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ALAY means "an offering." It is a
beautiful custom of the Filipinos to offer a small gift
of flower, a song, or dance to guests or
visitors, whether they are new or old acquaintance. If
the visitor is a houseguest the best that the
best linen, silver glassware is used, the best
family can afford are usually offered them. The
delicious food is served.
ALAY is a dance performed
gesture or as a token of gratitude.
as an offering to special guests or honorees as a welcome

COSTUME. Girl wears balintawak

neck or over one shoulder and corcho. style costume with tapis and soft pañuelo around
and chinelas. Boy wears barong tagalog, white or colored rousers

MUSIC is composed of three parts: A, B, and C.

COUNT one, two, three to a measure.

FORMATION. Partners stand opposite each other about six feet

audience, Girl stands at right side of partner. One to apart. When facing
any number of pairs may take part in
this dance.

Music Introduction.

Partners face audience.

(a) Waltz sideward R and L (2M), pause (1M) Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on
(b) Bow to audience Arms in second position.

Music A.
Partners face each other
(a) Sway balance with point, R and L. Arms in fourth position, R and L high
(b) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left.
(c) Step R sideward (cts.1, 2), step L close to R (ct.3). Girl holds skirt,
Boy places
on waist.
(d) Step R sideward (ct.1), point L in front (cts. 2, 3), Bend trunk slightly forward,
arms in second position.
e) Repeat (a-d), starting with L foot. Reverse position of arm is (a) and (b).
Face audience.
(f) Repeat all (a-e).
Music B.
Partners face each other.
Waltz R forward, forward at chest level with palm up, L hand on waist (1 M).
(a) R arm
Waltz L backward, bring R hand close to chest, L hand on same place.
L in front (cts. 2, 3). Girl
6) Mazurka R sideward (1 M). Step R sideward (ct. 1), point
holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist.
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) starting with L foot. Reverse position of hands in (a)
(d) Two waltz turns right to partner's place, passing each other by L shoulders. (Using
two waltz steps for every turn). Forearm turns, R and L alternately. Finish facing partner.
(e) Brush-step turn right, R arm high, free hand of Girl holding skirt, that of Boy is
placed on waist.
(f) Repeat all (a-e). Finish in proper places.

Music C.
Partners face each other.
(a) Starting with R foot, take two step-brush-swing-hop steps forward to be in one
with partner at center standing by L shoulders. Girlt holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist
(b) Face right. Starting with Rfoot, take two cross-steps going to proper places. Rarm
overhead doing a kumintang every measure, L hand of Girl holding skirt that of Boy is placed
on waist. Girl holds
(c) Walt; turn right in place (using two waltz steps), finish facing partner.
skirt, Boy places hands on waist
(d) Step R sideward (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L in front. Hands are into (cts. 1, 2, 3).
of arms in
(e) Repeat (a-d) starting L foot. Finish by R shoulders and reverse position
Reverse direction in (b) and (c).
(f) Starting foot, take four step-brush-swing-hop steps forward to exchange
with R
shoulders. Hands as in (a).
place with partner, passing by Leach other.
Turn right about to face
Arms in fourth position, R arm
Execute a sway balance with a point starting with R.
high. forearm turns, L and
(h) Waltz turn left (moving sideward left, using two waltz steps),
alternately. L foot. Reverse position of arms and direction passing by
(i) Repeat (f-g), starting with audience in (h).
R shoulders in (f). Finish in proper places, facing

Music Finale. close steps forward. Girl holds skirt, Boy places
with R foot, take three
(a) Starting
on waist.
arms in second position.
(b) Bow to audience,
directed to him or to her.
in honor of a guest the saludo is
Note: If this dance is performed

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