Eff - RD V.eff V.eff V.eff V, Eff V.eff: OK!!! OK!!! 1.0 OK!!!

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Project Title:

Element: Aluminium Bolts
COP: Eurocode 9 Part 1-1: DD ENV 1999-1-1:2000

Table 3.4: Minimum guaranteed values of 0.2% proof strengthƒ0.2 and ultimate strength ƒu for Bolts, solid and hollow rivets
Material: Aluminium alloy
Type of fasterner Alloy Grade Temper ƒ0.2 ƒu
0.2% Proof strength Ultimate strength
N/mm² N/mm²
Solid Rivets 5056A O 145 270
5086 O 100 240
6082 T4 (Cold Driven) - 200
T6 (Cold Driven) - 295
Hollow Rivets 5154A O or F - 215
Bolts 6082 T6 260 310
6061 T6 245 310
2017A T4 250 380
7075 T6 440 510

Material: Stainless Steel

Type of fasterner Alloy Grade Temper ƒ0.2 ƒu
0.2% Proof strength Ultimate strength
N/mm² N/mm²
Bolts A4 A4-50 210 500
A4 A4-70 450 700
A4 A4-80 600 800

4.2.3 (1)- Recoverable elastic deflection

δ0 =
δ1 =
δ2 =
δmax = δ0 + δ1 + δ 2 = 0 mm

4.2.4 Calculation of elastic deflection

Igr =
Ieff =
σgr =
ƒo =
Ifig = #DIV/0!

6.1.1 (2) Partial Safety Factor ƳM

Bolted Connections: ƳMb = 1.25
Riveted Connections: ƳMr = 1.25
Pin Connections: ƳMp = 1.25
Welded Connections: ƳMw = 1.25
Slip Connections: ƳMs = See

Adhesive Bonded Connections: Ƴma = 3

Thickness of the thinner connected part, t = 10 mm

Bolt Diamter, d = 12 mm
Force Category (Tension or Compression) Compression
Fasterner Hole, d o = 12 mm
Minimum End Distance, e1min = 14.4 mm (1.2do)
Normally End Distance, e1normal = 24 mm (2.0do)
Maximum End Distance, e1max = 36 mm (3.0do)
Minimum Edge Distance,e2min = 18 mm (1.5do)
Maximum End or Edge Distance, emax = 80 mm (40mm+4t, exposed to weather)
Maximum End or Edge Distance, emax = 150 mm (12t or 150mm whichever is larger, other case)
Minimum spacing, p1min = 26.4 mm (2.2do)
Normally spacing, p1normal = 30 mm (2.5do)
Minimum spacing, p2min = 28.8 mm (2.4do)
Normally spacing, p2normal = 36 mm (3.0do)
Maximum spacing, p1max = 140 mm (lesser of 14t or 200mm, for compression force only)
Maximum spacing, p1max = 280 mm (inner row, for tension force) Design shear rupture resistance

Effective resistance of block shear, V eff.Rd = 209.89 kN ((ƒo/sqrt(3))(A v.eff/ƳM1), ƳM1 = 1.1)
Effective shear area, A v.eff = 1290 mm (tL v.eff)
Effective shear length, L v,eff = 129 mm (Lv+L1 +L2 but Lv.eff<L3)
Number of fastener holes in the shear face, n = 3
a1 = 35 mm
a2 = 35 mm
a3 = 50 mm
Lv = 80 mm
k= 0.5 (0.5 for single row bolts, 2.5 for 2 rows bolts)
ƒu = 310 N/mm²
ƒo = 310 N/mm²
L1 = 35 mm (a1 but L1 < 5d)
L2 = 29 mm (a2 - kd 0,t)(ƒu/ƒo)
L3 = 129 mm (Lv+a1+a3 but L3+a1+a3-nd0,v)(ƒ u/ƒo) Angles and angles with bulbs

Width and Depth of equal angle, b = 75 mm

Thickness of connected part, t = 5 mm
End distance, e1 = 40 mm
Edge distance, e2 = 30 mm
Spacing, p 1 = 60 mm
Ultimate strength of angle, ƒu = 310 N/mm²
with 1 bolt:
A1 = 150 mm²
Design ultimate resistance,N u,Rd = 74.4 kN (2*A 1ƒu)/ƳM2

with 2 bolts:
Reduction factors, β2 = 0.7
Anet = 315 mm² (b*t-d o*t)
Design ultimate resistance,N u,Rd = 54.7 kN

with 3 bolts or more:

Reduction factors, β3 = 0.7
Anet = 315 mm² (b*t-d o*t)
Design ultimate resistance, N u,Rd = 54.7 kN

Bolt Connection Design to Eurocode

Location: Detail 4

Design forces:
Ultimate shear force, V ed = 0.5 kN
Ultimate tension force, Fed = 0.715 kN

1) SS A4 M12 anchorage and tension capacity design

Bolt Information:
Bolt Size, d = 12 mm
Bolt Type = Stainless Steel
Ultimate tensile strength of bolt material, ƒub = 500 N/mm²
Section area of bolt , A = 113.112 mm²
Tension resistance of Stainless Steel Bolt, F t,Rd = 27 kN OK!!!
Shear resistance of Stainless Steel Bolt, Fv.Rd = 23 kN OK!!!
= 0.041 < 1.0 OK!!!

