The 2018 Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
The 2018 Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
The 2018 Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions
Recruitment and selection of civil servant is an effort of the Government of Indonesia to get
a competent civil servants. The 2018 recruitment and selection of civil servant process was
using merit system that is conducted online. But in its implementation, there are still many
problems found at the Ministries / Institutions and Regional Government levels. This article
discusses the issues in the 2018 recruitment and selection of civil servant process, and how
ideally the process is supposed to be carried out. The method used in this article is literature
review, both from journal articles, news articles, and other data that support research. The
findings of the study show that the implementation of the 2018 recruitment and selection of
civil servant still leaves some problems. But in this article, authors focuses on problems that
are not getting much attention from many parties, such as the lack of attention from
government to the needs of employees with future potential, and the subjectivity of the
selectors in the interview process. The researcher recommends that the government needs to
apply the concept of future potential skills in recruiting prospective civil servants and blind
interviews to recruit a competent candidates. This article has limitations because it only uses
literature review methods so it is necessary to do an actual research in order to produce
research that is closer to the actual reality.
the 2018 civil servants recruitment and selection; future potential skills; blind interviews
In this article, the author will focus on evaluating the implementation of Recruitment
and Selection of civil servants (CPNS) of the Republic of Indonesia for Fiscal Year 2018. The
author will describe some of the problems in the recruitment and selection process, and how
the standard of a recruitment and selection process is carried out based on literature that
already exists.
In an organization, both public and private, the existence of human resources is the
most crucial factor, because human resources play a large role and have control over other
resources. The better thehuman resources that existing in the organization, the better the
needs to carry out a good recruitment and selection. Recruitment and selection are steps to
find, choose, and attract human resources who have the characteristics that needed by the
organization (Osoian & Zaharie, 2014). The employee recruitment process is an important
step to achieving quality human resources (Breaugh & Starke, 2000). Besides, recruitment
and selection is the main gate to advance organizational performance, so that the
To get a good quality human resources, changes are needed in the employee
recruitment and selection process. By making changes to the recruitment and selection
process, organizations can strengthen their competitiveness in the labor market. Changes
that needed to be done are, include; procedural changes namely simplifying and legalizing the
application process for prospective workers; improvement in the recruitment and selection
the use of technology in recruitment and selection (Lavigna & Hays, 2004).
private organizations (Zhang, Xu, & Zhang, 2015). Recruitment and selection in public
organizations are more formal. Besides, the time needed by public organizations in the
recruitment process also tends to be longer than private organizations. Recruitment and
selection in public organizations often take several months to complete, whereas recruitment
and selection of employees in private organizations only require days (Zhang, Xu, & Zhang,
HR control arrangements that are centralized and enforce many rigid rules are often
inhibit and weaken the potential of employees. One of the most positive developments in
can give regional governments broad powers to regulate human resource management
Besides that, the last change is the use of technology. For job applicants, the existence
of technology helps to make it easier for prospective applicants to see job vacancies, due to a
large number of job vacancies advertised via digital. By using technology and several filters,
we get to know the candidate's profile very well before the first interview (Mirela & Voicu,
If an organization does not use new techniques in the recruitment and selection
process, it will be left behind by other organizations. However, in the adoption of a new
recruitment and selection strategy, it must be adapted to the conditions of each organization
(Lavigna & Hays, 2004). Public organizations are often influenced by the principle of
equality, relying more on collectivist and egalitarian values than private organizations
(Özbilgin & Tatli, 2011).These traditional public sector values require that all employees
should be treated equally and accept the same opportunities to growth (Boselie &
Thunnissen, 2015).
In the process of the 2018 Recruitment and Selection for civil servant in Indonesia,
the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people is very high. Noted by the number of applicants
reached 2,572,891 people (Arnani,, 2018). The high enthusiasm of the people is
none other than the believes that working in the public sector, especially in government,
provides a more secure future guarantee. Wages and benefits received are the first factors
considered by prospective employees in the public sector. The benefits of working in the
public sector, in this case, as a civil servants in Indonesia, are considered to be far better than
the private sector (Berman, Bowman, West, & Wart, 2010). In Indonesia, a civil servant will
still get paid even though the employee has retired, or commonly called a pension fund.
