporated in Model I some important conclusions can be drawn.

a) Hydrocarbons CH4 , c 2 ~, c3 ~ are not formed from molecular or

atomic hydrogen present in the gas phase. At temperatures above 800°C

none of these hydrocarbons are formed in significant amounts. (See

Figure 5-22). Consequently, large quantities of gaseous total hydrocar-

bons in the sample gas are an indicator that the unit is generating a

highly contaminated raw gas and operating at a low temperature.

b) Operating a reactor at a low equivalence ratio results in high

CO and H2 fractions at high temperatures. However in practice such con-

di tions are not possible without external heating. This last statement

has important implications with regard to the design of a gas producer

and with regard to the condition (moisture) of the rice hulls.

In order to achieve the favorable combination of low cp and high tem-

peratures it is necessary to:

(i) Heavily insulate the gas producer.

(ii) Preheat the combustion air with the sensible heat of

the raw gas, using a heat exchanger.

(iii) Use rice hulls that are as dry as possible.

Influence of the Moisture Content

The moisture content of rice hulls depends on handling and milling

procedures (commercially 8-12%) as well as the local storage and cli-

mate. Moisture in the feed material has a marked effect on the raw gas

composition and efficiency of the process. There are significant dif-

ferences between fluidized bed gasifiers, updraft gasifiers and

downdraft gasifiers with respect to their ability to cope with high

moisture contents of the rice hulls when on an experimental basis.

In an updraft gas producer the moisture in the fuel does not come

into contact with a hot carbon zone (> 800°C). Therefore the only

detrimental effect of a high-moisture content is a reduction in effi-

ciency, because more carbon must be combusted to provide the necessary

heat for evaporation of the water. In addition, the gas stream loses a

fraction of its sensible heat, in heating up the wet feed material.

In downdraft and fluidized bed gas producers with bot tom feed, the

water evaporated from the fuel must pass through high temperature zones

rich in carbon, where it is converted to a certain extent to water gas.

It will be shown in Section 9.4 that the water gas reaction (5-2) is

slow and not very effective in a rice hull fuel bed.

The effect of the moisture content on the gasification reactions and

product composition is shown in Figures 5-13 through 5-21. The first

set of graphs (5-15 through 5-18) shows an operation at <j> 0.3 with

rice hulls having a 10%-40% moisture content. It is noted that the

water vapor content of the gas increases significantly at the expense of

CO with insignificant change in the hydrogen content of the raw gas.

The trend is shown for one specific temperature (T == 1000°C) in Table


Table 5-3. Species Concentration at T = 1000°C and cp 0.3

Species % volume at various M

10% 20% 30% 40%

co 26.1 22.3 18.6 15.0

Co 2 6.6 8.2 9.5 10.3

Hz 20.6 21.2 21.5 21.2

HzO 8.6 12.8 18.0 24.0

c~ 0 0 0 0

In practice, an increasing moisture content necessitates an

increasing <P in order to provide the necessary heat of reaction to reach

reasonable gasification temperatures (1000°C and higher). The heating

value of the gas is greatly decreased. (See Figures 5-19 through 5-21).

In this set of figures the equivalence ratio <P is varied using a fixed

moisture content of 30%. As can be seen from Table 5-4 the raw gas com-

position shows a sharp decrease in the combustible fractions of CO and

Hz with increasing cp, a corresponding increase in the sensible heat will

take place.

Table 5-4. Species Concentration at T = 1000°C, M = 30%, wet basis

Species % volume at various p

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

co 18.6 14.7 11.4 8.6

C0 2 9.5 10.6 11.7 12.6

Hz 21.5 16.3 12.1 8.7

H2 0 18.0 19.4 20.4 21.1

c~ 0 0 0 0

This behavior of the gasification reactions is one of the most often

overlooked disadvantages of gasifiers that are capable of cracking tar

and decomposing moisture. The high temperatures and significant energy

needed for the conversion of both tar and water can only be achieved by

drastically increasing the equivalence ratio for biomass having a high

moisture content. This in turn leads to internal burning of the com-

bustible fractions, CO and H2 , and a shift from the chemical energy to

sensible heat.

Higher Beating Values of the Computed Gas Compositions

The higher heating values of the raw gas composition are given in

Figure 5-23. The heating value decreases significantly with increasing

cp, because of the shift from chemical energy to sensible heat as shown
in Figure 1-1. However, a more interesting feature of the raw gas com-

position is its nearly constant heating value at temperatures above

900°C, for all .p. The reason for this phenomenon is that the water

shift reaction dominates at higher temperatures causing only a shift in

the gas composition towards a higher CO/H2 ratio. The water shift reac-

tion has little effect on the total chemical energy since H2 and CO have

about the same higher heating value (286 MJ/kg-mol for H2 and 283

MJ/kg-mol for CO, at 25°C and 1 atm). I t is noted that operation at

higher temperatures than what is required to crack tar will therefore

not result in a gas with a higher heating value.


9 ¢:0.2
<.!) 7
!: 6 ¢: 0.3
¢: 0.4
> 4
:I: 3 </> =0.5

2 ¢: 0.6
¢ : 0. 7
4>: 0.8

600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5-23. Higher heating value of the raw gas for range of T and $•

Summary for Hodel I

a) The raw gas composition was computed as functions

ci = c1 ($, M, T), i = 1,2,3,N.

b) The results apply only to gasifier designs that allow the fuel

moisture and pyrolysis products to be converted into gaseous


c) The computed gas composition must be viewed as the best that

can be achieved at any given temperature, irrespective of

whether this temperature is obtainable with the given ¢>• One

exception is the methane content of the gas. It is usually

higner in experimental data, since total tar conversion rarely

takes place.

d) It will be shown later (Section 9.4) that the steam conversion

is far from completion at any temperature in a rice hull fuel

bed with its high void space fraction. The actual water con-

tent of the gas is therefore higher than the computed one.

e) The gasification of rice hulls with a very high moisture con-

tent () 30%) seems to be impractical in downdraft units and

fluidized beds. The issue is not the decreasing efficiency of

the process but the high cp needed to sustain temperatures

favorable for tar cracking and moisture conversion.

f) Hydrocarbon gases in the product stream are unconverted pyroly-

sis products and indicate low temperature gasification.

It is noted that this simple concept of gasification, viewing the

reactor as a black box with a known input stream, does not account for

mass transport phenomena, kinetic rates or local energy balances.

However the advantage of Model I is that it is easily solvable and is

very helpful in pointing out general trends. Taking into account

intrinsic kinetic rates of the various reactions and mass transport

limitations, Groeneveld (1981) in his dissertation, compared more

sophisticated models to his experimental data from a small charcoal and

wood downdraft gas producer.

One could also follow a completely different path, as outlined by

Whitaker (1981) and argue that since the process must occur according to

the basic laws of mechanics, i t is always possible to write down the

"exact" governing differential equations for the process.

Model II

The difficulties with Model II are the following:

a) The "exact" equations express all variables and physical para-

meters as a function of the spatial coordinates and time.

b) Boundary conditions, which depend heavily on the design of the

gas producers, must be established.

c) Any measurements taken constitute an average bulk phase result;

it is therefore necessary to volume average the point equations

in order to compare theory and experimental data.

d) The "exact" differential equations must be modified to a point

where they can be expressed in terms of physical parameters

that are readily measurable such as temperature, mass velocity

fields, thermal conductivity, void space fractions and dif-

fusion coefficients.

e) An order of magnitude analysis must be performed to exclude all

terms that do not contribute significantly to the process.

f) All processes take place within a three-phase system - 1. void

space in the bed; 2. solid phase in rice hulls; 3. gas phase in

rice hulls.

It is noted that the limitations of this method are not due to a lack of

computer programs to perform the necesary computations, but are related

to the lack of knowledge concerning the magnitudes of the physical para-

meters and their relative importance.

Although it is beyond the scope of this work to outline in detail

the complications involved in establishing a set of solvable equations a

short outline is given. The species continuity equation is given as


The energy equation will be represented by

DT !!?.
pc - = - V•q - V•I Ji Hi + Tt5
p Dt Dt

n n
+ v v t + t - I Ht Ri + I Hi V•Ji (5-16)
i=l i=1

It is noted that:

a) The index, i, stands for the various major gas species, CO,

b) Both equations are coupled by an unknown velocity field which

can be determined by the Navier Stokes equations.

c) The displacement of a gas molecule by diffusion (caused by con-

centration gradients) is ignored because it is insignificant

when compared to convective displacement.

d) Based on typical designs of rice hull gas producers no

variations of ci in the radial direction is assumed and there-

fore only concentration gradients in the axial direction must

be taken into consideration.

Species Concentration Equation

As already mentioned it is necessary to convert the unworkable point

equation into a volume averaged differential equation. This is done by

first defining the size of the control volume V in which physical and

chemical properties are considered constant. The general structure of a

rice hull control volume is shown in Figures 6-1 and 6-2. The various

phases and numerical values of their fractions have been experimentally

determined and are reported in Chapter 6. We define for the B-phase:

(ci> =l.v fVB

ci dV (5-17)

v If
dV (5-18)

for any parameter f we consider constant within the control volume v.

For purely technical reasons one may wish to define


The relationship between (f)S and (f) is given by (f)

represents the void space fraction given as


The process of volume averaging then leads to

V <vi ci> +.!.v f

c 1 (vi - w) • n
dA (5-20)

It is noted that <Ri> is the "production" rate of species i in the gas

phase. This term is non-zero only for the homogeneous water-shift reac-

tion. All other reactions are assumed to be heterogeneous. They are

accounted for by the integral term


which describes the niass flux (mole m- 2 s- 1 ) of species i across the

apparent surface Aa 0 as shown in Figure 6-2. The velocity w is the

velocity in the interphase.

It is, of course, up to the individual to decide which model will

best fit this interfacial mass transport. It is noted from Figure 6-2

and the micrographs 7-14 and 7-15 that the interfacial area A~ 0 is the

sum of the areas associated with the solid carbon phase and the pore

entrances. The rice hull velocity in the reactor is assumed to be iden-

tical with the average of w.

Comparing micrograph Figures 7-4 and 7-12 one can see that rice

hulls exhibit a rather unusual behavior during thermal decomposition.

Their outer surface appears to be impermeable both before and after

gasification. In fact, no visible pores could be detected at a magnifi-

cation of 6000x. On the other hand, the inner surface becomes extremely

porous. If one assumes that no appreciable surface reactions occur on

the internal pore surfaces, then a manageable representation of the

interfacial mass flux can be developed. Based on Equations (5-l)

through (S-5) we can assume the following sequence of events:

a) A gaseous species i (for instance co2 ) is diffusing through a

boun4ary layer towards the carbon surface.

b) co2 is adsorbed by the surface at a specific rate kad • Cc 02 •

c) co2 will be present at the carbon surface at a concentration of """

d) co2 will react according to C + co2 t 2 co.

e) The product CO will be desorbed and will diffuse back into the

gas phase.

The missing link is the constituent equations for c) and d). For
instance, if one assumes first order irreversible surface kinetics and a

surface concentration proportional to the bulk phase concentration ci we



at the surface and the integral term is now modelled by

v {5-22)

with {5-23)

and a 60 , the interfacial specific area (m2 /m3) that has been measured

and is given in Chapter 6. Equation {5-21) now reduces to


Since <vici) is not measurable it is necessary to express it in terms of

known parameters.

Let v
= <v
>6 + V'i {5-25)


Thus, the point concentration and velocity of species. i are split up


fact one
It is not unreasonable to assume that <vi>

simply chooses a very small control

into the sum of the measurable average bulk phase values and a spatial




deviations integrated over the volume cancel one another. Applying the

volume averaging rule to equations (5-24) through (5-26) we have


Based on theoretical considerations (Carbonell, Whitaker, 1983) one may

let (5-28)

where D is the hydrodynamic dispersion tensor. We therefore have:

Gasification of rice hulls can be described as a radial symmetric pro-

cess. It was previously assumed that Drr is zero and that no convective

transport in the radial direction takes place. This leads to

where vi = vz is assumed.

It is noted that Dzz refers to the axial dispersion coefficient for

species i in a mixture. From equat lon (5-30) it can be seen that the

solution of this fairly simple differential equation contains several

physical parameters such as

a) Void space fraction, £13

b) Dispersion coefficient, Dzz

c) Specific surface area, al3o

d) Linear adsorption isotherm, K

e) Surface reaction rate, "k

These parameters must be determined and are, of course, functions of z

although some of them, such as £ 13 , can be assumed to be constant (see

Chapter 6). In addition, the velocity field must be established. The

bulk phase velocity <vz> is certainly a function of z because the volu-

metric gas output is larger than the air input and the density of the

gas mixture is proportional to the temperature ratio. The horizontal

velocity field in small rice hull gas producers is unusual, as will be

explained later (see Section 6.6). In the case where there are homoge-

neous bulk phase reactions (water shift reaction) a constitutive

equation for (Ri>l3 must be found. Because of the highly endothermic

nature of the water gas and C02-reduction reactions the term (Ri)l3 will

be a function of z.

In summation: At this point the solution to the "exact" set of dif-

ferential equations can not be found due to the lack of data concerning

physical parameters. It is noted that this type of approach may also be

used to derive a set of equations that take into account the influence

of the internal pores of rice hulls. In addition, the above mentioned

axial dispersion coefficient Dzz does not include turbulent effects,

which may be overwhelming.

The Energy Equation

The complete equation (5-16) cannot be solved in this form. A check

of the dimensions shows that each term represents the rate of change of

i nterna 1 energy per un it Control Volume (J m-3 s-1). However one

can show that the following terms contribute insignificantly and will be


n n
a) L Hi 'V • J i and L J i Hi which describe t'Qe energy transport·
i=l i=l

by diffusion of the individual species and are small.

b) The reversible component of the work term T~ v • 'Vp which

accounts for the compression and expansion of the gases is


c) The irreversible component of the work term v .v : t which

accounts for the heat dissipation due to friction will also be


In summation, the overall energy equation can be greatly simplified.

The result is the following:

v•VT -'V•q + ~ - L iii Ri (5-31)

The term ~ represents an internal heat source, which describes

radiation. Radiation can not be neglected at the temperatures that pre-

vail in gas producers. The energy change due to the highly endothermic

and exothermic reactions taking place in a gas producer are represented


L Hi Ri (5-32)

where Ri is the molar rate of "production" of the i-th species and ~ is

its partial enthalpy (J /mole mixture). It is noted that the latter term

includes the heat of format lon and not just the sensible heat change.

It is therefore given by Equation (5-33).

At this point, further simplification is only possible if the

effects of radiation within a packed bed can be assessed. It has been

concluded that an exact description of the rice hull gasification pro-

cess by the previously outlined method must be preceded by a more

detailed analysis of the physical and kinetic parameters involved.

Flame Temperatures of Producer Gas


Equilibrium compositions for a wide range of equivalence ratios,

rice hull moisture contents and temperatures have been computed in

Section 5.2. Once the equilibrium composition is known, one can then

examine the possible adiabatic flame temperatures and the parameters

which influence these temperatures.

Using producer gas for external combustion (Stirling Engine.) or

direct combustion (furnace, boiler applications) is less complex than

using producer gas in an internal combustion engine, because of the

extensive cleaning of the gas which must take place before the gas can

be used in an I.e. engine. Some applications such as crop drying can

require a heat exchanger because the crop may otherwise be contaminated

(odor, particles) by the products of combustion. It is therefore impor-

tant to anticipate the various maximum temperatures that may occur. The

following cases have been studied:

a) Flame temperature as a function of the equivalence ratio, A,

for combustion of producer gas.

b) Flame temperature as a function of the products of combustion.

c) Flame temperature as a function of the mixture inlet tem-


d) Flame temperature as a function of the solid carbon content of

the raw gas.

e) Comparison with reported experimental data.

Computer Program

Let g be the adiabatic flame temperature; g then represents a func-

tion g(~, T, M, A) inc where:

T Temperature of equilibrium gas composition, °C

M Moisture content of the fuel, % weight, wet basis

~ Equivalence ratio for the gasification process as defined in

Chapter I.

A = Equivalence ratio for the combustion of producer gas.

The JANAF program was partially utilized to execute the computations.

It is noted that JANAF allows for the following options:

a) T, p specified

b) H, p specified

c) s, p specified

d) p specified, s same as last run

e) p specified, s and composition same as last run

f) T specified, S same as last run

g) H and p same as last run

h) T and p specified, compos! tion same as last run

i) u and V specified
j) s and V specified

k) v spec! fied, s same as last run

1) v specified, s and composition same as last run

m) U and V same as last run.

The same set of products as that used for the equilibrium calculations

was allowed to form. The computation was executed along the following


a) Input of 100 kg of rice hulls at a given moisture content, M.

b) Determination of the amount of air needed at a given ~·

c) Determination of the atomic ratio of the rice hull-air mixture

d) Computation of the equilibrium composition with JANAF option a)

at p = 1 atm and T = 500°C - 1400°C.

e) Constant pressure expansion of the raw gas to a predetermined

temperature Tf and computation of the enthalpy of the raw gas:

n n
g L
Hi 298
+ L
cpi (T) dT (5-33)

Tf represents the t_emperature of the mixture of producer gas

and air as fed into the burner. This step was done with JANAF

option h).

f) Determination of the mass of raw gas generated over an input/

output mass balance.

g) Determination of the stoichiometric amount of air needed to

combust the raw gas.

h) Computation of the atomic fractions of the air-producer gas

mixture for various A's. (0.5 ( A ( 1.5).

i) Computation of the total enthalpy HR of the air-producer gas

mixture at Tf • -

j) Determination of the adiabatic flame temperature Tad of the

products when ~(Tf) = Hp(Tad>. This last step was done with

JANAF option b) with a two-dimensional iteration, guessing Tad

and then adjusting the product composition.

Flame Temperature as a Function of the Equivalence Ratio A

A typical raw gas composition:

co = 17.1%

C02 = 8.2%

H2 = 13.8%

H20 = 21.8%
N2 = 39.1%
was assumed. For this composition the adiabatic flame temperature Tad as

a function of A is shown in Figure 5-24 at a mixture inlet temperature

of 200°Co It is noted that in theory the peak temperature is reached at

A = 1. In practice a higher A is needed to burn off most of the CO,

hydrocarbons and solid carbon.

::E 0
u..ct: 1400
1300 co = 17. I
c:xct: C02 = 8.2
c:xa.. 1200
ow H20=21.8
<XI- 1100
N2 =39. I

0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5


Figure 5-24. Adiabatic flame temperature as a function of A

Flame Temperature as a Function of the Products of Combustion

From a computational point of view, it is easiest to perform an

energy balance if one assumes that the only products of combustion are

In reality, however, many radical and dis so-

elation products are formed as listed in section 5.1.

The data for Figure 5-24 take into account the major dissociation

reactions that occur in combustion processes. It is therefore of

interest to determine whether the use of a restricted set of products

such as C02, H20, 02 and N2 will significantly alter the results.

Computation of the adiabatic flame temperature under the latter assump-

tion leads to Tad = 1542 °C at A z 1 as compared to Tad = 1530°C when

dissociations are taken into account. The error from assuming a simple

set of products is therefore smaller than 1% and is not significant.

Flame Temperature as a Function of the Mixture Inlet Temperature

In many applications it is desirable to feed the producer gas-air

mixture at elevated temperatures into a furnace. There are several

reasons for this practice:

a) The wide range of boiling points of the tarry products makes it

necessary to avoid cooling down the gas too much before i t is


b) Often the tar vapors in the raw gas are in a saturated state or

slightly above the dew point. Mixing of producer gas with cold

combustion air will therefore lead to the formation of tar

droplets, which are more difficult to combust than tar vapor.

These tar droplets may ·condense out along with the water formed

during combustion and accumulate within the furnace.

c) In some applications it is desirable to reach furnace wall tem-

peratures as high as possible (Stirling Engine, Carnot cycle).

The effect of the inlet temperature Tf of the gas-air mixture into

the furnace is shown in Figure 5-25. It is noted that raising the inlet

temperature of the mixture by 500°C will result in an increase in Tad of

only 325°C. This modest increase is not due to higher dissociation

activity, as already shown. It is instead the result of the increase of

Cp(T) with temperature for all gaseous species.


~ 0
...J w
l4. 0:::
u I-
I- <f
<f 0:::
CD w
<f a..
co = 8. 2
<f I-
w H2 = 13.8
H20= 21.8 "·
N2 = 39. I

100 200 300 400 500 600


Figure 5-25. Adiabatic flame temperature Tad as a function

of mixture inlet temperature.

Flame Temperature as a Function of the Char Load in the Raw Gas

Direct firing of producer gas can not be assessed on the basis of a

dry gas analysis, since the dust-laden, tar-laden gas is burned directly

1n a furnace. One obvious concern is whether large amounts of solid

carbon in the raw gas stream will significantly alter the adiabatic

flame temperature. The raw gas composition is the same as in the pre-

vious cases. Three cases: 0 grams, 6 grams and 20 grams of solid car-

bon per cubic meter of raw gas at an inlet temperature of 200°C were

considered. The adiabatic flame temperatures for the three cases at

A = 1, were:



Tad, 2 0 = 1640°C

A significantly higher temperature may therefore be expected when high

char loads occur in the raw gas.

Comparison of Theoretical Results and Experimental Data

One of the most extensive studies involving bulk phase temperatures

of producer gas flames as well as wall and flue gas temperatures was

conducted by Shoffstall, Waibel (1978). The results given in Table 5-5

were obtained by preheating the combustion air to 180°C and mixing it

with producer gas at ambient temperatures.

Table 5-5. Adiabatic Flame Temperature and Measured Maximal

Temperatures of Various Producer Gas Compositions

Gas co
Lurgi oxygen 18.5 40.2 29.4 9.4 0.6 1.9 1735 1541

Winkler oxygen 32.9 41.2 20.0 3.0 1.0 1.9 1830 1634

K-T-oxygen 52.1 34.5 9.2 0.5 1.0 1.9 1970 1782

Wellman-air 26.3 14.3 7.4 2.6 46.9 1.9 1620 1535

Winkler air 21.1 13.0 6.9 0.6 56.5 1.9 1415 1402

From the data one can conclude that the maximum temperatures obtained

were very close for air blown gasifiers to the computed adiabatic flame

temperatures. For example, the calculated Tad for the Winkler Air case

is 14l5°C as compared to a measured maximum temperature of 1402°Co In

addition, furnace wall temperatures of 1090°C and flue gas temperatures

of 1285 °C were reported in this case. It is noted that although pro-

ducer gas heating values are only a fraction of the heating values of

natural gas (15%-20%), adiabatic flame temperatures and measured tem-

peratures in a furnace are only 200-300°C lower.


A equivalence ratio for combustion of producer gas

A80 total surface area of rice hulls within the control volume V (m2)

a 80 specific surface area of rice hulls (m2;m3)

cp specific heat of mixture at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1)

ci molar concentration of species i

ci surface concentration of species i (g-mole/m2)

cpi(T) specific heat of species i at constant pressure (J kg-1 K-1)

Dzz effective diffusion coefficient

Hg total enthalpy of producer gas mixture (J kg-1)

Hi, 298 heat of formation of species i at 298 K (J kg-1)

Hi specific molar enthalpy of species i

total enthalpy of the products of gasification or combustion

(J kg-1)

total enthalpy of the products of gasification or combustion

(J kg-1)

molar diffussive flux of specie i (J m-2 s-1

equilibrium constant at pressure p and temperature T

surface reaction rate parameter

M moisture content of rice hulls (% weight, wet basis)

orientation of the interphase area

p pressure of gas mixture (N m-2

q heat flux vector due to conductive energy transport (J m-2 s- 1 )

R universal gas constant (J/g-mole K)

rate of formation or consumption of species i due to bulk phase

reactions (g-mole/s)

temperature of producer gas-air mixture (°C)

Tad adiabatic flame temperature (°C)

t stress tensor

vi specie velocity vector

v velocity vector of the bulk phase gas mixture (m s-1)

vi spatial deviation of specie velocity vector

V control volume (m3)

v8 void space volume (m3)

w velocity vector of the interphase area

8 coefficient of thermal expansion at constant pressure (K-1)

p density of gas mixture (kg m-3)

£ 8 void space fraction of fuel bed

<f> volume averaged parameter or physical constant f

~ energy source due to radiation (J m-3 s-1)

~ equivalence ratio for gasification of rice hulls

K linear adsorption isotherm


1. Beagle, E. 1978. Rice husk conversion to energy. FAO

Agricultural Services Bulletin #31. Rome.

2. Groeneveld, M.J. 1980. The co-current moving bed gasifier. PhD

Thesis, Technische Hogeschool Twente, Netherlands.

3. Carbonell, R.G. and S. Whitaker. 1982. Heat and mass transport

in porous media. Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute of
the Mechanics of Fluids in Porous Media, University of Delaware.
July 18-27.

4. JANAF. 1971. Thermochemical Tables. 2nd Edition, U.S.

Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards.

5. Probstein, R.F. and R.E. Hicks. 1982. Synthetic Fuels. McGraw-

Hill. New York.

6. STANJAN Program. 1981. R. Reynolds Thermosciences Division,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, california 94305.

7. Shafizadeh, F. et al. 1976. Thermal Uses and Properties of

Carbohydrate and Lignines. Academic Press. New York.

8. Shaffstall, D.R. and R.T. Waibel. 1978. Lo-Btu gas combustion

research. Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois.

9. Van den Aarsen, F.G. et al. 1982. Performance of a rice husk

fueled fluidized bed pilot plant gasifier. First International
Producer Gas Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka. November.

10. Whitaker, s. 1982. Lecture notes: Reactor design. Department

of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis.



As outlined previously, gasification is a complicated interaction of

a gas-solid phase system. Based on a literature study and a survey of

existing units, it is concluded that the physical properties of a fuel

are usually underestimated while the influence of the heating values and

ash content are overestimated with regard to the performance of a gas


In the author's opinion, fuel properties should be ranked as follows

with respect to their importance on the producer gas quality:

a) Physical shape of particle and fuel bed structure

b) Moisture content

c) Volatile matter

d) Ash content

e) Ash composition (natural and tramp ash)

f) Energy content.