*Use prokon to check allowable embedment length.

2) Block shear check at 150x75x7mm thk angle bracket using M10 bolt and nut

Bolt Information:
Bolt Size, d = 10 mm
Bolt Type = Stainless Steel
Ultimate tensile strength of bolt material, ƒub = 500 N/mm²
Section area of bolt , A = 78.55 mm²
Tension resistance of Stainless Steel Bolt, F t,Rd = 19 kN OK!!!
Shear resistance of Stainless Steel Bolt, Fv.Rd = 16 kN OK!!!
= 0.059 < 1.0 OK!!!

Block shear resistance:

Edge distance of connected part, e2 = 40 mm
Thickness of connected part, t = 7 mm
Ultimate tensile strength of connected part, ƒub = 410 N/mm²
Design ultimate block shear resistance,N u,Rd = 183.68 kN OK!!!
Project: Bedok Food City
Location: Staircase A - M
Design Element: Wall Mounted Railing

Design Forces:
Horizontal Force, FH = 0.740 kN/m [NA to SS EN1991-1-1:2008, Table NA.8]
Partial Safety Factor on Action = 1.5
Design Horizontal Force. FH.ed = 1.110 kN/m
Span from Fixed Support, L = 0.07 m
Vertical Railing Spacing, L = 1.00 m
Design Load Width, Lload = 1.00 m
Designed Point Load, Fed = 1.110 kN [Apply on top of railing]
Design Moment for Horizontal Member, M ed.horizontal = 0.139 kN.m [At mid point]
Design Moment for Support Member, Med.vertical = 0.078 kN.m [At Fixed End]
Design Shear Force for Horizontal Member, Ved.horizontal = 0.555 kN [At Support]
Design Shear Force for Support Member, Ved.vertical = 1.110 kN [At Fixed]
Allowable Deflection, δallow = 25 mm [For Railing]

Material Properties:
Steel Grade = S275
Yield Strength, fy = 275 N/mm²
Ultimate Strength, fu = 430 N/mm²
Modulus of Elasticity, E = 210000 N/mm²
Poisson's Ratio, ν = 0.3
Shear Modulus, G = 80769 N/mm²

Horizontal Member Design:

Section Outer Diameter, dout = 48.3 mm
Section Inner Diameter, dinner = 42.3 mm
Section Thickness, t = 3 mm
Cross Section Area, A = 427 mm²
Elastic Section Modulus, Wel.xx,yy = 4555 mm³
Plastic Section Modulus, Wpl.xx,yy = 6165 mm³
Second Moment of Area, Ixx,yy = 110010 mm4
ɛ= 0.924
Ratio of d/t = 16.10
Section Classification = Class 1
Shear Area, Avy = 272 mm²
Plastic Shear Resistance, Vpl.y.Rd = 43 kN Shear OK, No reduction of fy required.
Plastic Moment Resistance, Mpl.y.Rd = 1.7 kN.m Bending OK
Actual Maximum Deflection , δmax = 0.42 mm < Allowable Deflection, OK
Support Member Design:
Section Outer Diameter, dout = 12.0 mm
Cross Section Area, A = 113 mm²
Elastic Section Modulus, Wel.xx,yy = 170 mm³
Plastic Section Modulus, Wpl.xx,yy = 288 mm³
Second Moment of Area, Ixx,yy = 1018 mm4
ɛ= 0.924
Ratio of d/t = 1.00
Section Classification = Class 1
Shear Area, Avy = 72 mm²
Plastic Shear Resistance, Vpl.y.Rd = 11 kN Shear OK, No reduction of fy required.
Plastic Moment Resistance, Mpl.y.Rd = 0.08 kN.m Bending OK
Actual Maximum Deflection , δmax = 0.40 mm < Allowable Deflection, OK

Anchorage Design at Support

Existing Concrete Compressive Strength, fcu = 25 N/mm2
Bond Condition = Poor
Design value for Bond Stress, fbd = 1.9 N/mm2
Required Anchorage Length, lb.rqd = 15.49 mm *Provide 70mm anchorage!!

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