ALAY means "an offering." It is a
beautiful custom of the Filipinos to offer a small gift
of flower, a song, or dance to guests or
visitors, whether they are new or old acquaintance. If
the visitor is a houseguest the best that the
best linen, silver glassware is used, the best
family can afford are usually offered them. The
delicious food is served.
ALAY is a dance performed
gesture or as a token of gratitude.
as an offering to special guests or honorees as a welcome
Music Introduction.
Music A.
Partners face each other
(a) Sway balance with point, R and L. Arms in fourth position, R and L high
(b) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left.
(c) Step R sideward (cts.1, 2), step L close to R (ct.3). Girl holds skirt,
Boy places
on waist.
(d) Step R sideward (ct.1), point L in front (cts. 2, 3), Bend trunk slightly forward,
arms in second position.
e) Repeat (a-d), starting with L foot. Reverse position of arm is (a) and (b).
Face audience.
(f) Repeat all (a-e).
Music B.
Partners face each other.
Waltz R forward, forward at chest level with palm up, L hand on waist (1 M).
(a) R arm
Waltz L backward, bring R hand close to chest, L hand on same place.
L in front (cts. 2, 3). Girl
6) Mazurka R sideward (1 M). Step R sideward (ct. 1), point
holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist.
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) starting with L foot. Reverse position of hands in (a)
(d) Two waltz turns right to partner's place, passing each other by L shoulders. (Using
two waltz steps for every turn). Forearm turns, R and L alternately. Finish facing partner.
(e) Brush-step turn right, R arm high, free hand of Girl holding skirt, that of Boy is
placed on waist.
(f) Repeat all (a-e). Finish in proper places.
Music C.
Partners face each other.
(a) Starting with R foot, take two step-brush-swing-hop steps forward to be in one
with partner at center standing by L shoulders. Girlt holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist
(b) Face right. Starting with Rfoot, take two cross-steps going to proper places. Rarm
overhead doing a kumintang every measure, L hand of Girl holding skirt that of Boy is placed
on waist. Girl holds
(c) Walt; turn right in place (using two waltz steps), finish facing partner.
skirt, Boy places hands on waist
(d) Step R sideward (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L in front. Hands are into (cts. 1, 2, 3).
of arms in
(e) Repeat (a-d) starting L foot. Finish by R shoulders and reverse position
Reverse direction in (b) and (c).
(f) Starting foot, take four step-brush-swing-hop steps forward to exchange
with R
shoulders. Hands as in (a).
place with partner, passing by Leach other.
Turn right about to face
Arms in fourth position, R arm
Execute a sway balance with a point starting with R.
high. forearm turns, L and
(h) Waltz turn left (moving sideward left, using two waltz steps),
alternately. L foot. Reverse position of arms and direction passing by
(i) Repeat (f-g), starting with audience in (h).
R shoulders in (f). Finish in proper places, facing
Music Finale. close steps forward. Girl holds skirt, Boy places
with R foot, take three
(a) Starting
on waist.
arms in second position.
(b) Bow to audience,
directed to him or to her.
in honor of a guest the saludo is
Note: If this dance is performed