The reasons for the above ranking will be outlined in subsequent

chapters. This chapter will examine the fuel bed structure of a rice

hull gas producer in detail.

Figure 6-1 shows a control volume V which may be viewed as the

entire fuel column of a gas producer or only a very small section of it.

An enlarged schematic sketch of a single rice hull and its various pha-

ses is given in Figure 6-2. Four phases are identified:

a) The S-phase having a volume v8 represents the void space within

Figure 6-1. Fue 1 bed structure o f rice hulls •

Figure 6-2. Apparent volume V of a single rice hull, and y, a phase.

the fuel bed if the rice hulls are treated as a nonporous


b) The a-phase having a volume Va is the region the rice hulls

occupy within the control volume v.

c) The y-phase having a volume Vy is the total pore volume of the

rice hulls within V. The volume Vy includes both the closed

and open pores of the rice hulls.

d) The a-phase represents the true solid matter of the rice hulls.

The various fractions of each phase are defined as:

where i ~a, e. y, o.

It is noted that:

One can experimentally determine the following densities:

a) Bulk density:

b) Apparent density:

c) True density:

The above densities were measured for rice hulls and pelletized rice

hulls. The pellets were made by a ring-die pellet mill producing a 9.5

mm diameter pellet of length 20-22 mm. A series of over 130 measure-

menta over a period of 1 year were taken. All data given are on a dry


Bulk density Pb

The bulk density Pb· was determined in a plastic cylinder of known

volume V = 6914 cm3 and a height to diameter ratio of 3:1. This ratio

corresponds roughly to the height - diameter ratios of small gas produ-

cers. The following average bulk densities for pellets Pbp and rice

hulls Pbh were measured:

-3 range 0.55-0.60
0.58 g em,
Pph 0.10 g cm-3, range 0.09-0.11

True density p t

The true density, as well as the apparent density, were measured

with a Beckman Air Comparison Pycnometer Model 930. True density

measurements have been made by Tucker (1944). Beagle (1978) and Houston

(1976) are assumed to have used Tucker's numbers in their publications.

However, the fact that a single rice hull when immersed in water even-

tually sinks is indisputable proof that the reported true density

Pt = O. 735 g cm- 3 is in error. Attempts were made to repeat Tucker's

tests with water and with toluene, which is a better wetting agent. The

underlying principle of the test is to fill the pores with water and

measure the volume change in the water bath. This method did not work,

however, because too much air was trapped in the pores. Applying long-

term vacuum to release the trapped air did not help. Thus, a more

sophisticated method, air pycnometry, was employed.

In an air pycnometer, a weighed sample of rice hulls is exposed to a

gauge pressure of 1 atm in a container of known volume. The air is

allowed to diffuse into the open pores and the volume displacement by

the true solid phase plus the closed pores is measured with a precision

piston displacement within an accuracy of 0.05 cm3 and better. The

accuracy of the instrument is frequently tested with various precision

steel balls of known volume. It is noted that the "real" true density

of rice hulls can not be measured due to the following complications:

a) The fuel possesses closed pores inaccessible to air.

b) Micropores open to the air require a long time (sometimes many

hours) to reach pressure equilibrium. Because the measurements

are based on the air volume comparison at 1 atm gauge pressure,

the errors introduced through prolonged pressurizing of the

instrument can be significant and result in erratic data.

c) There is always the possihility of surface reactions, depending

on the gas used for the measurement.

d) Any size reduction by milling destroys only an insignificant

number of pores because the finest available sieves separate

particles larger than 35 1Jm• This is a large fraction. of the

average thickness of a rice hull, which is 50 llm•

The measured true density, Pt• on a dry basis is therefore defined as:

( V _ x 1 x2 )
100 p

x1 sample weight (wet basis, gram)

x2 = moisture content in percent (wet basis, gram)

V measured volume (cm3)

Pw = density of water, 1 g cm-3.

The air was allowed to diffuse into the pellets and rice hulls for at

most 30 minutes and for at least 5 minutes before a measurement was

taken. Eighty-three measurements of the sample volume V, with the

Beckman Pycnometer using 6 different lots of pellets and hulls

resulted in:

Pt = 1.41 g cm- 3 , average dry basis; range 1.37 to 1.45 for rice hulls

Pt 1.61 g cm- 3 , average dry basis; range 1.58 to 1.63 for pellets.

The considerably higher true density for pellets is caused by com-

paction and by the destruction of a large number of closed and open

pores during the pelletizing process.

For comparison, 14 tests using 3 different samples of rice hulls

ground so that they passed through a 60 mesh screen (250 ll particles)

resulted in:

Pt = 1.60 g cm-3, average dry basis; range 1.59 to 1.61

A lower bound for the true density may be computed from an elemental

ultimate analysis of rice hulls. The underlying assumption is the con-

servation of mass and complete combustion of the fuel to co2 and H2 o.

Table 6-1 lists the mass fractions for· rice hulls on a dry basis of C,

0, H, N, Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Zn, K, Na, S, and Po These constituents of

rice hulls account for 99.9% of the mass of rice hulls. Based on the

ultimate analysis and on the conservation of mass, the computed true

density of dry rice hulls is Pt = 1.56 g cm- 3 • Because the densit.ies of

H, 0, N within the rice hulls are not known it was assumed that H and 0

are represented by water and we have therefore:

where xi are the mass fractions from Table 6-1 and Pi the species den-

sities. The small amount of nitrogen was neglected in the eomputation.

It should be pointed out that true densities reported on a wet basis

are always lower and differ drastically due to the moisture in capillary

openings, which will give a distorted value of Pt•

Table 6-1. Ultimate Analysis of Rice Hulls and

True Densities of the Elements

Element Mass Fraction % True density, Pt*

Dry Basis g cm-3

c 41.44 1.8-2.26

0 37.32

Si 14.66 2.0-2.5

H 4.94

K 0.59 0.86

N 0.57

s 0.30 2.0-2.9

p 0.07 1.82-2.69

Ca 0.06 1.55

Na 0.035 0.97

Fe 0.006 7.86

Mg 0.003 1.74

Zn 0.006 7.14

*Data from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 62nd Edition, CRC Press.

Apparent Density Pa

The apparent volume, Va• is defined as shown in Figure 6-2. It

includes the solid matter as well as all open and closed pores. In

order to measure the apparent volume of a sample of rice hulls i t is

necessary to close all pores that terminate at the surface. This is

done by filling the pores with ~ax that is highly viscous at 125°C. Due

to the tedious procedure only two samples of 1000 rice hulls each were

tested. It is relatively easy to remove excess paraffin from a large

object such as pellets. One can therefore compute the apparent density



where m mass of unwaxed sample

volume measured of waxed sample.

However, equation (6-2) may not be used with small objects such as rice

hulls. Electron microscope pictures showed that samples differed signif-

icantly with regard to the amount of visible eJicess paraffin on the

surface and in the pores. If one assumes that no excess paraffin

exists, the apparent density will be underestimated because a real

sample is more accurately characterized by Figure 6-4. The ideal case

is shown in Figure 6-3.

A more accurate determination of the apparent density may be

obtained from Pt and the paraffin density Pp as follows:

The measured volume is: V (6-3)
according to Figure 6-5.

The apparent volume is: Va = Z1 + Z2

Thus, the true volume is

apparent density on a dry basis is:

x 1 (1 - ~)
p 100
= _ _,_--:;=-
t vt

Consequently, since z2 + z3 (6-5)

we get:


where Vm = measured volume of waxed rice hulls, (cm3)

x 2p sample weight, waxed rice hulls, (gram)

x1 = sample weight, unwaxed wet basis, (gram)

x2 = moisture content in percent.

Pp density of paraffin 0.888 g cm-3.

It is noted that Pt is known with high accuracy. One can therefore com-

put a new Vm and x2p that agrees with the measured pt. The apparent

density Pa is then given as:

where Va Vm• A series of 34 measurements resulted in:

Rice hu II sur face

Figure 6-3. Ideal surface of waxed rice hulls.

Paraffin Rice hull surface

··············~ 1
Open pore

Figure 6-4. Actual surface of waxed rice hulls.


Figure 6-5. Geometry of waxed rice hull for computation of Pa·

-3 dry basis, range 1.14-1.22 for pellets
1.18 g em,
-3 dry basis, range 0.60-0.72 for rice hulls.
0.65 g em,
Phase fractions Ea• £B• Ey, £a
The phase fractions £ 1 can be computed as follows:

v- VB and £
1 --=
1 - £B (6-7)

v pb
VB = v- va and £B = 1 -v-=

V = V - V - V and £ (6-9)
y B 0 y

v0 v- vy (6-10)

In practice, three porosities are important:

a) The total void space fraction £t = £B + £y (6-11)

b) The porosity of the fuel £f = 1 (6-12)

c) The void space fraction between the rice hulls

£ = 1 (6-13)

These porosities are given in Table 6-2 for rice hulls and rice hull


Table 6-2. Gas-Solid Phase Distribution in a Gas Producer
for Loose Hulls and Rice Hull Pellets

Pellets Hulls

True Density, Pt• g cm-3 1.60 1.42

Apparent Density, Pa• g em-3 1.18 0.65

Bulk Density, Pb• g cm-3 0.58 0.10

£f 26% 54%

£13 51% 85%

£t 64% 93%

Surface Area of Loose Rice Hulls and Rice Bull Pellets


Since most gasification reactions are heterogeneous, the specific

surface area Aso (m 2 tm3 ) plays an important role in the process because

of its influence on the reactivity of the fuel bed. It is noted that

the apparent surface ABo refers to the surface area one would find if

the rice hulls were nonporous, as indicated by Va in Figure 6-2. This

surface area is measurable with an image analyzer and electron micro-

scope. The real solid-gas interface in a porous media is usually deter-

mined by the BET method (Brunauer-Emmett-Taylor). This surface area

includes all internal surfaces resulting from the porous structure of

rice hulls. It can be startlingly high, on the order of 106 m2 kg-1 for

activated charcoal from coconut shell, wood, and bituminous coal

(Mantell, 1968).

Determination of the BET surface is based on vapor adsorption and is

beset with difficulties. The theory is essentially an extension of the

Langmuir theory, which is based on two very tenuous postulates:

a) The adsorbed vapor covers the entire surface with a uniform


b) The amount of adsorbed vapor can be detected from the adsorp-

tion isotherm.

The assumption of a monolayer can hardly be justified and even extending

the theory to multilayer adsorption (BET surface) leaves some doubt as

to the accuracy of the method.

Any useful determination of the solid-gas interphase area at

various stages in the gasification process of rice hulls must certainly

be preceded by the development of an appropriate method of obtaining

reliable samples and of evaluating the maximum error for surface

measurements. There does not appear to be a convincing solution to

these problems at present.

Determination of Aso for rice bulls

The apparent surface area A~ 0 of a single rice hull has been experi-

mentally determined under the following assumptions and procedures:

a) Electron microscope pictures of cross sections were used to fit

a curve that will describe the regular appearance of the

geometrical bumps on the outer surface of the rice hulls. The

shape of the bumps, as shown in the electron microscope photo-

graphs (Figure 7-4 is an example) was measured at 6 points.

The shape was approximated by a sixth-degree polynomial,

P(x) (6-14)

The assumed cross section is shown in Figure 6-7 with the mean

measured dimensions.

b) The bumps were assumed to be rotationally symmetric around

their vertical Y axes. The surface area of each bump was com-

puted by

s f
2nx(l + [P'(x)] ) dx (6-15)

c) A composite picture, consisting of 6 sections at a magnifica-

tion of 25 was then used to establish the total enclosed plane

area of three single rice hulls. This circumference was then

traced by a computer-guided image analyzer that automatically

computed the enclosed area.

d) The number of bumps present on the outer surface was

established by counting them and checked by superimposing a

72 ~ grid over the composite picture.

It is noted that a "single" rice hull looks as shown in Figure 6-6.

The rice hull consists of two parts, each of which can be naturally

separated into two additional parts. The average computed apparent sur-

face area was Aeo = 3855 m2 /m 3 and is based on the computed cross sec-

tion shown in Figure 6-7 and Pbh previously given. It is noted that the

roughness of the outer surface (bumps) increases the total outer surface

area by about 12%.

Figure 6-6. Schematic of a single rice hull.



Figure 6-7. Modelled cross section of rice hull.

Apparent Surface Ae 0 of Pellets

The surface area Aso of pellets has been experimentally determined

using the following assumptions and procedures:

a) The pellets were made with a ring die a pelletizer that

is normally used to manufacture alfalfa hay pellets for


b) The particular die ring used generates pellets with a diameter

of 9.6 mm and an average length of 22 mm. However, during sub-

sequent handling a considerable number of pellets were broken

into pieces of various lengths. It was found that approxima-

tely 30% of the pellets remained unbroken and that 70% had

been broken.

c) The additional surface area generated by breaking a single

pellet into two pieces has been taken into account. The

average apparent surface area was A130 = 302 m2 /m3.

Weight of a Single Rice Bull

In order to obtain a complete description of the geometry of a rice

hull bed in a gas producer, deterillination of the average weight of a

single rice hull is necessary. The measurements were based on a selec-

tion of 50 single rice hulls that had both hull parts, as shown in

Figure 6-6. Weight measurements were performed with a Kahn-Electro

Balance with an accuracy of + 10-6 gram. The range for these rice

hulls was ms 2.944 to 3.564 mg (dry basis) with an average ms of

3.087 mg.

One of the difficulties in measuring the weight of a highly porous

small object such as a rice hull is its moisture content. The measuring

chamber of the electro-balance is lighted; thus, there is a heat source

which evaporates small amounts of equilibrium moisture within seconds.

The average decline in the rice hull weight during the measurement pro-

cess was 30 vg.

Accuracy of the Results

Because a wide range of measurement techniques (some of them novel)

have been used to characterize a rice hull fuel bed, it is appropriate

to perform an error analysis for the data reported in Chapter 6.

All data has been reported on a dry basis to allow comparison of

various samples and to eliminate the "moisture content" variable which

can considerably distort experimental data.

The error analysis is based on the following:

a) Random errors are not included in the analysis.

b) Instrument errors and data transformation errors are based on

manufacturer's data and on the type of instrument.

c) An upper bound for the maximal error has been computed in the

following manner.

For instance, the dry bulk density, Pb• is given by:


where x1 sample moisture content in % wet basis

x2 mass of wet sample, gram

x3 volume of sample conta1ner,-cm3.



and consequently,


where is the largest possible error.

In this case,

< + + (6-19)


~x 1 0.5% (error in the moisture content measurement)

~x 2 5 gram (error in wet sample)

Furthermore, assumed measurement errors of + 1 mm for the diameter and

height of the sample container with a total volume x3 = 6914.26 cm3

results in

= 0.016


< 0.0055 + 0.0021 + 0.016 0.024 ~ 2.4%

Based on this technique maximum errors in the data have been established

and are listed in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3. Maximum Error Data for Rice Hulls and Rice Hull Pellets

Maximum Error %
ProEertl Pellets Hulls

Bulk Density Pb 2.4 2.8

Apparent Density Pa 4.2 5.6

True Density Pt 1.3 3.4

Porosity Ef 15.5 8.3

ea 6.4 1.4

Et 2.1 0.5

Weight of Single Rice Hull or Pellet 0.9 1.1

Surface Area * 3.8

*insufficient data

Although electron microscope evaluations and image analyses have an

error of less than 3%, only a few samples (3 in our case) can be eva-

luated because of the tedious procedures involved. This can hardly be

viewed as a representative sample from a population of 33 ,000/liter.

Some improvement in the accuracy may be achieved by correlating the sur-

face area to the weight of a single rice hull based on the model given

in Figure 6-7. From a measurement standpoint it is much easier to

obtain a reliable weight distribution from a large sample population of

rice hulls.

Caking and Slagging Behavior of Rice Bulls


The present interest in utilizing a wide variety of biomass fuels

for gasification has resulted in an increased awareness of the phase

changes of solid fuels. However, inadequately presented results and

inappropriate descriptions of the slagging process have resulted in some

confusion regarding the process. It is therefore essential to clarify

the differences between caking and slagging (including the causes of

each) before the experimental results are presented.

Any solid material will change from a solid to a liquid or gas when

heated up to high enough temperatures. Coal ,and biomass fuels are no

exception and will melt down at high temperatures. For instance, one

can envisage what would happen if a sample of rice hulls was placed in

an inert atmosphere and heated. It is noted that rice hulls consist of

c, H, 0, N, SiOz, K2 o, NzO and some other trace minerals most likely in

their oxidized form. The first elements that will "melt off" and change

from the solid phase to the liquid and gas phases are H, 0, N and some

C in form of compounds. This process is called devolatllization or

pyrolysis and will be discussed in Chapter 8 in detail. Pyrolysis

results in the formation of free carbon radicals which recombine with

the freed atomic hydrogen to form a liquid (tar, oils and water) that is

easily evaporated at higher temperatures. In addition, a gas phase con-

sisting mainly of CO and COz is formed directly. At higher temperatures

some of the low temperature mineral oxides such as KzO and NazO will

reach a transition state. In this state the minerals soften before

becoming completely liqui fied. It is noted that despite the high tem-

peratures, no carbon will be burned off since the atmosphere is inert.

The final result is therefore a molten mass of minerals which entomb

solid carbon and high temperature mineral oxides such as SiOz, MgO and

CaO. The melting points of selected minerals and mineral oxides as well

as carbon are given in Tahle 6-4.

Table 6-4. ~elting Point of Selected Oxidized Minerals

Mineral Oxide Melting Point OC*

CaO 2614

MgO 2852

K20 350

Na 2 o 1275

Fe 2o 3 1560

p2o5 580

SiOz: Quartz (amorphous) 1460-1610

Trydimite 1703

Cristobalite 1723

C: amorph 3652

*Data taken from the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 62nd Edition,

CRC Press, 1982.

It is noted that the softening and melting points of biomass must be

determined experimentally because they are strongly dependent on the

mass fractions of K20 and Na 2 o.

One could also envision placing a sample of rice hulls into a

highly oxidizing atmosphere and adding heat. In this case all the car-

bon in the fuel will be quickly burned off. The residues from this pro-

cess (minerals) will melt down if the temperature reaches the softening

and melting temperatures of the particular sample.

A third phenomena is closely associated with the low temperature

pyrolysis process. It has already been mentioned that unstable free

radicals are formed in the 250-450°C range. Those which react with

hydrogen from the fuel form tar, whereas the rest tend to form bonds

with one another. In the case of rice hulls this latter process leads

to formation of large fluffy conglomerates which are easily breakable

yet which nevertheless obstruct gravity flow. This phenomena is called

caking of the fuels. It is widely observed in the gasification and com-

bustion of certain bituminous coals. Caking of coal was prevented by

stirring the bed or by preoxidizing the coal, which results in a product

known as coke. The notion of caking has so far not found a place in the

biomass gasification literature.

In summation: Three forms of biomass conglomerates are sometimes

found within the gas producer:

a) Conglomerates that have been generated in an inert atmosphere

within the gasifier. These rock-like structures are made up of

melted minerals and entrained carbon (slagging).

b) Conglomerates that have been generated in a highly oxidizing

atmosphere within the gasifier, resulting in the meltdown of

minerals (slagging).

c) Conglomerates that have been formed by free radicals which

react with one another at low temperatures (caking).

Depending on the type of biomass and the conditions under which it is

gasified, all three processes may occur. Also, some interaction does

occur between these processes.

Slagging of Rice Hull Ash

According to some authors, rice hull ash is highly prone to slagging

(Jenkins 1981, Goss 1980, Groeneveld 1982) due to its high silica con-

tent (16-22%) and alleged low mineral melting point (800-1000°C).

Based on this information, the author has tried unsuccessfully to build

a rice hull gas producer which induces slagglng of rice hulls. In the

course of these attempts several tests were conducted that showed that

rice hull ash has no tendency to slag below 1400°C if localized com-

bustion with excess oxygen does not occur. Osman (1982) has measured

the softening and melting point temperatures of various biomass ashes.

His results are listed in Table 6-5. The experiments were conducted in

a nitrogen atmosphere. The biomass ash was made into small cones and

the softening temperature was defined as the temperature at which the

peak of the cone toppled over and began to deform. It is noted that the

softening temperature of the biomass fuel will be the lowest temperature

at which the possibility of fuel flow obstruction exists.

From the table it is seen that the rice hull ash has the highest

softening and melting point of all tested biomass fuel residues. It is

noted that when present in large amounts low melting point temperature

mineral oxides such as NazO and KzO will significantly lower the melting

point of the ashes. This is shown in the phase diagrams taken from

Toropov (1972) for the NazO - Sio 2 and K2 o - Sio2 system (Figures 6-8

and 6-9). It is noted that SiOz is found in three forms in rice hull

ash: quartz, cristobalite and trydimite. Jones (1953) has already

pointed out that rice hull ash contains a negligible proportion of

quartz and a high proportion of cristoballte and trydimite. This was

later confirmed by Bartha (1974). Jones (1953) also reported that rice

hull ash, when mixed with 3-15% CaO (lime), showed no tendency to soften

nor was there a sign! ficant change in the volume of the ash at tem-

peratures of 1667°C.



40 60 80 100
No2 0 WEIGHT % Sj02

Figure 6-8. Na 2o- Si0 2 system (Levin, 1964).

1500 a:::

::::> [] SOLID
1300 w
1100 1-

K2 0 t MOLE % t Si 0 2

Figure 6-9. K20 - Si0 2 system (Levin, 1964).

Table 6-5. Softening and Melting Temperatures of Biomass Ashes*

Biomass Ash Softening oc Melting oc

Bean straw 900 1150

Safflower 770 1430

Rice hulls 1439 )1650

Cotton gin trash 1010 1380

Barley straw 925 1100

Corn stalks 820 1091

Rice straw 823 1190

Wood chips 1050 1190

Corn fodder 1010 1180

Almond shell 790 1440

Corn cobs 900 1020

Tree prunings 770 1550

Walnut shell 820 1225

Olive pits 850 1480

Almond shell 860 1350

Good rice straw 1060 1250

Partially decomposed rice straw 850 1280

*sample values are highly dependent on ash composition (fluxing effect).

Because low melting point minerals affect softening point temperatures,

it is of interest to look at the available data on rice hull ash com-

position collected by Beagle (1978), Houston (1976) and Kaupp, Goss

(1982) shown in Table 6-6. This data represent values determined as

long ago as 1910 and on four continents (North America, Europe, Asia,

Australia). Comparing the listed values for K20 and Na 2 o with the phase

diagrams in Figures 6-8 and 6-9 one can conclude that local variations

Table 6-6. Rice Hull Ash Composition

Specie % Weight Fraction

Si0 2 90-97

CaO 0.2-1.5

MgO 0.1-2

KzO 0.6-1.6

Na 2 o Traces-1.75

P2o5 0.3

803 0.1-1.13

Cl 0.15-0.4

Fe 2 o3 Traces-0.4

Mno 2 Traces

in the ash composition will not result in a softening temperature below

1400°C. A review of the experimental data and operational reports for

the large (60-100 hp) Italian rice hull gas producer (see Section 10-1)

did not reveal a single reference to slagging problems due to the

rotating grate and a low superficial velocity. Considering the

available evidence, it is concluded that rice hulls will not slag under

normal operation of a gas producer (temperatures during normal operation

will always be under 1400°C). Nevertheless, severe slagging problems

have been reported and there is a real possibility that slagging will

occur in a rice hull gas producer as will be outlined later. However,

the false conclusions put forth concerning the slagging potential of

rice hulls result from a misinterpretation of the true cause of

slagging, which has to do with the rice hull fuel bed structure and not

directly with the high ash content of rice hulls or its 'silica content.

Cause of Slagging

In Chapter 6 the fuel bed structure of rice hulls was examined in

detail. It was concluded that due to the high void space fraction

(Es ~ 0.85) and low bulk density (100 kg m-3), the homogeneous fuel bed
structure is easily disturbed. From coal gasification it is known that

channel formation within the coal bed, which can be caused by caking or

by a large proportion of fine particles, is very detrimental to the

gasification process. Channel formation usually leads to an erratic gas

composition and also leads to the formation of hot spots. Because the

size distribution of rice hulls is within a very narrow range (see

Figure 6-21, Section 6.7) channel formation due to the presence of fine

particles will not occur. However, caves and channels are readily

formed in a rice hull fuel bed when settling creates shear zones

(cracks) and the local superficial gas velocity exceeds the average

value. Experiments to determine the cause of slagging have been per-

formed in an updraft gas producer with a 30 em firebox diameter and with

a fixed flat grate (Figure 6-10). It is noted that gasification can not

be sustained in such a gas producer because there is no continuous ash

removal. The fire zone will therefore move upwards from the ignition

point at the grate, consuming layer after layer of unburned rice hulls

until the entire rice hull column has been charred. The combustion air

flow rate was set at 50 Nm 3 h- 1 , which represents a superficial velocity

of at least 0.19 m s-1 within the column. The actual superficial velo-

city within the column is higher since the gas output is greater than

the original air input by the amount of solid fuel converted to gaseous

products. l.fhen the fire zone reached the gas exit port, the combustion

a: 2

Figure 6-10. Experimental gas producer for testing the slagging

behavior of rice hulls.

air was shut off and the fuel bed was examined layer by layer. A sche-

matic sketch of the fuel bed structure is shown in Figure 6-11. The

fuel bed developed characteristic caves that were glazed with a layer of

molten snow-white rice hull ash. A sample of this form of slagging (as

described in the introduction) is shown in Figure 6-12. The cause of

this slag formation is clearly localized complete combustion of the rice

hulls due to high localized airflow. The formation of a cave or channel

allows air to reach the carbon surface at an equivalence ratio of ~ > 1.

