BISCAST 98, Peñafrancia Ave, Naga, Camarines Sur

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Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology

BISCAST 98, Peñafrancia Ave, Naga, Camarines Sur



Content Standard: the students must learn about the desired outcomes and competencies for
all future teachers in the teacher education curriculum.

Performance Standard: the students independently know the reflection on the future teachers
in the light of OBE.

Learning Competency: Educators/Teachers

I. Objectives
a. To learn about the desired outcomes and competencies for all future teachers in
the teacher education curriculum.
b. To know the reflection on the future teachers in the light of OBE.

II. Content: Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum Anchored On OBE

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Google meet
Reference: Curriculum development for teachers (2014) - J Purita P. Bilbao, Ed.
Filomena T. Dayagbil

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Greetings!
Good Morning Class! Good morning Ma’am!

2. Prayer
Everybody please stand and let
us pray (the teacher will ask one (one student will lead the prayer)
student in the class to lead the
prayer) In the name of the Father, of the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Praise be the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Now and
Forever. Amen.

3. Classroom Management
Okay class, please open your
(the teacher will ask the students (the students will open their camera)
to open their camera)
4. Checking of Attendance
Let me check first the attendance (the students will open their mic and say
say present if you are around. present as the teacher calls in their

B. Motivation
 The teacher will ask the students

(Before we proceed to our next (the student will response)

lesson, we will have first the recap, Ma’am, last meeting we discuss about
who can still remember our last the outcomes based education for
topic? teacher preparation curriculum

Very good!

C. Activity
Before we formally start with the (the students will actively participate)
discussion I will ask the students to
group themselves and share their (Sharing )
ideas about the desired outcomes
and competencies for all future
teachers in the teacher education

D. Analysis

So Class, are you familiar to those Yes, Ma’am!


So, what do you think is our lesson Ma’am, it’s all about Enhanced Teacher
today? Education Curriculum Anchored On OBE

Very good, you have an idea.

E. Abstraction
“ma’am Demonstrate basic and higher
So, what are the Desired outcomes of levels of literacy for teaching and
the teacher education programs? learning”

“ma’am Demonstrate deep and principled

That is correct! Any other else? understanding of the teaching and
learning process”
“ma’am” Articulate and apply clear
Very good, What else? understanding of how educational
processes relate to political, social and
cultural context

Very good,
 There are different IDEAL graduate of Ma’am! Multiliterate teacher understands
the teacher education program as a new the many ways that technology interacts
breed of teachers what are those? and intertwines with academic and
interpersonal life.

Very good! and actively learns how to Ma’am Highly skilled teachers are one of
gain control over those aspects the single most important influences on
impacting teaching, social, and student success
professional development.
Any other answers?

That is correct! How about innovative Ma’am ! Innovative teachers know how
teacher, anyone? important it is to allow students to explore
their own creative potential. ... They
savour opportunities to learn new things
are not afraid to take risks in their
learning and teaching. They do not view
mistakes as failures, but as opportunities
to grow and try again.

Very good!! that is one of my favourite Yes ma’am, This framework provides a
ideal. That’s correct! Do you have any better guide for all teacher professional
idea with NCBTS or National development programs.
Competency Based Teachers Standard?

Alright that’s the perfect answer for that, None po ma’am

thank you class! Do you have any
questions? Clarifications?
F. Application

The teacher will ask the students to

state their desired outcomes and
competencies written in a one half
sheet of paper

‘Ok so let’s see if you really understand Crystal clear ma’am !

our lessons.’

We will have an activity please get one

half sheet of paper and state your
desired outcomes and competencies.
Clear class?

G. Evaluation

Fill in the balnks : 10 ITEMS

1. Practice professional and _______


2. Apply a wide range of ________

related skills. 1.Ethical
3. Demonstrate deep and principled 3.Learning
understanding of the teaching and 4.Political
_______ process 5.Innovate
4. Articulate and apply clear 7.Master
understanding of how educational 8.Demonstrate
processes relate to ________, social and 9.Learning
cultural context 10.Subject matter

5. Create and _______ alternative

teaching approaches.

6. Experience direct field and ______


7. ______ and apply subject matter.

8. _________ basic and higher levels of

literacy for teaching and learning.

9. Pursue continuously lifelong ______.

10. Master and apply __________

IV. Assignment
study the next topic after the topic about “ ENHANCED TEACHER EDUCATION

Prepared by:

Niña joy A. Malipot

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