Besides, several other reasons on why the public sector is way more interestingfor a
different branches of the local and central government and the international arena;
3. To build a career and personal development skills that they can use throughout their
6. To get a sense of responsibility towards others and things that are a common
To implemented the recruitment and selection civil servant in Indonesia, the
qualifications using processes that analyze work competence and emphasizes application
procedures transparently. The merit system requires a series of tests to review work
Bowman, West, & Wart, 2010). Merit-based selection is usually used in the recruitment and
selection of non-executive positions. The merit system will provide fairness to competing
candidates for employees, and guarantee the minimum competencies and qualifications that
In Indonesia, in 2018, the Government of Indonesia held the largest recruitment and
selection of civil servant throughout Indonesia’s history, with a quota reaching 238,015
formations. The government carries out national recruitment and selection with an online-
based merit system through the portal. Recruitment and selection of client
systems have great advantages, because online systems can reach prospective employees
more widely with minimal costs, and tend to be easier to reach (Berman, Bowman, West, &
Wart, 2010) prospective employees throughout Indonesia. Data from the Merit System
Protection Board (MSPB), shows that the online system in recruitment is the second most
influential method after the recruitment method by the network of friends or relatives (Merit
In the 2018’s Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servant selection process, there are
Kompetensi Dasar-SKD) with a Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system; and Field Competency
Indonesia through the Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) claims that the implementation of
recruitment and selection of CPNS FY 2018 has been carefully prepared and was running
well. However, some findings in the field, tells that the recruitment and selection process of
Civil Servant 2018 are still experiencing some problems. In terms of employee recruitment,
the problems that are often faced come from three forms, namely: constraints that originate
from the organization concerned; the obstacles of the prospective employees themselves;
and external factors constraints originating from the environment in which the organization
organizations often have difficulty in determining the right candidate given that many
candidates are available but only a few are qualified according to organizational standards.
Yet to form a good public organization also requires good employees (Lavigna & Hays,
2004). So far, public organizations are often less competitive in recruiting competent
employees than private organizations. In the recruitment and selection process of private
organizations, they will put forward high-quality standards for prospective employees to
get the best candidates. Indeed, in the 2018 recruitment and selection of Civil Servant, the
government has set a passing grade, but in the course of the selection process, the
government actually reduced the passing grade because many participants did not reach the
passing grade limit that had been determined in the selection process at the Basic
Among the problems that were most complained (according the research results of
the researcher while interview with 5 participant recruitment and CPNS selection 2018)
about in the 2018 recruitment and selection process of Civil Servant were related to the
changes in the selected schedule that were uncertain. However, in this paper, the researcher
detected several problems that were less of a public concern, including government policies
through the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) who
decided to reduce the passing grade threshold after the Basic Competency Selection (Seleksi
Kompetensi Dasar-SKD) test was held because the number of candidates who do not pass the
specified passing grade limit. The policy raises a big question, that the government is
looking for qualified and competent employees, or is the government only looking for
employees to fill the vacancy? If it is true that the government is looking for qualified and
competent employees, the government should not reduce the passing grade limit that has
been set previously. This policy shows that the government pays little attention to the
The development of the times, the challenges in the selection and recruitment
process are increasingly complex. Among them is, how through the selection and
recruitment process, an organization gets candidates for future potential, not only for
current skills. Future potential in the recruitment process is how an organization looking for
candidates who have the ability to deal with changing times. However, public organizations
today, usually only looking for candidates with current skill criteria or employees who only
have the ability to meet current needs, in other words, the short-term ability of an employee.
In fact, organizations that only see employees for current needs will be difficult to deal with
change. Therefore, future potential candidates are needed to be ready, fast, and responsive
The second problem that concerns the researcher is the bias of the selection team's
assessment in the interview process. The interview is a crucial stage in an employee selection
process. In this stage, the selectors can directly assess prospective employees. Prospective
employees are also required to show their best performance in the interview process.