Because of the poor conductivity of the fuel bed and radiation within

the caves, localized temperatures remain high, which results in melting

of the rice hull ash. The installed thermocouples showed only normal

gasification temperature of 900-1200°C. Thus, one might be tempted to



Figure 6-11. Schematic of slag formation in a rice hull fuel bed

(caves not to scale).

wrongly conclude that slagging took place at low temperatures since the

thermocouples were not placed where the slagging was actually occurring.

The same experiment was repeated with rice hull pellets. Although

rice hull pellets do not easl ty alLow channel formation, they do tend

to form hot spots, which in isolated cases leads to melting of the ash

which in turn leads to bonding between pellets as shown in Figure 6-13.

It has been concluded that slag formation is caused by high superficial

air velocities in the fuel bed which lead to localized meltdown

(glazing) of the rice hull ash. In order to determine the approximate

superficial velocity at which disturbances in the fuel bed can be

expected, experiments in a cold rice hull and rice hull char fuel bed

were conducted. The results are given in Section 6.6.

Figure 6-12. Molten silica and slag formation.

Figure 6-13. Localized s1agging, connecting pellets of rice hulls.

Caking of Rice Bulls and Pellets

As previously argued, caking of biomass is strictly a low tem-

perature phenomena caused by pyrolysis or thermal destruction of the

fuel. It is also a phenomena that is closely related to the size of the

gas producer, because caking can go unnoticed or can be prevented

(through the use of mechanical stirrers) in larger units. The caking

behavior of rice hulls is most easily demonstrated in an open core gas

producer which operates without air nozzles as shown in Figure 10-27,

Section 10-4. To induce caking, the gas producer is first fueled with a

good gasification fuel, such as corncobs, until a sufficiently deep hot

carbon layer develops. The gasification process is continued by the

addition of rice hulls through the open top of the gas producer. A

characteristic slight shrinkage of the rice hulls will take place

throughout the entire rice hull column. In addition, a very distinct

gap between the gas producer wall and the rice hull bed will develop.

This effect is shown in Figures 6-14 and 6-15 which shows a top view of

the rice hull fuel bed during thermal decomposition.

In order to make caking more visible, pellets can be used. A typi-

cal bond is shown in Figure 6-16 (black line). This figure should be

compared to Figure 6-13 which shows a bond caused by local over-

oxidation and meltdown of the ash.


Rice hull ash does have a very high softening temperature ()

1400°C), but nevertheless tends to slag if the fuel bed structure is

disturbed by high superficial gas velocities. Rice hulls do cake during

the pyrolysis process which may obstruct gravity flow. This property

along with the insignificant size reduction of rice hulls during gasifi-

cation are some principal disadvantages in rice hull gasification.

Figure 6-14. Initial stage Figure 6-15. Final stage

of rice hull of rice hull
gasification. gasification.

Figure 6-16. Caking of rice hull pellet at low

temperatures (300 - 500°C).

Pressure Drop in a Rice Bull Fuel Bed and Superficial Velocities

It was outlined in the previous section that disturbance of the fuel

bed will lead to slag formation and to erratic gas compositions. It is

therefore of interest to determine. the minimum gas velocity which will

cause disturbances in a rice hull fuel bed and rice hull char bed. Also

of importance is the pressure drop across such a system, because this

pressure drop must·be overcome by the intake manifold vacuum of a given

engine, if the gas is to be used in the engine without special pumping.

It is noted that the Italian rice hull gas producers were 1.5 m in

diameter to power 60-100 hp engines (see Section 10.1). It is assumed

that 3 Nm3 of producer gas are necessary to generate one brake-horse

power hour and that the gas will be at approximately 200°C when leaving

the upper layers of the rice hull bed. Under these assumptions, the

superficial gas velocity will be 7 .s em s -1 • If the tComputation is

based on the air entering the lower charred layers in an updraft gas

producer, then the resulting superficial gas velocity will be 10 em s -1 •

The latter computation is based on the following: (1) 2 kg of rice

hulls are needed in order to generate one brake-horse power hour; (2)

the equivalence ratio is cj> = 0.4; (3) air enters the .fuel bed at a tem-

perature of 600°Co It is concluded that ln the past, updraft rice hull

gas producers operated at very low superficial velocities, on the order

of 0.1 m s- 1 (throughout the fuel bed). Downdraft gas producers

operated on wood blocks have superficial gas velocities of 0.5-3 m s- 1

in the fuel bed, which are consider.::lbly higher (Nordstroem 1957, Kaupp

and Goss 1982).

Experimental Set Up and Results

The pressure drop across a rice hull and rice hull char fuel bed was

measured in a vertical tube as shown in Figure 6-17. The rice hulls

were supported by a fine (3 mm) wire mesh. The volumetric flow rate of

the incoming air was measured with a calibrated sharp edge orifice plate

( 4% accuracy). The pressure drop across the bed was measured with an

inclined manometer (+ 2.5 mm H20 reading accuracy). The wire mesh

induced a pressure drop of less than 2.5 mm HzO at all tested flow

rates. At the maximum flow rate the corresponding Reynolds number was

2200, which indicates the presence of a laminar flow field.



... ~


A I R -==:=~11:=::=~_j _ _._+_


Figure 6-17. Experimental set up for pressure drop testing.

Tests were conducted using 25 em, 50 em, 75 em and 100 em deep

unburned rice hull and rice hull char beds. The objective of the

experiment was three fold:

a) To determine the pressure drop across beds of various lengths;

b) To determine the superficial velocity which results in channel

formation, using visual inspection;

c) To compare the results for unburned rice hulls and rice hull


The results of the experiments are given in Figure 6-18.

Discussion of the Results

a) Channel Formation

For the purposes of this experiment, one must distinguish bet-

ween the fluidizing velocity, vs, and the· velocity at which

channel formation takes place. The velocity at which single

unburned rice hulls or charred rice hulls were lifted up from

the bed is defined as the fluidizing velocity. Channel for-

mation does not necessarily start at this velocity. Based on

the observations, the fluidization of single rice hulls (not

broken rice hulls) was always accompanied by channel formation.

However, in the case of rice hull char, channel formation

started at a lower superficial gas velocity than the fluidiza-

tion of individual charred rice hulls. The following conclu-

sions were drawn:

i) Severe visible channel formation occurred at super-

ficial air velocities of 8.5-9 em s- 1 for charred rice

hulls. Channel formation was accompanied by a reduction


75 em, Char

<3 7

I ~·
........-- __._ I I • I ... ~ ·-L~"'"
0 I 1 I I : J I j I I I I .,
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 I 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 6-18. Pressure drop through an unburned rice hull bed (A)
and rice hull char bed as a function of the super-
ficial gas velocity vs, for various bed lengths .

in the pressure drop despite an increased flow rate.

ii) The convex shape of the curves for rice hull char indi-

cates,that slight disturbances in the fuel bed must have

taken place at lower superficial gas velocities.

iii) The unburned rice hull bed was considerably more stable

than the char bed. Rice hull fluidization and channel

formation began at a vs of 20-23 em s-1 •

iv) Initial fluidization and channel formation never oc-

curred at the center or at the wall of the tube. In-

stead these phenomena always began at a short distance

away from the wall. This observation may suggest a

horizontal velocity profile within the bed as shown in

Figure 6-19.

Based on these results it is understandable why classic Italian


7.5 0 7.5

Figure 6-19. Probable horizontal gas velocity profile within a

rice hull bed.

rice hull updraft gas producers were operated at such low

superficial gas velocities and why they were made so large as

compared to today's compact downdraft gas producers.

b) Pressure drop

The pressure drop (reported as a function of the superficial

velocity vs) was measured up to the fluidizing velocity. The

results are shown in Figure 6-18. The pressure drop ~p can be

viewed as the following function:


e6 void space fraction

p gas density, kg m-3

vs superficial gas velocity, m s-1

L length of rice hull column, m

y = surface roughness

DP particle diameter, m.

Intutitively we should have ~ = constant, in the absence of
entrance and exit disturbances. The rice hull char bed

follows this law closely while the unburned rice hull bed data

indicates that large entrance and exit disturbances must be

present. Although the results were double checked, no obvious

reason could be found to explain why the difference in pressure

drops between a fuel bed with a height of 50 em and a fuel bed

with a height of 75 em was considerably smaller than the dif-

ference between a 25 em and 50 em fuel bed. The following was


i) The pressure drop (em H2 0/m) is about 5.75 times higher

in a rice hull char bed than in an unburned rice hull

bed. This ratio is independent of the height of the

fuel bed.

ii) Pressure drops are automatically kept low because super-

ficial velocities above 10 em s- 1 will disturb the fuel

bed and interfere with the gasification process.

iii) The maximum pressure drop will be about 12 em H20/m.

Theoretical Treatment of the Pressure Drop in a Rice Bull Fuel Bed

The pressure drop through a fixed bed can be predicted accurately if

the input parameters are known with a certain precision. In general we

Ergun ( 19 54) has proposed an

equation to predict this pressure drop based on 4p (£ 8 , p, vs• L, DP).

He did not include the surface roughness.

150 (1 - EB)
Ergun equation: ----:::----=-
+ 1. 7 5 (6-20)

where A = ---2-.. ~
p v 2

6 v
D =~
p A

D v
Re =-l!.E..~

V volume of particle

A surface area of particle


A review by McDonald et al (1978) of correlations for pressure drops

through a fixed bed confirms the accuracy of the Ergun equation. The

authors suggested that the additional parameter of surface roughness of

the particles be incorporated into the equation. Their conclusions are

given as follows:
A EB 180 (1 - E )
B + 1.8 (smooth particles) (6-21)
1 - EB Re

A EB 180 (1 - EB)
1 - EB Re
+ 4.0 (roughest particles) (6-22)

Solving for the parameter 6p yields:

-- [150 (1 - EB)
+ 1.75J (1 - EB)
p Vs 2 L

180 (1 - EB) ] p Vs L
6P = [ Re + 1. 8 ( 1 - E ) - - - (smooth particle)
B D 3
p EB

180 (1 - E ) ]
6p =[ Re B + 4.0 (1 - EB) (rough particle)

Because it is difficult to draw a line between smooth and rough par-

ticles, the Ergun equation will be applied to the experimental data for

a rice hull bed of 1 m height.

The Ergun equation indicates that 6p will be very sensitive to

changes in Dp and Es, the physical parameters that can be measured with

the least accuracy. We assume

(6)(4.75 mm 3 )
D 0.246 mm
p 2
(115.66 mm )

where Ap and Vp were computed from the data given in Sections 6.2 and

6.3. The other physical constants are given as:

p 1.204 kg m-3, 1.1

The best fit for the experimental data was obtained by choosing Dp =

2.28 x 10-4 instead of Dp = 2.46 x 10-4 with a fixed £ 8 = 0.85. The

result is given in Figure 6-20.

It is noted that the Ergun equation overestimates the pressure drop by

at most 15%. However this equation can not be used to predict pressure

drops at superficial velocities higher than 21 em s-1 because of distur-

bances in the fuel bed.

a_ Ergun Equal ion


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Figur~ 6-20. Pressure drop across a rice hull fuel bed,

experimental and theoretical results.

Size Distribution of Rice Bulls and Rice Hull Char


The high void space fraction in a rice hull bed, the large pore

volume generated during gasification, and the minimal size reduction of

rice hulls undergoing gasification make the residue of gasification

(the char) a potentially efficient filter material for the raw gas. On

the other hand, the friable consistency of rice hull char makes it dif-

ficult to handle without pulverizing a sizeable fraction. Pulverization

may even occur in the lower layers of the gas producer, caused by

interaction with the grate and by higher superficial velocities through

the grate and gas exit in downdraft gas producers. The carryover of

rice hull char has been a problem in the units tested. It is therefore

of interest to establish a size distribution curve and to compute the

extent to which a disengagement zone would separate fine solids (< 1 mm)

from the gas stream. While these theoretical considerations will be

discussed in Chapter 10, the size distribution of rice hulls and rice

hull char is given here.

Size Distribution

The size distribution was determined using a set of Tyler wire mesh

screens with square openings ranging from 0.05 mm to 2.5 mm. The

screens were mounted in a standard screen shaker for the size distribu-

tion tests. It is noted that a particle falling through the wire mesh

screen of size X during the shaking process was considered to be smaller

than X. However, the particle is not necessarily smaller than X in all

dimensions. Any rice hull remaining on the screen was considered to be

larger than X. Thus it is possible that a particular particle could

have fallen through given a different orientation of particle with the


The results for rice hulls and char (obtained from a downdraft

gasifier) are shown in Figures 6-21 and 6-22. Two types of char were

tested. In one case the char was tested within hours after gasification

while the second batch was tested after smoldering had ceased, 48 hours

later. It is noted that when char from a rice hull gas producer is

stored in a steel drum, char will smolder for extensive periods (days).

Smoldering of the gasifier residue completes burnout (carbon removal).

The silica skeleton formed is increasingly friable as the carbon content

is reduced and any test performed will show considerable size reduction.

With respect to the experiments, it is noted that:

a) Uncontrolled smoldering significantly increases the fine par-

ticle content of the char. For instance, the fraction of par-

z A Rice hulls as received from milling operation
:X: B Hot char from downdraft gasification
C Cold char after smoldering has ceased (48
hours later l

z lll!ID: Expected range of size

~ 02 distribution for rice hull char
1- as filter material
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3

Figure 6-21. Size distribution of rice hulls and char removed from
downdraft gasification.

::r: C = Cold char after smoldertng
has ceased (48 hours later).
a:: Continuation of curve C for
<.!>. the,;Small particle range.
~ .91
a:: 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

Figure 6-22. Fine particle content of rice hull char from downdraft

ticles smaller than 500 ~m increases from 15% to 30%.

b) Particles smaller- than 600 ~m are mostly generated during the

gasification process since only 2% were present before gasifi-

cation as compared to 23%-36% afterwards.

c) The largest fractional increase is observed for the category of

particles smaller than 1.5 mm. Initially, 25% of the particles

fell into this category. This fraction increased to 82% after


d) The fraction of particles smaller than 50 ~m is around 2%

(particles smaller than 50 ~m will be more difficult to remove

from the gas stream in conventional cyclones and wet



Aeo specific surface area of rice hulls (m2/m3)

Ap surface area of single rice hull (m2)

Dp rice hull diameter (m)

L length of rice hull column (m)

m mass of rice hulls (kg)

ms mass of single rice hull (mg)

v control volume (cm3)

apparent volume of rice hulls (cm3)

ve void space within the fuel bed (cm3)

pore volume of rice hulls (cm3)

volume of the solid matter of rice hulls (cm3)

measured volume (cm3)

volume of single rice hull (cm3)

Re Reynolds number

fluidizing velocity (m s-1)

X wire mesh screen opening (mm)

weight fractions of elements

y surface roughness

p gas density (kg m-3)

apparent density of rice hulls (g cm-3)

bulk density of rice hulls (g cm-3)

density of paraffin (g cm-3)

true density of rice hulls (g cm-3)

density of water (g cm-3)

phase fractions, where i =a, e. y, 0

£f porosity of rice hulls

Et total void space fraction of a rice hull fuel bed

~ equivalence ratio

6p pressure drop across a rice hull bed (em HzO/m)

~ gas viscosity (kg m-1 s-1)


1. Bartha, P. and A. Huppertz. 1974. The structure of silica in

rice husks and their crystallization. Proceedings, Rice
By-Product Utilization International Conference, Valencia, Spain.

2. Beagle, E. 1978. Rice husk conversion to energy. FAO Agricul-

tural Services Bulletin #31.

3. Beagle, E. 1981. Personal Communication, Davis, California, USA.

4. Ergun, s. 1952. Fluid flow through packed columns. Chern. Eng.

Prog. 48(89).

5. Goss, J.R. 1980. Personal Communication, Davis, California, USA.

6. Groeneveld, M. 1982. Personal Communication, Berlin, West


7. Houston, D.F. 1972. Rice chemistry and technology. Monograph

Series IV, Chapter 12. American Cereal Chemist Association, St.
Paul, MN.

8. Jenkins, B.M. 1980. Downdraft gasification characteristics of

major California residue-derived fuels. PhD Thesis in Engineer-
ing, University of California, ~avis.

9. Jones, J.D. 1953. New refractory from vegetable source.

Canadian Metals. January.

10. Kaupp, A. and J.R. Goss. 1982. State-of-the-Art for small scale
(to 50 kW) gas producer engine systems. U.S. Agency for
International Development, Washington, D.C. 20523.

11. Levin, Ernest "!. and Carl R. Robbins. 1964. Phase diagrams for
ceramists. The American Ceramist Society, Columbus, Ohio.

12. Mantell, C.L. 1968. Carbon and Graphite Handbook. Inter-

Science Publishers, New York.

13. McDonald, I.F. 1979. Flow through porous media - the Ergun
equation revisited. Ind. Eng. Chern. Fundam. 8(3).

14. Nordstroem, o. 1964. Redogerelse for riksnamndens for ekonomisk

forsvarsberedskap forsknings-och forsoksverksamhet pa gengasomra-
det vid statens maskinprovningar 1957-1963. Overstyrelsen for
Ekonomiskt Forsvar, Box 7830, S-10398, Stockholm, Sweden.

15. Osman, E.A. 1982. A study of the effects of ash chemical com-
position and additives on fusion temperature in relation to slag

formation during gasification of biomass. PhD Thesis in Engineer-
ing, University of California, Davis.

16. Toropov, N.A. et al. 1972. Handbook of phase diagrams of sili-

cate systems. Translated from Russian, Israel Program for
Scientific Translations, Jerusalem.

17. Tucker, P.W. 1944. A study of the physical and chemical proper-
ties of rice hulls. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University,
Department of Chemistry.



During my first trial runs using rice hulls in standard wood gasi-

fiers of the updraft and downdraft type, it became apparent that the

quickly changing flow properties and the unique thermal decomposition

characteristics of rice hulls cause severe operational problems in small

gasifiers of 15 em to 30 em hearth diameter. For instance, common slot

grates used in coal and wood gasification can neither remove the rice

hull ash continuously nor prevent the rice hulls from falling through.

Another extreme example of the variable nature of rice hull flow prop-

erties is shown in Figure 7-1. An experimental hopper with 70° and 45°

walls was used to feed the rice hulls into a downdraft gas producer.

The rice hulls were loosely poured into the hopper, but because of

gravity feeding the rice hulls became compacted and formed a vertical

wall during the trial run. Additional difficulties were encountered in

updraft gasification. Tar vapors condensed in the cooler upper layers

and formed a sticky coating of charred rice hulls and tarry liquids, as

shown in Figure 7-2. The frequent flow distortlon and channel genera-

tion within the fuel bed could not he attributed to one particular

cause. The next step was to examine closely the physical appearance of

rice hulls and rice hull pellets before and after gasification to see if

any insights into fuel bed disturbance could be found.

Micrographs of Rice Bulls Before Thermal Decomposition

A schematic diagram of a single rice hull has already been shown in

Figure 6-6. A micrograph picture is shown in Figure 7-3. The geometri-

cally unique outer surface of rice hulls with its thousands (about

T Rice

70cm hulls


Figure 7-1. Vertical wall of rice hulls after one hour of operation.

Figure 7-2. Rice hull-tar conglomerate from updraft gasification.

Figure 7-3. Single rice hull before gasification (X 20).

Figure 7-4. Outer surface before gasification (X 180).

4000-5000) of bumps is shown in Figures 7-3 through 7-5. The inner sur-

face of a single rice hull, on the other hand, is almost completely flat

as shown in Figures 7-6 and 7-7. It is noted that even extensive

scanning at a magnification of 6000X did not reveal any visible pores on

the inner surface. Therefore pores on this surface must be smaller than

0.17 ~m given that the human eye can detect 1 mrn objects on the surface

of the rice hull. One of the cross-sections used to determine the sur-

face area of rice hulls (see Figure 6-7) is shown in Figure 7-8. A

single bump on the outer surface is shown in Figure 7-9. It is again

noted that rice hulls contain 15%-22% ash, most of which is Si02, as

outlined in Chapter 6. Silicate systems have a marked effect on the

stability of a rice hull undergoing thermal decomposition, as shown in

the following micrographs.

Micrographs of Rice Bulls After Thermal Decomposition

The remarkable stability of a rice hull that has undergone thermal

decomposition can be seen in Figure 7-10, which shows a single rice hull

after complete combustion at l200°C. All volatiles and carbon have been

released leaving a snow-white silica skeleton that has the same shape

and surface structure as the original rice hull. The slim appearance is

due to the intense heat, which tends to curl the si 1 ica skeleton. The

high temperatures have virtually no effect on the bumpy outer surface,

as can be seen in Figure 7-11. Although temperatures in a gas producer

are in the 900-1200°C range, snow-white residues shown in the figure are

not found because the process operates at ~ < 0.5.

A typical outer surface of a gasified rice hull is shown in Figure

7-12. The appearance of a single bump after gasification is shown in

Figure 7-5. Outer surface before gasification (X 550).

Figure 7-6. Inner surface be fore gasification (X 500).

Figure 7-7. Inner surface before gasification (X 2000).

Figure 7-8. Cross-section of single rice hull before gasification

(X 550).

Figure 7-9. Bump on outer surface before gasification (X 2000).

Figure 7-10. Rice hull after complete combustion at 1200°C (X 20).

Figure 7-11. Rice hull after complete combustion at 1200°C (X 550).

Figure 7-12. Outer surface after gasification (X 550).

Figure 7-13. It is noted that the initially rounded bumps on the outer

surface became sharp peaks after gasification. No pore formation was

observed at this magnification. A completely different situation pre-

v~ils along the inner surface of a rice hull, which is shown in Figure

7-14. From Figure 7-14 it can be concluded that the volatiles and car-

bon must be tightly woven into the silica skeleton of a rice hull. An

indication as ·to the density of this network of pores can be seen from

Figure 7-15.

Size Reduction of Pelletized Rice Bulls

Because of their stable silica skeleton, the size reduction of rice

hulls under thermal decomposition is minimal. This is shown for

pelleted rice hull~ in Figure 7-16. In this case the remaining carbon

in the pellets was completely burned off by long-term exposure (6 hours)

to medium temperatures (900°C) in an atmosphere of air. The average

measured spatial reductions are given in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. Average Size Reduction of Rice Hull Pellets

Before Gasification After Combustion

Length (em) 1.85 1.54

Diameter (em) 0.95 0.77

Computed Volume (cm 3 ) 1.31 0.71

From Table 7-1 one may conclude that a 45% reduction in volume will

occur for a single dimension reduction of 17%-19%. It is noted that

depending on the gas producer and the ash removal design the char resi-

due is brittle and disintegrates. For instance, in a downdraft or

updraft gas producer the rice hull char will remain intact in most

Figure 7-13. Single bump after gasification (X 2000).

Figure 7-14. Inner surface of rice hull after gasification (X 550).

Figure 7-15. Inner surface silica skeleton of rice hull after
gasification (X 2000).

Figure 7-16. Size reduction of pelleted rice hulls under thermal de-
composition. (Left: before, Right: after gasification).

cases. On the other hand, the QSe of sand as a heat transfer media (as

in a fluidized bed gas producer) results in a fine dust-like residue.


It has been shown that rice hulls, because of their high ash content

(in the form of a stable silica skeleton), exhibit unusual behavior

during thermal decomposition. This behavior is not found in most other

biomass fuels and is characterized below:

a) Minimal size reduction.

b) Stable silica skeleton is friable.

c) Large differences in the number of pores t~at open up along the

inner and outer surfaces.

d) Highly porous char residue (see Figures 7-14 and 7-15).



Combustion of a carbonaceous fuel includes a pyrolytic component.

Pyrolysis takes place when the fuel is heated to a temperature between

2.50-500°C. At these temperatures, the carbonaceous fuel will begin

releasing its so-called volatile components. The pyrolysis process can

be. characterized as the first stage of combustion. This stage takes

place at relatively low temperatures of 250-500°C. Pyrolysis is not

limited to solid fuels. A diffusion f.lame of producer gas from rice

hull gasification and a schematic sketch of the flame is shown in

Figures 8-1 and 8-2.

GAS =====:::J.;:~£_ -----BURNED




Figure 8-1. Schematic of producer gas diffusion flame.

In this case, oxygen is diffusing towards the very thin flame envelope

from the outside. It will be consumed at the outer surface of the flame

envelope. Consequently the inner preheat zone is the pyrolysis zone.

In this zone low temperatures of 300-600°C are sufficient to induce the

generation of pyrolysis products such as solid carbon (soot) which is in

turn generated from the cracking of hydrocarbons in the gas. This pro-

cess takes place within a fraction of a second in an oxygen-free


Figure 8-2. Orange diffusion flame from raw producer gas
(solid particles, tar).

Rice hulls fed into a fluidized bed gas producer will be heated up

within a fraction of a second to 500°C in an oxidizing atmosphere as

shown in Section 8.3. Thus, although this process is completely dif-

ferent from that mentioned above, it also forms a similar range of pro-


In updraft rice hull gas producers, the rice hulls move through a

spatially fixed temperature gradient (see Figure 5-1). In both cases

they will undergo a slow pyrolysis (on the order of minutes) in an

oxygen-free atmosphere (< 2.5% oxygen). Therefore the following param-

eters characterize a pyrolysis process:

a) Temperature

b) Amount of time used to heat the reactants

c) Amount of oxygen present, which is used in a combustion mode to

provide the heat necessary to sustain pyrolysis.

Products of Pyrolysis

The process can generate liquid, solid and gaseous products most of

which are highly undesirable i f the gas is used as an engine fuel. For

instance, the separation of carbon and hydrogen in the pyrolysis zone of

a diffusion flame results in solid carbon (soot). The presence of this

solid carbon gives the flame a characteristic orange color.

