Water temperature: 23 °C
Dolphins are well known for their excellent swimming ability, as demonstrated by
high-speed swimming, acrobatic jumping, and tail standing. In particular, dolphins
demonstrate remarkably rapid acceleration from low speed to top speed. The
hydrodynamics and energetics behind their high-speed swimming performance
has attracted broad attention of both scientists and the public over decades.
A famous “Gray’s paradox” concerning dolphin locomotion, in which Sir James
Gray calculated that the power output per kilogram of muscle of a dolphin during
high-speed swimming was 7 times larger than that of a human.
Gray also suggested that the boundary layer around the dolphin may feature
laminar instead of turbulent flow, thus reducing fluid drag. Gray’s paradox led to
numerous follow-up studies in an attempt to elucidate the hydrodynamics of
dolphin swimming.
1. Static Force: When a body is a rest, it wants to stay at rest and this must be
overcome in order for fluid movement to take place.
The dolphin initially remained at rest, poking its beak from the water surface at
the ‘start spot’. Upon a signal from a human trainer standing in front of the
dolphin, the dolphin leaped out of the water at that location and then dived again
into the water.
2. Dynamic Force: Once a body is in motion, it wants to continue to stay in motion
and is the reason that swimming becomes fluid after the initial movement.
The dolphin descended toward the bottom of the tank and then ascended toward
the water surface near the ‘jump-out spot’ followed by an almost-vertical jump. A
target ball was hung above the jump-out spot to encourage the dolphin to
maximize its jump height. The dolphin hit the ball with its beak at the top of the
This swimming routine was performed as part of exhibition at the aquarium. The
dolphin was daily trained to reach the ball and the height of the ball was raised to the
limit through the trainings.