However, the interview process was filled with bias in the evaluation team's selection. The
existence of a biased assessment can make the prospective employees who are competent
and qualified will lose competitiveness with ordinary prospective employees. For this
reason, a new breakthrough is needed in the 2018 Recruitment and SelectionCivil Servant
Another case with South Korea. The South Korean government has reformed human
resources so that civil services in South Korea can be more responsive and accountable to the
public. One type of human resource reform, is the new employee recruitment system (Kim
P. S., 2000). The South Korean government is now considering drastic changes to the civil
language tests and talent methods will be used in the form of the Public Service Aptitude Test
(PSAT). Also, intensive interviews will be used to test the applicant's actual work capacity in
The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the problems in the 2018 recruitment
and selection of civil servantand the ideal concept of a recruitment and selection process in
public organizations. By using a case study approach to explore issues, problems, or events
to be able to understand the problem well (Creswell, 2015). To obtain data, researchers
conducted un-depth interviews with 6 participants.Which were divided to, 3 speakers were
participants who did not qualify for the 2018 recruitment and selection of civil servants; and
3 people were participants who passed the 2018 recruitment and selection of civil servants.
In the case study approach, researchers cannot rely on just one data, because it will not be
enough to develop a deep understanding of a case. Therefore, to help analyzing the case that
researchers found, researchers conducted a literature review study on the ideal recruitment
and selection conducted by a public organization to get qualified, competent, and human
about a particular field of study, including theories, phenomena, and methods, and provide
a new framework (Randolph, 2009). In a literature review study, researchers gather theories
and findings from existing studies, to analyze the findings in case studies.
The Problems of the 2018 Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants
In this subchapter, the author will write about the problems that occur during the
process of the recruitment and selection of civil servants 2018 in Indonesia. Among the
common problems that occur in the field are the availability of facilities and infrastructure,
selection. In some regions, in the eastern part of Indonesia, for example, recruitment was
only carried out in Makassar City, while other Eastern Indonesia regions were unable to
carry out the recruitment and selection process due to the limitations of computer
This causes, the online concept launched by the government is considered to be less
than optimal. The general purpose of the online process is actually how a person can access
making the applicants must travel long distances to be able to follow the selection process.
Test (CBT) based on Basic Competency Selection (Seleksi Kompeteni Dasar-SKD) in the Capital
Another problem is the problem of the scientific discipline of the participants. For
example, the disciplines needed are automotive mechanical engineering, applicants with a
concentration in automotive mechanical engineering, can not pass the selection, and are
immediately eliminated because the applicant's education certificate is not specifically
The more specific issues that the author will discuss are the Basic Competency
Selection (SKD) and Interview Selection stages in the 2018 recruitment and selection of civil
The recruitment of civil servants in 2018 is one of the efforts to procure employees
made by the government after the moratorium on civil servants acceptance policies. The
determination of the needs of civil servants and the implementation of the selection of 2018
concerning Criteria for Determining the Needs of Civil Servants and the Implementation of
2018 Civil Servant Candidates. In the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic
Reform Regulation, the total allocation of determination of needs for central and regional
agencies is 238,015 with details of 51.271 central agencies and 186,744 regional agencies.
(SKB), and interviews. The SKD implementation in 2018 uses the same Computer Assisted
Test (CAT) system as in 2017. To be able to participate in the further selection, SKD
participants must exceed the passing grade that has been determined in the recruitment of
Indonesia has many records that need to be considered to improve the future recruitment
and selection of civil servants. These problems include the results of the selection from the
second stage of registration of civil servants, namely the Basic Competency Selection (SKD)
is very low and quite alarming. Based on data from the 2018 civil service national selection
committee, out of 1,724,990 who took part in the SKD, only 128,236 met the passing grade.