The pyrolysis zone in a rice hull gas producer generates a con-

siderable amount of liquid products. The mixture is called tar which is

mainly higher hydrocarbons and water. A list of trace species that are

also found in tar is given in Table 1-1. An important issue in the

pyrolysis of coal or a biomass such as rice hulls is how to maximize

the desired product(s). In general, converting a biomass solid fuel to

a liquid or gaseous fuel is matter of adding hydrogen to the fuel. This

can be seen from Table 8-1 which lists the C-H composition of some

Table 8-1. Fuels and their C-H Composition

llir.e hulls CHo.7 (solid)

Coal CHo.8 (solid)
Water-free tar CH1.5 (liquid)
Light oil CH1.8 (liquid)
Gasoline CH2.25 (volatile liquid)
Natural gas CH3.9 (gas)

Two major pyrolysis processes have been classified according to their

products. The following section discusses each of these often used


a) Charcoal production

This ancient method was mainly used to generate a smokeless

fuel with a high energy content. Thus the product of interest

is the solid phase. Although charcoal production is mostly

associated with wood, it can be done with most other biomass

fuels as well, including rice hulls. Although large commercial

charcoal production installations often use the gaseous phase

to generate the necessary heat to devolatilize the biomass, it

is difficult to find a use for the condensable phase. Heavy

and light oils can only be marketed as fuels or engine oils if

their viscosities and boiling point curves can be guaranteed

within a narrow range. In addition a variety of corrosive

acids are generated during pyrolysis and may harm burners or

engines. Nevertheless the Italian rice hull gas producers

operated prior to t.forld War II generated a sizeable amount of

heavy tar (asphalt) that was a very valuable byproduct at this

time (see Section 10.2).

Almost all charcoal production equipment burns part of the fuel

to generate the heat necessary for the pyrolysis process. As

shown in Figure S-4, the pyrolysis process is endothermic or at

best thermally neutral. It is noted that optimization of the

desired product, charred rice hulls, and minimization of the

smokiness of the fuel cannot both be achieved. This problem

becomes critical with a high ash fuel such as rice hulls. It

will be shown later that the removal (using heat) of all nitro-

gen, hydrogen and oxygen in the fuel (the smoke generators)

cannot be achieved without the removal of a considerable amount

of carbon. A smokeless rice hull charcoal is therefore charac-

terized by a high ash content. A large fraction of the initial

energy stored in the fuel is lost to the gaseous and liquid

phases, which are generally not utilized.

b) Tar production

There are a few situations in which the objective is to opt!-

mize tar production. In these cases the carbon ash residue

(char) and the gases are only byproduc ts. Based on a very

large amount of research done on the pyrolysis of coal, i t is

generally agreed that rapid heating increases the tar yield

significantly and that at high heating rates and particles

smaller than 50 ).lm, the particle size does not influence the

tar yield (J .B. Howard 1981). Based on their results, the

various rates of temperature increase during pyrolysis can be

defined as follows:

Rapid (flash) pyrolysis 103 - 105oc s-1

Intermediate pyrolysis 10 - 100°C s-1

Slow pyrolysis

Rapid pyrolysis which optimizes the tar yield is therefore well achieved

in a fluidized bed gas producer although tar production is certainly not

the objective of such a unit (see Section 8.3). In order to market the

liquid products, fractional distillation and removal of the acids in the

tar is necessary. Thus utilization of the liquid phase is only feasible

on a large scale.

In the gasification of rice hulls for engine fuel, the objective is

to have as little tar in the gas as possible. However, for all types of

gas producers one uses, tar will always be generated because pyrolysis

will always be occurring. To reduce the amount of the tar in the raw

gas three independent paths can be followed:

a) Very slow volatilization which may not decrease tar formation

as much as desired.

b) Tar cracking within the gas producer (Chapter 9).

c) Pyrolysis of the rice hulls prior to their use as a gasifier

fuel (Section 8.3).

Mechanism of Pyrolysis

The formation of volatile matter depends primarily on the hydrogen-

to-carbon ratio of the fuel. Equations S-10 and S-11 are used to pre-

dict the anhydrous tar and water fractions of the pyrolytic products of

coal for a 500°C assay. It is noted that the yields of the various pro-

ducts are very dependent on the type of laboratory assay used. The most

commonly used tests for coal in the u.s. are the Fischer and Gray King

assays. Both are carried out at up to S00-600°C or until the evolution

of volatiles ceases. The devolatilization of coal has been described by

Probstein (1982) as follows:

"During active decompostion and temperatures around

S00°C, i t is the weak aliphatic links of the coal that are

ruptured with subsequent release of the large molecular ring

free radicals. The tar and light oils are formed from the

stabilization of these free radical fragments by the hydrogen


This quote may serve as a reminder that the description of the pyrolysis

process in terms of reversible kinetics or even in terms of the reac-

tions described in Equations S-1 through S-9 has resulted in false

conclusions concerning the overall gasification process.

No governing theory exists for the pryolysis process. In fact, the

uncertainty about the process .is so great that there is disagreement as

to whether the product yields change with heating rate (Anthony, Howard

1976 and Howard 1981). The main obstacle to a unified theory is the

difficulty in distinguishing between primary and secondary reactions

during the process.

The primary reactions are those involving the breakdown of the

hydrogen, oxygen, hydroxyl and nitrogen bonds in the fuel. Once this

stage is reached, gaseous and liquid products are generated that will

undergo homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, which are secondary

reactions. These secondary reactions give a false impression as to the

importance of the highly irreversible primary reactions. It will be

shown in Chapter 9 that high temperatures in the gasifier alone can

catalyze the conversion of all tarry liquids into gases. Thus the pri-

mary pyrolysis products have therefore been converted into an

equilibrium mixture of gases and liquids whose composition is dependent

on temperature and pressure.

In order to accurately assess the gasification process, a clear

distinction must be made between the products of pyrolytic reactions and

the products of gasification reactions. To demonstrate this, the

methane generation is used as an example. It has been shown in Chapter

5 that methane as well as the gaseous higher hydrocarbons (Cz~· c3 ~

and c 4 ~) are present only in small amounts (< 1%) in the equilibrium

compositions. On the other hand, methane is found in large quantities

(3% - 12%) in the reported dry gas compositions from downdraft, updraft

and fluidized bed gas producers. The fact that these high methane con-

tents are primarily caused in the pyrolysis zone and that the methane

content remains relatively stable at high temperature (~ 1000°C) is

shown in Figure 8-3, reported by Goodman et al (1958). The interesting
feature of this figure is that the methane content increases with

increasing temperature up to 600°C and that it remains relatively stable

up to a temperature of 1000°Co These findings do not contradict the

well-known observation that the methane fraction generated through

reversible reactions such as 5-5 and 5-8 will decrease with temperature

and becomes negligible above 800°C (Chapter 5). Instead, Goodman' s

results indicate the difficulty in finding a model for the pyrolysis



, "'Net yield
'EGl /


Q. /
:I /

700 800 900 1000

Pyrolysis temperature, 'C

Figure 8-3. Composition of pyrolysis gas on a nitrogen and oxygen

free basis from a sub-bituminous B coal (Probstein, 1982).

In particular, tar formation and tar yield in a gas producer must be

explored further not just for operational reasons, but also because of

the significant health problems associated with the compounds that make

up tar. It is well known that polycylic hydrocarbons (PAH's) which are

products of pyrolysis have an exceptionally tumorigenic potential

(Harvey 1982). In particular, DMBA, shown in Figure 8-4 is one of the

most potent carcinogens known. Harvey reports that the problem was

identified as far back as 200 years ago by a London surgeon, Percival

Pott, who related the soot in chimneys to the high incidence of epithe-

lioma of the scrotum among chimney sweeps.




Figure 8-4. DMBA.

In order to obtain some data on the pyrolysis of rice hulls an,l on

the products of rice hull pyrolysis, laboratory experiments were per-

formed in a nitrogen atmosphere. Charring of rice hulls was also per-

formed using slight oxidation.

Pyrolysis Experiments in a Pure Nitrogen Atmosphere

The objective was to observe the formation of the solid, gaseous and

liquid products as a function of temperature. Therefore a constant heat

rate and an oxygen-free atmosphere were used for all tests. Because the

literature is full of many definitions especially concerning distinc-

tions between the phases, a set of definitions are presented:


a) Volatiles: All gaseous and liquid products evolved up to tem-

perature T.

b) Tar: The anhydrous fraction of the liquid products.

c) Tarry liquids: The entire liquid phase.

d) Fuel carbon: The amount of carbon that was initially present

in the fuel as measured by the elemental chemical ultimate ana-

lysis (% weight, dry basis).

e) Char: The solid phase (residue) after pyrolysis.

f) Base carbon: The carbon left (fixed) in the char.

g) Volatile carbon: The carbon that has been evolved during


h) Ash: The mineral fraction of the fuel or char.

i) Weight fraction consumed: The fraction of each of C, H, 0, and

N in the liquid and gas phases after pyrolysis.

The heat-up period for rice hulls is an important parameter with

respect to tar yield and is computed in the following section.

Heat-up Period for a Single Rice Bull

The heat-up period for a single rice hull can be closely approxi-

mated by a nontransient solution of the energy equation. This assump-

tion is justified if one can show that the resistance to heat transfer

within the hull is negligible as compared to the resistance within the

fil m. Thi s means NBi = .b2.

2k << 1 • Under these assumptions the dimension-

---- t
p c v
less normed temperature function e(t) e p

describes the heat-up process.

(T) average rice hull temperature

T1 temperature of the environment the rice hull is exposed to

T0 initial temperature of the rice hull

(h) surface averaged film heat transfer coefficient

p V = weight of single rice hull

A surface area of a rice hull

cp specific heat of a rice hull

b thickness of rice hull

k thermal conductivity.

One of the difficulties involved in this computation is in obtaining a

close estimate of the film heat transfer coefficient, (h), which appears

in the Blot number NBi and the temperature function. A review of

experimental heat transfer data which has been compiled by Whitaker

(1972) has been used to estimate (h). The particle size diameter is

given by:

6 V. ( 6 )( 4. 7 5) mm 3
D =___!?.= ............~~~~ 0.246 mm
Ap (115.66) mm 2

where the volume and surface area have been measured as outlined in

Chapter 6. The characteristic length L* is then given as

L* (0.246) ( 0 • 85 ) 1.394 mm

Depending on the required gas quality a 15 em diameter rice hull gas

producer can generate between 2 and 10 Nm3/h of producer gas. Therefore

the real gas velocity u* is given by u* 0.185 m s

assuming Q 10 Nm3 /h


A 0.01767 m2

we have

· pu*L*
N =--=2.13
Re \.1

assuming p 0.33 kg m- 3

Correlations given by Whitaker (1972) do not cover this unusual combina-

tion of high void space fraction and low Reynolds number. One may

conclude from Figures 6 and 7 of Reference 7 that NNu <2 is justified,

and therefore

2k -1 -1 -1
h = L* = 249 J m s K

-1 -1 -1
k 0.1737 J s m K

- pc
-- v. t - 4.4St
0(t) e P = e

Cp = 2094 J kg-1 oc-l (average for wood, not available for rice


p V. = 3.087 X 10-6 kg.

(249)(85 X 10-6 )
The Biot Number is then given by NBi 0.061.

This means the assumption of a nontransient solution of the energy

equation is justified.

Example: A single rice hull exposed to a hot glowing carbon bed at

1000°C will heat up to 990° from an initial temperature of 20°C within

0.5 seconds. It is noted that the uncertainty lies with (h). Varying

the Nusselt number from 1 - 10 changes the calculated heat-up period

from 1 to 0.1 seconds.

It is therefore concluded that fluidized bed gasification induces a

rapid pyrolysis process while the following experiments simulate a slow

pyrolysis process at heating rates of 0.3 - 0.4°C s- 1 • The later heat

rates are common in large-scale updraft and downdraft gas producers.

Experimental Set Up and Procedures

The experiments were conducted in a tube furnace connected to a tar

and water sampling train as shown in Figure 8-5. Tar and water were

Thermocouple I

Plastic Filler Cartridge

Steel Piston Thermocouple 2

Figure 8-5. Rice hull pyrolysis apparatus.

filtered and separated by using a temperature resistant glass wool

arrangement. Condensation and separation of tarry liquids usually

results in inacurracies because separation is not complete.

Thermocouple #1 indicated the final temperature of the experiment while

thermocouple #2 (in conjunction with a heating collar) was used to keep

the cooler end of the tar trap at 105°C to avoid condensation of water

before it reached the ice bath. The pyrolysis experimental procedure


a) Loading of the tube with 4-5 gram of oven-dry rice hulls.

b) Purging of the entire system with nitrogen.

c) Generation of a vacuum (25 em H20) to draw vapors and gases

from the sample into the filter train and gas bags.

d) Heat-up rate of 0.35°C s- 1 until the sample reached the desired


e) Rapid cooling of the tube with water after the desired tem-

perature was reached.

f) Immediate sealing of all liquid and solid products in zip bags

to avoid evaporation.

In some of the low temperature experiments (250-300°C) small amounts

of light oils were carried over into the water collection system.

Discussion of the Experimental Results

The following data were collected:

a) Composition of the gas phase at 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450°C.

b) Ultimate elemental analysis of the rice hulls and of the solid

residue of pyrolysis at 250, 300, 350, 400 and 4)0°C.

c) Weight fractions of the products of pyrolysis (char, gas, tar

and water).

d) Weight fractions consumed of the elements C, H, N, 0 during


e) Higher heating value of rice hulls and the char at 250, 350,

400 anii 450°C.

f) Cumulative mass loss during pyrolysis.

Composition of the Gas Phase

The composition of the gas phase as a function of temperature is

shown in Figure 8-6. Gas samples were tested for o2 , CO, co 2 , CH4 ,
c2 H4 , c2 H6 and H2 • Hydrogen and c2 ~ were only found in very small

amounts (< 1%) in the gas. The low hydrogen fraction indicates that

there is' not enough hydrogen present during low temperature pyrolysis to

stabilize the radicals and prevent caking of the rice hulls.

As expected, the methane content was between 1% and 4% and did not

increase with decreasing temperature. The predominant gaseous products

were co 2 and CO. No significant change in the CO content could be

detected while a slight decrease in C02 occurred with increasing tem-


~ 60 • • • ••
• C02
• ••
0:: I •• • co
LL.. 30 H2 ,C2H4,C2H6 <I%
_J 20
~ 10
CH 4
250 300 350 400 450
Figure 8-6. 'Dry gas composition as a function of temperature.

Ultimate Elemental Analysis of Rice Hulls and Char as a Function of


Charring of rice hulls is a wasteful process with regard to the fuel

energy lost. Its only purpose is to generate a more reactive and a less

smoky fuel. As outlined in Chapter 6, in the special case of the gasi-

fication of rice hulls in small gas producers, it may also prevent the

caking of rice hulls during thermal decomposition at low temperatures.

The object is therefore to remove as many of the tar forming elements

(H, 0, and N) as possible while preserving most of the carbon in the

fuel. Release of volatiles and the retention of carbon cannot be

simultaneously optimized. This is shown in Figure 8-7. Because the

w 0
:::> H
z 0.6 N

a:: c
1.1.. 0.4
:I: 0.3

25 250 300 350 400 450

Figure 8-7. Weight fraction of C, H, N, 0 consumed as a function of

tests were conducted in a nitrogen atmosphere the release of volatiles

becomes insignificant above 450°C. However, at this temperature only

87% of the oxygen, 82% of the hydrogen, and 64% of the nitrogen in the

fuel were released along with 45% of the carbon. It is noted that the

release of carbon between 300 and 450°C is insignificant, whereas large

fractions of 0, H and N are released in this temperature interval. If a

smokeless fuel is desired i t is advisable to char the rice hulls at a

higher temperature, especially since the carbon loss at 450°C is not

much greater than the carbon loss at 300°C. These results may not be

used to predict the results of large-scale rice hull charring, because

partial burning of a layer of rice hulls is allowed.

The outcome of any pyrolysis process in which some oxygen is present

is heavily dependent on the length of time it takes to complete the pro-

cess. An example is that of gasified black rice hull char at 200 -

300°C which, when exposed to ambient air, turns gray and completely

changes its size distribution (Section 6.7) within 24 hours.

Weight Fractions of Char, Gas, Tar and Water

The results are shown in Figure 8-8. It is noted that no signifi-

cant change is observed in the temperature interval of 350°C - 450°C,

thus the bulk of the volatile matter is released below 350°C. Because

of the heating rate of 0.3 - 0.4 °C s- 1 , the process is classified as

slow pyrolysis which yielded 45% char and 37% tarry liquids which were

separated i'l}tO 10% tar and 27% water. The balance was gases mainly CO

and co 2 • It is noted that in an ideal downdraft gas producer, all of

the tar would be converted into gases while a large fraction of the

water would not be decomposed, because the water-gas reaction is far

from equilibrium.

In an updraft gas producer, which usually generates a gas with a 0%

- 2% oxygen content (unreacted o2 in the air), devolatilization takes

place in an almost inert atmosphere. Figure 8-8 indicates why updraft

gas producers generate excessive amounts of tarry liquids. These

liquids necessitate extensive cleaning of the gas.

Model I introduced in Chapter 5 cannot be used to predict the yields

of pyrolytic processes as outlined. The product distribution based on

Model I is shown in Figure 8-9. It is noted the gas phase fraction is

overestimated while the liquid phase fraction is underestimated. The

model therefore fails to take into account the generation of tar which

is not readily converted into gases.

Energy Balance

It is recalled that pyrolysis or charring of a biomass fuel has

three main objectives:

a) Production of a less smoky, clean burning fuel that does not

produce tar.

b) Production of a fuel with a higher heating value than the or-

iginal feedstock it was made from.

c) Production of a more reactive fuel.

On the other hand the generation of charred biomass has the

following drawbacks:

a) A considerable fraction of the energy in the initial feedstock

is lost in the gas and liquid products.

b) The charred product is more delicate to handle and easily

breaks up, such as soft wood charcoal or rice hull char.

~ i- 60
a:: :X:
Q.. ~50
cnw Char
c:n :;: 4o
..Jo H20+Tar
a:: H20

250 300 350 400 450


Figure 8-8. Weight fraction of the pyrolysis products as a function of


en 0.3
cr 0.2


300 500 700


Figure 8-9. Weight fractions of the products from Model I at ~ 0.

To show the striking difference between wood charcoal production and

rice hull char production, the experimental results are compared to

results from pyrolysis of pine sawdust and bark at 400°C in Table 8-2.

From Table 8-2 it is obvious that rice hull pyrolysis does not generate

the desired products. The charring process does not result in a product

with a much higher energy content.

Table 8-2. Ultimate Analysis of Pine Sawdust + Bark,

Charcoal and Rice Hulls and Char at 400°C

Specie Wood* Charcoal Rice Hulls Char

% weight, dry basis

Carbon 52.3 75.3 39.0 43

Hydrogen 5.8 3.8 4.9 2.2

Oxygen 38.8 15.2 33.9 ll.2

Nitrogen 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.3

Sulfur o.o o.o < 0.01 < 0.01

Minerals 1.4 3.4 21.6 43.3
HHV MJ kg- 1 19.7 27.1 15.3 16.3
*Data from Tillman (1978)

It is noted that the reason for the very unfavorable results is the ini-

tial high ash content of the feedstock. This yields a product of

very little economical value. In this context it is of interest to look

at the higher heating value of the ch'lrred rice hulls as a function of

pyrolysis temperature as shown in Figure 8-10. From Figure 8-10 it can

be seen that only charring at very low temperature of 250° will result

in a reasonable energy loss of 15%. However, low temperature charring

(< 250°C) does drive off an insignificant amount of volatiles and makes


------- _,., " 0.5 z

16.5 0.4 t-
16 0.3 a::
~ 15.5 0.2 >
> a::
:I: 15 0.1 UJ
:I: z
300 350 400
Figure 8-10. Higher heating value of rice hulls (A) and char and
energy lost (B) during the pyrolysis process.

25 300 350 400 450
Figure 8-11. Weight fractions of ash, carbon and volatiles (H, 0, N) in
unburned rice hulls and rice hull char, as a function of

the process impractical. This is shown in Figure 8-11. For instance,

slight charring at 250°C results in a product of 40% carbon and 60%

volatiles and ash, whlle charring at 450°C will yield a product of 45%

carbon, 45% ash and 10% volatiles.


The slow pyrolysis of rice hulls has been investigated at tem-

peratures of 350°C to 450°C. The primary results are the following:

a) An average yield of 10% dry tar, 27% water, 18% gas and 45%


b) The charred rice hulls have a slightly higher heating value of

16 MJ kg-l compared to 15.3 MJ kg-l for rice hulls.

c) The energy fraction lost due to charring amounts to 45-55% on a

dry basis.

d) The rice hull char consists of approximately 45% ash, 45% car-

bon and 10% remaining volatiles.


1. Anthony, D.B. and J.B. Howard. 1976. Coal devolatilization and

hydrogasification. American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Journal 22.

2. Goodman, J.B. et al. 1953. Low temperature carbonization assay

of coal in a precision laboratory apparatus. U.S. Bureau of Mines
Bulletin 530, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

3. Harvey, R.G. 1982. Polycyclic hydrocarbons and cancer. American

Scientist. July-August.

4. Howard, J.B. 1981. Fundamentals of Coal Pyrolysis and

Hydropyrolysis in Chemistry of Coal Utilization. Second
Supplementary Volume. Wiley and Sons. New York.

5. Probstein, R.F. 1982. Synthetic Fuels. McGraw-Hill Book

Company. New York.

6. Tillman, D.A. 1978. Wood as an Energy Resource. Academic Press.

New York.

7. Whitaker, s. 1972. Forced convection heat transfer correlations

for flow in pipes, past flat plates, single cylinders, single
spheres, and for flow in packed beds and tube bundles. AICHE
Journal 18(2).



The renewed interest in small gas producer-engine systems (5-100 hp)

has mostly involved downdraft (co-current) gas producers because of

their ability to convert condensable pyrolytic products into nonconden-

sable combustible gases. The evolution of gas producers for use with

internal combustion engines has taken place as shown in Figures 9-1

through 9-3. The trend toward downdraft designs is due to the dif-

ficulties that occur in cleaning the highly contaminated (tar and water)

gas generated in an updraft gas producer. However, the myth that

downdraft gas producers generate a "tar-free gas" has never been proven

and the fact is that all known operational downdraft and updraft gas

producer-engine systems are equipped with extensive gas cleaning trains

for tarry liquids and solid contaminants. The notion of a tar-free gas

has been persistently associated with downdraft gas producers in scien-

tific literature. It is therefore of interest to:

a) Analyse the reasons why downdraft gas producers could poten-

tially generate a tar-free gas.

b) Determine why this process is difficult to control.

Tar Conversion in a Downdraft Gas Producer

Measurement Techniques

It was stated in Chapter 8 that the tarry vapors (which may be a

mixture of higher hydrocarbons and water in mist form) have a wide range

of boiling points, ranging from 100°C - 400°C. Large quantities of fine

char particles in the exit stream (700 mg/Nm3. - 6000 mg/Nm3) act as

R ' f AIR


c=i c::::a c::::l c=l


Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3

Evolution of gas producers for use with internal combustion engines.

8000 I
,., \
E \
Cl \
..... \
z \
w \
..... \
z \
(.) '\ \
' ' ' .....
..... ......................
-- ....... _
Rice husk gasification
Beech wood gasification

100 700 800 900

Figure 9-4. Tar content for beech wood and rice hull producer gas
(Van den Aarsen, 1982).

nuclesation sites for tarry vapors. The first stage in processing the

raw gas was usually to cool it at the gas producer exit in an ice bath.

Thus, the resulting condensate is a tarry liquid that has already lost

part of its high temperature fraction and contains solid carbon. This

product is called the tar content of the raw gas and is usually measured

in mg Nm- 3 of dry gas. A typical result is given by Van den Aarsen

(1982) in Figure 9-4 for beech wood and rice hulls. These experiments

have been performed in a 30 em diameter fluidized bed gas producer. The

reported data indicate that the tar content of the raw gas is strongly

dependent on the temperature.

Groeneveld (1980), in a study of a downdraft gas producer with a

center tuyere, points out that "tar-free" means a tar content of less

than 200 mg Nm- 3 of dry gas. Based on the stringent requirements con-

cerning maximum contamination in producer gas that is to be used in

engines (less than 10 mg of total contaminants per Nm3 of producer gas),

it seems inappropriate to speak of "tar-free" gas in relation to a

downdraft gas producer. However, use of the term "tar-free" is

justified for producer gas obtained from charred fuels. In an ideally

carbonized fuel, all the volatiles have been driven off. Only carbon

and minerals remain as residue. As shown in Chapter 8 a highly car-

bonized fuel cannot be economically produced from rice hulls.

Mechanism of Tar Conversion

In general, there are three ways in tihich large hydrocarbon mol-

ecules can be broken into smaller ones in a downdraft gas producer.

a) Thermal decomposition, i.e. applying heat to the tar products

in an oxygen-free atmosphere.

b) Thermochemical decomposition, i.e. applying heat to the tar in

the presence of a catalytic surface. In practice, this

involves utilization of the hot carbon-mineral surfaces

available in a gas producer.

c) Combustion of tar with an oxygen carrier such as air.

All three mechanisms will contribute to tar conversion as follows:

a) It will be shown later that high temperatures provide enough

energy to split higher hydrocarbons in the absence of any

carbon-mineral surface.

b) In the presence of a carbon-mineral surface the tar cracking

process consumes carbon. This reaction may be represented as:

C+ C H ~ Products (9-1)
n m

c) Tar, like any other carbonaceous substance, can be burned in


Design Criteria for Tar Cracking in Past Downdraft Gas Producers

It is noted that tar and water vapors are generated in a temperature

zone of 100°C - 450°C above the air injection level in a downdraft gas

producer. It is therefore extremely important (with regard to tar

cracking) to generate a "hot" cross section below the pyrolysis zone so

.that tar and water vapors formed in the pyrolysis zone will pass through

this hot layer and be partially converted. The first step towards more

efficient tar cracking was therefore to incorporate a throat into the

design of a downdraft gas producer. This design change is shown in

Figures 9-2 and 9-3. Gumz (1950) presented a schematic of the approxi-

mate "hot" zone distribution in a downdraft gas producer (Figure 9-5)

with wall tuyeres. In this context, hot temperature zone means that

temperatures are at least 1000°C. These are zones in which one can

expect sufficient tar cracking in a rice hull fuel bed. Figure 9-5

points out the drawbacks of this commonly used design.

a) Cold regions are generated between the tuyeres (air nozzles).

b) .With this design a homogeneous hot cross section is not

generated below the pyrolysis zone.

