Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements SMCC CAS-PE-FE-012-19 SMCC CAS-PE-FE-013-19 Online/Modular Four (4) Hours
Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements SMCC CAS-PE-FE-012-19 SMCC CAS-PE-FE-013-19 Online/Modular Four (4) Hours
Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements SMCC CAS-PE-FE-012-19 SMCC CAS-PE-FE-013-19 Online/Modular Four (4) Hours
Activity 1.Name the following movements and write your answer on the box below:
Activity 2. Analyse the given activity, group your answers based on its classification.
VI. Learning Reference
Learning Content Learning Resources Assessment
Competencies Activities Method
*Identify the *Loco *Performance on * Tulio, Doris D. et al. Physical *Pre-assessment:
locomotor and motor Non-locomotor and Fitness 1 Handbook. Katha Identification
non-locomotor movement Locomotor Publishing Co., Inc. 2005 and classification
movements Movements of movements
*Non-loco *https://www.slideshare.net/jenil
*Design and motor *Making of donatourianzamoises/locomotor- *Rubrics/criteria
perform a set movements Printable Display and-nonlocomotor- movements?
of Signs from_action=save
of locomotor
and non-
VII. Learning Information
Running - is moving with longer strides and in faster speed than walking
Skipping - is done with a step and a hop using the same foot
Leaping - is springing on one foot and landing on the other foot (wide stride)
Sliding - is done by gliding on the floor, sideward or forward using the right
and left foot alternately
Galloping - is stepping on one foot and cutting the other, either sideward or forward
Jumping -is springing on one foot or both feet and landing on both feet. (On landing
always bend knees slightly.)
Figure 32. Locomotor Movement. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from https://www.quora.com/What-are-locomotor-and-non-locomotor-activities
Twisting - is moving a part of the body around a long axis, usually for the head and body
Bending/Flexing - is moving the muscles around a joint where two body parts meet
Stretching/Extending - is done by straightening or extending any part of the body from the joints
Lifting/Raising - is elevating a part of the body, usually for the arms and legs
Rotating/Encircling - is done by moving a part of the body around axis
Swinging - is a pendular movement below an axis
Swaying - is a pendular movement above an axis
Figure 33. Non-Locomotor Movement. Retrieved June 25, 2020 from https://www.quora.com/What-are-locomotor-and-non-locomotor-activities
What do you think now is the difference between the two movements? Locomotor and Non-
locomotor movements.
This are done by moving
the body from one place to
Movements done in place
Activity 1.
Create a printable display signs showcasing the 5 Loco motor and 5 Non-loco motor movements.
Each “Movement” sign must be uniquely created with vibrant colors and attractive text.
The signs provide definitions of movement and also include P.E. and Sport activity examples.
The signs must have colorful backgrounds and exciting graphics that grab the audience attention.
The size must be short bond paper be it landscape or portrait.
Activity 1.
Perform it!
1. Perform a set of combined locomotor and non-locomotor movements
2. A minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 4 minutes for the performance
3. Music could be remixed or not
4. Students should wear the prescribed attire in doing the exercise
5. Record your performance and submit it to your teacher
Tulio, Doris D. et al. Physical Fitness 1 Handbook. Katha Publishing Co., Inc. 2005
locomotor-and-nonlocomotor movements?