This causes many formations that are threatened could not be filled because many test takers
do not meet the qualifications. Most of the formation that is threatened are for the position
Basic Competency Selection (SKD) is one of the stages of the selection of civil
servants. Based on the page, the SKD implementation uses the Computer
Assisted Test (CAT) system. To pass this stage is determined by a passing grade. SKD value
weights 40 percent. Each SKD participant must do 100 questions. The questions consisted of
35 questions on the National Insight Test (Tes Karakteristik Pribadi-TWK), 30 questions on the
General Intelligence Test (Tes Karakteristik Pribadi-TIU), and 35 questions on the Personal
Regulation (PANRB Ministerial Regulation) No. 37 of 2018 concerning the SKD Threshold
Value for CPNS Procurement Year 2018, the passing grade is set at a total of 298, with a TKP
detail of 143, TIU of 143 80 and TWK of 75. Participants who qualify are those who can break
the total number and score of each item. If there is a participant who passes one or two
components but does not in the others components, then he does not qualified. This
condition made the participants who did not pass feel disappointed, and really hoped that
the passing grade would belowered so that many could had more chance to pass the
Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, Setiawan Wangsaatmadja, the passing grade for SKD
participants from the general lane applicant group was the same as last year. Test takers
must understand how many passing grades are needed in each lane, for example, public
lane, cumlaude and diaspora (a nation of a child who has a career abroad or a nation who
has performed well abroad bearing the name of Indonesia) (Saputri, Tips Pahami Passing
Setiawan Wangsaatmaja previously stated that the graduation rate of civil servants
in 2018 was only 10 percent. The data was taken after 60 percent of data entered in the SKD
exam as of November 13, 2018. This graduation rate is lower than last year which reached 20
percent. Vice President, Jusuf Kalla said there were 1.8 million participants in the selection of
civil servants out of a total of four million applicants. However, based on the report of the
Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, only around 8 percent or 100
thousand participants passed the SKD test. Even though the government needs 200
thousand people (Cahyani, Tes CPNS 2018 Banyak yang Gagal, JK Ungkit Mutu Pendidikan,
CPNS National Selection Committee will announce a new passing grade. This policy was
adopted to address the number of CPNS selection exam participants who did not pass the
passing grade in the basic competency selection (SKD) stage. Therefore, the passing grade
Mohammad Ridwan said the proposed reduction in passing grade for SKD test was also
Ridwan explained, the proposal came from various parties, ranging from the
Indonesia; Ministry of Education and Culture; and various ministries and other institutions.
Besides, the proposal is to prevent a vacancy in formations that are considered vital such as
teachers, doctors, and technical staff. Ridwan described the failure of applicants to meet the
passing grade for eastern Indonesia as much as 90 percent, 70 percent for central Indonesia,
ranking system as an alternative to the SKD test graduation criteria for civil servants
selection participants. The system was implemented because of the limited number of the
2018 civil servants' graduation participants and the disparity in graduation results between
regions that had the potential to not fulfilled the needs/formations. For the implementation
Servants in the Selection of Civil Servants in 2018. The new rules regarding the ranking
system are set not to change or cancel the previous regulation, but to strengthen the Minister
Number 61/2018 it is emphasized, 2018 civil servant selection participants who follow the
SKD can proceed to the SKB stage with the condition that SKD participants meet the
threshold value based on PAN-RB Ministerial Regulation Number 37 of 2018 and SKD
participants does not meet the threshold value but has the best ranking of the cumulative
This provision applies if there are no SKD participants who meet the threshold value
Year 2018 on the requirements/formations that have been determined, or the number of SKD
participants who have not met the threshold value based on the Ministerial Regulation No.
filter more employees according to the 2018 civil servant formation needs (Dharmaningtias,
Other problems that received less attention from the public in Recruitment and
Selection of Civil Servant 2018 are about the subjectivity of the selection organizer, especially
in the interview selection process, and the tendency of the government that is not futuristic,
namely the government only focuses on finding employees with the ability and expertise in
accordance with the needs At present organizations, the government does not pay attention
to how the competency needs of workers will be needed in the future (future skills).
The availability of civil servants candidate participant data held by the selectors in
the interview process encourages the interviewer to have a first impression on the selection
participants, such as information from where the participants came from, or the latest
educational background information from the selected participants. A participant who has
completed his education at one of the leading universities in Indonesia will usually get a
plus point from the selection team. While other participants who completed their education
at universities that are not well-known, tend not to get a plus point. Besides, an important
question from the author is, how does the government as the organizer of the 2018 Selection
of Civil Servant ensure that the interviewer has good qualifications to select participants? It
is deemed necessary that the organizers of 2018 recruitment and selection of civil servants
have competency standards that must be possessed by the interviewer to avoid the
Future Potential Skills
Civil Servants are the basis for implementing reforms in achieving good governance
to carry out government tasks and development tasks to achieve aprosperous society (Akny,
2014). Until now, the recruitment and selection of Civil Servants in Indonesia are still
11/2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants, that Management of Civil Servants is the
management of civil servants to produce civil servants who are professional, have basic
values, professional ethics, free from political intervention, free from corrupt practices,
As a step towards realizing clean, competent, and serving Civil Servants, every Civil
Servant must have basic competencies and field competencies following the demands of his
position and role as government administrators and community service. Through Ministry
Passing Grade for Basic Competency Selection for Procurement of Prospective Civil Servants
in 2018, the government regulates the threshold value of Basic Competency Selection to
However, the results of the SKD test are very low and quite alarming. Then the
an alternative to the SKD passing criteria for civil servant selection participants. With this
policy, it can filter out employees according to the needs of the 2018 civil servant formation.