It was therefore necessary to introduce the throat as a design feature

in downdraft gas producers (see Figure 9-3). Under steady-state con-

ditions, one can expect an ideal vertical temperature distribution as

shown in Figure 9-6. It is noted that the only purpose of the throat is

to facilitate tar cracking. This design feature improves neither the

energy content of the gas nor the kinetics of the process. On the

contrary, the throat is a physical hinderance to the downward flow of

the fuel. The fuel bed must be reduced in size so that they can pass

through the narrow passage. The flow velocity, however, remains

constant. This is the very reason why downdraft gas producers with

throats cannot be used for rice hull gasification. The minimal size

reduction and stable configuration of a rice hull fuel bed during ther-

mal decomposition leads to jamming and blockage at the throat.

While writing the State-of-the-Art for small-scale gas producer

engine systems for USAID the author analyzed many designs (Kaupp, Goss

1982) and came to the following conclusions:

a) It was recognized that oxygen penetration into the fuel bed is

very limited. It is of the order of em or 5 particle diameters

from the point of ignition (Groeneveld 1980, Hedden 1982).

Figure 9-5. Hot temperature zone of a downdraft gas producer with
wall tuyeres (Gumz, 1950).

400 800 1200


Figure 9-6. Approximate position of vertical temperature profile

and throat for optimal tar conversion.

b) Groeneveld, while testing a center tuyere model shown in Figure

9-7, found a drastic ~ncrease in tar generation when the

distance between the air nozzle and throat was not "right".

c) Many wall and center nozzle designs have been tried (including

combinations) in order to combat the very limited oxygen

penetration without much success.

d) Oxygen penetration and dispersion cannot be arbitrarily

increased by increasing the air jet velocity (Groeneveld 1980).

e) The hot glowing carbon zone is mainly generated by radiation

and not by combustion of carbon. It is therefore nearly

impossible to scale up downdraft gas producers to large hearth

diameter without losing the tar cracking .potential of the unit

because of cold spots.

f) The wall and middle tuyere downdraft gas producers with throats

and uninsulated metal walls were a typical product of the auto-

motive gas producer industry during the 1930's to 1950's, and

were operated on charcoal. These units are not necessarily

efficient in tar cracking.

g) Reliable tar conversion is dependent on the maintenance of the

optimal vertical temperature profile shown in Figure 9-6.

h) It is difficult to maintain the optimum location of the "hot"

fire zone as shown in Figure 9-8a (Beagle, 1980). Pownward

creeping fire zones, as shown in Figures 9-8b,c, are not uncom-

mon. It is noted that the fire will always move up, indepen-

dent of the design (updraft, downdraft). Downward creeping

fire zones are therefore caused by uncontrollable ash removal

Figure 9-7. Downdraft center nozzle gas producer
(Groeneveld, 1980).


a) b) c)

Figure 9-8. Downward creeping fire zone.

i) The danger of a fluctuating vertical temperature profile has

led to designs that call for a very short distance between

grate and throat. This will improve tar cracking at the

expense of the reduction and shift reactions and will lead to

high grate and raw gas temperatures. No reliable data is

available as to the optimal distance between throat and grate.

In order to test the hypothesis that only high temperatures and a flat

horizontal temperature profile across an entire cross section are needed

to ensure sufficient tar cracking, special experiments were performed.

Experimental Set Up

In order to obtain an objective picture of tar cracking in a rice

hull fuel bed, 38 tests were performed in the experimental set up shown

in Figure 9-9. Twenty of these tests were used to draw conclusions. In

order to simulate the processes taking place in a downdraft gas pro-

ducer, a temperature profile similar to that observed in a downdraft gas

producer was generated inside the tube.

The tube diameter was 27 mm and must be viewed as a compromise bet-

ween generating a constant cross-sectional temperature profile and being

!lble to use rice hull char and charred pellets as the fixed bed. In

order to test the influence of the fuel bed structure, carbon surface

and temperature on tar cracking, it was necessary to exclude the com-

bustion of tar. A constant nitrogen flow of 0.3-0.7 liters/min was used

to carry the tar-cracking products into a filter train and to exclude


Cases Tested

Let f be the conversion efficiency of a fuel bed where

weight of recovered tar

we i g h t o f injected tar then f = f(Ea,
T). (See Table 9-4).

The following cases have been tested:

a) Ee ~ 75% - 85%, A130 ~ 3000 - 4000 m2 m- 3 (charred rice hulls as

a fuel bed).

b) Ee ~ 40% - 50%, A130 ~ 300 - 400 m2/m-3 (charred rice hull

pellets as fuel bed).




Figure 9-9. Experimental set up for tar cracking tests.

c) c8 = 100%, A80 = 0 (empty tube)

d) Maximum temperatures in test tube:

cases a) through c).

Test Material

The same type of tar was used for all tests. This tar was origi-

nally generated during the updraft gasification of rice hulls and was

kept frozen until the tests were performed. Its chemical composition is

given in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1. Chemical Composition of Tar Used in Experiments

Species % weight, wet basis

Carbon C 67.86

Hydrogen H 9.31

Nitrogen N 0.85

Ash 0.20

This wet sample contained 6.18% water. It is noted that this tar is not

representative of tar generated in updraft gasification. The com-

position of the tar, particularly the water content, is strongly depen-

dent on the sampling location and on the temperature in the upper

layers. For instance, another sampling technique was used during a dif-

ferent run which resulted in a tar composition as shown icy Table 9-2.

Table 9-2 Chemical Composition of Tar

Species % weight, wet basis

Carbon 17.16

Hydrogen 9.40

Nitrogen 0.44

Ash 0.70

The water content of this sample was 81.3%. The first sample was pre-

ferred for these tests because of its low water content and high visco-


Charred Fuel Bed

The rice hulls and rice hull pellets used as the fuel bed were

precharred at 300°C and 400°C respectively in a furnace for a period of

30 minutes. An ultimate elemental analysis for the pellets charred at

300°C) is given in Table 9-3.

Table 9-3. Pellets Ultimate Elemental Analysis, 400°Co

Species % weight, wet basis

Carbon 45.63

Hydrogen 2.51

Nitrogen 0.62

Oxygen ll.24

Residue 4ci.oo
The pellets had a moisture content of 2.32%.

It has already been shown in Chapter 8 that the charring of rice

hulls does not result in a tar-free fuel because some hydrogen and oxy-

gen will remain in the fuel. This is again demonstrated in Table 9-3.

To avoid the collection of this remaining fuel tar, special procedures

were followed.

Filter Train

The wide range of tar boiling points and the remaining fuel tar make

it necessary to perform the tests with a filter train that can be

attached during the experiment and that can be exposed to a temperature

of 400°C without losing its tar collection ability.

Based on previous experiments, a lightweight aluminum tube filled

with a combination of fiberglass and 30 A molecular sieve pellets, as

shown in Figure 9-9, was both convenient and accurate.

Tar Injection

The tar was injected with an 18 gauge 3-inch spinal needle and

disposable syringe. Because of the highly variable bulk density of

loose rice hulls and pellets a wide range of tar to fuel ratios of 1:1.5

to 1:10 were used. It is noted that 1 kg of dry rice hulls forms about

380 grams of liquids or 100 grams of dry tar. The tar to fuel ratio in

a gasifier is therefore within the tested range (see Figure 8-8). The

tar was injected at a rate of 0.6 - 1 g/min.

Test Steps

a) The combustion tube was filled with about 9 gram of rice hulls

or 45 gram pellets (see Table 9-4).

b) A constant nitrogen flow was ~stablished and the sample was


c) When the smoke from the righthand side of the combustion tube

ceased (usually at 500°C) the prepared filter train was

attached. Special precautions were taken to collect tar vapors

d) Tar injection was initiated.

e) The nitrogen carrier gas and all gaseous products were cooled

down to 7 - 12°C in an ice bath which surrounded the molecular

sieve and fiberglass wool.

f) A material balance was performed. The balance used had an

accuracy of one tenth milligram.

g) Samples of the gas were taken (downstream from the filter tube)

during injection and analysed for COz, CO, H2 , CH4, c2 H2 , c2 H4

Results and Discussion

Data for 20 selected tar cracking tests are given in Table 9-4. The

conversion efficiency is shown graphically in Figure 9-10 as a function

of temperature T with £a as parameter.

~ • Pellets
• Hulls
• Empty Tube


680 800 920


Figure 9-10. Tar conversion efficiency, experimental results.

The longitudinal temperature profiles in the tube at the three maxi-

mum temperatures of 680°C, 800°C and 920°C are shown in Figure 9-11.

The odd numbers in Figure 9-11 refer to the temperature profiles in the

packed tube, while even numbers refer to the profiles in the empty tube.

Figure 9-10 confirms the stated hypothesis along with an additional


a) Efficient tar cracking cannot •be expected to occur at temper-

atures below 900°Co It should be noted that high temperatures

\0 Table 9-4. Data for 20 Selected Tar Cracking Tests

Tar Conversion
Test Temp. Fuel Welght1 Spent 2 Injected Recovered Efficiency
# CC) Type (Gram) (Gram)
* (Gram) (Gram) (%)

1 920 Pellets 44.98 6.91 T 8.14 1.22 86.2

2 920 Pellets 27.82 4.62 T 6.85 0.97 85.9
3 920 Pellets 34.12 8.33 w 8.04 4.80 40.2
4 no Pellets 30.03 6.68 w 8.12 6.36 21.7
5 920 Hulls 9.73 2.10 T 10.08 2.03 79.9
6 920 Hulls 8.96 2.86 T 6.42 1.12 82.5
7 920 Accuracy test with water: 5.1% Loss
8 920 None 0 0 T 7.94 2.65 67-7
9 920 None 0 0 T 4.85 1.65 66.0
10 800 None 0 0 T 7.15 3.93 45.0
11 800 None 0 0 T 6.85 3.84 43.9
12 800 Pellets 31.95 6.20 T 7.96 2.57 67.7
13 800 Pellets 23.51 7.43 T 9.00 3.14 65.1
14 800 Hulls 8.01 1~51 T 5.92 2.01 66.0
15 800 Hulls 8.95 1.03 T 7.06 2.27 67.8
16 680 None 0 0 T 7.02 6.20 11.7
17 680 None 0 0 T 5.26 4.37 16.9
18 680 Pellets 29.61 6.63 T 3.04 1.50 50.1
19 680 Hulls 29.49 N.D. T 6.07 3.13 48.4
20 680 Corncobs 9.99 1.43 T 6.27 2.68 57.2

*T - Tar W = ii'ater
1 rnltial weight of the charred rice hull or rice hull pellet bed.

2Amount of carbon and remaining volatiles driven off during heat up period and tar cracking.
must be maintained over the whole cross section of the gas pro-


b) The availability of a carbon surface for tar cracking becomes

crucial at lower temperatures but does not play a significant

role at temperatures above 900°C.

c) The conversion efficiency seems to be independent of £e•

However, it is noted that rice hulls have a much higher surface

are~ per unit volume than pellets.

d) In the temperature range tested (680°C - 920°C) the conversion

efficiency is a linear function of temperature for both the

packed bed and empty tube cases.

Water Dissociation in a Bot Rice Hull Char Bed


The moisture content of rice hulls has a marked effect on the gas

quality as shown in theoretical Model I outlined in Chapter v. However,

the effect of moisture content on gas quality is somewhat controversial.

Jenkins (1980) in his PhD thesis argues that moisture contents of less

than 20% (by weight) are necessary for fuels which are to be used in

downdraft gas producers. Various other sources (Ekman 1972; Hose 1982)

report that rellable operation and good gas quality were achieved in a

downdraft gas producer using fuels with moisture contents of 30% - 40%.

It is noted that the term fuel moisture refers to the moisture

trapped in the pores and on the surface of the fuel. This term does not

include the chemically bound water which forms during the pyrolysis

state. It has been shown in Chapter 8 that on the average 23-27 grams

of water are released from 100 grams of rice hulls with a O% moisture





<l 600



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Figure 9-11. Longitudinal temperature profiles in tube.

content during thermal decomposition at temperatures of 350°C - 450°C.

A qualitative assessment of the conversion of the moisture in the fuel

during the gasification process results in the following conclusions:

a) The bulk of the hydrogen in the producer gas mixture comes from

the conversion of water to CO and Hz with carbon acting as a

catalyst. This process may be represented by

C + HzO ~ CO + Hz + 131 MJ/kg-mole

It will be shown in the following section that considerable amounts of

COz and small amounts of methane are also formed. Very little hydrogen

(< 1%) is formed from atomic hydrogen in the fue 1, as discussed in

Chapter 8. It is therefore beneficial to have a high fuel moisture con-

tent in order to increase hydrogen formation. In particular, pre-

charred biomass fuels yield a gas which is low in hydrogen when

gasified. Another characteristic· of the gasification of dry fuels is

the decreasing hydrogen content of the gas when a batch fed gas producer

is used. These phenomena are shown in Tables 9-5 and 9-6. In Table 9-5
the gas compos! t ion from an automotive charcoal gas producer is given,

while in Table 9-6 the declining hydrogen content of the gas with

operating time is illustrated.

Table 9-5. Producer Gas Composition of a Wood Charcoal Automotive

Gas Producer (Anonymous, 1942)

SEecies % volume

co 31.9

COz 1.4

CHi. 0.6

Hz 4.1

Nz 62.0

Table 9-6. Gas Composition of an Automotive Crossdraft Gas Producer.

Change of Gas Composition during use (Anonymous, 1937).

% by volume

After a journey of co
10 kilometers 24.9 2.1

54 kilometers 2.8 26.4 11.8 2.3 56.5

198 kilometers 2.7 27.8 7.4 1.8 60.2

218 kilometers 2.4 29.1 7.1 0.8 60.8

246 kilometers 3.1 30.5 4.1 o.s 61.8

250 kilometers 2.7 29.9 3.2 0.3 63.8

b) Although the fuel moisture is the main source of hydrogen pro-

duction, it has a cooling effect on the gasification process

and will also lower the efficiency of the gas producer. It is

noted that the water gas reaction is highly endothermic. In

addition, all fuel moisture must be heated to temperatures

above 700°C before significant conversion takes place, as will

be shown in the following section. In a downdraft gas pro-

ducer, where all moisture must pass through the hot oxidized

zone (see Figure 5-l), large amounts of water may still remain

unconverted. If, however, a high proportion is converted,

gasification cannot be sustained due to cooling down of the

fuel bed (see Table 9-6).


The case of an airblown, downdraft gas producer is used in which

only the following three reactions are assumed to go to completion:

C + o2 + 3.76 Nz t co2 + 3.76 N2 - 394 MJ/kg-mole (9-2)

co2 + C ~ 2 CO + 173 MJ/kg-mole (9-3)

C + H2 o 1: CO + H2 + 131 MJ/kg-mole (9-4)

Based on the elemental ultimate analysis of rice hulls given in Table

8-2, we can represent 30.7 kg of dry rice hulls as CH 1 • 5 o0 • 65 NO.Ol

(SiOz)o.tz• According to the experimental results in Chapter 8, about

27%.of the initial weight of a sample of dry rice hulls is released as

water during gasification. It is assumed that the rice hulls have a

moisture content of 20% on a wet basis. Thus 38.375 kg of rice hulls

generate 15.965 kg of water (which includes the chemically bound

water). Two cases are considered: (i) 50% conversion of steam and

(ii) 100% conversion according to reaction 9-4. The results are given

in Table 9-7.

Table 9-7. Energy and Mass Ralance

Steam conversion efficiency

50% 100%

Carbon consumed for dissociation

of steam (% mole) 44.3 88.7

Energy consumed MJ 58.0 116.0

Additional carbon consumed in a

thermally neutral reactor (% mole) 26.2 52.5

Carbon balance (% mole) +29.4 -41.1

The two cases show that while 50% steam aissociation is theoretically

possible without combusting all the carbon, 100% steam dissociation is

not possible. In addition, the example shows that the real issue in the

gasification of wet biomass fuels is not their high moisture contents

but is the degree to which steam conversion in the hot carbon fuel bed

takes place. It is noted that it takes 4.3 MJ of energy to heat and

evaporate 1 kg of water at 20°C to a final temperature of 1000°C. An

additional 7.3 MJ is required to dissociate the steam to CO and Hz by

react ion 9-4. The question of steam dissociation in a rice hull char

bed at various temperatures is treated in the following paragraphs.

Experimental Set up and Procedure

A slightly modified version of the experimental set up shown in

Figure 9-9 was used. The modification involved the placement of

heating bands at both ends and a thermocouple in the center of the tube

ln order to record the maximum temperature during steam injection. The

test steps were:

a) The combustion tube was filled with char which had undergone

low temperature combustion at about 600°C (see Table 9-7).

b) A constant nitrogen flow was maintained while the char was

being heated to the appropr.i.ate temperature.

c) When the desired maximum temperature in the tube was achieved

and the temperature profile (as shown in Figure 9-11) was sta-

bilized, a known amount of water (~ 5 grams) was injected.

d) The unconverted water was collected in a fiberglass wool-

molecular sieve filter which was situated in an ice bath. The

average filter temperature was 6°C - 8°C.

e) Gas samples were taken during the 700°C and 900°C test runs.

f) Steam dissociation at four temperatures (700, 800, 900 and

1000°C) was recorded.

To assure that carbon depletion· did not take place during a test run, 15

grams of rice hull char were used as the fuel bed for each 5 grams of

water injected. The elemental ultimate chemical analysis of the char is

given in Table 9-8.

Table 9-8. Elemental Ultimate Chemical Analysis of Rice Hull Char

Used for Dissociation of Steam.

seecies % wei~ht 1 drx: basis

c 24.56

0 3.37

H 0.21

N 0.26

Minerals 71.60

It is noted that the dissociation of 1 kg of water requires 0.67 kg of

carbon according to equation 9-4. The 3.7 gram of carbon available in

15 grams of rice hull char as given in Table 9-8 are· therefore suf-

ficient and did not lead to carbon depletion during testing.


While the dissociation 9f tar is mainly a function of temperature,

as shown in the previous section, the dissociation of steam cannot be

achieved by high temperature alone and requires a carbon surface. It

can therefore be expect~d that steam dissociation will be a strong func-

tion of the fuel bed structure and carbon content of the char. No

attempts have been made to examine the steam dissociation as a function

of carbon availability in the fuel bed. Instead, typical char from rice

hull gasification (Table 8-2) was used as a fuel bed in the test tube

and the same procedures for filling the tube were applied to all

reported tests. Temperature was the only parameter which was varied

Elemental ultimate chemical analysis of the

char was not performed after the dissociation took place. Since steam

dissociation occurred along a vertical temperature profile, typical of

that found in a downdraft gas producer, it does not make sense to per-

form a carbon balance because of locally different carbon consumption

rates. The re~ults of the tests are shown in Figure 9-12. The squares

indicate tests in which 0.5 grams of water were injected every minute,

while the round dots refer to tests in which 0.2 grams of water were

injected every 20 seconds. The resulting differences in steam disso-

elation between the two modes of injection were insignificant.

It is concluded that at low temperatures (700°C) almost no disso-

ciation takes place (< 6%) and that large amounts of steam will be part

of the raw gas leaving the gas producer. At temperatures of 1000°C, a

considerable fraction (roughly 19%) of the water still remains uncon-

verted. These experimental results are of course in complete

disagreement with the results obtained from computer simulated

equilibrium computations such as the one shown in Figure 9-13, where

only H2 and H2 0 are specified as products.

I 0.5
0 0.4
0 0.3
u 0.2
u.. 0. I

700 800 900 I000

Figure 9-12. Steam conversion in a rice hull char bed.

Squares: water injection at 0.5 g every minute.

Dots: water injection at 0.2 g every 20 seconds.

10 0

.,w 10


su ~0
.,.,0 40 /
2 / H2

400 eoo aoo 1000

Figure 9-13. Dissociation of steam in the presence of glowing carbon

( Skov, 19 74) •

The dependence of the equilibrium calculations on the set of products

used in the computations is shown in Figures 9-14 to 9-16. The com-

putations have been executed with the JANAF program (see Chapter 5).

Three sets of products were assumed:

a) C, Hz, HzO, co (Figure 9-14)

b) c, Hz, HzO, co, COz (Figure 9-15)

c) c, Hz' HzO, co, COz, CH4 (Figure 9-16)

It is noted that the steam dissociation process does generate a con-

siderable amount of COz and CH4 as shown in Table 9-9.

z 0.9
u 0.8
LL 0.7
a 0.5
a:: 0.4
> 0.3
z 0.2


400 600 800 1000

Figure 9-14. Steam dissociation with C, Hz, HzO, CO, COz as products.

Table 9-9. Gaseous Products of Dissociation of Steam at

700°C and 920°C as \nalysed by Gas Chromatograph

% volume

Species 700°C 920°C

co 27.1 34.5

COz 39.3 4.6

Hz 28.1 59.7

Cllf. 4.1 1.2

CnHm 2.7 Traces

From Table 9-9 it can be seen that only option c) is a realistic set of

products for the steam dissociation rt!actlons. However, since the reac-

tion is far from completion, the model does overestimate the converted







400 600 800 1000


Figure 9-15. Steam dissociation with C, Hz, HzO, CO as products.

:::> ~ 0. 2


400 600 800 I 000

Figure 9-16. Steam dissociation with C, Hz, HzO, CO, COz,
CH 4 as products.

water fraction (see Figure 9-12 and 9-16). Based on these results, the

water dissociation efficiency will probably be around 50% at tem-

peratures between 900 and 950°C. The computed positive carbon balance

of +29.4 (mole %) from Table 9-4 is therefore a higher bound and is not

really available if one takes the following into consideration:

a) The carbon which is tied up in the condensable portion of the

pyrolysis product is only accounted for if complete tar

cracking takes place.

b) The gasification process does not burn off all the carbon. A

fraction of the carbon remains in the char residue.

c) A fraction of the carbon is needed to make up for the energy

lost by convection and radiation, the energy used to heat the

fuel and air, and the energy consumed in tar cracking

and pyrolysis reactions which are endothermic.


It has been argued that standard downdraft gas producers with

throats will not generate a "tar-free" gas. These designs are not

suitable for rice hull gasification. In addition, efficient tar conver-

sion can only be expected at temperatures above 1000°C in a· rice hull

fuel bed. Tar conversion is a strong function of temperature and the

high conversion efficiencies (> 95%) will not be achieved through sur-

face reactions or catalytic effects involving the minerals in rice

hulls. In addition, steam conversion does not contribute significantly

to the Hz content of the gas below temperatures of 900°C. It is there-

fore advisable to design a rice hull gas producer in such a way that

reactor temperatures of 1000°C are achieved.

A Angstroem, 10-9 m

Ae 0 apparent surface area of rice hulls or rice hull pellets

T maximum temperature of horizontal temperature profile

e6 void space fraction of fuel bed

f conversion efficlency of tar cracking


1. Anonymous. 1942. Gas Producers, Automobile Engineer, ~ovember ~.

1942. PP• 433-464.

2. Anonymous. 1937. Producer gas for road vehicles.


3. Ekman, E. 1972. Peat as a fuel in Finland. United ~ations,

Economic and Social Council, Seminar on Technologies for the
Utilization of Low-calorie Fuels. Varna Bulgaria. ~prll.

4. Groeneveld, M.J. 1980. The co-current moving bed gasifier. PhD

Thesis, Technische Hogeschool Twente, Netherlands.

5. Gumz, w. 1950. Gas Producer and Blast Furnaces. John Wiley and
Sons. New York.

6. Hedden, K. 1982. Personal communication. Colombo, Sri Lanka.


7. Hose, F. 1982. Personal communication. Davis, California.


8. Kaupp, A. and J.R. Goss. 1981. State-of-the-Art for small-scale

(to 50 kW) gas producer-engine systems. u.s. Agency for
International Development, Washington, D.C.

9. Skov, N.A. and M.L. Papworth. 1975. The Pegasus Unit. Pegasus
Publisher, Inc. Olympia, Washington.

10. Whitaker, s. 1972. Forced convection heat transfer correlations

for flow in pipes, past flat plates, single cylinders, single
spheres and for flow in packed beds and tube bundles. AICHE
Journal 18(2).



It was mentioned in Chapter 4 that small rice hull gas producers

have never been used commercially. In this context small refers to a

unit with a furnace diameter smaller than 50 em. Commercial installa-

tions like the Italian Balestra unit or the Chinese unit (which is

attached to the rice mill in Suzhou in Jiangsu Province) have furnace

diameters of 1.5 - 2.5 m and mechanical power outputs of 60 - 186 hpo

It is not possible to apply the large amount of knowledge acquired

during the t-lorld War II experience with automotive gas producers to the

design of a rice hull gas producer. The differences between the feed

stocks and the types of applications are striking and are pointed out

here again. A typical World War II downdraft gas producer had the

following operational characteristics:

a) Good fuels: charcoal, hardwood, coke, and anthracite were


b) A gas output of 200 Nm3 h-l was not uncommon in 40 em diameter

furnaces. This means that up to a 100 hp engine could be

driven with this unit.

c) World tolar II units operatlng on wood, charcoal, coke, or

anthracite did not have char removal problems. The residue

generated by the gasification process amounted to o~ly 1% - 5%

(by weight) of the feed input. This small amount of residue

could either be shaken down through a grate (as shown in

Figures 10-1 through 10-3) or simply left at the bottom of the

gas producer and removed periodically (2-5 hours). The latter

Two piece frame

Lever arm

Figure 10-1. Flat slot grate Figure 10-2. Shaker grate

(Rambush, 1923). (Skov, 1975).

Partial combustion zone

Distillation zone

·Reduction zone


Figure 10-3. Shaker grate Figure 10-4. Crossdraft gas

(Schlapfer, 1937). producer with no

option was the most common procedure for residue removal in

crossdraft gas producers, as shown in Figure 10-4.

d) The high bulk density of the fuel (~ 250 - 300 kg m- 3 for wood,

500 - 800 kg m-3 for coal) enabled one to design units with

small fuel hoppers that could operate for 2-4 hours without


e) A small firebox and an appropriately located throat in a
downdraft gas producer permit the development of a homogeneous

fire zone which aids the partial cracking of tar and disso-

elation of water (Chapter 9).

On the other hand a typical rice hull gas producer has the following

operational characteristics:

a) A fuel is used which has a high natural ash content (15% - 23%

by weight) and a low bulk density (100 kg m-3).

b) A gas output of 200 Nm3 h-l is achieved in large diameter fur-

naces (> 1.5 m).

c) The residue after gasification amounts to 30% - 40% of the ini- .

tial volume of the feedstock and 25% - 35% of its initial

weight. An effective continuous ash removal system is there-

fore required.

d) The low bulk density of rice hulls necessitates either a very

large hopper or a mechanism for continuous feeding.

From previous chaptoi!rs it is concluded that the three parameters which

influence rice hull gasification the most are the following:

a) Continuous ash removal.

b) Superficial gas velocity.

c) Diameter of the gas producer.

This work has concentrated on very small-scale units, having furnace

diameters of 15 - 30 em. Nevertheless it is useful to describe in

detail two large rice hull gas producers that have been operating com-

mercially for quite some time and for which some performance data


Italian Balestra Type Updraft Rice Hull Gas Producer (1910 - 1944)

Although this unit has been discussed in several papers, two papers,

one by Garbarino (1911) and the other by Borasio (1944), have been

translated to extract relevant information. A schematic of this rice

hull gas producer-engine system is shown in Figure 10-5. The feeding

mechanism consisted of an elevator (b) which transported the rice hulls

into the small hopper on top of the gas producer. Large amounts of air

leaking through the feeding arrangement could easily cause an explosion

in the gas producer. Thus it was essential to have the feeding column

always filled with rice hulls. The large cylinder reaching into the gas

producer was necessary in order to keep the rice hull bed always at the

same level. Raising the r.ice hull fuel bed would restrict the disen-

gagement zone and would result in a large carryover of fine particles

(see Section 10.4). Lowering the level could lead to the development of

a channel through the fire zone which would in turn cause poor co2
reduction. The knife gate (c) was kept open during operation. The

diameter of the furnace was 1.5 m at the bottom, 1.9 m at the top. It

had a refractory lining as shown in Figure 10-5. The ash removal system

consisted of two spiral-shaped wipers (g and h) made out of cast iron.

The wipers rotated in a continuous step-like motion generated by a belt

F ig u r e 1
0 -S - Italian
r ic e h u ll
(G a r b a r in gaa prod
o , 1 9 1 1 )· ucer of
th e B a le
a tr a ty p e

drive using transmission i. This motion caused partial crushing of the

charred rice hulls which could then fall through. The rice hull ash

then slid down the cone-shaped bottom of the gas producer and was

flushed out with water in the ring channel (k). It is noted that this

gas producer did not have a water seal at the bottom, since it was an

updraft suction gas producer. One interesting feature of this unit is

the way in which the air was introduced at the bottom. The unit had a

cylindrical steel sleeve (e) at the bottom which could be raised and

lowered by the drive (d). Full opening of the sleeve exposed the entire

lower part of the gas producer to the air, while closing of the sleeve

prevented air from entering. Therefore, the necessary combustion air

had to move through the two ash layers at the bottom and was introduced

into the center through the step-like arrangement of the grate.

After leaving the gasifier, the producer gas entered a cooling and

~~pansion tower (n). It is noted that this tower's main function was to

cool the gas from an inlet temperature of 130°C to 40°C. The arrange-

ment consisted of a series of baffles with two wat~r spray nozzles at

the top (1). The spray caused condensation of most of the tar which was

then collected in the centrifugal tar separator (o). Two types of gas

cleaning trains (p) were used: a dry packed bed (coke) and a wet packed

bed (coke, with spray nozzle on top). Because of the sizeable pressure

drop across the system, a suction fan (q) was sometimes installed at the

end of the gas cleaning train. This procecture increases the volumetric

efficiency of the engine.

It is not clear from the literature what the actual horsepower out-

put of this gas producer was. Horsepower outputs of 25 - 60 hp are men-

tioned. An average gas output of 160 m3 h-l is reported. However, no

reference to the temperature of the gas is given. In Chapter 1 i t was

noted that there are many ways to operate a gas producer and that a

reliable way of describing the syste•n is by the equivalence ratio lj>.

The combination of an updraft gas producer and a gas engine requires

extensive gas cleaning because of the large amounts of tarry liquids

generated which must be removed from the gas stream. However, one

should not conclude that the reason for building an updraft unit was

because downdraft gas producers did not exist. The decision to build an

updraft unit jo7as also based on the fact that a highly valuable by-

product, tar: was generated. It is noted that the gasification of 100

kg of rice hulls yielded 122 - 158 kg of producer gas, 2 - 4 kg of

"Catrame" and 20 - 25 kg of char. It is worthwhile to point out that

Catrame is the Italian word for the material which is commonly used for

road surfaces (asphalt). During the 1910 - 1950's Catrame was a very

valuable product. It was used to pave barn floors and small backyards,

and to do repair work on roads. Thus, the operators of Italian rice

hull gas producers did not wish to suppress tar generation. In fact the

units were operated at very low furnace temperatures (700 - 900°C) which

yielded a fair amount of tar. The compos! tion of the producer gas

generated as well as its heating value is given in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Producer Gas Composition

Species % Volume

co 25.0 - 26.1

co 2 4.2 - 4.5

H2 4.8 - 8.6

CH4 7.1 - 7.2

Cn an Traces

N2 51.2 - 56.1

02 2.1 - 2.5

HHV 6.25 MJ kg-1 (6.72 MJ m-3)

It is noted that the gas has a very high heating value and contains a

considerable amount of methane. Based on the given mass balance, it is

concluded that the unit operated at a q, of about 0.3. Considering all

thls one can conclude the following:

a) The unit was operated such that the superficial gas velocity

through the bed was very low at roughly 5 em s- 1 - 10 em s- 1

(see Chapter 6).

b) Furnace combustion temperatures were low (in the 700 - 900°C

range) which resulted in a producer gas with a high heating

value of 5.4 MJ kg-l to 6.25 MJ kg- 1 •

c) Tar was considered a valuable by-product and not a pollutant or

health hazard.

d) The gas cleaning train and centrifugal tar separator were

capable of cleaning the gas t~ the extent necessary for use in

an internal combustion engl11e.

e) The gas engine powered all equip~ent in the rice mill. Not all

the gas which was generated could be used and some was simply

flared off through pipe (m) or used for heating service (Figure


Rice Bull Gasification Plant in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

'!'his plant is described in detail in the FAO report RAPA No. 61,

Bangkok, Thailand, June 1982. A schematic diagram of its design is

given in Figure 10-6. It is noted that this unit operates in the

downdraft :node with the air inlet (1) on top. Because of the large

quantities of ash which must be removed from the unit, it was necessary

to set the entire plant in a water jacket, which creates a hydraulic

seal. The char gradually settles to the bottom of the water jacket and

is then pumped up as a slurry (8) with a common mortar pump.

The grate design is different from the Balestra unit. Instead of

having one or two wipers rotating, the sieve plate in the Chinese unit

itself rotates. This grate also features an annulus through which the

gas is drawn. The annulus also provides a disengagement zone for larger

particles in the gas stream. This 'l!ethod of drawing off the gas has

been widely used in automotive downdraft gas producers. Despite the

water jacket, the gas exit temperature is still high at 300 - 400°Co

The recorded gas composition is given in Table 10-2.

"' 2



1. Fuel & Air inlet 7. Ash settling pond

2. Cooling water jacket 8. Ash removing tube
3. Furnace erate reduction box 9. Cooling water intake
4. Gas outlet 10. Cooling water effluent
5. Rotary grate II. Gas
6. Grate support 12. Ash

Figure 10-6 . Chinese rice hull gas producer (Rapa No. 61).

Table 10-2. Composition of Producer Gas From Downdraft
Chinese Rice Hull Gas Producers

Species % Volume

co 15.4

co2 7.25

N2 65

LHV (lower heating value) 2.6 MJ kg-1 (3.0 MJ m-3)

It can be seen that the gas is of very poor quality with respect to its

heating value and has only about one-half the heating value of the gas

from the Balestra unit. This rice hull gas producer can be viewed as an

updraft gas producer turned upsicie down. The raw gas from this unit

should contain less tar than the gas from updraft units. It is claimed

that the extensive filtering system will reduce the impurity content of

the raw gas to less than 30 mg Nm-3. 'Due to the low heating value of

the gas, the gas-engine generator set consumes 5.1 '113 of producer gas

per Kilowatt-hour. However, it is noted that the efficiency of the

overall plant is good at 13% (61% gas produc<!r efficiency, 22% engine

efficiency computed from availahle data). The underlying reason for

installtng this plant was two-fold:

a) A rice mill with a capacity on the order of .50 ton/day paddy

powered by a rice hull gas producer like the one described

above saves 3300 - 4180 barrels of diesel oil per year.

b) The same rice milt produces 3571 tons of hulls a year. There-

fore, 0.5 - 0.7 hectares of land would be needed to store these

rice hulls, which cannot be burned in the open. The gasifica-

tion process reduces the rice hull volume by 60%.

Most rice mills in the Developing Countries are much smaller than the

ones mentioned above (1 - 2 ton/day). It is therefore useful to deter-

mine the design criteria for a small rice hull gas producer that could

power a 5 - 15 hp engine. In order to optimize the gas producer-engine

system, it is necessary to treat the various parts of a gasifier as

separate components which do not interact with one another.

The author has been testing various gas producers, gas cleaning

trains and ash removal systems and has explored the following:

a) Continuous ash removal systems.

b) Ash removal by vibration.

c) l"orce feeding systems.

d) Downdraft gas producers without throat.

e) Various air injection systems.

f) Various gas cleaning trains.

g) Gas exit designs for rice hull gas producers.

Design Considerations for Ash Removal Systems


Because of the large amounts of rice hull char that must be removed

during the gasification process, a continuous ash removal system is

essential. Experiments with an open core 15 em diameter gas producer

showed that the residue retained 67% of the initial volume of the feed

input, if the caked rice hulls were not disturbed. If the fuel bed was

stirred, the residues retained 37% of their original volume, i.e. before

gasi ftc at ton. After the char was discharged into the ash bin, it

occupied 32% of it;; original volume and had a hulk densLtj of 117 kg

m- 3 (dry basis). The volume fraction occupied by the char is denoted

here by E. It is now of interest to compute the velocity vr of the

charred residue through the rice hull gas producer as a function of the

rice hull consumption rate R (kg h-l as received), the gas producer

diameter d, and the volume fraction E. We have therefore:

where Pb bulk density of the rice hulls as received.


A 15 em diameter gas producer operating an engine with an output of

5 hp requires about 10 kg of rice hulls per hour (p = 120 kg m- 3 ). This

would result in:

= .il:.:l7)(0.37)(10 -1
v 1.74 m h
(0.15) 2 (120)

On the other hand, the large Italian rice hull gas producer with a· fire-

box diameter of 2 m and a power output of 180 hp would require 540 kg

h-l of rice hulls (Beagle, 1978). This results in:

(1.27)(0.37)(340) -1
v 0.53 m h
r (4)(120)

From the two examples it is obvious that the ash removal velocity is

significantly higher in smaller units. It is noted that the two ash

removal systems discussed in Sections 10.1 and 10.2 have limitations

with respect to the rate of char removal.

Eight different types of rice hull char removal systems have been

tested and the three most successful are discussed here.

Ash Removal Designs

Parameters which influence the grate design are shown in the diagram

in Figure 10-7. In general, the followfng ash removal options are


a) No grate at all.

b) Fixed grate allowing for periodic removal of the ash.

c) Mechanical, rotating grate allowing for periodic removal of the


d) Mechanical, rotating grate allowing for continuous ash removal.

Rate of
ash removol
Superficia I
gas velocity

and flow field Pressure drop
/across the grote

of the char

8 .,."4t---Construction

Bulk density
of the char r
Type of

cost and

Figure 10-7. Parameters which influence the grate design.

Option a), which has been widely used for fuels with very low ash con-

tents, is impractical for continuous rice hull gasification because of

the large volumes of char generated during gasification. Options b) and

c) also result in unsatisfactory gas producer performance because of the

high char velocities of 0.4 - 1.8 m h- 1 , as previously outlined. It is

noted that based on the above calculations, periodic ash removal at 30

minute intervals would cause a fire zone rise of 0.20 and 0.9 m for the

range of char velocities and lead to a breakthrough of the fire zone at

the top which in turn would result in deteriorating gas quality. The

gasification process will therefore be sustained only for a short period

of time in rice hull gas producers with fixed grates or with periodic

ash removal systems.

Based on these observations, it was concluded that a controlled con-

tinuous ash removal system is necessary for reliable continuous gasifi-

cation of rice hulls.

When dealing with a difficult fuel such as rice hulls, it is very

important to eliminate factors that may influence the performance of a

grate, but are not caused by the design of the grate. For instance,

even a well-designed grate will not help if the rice hull fuel bed above

the grate cakes. In this case, gravity flow stops altogether. In order

to avoid misinterpretation of grate performance, the grates were first

tested on a cold test stand that simulated a 15 em diameter downdraft

gas producer (Figure 10-8). A good ash removal system should meet ·the

following criteria:

a) It must· remove the char in any form (loose, lumped, mixed with

small pieces of slag.

b) The rate of ash removal must be controllable.

c) Because force feeding of rice hulls into the firebox column is

Figure 10-8. Cold t es t s t a nd for grat e pe rformanc e.

one option with regard to overcoming gravity flow problems and

channel formation, the ash removal system should be able to

remove densified char.

d) The design should be simple.

Design I

The design shown in Figure 10-9 is a copy of the large grates used

in past coal gasifiers. It was used in a 30 em diameter downdraft gas

producer of the type showed in Figure .5 -l by Williams and Horsefield

(1982) to test the gasification characteristics of California crop resi-

dues. The version shown in Figure 10-9 fits a 15 em diameter gas pro-

ducer and can be installed as shown in Figures 10- 10 and 10- 11.



Figure 10-9. Eccentric rotating grate.

1. Performance Characteristics and Properties.

The eccentricity of the rotating grate causes the char to be pressed

through the horizontal slats. The construction of this fairly complex

grate takes about 20% of the total time needed to build a small 15 em

diameter gas producer. Although the grate is very effect.i.ve for wood

chips and corncob char, it handles rlce hull char in a very erratic



Figure 10-10. Gas exit above grate. Figure 10-11. Gas exit below grate.

manner. One of the major difficulties is that it cannot remove con-

solidated matter. In such a case the grate generates free caves or

simply plugs up. 13ecause the superficial velocities between the plates

are high in a small gas producer, it is not advisable to pass the gas

through the grate as shown in Figure! 10-11. One big advantage of the

eccentric grate is that it slowly and continuously stirs the lower part

of the gas producer. It is therefore suited for gas producers that

operate at low temperatures (700 - 800°C) and lower ··s. The author con-

siders this design a non-optimal solution to the problem.

Design I I

A completely different approach to the problem is represented in

Figure 10-12. This design consists of a solid disk which is fixed at a

distance d below the bottom of the firebox. A curved wiper slowly rota-

tes over the top of this disk. It is noted that the ash is not removed

through holes in the disk but is pushed over the edge of the disk and

into the ash bin.




Figure 10-12. Grate with rotating curved wiper.

1. Performance Characteristics.

This grate was tested extensively on the cold test stand since it

holds the most promise with regard to meeting the criteria mentioned
above. The results are given in Flgure 10-13. Rice hull char was used

for these tests. The wiper height was 7 mm and the disk diameter was 30

em. The firebox column had a diameter of 15 em. This grate design

removes the char .in a very steady, continuous manner. It has the

following advantages:

a) The amount of char removed can be controlled by four





Figure 10-13. Rice hull char removal as a function of the wiper speed
and distance [d]. Wiper height 7 mm, disk diameter 30 em
and firebox diameter 15 em.

i) The overlap between firebox diameter and disk diameter.

ii) The distance d between the firebox and the disk.

iii) The height of the wiper.

iv) The wiper speed.

b) This system is capable of removing consolidated matter. The

wiper simply slices it off piece by piece. It can also handle

slag as long as the slag is not larger than the distance d.

c) It makes possible removal of char which has been compacted by

force feeding of the rice hulls into the firebox.

d) The system is simple to build and easy to replace.

The main disadvantage of this type of grate is the ease with which the

fuel bed can be disturbed near the grate. Because of the high pressure

drop caused by passing ·the gas through the space between the disk and

the bottom of the firebox, it is recommended that the gas be drawn off

well above the grate, as shown in Figure 10-14.

Design III

This design is a slightly modified version of Design II. It is

shown in Figure 10-14. This design allows better utilization of the ash

bin. It slices the lowest layer of the char off the plate and is there-

fore also suitable for periodic ash removal in low ash fuel gasifica-



·. Ash

Figure 10-14. Eccentric wiper grate.

Design IV

Small gas producer-engine systems (5 - 15 hp) cannot be justified by

their fuel savings alone, they must be very simple and very cheap. It

is therefore important to explore the possibilities for removing the ash

with a grate that does not need an external drive. In this small range,

the engine and gas producer can be mounted together on a free-swinging

frame. Here, the engine vibration facilitates ash removal. It is noted

that past automotive gas producers had very few difficulties with regard

to fuel flow and bridging of the fuel in the fuel hopper. This was due

to engine vibration and perhaps to rough roads. In order to test the

effect of engine vibration on the gasification process and on ash remo-

val, the engine and gas producer were mounted together on a free-

swinging frame as shown in Figures 10-15 and 10-16. It is important to

leave the bars unbolted at the ends because this would inhibit vibration

in the gas producer. The small Briggs and Stratton 10 hp engine caused

a very satisfactory vibration in the corn-cob fuel bed and also in the

grate disk. The ash remova~ over the disk can be fine tuned by varying

the distances d and a. It is noted that the gas should be drawn off

above the grate because even slight adjustments of the distance d

resulted in large pressure drop changes across the grate.

Another version of the vibrating grate is shown in Figure 10-17.

This version is a slightly bent disk that facilitates the char removal

by vibration better than the flat disk in the case where the distance d

(Figure 10-12) is very small.

The results of two tests with rice hull char and corncob char are

given in Table 10-3.

Bin Hopper

Fire zone of
gas producer

Circular fixed plate

Threaded shaft to
support plate

. Internal
Handle to screw~ combustion
up or down to adjust d frame

\ Two swinging channel bars to transfer

Rubber \ en.gine vibration to fixed plate and gas Rubber
stopper producer stopper

Figure 10-15. Gas producer and engine mounted on a free-swinging frame.

Figure 10-16. Detail of free-swinging bars and mounted engine.





Figure 10-17. Slightly curved vibrating disk.

Table 10-3. Char Removal by Vibration

Char Velocity Mass Flow Rate

Fuel m h-1 kg h-l

Corncob char 0.71 2.0

Rice hull char 1.88 7.4

Distance, d, was set at 38 mm. Distance, a, was 63 mm for this disk.

The tests showed the potential for simply using the engine vibration to

induce horizontal char removal by means of an excited disk underneath

the firebox. This method of char removal will be specific to the par-

ticular gas producer, to the engine, and also to the way in which the

two are mounted on a free-swinging frame.


Of the eight grates tested, four have proven reliable. It is noted

that Design I stirs the lower part of the char bed whereas the other

three designs have no mixing effect on the bed. However, Design I is

also the most unreliable with respect to a constant ash removal rate. In

small units the gas should be drawn off above the grate with these

designs. Passing the gas through the grate will result in high super-

ficial gas velocities that cause entrainment of char particles. These

char particles are difficult to separate from the gas stream.

Design Considerations for the Gas Exit

One of the most important obstacles to the use of producer gas in an

internal combustion engine is the impurities in the gas. In general, it

is not difficult to generate a combustible gas. However the large

amounts of water vapor, tar, char particles and solid carbon entrained

in the gas stream cause serious operational difficulties in the gas

cleaning apparatus and in the engine. This section addresses exclusive-

ly the topic of separation of fine particles from a gas stream by

settling. It is noted that past gas producers of the updraft design had

a large disengagement zone as shown in Figure 10-5 for the Italian

Balestra unit.

Downdraft units such as the Chinese rice hull gas producer and the

automotive Imbert gasifier use an annulus to disengage particles and to

act as a heat exchanger for the sensible heat of the gas (Figure 10-6).

On the other hand, a common complaint about past crossdraft gas pro-

ducers had to do with the excessive amounts of solid particles entrained

in the gas stream.

The question as to whether a low superficial exit gas velocity and a

long vertical disengagement zone facilitate separation of char and gas

can be answered quite accurately on a theoretical basis. The usual

simplifying assumptions that allow an exact representation of the ter-

minal velocity of a particle are:

a) The particle is spherical and rigid and no slip exists between

the particle and the gas.

b) The gas is homogeneous within the length scale of the par-


c) The settling velocity is so low that all inertia effects are


d) The flow field is laminar.

Of course, it is obvious that one of the assumptions, a) is not at

all satisfied for rice hull char. But as pointed out by Heiss (1952)

even for nonspherical particles where the terminal velocity depends on

the orientation of the particle, the highest ratio between maximum and

minimum velocity is less than 2.


For a typical gas exit temperature of 600°C the average viscosity of

the producer gas will be n = 356° 10- 7 kg m- 1 s- 1 , as shown in Figure

10-13. Assuming that the gas behaves according to the ideal gas law,

the calculated gas density Pg is 0.33 kg m-3. The terminal velocity of

a particle may be computed usiag Stokes theorem if Re < 0.2. We there-

fore need to look at particles with diameters

d <

The density of rice hull char, Ps• has been determined to be between 2.0

- 2.1 g cm-3 depending on the amount of carbon left in the char (2.3 g

cm- 3 is the true density of the rice hull ash). Consequently d < 85 JJID

for laminar flow settling. The terminal velocity of a 85 JJID particle is

given as

(p - p ) g d2
s g 0.25 m s-l (10-1)

If we assume that the particle accelerates from u 0 to ut within the

gas stream we have:

_<_P...;;s_~P::.~g.._)_g_p...;.s_dz_ ( 1 -

this equation yields:

t* (10-3)

where t* is the time needed for the particle to reach 99% of its ter-

minal velocity. In this case:

(4.6)(85) 2 (10-6 ) (2300)
t* 0.1 s
(18)(356)(10- 7 )

The distance traveled when the particle reaches 99% of its terminal

velocity is:

h 0.785 u • t* (10-4)

(0.785)(0.25)(J.l) 1.9 em

One may conclude the following from the example.

a) For all practical purposes the terminal velocity is reached

instantaneously by particles with diameters d < 0.1 mm.

b) The distance traveled in reaching 99% of ut is minimal.

c) Particles with diameters d > 0.1 mm may be removed efficiently·

by gravitational settling in large updraft gas producers.

It is noted that an updraft rice hull gas producer with a diameter

of 2 m at the top and with a gas output of 400 m3 h-1 at 200°C will

have a superficial gas velocity us 0.035 m s-1. Because of the

instantaneous terminal velocity of the particle (0.25 m s-1), it is
likely to remain in the gas producer. On the other hand, a small rice

hull downdraft gas producer with a gas output of 12 m3 h-1 at 600°C,

will have a superficial gas velocity of 0.42 m s-1 if the gas is drawn

off through a 10 em diameter pipe or 0.15 m s- 1 if the gas is drawn off

through an annulus with an inner diameter of 25 em and an outer diameter

of 30 em.

The above examples illustrate that the retention of small particles

of d < 0.1 mm in the gasifier is also a function of the gas exit design.

From the size distri.bution curve (Figure 6-21) we also can conclude that

rice hull char contains about 48% - 60% of particles smaller than 0.1

mm. For larger particles with diameters d > 0.1 mm, Stokes theorem can-
not be applied and the general set of equations relating the size of a

sphere to its settling velocity must be written:



p u d
g t
Re = n

The drag coefficient c0 is given by Equation (10-6) for the transitional

region, 0.2 ( Re ( 500, which is from Schillar and Nauman (1933). For
the turbulent region Re > 500 Cn is roughly constant at c0 = 0.44

(Allen, 1975).

This system of equations must be solved by iteration. The visco-

sity, n, of the gas is strongly dependent on the temperature and is

given in Figure 10-18 for a typical producer gas composition.

1 400

19'Yo co
E=- 9'Yo C02
>- 200 15 "lo H2
t- 4"/o
CH 4
H2 0 ( voporl
u 3 8"/o
., 100 N2


Figure 10-18. Producer gas viscosity as a function of temperature.

The terminal velocity of char particles smaller than 100 11m has been

computed using equation (10-1) and is shown in Table 10-4. The assump-

tions made are that the raw gas exit temperature is 600°C and that the

density, Ps = 2.0 g cm-3.

Table 10-4. Terminal Velocity Versus Particle Size Diameter

Particle size, um 100 75 so 25

Terminal velocity m s-1 0.31 0.17 o.os 0.02

From Table 10-4 i t can be concluded that removal of particles smaller

than 100 11m is difficult to achieve by settling and requires a very low

superficial gas velocity at the gas exit.