This policy indicates that the government is less committed in the effort to recruit qualified
and competent employees. The government needs to identify what skills will be lost and
also anticipate how future labor needs may change (Hays, Kearney, & Coggburn, 2009).
Therefore, the government needs to change the employee recruitment system with the
The concept of future potential can be used to overcome public organizations that
tend to look for current skill employees. One effort that can be done to strengthen the
concept of future potential is by conducting a foreign language test for each prospective
employees. Tests that can be applied in Indonesia are the Test Of English Foreign Language
(TOEFL) and the Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC). Learning from
South Korea, proficiency in English is a qualification that is demanded in both the public
and private sectors in South Korea, because the world becomes a borderless community
through globalization and information. Such standardized tests have become a popular
element for evaluating practical English language proficiency in the private and public
organization needs to develop and manage employees who can think, lead and act from a
global perspective and global skills (Kim P. S., 1999). Because in the era of globalization, it
and Selection of Civil Servants 2018, not all Ministries/Institutions require prospective
Based on the writer's observation, compiled from (Arnani,, 2018), there
are only 6 Ministries/Institutions that require foreign language skills, especially English.
Among them: the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the State Personnel Agency, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and
Bureaucratic Reform, and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. Therefore, it is
applicants to include the results of English language proficiency tests, such as TOEFL and
TOEIC and the like as an effort to improve the international competitiveness of public
employees in Indonesia.
prospective employees who have passed the interview stage, to take part in an English
interview session. Of course, it is necessary to build English language skills from the
employees who are already working. The importance of civil servants mastering English,
because this international language is the language of business that is used in the world of
commerce. By mastering English, the quality and capacity of civil servants within the
government will improve. The increase in human resources is something that is not
negotiable in the face of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) era and the era of
globalization. Because AEC is an era where the rotation of goods and services easily goes in
and out of and to Indonesia quickly (Anwar, PNS Jatim Wajib Mahir Bahasa Inggris, 2014).
Blind Interviews
Based on the explanation in the previous point, it was found that the problem of 2018
recruitment and selection of civil servant in Indonesia which became the focus of the writer,
Indonesian public organizations that only focus on finding employees to meet current
organizational needs (current skills). To reduce the level of objectivity of the interviewer,
Indonesia recruitmen process could adapt the concept of blind interviews that have been
applied in South Korea, both in public and private sector organizations (Hyun-Ju, 2017). The
South Korean government is now considering drastic changes to the civil service exam. As a
way to diversify recruitment tools, internationally recognized English language tests and
talent methods will be used in the form of the Public Service Aptitude Test (PSAT). Besides,
intensive interviews will be used to test the applicant's actual work capacity in the form of a
blind interview. The interview panel consisting of several executives holding director-
general positions in central institutions, together with professors of public affairs, conduct
interviews. Interviews conducted by the Korean government are blind interviews with
interviewees. In this way, they will evaluate applicants on performance alone, not affected
by any biases or halo effects caused by background data on prospective employees. Blind
interviews are also intended to dispell favoritism that has traditionally marked the selection
process. Such favoritism extends from blood-based nepotism to broader favoritism based on
shared educational affiliations (Kim P. S., 2000). In addition to favoritism, blind interviewing
interviewed. Discrimination often occurs like racial discrimination, for example, the
assumption that Javanese people are delicate and polite, while Ambonese is hard and
always fiery people. Other discrimination for example about gender. The general public
perception is that men can work faster than women. To eliminate gender discrimination, the
Government of Norway has set gender quotas for positions in public administration
(Laegreid & Wise, 2007). This is a form of the Norwegian Government's efforts to expand
Interview selection is one of the most crucial selection stages in the recruitment and
selection process for prospective employees of an organization. In this stage, the competency
organization and third parties trusted by the organization. However, interview selection
itself has become one of the most commonly used recruitment methods which is considered
an unfair stage in employee recruitment exams in China (Zhang, Xu, & Zhang, 2015),
because in this process, selectors have full dominance to determine whether a prospective
dominance over a decision, the element of subjectivity in this process is very high. To
both public and private, has adopted the concept of blind interviews, such as the Deloitte
Company, Ernst & Young, Victoria Police Department, and Westpac Bank (Feldmann, 2018).