Air Injection

In the previous sections evidence has been represented to show that

the method of drawing the air into the fuel bed is crucial for reliable

rice hull gasification (Figures 6-11, 9-5, 9-7, 9-8). The majority of

past downdraft gas producers had either wall tuyeres, a center tuyere,

or a combination of the two. The following geometrical configurations

have been tested with corncobs and rice hulls.

a) lolall tuyeres with and without throat (Figures 10-19 and 10-20).

b) Center tuyere with and without throat (Figures 10-21 and


In order to avoid misinterpretation of the results, a series of tests

were also conducted with a high quality gasification fuel (broken

corncobs) of similar bulk density ('" 200 kg m-3). All tests were con-

ducted in a 1 'i em diameter refractory-lined gas producer equipped with

either the vibrating or rotating grate shown in Figures 10-12 and 10-17.

The purpose of these tests was not to determine the arrangement

which optimizes tar cracking. Instead the purpose was to determine the

influence of the method of air entry on the gas composition. The

results of the experiments are given by Kaupp (1982) in unpublished

monthly reports to the Briggs and Stratton Corporation. The following

was concluded:

a) None of the designs shown in Figures 10-19 through 10-22 are

suitable for rice hull gas producers because the fuel bed is

disturbed by the high superficial air velocity at the end of

the nozzle.

b) The above designs work well for corncobs, a fact that has been

known for decades.

1 "',(C

Figure 10-19. Wall tuyeres Figure 10-20. Wall tuyeres with

without throat, throat, downdraft
downdraft gas gas producer.

Figure 10-21. Center tuyere Figure 10-22. Center tuyere

without throat, with throat,
downdraft gas downdraft gas
producer. producer.

c) A small rice hull downdraft gas producer cannot have a throat,

since the insignificant size reduction of rice hulls leads to

blockage at the throat.

In order to avoid disturbance of the rice hull fuel bed, two different

methods for drawing the air into the gas producer have been tested.

a) A continuous slot around the circumference of the gas producer

which replaced the eight tuyeres (Figure 10-23).

b) Diffusion of the air through the fuel bed from above in an open

top gas producer (Figure 10-24).

Based on experimental results with corncobs and rice hulls, it was

concluded that diffusion of the air through the top is by far the most

convenient way of introducing air without disturbing the fuel bed.

1 _1 ~



Figure 10-23. Continuous slot Figure 10-24. Open core air diffu-
as air inlet. sion into the fuel

Design of a Small (2 - 20 hp Mechanical Power Output) Rice Hull Gas



It was outlined in Chapter 3 that automotive gas producers which

were fueled primarily with good quality charcoal, wood and coal. In

addition large rice hull gas producers (60-200 hp) have been in opera-

tion for several decades prior to 1950 (Beagle, 1983). However,

designing a small simple rice hull gas producer to power an internal

combustion engine is a very challenging task for the following reasons:

a) The fossil fuel savings in small engines are relatively small.

It is therefore necessary to have a design that can be inexpen-

sively manufactured and that can be replaced after a few years

of operation.

b) Contaminants in the raw gas (tar, solid particles) must be

removed to a large degree within the gas producer itself

because sophisticated gas cleaning equipment is either una-

vailable on a small scale or prohibitively expensive at this


c) Any continuously moving part on a small rice hull gas producer

must be driven by either an electric gear motor or a compli-

cated drive arrangement involving the internal combustion

engine. It is therefore highly desirable to avoid the incor-

poration of moving parts into the design.

Using these criteria, the approach of negative selection was used to

show that the presently available designs for small, fixed-bed gas pro-

ducers (crossdraft, downdraft, updraft) are not suitable for rice hull

gasification. It is emphasized that it is possible to generate a com-

bustible gas from rice hulls in some of these units at least in the

laboratory. The objective of this work, however, has been to explore

the behavior of rice hulls during thermal decomposition in order to

establish parameters which would be helpful in improving designs.

In the previous chapters it has been outlined that the caking of

rice hulls, the method of char removal and the method of injecting the

necessary combust ion a! r are cruc ia 1 with regard to reliable operation

of a gas producer. Based on these experimental results the following

system·s have been excluded and are considered unworkable for the gasifi-

cation of rice hulls on a small scale.

a) Downdraft gas producers with a throat.

b) Downdraft gas producers with wall tuyeres or center nozzles or

a combination of both.

c) Crossdraft gas producers.

d) Gas producers without a continuous ash removal system unless

the units are batch fed.

e) Gas producers without a force feeding system unless the units

are batch fed.

For instance, many versions of a downdraft unit were tested. These

early models included the following:

a) Force feeding of rice hulls using an auger system with throat

and center nozzle air inlet (see Figure 10-25).

b) Force feeding of rice hulls using an auger system without

throat and center nozzle air inlet (not shown).





Figure 10-25. Downdraft gas producer with force-feeding system.

In both case the ash was removed by an auger as shown.

Although both systems could be operated for short periods of time

(30 180 minutes), they have many design deficiencies as outlined


a) The center air nozzle generated caves in the fuel bed and

induced slagging.

b) A force feeding system cannot move the rice hulL char past the

throat, which jams the auger (insufficient size reduction of

rice hulls).

c) The system requires at least one external drive if the center

pipe is water-cooled and two drives if the feeding and ash

removal systems are separately driven.

It is noted that the raw gas generated had a sufficient higher heating

value (3. 7 - 4.4 MJ m- 3 ) and was fairly clean (the flame was blue to

slightly orange).

Four other types of downdraft gas producers have been designed and

tested. The results are presented in Chapters 6 through 9. All four

prototypes have several common features:

a) The air is allowed to diffuse through the top.

b) All are equipped with a continuous ash removal system as

described in Section 10.3.

c) The gas is drawn off above the grate.

d) High fire zone temperatures of ;;. 1000°C should be maintained to

ensure proper tar cracking and steam conversion.

The design shown in Figure 10-27 is the simplest version. It is

equipped with a vibrating grate and is mounted on a free-swinging frame

with the engine (see Figures 10-15 and 10-16). The design was tested

extensively with corncobs and performed very well. The fire zone could

be maintained anywhere desired within the fuel column (Kaupp, 1982).

The rate of ash removal was controlled by adjustment of the distance

between disk and firebox. Attempts to achieve continuous operation

using rice hulls failed because of the caking of rice hulls (see Section

6.5). A schematic of the structure of the rice hull fuel bed before and

after gasification is shown in Figure 10-26. The vibration induced by

the engine did not break the carbon bonds established during the pyroly-

sis process because of the air gap between the fuel bed and the wall of

the gasifier (see Figure 6-15). A slightly modified version, which was

equipped with an effective and controllable wiper grate, did not perform

any better because the wiper cannot remove rice hull char that does not

move down onto the grate (Figure 10-28). A more complicated version is

shown in Figure 10-29. With an auger mounted on top of the unit, the

caked rice hulls could be pushed through the firebox column at a steady


Figure 10-26. Rice hull fuel bed before (A) and after caking (B).



~ jj

" ·:-:
.': .·: "·..~
... ·...···'· ...
...· ...··: ,
. :.:. ·... ...
...... ' 1 ~ •




Figure 10-27. Gas producer with vibration grate and gravity flow.


...... t
900 ...... :

l',l.. :

700 ... ·.:
:' l
..:...:~· -~·

~ 600 \!) ~GAS




Figure 10-28. Gas producer with wiper grate and gravity flow.








Figure 10-29. Gas producer with force-feeding system and wiper grate.

They are then removed from the grate by the wiper and discharged into

the ash bin. Although this system does overcome the problems asso-

elated with caking, it introduces other complications. A careful co-

ordination of the ash removal rate and the feeding rate becomes

necessary. In addition, the feeding and ash removal rates must be coor-

dinated with the gas output required by the engine. In order to avoid

these difficulties and save one external drive, the grate was replaced

with a hydraulic water seal (Figure 10-30). The water surface acts as a

grate. It is noted that a rice hull column sitting on a water surface

does not sink nor does it absorb a significant amount of water ( .. 1

inch/24 hours). Although the rice hull char is more porous than rice

hulls and is therefore more likely to take up water and sink, the time

required for this process is long when compared to the char velocity in

the column. The water seal has the additional advantage of allowing

continuous discharge of the ash into the water. The ash can then be

removed from the water by hand. The water seal can also be used as an

internal wet scrubber and cooler condenser. Despite the advantages of

this system, it cannot be considered a practical solution to the

problem of rice hull gasification on a small scale.

After testing all four prototypes over a period of 18 months, the

concept of a "continuous" rice hull gas producer with a moving fuel

column and a locally fixed fire zone was abandoned. Instead, a batch-

fed unit with a moving fire zone and no ash removal during operation was

designed and tested. The designs in Figures 10-27 through 10-30 show

controlled char removal with the fire zone fixed in space while the air

is diffusing in through the top as shown in Figure 10-31.







""'1•------- 60 em - - - - - -......~~

Figure 10-30. Gas producer with force-feeding system and water grate.

When gasifying rice hul ts in a batch-fed unit, one cannot fix the

position of the fire zone because the volumetric reduction o.f the fuel

bed of 60% - 68% is insufficient. Two choices are available with regard

to the operation of this type of a unit:

a) The fire is initiated at the top. The fire will then move down

through the rice hull column leaving charred rice hulls behind.

Below the flre zone will be uncharred rice hulls. This method

results in a raw gas which is highly contaminated with tar

because the gas does not pass through a hot column of char

(Figure 10-32). (Similar to an updraft gas producer).

b) The fire is initiated at the bottom of the column. The fire

zone wilt then move upwards against the air flow leaving a hot

charred rice hull column behind.

This method (b) meets the necessary prerequisites for proper tar

cracking and steam conversion. It also results in the generation of a

carbon surface for co 2 reduction to CO. Nevertheless, it, is not obvious

whether such a system can generate enough gas for continuous operation

over a four-hour period. A detailed evaluation is given in the next

section. It ls noted that several researchers have simultaneously

explored this new concept using wood fuel. Published literature con-

cerning their work did not exist at the time of writing and information

exchange was by personal communication (Bob Reines 1982, Tom Reed 1983,

"Buck" Rogers Company 1983).

Open Core Gas Producer

The gas producer used in a set of six tests is shown in Figure

10-34. The gas exit of the test unit is located at the top instead of





Figure 10-31. Fixed fire zone in an open core downdraft gas producer
with continuous ash removal system.

in the middle. The middle position of the exit would be a better loca-

tion because the dry gas cleaner would not be higher than the top of the

producer itself. The design is based on the results reported in the

previous chapters. The design features include the following:

a) A large annulus which serves as a heat exchanger and as a

separation zone for coarse particles.

b) A steel restriction at the bottom which eliminates to some

degree the wall flow shown in Figure 6-15.

c) A hydraulic seal, which allows one to empty the gas producer

easily by lifting it out of the seal. The hydraulic seal can

also be used as an internal wet scrubber and cooler for the hot

producer gas.


~~~ ~~~
----- RICE

=== ===


Figure 10-32. Batch-fed gas Figure 10-33. Batch-fed gas

producer with top producer with
lighting. bottom lighting.

d) A wet, sieve-plate scrubber followed by a dry bed scrubber of

rice hull char.

Mode of Operation

The unit was filled with 20 - 40 grams of charcoal (wood or rice

hulls) and was lighted by dropping a burning piece of paper through the

top onto the charcoal. The necessary suction was provided by a suction

pump, as a substitute for actual engine suction. When the entir~ cross

section was glowing red, the column was filled with rice hulls. The

purpose of the tests was to obtain all relevant operational data as a

function of the gas flow, using a batch-fed operat.ional mode (Figure




f To engine

Dry filter

e Flexible



Sieve plate
_...,__ scrubber

"-Drain with valve

Water seal and Rubber pod

wet scrubber

Figure 10-34. Batch fed gas producer without ash removal

1, 2, 3, 4 location of thermocouples.

From a theoretical and practical point of view, the following data

are important with regard to rice hull gasification:

a) Air to fuel ratio.

b) Equivalence ratio.

c) Velocity of the upward moving fire zone.

d) Velocity of the downward moving rice hulls.

e) Gas composition CO, C02, THC, H2, H20, N2, 02•

f) Higher heating value of the dry gas.

g) Superficial gas velocity within the fuel bed.

h) Time of operation for a 165 em column.

i) Specific gasification rate.

j) Rate of rice hull consumption.

k) Degree of rice hull conversion.

1) Volume reduction of rice hulls.

m) · Carbon conversion.

n) Efficiency of the process.

In addition, the efficiency of and the pressure drop across the gas

cleaning train has been tested. It is noted that all results are given

as a function of the gas flow rate which was varied between 2.76 and

9.9 m3 h-l (25°C, 1 atm). The gas flow rate was measured with a sharp-

edged orifice plate. A very clean gas is necessary in order to measure

the flow rate with this method. The fire zone temperature has a direct

relationship with the gas flow rate. This is shown in Figure 10-51.

Air to Fuel Ratio

The air to fuel ratio is the amount of air used (by weight in kg) to

gasify 1 kg of dry rice hulls. It can be computed once the total gas

flow and the fraction of nitrogen in the dry producer gas are known. It

was assumed that air consists of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. The

results are given in Figure 10-35. It is noted that the air to fuel

ratio will vary according to the amount of producer gas demanded by the

engine. It is not possible to determine an optimal air to fuel ratio

without specifying the parameter to be optimized in a gas producer-

engine system. The observed range of air to fuel ratios was between

1.28 and 2.1.

Equivalence Ratio +
The meaning of the equivalence ratio ¢ as well as its importance has

been discussed in Chapter 1 and shown in Figure 1-1.

From the test results (shown in Figure 10-35) a linear relationship

between the air-to-fuel ratio and the equivalence ratio is apparent. It

is noted that the equivalence ratio is computed by first determining the

stoichiometric amount of air, i.e. the amount needed to combust the rice

hulls completely, to C02 and H2 0 with only the minerals as residue. The

ultimate chemical analysis and the chemical formula of the rice hulls

used for all tests is given in Table 10-5. One kg of these rice hulls

requires 4.70 kg of air for stoichiometric combustion.

Table 10-5. Ultimate Chemical Analysis of Rice Hulls for Testing

Species % weight, dry basis

c 39.00

H 4.90

0 33.97 by difference

N 0.53

Char residue 21.60

The measured moisture content was between 10.1% and 12% on a wet basis.

The equivalence ratio at which the higher heating value of the gas

was maximized was 0.32. This is shown in Figure 10-41.

Velocity of the Fire Zone and Velocity of the Rice Bull Fuel Bed

Because no ash removal takes place, the high ash content of the rice

hulls results in an upward moving fire zone. On the other hand, the

volume reduction of rice hulls following combustion and their caking

behavior result in a downward movement of the rice hull fuel bed

(Figure 10-26). The test was terminated when the entire 165 em long

column was filled with char and the fire zone had reached the very top

of the unit. Both fuel and fire zone velocities are important when

considering long-term operation and when considering the use of a forced

feeding system as shown in Figure 10-30.

The fire zone velocity is defined as the ratio of the length of the

fuel column to the total operating time. The downward fuel velocity was

measured two to three times during each run. The results are given in

Figure 10-36.

• '4>

a: 0
0 1-
Q1.8 0.45 <t
~ 1.6 0.40
;;;;) <t
"- >


1- 0

a: 14 0.35

1.2 0.30
3 4 6 8 9 10

PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h- 1 (25°C, I otm)

Figure 10-35. Air to fuel ratio of the gas producer as a function

of the gas flow rate.

'c /
E /
E ,.,.,. ........
/ E

___ ........ ::.. ........


w 0
z w
0 1.1 ........ <D


........ ...

.... ....

.... 0.9 0

0 ,..
u0 u
w ...>

3 4


Figure 10-36. Fire zone velocity (up) and fuel bed velocity (down)
as a function of the gas flow rate.

Gas Composition

From the theoretical considerations discussed in Chapter 5, the

expected behavior of the various components of the gas is as follows:

a) As a function of the gas output, the volume fraction of CO and

Hz will reach a maximum within the measured range. The frac-

tion of CO and Hz will decrease with decreasing flow rate

(lower <P) because the rate of steam conversion and CO genera-

tion by Equations (S-2 and 5-4) are a strong function of tem-

perature (Figure 9-12).

A similar decrease in CO and Hz will occur at higher flow rates

(higher <P) due to internal oxidation and to the water-shift

reaction. This typical behavior of CO and Hz is shown in

Figure 10-37. The combined CO and Hz content was maximized at

a flow rate of 7.5 m3 h-l or a <P of 0.44. However, this does

not mean that the chemical energy content of the gas is maxi-

mized under these conditions (see Figure 10-41).

b) The methane content of the gas decreases with increasing gas

flow rate. As outlined in Chapter 5, the methane content will

decrease drastically with increasing temperatures. This is

shown in Figure 10-38. Due to the unique mode of operation,

which results in a long rice hull char column downstream from

the fire zone, lower flow rates and an increased methane con-

tent did not result in a measurably higher tar content in the

raw gas. It is noted that the amount of total gaseous hydro-

carbons was measured (THC). However, it is assumed that only

traces of Cz~ and c3 ~ are present (see Figure 5-22).

,.,..- ----------

, _..___
I "
I "
0 I
u I
"'2:::> I

...J I
0 I
> I

PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m' h-1 (25"C,I aim)

Figure 10-37. CO and H2 content of the dry gas as a function of gas

production rate.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 10-38. THC content of the dry gas as a function of gas

production rate.

2 4 5 6 9 10
PRODUCI;:R GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h- 1 (25"C 1 1 otm)

Figure 10-39. COz content of the producer gas as a function of the

gas flow rate.

53,~----~----~----~L_ ____L __ _ _ __ L_ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _ _ _L___ ~

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h-1 (25"C,I atm)

Figure 10-40. Nz content of the producer gas as a function of the

gas flow rate.

c) The amount of co2 in the gas will be minimized within the range

of operation. An increase in COz must be expected at low and

high gas flow rates due to insufficient reduction of COz and

internal oxidation respectively. This is shown in Figure


d) The volume fraction of nitrogen in the gas is measured by dif-

ference and therefore must follow the co2 pattern. This is

shown in Figure 10-40.

All results are based on gas samples that were oxygen free. It

is emphasized that during the start-up period (5 - 20 minutes)

oxygen is present in the gas stream. Th:i.s period can be con-

siderably shortened by allowing the fire zone to develop over

the entire cross section before adding the rice hulls. A rice

hull fire zone tends to develop very slowly in a horizontal

direction if there are unburned rice hulls in the vertical

direction. Once the fire zone was fully developed, no oxygen

could be detected in the gas stream.

A summary of the range of gas compositions as a function of the gas

flow rat~ is given in Table 10-6.

Table 10-6. Dry Gas Composition as a Function of the Gas Flow Rate

Flow rate co COz THC Hz

m3 h-1 % volume

Z.75 15.9 14.3 6.1 6.3 57.4 Z7.9

4.97 17.6 13.1 5.1 9.6 54.6 Z7.0

5.74 18.6 13.0 3.0 11.1 54.3 Z6.8

7.46 19.0 1Z.7 Z.6 11.3 54.4 Z6.8

8.68 18.4 1Z.9 z.z 11.1 55.4 Z6.9

9.9 17.5 13.4 z.z 10.3 56.6 Z7.Z

The same mode of operation has been extensively tested using corncobs in

the unit shown in Figure 10-Z7. For instance, a continuous 7-hour test

with corncobs resulted in ZZ% CO and 15% Hz (Kaupp, 198Z). It is to be

noted that the relatively low CO and H2 content of the gas is not due to

the mode of operation or to the design but is due to the structure of

rice hulls and the make up of a rice hull fuel bed.

Higher Heating Value of Producer Gas

The higher heating value of the gas was computed based on the

following heating values of the individual gas species at Z5°C:

CO 11.57 ~J m-3

Hz 11.69 MJ m-3

36.41 MJ m-3

The results are given in Figure 10-41. It is emphasized that the be-

havior of the higher heating value as a function of the gas output is

very typical of that for downdraft producer gas operation in general.

The following characteristics of this behavior are noted:

a) Maximization of the CO or H2 contents does not result in maxi-

mization of the chemical energy content of the gas. For

instance, the CO content can be as high as 32% (by volume)

under conditions favoring the water shift reaction in such a

unit (Kaupp, 1982). However the heating value will drop

sharply because almost no CH4 and very little H2 (< 5%) will

exist under such conditions.

b) It is noted that even small increases in CH4 at lower flow

rates can offset moderate losses in H2 and CO because CH4 has

three times the heating value of CO or H2•

c) Operation at very low gas flow rates also means low fire

zone temperatures. Thus, the chemical energy content of the

gas will decrease again in this range because the large

decreases in CO and H2 cannot be offset any longer by increases

in CH4 • The chemical energy content of the gas was maximized

at a flow rate of 4 m3 h-l or a ~ of 0.32 whereas the combined

H2 and CO content was maximized at a flow rate of 7.5 m3 h-1 or

an equivalence ratio of 0.44.

The higher heating value of the gas lies between the 3.0 MJ m-3

reported for the Chinese downdraft gas producer (Section 10.2)

and the 6.72 MJ m- 3 reported for the Balestra unit (Section


Superficial Gas Velocity, v 8

The superficial gas velocity, vs, within the rice hull column is

defined as the gas velocity that would result if the cylinder was empty.



4 5 6 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h- 1 (25°C, I otml

Figure 10-41. Higher heating values of the producer gas.

g II

"- 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h-1 (25°C, I olm)

Figure 10-42. Superficial gas velocities (25°C) as a function of

gas flow rates.

Its values are given in Figure 10-42 for the range of producer gas out-

puts. It is noted that the numbers are computed using a temperature of

25°C. From the graph it can be seen that high gas outputs of more than

6 m3 h-l lead to superficial gas velocities that can slightly disturb

the fuel bed, as shown in Figure 6-18.

The actual gas velocity, va, at any point in the gas producer can

only be computed if the temperature and void space fraction, £8 , is

known at this point. The relation between vs and va is then given as:

v (10-8)

where T1 is the fuel bed temperature.

This equation assumes that V + 0 £ 8 = £a where £a is the area void

space and V is a control volume of cross-sectional area A and height ~z

with ~z + 0.

Operating Time for a 165 em Column

Due to the high ash content of rice hulls a short to moderate

operating time can be expected at various flow rates, as shown in Figure

10-43. During the first 5 - 15 minutes of operation, the gas is not

suitable for engine use. However, the gas composition then remains

stable up· to the point where the fire zone reaches the very top of the

unit. This system can be rnade continuous at additional expenses by

adding a force feeding system and a continuous ash removal system.

~ ...

3 4 5 6 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h- 1 (25•C,I otm)

Figure 10-43. Operation time for a 165 em column.



3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 10-44. Specific gasification rate.

Specific Gasification Rates

The specific gasification rate is an indicator of the size of the

gas producer needed for a given output. This parameter is strongly

dependent on the type of gas producer and on the fuel. For instance,

values of 100 - 300 kg m2 h -l are considered normal for large coal

updraft gas producers (Gumz, 1952), while values of 225 kg m-2 h-1 to

5000 kg m- 2 h-l are not uncommon in downdraft gas producers operated

with wood, corncobs and charcoal (Jenkins, 1980; Groeneveld, 1982). It

is pointed out that the assessment of the specific gasification rate in

a downdraft gas producer with a throat depends on which cross-sectional

area is used as a reference. Because this is not always speci fled,

there is a high uncertainty of 200 - 300% in reported values. From

Figure 10-44 it can be concluded that the tested open core downdraft gas

producer has a low specific gasification rate for rice hulls of 110 -

210 kg m- 2 h-l similar to that found in coal gasifiers.

Rate of Rice Bull Consumption

The rate of rice hull consumption, on a dry basis, is shown in

Figure 10-45. A range of 2.11 to 4.05 kg h-l for the tested gas flow

rates was observed. It is noted that the volume of producer gas gener-

ated per kg of rice hulls gasified increased from 1.78 m3 h-1 to

2.44 m3 h- 1 with increasing flow rate but with a reduction in energy


It is assumed that the producer gas can be converted into mechanical

shaft power with an overall efficiency of 15% in a small gasoline

engine. The resulting range of horsepower outputs (1.0 to 2.2) is also

shown in Figure 10-45. Because of the lower volumetric efficiency when

• ~Rice Hull Consumption
• ' Horsepower Output

.c 1-
..."' ::l
z ::l
0 0

::>Cl ;!::
tJ)al 0
2 ...,a.
u tJ)
_J 0
_J X

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h- 1 (25"C, I atm)

Figure 10-45. Rate of rice hull consumption, and computed

horsepower output at 15% engine efficiency.

~~ 70

4 6 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE , ml h- 1 ( 25"C, I aim l

Figure 10-46. Degree of rice hull conversion.

operating on producer gas, and the lower energy dens! ty of the gas, a

gasoline engine must have a gasoline rating at least twice the desired

power output when operated on producer gas. Based on evaluations of

past systems, 1.75 - 3.00 kg of rice hulls (as received) were necessary

to generate one horsepower-hour. The results given in Figure 10-45 show

a dry rice hull consumption of 1.76 - 2.0 kg per horsepower hour and are

therefore in agreement with past data.

Degree of Rice Bull Conversion

Due to the high ash content of rice hulls, one has to cope with

large amounts of residue following gasification. The extent to which

rice hulls are reduced in weight following gasification is shown in

Figure 10-46. The theoretical limit of a 78.4% conversion or a 21.6%

residue retention by weight is based on the mineral content. Not all

the minerals stay in the gas producer. The bulk of the mineral matter

has a very high melting point and therefore an even higher boiling

point. However, some fractions are indeed boiled off at lower temper-

atures. The characteristic white spots on the inside walls of a rice

hull gas producer and piping system suggests that at least some silicon

is given up as SiO and is later oxidized to Si02 , which is in the form

of a very fine powder. Based on the assumption that no minerals are

leaving the gas producer, a weight conversion of 66.3% to 76.8% takes

place. It is pointed out that this represents a conversion of 84.6% to

97.9% of the combustible matter C, H, 0, N. The degree to which carbon

was converted is shown in Table 10-7.

Volume Reduction of Rice Bulls

Because of the mode of operation, the volume of residue following

gasification is identical to the volume of the inner steel cylinder. In

fact, the residue is a loosely connected cake of rice hull char. Based

on the experiments, a volume reduction of only 42% to 57% can be

expected (Figure 10-47). Gasification of rice hulls, therefore, is cer-

tainly not a solution to rice hull disposal because 58% to 43% of the

original volume (undisturbed) is present after gasification in the form

of char. It has been previously pointed out that when the fuel bed is

stirred or when the rice hulls are discharged through a rotating grate,

32% - 37% of the initial volume will be occupied by the residue.

Carbon Conversion

The term carbon conversion refers to the degree to which the carbon

in the fuel has been converted into gaseous and liquid products. The

amount of solid carbon carried out in the gas stream is negligible. The

ultimate chemical analysis of the rice hulls was given in Table 10-5.

The ultimate chemical analysis of the residue as a function of the flow

rate is given in Table 10-7. If xf is the weight fraction of carbon in

the rice hulls and xc is the weight fraction of carbon in the residue

then the carbon conversion T is given in percent on a dry basis by:

T = 100 (1 - me xc) where mf and m is the dry mass of the rice hulls
mfxf c

and their residue respectively.

Table 10-7. Residue and Its Chemical Ultimate Analysis

Conversion Species % weight
% c 0 H N Mineral

3.76 67.4 37.78 3.78 0.65 0.29 57.5

4.97 81.1 26.78 3.97 0.16 0.19 68.9

5.74 85.0 22.43 3.31 0.29 0.17 73.8

7.46 87.9 19.34 2.15 0.27 0.14 78.1

8.68 90.3 16.26 2.51 0.22 0.11 80.9

9.9 90.6 15.75 1.55 0.21 0.09 82.4

From Table 10-7 one can conclude that only 67.4% to 90.6% of all the

carbon in the fuel is utilized. It is noted that even at the higher

flow rates (and higher temperatures), moderate amounts of volatiles

are still present in the residue. The residue obtained from the test

with the lowest flow rate has a chemical composition similar to the

residue obtained from low temperature pyrolysis (see Figure 8-7 and


Efficiency of the Process

The efficiency of a gas producer is defined here as:

chemical energy output, cool dry gas

energy input from rice hulls

Because the total volumetric flow was measured as well as the total con-

sumption of rice hulls, n can be computed. The following assumptions

were used:

a) The higher heating value of rice hulls is 15.3 MJ kg-l on a dry

basis (measured).

b) The higher heating value of the gas is used for the chemical

energy output.

The efficiencies, which vary between 55.8 and 66.5%, are shown in Figure

10-48. This efficiency is most commonly called the cold gas efficiency

of a gas producer. It is emphasized that the efficiency curve must

reach a maximum over a range of g~s outputs. At low gas flow rates too

much carbon remains in the rice hulls. At high flow rates, the carbon

utilization is quite good (see Table 10-7), but the chemical energy

content of the gas deteriorates (see Figures 5-23 and 10-41), with a

higher sensible heat fraction.

Gas Cleaning Train


The difficulties encountered in the cleaning of producer gas have

hampered the widespread use of producer gas as an engine fuel. It is

reported that the generation of producer gas from biomass is not a dif-

ficult task. However, much effort is required to generate producer gas

in a form which does not require complicated and expensive gas cleaning

equipment and operates with a low pressure drop.

The present lack of reliable data with respect to the performance of

gas cleaning equipment is mainly due to measurement difficulties and to

the need for expensive monitoring equipment.

As part of this research, several very different methods of gas

cleaning have been tested and are reported by Kaupp (1982). A gas

cleaning train in general must perform several tasks:

a) Cooling of the gas to near ambient temperature.

CD 60
c 50

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h-1 (25°C,I atm)

Figure 10-47. Rice hull volume reduction.

~ 60
3 4 6 7 8 9 10
PRODUCER GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h-1 ( 25"C ,I atm l

Figure 10-48. Efficiencies of the process.

b) Removal of solid particles from the gas stream.

c) Removal of tar vapors and steam from the gas stream.

It is therefore somewhat unreasonable to expect a single device to

accomplish these different tasks.

During the heyday of automotive gas (charcoal) producers, a solid

particle load of 5 - 15 mg m-3 of gas at ambient conditions was an

accepted maximum standard. It was claimed that higher solid particle

loads will result in decreased engine life. It is noted that the raw

gas carries solid particles, tar vapors and steam. No regulations

existed with regard to the allowable amounts of tar vapors and steam in

the gas stream.

The following systems were tested (Kaupp, 1982):

a) Dry packed bed filter (rice hull char).

b) Dry cyclone.

c) Wet cyclone.

d) Sieve plate scrubber in combination with a dry packed bed

filter of rice hull char.

Only option d), which has proven to be a highly efficient combination,

will be analyzed in detail.

Sieve Plate Scrubber and Dry Packed Bed Filter

The system and its dimensions are shown in Figure 10-49. Cooling

alone of the gas by passing it over or through a water film is not ade-

quate for efficient gas cleaning. One of the foremost problems in gas

cleaning is the removal of very fine particles and the separation of tar

mist from the gas stream. The difficulty lies in the condensation of




~---- 20 - - - . !



Figure 10-49. Gas cleaning filter train.

the higher hydrocarbons (tar) at temperatures between 100°C and 400°C.

This tar mist will still remain in the gas stream and will partially

adhere to the wall surfaces and to dust in the gas. These tar vapors

and solid particles give the gas a foggy appearance.

There Is considerable disagreement over how clean producer gas must

be in order to give an internal combustion engine long and trouble-free

operation. However, it is a simple fact that "clean" producer gas, when

observed through a glass viewing port, is completely invisible to the

human eye. This rule of thumb immediately separates the good gas produ-

cers and gas cleaning trains from the poorly functioning systems. It is

noted that "clean" air still contains a sizeable amount of particles as

shown in Table 10-8. Comparing these figures with the requirement that

producer gas has a maximum of 5- 15 mg m-3 (at 25°C), it is clear that

reducing the particulate content of the gas to such low limits is a for-

midable task.

Table 10-8. Particulate Content of Air (SERI)

Air In mg m-3

Rural areas and suburbs 0.5 - 1

Cities 2

Industrial centers 4

Streets with heavy traffic 20

Dusty highways, farm work

with tractors over 200

The purpose of this work was to design a simple, inexpensive, and

reliable gas cleaning apparatus that does not generate an excessive

pressure drop. The excessive pressure drop caused by most gas cleaning

trains is a serious problem. ~ost gas cleaning devices, such as fabric

filters and packed bed filters, are able to clean the gas to a certain

degree, but the excessive· pressure drop caused by these filters makes it

necessary to install a pump between the gas producer and the engine. In

most installations, the engine itself is used to overcome the entire

pressure drop across the gas producer and gas cleaning train, which can

cause a severe drop in the volumetric efficiency of the engine and

therefore a substantial power drop (Kaupp, 1982). Taking all this into

consideration, a sieve plate scrubber followed by a dry bed filter of

rice hull char was chosen.

It is emphasized that efficient tar and fine particle removal

requires a highly atomized water spray and therefore a large surface

area and turbulent motion to impinge the contaminants. In order to

avoid the need for a high pressure water line and a pump, the gas itself

was used to induce turbulent mixing of gas and water.

Designing. sieve plate scrubbers for a given gas flow rate and

pressure drop is an old technology and treated in detail, by Treybal

(1980) and Calvert (1972). The tested scrubber, however, is not a stan-

dard design and has no water flowing across the plate. The hole

diameter, d0 , is 2 mm. The holes are located at the corners of equi-

lateral triangles at a distance d = 4 mm between centers. The ratio of

total are, A, to hole are, A0 , is then given by


(Treybal, 1980). Therefore the area available for the gas flow is 22.6%

of the total cross-sectional area. In order to avoid excessive wall

flow and large bubbles, the sieve plate should be pressed against a

steel ring to get a tight fit at the wall. The entire gas cleaning

train was made from plexiglass in order to observe the motion of water

and gas. A wet sieve plate scrubber can be operated without a con-

tinuous water flow for small units although continuous water flow is

preferred because it enables cooling of the gas to near ambient tem-

perature. The water temperature of the wet scrubber should never reach

the boiling point because the repulsive forces of boiling water will

actually repel the particles instead of collecting them.

The tests reported here were conducted without a continuous water

flow. This is one reason why the space below the sieve plate is rela-

tively large even though this part does not contribute to gas cleaning.

The apparatus was also tested with a continuous water flow during the

gasification of corncobs in the unit shown in Figure 10-28 (Kaupp,


Experimental Procedures and Results

The principle of operation was as follows:

~efore starting the gas producer the sieve plate scrubber is filled

with water to a level 1 - 3 em above the sieve plate depending on the

desired pressure drop and on the gas flow rate. After the gas producer

was started, the incoming raw gas is finely divided by the sieve plate

into many small bubbles. Above the sieve plate a highly turbulent mix-

ture of water and gas (froth) is formed which provides an excellent

environment for impinging tar droplets and solid particles. At the same

time the gas is cooled. T,o/'hen the gas leaves the foam bath it contains

entrained water mist which will be partially eliminated in the packed

bed filter. The packed bed filter is purposely located above the wet

scrubber in order to allow drainage of the collected water back into the

wet scrubber. As the saturated gas cools, the moisture in the gas con-

denses and creates a film covering the rice hull char, which provides

additional particle removal in the dry bed. Gas sampling was done

before and after the gas cleaning train. The continuous gas sampling

before the gas cleaning train was used to determine the moisture content

of the raw gas at the gas exit and the gas composition. The continuous

gas sampling after the gas cleaning train was used to determine the

moisture content and the solid particle content of the gas.

Consequently, the following measurements were taken:

a) Moisture content of the raw gas at the gas exit of the gas pro-


b) Moisture content of the gas after leaving the gas cleaning


c) Particle content and liquid higher hydrocarbon content con-

densing out above 105°C.

d) Pressure drop across the wet sieve plate scrubber.

The tar and solid sampling was done according to EPA Method 115,

which is used to sample the contaminants in stack gases.

Moisture Content of the Raw Gas Before the Gas Cleaning Train

Two sets of tests were performed:

a) The gas was sampled with a stainless steel tube reaching into

the middle of the gas producer (shown in Figure 10-28). The

stainless steel tube was located 5 ern above the wiper grate.

These measurements can therefore be considered a true measure

of the water content of the raw gas as a function of tern-

perature and producer gas output. The results are given in

Figure 10-50.

It is noted that the moisture content data are reported as

grams per m3 of gas at 25°C, and as percent volume. The latter

representation was obtained by assuming that the ideal gas law

holds. If we let m be the mass of water condensed from each

m3 (measured at 25°C) of producer gas in an ice bath, then this

water would occupy a volume of


where p 1 atm and T > 100°C.

3 T • 1
Each m of producer gas occupies a volume Vg =~at temperature T.

Consequently, the water occupies a volume fraction £
vg + v • The

experimental results confirm the general trend outlined in Section 9.4.

The only sources of steam in the gas producer arise from the chemically

bound water in the fuel, the natural moisture present in the rice hulls,

and the water generated by the water shift reaction. The moisture con-

tent of the air has been ignored. Because almost no steam conversion

takes place at lower temperatures (< 700°C), a significantly higher

water content in the raw gas must be expected as shown.

Moisture content of the raw gas obtained from the design shown in

Figure 10-34.

In this test series, the water content of the gas was measured as it

left the gas exit, before entering the wet scrubber. It is noted that

this data is heavily influenced by the following:

a) The temperature at the gas exit.

b) The temperature at the bottom of the gas producer column.

c) The height of the hydraulic water seal, and water evaporated

from it.

The results are given in Table 10-9.

Table 10-9. \-later Content of Raw Gas

Gas Flow Water Content

m3 h-1 -3
s m % volume

3.76 152.6 17.1

4.97 134.6 15.4

5.74 207.5 21.7

7.46 166.2 18.2

8.68 133.0 15.3

9.9 142.2 16.2

In general, one can expect steam contents of 15% - 20% by volume in the

hot raw gas. With respect to the "true" steam content of the raw gas as

shown in Figure 10-50, it is of interest to note that the steam content

decreases with increasing fire zone temperature caused by higher air

input rates.

The approximate temperature of the upward moving fire zone as

observed in the refractory insulated design (Figure 10-28) is shown in

Figure 10-51. The temperatures were measured 1 em away from the wall

and should be viewed as approximate values because thermocouples

reaching into a rice hull bed disturb the fuel bed structure. Due to

these observed temperatures, the design shown in Figure 10·-34 (which

does not have a refractory walt) uses a stainless steel tube as inner


Moisture Content of the Gas After the Gas Cleaning Train

Producer gas leaving a downdraft gas producer will always be

saturated with moisture at temperatures below 100°C. It is therefore of

interest to compute the amount of water released when cooling producer

gas. The specific humidity, w, is rtefined as the ratio of the mass of

water vapor to the mass of noncondensihle gas. Assuming the ideal gas

law holds, we have:

where Mv and Mg are the molecular weights of water and producer gas

respectively. The molecular weights of the measured producer gas are

within the range of 26.8 to 27.9 as shown ln Table 10-6. An average of

..1: ''
.,. '' ..J
' ' .....---- >
...wz ....................... ...z
.................. .! ...wz
a: ........................... 0
liE Vl
90 3~----..J4------~5------6L-----~-----8~----..J 10
PRODUCER GAS RATE,m 3 h- 1 ,(25"C,Iatm)

Figure 10-50. Steam content of the raw gas as a function of gas

flow rate.


4 5 6 8 9
PRODUCER GAS RATE,m3h- 1 ,(25"C,Ialm)

Figure 10-51. Approximate temperature of upward moving fire zone.

27.1 is assumed and therefore w 0.664 p

The relative humidity, ¢, is defined as the ratio of the actual mass of

vapor to the mass of vapor required to produce a saturated mixture.

Therefore ¢ = --- where p is the saturation pressure of the water vapor
Ps s

w p
at the mixture temperature. Consequently ¢
0.664 • ps

Because no vapor pressure curves could be found for producer gas-water

mixtures, the curves for air-water mixtures are used. The computational

error is probably not large since both air and producer gas consist

mainly of nitrogen.

The mass of water vapor carried at ¢ 1 and T 50°C in a producer

gas mixture is therefore:

mass of vapor
mass of mixture
Since ¢ = ~
it follows that P v p 12350 N m and therefore

p. ·= (1.01322)(10 5 ) - 12350 88972 N m- 2


Then w 0.092

and mass of vapor 0.0842

mass of mixture

When cooling down this mixture to 30°C we have mass of vapor 0.029
mass of mixture

Assuming that the mass of gas is preserved during the cooling process,

it is concluded that 1 kg of saturated producer gas at 50°C will release

56.9 grams of water when cooled to 30°C. This calculation demonstrates

that wet scrubbers should operate at near ambient temperatures. It is

noted that the gas leaving a wet scrubber is not only saturated but also

contains water mist.

The moisture content of the gas leaving the sieve plate scrubber and

dry filter arrangement is given in Table 10-10.

Table 10-10. Moisture Content of Producer Gas

after the Gas Cleaning Train

Flow Rate Moisture Content

m3 h-1 m-3 % volume (> l00°C)


2.76 71.59 8.9%

4.97 108.13 12.8%

7.46 213.3 22.2

8.1)8 170.3 18.6

9.9 180.0 19.4

It is noted that the mass of moisture in the gas in Table 10-10 refers

to the amount that was condensed out when cooling the gas from the dry

gas filter exit temperature down to l3°C - l7°C. The results indicate

that at low flow rates the highly absorbent rice hull char can eliminate

a significant amount of moisture. For instance, the dry char filter

material, which weighed 1037 gram before the test, picked up 577 grams

of water at the 4.97 m3 h-l flow rate.

Particle Content of Producer Gas

The particle content of the gas was measured downstream from the

various gas cleaning arrangements, which are listed as follows:

a) Sieve plate scrubber only with no dry bed filter, operated at a

gas flow rate of 7.46 m3 h-l (data point 1).

b) Sieve plate scrubber followed by a dry bed filter filled with

rice hull char (30 em height). A stainless steel wire mesh

demister was placed on top of the rice hull char. Although the

steel wire mesh demister does not aid in gas cleaning, it does

prevent rice hull char from being entrained in the gas stream.

The gas flow was 8.68 m3 h-l and 9.9 m3 h-l (data points 2 and

c) Sieve plate scrubber followed by a dry bed filter filled with

compacted rice hull char (30 em height) and the demister on

top. The gas flow rate was 4.97 and 3.76 m3 h-1 (data points 4

and 5 respectively).

All data for particle content are given in Figure 10-52.

"' I





~ 5 5
0 •
• •

GAS FLOW RATE, m3 h-1 ( 25°C ,I otm I

Figure 10-52. Dust content of gas after gas filter train.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

a) A packed bed of rice hull char will further reduce the solid

particle content of the gas leaving the wet sieve plate

scrubber. This is not obvious if one considers the fact that

rice hull char contains many fine particles that could be

entrained into the gas stream.

b) The particle load in the gas stream was very low for all tested

gas flow rates and was well under the accepted maximum for

engine applications.

The appearance of the fiberglass filter papers used for sampling is

shown in Figure 10-53. All measurements were done with a precision

balance with an accuracy of 10- 5 grams. Due to humidity in the environ-

ment, the mass measured contains an uncertainty factor of ~ 3 mg. This

1 2

3 4
Figure 10-53. Appearance of fiberglass filter papers for
total collection of 1) 2.5 rng; 2) 4.3 rng;
3) 17.4 rng; 4) 33.5 mg .

mass represents the amount of moisture a filter paper carries when

exposed to ambient air.

Pressure Drop Across the Wet Sieve Plate Scrubber

The pressure drop across the sieve plate scrubber is strongly depen-

dent on the following:

a) The dry plate pressure drop.

b) The height of the water above the sieve plate.

c) The elimination of producer gas flow between the rim of the

plate and the wall of the sieve plate scrubber.

The pressure drop across the wet scrubber was kept at 2.5 - 5 em H2 0 at

all flow rates. The pressure drop can be easily regulated by adjustment

of the water level above the sieve plate ( 1 - 3 em). The generated

foam height (2 - 8 em) was sufficient to clean the gas as shown.


The combination of a wet sieve plate scrubber followed by a dry

packed bed filter has proven to be a very successful gas cleaning train.

However to avoid large amounts of water being carried out either in mist

or vapor form it is suggested the sieve plate scrubber be operated at

low temperatures. This may either require very low flow rates for a

given cross section or a modest continuous water replacement.


A total area of sieve plate (m 2 )

A0 hole area of sieve plate (m2)

Cn drag coefficient

d diameter of gas producer, particle diameter, pitch of sieve plate


d0 diameter of sieve plat~ holes (mm)

E volume fraction occupied by the char

g standard gravitational acceleration, 9.81 m s-2

h distance traveled during time t* (em)

Mg molecular weight of producer gas

Mv molecular weight of water

m mass of water condensed out of the gas stream (kg)

me mass of residue (kg)

mf mass of rice hulls (kg)

Pg partial pressure of the gas (N m-2)

Ps saturation pressure of water vapor in alr (N m-2)

Pv partial pressure of water vapor (N m-2)

R rice hull consumption rate (kg h-1, wet basis)

Re Reynolds number

T temperature (°C)

T1 fuel bed temperature CC)

t* time n~eded to reach 99% of the terminal velocity ut (s)

u(t) particle velocity as a function of time (m s- 1 )

ut terminal particle velocity (m s-1)

v8 superficial gas velocity (m s-1)

va actual gas velocity (m s-1)

volume at T 100°C of collected water vapor (m3)

volume at T 100°C of producer gas (m3)

xc mass fraction of carbon in rice hull residue (kg)

Xf mass fraction of carbon in rice hulls (kg)

£ volume fraction occupied by water in a gas-water vapor mixture

£s void space fraction

f:,z height of control volume V (em)

w specific humidity

~ equivalence ratio and relative humidity

n pro d ucer gas v i scos i ty (kg m-1 s-1)

T carbon conversion


1. Allen, T. 1974. Particle Size Measurements. Halsted Press, New


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3. Beagle, E. 1983. Personal communication.

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5. Calvert, s., et. al. 1972. Wet Scrubber System Stl.!dy. Volume I:
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their state of development with special reference to the use of
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8. Heiss, F. and J. Coull. 1952. Chemical Engineering Progress

48(3) :133-140.

9. Jenkins, B.M. 1980. Downdraft gasification characteristics of

major California residue-derived fuels. PhD Thesis in
Engineering, University of California, Davis.

10. Kaupp, A. 1982. Technical reports Ill - 14 to the Briggs and

Stratton Corporation.

11. Peiyi, Jia, et. al. 1982. Utilization of agricultural wastes for
energy conversion and product processing. FAO Bangkok Report
RAPA No. 61.

12. Rambush, N.E. 1923. Modern Gas Producers. Van Nostrand Company,
New York.

13. Reed, T. 1983. Personal communication. Solar Energy Research

Institute, Golden, Colorado.

14. "Buck" Rogers Company. 1983. Personal communication.

15. Reines, R. 1982. Personal communication. Open University at

Milton Keynes, Great Britain.

16. Schillar, L. and A.Z. Nauman. 1933. Verein Deutsche Ingenieure

Journal 77:318.

17. Schlapfer, P. and J. Tobler. 1937. Theoretische und praktische
Untersuchungen uber den Betrieb von Motor Fahrzeugen Mit Holzgas.
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur das Studium der ~otorbrennstoffe,

18. SERI. 1981. Gengas, the Swedish classic on wood-fueled vehicles.

Tipi t.ror'kshop Boo'ks, Allenspark, Colorado 80510.

19. Skov, N.A. and M.L. Papworth. 1975. The Pegasus Unit. Pegasus
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20. Treybal, R. 1981. Mass Transfer Operations. McGraw-Hill

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fuel gas from agricultural residue experiments with a laboratory-
scale gas producer.


Air injection 243-245

Air-to-fuel ratio 260
Ash analysis 125
Ash removal syst~m 217,221,224-236

Balestra updraft gas producer 216-220

Biomass ultimate chemical analysis 16
Blot 1\lumber 172

Carbon conversion efficiency 275

Channel formation 134
C-H composition of fuels 162
Characteristic length 171
Charcoal production 162-163
Char load in raw gas 93
Chemical energy 3
Chemlcally bound water 179
Chemistry of gasification 50-98
Chinese rice hull gas producer 221-224
Combustion 10
Computer programs 64-73
Condensable products 63
Control volume 100
Cyclone 279

Degree of rice hull conversion 273

Design considerations 213-215
Oevolat llizat ion 55
Diffusion flame 160
Dispersion tensor 84
Dry bed filter 280

Efficiency of a gas producer 277

Energy equation 86-87
Equilibrium constant 51-62
Equivalence ratio A 90
Equivalence ratio ~ 3,261
Ergun equation 138

Flame temperatures
coruputed 87-94
measured 94
Formation reactions 51
Free radicals 165

Gas cleaning train 7,277-297

Gas coruposition 262,267
Gas exit design 237-242

H/C ratio of producer gas 10
Health hazards 167
Higher heating value of producer gas 76,268,270
Higher hydrocarbons 166
History 22-49

Ignition Advancement 9
Internal combustion engines 8-10
Intrinsic gasification rate 59

Light oils 165

Linear adsorption isotherm 85
Measurement accuracy 116
Mechanis~ of pyrolysis 165
Melting point
minerals 120
rice hulls 124
biomass fuels 124
~ethane content 264-265
Moisture content
r'iw gas 285-287
rice hulls
Molten Silica 129
Open core gas producer 251-260

Parameters involved in gasification 17

Particle cont~nt, producer gas 2<n-292
Pellets 129,131,158
Phase diagrams
Power output 12
J:>resure drop
system 132-135
sieve plate 293
Products of combustion 91
~roximate '!nalysis 56
Pyrolysis 2,160-133
char composition 175
char heating value 181
experimental set up 169
governing theory 165-166
gas composition 173
products of, 161
product distribution 177
process efficiency 181
rapid (flash) 64
test apparatus 173

Range of gases so
Rapid Pyrolysis 164
Reaction zones 53
Reversible reactions 59
Rice hulls
apparent density 107-110
bulk density 103,111
ash content 50,56,68,106
caking of, 118-121 '130-131
char 135,140-142,1 49,175-182
cross section 114
fixed carbon 56
flow properties 148-149,246-2 56
heat-up period 170-172
higher heating value 181
inner surface 152
micrographs 148-159
moisture content 73,199
outer surface 150-154
particle diameter 139
pore structure 100,110,158
proximate analysis 56
weight of, 115
rate of consumption 273
shape 114
size distribution 141-143
size reduction 156,215,275
slagging of, 121-131
surface area 112-114
surface roughness 113,138
tar formation 162,168,179
true density 103-106
ultimate chemical analysis 106,180
volatile matter 175-177,181,2 76

Sieve plate scrubber 280

Softening temperatures, biomass 124
Soot formation 11 '160
Species concentration equation 80-85
Specific gasification rate 271
Steam dissociation 198-209
degree of conversion 206
gas composition 208
models 207-209
Superficial gas velocity 132-137,269

conversion efficiency 197-199
conversion mechanis~ 186
.cracking in downdraft gas producer 184,187-199
energy content 13
experimental set up for cracking 192-196
measured in producer gas 185
production 164
r~lease during pyrolysis 164-166
re111oval 13
thermal cracking 13
Terminal velocity of particles 242

Updraft gas producer 57

fire zone 262
fuel bed 262
profile 136
Volume averaging 81
Volume reduction of rice hulls 275


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