The selection decision will only be based on how they evaluate prospective employees.
A blind interview means that the details of a prospective employee's personal data
are released from the registration form, so the interview selection team can only consider the
competency, skills and work experience of the prospective employee. Since 2017 (Hyun-Ju,
2017), the South Korean Government has implemented the system of blind recruitment in
the public service sector and extended it to private companies to ensure competition in the
recruitment and selection process runs as fairly as possible and can recruit the right
candidates and qualified. The South Korean government prohibits the selection team from
background, place of birth, and physical attributes in the selection process. Such personal
data is released so that the selection team focuses on considering the professionalism of
prospective employees, their skills and work experience. Attaching photos to forms will also
be prohibited. This is done so that people who have good competence are not sidelined
because of discrimination that comes from academic or other backgrounds. In the blind
interview, the selection team will focus on evaluating the prospective employee's work
experience and qualifications that are relevant to the needs of the organization. Information
about physical abilities and educational background should only be asked in certain cases
relevant to employment.
To eliminate discrimination and subjectivity of selectors in the recruitment and
selection interview process, a blind interview is one of the efforts that can be done. With a
blind interview, it shows that the organization has a strong commitment to recruiting
prospective employees who focus on the competencies and qualifications determined by the
organization (Rinne, 2018). If the selection and recruitment decisions of employees are based
automatically be in line with the organization's goals to recruit the most competent
employees, so that later it will help the organization in achieving organizational goals.
Besides, the existence of a blind interview can improve the atmosphere of competition
between prospective employees. Prospective employees will try their best in the interview
process to be able to show their competence without worrying about discrimination from
In a blind interview, the selection team will determine a set of competencies and
concepts and ask a number of questions for prospective employees (Boyce Recruitment,
2019). A healthy recruitment philosophy means asking right and wise questions (Breaugh &
Starke, 2000), and it is important that the questions should remain focused on work. The
questions asked should lead potential employees to explain how they will solve problems in
different ways (Miller, 2016). Before the interview, the selection team determines a series of
competencies and concepts and raises several issues. Prospective employees are required to
provide identifiable responses, both positive and negative (Boyce Recruitment, 2019). This
In conducting a blind interview, there are several problems that can occur including
employees because of the compatibility between employee candidates with the culture in the
organization. In the recruitment and selection process, the organization will look for
prospective employees who lead to hiring prospective employees who look the same, act the
same, think the same, and come from the same background (Feldmann, 2018). The result is a
homogeneous culture within the organization which makes it difficult for organizations to
develop because their prospective employees must work in accordance with organizational
culture. In addition, blind interviews are expensive to implement and may not be cost-
efficient for an organization (Boyce Recruitment, 2019). Small organizations may still be
more cost-effective to carry out blind interviews, but large organizations need quite
expensive costs in the blind interview process. To overcome cost overruns, organizations can
use their internal staff to manage the interview process, but it must be ensured that they
success. Because, in the recruitment and selection process, the organization will look for,
choose, and attract competent human resources. The importance of competent human
resources in an organization because they will control the other resources in the
organization. During this time, the recruitment and selection process of civil servants in
Indonesia has been carried out with a merit system. The merit system was first defined as
analyze work competency and require open application procedures. However, the merit
system, which has been running so far, does not work perfectly and leaves several problems.
Some problems that arise in the process of recruitment and selection of civil servants in 2018
are about the attitude of the government as the organizer who does not pay attention to the
needs of future potential for its employees, and the subjectivity of the selectors at the
implement blind interviews to avoid bias in the evaluation and selection of interviews.
Besides, the concept of future potential is expected to be a concern of the government for
recruiting employees, bearing in mind that the challenges of public organizations in the
future will be more complex, so it is necessary to prepare employees who have the ability
This article has limitations because it only uses un-depth case study methods and
literature review in its writing. So the authors hope for further research that can be done by
jumping directly into the field to explore the facts of the recruitment and selection of civil
servants deeper so that it can produce research that is closer to the actual reality.
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